Statement from AVC Bhatnagar and Title IX Director Cato: Duty to Report Sexual Violence, Sexual Harassment and all Forms of Discrimination
On January 22, 2025, AVC for Civil Rights Chandra Bhatnagar and Title IX Director Mohammed Cato issued an annual reminder for all UCLA employees, including student employees, of the duty to report allegations of discrimination and/or harassment based on all protected categories as well as sexual violence and sexual harassment.
Statement from AVC Bhatnagar and ADA/Section 504 Officer Kovnator: Duty to Accommodate People with Disabilities
On November 22, 2024, Assistant Vice Chancellor Chandra Bhatnagar and ADA/Section 504 Compliance Officer Yonit Kovnator issued the following annual reminder for all UCLA employees, including student employees, of the duty to provide appropriate accommodation for all individuals (including students and employees) with disabilities.
Statement from IVP Chang: Announcing the 2024–2025 EDI Student Leadership Award
On October 15, 2024, Interim Vice Provost for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Mitchell Chang announced the 2024-2025 EDI Student Leadership Award to the UCLA Community.
Statement from IVP Chang: Announcing the 2023–2024 Student Leadership Award Winners
On March 21, 2024, Interim Vice Provost for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Mitchell Chang announced the recipients of the 2023–2024 EDI Student Leadership Award to the UCLA Community.
Check back for the latest events from the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.