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Con-Textos Kantianos

n 2

Noviembre 2015

ISSN 2386-7655

International Journal of Philosophy

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. i-iii
ISSN: 2386-7655

Equipo editorial / Editorial Team

Editor Principal / Editor-In-Chief
Roberto R. Aramayo, Instituto de Filosofa, CSIC, Espaa

Editores Asociados / Associated Editors

Maria Julia Bertomeu, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientficas / Universidad de La Plata,
Catalina Gonzlez, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia
Eduardo Molina, Univ. Alberto Hurtado, Chile
Efran Lazos, IIF-UNAM, Mxico

Secretaria de redaccin / Executive Secretary

Nuria Snchez Madrid, UCM, Espaa

Editores de reseas / Book Review Editors

Pablo Muchnik, Emerson College, Estados Unidos
Margit Ruffing, Universidad de Mainz, Alemania
Ileana Beade, Universidad Nacional del Rosario, Argentina
Marceline Morais, Cgep Saint Laurent, Montral, Canad
Antonino Falduto, Univ. de Halle, Alemania
Cinara Nahra, UFRN, Brasil

Editora de noticias / Newsletter Editor

Ana-Carolina Gutirrez-Xivill, Philipps-Universitt Marburg / Universidad de Barcelona, Espaa

Consejo Editorial / Editorial Board

Juan Arana, Universidad de Sevilla, Espaa
Rodolfo Arango, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
Sorin Baiasu, Universidad de Keele, Reino Unido
Aylton Barbieri Durao, UFSC, Brasil
Ileana Beade, Universidad Nacional del Rosario, Argentina
Alix A. Cohen, Universidad de Edimburgo, Reino Unido
Vadim Chaly, Univ. Federal Bltica I. Kant, Federacin de Rusia
Silvia Del Lujn Di Sanza, Universidad de San Martn, Argentina
Francesca Fantasia, Univ. de Palermo/Univ. de Halle, Italia
Luca Fonnesu, Universidad de Pava, Italia
Roe Fremstedal, University of Troms The Arctic University of Norway, Noruega
Jess Gonzlez Fisac, Universidad de Cdiz, Espaa
Caroline Guibet-Lafaye, CNRS, Francia

Equipo Editor
Ricardo Gutirrez Aguilar, IFS-CSIC, Espaa
Ana-Carolina Gutirrez-Xivill, Philipps-Universitt Marburg / Universidad de Barcelona, Espaa
Claudia Juregui, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Mai Lequan, Universidad de Lyon III, Francia
Reidar Maliks, Universitetet i Oslo, Noruega
Macarena Marey, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Pablo Muchnik, Emerson College, Estados Unidos
Faustino Oncina, Universidad de Valencia, Espaa
Pablo Oyarzn, Universidad de Chile, Chile
Ricardo Parellada, UCM, Espaa
Alice Pinheiro Walla, Trinity College Dublin, Irlanda
Hernn Pringe, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Faviola Rivera, IIF-UNAM, Mxico
Concha Roldn, IFS-CSIC, Espaa
Rogelio Rovira, UCM, Espaa
Konstantinos Sargentis, University of Crete, Grecia
Manuel Snchez Rodrguez, Universidad de Granada, Espaa
Thomas Sturm, Universidad Autnoma de Barcelona, Espaa
Pedro Jess Teruel, Universidad de Valencia, Espaa
Gabriele Tomasi, Universidad de Padua, Italia
Marcos Thisted, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Salvi Turr, Universidad de Barcelona, Espaa
Milla Vaha, Univ. of Turku, Finlandia
Astrid Wagner, TU-Berln, Alemania
Sandra Zakutna, Univ. de Preov, Eslovaquia

Consejo Asesor / Advisory Board

Lubomir Blas, Univ. de Preov, Eslovaquia
Reinhard Brandt, Universidad de Marburgo, Alemania
Juan Adolfo Bonaccini, Universidad Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil
Mario Caimi, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Monique Castillo, Universidad de Pars XII-Crteil, Francia
Jess Conill, Universidad de Valencia, Espaa
Adela Cortina, Universidad de Valencia, Espaa
Mara Jos Callejo, UCM, Espaa
Robinson dos Santos, Universidad Federal de Pelotas, Brasil
Vicente Durn, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogot, Colombia
Bernd Drflinger, Universidad de Trier, Alemania
Jean Ferrari, Universidad de Bourgogne, Francia
Miguel Giusti, PUPC, Per
Wilson Herrera, Universidad del Rosario, Colombia
Lus Eduardo Hoyos, Universidad Nacional, Colombia
Claudio La Rocca, Universidad de Genova, Italia
Heiner Klemme, Universidad de Mainz, Alemania
Andrey Krouglov, Universidad Estatal de Mosc, Federacin de Rusia
Salvador Mas, UNED, Espaa
Javier Muguerza, UNED, Espaa
Lismaco Parra, Universidad Nacional, Colombia
Antonio Prez Quintana, Universidad de La Laguna, Espaa
Carlos Pereda, UNAM, Mxico
Alessandro Pinzani, UFSC, Brasil
Jacinto Rivera de Rosales, UNED, Espaa
Pedro Ribas, UAM, Espaa
Begoa Romn, Universidad de Barcelona, Espaa


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. i-iii
ISSN: 2386-7655

Editorial Team

Margit Ruffing, Universidad de Mainz, Alemania

Pedro Stepanenko, IIF, UNAM, Mxico
Sergio Sevilla, Universidad de Valencia, Espaa
Ricardo Terra, USP, Brasil
Mara Jess Vzquez Lobeiras, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Espaa
Alberto Vanzo, University of Warwick, Reino Unido
Jos Lus Villacaas, UCM, Espaa

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. i-iii
ISSN: 2386-7655


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 1-6
ISSN: 2386-7655


[ES / EN] Equipo editor / Editorial Team
pp. i-iii
[ES / EN] Sumario / Table of contents
pp. 1-6
[ES] Editorial de CTK 2, Roberto R. Aramayo (Instituto de Filosofia / CSIC, Espaa)
pp. 7-8 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33885
[EN] CTK 2 Editorial Note, Roberto R. Aramayo (Institute of Philosophy / CSIC, Spain)
pp. 9-10 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33886

[FR] Entretien avec Claude Pich, Mara Hotes (Univ. de Munich,
Allemagne) pp. 11-19 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33887

Seccin monogrfica Kant y las declinaciones de la armona /
Monographical Section Kant and the Meanings of Harmony

[ES] Hacia una crtica de la razn armnica, Alberto Pirni (Scuola Superiore di SantAnna,
pp. 20-31 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33888

[EN] Harmonia in commercio vs Harmonia absque commercio. Kants eclectical dealing with
causality, Gualtiero Lorini (Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
pp. 32-47 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33889
[PT] Os tons harmnicos e o fundamento das representaes. Breve comentrio a uma anotao
de Kant sobre uma metfora musical de Eberhard, Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques
(Universidade Estadual Paulista, Marlia, Brasil)
pp. 48-61 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33890
[EN] The principle of equality governing the actions and counter-actions in Kants
Practical Philosophy, Jean-Christophe Merle (Univ. of Vechta, Germany)
pp. 62-71 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33891
[IT] Kant. Il trascendentale e larmonia delle facolt, Francesco Valagussa (Univ. VitaSalute San Raffaele, Italia)
pp. 72-85 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33892
[DE] Die bereinstimmung zwischen Einbildungskraft und Verstand und die Erkenntnis
berhaupt , Oscar Meo (Univ. Genua, Italien)
pp. 86-99 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33901
[ES] Correspondencia o armona. La literatura en la distincin kantiana de las bellas artes,
Germn Garrido (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Espaa)
pp. 100-114 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33903
[IT] Unit e concordanza teleologica del mondo in Kant, Gerardo Cunico (Univ. di
Genova, Italia)
pp. 115-127 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33904
[ES] Armona en la dualidad frente a monismo naturalista: Kant y Habermas, Ana Mara
Andaluz Romanillos (Univ. Pontificia de Salamanca, Espaa)
pp. 128-150 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33906
[EN] Concepts of Aesthetics of Arts in Slovak Aesthetics of the 19th Century and Kants
Conception of Harmonization , Jana Sokova (Univ. Of Preov, Slovakia)
pp. 151-161 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33907
[EN] Self-deception and self-knowledge: Jane Austens Emma as an Example of Kants
Notion of Self-Deception, Jeanine Grenberg (Univ. Saint Olaf, USA)
pp. 162-176 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33972

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 1-6
ISSN: 2386-7655

Sumario / Tables of contents

Kant and the Enlightenment /
Kant y la Ilustracin

[EN] Kants Enlightenment, Sam Fleischacker (Univ. of Illinois, Chicago, USA)

pp. 177-196 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33969
[EN] Kants Enlightenment as a Critique of Culture, Claude Pich (University of Montral,
pp. 197-216 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33970
[EN] When Reason Began to Stir Kantian Courage and the Enlightenment, Jol
Madore (Memorial University, Canada)
pp. 217-237 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33971
[EN] Kants Machiavellian Moment, Jay Foster (Memorial University, Canada)
pp. 238-260 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33975
[EN] Solus Secedo and Sapere Aude: Cartesian Meditation as Kantian Enlightenment, Suma
Rajiva (Memorial University, Canada)
pp. 261-279 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33976
[EN] Afterword. On Enlightenment and the Most Difficult Problem of the Human Species,
James Scott Johnston (Memorial University, Canada)
pp. 280-286 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33977


[ES] Renovando el canon filosfico. Schiller antes, despus y ms all de Kant, Laura
Anna Macor (Universidad de Oxford, Gran Bretaa) [traduccin al espaol por Valerio Rocco
(Univ. Autnoma de Madrid, Espaa)]
pp. 287-309 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33978

[ES] La problematizacin de la relacin entre Kant y Schiller. Reflexiones en torno a

Renovando el canon filosfico. Schiller antes, despus y ms all de Kant, de Laura Anna
Macor, Luca Bodas (Univ. Autnoma de Madrid, Espaa)
pp. 310-323 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33979

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 1-6
ISSN: 2386-7655



[PT] Do engenho e da faculdade de julgar (Lio de Antropologia de Kant. Anthropologia
Mrongovius), Immanuel Kant. Traduo e apresentao de F. Silva (Centro de Filosofia da
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
pp. 324-346 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33981

[ES] El concepto kantiano de propiedad, Howard Williams (Univ. de Aberystwyth, Gran
Bretaa). Traduccin de Lorena Cebolla (Universit degli Studi di Trento, Italia)
pp. 347-359 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33983


[ES] De la teleologa tradicional a la teleologa trascendental. La orientacin a fines como
aspecto consustancial de la racionalidad humana, Ileana Beade (Univ. Nacional de Rosario,
Argentina). Resea de Fugate, C. D., The Teleology of Reason. A Study of the Structure of
Kant's Critical Philosophy, W. de Gruyter, 2014, 433 pp.
pp. 360-364 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34031

[EN] And the Corpus still Breathes, David Pena-Guzmn (Laurentian Univ., Canada).
Review of Jennifer Mensch, Kants Organicism: Epigenesis and the Development of Critical
Theory, University of Chicago Press, 2013, 258 pp.
pp. 365-369 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34032

[ES] Una nueva lectura sobre la Deduccin Trascendental B, Miguel Herszenbaun

(Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina). Resea de Mario Caimi, Kants B Deduction,
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 140 pp.
pp. 370-379 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34033

[PT] Regresso a Kant. tica, Esttica, Filosofia poltica, Cludia Fidalgo da Silva (Univ.
Porto, Portugal). Resenha de Ribeiro dos Santos, L., Regresso a Kant tica, Esttica,
Filosofia Poltica, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 2012, 549 pp.
pp. 380-388 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34034

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 1-6
ISSN: 2386-7655

Sumario / Tables of contents

[ES] La filosofia prctica del profesor Immanuel Kant, Luciana Martnez (Universidad de
Buenos Aires, Argentina). Resea de O. Sensen/L. Denis (Eds.), Kants Lectures on Ethics,
CUP, 2014, 289 pp.
pp. 389-393 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34035

[PT] Antropologia e esttica na gnese do sistema kantiano, Mrcio Suzuki (Universidade de

So Paulo, Brasil) y
[ES] Una reconstruccin del problema del juicio reflexionante a la luz de las Lecciones de
Antropologa, Alba Jimnez (Univ. Autnoma de Madrid, Espaa).
Doble resea de M. Snchez Rodrguez, I. Kant. Lecciones de Antropologa. Fragmentos de
esttica y antropologa, Granada, Comares, 2015, 272 pp.
pp. 394-400 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34036
[ES] Et in Arcadia Ego. La armonizacin de la Naturaleza a la espera de la Libertad en la
filosofa de Immanuel Kant, Ricardo Gutirrez Aguilar (IFS/CSIC, Espaa). Resea de Ana
Mara Andaluz Romanillos, Las armonas de la razn en Kant, Salamanca, UPS, 2013, 368
pp. 401-405 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34037

[ES] Teora crtica de las facultades, Guillermo Villaverde (Universidad Complutense de

Madrid, Espaa). Resea de Antonino Falduto, The Faculties of the Human Mind and the
Case of Moral Feeling, Berlin/New York, W. de Gruyter, 2013, 265 pp.
pp. 406-414 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34038

[IT] Critica della ragione e teoria dellintuizione, Federico Ferraguto (Pontifcia Univ.
Catlica do Paran, Curitiba, Brasil). Recensione di Anselmo Aportone, Kant et le pouvoir
rceptif. Recherches sur la conception kantienne de la sensibilit, Paris, LHarmattan, 2014.
pp. 415-419 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34039

[ES] La obra de Kant como progreso hacia s misma. La senda elptica, Jess Gonzlez
Fisac (Univ. de Cdiz, Espaa). Resea de Karl Ameriks, Kants Elliptical Path, Clarendom
Press, Oxford (UK), 2012.
pp. 420-425 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34040

[ES] Massimo Barale. In memoriam (1941-2015) (Univ. de Pisa, Italia), Nuria Snchez
Madrid (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Espaa)
pp. 426-427 / Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34041

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 1-6
ISSN: 2386-7655



pp. 428-433


pp. 434

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 1-6
ISSN: 2386-7655

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 7-8
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33885

Editorial de CTK 2
El nmero 2 de Con-Textos Kantianos (International Journal of Philosophy)
presenta varias novedades con respecto a los nmeros 0 (Noviembre 2014) y 1 (Junio
2015). Por un lado, es la primera vez que se incorpora una seccin monogrfica, con el
ttulo de Kant y las declinacin de la armona / Kant and the Meanings of Harmony, cuyo
editor invitado es el profesor de la Scuola Superiore di SantAnna, Alberto Pirni. Tenemos
el placer de acoger en l artculos de Jeanine Grenberg, Jean-Christophe Merle, Ana M.
Andaluz Romanillos, Oscar Meo, Gerardo Cunico y Gualtiero Lorini, entre otros colegas.
En los prximos nmeros tenemos previsto dedicar secciones monogrficas a temas tales
como Kant en la Europa del Este y El cosmopolitismo kantiano, a cargo de Vadim Chaly
(IKBFU, Rusia) y Pablo Muchnik (Emory College, USA), respectivamente, como editores
invitados. Por otra parte, se inaugura una nueva seccin, la destinada a Dossiers, donde
recogeremos textos que mantengan alguna discusin sobre cuestiones de inters para el
estudio y actualizacin del pensamiento de Kant, dedicada en esta ocasin a Kant y la
Ilustracin y protagonizada por los colegas de la Univ. de Illinois, Sam Fleischacker, de la
Univ. de Montral, Claude Pich, y de la Univ. Memorial de Canada, Jol Madore, Jay
Foster y Sami Rajiva. El equipo editor se siente muy satisfecho con esta colaboracin, que
enriquece y ampla el alcance y proyeccin internacional de la revista.
Otra novedad es que la traduccin del texto de Kant no lo es al espaol, sino al
portugus, porque hemos advertido que sera interesante dar a conocer traducciones de
textos kantianos en cualquiera de las seis lenguas admitidas por nuestra revista (espaol,
ingls, francs, portugus, italiano, e incluso alemn, si se tratara de un original en latn),
concediendo especial relevancia a las lenguas romances. Tampoco habamos previsto
publicar dos reseas de un mismo libro, pero el inters concitado por alguno de los ttulos
reseados as lo aconsej. Ojal esa situacin se repita en ulteriores ocasiones. Los
colaboradores de CTK nos van dictando todas estas novedades, que vienen a dinamizar
nuestra estructura inicial. Siguen presentes las secciones dedicadas a Entrevistas en esta
ocasin realizada al prof. de la Univ. de Montral, Claude Pich; Discusiones con
motivo de un escrito de Anna Laura Macor, de la Universidad de Oxford, comentado y
discutido por Luca Bodas, de la Univ. Autnoma de Madrid; Documentos donde el

Roberto R. Aramayo
lector encontrar la traduccin al espaol del primer artculo publicado por Howard
Williams, de la Univ. de Aberystwyth y Crtica de Libros, que pretende ofrecer una
panormica amplia de las novedades bibliogrficas en el campo de los estudios kantianos,
atendiendo a su variedad lingstica. Recordamos que el Boletn de Noticias se publicar
nicamente en el primer nmero de cada ao. Finalmente, hemos decidido abrir una
seccin compuesta por semblanzas vinculadas a obituarios, que inauguramos con la
dedicada al profesor Massimo Barale, de la Univ. de Pisa, antiguo responsable de la revista
Studi Kantiani, recientemente fallecido.
Nos planteamos ampliar las iniciativas de la revista con la publicacin de una serie
editorial inspirada en los Sonderhefts promovidos por algunas revistas prestigiosas, es
decir, una coleccin de fascculos paralela a los nmeros ordinarios semestrales, quiz con
una periodicidad anual, en la que podran tener cabida contenidos varios de investigacin
kantiana, manteniendo siempre la impronta internacional y multilinge. Contendran desde
volmenes colectivos al estilo de los Companions anglosajones, a tesis doctorales, escritas
igualmente en cualquiera de los seis idiomas ya mencionados, seleccionadas mediante un
concurso ad hoc, estudios monogrficos en las modalidades de senior y junior, as como
traducciones de Kant cuidadosamente introducidas y anotadas de textos cuya longitud
desbordase la longitud que dedica a esta seccin cada nmero ordinario.

Berln, Noviembre de 2015

Roberto R. Aramayo
Editor Principal de CTK

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 7-8
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33885

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 9-10
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33886

CTK 2 Editorial Note

Con-Textos Kantianos (International Journal of Philosophy) issue 2 contains some
news compared to issue 0 (November 2014) and issue 1 (June 2015). For the first time one
issue includes a monographic section, with the title Kant and the Meanings of Harmony,
with Alberto Pirni as guest editor, professor at the Scuola Superiore di SantAnna (Pisa,
Italy). It is our pleasure to gather in this section papers of colleagues as Jeanine Grenberg,
Jean-Christophe Merle, Ana M. Andaluz Romanillos, Oscar Meo, Gerardo Cunico and
Gualtiero Lorini, among others. Next monographic sections are scheduled, devoted to
subjects as Kant in East Europe and Kants Cosmopolitism, respectively edited by Vadim
Chaly (IKBFU, Russia) and Pablo Muchnik (Emory College). Moreover, we launch a new
section Dossiers, which shall contain texts focusing on groundbreaking themes in
international Kantian research with the dossier Kants Enlightenment, a group of articles
written by the colleagues Sam Fleischaker (Univ. Illinois at Chicago), Claude Pich (Univ.
of Montral), Jol Madore, Jay Foster and Sami Rajiva (all three from Memorial
University, Canada). CTK editorial team expresses his satisfaction with this enriching
collaboration, which broadens the international scope of this journal.
Other new is that Kants translation is not into Spanish this time, but into
Portuguese, since CTK editorial team has considered interesting to encourage translations
of Kants texts into the six languages (Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, Italian, even
German, if the original text were in Latin) used by CTK, especially in Romanic languages.
We never expected to publish two reviews of the same book, but the value of some titles
made it possible. We wish that this will be repeated in the future. CTK readers and authors
helped us to improve our initial shape with this new structure. The journal maintains
sections as the Interviews with prof. Claude Pich (Univ. of Montral, Canada) by Maria
Hotes; Discussions moving from a text of Laura Anna Macor (Univ. of Oxford, UK),
with a responsio by Luca Bodas (UAM, Spain); Documents with the translation into
Spanish of Howard Williams (Univ. of Aberystwyth) first published article and Books
Reviews, aiming at displaying a wide view over new publications in international Kant
Studies. I remind that the Newsletter will appear once a year, in the first issue of each year.
Finally, we decided to open a section for obituaries with a text in memory of prof.

Roberto R. Aramayo
Massimo Barale (Univ. of Pisa, Italy), former main editor of the journal Studi Kantiani,
who recently passed away. The international Kantian research will always have him in
grateful remembrance.
We study to enlarge the agenda of the journal launching a new publishing action
inspired in prestigious journals Sonderhefts, i.e. a collection of materials to be published
once per year, which will contain results of international and multilinguistical Kants
research. CTK Sonderhefts will accept collective volumes in the vein of Anglo-Saxon
Companions, PhD essays, written in one of the six mentioned languages, selected by a call
ad hoc, monographic studies in modalities senior and junior and finally Kants translations
accurately introduced and critical edited, whose length would discourage to include them
in a CTK issue.
Berlin, November 2015
Roberto R. Aramayo
Editor-In-Chief of CTK


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 9-10
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33886

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 11-19
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33887

Entretien avec Claude Pich

Interview with Claude Pich

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt, Munich, Allemagne
Claude Pich est n Salaberry-de-Valleyfield (Qubec, Canada) en 1952. Il a fait ses tudes de
baccalaurat (1971-1974) et de matrise (1974-1975) en philosophie lUniversit de Montral.
Aprs avoir complt sa matrise en dposant un mmoire sur Kant sous la direction de Garbis
Kortian (1938-2009), il quitte le Canada afin de poursuivre ses tudes doctorales lUniversit
de Heidelberg (1975-1979), sous la direction de Dieter Henrich (1927-). Sa thse de doctorat,
intitule Das Ideal. Ein Problem der Kantischen Ideenlehre, a t publie chez Bouvier en
1984. Immdiatement aprs avoir complt sa thse de doctorat, il est embauch titre de
professeur au Dpartement de philosophie de lUniversit de Montral en 1980, o il a enseign
jusquau mois de juin 2015. l'Universit de Montral, il a donn des cours et sminaires sur
Kant (philosophie thorique et pratique), l'idalisme allemand, le no-kantisme et la
phnomnologie. Au-del de ses activits professorales, Claude Pich est un chercheur actif la
fois sur le continent amricain et sur le continent europen. ce dernier titre, il convient de
souligner son rle au sein de la Socit dtudes kantiennes en langue franaise (SEKLF), dont
il est vice-prsident depuis 2001. Il fait galement partie du comit de rdaction des KantStudien.

(1) En considrant les nombreuses annes que vous avez consacres l'enseignement et
la recherche fondamentale en philosophie, la premire question qui se pose est sans doute
celle de la motivation. Quest-ce qui vous a conduit vous intresser la philosophie ?
Il faut dire quau Qubec, dans les collges, c'est--dire au niveau pr-universitaire,
il y avait quatre cours de philosophie obligatoires1. Or j'ai tout de suite t fascin par ces
enseignements. Sans doute, je ne connaissais rien la philosophie jusqu'alors, mais la force
dattraction de cette discipline a opr immdiatement. Et il y a de bonnes raisons pour
Doctorante de philosophie chez la Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt (Munich, Allemagne). Boursire
du CRSH (Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada). E-mail de contact:
l'heure actuelle, il y a trois cours obligatoires.

[Recibido: 15 de septiembre de 2015

Aceptado: 29 de septiembre de 2015]


Mara Hotes
cela : c'est que j'ai commenc frquenter le collge en 1969 et mon professeur de
philosophie revenait tout juste dun sjour dtudes Paris, donc au lendemain de ce qu'il
est convenu d'appeler la pense 68 . C'tait une priode d'effervescence incroyable. Il
nous faisait dcouvrir Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, Barthes, Ricoeur etc. Ainsi, par
exemple, Foucault avait publi en 1966 Les mots et les choses et Derrida avait fait paratre
lanne suivante, coup sur coup, De la grammatologie, La voix et le phnomne et
Lcriture et la diffrence. C'tait un temps bni pour la philosophie. Pour le jeune tudiant
que j'tais et qui s'intressait la littrature et la culture en gnral, c'tait quelque chose
de tout fait extraordinaire comme dcouverte. Je peux me considrer privilgi d'avoir t
le contemporain de ce mouvement philosophique.
Avant votre entre l'Universit, vous aviez donc t en contact essentiellement avec la
pense franaise
Oui, mais en mme temps aussi avec la pense philosophique traduite en franais :
je me rappelle en loccurrence que La linguistique cartsienne (1969) de Chomsky faisait
partie de notre cursus philosophique. De mme pour la pense allemande, le tout passant
par la tradition franaise. Et je pense que c'tait une excellente chose.
(2) On a souvent tendance opposer, tort ou raison, l'histoire de la philosophie
la philosophie. Si l'on admet cette opposition, il ne semble pas abusif d'affirmer que
votre dmarche est avant tout celle d'un historien des ides. Comment en tes-vous venu
privilgier cette faon de faire de la philosophie ?
Avant dentrer luniversit, j'avais tudi la littrature, dont jtais passionn. Or,
cette poque, on privilgiait lapproche structurale des textes littraires. On peut
penser ce que lon veut du courant structuraliste qui prvalait alors, mais je crois que ce qui
doit retenir lattention ici, cest le fait qu'une uvre, quelle quelle soit, possde une
articulation et qu'il vaut la peine de s'intresser sa construction, sa matrialit, sa
lettre. Ainsi, lorsque je me suis ensuite dirig vers la philosophie, il me semblait que c'tait
une manire tout fait naturelle d'aborder les textes : porter attention sa textualit et de l
sa teneur mme. On peut dire en consquence que j'ai d'abord mis laccent sur une
approche de la philosophie que lon pourrait qualifier de philologique. Quel meilleur accs
l'esprit d'un texte, en effet, que le passage par la lettre ? Sans en rester une lecture
servile, bien sr.
(3) La philosophie allemande a la rputation d'tre particulirement difficile d'accs, si
bien qu'il semble pertinent de se questionner, non seulement sur l'intrt que prsente pour
vous la philosophie en gnral, mais plus particulirement la philosophie allemande,
laquelle vous consacrez vos recherches. Comment expliquez-vous cet attrait, premire


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 11-19
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33887

Entretien avec Claude Pich

vue sans doute difficile comprendre ? Et, dans ce contexte, pourquoi s'intresser tout
particulirement Kant ?
Les dfis que prsente la lettre du kantisme prennent entre autres la forme
d'ambiguts. Or on se rend compte quil sagit dambiguts qui sont, le plus souvent,
philosophiquement significatives, en ce sens qu'elles ne sont pas dues simplement une
insouciance quelconque de la part de Kant. Bien sr, on sait que ce dernier ne possde pas
une terminologie parfaitement stable et que, lorsquil formule des dfinitions, il prend
parfois un malin plaisir y droger. Il nen reste pas moins que la difficult prouve par
lapprenti qui se confronte au texte a bien souvent voir avec la chose mme. C'est une
difficult qui est inhrente au thme lui-mme et qui nest pas imputable une maladresse
littraire de la part de Kant. Bref, le kantisme prsente un corpus qui est trs riche, difficile,
mais dune difficult laquelle il vaut la peine de se frotter mon avis.
Vous me demandez : pourquoi la philosophie de Kant en particulier ? La question
simpose parce que, videmment, dans la tradition allemande il y a plusieurs oeuvres qui
sont d'une difficult redoutable : on pense Fichte, Hegel ou encore Husserl et
Heidegger. Pourquoi alors la philosophie de Kant ? Bien sr, parce que c'est le philosophe
de la raison. Mais, d'abord et avant tout, c'est un penseur qui, comme on sait, s'est appliqu
dlimiter la raison, en tracer les bornes. J'ai t demble sensible cette approche. On
dit de lui, juste titre, qu'il est un philosophe de la finitude. Donc un philosophe de la
raison, oui, mais qui, avant toute chose, s'emploie rabaisser les prtentions de cette raison
et mettre en veilleuse l'aspect conqurant de la philosophie moderne qui, se rclamant de
cette raison, a pu prtendre un certain moment tre en mesure de rsoudre tous les
problmes. Bref une raison revue la baisse et rvalue selon ses justes prtentions et son
potentiel lgitime, tant du point de vue de la philosophie thorique que du point de vue de
la philosophie pratique.
Sil est un aspect qui minterpelle tout particulirement chez Kant, cest la
reconnaissance de la contingence. Kant est un philosophe qui maintient ltonnement
devant la contingence. Or l'tonnement, comme on le sait, c'est peut-tre la vertu
philosophique premire. Pourquoi ? Parce que la contingence reprsente la part de ce qui
est inattendu, ce qui n'tait pas prvisible. Cest ce quoi le philosophe est confront. On
pense en outre la troisime Critique : la beaut naturelle, par exemple, provoque
ltonnement, tout comme la finalit des organismes. Kant est le philosophe qui prend acte
de cette contingence et qui tente de l'expliquer, mais sans la rduire ou sans chercher la
dduire d'un principe premier qui liminerait la dimension de surprise lie la contingence.
L'tonnement demeure chez lui parce que le principe explicatif, mme s'il est
transcendantal dans le cas de la beaut naturelle, renvoie ultimement un substrat
extrieur, un vis--vis hors de porte. Si lon se tourne par ailleurs vers la premire
Critique, on constate que la contingence y est galement prsente. Kant nous avoue trs
franchement que l'espace et le temps, comme formes de l'intuition, sont pour nous des
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 11-19
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33887


Mara Hotes
formes irrductibles et inexplicables. Les choses sont ainsi et pas autrement. De la mme
faon, les catgories sont au nombre de douze, ni plus ni moins. Il faut faire avec cette
contingence, sans tenter de la rsorber. Je dirais en somme que Kant accepte la pluralit
des lments, la pluralit des principes, ne serait-ce qu'au plan du partage entre thorie et
pratique : il y a l des principes qui sont irrductibles les uns aux autres. Irrductibilit
donc des lments dans leur pluralit. On a le sentiment que chez lui cest le point de
dpart dans la pluralit qui savre philosophiquement fructueux, dans la mesure o le
philosophe a pour tche de retracer les relations et linteraction entre les lments en vue
de dgager, tout au plus, leur convergence et leur unit tlologique. Que lon songe au
refus de Kant de driver les diffrentes races humaines dune race unique, ou encore ses
rticences dduire les facults de lme dune facult fondamentale.
Il y a malgr tout une dimension systmatique chez Kant, voire une prtention fonder
un systme
C'est une exigence qu'il se pose comme philosophe au nom de la scientificit. Le
philosophe doit prendre en compte le tout et tenter d'y voir clair. Le systme est en
revanche complexe chez lui et en attente constante de sa clture. On le sait, les successeurs
immdiats de Kant ont t dus par la faon dont, dans la Critique de la facult de juger,
il a tent de ficeler le systme. Il faut en convenir, les traits d'union entre thorie et pratique
tels qu'ils sont prsents dans la troisime Critique, savoir le volet esthtique et le volet
tlologique, sont plutt modestes. Et c'est, je pense, tout fait caractristique de la
philosophie de Kant. Le systme demeure une exigence et Kant a tent dy rpondre
laide des moyens sa disposition. Il y a l une modestie qui n'est pas un trait de caractre
mais qui vient de la confrontation la chose mme.
(4) Lorsque l'on s'intresse vos recherches sur Kant, on constate un intrt soutenu, tout
au long de votre carrire, pour des enjeux d'ordre thorique (on peut penser notamment
la question du jugement, au problme de la chose en soi, de la dduction transcendantale,
de l'auto-rfrentialit du discours kantien, etc.). Toutefois, ces dernires annes, vous
semblez vous intresser de plus en plus des enjeux relevant de la philosophie pratique,
tels que le cosmopolitisme kantien par exemple. Comment expliquez-vous ce changement,
condition que vous admettiez qu'il y a un tel changement ?
Oui, c'est tout fait vrai. J'ai d'une certaine faon suivi l'itinraire de Kant, qui a
commenc aussi par des considrations trs clairement thoriques. Ce sont les problmes
thoriques par lesquels je suis entr dans la philosophie de Kant : la Critique de la raison
pure offre en effet des dfis vraiment considrables pour lapprenti-philosophe comme par
exemple, vous lavez dit, le thme de la chose en soi ou la thorie du discours
philosophique. Ce sont des problmes qui mintressent encore et jy travaille toujours.
Ainsi, il nous revient de reconstruire la mthodologie transcendantale de Kant parce que


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 11-19
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33887

Entretien avec Claude Pich

les indications qu'il nous a laisses sont prcieuses, mais certainement insuffisantes. Or
vous avez raison d'insister sur le fait que je me suis orient, ces dernires annes, de plus
en plus vers les proccupations pratiques -- thiques, juridiques, politiques -- notamment
parce que cela rvle l'actualit et la pertinence de Kant. C'est de ce ct, videmment, que
Kant nous interpelle le plus. On pense tout de suite son thique universaliste, qui est
encore pertinente pour nous. On songe aussi son plaidoyer pour la paix internationale :
Kant est un penseur qui a anticip d'une certaine manire ce que l'on appelle la
globalisation. Je dirais dailleurs que, dans son cas, le mot doit tre compris dans son sens
littral parce que Kant a pris explicitement en compte, dans sa thorie du droit
international, la forme sphrique de l'espace auquel les tres humains sont confins.
Mais Kant est aussi actuel par dautres aspects. Ce qui m'intresse en ce moment, c'est son
jugement, et peut-tre plus encore sa mise en garde, vis--vis de la culture. Dans l'un des
derniers textes qu'il a publis, le Conflit des facults, il s'oppose non pas la culture, mais
l'usage que l'on est susceptible den faire. Certes, il ne peut pas rejeter la culture puisque
lui-mme admet que le progrs du genre humain y est reli de faon trs intime. Mais il y a
un usage que l'on peut en faire et qui consiste se servir de la culture pour se soustraire
ses responsabilits morales. Plus prcisment, Kant se rend compte qu'il est possible pour
le commun des mortels d'avoir recours aux diplms des facults universitaires suprieures
des fins pernicieuses. Dans le cas de la facult de Droit, on peut recourir lavocat pour
contourner son devoir de justice. On peut de plus se tourner, dans le cas de la facult de
Mdecine, vers le mdecin pour quil neutralise les consquences nfastes de ses excs.
Enfin, du ct de la facult de Thologie, on peut demander au prtre daccomplir un
rituel, lequel est toutefois susceptible de se substituer ce jugement est constant chez
Kant ce qui devrait tre l'essentiel en religion : une conduite morale digne de ce nom.
Il est quand mme curieux de voir que Kant qualifie de superstitieuse cette attitude du
commun des mortels face aux diplms des trois facults suprieures. Sachant que la
superstition est la cible privilgie des Lumires, ce que Kant nous dit par l, c'est que la
lutte pour l'autonomie du penser et de l'agir n'est pas encore remporte ; il sagit en fait
dun combat perptuel. La tche de l'Aufklrung est donc loin d'tre complte pour lui et
je pense que ce jugement vaut plus forte raison encore pour notre poque.
(5) En plus de vos recherches, vous avez consacr les trente-cinq dernires annes
l'enseignement de la philosophie. Vos cours l'Universit de Montral, tout comme vos
recherches, portaient sur la philosophie allemande (Kant et le post-kantisme, idalisme
allemand, no-kantisme, phnomnologie, Heidegger, etc.). Que tirez-vous de la pratique
de lenseignement de lhistoire de la philosophie ? Dans quelle mesure lenseignement de
la philosophie a-t-il influenc vos recherches et vice-versa ?
Je vais commencer par reprendre une ide qui est bien connue mais non moins
juste : dans une relation d'enseignement, celui qui apprend le plus est sans conteste le
professeur. Et il y a de bonnes raisons pour cela. Lenseignant est d'une certaine manire
tenu de rpondre du texte l'tude. Il doit pouvoir en rendre compte avec la plus grande
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 11-19
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33887


Mara Hotes
honntet possible, en montrer la cohrence et la cohsion avant de songer le critiquer. Il
sagit dun dfi constamment renouvel pour un enseignant, surtout avec des auteurs
complexes. Et ce dfi est dautant plus redoutable que, dans une situation pdagogique, on
ne sait jamais d'o va venir la question ; cest parfois linterrogation nave nous donne plus
de difficult, et non la question savante. Ceci est particulirement vrai du premier cycle. Si
lon songe en revanche aux sminaires des cycles suprieurs, lattitude adopter est
diffrente : le professeur a pour mission dinstaurer un climat de recherche, mais une
recherche que l'on fait en commun avec les tudiants autour de textes dtermins
l'avance. Nous avons donc un objet en commun et nous tentons d'y voir clair. Je dois
avouer que j'ai eu, dans ma carrire, des tudiants extrmement brillants qui ont rendu ces
sminaires d'autant plus riches et intressants. J'prouve dailleurs une trs grande
satisfaction voir mes tudiants progresser et poursuivre leur cheminement de manire
(6) Revenons en arrire. Avant d'y tre professeur, vous avez frquent l'Universit de
Montral titre d'tudiant de baccalaurat (B. A.) et de matrise (M. A.) entre 1971 et
1975. Vous avez alors dcid de rdiger votre mmoire de matrise sur Kant sous la
direction de Garbis Kortian (1938-2009). Or, on sait que, avant 1970, la philosophie
allemande tait plutt marginale au Qubec2, si bien que le choix d'y faire carrire ne
devait pas aller de soi. Que retirez-vous, en ce qui concerne particulirement la situation
de la recherche en philosophie allemande, de ces annes de formation ?
J'ai eu de la chance d'arriver l'Universit de Montral quelques annes peine
aprs l'embauche du Professeur Garbis Kortian. Il avait reu sa formation l'Universit de
Vienne et avait sjourn en Allemagne o il avait frquent les milieux philosophiques : il
avait suivi les enseignements d'Adorno, de Habermas et de Gadamer. C'est donc quelqu'un
qui possdait une connaissance de premire main de la philosophie allemande
contemporaine tout en tant un minent spcialiste de Kant et de l'idalisme allemand.
Dans ses cours, nous tions dentre de jeu plongs dans cet univers passionnant ou dans
ce que Hegel appelle l lment de la philosophie. Cest aussi Garbis Kortian qui m'a
incit rdiger un mmoire de matrise sur Kant et qui m'a encourag poursuivre mes
tudes doctorales en Allemagne.
Concernant vos tudes en Allemagne, justement : est-ce que votre formation doctorale
l'Universit de Heidelberg, sous la direction de Dieter Henrich (1927-), a modifi la
manire dont vous conceviez l'poque la recherche en philosophie allemande ?

Cf. Jean Grondin, Les dbuts de la philosophie allemande au Canada franais : Contexte et raisons , in:
R. Klibansky et J. Boulab-Ayoub (dir.), La pense philosophique d'expression franaise au Canada. Le
rayonnement du Qubec, Qubec: Presses de l'Universit Laval, 1998, p. 211.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 11-19
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33887

Entretien avec Claude Pich

Je rpondrais par laffirmative. Ltudiant allemand est soumis une pdagogie
bien particulire. C'est que les enseignements l'Universit de Heidelberg, comme ailleurs
en Allemagne du reste, prennent d'abord et avant tout la forme de sminaires, lesquels ne
sont pas rservs aux seuls doctorants. Il sagit dune pdagogie qui a de quoi surprendre
quelqu'un qui vient d'un milieu nord-amricain o l'on est habitu recevoir beaucoup de
contenu. Dans le cas des sminaires l'allemande, et tout particulirement des sminaires
de Dieter Henrich, on pouvait consacrer toute une sance dcortiquer et sous-peser les
interprtations possibles d'une phrase (de Fichte ou de Kant) inscrite au tableau. C'tait
pour moi une approche nouvelle dans la mesure o l'on ne ressortait pas ncessairement du
sminaire avec un cahier de notes bien rempli. En revanche, on apprenait les rudiments du
travail philosophique, surtout la confrontation avec les textes et avec les difficults quils
peuvent offrir. Pour ne donner quun exemple, Dieter Henrich allait jusqu' porter attention
la lettre majuscule employe par Kant avec l'article Eine en vue daccentuer la
dimension d'unit. Si j'avais demble une propension pour l'analyse textuelle avant
d'entamer mon cursus universitaire, je dois dire que la poursuite de mes tudes en
Allemagne n'a fait que confirmer cette prdilection chez moi. Dieter Henrich tait en
loccurrence un professeur absolument prodigieux sous ce rapport : disposant dune
comptence exceptionnelle pour Kant et l'idalisme allemand, ctait un enseignant
fascinant par la capacit qu'il avait spculer avec les ides, tout en conservant un contact
trs troit avec les textes. En somme, le sminaire l'allemande est une incitation la
patience et la modestie dans le travail philosophique : il nest pas rare que lon sorte du
sminaire sans avoir trouv la solution aux problmes poss.
(7) Votre implication au sein de la Socit dtudes kantiennes en langue franaise
(SEKLF) semble tmoigner de limportance que vous accordez ce que la langue
franaise ait toujours sa place au sein des tudes kantiennes. Cest--dire que, malgr
ou peut-tre cause de l'importance de plus en plus marque de l'anglais dans le
milieu de la recherche universitaire, vous croyez quil est important de continuer faire de
la recherche sur Kant en franais ce qui peut sans doute s'tendre aussi d'autres
langues, comme l'italien, l'espagnol ou le portugais. Pourquoi ?
C'est que chaque aire linguistique s'approprie sa manire les grandes philosophies,
en l'occurrence ici celle de Kant. En quoi consiste cette appropriation ? videmment, un
trs srieux travail d'exgse a t fait en langue franaise au cours des deux derniers
sicles, tout comme en langue italienne, espagnole, portugaise, etc. Mais ce quil est
important de souligner dans ce travail d'interprtation, c'est que la pense kantienne
acquiert des rsonances particulires lorsqu'elle est reprise par d'autres traditions
linguistiques et culturelles. Et il faut y voir un indice additionnel de la richesse et du
rayonnement de cette oeuvre. Pour l'interprte de Kant, il y a donc une responsabilit qui
consiste rendre accessible le texte de Kant en langue franaise de faon ce quil
nintresse pas uniquement le spcialiste, mais quil puisse galement entrer en dialogue
avec d'autres courants philosophiques, voire interpeler le grand public en gnral. Ce
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 11-19
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33887


Mara Hotes
travail d'appropriation doit tre fait par chacune des aires linguistiques et, en langue
franaise, force nous est davouer que la chose est fort bien amorce. Il ne tient qu nous
de poursuivre cette tche.
(8) La recherche en histoire de la philosophie, et plus forte raison dans les tudes
kantiennes, est plus souvent qu'autrement une tche trs thorique, voire spculative. Dans
une perspective kantienne, il y a pourtant une prsance du pratique sur le thorique, si
bien que l'on peut dire que le travail philosophique, mme dans son volet thoricospculatif, doit, en dernire instance, conduire l'agir moral. Dans ce contexte, comment
concevez-vous le rle de la philosophie et du philosophe ?
Kant crit dans la Critique de la raison pure, propos de la Rpublique de Platon,
qu'il ne sied pas de se moquer de telles constructions idales bien quelles soient
proprement parler sans doute irralisables. En effet, si nous ne disposions pas de tels
modles qui prennent la forme d'une Ide, l'humanit ferait du sur place. Il faut qu'il y ait
une orientation, quitte ce que ce soit le philosophe qui en esquisse le fil conducteur. On
se rappelle, par exemple, qu'en 1784, dans l'Ide d'une histoire universelle au point de vue
cosmopolitique, Kant voque une lecture de l'histoire qui, si l'on s'en tient strictement
l'enchanement des faits, donne l'apparence d'un chaos. Il procde alors une interprtation
de lhistoire qui tente de lui confrer un sens, savoir ici, comme on le sait, lamlioration
progressive des constitutions politiques. Il sagit manifestement l, comme le titre de
lopuscule lindique, dune simple Ide . Mais il y a en vrit un devoir philosophique
implicite de rechercher, dans le cours de l'histoire, les indices dun progrs moral (au sens
large). Et si ce n'est pas un progrs thique, du moins peut-il sagir dun progrs au sens
juridique, au sens politique. Voil donc une manire de souligner le rle crucial de l'Ide
chez Kant, rle qui tait demble mis en valeur dans la Critique de la raison pure. J'ai
dailleurs consacr ma thse de doctorat au thme de l'idal. Il sagit dun thme qui fait de
Kant sans contredit un penseur idaliste, cest--dire un idaliste sans illusion mais qui
insiste sur le caractre indispensable de lIde dans une perspective thique. Nous ne
sommes pas autoriss, selon lui, d'un point de vue moral, dsesprer du cours de l'histoire
La question qui se pose ds lors est la suivante : comment le philosophe peut-il
intervenir de faon concrte, aprs avoir rappel notre devoir de lire l'histoire ou
d'interprter le cours des actions humaines d'un point de vue thique, mme si les faits nen
tmoignent pas de faon concluante ? Or le travail du philosophe, pour Kant, ne doit pas
tre sous-estim ici : il sagit en fait dun travail thorique au plan des concepts. Mais cet
claircissement conceptuel qui est aussi l'une des connotations du mot Aufklrung,
savoir rendre l'Ide, comme dirait Descartes, claire et distincte est un travail
philosophique trs spcifique, voire trs technique. Cette lucidation des concepts a une
porte que Kant n'a jamais nglige, savoir ici prsenter de faon conceptuellement juste
le critre du Bien, y compris le souverain bien politique. Pour Kant, c'est lun des lments


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 11-19
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33887

Entretien avec Claude Pich

importants et il faut passer par la pdagogie pour y parvenir susceptibles damener
quelqu'un agir moralement. Kant y croit profondment : preuve les Didactiques qu'il a
jointes sa Critique de la raison pratique et la Mtaphysique des moeurs. Il y a une tche
de dfense et dillustration des Ides pratiques qui ressortit la philosophie, bien quen
dernire analyse ladoption de tels critres relve d'une dcision qui est entirement libre
de la part de lagent moral. C'est le mieux que le philosophe, en tant que pdagogue de
l'humanit, puisse faire. Mais, aux yeux de Kant, il sagit l dune prrogative cruciale
(9) Pour clore cet entretien, pensons maintenant l'avenir des tudes kantiennes : quels
sont, votre avis, les nouveaux dfis auxquels les tudes kantiennes doivent faire face en
ce XXIme sicle ?
Je dirais que c'est sans doute Kant qui nous indique la marche suivre au moment
o il dclare quen philosophie, il n'y a pas d'auteurs classiques. Il n'y a pas non plus
d'oeuvres classiques, au sens o par leurs seuls mrites intrinsques elles demanderaient
tre retransmises de gnration en gnration. Kant n'y croit pas. Il croit en sa philosophie,
cela va de soi, mais le legs qu'il entend nous laisser consiste en un encouragement faire
nous-mmes de la philosophie et repenser les problmes. Or sil existe une chose telle
que les tudes kantiennes Kant-Studien, Kantian Studies, Studi Kantiani, etc. , c'est
qu'il y a une tradition d'interprtation qui a inluctablement tendance faire de Kant un
classique, ce quoi il rsisterait pourtant. En consquence, nous pouvons bien sr nous
inscrire dans ce courant des tudes kantiennes ; nous le faisons volontiers, parce que c'est
nous qu'il revient de scruter luvre afin de savoir si cette pense est encore pertinente de
nos jours. Mais nous ne devons jamais oublier l'injonction de Kant selon laquelle nous
sommes tenus de penser, nouveaux frais, les problmes, et non pas de nous en tenir des
solutions toutes faites.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 11-19
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33887


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 20-31
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33888

Hacia una Crtica de la razn armnica

Towards a Critique of harmonic reason
Scuola Superiore SantAnna Pisa
The essay focuses on the attempt of articulating the idea of a critique of harmonic reason
understood as a comprehensive (and not explicitly expressed) project within the Kants theoretical
path. In the first paragraph, the attempt of elaborating a critical idea of harmony is addressed both
biographically and theoretically by referring to the intense period 1783-1786. In the second
paragraph, we introduce and discuss a methodical idea of critic harmony, whose roots are grounded
within the framework of both pre-critical and critical period. Finally, as presented by the editor of
the present monographic issue, the essay opens up to the dialogue with other interpretative paths
about the topic, by offering a comprehensive view of all essays jointed in this issue and by
presenting those stimulating materials along three concentric circles.
Key words
Kant; harmony; harmonic reason, critique, community, public discussion
Este artculo intenta articular la idea de una crtica de la razn armnica como un proyecto
comprehensivo (no expresado explcitamente) dentro del camino terico de Kant. En la primera
seccin se aborda el intento de elaborar una idea crtica de la armona tanto biogrfica como
tericamente, en referencia al intenso periodo de 1783-1786. En la segunda seccin, presento y
discuto una idea metdica de armona crtica, cuyas races estn basadas en el marco del periodo
pre-crtico y crtico. Finalmente, como presentacin del editor de este nmero monogrfico, el
trabajo inaugura el dilogo concerniente a la cuestin de la armona con otros caminos

Investigador de Filosofa poltica, Profesor adjunto de tica pblica en la Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Pisa. E-mail de contacto: Agradezco el apoyo lingstico recibido de Roberto R. Aramayo y
Nuria Snchez Madrid para ofrecer la presente versin al espaol de mi trabajo.

