Memex and Beyond Web Site
The bibliography contains entries for all the papers in the following conferences:
In addition, there are entries for key Hypermedia-related Web resources, such as Eastgate Systems, the Electronic Labyrinth, and the Vannevar Bush-related Web sites. Ultimately it will contain entries for historical papers, such as Bush's Memex paper and the Engelbart papers that were published elsewhere, as well as all the references in these papers, thus becoming one of the sources for the dynamically-generated citation index.
If a bibliographic entry has a corresponding abstract or full paper in the archives, the title contains the link to the archival entry. Currently the Hypertext '87 and Hypertext '96 conference papers are abstracted in the archives.
Afrati, Foto, Koutras, Constantinos D.. "A Hypertext Model Supporting Query Mechanisms", Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications, Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext, INRIA, France, November 1990, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Akscyn, Robert, McCracken, Donald, Yoder, Elise . "KMS: A Distributed Hypermedia System for Managing Knowledge in Organization", Proceedings of Hypertext '87, ACM, 1987.
Allan, James. "Automatic Hypertext Link Typing", Proceedings of Hypertext '96, ACM, 1996.
Amann, Bernd, Scholl, Michel, Rizk, Antoine. "Querying Typed Hypertexts in Multicard/O2", Proceedings of the 1994 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1994.
Amann, Bernd, Scholl, Michel. "Gram: A Graph Data Model and Query Language", Proceedings of the 1992 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1992.
Andersen, Peter Bogh. "Towards an Aesthetics of Hypertext Systems. A Semiotic Approach", Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications, Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext, INRIA, France, November 1990, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Anderson, Kenneth M., Taylor, Richard N., Whitehead, Jr., E. James . "Chimera: Hypertext for Heterogeneous Software Environments", Proceedings of the 1994 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1994.
Arons, Barry. "Hyperspeech: Navigating in Speech-Only Hypermedia", Proceedings of Hypertext '91, ACM, 1991.
Bapat, Ajit, Wasch, Jurgen, Aberer, Karl, Haake, Jorg M.. "HyperStorM: An Extensible Object-Oriented Hypermedia Engine", Proceedings of Hypertext '96, ACM, 1996.
Bareiss, Ray, Osgood, Richard. "Applying AI Models to the Design of Exploratory Hypermedia Systems", Proceedings of Hypertext '93, ACM, 1993.
Bechtel, Brian L.. "Inside Macintosh as Hypertext", Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications, Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext, INRIA, France, November 1990, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Beeman, William O., Anderson, Kenneth T., Bader, Gail, Larkin, James, McClard, Anne P.. "Hypertext and Pluralism: From Lineal to Non-Lineal Thinking", Proceedings of Hypertext '87, ACM, 1987.
Beeri, Catriel, Kornatzky, Yoram. "A Logical Query Language for Hypertext Systems", Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications, Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext, INRIA, France, November 1990, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
BenMrad, Montassar, Coray, Giovanni, Vanoirbeek, Christine. "Designing Virtual Hypertexts with Aggregates", Proceedings of the 1995 International Workshop on Hypermedia Design, 1995.
Bernard, Rory, Crowder, Richard, Heath, Ian, Hall, Wendy. "Authoring a Large Scale Industrial Hypermedia Application: A Case Study", Proceedings of the 1995 International Workshop on Hypermedia Design, 1995.
Berners-Lee, Tim, Cailliau, Robert, Luotonen, Ari, Nielsen, Henrik Frystyk, and Secret, Arthur. "The World-Wide Web", Communications of the ACM, Vol. 37, No. 8, ACM, August, 1994.
Bernstein, Mark, Bolter, Jay David, Joyce, Michael, Mylonas, Elli. "Architectures for Volatile Hypertext", Proceedings of Hypertext '91, ACM, 1991.
Bernstein, Mark, Joyce, Michael, Levine, David. "Contours of Constructive Hypertexts", Proceedings of the 1992 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1992.
Bernstein, Mark. "An Apprentice That Discovers Hypertext Links", Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications, Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext, INRIA, France, November 1990, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Bernstein, Mark. "Conversations with Friends: Hypertexts with Characters", Proceedings of the 1995 International Workshop on Hypermedia Design, 1995.
Bharat, Krishna, Cardelli, Luca. "Distributed Applications in a Hypermedia Setting", Proceedings of the 1995 International Workshop on Hypermedia Design, 1995.
Bieber, Michael, Wan, Jiangling. "Backtracking in a Multiple-Window Hypertext Environment", Proceedings of the 1994 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1994.
Bieber, Michael. "Issues in Modeling a "Dynamic" Hypertext Interface for Non-Hypertext Systems", Proceedings of Hypertext '91, ACM, 1991.
Biennier, Frederique. "Browsing in Hyperdocuments with the Assistance of a Neural Network", Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications, Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext, INRIA, France, November 1990, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Bigelow, James. "Manipulating Source Code in DynamicDesign", Proceedings of Hypertext '87, ACM, 1987.
Bilotta, Eleonora, Fiorito, Mariano, Iovane, Dario, Pantano, Pietro. "A WWW Hypermedia Prototype", Proceedings of the 1995 International Workshop on Hypermedia Design, 1995.
Bolter, Jay David, Joyce, Michael. "Hypertext and Creative Writing", Proceedings of Hypertext '87, ACM, 1987.
Bolter, Jay David. "Virtual Reality and the Future of Hypertext", Proceedings of the 1992 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1992.
Botafogo, Rodrigo A., Shneiderman, Ben. "Identifying Aggregates in Hypertext Structures", Proceedings of Hypertext '91, ACM, 1991.
Boy, Guy A.. "Indexing Hypertext Documents in Context", Proceedings of Hypertext '91, ACM, 1991.
Brossier-Wansek, Anne, Mainguenaud, Michel. "Documented Maps or How to Merge a Hypermedia System and a Geographic Information System", Proceedings of the 1995 International Workshop on Hypermedia Design, 1995.
Brown, Peter J.. "Adding Networking to Hypertext: Can It Be Done Transparently?", Proceedings of the 1994 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1994.
Brown, Peter J.. "Assessing the Quality of Hypertext Documents", Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications, Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext, INRIA, France, November 1990, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Brown, Peter J.. "Turning Ideas into Products: The Guide Systems", Proceedings of Hypertext '87, ACM, 1987.
Brown, Peter J.. "UNIX Guide: Lessons from Ten Years' Development", Proceedings of the 1992 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1992.
Bruza, Peter D.. "Hyperindices: A Novel Aid for Searching in Hypermedia", Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications, Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext, INRIA, France, November 1990, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Buchanan, M. Cecelia, Zellweger, Polle T.. "Specifying Temporal Behavior in Hypermedia Documents", Proceedings of the 1992 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1992.
Buford, John F.. "Evaluating HyTime: An Examination and Implementation Experience", Proceedings of Hypertext '96, ACM, 1996.
Bush, Vannevar - MIT site for the Bush Symposium.
Bush, Vannevar - George Landow essay on the memex.
Bush, Vannevar - references
Caloini, Andrea. "Matching Hypertext Models to Hypertext Systems: A Compilative Approach", Proceedings of the 1992 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1992.
Calvi, Licia, Geerts, Walter. "Are User Models Necessary in Hypermedia Design", Proceedings of the 1995 International Workshop on Hypermedia Design, 1995.
Campbell, Brad, Goodman, Joseph M.. "HAM: A General-Purpose Hypertext Abstract Machine", Proceedings of Hypertext '87, ACM, 1987.
Casanova, Marco A., Lima, Maria Julia D., Netto, Jose L. Rangel, Rodriguez, Noemi, Soares, Luiz F. G.. "The Nested Context Model for Hyperdocuments", Proceedings of Hypertext '91, ACM, 1991.
Catlin, Karen Smith, Barrett, L. Nancy, Launhardt, Julie A.. "Hypermedia Templates: An Author's Tool", Proceedings of Hypertext '91, ACM, 1991.
