フリーな辞書プロジェクト「Wiktionary」の英語版。英語で解説された英英辞典です。 出典 Wiktionary URL http://en.wiktionary.org/ |
- 絞込み
- V
- VA
- VB
- VC
- VD
- VE
- VF
- VG
- VH
- VI
- VJ
- VK
- VL
- VM
- VN
- VO
- VP
- VQ
- VR
- VS
- VT
- VU
- VV
- VW
- VX
- VY
- VZ
- V(50音)
- V(タイ文字)
- V(数字)
- V(記号)
- voacangine
- vobis
- VoC
- voc.
- vocab
- vocable
- vocabularies
- vocabulary word
- vocabulary words
- vocabularyclept
- vocal chords
- vocal cord nodule
- vocal cords
- vocal fold
- vocal minority
- vocalese
- vocalic
- vocalisation
- vocaliser
- vocalitas
- vocaliter
- vocality
- vocalizations
- vocalizer
- vocalizing
- vocally
- vocals
- vocamen
- vocare
- vocate
- vocatio
- vocationalism
- vocationally
- vocations
- vocatus
- vocd
- voceru
- voces
- voces magicae
- vocifer
- vociferant
- vociferate
- vociferated
- vociferates
- vociferating
- vociferatio
- vociferation
- vociferator
- vociferor
- vocifico
- vocito
- vocivus
- Voconius
- Vocontii
- VOCs
- vocs.
- vocula
- voculatio
- Vodanus
- voddy
- vodkas
- vodki
- vodky
- vodoun
- voe
- voetsek
- vogad
- Vogelsang
- vogie
- voglibose
- Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease
- Vogtian
- Vogue
- vogue word
- voguer
- voguing
- voguism
- Vogul
- voice box
- voice changer
- voice coil
- voice command
- voice commands
- voice cracks
- voice messages
- voice of the toothless one
- voice over IP
- voice recognition
- voice synthesis
- voice wrap
- voice-under
- voiceband
- voicebox
- voicecast
- voicedly