
1//! Utilities for dynamic typing or type reflection.
3//! # `Any` and `TypeId`
5//! `Any` itself can be used to get a `TypeId`, and has more features when used
6//! as a trait object. As `&dyn Any` (a borrowed trait object), it has the `is`
7//! and `downcast_ref` methods, to test if the contained value is of a given type,
8//! and to get a reference to the inner value as a type. As `&mut dyn Any`, there
9//! is also the `downcast_mut` method, for getting a mutable reference to the
10//! inner value. `Box<dyn Any>` adds the `downcast` method, which attempts to
11//! convert to a `Box<T>`. See the [`Box`] documentation for the full details.
13//! Note that `&dyn Any` is limited to testing whether a value is of a specified
14//! concrete type, and cannot be used to test whether a type implements a trait.
16//! [`Box`]: ../../std/boxed/struct.Box.html
18//! # Smart pointers and `dyn Any`
20//! One piece of behavior to keep in mind when using `Any` as a trait object,
21//! especially with types like `Box<dyn Any>` or `Arc<dyn Any>`, is that simply
22//! calling `.type_id()` on the value will produce the `TypeId` of the
23//! *container*, not the underlying trait object. This can be avoided by
24//! converting the smart pointer into a `&dyn Any` instead, which will return
25//! the object's `TypeId`. For example:
27//! ```
28//! use std::any::{Any, TypeId};
30//! let boxed: Box<dyn Any> = Box::new(3_i32);
32//! // You're more likely to want this:
33//! let actual_id = (&*boxed).type_id();
34//! // ... than this:
35//! let boxed_id = boxed.type_id();
37//! assert_eq!(actual_id, TypeId::of::<i32>());
38//! assert_eq!(boxed_id, TypeId::of::<Box<dyn Any>>());
39//! ```
41//! ## Examples
43//! Consider a situation where we want to log a value passed to a function.
44//! We know the value we're working on implements `Debug`, but we don't know its
45//! concrete type. We want to give special treatment to certain types: in this
46//! case printing out the length of `String` values prior to their value.
47//! We don't know the concrete type of our value at compile time, so we need to
48//! use runtime reflection instead.
50//! ```rust
51//! use std::fmt::Debug;
52//! use std::any::Any;
54//! // Logger function for any type that implements `Debug`.
55//! fn log<T: Any + Debug>(value: &T) {
56//!     let value_any = value as &dyn Any;
58//!     // Try to convert our value to a `String`. If successful, we want to
59//!     // output the `String`'s length as well as its value. If not, it's a
60//!     // different type: just print it out unadorned.
61//!     match value_any.downcast_ref::<String>() {
62//!         Some(as_string) => {
63//!             println!("String ({}): {}", as_string.len(), as_string);
64//!         }
65//!         None => {
66//!             println!("{value:?}");
67//!         }
68//!     }
69//! }
71//! // This function wants to log its parameter out prior to doing work with it.
72//! fn do_work<T: Any + Debug>(value: &T) {
73//!     log(value);
74//!     // some other work
75//! }
77//! fn main() {
78//!     let my_string = "Hello World".to_string();
79//!     do_work(&my_string);
81//!     let my_i8: i8 = 100;
82//!     do_work(&my_i8);
83//! }
84//! ```
87#![stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
89use crate::{fmt, hash, intrinsics};
92// Any trait
95/// A trait to emulate dynamic typing.
97/// Most types implement `Any`. However, any type which contains a non-`'static` reference does not.
98/// See the [module-level documentation][mod] for more details.
100/// [mod]: crate::any
101// This trait is not unsafe, though we rely on the specifics of it's sole impl's
102// `type_id` function in unsafe code (e.g., `downcast`). Normally, that would be
103// a problem, but because the only impl of `Any` is a blanket implementation, no
104// other code can implement `Any`.
106// We could plausibly make this trait unsafe -- it would not cause breakage,
107// since we control all the implementations -- but we choose not to as that's
108// both not really necessary and may confuse users about the distinction of
109// unsafe traits and unsafe methods (i.e., `type_id` would still be safe to call,
110// but we would likely want to indicate as such in documentation).
111#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
112#[rustc_diagnostic_item = "Any"]
113pub trait Any: 'static {
114    /// Gets the `TypeId` of `self`.
