===The city and the origininvention of television===
TheIn firstthe demonstrationsummer of a1928, the first fully electronic TV set was presented to the public was made in Tashkent in summer 1928 by. [[Boris Grabovsky]] and his team. In his's method that had been, patented in [[Saratov]] in 1925, Boris Grabovsky proposed a new principlemodel of TV imaging based on the vertical and horizontal electron beam sweeping under high voltage. Nowadays this principle of the TV imaging is used practically in all modern cathode-ray tubes. Historian and ethnographer Boris Golender (Борис Голендер in Russian), in a video lecture, described this event.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.fergananews.com/articles/8089 |title=Видеолекторий "Ферганы": Изобретение телевидения и Борис Грабовский |website=Фергана.Ру}}</ref> This date of demonstration of the fully electronic TV set is the earliest known so far. Despite this fact, most modern historians disputably consider [[Vladimir Zworykin]] and [[Philo Farnsworth]]<ref>K. Krull, The boy who invented TV: The story of Philo Farnsworth, 2014</ref> as inventors of the first fully electronic TV set. In 1964, the contribution made to the development of early television by Grabovsky was officially acknowledged by the Uzbek government and he was awarded the prestigious degree "Honorable Inventor of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic".