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Levon, ancien Roi de Fal, mari de la Reine Affé, père du prince Patsko et du Chevalier Santo. Il est sage et avisé. Fal est un royaume connu pour ses fruits exotiques et ses étoffes d'une douceur inégalée.
Un sheikh in un deserto" di Frederick Goodall (1822-1904
David book.
King David. A man after God’s own heart. A man of complexity, David has been portrayed countless times in portraits, sculpture, and literature throughout history. At times, he has been glorified as a hero and others, vilified for the mistakes that he made. From the hills of Bethlehem to the throne in Jerusalem, “David” is an epic tale that chronicles the rise in power of the shepherd who became Israel’s most famous king, seeking to tell his story as it might have been. This adaptation of the we