Catlin, Timothy, Bush, Paulette, Yankelovitch, Nicole. "InterNote: Extending a Hypermedia Framework to Support Annotative Collaboration", Proceedings of Hypertext '89, ACM, 1989.
Change, Daniel T.. "HieNet: A User-Centered Approach for Automatic Link Generation", Proceedings of Hypertext '93, ACM, 1993.
Charney, Davida. "Comprehending Non-Linear Text: The Role of Discourse Cues and Reading Strategies", Proceedings of Hypertext '87, ACM, 1987.
Charoenkitkarn, Nipon, Tam, Jim, Chignell, Mark H., Golovchinsky, Gene. "Browsing Through Querying: Designing for Electronic Books", Proceedings of Hypertext '93, ACM, 1993.
Christophides, V., Rizk, Antoine. "Querying Structured Documents with Hypertext Links Using OODBMS", Proceedings of the 1994 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1994.
Cleary, Chip, Bareiss, Ray. "Practical Methods for Automatically Generating Typed Links", Proceedings of Hypertext '96, ACM, 1996.
Clitherow, Peter, Riecken, Doug, Muller, Michael. "VISAR: A System for Inference and Navigation in Hypertext", Proceedings of Hypertext '89, ACM, 1989.
Collier, George H.. "Exploring Representation Problems Using Hypertext", Proceedings of Hypertext '87, ACM, 1987.
Comparot, Catherine, Sedes, Florence. "Towards a Functionally Complete Hypermedia System: An Approach Based on Tools Integration", Proceedings of the 1995 International Workshop on Hypermedia Design, 1995.
Conklin, Jeff, Begeman, Michael L.. "gIBIS: A Hypertext Tool for Team Design Deliberation", Proceedings of Hypertext '87, ACM, 1987.
Consens, Mariano P.. "Expressing Structural Hypertext Queries in GraphLog", Proceedings of Hypertext '89, ACM, 1989.
Crane, Gregory. "From the Old to the New: Integrating Hypertext into Traditional Scholarship", Proceedings of Hypertext '87, ACM, 1987.
Creech, Michael L., Freeze, Dennis F., Griss, Martin L.. "Using Hypertext in Selecting Reusable Software Components", Proceedings of Hypertext '91, ACM, 1991.
Croft, W. Bruce, Turtle, Howard. "A Retrieval Model for Incorporating Hypertext Links", Proceedings of Hypertext '89, ACM, 1989.
Crouch, Donald B., Crouch, Carolyn J., Andreas, Glenn. "The Use of Cluster Hierarchies in Hypertext Information Retrieval", Proceedings of Hypertext '89, ACM, 1989.
da Silva, Alberto Manuael Rodriguez, Borbinha, Jose Luis, Delgado, Jose Carlos. "Organizational Management System in an Heterogeneous Environment - A WWW Case Study", Proceedings of the 1995 International Workshop on Hypermedia Design, 1995.
Davis, Hugh C., Hall, Wendy, Heath, Ian, Hill, Gary, Wilkins, Rob J.. "Towards An Integrated Information Environment With Open Hypermedia Systems", Proceedings of the 1992 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1992.
Davis, Hugh C., Knight, Simon, Hall, Wendy. "Light Hypermedia Link services: A Study of Third Party Application Integration", Proceedings of the 1994 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1994.
De Bra, Paul, Houben, Geert-Jan, Kornatzky, Yoram. "An Extensible Data Model for Hyperdocuments", Proceedings of the 1992 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1992.
De Vries, Erica, Tiberghien, Andree, Petitot, Guy. "Learning Processes and Knowledge Representation in the Design of Educational Hypermedia", Proceedings of the 1995 International Workshop on Hypermedia Design, 1995.
De Young, Laura. "Hypertext Challenges in the Auditing Domain", Proceedings of Hypertext '89, ACM, 1989.
