![]() ![]() 独禁法(独占禁止法)に関連する法令・訴訟や手続きなどに関する専門用語の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 競争法研究協会 URL http://www.jcl.gr.jp/ |
- daily fine
- damage suit
- damages
- dangerous probability
- de bene esse
- de facto
- de jure
- de novo
- debenture
- decartelization
- decentralization
- deceptive advertising
- deceptive business acts
- deceptive packaging
- decision
- declaratory judgement
- declaratory precedent
- decree
- dedicated assets
- deed of trust
- deep pocket
- defamation
- default
- default judgement
- defauting defendant
- defendant
- defense
- defensive allegation
- deferred rebate
- delegated legislation
- delivered price
- delivered pricing
- demand-pull inflation
- demurrer
- denationalization
- Department of Justice
- deposition
- depression cartel
- deregulation
- derivative suit
- destruative competition
- deterrent effect
- dictum
- differentiation
- direct evidence
- direct examination
- direct injury test
- directorate
- dirty hands defense
- disclosure
- discount
- discount house
- discovery
- discovery jurisdiction
- discovery order
- discrimination
- discriminatory practices
- discriminatory pricing
- diseconomies of scale
- dismiss
- dismissal
- disparagement
- disproof
- dissent
- dissenting opinion
- dissolution
- distinct market
- distribution restraint
- distributive channel
- distributive integration
- distributive trade
- district attorney
- district court
- district judge
- diversification
- diversion theory
- diversity case
- divestiture
- division of market
- divorcement
- docket
- doctrine of caveat emptor
- doctrine of stare decisis
- document
- documentary evidence
- doing business
- dominant firm
- dominant market position
- dominant oligopoly
- dominant patent
- double price
- downward rigility of price
- dual distribution
- dual pricing
- due process of law
- dumping
- duopoly
- duopsony