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Main category: BSicon/railway/k
STR is perfectly circular.
kSTR is practically circular.
(protruding by only 3.3% of radius)
kvSTR is also perfectly circular.


Main category: BSicon/railway/k/curve
  ex t ext h exh u uex ut uext uh uexh
Forward to corner 3
kSTR3a                         feature start
kSTR3e                         feature end
kLLSTR3                         interruption
kkSTR3                         S-curve
kv-STR3                         from left parallel line
Forward to corner 2
kSTR2a                         feature start
kSTR2e                         feature end
kLLSTR2a                         interruption start
kLLSTR2                         interruption
kkSTR2                         S-curve
kvSTR2-                         from right parallel line
Forward from corner 4
kSTR+4a                         feature start
kSTR+4e                         feature end
kLLSTR+4                         interruption
kLLSTR+4e                         interruption end
kkSTR+4                         S-curve
kv-STR+4                         to left parallel line
Forward from corner 1
kSTR+1a                         feature start
kSTR+1e                         feature end
kLLSTR+1a                         interruption start
kLLSTR+1                         interruption
kLLSTR+1e                         interruption end
kkSTR+1                         S-curve
kvSTR+1-                         to right parallel line
From corner 1 to right
kSTRr+1a                         feature start
kSTRr+1e                         feature end
kLLSTRr+1                         interruption
kkSTRr+1                         S-curve
k-STRr+1                         to lower parallel line
From corner 4 to left
kSTRl+4a                         feature start
kSTRl+4e                         feature end
kLLSTRl+4                         interruption
kkSTRl+4                         S-curve
k-STRl+4                         to lower parallel line
To corner 2 from right
kSTR2+ra                         feature start
kSTR2+re                         feature end
kLLSTR2+r                         interruption
kkSTR2+r                         S-curve
kSTR2+r-                         from upper parallel line
To corner 3 from left
kSTR3+la                         feature start
kSTR3+le                         feature end
kLLSTR3+l                         interruption
kkSTR3+l                         S-curve
kSTR3+l-                         from upper parallel line
  ex t ext h exh u uex ut uext uh uexh

Tunnel-elevated transition

  ex u uex
htkSTR3a         Forward to corner 3 elevated to tunnel
htkSTR3e         Forward to corner 3 tunnel to elevated
htkSTR2a         Forward to corner 2 elevated to tunnel
htkSTR2e         Forward to corner 2 tunnel to elevated
htkSTR+4a         Forward from corner 4 elevated to tunnel
htkSTR+4e         Forward from corner 4 tunnel to elevated
htkSTR+1a         Forward from corner 1 elevated to tunnel
htkSTR+1e         Forward from corner 1 tunnel to elevated
htkSTRr+1a         From corner 1 to right elevated to tunnel
htkSTRr+1e         From corner 1 to right tunnel to elevated
htkSTRl+4a         From corner 4 to left elevated to tunnel
htkSTRl+4e         From corner 4 to left tunnel to elevated
htkSTR2+ra         To corner 2 from right elevated to tunnel
htkSTR2+re         To corner 2 from right tunnel to elevated
htkSTR3+la         To corner 3 from left elevated to tunnel
htkSTR3+le         To corner 3 from left tunnel to elevated
  ex u uex