[Recibido: 15 de octubre de 2015

Aceptado: 30 de octubre de 2015]


Hacia una crtica de la razn armnica

interpretativos, ofreciendo una perspectiva comprehensiva de todos los trabajos reunidos en el

nmero y organizando estos ricos materiales en torno a tres crculos concntricos.
Palabras clave
Kant; armona; razn armnica, crtica, comunidad; discusin pblica

1. Pensar en comunidad
[H]asta qu punto y con qu correccin pensaramos, si no pensramos, por decirlo as, en
comunidad [Gemeinschaft] con otros a los que comunicar [mittheilen] nosotros nuestros
pensamientos, y ellos los suyos a nosotros?.1

Esta afirmacin, que Kant incluye en las pginas finales de su importante escrito
Que significa orientarse en el pensamiento?, quiz nos brinde la posibilidad de captar uno
de los puntos de acceso ms directos a nuestro tema. El pasaje y, ms en general, el ensayo
en el cual aparece, ha de verse previamente contextualizado como parte de la trayectoria
intelectual del filsofo de Knigsberg.
El ensayo aparece en la Berlinische Monatsschrift en octubre del 1786, insertndose
as en un arco temporal comprendido entre 1783 y 1786, particularmente prolfico para
Kant. Ciertamente, en este perodo, Kant pblica muchos opsculos que testimonian, junto
a los cursos de las lecciones conservadas, una constelacin de intereses particularmente
fecundos para el tema que se intenta abordar aqu. Son estos los aos en los que Kant
vuelve al planteamiento metodolgico de la nueva crtica, pero tambin puntualiza sus
doctrinas de filosofa de la historia, filosofa del derecho y antropologa, aparte de
continuar, con gran xito, las lecciones de tica y de filosofa de la religin.
Ms especficamente, este es el trienio que comienza con la publicacin de los
Prolegmenos para toda metafsica venidera, la obra en la cual Kant comienza a trabajar
inmediatamente despus de la publicacin de la primera Crtica terminada al finalizar el
verano de 1782 y publicada al comienzo de 1783 con la intencin de ofrecer una especie
de compendio, de gua para la lectura y, sobre todo, una aclaracin general de la obra
mayor, impulsado sobre todo por algunos comentarios iniciales que parecan desconocer la
importancia de su propia propuesta, hasta tergiversar el intento general del criticismo.2

WhDO, AA 08: 144, 18, trad. por R. Rovira.

Como es bien sabido por los estudiosos del tema, es emblemtico el caso del comentario de Ch. Garve,
reformulado por G. H. Feder, uno de los Directores del Gttingische Gelehrte Azeigen, revista en la que
despus aparecer el texto de manera annima, en enero del 1782. Han reconstruido con gran atencin este
intercambio de cfr. K Vrlander (el primer editor de la obra para la Akademie Ausgabe, 1903-4), en la
Introduccin para la edicin de la obra kantiana en la Philosophische Bibliothek, Meiner, Hamburg 1967,
espec. pp. XI-XIV y la de P. Martinetti, en la traduccion italiana, Paravia, Torino 19452, pp. V-VIIII (despus
Rusconi, Milano 1995, pp. 7-11), cfr. Adems A. Guerra, Introduzione a Kant, Laterza, Roma - Bari, Laterza
201318, espec. pp. 81-86.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 20-31
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33888


Alberto Pirni
Por otra parte, este es el trienio en que vern la luz algunos de los ensayos breves
ms clebres de Kant, desde la Idea de una historia universal en sentido cosmopolita a
Respuesta a la pregunta: Qu es la Ilustracin?, ambos del 1784. No por eso se debe
olvidar que en ese mismo perodo Kant plantea explcitamente el tema moral dentro del
criticismo, o sea, que abre una importante (y para la poca de la primera Critica tal vez
todava inesperada) ampliacin del criticismo hacia la bsqueda y definicin del
supremo principio de la moralidad [GMS, AA 04: 392, 3-4] que tendr en la
Fundamentacin de la metafsica de las costumbres (1784) una primera e importantsima
sntesis, en vista de la revolucin copernicana que se pretende realizar en el dominio de
la moral, de la cual se har cargo la Crtica de la razn prctica (1788).3 Por ltimo, para
confirmar un conjunto de intereses verdaderamente relevantes y que solo su genio supo
unir, 4 es necesario recordar dos aspectos, que ofrecen la frmula interpretativa ms
prxima a la cuestin que se intenta tematizar aqu.
Por un lado, Kant prosigue en estos aos con la articulacin y desarrollo de la
obra abierta con la primera Crtica. Este proceso consigue dos resultados relevantes.
Ante todo, Kant continua desarrollando su prometida tarea en las partes finales de la
primera Crtica, cuando publica los Primeros principios metafsicos de la ciencia de la
naturaleza (1786). Se trata de una obra que segn el propsito del filsofo es de algn
modo paralela a la Fundamentacin de la metafsica de las costumbres, al pretender
desplegar los dos dominios tradicionales de la metafsica, ms precisamente de las
costumbres y de la naturaleza, en la obra Critica. De manera secundaria, Kant trabaja,
durante todo 1786 y por un perodo ms largo de lo que haba previsto en una segunda
edicin de la obra mayor, o bien una zweite, hin unde wieder verbesserte Auflage [KRV,
AA:3, 5], que como es sabido enriquecer cabalmente esa obra.
Por otro lado aqu est el segundo aspecto que deseaba subrayar , a partir del
23 de abril de 1786, Kant es nombrado Rector de la Universidad de Knigsberg. Este
importante cargo que adems ser una de las causas del retraso del trabajo de la segunda
edicin de la Crtica y tal vez de su abandono, antes de una primera revisin del texto
completo nos da la idea de un Kant indito, empeado en una responsabilidad
institucional y pblica de organizacin y transmisin del saber que afront con seriedad,
aunque fuera por un breve perodo, a pesar de la gran cantidad de trabajo cientfico que
todava recaera sobre l para tratar de dar al sistema crtico una integridad, diremos, una
cierta armona.
Considerndolo ntegramente, en el trienio 1783-86 Kant se encuentra en uno de los
momentos ms importantes de su vida, caracterizado por una doble excepcionalidad. Por
un lado, nos hallamos ante el lapso ms complejo de su carrera intelectual, si se observa la

He intentado reconstruir el tortuoso camino que, a partir del periodo pre-crtico conduce a Kant a la
ampliacin de ambos ensayos en este periodo de tiempo A. Pirni, Kant filosofo della comunit, Pisa, ETS
2006, cap. 1.
No podemos ocuparnos aqu de los cursos impartidos por Kant en su intensa actividad didctica, pero en las
lecciones de metafsica, antropologa, derecho natural, tica y doctrina de la religin se aprecian las semillas
ms importantes de posteriores obras fundamentales del filosofo de Knigsberg.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 20-31
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33888

Hacia una crtica de la razn armnica

variedad e importancia de los intereses tericos que tena ante s en aquel tiempo. Por el
otro, es este el perodo que culmina para el filsofo prestando la mxima atencin al
frente pblico y con el desempeo de responsabilidades pblicas, ciertamente a partir del
ejercicio del cargo de Rector, siendo esta funcin institucional inusitada en un camino
biogrfico que, como es sabido, encontr su sello caracterstico en la sobriedad y la
cautela, antes que en la bsqueda de visibilidad y poder.
Por tanto, este es un periodo en el que Kant, consciente de lo realizado y, al mismo
tiempo, del todava dilatado camino que le esperaba, no ceja en la compleja bsqueda de
una armona dentro del proprio sistema, que tal vez nunca como en aquellos aos apareca
a sus ojos necesitado de una orientacin general (quiz las partes dedicadas a la
Arquitectura y Disciplina de la Razn pura fueron acaso inspiradas tambin por esta
urgencia de fondo, ms amplia, de la misma exigencia de crtica de la razn?).
Y es en este contexto temporal donde madura tambin el ensayo Que significa
orientarse en el pensamiento? Kant, al tomar partido dentro del intenso debate entre el
racionalismo y el dogmatismo de Mendelssohn y el fidesmo intuicionista de Jacobi,
propone fecundas reflexiones sobre la nocin de limite y sobre la necesidad subjetiva, si
bien, con una mayor relacin respecto a nuestro tema, se detiene varias veces en el
problema de cmo sobre cmo sea posible orientarse en la bsqueda de las condiciones
que determinan los diversos campos, mbitos y lmites de posibilidad de una filosofa
trascendental, o sea, en la bsqueda de una armona entre las numerosas partes de un saber
crtico limitado pero, por este mismo motivo, totalmente slido y estable, con
independencia del rumbo que se proponga tomar: he aqu lo que, en definitiva, se ha
intentado calificar como una crtica de la razn armnica.
Para su elaboracin, cabra subrayar al menos dos declinaciones del pensar en
comunidad mencionado al principio. Una razn pura armnica, por un lado, se ve
obligada a constituir una comunidad, una unin, una systematische Verbindung entre los
diversos saberes, o bien entre las necesidades de la razn, para encontrar respuesta a
exigencias diferentes, por ejemplo desde la historia a la moral, y desde sta a la poltica y
al derecho, solamente por citar uno de entre los mltiples caminos de armonizacin
Por otro lado, esta armonizacin se encuentra en el centro de una comunidad de
comunicaciones, un nexo entre diversos sujetos que, solo compartiendo unos con otros los
propios pensamientos, pueden cultivar la esperanza de armonizar los contenidos de estos
ltimos: Hasta qu punto y con qu correccin pensaramos?. En primer lugar, a nivel
individual, en el plano de la coherencia subjetiva e interna y, con respecto al mbito
intersubjetivo, en el plano del consenso alcanzable y alcanzado solo por la armona,
aunque igualmente por la concordia discordans, de un debate autntico y libre, un debate
del que quepa esperar que represente un genuino avance en cada posible campo del saber.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 20-31
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33888


Alberto Pirni
2. La armona como crtica y horizonte pblico del filosofar
Junto a las ya sealadas exigencias biogrficas y tericas de Kant, tendentes a poner
orden en la propia agenda de investigacin, se trata de descubrir, a partir del lapso
temporal aludido, una declinacin metdica y especfica del concepto de armona que
aparece ms pronto que tarde. Obviamente, las figuras y los significados de la armona
para Kant son muchos y especficos. Los ensayos recogidos en esta seccin monogrfica lo
testimonian con la variedad de su anlisis. Sin embargo, el sentido metdico que decamos
posea una caracterizacin posterior, al tratarse de una declinacin que, por un lado,
devolva la frmula pre-ilustrada de Kant y, por el otro, confirmaba su peculiar
interpretacin de la Ilustracin y de la pregunta acerca de su sentido, a la que el filsofo, en
el fondo, sigue respondiendo a lo largo de toda su trayectoria intelectual.
Si se opta por una frmula sinttica, propondra conjugar armona y crtica, en la
forma precisa de una crtica armnica. Lo que pretendo afirmar es que, a partir de la gran
luz de los aos 60, es la institucin lo que llevar a Kant a acuar el concepto de
trascendental y a concebir el esquema de lo que ser ms tarde la Crtica de la razn
pura, que comporta la doble conciencia de tener el material para comenzar un nuevo
decurso para la filosofa de su tiempo con vistas a los tiempos venideros y,
simultneamente, la conciencia de asumir la tarea de poder desarrollarlo, teniendo de ese
modo que volver siempre como antecedente al camino recorrido por toda la filosofa hasta
l mismo, para comprenderla mejor con arreglo a la inextirpable exigencia metafsica de la
razn y sacarla as a la luz gracias a los precisos tejidos consolidados de la filosofa
En esto consiste el intento, diremos, comprehensivo y por ende intrnsecamente
armnico de Kant, al no evitar la comparacin y no dejar de lado ninguna teora, sin
antes haberla examinado bajo la luz de crtica, ejercitando esta ltima como muestra de
armona transcendental, es decir, de equilibrio entre como era antes y quiz pudiera al
margen de la empresa crtica, y cuanto es posible ahora, en el espacio acaso ms limitado,
pero seguramente por ello mismos mejor fundamentado, segn un interminable proceso de
ida y vuelta, que parte de las tradiciones y las restituye al presente iluminado por la crtica.
En el interior de este cono de luces, tal vez estn comprendidos o reledos an los
innumerables binomios conceptuales que Kant disemina a lo largo de toda su obra, desde
el concepto escolar contrapuesto al concepto csmico de la filosofa o la ms clebre
distincin entre fenmeno y nomeno, solo por mencionar dos de los de mayor impacto, a
binomios que consideramos ms internos a su sistema: sensible / inteligible, espacio /
tiempo, posibilidad / imposibilidad, sentidos / entendimiento, entendimiento / razn, razn
/ fe, analtica / dialctica, limitado / ilimitado, naturaleza / libertad, libertad / ley, guerra /
paz, metafsica / crtica, cuya enumeracin exhaustiva resultara excesivamente prolija.
Partiendo de la comprensin conjunta de estos dos ltimos binomios conceptuales acaso
pueda emerger con mayor claridad el sentido comprehensivo y metdico de la idea
kantiana de armona. Luego se volver sobre este punto.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 20-31
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33888

Hacia una crtica de la razn armnica

Parece oportuno recordar que Kant repar muy tempranamente en el tema de la

armona, quiz de forma todava indirecta y no inmediatamente conectada con el sentido
critico que aqu se est tratando de articular, refirindose a la Monadologia de Leibniz en
su Monadologia physica de 1756.5 Sin embargo, Kant nunca simpatiz con la idea de armona
preestablecida leibniziana, con la que, como es sabido, ajustar cuentas de manera un poco
lapidaria en las pginas finales de la Crtica de la razn prctica, atribuyendo a las mnadas la
libertad propia del asador [KprV, AA 05: 97], incisivamente presentada como lo ms distante de
la idea de libertad, pensada a partir de la refinada dialctica entre mxima e imperativo y
desarrollada bajo la forma de un binomio armnico ulterior.

Adems, si se quisiera encontrar en el perodo pre-crtico un referente ms directo a la

idea de armona crtica que intentamos elaborar, este podra encontrarse ms bien en la
comparacin con las reflexiones de Swedenborg, al cual Kant dedica una obra donde se
prefiguran muchas de las intuiciones desarrolladas en la primera Crtica. En su texto de
1766 titulado Sueos de un visionario explicados mediante los ensueos de la metafsica
Kant, tras reiteradas demandas de amigos conocidos y desconocidos, lleva a cabo un
examen crtico de la obra Arcana coelestia de Emanuel Swedenborg. En el segundo
captulo de la Primera Parte, titulada Fragmento de filosofa arcana para abrir la comunin
con el mundo de los espritus, Kant habla de los seres inmateriales que, como
principales agentes para s mismos se encuentran inmediatamente unidos en una gran
totalidad [groes Ganze], que cabe denominar mundo inmaterial (mundus intelligibilis).
Este mundo inmaterial [immaterielle Welt] puede ser considerado, pues, como un todo
existente por s, cuyas partes estn entre ellas en una mutua interrelacin y en
comunidad [untereinander wechselseitiger Verknpfung und Gemeinschaft], incluso sin la
mediacin de las cosas materiales, por lo que esta ltima relacin [...] no debe impedir que los
seres inmateriales, que actan unos en otros por mediacin de la materia, mantengan adems
entre ellos, independientemente, una relacin particular y general y que, como seres
inmateriales, se ejerzan influjos mutuos, de modo que la relacin de los mismos a travs de la
materia es solo contingente, y reposa sobre una disposicin divina particular, siendo por el
contrario la otra relacin natural e indisoluble.6

No es ahora posible detenerse analticamente sobre esto, an siendo un texto de inters, en el que Kant
interpreta y revisa en manera muy interesante las tesis leibnizianas. Nos referimos aqu a los Principes de la
Nature et de la Grce fonds en raison (1714) y a los Principes de la Philosophie (obra redactada en francs
en 1714, pero publicada en alemn en 1720, con el ttulo de Lehrstze ber die Monadologie. Kant imagina y
describe aqu una funcin ms directa y activa de las mnadas, que quedan en equilibrio y armona entre
ellas, sobre todo por la originaria actividad de cada una, que necesita la ocupacin de un spatiolum alrededor
de s misma y que, consiguientemente impide a cada mnada acercarse a las otras ms all de cierto lmite.
Esto sucede, segn Kant, sobre la base del newtoniano principio de repulsin fsica entre los cuerpos y no,
leibnizianamente, a partir de la intervencin divina de armonizacin entre las mnadas, culminando la
armona preestablecida entre el Reino de la Naturaleza y el Reino de la Gracia. Entre los estudios ms
recientes sobre la confrontacin crtica entre Kant y Leibniz vase S. Storrie, Kant's 1768 attack on Leibniz
conception of space, Kant-Studien, 104 (2013), no. 2, pp. 145-166.
Trume, AA 02: 330, trad. por C. Canterla. Para un anlisis exhaustivo de las numerosas referencias
implicados en este pasaje y en todo el segundo captulo sigue siendo en mi opinin un estudio de referencia
la obra de A. Lamacchia, La filosofia della religione in Kant. I Dal dogmatismo teologico al teismo morale
(1755-1783), Lacaita, Bari 1969, spec. pp. 296-303 e pp. 523-534.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 20-31
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33888


Alberto Pirni
El mundo formado por los seres inmateriales se estructura como un enlace [Verbindung],
o bien como una conexin [Verknpfung], en una relacin que implica reciprocidad y
comunidad, que, sin obstculos procedentes de las particularidades y obstculos materiales,
se presenta as de modo indisoluble como comunidad dinmica. El discurso protagonizado
aqu por los seres inmateriales los espritus se volver a mencionar y a desarrollar
denominndolos seres razonables o integrantes del reino de los fines, figura posterior
que ser paradigmtica de la armona crtica en su especfica declinacin moral,
introducida en la Fundamentacin, sobre la cual no es posible ahora detenerse
analticamente7; mientras la totalidad por s misma es independiente, calificada ahora
como indisoluble, ser considerada en el contexto ms maduro de la filosofa crtica,
como una unin sistemtica.
Ahora bien, como se ha mencionado con anterioridad, para captar quiz el ncleo
ms caracterstico de una ideal crtica de la razn armnica, es necesario volver a dos de
los binomio citados ms arriba, ms exactamente a aquel que rene a la guerra y la paz, y
aquel otro que hace lo mismo con la metafsica y la crtica. Naturalmente, todo intento de
presentar con mayor detalle este conjunto conceptual superara los lmites de este texto.
Con todo, en la amplia obra de Kant es posible descubrir un breve texto, diez aos
posterior respecto al citado anteriormente, que parece constituir un tornasol ideal de este
plexo temtico. Se trata del Anuncio de la prxima conclusin de un tratado de paz
perpetua en la filosofa, publicado en diciembre de 1796 en la Berlinische Monatsschrift,
que quiz pueda ser interpretado como la mayor expresin kantiana de la vocacin
autnticamente pblica de la filosofa crtica, y al mismo tiempo, de toda filosofa que
pretenda inspirarse en esa indicacin metodolgica.8
Como es sabido, es posible encontrar en Kant numerosas connotaciones,
eminentemente jurdico-polticas y tico-religiosas, del concepto de paz perpetua. Sin
embargo, parece poderse reconocer tambin perfilada en su obra una idea ms
comprensiva de paz, que incluye no solo estas facetas del saber filosfico, sino tambin
una que posibilita estas ltimas: la dimensin metafsico-gnoseolgica. 9 A esta ltima
parece dedicarse ms plenamente Kant justo en el escrito de 1796, aun cuando en realidad
no puede considerarse una novedad en trminos absolutos. Desde el Prefacio a la
primera edicin hasta llegar a la Doctrina del mtodo de la Crtica de la razn pura Kant
haba presentado el campo de la metafsica como un lugar de combate y, al mismo
tiempo, la crtica como el tribunal resolutivo de toda controversia posible en semejante

Para un anlisis ms amplio de este concepto me permito remitir a: A. Pirni, Il regno dei fini in Kant.
Morale, religione e politica in collegamento sistematico, il melangolo, Genova 2000.
He presentado una interpretacin de todo el ensayo, situndolo en relacin con otros dos escritos menores
significativos de aquellos aos, De un tono de gran seor recientemente adoptado en filosofa y Sobre un
presunto derecho a mentir por filantropa en: A. Pirni, The Philosophers Public Calling: The Problems and
Implications of Kants Announcement of the Upcoming Conclusion of a Treatise of Perpetual Peace in
Philosophy, in R. Orden/ J. Rivera de Rosales /R. Hanna / R. Louden/ N. Sanchez Madrid (ed.), Critical
Paths Outside the Critiques. Kants Shorter Writings, Cambridge Scholar Publishing, Cambridge
Para amplio examen de este punto, vase: G. Cunico, Pace, guerra e conflitto in Kant, in I. Kant, Guerra
e pace. Politica, religiosa, filosofica, a cura di G. Cunico, Diabasis, Reggio Emilia 2004, pp. 9-32.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 20-31
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33888

Hacia una crtica de la razn armnica

campo, gracias a su doble capacidad, por un lado, de limitar las pretensiones cognoscitivas
de lo suprasensible y, por el otro, de dirigir fundadamente sus pretensiones legtimas
articulando un camino que de la sensibilidad conduca al intelecto y de este a las tres ideas
de la razn, entendidas como estructuras capaces de conferir unidad teleolgica al conjunto
de los conocimientos posibles.
El Anuncio puede situarse en esta ltima lnea, pero contiene un tejido
argumentativo diferente y original, de inicial matriz antropolgica. Kant comienza
considerando el carcter de la vida entendida como accin inmanente de fuerzas
estimulantes que connota la naturaleza del hombre, pero entendido antes de su
universalidad, es decir antes de la obtencin del carcter racional que lo distingue
especficamente de cualquier otro animal. Este carcter le permite en efecto sutilizar
[vernnfteln], filosofar, pero tambin disputar con un tono encendido, hasta llevar a la
guerra abierta, unidos en masa contra otros (escuela contra escuela, como ejrcito contra
No obstante, este es un carcter o un impulso sano, que permite al hombre
mantenerse activo y mantener lejos [] la gran desgracia de descomponerse todava
viv[o]. Por este motivo hay que conservar este carcter pero, al mismo tiempo, incentivar
su estabilizacin, de forma permanentemente dinmica, sobre todo gracias a y a travs de
la filosofa. Segn Kant, la estabilizacin perpetuamente dinmica puede ser ofrecida slo
por la filosofa crtica. Esta es una filosofa que deja abierto el campo a la libre capacidad
de la razn humana, pero tras haberlo encerrado establemente dentro de la ms slida
legitimidad gnoseolgica. Esta filosofa, dice significativamente Kant, es un estado
siempre armado (AT, AA 8: 416, 23-25), contra los que, tratando de eliminar o discutir
esos lmites, no hacen ms que confundir los fenmenos con las cosas en s. Pero es
tambin una filosofa que tiene la prerrogativa de mantener siempre en activo las fuerzas
del sujeto [] para promover el propsito de la naturaleza de vivificar continuamente al
sujeto y preservarlo del sueo de la muerte (ibd.).
Aqu reside el significado ms profundo del ideal de paz perpetua aqu propugnado,
junto al concepto de armona como crtica, que constituye su pendant especulativo por el
lado terico: su carcter perenne, en un sentido, el punto de no retorno que el cambio
trascendental ha impreso en el saber filosfico, su inagotable dinamismo, en el otro, por el
cual la paz perpetua en filosofa (y la razn armnica) no es sinnimo de estaticidad, es
decir, de muerte en vida, sino de solidez de la base crtica en la que solo puede
desarrollarse de nuevo la discusin pblica ms viva, racionalmente fundada y, al mismo
tiempo, a la altura de la tarea de Ilustracin al que la razn ilustrada no puede renunciar.
3. Para una armona crtica polifnica, en y ms all de Kant
En este horizonte global, de enfrentamiento crtico armnico, o sea dinmico, siempre
reiterado y no simplemente ejercitado de manera constante, se inscribe as pues el itinerario

AT, AA 8: 414, 11-12, trad. por R. Rovira.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 20-31
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33888


Alberto Pirni
cumplido en primera persona por Kant, pero tambin lo preconiza para cada camino del
pensar que est a la altura de su propia tarea. Desde este punto de vista parecen
confirmarse como un bajo continuo las palabras recordadas al comienzo de las
consideraciones aqu propuestas. De acuerdo con ello, dando lugar a aquella misma
indicacin metdica, se han intentado recoger en esta seccin monogrfica otros
numerosos significados, como dira George Herbert Mead, de la mano de contribuciones
de prestigiosos intrpretes, no solo de la letra kantiana, sino tambin de la tarea de fondo
que a ella subyace, en y ms all de Kant. Antes que nada, para intentar pensar en
comunidad aquella tarea, tratando de aproximarse a la esperanza de no haberla
desatendido del todo. Con el fin de entregar al lector una presentacin, algo armnica de
los textos presentados aqu, que proceden libremente del amplio depsito semntico de
la armona elaborado por Kant, se propone organizar el extenso material, de manera ideal,
en tres crculos concntricos que, conforme al orden general aqu articulado, encuentran su
elemento distintivo en otras declinaciones la idea de dilogo.
El primer crculo se concentra en la comparacin y dilogo de Kant con
pensadores contemporneos suyos, siempre en relacin con el tema de la armona. Se
recorren as las pginas que el filsofo, en el perodo pre-crtico, dedica al tema de la
causalidad en relacin con algunos autores de referencia de su poca, como Wolff y
Baumgarten, Knutzen y Crusius. El tema es interpretado revisando el punto de vista del
influjo fsico elaborado por dichos autores, en una direccin que perfilar una
redefinicin de la idea de espacio, un contexto en el que encontrar su oportuna ubicacin
la nocin de interaccin (commercium) entre sustancias, teniendo ciertamente como base
una relevante nocin metafsica de armona (Gualtiero Lorini). Se analiza y contextualiza
asimismo una anotacin escrita por Kant en los textos preparatorios del que ms tarde ser
el texto contra Eberhard, Sobre un descubrimiento, por el que toda nueva Crtica de la
razn pura debera volverse prescindible. El texto contiene una significativa anotacin y
metfora musical, que ofrece la ocasin para una ms amplia consideracin sobre el uso
del lxico musical en Kant y en Eberhard, un contexto semntico que ciertamente restituye
la principal y ms natural referencia del tema armnico en su conjunto, en comparacin
con aquellos con los que el filsofo de Knigsberg demuestra competencia y familiaridad
(Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques).
El segundo crculo de estudios se dirige en cambio al dilogo de Kant consigo
mismo, o sea al dilogo entre diferentes partes y obras del sistema, que se evocan unas
a las otras en una prolongada respuesta a varias, pero que en el fondo seran declinaciones
convergentes del tema de la armona. En este contexto se introduce en primer lugar una
reflexin acerca del principio de igualdad que gobierna acciones y reacciones el cual, en
conexin con el concepto de influjo fsico mencionado anteriormente y partiendo desde los
Principios metafsicos de la ciencia de la naturaleza, enfoca algunos textos relevantes de
la filosofa prctica kantiana, hasta culminar en la Rechtslehre, en dos diferentes
significados (dinmico y legal) del mismo principio (Jean-Christophe Merle). Pero el
camino que Kant articul a travs de las tres Crticas aparece tambin como el ensayo de


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 20-31
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33888

Hacia una crtica de la razn armnica

reconstruir una lgica armnica que esas mismas obras haban separado: de este modo, la
armona entre ser y pensar, separada de la primera Crtica, y aquella entre virtud y
felicidad, dicotomizada por la segunda, encuentran en la tercera, a travs de una resemantizacin de la idea de naturaleza ahora ya no objeto de conocimiento, pero s
regla para una empresa esttica y artstica una posibilidad de recomposicin armnica
y comprensiva de las facultades de la razn (Francesco Valagussa).
Profundiza en este camino, o sea en el interior de la tercera Crtica, una reflexin
en torno a la nocin de cognicin en general, destinada a resolver el problema de la
comunicabilidad de los estados mentales relativos al juicio de gusto, as como el tema de la
armona entre comprensin e imaginacin. Aqu la buscada armona entre las facultades
cognitivas permite pensar en el dinamismo de las formas expresivas a un nivel pre-terico,
hasta interesar la posibilidad de experiencia de lo bello (Oscar Meo). Disponiendo bajo
otra luz este mismo tema, se profundiza tambin en un aspecto sustantivo de la misma
experiencia de lo bello: la funcin de la literatura y, ms especficamente, de la poesa,
como punto de elaboracin armnica entre el sentimiento de placer, tpico del uso del
bello, y las facultades cognoscitivas. La referencia a la literatura implica, en efecto, la
mediacin posible y necesaria entre sensibilidad y entendimiento, dando forma de este
modo, en una progresin retrospectiva desde la tercera a la primera Crtica, a una
interesante comparacin entre la nocin de correspondencia tpica de la primera teora
esttica con la de armona introducida en la Crtica de la facultad de juzgar (Germn
Garrido Miambres).
Cierra este segundo crculo concntrico una reflexin completa sobre el sistema del
pensamiento kantiano, dedicada al concepto de mundo. Se reconsidera, de este modo, la
nocin de armona en su significado ontolgico fundamental, o sea, en el interior de una
concordancia teleolgica que estaba en el centro de la metafsica dogmatica y que, a travs
del criticismo, destruye y configura nuevamente ya no en su dimensin tericoespeculativa, sino en virtud de un renovado significado teleolgico-moral que encuentra en
la concordancia final de los entes terminados su perspectiva propia (Gerardo Cunico).
Para finalizar, el tercer crculo concntrico que aqu se presenta intenta dar forma a
la imagen de otros pensadores en dilogo diacrnico con Kant. Esta parte comienza con un
ensayo dedicado a un captulo importante del dilogo, ms reciente, entre Habermas y
Kant, con particular referencia a la dinmica armnica entre lo sensible y lo inteligible,
resuelta por el primero, en el contexto del debate sobre determinismo y libertad, en el
marco de un naturalismo dbil. Tal solucin, siguiendo con fidelidad el itinerario de
Kant, podra enriquecerse posteriormente atendiendo al juicio reflexionante, que considera
al hombre simplemente como ser biolgico, natural y, al mismo tiempo, en armona
constituyente con su capacidad de libertad (Ana Mara Andaluz Romanillos). Prosigue este
ltimo crculo un ensayo que parte de la esttica entendida como fundacin de una filosofa
del arte, del acto, o ms bien del evento artstico, desde un significativo, aunque poco
conocido dilogo mantenido en el siglo XIX con Kant por parte de tres autores eslovacos,
Gregu, Vandrk y Kuzmny. De la mano de una interpretacin dinmica de la idea de
armonizacin kantiana, se propone una renovada fundamentacin de la potencialidad
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 20-31
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33888


Alberto Pirni
esttica del arte (Jana Sokova).
Cierra para finalizar el crculo, como si se tratara de un significativo contrapunto
musical, lo que en realidad aparece como un contrapunto moral y toda una leccin de
sabidura. Se trata del indirecto dilogo entre el personaje de Emma, en el homnimo libro
de Jean Austen y las pginas kantianas dedicadas al auto-engao moral del sujeto racional.
La enseanza que este conversar consigo mismo nos proporciona remite a la misma
perspectiva de la dialctica natural reconocida sobre todo en la tendencia de la razn a ir
ms all de los lmites de lo conocido. Del mismo modo en que la Crtica de la razn pura
pretenda enfrentarse a tal dialctica, la Fundamentacin de la metafsica de las
costumbres ofrecer en primer lugar la va del autoconocimiento moral como primer deber
de supresin del auto-engao y el ms slido apoyo para la promocin de una sabidura en
el individuo que siga siendo dinmicamente armnica (Jeanine M. Grenberg).
Este camino, el marcado por el proyecto y la tarea de una crtica de la razn
armnica, se encuentra orientado hacia s mismo, hacia su origen. Pero este es un origen
necesariamente doble. Por un lado, desde una perspectiva ontolgica, comprendiendo en
ella todo lo concerniente a la idea del orden del ser, a las fuerzas fsicas que constituyen
leyes, a la modalidad y lmites de cada posible armonizacin, hasta llegar a la unidad
teleolgica del todo como mundo. Sin embargo, en su articularse aquella crtica descubre
en s misma tambin el origen y el conjunto de su obrar, el destino autnticamente moral
de su proprio realizarse, o sea el intento de elaborar y, si es posible, de imprimir al entero
orden del ser, desde el todo hasta sus partes, una orientacin metdica del equilibrio del
conjunto, con un fin ms exigente, dirigido a la justicia, si bien combatiendo siempre
crticamente contra aquella dialctica natural que no cesa de diferir el alcance de ese

Cunico, G. (2004), Pace, guerra e conflitto in Kant, in I. Kant, Guerra e pace. Politica,
religiosa, filosofica, a cura di G. Cunico, Diabasis, Reggio Emilia, pp. 9-32.
Guerra, A. (201318), Introduzione a Kant, Laterza, Roma-Bari.
Lamacchia, A. (1969), La filosofia della religione in Kant. I Dal dogmatismo teologico al
teismo morale (1755-1783), Lacaita, Bari.
Martinetti, P. (19452), Introduzione, in I. Kant, Prolegomeni ad ogni metafisica futura che
vorr presentarsi come scienza, introduzione, traduzione, note e allegati a cura di P.
Martinetti, postfazione e apparati di M. Roncoroni, Rusconi, Milano 1995.
Storrie, S. (2013), Kants 1768 attack on Leibniz conception of space, Kant-Studien,
104, no. 2, pp. 145-166.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 20-31
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33888

Hacia una crtica de la razn armnica

Pirni, A. (2000), Il regno dei fini in Kant. Morale, religione e politica in collegamento
sistematico, il melangolo, Genova 2000.
(2006) Kant filosofo della comunit, Pisa, ETS.
(forthcoming), The Philosophers Public Calling: The Problems and
Implications of Kants Announcement of the Upcoming Conclusion of a Treatise of
Perpetual Peace in Philosophy, in R. Orden/J. Rivera de Rosales/R. Hanna/R. Louden/N.
Sanchez Madrid (ed.), Critical Paths Outside the Critiques. Kants Shorter Writings,
Cambridge Scholar Publishing, Cambridge.
Vrlander, K. (1967), Einleitung, in I. Kant, Prolegomena zu einer jeden knftigen
Metaphysik, die als Wissenschaft wird auftreten knnen, Meiner, Hamburg, pp. I-XLI.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 20-31
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33888


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 32-47
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33889

Harmonia in commercio vs Harmonia absque commercio.

Kants eclectical dealing with causality

Harmonia in commercio vs Harmonia absque commercio.

El tratamiento eclctico de la causalidad en Kant

Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon, Portugal

The present paper aims to provide an overview on Kants dealing with the main theories of causality
which were proposed and discussed in his time. The goal is to show that, since the pre-critical
period, he has never simply accepted the theories of causality that he could find in second-scholastic
sources, but has always tried to develop an original position. Starting from a general acceptance of
the theory of the physical influx, Kant tries to amend this theory, as it had been roughly provided
by Knutzen and Crusius. This emendation is carried out through elements coming from the
Leibnitian tradition. But neither in this field Kant totally embraces the Wolffian, as well as the
Baumgartenian model. The paper tries also to shed light on the way in which the critical conception
of space allows Kant to fulfill his original theory of causality as an amended version of the physical
Key words
Physical Influx; Occasionalism; Pre-established Harmony; Causality; Space

Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Centre of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon (CFUL). E-mail
contact: .
[Recibido: 27 de septiembre de 2015
Aceptado: 17 de octubre de 2015]


Harmonia in commercio vs Harmonia absque commercio

El presente artculo pretende ofrecer una perspectiva del tratamiento que Kant dedica a las
principales teoras de la causalidad propuestas y discutidas en su tiempo. El objetivo es mostrar que
Kant nunca acept, desde el periodo pre-crtico, las teoras de la causalidad que pudo encontrar en
fuentes de la Segunda Escolstica, sino que intent siempre desarrollar una posicin original.
Tomando como punto de partido la aceptacin general de la teora del influjo fsico, Kant intenta
corregir esta teora, tal y como fue esbozada por Knutzen y Crusius. Esta correccin se lleva a cabo
por medio de elementos procedentes de la tradicin leibniziana. Pero ni siquiera en este campo Kant
abraza totalmente el modelo de Wolff y Baumgarten. El artculo aspira a arrojar luz sobre la manera
en que la concepcin crtica del espacio permite a Kant completar su teora original de la causalidad
como una versin corregida del influjo fsico.
Palabras clave
Influjo fsico; ocasionalismo; armona pre-establecida; causalidad; espacio

1. Kant and his sources on causality, force and change in the pre-critical period
Kants approach to the different theories of causality that are at stake in the scientific
and philosophical debate of his age is characterized, on the one hand, by the reference to
his most direct sources, and, on the other hand, by the tendency to elaborate an original
perspective that is not totally reducible to the sources. In this context, one of the first focal
points is represented by a reference to Leibniz, which is often mediated by authors like
Wolff and Baumgarten. This sometimes leads Kant to maintain he is positioning himself
against Leibnizs theories, whereas he is actually attacking e.g. Wolffs thesis or the thesis
of a Wolffian. It happens less frequently for Baumgarten, who is a more orthodox
Leibnizian than Wolff.
A further line of interpretation consists in Kants employment of Crusius positions as a
term of constrast to the Wolffian formalism. However, though Kants disagreement with
Crusius is usually more hidden and implicit, it is nonetheless often sharp and also
determines the rise of autonomous positions in Kants thought. The still point in the
analysis of this panorama is what Kant himself (speaking of ontology) called the vestibule
of metaphysics (See: RPM, AA 20: 260). In this case the vestibule is the text through
which Kant faces the metaphysical tradition, namely Baumgartens Metaphysica, which he
employed throughout his entire academic carrier as a manual for his lectures on
metaphysics. That is why we will start from this text.
For Baumgarten ratio [Grund] is meant as the ground of a thing [ens],1 in the widest
metaphysical meaning of nexus. The principle is what contains the ground of something
else, and it can be of being [essendi], of becoming [fiendi] or of knowing

Baumgarten, Metaphysica, 14.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 32-47
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33889


Gualtiero Lorini
[cognoscendi],2 while the force [vis] characterizes the internal nexus through which the
accidents adhere to the essence of the substance insofar as it is their sufficient ground.3
As regards the adherence to the essence of the modes, and even more of the relations,
we need a further determination, that is a ground, which is a cause and not a force, and
which coincides with the principle of existence (to be understood under the principle of
becoming). 4 This principle is the ground of the complement of essence or of internal
possibility 5 of a thing. Among the meanings of the concept of cause expressed by
Baumgarten, Kant adopts since the Thoughts on the true estimation of the living forces, the
efficient cause [causa realitatis per actionem]. 6 Nevertheless, while Kant adopts this
concept in order to explain the physical influx among the substances, Baumgarten is a
supporter of the pre-established harmony. Consequently, for Kant also the action of the
force has a causal value, since it can be exerted by one substance on the other, whereas
Baumgarten reduces the relationship among substances to a force that is internal to any
The pre-established harmony presupposes a monadist theory of substance, which is
attacked by Kant in the third section of the New elucidation through the exposition of two
principles that are supposed to be deduced from the principle of sufficient ground. The first
is the principle of succession: No change can happen to substances except insofar as
they are connected with other substances; their reciprocal dependency on each other
determines their reciprocal changes of state (NE, AA 1: 410). Here Kants main polemical
target is Wolff, according to whom a simple substance is subject to constant change in
virtue of an inner principle of activity (NE, AA 1: 411).8 Kant brands Wolffs theory as
untenable for several reasons. Firstly, a change requires new grounds that should
necessarily come from outside, but it cannot be the case, since the internal determinations
that already adhere to the substance are posited in virtue of inner grounds which exclude
the opposite (NE, AA 1: 410). Furthermore, the changes of the internal determinations of
the substance cannot derive from a change in their grounds because these grounds are by
definition immutable, just as the determinations simultaneous to them. Thus, insofar as the
essential determinations are immutable, they cannot be the source of the internal changes
of the substance. The Wolffiansso Kanthave constructed an arbitrary definition of
force so that it means that which contains the ground of changes, when one ought to
declare that it contains the ground of determinations (NE, AA 1: 411). This refers to the
Thoughts, where the force was defined as the most authentic expression of causality and its
peculiar character was represented by activity, which characterizes the Wolffian

Ivi, 311.
Ivi, 197.
Ivi, 307.
Ivi, 55.
Ivi, 319.
Ivi, 449ss. See: e.g. TelF, AA 1: 18.
Anyway, in the Cosmologia generalis (209), Wolff admits that we can account for all the changes that
occur in a single element through the changes that take place in another.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 32-47
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33889

Harmonia in commercio vs Harmonia absque commercio

principle of change too. Thus, the next step is to understand towards what tends the activity
of the force, and that requires further investigating the concept of causality.
Wolff, Baumgarten and Meier share a general concept of cause as a ground whose
power is basically logical. Since this ground is an expression of the principle of sufficient
ground, which in turn comes from the logical principle of non-contradiction, one can
conclude that also this ground has a logical value 9 Therefore, even the necessity
characterizing the derivation of the caused from the cause must be logical. Since the
position of the cause is simultaneous to that of the consequencea principle accepted even
by Kantthe determinations deriving from the essential grounds of the substance are
simultaneous to these essential grounds both on the logical and the ontological point of view,
that is they are immutable as their grounds.10
The goal of Kants remarks is to explain the transition from the logical to the
ontological plane, but to this purpose the Wolffian theory of causality is clearly insufficient.
Since for Kant Wolffs concept of substance lacks indeed intersubstantial relations, his
concept of causality cannot be considered real. Rather, it is expressed by a mere logical and
ideal correspondence between cause and caused. Therefore, the action of the force can only
be exerted on the internal determinations of the substance, and the change is reduced to a
succession of internal determinations that need another internal principle, in order to
become actual. Such a model contradicts the concept of an essence grounded upon
determinations whose contrary has been logically excluded. Thus, for Kant there is nothing
inside the substance that can produce the change. It must necessarily come from outside, by
means of a force expressed through a real causality.
In the third section of the New elucidation Kant adopts a complementary perspective as
regards the first two sections. Where in the first two sections he aimed at analyzing the
principle of sufficient ground and demonstrating its validity, here, by limiting this validity
to the contingent reality, he can define the modality of determination of the contingent
substances as a mutual causal interaction. In other words, the changes of the external
relations of the substance are the cause of its internal changes, since the former contain the
ground of existence [ratio existentiae] of the latter. Thus, the principle of succession
explains how the actual removal of the predicate opposite to what pertains to the subject is
possible in those cases, in which this removal goes beyond the limits of the formal logic.
Since such a removal must be operated by an external cause, this requires the substances to
be in a real mutual relation.11 In this sense, Kants adhesion to this form of physical influx
answers the need of filling the lack of formal logic as it pretends to provide a complete
account of contingent reality.

