Curso de Ingles (Nivel 1-Básico)
Curso de Ingles (Nivel 1-Básico)
Curso de Ingles (Nivel 1-Básico)
I am ill. You are hungry. He is handsome. She is pretty. It's cold today. We are tired. You are angry. They are at the cinema.
Yo estoy enfermo. T ests hambriento. l es guapo. Ella es guapa Hoy hace fro. Nosotros estamos cansados. Vosotros estis enfadados. Ellos estn en el cine.
Traduccin ejemplo
I want it for me. I 'm helping you. Can you see him? Give it to her. Give it a kick. He is helping us. I saw you. I 'm waiting for them.
Lo quiero para m. Te estoy ayudando. Le puedes ver? Dselo a ella. Dale una patada. l nos est ayudando. Os vi. Los estoy esperando.
Traduccin ejemplo
mi, mis tu, tus su, sus (de l) su, sus (de ella) su, sus nuestro/a nuestros/as vuestro/a, vuestros/as su, sus (de ellos)
This is my blouse. This is your tie. This is his wardrobe. This is her dress. This is its temperature. These are our suitcases. These are your seats. Here are their socks.
Esta es mi blusa. Esta es tu corbata. Este es su armario. Este es su vestido. Esta es su temperatura. Estas son nuestras maletas. Estos son vuestros asientos. Aqu estn sus calcetines.
Traduccin ejemplo
Pronombres posesivos
mio/s, ma/s tuyo/s, tuya/s suyo/s, suya/s (de l) suyo/s, suya/s (de ella) nuestro/s, nuestra/s vuestro/a, vuestros/as suyo/a, suyos/as (de ellos) yo mismo, a mi t mismo, a ti l mismo, a si mismo ella misma, a si misma l mismo, as mismo nosotros mismos vosotros mismos ellos mismos
This coat is mine. My name is Tony. What's yours? This computer is his. The blue bag is hers.
Este abrigo es mio. Mi nombre es Toni. Cul es el tuyo? Este ordenador es de el. El bolso azul es de ella.
Pronombres reflexivos
I saw it for myself. Don't burn yourself ! He hurt himself. She did it herself. The cat scratched itself. We are enjoying ourselves. Did you paint the house yourselves? They were speaking to themselves.
Yo mismo lo v. No te quemes! Se hizo dao. Lo hizo ella misma. El gato se rasc. Estamos disfrutando nosotros mismos. Pintsteis la casa vosotros mismos? Ellos hablaban consigo mismos.
Existe la forma "each other" que no es reflexiva sino que es una forma recproca. A diferencia del reflexivo, tenemos dos sujetos diferentes que hablan el uno al otro, se miran el uno al otro, etc... Nunca puede haber ms de dos personas. Ejemplo: John and Peter spoke to each other on the trip. (John y Peter se hablaron durante el viaje) En Ingls no existe la forma usted, ustedes formal. Por lo tanto los nativos de la lengua ni siquiera lo tienen conceptualizado como una forma aqu llamada formal. Se tiene que entender entonces que la forma masculina, femenina y neutra son lo mismo, lo nico que les diferencia es el gnero.
Los pronombres en ingls distinguen entre masculino (he), femenino (she) y neutro (it), tal y como se muestra en la tabla de pronombres.
Personal Pronouns / Pronombres personales El pronombre personal it se utiliza cuando nos referimos animales y no sabemos su sexo, al tiempo (calendario y metereolgico), distancias. 1. What is its name? (Cmo se llama?) 2. 3. What time is it? (Qu hora es?)
Whats the weather like? Its raining (Qu tiempo hace?, est lloviendo)
It es una particula muy importante en ingls de la que los hablantes de lengua espaola se suelen olvidar. Dentro de los pronombres personales, el ingls distingue entre ponombres en funcin de sujeto y pronombres personales en funcin de objeto.
