Book Reviews by Everett L Wheeler
Journal of Military History 88.2, 2024
Journal of Military History 78.3: 1081-93, 2014
Ancient West & East , 2022
The Classical Journal: CJ – Online , 2022
D. Kennedy (ed.) The Roman army in the East, Journal of Roman Archaeology, Suppl. 18, 1996
Papers by Everett L Wheeler

Greek Roman and Byzantine Studies, Dec 24, 1978
A RRIAN STATES in his Cynegencus 1.4 that his lifelong interests were philosophy, generalship and... more A RRIAN STATES in his Cynegencus 1.4 that his lifelong interests were philosophy, generalship and hunting. 1 With the topic of generalship the Anabasis Alexandri immediately springs to mind, but Arrian's interests in the art of command went far beyond his historical pursuits and assumed a personal and contemporary significance. 2 As legatus Augusti pro praetore of Cappa do cia (ca 131-137), Arrian held a military post on the Euphrates frontier second in importance only to the governorship of Syria. To this point in his life Arrian had led one of the most brilliant public careers of the Hadrianic period, especially for a novus homo from Nicomedia. He had been the first Greek (known so far) to govern a western province, when he served as proconsul of Baetica in the late 120' s; he became the first Bithynian to hold the consulship, probably in 129; and he was only the second Greek to command in Cappadocia. (c. Julius Quadratus Bassus was the first Greek governor, 107/8-110/11.) Nor was Arrian a novice at military command: he probably saw action in Trajan's Parthian war as a tribune and possibly served as legatus legion is on the Danubian frontier in the early 120 'S.3 In 135 deteriorating relations between Rome and Caucasian Iberia prompted pharasmanes II to summon the Sarmatian Alani through the Caucasus in a display of force. Cappadocia was threatened. Arrian assembled his army, deterred the Alani, and Roman territory was
The Roman Army in the East, 1996
Nick Hodgson/B. Griffths, eds., Roman Frontier Archaeology -- in Britain and Beyond:; Papers in Honour of Paul Bidwell Presented on the Occasion of the 30th Annual Conference of the Arbeia Society, Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 92 (Oxford 2022) 360-71, 2022
See Figure 1 for location of some places mentioned in the text.
by E. D◆ browa.(Electrum. Vol. 5).-Krakоw, 2001
Transactions of the American Philological Association ( …, 1987
Page 1. Transactions of the American Philological Association 117 (1987) 157-182 EPHORUS AND THE ... more Page 1. Transactions of the American Philological Association 117 (1987) 157-182 EPHORUS AND THE PROHIBITION OF MISSILES EVERETT L. WHEELER Duke University In memoriam Fordyce W. Mitchel The alleged treaty ...
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine …, 2011
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies. Journal Help. Journal Content Search. All. Browse: ...
Terrorism and Political Violence, 1991
... The fallacy of this operational approach is clear from the comparison (so popular with pacifi... more ... The fallacy of this operational approach is clear from the comparison (so popular with pacifists) of ... on the proximity of Robespierre's Reign of Terror to the ideas of Gracchus Babeuf (d. 1797 ... tyrants) owes much, however, to Graeco-Roman views of tyrannicide, and Babeuf was a ...
... communication. A Seleucid road system already existed in Syria. ... Minor. In the south, Pomp... more ... communication. A Seleucid road system already existed in Syria. ... Minor. In the south, Pompey's annexation of Syria (64 bc), the Seleucid Empire's surviving fragment, created the first Roman province in the Semitic Near East. ...
Proper understanding of Iphicrates' stratagem at Polyaenus 3.9.38, marred by a lacuna, can be der... more Proper understanding of Iphicrates' stratagem at Polyaenus 3.9.38, marred by a lacuna, can be derived from Leo Tact. 20.196, where anchoring a fl eet off a harborless coastline is described. Emending Polyaenus' text from the reading of a later MS also clarifi es the anecdote's meaning. Leo knew the full text of Polyaenus, since Polyaenus 3.9.38 does not occur in the abbreviated Excepta Polyaeni, which some recently suggest replaced the Strategica in Byzantine use of Polyaenus.
Book Reviews by Everett L Wheeler
Papers by Everett L Wheeler