Taller Sensores
Taller Sensores
Taller Sensores
c. Plot the original data together with the transfer functions in (a) and (b) and
discuss the errors in the choice of approximation.
ErrorC= mean(abs((a*d.^2+b*d+c)-f)/f*100);
ErrorL= mean(abs((m*d+k)-f)/f*100);
disp(['El promedio de error de los datos con respecto a la funcion de transferencia cuadrada
es :'...
,num2str(ErrorC),'% y por su parte la lineal es : ',num2str(ErrorL),'%'])
Segundo ejercicio
Loading effects on actuators. Suppose an 8 loudspeaker is driven from an
amplifier under matched conditions, meaning that the amplifiers output
impedance equals 8 . Under these conditions the amplifier transfers maximum
power to the loudspeaker. The user decides to connect a second, identical
speaker in parallel to the first to better distribute sound in the room. The amplifier
supplies an output voltage V = 48 V.
a. Show that the total power on the two speakers is lower than that
supplied to a single speaker.
= (4)2 (4) = 64
Cuando colocamos un Nuevo parlante, pero conectado en paralelo al anterior,
obtenemos una salida de potencia de 64W aplicada a ambas cargas. Sin
embargo, cuando tenemos un solo parlante (Impedancia de 8 ) obtenemos
If one desires to maintain the same power, what must be the impedance
of the speakers assuming they are still connected in parallel to the
Para mantener la misma potencia, es necesario conectar dos resistencias de
16 manteniendo la conexin en paralelo.
Tercer ejercicio
Power output of an electrical motor. The torque of a DC motor is linear with the
speed of the motor and given in Figure. Find the power transfer function of the
motor, that is, the relation between speed and power. Show that maximum
mechanical power is obtained at half the no-load speed and/or half the stall torque.
= (16,67106 + 0,05)
106 =
Cuarto ejercicio
Hysteresis in a torque sensor. A torque sensor is calibrated by applying static
torque to it (i.e., a certain torque is applied, the sensor response is measured, and
then the torque is increased or decreased to measure another point on the curve).
The following data are obtained. The first set is obtained by increasing torque, the
second by decreasing it.
a. Plot the transfer function of the torque sensor using a second-order least
squares approximation.
AT=[2.3 3.14 4 4.84 5.69 6.54 7.39 8.25 9.09 9.52 10.37 10.79];
ST1=[2.51 2.99 3.54 4.12 4.71 5.29 5.87 6.4 6.89 7.1 7.49 7.62];
ST2=[7.68 7.54 7.22 7.05 6.68 6.26 5.8 5.29 4.71 4.09 3.37 2.54];
Transfer function
ST1_mc= @(A) c1(1)*A.^2+c1(2)*A+c1(3);
ST2_mc= @(A) c2(1)*A.^2+c2(2)*A+c2(3);
STI= @(A) c3(1)*A.^2+c3(2)*A+c3(3);
legend('Increasing Torque','Decreasing Torque','Ideal Transfer
axis([0 11 0 8])
title('Transfer Funtions: Hysterisis in a torque sensor')
xlabel('Applied Torque [N.m]')
ylabel('Sensed Torque [N.m]')
Calculo de Error
ErrorI=100*(ideal-incre)./ideal ;
ErrorD=100*(ideal-decre)./ideal ;
ans =
ans =