Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World
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Handle: RePEc:edi:ecsusuk
Areas or Functions:
Phone: +44 (0) 1273 678889
Fax: +44 (0)1273 873715
Postal: Jubilee Building G08, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9SL
Handle: RePEc:edi:ecsusuk
Areas or Functions:
Publications that are listed with RePEc:
Published by this institution:
- Discussion Papers in Economics, Department of Economics, University of Sussex Business School
- Working Paper Series, Department of Economics, University of Sussex Business School
- Economics Software Archive, Department of Economics, University of Sussex Business School
- Economics PhD Theses, Department of Economics, University of Sussex Business School
- Video Library, Department of Economics, University of Sussex Business School
Authored by members of this institution
Authored by alumni of this institution, as identified in the RePEc Genealogy
People who have registered with RePEc and have claimed to be affiliated with this institution:
Their publications
Find all publications of all authors listed below conveniently compiled on IDEAS.
Their author profiles
Authors with publications are listed below with . We have lost contact with authors marked with ?, and they do not count towards the ranking of this institution. We would appreciate a note of their new email address or status.
- Awosemo, Fisayo
- Barrow, Michael
- Bartl, Esther Maria
- Bhattacharyya, Sambit
- Borchert, Ingo
- Calabrese, Stephen M.
- Chari, Amalavoyal
- Chen, Xi
- Coulon, Michael
- d'Este, Rocco
- Dickens, Richard Frederick
- Di Ubaldo, Mattia
- Dolton, Peter John
- Dziewulski, Pawel
- Eberhard-Ruiz, Andreas
- Embrey, Matthew
- Fagernaes, Sonja
- Gasiorek, Michael
- Guariso, Daniele
- Gupta, Sweta
- Holmes, Peter
- Hussain, Iftikhar
- Intartaglia, Maurizio
- Isaza Castro, Jairo Guillermo
- Jacob, Nick
- Jena, Farai
- Jiang, Yi
- Jin, Wenchao
- Keerthiratne, Subhani
- Korkeala, Outi
- Litchfield, Julie
- Lopez Gonzalez, Javier
- MacKerron, George
- Mamo, Nemera
- Mansour, Wael
- Marden, Samuel
- McKay, Andy
- Montalbano, Pierluigi
- Newell, Andrew Thomas
- Novackova, Monika
- Papadakis, Ioannis
- Pelkonen, Panu
- Pham, Hung Thai
- Poggi, Cecilia
- Pulido, Cristhian
- Quarina, Qisha
- Ramasubramanian, Janani Akhilandeswari
- Reilly, Barry
- Rosa Dias, Pedro
- Saha, Amrita
- Serwicka, Ilona Elzbieta
- Shabab, Chowdhury Rashaad
- Sulimierska, Malgorzata
- Sumner, Michael Thomas
- Tamberi, Nicolo
- Telhaj, Shqiponja
- Tol, Richard S.J.
- Varela, Gonzalo J.
- Wang, Fangzhi
- Winters, L. Alan
- Zanardi, Maurizio
Registered alumni from this institution
Their publications
Find all publications of all alumni listed below conveniently compiled on IDEAS.
Their author profiles
People who have
registered with RePEc and
have received their terminal degree from this institution according to the RePEc genealogy. Alumni with publications are listed below with .
- Al-Samarrai, Samer (2001)
- Amarante, Veronica (2009)
- Anderson, Edward (2002)
- Athanasoglou, Panayiotis P. (1990)
- Awosemo, Fisayo
- Bachan, Ray (2015) ?
- Bartzokas, Anthony (1992)
- Bell, Clive Laurence George (1976)
- Belser, Patrick (2002)
- Bencsik, Panka (2018)
- Bennett, John (1979)
- Cabrera-Hernandez, Francisco (2016)
- Castro, Lucio
- Cattaneo, Cristina (2009)
- Cazzuffi, Chiara (2013)
- Celi, Giuseppe (2003)
- Cirera, Xavier (2004)
- Cooke, Edgar F. A. (2014)
- Crawfurd, Lee Martin (2019)
- Dietrich, Michael (1985)
- Dosi, Giovanni (1983)
- Dutta, Puja Vasudeva (2005)
- Farina, Egidio (2017) ?
- Fukasaku, Kiichiro (1990)
- Gottschalk, Sylvia D. (2001)
- Gutierrez Rufrancos, Hector Elias (2016)
- Hirvonen, Kalle (2014)
- Iacovone, Leonardo (2008)
- Isaza Castro, Jairo Guillermo (2013)
- Keerthiratne, Subhani (2017)
- Keller, Michael (2018)
- Kohli, Renu (1996)
- Kondirolli, Fjolla (2023)
- Korkeala, Outi (2012)
- Kowalski, Przemyslaw (2007)
- Leavy, Jennifer (2012)
- Lopez Gonzalez, Javier (2013)
- Lovo, Stefania (2011)
- Lutz, Matthias (1995)
- Malomo, Fola (2013)
- Mansour, Wael (2012)
- Melo Becerra, Ligia Alba (2004)
- Mendez Parra, Maximiliano (2015)
- Molinari, Andrea (2007)
- Montalbano, Pierluigi (2013)
- Novackova, Monika (2018)
- Pastore, Francesco (2003)
- Pettersson Gelander, Gunilla (2012)
- Pham, Hung Thai (1997)
- Piza, Caio (2014)
- Poggi, Cecilia (2017)
- Pycroft, Jonathan (2009)
- Quarina, Qisha
- Ramasubramanian, Janani Akhilandeswari (2014)
- Razzaque, Mohammad A. (2002)
- Reeves, Eoin (1999)
- Rodgers, Gerry (1973)
- Saha, Amrita (2014)
- Salardi, Paola (2012)
- Salgado Chavez, Edgar (2017)
- Shabab, Chowdhury Rashaad (2015)
- Shingal, Anirudh (2009)
- Shutes, Lindsay (2009)
- Silwal, Ani Rudra (2015)
- Soete, Luc L. (1978)
- Stark, Oded (1975)
- Sulimierska, Malgorzata (2013)
- Szczurek, Mateusz (2005)
- Tafesse, Wiktoria (2019)
- Tekleselassie, Tsegay Gebrekidan (2017)
- Vickerman, Roger William (1972)
- Yazgan, Ege (2001)
Corrections about details of this institutions should be sent to the team. Corrections about the member listing should be made by the members themselves by adjusting their affiliations at the RePEc Author Service. Adding or correcting alumni is done at the RePEc Genealogy by anyone with a RePEc author account. Serials from this institution can be added with the Publisher-Institution: RePEc:edi:ecsusuk line in the series template of their RePEc archive. If there is no local RePEc archive, follow these instructions to create one to have the local publications listed on RePEc services.
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