Se coloca detrs del verbo al que complementa. She told me something (Ella me dijo algo) Siempre se utiliza tras preposiciones tales como for, to, with, at, entre otras: They always listen to her (Siempre la escuchan) Personal Pronouns VS. Genitive / Pronombres Personales y Genitivo El genitivo -s, no se ha de confundir con los pronombres personales que expresan posesin. As podemos decir: 1. Her car (su coche de ella) O podemos decir: 1. Andreas car (El coche de Andrea)
En ambos casos expresamos un poseedor y un posedo, en este caso el coche. En la primera frase, el pronombre posesivo femenino her indica que tanto el hablante como el oyente acaban de hacer referencia a la misma persona. En cambio en el segundo caso, el hablante quiere dar a conocer el nombre del poseedor. Siempre utilizamos el genitivo para referirnos a personas nunca a cosas o lugares, en estos casos utilizaremos la preposicin of. 1. The leg of the table (La pata de la mesa)
Tambin podemos utilizar el genitivo a final de oracin que acostumbra a ser la respuesta a una pregunta anterior. 1. 2. Where is your sister? (Dnde est tu hermana?) Shes at my parents (Est en casa de mis padres)
(Mi casa es mas grande que la de mi vecino) WARNING! Cuando el poseedor es plural el genitivo se aade a final del poseedor pero solo aadiendo el apostrofe - y no la -s del genitivo
Ejemplos: 1. 2. Singular y aqu: Plural y aqu: I like this pencil (Me gusta este lapiz) I like these pencils (Me gustan estos lpices) 3. Singular y all:
I like those pencils (Me gustan aquellos lpices Los pronombres demostrativos pueden ir acompaados de un nombre como vemos en los ejemplos anteriores, o pueden ir solos como en el siguiente ejemplo: Ejemplos: 1. 2. This is a good CD (este es un buen CD) Who is that? (Quin es aquel/aquella?) Otros usos de this y that
Podemos utilizarlos cuando nos presentamos a otra persona al otro lado de la lnea telefnica: -This is Alicia speaking (Alicia al habla) O cuando no estamos seguros de con quin estamos hablando al otro lado de la lnea o a alguien que no vemos por que estamos en un sitio oscuro o en otra habitacin: - Peter, is that you? (eres tu, Peter?) This : Tambin lo podemos utilizar cuando presentamos a personas: - Lucy, this is my friend Gill (Lucy, esta es mi amiga Gill) That: Tambin lo podemos utilizar para Referirnos a algo del pasado: - That pizza was wonderfull (Aquella pizza estaba buensima) Tanto puede ser una pizza que acabamos de comer o de una pizza que comimos en las vacaciones del ao pasado. Confirmar lo que otra persona est diciendo: - Thats right (eso es) Quitar importancia a algo: - I havent done the homework today- (no he hecho los deberes hoy) - Thats all right (no pasa nada)
Gramaticalmente funciona como un articulo determinativo del sustantivo al que acompaa, por lo tanto siempre va en primera posicin dentro de la oracin: - My bag is blue (Mi bolso es azul)
Gramaticalmente funciona como un pronombre en funcin de complento directo. -That pencil is not yours (Ese lpiz no es tuyo) Estas frases contestan a la pregunta: -Whose is this? (De quin es esto?)
REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS / PRONOMBRES REFLEXIVOS Y RECPROCOS Los pronombres reflexivos se usan cuando el sujeto y el complemento del verbo son la misma cosa: - I saw it for myself (Lo vi por mi mismo) Los pronombres recprocos se forman con las partculas: each other. Esta forma no es reflexiva si no que es una forma recproca. A diferencia del reflexivo tenemos dos sujetos diferentes que hablan el uno al otro, se miran el uno al otro, etc. Nunca puede haber ms de dos personas. - John and Peter spoke to each other on the trip (John y Peter se hablaron durante el viaje )
Lesson 2:
El artculo en ingls Los artculos en ingls, a diferencia del castellano, no tienen gnero. En muchas ocasiones la nocin de masculino, femenino o neutro coincide en castellano, pero no siempre es as. As por ejemplo, en castellano decimos: El coche "gnero masculino", en ingls es The car "gnero neutro: it", aunque podemos observar que en formas coloquiales podemos referirnos al coche adjudicndole gnero femenino: "My car let me down last night, she broke down". The article definite/El artculo determinado The corresponde a los siguientes artculos en espaol el, la, los, las. Tanto se utiliza para las formas singulares como para formas plurales. Ejemplos: The boy (el nio) masculino-singular The boys (los nios) masculino-plural The girl (la nia) femenino-singular The girls (las nias) femenino-plural
The book (el libro) neutro-singular The books (los libros) neutro-plural Este artculo puede ir precedido de las preposiciones of, to. En ingls no hay contraccin de preposicin y artculo. "Del" y "al" se traducen por: of the (del) to the (al). Ejemplos: Days of the week (das de la semana) I'm going to the garden (me voy al jardn) Usos del artculo The - En que casos utilizamos The?