Parallel lines

  e x ex t et xt ext h eh xh exh u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext uh ueh uxh uexh
kvSTR3+l                                                 to corner 3 from left
kvSTR+1                                                 from corner 1
kvSTR2                                                 to corner 2
kvSTRl+4                                                 to left from corner 4
kvSTR2+r                                                 to corner 2 from right
kvSTR+4                                                 from corner 4
kvSTR3                                                 to corner 3
kvSTRr+1                                                 to right from corner 1
  e x ex t et xt ext h eh xh exh u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext uh ueh uxh uexh
  ex t ext h exh u uex ut uext uh uexh
kvSTR3+l~r                         to corner 3 from left right line only
kvSTR3+l~l                         to corner 3 from left left line only
kvSTR+1~l                         from corner 1 left line only
kvSTR+1~r                         from corner 1 right line only
kvSTR2~r                         to corner 2 right line only
kvSTR2~l                         to corner 2 left line only
kvSTRl+4~l                         to left from corner 4 left line only
kvSTRl+4~r                         to left from corner 4 right line only
kvSTR2+r~l                         to corner 2 from right left line only
kvSTR2+r~r                         to corner 2 from right right line only
kvSTR+4~r                         from corner 4 right line only
kvSTR+4~l                         from corner 4 left line only
kvSTR3~l                         to corner 3 left line only
kvSTR3~r                         to corner 3 right line only
kvSTRr+1~r                         to right from corner 1 right line only
kvSTRr+1~l                         to right from corner 1 left line only
  ex t ext h exh u uex ut uext uh uexh


  e x ex u ue ux uex
kABZg3                 Straight & forward to corner 3
tkABZg3                 Straight & forward to corner 3 in tunnel
hkABZg3                 Straight & forward to corner 3 elevated
kABZg2                 Straight & forward to corner 2
tkABZg2                 Straight & forward to corner 2 in tunnel
hkABZg2                 Straight & forward to corner 2 elevated
kABZg23                 Straight & forward to corners 2 and 3
tkABZg23                 Straight & forward to corners 2 and 3 in tunnel
hkABZg23                 Straight & forward to corners 2 and 3 elevated
kABZg2x3                 Straight & forward to corners 2 and 3
kABZg3x2                 Straight & forward to corners 2 and 3
kABZg+4                 Straight & forward from corner 4
tkABZg+4                 Straight & forward from corner 4 in tunnel
hkABZg+4                 Straight & forward from corner 4 elevated
kABZg+1                 Straight & forward from corner 1
tkABZg+1                 Straight & forward from corner 1 in tunnel
hkABZg+1                 Straight & forward from corner 1 elevated
kABZg+14                 Straight & forward from corners 1 and 4
tkABZg+14                 Straight & forward from corners 1 and 4 in tunnel
hkABZg+14                 Straight & forward from corners 1 and 4 elevated
kABZg+1x4                 Straight & forward from corners 1 and 4
kABZg+4x1                 Straight & forward from corners 1 and 4
kABZq1                 Across to corner 1
tkABZq1                 Across to corner 1 in tunnel
hkABZq1                 Across to corner 1 elevated
kABZq2                 Across to corner 2
tkABZq2                 Across to corner 2 in tunnel
hkABZq2                 Across to corner 2 elevated
kABZq12                 Across to corners 1 and 2
tkABZq12                 Across to corners 1 and 2 in tunnel
hkABZq12                 Across to corners 1 and 2 elevated
kABZq1x2                 Across to corners 1 and 2
kABZq2x1                 Across to corners 1 and 2
kABZq+4                 Across from corner 4
tkABZq+4                 Across from corner 4 in tunnel
hkABZq+4                 Across from corner 4 elevated
kABZq+3                 Across from corner 3
tkABZq+3                 Across from corner 3 in tunnel
hkABZq+3                 Across from corner 3 elevated
kABZq+34                 Across from corners 3 and 4
tkABZq+34                 Across from corners 3 and 4 in tunnel
hkABZq+34                 Across from corners 3 and 4 elevated
kABZq+4x3                 Across from corners 3 and 4
kABZq+3x4                 Across from corners 3 and 4
  e x ex u ue ux uex
kABZ23                 Forward to corners 2 and 3
hkABZ23                 Forward to corners 2 and 3 elevated
kABZ+14                 Forward from corners 1 and 4
hkABZ+14                 Forward from corners 1 and 4 elevated
kABZr+12                 To right from corners 1 and 2
hkABZr+12                 To right from corners 1 and 2 elevated
kABZl+34                 To left from corners 3 and 4
hkABZl+34                 To left from corners 3 and 4 elevated
kkABZ2l                 To left and corner 2 S-curve and branch
kkABZ3r                 To right and corner 3 S-curve and branch
kkABZ+1l                 From left and corner 1 S-curve and branch
kkABZ+4r                 From right and corner 4 S-curve and branch
kkABZr+2f                 To right from front and corner 2 S-curve and branch
kkABZl+3f                 To left from front and corner 3 S-curve and branch
kkABZr+1g                 To right from back and corner 1 S-curve and branch
kkABZl+4g                 To left from back and corner 4 S-curve and branch

