Click on “Download PDF” for the PDF version or on the title for the HTML version. If you are not an ASABE member or if your employer has not arranged for access to the full-text, Click here for options. DRAINMOD-P: A Model for Simulating Phosphorus Dynamics and Transport in Drained Agricultural Lands: I. Model DevelopmentPublished by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan Citation: Transactions of the ASABE. 64(6): 1835-1848. (doi: 10.13031/trans.14509) @2021Authors: Manal H. Askar, Mohamed A. Youssef, Peter A. Vadas, Dean L. Hesterberg, Aziz Amoozegar, George M. Chescheir, R. Wayne Skaggs Keywords: Best management practices, Phosphorus model, Phosphorus processes, Soil erosion, Water quality modeling. Highlights DRAINMOD-P has been developed to simulate phosphorus (P) dynamics in drained croplands. Key hydrological and biochemical processes affecting P cycling are represented in the model. The model predicts surface and subsurface P losses as affected by weather, soil, and management factors. Abstract. High phosphorus (P) loads to streams and lakes can promote harmful algae blooms and cause water quality deterioration. Recent research has identified subsurface drainage as an important pathway for the transport of dissolved P from drained croplands to receiving surface water bodies, particularly when macropore flow contributes a considerable portion of the subsurface drainage outflow. Currently, a few models are capable of simulating P dynamics in poorly drained soils with artificial drainage systems. The objective of this study was to develop DRAINMOD-P, a field-scale, process-based model that simulates P cycling and transport in drained croplands. Processes represented in the model include atmospheric deposition, organic and inorganic fertilizer applications, plant uptake, sediment-bound and dissolved P losses in both surface runoff and subsurface drainage, tillage practices, and P mineralization and immobilization. The model predicts P losses under different management practices, climatic conditions, drainage systems, and crop rotations. The model is an extension to the nitrogen model DRAINMOD-NII, with full integration of the nitrogen and P model components. DRAINMOD-P uses the recently modified hydrology component that simulates macropore flow. A soil erosion component, based on the RUSLE approach, has been incorporated into the model to estimate sediment loss and associated particulate P loss. Sediment deposition in tile drains is considered to quantify particulate P settling in the drainage system. In this article, we review the approaches used in DRAINMOD-P for simulating P-related processes. Model testing against field-measured data from a subsurface-drained field in northwest Ohio is presented in a companion article. (Download PDF) (Export to EndNotes)