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Chaos, Solitons & Fractals

2002 - 2025

Current editor(s): Stefano Boccaletti and Stelios Bekiros

From Elsevier
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2022, volume 162, articles C

Time-fractional telegraph equation with ψ-Hilfer derivatives Downloads
N. Vieira, M. Ferreira and M.M. Rodrigues
Does the “Delta Variant” affect the nonlinear dynamic characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 transmission? Downloads
Jian Wang, Mengdie Yang, Lin Lu and Wei Shao
Nonlinear biological population model; computational and numerical investigations Downloads
Mostafa M.A. Khater
Exponential stabilization of chaotic systems based on fuzzy time-triggered intermittent control Downloads
Shuo Peng, Qingzhi Wang and Baozeng Fu
Finite-time input-to-state stability of switched stochastic time-varying nonlinear systems with time delays Downloads
Meng Zhang and Quanxin Zhu
Modeling and quantifying the influence of rumor and counter-rumor on information propagation dynamics Downloads
Fulian Yin, Xinyi Jiang, Xiqing Qian, Xinyu Xia, Yanyan Pan and Jianhong Wu
Vector centrality in hypergraphs Downloads
K. Kovalenko, M. Romance, E. Vasilyeva, D. Aleja, R. Criado, Daniil Musatov, A.M. Raigorodskii, J. Flores, I. Samoylenko, K. Alfaro-Bittner, M. Perc and S. Boccaletti
A multilayer approach for systemic risk in the insurance sector Downloads
Gian Paolo Clemente and Alessandra Cornaro
Modified generalized Darboux transformation and solitons for a Lakshmanan-Porsezian-Daniel equation Downloads
Xi-Hu Wu, Yi-Tian Gao, Xin Yu, Cui-Cui Ding and Liu-Qing Li
Intermittent chimera-like and bi-stable synchronization states in network of distinct Izhikevich neurons Downloads
Gabriel Marghoti, Thiago de Lima Prado, Arturo Cagnato Conte, Fabiano Alan Serafim Ferrari and Sergio Roberto Lopes
Extension of dashpot model with elastoplastic deformation and rough surface in impact behavior Downloads
Gengxiang Wang, Matthias G.R. Faes, Fuan Cheng, Tengfei Shi and Peng Gao
Measuring market efficiency: The Shannon entropy of high-frequency financial time series Downloads
Andrey Shternshis, Piero Mazzarisi and Stefano Marmi
A new ensemble spatio-temporal PM2.5 prediction method based on graph attention recursive networks and reinforcement learning Downloads
Jing Tan, Hui Liu, Yanfei Li, Shi Yin and Chengqing Yu
Integrability and high-order localized waves of the (4 + 1)-dimensional nonlinear evolution equation Downloads
Hao Tian, Yujun Niu, Behzad Ghanbari, Zhao Zhang and Yulei Cao
Bistable chaotic family and its chaotic mechanism Downloads
Guanghui Cheng and Rong Gui
Construction of dense maximal-dimensional hypercyclic subspaces for Rolewicz operators Downloads
L. Bernal-González, M.C. Calderón-Moreno, J. Fernández-Sánchez, G.A. Muñoz-Fernández and J.B. Seoane-Sepúlveda
Break-up of invariant curves in the Fermi-Ulam model Downloads
Joelson D.V. Hermes, Marcelo A. dos Reis, Iberê L. Caldas and Edson D. Leonel
Ratchet transport of particles in the obstacle lattices with topographical gradients Downloads
Wei-jing Zhu, Jian-chun Wu and Bao-quan Ai
Stationary and non-stationary pattern formation over fragmented habitat Downloads
Malay Banerjee, Swadesh Pal and Pranali Roy Chowdhury
Evolution of trust in a hierarchical population with punishing investors Downloads
Ketian Sun, Yang Liu, Xiaojie Chen and Attila Szolnoki
Lie symmetry reductions and generalized exact solutions of Date–Jimbo–Kashiwara–Miwa equation Downloads
Dig Vijay Tanwar
Synchronization phenomena in dual-transistor spiking oscillators realized experimentally towards physical reservoirs Downloads
Ludovico Minati, Jim Bartels, Chao Li, Mattia Frasca and Hiroyuki Ito
A cooperative ensemble method for multistep wind speed probabilistic forecasting Downloads
Yaoyao He, Yun Wang, Shuo Wang and Xin Yao
A flexible grey Fourier model based on integral matching for forecasting seasonal PM2.5 time series Downloads
Xiaolei Wang, Naiming Xie and Lu Yang
Impact of local timescales in a cellular automata model of excitable media Downloads
Promit Moitra and Abhijit Sen