Parallel lines

kombination splits
uSPLl+fc2       uSPLl+3       uSPL2+r       uSPL+rc3       to left from forward(to forward) from right
uSPL1+f       uSPLl+fc4       uSPL+rc1       uSPL+4      
SPL+lc2       SPL3+l       SPLr+2       SPLr+fc3       (to forward) from leftto right from forward
SPL+1       SPL+lc4       SPLr+fc1       SPL4+f      
uSPLg+2       uSPLg+lc3       uSPLrc2       uSPL3       to backward from leftto right (from backward)
uSPLg+lc1       uSPL4+l       uSPLr+1       uSPLrc4      
SPL2       SPLlc3       SPLg+rc2       SPLg+3       to left (from backward) to backward from right
SPLlc1       SPLl+4       SPL1+r       SPLg+rc4      
outer corners
SPL+1c2       uSPLl+3c2       SPLr+2c3       uSPL+4c3      
uSPLg+2c1       SPLl+4c1       uSPLr+1c4       SPLg+3c4      


  ex u uex
Corner 1
kLLSTRc1         interruption
tkSTRc1         in tunnel
tkLLSTRc1         in tunnel interruption
hkSTRc1         elevated
hkSTRc1a         elevated start
hkSTRc1e         elevated end
hkLLSTRc1         elevated interruption
Corner 2
kLLSTRc2         interruption
tkSTRc2         in tunnel
tkLLSTRc2         in tunnel interruption
hkSTRc2         elevated
hkSTRc2a         elevated start
hkSTRc2e         elevated end
hkLLSTRc2         elevated interruption
Corner 3
kLLSTRc3         interruption
tkSTRc3         in tunnel
tkLLSTRc3         in tunnel interruption
hkSTRc3         elevated
hkSTRc3a         elevated start
hkSTRc3e         elevated end
hkLLSTRc3         elevated interruption
Corner 4
kLLSTRc4         interruption
tkSTRc4         in tunnel
tkLLSTRc4         in tunnel interruption
hkSTRc4         elevated
hkSTRc4a         elevated start
hkSTRc4e         elevated end
hkLLSTRc4         elevated interruption
Multiple corners
  ex u uex
Formation-only icons for elevated curves
Corner 1
hkSTR-c1   Inner corner
hkSTR-c1a   Inner corner start
hkSTR-c1e   Inner corner end
hkLLSTR-c1   Inner corner interruption
Corner 2
hkSTR-c2   Inner corner
hkSTR-c2a   Inner corner start
hkSTR-c2e   Inner corner end
hkLLSTR-c2   Inner corner interruption
Corner 3
hkSTR-c3   Inner corner
hkSTR-c3a   Inner corner start
hkSTR-c3e   Inner corner end
hkLLSTR-c3   Inner corner interruption
Corner 4
hkSTR-c4   Inner corner
hkSTR-c4a   Inner corner start
hkSTR-c4e   Inner corner end
hkLLSTR-c4   Inner corner interruption

Note: The structure-only icons are only necessary for elevated (and cut or embankment) tracks because they fit into icon cells that are empty for non-elevated track (e.g. left side of main direction when turning left).