Wolff, Ontologia, 866-881.

Wolff, Deutsche Metaphysik, 32, 42.
On this point see: Reuscher (1977, p. 28).

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 32-47
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33889


Gualtiero Lorini
On the basis of his principle of succession Kant claims indeed to be able to utterly
overthrow the Leibnizian pre-established harmony (NE, AA 1: 412). But even as regards
the relation between ground and determination, which Kant discusses in these lines, his
criticisms do not actually affect the very Leibnizian conception. They are rather targeted
against Wolffs version of this relation.12 Kants objection rests upon the fact that, once an
essential ground internal to the substance is posed, a correspondent determination is in turn
immediately and immutably posed. So, a pure internal change is not admitted. Nevertheless
Leibniz, differently from both Wolff and Kant, rejects the contemporaneity between the
position of the ground and that of the correspondent determination. This allows Leibniz to
give reason of the change in terms of derivative rather than first causes.13 However, the
explanation of change in terms of first causes, or at least of essential grounds, is a goal
pursued by both the Wolffians and Kant, though by different strategies. That is why the
Leibnizian idealism is still unsatisfying for Kants purposes, even if the Kantian principle of
succession does not substantially weaken Leibnizs own position.
By the principle of succession Kant seems to claim that the sensible reality ultimately
consists of primitive physical points endowed with physical forces that generate causal
interactions. However, since these forces cannot be exposed to change, they cannot be
identified with the particular forces that we can observe in our sensible experience. They
seem rather to already coincide with the attractive and repulsive forces that Kant will treat
in the Physical monadology.14
In this latter writing, differently from the Wolffian atomi naturae or the LeibnizianBaumgartenian monads, the simplicity of Kants monads does not prevent them from
consisting of parts. For Kant the simplicity of the physical monads consists rather in that
even their eventual parts cannot be separated from one another, and such a definition of
simplicity cannot be found in any other author of Kants time.15 Nevertheless, once he poses
this element of originality, at least programmatically, the development of the Physical
monadology does not explain how the property of consisting of parts, which cannot be
separated from one another actually characterizes the simple substance. Thus, in the end
Kants definition of the simplicity of the physical monads still coincides with the Wolffian
definition of simplicity as absence of parts.16


See: Kaehler (1985, pp. 406-408).

See in particular: Leibniz, Systme nouveau. In: Die philosophischen Schriften 4: 477-487. On this point:
Watkins (2005, p. 125).


See: Watkins (2005, p. 129).

See: Wolff (Cosmologia generalis, 186-188), Baumgarten (Metaphysica, 224, 230). On this point:
Sarmiento (2005, p. 5).
Pozzo-Oberhausen (2002, p. 354) argue Kants fundamental Wolffism in his early age on themes concerning
the philosophy of nature not to be surprising, since both Leibniz and Newton are taught in this period in
Knigsberg through Wolffian manuals.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 32-47
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33889

Harmonia in commercio vs Harmonia absque commercio

The second principle introduced by Kant in the third section of the New elucidation,
namely the principle of co-existence, is actually presupposed by the principle of succession:
Finite substances do not, in virtue of their existence alone, stand in a relationship with
each other, nor are they linked together by any interaction at all, except in so far as the
common principle of their existence, namely the divine understanding, maintains them in a
state of harmony in their reciprocal relations. (NE, AA 1: 412-413)

Kant illustrates here the modalities of the causal nexus among the substances that is
required in order for an internal change within any single substance to be possible. The
limitation of this treatment to the contingent substances is expressed by the reference to the
finite substances. Furthermore, it is worth noting that the insufficiency of the mere
singular existence of substances for the determination of their mutual relations seems to put
Kants position close to the doctrine of pre-established harmony. Indeed, if Kant would not
maintain to have already ruled out this theory in the exposition of the principle of
succession, passages like the following could be interpreted as totally consistent with
Leibnizs and Baumgartens position:
Since, therefore, in so far as each individual substance has an existence which is
independent of other substances, no reciprocal connection occurs between them; and since
it certainly does not fall to finite beings to be the causes of other substances, and since,
nonetheless, all the things in the universe are found to be reciprocally connected with each
other - since all this is the case, it has to be admitted that this relation depends on a
communality of cause, namely on God, the universal principle of beings. (NE, AA 1: 413)

The point on which Kant disagrees with Leibniz and Baumgarten is the real, and not
merely ideal, nature of the relation among substances, a relation that is based upon their
common dependence on the scheme of the divine understanding. However, the real nature
of this relation was already stated in the treatment of the principle of succession, so Kants
criticism is mainly focused on the insufficiency of the existence of substances in
determining their mutual relations. For this reason, the target of Kants criticism should be
identified with Crusius. Indeed, though Crusius admits the real nature of the relations
among substances, he claims that God can only create substances, whose existence poses
them ipso facto into a real relation.17 On the contrary, Kant maintains that substances can
also be created (with all their internal grounds) so that they have no mutual relations. In this
case, the relations would be added later and independently from the internal grounds. Since
the mere existence of substances does not necessarily imply their interaction [commercium],
it can neither give reason of the determinations arising from this interaction, then it is
obvious that, if you posit a number of substances, you do not at the same time and as a
result determine place, position, and space (NE, AA 1: 414). Thus, the space occupied


See: C.A. Crusius, Entwurf, 327.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 32-47
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33889


Gualtiero Lorini
[eingenommen] or filled [erfllt] by the substances now begins to play a significant role in
the determination of the causal interaction among them.
2. The nature of space as a key-problem in the determination of the intersubstantial relations
As it is stated in the New elucidation, at point 5 of the Application of the principle of
co-existence, the concept of space derives from the corporeal substances, and expresses
their sensible relation, whose metaphysical ground is constituted by their dependence upon
the divine causality. Here Kant mentions a notio spatii, which is reduced to the
interconnected actions of substances, reaction always being of necessity conjoined with
such interconnected actions (NE, AA 1: 415). Thus, though Kant assumes, with Leibniz,
the derivative nature of space, he does not conclude, like Wolff, that space is merely
subjective. Rather, following Newton, he attributes to the space a reality that makes it an
essential element in the relations among the bodies. Indeed, Kants rejection of the
ontological primacy of space on the physical substances stated by Newton does not prevent
him from arguing that the external phenomenon of the universal relation among bodies is
called attraction. [] Since it [the attraction] is brought about by co-presence alone, it
reaches to all distances whatever, and is Newtonian attraction or universal gravity (NE, AA
1: 415).
Here the force expresses the most authentic essence of causality once more. When Kant
criticizes the theories of pre-established harmony and occasionalism, he turns back indeed
on the value of the efficient causality, and explains that through the common dependence of
substances upon God:
One is equally justified both in saying that external changes may be produced in this way
by means of efficient causes and also in saying that the changes which occur within the
substance are ascribed to an internal force of the substance, although the natural power of
this force to produce an effect rests, no less than the foundation of external relations just
mentioned, on divine support. (NE, AA 1: 415).

However, it is surprising that in these last lines of the New elucidation Kant even seems
to reject the theory of physical influx, which until this point had been defended both in its
presuppositions and by the exclusion of the concurrent alternatives:
[] whatever determinations and changes are to be found in any of them [the substances],
they always refer, indeed, to what is external. Physical influence, in the true sense of the
term, however, is excluded. There exists a universal harmony of things. (NE, AA 1: 415)

But Kant is here simply rejecting a rough version of the physical influx, in which we
can recognize Knutzens and Crusius versions. In the Thoughts Kant had indeed
sarcastically mentioned an acute author (Telf, AA 1: 21), who was the main supporter of


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 32-47
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33889

Harmonia in commercio vs Harmonia absque commercio

the physical influx. In this metaphor, some scholars have with good reason recognized
Knutzen.18 His conception of the physical influx still consisted indeed in a mere action of
one substance on the other, whose effect was the simple migration of an accident from one
to the other, without the common dependence of the substances upon God to be required as
presupposition and so without the universal harmony of things.19
As we have mentioned concerning the Physical monadology, the attempt to ground the
physical influx in a new way is intrinsically linked to an innovative grounding of the theory
of the simple substance. Despite Kants general adherence to a Wolffian theory of the
simple substance in this period, some Leibnizian and Baumgartenian elements still remain.
Indeed, when at the end of the New elucidation Kant tries to ground the relation among
substances upon Newtonian concepts, he is nevertheless still refining a concept of active
force that is basically Leibnizian. In order to overcome this position, which prevents him
from embracing the Newtonian view, Kant has to scatter the theory according to which any
activity of the substance can be reduced to one of its intrinsic properties. Starting from
Kants version of the physical influx, a possible answer is in any case implicitly detectable
at the end of proposition 7 of the Physical monadology. Here Kant maintains that the
relational properties of the substance need the intrinsic properties to which they are referred
in the same way the accidents need a substance (See: PM, AA 1: 482). At the same time, it
is worth remembering what Kant has stated in the principle of succession of the New
elucidation, namely that the changes inside the substance depend on the changes of its
relations. Relations that, according to the principle of co-existence, embrace also place,
position and space (NE, AA 1: 414). From these points we can argue that any contingent
substance, which as such is exposed to changes, determines its own position in space by
virtue of a plurality of relations that it establishes toward the other substances through the
forces of impenetrability and attraction.
It is not coincidental that, since the lectures on metaphysics of the early 1760s, when
enumerating the first concepts of metaphysics, Kant counts, next to the concepts that
cannot be reduced almost at alllike representation, contiguity and succession
also space and time, which differently can be only partially reduced (See: Met Herder,
AA 28: 155-158).20 This testifies that, although Kants conception of space in this period is
still relative, it is objective. That is Kant, like Baumgarten, counts the space among the first
concepts of metaphysics. In the variety of the universestates Kantall the things have
their own position [Lage] and the space seems to be divided by the things placed in it.
Within space, it is possible to individuate places [Orte] coinciding with points, namely
entities without parts. Therefore, no point within the space occupies a place. However,
since we can state through direct experience that within space there are some positions, we
must at the same time admit the existence of mutually external determinations [uere
Bestimmungen] corresponding to substances. Therefore, where there is no substance, there

See for instance: Kuehn (2001, 93).

On the scheme of the divine understanding as the ground of the relations among substances a significant
source of Kant is Ploucquet, Principia de substantiis et phaenomenis, 200-202.
See also: Ref 3716 (1762-1763), AA 17: 257.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 32-47
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33889


Gualtiero Lorini
is no space either. Thus, through the concepts of Ort and Lage Kant derives a notio prima of
space as a relative concept that is required by the substances (See: NDMR, AA 2: 23-24 and
Met Herder, AA 28: 29).
In the published writings of the late 1750s and the 1760s this conception of space is
particularly relevant. In the New doctrine of motion and rest and the Attempt to introduce
the concept of negative magnitudes into philosophy, for instance, it is placed in a wider
discussion concerning the method of metaphysics. Even in the text in which such a
discussion reaches its peak, namely the Dreams of a spirit-seer, the argumentative
continuity with the problems treated in the New elucidation and Physical monadology is
clearly detectable. In the Dreams Kant admits indeed the existence of simple material
substances and tries to delineate by analogy with them the characteristics of eventual simple
spiritual substances (See: DSM, AA 2: 323). By doing so, he is clearly integrating the
perspective of the Physical monadology. In the Dreams he argues that, although even the
presence in the space of the spiritual substances is mediated by the sphere of their activity,
this presence is not a filling. Then Kant recalls some features linked to the relational
conception of space that had been stated in the Application of the principal of co-existence
and further developed in the lectures of the early 1760s (See: DSM, AA 2: 323-324).
Anyway, it is only two years later, in the writing on The directions in space (1768), that
Kant marks a fundamental, though not definitive, progress in the elaboration of his peculiar
version of physical influx. In this work Kant adheres indeed to Newtons absolute
conception of space, and acknowledges a particular reality to space, whose nature deserves
to be further investigated (See: DiS, AA 2: 378).

Influxus originarius and influxus derivativus

Before considering the writing of 1768, we need to consider a Reflexion that comes
soon after (between 1769 and 1770), in which Kant specifies that when speaking of influx
we always need to admit the possibility of a direct influence of one substance on the other
since originally a substance cannot affect another substance, because substances do not
suffer from one another, unless it is claimed that substances suffer from one another insofar
as suffering is at the same time an action (Ref 4217, 1769-1770, AA XVII 17: 461). Here
Kant still adheres to the Baumgartenian thesis according to which even the suffering of one
substance from another can only be represented by the suffering substance itself in the form
of an action of its own, whose content expresses this suffering (See: Met Herder, AA 28:
51-53). 21 On the basis of this position Kant divides the physical influx into original
[originarius] and derivative [derivativus], and states that The former takes place if the
formal ground [ratio formalis] is internal [domestica] to the substances; the latter if this
ground is external [peregrina]. The first case represents the influence that the substances
could exert on one another only by virtue of their existence, and coincides with Knutzens
and partially with Crusius models, both rejected by Kant. Insofar as this ground assumes

See: Baumgarten, Metaphysica, 463.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 32-47
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33889

Harmonia in commercio vs Harmonia absque commercio

instead a causal value, that is its effects go beyond the limits of the internal relations
between the substance and its accidents22, it is a cause external to the world and coincides
with an extra-mundane being [ens extramundanum]. Kant concludes that The interaction
[commercium] of the substances in the world is carried out through derivative influx, that is
it is a natural interaction arising from a common dependence (Ref 4217, 1769-1770, AA 17:
461). It is basically the principle already introduced in the New elucidation, according to
which the interaction between the substances is based on their common dependence on the
same creative cause. Here this principle explicitly alludes to the concept of wholeness
[universitas], which will be thematised in the Inaugural dissertation. The Reflexion ends
indeed with the statement: The nature of the universe as such (since the whole nature is the
nature of all the substances) consists in the conjunction and the completeness [completudo]
(for this reason it is said wholeness [universitas] of the things). Thus, although the reality
of a physical influx among substances, which is grounded on their dependence on a
common cause, is for Kant here preferable to the ideal interaction proposed by preestablished harmony or occasionalism, nonetheless this solution still entirely depends on a
fundamental supersensible assumption, like the divine causality.
Yet Kant had in 1768 already posed the key-concept for the foundation of his version of
the physical influx, namely the absolute space as a condition of the sensible intuition. One
may then ask what still retains Kant, almost two years after this text, from employing this
concept of space in order to complete his version of the physical influx. With this concept
he could indeed explain how the mutual interaction among substances is concretely realized.
Nevertheless, there is a problem that affects the very concept of space, with respect to
which, in the transition from the writing of 1768 to the Inaugural dissertation, Kant makes
a decisive correction. If we indeed analyze the definition of the space provided in the
Inaugural dissertation, we observe the disappearance of one of the predicates that
characterized it in 1768: in 1770 there is no more reference to the reality of space (and
time). Actually at the end of the writing of 1768 Kant had already admitted that this
predicate of the space, though intuitive in the internal sense, created difficulties when one
wanted to grasp it by employing the ideas of reason (DiS, AA 2: 383). In the Inaugural
dissertation Kant speaks rather of conceptus spatii and idea temporis and associates
them one another by the definition of the intuitus purus (ID, AA 2: 398-404). Compared
to 1768, Kant seems to understand that, since space exists prior to the substances whose
interaction is enabled by it, the reality of its function cannot be empirically established,
but should rather lay in the understanding. Thus, between 1768 and 1770 the space keeps its
absoluteness, in the context of a general adherence to the Newtonian model, but its peculiar
reality is stated in the subjective and transcendentally ideal sense that will also characterize
it in the CPR. This transition is taking place exactly in the period of the Reflexion 4217, and
it is therefore safe to assume that in that fragment Kant had not yet developed the concept
of space as a form of the subjective intuition of the phenomena.23

See: Ivi, 459ss.

See: Ref 3950, AA 17: 362; 4077, AA 17: 405-406; 4078, AA 17: 406; 4086, AA 17: 409-410. All these
Reflexionen date from 1769.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 32-47
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33889


Gualtiero Lorini
In the Inaugural dissertation this conception of space has immediate consequences on
the emendation of the physical influx, which is one of Kants goals. In 22 Kant claims
indeed that the primitive interaction among substances, insofar as it rests upon the
subsistence founded on their common cause, gives room to a generally established
harmony, whereas the harmony which only occurs in virtue of the fact that each individual
state of a substance is adapted to the state of another substance is an individually
established harmony. The interaction arising from the first kind of harmony is real and
physical, while the second is ideal and sympathetic (ID, AA 2: 409). Kant adds that
physical influx (in its more correct form) represents the most general form of the relations
among substances in the world. He states that this interaction is always and unavoidably
externally established, even in the case in which it is obtained individually for the states
of each substance (ID, AA 2: 409), which would be the case of pre-established harmony
and occasionalism. Yet the fundamental distinction between the physical influx and the two
alternative theories, that is what determines the reality of the first, again depends on the
nexus that unites the mundane substances as all dependent on a single creative cause:
Thus, if as a result of all substances being sustained by one being, the conjunction of all
substances, in virtue of which they form a unity, were necessary, then there would be a
universal interaction of substances by means of physical influx, and the world would be a
real whole. But if not, the interaction would be sympathetic (that is to say harmony
without true interaction), and the world would only be an ideal whole. For myself, indeed,
although the former of these alternatives has not been demonstrated, it has nonetheless
been rendered fully acceptable for other reasons. (ID, AA 2: 409)

Furthermore, although in the Scholium the space is defined as the universal and
necessary condition of the co-presence of all things, it can also be called Phenomenal
omnipresence [Omnipraesentia phaenomenon]. For the cause of the universeKant
states indeedis not present to each and every thing simply in virtue of the fact that that
cause is in places in which they are. It is rather the case that places exist, that is to say, that
relations of substances are possible, because the cause of the universe is inwardly present to
all things (ID, AA 2: 410). Thus, we can maintain that the emendation of the physical
influx that Kant mentions in 22 consists not only in the dependence of the substance on a
common cause, but also in conceiving space as subjective form of intuition, an idea that in
1768 was not present yet.
On the one hand, the emendation of the theory of physical influx sketched in the New
elucidation is here actually fulfilled, since Kant does not only avoid the mere migration of
accidents from one substance to another, but he is also able to think the interaction among
the substances through the conditions of their sensible relations. On the other hand, Kant
still poses one of the principles of the sensible world, namely the space, as dependent on the
formal principle of the intelligible world, namely the creative cause. Nonetheless, in 1770
this dichotomy is totally placed within the dimension of the knowing subject.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 32-47
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33889

Harmonia in commercio vs Harmonia absque commercio

4. Space as the form of Gods omnipresence

From 1771 Kant deepens the model of 1770 as he recalls the juxtaposition between the
terms original and derivative, and employs this set of terms not only for the concept on
influx, but also for that of interaction. In a Reflexion of 1771 Kant specifies indeed that
an original influx of one substance on the other can only be admitted without further
middle-substance, so this original influx pertains only the sustaining substance
[substantia sustentatrix]. Similarly, in case of an interaction, namely a mutual influx, no
mundane substance could be supposed to have towards another substance such an original
causal relation as the author of the whole world has towards the whole of the mundane
substances. As a consequence No interaction of substances [] is original each is
derivative; insofar as it is sustained by something else (Ref 4438, AA 17: 546). In a
Reflexion of 1776-1778 Kant adds that Physical influx is either naturally original or
derivative, the latter is rational (Ref 5422, AA 18: 178).
It is worth noting that here the derivative influx is defined as rational because Kant,
close to the critical turn, feels the necessity of a comprehension of the totality that should be
grounded on a conceptual representation of the subject, a representation that supposes the
forms of the sensible intuition. Already in some Reflexionen of this age he had sketched the
principlethen formalized in the CPRaccording to which the a priori conditions of a
possible experience in general are at the same time conditions of the possibility of the
objects of experience (CPR, A111).24 This principle well illustrates the new perspective
from which Kant considers the problem. In the CPR he no longer speaks indeed of a world,
but of nature, which could be either materialiter spectata as lawfulness of appearances
[Erscheinungen] in space and time, or formaliter spectata, insofar as all appearances
[Erscheinungen] of nature, as far as their combination is concerned, stand under the
categories. Moreover he does not speak of substances anymore, but of appearances
(that is phenomena), meant as representations of things that exist without [we have]
cognition of what they might be in themselves (CPR, B163-166).25 This overcoming of the
dualism between sensible and intelligible world, as it was meant in the Inaugural
dissertation, also enables Kant to overcome the classical objection against the physical
influx of the soul on the body. He can indeed demonstrate that the pretended qualitative
dualism between soul and body is actually fictive. Since we cannot know things as they are
in themselves, it makes indeed no sense at all either pretending to know the essence of the
simple substance, nor claiming about the heterogeneity between the material substance and
the res cogitans (See: CPR, A389-396). Both the terms of this comparison should rather be
brought on the same level, namely that of the representation of reality provided by the
transcendental subject on the basis of his experience.


See also: Refl 4757 and 4758 (1775-1777), AA 27: 703-708.

For the different senses in which Kant speaks of world and nature: see CPR A418-419/B446-447. See also:
Afeissa (209, pp. 161-165).

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 32-47
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33889


Gualtiero Lorini
This perspective is already recognizable both in the Reflexionen and the lectures on
metaphysics of the end of the 1770s. Here Kant divides the derivative interaction in
hyperphysical influx, which embraces pre-established harmony and occasionalism, and
physical influx, which refers to the laws of nature (Met L1 AA 28: 213).26 These laws of
nature correspond to the joint system of categories and pure intuitions that allows to
conceive nature as a whole. Indeed, once Kant has established that the connection
[Verknpfung] between God and the world is a connection of derivation [Verbindung der
Ableitung]which means that God is not entangled in the mutual determinations among the
parts of the world (Met L1, AA 28: 212), he adds that space, as a phenomenon, is the
infinite connection of substances with each other (Met L1, AA 28: 214). Of course the
language in the lectures is more academic than in the printed works. This is the reason why
Kant still talks about substances. Nevertheless, the critic approach is already clearly
recognizable when Kant states that if we sensibly imagine the connection among
substancesa connection that the purely intellectual approach limits to its divine
foundationthen space is the highest condition of the possibility of the connection (Met
L1, AA 28: 214). Therefore, space falls within the conditions of possibility that allow
imagination to operate the transcendental synthesis by which a subject is able to represent
nature as a whole according to general laws (See: Met L1, AA 28: 214 and Met Mrong,
AA 29: 868).
In his last course on metaphysics, in the mid-1790s, Kant maintains that Newtons
definition of space as the organon of Gods omnipresence is wrong, insofar as space is
nothing in itself; and cannot be thought as something in itself actually existent through the
connection of things (Met Vig, AA 29: 1007).27 The harmony between substances, that is,
the above mentioned relation according to general laws can be realized only as harmony
in commercio, through the physical influx, and not as harmony absque commercio, that is,
as one of the possible modes of the hyperphysical influx (Met Vig, 29: 1008).28 The specific
reality of space that Kant had already discerned between 1768 and 1770 can now be
achieved through its integration with the general laws of the human understanding.
Since the New elucidation Kant had indeed meant to make use of Newtons dynamics in
order to account for the way in which the most original link between substances could be
represented by the human understanding. In order to achieve this result, it was not enough
for Kant to ascribe to space a reality which was ontologically prior to substances, since this
would have put space at the noumenal level of that divine causality, of which it should be
the intelligible expression. The specific relation between space and the divine omnipresence
that Kant had discerned since his lectures of the early 1760swhen he had defined space as
the first act of the divine omnipresence (Met Herder, AA 28: 103; Nach. Met. Herder, AA
28: 888)is specified at the turn of the critical period, when he defines space as one
phenomenon of the divine omnipresence (Met L1, AA 28: 347; Met Mron, AA 29: 866).

See also: Ref 5428 (1776-1778): AA 18: 179.

In this context Kant recalls a definition of space as symbol of this omnipresence. This definition was
already present in Refl. 4208 (1769-1770), AA 17: 456.
See also: Met. Dohna, 28: 665; Met K2, AA 28: 758.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 32-47
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33889

Harmonia in commercio vs Harmonia absque commercio

Only in his last lectures, however, Kant deduces from the transcendental determination
of space its definition as formal condition of the representation of nature as a totum reale.
Here Kant achieves the passage that was foreshadowed in the CPR. Space is indeed no
more conceived as a mere condition of the nature materialiter spectata, namely, as a
condition of the mere simultaneous presence of all phenomena. It becomes the form of the
divine omnipresence, insofar as this latter is expressed in the form of a phenomenon, and
through this omnipresence of God all substances are in harmony (Met Vig, 29: 1008,
emphasis added).29
Since space expresses in the phenomenal reality only the form of the divine
omnipresence and it is not problematically defined as a phenomenon of this omnipresence
tout courtthat is, also of its matterit is possible that all other phenomena are in
harmony through space. One could ask how this can be concretely realized, insofar as this
harmony should express the real totality of nature. But here, Kant concludes, our reason
cannot see further.

In this essay Kants works are indicated with the abbreviation of the English title, followed
by volume and page number of the Akademie Ausgabe (AA): I. Kant, Gesammelte
Schriften, edited by the Kniglich-Preussischen (now Deutschen) Akademie der
Wissenschaften, Berlin 1900-. For the translations of Kants passages I followed, when
possible, the Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant.

Critique of Pure Reason. Trans. P. Guyer and A. Wood. Cambridge: Cambridge

Univ. Press, 1997.

TelF Thoughts on the true estimation of living forces. Trans. J. B. Edwards and M.
Schnfeld. In Immanuel Kant: Natural Science, edited by E. Watkins, Cambridge:
Cambridge Univ. Press, 2012, pp. 1-155.

A new elucidation of the first principles of metaphysical cognition. Trans. D.

Walford and R. Meerbote. In Immanuel Kant: Theoretical Philosophy 1755-1770,
Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992, pp. 1-46.


The employment in natural philosophy of metaphysics combined with geometry, of

which sample I contains the physical monadology. Trans. D. Walford and R.
Meerbote. In Immanuel Kant: Theoretical Philosophy 1755-1770, Cambridge:
Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992, pp. 47-66.


See also: Met K2, AA 28: 732.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 32-47
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33889


Gualtiero Lorini
NDMR New doctrine of motion and rest. Trans. O. Reinhardt. In Immanuel Kant: Natural
Science, edited by E. Watkins, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2012, pp. 396408.
DSM Dreams of a spirit-seer elucidated by dreams of metaphysics. Trans. D. Walford and
R. Meerbote. In Immanuel Kant: Theoretical Philosophy 1755-1770, Cambridge:
Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992, pp. 301-360.

Concerning the ultimate ground of differentiation of directions in space. Trans. D.

Walford and R. Meerbote. In Immanuel Kant: Theoretical Philosophy 1755-1770,
Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992, pp. 361-372.


On the form and principles of the sensible and the intelligible world. Trans. D.
Walford and R. Meerbote. In Immanuel Kant: Theoretical Philosophy 1755-1770,
Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992, pp. 373-416.

RPM What real progress has metaphysics made in Germany since the time of Leibniz and
Wolff? (1793/1804). Trans. P. Heath. In Immanuel Kant: Theoretical Philosophy
after 1781, edited by H. Allison and P. Heath, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press,
2004, pp. 337-424.
Met L1 Metaphysik L1 (mid-1770s). Trans. K. Ameriks and S. Naragon. In Immanuel Kant:
Lectures on Metaphysics, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1997, pp. 19-108.
Met Mron Metaphysik Mrongovius (1782-1783). Trans. K. Ameriks and S. Naragon. In
Immanuel Kant: Lectures on Metaphysics, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press,
1997, pp.109-288.
Met Dohna Metaphysik Dohna (1792-1793). Trans. Trans. K. Ameriks and S. Naragon. In
Immanuel Kant: Lectures on Metaphysics, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press,
1997, pp. 357-394.
Met Vigilantius Metaphysik Vigilantius (1794-1795). Trans. K. Ameriks and S. Naragon.
In Immanuel Kant: Lectures on Metaphysics, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press,
1997, pp. 417-506.
The translations of the passages from the lectures and the Reflexionen that are not included
in the Cambridge Edition are of mine.
Afeissa, H. S. (2009) Lunit du monde et les voies de la causalit. Une tude des crites
et des cours de la priode prcritique de Kant, in: Kant-Studien 100.2, pp. 139-165.
Baumgarten, A. G. (1739, 1743, 1750) Metaphysica, Halle. An. repr. [7 ed. 1779]
Hildesheim: Olms, 1963.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 32-47
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33889

Harmonia in commercio vs Harmonia absque commercio

Crusius, Chr. A. (1745) Entwurf der notwendigen Vernunftwahrheiten, wiefern sie den
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ed. by G. Tonelli, Hildesheim: Olms, 1964, vol. 2.
Kuehn, M. (2001) Kant: A Biography, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Leibniz, G. W. (1875-1890) Systme nouveau de la nature et de la communication des
substances, aussi bien que de lunion quil y a entre lme et le corps. In: Die
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Buchhandlung, repr. Hildesheim-New York: Olms, 1960-1961, vol. 4.
Ploucquet, G. (1753) Principia de substantiis et phaenomenis, Francofurti et Lipsiae.
Pozzo, R./Oberhausen, M. (2002) The Place of Science at Kants University, History of
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Reuscher, J. A. (1977) A Clarification and Critique of Kants Primorum Principiorum
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Sarmiento, G. (2005) On Kants definition of the Monad in the Monadologia physica of
1756, Kant-Studien, 96.1, pp. 1-19.
Watkins, E. (2005) Kant and the Metaphysics of Causality, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Wolff, Chr. (1719) Vernnftige Gedanken von Gott, der Welt und der Seele des Menschen
auch allen Dingen berhaupt [Deutsche Metaphysik], Halle. In: Gesammelte Werke, I
Abteilung-Deutsche Schriften, Band 1.1, ed. by J. cole, Hildesheim: Olms, 1983.
(1730) Philosophia prima sive Ontologia, methodo scientifica pertractata, qua
omnis cognitionis humanae principia continentur, Francofurti et Lipsiae. In: Gesammelte
Werke, II Abteilung-Lateinische Schriften, Band 3, ed. by J. cole, Hildesheim: Olms, 1962.
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International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 32-47
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33889


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 48-61
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33890

Os tons harmnicos e o fundamento das representaes.

Breve comentrio a uma anotao de Kant sobre uma
musical de Eberhard
Harmonics and the ground of representations.
Kant on a musical metaphor from Eberhard. A brief commentary
Universidade Estadual Paulista (Marlia,
(Marlia, Brasil)
Nos Vorarbeiten para o Streitschrift contra Eberhard h uma anotao de Kant manuscrita com
uma relativa abundncia de vocbulos tomados msica. Estas quatro linhas so precedidas pela
indicao um intervalo de pginas de texto no identificado. O presente artigo, revelando a fonte a
que Kant
nt indiretamente alude, comenta um exemplo musical de Eberhard contra a filosofia
crtica, o mesmo que deu azo quela anotao do filsofo.
filsofo Aps algumas consideraes de ordem
filolgica atinentes ao vocabulrio musical empregue por ambos os autores nos textos aqui em foco,
seguir-se- uma anlise da metfora em pauta e da sua eficcia argumentativa.
Kant; Eberhard; Metfora musical; Harmnicos; Fundamento das representaes
In the Vorarbeiten to the Streitschrift against Eberhard there is a Kant's annotation with a relative
abundance of vocables taken from the music. These four lines are preceded by mention of a page
interval from an unidentified text.
text This paper, revealing the source to which Kant alludes indirectly,
comments a musical example
example from Eberhard against critical philosophy,, precisely the same that
gave rise to this annotation of the philosopher. After some philological considerations on the
musical vocabulary employed by both authors, I proceed to an analysis of the metaphor and their
argumentative effectiveness.

Docente e pesquisador junto ao Departamento de Filosofia da Universidade Estadual Paulista [Marlia, SP;
Brasil], no qual ingressou
ssou em 1989. E-mail
de contato: .
[Recibido: 20 de octubre de 2015
Aceptado: 28 de octubre de 2015]


Os tons harmnicos e o fundamento das representaes

Kant; Eberhard; Musical metaphor; Harmonic; Ground of representations

Soar porventura bizarro comentar uma anotao de Kant a uma metfora1 musical
de Eberhard, quer em face da conhecida postura geral do filsofo associada msica
pouco elogiosa na economia das belas-artes 2 , quer diante do substrato da no menos
conhecida polmica entre ambos,3 na qual a arte dos tons no tem lugar. A despeito de
tais fatos, preciso notar que a metfora proposta por Eberhard tem por objetivo uma
questo nuclear de toda a filosofia transcendental, como tambm, por outro lado, que
referncias de natureza comparativa entre msica e filosofia ou o emprego de metforas
musicais em contexto filosfico no representam, na poca, uma estratgia retricoargumentativa inusual, at para o prprio Kant (cf. Rancan de Azevedo Marques 2011).
Neste mesmo sentido, j Lambert, no Prefcio ao seu Novo rganon, (cf. Lambert 1764)
introduz a msica por meio do estudo geral dos signos, de vez que ela compe os
modos restantes dos signos relativamente aos quais, porm [para o caso da msica
como para o da coreografia, da aritmtica, lgebra etc.], a linguagem permanece
sempre o repositrio universal do nosso inteiro conhecimento.4 Em tal contexto,
[o] primeiro modo de signos que podemos considerar [...] so as notas na msica.
Elas tm um considervel grau de perfeio, j que de pronto representam a altura do tom
e a sua durao, e, por meio de alguns outros sinais, tambm o modo como ele deve ser

Embora Eberhard fale em exemplo [Beyspiel] [cf., aqui, n. 18], parece-me no haver incorreo nenhuma
em tomar o mesmo como metfora. A propsito, quando, no verbete Beyspiel da sua Teoria Geral das
Belas-Artes, Sulzer conceitua tal expresso, em sentido amplo e em sentido estrito, sem nestes incluir
[die] Metapher, creio, no obstante, esta possa ser tomada por um caso de exemplo, ao menos in
weitluftigem Sinn; cf. Sulzer, Johann Georg. Allgemeine Theorie der Schnen Knste.Band 1. Leipzig,
1771; p. 165. Disponvel em: <> Acesso em: 26.
set. 2015: Toda representao do universal pelo particular pode, em sentido amplo, ser nomeada um
exemplo, medida que as fbulas de Esopo, as parbolas, as alegorias pertencem ao exemplo. Em sentido
prprio, porm, o exemplo um caso particular aduzido com a inteno que o universal do modo ou do
gnero a que ele pertence seja convenientemente conhecido por este meio. [Jede Vorstellung des
Allgemeinen durch das Besondere, kann in weitluftigem Sinn ein Beyspiel genennet werden; in so fern
gehren die aesopische Fabel, die Parabel, die Allegorie, zum Beyspiel. In der engern Bedeutungaber ist es
ein besonderer Fall, in der Absicht angefhrt, dass das Allgemeineder Art oder der Gattung, wozu er gehrt,
mit Vortheil daraus erkennt werde.] Cf. ibid.: Metapher; Metaphorisch. Disponvel em:
<> Acesso em: 06 out. 2015.
Cf. Kant, KU, AA 05: 328: [Die Tonkunst] hat, durch Vernunft beurtheilt, weniger Werth, als jede
andere der schnen Knste.
Cf. id., ber eine Entdeckung, nach der alle neue Kritik der reinen Vernunft durch eine ltere entbehrlich
gemacht werden soll; cf. Kant, E, AA 08: 187-251. Este opsculo kantiano, o Streitschrift contra Eberhard,
conhecido em portugus como Resposta a Eberhard.
Lambert 1764, Vorrede [as pginas do Prefcio no esto numeradas]: bleibt die Sprache immer das
allgemeine Magazin unserer ganzen Erkenntniss.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 48-61
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33890


Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques

executado, assim como, no baixo contnuo, por meio de algumas cifras para tal finalidade,
[elas representam] uma harmonia ou consonncia de muitos tons.5

E, ainda:
podemos observar [...] que esta possibilidade de comparar conceitos abstratos com
sensaes e, por meio disto, tambm com os seus objetos, mostra-nos
mostra nos de um modo mais
prximo que possvel tornar figurvel o nosso conhecimento, e particularmente os
[conhecimentos] abstratos, representando-os
por signos [...] . Mostramos na
dianoiologia [...] que a doutrina das inferncias tornou-se
se figurada e as inferncias
podem ser designadas, e que esta designao tem regras universais e rigorosas como as
dos tons na msica.7

A passagem imediatamente acima, v-se-o

o claramente, para alm de
d revelar uma
relao somente metafrica entre msica e filosofia, toma a primeira como um certo
padro de regras universais e rigorosas para a segunda, facultando, assim, a hiptese de
uma autntica correlao funcional entre ambas, precisamente do ponto
ponto de vista semitico.
Tambm Leibniz, nos Princpios da Natureza e da Graa, publicados em 1714,
A msica encanta--nos,
nos, ainda que a sua beleza consista somente nas conformidades dos
nmeros e no cmputo, do qual no nos apercebemos, mas que a alma no deixa de fazer,
dos batimentos ou vibraes dos corpos soantes, que ocorrem por meio de certos

Esta passagem, alm de testemunhar a equivalncia do seu contedo com a

conhecida frmula empregada pelo filsofo de Hannover em carta a Goldbach, de abril de
1712 [A msica um exerccio oculto de aritmtica no qual a alma ignora que
enumera],9 registra o tratamento metafrico da msica no mbito do conhecimento que
nos dado possuir de Deus, como um exemplo, entre outros, duma autntica relao

Lambert 1764, p. 16-17: Die

Die erste Art von Zeichen, die wir [...] betrachten knnen, sind die Noten in
der Musik. Sie haben einen merklichen Grad der Vollkommenheit, weil sie mit einem male die Hhe des
Tones und seine Dauer, und vermittelst einiger andern Zeichen auch die Art, wie er gespielt werden solle,
desgleichen auch in dem Generalba
Generalba vermittelst einiger darber gesetzten Zhlen, eine Harmonie oder
Consonanz, mehrerer Tne vorstellen.
A Dianoiologie a primeira parte do Neues Organon de Lambert, as demais sendo, respectivamente, a
Alethiologie, a Semiotik e a Phnomenologie.

