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Chaos, Solitons & Fractals

2002 - 2025

Current editor(s): Stefano Boccaletti and Stelios Bekiros

From Elsevier
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2011, volume 44, articles 12

Is there chaos in the Spanish labour market? pp. 1045-1053 Downloads
Elena Olmedo
Investigation of mental fatigue through EEG signal processing based on nonlinear analysis: Symbolic dynamics pp. 1054-1062 Downloads
Mahdi Azarnoosh, Ali Motie Nasrabadi, Mohammad Reza Mohammadi and Mohammad Firoozabadi
New explicit solutions for (2+1)-dimensional soliton equation pp. 1063-1069 Downloads
Caier Ye and Weiguo Zhang
Anisotropic subdiffractive solitons pp. 1070-1074 Downloads
Ramon Herrero, I.V. Barashenkov, N.V. Alexeeva and Kestutis Staliunas
Berinde mappings in orbitally complete metric spaces pp. 1075-1079 Downloads
Bessem Samet and Calogero Vetro
Robust anti-synchronization of uncertain chaotic systems based on multiple-kernel least squares support vector machine modeling pp. 1080-1088 Downloads
Qiang Chen, Xuemei Ren and Jing Na
Basic randomness of nature and ether-drift experiments pp. 1089-1099 Downloads
M. Consoli, A. Pluchino and A. Rapisarda
Vector growth universalities pp. 1100-1105 Downloads
L. Barberis, C.A. Condat and P. Román
On the global stability of SIS, SIR and SIRS epidemic models with standard incidence pp. 1106-1110 Downloads
Cruz Vargas-De-León
Geometrical origin of chaoticity in the bouncing ball billiard pp. 1111-1116 Downloads
Laszlo Matyas and I.F. Barna
Comment on “On a stopped functional for a bidimensional process” by C. Makasu pp. 1117-1118 Downloads
Raouf Ghomrasni

2011, volume 44, articles 11

A new characterization of periodic oscillations in periodic difference equations pp. 921-928 Downloads
Ahmad Al-Salman and Ziyad AlSharawi
Efficient synchronization of structurally adaptive coupled Hindmarsh–Rose neurons pp. 929-933 Downloads
A. Moujahid, d’Anjou, A., F.J. Torrealdea and F. Torrealdea
Li–Yorke chaos and synchronous chaos in a globally nonlocal coupled map lattice pp. 934-939 Downloads
Farhad Khellat, Akashe Ghaderi and Nastaran Vasegh
On complete manifolds supporting a weighted Sobolev type inequality pp. 940-946 Downloads
Levi Adriano and Changyu Xia
Quantization dimension and temperature function for recurrent self-similar measures pp. 947-953 Downloads
Mrinal Kanti Roychowdhury
Complex dynamics in a stochastic internal HIV model pp. 954-963 Downloads
Zaitang Huang, Qigui Yang and Junfei Cao
Exact solution of planar and nonplanar weak shock wave problem in gasdynamics pp. 964-967 Downloads
L.P. Singh, S.D. Ram and D.B. Singh
A generalized Zakharov–Shabat equation with finite-band solutions and a soliton-equation hierarchy with an arbitrary parameter pp. 968-976 Downloads
Yufeng Zhang, Honwah Tam and Binlu Feng
Statistical convergence of a non-positive approximation process pp. 977-981 Downloads
Octavian Agratini
Replicate periodic windows in the parameter space of driven oscillators pp. 982-989 Downloads
E.S. Medeiros, S.L.T. de Souza, R.O. Medrano-T and I.L. Caldas
On turbulent, erratic and other dynamical properties of Zadeh’s extensions pp. 990-994 Downloads
H. Román-Flores, Y. Chalco-Cano, G.N. Silva and Jiří Kupka
Elementary chaotic snap flows pp. 995-1003 Downloads
Buncha Munmuangsaen and Banlue Srisuchinwong
Bifurcation analysis on a generalized recurrent neural network with two interconnected three-neuron components pp. 1004-1019 Downloads
Amirhossein Hajihosseini, Farzaneh Maleki and Gholam Reza Rokni Lamooki
Stability analysis of impulsive parabolic complex networks pp. 1020-1034 Downloads
Jin-Liang Wang and Huai-Ning Wu
Synchronizing time delay systems using variable delay in coupling pp. 1035-1042 Downloads
G. Ambika and R.E. Amritkar