Parallel lines

  ex t ext h exh u uex ut uext uh uexh
Parallel corners
kvSTRc1                         Corner 1 outer curve
kvSTRc2                         Corner 2 outer curve
kvSTRc3                         Corner 3 outer curve
kvSTRc4                         Corner 4 outer curve
kvSTR-c1                         Corner 1 inner curve
kvSTR-c2                         Corner 2 inner curve
kvSTR-c3                         Corner 3 inner curve
kvSTR-c4                         Corner 4 inner curve
  ex t ext h exh u uex ut uext uh uexh
  ex u uex
Parallel elevated corners (outer curve only)
hkvSTRc1~r         Corner 1 right line only
hkvSTRc2~r         Corner 2 right line only
hkvSTRc3~l         Corner 3 left line only
hkvSTRc4~l         Corner 4 left line only
  ex u uex
Formation-only icons for elevated parallel curves
hkvSTR3~RR   Formation at left for curve to corner 3
hkvSTR2~LL   Formation at right for curve to corner 2
hkvSTR+4~RR   Formation at left for curve from corner 4
hkvSTR+1~LL   Formation at right for curve from corner 1
hkvSTRl+4~GG   Formation at front for curve from corner 4 to left
hkvSTRr+1~GG   Formation at front for curve from corner 1 to right
hkvSTR3+l~FF   Formation at back for curve to corner 3 from left
hkvSTR2+r~FF   Formation at back for curve to corner 2 from right
hkvSTRc1~l   Formation at corner 1 left line only
hkvSTRc2~l   Formation at corner 2 left line only
hkvSTRc3~r   Formation at corner 3 right line only
hkvSTRc4~r   Formation at corner 4 right line only

Through lines

  e x ex u ue ux uex
STR+k1                 Through with corner 1
STR+k2                 Through with corner 2
STR+k3                 Through with corner 3
STR+k4                 Through with corner 4
STR+k12                 Through with corners 1 and 2
STR+k14                 Through with corners 1 and 4
STR+k23                 Through with corners 2 and 3
STR+k34                 Through with corners 3 and 4
STRq+k1                 Across with corner 1
STRq+k2                 Across with corner 2
STRq+k3                 Across with corner 3
STRq+k4                 Across with corner 4
STRq+k12                 Across with corners 1 and 2
STRq+k14                 Across with corners 1 and 4
STRq+k23                 Across with corners 2 and 3
STRq+k34                 Across with corners 3 and 4
hSTR+hk1                 Through, elevated with corner 1, elevated
hSTR+hk2                 Through, elevated with corner 2, elevated
hSTR+hk3                 Through, elevated with corner 3, elevated
hSTR+hk4                 Through, elevated with corner 4, elevated
hSTR+hk12                 Through, elevated with corners 1 and 2, elevated
hSTR+hk14                 Through, elevated with corners 1 and 4, elevated
hSTR+hk23                 Through, elevated with corners 2 and 3, elevated
hSTR+hk34                 Through, elevated with corners 3 and 4, elevated
hSTRq+hk1                 Across, elevated with corner 1, elevated
hSTRq+hk2                 Across, elevated with corner 2, elevated
hSTRq+hk3                 Across, elevated with corner 3, elevated
hSTRq+hk4                 Across, elevated with corner 4, elevated
hSTRq+hk12                 Across, elevated with corners 1 and 2, elevated
hSTRq+hk14                 Across, elevated with corners 1 and 4, elevated
hSTRq+hk23                 Across, elevated with corners 2 and 3, elevated
hSTRq+hk34                 Across, elevated with corners 3 and 4, elevated
  e x ex u ue ux uex