Utilizamos "the" para indicar algo o alguien en particular, por ello se llama definido. Hablamos de algo o alguien concreto que tanto el emisor como el receptor del mensaje conocen porque ya ha salido anteriormente en la conversacin o porque los dos lo conocen previamente. Ejemplo: Do you remember the day we went to New York?
(Recuerdas el da que fuimos a Nueva York?)
Ejemplo: Where is the shop your mother works in? (Dnde esta la tienda en que trabaja
Para referirnos a nombres de lugares que se refieran a repblicas, estados o reinados. Ejemplo: We visited the United States (Visitamos los Estados Unidos)
Con los nombres plurales de mares, ocanos, canales y rios. Ejemplo: The Pennines (Las montaas Penines)
Cuando nombramos lugares de ocio o lugares emblemticos. Ejemplo: We visited the Eiffel tower (Visitamos la torre Eiffel)
Uilizamos The con la partcula "same", de la misma manera que se utiliza en espaol. Ejemplo: Your dress is the same as mine. (Tu vestido es como el mio)
Para hacer referencia a los puntos cardinales north, south, east, west. Ejemplo: The south of France (El sur de Francia)
Ejemplo: My dog is the best dog in the world (Mi perro es el mejor perro del mundo)
Con el verbo go+to: lugares de ocio (teatro, cine), consultores mdicos, consultores legales (abogados, etc), lugares que sierven de punto de encuentro
(aeropuertos, centro ciudad...), tiendas especializadas (farmacias, panaderas, etc) Cuando No usamos el artculo The
Nunca utilizaremos the cuando nos referimos a la television , o cuando nos referimos a las pasadas o futuras horas de las comidas, los das de la semana, los meses del ao, las estaciones, los aos. Ejemplos: I dont like what is on tv tonight (No me gusta lo que dan por la tele esta noche) They will call me next week (Me llamarn la semana que viene)
Delante de nombres de personas aunque estos estn precedidos de ttulos. Con el verbo go + to: work, school, university, college, hospital, prision, church, bed
En general no se utiliza el artculo con nombres de lugares , aunque hay algunas excepciones como hemos visto en el apartado anterior.
En general no se utliliza el artculo con nombres de ciudades , aunque hay algunas excepciones como hemos visto en el apartado anterior.
- Usamos a antes de una palabra comenzada por la letra u cuando esta es pronunciada como el sonido figurado "yu". Ejemplo: a university An se usa con nombres que comienzan por vocal.
Ejemplos: an animal = un animal an answer = una contestacin an example = un ejemplo
- Usamos an antes de una palabra comenzada por una h que no pronunciamos. Ejemplo: an hour Usos del artculo a/an Usamos a / an delante de los nombres singulares. I have bought a flower. (He comprado una flor) Usamos a / an cuando hablamos del oficio de alguien. Maria is a journalist. (Maria es periodista) No usamos a / an delante de nombres plurales. I have bought flowers. (He comprado flores)
Lesson 3:
AT Significado: en, a, por, delante, cerca de Usos: delante de: horas, das festivos, weekend (fin de semana) ingls britnico, night (noche), home (cuando el significado es estar en casa).
