
The Office of the Attorney General values the relationship and welcomes successful collaboration with private attorneys.

Service of Citation on the Title IV-D Agency

The law requires that the OAG be legally notified when you are litigating a case where the child support rights have been assigned to the state of Texas. Find out more about the requirements of Service of Citation and Notice here.

Service of Citation and Notice

Service of Subpoena on the Office of the Attorney General

The OAG has designated individuals who are authorized to accept service of a subpoena on behalf of the OAG when the subpoena involves the official duties of the agency. Find out more about the requirements of the Service of Subpoena here.

Service of Subpoena

Payment Record Request

Access payment records associated with your client's child support case using the Customer Self-Service Portal.

Customer Self-Service Portal

Acknowledgment of Paternity (AOP) Training

The Office of the Attorney General is the entity tasked with certifying any individuals who would like to process Acknowledgments of Paternity. Visit the AOP Certification Training page for more information.

AOP Training

Tax Charts

This page provides links to tax forms from 1987- 2025. The charts can be used to calculate monthly net income for child support purposes.

You may need to allow pop-ups to see the tax charts.

Tax Charts

Criminal Nonsupport

A successful collaboration with the Attorney General’s - Child Support Division is necessary to prosecute criminal nonsupport cases. Visit the easy-to-use Criminal Nonsupport Handbook for additional information.

Criminal Nonsupport Handbook
