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Chaos, Solitons & Fractals

2002 - 2025

Current editor(s): Stefano Boccaletti and Stelios Bekiros

From Elsevier
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2023, volume 177, articles C

Multiple internal resonance couplings and quasi-periodicity patterns in hybrid-shaped micromachined resonators Downloads
Laura Ruzziconi and Amal Z. Hajjaj
Dynamic analysis of a new 4D fractional-order financial system and its finite-time fractional integral sliding mode control based on RBF neural network Downloads
Qinnan Li, Ruihong Li and Dongmei Huang
Light drag in a left-handed atomic medium via Cross Kerr-like nonlinearity Downloads
Nadia Boutabba, Zoya Rasheed and Hazrat Ali
Initial condition-offset regulating synchronous dynamics and energy diversity in a memristor-coupled network of memristive HR neurons Downloads
Han Bao, Xihong Yu, Yunzhen Zhang, Xiaofeng Liu and Mo Chen
Spiral bevel gears: Bifurcation and chaos analyses of pure torsional system Downloads
Moslem Molaie, Farhad S. Samani, Antonio Zippo, Giovanni Iarriccio and Francesco Pellicano
Inverse problems for nonlinear Navier–Stokes–Voigt system with memory Downloads
Kh. Khompysh, A.G. Shakir and A.A. Kabidoldanova
Impact of higher-order interactions and individual emotional heterogeneity on information-disease coupled dynamics in multiplex networks Downloads
Xuemei You, Man Zhang, Yinghong Ma, Jipeng Tan and Zhiyuan Liu
Dynamic event-triggered formation control for Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy multi-agent systems with mismatched membership functions Downloads
Arumugam Parivallal, Yoon Mo Jung and Sangwoon Yun
A novel approach to state estimation of HIV infection dynamics using fixed-time fractional order observer Downloads
Amin Sharafian, Jeevan Kanesan, Anis Salwa Mohd Khairuddin, Anand Ramanathan, Alireza Sharifi and Xiaoshan Bai
Unconditional stability analysis of Grünwald Letnikov method for fractional-order delay differential equations Downloads
Zichen Yao, Zhanwen Yang and Jianfang Gao
Modelling and bifurcation analysis of spatiotemporal hormetic effects on pest control Downloads
Liwen Song, Sanyi Tang, Changcheng Xiang, Robert A. Cheke and Sha He
Stability and adaptive evolution of higher-order vector vortex solitons in thermally nonlinear media with tunable transverse size Downloads
Jun-Jie Li and Hui-Cong Zhang
Riemann Liouville fractional-like integral operators, convex-like real-valued mappings and their applications over fuzzy domain Downloads
Muhammad Bilal Khan and Juan L.G. Guirao
Cluster states and π-transition in the Kuramoto model with higher order interactions Downloads
Alejandro Carballosa, Alberto P. Muñuzuri, Stefano Boccaletti, Alessandro Torcini and Simona Olmi
Light bullets in a nonlocal Rydberg medium with PT-symmetric moiré optical lattices Downloads
Si-Liu Xu, Min Zhu, Jia-Xin Peng, Xi Fan, Qi-Hong Huang, Chun-Bo Hua and Yuan Zhao
Noisy soliton pulsation and its dynamics in a mid-infrared ultrafast fiber laser Downloads
Jun Liu, Mengyuan Li, Jingsong He, Yufeng Song and Zhenhong Wang
Detecting communities in higher-order networks by using their derivative graphs Downloads
Gonzalo Contreras-Aso, Regino Criado, Guillermo Vera de Salas and Jinling Yang
Multi-stable states and synchronicity of a cellular neural network with memristive activation function Downloads
Huagan Wu, Yixuan Bian, Yunzhen Zhang, Yixuan Guo, Quan Xu and Mo Chen
Phase synchronization and coexisting attractors in a model of three different neurons coupled via hybrid synapses Downloads
Jules Tagne Fossi, Zeric Tabekoueng Njitacke, William Nguimeya Tankeu, Joseph Marie Mendimi, Jan Awrejcewicz and Jacques Atangana
Statistical inference in discretely observed fractional Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes Downloads
Yicun Li and Yuanyang Teng
Homotopy analysis method and its convergence analysis for a nonlinear simultaneous aggregation-fragmentation model Downloads
Sonia Yadav, Somveer Keshav, Sukhjit Singh, Mehakpreet Singh and Jitendra Kumar
Optical solitons for the concatenation model: Power-law nonlinearity Downloads