2011, volume 44, articles 10

On computing in fine-grained compartmentalised Belousov–Zhabotinsky medium pp. 779-790 Downloads
Andrew Adamatzky, Julian Holley, Larry Bull and Ben De Lacy Costello
Adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control for synchronization of uncertain fractional order chaotic systems pp. 791-801 Downloads
Tsung-Chih Lin, Tun-Yuan Lee and Valentina Balas
Adaptive generalized function projective lag synchronization of different chaotic systems with fully uncertain parameters pp. 802-810 Downloads
Xiang-Jun Wu and Hong-Tao Lu
Multiplicity of periodic orbits for a class of second order Hamiltonian systems with superlinear and sublinear nonlinearity pp. 811-816 Downloads
Bitao Cheng
Synchronization of switched neural networks with mixed delays via impulsive control pp. 817-826 Downloads
Xinsong Yang, Chuangxia Huang and Quanxin Zhu
The cyclicity of a class of quadratic reversible system of genus one pp. 827-835 Downloads
Yi Shao and Yulin Zhao
Spatiotemporal dynamics on small-world neuronal networks: The roles of two types of time-delayed coupling pp. 836-844 Downloads
Hao Wu, Huijun Jiang and Zhonghuai Hou
Generation of multi-wing chaotic attractor in fractional order system pp. 845-850 Downloads
Chaoxia Zhang and Simin Yu
Closed contour fractal dimension estimation by the Fourier transform pp. 851-861 Downloads
J.B. Florindo and O.M. Bruno
Analytical spatiotemporal similaritons for the generalized (3+1)-dimensional Gross–Pitaevskii equation with an external harmonic trap pp. 862-870 Downloads
Chaoqing Dai, Ruipin Chen and Jiefang Zhang
Julia sets, Hausdorff dimension and phase transition pp. 871-877 Downloads
Junyang Gao
Complexity of a kind of interval continuous self-map of finite type pp. 878-882 Downloads
Lidong Wang, Zhenyan Chu and Gongfu Liao
Dynamical properties of a particle in a wave packet: Scaling invariance and boundary crisis pp. 883-890 Downloads
Diego F.M. Oliveira, Marko Robnik and Edson D. Leonel
The method of multiple scales for forced oscillators with some real-power nonlinearities in the stiffness and damping force pp. 891-901 Downloads
Ivana Kovacic
Stabilization and tracking controller for a class of nonlinear discrete-time systems pp. 902-913 Downloads
B.B. Sharma and I.N. Kar
Day-to-day evolution of the traffic network with Advanced Traveler Information System pp. 914-919 Downloads
Linghui Han, Huijun Sun, Jianjun Wu and Chengjuan Zhu

2011, volume 44, articles 9

On the stability of some exact solutions to the generalized convection–reaction–diffusion equation pp. 677-684 Downloads
V.A. Vladimirov and Ma¸czka, Cz.
Tumour–host dynamics under radiotherapy pp. 685-692 Downloads
Rolando Placeres Jiménez and Eloy Ortiz Hernandez
Invariant critical sets of conserved quantities pp. 693-701 Downloads
Petre Birtea and Dan Comănescu
Cascades-based synchronization of hyperchaotic systems: Application to Chen systems pp. 702-709 Downloads
Antonio Lorı´a
Modified cuckoo search: A new gradient free optimisation algorithm pp. 710-718 Downloads
S. Walton, O. Hassan, K. Morgan and M.R. Brown
Defects analysis and improvement of a chaotic logic gate pp. 719-727 Downloads
Yiyan Sheng and Wenbo Liu
Spiral waves in excitable media due to noise and periodic forcing pp. 728-738 Downloads
Guoyong Yuan, Lin Xu, Aiguo Xu, Guangrui Wang and Shiping Yang
Bifurcation and chaos of thin circular functionally graded plate in thermal environment pp. 739-750 Downloads
Hu Yuda and Zhang Zhiqiang
Nonlinear detection of disordered voice productions from short time series based on a Volterra–Wiener–Korenberg model pp. 751-758 Downloads
Yu Zhang, Alicia J. Sprecher, ZongXi Zhao and Jack J. Jiang
Capital dependent population growth induces cycles pp. 759-763 Downloads
Mustafa Kerem Yüksel
Cyclic cellular automata in 3D pp. 764-768 Downloads
Clifford A. Reiter
Existence of a spectral measure for second-order delta dynamic equations on semi-infinite time scale intervals pp. 769-777 Downloads
Adil Huseynov