  e x ex t et xt ext h eh xh exh u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext uh ueh uxh uexh
BHF+k12                                                 Through with corners 1 and 2
BHF+k14                                                 Through with corners 1 and 4
BHFq+k14                                                 Across with corners 1 and 4
TBHF+k14                                                 Crossing with corners 1 and 4
kBHF3                                                 Curve to corner 3 major station
kBHF2                                                 Curve to corner 2 major station
kBHF+4                                                 Curve from corner 4 major station
kBHF+1                                                 Curve from corner 1 major station
kBHF3+l                                                 Curve to corner 3 from left major station
kBHF2+r                                                 Curve to corner 2 from right major station
kBHFl+4                                                 Curve from corner 4 to left major station
kBHFr+1                                                 Curve from corner 1 to right major station
pkBHF3                                                 Curve to corner 3 major station, limited service
pkBHF2                                                 Curve to corner 2 major station, limited service
pkBHF+4                                                 Curve from corner 4 major station, limited service
pkBHF+1                                                 Curve from corner 1 major station, limited service
pkBHF3+l                                                 Curve to corner 3 from left major station, limited service
pkBHF2+r                                                 Curve to corner 2 from right major station, limited service
pkBHFl+4                                                 Curve from corner 4 to left major station, limited service
pkBHFr+1                                                 Curve from corner 1 to right major station, limited service
kHST3                                                 Curve to corner 3 minor station
kHST2                                                 Curve to corner 2 minor station
kHST+4                                                 Curve from corner 4 minor station
kHST+1                                                 Curve from corner 1 minor station
kHST3+l                                                 Curve to corner 3 from left minor station
kHST2+r                                                 Curve to corner 2 from right minor station
kHSTl+4                                                 Curve from corner 4 to left minor station
kHSTr+1                                                 Curve from corner 1 to right minor station
kACC3                                                 Curve to corner 3 major accessible station
kACC2                                                 Curve to corner 2 major accessible station
kACC+4                                                 Curve from corner 4 major accessible station
kACC+1                                                 Curve from corner 1 major accessible station
kACC3+l                                                 Curve to corner 3 from left major accessible station
kACC2+r                                                 Curve to corner 2 from right major accessible station
kACCl+4                                                 Curve from corner 4 to left major accessible station
kACCr+1                                                 Curve from corner 1 to right major accessible station
kHSTACC3                                                 Curve to corner 3 minor accessible station
kHSTACC2                                                 Curve to corner 2 minor accessible station
kHSTACC+4                                                 Curve from corner 4 minor accessible station
kHSTACC+1                                                 Curve from corner 1 minor accessible station
kHSTACC3+l                                                 Curve to corner 3 from left minor accessible station
kHSTACC2+r                                                 Curve to corner 2 from right minor accessible station
kHSTACCl+4                                                 Curve from corner 4 to left minor accessible station
kHSTACCr+1                                                 Curve from corner 1 to right minor accessible station
kINT3                                                 Curve to corner 3 interchange station
kINT2                                                 Curve to corner 2 interchange station
kINT+4                                                 Curve from corner 4 interchange station
kINT+1                                                 Curve from corner 1 interchange station
kINT3+l                                                 Curve to corner 3 from left interchange station
kINT2+r                                                 Curve to corner 2 from right interchange station
kINTl+4                                                 Curve from corner 4 to left interchange station
kINTr+1                                                 Curve from corner 1 to right interchange station
kINTACC3                                                 Curve to corner 3 accessible interchange station
kINTACC2                                                 Curve to corner 2 accessible interchange station
kINTACC+4                                                 Curve from corner 4 accessible interchange station
kINTACC+1                                                 Curve from corner 1 accessible interchange station
kINTACC3+l                                                 Curve to corner 3 from left accessible interchange station
kINTACC2+r                                                 Curve to corner 2 from right accessible interchange station
kINTACCl+4                                                 Curve from corner 4 to left accessible interchange station
kINTACCr+1                                                 Curve from corner 1 to right accessible interchange station
kDST3                                                 Curve to corner 3 major non-passenger station
kDST2                                                 Curve to corner 2 major non-passenger station
kDST+4                                                 Curve from corner 4 major non-passenger station
kDST+1                                                 Curve from corner 1 major non-passenger station
kDST3+l                                                 Curve to corner 3 from left major non-passenger station
kDST2+r                                                 Curve to corner 2 from right major non-passenger station
kDSTl+4                                                 Curve from corner 4 to left major non-passenger station
kDSTr+1                                                 Curve from corner 1 to right major non-passenger station
kBST3                                                 Curve to corner 3 minor non-passenger station
kBST2                                                 Curve to corner 2 minor non-passenger station
kBST+4                                                 Curve from corner 4 minor non-passenger station
kBST+1                                                 Curve from corner 1 minor non-passenger station
kBST3+l                                                 Curve to corner 3 from left minor non-passenger station
kBST2+r                                                 Curve to corner 2 from right minor non-passenger station
kBSTl+4                                                 Curve from corner 4 to left minor non-passenger station
kBSTr+1                                                 Curve from corner 1 to right minor non-passenger station
  e x ex t et xt ext h eh xh exh u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext uh ueh uxh uexh