Lambert 1764,p.
4,p. 487; cf. ibid., p. 73-74:
Wir knnen [...] anmerken, da diese Mglichkeit, abstracte
Begriffe mit Empfindungen, und dadurch auch mit ihren Objecten zu vergleichen, uns auf eine nhere Art
anzeigt, da es mglich ist, unsre Erkenntni,
Erkenntni , und besonders die abstracte figrlich zu machen, und sie
durch Zeichen vorzustellen [...] Wir haben in
i der Dianoiologie [...] gewiesen, da
da die Lehre von den
Schlssen figrlich gemacht, und die Schlsse gezeichnet werden knnen, und da
da diese Zeichnung
allgemeine und strengere Regeln habe, als die von den Tnen in der Musik.
Musik. [destaque meu]
Leibnitii 1840; p. 717-718:
718: La
La Musique nous charme, quoique sa beaut ne consiste que dans les
convenances des nombres, et dans le compte, dont nous ne nous apercevons pas, et que lme ne laisse pas
de faire, des battemens ou vibrations des corps sonnans,
sonnans, qui se rencontrent par certains intervalles.
Cf. Bailhache 1995: musica
musica est exercitium arithmeticae occultum nescientis se numerare animi.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015,
201 pp. 48-61
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33890

Os tons harmnicos e o fundamento das representaes

cognitiva, na qual, no obstante, o objeto conhecido no se encontra presente

ainda que Deus no seja de modo nenhum sensvel aos nossos sentidos externos, ele no
deixa de ser muito amvel e de dar um prazer muito grande. Vemos quanto as honras do
prazer aos homens, ainda que elas no consistam de modo nenhum nas qualidades dos
sentidos externos. Os mrtires e os fanticos, ainda que a afeco destes ltimos esteja
mal-ordenada, mostram o que pode o prazer do esprito; e, ademais, os prprios prazeres
dos sentidos reduzem-se a prazeres intelectuais confusamente conhecidos. A msica
encanta-nos etc.10

Por fim, no conjunto de autores caros a Kant, s dimenses metafsica e semitica

nas quais a msica respectivamente considerada por Leibniz e por Lambert poder-se-
acrescentar ainda uma dimenso eminentemente tcnico-esttica na qual ela abordada por
Rousseau. (cf. Giordanetti 2001, p. 73; Rancan de Azevedo Marques 2014, pp. 39-50)
Com isto, no se estranhar o filsofo tenha em conta a arte dos tons inda que somente
c e l , e, para alm de como elemento de considerao crtica na Kritik der Urteilskraft,
tambm no mbito do metaforismo musical, em particular o votado ao campo
gnoseolgico. Consoante tal fato, justificando-se a anotao do filsofo metfora musical
de Eberhard pelo objetivo filosfico anti-crtico desta ltima, a especificidade que a
distingue no poderia ser tomada por estranha ou mesmo excepcional, sendo, em verdade,
inteiramente afim com a de no poucas passagens [musicais] do prprio corpus kantiano.
Com relao ao objeto propriamente dito do presente comentrio, o objetivo deste
no a retomada da crtica de Eberhard filosofia transcendental [nem a resposta dela a
ele], tampouco as consideraes de Kant sobre a esttica musical. Trata-se aqui, em
verdade, to-s de explorar a metfora apresentada por Eberhard contra Kant e a anotao
do filsofo a ela. Consoante tal propsito, num primeiro momento farei algumas
consideraes de carter filolgico; em seguida, discutirei a metfora proposta por
Eberhard e a anotao de Kant a ela; por fim, por meio da autodesconstruo da metfora
musical eberhardiana, abordarei a sua eficcia filosfica propriamente dita.
1. A fonte da anotao de Kant e o vocabulrio musical da metfora de Eberhard
Nos trabalhos-preparatrios 11 para o ento futuro texto da chamada Resposta a
Eberhard, conforme a Edio da Academia dos Escritos Reunidos de Kant, h uma
anotao do filsofo a qual, depois, no estar neste mesmo escrito polmico

Leibnitii 1840, p. 717: quoique Dieu ne soit point sensible nos sens externes, il ne laisse pas dtre trsaimable, et de donner un trs-grand plaisir. Nous voyons combien les honneurs font plaisir aux hommes,
quoiquils ne consistent point dans les qualits des sens extrieurs. Les Martyres et les Fanatiques, quoique
laffection de ces derniers soit mal rgle, montrent ce que peut le plaisir de lesprit: et, qui plus est, les
plaisirs mme des sens se rduisent des plaisirs intellectuels confusment connus. La Musique nous charme
Cf. Kant, Vorarbeiten zur Schrift gegen Eberhard, AA 20: 355 e seguintes.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 48-61
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33890


Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques

manuscrita com uma relativa abundncia de vocbulos tomados msica.12 Estas quatro
linhas e, nelas, as trs ocorrncias musicais que caracterizam tal anotao: tons afins;
tom-fundamental; tons-secundrios
secundrios so precedidas pela indicao de um intervalo de
pginas [p. 251-253]
] de texto, ali, no identificado. Eis toda a passagem desta anotao
de Kant:
posto que os tons mais afins no so ouvidos junto com o tom-fundamental,
tom fundamental, os tonstons
secundrios no tm, ento, de estar na imaginao, mas fora de ns (portanto, o
hecimento musical no pertence percepo).13

Preliminarmente, uma observao com respeito traduo de Schall

Schall e Ton. Em
portugus, de modo geral, diz-se
diz se som para qualquer vibrao, musical ou no. Em
alemo, em contrapartida, utiliza-se
Schall para som em geral, Ton

para o som
musical, donde, por exemplo, o subttulo de uma lio de Kant: Do som e dos tons.14
No presente texto, adotar-se
se- tom para traduzir o alemo Ton.
Ao que parece, aquela nota de Kant no tem atrado a ateno dos comentadores [se
que o ter feito alguma vez], o que se pode explicar pelas caractersticas de forma e
contedo que a envolvem: de modo especial, ela remete a texto cuja identidade no a
acompanha fazendo-o,
o, ademais, por meio de consideraes tcnicotcnico-musicais um tanto
breves ,, e, de modo geral, no mbito dos contra-ataques
contra ataques do filsofo aos seus primeiros
detratores, ela no exatamente relevante para a consolidao da filosofia transcendental.
Com respeito ao texto a que a anotao de Kant parece aludir,
se se for ao
Magazine Filosfico editado por Eberhard, e, ento, ao terceiro fascculo do seu primeiro
volume, publicado no mesmo ano [1789] deste fragmento do filsofo, encontrar-se-
um texto deste adversrio da filosofia crtica, intitulado: Aplicao
Aplicao Adicional da Teoria da
Verdade Lgica ou da Validade Transcendental do Conhecimento Humano.15 Neste artigo,

Na verdade, termos tcnicos que a msica compartilha com a fsica, especialmente com a acstica, ao
menos no que tange a Nebentne
Nebentne e a Grundton.
Kant, Vorarbeiten
Vorarbeiten zur Schrift gegen Eberhard,
Eberhard AA 20: 358: weil
weil die am meisten Verwandten [sic] tne
[sic] nicht mit dem Grundton mitgehrt werden so mssen die Nebentne nicht in der Einbildungskraft
sondern ausser uns seyn (also gehrt musicalische Kenntnis nicht
nicht Warnehmung zu).
zu) Cf. Deutsches
Wrterbuch von Jacob Grimm und Wilhelm Grimm [nebenton]: nebenton,
nebenton, m. gegensatz zu hauptton;
grammatisch der tiefton, gegensatz zu hochton: der hochton der deutschen worte liegt auf der stammsilbe,
der nebenton der affixe
fixe richtet sich nach der quantitt des stammes. Weinh. mhd. gr. 17; musikalisch der
oberton, aliquotton Heyse fremdwb. 32b.
32b. Por outro lado, se, no sculo XVIII, Oberton
Oberton respondia pelo tom
sustenizado [elevado em meio tom] ou bemolizado [abaixado em meio tom] [cf., por exemplo: Hobert1789,
p. 54], no sculo XIX passaria a distinguir o tom harmnico; cf., por exemplo: Helmholtz 1863, p. 37.
Cf. Kant, Vorlesungen ber Physik [Mrongovius], AA 29: 146. Cf. id., KU, AA 05: 224: ein

bloer Ton
(zum Unterschiede
chiede vom Schalle und Gerusch);
Gerusch) id., V-Lo/Philippi, AA 24: 342: Ich
Ich hre ein Gerusch,
das ist gewi eine zusammengesetzte Vorstellung, aber eine verworrene. Komme ich nher, und fange an die
Stimmen in dem Lerm und zuletzt auch die Worte dieser Stimmen
Stimmen zu unterscheiden, so ist das eine deutliche
Vorstellung. Cf. Sulzer 1771b[Klang]:
ber die Bedeutung des Wortes Klang, merken wir noch an, dass
der Schall, insofern er anhaltend und wohlklingend ist, mit dem Worte Klang, der Klang aber, insofern er
och oder tief ist, mit dem Worte Ton bezeichnet wird. Man sagt nie, ein hoher oder tiefer Klang, sondern
Ton. In Ansehung der Reinheit, sagt man zwar von einer einzelnen Saite, sie habe einen reinen Ton (besser
Klang) aber von einem Instrument berhaupt, einer
einer Violin oder einen Klavier, sie habe einen guten Klang.
Eberhard 1789, pp. 243-262.
262. Afora este artigo de Eberhard, dois outros textos publicados no
Philosophisches Magazin esto na origem das demais anotaes de Kant reunidas nos Vorarbeiten



International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015,
201 pp. 48-61
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33890

Os tons harmnicos e o fundamento das representaes

exatamente no intervalo entre as pginas 251 e 253 [as mesmas da anotao de Kant],
Eberhard introduz um argumento em forma de exemplo musical, no qual se encontram
os mesmos termos, o mesmo enredo e a mesma concluso metafrica presentes naquela
nota do filsofo. Na verdade, tendo-se em mente os vocbulos musicais empregados por
um e por outro, os termos comuns a ambas as passagens reduzem-se a dois: tomfundamental e tons-secundrios.16 J com relao s respectivas concluses, ver-se-,
elas equivalem-se medida que se reportam ao exclusivo objeto do exemplo musical
indicado por Eberhard, mas no, evidente, medida que tal exemplo tem por objetivo
ltimo a prpria filosofia crtica, alcance que, porm, no , em tal anotao, tido em conta
por Kant.
Com relao s expresses musicais utilizadas pelo filsofo neste seu apontamento,
parece que tons afins [Verwandte tne [sic]] e tons-secundrios [Nebentne] no
foram mais empregues por ele. Com respeito a tom-fundamental [Grundton], parece
haver somente sete outros registros de emprego dela por Kant, 17 sempre em contexto
fsico-musical. Por outro lado, os dois ltimos daqueles termos [tom-fundamental e
tons-secundrios] aparecem, por exemplo, em traduo alem publicada em 1781 do
tratado Do Sublime, obra ento ainda atribuda ao Pseudo-Longino. A passagem em
questo, muito antes de Eberhard, de Kant e do inteiro sculo XVIII [estima-se hoje que o
Do Sublime seja do sculo I d.C.] constitui um claro exemplo de metfora musical,
estabelecida, porm, neste caso, em proporo com a retrica.18 Registre-se tambm que
tons afins [verwandte Tne, bem como anverwandte Tne], tom-fundamental e
tons-secundrios so expresses razoavelmente encontradias em obras escritas
originalmente em alemo e publicadas no sculo XVIII, no s no mbito da msica.19
Com respeito a Nebentne, por fim, tons-secundrios expresso utilizada no
vernculo como referncia aos sons harmnicos [tal como respectivamente ocorre, por
exemplo, em espanhol, francs e italiano: sonidos secundarios; sons secondaires;
suoni secondari 20 ]. Nas passagens destacadas de Eberhard e de Kant, tons afins
Schrift gegen Eberhard: Anonym. 1788, pp. 150-174 [cf. Kant, Vorarbeiten zur Schrift gegen Eberhard,
AA 20: 357-359]; Anonym. 1789, pp. 263-289 [cf. Kant, Vorarbeiten zur Schrift gegen Eberhard, AA 20:
Conforme a ordem na qual no seu texto aparecem, Eberhard emprega os seguintes termos musicais:
Grundton, Ton, Dreyklange, Quinte, Nebenton / Nebentne, Duodecima, Tertie e Decima
septima. Kant, por sua vez: Verwandten [sic] tne [sic], Grundton, Nebentne.
Cf. Kant, Refl, AA 14: 394 [Grundton [uma ocorrncia]; Grundthon [quatro ocorrncias]]; id., AA 29:
149 [Grund Ton [duas ocorrncias]].
Cf. Longin 1781,pp. 181-182: Da die Umschreibungen viel zum Erhabenen beytragen, wird niemand
lugnen. Denn so wie in der Musik der Hauptton durch die Verbindung mit seinen Nebentnen lieblicher und
harmonischer wird: so kann die Umschreibung den Hauptgedanken auch lieblicher und geflliger machen,
wenn sie anders nicht zu schreyend und unharmonisch, sondern gefllig und angenehm eingeflochten worden
Entre outras referncias, cf. Meiner 1748, p. 6: Die Figuren der Nebentne [...] nennt man Vocales,
welche Benennung, ob sie gleich nicht die beste ist, wir deswegen behalten mssen, weil sie einmal
eingefhret ist. Cf. Marpurg 1757, p. 8.
Em espanhol, francs e italiano utilizam-se tambm, respectivamente: armnico; harmonique;
armonico e ipertono. Em ingls, por outro lado, so empregados os vocbulos overtone, harmonic e
partial tone. Em alemo, ao menos cinco outros termos ainda designam os sons harmnicos:
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 48-61
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33890


Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques

conceito empregado por este, mas no por aquele. Com isto, ver-se-,
ver , interpretando [os]
tons restantes que pertencem trade harmnica como tons mais afins, Kant parece
tomar uns e outros como tons-secundrios
tons secundrios ou tons harmnicos. De qualquer
modo, tons
afins e tons-secundrios
secundrios so mesmo expresses caractersticas dos tons harmnicos, o
que, por sinal, comprova-se
se pela passagem seguinte, extrada da Histria Geral da Msica
do msico e musiclogo Johann Nikolaus Forkel, publicada em 1788:
O benefcio mais considervel que a msica obteve por meio da acstica funda-se
funda sobre
a descoberta da simpatia dos tons. Posto que nenhum nico som completamene simples
e sem uma certa sinfonialidade prpria, interna; posto que cada tom, alm do tomfundamental, consoa tambm, ainda, tons que lhe so a princpio secundrios, entre os
quais os mais perceptveis so as quintas, as oitavas e as teras maiores, a partir desta
simpatia tomaram--se
se os fundamentos segundo os quais tons e acordes tm de
se uns a partir dos outros.
outros 21

2. A estrutura da metfora
O problema musicalmente exemplificado no escrito em pauta de Eberhard aponta
para a suposta subjetividade psicolgica no, pois, transcendental, em sentido kantiano
das representaes fenomnicas. Neste caso, a soluo proposta por ele para a dificuldade
contida no exemplo musical
usical oferecido servir para encarecer a sua postura acerca do
problema de fundo que o preocupa; a saber:
Nos objetos internos das representaes h [...] algo de permanente que no
pensado como imaginrio ou sensvel. Mas alguns destes objetos so
s simultaneamente
pensados como externos. Entre os objetos das nossas representaes, portanto, h tambm
alguns, de fato, externos? Podemos com alguma certeza atribuir-lhes
uma realidade
externa uma possibilidade ou efetividade para alm da nossa capacidade
Aliquottne; Harmonische;
; Obertne,

Partialtne, Teiltne.
. Por outro lado, creio muito provvel
que Kant tivesse conhecimento da teoria da vibrao simptica, embora, assim parece, a ela no tenha feito
referncia em contexto musical. Cf. Kant, Anth, AA 07: 176: wir
wir keine Kenntni vom Gehirn und den
Pltzen in demselben haben, worin die Spuren der Eindrcke aus Vorstellungen sympathetisch mit einander
in Einklang kommen mchten, indem sie sich einander (wenigstens mittelbar) gleichsam
berhren.Einklang tambm unssono.
Forkel 1788, p. 30: Der
Der betrchtlichste Vortheil, den die Musik durch die
die Akustik erhalten hat, grndet
sich auf die Entdeckung der Sympathie der Thne. Da kein einziger Klang ganz einfach, und ohne eine
gewisse eigene innere Vollstimmigket ist; da jeder Ton ausser dem Haupttone auch noch die ihm zunchst
verwandte Tne mittnt,
t, worunter die Quinten, Octaven und grossen Terzen die merklichsten sind; so hat
man aus dieser Sympathie die Grnde genommen, nach welchen sich Tne und Accorde aus einander
entwickeln mssen.
Cf. Eberhard, 1789, p. 244: In
In den innern Objekten der Vorstellungen
Vorstellungen ist also etwas Denkbares, das nicht
als etwas Bildliches oder Sinnliches gedacht wird. Einige dieser Objekte werden aber zugleich als ussere
gedacht: sind also unter den Gegenstnden unserer Vorstellungen einige auch in der That ussere, knnen
wir ihnen eine ussere Realitt eine Mglichkeit oder Wirklichkeit ausser unsererErkenntnisskraft mit
einiger Gewissheit beilegen? Das ist die Frage, zu der wir nun vorrcken drfen, ohne zu besorgen, dass wir
im geringsten etwas bereilt haben.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015,
201 pp. 48-61
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33890

Os tons harmnicos e o fundamento das representaes

Transposta a questo para o objeto do exemplo oferecido, trata-se de saber se o tom

harmnico uma simples representao da imaginao ou uma sensao efetiva;23 se,
representado pelo sujeito, a ele pode ser atribuda uma realidade externa [...] para
alm da nossa capacidade de conhecimento. Noutras palavras: trata-se de saber se o tom
harmnico obtido graas a um artifcio da imaginao ou se efetivamente percebido.
Colocao, desenvolvimento e soluo do problema, tal como postas no exemplo
musical de Eberhard, encontram-se assim expostas:
Segundo a lei [da imaginao], uma sensao provoca outras [sensaes] que so
associadas com ela. Se, portanto, com a sensao do tom-fundamental, pode ser
provocada a representao dos tons restantes que pertencem trade harmnica, pode-se,
ento, perguntar: por que a quinta do tom-fundamental no ouvida como tomsecundrio junto dele, posto que, precisamente, a quinta to exatamente associada com
o tom-fundamental quanto a duodcima, e inda mais exatamente associada com ele do
que ela? [E, tambm, por que] no a tera, que, precisamente, to exatamente associada
com o tom-fundamental quanto a dcima-stima, e inda mais exatamente associada com
ele do que ela? O fundamento deste fenmeno, portanto, no subjetivo, no estando em
nenhuma lei do sujeito percipiente; ele, portanto, tem de ser objetivo. Ou seja: no temos
de simplesmente imaginar os tons-secundrios, [mas] temos de senti-los, temos de
efetivamente ouvi-los. Temos, portanto, razo para concluir que o fundamento das
representaes no pode ser subjetivo, [mas] tem de ser um [fundamento] objetivo.24

Preliminarmente, observe-se que, reconstruda a argumentao por ele disposta, a

concluso inicial negativa apresentada por Eberhard no mbito do exemplo musical
proposto [O fundamento deste fenmeno [a saber: a razo pela qual h tons-secundrios
ou harmnicos [U.R.]] [...] no subjetivo, no estando em nenhuma lei do sujeito
percipiente] implicar um caso de falcia da negao da antecedente: se A [com a
sensao do tom-fundamental [pode] ser provocada a representao dos tons restantes que
pertencem trade harmnica], ento B [o fenmeno da srie harmnica est assentado
em fundamento subjetivo; a saber: na imaginao]; no-A [com a sensao do tomfundamental [no pode] ser provocada a representao dos tons restantes que pertencem
trade harmnica], ento no-B [o fenmeno da srie harmnica no est assentado em
fundamento subjetivo etc.] Mas, independente do raciocnio vicioso, a concluso

Eberhard 1789, p. 251: eine blosse Vorstellung der Einbildungskraft, oder eine wirkliche Empfindung
Cf. Eberhard 1789, p. 252-253: Nach dem Gesetze der erstern [der Einbildungskraft] erregt eine
Vorstellung andere, die mit ihr vergesellschaftet sind. Wenn also mit der Empfindung des Grundtones die
Vorstellung der brigen Tne, die zu dem harmonischen Dreyklange gehren, kann erregt werden: so kann
man fragen, warum die Quinte des Grundtones nicht als Nebenton mit ihm gehrtwird, da sie eben so genau
und noch genauer mit ihm vergesellschaftet ist, als die Duodecima; nicht die Tertie, die eben so genau und
noch genauer mit dem Grundtone vergesellschaftet ist, als die Decima septima? Der Grund von dieser
Erscheinung ist also nicht subjektiv, er ist in keinem Gesetze des empfindenden Subjektes; er muss also
objektiv seyn; das heisst: wir mssen uns die Nebentne nicht bloss einbilden, wir mssen sie empfinden, wir
mssen sie wirklich hren. Wir haben also Recht zu schliessen, der Grund der Vorstellungen, der kein
subjektiver seyn kann, muss ein objektiver seyn.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 48-61
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33890


Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques

verdica; pois, de fato, quer o fundamento da srie harmnica, quer, de modo geral, o
undamento das representaes, um e outro esto objetivamente assentados, a diferena
entre Eberhard e Kant a propsito sendo a um tempo terminolgica pela equivocidade de
subjetivo e objetivo e filosfica pelos pressupostos de cada qual.
Com relao
elao ao exemplo musical apresentado por Eberhard, ele, noutras palavras,
afirma que: se eu somente imaginasse as sensaes secundrias, se, pela mera ocasio do
fundamental, elas fossem provocadas em mim, todas seriam subjetivamente
fundadas. Em tal caso, os tons-secundrios
tons secundrios no seriam efetivamente ouvidos. Mas, se
assim fosse, eu deveria poder ouvir a quinta e a tera do tom-fundamental
tom fundamental o que,
porm, no ocorre. Tal no ocorrendo, este fato sempre segundo Eberhard evidencia a
tuio no subjetiva dos tons-secundrios,
tons secundrios, conduzindo indiretamente certeza da
sua constituio objetiva.
A base da argumentao assenta-se
assenta se em que seria contraditrio os tons maisprximos-do-tom-fundamental
fundamental [a saber: a tera e a quinta, conforme a passagem
em causa]
no serem tambm mais-audveis
audveis frente aos menos-prximos-do-tom-fundamental
fundamental [a saber:
a dcima-stima
stima e a duodcima, conforme a passagem em causa], e, pois, menos-audveis.
Mas a hiptese, salvo engano, ser falaciosamente construda, igualizando
ordens entre si distintas: a espacial com o mais-prximo-do-tom-fundamental
fundamental e o maisdistante-do-tom-fundamental
fundamental e a auditiva com o mais-audvel e o menos-audvel [ou,
tambm: o audvel e o no-audvel].
]. Denunciando o aparente duplo contrassenso de o
mais-distante ser audvel e de o mais-prximo no o ser, Eberhard no ter feito conta do
erro lgico cometido, tendo-lhe
importado to-s o terminus ad quem;
quem ou seja: o
estabelecimento da tese que o fundamento
fundamento das representaes no pode ser subjetivo,
[mas] tem de ser um [fundamento] objetivo.
Do ponto de vista fsico, a chamada srie harmnica a representao de
frequncias mltiplas inteiras, que, nelas prprias, relativamente a um tom para elas
damental, so simultneas ao infinito. Do ponto de vista musical, a mesma srie
harmnica a representao de tais frequncias sob a forma de notas musicais. Do ponto
de vista filosfico, em ateno ao objetivo da metfora musical proposta por Eberhard e
tida em conta por Kant, a questo mostrar que, tal como os harmnicos so realmente
reais,, assim tambm o fundamento dos fenmenos, que, como eles, no podem ser
subjetivamente criados.
A ordem de tons e semitons das escalas obtida a partir da seriao inscrita na
representao musical da srie harmnica, via reordenao aproximadora dos harmnicos.
Assim, do ponto de vista da disposio dos tons na escala diatnica, tomada a tnica como
fundamental, a tera indubitavelmente mais prxima dele ou inda mais
exatamente associada com ele, nas palavras de Eberhard do que do mesmo o a
stima, o mesmo se dando com a quinta [mais prxima dele] e a duodcima
[dele mais distante]. Com isto, do fato de, do ponto de vista da notao musical
e no
mbito da escala diatnica,
diatnica poder-se
se falar da tera e da quinta como mais-prximas-domais
fundamental do que dele o sejam a duodcima e a dcima-stima,
dcima stima, Eberhard infere que


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015,
201 pp. 48-61
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33890

Os tons harmnicos e o fundamento das representaes

tambm do ponto de vista fsico tal correlao igualmente se d. Assumido este
paralelismo indevido entre a naturalidade do ponto de vista fsico e a artificialidade do
ponto de vista musical, o passo seguinte, subentendido, reza que, fosse subjetiva, calcada
na imaginao, a constituio da srie harmnica decerto contemplaria a audio da tera e
da quinta do tom-fundamental, por aquelas lhe serem naturalmente prximas. Tal no
tendo lugar, contudo, provar-se- com isto o no-subjetivismo da srie, que, ento, ser
objetivamente constituda, dependente dum acesso direto s prprias coisas; vale dizer: s
coisas em si mesmas [Dinge an sich selbst].
De fato, no que se refere sua constituio prpria, no devido sensao do
tom-fundamental que pode ser provocada a representao dos tons restantes que
pertencem trade harmnica, pois a formao de qualquer srie harmnica, sempre
dependente do tom que nela seja o tom-fundamental, independe da sensao do tomfundamental [destaque meu], a qual diz respeito percepcionalidade do sujeito, no
constitutividade do objeto. Noutras palavras: no pelo fato de eu ouvir um determinado
tom-fundamental que a ele seguir-se-, subjetivamente provocada em mim pela minha
imaginao, uma srie de tons cujas frequncias sejam mltiplos inteiros da frequncia do
tom-fundamental. Se assim fosse, a origem de tais tons seria subjetiva, no objetiva. Mas
do fato de assim no ser, de modo nenhum se segue do ponto de vista kantiano uma
objetividade empiricamente assentada, fundada na sensao direta das prprias coisas.
3. A anotao de Kant e a eficcia argumentativa da metfora eberhardiana
Recordemos a anotao de Kant a propsito do exemplo musical de Eberhard:
posto que os tons mais afins no so ouvidos junto com o tom-fundamental, os tonssecundrios no tm, ento, de estar na imaginao, mas fora de ns (portanto, o
conhecimento musical no pertence percepo).
Menos do que uma reflexo autntica acerca do exemplo de Eberhard ou uma
anlise prpria da questo musical nele abordada, a anotao de Kant ser uma sinopse do
mesmo, tal como destacado na tabela seguinte:
[1] por que a quinta do tomfundamental no ouvida como tomsecundrio junto dele? [...] [E,
tambm, por que] no a tera [...]?
[2] no temos de simplesmente
imaginar os tons-secundrios
[3] o fundamento das representaes
no pode ser subjetivo, [mas] tem de ser
um [fundamento] objetivo.
[4] O fundamento deste fenmeno,
portanto, no subjetivo, no estando
em nenhuma lei do sujeito percipiente
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 48-61
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33890

[1] posto que os tons mais afins no so

ouvidos junto com o tom-fundamental.

[2] os tons-secundrios no tm [...]

de estar na imaginao.
[3] [os tons-secundrios tm de estar
[U.R.]] fora de ns.
[4] (portanto, o conhecimento musical no
pertence percepo).


Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques

No ltimo perodo do seu exemplo

exemplo musical, Eberhard afirma: Temos,

razo para concluir que o fundamento das representaes no pode ser subjetivo, [mas] tem
de ser um [fundamento] objetivo.
Tal concluso, que desmetaforiza o exemplo escolhido, remete questo
levava a este; a saber:
Entre os objetos das nossas representaes, [...] h tambm alguns, de fato, externos?
Podemos com alguma certeza atribuir-lhes
uma realidade externa uma possibilidade ou
efetividade para alm da nossa capacidade
capacida de conhecimento?

Na autoapreciao de Eberhard sobre o seu prprio exemplo, por sinal, confirma-se

o objetivo nuclear do mesmo:
Desenvolvi propositadamente de modo to extenso este exemplo, pois ele parece-me
apresentar sob uma luz muito clara a racionalidade
racionalidade do procedimento segundo o qual a s
razo admite objetos externos como causa de algumas das nossas representaes.25

Com respeito quela mesma concluso, ainda, o problema remeter obliquamente a

Hume e conhecida questo da tonalidade ausente de azul,26 qual, parece, o prprio
Eberhard ter aludido. Com efeito, no sendo devido sensao do tom-fundamental
pode ser provocada a representao dos tons restantes que pertencem trade harmnica
[diferentemente do que ocorre com a tonalidade
tonalidade ausente de azul, presentificada sem
apelo experincia, mas pelo simples recurso imaginao], a caracterizao humeana
das impresses ou sensaes deixa-nos
deixa nos aqui completamente a nu. 27 Pois, fossem os
harmnicos tomados como as tonalidades de azul
azul do exemplo de Hume, a ausncia de um
entre outros efetivamente ouvidos deveria ser logo compensada pela atividade imaginativa.
A despeito de assim no ocorrer, a argumentao pelo grau de proximidade dos
harmnicos para com o tom-fundamental,
cujo propsito
sito recusar a composio subjetiva
da srie harmnica, opera no registro gnoseolgico da tonalidade
tonalidade ausente de azul,
azul como
se, entre o primeiro harmnico ou tom-fundamental
tom fundamental e o segundo [a primeira oitava dele], a


Cf. Eberhard 1789, p. 253: Ich

Ich habe dieses Beyspiel geflissentlich so weitluftig ausgefhrt; weil es mir
die Vernunftmssigkeit des Verfahrens, wonach die gesunde Vernunft zur Ursach einiger unserer
Vorstellungen ussere Gegenstnde annimmt, in einem sehr hellen Lichte darzustellen scheint.
Cf. Hume1902, p. 21: Suppose
Suppose [...] a person to have enjoyed his sight for thirty years, and to have
become perfectly well acquainted with colours of all kinds except one particular shade of blue, for instance,
which it never has been his fortune to meet with. Let all the different shades of that colour, except that single
one, be placed before him, descending gradually from the deepest to the lightest; it is plain that he will
perceive a blank, where that shade is wanting, and will be sensible that there is a greater distance in that
place between the contiguous colours than in any other. Now I ask, whether it be possible for him, from his
own imagination, to supply this deficiency, and raise up to himself the idea of that particular shade, though it
had never been conveyed to him by his senses?
Cf. Eberhard 1789, p. 252: Das
Das Humische Kennzeichen der Impressionen oder Empfindungen lsst uns
hier [...] vllig im Blossen.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015,
201 pp. 48-61
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33890

Os tons harmnicos e o fundamento das representaes

imaginao, fosse a srie subjetivamente composta, devesse por si prpria suprir a falta da
tera e da quinta.
Por outro lado, na mesma concluso desmetaforizada do exemplo de Eberhard,
reencontramos o Leitmotiv de tanta crtica sua filosofia transcendental, presente na
prpria sequncia do seu mesmo artigo, e, obviamente, o mote que o anima.28 No por
outra razo que, na Resposta a Eberhard, referindo-se a este texto [mas nada ali dizendo
a respeito da metfora musical neste presente], Kant afirma:
Na pgina 258 [nos nmeros 3 e 4], o Senhor Eberhard diz: Espao e tempo, alm dos
fundamentos subjetivos, tm tambm fundamentos objetivos, e estes fundamentos
objetivos no so nenhuns fenmenos, mas coisas verdadeiras, cognoscveis. Na pgina
259: Os seus fundamentos ltimos so coisas em si. Tudo o que a Crtica igualmente
afirma, literal e repetidamente.29

Evidentemente, s se poder anuir com que ali se encontre [t]udo o que a Crtica
igualmente afirma, literal e repetidamente, se se puser de lado a equivocidade filosficoterminolgica de subjetivo e objetivo. Noutras palavras: se os significados de um e
outro valessem univocamente para os dois autores, se estes conflussem com o novo
conceito de experincia operado pela filosofia transcendental.


Cf. Eberhard 1789, p. 254-259.

Kant, E, AA 08: 207: S.258, No.3 und 4 sagt Herr Eberhard: Raum und Zeit haben auer den
subjectiven auch objective Grnde, und diese objective Grnde sind keine Erscheinungen, sondern wahre,
erkennbare Dinge; S.259: Ihre letzten Grnde sind Dinge an sich, welches alles die Kritik buchstblich
und wiederholentlich gleichfalls behauptet. De fato, na pgina 258 do seu artigo, reportando-se em quatro
pontos teoria leibniziana, Eberhard assim dizia nos dois ltimos: 3) alm de fundamentos subjetivos,
eles [espao e tempo [U. R.]] tm tambm fundamentos objetivos; 4) e estes fundamentos objetivos no so
nenhuns fenmenos, mas coisas verdadeiras cognoscveis. [Eberhard 1789, p. 258: 3) sie haben auer den
subjektiven auch objektive Grnde; 4) und diese objektiven Grnde sind keine Erscheinungen, sondern
wahre erkennbare Dinge.] E, na pgina 259 do mesmo escrito, como ttulo da sua ltima seo [3], lia-se:
Os objetos das percepes externas no so simplesmente objetos internos, mas tambm externos, e os seus
fundamentos ltimos so coisas em si. [Eberhard 1789, p. 259: Die Gegenstnde der uern
Empfindungen sind nicht blo innere Gegenstnde, sondern auch uere, und ihre letzten Grnde sind Dinge
an sich.] Na verdade, os quatro pontos definidos por Eberhard como decorrentes da teoria leibniziana
sucedem, no seu texto, a quatro outros pontos que, segundo ele, correspondem teoria do Senhor Kant[cf.
Eberhard 1789, p. 257]: 1) Espao e tempo so as formas da intuio sensvel de todo o nosso
conhecimento. Traduzimos isto [da seguinte forma]: eles so os conceitos mais simples da mesma, os
elementos de que ela composta; 2) eles so completamente indissolveis em algo de conhecvel; 3) estas
formas da intuio sensvel ou estes conceitos simples tm fundamentos simplesmente subjetivos; 4) eles,
portanto, so simples fenmenos, sem nada que no [seja] fenmeno, ou, como o nomeia o Senhor Kant,
[sem] uma coisa em si; isto : uma coisa verdadeira, um do qual ns nada conhecemos. [Eberhard
1789, pp. 257-258: 1) Raum und Zeit sind die Formen der sinnlichen Anschauung aller unserer Erkenntni;
wir haben das bersetzt: sie sind die einfachsten Begriffe derselben, die Elemente, woraus sie
zusammengesetzt ist; 2) sie sind in irgend etwas erkennbares vllig unauflslich; 3) diese Formen der
sinnlichen Anschauung, oder, diese einfachen Begriffe, haben blo subjektive Grnde; 4) sie sind also bloe
Erscheinungen, ohne irgend etwas, das nicht Erscheinung, oder, wie es Hr. Kant nennt, ein Ding an sich, d.
i., ein wahres Ding, ein ist, von dem wir irgend etwas erkennen.]

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 48-61
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33890


Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques

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Kant, I. (1900ff), Gesammelte Schriften. Hrsg.: Bd. 1-22
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Marpurg, Fr. W. (1757), Anfangsgrnde der theoretischen Musik,, bey Johann Gottlob
Immanuel Breitkopf, Leipzig.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015,
201 pp. 48-61
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33890

Os tons harmnicos e o fundamento das representaes

Meiner, J. W (1748), Die wahren Eigenschaften der Hebraischen Sprache,

Sprache Verlegts
Bernhard Christoph Breitkopf, Leipzig.
Rancan de Azevedo Marques, U. (2011), Kant e as analogias musicais, Revista de
Filosofa,, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 25-42.
(2014), Rameau,
Rameau, Rousseau and Kant on Music, Studi Kantiani,
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2014, pp. 39-50.
Sulzer, J. G. (1771a), Allgemeine Theorie der Schnen Knste,Leipzig.
(1771b), Allgemeine Theorie der acceso 06 oct. 2015.,

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 48-61
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33890





International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 62-71
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33891

The principle of equality governing the actions and counteractions in Kants Practical Philosophy

El principio de igualdad que gobierna las acciones y reacciones

en la filosofa prctica de Kant

University of Vechta, Germany
Kants principle of equality governing the actions and counter-actions (8:26) belongs not only to
the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Sciences (1786), but also to his practical philosophy.
Kants Idea for a Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Purpose (1784) and On the Common
Saying: That may be Correct in Theory, but it is of no Use in Practice (1793) may contribute to the
understanding of the principle of equality governing the actions and counter-actions in the latter
writing, and vice-versa. Referring to all three, this paper tries to show that, in the context of his
concept of right, Kant understands the principle of the equality of action and reaction in two
different senses, which he combines: a dynamic one and a legal one.
Key words
Equality of action and counter-action; Nature; Rights; Natural Sciences
El principio de igualdad que gobierna acciones y reacciones (AA 08: 26) pertenece no solo a
Principios metafsicos de la ciencia de la naturaleza (1786), sino tambin a su filosofa prctica.
Idea de una historia universal en clave cosmopolita (1784) y Acerca del dicho comn: algo puede

Full time Professor at the University of Vechta (Germany). Email contact: .
[Recibido: 9 de octubre de 2015
Aceptado: 30 de octubre de 2015]


The principle of equality governing the actions and counter-actions

ser vlido en teora, pero no es vlido para la prctica (1793) de Kant pueden contribuir a la
comprensin del principio de igualdad que gobierna acciones y reacciones en el ltimo escrito, y
viceversa. Teniendo en cuenta los tres, este artculo intenta mostrar que, en el contexto de su
concepto de derecho, Kant entiende el principio de la igualdad de accin y reaccin en dos sentidos
distintos combinados: uno dinmico y otro legal.
Palabras clave
Igualdad de accin y reaccin; naturaleza; derechos; ciencias naturales

Kants principle of equality governing the actions and counter-actions (IaG, AA 08: 26)
belongs not only to the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Sciences (1786), but also to
his practical philosophy. One finds a practical version of this principle in his Idea for a
Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Purpose (1784), in On the Common Saying: That
may be Correct in Theory, but it is of no Use in Practice (1793) and in his Doctrine of
Right (1796). The two former shorter writings of his practical philosophy may contribute to
the understanding of the principle of equality governing the actions and counter-actions
in the latter longer writing, and vice-versa. Referring to all three, I would like to show that,
in the context of his concept of right, Kant understands the principle of the equality of
action and reaction in two different senses, which he combines: a dynamic one and a legal
In the Doctrine of Right, Kant defines the concept of right as [] the sum of the
conditions under which the choice (Willkr) of one can be united with the choice of
another in accordance with a universal law of freedom. (RL, AA 06: 230) In the
schematization that immediately follows the presentation of his concept of right, Kant
offers two analogies which help considerably understanding whatthe sum of the
conditions arein this formulation of his concept. One is a physical and more precisely a
dynamic analogy, while the second is a geometrical one. Kant claims that the second one
underlies the first.
1. The dynamic analogy
[First analogy] The law of a reciprocal coercion necessarily in accord with the
freedom of everyone under the principle of universal freedom is, as it were, the
construction of that concept, that is, the presentation of it in pure intuition a priori,
by analogy with presenting the possibility of bodies moving freely under the law of
the equality of action and reaction. (RL, AA 06: 232)

This analogy is physical, because it combines elements of geometry that rely on space as a
condition a priori of experience, as shown in the Transcendental Aesthetics, with a
category, i.e., with a concept a priori, which is the category of reciprocal action.
[Second analogy] A right line (rectum), one that is straight, is opposed to one that
is curved on the one hand, and to one that is oblique, on the other hand. As opposed
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 62-71
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33891


Jean-Christophe Merle
to one that is curved, straightness is that position of a line toward another
intersecting or touching it such that there can be only one line (the perpendicular),
which does not incline more to one side than to the other and which divides the
space on both sides equally. Analogous to this, the doctrine of right wants to be
sure that what belongs to each has been determined (with mathematical
exactitude). (RL, AA 06:233)

Interestingly enough, at first sight, the geometrical analogy does not seem to coincide with
the dynamic analogy. In fact, the geometrical representation of action and counter-action or
power of resistance if one puts aside any friction forces and any force of gravity are
segments located on the same line; action and counter-action are differentiated only by
their opposite direction as well as by the length of the segments. In the dynamic analogy,
there is no perpendicular line. Transcribed in legal concepts, the two analogies have
different meanings.
The physical analogy takes as a starting point a certain distribution of mine, i.e.,
of the rights allocated to individual persons.This can be represented as one of the two end
points of a line segment, on which the possibility of body moving freely under the law of
equality of action and reaction (RL, AA 06: 222) is represented. One can interpret the
analogy in at least two different ways. A first interpretation corresponds to the case of the
authorization to coerce who infringes upon right (Befugnis, den, der ihm Abbruch tut, zu
zwingen). In the Doctrine of Right, this case is mentioned in D, that is, just before the two
analogies. The legally wrong action violates this distribution, and its effect is represented
by the second end point of the line segment. According to the D of the Doctrine of Right,
the reaction corrects the violation so that the status quo ante is restored and the cursor is
brought back to the first end point.
Now, one should notice two aspects of the analogy.
The first one is that, in the Metaphysical Foundation of Natural Sciences, the
principle of equality governing the actions and counter-actions does not mean that any
time a body A hits another body B located at a position x1 and moves it to the position x2, a
reaction will follow this action and relocate the body B at the position x1. In fact, according
to the Metaphysical Foundation of Natural Sciences, the final position after the reaction
has occurred depends on the mass of the bodies. More precisely, the movement of the
bodies after the choc stands in reverse proportion to the mass of the bodies (in inverse
ratio to their masses, in umgekehrtem Verhltnis der Masse, MAN, AA 04: 545). Both
aspects are absent from the dynamic analogy of the Doctrine of Right. Thus, one should
adopt a second interpretation: According to the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural
Sciences, each immobile distribution is constantly the result of opposite forces exercised
by bodies of unequal masses. Now, whether there is a hit or impact or not, that is, whether
the first or the second interpretation is valid, neither in the Metaphysical Foundations of
Natural Sciences nor in the first analogy does Kant assume in the merely dynamic


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 62-71
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33891

The principle of equality governing the actions and counter-actions

principle of equality of action and reaction the existence of an equality of the persons and
of their physical and intellectual capacities to act. On the contrary, like non-human bodies,
human beings do not have an equal mass, i.e., strength. Such an inequality exists also in
the civil state, as is shown by Kants characterization of the federation of peoples which
he considers as the law-governed external relationship (IaG, AA 08: 24) between states
in the Idea:
[] a federation of peoples in which every state, even the smallest [my emphasis,
JCM], could expect to derive its security and rights not from its own power [my
emphasis, JCM], but solely [] from a united power and the law-governed
decisions of a united will. (IaG, AA 08: 24)

The second remarkable aspect of the physical analogy is that the human persons are
presented as bodies moving freely (DR, AA 06: 232). This contrasts with the
presentation of the way unsocial sociability exercises its action. In the state of nature,
unsocial sociability inspires the desire for honor, power or property (IaG, AA 08: 21)
(Ehrsucht, Herrschsucht oder Habsucht), and leads the human being to expect resistance
all around, just as he knows of himself that he is in turn inclined to offer resistance to
others. (IaG, AA 08: 21) However, unsocial sociability results in what the Common
Sayingcalls thewill to subjugate one another or to diminish what belongs to another, i.e.,
to destroy another. Now, when either subjugation or destruction occurs between two
persons, there are no longer two bodies moving freely (DR, AA 06: 232) in their
relationship to one another, and there is no longer any impact nor any touch. This situation
is incompatible with the analogy of the principle of equality governing the actions and
counter-actions. In fact, in the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Sciences, Kant
develops a concept in which each body has a force of extension, so that body B hit by body
A is not inert, but resists body A:
[In an impact,] it is clear that the resting body does not, merely as resting, acquire
motion lost by the impacting body, but that, in the collision, it exerts actual forces
on the latter in the opposite direction, so as to compress, as it were, a
springbetween the two, which requires just as much actual motion on its part (but
in the opposite direction) as the moving body itself has need of for this purpose.
(MAN, AA 04: 549)

In the concept of right, the force of the individuals is moved by freedom, but this freedom
acts on other free individuals in the same way as any body acting freely. On the contrary, if
the individual is subjugated, she no longer moves freely, but only as dependent on another
body, on which she cannot not longer hit or impact. The same applies in the case of the
destruction of other individuals, for instance in war. Now, both subjugation and war are
opposed to the concept of right in the Idea of a Universal History because they contradict
the free coexistence of individuals:
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 62-71
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33891


Jean-Christophe Merle
All wars are accordingly so many attempts [] to bring about new relations
between states, and, by the destruction or at least the dismemberment of old
entities, to create new ones. (IaG, AA 08: 24f.)