I live at 42 Porltand Street. He is at home. I always visit my parents at Christmas. I usually play tennis at weekends. At the end of my holiday. Vivo en el 42 de Portland Street. l est en casa. Siempre visito a mis padres en Navidad. Normalmente juego al tenis los fines de semana. Al final de mis vacaciones.
in at inside
2. I'm busy ____ the moment. I'm working ___ the computer. at / on in / on in / in 3. I met him ____ the South ___ Spain. by / in on / of in / of 4. My flat is ___ the first floor. in on at 5. Your boss suggests a meeting __ Sunday afternoon. in on at 6. We can meet __ the weekend. (american english) in on at
___ from
15. What time do you eat ___ the evening? in at on 16. He goes every evening ____ night clubs. to at ___
18. Peter can't have been away. The lights were on __ his apartment. at of in
the at
21. My father hopes to be retired ____ year because he wants to have more free time. next the next in next
23. We went __ Ireland ___ our holidays last year. to / in to / for in / for
24. ___ this time tomorrow we'll be flying over the Atlantic. in at for
25. Our friends are going to meet us ___ the airport tonight. in to at
28. Turn __ the second left and you will find the bank. ___ in on
Lesson 4:
Lesson 5:
three hundred and twelve (312) five thousand and ten (5,010) two million five hundred thousand (2,500,000) six thousand two hundred and seventy - nine ( 6,279) two thousand two hundred and twenty -two (2,222) three thousand three hundred and thirty -three (3,333)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 101 200 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a/one hundred a/one hundred and one two hundred a/one thousand ten thousand a/one hundred thousand a/one million
La abreviatura de los nmeros ordinales se forma con el nmero en cifra seguido por las ltimas dos letras de la palabra completa: 1st (first), 2nd (second), 3rd (third), 20th (twentieth), 23rd (twenty-third)...
Del cuarto al decimoavo tienen la terminacin -th: 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth
Las decenas, millares y el milln tambin tienen la terminacin -th: Para los nmeros 20th, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th, 70th, 80th y 90th (la terminacin suena como <tiez>) 20th 30th 40th 80th 100th 1000th 1.000.000th twentieth thirtieth fortieth eightieth hundredth thousandth millionth
Las decenas se unen con un guin al igual que los nmeros cardinales, pero las unidades tienen la terminacin -th, menos first que termina en -st, second que termina en -nd, y third que termina en -rd.
FACULTAD DE INGENIERIA CIVIL PROGRAMA DE INGENIERA CIVIL PLAN DE ESTUDIOS SEMESTRE I Geometria Matemticas Generales Introduccin a la Ingeniera Dibujo Espaol Actividad Fsica Formativa SEMESTRE II Clculo I Algebra Lineal Programacin I Geometria Descriptiva Humanidades I SEMESTRE III Clculo II Estadstica Programacin II Mecnica Laboratorio de Mecnica Topografa I Prctica de Topografa I Humanidades II SEMESTRE IV Esttica Clculo III Fsica de Fluidos Laboratorio de Fsica de Fluidos Geologa Topografa II Prctica de Topografa II Metodologa de la Investigacin SEMESTRE V Resistencia de Materiales Mecnica de Fluidos Materiales I Ecuaciones Diferenciales Economa Qumica Sanitaria Laboratorio de Qumica Sanitaria Seminario Investigativo Nivel A SEMESTRE VI Anlisis Estructural I T P 4 4 3 1 3 4 2 T P 4 4 4 4 4 T P 4 4 4 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 T P 5 4 4 2 2 4 1 4 2 2 2 T P 5 5 4 2 4 4 4 2 2 1 T P 5 REQUISITOS Y CORREQUISITOS(*)
REQUISITOS Y CORREQUISITOS (*) Matemticas Generales Matemticas Generales Algebra Lineal (*) Dibujo - Geometra Espaol REQUISITOS Y CORREQUISITOS (*) Clculo I Clculo I Programacin I Clculo I Mecnica (*) Dibujo - Gemotera Topografa I (*) Espaol REQUISITOS Y CORREQUISITOS (*) Clculo II - Fsica I Clculo II Fsica I Laboratorio de Mecnica, Fsica de Fluidos Topografa I Topografa I - Geometra Descriptiva Prctica de Topografa I, Topografa II (*) Estadstica REQUISITOS Y CORREQUISITOS (*) Esttica Esttica - Fsica II Geologa Clculo II Estadstica Estadstica Qumica Sanitaria (*) REQUISITOS Y CORREQUISITOS (*) Resistencia de Materiales - Ecuaciones Diferenciales(*)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth
17th seventeenth 18th eighteenth 19th nineteenth 20th twentieth 21st twenty-first 22nd twenty-second 30th thirtieth 40th fortieth 50th fiftieth 60th sixtieth 70th seventieth 80th eightieth 90th ninetieth 100th hundredth 101st hundred and first 200th two hundredth 1.000th thousandth 10.000th ten thousandth 100.000th hundred thousandth 1.000.000th millionth
Lesson 6:
fish (peces o pescados) plural sheep (oveja) singular sheep (ovejas) plural El plural de fish puede ser fishes en el caso de que nos refiramos a disintas clases de pescado. Ejemplo: There are over 24,000 described species of fishes in the world. Caso 2 Cuando el plural vara de modo irregular. Por lo tanto, no existe regla la cual se pueda seguir y hay que aprenderse las formas irregulares de cada uno.