De Young, Laura. "Linking Considered Harmful", Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications, Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext, INRIA, France, November 1990, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
DeRose, Steven J.. "Expanding the Notion of Links", Proceedings of Hypertext '89, ACM, 1989.
Diaz, Alicia, Isakowitz, Tomas. "RM Case: Computer-aided Support for Hypermedia Design and Development", Proceedings of the 1995 International Workshop on Hypermedia Design,1995.
Dieberger, Andreas. "Browsing the WWW by Interacting with a Textual Virtual Environment - A Framework for Experimenting with Navigational Metaphors", Proceedings of Hypertext '96, ACM, 1996.
Eastgate Systems.
Egan, Dennis E., Lesk, Michael E., Ketchum, R. Daniel, Lochbaum, Carol C., Remde, Joel R.. "Hypertext for the Electronic Library? CORE Sample Results", Proceedings of Hypertext '91, ACM, 1991.
Electronic Labyrinth.
Ess, Charles. "The Pedagogy of Computing: Hypermedia in the Classroom", Proceedings of Hypertext '91, ACM, 1991.
Evenson, Shelley, Wulff, Wendle. "Towards a Design Language for Representing Hypermedia Cues", Proceedings of Hypertext '89, ACM, 1989.
Ficarra, Francisco Cipolla. "A Tool that Improves the Design of Hypermedia: Semiotics", Proceedings of the 1995 International Workshop on Hypermedia Design, 1995.
Fischer, Gerhard, Morch, Anders. "JANUS: Integrating Hypertext with a Knowledge-Based Design Environment", Proceedings of Hypertext '89, ACM, 1989.
Fountain, Andrew M., Hall, Wendy, Heath, Ian, Davis, Hugh C.. "Microcosm: An Open Model for Hypermedia with Dynamic Linking", Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications, Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext, INRIA, France, November 1990, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Frei, H. P., Stieger, D.. "Making Use of Hypertext Links When Retrieving Information", Proceedings of the 1992 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1992.
Friendly, Lisa. "The Design of Distributed Hyperlinked Programming Documentation", Proceedings of the 1995 International Workshop on Hypermedia Design, 1995.
Frisse, Mark E., Cousins, Steve B.. "Information Retrieval from Hypertext: Update on the Dynamic Medical Handbook Project", Proceedings of Hypertext '89, ACM, 1989.
Frisse, Mark E.. "Searching for Information in a Hypertext Medical Handbook", Proceedings of Hypertext '87, ACM, 1987.
Furuta, Richard, Marshall, Catherine C.. "Genre as Reflection of Technology in the World-Wide Web", Proceedings of the 1995 International Workshop on Hypermedia Design, 1995.
Furuta, Richard, Stotts, P. David. "Programmable Browsing Semantics in Trellis", Proceedings of Hypertext '89, ACM, 1989.
Garg, Pankaj K.. "Abstraction Mechanisms in Hypertext", Proceedings of Hypertext '87, ACM, 1987.
Garg, Pankaj K.. "On Designing Intelligent Hypertext Systems for Information Management in Software Engineering", Proceedings of Hypertext '87, ACM, 1987.
Garzotto, Franca, Mainetti, Luca, Paolini, Paolo. "Information Reuse in Hypermedia Applications", Proceedings of Hypertext '96, ACM, 1996.
Garzotto, Franca, Mainetti, Luca, Paolini, Paolo. "Adding Multimedia Collections to the Dexter Model", Proceedings of the 1994 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1994.
Garzotto, Franca, Paolini, Paolo, Schwabe, Daniel. "HDM - A Model for the Design of Hypertext Applications", Proceedings of Hypertext '91, ACM, 1991.
Geqiraj, Gudar, Frasheri, Neki. "Hypertext in Albania", Proceedings of the 1995 International Workshop on Hypermedia Design, 1995.
Gibbs, Simon. "Video Nodes and Video Webs: Uses of Video in Hypermedia", Proceedings of the 1992 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1992.