Also the prerogative of the rank contradicts the concept of right and the principle of
equality between action and reaction, as Kant explains in the Common Saying:
[A member of the commonwealth] may bequeath anything else, whatever is a
thing (not pertaining to personality) and can be acquired as property and also
alienated by him, and so in a series of generations produce a considerable
inequality of financial circumstances among the members of a commonwealth (of
hireling and hirer, landowners and agricultural laborers, and so forth); but he may
not prevent their being authorized to raise themselves to like circumstances if their
talent, their industry, and their luck make this possible for them. For otherwise he
could coerce without others in turn being able to coerce him by their reaction, and
would rise above the level of a fellow subject. Again, no one living in a rightful
condition of a commonwealth can fall from this equality otherwise than by his own
crime. (VATP, AA 08: 293)

If we summarize the two aforementioned points, the elements of the analogy are (1) that
the concept of right guarantees the conservation of the bodies against mutual danger, and
(2) that the danger that equality of action and reaction may lead to situations contrary to the
return to the status quo ante after the impact because of the difference of forces between
the individuals, is overcome by legal constraint exercised by a universal law of freedom
into a restoration of the status quo ante, so that the only possible movements are free
movements in the sense in which they are freely intended or accepted by all agents
involved. The only way to reconcile the dynamic principle of the equality of action and
reaction with the legal equality of action and reaction is the following: Through the
constraint (Zwang) exercised by the state, the stronger individual diminishes his freedom
of action to the extent needed for the weaker individual to enjoy the same freedom of
action. In other words, the dynamic analogy has to be backed by an analogy expressing the
legal equality of action and reaction. The latter is the geometrical analogy. Three years
before the Doctrine of Right, the Common Saying expresses this in a more concise form:
For all right consists merely in the limitation of the freedom of every other to the
condition that it can coexist with my freedom in accordance with a universal law,
and public right (within a commonwealth) is merely the condition of an actual
legislation in conformity with this principle and joined with power, by virtue of
which all those belonging to a people as subjects are in a rightful condition (status
iuridicus) as such, namely a condition of equality of action and reaction of a choice
limiting one another in conformity with a universal law of freedom (which is called
the civil condition). (VATP, 08: 293)


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 62-71
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33891

The principle of equality governing the actions and counter-actions

2. The geometrical analogy

Let us now inquire into the geometrical analogy. It does not take a certain distribution as a
starting point. Instead, the geometrical analogy determines the distribution between two
choices, that is, external freedoms: [] to be sure that what belongs to each has been
determined (with mathematical exactitude). (RL, AA 06: 233). The choices common
realm of action is represented by one unique segment on which both choices may collide,
which is expressed by Kant as the position of two lines cutting or hitting another (die
Lage zweier einander durchschneidender oder zusammenstoenden Linien, AA 06: 233;
or to clarify the English translation: It is that position of a line toward another intersecting
or touching it). One of the end points represents the full implementation of the choice of
one individual against the choice of another, whereas the other end point represents the
reverse situation. The mathematical analogy determines the distribution by a line
perpendicular to the segment, cutting it into two equal segments. Two aspects of the
geometrical analogy are noticeable.
First, the equality of the two resulting segments shows the legal equality of the
choices despite them being different regarding physical and intellectual strength. This
infringes the merely dynamic principle of equality between action and reaction. In other
words, any time person A collides with person B, the concept of right will result in the
restoration of the initial location, i.e.,in distribution being restored, no matter how different
the respective mass of persons A and B may be. Second, there is not only a point cutting
the segment into two equal segments, but a full line, which is more than a unique point.
This is confirmed by the fact that the perpendicular line divides not only the segment, but it
also [] divides the space (RL, AA 06: 233)
In order to explain the first remark, I suggest interpretingin a literal and strong way
the fact that the perpendicular line intersects with the initial segments, in which it
operatesas a strict separation between two segments and between two spaces. And, in fact,
law exercises the force needed for all individuals to be equality limited in their freedom in
spite of their different respective strength, which implies that law exercises a coercion
proportionate to the strength of the actual or potential perpetrator. In this regard, the law
behaves in another way than a spring C being interposed between a spring A and a spring
B, because such a spring does not modify the relationship of strength between the springs
A and B, as is explained in the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Sciences (see 4:549,
footnote **). In other words, unlike the spring C, the legal order backed by its power of
coercion exercises an irresistible force.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 62-71
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33891


Jean-Christophe Merle
Now, what does the fact that the perpendicular line separates not only two lines, but also
two spaces mean? Here, I suggest referring to the famous metaphor of the forest apparently
used for explaining the just civil constitution in the Idea of a Universal History:
The highest task which nature has set for mankind must therefore be that of
establishing a society in which freedom under external laws would be combined to
the greatest possible extent with irresistible force, in other words of establishing a
perfectly just civil constitution. [] there inclinations make it impossible for them
to exist side by side for long in a state of wild freedom. But once enclosed within a
precinct like that of civil union, the same inclinations have the most beneficial
effect. In the same way, trees in a forest, by seeking to deprive each other of air and
sunlight, compel each other to find these by upward growth, so that they grow
beautiful and straight whereas those who put branches at will, in freedom and
isolation of others, grow stunted, bent and twisted. (IaG, 08: 22)

In this quotation, Kant opposes natural isolation, characterized by laziness, to a state of

cooperation and competition, characterized by the development of ones capacities and
talents. Both the just civil constitution and the forest provide the conditions for such a
cooperation and competition. In such a closed environment as either a just civil society or a
forest, the individual choices collide with one another like the trees in the forest collide
with one another, so that the dynamic principle of equality of action and reaction applies.
However, in a forest, the weaker trees decay and eventually die. In fact,
competition and collision between the stronger ones do not imply that all remain alive and
interacting. Thus, the legal principle of equality of action and reaction is what
differentiates the just civil constitution from the forest. Unlike in the case of the forest, in
the just civil society there is not only a precinct enclosing the totality of all trees or
citizens, but there is also a precinct limiting the sphere of each individual with an
irresistible force, so that, unlike in the case of weak trees that decay and die, no citizen is
subjugated or destroyed by fellow citizens.
This major difference said, the common aspects pointed out by the analogy remain:
mutual limitation lead the trees or the citizens to grow upward. This means that the
desire for honor, power or property cannot strive any longer for subjugating or
destroying others, but instead it can only do two things: First, the individual can develop
his or her capacities and talents. Second, he or she can interact with others through free
contracts, which, because they are voluntary on all sides, are supposed to stand under both
the dynamic and the legal principles of equality of action and reaction. Through
developingtheir capacities and talents and through contracting with another, citizens
increasingly occupy their space, as limited by the perpendicular line.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 62-71
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33891

The principle of equality governing the actions and counter-actions

In the following, I would like to sketch the potential progress regarding the
dynamic and legal equality between action and reaction, as opposed to a merely dynamic
equality. This potential progress consists in developing an established civil constitution
into a fully just civil constitution. By the potential progress of a civil constitution, I
understand more precisely that not only freedom of contract is respected, but also that the
legal order may remedy circumstances that modify the outcome of the fulfillment of the
contract in a way that diverges from the one intended at the time at which the contract has
been concluded. In other words, an improved rule of law can prevent contingency to
collide with the legal equality between action and reaction. I see this potential progress in
the concept of equity exposed in the Doctrine of Right that is absent from the Idea of a
Universal History and from the Common Saying, but that, as an at first sight ambiguous
right, immediately follows the dynamic and geometrical analogies in the Doctrine of Right.
Before doing this, I would like to emphasize that the Idea of a Universal History handles
civil constitution in reference to the issue of the historical process of the establishment of a
just historical constitution, whereas the Doctrine of Right also (although not only)
considers an ideal, and metaphysical framework, independent of any legal act.Kants
concept of equity is in accord with his examination of this ambiguous right, eventually a
true right, although a right without coercion. (RL, AA 06: 234).
Here is an example of equity given by Kant:
[] suppose that a domestic servant is paid his wages at the end of a year in
money that has depreciated in the interval, so that he cannot buy with it what he
could have bought with it when he concluded the contract. The servant cannot
appeal to his right to be compensated when he gets the same amount of money, but
it is of unequal value. He can appeal only on grounds of equity (a mute divinity
who cannot be heard); for nothing was specified about this in the contract, and a
judge cannot pronounce in accordance with indefinite conditions. (RL, AA 06:

Unlike what most of the commentators assume, the reason why the judge cannot decide in
accordance with equity is not because equity did not provide any exact criterion for
deciding the case. In fact, statistical means make it quite possible to calculate the exact
depreciation of money as compared to other goods, and such a calculation is actually often
used in tort law for calculating compensations for damages. The only obstacle for applying
equity is the absence of an adequate proviso in the contract, and more generally of any
legal proviso, whether of contractual origin or of another origin like statute law. Now, why
does Kant choose as an exact criterion for equity as a right without coercion what [the
servant] could have bought [with the amount of money set in the contract] when he
concluded the contract? This criterion (1) clearly refers to the purposive use of the amount
of money, and (2) it does not determine this use, which the mention of the real purpose of
the servant at the time of the conclusion of the contract would do, that is, that this criterion
leaves the servants choice (Willkr) fully open. Unfortunately, Kant does not mention
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 62-71
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33891


Jean-Christophe Merle
whether the same criterion applies in the case of the appreciation of the money as
compared to other goods i.e., the case of deflation. The likely reason for not mentioning
this is that deflation seldom happens, while inflation is the most frequent price evolution.
Yet, in the case of deflation, the same criterion should apply. In my view, equity is
represented by the aforementioned perpendicular. In fact, the perpendicular line that cuts
the segment into two equal segments takes into consideration the open choice of both
contracting parties, whereas deciding for not compensating inflation would incline the
intersecting line more in one direction that of the employer than in the other.
One may object that Kant stipulates only the enforcement of the real contract, and
not of the equitable contract that should have been put in writing instead of the real
contract. Yet, Kant explicitly mentions in the first paragraph of the Introduction to the
Doctrine of Right that the doctrine of natural rights, as opposed to positive law, must
supply the immutable principles for any giving of positive law. (RL, AA 06: 229)
Admittedly, Kant assumes that, since the innate rights to freedom and equality
imply the freedom of contract, the provisos adopted in free contracts are valid. A free
action also leads to liability for its consequences. The validity of free contracts is expressed
by the famous legal principle volenti non fit iniuria. Since the labor contract between a
server and his or her employer, for instance, is a free contract, and does not definitively
suppress the formers freedom unlike free enslavement, which Kant prohibits , this
contract is valid, and it is handled as such in the body of the Doctrine of Right. (cf. RL, AA
06: 282f.)
Thereby, Kant considersneither any possible depreciation of the amount of money
regularly paid by the employer to the servant nor such empirical circumstances as poverty
or weakness that may constrain the person to accept the contract even on unequal or
unbalanced terms that do not fulfill the criterion for equity. This leads to the frequent
critique against Kant that he accepts the existence of a status, such as that of a servant, of
which he himself admits that it creates dependence, which apparently contradicts the innate
rightto freedom and the legal equality of action and reaction. If one considers only
enforceable law, one can say that, if Kant did take into consideration the aforementioned
circumstances that lead to unequal terms of free contracts, he would have defined legal
provisos that are much more adequate for protecting each persons choice (Willkr), since
equity is predominantly favorable to the expectations of the weak who is endangered to
become dependent or to die. Now, if one considers that the concepts of law and equity
should guide positive legislation, one can see in equity a clear direction for a progress of
the positive rule of law. And, in fact, Kant repeatedly stresses the requirement that reason
makes positive law progress.
To conclude, the dynamic analogy of the Doctrine of Right must be distinguished
from the merely dynamic analogy of the trees in the Idea of a Universal History. In fact,


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 62-71
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33891

The principle of equality governing the actions and counter-actions

only the former entails both the dynamic principle of the equality of action and reaction
and the legal principle of equality of action and reaction, the latter being emphasized in the
Common Saying. The dynamic analogy of the Doctrine of Right entails anequality between
persons that is missing in the analogy of the forest in the Idea of a Universal History. This
equality is backed by the geometrical analogy of the perpendicular and one can see in
equity a potential progress in regard to this legal equality. In the comparison of these
analogies and metaphers to another, one can see how Kant gradually combines and
differentiates although not with full clarity different conceptual elements and the way
these elements build upon another.

Kants works are indicated with the abbreviation given by Kant-Studien guidelines,
followed by volume and page number of the Akademie Ausgabe (AA): I. Kant,
Gesammelte Schriften, edited by the Kniglich-Preussischen (now Deutschen) Akademie
der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1900-.
Watkins, E. (2000): Kants Justification of the Laws of Mechanics. In: Id. (Ed.), Kant
and the Sciences. Oxford University Press, pp. 136159.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 62-71
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33891


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 72-85
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33892

Kant. Il trascendentale e larmonia delle facolt

Kant. The Transcendental and the Harmony of Faculties

Universit Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Italia
Partendo dallanalisi del criticismo proposta da Simmel, si pu dire che Kant abbia infranto
larmonia tra essere e pensare sul piano metafisico e quella tra virt e felicit sul piano morale. Ci
non significa abbandonare definitivamente la teoria di un sistema delle nostre facolt, ma piuttosto
porre questo tema al centro pensandolo come compito. Sotto questo aspetto la Critica del Giudizio
pu essere letta come il tentativo di riannodare i fili spezzati: da questo testo emerge in modo
peculiare il problema della natura. La natura non pi intesa come oggetto sottoposto alla
legislazione dellintelletto, bens come elemento chiave che d la regola allarte.
Parole chiavi
Sistema; Critica del giudizio; Simmel; trascendentale; natura
Starting from Simmels analysis of the criticism, we can say that Kant has broken the harmony
between being and thinking from a metaphysical point of view and the harmony between happiness
and virtue concerning the moral point of view. It does not mean that Kant left definitely a theory of
the system of our faculties, rather he focuses on this problem, thinking about it as a task. In this
sense the Critique of Judgement could be read as the attempt to knot again these broken wires: in

Ricercatore di filosofia teoretica presso la Facolt di Filosofia dellUniversit San Raffaele. E-mail di
contatto: .
[Recibido: 15 de septiembre de 2015
Aceptado: 26 de octubre de 2015]


Kant. Il trascendentale e larmonia delle facolt

this context the nature plays a leading role. The nature is no more an object subjected to the
legislation of our intellect, rather the nature gives the rule to the art.
Key words
System; Critique of Judgement; Simmel; transcendental; Nature

1. Armonie infrante
Nella terza delle sue Lezioni berlinesi dedicate alla filosofia kantiana Simmel parla
della fede appassionata nellarmonia naturale di tutto lessente quale carattere chiave
dellepoca illuminista. Il clima culturale allinterno del quale Kant trascorre i propri anni
di apprendistato considerava ancora pienamente lecito gettare questo ponte tra
lobiettivamente valido e lo psicologico: verit fondamentali erano disposte in modo tale
che ogni spirito dovesse esserne consapevole (Simmel 1918, 27).1 Da questo punto di
vista limpostazione costitutiva del criticismo kantiano segna una discontinuit radicale e
ineludibile rispetto al proprio tempo:
Questo ponte fu spezzato da Kant, sennonch le verit, anzich sprofondare
nellabisso sottostante, come sarebbe stata conseguenza di quel presupposto, egli le
dot nel loro significato di a priori di una solida dimora, e ci proprio
delimitandole rispetto a qualsiasi elemento di natura psicologica (Simmel 1918,

Simmel si era espresso in maniera ancora pi incisiva nel primo di una serie di
articoli apparsi verso la fine del XIX secolo come supplemento domenicale sul Vossische
Zeitung, dal titolo piuttosto significativo Was ist uns Kant? e che rappresentano di fatto
un primo abbozzo delle sue ricerche attorno al pensiero del filosofo di Knigsberg.
Nellarticolo apparso il 2 agosto 1896, per sottolineare come nella Critica della ragione
pura il mero pensiero non produca per noi alcuna conoscenza, Simmel ascrive a Kant una
vera e propria soluzione di continuit sul piano metafisico rispetto alla tradizione
Viene reciso ogni filo mediante cui i metafisici hanno creduto di legare insieme in
unarmonia arcana il pensiero e lessere (Simmel 2008, 787).

Se volessimo individuare una conferma testuale, limpostazione generale del

criticismo trova la sua prima formulazione non nel celebre paragone con la rivoluzione
copernicana2 che appartiene alla seconda edizione della Critica della ragione pura ma
gi nellultimo paragrafo dellestetica trascendentale, presente nelledizione del 1781:

Sul rapporto tra Kant e Simmel si vedano in particolare due contributi (Marini, 1986, 7-43 e Vigorelli 1986,
Cfr. KrV, AA 03: B XVI-XVII.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 72-85
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33892


Francesco Valagussa
tutte queste cose, in quanto apparenze, non possono esistere in se stesse, ma esistono
soltanto in noi. Di che cosa possa trattarsi, riguardo agli oggetti in se stessi, separati da
tutta questa recettivit della nostra sensibilit, ci rimane perfettamente ignoto (KrV, AA
03: B60 / A43). In tal senso, ogni tentativo di costruire un ponte capace di collegare le due
opposte sponde il pensare e lessere viene dichiarato sostanzialmente vano e illusorio.
Allinterno delle lezioni berlinesi, Simmel esprime lesito di questa frattura con
unimmagine particolarmente efficace: Il mondo la mia rappresentazione la sua realt
effettuale, la nuda verit delle cose per me eternamente irraggiungibile, sono confinato
nellangustia del mio rappresentare, davanti allo spirito, che si protende verso lessere,
questo si ritrae come i frutti davanti alla mano di Tantalo (Simmel 1918, 59-60).
Tale operazione riguarda lambito prettamente metafisico, ma comporta profonde
ricadute sul piano ontologico ed epistemologico, che si possono riassumere facendo
appello, di nuovo, a un passo della prima Critica: Le proposizioni fondamentali
dellintelletto sono semplicemente principi dellesposizione delle apparenze, e il nome
orgoglioso di una ontologia, la quale presume di fornire in una dottrina sistematica
conoscenze sintetiche in generale [] deve fare posto al nome modesto di una semplice
analitica dellintelletto puro (KrV, AA 03: B304 / A247).
Restando ancorati allanalisi di Simmel, peraltro, questarmonia arcana tra essere e
pensiero non la sola ad essere infranta nel corso dellindagine kantiana. In ambito morale
assistiamo a unanaloga frattura, dagli esiti certamente non inferiori alla prima:
Kant ha rivelato in tutta la sua insostenibilit la vecchia credenza secondo cui una
necessit psichica, oppure lordine stesso degli esterni destini, fornirebbero
inevitabilmente alla bont morale una gratifica di felicit (Simmel 1918, 148).

Ad essere infranto, questa volta, il ponte mediante cui, da sempre, la tradizione

aveva cercato di congiungere virt e felicit. Nellultimo supplemento al Vossische
Zeitung, datato 16 agosto 1896, il medesimo tema viene espresso in questi termini: Alla
morale viene tolto il supporto, che essa possedeva, della speranza di una ricompensa che
verr conseguita presto o tardi; alla tensione verso la felicit stata tolta la giustificazione
che essa si traesse dal suo legame con la morale (Simmel 2008, 802). Bench lidea di un
destinale accordo tra virt e felicit appaia nella Critica della ragione pratica nella forma
di un postulato della ragione in particolare attraverso lidea di Dio rimane
assolutamente chiaro come nessun nesso possa essere istituito tra i due ambiti sul piano
della conoscenza razionale.
Cos noi siamo costretti a rassegnarci a una doppiezza impietosa, e a
incamminarci lungo due strade di cui noi per nutriamo la segreta speranza che la
prima sia tuttavia soltanto una deviazione e conduca poi alla seconda (Simmel
2008, 802).


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 72-85
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33892

Kant. Il trascendentale e larmonia delle facolt

Pi che di segreta speranza espressione che sarebbe pi adatta a qualificare

latmosfera presente nella terza Critica forse si dovrebbe parlare di unautentica esigenza,
o addirittura di pretesa della ragione. Come appare anche nella tavola delle facolt
superiori, a conclusione dellIntroduzione alla Critica del giudizio (KrV, AA 05: BLVIII /
ALVI), la ragione si presenta come facolt appetitiva, ossia come capacit di desiderare.
Alla luce della Critica della ragione pura, si deve dire che il vero e proprio oggetto del
desiderio3 da parte della ragione lincondizionato, vale a dire la cosiddetta totalit delle
condizioni (KrV, AA 03: B380 / A323) quelloggetto letteralmente impossibile che
lesperienza non sar mai in grado di esibire e che pertanto rimane escluso dalle possibilit
inerenti alla nostra facolt conoscitiva.
Lidea di una architettonica4 delle facolt dellanimo umano, e dunque lesigenza
di sistematicit espressa a pi riprese e sotto diverse angolazioni da parte di Kant,
devessere intesa proprio alla luce di una preliminare e radicale incrinatura delle varie
armonie prestabilite che la tradizione si era sforzata di elaborare sino ad allora.
2. Listanza sistematica
Nel pensiero di Kant il sistema assume il carattere di una necessit, non per nel
senso di un ineludibile sillogismo della conciliazione, come accadr nel caso della
dialettica hegeliana, bens nellaccezione peculiare di una istanza della ragione. La
ragione cos si legger poi nella Critica del giudizio esige (fordert) la totalit (KU,
AA 05: B92 / A91).
Avendo letteralmente tagliato i ponti con le varie ipotesi di armonie precostituite,
alimentate per millenni dalla metafisica occidentale, limpulso verso il sistema non
concerne pi il rapporto tra anima e mondo, piuttosto converge e si concentra interamente
sul rapporto interno tra le facolt dellanimo. Larchitettonica delle facolt 5 costituisce
quasi la traccia di unarmonia perduta. Tale esigenza si esprime nella ricerca quasi
ossessiva di momenti di connessione tra le facolt e nella presenza di continui e capillari
rimandi interni che coinvolgono non soltanto le tre critiche, ma anche diversi saggi coevi
basti pensare al modo in cui la quadripartizione presente nella tavola delle categorie
(quantit, qualit, relazione, modalit) si ripercuota sui paralogismi, e poi sulle antinomie,
e infine sui quattro momenti in cui suddivisa lanalitica del bello.
Sulla stessa linea si potrebbe rilevare come la distinzione tra matematico e
dinamico, che gi coinvolge le categorie (cfr. KrV, AA 03: B110), si ritrovi poi nelle
proposizioni fondamentali sintetiche dellintelletto puro (cfr. KrV, AA 03: B199 / A160) e
da ultimo persino nellarticolazione dellanalitica del sublime.

Cfr. KpV AA 05: B 8-9, 20 e 22.

Su questo punto cfr. Pierobon 1990. Inoltre si vedano i saggi presenti nel pi recente AA.VV. 2001, testo
che non concerne specificamente la Critica del giudizio, ma lottica sistematica alla luce delle prime due
critiche e della produzione kantiana coeva.
Su questo tema si veda in particolare Garelli 1999, e inoltre Hohenegger 2004.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 72-85
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33892


Francesco Valagussa
Volendo rintracciare altri percorsi connessi allarchitettonica delle facolt, si
potrebbero individuare correlazioni molto precise tra le tre massime del sensus communis
presenti nella Critica del giudizio (pensare da s, pensare nella posizione di ogni altro e
pensare sempre in accordo con se stessi) 6 e le partizioni presenti in alcuni scritti coevi
per esempio in rapporto ai principi a priori di libert come uomo, eguaglianza come
suddito e indipendenza come cittadino (cfr. UdG, AA 08: A 236), presenti nel saggio Sul
detto comune: questo pu essere giusto in teoria, ma non vale per la prassi, edito nel 1793;
la medesima struttura si ripresenter poi nella tripartizione dei diritti presente nello scritto,
ben pi celebre, dal titolo Per la pace perpetua, pubblicato nel 1795, ossia il diritto statalecivile degli uomini in un popolo, il diritto delle genti negli Stati nei loro reciproci rapporti
e il diritto cosmopolitico in quanto uomini e Stati che stiano in rapporti di reciproco
influsso come cittadini di un universale Stato di uomini (cfr. ZeF, BA19). Le
esemplificazioni potrebbero continuare, ma otterrebbero soltanto leffetto di una mera
casistica in cui vengono affastellati una serie di correlazioni: quanto di pi contrario si
possa immaginare rispetto allo spirito kantiano (cfr. Centi 1999).
Rimane da precisare, dunque, quali siano i termini in cui si configura listanza
sistematica: ogni nostra conoscenza possiamo leggere nella Dialettica trascendentale
prende inizio dai sensi, di qui procede verso lintelletto e finisce nella ragione (KrV, AA
04: B355 / A298). Se i sensi forniscono intuizioni e lintelletto si occupa di concetti, il
prodotto peculiare della ragione viene indicato con il nome di Schlu (cfr. KrV, AA 03:
B360-361 / A303-304) in quanto la ragione letteralmente tira le conclusioni di un
ragionamento e lo riconduce ai minimi principi possibili.
La ragione lavora in vista dellunit, alla luce della quale si pu appunto
concludere un ragionamento. Di regola Giorgio Colli non traduce Schlu con
sillogismo, bens assai pi spesso e giustamente con inferenza:7 ci consente, in
effetti, di rendere sul piano di una sfumatura terminologica la differenza che passa tra Kant
ed Hegel.
Se per il filosofo di Stoccarda la dialettica direttamente la forma in cui trova
espressione il vero, non dunque come sostanza bens come movimento del soggetto (Hegel
1970, III, 23), agli occhi di Kant la dialettica viene definita esplicitamente come logica
dellillusione (KrV, AA 03: B86 / A61) e pi precisamente come unarte sofistica che
cerca di fornire il colorito della verit alla propria ignoranza, anzi persino alle proprie
intenzionali costruzioni illusorie (KrV, AA 03: B86 / A61). La ragione kantiana non
sillogizza nel senso dello Schlu hegeliano che svuota ogni morto Aldil e dunque si
riflette in se stessa costituendo lidentit compiuta (Vollendung) di razionalit e realt,8

Cfr. KU, AA 05: B185 / A156.

Ci accade gi nellAnalitica delle proposizioni trascendentali, cfr. ivi, B169 / A130.
Certamente mai definitiva, ma sempre di volta in volta rinnovantesi secondo il ritmo incessante del
divenire, ma capace di realizzare ad ogni istante ci che il vero. A questo proposito cfr. Hegel 1970, 23:
c un falso tanto poco quanto c qualcosa di cattivo. [] Si pu ben sapere falsamente. Alcunch saputo
falsamente significa: il sapere in ineguaglianza con la sua sostanza. Ma proprio tale ineguaglianza il
distinguere in generale, che momento essenziale. Questo accenno dovr essere sufficiente per evitare di
semplificare eccessivamente la posizione hegeliana, che qui non possibile ripercorrere. Per quanto riguarda


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 72-85
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33892

Kant. Il trascendentale e larmonia delle facolt

bens inferisce, pretendendo di concludere la serie dei condizionati, illudendosi di poter

conseguire lincondizionato.
Lillusione che nel linguaggio kantiano prende il nome di dialettica e coincide
con il Vernunftschlu non pu assolutamente essere evitata: lillusione trascendentale non
scompare quandanche sia gi stata svelata e si sia scorta chiaramente la sua nullit
mediante la critica trascendentale (KrV, AA 04: B353/ A297). Ci significa che il
desiderio di sistematicit in qualche senso sopravvive malgrado si sia svelata la sua
inconsistenza sul piano logico e conoscitivo. Larchitettonica delle facolt pu essere
intesa proprio come residuo, come lultimo quasi rifugio(Leopardi 1956, 788) dinnanzi
al crollo di qualsiasi possibilit di concepire una visione sistematica del mondo o
comunque unarmonia tra le cose e lattivit dellintelletto.
In questa prospettiva si comprende bene come linterrogativo che cosa posso
sperare? costituisca la domanda centrale attorno a cui ruota la Critica del giudizio, intesa
non pi soltanto come ricognizione sulla dimensione estetica e teleologica del sapere, ma
alla luce dellistanza sistematica9: la speranza rimane lunica cinghia di trasmissione tra
lintelletto come facolt conoscitiva e la ragione come facolt desiderativa. Esattamente in
relazione a questo punto Simmel dichiara in modo esplicito quale distanza intercorra tra la
visione kantiana e lorizzonte contemporaneo:
In breve, lo spirito umano gli appare come una costruzione simmetrica in se
stessa, che non pu avere n pi n meno membri di quanto richiede la logica
conformit a regole. Questo il punto in cui la concezione del mondo
contemporanea si distingue da quella kantiana nella maniera pi decisiva. Lo
spirito umano ci sembra, al pari di ogni altra costituzione organica, una stazione di
uno sviluppo che procede allinfinito (Simmel 1918, 791).

Per esprimere il problema restando su un terreno particolarmente familiare alle

indagini simmeliane, larchitettonica kantiana dellanimo umano ricorda molto i progetti
urbanistici delle citt ideali, mentre la contemporaneit si vede costretta a scorgere nella
mente umana una metropoli caotica di facolt per nulla sincronizzate tra loro, ma spesso
costituita per via di agglomerati giustapposti. Pi che allorganicit, alla coesione e alla
continuit, come fattori che assicurano un passaggio da una facolt allaltra, oggi siamo
molto pi interessati a notare le faglie, le soglie, i punti di rottura.
Sul piano artistico tale tendenza stata espressa perfettamente da Benjamin:
dallaura allo choc; dallo sforzo di armonizzare le facolt dellanimo allinsegna dellunit
si passa al tentativo di colpirle nella loro attivit, di bloccare il loro coordinamento, di
sconvolgere le strutture della loro sincronizzazione.

la Wissenschaft der Logik si rinvia a Lugarini 1998, 277-323. Cfr. inoltre Chiereghin 1998, 170-171, in
particolare la nota 15 in cui si esemplifica landamento speculativo con la curva periodica che descrive la
Su questa problematica appare ancora centrale il contributo presente in Scaravelli 1980. Di fondamentale
importanza rimane E. Garroni 1976.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 72-85
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33892


Francesco Valagussa
Per restare allesempio di Benjamin, laffresco contemplato dal monaco allinterno
della propria cella lungo larco di unintera vita si trasforma nel cartellone pubblicitario
che in un istante fa colpo sul passante (Benjamin 1991, I,2, 500-501).
3. Larmonia come problema
Proprio nella sua radicale smentita dellarmonia delle facolt, levoluzione
contemporanea, tuttavia, consente anche di scorgere nel criticismo kantiano una
straordinaria anticipazione del problema. Lassillo kantiano per larchitettonica e
larmonizzazione dipende proprio dalla consapevolezza della fragilit che caratterizza il
passaggio tra le facolt, lunico ponte che allepoca pareva ancora reggere. Per dirla con
Simmel, tolta limpalcatura su cui si reggeva ledificio del mondo (Simmel 1918, 64), tutto
si risolve nella prestazione e nella funzione dellio: lio la vitalit del processo del
mondo, che consiste nel collegare quegli elementi in modo comprensibile, costruttivo di
oggetti, e capace di dar forma al caos della sensibilit (ivi, 124).
Questa stessa attivit dellio, nondimeno, si rivela ben diversa da quella stabilit e
permanenza che si soliti attribuirgli. Simmel intravvede il suo inquieto procedere per
salti (ivi, 55), ma certamente il problema non era sfuggito allideatore dello Ich denke. Al
contrario, sin dalla tormentata stesura della Critica della ragione pura possibile scorgere
il dramma di Kant, ossessionato dalla tenuta complessiva del sistema: in seguito al totale
rovesciamento della prospettiva metafisica per cui non saranno pi le facolt a doversi
accordare alloggetto, ma saranno gli oggetti a doversi accordare al nostro modo di
conoscere (KrV, AA 03: B166-167), la natura come complesso regolato di leggi cessa di
avere unesistenza autonoma e lintelletto diventa condizione di possibilit della natura
stessa (KrV, AA 03: A126-127). 10 Dopo aver operato questo strategico arretramento di
posizione, o forse si dovrebbe dire un rovesciamento di posizioni, Kant si preoccupa di
sondare continuamente la tenuta del nuovo fronte.
Larmonia corre il pericolo di infrangersi a vari livelli: partendo per cos dire dal
limite superiore, certamente il problema investe il rapporto tra le diverse facolt, ma appare
senzaltro pi interessante intraprendere la strada opposta e risalire a partire dal limite
inferiore. Qui possibile esporre soltanto in estrema sintesi quali siano i rischi maggiori
1) Il problema dellomogeneit tra la cosiddetta materia greggia e la nostra
capacit di conoscere in generale determina appunto quel rovesciamento di
fronte appena menzionato.


Lintelletto viene considerato condizione di possibilit della natura stessa, intesa come sistema regolato di
apparenze. Non si tratta certo di un hapax, bens piuttosto di un Leit Motiv del criticismo. Il medesimo
ragionamento si trova in KrV, AA 03: B263 / A216.
Per unanalisi delle strutture e delle implicazioni presenti nella Deduzione in particolare con riferimento
alla facolt del giudizio qui si pu soltanto rimandare a R. Brand 1991. Qui si offrir solo una tripartizione


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 72-85
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33892

Kant. Il trascendentale e larmonia delle facolt

2) Proprio tale rovesciamento comporta, tuttavia, il problema di una possibile

eterogeneit tra la facolt ricettiva e quella della spontaneit, affrontato nella
deduzione trascendentale che si concentra prima sulla capacit
dimmaginazione, nella versione del 1781, e che in seguito subisce una radicale
revisione nelledizione del 178712, dove si assegna maggiore rilievo alla facolt
3) La deduzione spalanca tuttavia la vista su un ulteriore problema relativo alla
compatibilit tra intuizioni e categorie: la loro eterogeneit potrebbe rendere
impossibile la sintesi da parte dellintelletto e a tale problematica dedicato
lintero schematismo trascendentale.
Nei diversi gradi di sviluppo del problema Kant si preoccupa di assicurare
omogeneit, di individuare momenti di mediazione che possano tenere insieme intuizioni e
concetti: la celebre espressione lo io penso deve potere accompagnare tutte le mie
rappresentazioni (KrV, AA 03: B131) rivela come del resto si sarebbe intuito gi con
Schopenhauer13 il carattere problematico e non certo apodittico del grande mediatore
cui venne affidata lintera impalcatura del mondo, per adoperare la terminologia cara a
In effetti lio penso emerge proprio come momento risolutivo che garantisce la
connessione delle rappresentazioni nella forma dellautocoscienza: grazie per cos dire
allapporto fornito dalla dimensione coscienziale quella che era una pura e semplice
intuizione si trasforma in percezione e dunque sinserisce in quella connessione stabile e
permanente che lesperienza in quanto costruzione dellintelletto. A prescindere da quella
grande funzione accompagnatrice svolta dallio penso o la rappresentazione risulterebbe
impossibile, oppure, almeno per me, essa non sarebbe niente (KrV, AA 03, B132).
In tal modo il problema della connessione trova una sua risoluzione soltanto sul
piano trascendentale: non si esclude la possibilit che vi siano intuizioni costrette a
rimanere al di sotto del livello di coscienza, ma proprio perci tali intuizioni non
raggiungerebbero mai lo statuto di rappresentazioni e dunque non entrerebbero mai a far
parte della concatenazione esperienziale.
Affidarsi allo io penso la strategia mediante cui nella seconda edizione della
Critica della ragione pura, Kant cerca di risolvere il problema incontrato nella prima
stesura, ossia labisso in cui consiste la capacit dimmaginazione trascendentale, che si
trova esattamente a met strada tra lessere meramente determinabile (blo bestimmbar)
come il senso e lessere gi determinante (bestimmend) come sar poi peculiarit specifica
dellintelletto, anche nella seconda edizione dellopera (cfr. KrV, 03: B151-152).


Sulla differenza tra le due edizioni con specifico riferimento alla deduzione trascendentale il contributo
fondamentale rimane quello di Heidegger 1973, 123-124.
Cfr. Schopenhauer 1988, I, 575-576: Deve potere: questa unenunciazione problematico-apodittica;
per esser chiari, una frase che prende con una mano ci che d con laltra.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 72-85
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33892


Francesco Valagussa
Del fiume carsico mediante cui opera la capacit di immaginazione nulla
conosciamo se non leffetto (Wirkung)14, ossia il risultato di quel lavorio sotterraneo che
associa tra loro le intuizioni, trasformandole in rappresentazioni, avendole gi concatenate:
tale risultato si presenta dunque nei termini di un flusso esperienziale gi configurato,
costante e continuo.
4. La Critica del giudizio: per riannodare i fili spezzati
Abbiamo visto come la Critica della ragion pura si costituisca a partire dalla
rottura dellarmonia tra essere e pensiero, cos come la Critica della ragione pratica
prende avvio dallinfrangersi di ogni nesso capace di legare virt e felicit. Di fronte al
crollo di tale impalcatura, lo io penso si vede destinato a farsi carico di un ruolo
decisivo nelleconomia del criticismo. Nella terza Critica Kant prova a recuperare i fili
spezzati, tessendoli nuovamente secondo un ordito trascendentale e una trama che viene
affidata interamente allo statuto del giudizio riflettente (cfr. Garroni, 1990, 7-19).
LAnalitica del bello per un verso e lAnalitica del sublime per laltro svolgono un
ruolo decisivo in rapporto alle disarmonie emerse a partire dalle prime due critiche.
Kant sottolinea come il secondo momento dellAnalitica del bello costituisca la
chiave per risolvere lintera critica del gusto (KU, AA 05, B27 / A27). Nel 9 si discute il
ruolo del piacere in rapporto alla valutazione delloggetto: soltanto facendo precedere la
valutazione delloggetto rispetto allinsorgere del sentimento di piacere si pu assicurare al
giudizio riflettente una caratura trascendentale. Il problema riguarda lo statuto soggettivo e
insieme oggettivo del giudizio: Kant costretto a elaborare una strategia che consenta di
assegnare a un giudizio apparentemente del tutto soggettivo un certo profilo di
oggettivit. Si tratta di trovare un criterio doggettivit, ossia un orizzonte di
condivisibilit, senza che ci si trasformi in un contenuto universalizzabile e necessario
(che risulterebbe appannaggio del giudizio determinante).15
Tale contenuto, a un tempo condiviso senza essere universale, in un certo senso
accomunante senza essere riconducibile a un concetto determinato, coincide unicamente
con la situazione in cui le facolt si trovano reciprocamente disposte nella maniera
migliore in vista di una conoscenza in generale. Si noti che un simile contesto comporta
esattamente una condizione di armonia tra la facolt dellintelletto e la facolt
In queste pagine larmonia ritorna potentemente come fondamento trascendentale
dellintera dinamica di funzionamento delle facolt. Il rapporto che si instaura tra
immaginazione e intelletto viene descritto icasticamente come un libero gioco (ein freies

Cfr. KrV, AA 03: B152: la sua sintesi devessere la sintesi trascendentale della capacit di
immaginazione: cio un effetto (Wirkung) che lintelletto produce sulla sensibilit (e al tempo stesso
fondamento di tutte le altre).
Sul rapporto tra giudizio determinante e giudizio riflettente, e in particolare sui loro rapporti allinterno
della terza Critica, possiamo soltanto rinviare a Deleuze1963, 109-111. Sullo stesso problema si veda
Desideri 2003.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 72-85
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33892

Kant. Il trascendentale e larmonia delle facolt

Spiel) (KU, AA 05: B28 / A28): la celebre espressione era gi stata adoperata da Lessing
nel suo Laocoonte (Lessing 1961, 179), dove si afferma gi a chiare lettere che fruttuoso
solo ci che d libero gioco allimmaginazione. Quanto pi vediamo, tanto pi dobbiamo
rifletterci. Tale formula viene ripresa nella Critica del Giudizio nellobiettivo, per, di
conferire al giudizio riflettente un sostrato trascendentale.
Lincapacit da parte dellintelletto di recuperare un concetto sotto il quale
sussumere lintuizione apre il campo a una sorta di vuoto legislativo, che viene riempito
dallimmaginazione, la quale si scopre non soltanto ricettiva, ma anche spontanea,
assumendo un ruolo per cos dire creativo: di fronte allimpasse in cui si trova lintelletto
nel fornire la regola determinata, limmaginazione scopre non un nuovo territorio cui
imporre la propria legislazione16, bens la propria autonomia (di giudizio).
La possibilit di unarmonia tra le due facolt per un verso viene avvertita
soggettivamente, per laltro verso accomuna su un piano oggettivo e si pone quale
condizione per il funzionamento stesso dellio penso come attivit che accompagna ogni
rappresentazione. Larmonia tra facolt costituisce una sorta di margine che Kant residua
dallillusione di unarmonia tra le cose del mondo e lintelletto conoscente.
Analogamente, nellanalitica del sublime si tenta di ricomporre i cocci prodotti
dalla Critica della ragione pratica: loperazione kantiana risulta uguale e contraria rispetto
a quella messa in campo nellanalitica del bello. Invece di sottolineare larmonia delle
facolt, coinvolgendo intelletto e immaginazione, il sublime si caratterizza come momento
in cui lanimo avverte una profonda e irrimediabile disarmonia, che concerne il rapporto
tra ragione e immaginazione. Se limmaginazione era riuscita a coinvolgere lintelletto in
un libero gioco, ora si trova invece a patire unincolmabile distanza rispetto al desiderio
dellincondizionato che caratterizza la ragione. Nessuna immagine pu essere adeguata a
rappresentare la totalit della serie:
il compiacimento per il sublime della natura non che negativo, cio un
sentimento del privarsi, da parte dellimmaginazione, della sua propria libert, in
quanto essa viene determinata finalisticamente secondo una legge diversa da quella
delluso empirico. Con ci essa acquista una potenza che pi grande di quella che
sacrifica, ma il cui fondamento nascosto a lei stessa, che invece sente il sacrifico
o la privazione cui sottoposta (KU, AA 05: B 117 / A115-116).

La percezione di una distanza irrecuperabile e dunque di una profonda

inadeguatezza dellimmaginazione instilla nellanimo il sentimento del rispetto:17 gi qui si
spalanca la porta che pu introdurre direttamente al regno dei fini. Linadeguatezza apre la
strada al sacrificio, ma il sacrificio a sua volta risveglia lautonomia e dunque la libert
dellanimo. Liniziale controfinalismo si trasforma cos in un compiacimento negativo (ein


Fondamentale a proposito dellassenza di un territorio dellimmaginazione il rilievo presente in Deleuze

1963, 111.
Cfr. KrV AA 03: B96 / A95: il sentimento dellinadeguatezza della nostra facolt a raggiungere unidea
che per noi legge il rispetto.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 72-85
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33892


Francesco Valagussa
negatives Wohlgefallen):18 la stessa espressione si trova nella Critica della ragione pratica
(KpV, AA 05: A 212) in riferimento alla Selbstzufriedenheit come consapevolezza di non
aver bisogno di nulla.
Se per un verso il sentimento suscitato dal dovere nome grande e sublime
(KpV, AA 05: A 154), come si legge nella seconda Critica si alimenta
dellincomparabilit che sussiste tra sensibile e sovrasensibile, per un altro verso la pura e
semplice possibilit di avvertire tale distanza risveglia lidea di una superiorit rispetto alla
natura. La distanza che contrassegna il dovere rispetto allempirico si trasforma in
sentimento dindipendenza e di autonomia: la disarmonia per cos dire leffetto provocato
dallinsufficienza dellempirico rispetto allincondizionato. Tramite il sentimento del
sublime si ridesta la destinazione sovrasensibile dellanimo umano: lintero ambito
fenomenico si raccoglie e si annoda attorno a un punto pi alto.
Larmonia, nel caso dellanalitica del bello, e la disarmonia, nel caso dellanalitica
del sublime, devono essere intese come occasioni di collaborazione tra le facolt: per un
verso rivelando momenti di coerenza tra immaginazione e intelletto nel libero gioco, per
laltro verso mostrando il sacrificio dellimmaginazione dinnanzi alla ragione, la Critica
del giudizio rappresenta un luogo di dialogo tra le facolt dellanimo (cfr. Hohenegger
2004, 166-177). Anche linadeguatezza percepita nel sentimento del sublime si rivela
funzionale alla cooperazione: larmonia perduta sul piano del rapporto tra oggetto e facolt
viene dunque riconquistata allinterno di un margine trascendentale.
5. Dare la regola: arte e natura
La lettura della Critica del giudizio con particolare riferimento ai paragrafi
dedicati allarte del genio costringe ad assistere a unultima inversione di marcia, che
prende in contropiede lintero sistema del criticismo e pone nuovamente in discussione lo
statuto dellarmonia tra le facolt.
Si visto come nellottica kantiana si debba rinunciare alle armonie prestabilite.
La radicalit della cosiddetta rivoluzione copernicana conduce Kant a una sorta di
trasvalutazione delle leggi dellintelletto,19 sino al punto di affermare che lintelletto
dunque non semplicemente una facolt per costruire regole con il raffronto delle
apparenze; esso stesso il legislatore della natura, ossia, senza intelletto non vi sarebbe
assolutamente una natura, cio ununit sintetica del molteplice delle apparenze secondo
regole (KrV, AA 03: A 126-127).
Nella Critica della ragione pura lintelletto assegna regole alle apparenze e cos si
costituisce come legislatore e condizione di possibilit della natura stessa. Analogamente
nella Critica della ragione pratica, la celebre massima Agisci in modo che la massima
della tua volont possa sempre valere, insieme, come principio di una legislazione
universale (KpV, AA 05: A 54) dipende da una costruzione tutta interna alle facolt

Cfr. KU, AA 05: B117 / A115.

Per unanalisi dellevoluzione del pensiero kantiano circa il ruolo dellintelletto cfr. Hinske 1970, 109-112.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 72-85
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33892

Kant. Il trascendentale e larmonia delle facolt

dellanimo: per non inquinare lincondizionatezza del dovere tramite il riferimento a un

contenuto empirico e dunque dovendo mantenere un carattere puramente formale 20
limperativo categorico si trova costretto a ricalcare quel principio di una legislazione
universale che contraddistingue in realt il regno della natura.
Lanalogia permette di constatare come nelle prime due Critiche le regole siano
imposte dallattivit delle facolt ora secondo leggi di natura, ora secondo massime della
volont, ma sempre in quanto costruzione interna che assegna un ordinamento allesterno
in mancanza di unarmonia precostituita e precedente rispetto allattivit del soggetto.
Tale prospettiva, massimamente consolidata tramite lanalitica del bello e del
sublime, viene rovesciata nuovamente nel caso del genio, inteso come disposizione
danimo innata (ingenium) mediante la quale la natura d la regola allarte (KU, AA 05:
B181 / A178). Se lintero criticismo concepito come attiva imposizione di regole al regno
della natura e al regno dei fini da parte delle facolt, nella Critica del giudizio si assiste a
una natura che torna a dettare la regola allarte. Kant concepisce larte come il nucleo pi
intimo in cui il soggetto sperimenta la propria autonomia, come luogo di autentica
formazione del giudizio, facolt capace di sentire da un lato il libero gioco delle facolt e
dallaltro il rispetto.
Qui sembra affiorare lidea di una pi originaria consonanza: pur avendo dovuto
presupporre la totale eterogeneit e dunque la pi completa estraneit tra la materia greggia
e le facolt dellanimo, tuttavia lesperienza accade e dunque una qualche forma di accordo
devessere per lo meno possibile.
Senza dubbio il trascendentale provvede a rintuzzare ogni illusione di dialogo con
loggetto fuori di noi, anzi il trascendentale potrebbe addirittura essere inteso come
strategia generale di tale disincantamento. Il progetto di rifondazione trascendentale
dellidea di armonia (ora intesa come costruzione tutta interna alle facolt) non pregiudica
per la possibilit di pensare21 a una affinit pi originaria, certamente ormai dimenticata e
inattingibile, ma che torna prepotentemente a farsi-sentire tramite levento dellarte.


Sullautentico significato del formalismo kantiano allinterno dellimperativo categorico si veda Heidegger
1982, 279.
Pensare in senso tecnico, ossia riflettere senza lapporto di concetti e dunque senza comportare
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 72-85
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33892


Francesco Valagussa

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N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 72-85
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33892

Kant. Il trascendentale e larmonia delle facolt

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International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 72-85
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33892


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 86-99
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33901

Die bereinstimmung zwischen Einbildungskraft und Verstand

und die Erkenntnis berhaupt

The Harmony between Understanding and Imagination, and the

Cognition in General


Universitt Genua, Italien

Im ersten Teil des Aufsatzes diskutiere ich die Bedeutung des Syntagmas Erkenntnis berhaupt,
das Kant im 9 der KU einfhrt, um sowohl das Problem der allgemeinen Mitteilbarkeit des dem
Geschmacksurteil zugrundeliegenden Gemtszustandes, als auch das Problem der Natur der
sthetischen bereinstimmung zwischen Verstand und Einbildungskraft aufzulsen: Whrend der
sthetischen Erfahrung ist es zwar notwendig, dass sie sich miteinander verbinden, als ob sie auf
die Gegenstandserkenntnis ausgerichtet wren, aber ihre Beziehung besteht in einem freien Spiel
auf dem vortheoretischen Niveau der reinen Erkenntnisform. Ich erforsche auch eine interessante,
wenn auch zu wenig studierte, Folge der Vermgensharmonie: das Entstehen eines besonderen
Zeitbewusstseins im Betrachtungssubjekt. Im zweiten Teil, auf der Basis von einigen Textstellen
bewerte ich die mglichen Antworten auf einen von einigen Auslegern erhobenen Einwand,
nmlich dass aus Kants Lsung des Problems der Vermgensharmonie die Notwendigkeit folgt,
alle Erfahrungsobjekte als schn zu definieren.
Kant; Vermgensharmonie; Erkenntnis berhaupt; Geschmacksurteil

Prof. an der Philosophischen Fakultt der Universitt Genua. E-Mail fr Kontakt: .

