![]() ![]() 独禁法(独占禁止法)に関連する法令・訴訟や手続きなどに関する専門用語の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 競争法研究協会 URL http://www.jcl.gr.jp/ |
- price fixing
- price fixing agreement
- price fixing arrangement
- price fixing conspiraciy
- price flexibility
- price imitation
- price inflexibility
- price leadership
- price mechanism
- price reporting
- price rigidity
- price squeeze
- price structure
- price theory
- pricing
- prima facie
- prima facie case
- prima facie evidence
- primary area of respnsibility
- primary boycott
- primary jurisdiction
- primary line competition
- primary line injury
- prisoner's dilemma
- private action
- private antitrust litigation
- private antitrust suit
- private monopolization
- private monopoly
- private property
- private treble damage action
- privatization
- privilege
- prize competition
- pro-competitive
- pro-competitive effect
- probability
- probable effect
- procedual jurisdiction
- procedure
- procedure in camera
- Procedures and Rules of Practice
- proceeding
- proceeding in equity
- process
- process patent
- process theory
- product differentiation
- product extention merger
- product liability
- product market
- product performance
- product standardization
- product substitutability
- production of document
- production substitution
- productivity
- professional
- professional association
- profit maximization
- profit pass-over
- profitability
- prohibitive rule
- promotional allowance
- proportionally equal terms
- proposed consent juagement
- proprietorship
- Protection of Trading Intersts Act
- protective order
- protective principle
- protective tariffs
- prove
- proximate cause
- proxy
- public auction
- public carrier
- public enterprise
- public interest
- public interest requirement
- public monopoly
- public policy
- public purchase
- public utility
- public utility holding company
- publication
- puffing
- purchaser
- pure competition
- pure conglomerate merger
- pure holding company
- pure monopoly
- purview
- pyramid schemes
- pyramid selling