Nikolay A. Kudryashov, Aleksandr A. Kutukov, Anjan Biswas, Qin Zhou, Yakup Yıldırım and Ali Saleh Alshomrani
Quantum memory and entanglement dynamics induced by interactions of two moving atoms with a coherent cavity Downloads
A.-B.A. Mohamed, F.M. Aldosari, S.M. Younis and Hichem Eleuch
Stochastic McKean–Vlasov equations with Lévy noise: Existence, attractiveness and stability Downloads
Huoxia Liu and Judy Yangjun Lin
Bipartite secure synchronization for dynamic networks under deception attacks via delay-dependent impulsive control Downloads
Lingzhong Zhang, Jie Zhong, Jungang Lou, Yang Liu and Jianquan Lu
Predefined-time synchronization of incommensurate fractional-order competitive neural networks with time-varying delays Downloads
Shasha Wang and Jigui Jian
Synchronization of multiple mobile reservoir computing oscillators in complex networks Downloads
Tongfeng Weng, Xiaolu Chen, Zhuoming Ren, Huijie Yang, Jie Zhang and Michael Small
Fractional Brownian motion: Small increments and first exit time from one-sided barrier Downloads
Qidi Peng and Nan Rao
Global bifurcation in a general Leslie–Gower type predator−prey system with indirect prey-taxis Downloads
Lei Kong and Fengjiao Lu
Non-linear stochastic model for dopamine cycle Downloads
Jasmina Đorđević, Marija Milošević and Nenad Šuvak
Dynamics of a diffusive predator–prey model with nonlocal fear effect Downloads
Xiuli Sun
Chaotic time series wind power interval prediction based on quadratic decomposition and intelligent optimization algorithm Downloads
Chunyu Ai, Shan He, Heng Hu, Xiaochao Fan and Weiqing Wang
Signal encoding performance of astrocyte-dressed Morris Lecar neurons Downloads
Erdem Erkan
Memristor neurons and their coupling networks based on Edge of Chaos Kernel Downloads
Wei Zhou, Peipei Jin, Yujiao Dong, Yan Liang and Guangyi Wang
Symmetry analysis and conservation laws for several classes of hydrodynamic equations Downloads
Mingshuo Liu, Lijun Zhang, Yong Fang, Yong Zhang and Huanhe Dong
A unified Maxwell model with time-varying viscosity via ψ-Caputo fractional derivative coined Downloads
Jing Li and Li Ma
Kink in dual dilaton-axion theories with potential Downloads
O.V. Kechkin
Finding nonlocal Lie symmetries algorithmically Downloads
L.G.S. Duarte, L.A.C.P. da Mota and A.F. Rocha
A general configuration for nonlinear circuit employing current-controlled nonlinearity: Application in Chua’s circuit Downloads
Ning Wang, Dan Xu, Ze Li and Quan Xu
Transformation of rotating dipole and vortex solitons in an anharmonic potential Downloads
Dongshuai Liu, Yanxia Gao, Dianyuan Fan and Lifu Zhang
Dynamical analysis of a stochastic epidemic HBV model with log-normal Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process and vertical transmission term Downloads
Haile Wang, Wenjie Zuo and Daqing Jiang
Nonlinear dynamics of porous fin temperature profile: The extended simplest equation approach Downloads
Samina Samina, Adil Jhangeer and Zili Chen
Measure synchronization in interacting Hamiltonian systems: A brief review Downloads
Anupam Ghosh
PMNN: Physical model-driven neural network for solving time-fractional differential equations Downloads
Zhiying Ma, Jie Hou, Wenhao Zhu, Yaxin Peng and Ying Li
Kink in the dilaton–axion theory with a potential possessing dilaton shift symmetry Downloads
O.V. Kechkin
Mathematical analysis of global dynamics and optimal control of treatment for an age-structured HBV infection model Downloads
Lili Liu, Xiaomin Ma, Yazhi Li and Xianning Liu
Lie symmetry analysis for the Cargo–Leroux model with isentropic perturbation pressure equation of state Downloads
Ashutosh Kumar Karna and Purnima Satapathy
Generating multi-folded hidden Chua’s attractors: Two-case study Downloads
Ning Wang, Mengkai Cui, Xihong Yu, Yufan Shan and Quan Xu
Friendship transmission and cooperation evolution in highly clustering interactions Downloads
Fengyuan Yu, Jianwei Wang, Jialu He and Wenshu Xu
Fixed-time nonlinear-filter-based consensus control for nonlinear multiagent systems Downloads
Xinxiao Liu, Lijie Wang and Yang Liu
Stationary states and switching dynamics of the self-defocusing nonlinear coupled system with PT-symmetric k-wavenumber Scarf II potential Downloads
Thasneem A.R. and Subha P.A.