A novel study on separation of particles driven in two steps based on standing surface acoustic waves Downloads
Xueye Chen, Honglin Lv and Yaolong Zhang
Untangling role of cooperative hunting among predators and herd behavior in prey with a dynamical systems approach Downloads
Shivam,, Kuldeep Singh, Mukesh Kumar, Ramu Dubey and Teekam Singh
Cold-start link prediction integrating community information via multi-nonnegative matrix factorization Downloads
Minghu Tang and Wenjun Wang
Interrelation measurement based on the multi-layer limited penetrable horizontal visibility graph Downloads
Minggang Wang, Chenyu Hua, Mengrui Zhu, Shangshan Xie, Hua Xu, André L.M. Vilela and Lixin Tian
High-order compact finite difference schemes for the time-fractional Black-Scholes model governing European options Downloads
N. Abdi, H. Aminikhah and A.H. Refahi Sheikhani
Stability and bifurcations in a general Cournot duopoly model with distributed time delays Downloads
Loredana Camelia Culda, Eva Kaslik and Mihaela Neamţu
The predictive power of power-laws: An empirical time-arrow based investigation Downloads
Joseph Andria, Giacomo di Tollo and Jaan Kalda
The impact of environmental fluctuations on a plankton model with toxin-producing phytoplankton and patchy agglomeration Downloads
Shengnan Zhao, Sanling Yuan and Tonghua Zhang
Assessing the impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection on the dynamics of dengue and HIV via fractional derivatives Downloads
Andrew Omame, Mujahid Abbas and Abdel-Haleem Abdel-Aty
Boundary state feedback control for semilinear fractional-order reaction diffusion systems Downloads
K. Mathiyalagan, T. Renugadevi, A. Shree Nidhi, Yong-Ki Ma and Jinde Cao
Adaptive stochastic resonance based convolutional neural network for image classification Downloads
Lingling Duan, Yuhao Ren and Fabing Duan
Adaptive movement strategy in rock-paper-scissors models Downloads
M. Tenorio, E. Rangel and J. Menezes
Dynamic analysis of mean-field and fractional-order epidemic vaccination strategies by evolutionary game approach Downloads
Mohammad Sharif Ullah, M. Higazy and K.M. Ariful Kabir
Impacts of special cooperation strategy with reward and punishment mechanism on cooperation evolution Downloads
Qiuhui Pan, Yue Wang and Mingfeng He
Higher order smooth positon and breather positon solutions of an extended nonlinear Schrödinger equation with the cubic and quartic nonlinearity Downloads
S. Monisha, N. Vishnu Priya, M. Senthilvelan and S. Rajasekar
Spatial dynamics of a fractional predator-prey system with time delay and Allee effect Downloads
Zhimin Bi, Shutang Liu and Miao Ouyang
Chaotic jam and phase transitions in a lattice model with density dependent passing Downloads
Muskan Verma and Sapna Sharma
Dynamics and bifurcations of a Filippov Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with group defense and time delay Downloads
Xubin Jiao, Xiaodi Li and Youping Yang
Local bifurcation of a circus truss antenna considering the effect of space thermal excitation Downloads
Xiaohua Zhang, Liangqiang Zhou and Juan Wang
Dynamics in the biparametric spaces of a three-species food chain model with vigilance Downloads
Mainul Hossain, Ruma Kumbhakar and Nikhil Pal
A nonlinear, data-driven, ANNs-based approach to culture-led development policies in rural areas: The case of Gjakove and Peć districts, Western Kosovo Downloads
Massimo Buscema, Guido Ferilli, Christer Gustafsson, Giulia Massini and Pier Luigi Sacco
Predicting the dynamic process and model parameters of vector optical solitons under coupled higher-order effects via WL-tsPINN Downloads
Bo-Wei Zhu, Yin Fang, Wei Liu and Chao-Qing Dai
State observer-based fuzzy echo state network sliding mode control for uncertain strict-feedback chaotic systems without backstepping Downloads
Jiayan Li, Jinde Cao and Heng Liu
The effect of COVID-19 pandemic on return-volume and return-volatility relationships in cryptocurrency markets Downloads
Parisa Foroutan and Salim Lahmiri
Controversy in financial chaos research and nonlinear dynamics: A short literature review Downloads