2011, volume 44, articles 8

Velocity-dependent KAM islands pp. 569-573 Downloads
R. Egydio de Carvalho and C. Vieira Abud
Emergence of coherent motion in aggregates of motile coupled maps pp. 574-586 Downloads
A. García Cantú Ros, Ch.G. Antonopoulos and V. Basios
Chaos control applied to heart rhythm dynamics pp. 587-599 Downloads
Bianca Borem Ferreira, Aline Souza de Paula and Marcelo Amorim Savi
Detection of maximum loadability limits and weak buses using Chaotic PSO considering security constraints pp. 600-612 Downloads
P. Acharjee, S. Mallick, S.S. Thakur and S.P. Ghoshal
Stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis on Goodwin model with three delays pp. 613-618 Downloads
Jianzhi Cao and Haijun Jiang
Fractal systems of central places based on intermittency of space-filling pp. 619-632 Downloads
Yanguang Chen
A hybrid stimulation strategy for suppression of spiral waves in cardiac tissue pp. 633-639 Downloads
Binbin Xu, Sabir Jacquir, Gabriel Laurent, Jean-Marie Bilbault and Stéphane Binczak
Temperature-induced assembly of semiconductor nanocrystals into fractal architectures and thermoelectric power properties in Au/Ge bilayer films pp. 640-646 Downloads
Quanbao Li, Jian Wang, Zheng Jiao, Minghong Wu, Chan-Hung Shek, C.M. Lawrence Wu, Joseph K.L. Lai and Zhiwen Chen
Generating hierarchial scale-free graphs from fractals pp. 651-666 Downloads
Júlia Komjáthy and Károly Simon
Bursting oscillations, bifurcation and synchronization in neuronal systems pp. 667-675 Downloads
Haixia Wang, Qingyun Wang and Qishao Lu

2011, volume 44, articles 7

From infinite ergodic theory to number theory (and possibly back) pp. 467-479 Downloads
Stefano Isola
Vesicle computers: Approximating a Voronoi diagram using Voronoi automata pp. 480-489 Downloads
Andrew Adamatzky, Ben De Lacy Costello, Julian Holley, Jerzy Gorecki and Larry Bull
Effects of random noise in a dynamical model of love pp. 490-497 Downloads
Yong Xu, Rencai Gu and Huiqing Zhang
Chaos control of a class of parametrically excited Duffing’s system using a random phase pp. 498-500 Downloads
Longsuo Li and Hedan Yu
Are external perturbations responsible for chaotic motion in galaxies? pp. 501-509 Downloads
Euaggelos E. Zotos
Function projective synchronization in drive–response dynamical networks with non-identical nodes pp. 510-514 Downloads
Hongyue Du
Willmore energy estimates in conformal Berger spheres pp. 515-521 Downloads
Manuel Barros and Angel Ferrández
Devaney’s chaos on uniform limit maps pp. 522-525 Downloads
Kesong Yan, Fanping Zeng and Gengrong Zhang
Fundamental solutions of singular SPDEs pp. 526-537 Downloads
Dora Seleši
The Laplacian on p.c.f. self-similar sets via the method of averages pp. 538-547 Downloads
Donglei Tang
The singularity spectrum of some non-regularity moran fractals pp. 548-557 Downloads
Min Wu and JiaQing Xiao
Time-scaling properties of city fires pp. 558-568 Downloads
Luciano Telesca and Weiguo Song