Higher-order interdependent percolation on hypergraphs Downloads
Run-Ran Liu, Changchang Chu and Fanyuan Meng
Stability of stochastic systems with semi-Markovian switching and impulses Downloads
Feng Chen, Yuming Chen, Quanxin Zhu and Qimin Zhang
Robust limit cycle control for finite-time generation of sustained oscillations in nonlinear systems with mixed dead-zone and saturation Downloads
Meysam Azhdari and Tahereh Binazadeh
Geometrical exponents of contour loops on ballistic deposition model with power-law distributed noise Downloads
M. Rahimi, S. Hosseinabadi and A.A. Masoudi
Routes from stationary dissipative solitons to chaos in a Mamyshev oscillator Downloads
Dan Yan, Xingliang Li, Mengmeng Han, Shumin Zhang, Chaoran Wang and Huijie Li
Chaotic jam and phase transitions in heterogeneous lattice model integrating the delay characteristics difference with passing effect under autonomous and human-driven vehicles environment Downloads
Guanghan Peng, Wanlin Wang and Huili Tan
On the fractal pattern of the current structure at ion scales in turbulent space plasmas Downloads
Giuseppe Consolini, Tommaso Alberti, Simone Benella, Emanuele Papini and Oreste Pezzi
Non-quantum chirality and periodic islands in the driven double pendulum system Downloads
Zeyi Liu, Xiaobo Rao, Jianshe Gao and Shunliang Ding
Epidemiological model based on networks with non-local coupling Downloads
Vitor H.A. Fávaro, Enrique C. Gabrick, Antonio M. Batista, Iberê L. Caldas and Ricardo L. Viana
Weak centers and local criticality on planar Z2-symmetric cubic differential systems Downloads
Yuanyuan Liu, Dongping He and Wentao Huang
Research on demand forecasting and distribution of emergency medical supplies using an agent-based model Downloads
Xin Zhou and Wenzhu Liao
Quasi-invariant and attracting sets of competitive neural networks with time-varying and infinite distributed delays Downloads
Jin Yang and Jigui Jian
Increased earthquake rate prior to mainshocks Downloads
Eitan E. Asher, Shlomo Havlin, Shay Moshel and Yosef Ashkenazy
A new result on the fractal dimension estimates of random attractor for non-autonomous random 2D stochastic dynamical type systems Downloads
Nguyen Tien Da
Complex-valued neural networks with time delays in the Lp sense: Numerical simulations and finite time stability Downloads
Sumati Kumari Panda, Velusamy Vijayakumar and A.M. Nagy
Unraveling the role of adapting risk perception during the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe Downloads
Bastian Heinlein and Manlio De Domenico
Finite time stability of tempered fractional systems with time delays Downloads
Hanaa Zitane and Delfim F.M. Torres
Extended Fan’s sub-ODE technique and its application to a fractional nonlinear coupled network including multicomponents — LC blocks Downloads
Emmanuel Fendzi-Donfack and Aurélien Kenfack-Jiotsa
Modeling cooperative evolution in prey species using the snowdrift game with evolutionary impact on prey–predator dynamics Downloads
Debgopal Sahoo and Guruprasad Samanta
Optical bistability and multistability with coupled quantum wells in the presence of second- and third-order nonlinearities Downloads
H. Jabri and Hichem Eleuch
Belief Fisher–Shannon information plane: Properties, extensions, and applications to time series analysis Downloads
Javier E. Contreras-Reyes and Omid Kharazmi
Neural network operators of generalized fractional integrals equipped with a vector-valued function Downloads
Ugur Kadak, Danilo Costarelli and Lucian Coroianu
Diverse soil microbial communities may mitigate climate system bifurcation Downloads
Ivan Sudakow, Elena Savenkova, Dmitri Kondrashov, Sergey A. Vakulenko and Elena Sashina
Flatness-based real-time control of experimental analog chaotic oscillators Downloads
Ludovico Minati, Mattia Frasca, Pedro A. Valdes-Sosa, Jean-Pierre Barbot and Christophe Letellier
Synchronization for stochastic large-scale systems via intermittent delay discrete observation control Downloads