Girgensohn, Andreas, Lee, Alison, Schlueter, Kevin. "Experiences in Developing Collaborative Applications Using the World Wide Web 'Shell'", Proceedings of Hypertext '96, ACM, 1996.
Gloor, Peter A.. "CYBERMAP: Yet Another Way of Navigating in Hyperspace", Proceedings of Hypertext '91, ACM, 1991.
Greco, Diane. "Hypertext with Consequences: Recovering a Politics of Hypertext", Proceedings of Hypertext '96, ACM, 1996.
Gronbaek, Kaj, Hem, Jens A., Madsen, Ole L., Sloth, Lennert. "Designing Dexter-Based Cooperative Hypermedia Systems", Proceedings of Hypertext '93, ACM, 1993.
Gronbaek, Kaj, Trigg, Randall H.. "Toward a Dexter-based Model for Open Hypermedia: Unifying Embedded References and Link Objects", Proceedings of Hypertext '96, ACM, 1996.
Gronbaek, Kaj, Trigg, Randall H.. "Design Issues for a Dexter-Based Hypermedia System", Proceedings of the 1992 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1992.
Gronbaek, Kaj. "Composites in a Dexter-Based Hypermedia Framework", Proceedings of the 1994 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1994.
Guinan, Catherine, Smeaton, Alan F.. "Information Retrieval from Hypertext Using Dynamically Planned Guided Tours", Proceedings of the 1992 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1992.
Haake, Anja, Hicks, David. "VerSE: Towards Hypertext Versioning Styles", Proceedings of Hypertext '96, ACM, 1996.
Haake, Anja. "CoVer: A Contextual Version Server for Hypertext Applications", Proceedings of the 1992 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1992.
Haake, Anja. "Under CoVer: The Implementation of a Contextual Version Server for Hypertext Applications", Proceedings of the 1994 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1994.
Haake, Jorg M., Neuwirth, Christine M., Streitz, Norbert A.. "Coexistence and transformation of Informal and Formal Structures: Requirements for More Felxible Hypermedia Systems", Proceedings of the 1994 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1994.
Halasz, Frank G.. "Reflections on NoteCards: Seven Issues for the Next Generation of Hypermedia Systems", Proceedings of Hypertext '87, ACM, 1987.
Hammwohner, Rainer, Thiel, Ulrich. "Content-Oriented Relations Between Text Units - a Structural Model for Hypertexts", Proceedings of Hypertext '87, ACM, 1987.
Hara, Yoshinori, Keller, Arthur M., Wiederhold, Gio. "Implementing Hypertext Database Relationships Through Aggregations and Exceptions", Proceedings of Hypertext '91, ACM, 1991.
Hardman, Lynda, Bulterman, Dick C.A., Van Rossum, Guido. "Links in Hypermedia: the Requirement for Context", Proceedings of Hypertext '93, ACM, 1993.
Hayes, Phil, Pepper, Jeff. "Towards An Integrated Maintenance Advisor", Proceedings of Hypertext '89, ACM, 1989.
Hill, Gary, Hall, Wendy, De Roure, Dave , Carr, Les. "Applying Open Hypertext Principles to the WWW", Proceedings of the 1995 International Workshop on Hypermedia Design, 1995.
Hill, Gary, Hall, Wendy. "Extending the Microcosm Model to a Distributed Environment", Proceedings of the 1994 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1994.
Hirata, Kyoji, Hara, Yoshinori, Shibata, Naoki, Hirabayashi, Fusako. "Media-Based Navigation for Hypermedia Systems", Proceedings of Hypertext '93, ACM, 1993.
Hirata, Kyoji, Hara, Yoshinori, Takano, Hajime, Kawasaki, Shigehito. "Content-oriented Integration in Hypermedia Systems", Proceedings of Hypertext '96, ACM, 1996.
Hofmann, Martin , Schreiweis, Uwe, Langendorfer, Horst. "An Integrated Approach of Knowledge Acquisitio by the Hypertext System CONCORDE", Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications, Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext, INRIA, France, November 1990, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Ichimura, Satoshi, Matsushita, Yutaka. "Another Dimension to Hypermedia Access", Proceedings of Hypertext '93, ACM, 1993.
