The goal of this work is to develop a task-agnostic feature upsampling operator for dense prediction where the operator is required to facilitate not only region-sensitive tasks like semantic segmentation but also detail-sensitive tasks such as image matting. Prior upsampling operators often can work well in either type of the tasks, but not both. We argue that task-agnostic upsampling should dynamically trade off between semantic preservation and detail delineation, instead of having a bias between the two properties. In this paper, we present FADE, a novel, plug-and-play, lightweight, and task-agnostic upsampling operator by fusing the assets of decoder and encoder features at three levels: (i) considering both the encoder and decoder feature in upsampling kernel generation; (ii) controlling the per-point contribution of the encoder/decoder feature in upsampling kernels with an efficient semi-shift convolutional operator; and (iii) enabling the selective pass of encoder features with a decoder-dependent gating mechanism for compensating details. To improve the practicality of FADE, we additionally study parameter- and memory-efficient implementations of semi-shift convolution. We analyze the upsampling behavior of FADE on toy data and show through large-scale experiments that FADE is task-agnostic with consistent performance improvement on a number of dense prediction tasks with little extra cost. For the first time, we demonstrate robust feature upsampling on both region- and detail-sensitive tasks successfully. Code is made available at: https://github.com/poppinace/fade
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This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Under Grant No. 62106080 and the Hubei Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China Under Grant No. 2024AFB566.
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Comparison of Computational Complexity
Comparison of Computational Complexity
A favorable upsampling operator, being part of overall network architecture, should not significantly increase the computation cost. This issue is not well addressed in IndexNet as it introduces many parameters and much computational overhead (Lu et al., 2019). In this part we analyze the computational workload and memory occupation among different dynamic upsampling operators. We first compare the FLOPs and number of parameters in Table 11. FADE requires more FLOPs than CARAFE (note that FADE processes 5 times more feature data than CARAFE), but less parameters when the number of channels is small. For example, when \(C=256\), \(d=64\), \(K=5\), and \(H=W=112\), CARAFE and FADE cost 2.50 and 4.56 GFLOPs, respectively; the number of parameters are 74 K and 47 K, respectively. FADE-Lite, in the same setting, costs only 1.53 GFLOPs and 13 K parameters. In addition, we also test the inference speed by upsampling a random feature map of size \(256\times 120 \times 120\) (a guiding map of size \(256\times 240\) is used if required). The inference time is shown in Table 12. Among compared dynamic upsampling operators, FADE and FADE-Lite are relatively efficient given that they process five times more data than CARAFE. We also test the practical memory occupation of FADE on SegFormer-B1 (Xie et al., 2021), with 6 upsampling stages. Under the default training setting, SegFormer-B1 with bilinear upsampling costs 22, 157 MB GPU memory. With the H2L implementation of FADE, it consumes 24, 879 MB, 2722 MB more than the original one. The L2H one reduces the memory cost by \(24.2\%\) (from 2722 to 2064 MB), and is within an acceptable range compared with the decoder-only upsampling operator CARAFE (664 MB) if taking the five times more data into account.
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Lu, H., Liu, W., Fu, H. et al. FADE: A Task-Agnostic Upsampling Operator for Encoder–Decoder Architectures. Int J Comput Vis 133, 151–172 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11263-024-02191-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11263-024-02191-8