wonders of world

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Taj Mahal - Paint bw by Steve Harrington
Taj Mahal - Paint Bw. Taj Mahal is regarded as one of the eight wonders of the world, and some Western historians have noted that its architectural beauty has never been surpassed. Its white marble glows in all light conditions in an ethereal way. Beyond its beauty I was most struck by its sheer size. Its central dome is fifty-eight feet in diameter and rises to a height of 213 feet.
The amazing use of hatching and shading allowed for the detail in the Taj Mahal inspired drawing to be evident, with the finer details adding a nice aesthetic.
Wahrzeichen. Freiheitsstatue, Turm von Pisa, Eiffelturm, großer Ben, Taj Mahal, Basilikum-Kathedrale.
Wahrzeichen-Symbole. Statue der Freiheit, Turm von Pisa, Eiffelturm, big Ben, Taj Mahal, Basilius Kathedrale. Vektor-illustration
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Get coloring page Taj Mahal | 50 Printable Adult Colouring Pages That Will Make You Feel Like a Kid Again | POPSUGAR Australia Smart Living Photo 26