  e x ex u ue ux uex
KRZ+k1                 corner 1
KRZ+xk1                 corner 1 out of use
KRZ+k2                 corner 2
KRZ+xk2                 corner 2 out of use
KRZ+k3                 corner 3
KRZ+xk3                 corner 3 out of use
tKRZt+tk3                 corner 3, all in tunnel
KRZ+k4                 corner 4
KRZ+xk4                 corner 4 out of use
tKRZt+tk4                 corner 4, all in tunnel
KRZ+k12                 corners 1 and 2
KRZ+k1x2                 corners 1 and 2, corner 2 out of use
KRZ+k2x1                 corners 1 and 2, corner 1 out of use
KRZ+xk12                 corners 1 and 2 out of use
KRZ+k13                 corners 1 and 3
KRZ+k1x3                 corners 1 and 3, corner 3 out of use
KRZ+k3x1                 corners 1 and 3, corner 1 out of use
KRZ+xk13                 corners 1 and 3 out of use
KRZ+k14                 corners 1 and 4
KRZ+k1x4                 corners 1 and 4, corner 4 out of use
KRZ+k4x1                 corners 1 and 4, corner 1 out of use
KRZ+xk14                 corners 1 and 4 out of use
KRZ+k23                 corners 2 and 3
KRZ+k2x3                 corners 2 and 3, corner 3 out of use
KRZ+k3x2                 corners 2 and 3, corner 2 out of use
KRZ+xk23                 corners 2 and 3 out of use
KRZ+k24                 corners 2 and 4
KRZ+k2x4                 corners 2 and 4, corner 4 out of use
KRZ+k4x2                 corners 2 and 4, corner 2 out of use
KRZ+xk24                 corners 2 and 4 out of use
KRZ+k34                 corners 3 and 4
KRZ+k3x4                 corners 3 and 4, corner 4 out of use
KRZ+k4x3                 corners 3 and 4, corner 3 out of use
KRZ+xk34                 corners 3 and 4 out of use
KRZ+k4x13                 corners 1, 3 and 4, corners 1 and 3 out of use
KRZ+k3x14                 corners 1, 3 and 4, corners 1 and 4 out of use
KRZ+k3x24                 corners 2, 3 and 4, corners 2 and 4 out of use
  e x ex u ue ux uex


