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Mathematica Policy Research Reports

From Mathematica Policy Research
Mathematica Policy Research P.O. Box 2393 Princeton, NJ 08543-2393 Attn: Communications.
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Baseline Statistics for Evaluation of the Effective Practice Incentive Community Downloads
Scott Cody, Alison Wellington, Margaret Sullivan, Virginia Knechtel and Duncan Chaplin
Expanding COVID-19 Surveillance Through Wastewater Testing Downloads
Aparna Keshaviah and John Stern
Moving to Independent Choices: The Implementation of the Cash and Counseling Demonstration in Arkansas Downloads
Barbara Phillips and Barbara Schneider
Generalized Variance Function Methodology for ACNielsen's Homescan Household Panel Survey Downloads
Donsig Jang, Joseph K. Garrett, Frank W. Piotrowski and William B. Owens
After the "Doc Fix": Implications of Medicare Physician Payment Reform for Academic Medicine Downloads
Eugene C. Rich and James D. Reschovsky
Medicaid Analytic eXtract 2008 Encounter Data Chartbook Appendix Tables Downloads
Rosemary Borck, Ashley Zlatinov and Susan Williams
When Elementary Schools Stay Open Late: Results from The National Evaluation of the 21st-Century Community Learning Centers Program Downloads
Susanne James-Burdumy, Mark Dynarski and John Deke
The State of Care Coordination Under Medicaid Managed Care: Three States' Experiences Serving Children with Mental Illness Downloads
Sheila D. Hoag and Nancy Archibald
Impacts of a Child Care Quality Rating and Improvement System on Child Care Quality Downloads
Kimberly Boller, Diane Paulsell, Patricia Del Grosso, Randall Blair, Eric Lundquist, Danielle Z. Kassow, Rachel Kim and Abbie Raikes
Healthcare Price Transparency: Policy Approaches and Estimated Impacts on Spending Downloads
Chapin White, Paul B. Ginsburg, Ha T. Tu, James D. Reschovsky, Joseph M. Smith and Kristie Liao
Evaluating PACE: A Review of the Literature Downloads
Arkadipta Ghosh, Cara Orfield and Robert Schmitz
An Ethnographic Analysis of Zero-Income Households in the Survey of Income and Program Participation Downloads
Nancy Wemmerus and Kristin Porter
Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Primary Care Quality Among Type 2 Diabetes Patients, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, 2012 Downloads
Ruwei Hu, Leiyu Shi, Hailun Liang, Geraldine Pierre Haile and Lee De-Chih
Using National Survey Data to Analyze Children's Health Insurance Coverage: An Assessment of Issues Downloads
John L. Czajka and Kimball Lewis
Making Sense of the Change in How Medicare Advantage Plans are Paid Downloads
Marsha Gold
Improving the School Attendance of New Jersey's Youngest Learners: Attendance in Preschool and Kindergarten Spells Future Success! Downloads
Various Authors
Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study: What Foods are Infants and Toddlers Eating? Downloads
Mary Kay Fox, Susan Pac, Barbara Devaney and Linda Jankowski
Food Stamp Time Limits: A Burdensome Policy that Weakens the Safety Net Downloads
Sheena McConnell, John L. Czajka, Scott Cody and Nuria Rodriguez
Long-Term Poverty and Disability Among Working-Age Adults Downloads
Peiyun She and Gina A. Livermore
Design and Analysis of Unit Cost Estimation Studies: How Many Hospital Diagnoses? How Many Countries? Downloads
Henry A. Glick, Sean Orzol, Joseph F. Tooley, Daniel Polsky and Josephine O. Mauskopf
Improving the Quality of Behavioral Health Care for Medicaid Beneficiaries (In Focus Brief) Downloads
Allison Siegwarth
Scaling an Intervention: Recommendations and Resources Downloads
Karen Needels, Scott Richman, Nan Maxwell and Mary Anne Anderson
PCORI Dissemination and Implementation Toolkit: Appendix Materials Downloads
Dominick Esposito, Jessica Heeringa, Katharine Bradley, Sarah Croake and Laura Kimmey