115    ///
116    /// If called on a `dyn Any` trait object
117    /// (or a trait object of a subtrait of `Any`),
118    /// this returns the `TypeId` of the underlying
119    /// concrete type, not that of `dyn Any` itself.
120    ///
121    /// # Examples
122    ///
123    /// ```
124    /// use std::any::{Any, TypeId};
125    ///
126    /// fn is_string(s: &dyn Any) -> bool {
127    ///     TypeId::of::<String>() == s.type_id()
128    /// }
129    ///
130    /// assert_eq!(is_string(&0), false);
131    /// assert_eq!(is_string(&"cookie monster".to_string()), true);
132    /// ```
133    #[stable(feature = "get_type_id", since = "1.34.0")]
134    fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId;
137#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
138impl<T: 'static + ?Sized> Any for T {
139    fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId {
140        TypeId::of::<T>()
141    }
145// Extension methods for Any trait objects.
148#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
149impl fmt::Debug for dyn Any {
150    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
151        f.debug_struct("Any").finish_non_exhaustive()
152    }
155// Ensure that the result of e.g., joining a thread can be printed and
156// hence used with `unwrap`. May eventually no longer be needed if
157// dispatch works with upcasting.
158#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
159impl fmt::Debug for dyn Any + Send {
160    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
161        f.debug_struct("Any").finish_non_exhaustive()
162    }
165#[stable(feature = "any_send_sync_methods", since = "1.28.0")]
166impl fmt::Debug for dyn Any + Send + Sync {
167    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
168        f.debug_struct("Any").finish_non_exhaustive()
169    }
172impl dyn Any {
173    /// Returns `true` if the inner type is the same as `T`.
174    ///
175    /// # Examples
176    ///
177    /// ```
178    /// use std::any::Any;
179    ///
180    /// fn is_string(s: &dyn Any) {
181    ///     if<String>() {
182    ///         println!("It's a string!");
183    ///     } else {
184    ///         println!("Not a string...");
185    ///     }
186    /// }
187    ///
188    /// is_string(&0);
189    /// is_string(&"cookie monster".to_string());
190    /// ```
191    #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
192    #[inline]
193    pub fn is<T: Any>(&self) -> bool {
194        // Get `TypeId` of the type this function is instantiated with.
195        let t = TypeId::of::<T>();
197        // Get `TypeId` of the type in the trait object (`self`).
198        let concrete = self.type_id();
200        // Compare both `TypeId`s on equality.
201        t == concrete
202    }
204    /// Returns some reference to the inner value if it is of type `T`, or
205    /// `None` if it isn't.
206    ///
207    /// # Examples
208    ///
209    /// ```
210    /// use std::any::Any;
211    ///
212    /// fn print_if_string(s: &dyn Any) {
213    ///     if let Some(string) = s.downcast_ref::<String>() {
214    ///         println!("It's a string({}): '{}'", string.len(), string);
215    ///     } else {
216    ///         println!("Not a string...");
217    ///     }
218    /// }
219    ///
220    /// print_if_string(&0);
221    /// print_if_string(&"cookie monster".to_string());
222    /// ```
223    #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
224    #[inline]
225    pub fn downcast_ref<T: Any>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
226        if<T>() {
227            // SAFETY: just checked whether we are pointing to the correct type, and we can rely on
228            // that check for memory safety because we have implemented Any for all types; no other
229            // impls can exist as they would conflict with our impl.
230            unsafe { Some(self.downcast_ref_unchecked()) }
231        } else {
232            None
233        }
234    }
236    /// Returns some mutable reference to the inner value if it is of type `T`, or
237    /// `None` if it isn't.
238    ///
239    /// # Examples
240    ///
241    /// ```
242    /// use std::any::Any;
243    ///
244    /// fn modify_if_u32(s: &mut dyn Any) {
245    ///     if let Some(num) = s.downcast_mut::<u32>() {
246    ///         *num = 42;
247    ///     }
248    /// }
249    ///
250    /// let mut x = 10u32;
251    /// let mut s = "starlord".to_string();
252    ///
253    /// modify_if_u32(&mut x);
254    /// modify_if_u32(&mut s);
255    ///
256    /// assert_eq!(x, 42);
257    /// assert_eq!(&s, "starlord");
258    /// ```
259    #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
260    #[inline]
261    pub fn downcast_mut<T: Any>(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> {
262        if<T>() {
263            // SAFETY: just checked whether we are pointing to the correct type, and we can rely on
264            // that check for memory safety because we have implemented Any for all types; no other
265            // impls can exist as they would conflict with our impl.