Lesson 7:
Un adjetivo es una palabra que acompaa y modifica al nombre. Puede ampliar, complementar o cuantificar su tamao. the tall professor a seven-year-old child El ingls tiene ocho clases de adjetivos:
Clases de adjetivos: 1. Calificativos: fat, red, nice... 2. Demostrativos: this, that, these, those 3. Distributivos: each, every, either, neither 4. Cuantitativos: some ,any, many... 5. Interrogativos: which?, what? ...
6. Posesivos: my, your... 7. Propios: English, Spanish 8. Numerales: one, four, first, second...
El gnero y nmero El adjetivo en ingls es invariable, es decir, no cambia con el gnero ni con el nmero: fast --> rpido, rpida, rpidos, rpidas Los adjetivos demostrativos tienen diferentes formas para el singular y el plural: this pencil (este lpiz) these pencils (estos lpices) los adjetivos cuantitativos tienen diferentes formas para el singular y el plural: much milk (mucha leche) many books (muchos libros)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
new, old, hot ... round, fat, thin ... red, black ... Spanish, American, Victorian ... silver, cotton, paper, iron ... electric, political bath (towel)
a large black paper a small red table a wonderful old city a small old bath towel
Lesson 8:
Construir frases negativas e interrogativas en ingls
Notas a tener en cuenta a la hora de construir frases negativas e interrogativas A la hora de construir frases en ingls es importante tener en cuenta que hay dos maneras de hacer frases negativas e interrogativas que vendr determinado por si estamos ante el verbo ser/estar (to be), el verbo tener (have got) o el resto de verbos. Los verbos to be y have got no necesitan ninguna partcula adicional para hacer preguntas o negaciones. En cambio, el resto de verbos necesitan lo que se llama un auxiliar, en este caso el "Do". Ejemplo con To be Frase afirmativa: I am tired / I'm tired (Estoy cansado) Frase negativa: I am not tired / I'm not tired (No estoy cansado) Frase interrogativa: Am I tired? (estoy cansado?) Ejemplo con Have got Frase afirmativa: They have got a car / They've got a car (Tienen un coche) Frase negativa: They have not got a car / They haven't got a car (No tienen un coche) Frase interrogativa: Have they got a car? (Tienen un coche?) Nota a tener en cuenta con los verbos Have got/Have Los dos verbos significan tener. La nica diferencia est el uso del auxiliar en el momento de hacer frases interrogativas o frases negativas. En la forma have got el verbo have ya hace
de auxiliar, pero el verbo have s necesita el auxiliar do para construir la frase negativa e interrogativa. Ejemplo con Have Frase afirmativa: I have a car (Tengo un coche) Frase negativa: I do not have a car / I don't have a car (No tengo un coche) Frase interrogativa: Do I have a car? (Tengo un coche?) Otros verbos Frase afirmativa: You dance every day (Bailas cada da) Frase negativa: You do not dance every day / You don't dance every day (No bailas cada da) Frase interrogativa: Do you dance every dance? (Bailas cada da?) Contracciones de los verbos Es importante notar el aspecto de las contracciones de los verbos. Las dos formas son correctas, sin embargo la contraccin es ms utilizada en el da a da, en conversaciones informales. Si en lugar de decir "They haven't got a car" decimos "They have not got a car" lo que estaramos haciendo es poniendo nfasis en el hecho de que ellos no tienen un coche. Es aconsejable que cuando hagamos un un escrito formal no utilicemos las contracciones, ya que demostraramos un registro inadecuado.