How Do Hired Workers Fare Under Consumer-Directed Personal Care? Downloads
Stacy Dale, Randall Brown, Barbara Phillips and Barbara Lepidus Carlson
WIC-Medicaid II Feasibility Study: Final Report Downloads
Keith Kranker, Mary Kay Fox and Pia Caronongan
Reconciling Findings on the Employment Effect of Disability Insurance Downloads
John Bound, Stephan Lindner and Timothy Waldmann
Data Collection Instruments for the Evidence-Based Home Visiting to Prevent Child Maltreatment Cross-Site Evaluation Downloads
Kimberly Boller, Deborah Daro, Debra Strong, Heather Zaveri, Diane Paulsell, Margaret Hargreaves, Russell Cole, Patricia Del Grosso, Cheri Vogel, Andrew Burwick, Cassandra Meagher, Kirsten Barrett and Brandon Coffee-Borden
How Will the ACA Affect Community Rehabilitation Programs? Downloads
Deborah Chollet and Jill Bernstein
A Scan of Key Trends in the Labor Market and Workforce Development System Downloads
Melissa Mack and Kate Dunham
Medicare Therapeutic Shoes Demonstration: Was the Demonstration Cost-Effective? Final Comprehensive Report: Volume I Downloads
Judith Wooldridge, Jeanette Bergeron, Lorenzo Moreno and Craig Thornton
Crisis Services and the Behavioral Health Workforce Downloads
Stefanie Pietras and Allison Wishon Siegwarth
Evaluation Design for the Retaining Employment and Talent after Injury/Illness Network (RETAIN) Demonstration Downloads
Jillian Berk, Ankita Patnaik, Rosalind Keith, Tiffany Olszuk, David Wittenburg, Yonatan Ben-Shalom and Janine Bologna
PROMISE Recruitment, Enrollment, and Random Assignment Procedures Manual Downloads
AnnaMaria McCutcheon, Rebekah Selekman and Thomas Fraker
Laws Requiring Parental Involvement to Obtain Abortion and Prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Minors Downloads
Silvie Colman, Ted Joyce and Thomas Dee
Child Maltreatment Incidence Data Linkages: Project Overview Downloads
Julia Lyskawa, Nickie Fung and Rebekka Nickman
Stated Briefly: Changes in Financial Aid and Student Enrollment at Historically Black Colleges and Universities after the Tightening of PLUS Credit Standards Downloads
Matthew Johnson, Julie Bruch and Brian Gill
Linking Learning to Careers Demonstration: Impacts 24 Months After Enrollment Downloads
Purvi Sevak, Kathleen Feeney, Todd Honeycutt and Emily Peterson
Insurance Coverage and Access to Care for Workers with Disabilities, 2001–2017 Downloads
Anna Hill and Jody Schimmel Hyde
Replicating Experimental Impact Estimates with Nonexperimental Methods in the Context of Control Crossover Downloads
Brian Gill, Joshua Furgeson, Hanley S. Chiang, Bing-Ru Teh, Joshua Haimson and Natalya Verbitsky-Savitz
Health System Integration with Physician Specialties Varies Across Markets and System Types Downloads
Rachel Machta, James D. Reschovsky, David Jones, Laura Kimmey, Michael F. Furukawa and Eugene Rich
Using a "Road Test" to Improve Human Services Programs: A Primer Downloads
Jonathan McCay, Michelle Derr and Ann Person
Types and Amounts of Complementary Foods and Beverages Consumed and Growth, Size, and Body Composition: A Systematic Review Downloads
Laural K. English, Julie E. Obbagy, Yat Ping Wong, Nancy F. Butte, Kathryn G. Dewey, Mary Kay Fox, Frank R. Greer, Nancy F. Krebs, Kelley S. Scanlon and Eve E. Stoody
Promising Practices from Early Experiences with Developing Evidence-Building and Evaluation Plans (Summary Report) Downloads
Dayna Gallagher, Daniel Finkelstein and Jessica McNab
Behavioral Interventions to Help Workers Keep Their Jobs After an Injury or Illness (Policy Brief) Downloads
Kara Contreary and Irma Perez-Johnson
E. D. TABS Academic Libraries: 1998 Downloads
Margaret W. Cahalan and Natalie Justh
National Beneficiary Survey Round 5 Public Use Data File Downloads
Charles Bush, Ryan Callahan and Jason Markesich
Stroke, 1992-2001: Appendix B: Detailed Tables and Appendix C: ICD9 Codes for Stroke Cohorts Downloads
Christina Park (anasys and Inc.)