266            unsafe { Some(self.downcast_mut_unchecked()) }
267        } else {
268            None
269        }
270    }
272    /// Returns a reference to the inner value as type `dyn T`.
273    ///
274    /// # Examples
275    ///
276    /// ```
277    /// #![feature(downcast_unchecked)]
278    ///
279    /// use std::any::Any;
280    ///
281    /// let x: Box<dyn Any> = Box::new(1_usize);
282    ///
283    /// unsafe {
284    ///     assert_eq!(*x.downcast_ref_unchecked::<usize>(), 1);
285    /// }
286    /// ```
287    ///
288    /// # Safety
289    ///
290    /// The contained value must be of type `T`. Calling this method
291    /// with the incorrect type is *undefined behavior*.
292    #[unstable(feature = "downcast_unchecked", issue = "90850")]
293    #[inline]
294    pub unsafe fn downcast_ref_unchecked<T: Any>(&self) -> &T {
295        debug_assert!(<T>());
296        // SAFETY: caller guarantees that T is the correct type
297        unsafe { &*(self as *const dyn Any as *const T) }
298    }
300    /// Returns a mutable reference to the inner value as type `dyn T`.
301    ///
302    /// # Examples
303    ///
304    /// ```
305    /// #![feature(downcast_unchecked)]
306    ///
307    /// use std::any::Any;
308    ///
309    /// let mut x: Box<dyn Any> = Box::new(1_usize);
310    ///
311    /// unsafe {
312    ///     *x.downcast_mut_unchecked::<usize>() += 1;
313    /// }
314    ///
315    /// assert_eq!(*x.downcast_ref::<usize>().unwrap(), 2);
316    /// ```
317    ///
318    /// # Safety
319    ///
320    /// The contained value must be of type `T`. Calling this method
321    /// with the incorrect type is *undefined behavior*.
322    #[unstable(feature = "downcast_unchecked", issue = "90850")]
323    #[inline]
324    pub unsafe fn downcast_mut_unchecked<T: Any>(&mut self) -> &mut T {
325        debug_assert!(<T>());
326        // SAFETY: caller guarantees that T is the correct type
327        unsafe { &mut *(self as *mut dyn Any as *mut T) }
328    }
331impl dyn Any + Send {
332    /// Forwards to the method defined on the type `dyn Any`.
333    ///
334    /// # Examples
335    ///
336    /// ```
337    /// use std::any::Any;
338    ///
339    /// fn is_string(s: &(dyn Any + Send)) {
340    ///     if<String>() {
341    ///         println!("It's a string!");
342    ///     } else {
343    ///         println!("Not a string...");
344    ///     }
345    /// }
346    ///
347    /// is_string(&0);
348    /// is_string(&"cookie monster".to_string());
349    /// ```
350    #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
351    #[inline]
352    pub fn is<T: Any>(&self) -> bool {
353        <dyn Any>::is::<T>(self)
354    }
356    /// Forwards to the method defined on the type `dyn Any`.
357    ///
358    /// # Examples
359    ///
360    /// ```
361    /// use std::any::Any;
362    ///
363    /// fn print_if_string(s: &(dyn Any + Send)) {
364    ///     if let Some(string) = s.downcast_ref::<String>() {
365    ///         println!("It's a string({}): '{}'", string.len(), string);
366    ///     } else {
367    ///         println!("Not a string...");
368    ///     }
369    /// }
370    ///
371    /// print_if_string(&0);
372    /// print_if_string(&"cookie monster".to_string());
373    /// ```
374    #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
375    #[inline]
376    pub fn downcast_ref<T: Any>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
377        <dyn Any>::downcast_ref::<T>(self)
378    }
380    /// Forwards to the method defined on the type `dyn Any`.
