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- Commission Decisions → to ECJ (-1988) → to CFI (1989-) →→Appeal to ECJ Excessive Predatory Fixing Squeeze Cross-subsidization Loyalty Non-linear Quality "Fighting" Whole req. Betw. Cust. Towards comp. (Vert.) Between MSt Supply IP/info Cooperate (interlining, etc.) Access/EFD Supply goods Tying Exploitative clauses Exclusive binding Exclusive purchase Display exclusivity Compulsory licensing Excl. lic. of compet. prod Restr. on downstr. sales Unilat.
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- Commission Decisions → to ECJ (-1988) → to CFI (1989-) →→Appeal to ECJ Excessive Predatory Fixing Squeeze Cross-subsidization Loyalty Non-linear Quality "Fighting" Whole req. Betw. Cust. Towards comp. (Vert.) Between MSt Supply IP/info Cooperate (interlining, etc.) Access/EFD Supply goods Tying Exploitative clauses Exclusive binding Exclusive purchase Display exclusivity Compulsory licensing Excl. lic. of compet. prod Restr. on downstr. sales Unilat.
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- Commission Decisions → to ECJ (-1988) → to CFI (1989-) →→Appeal to ECJ Excessive Predatory Fixing Squeeze Cross-subsidization Loyalty Non-linear Quality "Fighting" Whole req. Betw. Cust. Towards comp. (Vert.) Between MSt Supply IP/info Cooperate (interlining, etc.) Access/EFD Supply goods Tying Exploitative clauses Exclusive binding Exclusive purchase Display exclusivity Compulsory licensing Excl. lic. of compet. prod Restr. on downstr. sales Unilat.
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- Commission Decisions → to ECJ (-1988) → to CFI (1989-) →→Appeal to ECJ Excessive Predatory Fixing Squeeze Cross-subsidization Loyalty Non-linear Quality "Fighting" Whole req. Betw. Cust. Towards comp. (Vert.) Between MSt Supply IP/info Cooperate (interlining, etc.) Access/EFD Supply goods Tying Exploitative clauses Exclusive binding Exclusive purchase Display exclusivity Compulsory licensing Excl. lic. of compet. prod Restr. on downstr. sales Unilat.
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- Commission Decisions → to ECJ (-1988) → to CFI (1989-) →→Appeal to ECJ Excessive Predatory Fixing Squeeze Cross-subsidization Loyalty Non-linear Quality "Fighting" Whole req. Betw. Cust. Towards comp. (Vert.) Between MSt Supply IP/info Cooperate (interlining, etc.) Access/EFD Supply goods Tying Exploitative clauses Exclusive binding Exclusive purchase Display exclusivity Compulsory licensing Excl. lic. of compet. prod Restr. on downstr. sales Unilat. Contract changes Use of IP rights Restriction of supply Affecting market structure Quotas Disciplines/Penalties Segmentation between MSt Exclusionary tech specs Collective dominance Authority Aftermarket Aggregates Pricing: 17 Rebates: 18 Discr.: 19 Refusals: 23 Contractual practices: 22 + 8 10 4 - 4 4 2
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- Contract changes Use of IP rights Restriction of supply Affecting market structure Quotas Disciplines/Penalties Segmentation between MSt Exclusionary tech specs Collective dominance Authority Aftermarket Flat glass 07-12-1998 * - * * * BPB 05-12-1998 * - * * London Europ. / Sabena 04-12-1998 * * Bronner 26-11-1998* * TACA 16-09-1998 * * * * AAMS 17-06-1998 * * * Alpha Flight 11-06-1998 * + + * Van den Bergh 11-03-1998 * + * FAG 14-01-1998 * * GT Link 17-07-1997* * * Tiercé Ladbroke (3) 12-06-1997 * - * Irish Sugar 14-05-1997 * * * * * La Crespelle 05-10-1994* * * Almelo 27-05-1994* * * Corsica Ferries 17-05-1994* * * HOV SVZ/MCN 29-03-1994 * + * Sea Cont. / Stena 21-12-1993 * * Cewal 23-12-1992 * + - * * * Name Date (1) Procedure (2) Impugned practice Remarks Pricing Rebates Discr. Refusal to Contractual practices Other ECJ -Prelim. ref.
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- Contract changes Use of IP rights Restriction of supply Affecting market structure Quotas Disciplines/Penalties Segmentation between MSt Exclusionary tech specs Collective dominance Authority Aftermarket IMS/NDC 29-04-2004* * Microsoft 24-03-2004 * P * * GCG/FS 27-08-2003 * * Wanadoo 16-07-2003 * P * DT AG 21-05-2003 * P * Michelin II 31-05-2002 * + * * De Post 05-12-2001 * * DP AG (X-border mail) 25-07-2001 * * * * * DP AG (parcel service) 20-03-2001 * * * NDC/IMS 03-07-2001 * - - * DSD 20-04-2001 * * BA/Virgin 13-12-1999 * + * * Ilmailulaitos 10-02-1999 * * * BNP 21-01-1999* -Decca 21-12-1998 * * * Name Date (1) Procedure (2) Impugned practice Remarks Pricing Rebates Discr. Refusal to Contractual practices Other ECJ -Prelim. ref.
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- Contract changes Use of IP rights Restriction of supply Affecting market structure Quotas Disciplines/Penalties Segmentation between MSt Exclusionary tech specs Collective dominance Authority Aftermarket Michelin I 07-10-1981 * + * * Hoffmann - LaRoche 23-05-1978* * Hugin 08-12-1977 * - * * ABG 19-04-1977 * - * EMI 15-06-1976* * Vitamins 09-06-1976 * + * * United Brands 17-12-1975 * + (-) * * * * Gen Motors 19-12-1974 * - * BRT/SABAM 27-03-1974* * * Sugar 02-01-1973 * * Commercial Solvents 14-12-1972 * + * Continental Can 09-12-1971 * - * Deutsche Gramophon 08-06-1971* * GEMA 02-06-1971 * * Sirena 18-02-1971* * Parke Davis 29-02-1968* * TOTAL 17 50 12 14 6 8 4 2 2 1 7 6 1 2 2 10 8 1 7 3 5 8 5 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 3 2 1 4 1 5 4 52 Name Date (1) Procedure (2) Impugned practice Remarks Pricing Rebates Discr. Refusal to Contractual practices Other ECJ -Prelim. ref.
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- Contract changes Use of IP rights Restriction of supply Affecting market structure Quotas Disciplines/Penalties Segmentation between MSt Exclusionary tech specs Collective dominance Authority Aftermarket Warner Lambert/Gilette 10-11-1992 * * FWA Ship Comm. 01-04-1992 * * * British Midland 26-02-1992 * * Tetra Pak II 24-07-1991 * + + * * * * * * * * * Soda ash - Solvay + ICI(4) 19-12-1990 * * * * Tournier / Lucazeau 13-07-1989* * * Ahmed Saeed Flugreisen 11-04-1989* * * * Magill 21-12-1988 * + + * Volvo/Veng / Renault 05-10-1988* * * * Tetra Pak I 26-07-1988 * + * Napier Brown 18-07-1988 * * * * * * Bodson 04-05-1988* * Hilti 22-12-1987 * + + * * * * * * BBI 29-07-1987 * * AKZO 14-12-1985 * + Brit Leyland 02-07-1984 * + * BT 10-12-1982 * + * * * GVL 29-12-1981 * + * Name Date (1) Procedure (2) Impugned practice Remarks Pricing Rebates Discr. Refusal to Contractual practices Other ECJ -Prelim. ref.
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