Irler, W. J.. "Non-Intrusive Hypertext Anchors and Individual Colour Markings", Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications, Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext, INRIA, France, November 1990, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Jones, III, Esq., Henry W. (Hank). "Developing and Distributing Hypertext Tools: Legal Inputs and Parameters", Proceedings of Hypertext '87, ACM, 1987.
Jones, Robert Alun, Spiro, Rand. "Imagined Conversations: The Relevance of Hypertext, Pragmatism, and Cognitive Flexibility Theory to the Interpretation of 'Classic Texts' in Intellectual History", Proceedings of the 1992 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1992.
Jones, Steve , Cockburn, Andy. "A Study of Navigational Support Provided by Two World Wide Web Browsing Applications", Proceedings of Hypertext '96, ACM, 1996.
Jordan, Daniel S., Russell, Daniel M., Jensen, Anne-Marie S., Rogers, Russell A.. "Facilitating the Development of Representations in Hypertext with IDE", Proceedings of Hypertext '89, ACM, 1989.
Kahn, Paul. "Global and Local Hypermedia Design in the "Encyclopaedia Africana"", Proceedings of the 1995 International Workshop on Hypermedia Design, 1995.
Kaindl, Hermann, Snaprud, Mikael. "Hypertext and Structured Object Representation: A Unifying View", Proceedings of Hypertext '91, ACM, 1991.
Kaltenbach, Marc, Robillard, Francois, Frasson, Claude. "Screen Management in Hypertext Systems with Rubber Sheet Layouts", Proceedings of Hypertext '91, ACM, 1991.
Kaplan, Nancy, Moulthrop, Stuart. "Where No Mind Has Gone Before: Ontological Design for Virtual Spaces", Proceedings of the 1994 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1994.
Kendall, Robert. "Hypertextual Dynamics in 'A Life Set for Two", Proceedings of Hypertext '96, ACM, 1996.
Lai, Patrick, Manber, Udi. "Flying Through Hypertext", Proceedings of Hypertext '91, ACM, 1991.
Landow, George P., Kahn, Paul. "Where's the Hypertext? The Dickens Web as a System-Independent Hypertext", Proceedings of the 1992 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1992.
Landow, George P.. "Relationally Encoded Links and the Rhetoric of Hypertext", Proceedings of Hypertext '87, ACM, 1987.
Lawton, Daryl T., Smith, Ian A.. "The Knowledge Weasel Hypermedia Annotation System", Proceedings of Hypertext '93, ACM, 1993.
Lelu, Alain, Francois, Claire. "Hypertext Paradigm in the Field of Information Retrieval: A Neural Approach", Proceedings of the 1992 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1992.
Lesk, Michael E.. "What To Do When There's Too Much Information", Proceedings of Hypertext '89, ACM, 1989.
Levy, David M.. "Fixed or Fluid? Document Stability and New Media", Proceedings of the 1994 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1994.
Lewis, Paul H., Davis, Hugh C., Griffiths, Steve R., Hall, Wendy, Wilkins, Rob J.. "Media-based Navigation with Generic Links", Proceedings of Hypertext '96, ACM, 1996.
Liestol, Gunnar. "Aesthetic and Rhetorical Aspects of Linking Video in Hypermedia", Proceedings of the 1994 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1994.
Loke, Seng Wai, Davidson, Andrew. "Logic Programming with the World-Wide Web", Proceedings of Hypertext '96, ACM, 1996.
Lucarella, Dario, Parisotto, Stefano, Zanzi, Antonella. "MORE: Multimedia Object Retrieval Environment", Proceedings of Hypertext '93, ACM, 1993.
Lucarella, Dario. "A Model for Hypertext-Based Information Retrieval", Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications, Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext, INRIA, France, November 1990, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Madigan, David, Chapman, C. Richard, Gavrin, Jonathan, Villumsen, Ole, Boose, John. "Repertory Hypergrids: An Application to Clinical Practice Guidelines", Proceedings of the 1994 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1994.