381    ///
382    /// # Examples
383    ///
384    /// ```
385    /// use std::any::Any;
386    ///
387    /// fn modify_if_u32(s: &mut (dyn Any + Send)) {
388    ///     if let Some(num) = s.downcast_mut::<u32>() {
389    ///         *num = 42;
390    ///     }
391    /// }
392    ///
393    /// let mut x = 10u32;
394    /// let mut s = "starlord".to_string();
395    ///
396    /// modify_if_u32(&mut x);
397    /// modify_if_u32(&mut s);
398    ///
399    /// assert_eq!(x, 42);
400    /// assert_eq!(&s, "starlord");
401    /// ```
402    #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
403    #[inline]
404    pub fn downcast_mut<T: Any>(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> {
405        <dyn Any>::downcast_mut::<T>(self)
406    }
408    /// Forwards to the method defined on the type `dyn Any`.
409    ///
410    /// # Examples
411    ///
412    /// ```
413    /// #![feature(downcast_unchecked)]
414    ///
415    /// use std::any::Any;
416    ///
417    /// let x: Box<dyn Any> = Box::new(1_usize);
418    ///
419    /// unsafe {
420    ///     assert_eq!(*x.downcast_ref_unchecked::<usize>(), 1);
421    /// }
422    /// ```
423    ///
424    /// # Safety
425    ///
426    /// The contained value must be of type `T`. Calling this method
427    /// with the incorrect type is *undefined behavior*.
428    #[unstable(feature = "downcast_unchecked", issue = "90850")]
429    #[inline]
430    pub unsafe fn downcast_ref_unchecked<T: Any>(&self) -> &T {
431        // SAFETY: guaranteed by caller
432        unsafe { <dyn Any>::downcast_ref_unchecked::<T>(self) }
433    }
435    /// Forwards to the method defined on the type `dyn Any`.
436    ///
437    /// # Examples
438    ///
439    /// ```
440    /// #![feature(downcast_unchecked)]
441    ///
442    /// use std::any::Any;
443    ///
444    /// let mut x: Box<dyn Any> = Box::new(1_usize);
445    ///
446    /// unsafe {
447    ///     *x.downcast_mut_unchecked::<usize>() += 1;
448    /// }
449    ///
450    /// assert_eq!(*x.downcast_ref::<usize>().unwrap(), 2);
451    /// ```
452    ///
453    /// # Safety
454    ///
455    /// The contained value must be of type `T`. Calling this method
456    /// with the incorrect type is *undefined behavior*.
457    #[unstable(feature = "downcast_unchecked", issue = "90850")]
458    #[inline]
459    pub unsafe fn downcast_mut_unchecked<T: Any>(&mut self) -> &mut T {
460        // SAFETY: guaranteed by caller
461        unsafe { <dyn Any>::downcast_mut_unchecked::<T>(self) }
462    }
465impl dyn Any + Send + Sync {
466    /// Forwards to the method defined on the type `Any`.
467    ///
468    /// # Examples
469    ///
470    /// ```
471    /// use std::any::Any;
472    ///
473    /// fn is_string(s: &(dyn Any + Send + Sync)) {
474    ///     if<String>() {
475    ///         println!("It's a string!");
476    ///     } else {
477    ///         println!("Not a string...");
478    ///     }
479    /// }
480    ///
481    /// is_string(&0);
482    /// is_string(&"cookie monster".to_string());
483    /// ```
484    #[stable(feature = "any_send_sync_methods", since = "1.28.0")]
485    #[inline]
486    pub fn is<T: Any>(&self) -> bool {
487        <dyn Any>::is::<T>(self)
488    }
490    /// Forwards to the method defined on the type `Any`.
491    ///
492    /// # Examples
493    ///
494    /// ```
495    /// use std::any::Any;
496    ///
497    /// fn print_if_string(s: &(dyn Any + Send + Sync)) {
498    ///     if let Some(string) = s.downcast_ref::<String>() {
499    ///         println!("It's a string({}): '{}'", string.len(), string);
500    ///     } else {
501    ///         println!("Not a string...");
502    ///     }
503    /// }
504    ///
505    /// print_if_string(&0);
506    /// print_if_string(&"cookie monster".to_string());
507    /// ```
508    #[stable(feature = "any_send_sync_methods", since = "1.28.0")]
509    #[inline]
510    pub fn downcast_ref<T: Any>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
511        <dyn Any>::downcast_ref::<T>(self)
512    }
514    /// Forwards to the method defined on the type `Any`.
