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gfdl's home page > data portal > deccen coupled climate models > CM2.x coupled climate models > CM2.0 available data by experiment > CM2.x atmosphere land monthly variable list by table
CM2.x atmosphere land monthly variable list by table
Table A2a: Daily-mean 2-d atmosphere data (longitude, latitude, time:day)
To learn about the directory structure used in storing CM2.0 data on this server, see the FAQ
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CM2.0 model output files arranged in directories on the GFDL Data Portal?
The variables and output variable names listed in this table are consistent with
those of the IPCC/PCMDI archive as outlined in their document titled
IPCC Standard Output from Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere GCMs.
CF standard_name | output variable name | GFDL's CM2 variable name(s) | Notes | Location on GFDL Data Portal relative to http://nomads.gfdl.noaa.gov/dods-data/ |
1 | air_pressure_at_sea_level | psl | slp | |
/ModelName/ExpName/pp/atmos/ts/daily/psl_A2.YYYY0101-YYYY1231.nc | ||||
2 | precipitation_flux | pr | precip | includes both liquid and solid phases |
/ModelName/ExpName/pp/atmos/ts/daily/pr_A2.YYYY0101-YYYY1231.nc | ||||
3 | air_temperature | tas_min | t_ref_min | near-surface (usually, 2 meter) air temperature (CMOR singleton dimension table entry is "height1") |
/ModelName/ExpName/pp/atmos/ts/daily/tas_min_A2.YYYY0101-YYYY1231.nc | ||||
4 | air_temperature | tas_max | t_ref_max | near-surface (usually, 2 meter) air temperature (CMOR singleton dimension table entry is "height1") |
/ModelName/ExpName/pp/atmos/ts/daily/tas_max_A2.YYYY0101-YYYY1231.nc | ||||
5 | air_temperature | tas | t_ref | near-surface (usually, 2 meter) air temperature (CMOR singleton dimension table entry is "height1") |
/ModelName/ExpName/pp/atmos/ts/daily/tas_A2.YYYY0101-YYYY1231.nc | ||||
6 | surface_upward_latent_heat_flux | hfls | latent (from land) + LH (from ice) | |
/ModelName/ExpName/pp/atmos/ts/daily/hfls_A2.YYYY0101-YYYY1231.nc | ||||
7 | surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux | hfss | shflx | |
/ModelName/ExpName/pp/atmos/ts/daily/hfss_A2.YYYY0101-YYYY1231.nc | ||||
8 | surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air | rlds | lwdn_sfc | |
/ModelName/ExpName/pp/atmos/ts/daily/rlds_A2.YYYY0101-YYYY1231.nc | ||||
9 | surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air | rlus | lwup_sfc | |
/ModelName/ExpName/pp/atmos/ts/daily/rlus_A2.YYYY0101-YYYY1231.nc | ||||
10 | surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air | rsds | swdn_sfc | |
/ModelName/ExpName/pp/atmos/ts/daily/rsds_A2.YYYY0101-YYYY1231.nc | ||||
11 | surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air | rsus | swup_sfc | |
/ModelName/ExpName/pp/atmos/ts/daily/rsus_A2.YYYY0101-YYYY1231.nc | ||||
12 | eastward_wind | uas | u_ref | near-surface (usually, 10 meters) eastward component of wind |
/ModelName/ExpName/pp/atmos/ts/daily/uas_A2.YYYY0101-YYYY1231.nc | ||||
13 | northward_wind | vas | v_ref | near-surface (usually, 10 meters) eastward component of wind |
/ModelName/ExpName/pp/atmos/ts/daily/vas_A2.YYYY0101-YYYY1231.nc | ||||
14 | toa_outgoing_longwave_flux | rlut | olr | at the top of the atmosphere (to be compared with satellite measurements) |
/ModelName/ExpName/pp/atmos/ts/daily/rlut_A2.YYYY0101-YYYY1231.nc |
Table A2b: Daily-mean 3-d atmosphere data (longitude, latitude, pressure, time:day)
This data should be provided for just one ensemble member per scenario,
and, and for the years specified in the table at the end of this document. Also this data
must be provided on pressure levels, including at least the following subset of standard
levels:1000, 925, 850, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200 hPa.
To learn about the directory structure used in storing CM2.0 data on this server, see the FAQ
How are the
CM2.0 model output files arranged in directories on the GFDL Data Portal?.
The variables and output variable names listed in this table are consistent with those of the IPCC/PCMDI archive as outlined in
their document titled IPCC Standard Output from Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere GCMs.
CF standard_name | output variable name | GFDL's CM2 variable name(s) | Notes | Location on GFDL Data Portal relative to http://nomads.gfdl.noaa.gov/dods-data/ |
1 | air_temperature | ta | temp | |
/ModelName/ExpName/pp/atmos/ts/daily/ta_A2.YYYY0101-YYYY1231.nc | ||||
2 | eastward_wind | ua | ucomp | |
/ModelName/ExpName/pp/atmos/ts/daily/ua_A2.YYYY0101-YYYY1231.nc | ||||
3 | northward_wind | va | vcomp | |
/ModelName/ExpName/pp/atmos/ts/daily/va_A2.YYYY0101-YYYY1231.nc | ||||
4 | specific_humidity | hus | sphum | |
/ModelName/ExpName/pp/atmos/ts/daily/hus_A2.YYYY0101-YYYY1231.nc |
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