Malcolm, Kathryn C., Poltrock, Steven E., Schuler, Douglas. "Industrial Strength Hypermedia: Requirements for a Large Engineering Enterprise", Proceedings of Hypertext '91, ACM, 1991.
Marmann, Michael , Schlageter, Gunter. "Towards a Better Support for Hypermedia Structuring: The HYDESIGN Model", Proceedings of the 1992 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1992.
Marshall, Catherine C. . "Exploring Representation Problems Using Hypertext", Proceedings of Hypertext '87, ACM, 1987.
Marshall, Catherine C., Halasz, Frank G., Rogers, Russell A., Janssen Jr., William C.. "Aquanet: A Hypertext tool to Hold Your Knowledge in Place", Proceedings of Hypertext '91, ACM, 1991.
Marshall, Catherine C., Irish, Peggy M.. "Guided Tours and On-Line Presentations: How Authors Make Existing Hypertext Intelligible for Readers", Proceedings of Hypertext '89, ACM, 1989.
Marshall, Catherine C., Shipman, III, Frank M., Coombs, James H.. "VIKI: Spatial Hypertext Supporting Emergent Structure", Proceedings of the 1994 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1994.
Marshall, Catherine C., Shipman, III, Frank M.. "Searching for the Missing Link: Discovering Implicit Structure in Spatial Hypertext", Proceedings of Hypertext '93, ACM, 1993.
Marshall, Catherine C.. "Two Years Before the Mist: Experiences with Aquanet", Proceedings of the 1992 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1992.
Masuda, Yoshihiro, Ishitobi, Yasuhiro, Ueda, Manabu. "Frame-Axis Model for Automatic Information Organizing and Spatial Navigation", Proceedings of the 1994 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1994.
McCall, Raymond J., Bennett, Patrick R., d'Oronzio, Peter S., Ostwald, Jonathan L., Shipman, III, Frank M.. "PHIDIAS: Integrating CAD Graphics into Dynamic Hypertext", Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications, Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext, INRIA, France, November 1990, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Michalak, Susan, Coney, Mary. "Hypertext and the Author/Reader Dialogue", Proceedings of Hypertext '93, ACM, 1993.
Monnard, J., Pasquier-Boltuck, J.. "An Object-Oriented Scripting Environment for the WEBS's Electronic Book System", Proceedings of the 1992 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1992.
Moulthrop, Stuart. "Beyond the Electronic Book: A Critique of Hypertext Rhetoric", Proceedings of Hypertext '91, ACM, 1991.
Moulthrop, Stuart. "Hypertext and "the Hyperreal"", Proceedings of Hypertext '89, ACM, 1989.
Moulthrop, Stuart. "Towards a Rhetoric of Informating Texts", Proceedings of the 1992 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1992.
Mukherjea, Sougata, Foley, James D., Hudson, Scott E.. "Interactive Clustering for Navigating in Hypermedia Systems", Proceedings of the 1994 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1994.
Mylonas, Elli, Heath, Sebastian. "Hypertext from the Data Point of View: Paths and Links in the Perseus Project", Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications, Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext, INRIA, France, November 1990, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Nanard, Jocelyne, Nanard, Marc. "Should Anchors Be Typed Too? An Experiment with MacWeb", Proceedings of Hypertext '93, ACM, 1993.
Nanard, Jocelyne, Nanard, Marc. "Using Structured Types to Incorporate Knowledge in Hypertext", Proceedings of Hypertext '91, ACM, 1991.
Nelson, Theodor H.. "All for One and One for All", Proceedings of Hypertext '87, ACM, 1987.
Neuwirth, Christine M., Kaufer, David S., Chimera, Rick, Gillespie, Terilyn. "The Notes Program: A Hypertext Application for Writing from Source Texts", Proceedings of Hypertext '87, ACM, 1987.
