![]() ![]() 英語論文の作成における書き方や、論文の構成などで用いられる用語を英語で調べることができます。 提供 技報堂出版 URL http://gihodobooks.jp/ |
- A ..... decision is to .....
- A and B are closely associated
- A and B are the same
- a broad range of .....
- a case study on .....
- a certain amount of .....
- a certain amount of confusion
- a clear understanding of .....
- a comparative study of .....
- A comparison between A and B
- A comparison between A versus B
- A comparison of ....
- a considerable amount of .....
- a considerable amount of information
- a considerable number of studies
- a considerable number of.....
- a decision was made to .....
- a detailed study of .....
- a few studies
- A first step
- a full understanding of .....
- a great deal of .....
- a great deal of confusion
- a greater understanding
- a greater understanding of .....
- A group of .....
- A key aspect of ~is .....
- a lack of extensive knowledge of
- a lack of knowledge on .....
- a large amount of ......
- a large body of literature
- a large mass of information
- a limited number of .....
- a line of best fit
- A logical explanation is that .....
- a long history of .....
- a long-standing problem occurred
- a major part of .....
- A major problem is .....
- A more detailed explanation is .....
- A more plausible explanation is that .....
- a more recent study
- a much greater understanding has developed
- A need exists for .....
- a noteworthy example is .....
- a number of .....
- A paramount problem of ~is .....
- a paucity of literature
- A principal objective of ~ is to .....
- A problem encountered in both A and B is that .....
- A problem is encountered
- a problem occur
- A problem remains
- a questionable practice
- A relationship was derived .....
- A relationship was observed .....
- A section of .....
- a sequence of .....
- a series of .....
- a significant portion of .....
- A simple relationshps could be established .....
- a small amount of .......
- a sound basis
- a total of .....
- a variety of .....
- a wealth of information
- a wealth of literature
- a well-understood .....
- a wide range of .....
- A とB との比較
- Above all
- above discussed
- accomplishment
- according to .....
- accurately
- acknowledgement
- acquire insight about .....
- acquire insights about .....
- acquire new knowledge about .....
- additional work is needed to .....
- additional work will need to be done to .....
- additionally
- address issues
- address the goal
- addressing
- adequately
- advances in .....
- advantage over.....
- affecting
- after the turn of the century
- after this date
- agree .....% of the time
- agreement between A and B
- agreement improved
- agreement was achieved
- agreement was improved by .....
- agreement was obtained between A and B
- agreement with ..... is good
- agreement with theory