Dongsheng Xu, Jianju Xu, Xiaojing He and Huan Su
Distributed event-triggered fuzzy control for nonlinear interconnected systems Downloads
Paulo S.P. Pessim, Pedro Henrique Silva Coutinho, Márcio J. Lacerda and Reinaldo Martínez Palhares
Qualitative and Ulam–Hyres stability analysis of fractional order cancer-immune model Downloads
Changjin Xu and Muhammad Farman
Mobile oscillators network with amplification Downloads
Venceslas Nguefoue Meli, Thierry Njougouo, Steve J. Kongni, Patrick Louodop and Hilaire Fotsin
Estimation of the instantaneous spike train variability Downloads
Kamil Rajdl and Lubomir Kostal
Fault estimation and tolerant bumpless transfer control for switched systems Downloads
Ying Zhao, Xiaohui Liu, Yuxuan Gao, Pengyuan Li and Shuanghe Yu
Large time behavior in a reaction diffusion epidemic model with logistic source Downloads
Wenjie Li, Ying Zhang, Jinde Cao and Dongshu Wang
A novel financial system with one stable and two unstable equilibrium points: Dynamics, coexisting attractors, complexity analysis and synchronization using integral sliding mode control Downloads
Muhamad Deni Johansyah, Aceng Sambas, Song Zheng, Khaled Benkouider, Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan, Mohamad Afendee Mohamed and Mustafa Mamat
Event-based reachable set synthesis for delayed nonlinear semi-Markov systems Downloads
Zhihao Shen, Liang Zhang, Ben Niu and Ning Zhao
Disturbance suppression based quantized tracking control for periodic piecewise polynomial systems Downloads
N. Aravinth, R. Sakthivel, T. Satheesh and M. Chadli
Practical finite-/fixed-time improved command-filtered backstepping control for nonlinear systems via immersion and invariance Downloads
Xu Zhao, Qingsong Fan, Haisong Huang, Yang Gao and Dabin Zhang
Viscoelastic active diffusion governed by nonequilibrium fractional Langevin equations: Underdamped dynamics and ergodicity breaking Downloads
Sungmin Joo and Jae-Hyung Jeon
Quantum Fisher information of an N-qubit maximal sliced state in decoherence channels and Ising-type interacting model Downloads
Yan Li and Zhihong Ren
The dynamical structures of the Sharma–Tasso–Olver model in doubly dispersive medium Downloads
Kalim U. Tariq, Ahmet Bekir and Sana Nisar
Optimal compactness of fractional Fourier domain characterizes frequency modulated signals Downloads
Juan P. Ugarte, Alejandro Gómez-Echavarría and Catalina Tobón
Cluster synchronization control for coupled genetic oscillator networks under denial-of-service attacks: Pinning partial impulsive strategy Downloads
Junfeng Guo, Fei Wang, Qianwen Xue and Mengqing Wang
Coupling correlation adaptive detrended analysis for multiple nonstationary series Downloads
Fang Wang and Guosheng Han
Topology and dynamics of higher-order multiplex networks Downloads
Sanjukta Krishnagopal and Ginestra Bianconi
A novel room-based epidemic model: Quarantine, testing, and vaccination strategies Downloads
Sourin Chatterjee, Ahad N. Zehmakan and Sujay Rastogi
Contact-dependent infection and mobility in the metapopulation SIR model from a birth–death process perspective Downloads
Meiling Xie, Yuhan Li, Minyu Feng and Jürgen Kurths
A nonlinear optimal control problem with an application to optimal dosing of cytotoxic drugs Downloads
Andrej Novak
Numerical investigation and deep learning approach for fractal–fractional order dynamics of Hopfield neural network model Downloads
İbrahim Avcı, Hüseyin Lort and Buğce E. Tatlıcıoğlu
Construction, dynamic analysis and DSP implementation of a novel 3D discrete memristive hyperchaotic map Downloads
Zhenyi Fan, Chenkai Zhang, Yiming Wang and Baoxiang Du
A RGB image encryption technique using chaotic maps of fractional variable-order based on DNA encoding Downloads
L.F. Ávalos-Ruíz, C.J. Zúñiga-Aguilar, J.F. Gómez-Aguilar, H.M. Cortes-Campos and J.E. Lavín-Delgado
Vector ring-like combined Akhmediev breathers for partially nonlocal nonlinearity under external potentials Downloads
Yun-Jie Xu
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