[Recibido: 30 de septiembre de 2015

Aceptado: 14 de octubre de 2015]


Die bereinstimmung zwischen Einbildungskraft und Verstand

In the first part of this paper I discuss the meaning of the syntagm cognition in general,
introduced by Kant in the 9 of the KU to solve the problem both of the communicability of the
mental state underlying the judgment of taste and of the aesthetic harmony between
understanding and imagination: during the aesthetic experience it is necessary that they join as if
they aim at object knowledge, but their relationship consists in a free play at the pre-theoretical
level of the pure cognitive form. I also investigate an interesting, but too little studied, consequence
of the harmony between the cognitive powers: the emergence of a specific time-consciousness in
the observer. In the second part I examine, on the basis of some text passages, the possible answers
to an objection made by some scholars, i.e. that from Kants solution of the problem of the
harmony between the cognitive powers arises the necessity to define all objects of experience as
Key words
Understanding; Imagination; Harmony; Cognition in general; Judgment of taste

Eine der grten Schwierigkeiten in der Auslegung des letzten Teils vom zweiten Moment
des Geschmacksurteils ergibt sich aus dem Verhltnis, das Kant zwischen der
Mitteilbarkeit und der Verallgemeinbarkeit des individuellen Geschmacksurteils einerseits,
und dem Thema der Erkenntnis andererseits herstellt.1 Im 9 erklrt er, dass die Lust der
Beurteilung des Gegenstandes nicht vorhergehen kann, weil die unauflsbare
Verbindung zwischen Lust und Sinnenempfindung das Verbleiben am Niveau der
Privatgltigkeit nach sich ziehen und das Erreichen der gesuchten Allgemeingltigkeit
verbieten wrde2. Es gibt aber ein groes Hindernis, das der allgemeinen Mitteilung des
dem Geschmacksurteil zugrundeliegenden Gemtszustandes im Wege steht: Es kann
[] nichts allgemein mitgetheilt werden als Erkenntni und Vorstellung, sofern sie zum
Erkenntni gehrt.3 Kant schliet seinen komplizierten Gedankengang in einer ziemlich
kryptischen Weise:
Soll nun der Bestimmungsgrund des Urtheils ber diese allgemeine Mittheilbarkeit der
Vorstellung blo subjectiv, nmlich ohne einen Begriff vom Gegenstande, gedacht
werden, so kann er kein anderer als der Gemthszustand sein, der im Verhltnisse der
Vorstellungskrfte zu einander angetroffen wird, sofern sie eine gegebene Vorstellung auf
Erkenntni berhaupt beziehen.4

Zu einer krzeren Behandlung des fraglichen Themas s. Meo (2013, S. 147-151).

Wie bekannt, ist das Geschmacksurteil kein eigentliches Urteil, weil es nicht objektiv ist und schn kein
Begriff ist (und also kein Prdikat vom Gegenstand sein kann). Daher widerspricht es der allgemeinen
Definition von 19 der KrV B, nach der das Urteil ein objektiv gltigesVerhltnis (oder die objektive
Einheit gegebener Vorstellungen) ist. S. Kulenkampff (1994, S. 118-119) u. Meo (2011, S. 26-34).
KU 217.
Ebd. Vgl. EEKU, VIII, 224.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 86-99
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33901


Oscar Meo
Der logisch-theoretischen Bedeutung von berhaupt in der Philosophie Kants
gem, abstrahiert die Erkenntnis berhaupt von jeglicher Bestimmung: Sie ist die reine
Erkenntnisform, ohne einen besonderen Inhalt und ohne Bezug auf besondere Begriffe.6 Es
gibt also eine gewisse (wenn auch schwache) hnlichkeit mit der logischen Struktur des
Geschmacksurteils, das von jedem Begriff absieht. Das Problem wird klar genug an der
folgenden Stelle aus der R 988 (1783-84) errtert:

Wenn sich das Urtheil aufs obiect bezieht, gleichwohl aber kein bestimter Begrif von
irgend einem obiect, noch auch von irgend einer nach Regeln bestimmbaren Beziehung
aufs Subiect das Urtheil desselben nothwendig macht: so mu es sich auf obiect
berhaupt durch Gemthskrafte der Erkentnis berhaupt beziehen. Denn da ist kein
bestimmter Begrif, sondern blos das Gefhl der durch Begriffe berhaupt einer
Mittheilung fhigen Bewegung der Erkentniskrfte das, was den Grund des Urtheils

Die Einfhrung des Begriffs Erkenntnis berhaupt scheint eine innere

Notwendigkeit der Erkenntnistheorie Kants zu sein. Das menschliche Gemt ist so
strukturiert, dass die Erkenntnisvermgen allein weder stehen noch funktionieren knnen:
Der Verstand braucht die Synthesis der Einbildungskraft (sonst wre er ein intellectus
archetypus); die Einbildungskraft braucht die Kontrolle des Verstandes, ohne die sie auf
die Schwrmerei, auf das wilde Herausbrechen der Phantasie hinauslaufen wrde.8 Also,
wenn auch ein bestimmter Erkenntniszweck fehlt, muss es einen Faden (eine sozusagen
instabile chemische Verbindung) geben, der Einbildungskraft und Verstand zueinander in
eine Beziehung setzt, die nicht identisch mit der eine bestimmte Erkenntnis bewirkenden
Verknpfung sein kann. In Analogie zu dieser letzten, auch im Fall der Lust ist es
notwendig, dass die Vermgen sich miteinander verbinden, als ob sie auf die Erkenntnis
eines Gegenstands ausgerichtet wren. 9 Was die Anordnung und die Ttigkeit der
Vermgen betrifft, ist also der kognitive Bezug auf den Gegenstand das Vorbild der
sthetischen bereinstimmung, insofern er als Vorbild einer gelungenen bereinstimmung
berhaupt gilt; aber im Fall des Geschmacksurteils halten Verstand und Einbildungskraft

Zur Erklrung vom semantischen Feld des Adverbs vgl. De Vleeschauwer (1976, Bd. 2, S. 464-465).
Die Rtselhaftigkeit vom Syntagma, das in der Vernunftlehre von Georg Friedrich Meyer (d.h. im
Handbuch, das Kant zu seinen Logikvorlesungen verwendete) auftritt, wurde schon von Basch (1896, 237)
hervorgehoben. Es erscheint in vielen Stellen der Werke Kants. Was betrifft die KU, s. 12, 222 u. 21, AA
05: 238. Mit Bezug auf den alten Begriff von der sthetischen Vollkommenheit, s. R 1800 u. 1894. Zu einem
auersthetischen Kontext s. R 2162 u. 4934, die den formalen Charakter der logischen Wahrheitskriterien
behandeln u. also in Verhltnis zu einem Thema der Einl. in die Transz. Logik der KrV sind). Auf die
Vermgensharmonie zu einer Erkenntnis berhaupt weisen die R 1931 u. 1935 hin.
AA 15: 432. Zur Wichtigkeit der Refl vgl. Dumouchel (1994, S. 429-430).
Vgl. das harte Urteil ber die Geniesthetik Herders und der Vorromantik berhaupt in den 47 u. 57 der
Das besttigt, dass die Rolle der Analogie zentral in der sthetik Kants ist, wie brigens die Einl. zeigt. Vgl.
dazu Meo (2004, S. 120-143). Nach Bartuschat (1972, S. 24), insofern die Erkenntnis berhaupt unbestimmt
ist, transzendiert sie die besonderen Erkenntnisse, sieht von irgendeinem Objekt ab und wendet sich nur an
sich selbst. Diese letzte Behauptung ist zwar kompatibel mit der Heautonomie der reflektierenden
Urteilskraft (und also mit der sthetischen Haltung), sondern nicht mit Kants Erkenntnistheorie.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 86-99
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33901

Die bereinstimmung zwischen Einbildungskraft und Verstand

auf einer Ebene an, die nicht die der kognitiven Harmonie (genauer: der Subsumtion der
Anschauungen unter Begriffe) ist, und bleiben frei zu spielen: Wenn die Einbildungskraft
ohne Begriff schematisirt,10 versetzt der Verstand ohne Begriffe die Einbildungskraft in
ein regelmiges Spiel.11
Kant fixiert den Unterschied, indem er eine mindere Frage im 9 errtert:
Auf welche Art wir uns einer wechselseitigen subjectiven bereinstimmung der
Erkenntnikrfte unter einander im Geschmacksurtheile bewut werden, ob sthetisch
durch den bloen innern Sinn und Empfindung, oder intellectuell durch das Bewutsein
unserer absichtlichen Thtigkeit, womit wir jene ins Spiel setzen.
Wre die gegebene Vorstellung, welche das Geschmacksurtheil veranlat, ein
Begriff, welcher Verstand und Einbildungskraft in der Beurtheilung des Gegenstandes zu
einem Erkenntnisse des Objects vereinigte, so wre das Bewutsein dieses Verhltnisses
intellectuell (wie im objectiven Schematism der Urtheilskraft, wovon die Kritik handelt).
Aber das Urtheil wre auch alsdann nicht in Beziehung auf Lust und Unlust gefllt,
mithin kein Geschmacksurtheil. Nun bestimmt aber das Geschmacksurtheil unabhngig
von Begriffen das Object in Ansehung des Wohlgefallens und des Prdicats der
Schnheit. Also kann jene subjective Einheit des Verhltnisses sich nur durch
Empfindung kenntlich machen.12

Kant weist auch terminologisch auf den Unterschied zwischen der Situation des
uninteressierten Wohlgefallens und der der Strukturierung der Erfahrungsmannigfaltigkeit
zum Erkenntniszweck hin: Whrend der sthetischen Betrachtung bleibt der Gegenstand
unabhngig vom Subjekt; dagegen erscheint dem Erkenntnissubjekt ein Objekt, das kraft
seiner Ttigkeit ist, was es ist. Aber das Element, das diesen Gegensatz eigentlich
charakterisiert, ist die verschiedene Funktion der Erkenntnisstrukturen: Einerseits aktiviert
sich ein sthetischer (diesmal im etymologischen Sinne, in dem das Wort in der KrV
verwendet wird: zur asthesis gehriger) Prozess, der den inneren Sinn und die
Empfindung betrifft; andererseits betrifft der kognitive Prozess Einbildungskraft, Verstand
und bestimmende Urteilskraft.13 In diesem Kontext, der reich an expliziten und impliziten
Hinweisen auf die KrV ist, zeigt Kant die Entgegensetzung zwischen dem Prozess des
inneren Sinnes einerseits und dem der Einbildungskraft und des Verstandes andererseits,
wenn sie verknpftet sind und der Schematismus sich verwirklicht.
Diese ist eine der wenigen Stellen der Kritik der sthetischen Urteilskraft, an der es
einen, wenn auch elliptischen und marginalen, Bezug auf die Zeit gibt, d.h. auf die Form
des inneren Sinnes, die in der KrV die Prozessstruktur der Schemen charakterisiert. Ohne
Zweifel tritt die Zeit auch im ersten Moment des Geschmacksurteils auf, wie Kants kurze

KU, 35, AA 05: 287.

KU, 40, AA 05: 296.
KU, 9, AA 05: 218-219.
Diese Unterscheidung, die der Definition des Geschmacksurteils in KU, 15 zugrunde liegt (s. auch EEKU,
VIII, AA 20: 222), steht in Zusammenhang mit der berhmten Anmerkung der KrV A 21/B 35 zur
Bedeutung vom Wort sthetik.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 86-99
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33901


Oscar Meo
Diskussion der sukzessiven Auffassung und der Synthesis (oder der Zusammenfassung)
des Mannigfaltigen in einer Gestalt zeigt14; aber im zweiten Moment, wo das Thema von
der Vermgensharmonie zum kognitivem Zeck oder zum zweckfreiem Spiel zentral ist, ist
die Funktion der Zeit noch wirkungsvoll. Das Problem ist nicht, die Weise des bergangs
von einem Begriff zu einem Bild und umgekehrt (nach der bidirektionalen Bewegung top
down und bottom up, die das Schematismuskapitel beschreibt) zu bestimmen, sondern zu
verstehen, wie Verstand und Einbildungskraft sich in ihrem Spiel einer Zeitlichkeit gem
harmonisieren, die die der Schemen nicht sein kann,15 weil keine objektive Erkenntnis und
kein Unterordnen vom Gestaltungs- und Vorstellungsprozess der Objekte nach
bestimmten, von Verstand und Einbildungskraft gegebenen Regeln stattfindet. Hier handelt
es sich um die Zeitlichkeit des inneren Sinnes, d.h. die Subjektstruktur, die wesentlich auch
zum Bewusstsein der eigenen Identitt (oder auch: des empirischen Ichs) beitrgt16 und
zu der Kant in der KrV sagt, dass sie die Art ist, wie das Gemt durch eigene Thtigkeit,
nmlich dieses Setzen seiner Vorstellung, mithin durch sich selbst afficirt wird.17
Zwar ist das psychologische Erlebnis leicht zu beschreiben: Ich kann nicht bewusst
sein, bei der Betrachtung vom sthetischen Gegenstand zu weilen (wie Kant im 12
sagen wird), und kann nicht wnschen, in meinem gegenwrtigen Gemtszustand zu
bleiben, ohne ein paralleles Bewusstsein der Zeitlichkeit von meinem Akt zu haben; der
Gegenstand kann meine Aufmerksamkeit nicht erwecken, ohne dass sozusagen eine
Selbstaffektion, eine Modifikation meines inneren Sinnes auftritt; 18 meine Vermgen
knnen nicht frei spielen und miteinander bereinstimmen, ohne dass ich ein paralleles
Bewusstsein der Zeitlichkeit meiner sthetischen Haltung habe. Nicht nur auf Grund der
Definition von innerem Sinn in der KrV, aber auch der in der KU verwendeten
Terminologie ist es notwendig, von einer Gemtsttigkeit zu sprechen: Kant selbst
behauptet im schon zitierten 12, dass die Betrachtung sich selbst whrend der
Verweilung bei dem Gegenstand strkt und reproducirt, wenn auch das Gemt passiv
in dieser Situation ist.19 Und, wenn auch die starren Regeln und die auf die Erkenntnis
ausgerichtete Vermgensharmonie den Prozesscharakter meines sthetischen Gefhls (das

Vgl. KU, 1, AA 05: 204.

Zu einer weiteren Untersuchung ber die Vermittlungsfunktion der Schemen zwischen sinnlichen Begriffen
und Bildern vgl. Meo (2004, S. 90-117).
In KrV, 24, B 153 betont Kant die Notwendigkeit einer sorgfltigen Unterscheidung zwischen innerem
Sinn und transzendentaler Apperzeption, die in der Systemen der Psychologie fr einerlei ausgegeben
KrV, 8, B 67-68. Vgl. auch ebd. A 22/B 37 u.B 139.
Vgl. KrV, 24, B 156, Anm.: Ich sehe nicht, wie man so viel Schwierigkeit darin finden knne, da der
innere Sinn von uns selbst afficirt werde. Jeder Actus der Aufmerksamkeit kann uns ein Beispiel davon
geben Wie sehr das Gemth gemeiniglich hiedurch afficirt werde, wird ein jeder in sich wahrnehmen
knnen. Vgl. auch KrV, A 98-99: Die Vorstellungen gehren zum innern Sinn, und als solche sind alle
unsere Erkenntnisse zuletzt doch der formalen Bedingung des innern Sinnes, nmlich der Zeit, unterworfen,
als in welcher sie insgesammt geordnet, verknpft und in Verhltnisse gebracht werden mssen. Abgesehen
davon, dass die KrV A u. B voneinander abweichen, was die Theorie vom inneren Sinn angeht, ist das
Wichtigste, dass die fragliche Stelle der KU das Gefhl betrifft, das unzweifelhaft etwas Inneres ist.


Nach Bartuschat (1972, S. 95) ist die Subjektttigkeit die Voraussetzung des Geschmacksurteils.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 86-99
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33901

Die bereinstimmung zwischen Einbildungskraft und Verstand

auch ein Lebensgefhl ist) nicht modellieren knnen, wird der innere Sinn eine solche
Wirkung erreichen.20 Vom Standpunkt der kognitiv orientierten Vermgen sind Art und
Weise vom Prozess unbestimmt (weil die Synthesis ihm fremd ist), aber vom Standpunkt
des Subjekts der sthetischen Erfahrung ist er reich an Lebendigkeit und semantisch voll.
Die Betrachtungen vom 9 zeigen darum interessante, wenn auch unentwickelte
Verhltnisse mit einem Problem, dem Kant eine groe Aufmerksamkeit nach der KrV
widmete: das zweifache (transzendentale und psychologische) Ich. 21 Wie bereits
aufgetaucht, ist das psychologische Ich als Subjekt von Erlebnissen ein empirisches und
zeitlich bedingtes Bewusstsein, das entweder als den Gefhlzustand begleitender
Gemtsakt oder als Erkenntnisbewusstsein gedeutet werden kann.22
Man knnte sogar vermuten, dass Kant das sthetische Erlebnis als einen Zustand
betrachtet, der vor der Erkenntnis berhaupt anhlt und eine ihrer subjektiven
Bedingungen ist, eben darum, weil man sich noch auf dem kognitiv unvollkommenen
Niveau der ueren (der Empfindung) und inneren (des inneren Sinnes) asthesis findet.
Daher wre die Vermgensharmonie nur vorkognitiv. Weil man es nur mit einer
Vorprogrammierung in einem kognitiven Sinn zu tun htte, wrde man sich nur im
Vorhalle der phnomenalen Erfahrung finden und knnte man nur von einer Prdisposition
und einer Vorbereitung im Hinblick auf die Erkenntnis berhaupt sprechen.
Nun entspringt jedoch eine Schwierigkeit. Es ist unmglich, dass die sthetische
Reflexion ber einen Gegenstand von seiner Wiedererkennung absieht: Man kann keines
Geschmacksurteil aussprechen, das immer die Form dieses x ist schn hat, ohne einen
Begriff von x zu haben. Daher findet auch in diesem Fall jene figrliche Synthesis statt,
die im 24 der KrV B eine wichtige Rolle innerhalb des Vereinigungsprozesses vom
Mannigfaltigen der Sinnenanschauung hat; und sofern diese Synthesis ein Ergebnis der
produktiven Einbildungskraft ist und a priori verfhrt, erklrt sie den transzendentalen
Charakter vom Aufbauprozess eines Objekts besser als die Synthesis der Reproduktion

Makkreel (1994, S. 93) betont den Unterschied zwischen kognitiver und sthetischer Zeit: Der Fluss
der Zeit verlangsamt sich whrend der Verweilung beim Schnen. S. auch Kaulbach (1984, S. 113-114).
Kontemplation (der Latinismus, der als Synonym von Betrachtung im 2 auftritt) ist nicht identisch mit
Aufhebung der Zeit: Wenn auch Kant einer alten und reichen berlieferung im ersten Moment folgt, indem
seine Deutung vom Verhltnis zum sthetischen Gegenstand als uninteressiert nicht nur dem delectare des
Horaz, sondern auch dem frui Augustins als freiem geistigem Genuss von einem geistigen Gute nahesteht,
haltet er die sthetische Erfahrung nicht fr ein ekstatisches Erlebnis, ein mystisches Auer-Sich-Sein.
Das Thema tritt schon in der KrV A auf: vgl. die Unterscheidung zwischen empirischem Bewusstsein der
eigenen Identitt in der Zeit und stehendem oder bleibendem Selbst whrend der Behandlung der
Synthesis der Rekognition im Begriffe. Es wird jedoch explizit behandelt in FM, AA 20: 270 u. ApH, 4,
AA 07: 134, Anm. Zur Beziehung zwischen Psychologie und Transzendentalphilosophie in Kants sthetik
vgl. die wirkungsvollen berlegungen Brandts (1994, S. 37-40) zur Zeitlichkeit des freien Spiels.
Soweit ich wei, fehlt noch ein Gesamtstudium zum Raum- und Zeitproblem in der KU. In ihm sollte man
Kants Beobachtungen nicht nur zur sthetischen berlegenheit der Form (und also zum Moment der Qualitt
des Geschmacksurteils vgl. dazu Meo (2011, S. 34-43) und zum inneren Sinn, sondern auch zu den der
Einbildungskraft gesetzten Grenzen in der Analytik des Erhabenen ( 26-27) untersuchen: Whrend die
Auffassung ins Unendliche gehen kann, wird die Zusammenfassung immer schwerer und gelangt bald
zu ihrem Maximum (KU, AA 05: 251-252).
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 86-99
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33901


Oscar Meo
der subjektiven Deduktion der KrV A.23 Dagegen, scheint von der fraglichen Stelle der KU
eine Abzweigung der Anordnung der Vermgen (ihrer subjektiven Einheit)
stattzufinden: Indem sie sich zu einer der zwei Richtungen wenden, rufen sie ein
sthetisches zweckfreies Spiel ins Leben; indem sie sich zur anderen Richtung wenden,
verwirklichen sie ein von starren Gesetzen geregeltes Unterordnungsverhltnis zum
Man kann sich von dieser vermutlichen Aporie befreien, wenn man, abgesehen von
den Betrachtungen Kants und von seinem elliptischen und verschlungenen Gedankengang,
eine Trennung zwischen einer Synthesis, die zum Vorteil der Konstruktion des
phnomenalen Objekts, aber nicht in einer bestimmten Weise, wirkt, und einer
Erkenntnissynthesis, die der Orientierung des Subjekts in der Erscheinungswelt dienlich
ist. In der Diskussion des 9 findet man einen Beleg dafr, dass die Ebene sozusagen noch
roh ist: Kant whlt das Wort Vorstellungskrfte, dessen semantisches Feld unbestimmt
ist, um die Gesamtheit von Einbildungskraft und Verstand zu bezeichnen. Nicht nur gilt
dieses Wort sowohl fr die kognitive als auch fr die sthetische Vorstellung (deren
Unterscheidung bei Kant jedoch sehr klar ist), sondern vor allem bezeichnet es die
subjektive Seite des Erkenntnisvermgens berhaupt24.
Also meint Kant die Einbildungskraft und den Verstand sowohl in ihrer
spielerischen als auch in ihrer nach der Erkenntnis ausgerichteten Ttigkeit, aber vor ihrer
Spezialisierung in einem dieser Sinnen. Damit sich ein sthetischer Bezug auf den
Gegenstand verwirklicht, gengt es, dass diese noch kognitiv unvollkommene
bereinstimmung erreicht wird, in der die Vorstellung sich zur Erkenntnis berhaupt
Eine fragwrdige Deutung behauptet, dass es mglich ist, das Syntagma
Erkenntnis berhaupt durch einen Vergleich mit dem 12 von der KrV B zu
erklren.25An dieser Stelle kritisiert Kant die vermeintlich transscendentalen Prdicate der

Zur Rolle der figrlichen Synthesis innerhalb des Erkenntnisprozesses s. Meo (2004, S. 78-90).
Kant verwendet Vorstellungskraft (die vis repraesentativa Baumgartens) gelegentlich in seinen
vorkritischen Schriften und fter von der KrV A aus. Unter Bercksichtigung des semantisch weiten Feldes
des Wortes Vorstellung, das die Gemtsttigkeiten berhaupt (Wahrnehmungen, Empfindungen,
Phantasien, Begriffe, usw.) bezeichnet, nimmt Vorstellungskraft nie eine technische Bedeutung an.
Wichtiger aus einem theoretischen Standpunkt ist das semantisch verwandte Wort Vorstellungsvermgen,
das die subjektive Voraussetzung der Erkenntnis bezeichnet. Die Vermehrung seiner Verwendung und die
Przisierung von seinem subjektiven Charakter stehen im Zusammenhang mit der Verteidigung vom
Kritizismus gegen Reinhold, der das Vorstellungsvermgen fr den Grund der Erkenntnisvermgen hielt und
daher Kants Dualismus, d.h. die Notwendigkeit der Verbindung zwischen Sinnlichkeit und Verstand und die
Unterscheidung zwischen Erscheinung und Ding an sich, bekmpfte.
Vgl. Fricke (1990, S. 58-64) u. Ameriks (1998, S. 438). Auch in der Vergangenheit wichen einige
Deutungen von jener der meisten Forscher ab. Nach Cohen (2007, S. 175), betrfe die Erkenntnis
berhaupt einen bestimmten Gegenstand. Dieser aber wre nicht der Gegenstand selbst, sondern nur ein
Vertretungsgegenstand oder eine Vertretungsvorstellung: Er vertrte ein nicht genauer dargestelltes
Allgemeines, dessen er als Zeichen oder Spur nur der Schatten wre. Diese Deutung der Beziehung
zwischen Allgemeinem und Einzelnem hat eine vage metaphysische (oder quasi-metaphysische) allure, die
jedoch in Kants Text nicht auftritt. Was die Deutung des Gegenstands als ein Zeichen des Allgemeinen


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 86-99
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33901

Die bereinstimmung zwischen Einbildungskraft und Verstand

Dinge der Scholastiker (d.h. unum, verum und bonum), die nichts anders als logische
Erfordernisse und Kriterien aller Erkenntni der Dinge berhaupt wren. 26 Weil die
Unbestimmtheit der Erkenntnis berhaupt mit dem freien Spiel und der
Vermgensharmonie eng verbunden ist, gibt es keinen Raum fr die vermeintliche
metaphysische Rolle von den drei praedicata generaliora. 27 Auerdem kann man nicht
vergessen, dass Kant eben diese Rolle bestreitet, indem er sie als Elemente einer
allgemeinen Logik betrachtet. Eben weil sie unbestimmt fr irgendeines Seiendes gelten
und bloe logisch-analytische Vorbedingungen sind, 28 sind sie sowohl fr die wirklichsynthetischen Erkenntnis, als auch fr das sthetische Wohlgefallen oder Missfallen
nutzlos. Es ist darum seltsam, Kant die Idee zuzuschreiben, dass Verstand und
Einbildungskraft fr eine Erkenntnis berhaupt nur miteinander bereinstimmen, wenn sie
sich an die Transzendentalien anpassen:29 Sie haben mit dem subjektiven Gemtszustand,
der Geschmacks- und Erkenntnisurteilen vorangeht, nichts zu tun.
Eine interessante Deutung dieses Problems wurde schon von Cassirer formuliert:
Das sthetische Verhalten heit zweckmig fr die Erkenntnis der Objekte berhaupt;
aber es verzichtet eben damit darauf, die Objekte in Sonderklassen aufzuteilen und sie
durch besondere Unterscheidungsmerkmale [] zu bezeichnen und zu bestimmen.30

Sowohl zur sthetischen als auch zur theoretischen Vorstellung fordert man eine
Erkenntniseinheit; aber, whrend man vom theoretischen Standpunkt den Akzent auf das
Erkenntnismoment legt, so ist vom sthetischen Standpunkt das Einheitsmoment zentral.
Drei unter den vielen theoretischen und philologischen von dieser Deutung gelegten
Probleme sind hier hervorzuheben. Erstens tritt die Formulierung Erkenntnis der Objekte
berhaupt nie an der fraglichen Stelle auf: Kant spricht immer nur von Erkenntnis
berhaupt (wie gesehen, nur im 12 von der KrV spricht er von einer Erkenntnis der
Dinge berhaupt); nie tritt darum die Idee einer allgemeinen, von einer bestimmten oder
individuell unterschiedenen Erkenntnis auf. Zweitens fhrt die These von einem Verzicht
auf die Klassenaufteilung und auf die Bestimmung der Objekte durch ihre Unterscheidung
betrifft, die die Beziehung Erscheinung-Noumenon widerspiegelt, gelten dieselben Einwnde, die man gegen
die modernen einseitig semiotisierenden Lektre Kants erheben kann (vgl. z.B. Schnrich 1981, S. 122-126.).
Zur Thesis, dass die Erscheinung, als objektiv ausgemacht, das semantische Korrelat vom Erkenntnisakt ist,
vgl. meine Diskussion der Standpunkte Schnrichs und Hogrebes (1974) (Meo 2004, S. 69).
KrV B 97-98.
Der sowohl logisch als auch chronologisch vorbereitende Charakter des freien Spiels im Vergleich mit der
bestimmten Erkenntnis wird von Brandt kraftvoll hervorgehoben: Es ist in der Tiefensphre des NochNicht-Bestimmten und in der Primrzone der Ttigkeit des Vernunftwesens anzusiedeln (1994, S. 46).
Vgl. auch KU, 73, 394, wo die Aussage, durch die die bonitas von einem Ding behauptet wird, als ein
Kinderspiel bezeichnet wird. Zur Rolle der Seinsprdikate bei Kant, s. Meo 2001.
Vgl. Fricke (1990, S. 61). Jedenfalls muss man einrumen, das Kant immer schwankend war, was den
Begriff Vollkommenheit betrifft, die untrennbar verbunden mit der Transzendentalientheorie ist und eine
wichtige Rolle im dritten Moment des Geschmacksurteils spielt (vgl. dazu Meo 2011, S. 121-132). Ein
Zeichen hierfr ist die hufige terminologische Vernderung der Bezeichnung der Vollkommenheitsarten
(vgl. Marc-Wogau 1938, S. 170): Das knnte Hinweis auf eine gewisse Schwierigkeit Kants sein, sich von
dem zu befreien, was er als nutzlosen Kram in der KrV betrachtet hatte.
Cassirer (2001, S. 303).
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 86-99
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33901


Oscar Meo
wieder zur Unbestimmtheit der von Kant abgewiesenen Seinsprdikate: Nach der
Abschaffung der bestimmenden Prdikate der Dinge bleiben noch die allgemeinsten, von
denen er sich befreit hatte, insofern er sie als bloe logische Erfordernisse (d.h. als nicht
zureichende, vor allem von ihrem tautologischen Charakter angefochtene
Erkenntnisbedingungen) betrachtet hatte. Es htte darum keinen Sinn gehabt, sie
unverndert in der KU wieder aufzugreifen. Drittens ist die sthetische Vorstellung weder
auf die allgemeine noch auf die besondere oder einzelne Erkenntnis ausgerichtet. Die
eigentmliche Vermgensharmonie in der sthetischen Erfahrung, als subjektiv
angemessene Bedingung im Hinblick auf die Erkenntnis,31 kann also nicht als ein Beleg
ihrer Anordnung zum kognitiven Zweck betrachtet werden. Andererseits wird Kant spter
erklren, dass der Gemthszustand, d.i. die Stimmung der Erkenntnikrfte zu einer
Erkenntni berhaupt, sich auch im Geschmacksurteil allgemein mittheilen lassen
Jedenfalls ist es unbestreitbar, dass die drei Prdikate (mit einem vierten, das mit
ihnen in der Geschichte der Metaphysik eng verbunden ist: dem pulchrum) in der KU
vorkommen und auch eine bedeutende Rolle haben, insofern sie die Einteilung der
zusammenfassenden Tafel der Einl. aus einem metaphysischen Standpunkt ergnzen: Das
Wahre entspricht der Erkenntnis im Naturgebiet, das Gute der Handlung im
Freiheitsgebiet, das Schne der Betrachtung im sthetischen Feld, die Einheit dem Ganzen
der Natur als System in der Mannigfaltigkeit seiner Erscheinungen, das uns erscheint, als
ob es auf unser subjektives Ordnung- und Harmoniebedrfnis ausgerichtet wre. Die
subjektive Harmonie und die Freiheit der Vermgen whrend der sthetischen Ttigkeit
scheinen also ein Mikrokosmos zu sein, der der ebenso vielen subjektiven (d.h. von uns
zugeschriebenen) Harmonie und Freiheit der Natur in der Hervorbringung ihrer Formen
Gegen die im 9 vorgebrachte These ist ein tckischer Einwand erhoben worden:
Wenn eine Vorstellung Verstand und Einbildungskraft in ein freies Spiel versetzt und
dieses in eine bereinstimmung mndet, die 1. zur Lust fhrt und sich im
Geschmacksurteil ausdrckt, 2. die Bedingung von jeder bestimmten Erkenntnis ist,
knnen wir nicht vermeiden, alle Erfahrungsobjekte als schn zu definieren.33


Vgl. KU, 9, AA 05: 218.

Ebd., 21, AA 05: 238.
Der Einwand hat verschiedene Formulierungen gehabt. Schon Basch (1896, S. 215 u. S. 245) hob hervor,
dass jedes Erkenntnisurteil ein Geschmacksurteil sein msste, wenn die fr den Geschmack erforderliche
Stimmung der Vermgen auch fr den gesunden und gemeinen Verstand notwendig ist. In neuerer Zeit:
Elliott (1968, S. 255); Bernstein (1992); Crawford (1974, S. 145); Meerbote (1982, S. 81-84; Savile (1987);
Ginsborg (1990, S. 65); Guyer (1997, S. 263-264 u. S. 286-287); Budd (2001); Rind (2002), pp. 20-30.Zu
einer Antwort, die wesentlich auf die Postulation der Existenz von verschiedenen Proportionen der
bereinstimmung (s. bes. KU, 21 u. 39) gegrndet ist, vgl.: Marc-Wogau (1938, S. 133); Ameriks (1982,
S. 298-300) u. (1998, S. 439 u. S. 442); Allison (1998, S. 478); Iber (2006, S. 117). Artikulierter und geneigt,
einen Naturunterschied zwischen der auf die Erkenntnis und der auf das Geschmackurteil ausgerichteten
Harmonie zu sehen, sind die Auflsungen von Fricke (1990, S. 52-57) u. Longuenesse (2000, S. 300-301) u.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 86-99
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33901

Die bereinstimmung zwischen Einbildungskraft und Verstand

Zumindest teilweise antwortet Kant selbst auf den Einwand im 6 der Einl: Er erklrt,
wir von dem Zusammentreffen der Wahrnehmungen mit den Gesetzen nach allgemeinen
Naturbegriffen (den Kategorieen) nicht die mindeste Wirkung auf das Gefhl der Lust in
uns antreffen, auch nicht antreffen knnen, weil der Verstand damit unabsichtlich nach
seiner Natur nothwendig verfhrt.34

Darum handelt es sich nicht um einen Gemtszustand, in dem das freie Spiel sich
verwirklicht. Einige Forscher wundern sich jedoch darber, dass der Einwand eine
Untersttzung in einigen lteren Refl, wie z.B. in der 672 (vielleicht 1769-70), wo der
implizite Bezug auf die Einheit in der Mannigfaltigkeit und auf die perfectio naturae eine
Reminiszenz an der alten Theorie der Vollkommenheit einer geordneten Welt ist:
Nun Gelten die Verhaltnisse des Raumes und der Zeit vor iederman, welche
Empfindungen man auch haben mag. Demnach ist in allen Erscheinungen die Form
allgemein gltig; diese Form wird auch nach gemeinschaftlichen Regeln der coordination
erkannt; was also der Regel der Coordination in Raum und Zeit gem ist, da geflt
nothwendig iederman und ist schn. Das Angenehme in dem Anschauen der Schonheit
komt an auf die Faslichkeit eines Gantzen, allein die Schnheit auf die allgemeine
Gltigkeit dieser schiklichen Verhaltnisse.35

Es ist unleugbar, dass die berlieferung eine wichtige Rolle an dieser und anderen
Stellen auch der kritischen Periodespielt, 36 aber es ist notwendig, den Kontext der
Beobachtungen zu der Erkenntnis berhaupt in Betracht zu ziehen. Im 9 besteht Kant
darauf, dass die Einbildungskraft (das Vermgen, das die Synthesis des Mannigfaltigen der
Anschauung bewirkt) und der Verstand (das Vermgen, das die Synthesis der
Vorstellungen im Begriff bewirkt) nicht zugunsten einer bestimmten Erkenntnis, sondern
zugunsten der Subjekt-Lust miteinander bereinstimmen. Die Erkenntnis kommt ins Spiel,
insofern es notwendig ist, eine Rechtfertigung fr die Mitteilung vom Gefhl zu finden,
(2006, S. 205-206). Bemerkenswert ist der von Allison vorgeschlagene Ausweg (2001, S. 116-117). Er
unterscheidet zwischen Harmonie und freiem Spiel der Vermgen: Whrend dieses sich auf ihre Verbindung
im Akt der reinen Reflexion bezieht, so ist jene ein Produkt der Reflexion. Seine Deutung rechtfertigt auch
die Mglichkeit vom Scheitern der Reflexion, d.h. von einer Disharmonie und einem negativen
Geschmacksurteil. Also: So wie ein freies Spiel ohne Harmonie stattfinden kann, so spricht nichts dagegen,
dass eine Harmonie ohne ein freies Spiel stattfindet; und eben dieser wre der Fall der Erkenntnis.
KU 187.Vgl. auch die Allg. Anm. zum ersten Abschn. der Analytik, ebd. 242.
AA 15: 298. (Kulenkampff 1994, S. 207, Anm. 4) behauptet plausiblerweise, dass Kant diese Stellung
aufgab, weil sie ungeeignet war, das Problem der Rechtfertigung der Forderung des Geschmacksurteils nach
der Allgemeingltigkeit aufzulsen. Er fgt hinzu, dass sich hieraus die Unzufriedenheit ber den
empirischen Ursprung dieser Forderung ergibt. Vgl. auch die zeitgenssischen R 639, 646, 648, 683, 702,
711, 715, 743 e 764 u. die spteren 1895 u. 1907. Was die Vorlesungen betrifft, s. V-Met-L1/Plitz (AA 28:
252-253). Das Thema der Vermgensharmonie tritt ausdrcklich in der V-Anth/Pillau (1777-78) AA 25:
759-760) u. in der V-Anth/Mensch (1781-82 ebd. 997) auf. Im ersten Text ist das noch nicht reife Denken
Kants schon nach der endgltigen Auflsung der KU ausgerichtet.
Was die objektivistische Deutung des Schnen in der vorkritischen Zeit betrifft, zitiert Brandt (1994, S. 2223) eine Stelle aus dem Aufsatz BDG, in dem das Thema der kosmischen Ordnung und der
bereinstimmung und schner Verknpfung der Naturdinge auftritt (AA 02: 110). Vgl. auch NTH (z.B.
AA 01: 222 u. 306).
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 86-99
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33901


Oscar Meo
das in das Geschmacksurteil mndet. Zwar ist jede bestimmte Erkenntnis mitteilbar, aber
sie hat ihren Grund eben in jenem Verhltnis zwischen den Vermgen, das der subjektive
Gemtszustand ist, in dem ihr freies Spiel sich entwickelt. Also hat die Absicht, keinen
Bezug auf einen bestimmten Erkenntniszweck zu nehmen, Kant erst zur Einfhrung jener
Erkenntnis berhaupt gebracht, die so viele Zweifel geweckt hat. Um diese Deutung zu
bestrken, kann man sich auf eine im 39 gegebenen Przisierung berufen: Die
bereinstimmung zwischen den Vermgen ist die (subjektive, aber nichtsdestoweniger
logisch-transzendentale) Bedingung der Mglichkeit sowohl der sthetischen Lust als auch
der Erkenntnis berhaupt.37
Im 9 kommt eben diese subjektive Bedingung ins Spiel38, die den Vermgen
eine kognitive (objektiv-intersubjektive) und eine sthetische (subjektive-intersubjektive)
Richtung zugesteht, wenn auch die Unterscheidung zwischen bestimmender und
reflektierender Urteilskraft (derer sich Kant hingegen im 39 bewusst ist) noch nicht
aufgetreten ist:39 Wir sind uns darber bewusst,
da dieses zum Erkenntni berhaupt schickliche subjective Verhltni eben so wohl
fr jedermann gelten und folglich allgemein mittheilbar sein msse, als es eine jede
bestimmte Erkenntni ist, die doch immer auf jenem Verhltni als subjectiver
Bedingung beruht.40

Wenn ein der mglichen Ergebnisse (das kognitive) mitteilbar ist, wird das auch das
andere sein, weil die Bedingung dieselbe ist.
Eine Betrachtung, die der zuvor zitierten Stelle aus der VI der Einl. folgt, scheint
diese Deutung zu bestrken:
Zwar spren wir an der Falichkeit der Natur und ihrer Einheit der Abtheilung in
Gattungen und Arten, wodurch allein empirische Begriffe mglich sind, durch welche wir
sie nach ihren besonderen Gesetzen erkennen, keine merkliche Lust mehr: aber sie ist
gewi zu ihrer Zeit gewesen, und nur weil die gemeinste Erfahrung ohne sie nicht
mglich sein wrde, ist sie allmhlig mit dem bloen Erkenntnisse vermischt und nicht
mehr besonders bemerkt worden.41


Vgl. KU, AA 05: 292-293.

Selbstverstndlich ist die subjektive Bedingung notwendig, jedoch nicht ausreichend, nicht nur wie
Allison (2001, S. 187) aufweist damit etwas schn beurteilt wird, sondern bezglich jeden Urteils. Es ist
sehr wichtig, auf den Unterschied zwischen dem freien Spiel der Vermgen und ihrem auf die Erkenntnis
ausgerichteten Verhltnis zu bestehen, weil man sonst denken knnte, dass das erste die Voraussetzung der
zweiten ist.
Eine anfngliche Unterscheidung findet man nur in der Deduktion (bes. 31-38). In den 6-9, wenn
auch Kant die Funktion der Urteilskraft noch nicht klar ist (aufgrund der bekannten Geschichte der
Textentstehung), ist er also schon dazu gelangt, die im Fall des Erkenntnisurteils notwendige und in dem des
Geschmacksurteils freie Harmonie zu verbinden. Zum Parallelismus zwischen der Deduktion u. dem 9 s.
Dumouchel (1994, S. 431-432) u. (1998, S. 27).
KU, AA 05: 218.
Ebd. 187.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 86-99
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33901

Die bereinstimmung zwischen Einbildungskraft und Verstand

In einer ziemlich archaischen Phase der Kulturgeschichte gab es noch keine solche
Spezialisierung der Vermgensharmonie, dass man die kognitive und die sthetische
Richtung schon gnzlich voneinander htte unterscheiden knnen: Die Erkenntnis konnte
eine Lust hervorbringen dank der Verschmelzung der Strukturen in einem noch primitiven
Gemt, das erst begann, jene Unterscheidungs- und Vergleichunsfunktion auszuben, auf
der der Wissenschafts- und Erfahrungsfortschritt sich grndet. In einem noch sehr
magmatischen Zustand brachte die embryonale Ausbung dieser Funktionen eine
psychologische Antwort hervor, die eine reifere Kultur als sthetisch bezeichnet und an
die bekannte Betrachtung Aristoteles zum Ursprung der Philosophie aus der
Verwunderung vor t prkheira erinnert.
Diese Stelle hilft vielleicht zu verstehen, warum Kant fest auf jenem subjektiven
Verhltnis zwischen den Vorstellungskrften besteht, das sowohl auf das freie Spiel als
auch auf die Erkenntnis berhaupt ausgerichtet ist.