2011, volume 44, articles 6

Multifractal Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis of agricultural futures markets pp. 355-361 Downloads
Ling-Yun He and Shu-Peng Chen
Synchronization dynamics of two different dynamical systems pp. 362-380 Downloads
Albert C.J. Luo and Fuhong Min
Stable multidimensional soliton stripes in two-component Bose–Einstein condensates pp. 381-389 Downloads
Valeriy A. Brazhnyi and Víctor M. Pérez-García
Chaos and order in stateless societies: Intercommunity exchange as a factor impacting the population dynamical patterns pp. 390-400 Downloads
Alexander B. Medvinsky and Alexey V. Rusakov
Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation of Parrondo’s paradox game in space pp. 401-414 Downloads
Neng-gang Xie, Yun Chen, Ye Ye, Gang Xu, Lin-gang Wang and Chao Wang
Surjective cellular automata with zero entropy are almost one-to-one pp. 415-417 Downloads
T.K.S. Moothathu
Economic intermittency in a two-country model of business cycles coupled by investment pp. 418-428 Downloads
Y. Saiki, A.C.L. Chian and H. Yoshida
On strong ergodicity and chaoticity of systems with the asymptotic average shadowing property pp. 429-432 Downloads
Yingxuan Niu and Shoubao Su
Critical homoclinic orbits lead to snap-back repellers pp. 433-449 Downloads
Laura Gardini, Iryna Sushko, Viktor Avrutin and Michael Schanz
Analysis of the transient behavior in a two dof nonlinear system pp. 450-463 Downloads
Alireza Ture Savadkoohi, Leonid I. Manevitch and Claude-Henri Lamarque

2011, volume 44, articles 4

Nonlinear correlations in the hydrophobicity and average flexibility along the glycolytic enzymes sequences pp. 191-197 Downloads
Alecu Ciorsac, Dana Craciun, Vasile Ostafe and Adriana Isvoran
On joint identification of the feedback parameters for hyperchaotic systems: An optimization-based approach pp. 198-207 Downloads
Nianqiang Li, Wei Pan, Lianshan Yan, Bin Luo, Mingfeng Xu, Ning Jiang and Yilong Tang
Delayed feedback on the dynamical model of a financial system pp. 208-217 Downloads
Woo-Sik Son and Young-Jai Park
NAFASS: Discrete spectroscopy of random signals pp. 226-240 Downloads
R.R. Nigmatullin, S.I. Osokin and V.A. Toboev
The transition from fracton to phonon states in a Sierpinski triangle lattice pp. 241-247 Downloads
E.L. da Rocha and C.R. da Cunha
Border collision bifurcation curves and their classification in a family of 1D discontinuous maps pp. 248-259 Downloads
Laura Gardini and Fabio Tramontana
Single or multiple synchronization transitions in scale-free neuronal networks with electrical or chemical coupling pp. 260-268 Downloads
Yinghang Hao, Yubing Gong, Li Wang, Xiaoguang Ma and Chuanlu Yang
Limit cycle bifurcations of some Liénard systems with a cuspidal loop and a homoclinic loop pp. 269-289 Downloads
Junmin Yang and Maoan Han
Chaos resulting from nonlinear relations between different variables pp. 290-297 Downloads
Akitaka Dohtani
Recurrence quantification analysis of intermittent spontaneous to forced dripping transition in laser droplet generation pp. 298-305 Downloads
Blaž Krese and Edvard Govekar
Complexity in a population of Artemia pp. 306-316 Downloads
A.A. Ali, L. Fortuna, M. Frasca, M.T. Rashid and M.G. Xibilia
Limit cycles bifurcating from a perturbed quartic center pp. 317-334 Downloads
Bartomeu Coll, Jaume Llibre and Rafel Prohens
Electrostatics in fractal geometry: Fractional calculus approach pp. 335-341 Downloads
Emmanuel Baskin and Alexander Iomin
Chaotic neuron clock pp. 342-347 Downloads
A. Bershadskii and Y. Ikegaya
Fractional-time Schrödinger equation: Fractional dynamics on a comb pp. 348-352 Downloads
Alexander Iomin