I'll, you'll, he'll, she'll, it'll, we'll, you'll, they'll I'll, we'll
Verbo is (presente verbo to be) had (pasado verbo to have) would (condicional) will (futuro)
Forma corta what's, who's, when's, how's... who'd who'd what'll, who'll
Lesson 9:
Presente / Present I You He She It We You They Affirmative swin swin swins swins swins swin swin swin
Ejemplo: Yo voy - Voy yo? - Yo no voy Interrogative Do I swin? Do you swin? Does He swin? Does She swin? Does It swin? Do We swin? Do You swin? Do They swin? I You He She It We You They Negative do not do not does not does not does not do not do not do not swin swin swin swin swin swin swin swin
Presente continuo / Present continuos I You He She It We You They Affirmative am swinning are swinning is swinning is swinning is swinning are swinning are swinning are swinning
Ejemplo: Yo estoy yendo - Estoy yendo yo? - Yo no estoy yendo Am Are Is Is Is Are Are Are Interrogative I Swinning? you swinning? he swinning? she swinning ? it swinning ? we swinning ? you swinning ? they swinning ? I You He She It We You They Negative am not are not is not is not is not are not are not are not swinning swinning swinning swinning swinning swinning swinning swinning
Pasado / Past I You He She It We You They Affirmative swinned swinned swinned swinned swinned swinned swinned swinned Did Did Did Did Did Did Did Did
Ejemplo: Yo fui - Fui yo? - Yo no fui Interrogative I swin? you swin? He swin? She swin? It swin? We swin? You swin? They swin? I You He She It We You They Negative did not did not did not did not did not did not did not did not swin swin swin swin swin swin swin swin
Futuro / Future I You He Affirmative will swin will swin will swin
Ejemplo: Yo ir - Ir yo? - Yo no ir Interrogative Will I swin? Will you swin? Will He swin? I You He Negative will not will not will not swin swin swin
will not will not will not will not will not
Pretrito Perfecto / Present Perfect I You He She It We You They Affirmative have swinned have swinned has swinned has swinned has swinned have swinned have swinned have swinned Have Have Has Has Has Have Have Have
Ejemplo: Yo he ido - He ido yo? - Yo no he ido Interrogative I swinned? you swinned? He swinned? She swinned? It swinned? We swinned? You swinned? They swinned? I You He She It We You They Negative have not have not has not has not has not have not have not have not swinned swinned swinned swinned swinned swinned swinned swinned
Pluscuamperfecto / Past Perfect I You He She It We You They Affirmative had swinned had swinned had swinned had swinned had swinned had swinned had swinned had swinned Had Had Had Had Had Had Had Had
Ejemplo: Yo haba ido - Haba ido yo? - Yo no haba ido Interrogative I swinned? you swinned? He swinned? She swinned? It swinned? We swinned? You swinned? They swinned? I You He She It We You They Negative had not had not had not had not had not had not had not had not swinned swinned swinned swinned swinned swinned swinned swinned
Condicional Simple / Conditional I You He She It We You Affirmative would swin would swin would swin would swin would swin would swin would swin Would Would Would Would Would Would Would
Ejemplo: Yo ira - Ira yo? - Yo no ira Interrogative I swin ? you swin? he swin ? she swin ? it swin ? we swin ? you swin ? Negative I would not You would not He would not She would not It would not We would not You would not swin swin swin swin swin swin swin
They would
Would they
swin ?
Condicional Perfecto / Conditional Perfect Affirmative I would have swinned You would have swinned He would have swinned She would have swinned It would have swinned We would have swinned You would have swinned They would have swinned
Ejemplo: Yo habra ido - Habra ido yo? - Yo no habra ido I You He She It We You They Negative would not have would not have would not have would not have would not have would not have would not have would not have swinned swinned swinned swinned swinned swinned swinned swinned
Interrogative I have swinned ? you have swinned? he have swinned ? she have swinned ? it have swinned ? we have swinned ? you have swinned ? they have swinned ?