How Do Staffing Levels Influence the Performance of Public Health Services? Findings from the National Public Health Performance Standards Program Downloads
Glen P. Mays, Megan McHugh, Kyumin Shim, Natalie Perry, Maureen Lichtveld, Joan Cioffi, Paul Halverson, Dennis Lenaway and Ramal Moonesinghe
Effect of a Sanitation Intervention on Soil-Transmitted Helminth Prevalence and Concentration in Household Soil: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial and Risk Factor Analysis Downloads
Lauren Steinbaum, John Mboya, Ryan Mahoney, Sammy M. Njenga, Clair Null and Amy J. Pickering
Assessing the Costs and Benefits of Return-to-Work Programs (Issue Brief) Downloads
Yonatan Ben-Shalom
Reliability for Peer Grouping Downloads
Eric Schone
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Downloads
Rebecca Maynard and Amy Johnson
Smarter, Better, Faster: The Potential for Predictive Analytics and Rapid-Cycle Evaluation to Improve Program Development and Outcomes Downloads
Scott Cody and Andrew Asher
Health Coverage for Families Leaving Welfare Downloads
Marilyn Ellwood
Physicians' Experiences Using Commercial E-Prescribing Systems Downloads
Joy M. Grossman, Anneliese Gerland, Marie C/ Reed and Cheryl Fahlman
Achieving Higher TANF Work Participation Rates: Case Studies from Maryland and Utah Downloads
Jacqueline Kauff and Michelle K. Derr
Assessing the Effectiveness of Education Interventions: Issues and Recommendations for the Title I Evaluation Downloads
Steven Glazerman and David Myers
Spotlight on New Mexico Downloads
Grace Anglin, Ian Hill, Ashley Palmer, Margo Wilkinson and Arnav Shah
Targeting Special Populations in the CKF Program: Lessons from Site Visits to Ten States Downloads
Embry Howell and Brigette Courtot
State Medicaid Prescription Drug Expenditures for Medicare-Medicaid Dual Eligibles: Estimates of Medicaid Savings and Federal Expenditures Resulting from Expanded Medicare Prescription Coverage Downloads
Stacy Berg Dale and James M. Verdier
Do Charter Schools Improve Student Achievement? Evidence from a National Randomized Study Downloads
Melissa A. Clark, Philip Gleason, Christina Clark Tuttle and Marsha K. Silverberg
Relationship Skills Education and Child Support: Evidence from a Program Partnership in Texas Downloads
Robert Santillano and Robert G. Wood
Conceptual Models for Adulthood Preparation Subjects within the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) Downloads
Elizabeth Clary, Heather Zaveri, Kristin Moore, Mindy Scott, Christopher Jones, Katie Eddins, Katie Adamek, Deana Around Him, Monica Arkin and Isabel Griffith
Medicaid Costs Under Consumer Direction for Florida Children with Developmental Disabilities Downloads
Stacy Dale, Randall Brown and Barbara Phillips
SCHIP at 10: A Synthesis of the Evidence on Substitution of SCHIP for Other Coverage Downloads
So Limpa-Amara, Angela Merrill and Margo Rosenbach
2006 Medicare Advantage Benefits and Premiums Downloads
Marsha Gold, Maria Cupples Hudson and Sarah Davis
Medicare's 2006 Takeover of Prescription Drug Coverage for Dual Eligibles in Nursing Facilities: Issues and Concerns Downloads
Jim Verdier
Impact of Early Intervention Programs for Persons with Mental Health Conditions: Evidence from the National DMIE Evaluation Downloads
Boyd Gilman, Gilbert Gimm, Henry Ireys, Noelle Denny-Brown and Sarah Croake
Participation of People with Mental Health Disorders in Ticket Act Programs Downloads
Craig Thornton
Evaluation of the Fruit Tree Productivity Project in Morocco: Final Report on Irrigation Activities Downloads
Evan Borkum, Anitha Sivasankaran, Elena Moroz and Matt Sloan
Continued Development of the Medicaid Analytic Extract Enrollee Master (MAXEM) File Downloads
John L. Czajka and Shinu Verghese
The Rationale and Potential Consequences of the Revised WIC Food Packages Downloads
Barbara Devaney
Does the Missouri Teacher Career Ladder Program Raise Student Achievement? Downloads
Kevin Booker and Steven Glazerman
Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis: A Configurational Comparative Method to Identify Multiple Pathways to Improve Patient-Centered Medical Home Models (Issue Brief) Downloads
Marcus Thygeson, Deborah Peikes and Aparajita Zutshi
Evaluation of Health Care Innovation Awards (HCIA): Primary Care Redesign Programs, Second Annual Report, Volume II: Individual Program Summaries Downloads
