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Broadening the targeting range of Staphylococcus aureus CRISPR-Cas9 by modifying PAM recognition


CRISPR-Cas9 nucleases target specific DNA sequences using a guide RNA but also require recognition of a protospacer adjacent motif (PAM) by the Cas9 protein. Although longer PAMs can potentially improve the specificity of genome editing, they limit the range of sequences that Cas9 orthologs can target. One potential strategy to relieve this restriction is to relax the PAM recognition specificity of Cas9. Here we used molecular evolution to modify the NNGRRT PAM of Staphylococcus aureus Cas9 (SaCas9). One variant we identified, referred to as KKH SaCas9, showed robust genome editing activities at endogenous human target sites with NNNRRT PAMs, thereby increasing SaCas9 targeting range by two- to fourfold. Using GUIDE-seq, we show that wild-type and KKH SaCas9 induce comparable numbers of off-target effects in human cells. Our strategy for evolving PAM specificity does not require structural information and therefore should be applicable to a wide range of Cas9 orthologs.

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Figure 1: Selection and assembly of SaCas9 variants with altered PAM specificities.
Figure 2: Activity of the SaCas9 KKH variant targeted to endogenous sites in human cells.
Figure 3: Genome-wide specificity profiles of wild-type and KKH SaCas9.

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We thank D. Edgell (University of Western Ontario) for providing the bacterial strain and precursor plasmids related to the bacterial selections, T. Cathomen (Freiburg) for providing the U2OS cells, and J. Angstman for comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by a US National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director's Pioneer Award (DP1 GM105378) and NIH R01 GM107427 to J.K.J., the Jim and Ann Orr Research Scholar Award (to J.K.J.), and a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Postdoctoral Fellowship (to B.P.K.). New reagents described in this work will be deposited with the nonprofit plasmid distribution service Addgene (

Author information

Authors and Affiliations



B.P.K. and M.S.P. performed all bacterial and human cell experiments, and N.T.N. assisted with GUIDE-seq experiments. S.Q.T., V.V.T. and Z.Z. analyzed the site-depletion and GUIDE-seq data. B.P.K. and J.K.J. directed the research, interpreted experiments, and wrote the manuscript with input from all authors.

Corresponding authors

Correspondence to Benjamin P Kleinstiver or J Keith Joung.

Ethics declarations

Competing interests

J.K.J. is a consultant for Horizon Discovery. J.K.J. has financial interests in Editas Medicine, Hera Testing Laboratories, Poseida Therapeutics and Transposagen Biopharmaceuticals. J.K.J.’s interests were reviewed and are managed by Massachusetts General Hospital and Partners HealthCare in accordance with their conflict of interest policies. A patent application has been filed describing the KKH SaCas9 variant.

Integrated supplementary information

Supplementary Figure 1 Protein domain alignment of Cas9 orthologues

Cas9 orthologues from Fig. 1a were aligned using ClustalW2. The domain structure of SpCas9 is shown at the top (based on PDB:4UN3; Anders et al., 2014); the PAM contacting residues of SpCas9 are highlighted; the region of SaCas9 mutagenized to select for altered PAM specificity variants is shown.

Supplementary Figure 2 Primary sequence alignment of Cas9 orthologues for identification of PAM-interacting residues

SpCas9 residues previously identified (Anders et al., 2014; Kleinstiver et al., 2015) to be important for contacting the PAM are highlighted in blue, residues capable of modulating SaCas9 PAM specificity (identified in this study) are highlighted in orange, and positively charged residues adjacent to R1015 are highlighted in yellow. The structurally predicted PAM-interacting domain of SpCas9 is highlighted with a blue dashed line (based on PDB:4UN3; Anders et al., 2014), and the conservative estimate of the SaCas9 PAM-interacting domain used as a boundary for PCR mutagenesis is indicated with an orange dashed line.

Supplementary Figure 3 Schematic of the bacterial positive selection assay

(a) The selection plasmids can be modified to screen for Cas9 variants that are able to recognize alternative PAM sequences. (b) Schematic of the positive selection plasmids (left panel) and expected outcomes (right panel) when screening functional or non-functional Cas9/sgRNA pairs in the positive selection.

Supplementary Figure 4 Amino acid sequences of SaCas9 variants that conveyed activity against non-canonical PAMs

Selections were performed using a library derived from wild-type SaCas9 as a starting template for PCR mutagenesis. Mismatches to wild-type SaCas9 are highlighted; mutagenesis was conducted based on a conservative estimate of the PI domain (see also Supplementary Figs. 1 and 2).

