Key Points
Genome and exome sequencing yield extensive catalogues of genetic variation in many individuals, but purely genetic approaches are often insufficiently powered to specifically identify the few variants that are causally related to any given phenotype. Indeed, variant interpretation is an increasingly important challenge at the interface of genetics, statistics and biology.
Non-uniform estimates of the prior probability for variants to be biologically functional will be required to address this challenge. For disease studies, this can be translated into the need to estimate variant deleteriousness.
Nearly all computational methods to predict deleteriousness use comparative sequence analysis, exploiting the fact that natural selection removes deleterious variants and tends to conserve the identities of important positions within genes and genomes.
Assessment of protein-altering variants leverages both biochemical and evolutionary information, whereas non-coding variation is more challenging to study, given a lack of understanding of the molecular functionality of non-coding sequences relative to coding sequences.
Experimental assessments of the functional impact of variants have historically relied on low-throughput assays. However, projects such as the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) and the clever use of next-generation sequencing technologies are increasingly facilitating large-scale, systematic experimental assessment of genomic variation of many types.
Ultimately, unified predictive methods that are applicable to both coding and non-coding variants that leverage both functional and evolutionary information will be crucial for the meaningful interpretation of personal genomes. However, important unknowns and unsolved phenomena, including the relative abundance and penetrance of coding versus non-coding variants, disagreements between evolutionary and experimental definitions of molecular functionality, and the vocabularies that define transcriptional regulatory elements, must first be addressed.
Genome and exome sequencing yield extensive catalogues of human genetic variation. However, pinpointing the few phenotypically causal variants among the many variants present in human genomes remains a major challenge, particularly for rare and complex traits wherein genetic information alone is often insufficient. Here, we review approaches to estimate the deleteriousness of single nucleotide variants (SNVs), which can be used to prioritize disease-causal variants. We describe recent advances in comparative and functional genomics that enable systematic annotation of both coding and non-coding variants. Application and optimization of these methods will be essential to find the genetic answers that sequencing promises to hide in plain sight.
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We thank C. Brown and E. Stone for comments on an earlier draft and R. Patwardhan for sharing data.
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- Private
A genetic variant that is confined to a single individual, family or population.
- Prior probability
Otherwise simply known as the 'prior', this is the probability of a hypothesis (or parameter value) without reference to the available data. Priors can be derived from first principles or be based on general knowledge or previous experiments.
- Deleterious
A genetic variant that lowers the fitness of an organism: that is, it decreases survival or reproductive success.
- Conserved
Shared identity of either protein or nucleotide sequences, which can be indicative of constraint.
- Neutral
Sequences that are free to evolve in the absence of natural selection and are therefore subject only to random mutational and genetic drift processes.
- Phylogenetic scope
The taxonomic range captured by a given comparative sequence analysis — for example, mammals or eukaryotes.
- Constrained
Sequences that are under purifying selection to maintain function, which often, but not always, results in sequence conservation.
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Cooper, G., Shendure, J. Needles in stacks of needles: finding disease-causal variants in a wealth of genomic data. Nat Rev Genet 12, 628–640 (2011).
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