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Bartuschat, W. (1972): Zum systematischen Ort von Kants Kritik der Urteilskraft.
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Cohen, H. (2007) (11889): Kants Begrndung der sthetik. Berlin: VDM.
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Guyer, P. (1997) (11979): Kant and the Claims of Taste. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge
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Hiltscher, V.R/Klinger S./S, D. (Hrsg.): Die Vollendung der
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Kaulbach, F. (1984): sthetische Welterkenntnis bei Kant. Wrzburg: Knigshausen u.
Kulenkampff, J., (1994) (11978): Kants Logik des sthetischen Urteils. Frankfurt/M.:
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Dagognet, D./Osmo, P. (ds.): Autour de Hegel. Hommage Bernard Bourgeois.
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ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33901

Die bereinstimmung zwischen Einbildungskraft und Verstand

Makkreel, R.A. (1994) (11990): Imagination and Interpretation in Kant: The
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International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 86-99
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33901


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 100-114
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33903

Correspondencia o armona
La literatura en la distincin kantiana de las bellas artes
Correspondence or harmony
Literature within Kantian distinction of fine arts


Universidad Complutense de Madrid

La Crtica del Juicio concede a la poesa una distincin entre las bellas artes que no encuentra
fundamento en la crtica del juicio esttico: si la Analtica vincula el sentimiento de placer propio
de lo bello al reconocimiento de una relacin armnica entre las facultades del conocimiento, la
literatura se distingue por la afinidad que mantiene su medio representativo con la facultad del
entendimiento. El primado de la poesa en la CJ obedece pues necesariamente a una teora esttica
previa que equiparaba el gusto a la correspondencia entre sensibilidad y razn consustancial a todo
juicio de conocimiento. El presente trabajo destaca la continuidad de la potica clasicista en la obra
kantiana confrontando la nocin de correspondencia (bereinstimmung) asumida por su primera
teora esttica con la delimitacin respecto al concepto de armona que introduce la tercera crtica.
Palabras Clave
Esttica; potica; racionalismo; clasicismo; correspondencia

Profesor del Dpto. de Filologa alemana de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. E-mail de contacto: .
[Recibido: 15 de septiembre de 2015
Aceptado: 16 de octubre de 2015]


Correspondencia o armona

The Critique of Judgment provides poetry with a distinction within fine arts that finds no basis in
the critique of aesthetic judgment: if the Analytic relates the feeling of pleasure, typical of the
beautiful, to the harmonic relationship among the faculties of knowledge, the very thing that
distinguishes literature is the affinity that its representative medium holds with the faculty of
understanding. The primacy of poetry in the CJ needs to obey a prior aesthetic theory that equates
the taste with the correspondence between sensitivity and reason consubstantial to any judgment of
knowledge. This work outlines the continuity of the classicist poetics in Kants work confronting
the notion of correspondence (bereinstimmung) adopted by his first aesthetic theory with its
delimitation in regards to the notion of harmony introduced by the third critique.
Key words
Aesthetics ; Poetics ; Rationalism ; Classicism ; Correspondence

1. Las complicaciones de una innecesaria digresin

Considerando el lugar accesorio que ocupan las preocupaciones artsticas en la
Crtica del Juicio, no deja de sorprender que Kant se detuviera en el 51 a proponer una
clasificacin de las bellas artes ms propia de lo que convencionalmente se considera una
teora esttica que del fin ltimo perseguido por la tercera crtica. Igual de sorprendente
resulta el criterio esgrimido para establecer una jerarqua que sita la poesa al frente de los
lenguajes artsticos. Pues si ya el tercer momento de la Analtica se haba encargado de
definir el juicio de gusto como correlato del sentimiento suscitado por una especfica
relacin armnica entre las facultades del conocimiento, y el examen del genio lo haba
caracterizado por su capacidad para intuir la proporcin de imaginacin y entendimiento
que propicia esa armona, Kant distingue ahora las bellas artes en funcin de la proximidad
que mantiene su medio representativo respecto a una u otra facultad del conocimiento.
Partiendo sobre todo del testimonio ofrecido por las Reflexiones, comprobaremos que esta
contradiccin responde a la misma que se da entre los referentes de la incipiente disciplina
esttica manejados por Kant antes de 1781 y los presupuestos de su filosofa crtica, al
tiempo que seala una coincidencia indirecta con el legado transmitido a sus primeros
destinatarios. La poesa permite poner as al descubierto tanto los restos de la concepcin
esttica adheridos a la tercera crtica como la revolucin potica que esta alent apuntando
desde el gusto a la raz oculta del juicio reflexionante. Del cruce entre la lnea retrospectiva
y la prospectiva da cuenta la funcin que desempean los conceptos de correspondencia y
armona en la teora del gusto.
La distincin entre medios artsticos que introduce el 51 se fundamenta en la
analoga con los cdigos comunicativos: die Analogie der Kunst mit der Art des
Ausdrucks, dessen sich Menschen im Sprechen bedienen, um sich so vollkommen, als
mglich ist, einander, d. i. nicht blo ihren Begriffen, sondern auch Empfindungen nach,
mitzutheilen AA 5 320). Una vez que esos modos han sido identificados con los de
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 100-114
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33903


Germn Garrido Miambres

palabra, gesto y sonido, las artes se diferenciarn en funcin de si utilizan un lenguaje
verbal, figurativo o sonoro. Kant parece restar valor a esta clasificacin advirtiendo en una
nota a pie de pgina que solo responde a una posible clase organizativa. Ms adelante
volveremos sobre los antecedentes de su eleccin, por el momento baste constatar que,
lejos de obedecer a un recurso improvisado, el criterio semitico que subyace a la
consideracin de las bellas artes descubre sus implicaciones en el 53, cuando su
distincin se pliega explcitamente a una comparacin valorativa. La primaca que detenta
de entrada la literatura solo puede obedecer a lo que constituye su elemento diferencial,
esto es, al hecho de que los signos verbales representen ideas para dar cuenta de
impresiones sensibles en lugar de remitir directamente a ellas (la Antropologa Collins se
refiere a la poesa como una pintura de ideas, AA 25 95). Naturalmente, el Kant de la CJ
no puede ignorar la libertad imaginativa en el juego de facultades impulsado por el juicio
de gusto. Nada sirve mejor a ese propsito que la demarcacin respecto al otro gran arte de
palabra, la retrica, pues si esta promete una engaosa ocupacin al entendimiento
valindose de la imaginacin, la poesa se sirve sin tapujos de los recursos imaginativos
para terminar proporcionando ocupacin al entendimiento (AA 5 327). La elevada
consideracin que merece la poesa en la tercera crtica parte pues de que su medio
expresivo mantiene una especial intimidad con los conceptos del entendimiento sin
determinar por ello falazmente su sentido.
No hace falta aventurar las causas que apartan este punto del hilo expositivo dictado
por la crtica del juicio esttico proponiendo una jerarqua de los lenguajes artsticos, para
apreciar su difcil engarce en el camino desbrozado por la Analtica y la Deduccin. Kant
identifica el sentimiento de placer suscitado por la apreciacin de belleza formal en un
objeto con el reconocimiento de una correspondencia armnica entre imaginacin y
entendimiento (AA 5 218). Concede luego que ese juicio difiere en sus implicaciones si lo
origina un objeto de la naturaleza o un producto del arte, pues la capacidad del genio para
dotar a su obra de apariencia natural no disipa la conciencia de que fue concebida con el
fin ltimo de procurar placer (AA 5 307). En cambio, que la naturaleza parezca esmerarse
en complacer la coincidencia entre entendimiento e imaginacin revela su disposicin
favorable a corresponder la necesidad humana de subsumir las intuiciones imaginativas a
los conceptos de la razn y, en consecuencia, de comprender el mundo como un todo
organizado. La superioridad del juicio de gusto sobre la belleza natural frente al que
proporciona el objeto artstico es entonces consecuente con lo que para uno y otro supone
el concepto de conformidad a fin como principio a priori del juicio reflexionante. Por el
contrario, una segunda segregacin en funcin de las condiciones impuestas por el medio
representativo obedece a un presupuesto que no solo dista de responder a la dimensin
trascendental abierta por el juicio de gusto, sino que cuestiona sus mismos presupuestos.
As lo evidencia ya el que, lejos de acotar un mbito especfico de la creacin
artstica, las razones esgrimidas en el 53 para destacar la poesa resulten vlidas para


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 100-114
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33903

Correspondencia o armona
cualquier juicio de gusto, al menos para cualquiera inspirado por un producto de las bellas
artes. Quiere respaldar Kant la supremaca de la literatura afirmando que:
Sie erweitert das Gemt dadurch, da sie die Einbildungskraft in Freiheit setzt und
innerhalb den Schranken eines gegebenen Begriffs unter der unbegrnzten
Mannigfaltigkeit mglicher damit zusammenstimmender Formen diejenige verknpft,
der kein Sprachausdruck vllig adquat ist, und sich also sthetisch zu Ideen erhebt
(AA 5 326).

La asociacin de la libertad imaginativa a una actividad del pensamiento renuente a

la determinacin conceptual dista de ser una cualidad exclusivamente potica, como
constata la comparacin con las artes plsticas y las musicales que se ofrece a
continuacin: las relaciones entre sensaciones sonoras que establece el lenguaje musical
persiguen la expresin de ideas estticas, como lo hace el vehculo figurativo que procuran
las artes plsticas a la imaginacin. El lugar jerrquico ocupado por estas modalidades
artsticas responde a un signo ambivalente: la msica sigue inmediatamente a la poesa en
lo que a encanto y movimiento de espritu se refiere (la precede incluso si nos ceimos
al agrado causado por el mero juego de sensaciones), pero claudica ante las artes de forma
atendiendo al valor cultural transmitido al espritu. La poesa mantiene en cambio una
incuestionable posicin de privilegio aunque los mritos aducidos para ello no se distingan
de los concedidos al juicio de cualquier forma artsticamente bella.
Otro tanto cabe decir del pasaje que define a continuacin la poesa como esquema
de lo suprasensible, controvertida frmula tradicionalmente interpretada conforme a dos
sentidos al menos. 1 En primer lugar, el juicio de gusto atae indirectamente a lo
suprasensible porque utiliza la representacin sensible de un concepto emprico para
trasladar un concepto de la razn inasequible a toda representacin imaginativa. Lo hace en
segunda instancia porque el trnsito entre imaginacin y entendimiento facultado por el
juicio de gusto muestra la disposicin de la naturaleza a ser subsumida como un todo
unitario conforme a los conceptos de la razn. De la segunda acepcin se deducir el fin
ltimo del juicio esttico que cierra la primera parte de la obra tendiendo el puente hacia la
Crtica del juicio teleolgico. Pero tanto una como otra fundamentacin de lo bello
resultan ajenas a si la representacin del objeto responde a un soporte verbal, sonoro o
iconogrfico: el arte bello aspira siempre a representar indirectamente los conceptos de la
razn como lo hacen los objetos de la naturaleza, aunque se site a su zaga desde el
momento en que la voluntad del autor tie el ideal de una conformidad a fin sin fin. Si bien
la contemplacin ociosa de la belleza natural promueve mejor la transicin a las ideas de la
razn que el juicio de la artstica, nada invita a discriminar esta ltima en funcin de su
canal expresivo, menos an de su afinidad con una u otra facultad del conocimiento.
Que los motivos para un ensalzamiento de la poesa terminen recayendo sobre los
principios generales del gusto confirma su problemtica inclusin en una crtica del juicio

Sobre la controvertida cuestin de la relacin simblica entre gusto y moral ver entre otros Paul Guyer
(1998, pp. 338-35), Gundula Felten (200, p. 4 200 y ss) o Birgit Recki (2001).
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 100-114
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33903


Germn Garrido Miambres

reflexionante, esto es, en el hilo discursivo que enlaza el juicio esttico con el teleolgico.
Al describir lo bello como aquello que, sin concepto, es definido como objeto de una
satisfaccin universal, el primer momento de la Analtica anticipa los interrogantes que
plantea una crtica del juicio esttico: cmo puede este basarse en un sentimiento antes que
en un concepto, o qu fundamenta entonces su demanda de universal acatamiento. Para
despejar estas y otras incgnitas, Kant necesitaba empezar concretando la disposicin
adoptada por las facultades del entendimiento cuando un objeto es juzgado nicamente
conforme a la ley del gusto. Si esta constituye su elemento diferencial es porque de ellla se
derivan sus dems atributos: la autonoma respecto a las legislaciones del entendimiento y
la imaginacin, o la universalidad de un juicio no sujeto ni a la coercin de los afectos
sensoriales ni a la determinacin conceptual. La Crtica de la razn pura haba esclarecido
la sntesis imaginativa que sigue a la aplicacin de los conceptos puros del entendimiento,
pero ya la Deduccin reconoca que nada garantiza la concordancia del orden acotado por
las leyes empricas con el que demandan los conceptos de la razn. La Crtica del Juicio
nace con el propsito de resolver ese interrogante tras haber constatado que la necesidad de
subsumir los objetos de la naturaleza al principio de conformidad a fin sobrepasa las
atribuciones del juicio determinante El enlace entre entendimiento y razn presume pues
una tercera facultad que carece de mbito legislativo propio. Probarlo exige que el Juicio
pueda escapar a la contingencia de los afectos sensitivos sin que su objeto sea
conceptualmente determinado. Solo el juicio de lo bello acredita la existencia de esa
instancia regida por el libre juego entre facultades sin sujetarse a la legislacin decretada
por una u otra.
Lejos pues de obedecer (solo) a un capricho clasicista, la relacin armnica entre
imaginacin y entendimiento adoptada por el juicio de gusto descubre la raz comn del
conocimiento terico y el prctico, proporcionando as la tabla de salvacin al entero
sistema de la filosofa crtica. La insistencia con que Kant regresa al conflicto entre belleza
natural y artstica abunda en el estatus particular que otorga a la segunda. Pero incluso
circunscrito a la rbita de la produccin artstica, lo bello solo se atiene a la ley del gusto
desde la especfica relacin entre libertad imaginativa e indeterminacin conceptual que
Kant designa como armona. Est o no mediatizado por el artificio, el juicio de gusto
encuentra su elemento distintivo en el equilibrio y armnica relacin que adoptan las
facultades del conocimiento en la apreciacin de un objeto, independientemente del
soporte expresivo empleado para su representacin. Si algn arte pudiera merecer mejor
consideracin seran en todo caso las de forma (pintura, escultura, arquitectura,.), pues
solo esta suscita una libre y armnica correspondencia de las facultades no supeditada ni al
dictado del entendimiento ni al de los sentidos. Asumida la incongruencia entre una crtica
del juicio esttico y el encumbramiento de la literatura como modalidad artstica, el lugar
privilegiado que ocupa esta en la Crtica del Juicio solo puede obedecer a huella de una
antigua concepcin potica que Kant no someti al mtodo probatorio de la filosofa
crtica. Atendiendo al escaso inters que dedic a esta materia, la cuestin podra parecer
balad u objeto de una ociosa erudicin, si los primeros lectores de la obra kantiana no


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 100-114
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33903

Correspondencia o armona
hubieran convenido en extraer de ella una inaudita revaloracin filosfica de la poesa.
Ms atento a la clausura de su sistema que a las inquietudes artsticas, Kant no repar en
que asuma una concepcin de la literatura difcilmente conciliable con su teora crtica del
gusto, pero tambin con la dimensin demirgica que encontrara en el romanticismo.
Entre un corte y otro de la historia potica, la Crtica del Juicio nos ofrece el mudo
testimonio de la revolucin que estaba propiciando.

2. La sombra de una antigua inclinacin

Contra el prejuicio filosfico que desprecia el oficio de los poetas, Kant da muestras
de una temprana estima por la literatura que no le abandonar en los escritos de madurez:
Tan evidente resulta en efecto que las Observaciones sobre lo bello y lo sublime parten de
su experiencia lectora, como que la definicin de genio propuesta en la tercera crtica se
inspira en la figura del poeta. Si en el primer caso la preferencia responde a una confesa
afinidad que no requiere mayor justificacin, en el segundo asoma solo la cabeza desde el
margen al que se ve relegada, pero no lo hace por ello con menor nfasis y conviccin. El
desplazamiento de las cuestiones artstico-poticas no obedece pues tanto a una mengua de
la inclinacin kantiana hacia las bellas letras, como al orden de prioridades impuesto por el
giro copernicano de la filosofa crtica. As lo atestiguan los escritos pstumos
pertenecientes a los aos setenta, la dcada del gran silencio que separa los escritos de
juventud de la Crtica de la razn pura. Manfred Frank extrajo del corpus acumulado por
las anotaciones de este periodo buena parte de las Reflexiones estticas.2 Las Reflexiones
constatan el reconocimiento que Kant concedi desde un principio a la literatura: Poesie
ist der schnste aller Spiele, indem wir alle Gemtskrfte darin versetzen (AA 15 Refl
618 266). Aunque una elemental cautela impide identificar estos asertos con la postura
personal de Kant (Snchez Rodrguez 2015 XVIII), el cotejo con sus escritos previos o
contemporneos permite formarse una idea aproximada de cual fue su contribucin a la
primera teora del gusto. Durante los aos setenta Meier y Baumgarten funcionan para
Kant simultneamente como guas y antagonistas de su propia indagacin esttica,
delimitando el terreno donde se libra la contienda entre el conocimiento transmitido y el
que pugna subterrneamente por hacerse or. En lo que atae a la poesa y sus
implicaciones para la teora del gusto, la funcin rectora de ambos autores acusa la
influencia tanto de la tradicin racionalista como de la doctrina potica a la que esta dio
En primer lugar, la consideracin que presta Kant a la literatura revela efectivamente
la deuda contrada por su inicial teora del gusto con la esttica de Baumgarten. As como

Compilacin que Frank incorpor a una edicin de la tercera crtica donde con atinado criterio reuna los
textos kantianos dedicados a la teora del gusto y a la filosofa de la naturaleza (1996). Recientemente ha
aparecido una edicin traducida de los escritos estticos dispersos en las Reflexiones y las Lecciones de
Antropologa (Snchez Rodrguez 2015).
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 100-114
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33903


Germn Garrido Miambres

la Crtica del juicio esttico subraya la independencia del gusto respecto a todo concepto
de perfeccin, entendiendo que el sentimiento suscitado por el juicio de lo bello ignora la
adecuacin a un principio de fin ( 15), la teora precrtica liga an el gusto al modelo de
perfeccin que Baumgarten y Meier atribuyen al conocimiento sensible (AA 24.1 346). En
la estela de Leibniz y Wolff, Baumgarten contrapone una facultad superior del
conocimiento acorde a la claridad conceptual a una inferior sumida en la confusin de los
sentidos. Sostiene en cambio que lo confuso (verworren) del conocimiento sensible no le
priva necesariamente de claridad (fundamental distincin entre klar y deutlich) cuando,
aun siendo incapaz de discernir todos y cada uno de los elementos que integran del objeto,
alcanza a distinguirlo desde su totalidad constitutiva. Baumgarten separa as la verdad
esttica de la lgica como aspectos autnomos pero complementarios de una verdad
subjetiva contrapuesta a la objetividad de la verdad metafsica (Esttica 429). Va incluso
ms all concediendo a la verdad esttica mayor afinidad con la metafsica que a la lgica
(Esttica 558): mientras la segunda procede elevndose desde los elementos que el
objeto comparte con otros similares hasta dar con el concepto categorial que lo identifica,
la verdad esttica desciende hasta la concatenacin aleatoria de elementos que conforman
el objeto en su particularidad. Constatada la incapacidad de la verdad lgica para
aprehender el objeto en lo que tiene de nico e insustituible, solo el conocimiento sensible
ofrece la posibilidad de vincular la manifestacin individual a una verdad absoluta.
Baumgarten introduce el concepto de verdad esteticolgica para dar cuenta del alcance
especfico que de este modo detenta el conocimiento sensible en la apreciacin de la
claridad extensiva (Esttica 427),
Pero la verdad esteticolgica permite poner al mismo tiempo de manifiesto que si la
perfeccin sensible se acerca ms a la metafsica es ante todo porque la esttica de
Baumgarten entiende lo bello como representacin de una verdad inteligible. De ello se
deduce que aunque la perfeccin esttica obedece a criterios distintos que la lgica,
encuentra su fin ltimo en la adecuacin o correspondencia entre la verdad subjetiva de la
experiencia humana y la objetiva de un entendimiento superior, entre un conocimiento
limitado y uno absoluto. El concepto de correspondencia o bereinstimmung3 desempea
en efecto un papel central en la definicin que ofrece Baumgarten de lo bello como
perfeccin del conocimiento sensible. Son tres las formas de correspondencia que atribuye
a la perfeccin esttica ( 18): entre las cosas y su pensamiento, entre la diversidad de
elementos que lo componen y su unidad y, finalmente, entre la cosa pensada y los signos
de su lenguaje representativo. Cada uno de los tres aspectos redundan en una misma idea:
que la verdad sensitiva tiende a la perfeccin cuando procura la correspondencia entre la
representacin del objeto y la aprehensin de su completo sentido: supeditando la teora
del conocimiento sensible a la gnoseloga, Baumgarten revela la herencia racionalista de su

Adoptamos esta acepcin de bereinstimmung por ser la que mejor permite establecer un paralelismo con
la terminologa kantiana divulgada por la traduccin de Manuel Garca Morente, sin dejar por ello de reparar
en lo que tiene de provisional y hasta cuestionable (basta reparar en que el propio Baumgarten emplea el
trmino consensus con idntica finalidad en las Meditationes).


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 100-114
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33903

Correspondencia o armona
esttica, donde lo bello funciona siempre a modo de representacin. La Esttica confirma
de este modo lo que ya adelantaban tanto las Meditationes como los pasajes de la
Metafsica comentados en las Reflexiones: el ideal de perfeccin por el que se rige el
conocimiento sensible no es finalmente otro que su grado de disposicin a la inteleccin
En conformidad con la doctrina artstica mayoritaria del siglo XVIII, lo bello se
ajusta a la perfeccin esttica propiciando la adecuacin de una materia sensible a su
abstraccin conceptual. Si el arte cobra especial protagonismo para Baumgarten es porque
proporciona la representacin ms acorde a dicha perfeccin. La doble premisa de que el
conocimiento sensible obedece a un concepto especfico de perfeccin, pero que este se
ajusta indirectamente a la inteleccin racional, condicionar la estimacin kantiana de la
literatura como haba secundado la discusin potica de la poca. As lo atestigua el uso
que recibe un concepto tan caro a la esttica de Baumgarten como el de correspondencia en
las Reflexiones. Las anotaciones a la Lgica de Meier de los aos setenta insisten en trazar
una ntida separacin entre una perfeccin lgica acorde a las leyes de la razn y una
esttica acorde a las de la sensibilidad (AA 16 Refl. 1812 a 125); entre una perfeccin
lgica entendida como correspondencia con las leyes objetivas del conocimiento y una
esttica como correspondencia con las leyes subjetivas (AA 16 Refl. 1845 135). Al mismo
tiempo, las reflexiones destacan tres formas de correspondencia (con las reglas de unidad,
forma y sensibilidad) que la perfeccin esttica comparte con la lgica, (AA 16 Refl. 1793
117 Refl. 1801 121). Dando continuidad a la senda marcada por Baumgarten, Kant no se
limita a identificar la belleza formal (frente a la material) con el ideal de perfeccin
esttica, sino que va un paso ms all superponiendo ese ideal a las condiciones que
posibilitan una correspondencia entre la experiencia sensible y el conocimiento racional:
Schnheit der Erkenntnis ist die bereinstimmung der Freiheit der Einbildungskraft mit
der Gesetzmigkeit des Verstandes in Darstellung der Begriffe. (AA 16 Refl. 1923 158).
Durante este periodo Kant entendi en efecto el sentimiento de placer propio de lo bello
como indicio del enlace entre imaginacin y entendimiento que faculta todo juicio de
conocimiento. Ms all del testimonio aproximativo que aportan sus anotaciones a Meier y
Baumgarten, las lecciones sobre lgica de 1772 arrojan una evidencia concluyente del
parecer inicial adoptado por Kant respecto a la perfeccin que orienta al juicio de gusto.
Tras referirse sintomticamente a la perfeccin esttica como vehculo de la lgica (AA
24.1 361) Kant evidencia hasta qu punto la autonoma de la primera no descarta una
supeditacin a los primados de la segunda:

Wenn indessen die logische Vollkommenheit mit derjenigen der sthetik

bereinstimmend vergesellschaftet ist; so erhebt diese jene ansehnlich, indem sie die
Verstandesbegriffe anschauend macht und erleichtert. Im Sinnlichen wird groe
Mannigfaltigkeit angetroffen, durch diese wird die Anschauung ausgebreitet und
daraus entsteht Verwirrung. Rumen wir also der sthetischen Vollkommenheit zuviel
ein, so werden wir, da wir angenehm sein wollen, seichte (AA 24.1 364).
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 100-114
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33903


Germn Garrido Miambres

Si la perfeccin lgica implica un ajuste a las leyes objetivas del conocimiento, la
esttica contiene la adecuada disposicin de las condiciones subjetivas que dan lugar a un
juicio de experiencia. Lejos de barruntar la relevancia que alcanzara el juicio de gusto en
el cierre sistemtico de la filosofa crtica, Kant no dispone an de medios suficientes para
distinguir los fundamentos que subyacen al juicio de gusto de los que sustentan todo juicio
de conocimiento.
Las Reflexiones posteriores a 1790 imprimen un sesgo muy distinto al concepto de
correspondencia desde el momento que la belleza queda vinculada al libre juego entre la
facultad imaginativa y el entendimiento: Schn ist eine Vorstellungsart, in der die
bereinstimmung des freien Spiels der Einbildungskraft mit der Gesetzmigkeit des
Verstandes empfunden wird (AA 16 Refl. 1935 161). La misma tesis se repite en una
reflexin anterior para concluir con una significativa mencin al concepto de armona:
Die bereinstimmung der Sinnlichkeit mit dem Verstande in einer Erkenntnis
ist Schnheit. Schnheit beruht nicht auf Empfindung, Reiz und Rhrung, denn
die tragen nichts zum Erkenntnis bei.
(Empfindung gehrt nicht zum Erkenntnis.)
Das Gefhl dieser Harmonie beider Erkenntniskrfte macht das Wohlgefallen
am Schnen (AA 16 Refl. 1932 160).

La armona pasa a designar la especfica caracterizacin del vnculo entre

imaginacin y entendimiento adoptado por el juicio de lo bello, atestiguando as el vuelco
que provoca el giro de la filosofa en la teora del gusto. Una vez el conocimiento ha
dejado de supeditarse exclusivamente a las condiciones subjetivas de la experiencia,
presumiendo una sntesis conceptual de intuiciones imaginativas, el placer de lo bello no
puede seguir fundamentndose en la mera concordancia entre facultades. Alguna instancia
debe mediar el trnsito del juicio de gusto al de conocimiento para no caer en el absurdo de
que cualquier juicio emprico es susceptible de producir el sentimiento de placer propio de
lo bello. La Crtica del Juicio encuentra esa instancia en una tercera facultad del
conocimiento, atribuyendo al juicio de gusto las condiciones necesarias, pero no las
suficientes para dar lugar a un juicio de conocimiento. El sentimiento de placer suscitado
por lo bello revelara la existencia de un nivel previo a la determinacin conceptual de la
intuicin imaginativa donde esta se ofrece a la comprensin racional sin ver por ello
comprometido su sentido. El juicio de gusto no llega a constituir un juicio de
conocimiento, circunscribiendo su objeto al principio que presume una potencial
adecuacin de la materia sensible a los conceptos de la razn. Es esa misma limitacin sin
embargo lo que legitima su autonoma y el papel protagonista que recibe en la tercera
crtica: precisamente por no predicar ningn atributo determinado del objeto, el juicio de
gusto es el nico capaz de descubrir la raz ltima del juicio reflexionante, el misterioso
origen del nexo trascendental entre las facultades del conocimiento. La relacin que
adoptan ambas facultades desde la perspectiva asumida por ese punto cero del


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 100-114
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33903

Correspondencia o armona
conocimiento solo puede ser una mutua suspensin de la actividad judicativa que Kant
califica como armona. Se evidencia as la ruptura con una teora del gusto que pretenda
reservarse un mbito legislativo propio entre los objetos de la naturaleza cifrando
implcitamente su fin ltimo en la adecuacin de una representacin imaginativa a los
conceptos del entendimiento.4
Fundamental para lo que aqu nos ocupa es que una concepcin del conocimiento
sensible regida por un principio de perfeccin que persigue la adecuada correspondencia
con el conocimiento racional ofrece motivos suficientes para promover el lenguaje
representativo ms afn al entendimiento. Recuperando la tercera forma de
correspondencia que Baumgarten asigna a la perfeccin sensible, los signos representativos
se ajustan mejor a la cosa pensada si sealan directamente conceptos del pensamiento,
como sucede con el lenguaje verbal, en lugar de remitir a impresiones sensibles, como
ocurre con los lenguajes visuales o sonoros. De este modo, las Reflexiones conceden al
trmino bereinstimmung un sentido distinto del que recibir en la Crtica del Juicio,
como ratifica el 9 cuando aborda la cuestin de si el sentimiento placentero propio de lo
bello mantiene una relacin de continuidad o simultaneidad con el juicio de gusto. Kant
habla ahora de correspondencia (bereinstimmung o Zustimmung) para referirse al acuerdo
entre imaginacin y entendimiento que da lugar a un juicio de conocimiento. Pero en lugar
de identificar dicho acuerdo con el sentimiento consustancial al juicio de gusto, reserva
este al reconocimiento de la armona (Harmonie) que resulta de una relacin especfica. La
dimensin trascendental del Juicio introduce as una cesura en el alcance e implicaciones
de bereinstimmung como sucede con otras muchas entradas del lxico kantiano. Mientras
el sistema de la filosofa crtica proporciona el marco en el que contraponer la
correspondencia genrica de imaginacin y entendimiento al libre juego armnico entre las
facultades del conocimiento, su presencia en los escritos previos exige una interpelacin a
las autores que mayor impronta dejaron en el primer Kant.
La discrepancia entre la teora esttica heredada por Kant y su crtica del gusto se
deja resumir pues en las acepciones acumuladas por el trmino bereinstimmung desde
que designa la posibilidad de correspondencia entre representacin sensible y comprensin
racional descubierta por el gusto, hasta que la tercera crtica circunscribe el juicio de la
belleza formal a la correspondencia armnica de imaginacin y entendimiento. El primado
de la poesa entre las bellas letras encaja obviamente antes en la primera variante, el grado
en que una representacin sensible se pliega al conocimiento racional, que en la segunda,
el espacio de libertad inaugurado por la Crtica del Juicio con el juego entre facultades,
donde la equilibrada participacin de ambas descarta de antemano que un lenguaje
representativo destaque por su mayor proximidad respecto a cualquiera de ellas: si la
asociacin entre poesa y entendimiento cuestiona la armona del libre juego entre
facultades suscitado por el juicio de gusto en la tercera crtica, enlaza en cambio con la

Mientras el Kant de las primeras Reflexiones asume de este modo la existencia de una belleza objetiva y del
procedimiento que presume su representacin artstica, la tercera crtica limita el placer de lo bello a una
subjetiva apreciacin formal del objeto, deslegitimando cualquier doctrina normativa de las bellas artes.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 100-114
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33903


Germn Garrido Miambres

triple correspondencia heurstica, metodolgica y semitica 5 que Kant adopta de
Baumgarten en su primitiva teora del gusto. Del mismo modo, las concesiones a la potica
normativa de un Gottsched que evidencia la Esttica, se perpetuarn en la postura de Kant
incluso despus de que este formulara una teora del gusto que cuestionaba sus

3. La huella de una inevitable herencia.

Con razn puede calificarse la temprana disquisicin potica de Baumgarten de
autntico regalo para el estudio de las relaciones entre filosofa y literaria. Aunque limite
su alcance el preceder a la plena formulacin de una doctrina esttica por parte del autor,
las Meditationes constituyen un documento excepcional del intenso dilogo que mantiene
la filosofa ilustrada con la teora y reflexin poticas del clasicismo. El texto de
Baumgarten anticipa para la praxis y recepcin literarias buena parte de las ideas que solo
posteriormente encontraran su formulacin definitiva, desde la tajante distincin entre una
perfeccin lgica y una esttica, hasta el subterfugio que termina orientando la perfeccin
por la que se rige la segunda hacia su confluencia con el que conduce a la primera As,
leemos en las Meditationes que la poesa pertenece a la clase de los discursos confusos
desde el momento en que permanece ligado a la representacin sensible ( IX), pero que
ello no le priva forzosamente de claridad si acierta a representar la totalidad unitaria que
distingue un objeto de otros semejantes ( XII). Del mismo modo se constata que la poesa
tiende a la perfeccin cuando proporciona tantos elementos como sea posible del objeto
representado sin necesidad de especificar todos y cada uno de ellos (claridad extensiva
frente a intensiva). Ahora bien, Baumgarten deja claro desde un principio que el discurso
sensible perfecto es aquel cuyas varias partes tienden al conocimiento de representaciones
sensibles ( VII), y concluye sus Meditationes reafirmando que mientras la filosofa
persigue la perfeccin propia del conocimiento lgico, la poesa se ocupa de la que
corresponde al conocimiento sensible ( CXV): refirindose a ambas dimensiones como la
facultad superior y la inferior del conocimiento, Baumgarten clarifica que la segunda se
circunscribe al mbito perceptivo de la aesthesis; cifrando la perfeccin de esta en la
claridad evidencia su correspondencia con la aprehensin conceptual del objeto sensible.
Por perfeccin sensible se entiende pues la representacin de la materia sensitiva ms
acorde a los principios del conocimiento. Si la poesa obtiene galones en este entorno
discursivo es porque proporciona la representacin del objeto sensible que mejor se ajusta
a ese ideal.6 Ninguna de las posteriores aportaciones a la teora esttica de Baumgarten
contravendr el principio que aqu se da ya por sentado: la perfeccin de la belleza artstica
obedece a su capacidad para proporcionar una idnea conjuncin de la representacin

Como las denomina Dagmar Mirbach en el estudio introductorio a su edicin crtica (2007 LVI).
Baumgarten no llega con todo a establecer una comparacin valorativa entre las bellas artes. La deuda con
el ut pictoris horaciano que acusa su defensa de la mmesis simultnea frente a la secuencial asumira de
hecho una implcita distincin de las artes plsticas.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 100-114
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33903

Correspondencia o armona
sensible a un orden intelectivo que se sustrae a la verificacin emprica. La poesa legitima
de este modo la perfeccin esttica como la ms acabada manifestacin de lo inteligible, y
es en el orden representativo de la manifestacin donde Baumgarten fundamenta en efecto
su potica primero y su Esttica ms adelante.
Entendiendo la representacin artstica como manifestacin del principio perfectivo
que rige al conocimiento sensible, Baumgarten descubre su deuda con la potica clasicista.
Como Boileu y Gottsched, su principal divulgador en la cultura alemana, asume el credo
horaciano que legitima la literatura en ltima instancia como representacin de las ideas y
verdades generales atesoradas por razn. Coincide tambin con ellos en la defensa de una
concepcin potica sujeta a las reglas de sencillez, claridad y buen gusto que garanticen la
ms acabada y completa representacin del objeto y con ello la plena manifestacin del
concepto al que este se asocia. As, vemos que aunque Baumgarten no solo admite, sino
que recomienda el libre ejercicio de la fantasa y el consiguiente efecto de admiracin (
XLIII), rechaza la recreacin de mundos quimricos o utpicos con el mismo nfasis que
desaconseja un registro expresivo oscuro y rebuscado ( LV). Las coincidencias con el
credo clasicista continan sucedindose hasta encontrar su razn de ser en la confrontacin
final entre una facultad superior y una inferior del conocimiento. Baumgarten no necesita
adivinar las implicaciones que extraer su Esttica de esta dicotoma para entender aqu ya
la perfeccin de la poesa como variante discursiva que dispone plenamente una materia
emprica a su aprehensin cognitiva proporcionando sus ejemplos ms ilustrativo (
LVIII). Sin dejar de defender un criterio propio en la perfeccin del conocimiento sensible,
Baumgarten no puede ocultar que los fundamentos del discurso potico revelan una
adecuacin parcial de su principio perfectivo al conocimiento lgico. As lo entiende
tambin el Kant de las primeras Reflexiones cuando el sentimiento de placer propio del
gusto una manifestacin de la perfecta correspondencia entre entendimiento e imaginacin
que posibilita nuestro conocimiento del mundo. Conviene resaltar en todo caso la
coherencia de esta postura con el gusto artstico (habitualmente tildado de clsico y
formalista) que acusan tanto las primeras aseveraciones de la obra kantiana como las
valoraciones dispersas en la tercera crtica.
El magisterio de Horacio en la doctrina potica del siglo XVIII corre parejo a una
determinada recepcin de la mmesis aristtelica que encuentra en Averroes su principal
valedor. Su Parfrasis (1993) proporcionar a los portavoces del clasicismo una
interpretacin tico-moral de la Potica que supedita el concepto de mmesis a un enfoque
tico-moral. Averroes legitima una reedicin ilustrada del exemplum retrico relegando la
vertiente compositiva de la mmesis aristotlica a un segundo plano. Su lectura determinar
la discusin potica de la poca desde la posicin privilegiada que encuentra en la
Poetische Dichtkunst de Gottsched, que subordina tambin la mmesis a los fines marcados
por un normativismo instructivo. El oficio potico buscar pues la traslacin ejemplar de
los conceptos que la razn tiene por adecuados, y a la consecucin de ese objetivo
respondera el rigorismo prescriptivo de la potica. Menos dogmtico de lo que juzgaron
muchos de sus contemporneos, Gottsched revela en todo caso una clara sujecin al
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 100-114
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33903


Germn Garrido Miambres

dualismo metafsico que asume toda potica clasicista: el arte se justifica como
manifestacin del sentido sustrado a una dimensin ulterior del conocimiento, mientras la
literatura queda entronizada entre las bellas artes una vez asumido que el lenguaje verbal es
el ms acorde a los propsitos de la razn. Lejos pues de abordar su proyecto reformista en
clave de ruptura, el clasicismo encuentra pleno respaldo filosfico en el racionalismo. Pero
entonces cabe afirmar tambin a la inversa que la estela marcada por los herederos de
Leibniz sustenta el ideario clasicista incluso despus de haber asentado los fundamentos de
un pensamiento esttico autnomo orientado a su propia idea de perfeccin.
La impronta de Aristteles en la discusin potica del momento desborda sin
embargo el clasicismo ms ortodoxo. Un texto fundacional para la nueva sensibilidad
literaria, Las bellas artes reducidas a un mismo principio de Batteaux, encuentra tambin
en la mmesis ese principio comn a todas las modalidades artsticas sin dejar de resaltar
las particularidades que adopta en cada medio expresivo. Batteux supera la lectura
doctrinal de Aristteles explorando las opciones que ofrece la mmesis de la naturaleza a
los distintos lenguajes artsticos. Como Baumgarten, segrega cuidadosamente la meta
perseguida por la belleza artstica de los objetivos que se marca el conocimiento racional.
Como l deslinda los criterios que condicionan la apreciacin sensible de los que se
imponen a la verificacin lgica, incorporando adems una novedosa dimensin semitica
en el estudio de las representaciones artsticas. Con todo lo que esta comparacin entre
cdigos comunicativos tiene de innovadora, Batteaux no abandona en ningn momento el
procedimiento analgico que trata la valoracin de la belleza artstica como correlato de la
certeza demandada por el conocimiento lgica. Aunque el arte se sabe deudor de un
modelo evaluativo distinto al del mtodo racional, acaba tomando este como referente para
dar cuenta de su comportamiento:
La verdad es el objeto de las ciencias, y el bien y lo bello el del arte. La
inteligencia considera lo que los objetos son en ellos mismo, su esencia, sin
relacionarlos con nosotros. El gusto se ocupa de esos mismos objetos con
relacin a nosotros. Una inteligencia es perfecta cuando ve claramente (sans
nuages) y distingue sin error lo verdadero de lo falso, la probabilidad de la
evidencia. El gusto es perfecto cuando, con una impresin distinta, siente lo
bueno y lo malo, lo excelente de lo mediocre si (sic) confundir jams (2010, p.

Batteux reconoce con Baumgarten un dominio especfico del gusto y la apreciacin

de lo bello pero, lejos de excluir su concomitancia con la inteleccin racional, destaca sus
mltiples paralelismos. El juego de afinidades culmina con la confluencia entre los
objetivos que persigue una adecuada educacin del gusto y aquellos que son conformes a
la razn (Batteaux 2010, p. 15).
Kant parte directa o indirectamente del trasfondo potico conformado por estos
referentes cuando formula una primera teora del gusto que prioriza el concepto de
correspondencia entre imaginacin y entendimiento. Y del mismo modo que el

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 100-114
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33903

Correspondencia o armona
pensamiento ilustrado haba dado su visto bueno a la promocin del medio literario como
el ms afn a los propsitos instrumentales de la razn y, por tanto, el ms acorde a sus
aspiraciones formativas, Kant adopta de entrada una teora esttica que encuentra la
perfeccin del discurso sensible en la poesa. Solo su limitado inters por las cuestiones
artsticas explica que no llegara a revisar posteriormente ese privilegio desde la instancia
judicativa inaugurada por la filosofa crtica. Sern sus primeros lectores romnticos
quienes pretendan ver superada esta contradiccin conciliando la preeminencia de la poesa
entre las bellas artes con la dimensin trascendental inaugurada por la facultad del Juicio
(Kuypers 1972, p. 152 y ss.). Schelling entender la poesa como culmen de la libertad
imaginativa alumbrada por la belleza artstica, cancelando de ese modo la terica
incompatibilidad entre la preeminencia de un lenguaje artstico y las condiciones impuestas
por una relacin armnica entre las facultades del conocimiento (Biemel 1959, pp. 147165). La armona pasa as a respaldar aquello que en un principio sustentaba la
correspondencia al precio de que el Juicio vea enteramente trastocados su alcance y
principios constitutivos para ponerse al servicio de una filosofa del arte. Ajeno al vuelco
que estaba provocando en la historia de las ideas artstico-literarias, Kant nos remite en la
Crtica del Juicio al momento inaugural que engendr una especfica concepcin literaria
como poda haber dado lugar a otras.

Referencias bibliogrficas
Averroes (1999), Parfrasis del libro de la Potica, Revista Espaola de Filosofa
Medieval 6, pp. 203-214.
Bateaux, C. (2010), Las bellas artes reducidas a un mismo principio, trad. de Carlos
David Garca Mancilla,, acceso
Baumgarten, A. G. (2007), sthetik, Hamburg, Felix Meiner.
(1975), Reflexiones estticas acerca de la poesa, Buenos Aires, Aguilar.
Biemel, W. (1959), Die Bedeutung von Kants Begrndung der sthetik fr die Philosophie
der Kunst, Kant-Studien, Ergnzungshefte, 77.
Guyer, P. (1998), The Symbols of Freedom in Kants Esthetics, en Kants sthetik. Kants
Aesthetics. Lesthtique de Kant, Herman Parret (ed.), Berln-Nueva York, de Gruyter.
Felten, G. (2004), Die Funktion des sensus communis in Kants Theorie des sthetischen
Urteils, Munich, Fink.
Frank, M. (ed.) (2009 -1996-), Inmanuel Kant, Kritik der Urteilskraf. Schriften zur sthetik
und Naturphilosophie, Manfred Frank y Vronique Zanetti (eds.), Frankfurt am Main,
Deutscher Klassiker Verlag.
(1990), Kants Reflexionen zur sthetik. Zur Werkgeschichte der Kritik der
sthetischen Urteilskraft, Revue internationale de philosophie, 175, pp. 552-580.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 100-114
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33903


Germn Garrido Miambres

Kuypers, K. (1972), Kants Kunsttheorie und die Einheit der Kritik zur Einblindungskraft,
Amsterdam, North Holland Publishing Company.
Recki, B. (2001), sthetik der Sitten. Die Affinitt von sthetischem Gefhl und praktischer
Vernunft bei Kant, Frankfurt am Main, Klostermann.
Snchez Rodrguez, M. (ed.) (2015), Immanuel Kant, Lecciones de Antropologa.
Fragmentos de esttica y antropologa, Granada, Comares.
Schelling, F., (2012), Filosofa del arte, Madrid, Tecnos.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 100-114
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33903

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 115-127
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33904

Unit e concordanza teleologica del mondo in Kant

Teleological World Unity and Harmony in Kant

Universit di Genova, Italia

Larticolo tratta la concezione dellarmonia di Kant nel suo significato ontologico fondamentale,
ossia nel senso di quella concordanza teleologica che era al centro della metafisica dogmatica e che
Kant intende decostruire criticamente e ricostruire su un piano non pi teoretico-speculativo, ma
teleologico-morale. Gli argomenti fondamentali di questa ricostruzione vengono presentati e
discussi esaminando il modo in cui Kant rielabora il concetto di mondo come unit degli enti finiti
concepibile solo come concordanza finalistica.
Parole chiavi
Kant; cosmologia; concordanza; teleologia morale
The paper deals with Kants conception of harmony in its fundamental ontological meaning, i.e. in
terms of that teleological harmony which was central for the dogmatic metaphysics and Kant will
critically deconstruct and reconstruct not in a speculative-theoretical, but in a moral-teleological
way. The basic arguments of this reconstruction are presented and discussed by examining the
manner in which Kant re-elaborates the notion of the world as the unity of finite beings,
conceivable only as a purposive harmony.
Key words
Kant; Cosmology; Harmony; Moral Teleology

Professore Ordinario del Dipartimento di Antichit, Filosofia e Storia dellUniversit di Genova. E-mail di
contatto: .

[Recibido: 15 de octubre de 2015

Aceptado: 26 de octubre de 2015]


Gerardo Cunico

1. Lunit del mondo come idea e come precomprensione

In questo contributo vorrei trattare il tema dellarmonia in Kant nel suo significato ontologico
fondamentale, ossia nel senso di quella concordanza teleologica 1 che era al centro della tesi
leibniziana dellarmonia prestabilita e quindi della metafisica dogmatica che Kant intende demolire
criticamente e ricostruire su un piano non pi puramente teoretico. Per mettere a fuoco lidea
portante di questa ricostruzione, che quella della teleologia morale, prender in esame il modo in
cui Kant rielabora il concetto di mondo come unit degli enti finiti concepibile appunto solo come
concordanza finalistica.
Eugen Fink ha segnalato che in Kant si compie per la prima volta [...] la fondazione
dellidea che il mondo non un ente, una cosa.2 Diversi decenni prima, gi Georg Simmel aveva
osservato che il termine mondo non indica semplicemente la totalit di tutte le cose e di tutti gli
accadimenti in generale, bens il fatto che tutti i contenuti dellesperienza passata, attuale e
possibile vengano a costituire un tutto unitario in virt di una forma ovvero di una connessione
che pu essere stabilita solo dallo spirito, capace di catturare il molteplice dei dati in una rete
che esso ha intessuto, al contempo liberandoli dalla loro esistenza isolata.3
Indicazioni come queste ci suggeriscono di riconoscere, per prima cosa, che il mondo
unidea, e precisamente unidea che guida ed esprime al contempo uninterpretazione unitaria
dellinsieme delle esperienze (delle cose e dei fenomeni, degli eventi naturali e morali) come un
sistema di rapporti.
Questo vale in particolare, e a maggior ragione, per Kant, perch per lui il mondo nella sua
interezza non pu essere oggetto di conoscenza, n di esperienza n di speculazione metafisica n
di pura riflessione teleologica teoretica. Il mondo pu essere pensato e considerato come unit,
come un tutto dotato di senso, oltre che di ordine garantito da leggi naturali, solo se possibile e
legittimo mettere gli eventi e i nessi della natura in rapporto a un ordine finalistico congruente con
la legge e la destinazione morale della creatura razionale, solo cio se il regno della natura pu
essere raccordato e accordato teleologicamente col regno della libert e col suo principio finale che
il sommo bene.
Questa la posizione su cui Kant si attesta al culmine del periodo delle tre Critiche. In
precedenza certo la visione del mondo come un sistema era intesa diversamente; non detto che
non possa risultare almeno in parte diversa nella fase dellOpus postumum.
Nella Teoria del cielo Kant si limita a rivendicare la necessit di leggi meccaniche
universali della natura come base per poter interpretare unitariamente il mondo, in forza del suo

Si veda la dissertazione di Triebener (1999).