Lorenzo Moreno, Boyd Gilman, Greg Peterson, Catherine DesRoches, Sheila Hoag, Linda Barterian, Laura Blue, Katharine Bradley, Emily Ehrlich, Kristin Geonnotti, Lauren Hula, Keith Kranker, Rumin Sarwar, Rachel Shapiro, KeriAnn Wells, Joseph Zickafoose, Sandi Nelson, Kate Stewart and Frank Yoon
MCC Burkina Faso—Agriculture Development Project Downloads
Christopher Ksoll, Elena Moroz, Abbie Turiansky, Anthony D'Agostino, Yiriyibin Bambio, Daniel Roberge and Randall Blair
Changing to Consumer-Directed Care: The Implementation of the Cash and Counseling Demonstration in Florida Downloads
Barbara Phillips and Barbara Schneider
Evaluation of the Benin Power Compact’s Electricity Generation and Distribution Projects: Baseline Report Downloads
Sarah Hughes, Christopher Ksoll, Kristine Bos, Anthony Harris, Serge Kennely Wongla, Dara Bernstein, Cullen Seaton and Galina Lapadatova
Bias from Excluding Households Without Telephones in Random Digit Dialing Surveys: Results of Two Surveys Downloads
John Hall, Genevieve Kenney, Gary Shapiro and Ismaei Flores-Cervantes
Hospital Responses to Public Reporting of Quality Data to CMS: 2005 Survey of Hospitals Downloads
Mary Laschober, Myles Maxfield, Meredith Lee, Martha Kovac, Frank Potter and Suzanne Felt-Lisk
TANF Recipients as Potential Long-Term Care Workers: An Assessment of the Prospects in the District of Columbia, Illinois, Maryland, and South Carolina Downloads
Gretchen Kirby, LaDonna Pavetti, Jeffrey Max and Jesse Gregory
Medicare Advantage 2015 Data Spotlight: Overview of Plan Changes Downloads
Gretchen Jacobson, Anthony Damico, Tricia Neuman and Marsha Gold
SCHIP Children: How Long Do They Stay and Where Do They Go? Downloads
Christopher Trenholm, James Mabli and Ander Wilson
Race to the Top: Implementation and Relationship to Student Outcomes Downloads
Lisa Dragoset, Jaime Thomas, Mariesa Herrmann, John Deke, Susanne James-Burdumy, Cheryl Graczewski, Andrea Boyle, Courtney Tanenbaum, Jessica Giffin and Rachel Upton
Sustaining Programs: Lessons Learned from Former Federal Grantees Downloads
Alexandra Warner, Nicole Bennett, Subuhi Asheer, Julia Alamillo, Betsy Keating and Jean Knab
Pre-Paid Vs. Promised Incentives: Which Works Better for a Telephone Survey of Low-Income Respondents? Downloads
Martha D. Kovac and Jason Markesich
Convergence and Dissonance: Evolution In Private-Sector Approaches to Disease Management and Care Coordination Downloads
Glen P. Mays, Melanie Au and Gary Claxton
System Implementation for a Blaise Multimode Web, CATI, and Paper Survey Downloads
Leonard Hart, Amanda Foster-Sardenberg and Yuki Okada
A National Survey of Obesity Prevention Practices in Head Start Downloads
Robert C. Whitaker, Rachel A. Gooze, Cayce C. Hughes and Daniel M. Finkelstein
QRS Profile: Maryland Child Care Tiered Reimbursement System Downloads
Kimberly Boller and Kathryn Tout
Implementing Welfare Reform in Nebraska: Accomplishments, Challenges, and Opportunities for Improvement Downloads
Alicia Meckstroth, LaDonna Pavetti and Michelle K. Derr
Growing the American Workforce: Bolstering Participation is Critical for U.S. Competitiveness and Economic Strength Downloads
Paul Decker and Howard Fluhr (eds.)
Reliability of a Structured Assessment for Nonclinicians to Detect Delirium Among New Admissions to Postacute Care Downloads
Samuel E. Simon, Margaret A. Bergmann, Richard N. Jones, Katherine M. Murphy, E. John Orav and Edward R. Marcantonio
Building Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Risk-Adjustment Models: State Experiences Using Functional Data Downloads
Maria Dominiak and Alex Bohl
MCC Indonesia Nutrition Project Impact Evaluation Baseline Report Downloads
Clair Null, Amanda Beatty, Nick Ingwersen, William Leith, Evan Borkum, Jeremy Brecher-Haimson, Anna Gage, Matt Peckarsky and Anu Rangarajan
Housing for Youth Aging Out of Foster Care Downloads
Robin Dion, Amy Dworsky, Jackie Kauff and Rebecca Kleinman
Building, Evaluating, and Using an Evidence Base to Inform the HHS Teenage Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Program Downloads
Brian Goesling
Ewing Marion Kauffman School Evaluation Impact Report Year 5 Downloads
Matthew Johnson, Alicia Demers, Cleo Jacobs Johnson and Claudia Gentile
Governing the Family Through Education: A Genealogy on the Home/School Relation Downloads
Kirsten Kainz and Nikki L. Aikens
Preparing Nebraskas Welfare Clients for Work and Addressing their Obstacles Downloads
Alicia Meckstroth, Michelle Derr, Michael Ponza, Venita Jethwani and Jennifer Faerber
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