  e x ex u ue ux uex
kKRZr+1u                 curve from corner 1
mkKRZr+1u                 mixed, curve from corner 1
kKRZ2+ru                 curve to corner 2
mkKRZ2+ru                 mixed, curve to corner 2
tkKRZ2+rtu                 both in tunnel, curve to corner 2
mtkKRZ2+rtu                 both in tunnel, mixed, curve to corner 2
kKRZ3+lu                 curve to corner 3
mkKRZ3+lu                 mixed, curve to corner 3
tkKRZ3+ltu                 both in tunnel, curve to corner 3
kKRZl+4u                 curve across & from corner 4
mkKRZl+4u                 mixed, curve across & from corner 4
kKRZq+1u                 curve from corner 1
mkKRZq+1u                 mixed, curve from corner 1
kKRZq2u                 curve to corner 2
mkKRZq2u                 mixed, curve to corner 2
kKRZq3u                 curve to corner 3
mkKRZq3u                 mixed, curve to corner 3
kKRZq+4u                 curve across & from corner 4
mkKRZq+4u                 mixed, curve across & from corner 4
KRZu+k1                 corner 1
KRZu+xk1                 corner 1 out of use
KRZu+k2                 corner 2
KRZu+xk2                 corner 2 out of use
KRZu+k3                 corner 3
KRZu+xk3                 corner 3 out of use
KRZu+k4                 corner 4
KRZu+xk4                 corner 4 out of use
KRZu+k12                 corners 1 and 2
KRZu+k1x2                 corners 1 and 2, corner 2 out of use
KRZu+k2x1                 corners 1 and 2, corner 1 out of use
KRZu+xk12                 corners 1 and 2 out of use
KRZu+k13                 corners 1 and 3
KRZu+k1x3                 corners 1 and 3, corner 3 out of use
KRZu+k3x1                 corners 1 and 3, corner 1 out of use
KRZu+xk13                 corners 1 and 3 out of use
KRZu+k14                 corners 1 and 4
KRZu+k1x4                 corners 1 and 4, corner 4 out of use
KRZu+k4x1                 corners 1 and 4, corner 1 out of use
KRZu+xk14                 corners 1 and 4 out of use
KRZu+k23                 corners 2 and 3
KRZu+k2x3                 corners 2 and 3, corner 3 out of use
KRZu+k3x2                 corners 2 and 3, corner 2 out of use
KRZu+xk23                 corners 2 and 3 out of use
KRZu+k24                 corners 2 and 4
KRZu+k2x4                 corners 2 and 4, corner 4 out of use
KRZu+k4x2                 corners 2 and 4, corner 2 out of use
KRZu+xk24                 corners 2 and 4 out of use
KRZu+k34                 corners 3 and 4
KRZu+k3x4                 corners 3 and 4, corner 4 out of use
KRZu+k4x3                 corners 3 and 4, corner 3 out of use
KRZu+xk34                 corners 3 and 4 out of use
KRZu+k123                 corners 1, 2 and 3
KRZu+xk123                 corners 1, 2 and 3 out of use
KRZu+k124                 corners 1, 2 and 4
KRZu+xk124                 corners 1, 2 and 4 out of use
KRZu+k134                 corners 1, 3 and 4
KRZu+xk134                 corners 1, 3 and 4 out of use
KRZu+k234                 corners 2, 3 and 4
KRZu+xk234                 corners 2, 3 and 4 out of use
KRZu+k1234                 all corners
KRZu+xk1234                 all corners out of use
  e x ex u ue ux uex