Supplementary Figure 5 Amino acid sequences of R1015Q SaCas9 variants that conveyed activity against non-canonical PAMs

Selections were performed using a library derived from R1015Q SaCas9 as a starting template for PCR mutagenesis. Mismatches to wild-type SaCas9 are highlighted; mutagenesis was conducted based on a conservative estimate of the PI domain (see also Supplementary Figs. 1 and 2).

Supplementary Figure 6 Activity of additional SaCas9 variants

EGFP disruption activity quantified by flow cytometry; error bars represent s.e.m, n = 3, mean level of background EGFP loss represented by the dashed red line.

Supplementary Figure 7 Schematic of the bacterial site-depletion assay

Site-depletion plasmids with 8 randomized nucleotides in place of the PAM that are refractory to cleavage by wild-type or KKH SaCas9 are sequenced. Targetable PAMs are inferred by their depletion relative to the input library, calculated as the post-selection PAM depletion value (PPDV).

Supplementary Figure 8 Site-depletion assay results for wild-type and KKH SaCas9

(a) PPDV values for dCas9 control experiments on both libraries. The red dashed line indicates statistical significance (PPDV = 0.794, see panel b); grey dashed line indicates 5-fold depletion; PPDVs for a window comprising the 3rd/4th/5th/6th positions of the PAM are plotted (for this and panel c). (b) Statistically significant post-selection PAM depletion values (PPDVs) were determined from the dCas9 control experiments in panel a. Statistical significance was determined by setting the threshold at 3.36 times the standard deviation. (c) Comparison of the PPDVs for wild-type and KKH SaCas9 for each of the two libraries containing 8 randomized nucleotides in place of the PAM. (d) and (e) PAMs and corresponding PPDV values for all PAMs depleted greater than 5-fold for wild-type and KKH SaCas9, respectively. Sequence motifs are shown for PAMs in two categories: 1) greater than 10 fold or 2) 5- to 10-fold depleted.

Supplementary Figure 9 Additional characteristics of endogenous sites targeted by KKH SaCas9

(a) Activity for each of the 55 endogenous site sgRNAs, binned based on the 16 possible NRR motifs of an NNNRRT PAM. Mean activities from Fig. 2a are shown for this and panels b and c. (b) and (c) Relationship between endogenous gene disruption activity and GC content of t he spacer and PAM, respectively. (d) Sequence logos for the spacer and PAM of target sites binned based on activity. Sites were grouped based on mean mutation frequency (from Fig. 2a) into low (0-10%, 17 sites), medium (10-30%, 17 sites), or high (>30%, 21 sites) activity.

Supplementary Figure 10 On-target tag integration and mutagenesis frequencies for GUIDE-seq experiments

(a) Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis to determine the mean GUIDE-seq tag integration frequencies. Error bars represent s.e.m., n = 3 (for this and panel b). (b) Mean mutagenesis detected by T7E1 assay.

Supplementary Figure 11 A truncated repeat:anti-repeat SaCas9 sgRNA outperforms the full length sgRNA

Similar to previous results (Ran et al., 2015) (a) Human cell EGFP disruption activity for wild-type SaCas9 against 4 sites that contain NNGRRT PAMs. EGFP disruption activity quantified by flow cytometry; error bars represent s.e.m, n = 3, mean level of background EGFP loss represented by dashed red line (for this and panel b). (b) Human cell EGFP disruption activity for KKH SaCas9 against 8 sites that contain NNNRRT PAMs.

Supplementary information

Supplementary Text and Figures

Supplementary Figures 1–11 and Supplementary Notes 1–2 (PDF 2468 kb)

Supplementary Note 1

Supplementary Note (PDF 287 kb)

Supplementary Note 2

Supplementary Sequences – Plasmids used in this study (PDF 229 kb)

Supplementary Table 1 (XLSX 12 kb)

Supplementary Table 2 (XLSX 15 kb)

Supplementary Table 3 (XLSX 8592 kb)

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Kleinstiver, B., Prew, M., Tsai, S. et al. Broadening the targeting range of Staphylococcus aureus CRISPR-Cas9 by modifying PAM recognition. Nat Biotechnol 33, 1293–1298 (2015).

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