515    ///
516    /// # Examples
517    ///
518    /// ```
519    /// use std::any::Any;
520    ///
521    /// fn modify_if_u32(s: &mut (dyn Any + Send + Sync)) {
522    ///     if let Some(num) = s.downcast_mut::<u32>() {
523    ///         *num = 42;
524    ///     }
525    /// }
526    ///
527    /// let mut x = 10u32;
528    /// let mut s = "starlord".to_string();
529    ///
530    /// modify_if_u32(&mut x);
531    /// modify_if_u32(&mut s);
532    ///
533    /// assert_eq!(x, 42);
534    /// assert_eq!(&s, "starlord");
535    /// ```
536    #[stable(feature = "any_send_sync_methods", since = "1.28.0")]
537    #[inline]
538    pub fn downcast_mut<T: Any>(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> {
539        <dyn Any>::downcast_mut::<T>(self)
540    }
542    /// Forwards to the method defined on the type `Any`.
543    ///
544    /// # Examples
545    ///
546    /// ```
547    /// #![feature(downcast_unchecked)]
548    ///
549    /// use std::any::Any;
550    ///
551    /// let x: Box<dyn Any> = Box::new(1_usize);
552    ///
553    /// unsafe {
554    ///     assert_eq!(*x.downcast_ref_unchecked::<usize>(), 1);
555    /// }
556    /// ```
557    /// # Safety
558    ///
559    /// The contained value must be of type `T`. Calling this method
560    /// with the incorrect type is *undefined behavior*.
561    #[unstable(feature = "downcast_unchecked", issue = "90850")]
562    #[inline]
563    pub unsafe fn downcast_ref_unchecked<T: Any>(&self) -> &T {
564        // SAFETY: guaranteed by caller
565        unsafe { <dyn Any>::downcast_ref_unchecked::<T>(self) }
566    }
568    /// Forwards to the method defined on the type `Any`.
569    ///
570    /// # Examples
571    ///
572    /// ```
573    /// #![feature(downcast_unchecked)]
574    ///
575    /// use std::any::Any;
576    ///
577    /// let mut x: Box<dyn Any> = Box::new(1_usize);
578    ///
579    /// unsafe {
580    ///     *x.downcast_mut_unchecked::<usize>() += 1;
581    /// }
582    ///
583    /// assert_eq!(*x.downcast_ref::<usize>().unwrap(), 2);
584    /// ```
585    /// # Safety
586    ///
587    /// The contained value must be of type `T`. Calling this method
588    /// with the incorrect type is *undefined behavior*.
589    #[unstable(feature = "downcast_unchecked", issue = "90850")]
590    #[inline]
591    pub unsafe fn downcast_mut_unchecked<T: Any>(&mut self) -> &mut T {
592        // SAFETY: guaranteed by caller
593        unsafe { <dyn Any>::downcast_mut_unchecked::<T>(self) }
594    }
598// TypeID and its methods
601/// A `TypeId` represents a globally unique identifier for a type.
603/// Each `TypeId` is an opaque object which does not allow inspection of what's
604/// inside but does allow basic operations such as cloning, comparison,
605/// printing, and showing.
607/// A `TypeId` is currently only available for types which ascribe to `'static`,
608/// but this limitation may be removed in the future.
610/// While `TypeId` implements `Hash`, `PartialOrd`, and `Ord`, it is worth
611/// noting that the hashes and ordering will vary between Rust releases. Beware
612/// of relying on them inside of your code!
614/// # Danger of Improper Variance
616/// You might think that subtyping is impossible between two static types,
617/// but this is false; there exists a static type with a static subtype.
618/// To wit, `fn(&str)`, which is short for `for<'any> fn(&'any str)`, and
619/// `fn(&'static str)`, are two distinct, static types, and yet,
620/// `fn(&str)` is a subtype of `fn(&'static str)`, since any value of type
621/// `fn(&str)` can be used where a value of type `fn(&'static str)` is needed.
623/// This means that abstractions around `TypeId`, despite its
624/// `'static` bound on arguments, still need to worry about unnecessary
625/// and improper variance: it is advisable to strive for invariance
626/// first. The usability impact will be negligible, while the reduction
627/// in the risk of unsoundness will be most welcome.
629/// ## Examples
631/// Suppose `SubType` is a subtype of `SuperType`, that is,
632/// a value of type `SubType` can be used wherever
633/// a value of type `SuperType` is expected.
634/// Suppose also that `CoVar<T>` is a generic type, which is covariant over `T`
635/// (like many other types, including `PhantomData<T>` and `Vec<T>`).