Markus Vogl
Deep and handcrafted features from clinical images combined with patient information for skin cancer diagnosis Downloads
Carlos Frederico S. da F. Mendes and Renato A. Krohling
Soliton-mediated ionic pulses and coupled ionic excitations in a dissipative electrical network model of microtubules Downloads
Eric Tankou, Conrad Bertrand Tabi and Timoléon Crépin Kofané
Anti-phase synchronization of waves in a multiplex network of van der Pol oscillators Downloads
I.A. Shepelev, A.V. Bukh and G.I. Strelkova
Implementing and morphing Boolean gates with adaptive synchronization: The case of spiking neurons Downloads
J. Yang, E. Primo, D. Aleja, R. Criado, S. Boccaletti and K. Alfaro-Bittner
Mode selection and stability of attractors in Chua circuit driven by piezoelectric sources Downloads
Feifei Yang, Jun Ma and Xinlei An
Discrete fractional cobweb models Downloads
Martin Bohner and Jagan Mohan Jonnalagadda
Formation factors for a class of deterministic models of pre-fractal pore-fracture networks Downloads
Alexander S. Balankin, Juan Ramírez-Joachin, Gabriela González-López and Sebastián Gutíerrez-Hernández
Chirped self-similar pulses and envelope solutions for a nonlinear Schrödinger's in optical fibers using Lie group method Downloads
Gulistan Iskenderoglu and Dogan Kaya
A new chaotic system with novel multiple shapes of two-channel attractors Downloads
Chenyang Hu, Qiao Wang, Xiefu Zhang, Zean Tian and Xianming Wu
Bursting dynamics and the zero-Hopf bifurcation of simple jerk system Downloads
Xi Sun, Shaohui Yan, Yuyan Zhang, Ertong Wang, Qiyu Wang and Binxian Gu
Image encryption algorithm based on hyperchaotic system and a new DNA sequence operation Downloads
Jinwei Yu, Wei Xie, Zhenyu Zhong and Huan Wang
Unsaturated piecewise bistable stochastic resonance with three kinds of asymmetries driven by multiplicative and additive noise Downloads
Tianchi Ma, Junxian Shen, Di Song and Feiyun Xu
Stationary distribution, extinction and density function of a stochastic prey-predator system with general anti-predator behavior and fear effect Downloads
Bingtao Han and Daqing Jiang
Resistive state relaxation time in ZrO2(Y)-based memristive devices under the influence of external noise Downloads
M.N. Koryazhkina, D.O. Filatov, V.A. Shishmakova, M.E. Shenina, A.I. Belov, I.N. Antonov, V.E. Kotomina, A.N. Mikhaylov, O.N. Gorshkov, N.V. Agudov, C. Guarcello, A. Carollo and B. Spagnolo
Public goods game on coevolving networks driven by the similarity and difference of payoff Downloads
Chaoqian Wang, Zongzhe Lin and Dale S. Rothman
Evolution of cooperation driven by diversity on a double-layer square lattice Downloads
Wu, Yu’e, Zhipeng Zhang, Guoli Yang, Haixin Liu and Qingfeng Zhang
Novel fast fixed-time sliding mode trajectory tracking control for manipulator Downloads
Xin Zhang and Ran Shi
Chaos emerges from coexisting homoclinic cycles for a class of 3D piecewise systems Downloads
Kai Lu, Wenjing Xu, Ting Yang and Qiaomin Xiang
Non-conserving exclusion process with a dynamic obstacle Downloads
Bipasha Pal and Arvind Kumar Gupta
Lipschitz stability analysis of fractional-order impulsive delayed reaction-diffusion neural network models Downloads
Ivanka Stamova, Trayan Stamov and Gani Stamov
An efficient numerical scheme for fractional characterization of MHD fluid model Downloads
Muhammad Hamid, Muhammad Usman, Yaping Yan and Zhenfu Tian
Reliability modeling of uncertain random fractional differential systems with competitive failures Downloads
Qinqin Xu and Yuanguo Zhu
Numerical investigation of fractional-order cholera epidemic model with transmission dynamics via fractal–fractional operator technique Downloads
Saima Rashid, Fahd Jarad and Abdulaziz Khalid Alsharidi
Master-slave synchronization of a new fractal-fractional order quaternion-valued neural networks with time-varying delays Downloads
N. Ramesh Babu and P. Balasubramaniam
Stability and bifurcation analysis of a fractional order delay differential equation involving cubic nonlinearity Downloads
Sachin Bhalekar and Deepa Gupta
