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Parkour Pensate che attraversare a piedi la città sia come un percorso ad ostacoli? Ebbene, c'è chi ha trasformato strade, costruzioni, scale, muretti e barriere naturali o artificiali cittadine in un vero e proprio percorso sportivo. Si chiama Parkour ("percorso", appunto) e consiste nel compiere un determinato percorso tra le vie della città senza fermarsi mai, in modo fluido e nel modo più adatto: correre, scavalcare, arrampicarsi, strisciare, saltare... Basta un paio di scarpe sportive e un
Parkour. Developed in France Parkour is derived from gymnastics and other martial arts. Parkour focuses on self defense through tactical retreat. Needless to say it takes a lot of guff for it. However the art continues to grow because it is fun and looks awesome. As a martial art I must give it some credit. Tactical retreat is sometimes a very good option.
DIY Parkour Gym Equipment: The Ultimate Guide to Pipe Structures
DIY Parkour Gym Equipment: The Ultimate Guide to Pipe Structures #parkour #freerunning
How to Get Started in Parkour or Free Running: 16 Best Tips
How to Get Started in Parkour or Free Running #sport #philosophy
The Beauty of Parkour Photographed with a Flash and Some Flour
The Beauty of Parkour Photographed with a Flash and Some Flour
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What Parkour Means to Me as a Woman
Best Parkour Shoe You Should Try
Best Parkour Shoes: A Pair to Make Your Training More Effective - @footgearlab #BestParkourShoes #ParkourShoes #Parkour