Presente continuo / Present continuos I You He She It We You They Affirmative am are is is is are are are doing doing doing doing doing doing doing doing
Ejemplo: Yo estoy yendo - Estoy yendo yo? - Yo no estoy yendo Am Are Is Is Is Are Are Are Interrogative I doing ? you doing ? he doing ? she doing ? it doing ? we doing ? you doing ? they doing ? I You He She It We You They Negative am not are not is not is not is not are not are not are not doing doing doing doing doing doing doing doing
Pasado / Past I You He She It We You They Affirmative did did did did did did did did Did Did Did Did Did Did Did Did
Ejemplo: Yo fui - Fui yo? - Yo no fui Interrogative I you He She It We You They do? do? do? do? do? do? do? do? I You He She It We You They Negative did not did not did not did not did not did not did not did not do do do do do do do do
Futuro / Future I You He She It We You They Affirmative will will will will will will will will do do do do do do do do Will Will Will Will Will Will Will Will
Ejemplo: Yo ir - Ir yo? - Yo no ir Interrogative I you He She It We You They do? do? do? do? do? do? do? do? I You He She It We You They Negative will not will not will not will not will not will not will not will not do do do do do do do do
Pretrito Perfecto / Present Perfect I You He She It We You They Affirmative have have has has has have have have done done done done done done done done Have Have Has Has Has Have Have Have
Ejemplo: Yo he ido - He ido yo? - Yo no he ido Interrogative I done? you done? He done? She done? It done? We done? You done? They done? I You He She It We You They Negative have not have not has not has not has not have not have not have not done done done done done done done done
Ejemplo: Yo haba ido - Haba ido yo? - Yo no haba ido I You Negative had not had not done done
had not had not had not had not had not had not
Condicional Simple / Conditional Affirmative I would do You would do He would do She would do It would do We would do You would do They would do Would Would Would Would Would Would Would Would
Ejemplo: Yo ira - Ira yo? - Yo no ira Interrogative I do ? you do? he do ? she do ? it do ? we do ? you do ? they do ? I You He She It We You They Negative would not would not would not would not would not would not would not would not do do do do do do do do
Condicional Perfecto / Conditional Perfect Affirmative I would have You would have He would have She would have It would have We would have You would have They would have done done done done done done done done Would Would Would Would Would Would Would Would
Ejemplo: Yo habra ido - Habra ido yo? - Yo no habra ido done ? done? done ? done ? done ? done ? done ? done ? I You He She It We You They Negative would not have would not have would not have would not have would not have would not have would not have would not have done done done done done done done done
Interrogative I have you have he have she have it have we have you have they have
Lesson 10:
Tiempos Verbales - Presente simple Verb Tenses - Present simple
Gramatical Structure / Estructura Gramatical (example with verb to talk) Afirmative clause / Frase afirmativa Sujeto + verbo principal --> I talk (Yo hablo) Negative clause / Frase negativa Sujeto + auxiliar negativo + verbo principal --> I don't talk (Yo no hablo) Interrogative clause/ Frase interrogativa Auxiliar + sujeto + verbo principal? --> Do I talk? (Hablo yo?)
El presente simple se utiliza para hablar de cosas que suceden habitualmente. Se suele utilizar con los siguientes adverbios de tiempo (ordenados segn su frecuencia): Always, every day, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, barely, hardly ever, never. - I have my lunch every day at school. (Yo como cada da en la escuela) Se utiliza para hablar de acciones de larga duracin, hechos cientficos o generalidades. - Elephants live in Africa and India. (Los elefantes viven en frica y en India) Excepciones: Cuando utilizamos el verbo "to be", este siempre va delante del adverbio. Por ejemplo: - I never go to hotels (el adverbio "never" va delante del verbo principal Go) - I am always happy (el adverbio "always" va detrs del verbo principal Be) Con los horarios de trenes, autobuses, metros, aviones, etc... se utiliza siempre el presente simple independientemente de que la accin est sucediendo en el mismo momento en que hablamos. Por ejemplo: - The plain lands at 14:30 (ahora son las 14:25) - The train arrives on time today (estamos en la estacin de tren y vemos a nuestro tren acercarse al andn)
I / married / when / young / was / I I married when I was young Escribe en las cajas de texto, al final del ejercicio encontrars las respuestas.
