
98 Pins
Watercolor Pencils Monoprints - ARTiful: painting demos
Watercolor pencils monoprints - ARTiful: painting demos
Printing Projects
Hello everyone! My name is Birgit Koopsen and I feel honored to be guest blogging here on the Gelli Arts blog! Today I will show you ...
John Piper – part 3
The pastel has been used a the original wash and then the designs features have been created by erasing the pastel.
architecture buildings over time collage
architecture buildings art sketchbook - Google Search
This item is unavailable - Etsy
Chicago ChicaOnTheGo Linocut Monoprint ON SALE by zmedceramics on ETsy
Exploring Monoprint workshop with Laura Kemshall.
2016 Topic #9 Mono Printing {Challenge}
Innovative creativity from PaperArtsy. Paint, stencils, and techniques galore for any mixed media enthusiast to enjoy.
Resist Printing with Gelli Arts® Plates, Books, and Magazines
Resist Printing with Gelli Arts® Plates, Books, and Magazines - YouTube