637/// Then, by covariance, `CoVar<SubType>` is a subtype of `CoVar<SuperType>`,
638/// that is, a value of type `CoVar<SubType>` can be used wherever
639/// a value of type `CoVar<SuperType>` is expected.
641/// Then if `CoVar<SuperType>` relies on `TypeId::of::<SuperType>()` to uphold any invariants,
642/// those invariants may be broken because a value of type `CoVar<SuperType>` can be created
643/// without going through any of its methods, like so:
644/// ```
645/// type SubType = fn(&());
646/// type SuperType = fn(&'static ());
647/// type CoVar<T> = Vec<T>; // imagine something more complicated
649/// let sub: CoVar<SubType> = CoVar::new();
650/// // we have a `CoVar<SuperType>` instance without
651/// // *ever* having called `CoVar::<SuperType>::new()`!
652/// let fake_super: CoVar<SuperType> = sub;
653/// ```
655/// The following is an example program that tries to use `TypeId::of` to
656/// implement a generic type `Unique<T>` that guarantees unique instances for each `Unique<T>`,
657/// that is, and for each type `T` there can be at most one value of type `Unique<T>` at any time.
659/// ```
660/// mod unique {
661///     use std::any::TypeId;
662///     use std::collections::BTreeSet;
663///     use std::marker::PhantomData;
664///     use std::sync::Mutex;
666///     static ID_SET: Mutex<BTreeSet<TypeId>> = Mutex::new(BTreeSet::new());
668///     // TypeId has only covariant uses, which makes Unique covariant over TypeAsId 🚨
669///     #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
670///     pub struct Unique<TypeAsId: 'static>(
671///         // private field prevents creation without `new` outside this module
672///         PhantomData<TypeAsId>,
673///     );
675///     impl<TypeAsId: 'static> Unique<TypeAsId> {
676///         pub fn new() -> Option<Self> {
677///             let mut set = ID_SET.lock().unwrap();
678///             (set.insert(TypeId::of::<TypeAsId>())).then(|| Self(PhantomData))
679///         }
680///     }
682///     impl<TypeAsId: 'static> Drop for Unique<TypeAsId> {
683///         fn drop(&mut self) {
684///             let mut set = ID_SET.lock().unwrap();
685///             (!set.remove(&TypeId::of::<TypeAsId>())).then(|| panic!("duplicity detected"));
686///         }
687///     }
688/// }
690/// use unique::Unique;
692/// // `OtherRing` is a subtype of `TheOneRing`. Both are 'static, and thus have a TypeId.
693/// type TheOneRing = fn(&'static ());
694/// type OtherRing = fn(&());
696/// fn main() {
697///     let the_one_ring: Unique<TheOneRing> = Unique::new().unwrap();
698///     assert_eq!(Unique::<TheOneRing>::new(), None);
700///     let other_ring: Unique<OtherRing> = Unique::new().unwrap();
701///     // Use that `Unique<OtherRing>` is a subtype of `Unique<TheOneRing>` 🚨
702///     let fake_one_ring: Unique<TheOneRing> = other_ring;
703///     assert_eq!(fake_one_ring, the_one_ring);
705///     std::mem::forget(fake_one_ring);
706/// }
707/// ```
708#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
709#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
710pub struct TypeId {
711    // We avoid using `u128` because that imposes higher alignment requirements on many platforms.
712    // See issue #115620 for more information.
713    t: (u64, u64),
714    #[cfg(feature = "debug_typeid")]
715    name: &'static str,
718#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
719impl PartialEq for TypeId {
720    #[inline]
721    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
722        self.t == other.t
723    }
726impl TypeId {
727    /// Returns the `TypeId` of the generic type parameter.