Non-volatile memory characteristics of a Ti/HfO2/Pt synaptic device with a crossbar array structure Downloads
Osung Kwon, Sungjun Kim, Nikolay Agudov, Alexey Krichigin, Alexey Mikhaylov, Roberto Grimaudo, Davide Valenti and Bernardo Spagnolo
Discrete vortex quantum droplets Downloads
Zi-bin Zhao, Gui-hua Chen, Bin Liu and Yong-yao Li
Bright solitons in fractional coupler with spatially periodical modulated nonlinearity Downloads
S.R. Li, Y.Y. Bao, Y.H. Liu and T.F. Xu
Demonstration of unique problems from Soliton solutions to nonlinear Selkov–Schnakenberg system Downloads
Muhammad S. Iqbal, Aly R. Seadawy and Muhammad Z. Baber
Regarding the shallow water in an ocean via a Whitham-Broer-Kaup-like system: hetero-Bäcklund transformations, bilinear forms and M solitons Downloads
Xin-Yi Gao, Yong-Jiang Guo and Wen-Rui Shan
A novel approach for solving linear and nonlinear time-fractional Schrödinger equations Downloads
Muhammad Imran Liaqat and Ali Akgül
Immunization strategies for false information spreading on signed social networks Downloads
Ai-Wen Li, Xiao-Ke Xu and Ying Fan
The limit dynamics for the vacuum Einstein equations in a homogeneous universe Downloads
Jaume Llibre
Embedded solitons with χ(2) and χ(3) nonlinear susceptibilities having multiplicative white noise via Itô Calculus Downloads
Elsayed M.E. Zayed, Mohamed E.M. Alngar, Reham M.A. Shohib, Anjan Biswas, Yakup Yıldırım, Luminita Moraru, Elena Mereuta and Hashim M. Alshehri
Chebyshev cardinal polynomials for delay distributed-order fractional fourth-order sub-diffusion equation Downloads
M.H. Heydari, M. Razzaghi and J. Rouzegar
Approximate solutions for the fractional order quadratic Riccati and Bagley-Torvik differential equations Downloads
Mohamed Fathy and K.M. Abdelgaber
Multistability, chaos and mean population density in a discrete-time predator–prey system Downloads
Rajni, and Bapan Ghosh
Analysis of nonlinear fractional optimal control systems described by delay Volterra–Fredholm integral equations via a new spectral collocation method Downloads
Hamid Reza Marzban and Atiyeh Nezami
Scaling properties of a class of interfacial singular equations Downloads
Mohamed Guedda, Krisztian Hriczo, Laila Taourirte, Jihade Chaiboub and Gabriella Bognar
Fractal interpolation over nonlinear partitions Downloads
Peter R. Massopust
Some local fractional Maclaurin type inequalities for generalized convex functions and their applications Downloads
B. Meftah, A. Souahi and M. Merad
Generalized correlation dimension and heterogeneity of network spaces Downloads
Chun-Xiao Nie
Resemblance of the power-law scaling behavior of a non-Markovian and nonlinear point processes Downloads
Aleksejus Kononovicius, Rytis Kazakevičius and Bronislovas Kaulakys
Global dynamics for a class of tristable system with negative stiffness Downloads
Biliu Zhou, Yanfei Jin and Huidong Xu
Some novel mathematical analysis on the fractal–fractional model of the AH1N1/09 virus and its generalized Caputo-type version Downloads
Sina Etemad, Ibrahim Avci, Pushpendra Kumar, Dumitru Baleanu and Shahram Rezapour
MFF-SAug: Multi feature fusion with spectrogram augmentation of speech emotion recognition using convolution neural network Downloads
S. Jothimani and K. Premalatha
Identifying influential nodes in social networks: Centripetal centrality and seed exclusion approach Downloads
Yan Wang, Haozhan Li, Ling Zhang, Linlin Zhao and Wanlan Li
Implementation of convolution neural network using scalogram for identification of epileptic activity Downloads
Arshpreet Kaur and Kumar Shashvat
Numerical search for the stationary quasi-breather of the graphene superlattice equation Downloads
Francisca Martin-Vergara, Francisco Rus and Francisco R. Villatoro
Analog circuit implementation and adaptive neural backstepping control of a network of four Duffing-type MEMS resonators with mechanical and electrostatic coupling Downloads
Shenghai Zhang, Shaohua Luo, Shaobo He and Hassen M. Ouakad
High-complex chaotic system based on new nonlinear function and OTA-based circuit realization Downloads
Khunanon Karawanich and Pipat Prommee
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