We describe here the paradoxical development of spontaneous experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in transgenic mice expressing a myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG)-specific T cell antigen receptor (TCR) in the absence of MOG. We report that in Mog-deficient mice (Mog−/−), the autoimmune response by transgenic T cells is redirected to a neuronal cytoskeletal self antigen, neurofilament-M (NF-M). Although components of radically different protein classes, the cross-reacting major histocompatibility complex I-Ab–restricted epitope sequences of MOG35–55 and NF-M18–30 share essential TCR contact positions. This pattern of cross-reaction is not specific to the transgenic TCR but is also commonly seen in MOG35–55–I-Ab–reactive T cells. We propose that in the C57BL/6 mouse, MOG and NF-M response components add up to overcome the general resistance of this strain to experimental induction of autoimmunity. Similar cumulative responses against more than one autoantigen may have a role in spontaneously developing human autoimmune diseases.
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MogCre/Cre, Nefm−/−, 2D2 and Mog−/− mice were generously provided by A. Waisman (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz), J.-P. Julien (Laval University), V.K. Kuchroo (Harvard Medical School) and D. Pham-Dinh (INSERM UMR 546). We thank F. Lottspeich for granting us permission to use his mass spectrometer. We thank L. Penner and I. Arnold-Ammer for technical support. This project was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Sonderforschungsbereiche (SFB) 571, Projects A1 and B6) and the Max Planck Society. H.S.D. is supported by a PhD fellowship (Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência ea Tecnologia (FCT) program SFRH/BD/15885/2005). Part of the study (conducted by H.W., R.L. and H.L.) was funded by the EU Project Neuropromise (PL 018637), and A.B.-N. was supported by the Israel Science Foundation and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society of New York (RG3195B8/2). A.B.-N. is an Alexander von Humboldt Prize Awardee.
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Authors and Affiliations
G.K. performed most of the experiments. G.K. and H.W. designed the study and wrote the manuscript with input from co-authors. A.S., L.T.M. and R.S.L. contributed EAE and T cell data. K.D. supervised protein purification and mass spectrometry and performed in silico searches. R.M. performed mass spectrometry. H.S.D. assisted in EAE experiments. A.B.-N. performed T cell line transfer EAE experiments. H.L. performed and interpreted histology. F.C.K. designed experiments and performed protein purification.
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Supplementary Text and Figures
Supplementary Figs. 1–13, Supplementary Tables 1 and 2 and Supplementary Methods (PDF 1029 kb)
Supplementary Video 1
Healthy 2D2 mouse. (MOV 2391 kb)
Supplementary Video 2
2D2 mouse with hind limb clasping phenotype. (MOV 2152 kb)
Supplementary Video 3
2D2 mouse with hind limb hyperextension (spasticity). (MOV 3284 kb)
Supplementary Video 4
Healthy 2D2 × Mog−/− mouse. (MOV 4442 kb)
Supplementary Video 5
2D2 × Mog−/− mouse with hind limb clasping. (MOV 3968 kb)
Supplementary Video 6
2D2 × Mog−/− mouse with hind limb clasping and hyperextension (spasticity). (MOV 3087 kb)
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Krishnamoorthy, G., Saxena, A., Mars, L. et al. Myelin-specific T cells also recognize neuronal autoantigen in a transgenic mouse model of multiple sclerosis. Nat Med 15, 626–632 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1038/nm.1975
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/nm.1975
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