Kavi Harshawat of the USDS speaks on fixing broken government websites.
Kavi Harshawat speaks on the theme of ‘Broken’ for CreativeMornings DC on June 29, 2016 at MLK Library. Video by Kian McKellar.
About the speaker

Kavi Harshawat is a User Experience Designer and Researcher working with the United States Digital Service at the Department of Veterans Affairs. The United States Digital Service partners leading technologists with dedicated public servants to improve the usability and reliability of our government's most important digital services to make a more awesome government through technology.
Before joining USDS, Kavi helped the city of Denver improve the way it engaged its residents as a 2014 Code for America Fellow. Previously, he worked at several tech companies in the Bay Area including Aardvark and Google.
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Hosted by
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library
901 G St. NW
Washington, District of Columbia United States 20001
Capital One DC
D.C. United
Edelman (SEA)
Shake Shack
DC Public Library
Photographer Lexey Swall
Videographer Kian McKellar