2011, volume 44, articles 1

EEG simulation by 2D interconnected chaotic oscillators pp. 1-8 Downloads
Adam Kubany, Ziv Mhabary and Vladimir Gontar
Global exponential synchronization of delayed fuzzy cellular neural networks with impulsive effects pp. 9-16 Downloads
Xiaomei Feng, Fengqin Zhang and Wenjuan Wang
Dynamical analysis of a five-dimensioned chemostat model with impulsive diffusion and pulse input environmental toxicant pp. 17-27 Downloads
Jianjun Jiao, Kaili Ye and Lansun Chen
Codimension-2 bifurcations of the Kaldor model of business cycle pp. 28-42 Downloads
Xiaoqin P. Wu
The effect of time fractality on the transition coefficients: Historical Stern–Gerlach experiment revisited pp. 43-47 Downloads
Hüseyin Şirin, Fevzi Büyükkılıç, Hüseyin Ertik and Doğan Demirhan
Complex synchronization manifold in coupled time-delayed systems pp. 48-57 Downloads
Thang Manh Hoang
Mathematical properties of a discontinuous Cournot–Stackelberg model pp. 58-70 Downloads
Fabio Tramontana, Laura Gardini and Tönu Puu
Imbalance of positive and negative links induces regularity pp. 71-78 Downloads
Neeraj Kumar Kamal and Sudeshna Sinha
Multi-scroll and multi-wing chaotic attractor generated with Julia process fractal pp. 79-85 Downloads
Kais Bouallegue, Abdessattar Chaari and Ahmed Toumi
Fractal dimension and image statistics of anal intraepithelial neoplasia pp. 86-92 Downloads
H. Ahammer, J.M. Kroepfl, Ch. Hackl and R. Sedivy
Disordered chaotic strings pp. 93-97 Downloads
Mirko Schäfer and Martin Greiner
Synchronization of time-delay coupled pulse oscillators pp. 98-107 Downloads
V.V. Klinshov and V.I. Nekorkin
Investigating the temporal variations of the time-clustering behavior of the Koyna–Warna (India) reservoir-triggered seismicity pp. 108-113 Downloads
Luciano Telesca
Functional motifs: a novel perspective on burst synchronization and regularization of neurons coupled via delayed inhibitory synapses pp. 122-130 Downloads
Igor Franović and Vladimir Miljković
The evolution of cooperation in spatial groups pp. 131-136 Downloads
Jianlei Zhang, Chunyan Zhang and Tianguang Chu
Estimating the ultimate bound and positively invariant set for a synchronous motor and its application in chaos synchronization pp. 137-144 Downloads
Fuchen Zhang, Yonglu Shu, Hongliang Yang and Xiaowu Li
Limit of ratio of consecutive terms for general order-k linear homogeneous recurrences with constant coefficients pp. 145-152 Downloads
Alberto Fiorenza and Giovanni Vincenzi
Cooperation among mobile individuals with payoff expectations in the spatial prisoner’s dilemma game pp. 153-159 Downloads
Hai Lin, Dong-Ping Yang and J.W. Shuai
Strong anticipation: Multifractal cascade dynamics modulate scaling in synchronization behaviors pp. 160-168 Downloads
Damian G. Stephen and James A. Dixon
High-speed image analysis reveals chaotic vibratory behaviors of pathological vocal folds pp. 169-177 Downloads
Yu Zhang, Jun Shao, Christopher R. Krausert, Sai Zhang and Jack J. Jiang
On the dynamics of bubbles in boiling water pp. 178-183 Downloads
H.V. Ribeiro, R.S. Mendes, E.K. Lenzi, M.P. Belancon and L.C. Malacarne
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