1) is / having / He / breakfast
Solucin ejercicio: 1. He is having breakfast. .2. I play basketball every tuesday. 3. My father gets up at 7:30 4. What do you do every day? 5. I'm thinking of going on holiday. 6. Do you read a lot of books? Yes, I do. 7. My friend and I sometimes go to the cinema. 8. My brother doesn't live in Canada. 9. How do you go to your school? 10. It's really important to wear sun cream in the summer. 12.What is Peter doing these days? 13 I'm looking for a job at the moment..
Lesson 11:
Susan has had a baby --> Susan's had a baby Las formas cortas se utilizan en el lenguage coloquial y en cartas informales.
Verbo am (presente verbo to be) are (presente verbo to be) is (presente verbo to be) has (presente verbo to have) have (presente verbo to have) had (pasado verbo to have) would (condicional) will (futuro) shall (futuro) Forma corta I'm you're, we're, you're, they're he's, she's, it's he's, she's, it's I've, you've, we've, they've I'd, you'd, he'd, she'd, it'd, we'd, they'd I'd, you'd, he'd, she'd, it'd, we'd, they'd I'll, you'll, he'll, she'll, it'll, we'll, you'll, they'll I'll, we'll
Verbo is (presente verbo to be) had (pasado verbo to have) would (condicional) will (futuro)
Forma corta Whats, who's, when's, how's... who'd who'd what'll, who'll
has (presente verbo to have) have (presente verbo to have) had (pasado verbo to have) would, can, must, need, should... will (futuro) shall (futuro)
has not have not had not Would not, can not, must not... will not shall not
hasn't haven't hadn't Wouldnt, can't, mustn't, needn't, shouldn't... won't shan't
Lesson 12:
Para decir las horas en punto podemos decir: nine o nine o'clock (nueve en punto) Pero no podemos decir: six-thirty o'clock Podemos dar la exactitud de la hora diciendo: 11:00 eleven a.m eleven in the morning eleven p.m eleven at night Otra manera de decir la hora es la siguiente: 1:00 one o'clock
3:10 ten past three 4:15 a quarter past four 5:30 half past five 8:35 twenty-five to nine 9:45 a quarter to ten Diferencias entre ingls britnico e ingls americano * a quarter past (UK) y cuarto // a quarter after (US) y cuarto * a half past (UK) y media // thirty (US) y media Preguntar y decir la hora What time is it? What's the time? (Qu hora es?) Its... (Es la... Son las...) (At) What time...? (A qu hora... ?) It's about... (Son aproximadamente las ... ) En el ingls americano no se suele utilizar la expresin half past (y media). En su lugar tratan a la hora como si fuese digital. En cambio s utilizan a quarter past (y cuarto) y a quarter to (menos cuarto). No se utiliza oralmente el reloj de 24 horas excepto para el caso de horarios de aviones o trenes. Entonces para decir que son las 4:00 podemos decir four o'clock in the morning. Para decir 16:30 se dira half past four in the afternoon. Para diferenciar la maana de la tarde se emplea am y pm. Eleven a.m eleven in the morning (por la maana) eleven p.m eleven at night (por la noche)
El abecedario - The alphabet
Abecedario (pronunciacin figurada)
La familia
Ingls adopted aunt brother cousin dad daughter daughter-in-law elder family father father-in-law foster parents godfather godmother grandchild grandchildren granddad granddaughter grandfather grandma grandmother grandpa grandparents grandson great-grandfather husband mother mother-in-law mum nephew niece older only child orphan Espaol adoptado ta hermano primo/a pap hija nuera el/la mayor familia padre suegro familia de acogida padrino madrina nieto/a nietos abuelito nieta abuelo abuelita abuela abuelito abuelos nieto bisabuelo marido madre suegra mam sobrino sobrina mayor hijo/a nico/a hurfano
great-grandmother bisabuela
Los colores
Ingls black blue brown green grey navy orange pink purple red white yellow Espaol negro azul marron verde gris azul marino naranja rosa violeta / morado rojo Blanco amarillo
Las personas
Ingls adolescent adult baby boy chap child fellow gentleman girl grown-up individual lady man middle-aged old people Espaol adolescente adulto beb chico to nio/a colega seor, caballero chica adulto individuo seora hombre de mediana edad viejo gente