Records created or inherited by the Ministry of Health and its successor the Department of Health and Social Security, Local Government Boards and related bodies relating to the provision of health and public health services.
Comprises records of:
- Poor Law Commission, Poor Law Board, General Board of Health and Local Government Board
- National Health Insurance Commissions and Joint Committee, Ministry of Health Insurance Department and Welsh Board of Health
- Central administrative records of the Ministry of Health
- Health Divisions
- Poor Law Division
- Legal Branch
- Establishment Division
- Accountant General's Department
- Regional offices
- Local and regional health bodies
- Government Lymph Establishment
- Anatomy Inspectorate
- Consultative councils
- Lunacy Commission, Board of Control and Special Hospitals
- General Nursing Council for England and Wales
- Wartime services
- League of Mercy
- Dental Estimates Board
- Medical Practices Committee
- Central Health Services Council and Central Council for Health Education
- Commissions and committees
MH 124, MH 125, MH 126, MH 127 and MH 138 are numbers not used.