Neuwirth, Christine M., Kaufer, David S.. "The Role of External Representations in the Writing Process: Implications for the Design of Hypertext-Based Writing Tools", Proceedings of Hypertext '89, ACM, 1989.
Nielsen, Jakob. "The Matters That Really Matter for Hypertext Usability", Proceedings of Hypertext '89, ACM, 1989.
Nkambou, Roger, Quirion, Luc, Frasson, Claude, Kaltenbach, Marc. "A Simulation-Based Authoring System for Multimedia Demonstration Design", Proceedings of the 1995 International Workshop on Hypermedia Design, 1995.
Noik, Emanuel G.. "Exploring Large Hyperdocuments: Fisheye Views of Nested Networks", Proceedings of Hypertext '93, ACM, 1993.
Nuernberg, Peter J. , Leggett, John. J., Schneider, Erich R., Schnase, John L.. "Hypermedia Operating Systems: A New Paradigm for Computing", Proceedings of Hypertext '96, ACM, 1996.
Ogawa, Ryuichi, Harada, Hiroaki, Kaneko, Asao. "Scenario-Based Hypermedia: A Model and a System", Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications, Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext, INRIA, France, November 1990, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Oren, Tim. "The Architecture of Static Hypertexts", Proceedings of Hypertext '87, ACM, 1987.
Osterbye, Kasper, Normark, Kurt. "An Interaction Engine for Rich Hypertexts", Proceedings of the 1994 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1994.
Osterbye, Kasper, Wiil, Uffe Kock. "The Flag Taxonomy of Open Hypermedia Systems", Proceedings of Hypertext '96, ACM, 1996.
Osterbye, Kasper. "Structural and Cognitive Problems in Providing Version Control for Hypertext", Proceedings of the 1992 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1992.
Osterbye, Kasper. "Structural Constraints in Rich Hypertexts", Proceedings of the 1995 International Workshop on Hypermedia Design, 1995.
Parunak, H. Van Dyke. "Don't Link Me In: Set-Based Hypermedia for Taxonomic Reasoning", Proceedings of Hypertext '91, ACM, 1991.
Parunak, H. Van Dyke. "Hypercubes Grow on Trees (and Other Observations from the Land of Hypersets)", Proceedings of Hypertext '93, ACM, 1993.
Parunak, H. Van Dyke. "Hypermedia Topologies and User Navigation", Proceedings of Hypertext '89, ACM, 1989.
Pearl, Amy. "Sun's Link Service: A Protocol for Open Linking", Proceedings of Hypertext '89, ACM, 1989.
Perlman, Gary. "Asynchronous Design/Evaluation Methods for Hypertext Technoloyg Development", Proceedings of Hypertext '89, ACM, 1989.
Pintado, Xavier. "Satellite: Hypermedia Navigation by Affinity", Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications, Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext, INRIA, France, November 1990, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Pruckler, Thomas, Schrefl, Michael. "Modeling Corresponding Information Content between Multimedia Data", Proceedings of the 1995 International Workshop on Hypermedia Design, 1995.
Puttress, J.J., Guinaraes, N.M.. "The Toolkit Approach to Hypermedia", Hypertext: Concepts, Systems and Applications, Proceedings of the European Conference on Hypertext, INRIA, France, November 1990, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Quint, Vincent, Vatton, Irene. "Combining Hypertext and Structured Documents in Grif", Proceedings of the 1992 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1992.
Raskin, Jef. "The Hype in Hypertext: A Critique", Proceedings of Hypertext '87, ACM, 1987.
Raymond, Darrell R., Tompa, Frank William. "Hypertext and the New Oxford English Dictionary", Proceedings of Hypertext '87, ACM, 1987.
Remde, Joel R., Gomez, Louis M., Landauer, Thomas K.. "SuperBook: An Automatic Tool for Information Exploration - Hypertext?", Proceedings of Hypertext '87, ACM, 1987.
Ritchie, Ian. "The Future of Electronic Literacy: Will Hypertext Ever Find Acceptance?", Proceedings of the 1992 European Conference on Hypertext, ACM, 1992.
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