Department of Applied Environmental Science | Department Highlights | May 10, 2024 | Issue 15 | |
Message from the Department Chair | | |
Dear AES Community,
We have reached the last week of the semester and an exciting time of year at CSUMB. I wish you the best of luck as you wrap up your coursework and complete final projects and exams. In addition to all of the end-of-year celebration activities, I hope you can find time to visit our beautiful natural ecosystems surrounding campus. The wildflowers at the Fort Ord Dunes State Park and the Fort Ord National Monument are putting on a spectacular display!
Please join us at the AES Sp24 Capstone Festival on Friday, May 17 (10:30 AM-2:00 pm in Library room 1188) to celebrate our capstone students from ENSTU 472, ENVS 402, ENVS 464, ENVS 475, and GEOL 460 as they present their culminating projects.
Congratulations to the Class of 2024 graduates in ENSTU, ESTP, and ENSCI! The AES Faculty and Staff are so proud of you and will be cheering you on at Commencement on Saturday, May 18.
Dr. Susan Alexander
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Congratulations to Dr. Doug Smith! | | |
Dr. Doug Smith is retiring from CSUMB at the end of the 2023- 2024 academic year following 24 years of academic and administrative service at CSUMB. Doug has been a professor in the Department of Applied Environmental Science (formerly the School of Natural Sciences and Institute for Earth Systems Science & Policy) for 22 years and spent 2 years as the Interim Dean of Graduate Studies & Research.
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Alyssa Anzalone and Gerhard Gross, both current Environmental Science Master's students, competed in CSUMB's third annual Grad Slam competition. Alyssa won first place for her presentation, while Gerhard won the People's Choice award.
Alyssa represented CSUMB at the statewide competition on May 3 and won the entire CSU-wide Grad Slam! Congratulations, Alyssa and Gerhard!
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Dr. Victoria Derr, Associate Professor in AES, received the 2024 Service Learning Institute's Marian Penn Partnership Award for her partnership/work with Juan Ramirez, Community Programs Manager at the Elkhorn Slough Foundation, and Alice Miller and Cynthia Torres, teachers at Hall District Elementary School, and Kenton Parker, formerly at Elkhorn Slough and now volunteer. Their collaboration allows Hall District Elementary School students to experience ways of knowing, being, and belonging in nature.
Congratulations, Tori!
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Dr. James "Jimmy" Guilinger, Assistant Professor in AES, was featured in an interview with the Public Policy Institute of California for his expertise on debris flows and how Californians can protect themselves from its damaging effects.
Additionally, Dr. Guilinger was interviewed by KSBW 8 for his expertise on landslides and the impact of climate change on Highway 1.
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Photo credit: Daniel Dreifuss |
Dr. Fred Watson, Professor in AES, and Katherine Hardisty-Cranstone, Environmental Science Master's student, were featured in the Monterey County Weekly for their work at Rana Creek Ranch, a 14,000-acre property once owned by former Apple chairman and CEO Mike Markkula, that will soon be converted into a preserve.
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