  e x ex u ue ux uex
kKRZr+1o                 curve from corner 1
mkKRZr+1o                 mixed, curve from corner 1
tkKRZr+1to                 both in tunnel, curve from corner 1
mtkKRZr+1to                 mixed, both in tunnel, curve from corner 1
kKRZ2+ro                 curve to corner 2
mkKRZ2+ro                 mixed, curve to corner 2
tkKRZ2+rto                 both in tunnel, curve from corner 2
kKRZ3+lo                 curve to corner 3
mkKRZ3+lo                 mixed, curve to corner 3
tkKRZ3+lo                 over tunnel, curve to corner 3
tkKRZ3+lto                 both in tunnel, curve to corner 3
tkvKRZ3+lvto                 parallel lines, all in tunnel, curve to corner 3
kKRZl+4o                 curve across & from corner 4
mkKRZl+4o                 mixed, curve across & from corner 4
tkKRZl+4to                 both in tunnel, curve across & from corner 4
kKRZq+1o                 curve from corner 1
mkKRZq+1o                 mixed, curve from corner 1
tkKRZq+1to                 both in tunnel, curve from corner 1
kKRZq2o                 curve to corner 2
mkKRZq2o                 mixed, curve to corner 2
kKRZq3o                 curve to corner 3
mkKRZq3o                 mixed, curve to corner 3
kKRZq+4o                 curve across & from corner 4
mkKRZq+4o                 mixed, curve across & from corner 4
KRZo+k1                 corner 1
KRZo+xk1                 corner 1 out of use
KRZo+k2                 corner 2
KRZo+xk2                 corner 2 out of use
KRZo+k3                 corner 3
KRZo+xk3                 corner 3 out of use
KRZo+k4                 corner 4
KRZo+xk4                 corner 4 out of use
KRZo+k12                 corners 1 and 2
KRZo+k1x2                 corners 1 and 2, corner 2 out of use
KRZo+k2x1                 corners 1 and 2, corner 1 out of use
KRZo+xk12                 corners 1 and 2 out of use
KRZo+k13                 corners 1 and 3
KRZo+k1x3                 corners 1 and 3, corner 3 out of use
KRZo+k3x1                 corners 1 and 3, corner 1 out of use
KRZo+xk13                 corners 1 and 3 out of use
KRZo+k14                 corners 1 and 4
KRZo+k1x4                 corners 1 and 4, corner 4 out of use
KRZo+k4x1                 corners 1 and 4, corner 1 out of use
KRZo+xk14                 corners 1 and 4 out of use
KRZo+k23                 corners 2 and 3
KRZo+k2x3                 corners 2 and 3, corner 3 out of use
KRZo+k3x2                 corners 2 and 3, corner 2 out of use
KRZo+xk23                 corners 2 and 3 out of use
KRZo+k24                 corners 2 and 4
KRZo+k2x4                 corners 2 and 4, corner 4 out of use
KRZo+k4x2                 corners 2 and 4, corner 2 out of use
KRZo+xk24                 corners 2 and 4 out of use
KRZo+k34                 corners 3 and 4
KRZo+k3x4                 corners 3 and 4, corner 4 out of use
KRZo+k4x3                 corners 3 and 4, corner 3 out of use
KRZo+xk34                 corners 3 and 4 out of use
KRZo+k123                 corners 1, 2 and 3
KRZo+xk123                 corners 1, 2 and 3 out of use
KRZo+k124                 corners 1, 2 and 4
KRZo+xk124                 corners 1, 2 and 4 out of use
KRZo+k134                 corners 1, 3 and 4
KRZo+k13x4                 corners 1, 3 and 4, corner 4 out of use
KRZo+k1x34                 corners 1, 3 and 4, corners 3 and 4 out of use
KRZo+xk134                 corners 1, 3 and 4 out of use
KRZo+k234                 corners 2, 3 and 4
KRZo+xk234                 corners 2, 3 and 4 out of use
KRZo+k1234                 all corners
KRZo+xk1234                 all corners out of use
  e x ex u ue ux uex
Formation-only icons for parallel tunneled crossings
Corner 1
tkvKRZ-c1   Inner corner for crossing over k-curve (to corner 2 from right)
tkvKRZ-qc1   Inner corner for crossing over k-curve (from corner 4)
Corner 2
tkvKRZ-c2   Inner corner for crossing over k-curve (from corner 1 to right)
tkvKRZ-qc2   Inner corner for crossing over k-curve (to corner 3)
Corner 3
tkvKRZ-c3   Inner corner for crossing over k-curve (from corner 4 to left)
tkvKRZ-c3   Inner corner for crossing over k-curve (to corner 2)
Corner 4
tkvKRZ-c4   Inner corner for crossing over k-curve (to corner 3 from left)
tkvKRZ-qc4   Inner corner for crossing over k-curve (from corner 1)