728    ///
729    /// # Examples
730    ///
731    /// ```
732    /// use std::any::{Any, TypeId};
733    ///
734    /// fn is_string<T: ?Sized + Any>(_s: &T) -> bool {
735    ///     TypeId::of::<String>() == TypeId::of::<T>()
736    /// }
737    ///
738    /// assert_eq!(is_string(&0), false);
739    /// assert_eq!(is_string(&"cookie monster".to_string()), true);
740    /// ```
741    #[must_use]
742    #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
743    #[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "const_type_id", issue = "77125")]
744    pub const fn of<T: ?Sized + 'static>() -> TypeId {
745        let t: u128 = intrinsics::type_id::<T>();
746        let t1 = (t >> 64) as u64;
747        let t2 = t as u64;
749        TypeId {
750            t: (t1, t2),
751            #[cfg(feature = "debug_typeid")]
752            name: type_name::<T>(),
753        }
754    }
756    fn as_u128(self) -> u128 {
757        u128::from(self.t.0) << 64 | u128::from(self.t.1)
758    }
761#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
762impl hash::Hash for TypeId {
763    #[inline]
764    fn hash<H: hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
765        // We only hash the lower 64 bits of our (128 bit) internal numeric ID,
766        // because:
767        // - The hashing algorithm which backs `TypeId` is expected to be
768        //   unbiased and high quality, meaning further mixing would be somewhat
769        //   redundant compared to choosing (the lower) 64 bits arbitrarily.
770        // - `Hasher::finish` returns a u64 anyway, so the extra entropy we'd
771        //   get from hashing the full value would probably not be useful
772        //   (especially given the previous point about the lower 64 bits being
773        //   high quality on their own).
774        // - It is correct to do so -- only hashing a subset of `self` is still
775        //   with an `Eq` implementation that considers the entire value, as
776        //   ours does.
777        self.t.1.hash(state);
778    }
781#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
782impl fmt::Debug for TypeId {
783    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
784        #[cfg(feature = "debug_typeid")]
785        {
786            write!(f, "TypeId({:#034x} = {})", self.as_u128(),;
787        }
788        #[cfg(not(feature = "debug_typeid"))]
789        {
790            write!(f, "TypeId({:#034x})", self.as_u128())?;
791        }
792        Ok(())
793    }
796/// Returns the name of a type as a string slice.
798/// # Note
800/// This is intended for diagnostic use. The exact contents and format of the
801/// string returned are not specified, other than being a best-effort
802/// description of the type. For example, amongst the strings
803/// that `type_name::<Option<String>>()` might return are `"Option<String>"` and
804/// `"std::option::Option<std::string::String>"`.
806/// The returned string must not be considered to be a unique identifier of a
807/// type as multiple types may map to the same type name. Similarly, there is no
808/// guarantee that all parts of a type will appear in the returned string: for
809/// example, lifetime specifiers are currently not included. In addition, the
810/// output may change between versions of the compiler.
812/// The current implementation uses the same infrastructure as compiler
813/// diagnostics and debuginfo, but this is not guaranteed.
815/// # Examples
817/// ```rust
818/// assert_eq!(
819///     std::any::type_name::<Option<String>>(),
820///     "core::option::Option<alloc::string::String>",
821/// );
822/// ```
824#[stable(feature = "type_name", since = "1.38.0")]
825#[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "const_type_name", issue = "63084")]
826pub const fn type_name<T: ?Sized>() -> &'static str {
827    intrinsics::type_name::<T>()
830/// Returns the type name of the pointed-to value as a string slice.
832/// This is the same as `type_name::<T>()`, but can be used where the type of a
833/// variable is not easily available.
835/// # Note
837/// Like [`type_name`], this is intended for diagnostic use and the exact output is not
838/// guaranteed. It provides a best-effort description, but the output may change between
839/// versions of the compiler.
841/// In short: use this for debugging, avoid using the output to affect program behavior. More
842/// information is available at [`type_name`].
844/// Additionally, this function does not resolve trait objects. This means that
845/// `type_name_of_val(&7u32 as &dyn Debug)` may return `"dyn Debug"`, but will not return `"u32"`
846/// at this time.
848/// # Examples
850/// Prints the default integer and float types.
852/// ```rust
853/// use std::any::type_name_of_val;
855/// let s = "foo";
856/// let x: i32 = 1;
857/// let y: f32 = 1.0;
859/// assert!(type_name_of_val(&s).contains("str"));
860/// assert!(type_name_of_val(&x).contains("i32"));
861/// assert!(type_name_of_val(&y).contains("f32"));
862/// ```
864#[stable(feature = "type_name_of_val", since = "1.76.0")]
865#[rustc_const_unstable(feature = "const_type_name", issue = "63084")]
866pub const fn type_name_of_val<T: ?Sized>(_val: &T) -> &'static str {
867    type_name::<T>()
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