(Fink 1986, p. 81): ogni tentativo di pensare il mondo in modo cosale impiglia la ragione umana in
uninsolubile contraddizione; cfr. (La Rocca1999, p. 230).
(Simmel [1918] 1997, p. 23].


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 115-127
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33904

Unit e concordanza teleologica del mondo in Kant

ordine regolare e della sua armonica bellezza, come teleologicamente orientato e come prodotto di
una intelligenza creatrice.4
nella Dissertazione del 1770 che il concetto di mondo, diviso in due ambiti irriducibili
(sensibile e intelligibile), comincia a diventare problematico. Riecheggiando la formula scolasticoleibniziana5, Kant definisce il mondo come il totum quod non est pars, pensato come composto
onnicomprensivo ( 1), la cui forma la coordinazione reale e oggettiva delle sostanze che lo
compongono, mentre la forma essenziale il nesso che sta a fondamento degli influssi reciproci
degli enti ( 2). Il fondamento dellunit della sua composizione da una parte (quanto alla
semplice coesistenza delle cose nel mondo sensibile) la necessaria struttura soggettiva delle
condizioni spazio-temporali dellintuizione sensibile, dallaltra (quanto allinterrelazione o
commercium delle sostanze nel mondo intelligibile) lunit del suo fondamento necessario
trascendente (Dio).6
Questa impostazione, che critica la visione leibniziana, senza ancora distaccarsene del
tutto, sviluppata in modo didatticamente chiaro nelle Lezioni di metafisica degli anni 1778-1780:
la forma del mondo come un tutto assoluto (cio il modo della sua composizione, del nexus
substantiarum nel loro commercium reciproco) va pensata come un influxus physicus derivativus,
ossia s reciproco, reale e conforme a leggi universali (non dunque iperfisico come nellarmonia
prestabilita o nelloccasionalismo), ma neppure puramente immanente (originario), bens
derivante il suo sussistere e il suo ordine da un ente originario extramondano che autore delle
sostanze e loro legislatore.7
Nella Critica della ragion pura Kant mette in piena evidenza tutta la problematicit del
concetto di mondo: in quanto indica la totalit degli enti fenomenici, non pu essere come tale
attestato dallesperienza, n pu designare una totalit assoluta; in quanto sia assunto come nozione
di una totalit reale in s stessa, non pu avere un contenuto determinato. Il concetto di mondo
risulta cos ambiguo e come tale d luogo alla parvenza dialettica: luso dogmatico del termine
mondo confonde la totalit assoluta della serie dei fenomeni con la totalit assoluta degli enti
pensabili (ossia delle cose in s).8
Le antinomie cosmologiche evidenziano la non oggettivit o costitutivit della nozione di
mondo, la sua inapplicabilit al tentativo (proprio della metafisica) di rispondere allesigenza della
ragione di trovare una totalit assoluta delle condizioni per ogni condizionato dato nellesperienza.
La critica toglie lambiguit fissando la distinzione trascendentale tra mondo fenomenico
(sensibile) e mondo noumenico (intelligibile), corrispondente a quella tra cosa apparente (il dato, la
rappresentazione) e cosa in s (ci che pu essere solo pensato, ma non conosciuto).

I. Kant, NTH, AA 01: 310 ss. [trad. it., pp. 120 ss.]. Le opere di Kant vengono citate, per lo pi con lausilio
delle sigle dei KS, secondo lindicazione di volume e pagina dellAkademie-Ausgabe: I. Kant, Gesammelte
Schriften, Berlin, Reimer (poi: de Gruyter), 1900 ss., l dove questa non riporta la paginazione originale. Gli
altri scritti (gli abbozzi e gli appunti tratti dalle lezioni) vengono citati con il riferimento allAkademieAusgabe. Le indicazioni relative alle traduzioni italiane compaiono tra parentesi quadre.
Cos nella formulazione di Baumgarten, Metaphysica, 17574, 17797 [reprint: 1982], 354: MUNDUS
([] Universum, ) est series (multitudo, totum) actualium finitorum, quae non est pars alterius .
I. Kant, MSI, AA 02: 385-419 [, pp. 419-461], 13, 16, 20, 22.
V-Met/Heinze, AA 28: 195 s., 211 ss. Cfr. anche Refl. 6210, AA 18: 496 s.
KrV B 391, 434 s., 447 s., 532 s., 724.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 115-127
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33904


Gerardo Cunico
Il concetto di mondo (la categoria di totalit applicata alla sintesi dei fenomeni o di tutti gli
enti possibili) viene perci risolto in unidea trascendentale della ragione, che ha una funzione
puramente regolativa, quella di unificare il molteplice delle conoscenze empiriche secondo la
massima unit sistematica possibile e di orientare a tale unit tutte le ricerche scientifiche.9
Come schema di un principio regolativo, lidea di mondo ha una valenza teleologica,
perch ogni unit sistematica retta da uno scopo ultimo a cui subordinata ogni conoscenza
particolare; implica cio una connessione finalistica delle singole cose e dei loro influssi reciproci,
anche se questa solo una presupposizione soggettiva che risponde al bisogno di ordine e
sistematicit della nostra ragione (teoretica).10
Ci significa che lidea razionale di mondo non pu mostrare la propria realt oggettiva
(cio la sua pensabilit concreta) neppure come concetto critico-trascendentale. Ci connesso
proprio col fatto che la ragione teoretica stessa non pu andare oltre la richiesta di un fondamento
incondizionato della sintesi del condizionato dato, ossia di unanalisi regressiva, che prospetta la
totalit assoluta dei fenomeni soltanto dal lato delle condizioni (degli antecedenti).11 Il concetto di
totalit come unit sistematica regolativa richiede invece, per il suo carattere teleologico, anche una
sintesi progressiva, unanticipazione del condizionato conseguente, ossia dellesito risultante
dallapplicazione delle condizioni; il tutto delle conseguenze andrebbe pensato allora a sua volta
come incondizionato, come condizione assoluta, come compimento che presiede idealmente a tutto
il processo del divenire fenomenico.
Ma se irrilevante (oltre che arbitrario e inattuabile) per la ragione teoretica, il
compimento di questa sintesi progressiva richiesto necessariamente dalla ragione pratica, che
attraverso la legge morale prescrive uno scopo assoluto come esito dellagire. Ed su questa logica
progressiva che pu innestarsi la riflessione teleologica (come si vedr nel prossimo paragrafo).
Nelluso pratico della ragione, infatti, lidea di mondo intelligibile diventa un correlato
indispensabile della legge morale, lo schema della sua possibile attuazione (praticamente
necessaria) come mondo morale e il presupposto della sua possibilit (come insieme e come
rapporto reciproco degli esseri razionali dotati di libert). Anzi proprio tale applicazione pratica
dellidea di mondo quella che procura realt oggettiva a tale concetto (e quindi allidea di assoluta
unit/totalit e connessione teleologica sistematica) e che riempie di contenuto razionale lo schema
vuoto del principio regolativo.
Le analisi kantiane del Giudizio teleologico nella seconda parte della Critica del Giudizio
mirano a valutare, in ultima istanza, la possibile validit di asserzioni sul mondo come totalit
teleologica, cio come oggetto (o prodotto finale) non come precondizione (o prodotto originario)
del Giudizio; asserzioni che nella Critica della ragion pura erano state definitivamente escluse
come proposizioni teoreticamente oggettive, e che nella terza Critica vengono ammesse soltanto
sul piano dellapplicazione riflessiva del principio di finalit, s, ma neppure qui direttamente, sul
piano del Giudizio teleologico-teoretico (teleologia fisica), bens solo indirettamente, attraverso
limplicazione teoretica (ultima) del Giudizio teleologico-pratico (teleologia morale).

KrV B 379 s., 434 s., 446, 647, 699 ss., 712 ss.
KrV B 714 ss., 719 ss., 724-729.
KrV B 435-437.; cfr. B 393-394).


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 115-127
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33904

Unit e concordanza teleologica del mondo in Kant

Il principio trascendentale (sia come appercezione spazializzante sia come presupposizione
finalistica) fonda linterpretabilit del mondo come totalit di interrelazioni ordinate e
sistematiche; ma solo lesercizio del Giudizio teleologico, nellintreccio tra Giudizio pratico e
Giudizio teoretico (in cui la riflessione teoretica risulta alla fine subordinata a quella pratica), che
consente concretamente linterpretazione del mondo come totalit sistematica in senso pieno e
globale, includente cio una conformit a scopi che non risponde pi solo allinteresse conoscitivo,
ma anche e soprattutto (anzi primariamente) allinteresse pratico della ragione, che si rivela qui
per al contempo come linteresse anche conoscitivo fondante, quello che corrisponde pi
intimamente al bisogno metafisico: linteresse a una possibilit di senso che non annulli o renda del
tutto inintelligibile la nostra originaria autocomprensione come esistenze finite ma dotate di libera
autodeterminazione del volere.

2. Lunit finalistica del mondo in base alla teleologia morale

Nella dottrina del Giudizio teleologico la legittimazione del concetto di mondo come totalit
sistematica dipende dalla distinzione e connessione tra la teleologia fisica e la teleologia morale,12
termini che, nellopera edita di Kant, compaiono solo nella Critica del Giudizio.13
Teleologia fisica unespressione che riassume linsieme della dottrina critica del
Giudizio riflettente teoretico, che parte dal principio trascendentale della finalit soggettiva
della natura nelle sue leggi particolari 14 e ne trova unapplicazione oggettivo-materiale nella
considerazione della finalit interna riscontrabile negli organismi viventi (KU 63-66). Questi
scopi della natura autorizzano a interpretare lintera natura come sistema di scopi, nel quale
inserire anche quella finalit esterna (o relativa) che altrimenti deve sempre rimanere ipotetica
(KU 63, 67, 82-83). Tuttavia non possibile a legittimare fino in fondo questa necessaria idea di
un sistema teleologico della natura, perch per questo occorre individuare uno scopo ultimo,
mentre nessun ente naturale pu essere come tale uno scopo incondizionato, ossia uno scopo
La teleologia fisica ha buone ragioni per assumere luomo come scopo ultimo della natura
(in quanto luomo lunico ente naturale capace di porsi e attuare scopi), ma questa assunzione non
confermata dallesperienza (che trova luomo sottoposto alle stesse leggi di ogni altro ente
naturale), bens solo da una diversa considerazione teleologica, entro la quale si mostra che luomo
va necessariamente giudicato come un essere che oltrepassa la natura in quanto un essere morale,
ossia in quanto sottoposto alle leggi morali della libert e destinato a dar loro attuazione (KU, AA
05: 430-431, 435).


Per un approfondimento devo rimandare al mio testo: G. Cunico (2001, parte II ( 3) e parte III).
Physische Teleologie a partire dal 85 (KU, AA 05: 437) fino alla fine, moralische Teleologie a
partire dal 86 (KU, AA 05: 444). La problematica era stata toccata gi nel corso di Teologia razionale del
1783/84, in cui compaiono i due concetti teleologia practica e teleologia physica (V-Th/Plitz, AA 28: 12011205, 1302-1307 1099-1103 [trad. it. (sigla: LFR), pp. 246-251]). In altre lezioni e riflessioni Kant usa il
termine teleologia pratica, come fa anche nel saggio GTP, in Teutscher Merkur, 1788, AA 08: 182 s.
[trad. it., p. 58].
KU, AA 05: 181-186.
KU, AA 05: 426, 431, 434-435, 443.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 115-127
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33904


Gerardo Cunico
a questo punto che interviene la teleologia morale, definita come la relazione della
nostra propria causalit a scopi e addirittura ad uno scopo finale a cui dobbiamo mirare nel mondo
(KU 87, AA 05: 447). Questo scopo finale della ragione pratica (al pari del dovere morale in
generale) deve ricevere attuazione nella natura, e cio non solo in un soggetto (luomo) che
anche un essere sensibile, ma anche in un ambito pi vasto di cose, rapporti e circostanze, cio in
un mondo, che deve inoltre essere necessariamente pensato come cooperante a tale attuazione,
sebbene il corso naturale delle cose e linsieme delle leggi della natura non consentano n di
prevedere n di concepire questo concorso.16
La necessit di questa cooperazione risulta dal fatto che lo scopo finale delluomo, inteso
come sommo bene completo, deve includere non solo linsieme delle intenzioni, degli atti interiori
e degli effetti immediati della moralit, ma anche linsieme dei suoi effetti mediati, riassumibili nel
concetto di felicit che il sommo bene fisico possibile nel mondo e quindi rientra di diritto sotto la
legislazione della natura, sebbene debba essere pensato come subordinato (mediatamente) anche
alla legislazione della libert e sebbene questa concordanza con la moralit non sia concepibile in
base alle leggi naturali (KU, AA 05: 449-450).
Solo alla luce della teleologia morale (KU, AA 05: 444, 447) luomo pu essere
considerato allora come scopo finale della creazione, ossia dellesistenza della natura e di tutto
luniverso, giacch solo un tale essere morale incondizionatamente degno di esistere e pu
costituire la ragione sufficiente per la creazione del mondo.17
Il concetto di scopo finale ha per un legame ancora pi stretto e diretto con quello di
mondo, un legame che lo rende decisivo per la comprensione riflessiva dellunit sistematica
integrale di questultimo. Lo scopo finale delluomo quello che Kant nella Critica della ragion
pratica designa come il sommo bene di un mondo possibile, intendendolo come la sintesi
(proporzionata) di moralit e felicit dellessere razionale finito (KpV, AA 05: 110).
Gi nella prima Critica, nel Canone della ragion pura, il concetto di sommo bene era
stato introdotto a partire da quello di mondo morale, che indica una unit sistematica ovvero
teleologica, identificata con lidea pratica di un mondo che sia conforme a tutte le leggi
morali, idea che acquista realt oggettiva in quanto congiunta con le condizioni di un sistema
della felicit connessa e proporzionata alla moralit (KrV B 835-845). Un concetto corrispondente
quello del regno dei fini, introdotto nella Fondazione della metafisica dei costumi per designare
il tutto sistematico degli enti razionali reso possibile dalla legge morale, che viene pensato in
analogia con un regno della natura, inteso come sistema di cause finali reali, subordinate agli
scopi degli esseri razionali (GMS, AA 04: 433-438). Ai concetti di mondo morale e regno dei
fini corrisponde nella Critica della ragion pratica quello del regno dei costumi (KpV, AA 05:
262) che potrebbe essere realizzato mediante unosservanza universale delle leggi morali, ossia
procurando al mondo sensibile, in quanto natura sensibile (per quanto riguarda gli esseri
razionali), la forma di un mondo intelligibile, ossia di una natura soprasensibile (KpV, AA 05:
43), e cio proprio quel nesso comunitario sistematico che pu fare del rapporto interattivo tra gli
uomini un insieme di tutti gli scopi (KpV, AA 05: 87), vale a dire un vero e proprio sistema

KU, AA 05: 447, 471, 455.

KU, AA 05: 433-435, 442-445, 447-450.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 115-127
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33904

Unit e concordanza teleologica del mondo in Kant

Il sommo bene in senso completo non si identifica per con questo mondo intelligibile
coincidente con lordine etico universale, ma piuttosto con quel massimo bene del mondo che
consiste nella congiunzione del massimo benessere degli esseri razionali mondani con la suprema
condizione del bene in essi, ossia della felicit universale con la moralit pi conforme alla legge
(KU 88, AA 05: 453). Questo bene totale allora non pi soltanto lo scopo finale delluomo
(ossia della nostra ragione pratica), bens al contempo il fine dellesistenza del mondo in generale
(RGV, AA 06: 6). Lo scopo finale della creazione infatti, secondo la nuova formulazione
(ulteriore) della terza Critica, quella costituzione del mondo che si accorda con lo scopo finale
della nostra ragione pratica (KU, AA 05: 455) e quindi non altro che lidea del mondo
migliore, della perfezione del mondo, che consiste nella congiunzione di perfezione morale e
perfezione fisica.18
Nella seconda Critica, nella Dialettica della ragion pratica, Kant argomenta che, come la
ragione pura in generale esige la totalit assoluta delle condizioni per un dato condizionato, cos
anche la ragione pratica cerca la totalit incondizionata del suo oggetto, che lincondizionato
per ci che praticamente condizionato, e lo trova nellidea del sommo bene che scaturisce dalla
coscienza della legge morale (KpV, AA 05: 108).
Nella terza Critica si vede che questa operazione della ragione costituisce unapplicazione
del Giudizio riflettente (pratico) che interpreta la legge morale come regola del sistema degli
scopi secondo la libert, il quale, per lesigenza di totalizzazione intrinseca alla ragione come
tale, richiede di essere esteso a sistema di tutti gli scopi in generale e in senso assoluto, e quindi a
scopo finale della ragione pratica (KU 87), che include lidea dellattuazione dellinsieme degli
scopi condizionati al rispetto della legge.
Lo scopo finale inclusivo discende dalla legge pratica perch, a livello meta-morale, la
ragione pratica comanda non solo di perseguire lo scopo della perfezione morale, ma anche di
prendersi cura del fatto che esso abbia effetti nel mondo,19 ossia di sviluppare strategie efficaci per
attuare o almeno per promuovere effettivamente un concordare del mondo con la destinazione
morale dellumanit.
La ragione cerca lincondizionato come totalit, come unit sistematica completa, che pu
essere solo teleologica (non causale) e consiste nella perfezione (delluomo e del mondo). Questo
il suo scopo supremo che fonda o anzi costituisce un sistema di tutti gli scopi.20 Ma il sistema
di tutti gli scopi anzitutto il sistema morale o pratico, basato sulla libert, perch solo questo
mostra da s la propria incondizionatezza e necessit. Questo scopo finale morale (ossia lidea
della perfezione morale e del regno dei fini) non ancora per il sistema completo di tutti gli
scopi, perch ne rimane fuori lambito degli scopi possibili solo mediante il concorso della natura,
ambito che diventa un sistema di scopi solo se subordinato al sistema morale e al suo scopo
La ragione pratica stessa estende il proprio concetto di scopo finale al di l del
concetto formale della concordanza di tutti gli scopi della volont libera, fino ad inglobare, nel

AA 28: 1099 s. [LFR 246 s.], 1201 s.


I. Kant, RGV, AA 06: 7 [ed. it., pp. 317-534].

Questultima asserzione si trova in I. Kant, Prol, 56, A 162, AA 04: 350 [trad. it., p.156].


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 115-127
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33904


Gerardo Cunico
concetto di scopo finale inclusivo (o sommo bene completo), anche la somma del
raggiungimento di tutti gli scopi, che dipende anche da condizioni fisiche e che coincide con il
concetto complessivo di felicit (AA 27: 1324), comprendendo anche lattuazione o il
conseguimento dellinsieme degli scopi perseguiti in concomitanza con ladempimento della
condizione della moralit, e quindi implicando anche il concorso teleologico della natura.
Solo la ragione pratica sede legittima del concetto di scopo finale (KU, AA 05: 455),
perch solo la morale determina ci che rende possibile il sistema di tutti gli scopi, la condizione
incondizionata della possibilit degli scopi di essere concordanti in assoluto. Cos la morale termina
nella teleologia morale, che va oltre il piano dei doveri in senso stretto prescrivendo uno scopo
finale inclusivo e prospettando la sua attuazione. La teleologia (in generale) ricava il suo principio
necessario (il concetto di scopo finale) dalla morale, che sola pu determinarlo e legittimarlo,
mostrandone la realt oggettiva (pratica); ma a sua volta la teleologia morale implica anche una
teleologia fisica, che per parte sua trova anche attestazioni indipendenti, per quanto insufficienti
a costituirla come un sistema autonomo.
Il giudizio riflettente pratico fornisce anzitutto una interpretazione teleologica21 della legge
morale: esso considera la legge come orientata verso uno scopo finale inclusivo (eccedente, per
quanto conforme allo scopo morale) che la ragione pratica prescrive alluomo di perseguire e
promuovere (KU ix, AA 05: 251-252). Il secondo passo di tale giudizio linterpretazione
teleologica della natura e del mondo intero, ossia quella che Kant designa come inferenza
(sintetica) dallo scopo finale delluomo allo scopo finale della creazione (KU 88), che unifica il
sistema di tutti gli scopi mediante libert col sistema di tutti gli scopi mediante natura,
fondando il sistema globale di tutti i fini in assoluto, la concordanza finale della natura con la
moralit, ossia la teleologia globale della ragione.22

3. Lunit del mondo concepibile come quella di un organismo?

Fin qui abbiamo indicato una via per la legittimazione critica del concetto di scopo finale, che
fonda la teleologia morale e quindi anche la possibilit-necessit di concepire il mondo come un
tutto unitario, sistematico e anche armonico, nellunica connessione criticamente sostenibile tra
piano empirico e piano metaempirico, che quella scaturente dalla riflessione sulla destinazione
morale delluomo. Adesso conviene tornare a riflettere sul perch non sia possibile giudicare il
mondo come un tutto sotto il profilo della teleologia fisica, vale a dire perch il Giudizio riflettente
teoretico non sia in grado di autorizzare una comprensione del mondo n come finalizzato
internamente a se stesso, n come finalizzato a uno scopo ultimo.
In un suo studio ormai non pi recente, ma sempre importante, Klaus Dsing ha sostenuto la
tesi che il mondo concepito da Kant non solo come sistema teleologico, ma pi precisamente
come un tutto organizzato.23 Kant, prendendo le mosse dalla particolare ed eminente forma di

Sul giudizio teleologico come interpretazione rinvio al mio lavoro (Cunico 2007, pp. 359-371).


AA 28: 1099 s., 1102 [LFR 246 s., 250], 1201 s., 1204 s.


(Dsing 1968, pp. 121-124).


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 115-127
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33904

Unit e concordanza teleologica del mondo in Kant

finalit che vediamo negli organismi, giunge ad estendere il principio teleologico al tutto
cosmico,24 intendendolo come un sistema basato su un nesso finalistico interno corrispondente (se
non identico) a quello dei corpi organici.25 vero che poi Dsing, nel prosieguo del suo studio,
analizzando in dettaglio i testi dellOpus postumum, indebolisce sostanzialmente tale tesi, fino a
ridurre la concezione del mondo come un tutto organico a quella di una analogia.26 Tuttavia la
questione cos sollevata offre lopportunit di riverificare limpostazione data nelle pagine
In primo luogo chiaro che il mondo non pu essere neppure pensato come un organismo
in senso stretto. Infatti, un corpo organico, secondo la Critica del Giudizio, definito dalla
congiunzione di due distinte condizioni: da un lato, una condizione pi ampia e generica: un
prodotto organizzato della natura quello nel quale tutto scopo e reciprocamente anche mezzo
(KU 66, AA 05: 376); dallaltro, una condizione pi restrittiva e specifica: un tale prodotto potr
essere chiamato uno scopo naturale, in quanto ente organizzato e organizzante se stesso (KU
65, AA 05: 372). La prima condizione significa che lorganismo un sistema, un insieme di
componenti interconnesse finalisticamente, nel quale le parti [] siano possibili soltanto mediante
la loro relazione con il tutto; la seconda specifica che lorganismo, per distinguersi da altri sistemi,
e in particolare dalle macchine (naturali e artificiali), deve anche essere tale che le sue parti si
congiungano nellunit di un tutto essendo reciprocamente causa ed effetto della loro forma
rispettiva (KU 65, AA 05: 372-374).
Lorganismo si distingue dal semplice sistema perch produce movimento, come la
macchina, ma si distingue dalla macchina proprio perch non solo articolato (nei suoi organi),
bens dotato di una interna forza plasmatrice (organizzante), che non soltanto motrice, ma
capace di mettere in movimento se stessa e di riprodursi (KU 65, AA 05: 374).
Ora, vero che, secondo Kant, il concetto della materia organizzata conduce
necessariamente allidea dellintera natura come un sistema secondo la regola degli scopi (KU
67, AA 05: 379). Ma poco oltre egli precisa che la natura nel suo insieme non data come
organizzata, se questo termine viene inteso nel suo senso pi ristretto (KU 75, AA 05: 398s.).
Rimane certo possibile pensare la natura come un tutto finalistico, e anzi perfino come un tutto
organizzato, ma solo in quel senso pi lato in cui un tutto finalistico pu anche esser detto
organico. 27 Tuttavia non necessario giudicarla cos, se si rimane sul piano della teleologia
fisica, ossia sul piano della conoscenza oggettiva e del giudizio riflettente teoretico.
Nel 82 della terza Critica leggiamo per che, nel rapporto esterno degli enti
organizzati, conforme alla ragione pensare una certa organizzazione, anche se lesperienza
sembra non confermare affatto tale supposizione (KU, AA 05: 427). Qui si tratta evidentemente di
organizzazione solo nel senso di un sistema di scopi (KU, AA 05: 427, 428, 430) inteso
genericamente (non nel senso di un ente organizzato propriamente detto), che riguarda solo le
creature terrestri in quanto enti organizzati e il loro rapporto esterno, non la loro forma o

Ivi, p. 121.
Ivi, p. 124.
Ivi, pp. 129, 142, 161-171.
Secondo il modo in cui il corpo organizzato definito nel 66 della Critica del Giudizio e in cui la Critica
della ragion pura caratterizza il sistema in analogia con un corpo animale (KrV, B 860 s.) e lOpus
postumum addirittura la macchina (OP, AA 21: 185, 547 ss., OP, AA 22: 568 ss.).

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 115-127
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33904


Gerardo Cunico
costituzione interna e neppure la loro esistenza in assoluto, ma semmai solo la loro esistenza in
quanto utile (degli uni per gli altri).
Questo rapporto esterno, nel contesto di tutto il paragrafo, indica la relazione funzionale di
un ente organizzato (singolo o classe) con altri, ma non necessariamente una relazione
rigorosamente e propriamente reciproca (bidirezionale), per cui luno sia mezzo per laltro e
viceversa, bens di regola e primariamente una relazione unidirezionale, in cui luno mezzo per
un altro e questo per un altro ancora e cos via, fino a un (ipotetico) scopo ultimo. Qui dunque la
domanda (finalistica) per che cosa? (wozu) non significa in funzione di che qualcosa si trova
internamente connesso con altro in un composto sostanziale che si d a riconoscere come sistema,
ma a vantaggio di chi (o che cosa) qualcosa si trova interconnesso con altro in un composto di
sostanze che si presenta anzitutto come aggregato e non evidente che costituisca un sistema
(KU, AA 05: 427-428).
Senza uno scopo ultimo non si pu affermare che sussista un sistema teleologico nel
rapporto esterno tra gli enti organizzati, secondo Kant. Ma perch non basta la reciprocit relativa
della funzionalit dellesistenza di un ente per laltro, quella che resta da ammettere dopo aver
riconosciuto che nessun ente organizzato (neppure luomo che a noi appare il pi titolato o lunico
titolato) pu essere attestato dallesperienza come scopo ultimo della natura?
Introducendo il concetto di finalit relativa o esterna (KU 63, AA 05: 368-369), Kant
dice che non siamo autorizzati a giudicare come finalit reale (e cio come scopo della natura) la
relazione funzionale che possiamo ipotizzare tra qualche ente naturale e qualche altro, a meno che
non si possa asserire che lesistenza di ci a vantaggio di cui ipotizziamo il rapporto funzionale
sia fine a se stessa, e quindi per se stessa scopo della natura, ovvero che tale esistenza sia
necessaria in assoluto e quindi per la natura stessa (che linsieme di ci che esiste di fatto); ma
questo equivarrebbe ad asserire che quellesistenza sia scopo finale, non pi condizionato e
subordinato ad altri scopi (naturali) (cfr. KU 84, AA 05: 435). Ora una simile asserzione
impossibile sul piano della conoscenza teoretica della natura (e anche della riflessione teleologicoteoretica).
Parafrasando il passo del 63 in parallelo a passi dei 82 e 83, si potrebbe dire, in sintesi,
che per Kant, nella Critica del Giudizio, la finalit esterna potrebbe configurarsi come un sistema
teleologico solo se lipotetico scopo ultimo potesse convalidarsi come scopo finale (ossia come un
ente che ha in se stesso lo scopo della sua esistenza), perch solo allora saremmo autorizzzati a
giudicarlo come uno scopo (ultimo) della natura nel rapporto esterno tra enti naturali.28
Possiamo pensare un organismo come fine in se stesso, e perci giudicarlo come un
sistema teleologico (tra altri analoghi), in virt della sua forma che ci data (ossia di cui possiamo
comprendere la possibilit) solo come organizzata, cio come articolazione di parti funzionale al
suo tutto, e quindi a lei stessa; ma non possibile giudicarlo un fine in senso assoluto (e quindi uno
scopo finale), perch si pu sempre domandare: a che scopo esiste? e non si legittimati (non si
hanno motivi sufficienti) a rispondere: per se stesso ovvero in vista di se stesso ( 67). La
natura nel suo insieme (considerata come un tutto), invece, non ha una forma che ci sia data come

O meglio tra enti organizzati, come precisa il 82 (KU, AA 05: 425), argomentando che degli altri, degli
enti inorganici, escluso a priori che possano essere giudicabili come scopi naturali.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 115-127
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33904

Unit e concordanza teleologica del mondo in Kant

organizzata ( 75), e soprattutto anche di essa si pu domandare lo scopo della sua esistenza, che di
nuovo non pu essere riposto in lei ( 67); perci non pu essere giudicata legittimamente un
sistema teleologico globale, sebbene sia lecito, e anzi inevitabile, pensarla (ossia supporla) come
tale ( 75).
4. Il mondo come domanda e orizzonte del senso
Sul piano teoretico, per Kant, il mondo diventa problema come tale: nel suo concetto formale di
unit-totalit e soprattutto nel suo carattere di esistenza fattuale che richiede una giustificazione del
suo essere-cos e del suo essere in generale. Il concetto di mondo viene rilegittimato proprio
attraverso la domanda della ragione interrogante che ne mette in questione il suo diritto di
esistere puramente di fatto come semplice naturalit e lo ricollega allinterrogativo sulla
destinazione e prospettiva finale delluomo. La domanda radicale della ragione investe lesistenza
del mondo come esigenza e richiesta di uno scopo finale: Per che cosa esiste luomo?, Per che
cosa esiste lintera natura? (KU, AA 05: 477).
Il concetto di mondo diventa dunque unidea legittima solo nellottica della domanda
pratica delluomo quando si estende alla domanda meta-pratica e meta-critica: Che cosa mi
lecito sperare? (KrV, B 833). Questo interrogativo, che costituisce la terza delle domande capitali
della ragione e che investe lorizzonte ultimo dellinterrogare e dellagire, e quindi dellesistere
stesso delluomo, decisivo per la sua autocomprensione, per la sua domanda su se stesso, che
nella Logica viene formulata come la quarta domanda, conclusiva e inclusiva, della ragione: Che
cos luomo?.29
Qui diventa necessario non solo pensare o ipotizzare, ma postulare un mondo che nel suo
essere (idealmente anticipato) attui il suo dover-essere (indicato dal suo scopo finale); un tutto
sistematico in cui la stessa naturalit possa essere riflessivamente giudicata come ordinata alla
moralit, ossia concordante con la legge morale e la sua esigenza di giustizia da un lato e di
attuazione dellinsieme degli scopi (soggettivi) congruenti, dallaltro.
In forza della sua problematizzazione radicale e antisostanzialistica, Kant appare la fonte
primaria di Heidegger e del suo concetto del mondo come struttura esistenziale delluomo.30 Anche
per Kant alluomo appartiene originariamente lessere nel mondo: questo per per lui non solo
una struttura formale, una condizione di possibilit: non basta la prefigurazione spaziale, ma
necessaria lanticipazione determinata di un essere un tutto, che a sua volta non assicurato
(come in Heidegger) dal precorrimento della morte, ovvero dallassunzione preliminare
dellorizzonte della finitezza dellesistere,31 bens dallanticipazione di un possibile compimento
adempiente. In Kant il poter essere un tutto del mondo in cui luomo esiste aperto dal poter
essere un tutto delluomo stesso come essere morale finito, che sottoposto a unesigenza
irremissibile oltrepassante la sua singolarit (la legge morale universale, ma autonoma, che gli pone
uno scopo finale come compito supremo), ma che proprio per questo avanza, in virt della sua
stessa ragione, lesigenza di un soddisfacimento (finale) anche dei suoi bisogni legittimi (cio dei
suoi scopi in quanto resi concordanti tra loro e con lo scopo finale comune) tramite un accordo
della natura con lordine della libert.

I. Kant, Lo, AA 09: 25 [trad. it. p. 19].

M. Heidegger, Sein und Zeit, Niemeyer, Halle S. 1927, 11-27.
Ivi, 46-53.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 115-127
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33904


Gerardo Cunico
Il mondo come un tutto sistematico lorizzonte di senso che si apre nella riflessione sulla
destinazione etica delluomo. La teleologia morale offre infatti, come Kant si esprime nel saggio
del 1791, Sullinsuccesso di ogni saggio filosofico di teodicea, linterpretazione autentica della
creazione, ossia quellunico senso che la nostra ragione (pratica) pu attribuire al libro del
mondo, che altrimenti rimarrebbe per sempre sigillato e inintelligibile.32
In quanto idea teoretica di totalit assoluta dellente, il mondo preformazione di un
orizzonte formale di conoscibilit e intelligibilit. Ma solo in quanto idea teleologica riempita di
valenza e protensione pratico-morale il mondo diventa orizzonte pieno, come progetto e
anticipazione materiale di senso, ossia di unintelligibilit che insieme (sia pure su un piano di
postulazione anzich di certezza assertoria) appaga tutti gli interessi della ragione umana: come
autorizzazione a interpretare i rapporti e gli eventi in un arco teso da ultimo al bene anzich al
Il tutto del mondo fondato sullo scopo finale che il sommo bene finito, il sommo bene
possibile nel mondo: questo mondo non soltanto il mondo sensibile o fenomenico (come si
talora equivocato)33, ma la totalit della realt finita, nel senso indicato: linsieme degli enti dotati
di esistenza derivata, non autosufficiente, in quanto costituiscono un sistema connesso da una
articolazione di senso che la concordanza con lorizzonte del bene. Ed precisamente questa
concordanza, a cui il mondo deve essere giudicato destinato solo in base al legame della nostra
autocomprensione umana con il dover essere morale, che costituisce larmonia del tutto nellunico
senso ammissibile dalla riflessione critica.

Baumgarten, G. A. (1982 [17574, 17797] Metaphysica, Halae Magd. [reprint: Hildesheim:
Cunico, G. (2001) Il millennio del filosofo: chiliasmo e teleologia morale in Kant. Pisa:
(2007) Comprensione del senso e Giudizio riflettente. Sulla teoria
dellinterpretazione di Kant. In AA.VV. Etica, religione e storia. Studi in memoria di
Giovanni Moretto. A cura di D. Venturelli, R. Celada Ballanti, G. Cunico. Genova: Il
Melangolo, pp. 359-371.
Dsing, K. (1968) Die Teleologie in Kants Weltbegriff. Bonn: Bouvier.
Fink, E. (1986) Einleitung in die Philosophie. Wrzburg: Knigshausen & Neumann.
Heidegger, M. (1969) Essere e tempo. Trad. it. di P. Chiodi, Torino: UTET.
Kant, I. (1993) Critica del Giudizio. Trad. it. a cura di A. Bosi: Torino: UTET.
(1991) Sullimpiego di principi teleologici in filosofia. In Id., Scritti sul
criticismo. A cura di G. De Flaviis. Roma-Bari: Laterza, pp. 33-60.

I. Kant, MpVT, AA 08: 253-272, qui 264 [trad. it. qui p. 59 s.].
Cfr. G.B. Sala (1993, spec. 378-384).


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 115-127
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33904

Unit e concordanza teleologica del mondo in Kant

(1989) Scritti di filosofia della religione. Trad. it. di G. Riconda, Milano: Mursia.
(1988) Lezioni di filosofia della religione. Trad. it. a cura di C. Esposito. Napoli:
Bibliopolis (sigla: LFR), pp. 246-251.
(1987) Storia universale della natura e teoria del cielo, trad. it. di S. Velotti,
Roma-Napoli: Theoria.
(1984) Logica, trad. it. di L. Amoroso, Roma-Bari: Laterza.
(1982) La forma e i principi del mondo sensibile e intelligibile, trad. it. di A. Pupi,
in I. Kant, Scritti precritici. A cura di R.Assunto. Roma-Bari: Laterza.
(1970a) Fondazione della metafisica dei costumi, in Id., Scritti morali, trad. it. di P.
Chiodi, Utet, Torino, pp. 39-125.
(1970b) Critica della ragion pratica. In: Id., Scritti morali. Ed. cit., pp. 127-315.
(1967a) Critica della ragion pura. Trad. it. di P. Chiodi. Torino: UTET.
(1967b) Prolegomeni ad ogni futura metafisica che si presenter come scienza.
Trad. it. di P. Carabellese. Bari: Laterza.
La Rocca, C. (1999) Esistenza e Giudizio. Linguaggio e ontologia in Kant. Pisa: ETS.
Sala, G. B. (1993) Wohlverhalten und Wohlergehen. Der moralische Gottesbeweis und die
Frage einer eudmonistischen Ethik. In: Theologie und Philosophie, 68, n. 3, pp. 368398.
Simmel, G. (1918) Lebensanschauung. Vier metaphysische Kapitel. Mnchen-Leipzig:
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Triebener, I. (2009) Zusammenstimmung. Das philosophische Problem der Harmonie im
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International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 115-127
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33904


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 128-150
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33906

Armona en la dualidad frente a monismo naturalista:

Kant y Habermas
Harmony in Duality versus Naturalist Monism:
Kant and Habermas
Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Espaa
Este trabajo intenta articular la Crtica del Juicio en el debate contemporneo sobre el
determinismo y la libertad. En esta perspectiva, defiende, frente a Habermas, que la dualidad entre
los dos mundos no impidi a Kant fundamentar una idea coherente del mundo, que incluya al
hombre como ser natural. Se estructura en dos partes. En la primera parte estudia la propuesta de
Habermas, de combinar un dualismo epistemolgico con un monismo naturalista no cientificista
(naturalismo dbil), como va adecuada para una imagen coherente del mundo. La segunda parte,
dedicada a Kant, pone de relieve que la Crtica del Juicio, mediante una lectura de la naturaleza y
del lugar del hombre en la misma desde el concepto de organismo, propio de la biologa, consigue
justificar, desde el Juicio reflexionante, una imagen del hombre como un ser natural en armona
con la libertad. Caracterizamos la propuesta kantiana como una armona en la dualidad.
Palabras clave
Habermas; Kant; armona; dualismo; libertad; naturalismo
This paper tries to articulate the Critique of Judgement within the contemporary debate on the
issues of determinism and freedom. From this perspective, it sustains, against Habermass ideas,
that the duality between the two worlds did not prevent Kant to lay the foundations of a coherent
vision of the world which included man as a natural being. The paper is structured in two parts. The
first is dedicated to the study of Habermass proposal of combining an epistemological dualism
Catedrtica de Metafsica y de Teora del Conocimiento en la Facultad de Filosofa de la Universidad.
Pontificia de Salamanca. E-mail: .

[Recibido: 29 de septiembre de 2015

Aceptado: 15 de octubre de 2015]


Armona en la dualidad frente a monismo naturalista

with a non-scientific naturalist monism (weak naturalism), as a suitable channel for a coherent
picture of the world. The second part is dedicated to Kant. It emphasises that the Critique of
Judgement, through a perception of nature and the place of man in it, ensued as a biological
organism, achieves, from a thoughtful judgement, an image of man as a natural being in harmony
with freedom. We, therefore, may characterize Kants proposal as a harmony in duality.
Key words
Habermas; Kant; Dualism; Freedom; Harmony; Naturalism


En el debate actual sobre el determinismo y la libertad, Habermas defiende un dualismo
como presupuesto necesario para afirmar la existencia de la libertad. En Libertad y
determinismo apoya su defensa del papel causal de nuestra voluntad libre en un dualismo
entre causas y razones o motivos racionales, que se corresponde con un dualismo entre la
perspectiva del observador y la perspectiva del partcipe.1 Pero se opone expresamente
al dualismo kantiano entre el mundo sensible y el mundo inteligible, 2 con vistas a
satisfacer tambin la necesidad de una imagen coherente del universo, que incluya al
hombre como ser natural.3 En este sentido, intenta combinar su dualismo, de perspectivas
epistemolgicas, con un monismo naturalista no cientificista, que recoge en la expresin
naturalismo blando4 o naturalismo dbil5. En esta primera parte nos referiremos, en
primer lugar, a su dualismo, mediante el cual fundamenta el concepto de libertad de accin
[1]; y en segundo lugar, a su monismo naturalista [2].
[1] Para Habermas, lo que hace que nuestras acciones se conviertan en acciones
libres es su conexin interna con razones, que son las que pueden motivar que obremos as
y no de otro modo. La libertad de accin supone un proceso previo de deliberacin en el
que el agente sopesa argumentos.
En primer lugar, este concepto de libertad es compatible con el carcter
condicionado de la misma, pues las aptitudes del agente, su carcter, sus circunstancias, no
son ms que otras tantas razones a sopesar. Pero, por otro lado, Habermas distingue entre
condicionalidad y determinacin causal. Precisamente, el dualismo de perspectivas
epistemolgicas que defiende Habermas tiene como base fundamental la irreductibilidad
de los motivos racionales a causas; esto es, la tesis de que el papel motivador de la accin

El contexto en el que Habermas defiende un dualismo en este escrito es el de las actuales tentativas de
aplicar al problema de la libertad los resultados de la investigacin sobre el cerebro (concretamente, en los
experimentos de Libet). Nosotros vamos a prescindir de ese contexto para centrarnos en las cuestiones de la
libertad, el dualismo y una imagen coherente del mundo.
Kant pudo conciliar la causalidad dimanante de la libertad con la causalidad de la naturaleza nicamente a
costa de un dualismo entre el mundo de lo inteligible y el mundo de los fenmenos. Hoy da nos gustara
arreglarnos sin tales suposiciones metafsicas de fondo (Habermas 2006, pp. 160-161).
Habermas 2006, p. 160.
Habermas 2006, p. 174.
Habermas 2011, pp. 32 ss.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 128-150
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33906


Ana M. Andaluz Romanillos

que tienen las razones no puede ser comprendido segn el modelo de causalidad de un
suceso observable. 6 Una accin motivada por razones no debe ser interpretada en el
sentido de un proceso causal determinista.
Segn una interpretacin determinista, las razones, lo que juzgamos como bueno o
como correcto, determinan necesariamente la aparicin de la accin, del mismo modo que
de una causa natural se sigue necesariamente un determinado efecto.7 Pero, de acuerdo con
Habermas, una accin motivada por razones se distingue de un proceso natural
determinista por la participacin del sujeto8 en el acontecer de la accin. En la motivacin
racional de la accin no cuentan slo las razones, sino que, adems, es necesario que el
agente se deje determinar por ellas.
Por eso, de una motivacin por razones no se sigue necesariamente una accin; la
aparicin de sta depende de la decisin del sujeto, el cual puede actuar incluso en contra
de lo que tiene por correcto:
A causa de esta referencia a un sujeto que puede actuar incluso en contra de un saber
mejor, el enunciado de que un sujeto S ha ejecutado la accin H (Handlung en alemn)
por una razn G (Grund) no es, evidentemente, equivalente a ese otro que dice que G ha
causado la accin H. A diferencia de lo que ocurre en una explicacin causal habitual, la
explicacin racional de la accin no permite sacar la conclusin de que personas
cualesquiera llegaran, con idnticas premisas, a una misma decisin [].
El que dependa de l obrar as y no de otro modo requiere estas dos cosas: tiene
que estar convencido de hacer lo correcto, pero tiene que hacerlo l mismo. La
espontaneidad de la accin, presente en la autoexperiencia, no es una fuente annima, sino
un sujeto que se atribuye a s mismo el poder obrar .9

La libertad de accin no radica slo en la vinculacin de la voluntad a razones, sino

tambin en ese poder, el cual es especficamente suyo.10
Desde este poder del sujeto, condicionamientos como los procesos cerebrales se
transforman de determinantes causales en condiciones posibilitadoras. 11 Y factores
como el carcter, las aptitudes, la historia vital, las circunstancias, dejan de ejercer su
influjo como causas externas; el sujeto hace suyos12 los distintos condicionamientos y
los incluye en su propio proceso de deliberacin; incluso nuestros deseos y preferencias
pueden contar como buenas razones para obrar.13
Ciertamente, estas razones pueden ser rebasadas por razones de carcter moral;
pero el concepto de libertad de accin no se limita a stas. En este punto Habermas

Habermas 2006, p. 165.

En este aspecto, Habermas tiene como interlocutor a P. Bieri. Cf. Habermas 2006, pp. 164-166.
Por eso, Habermas concepta tambin el dualismo entre razones y causas como un dualismo entre la
perspectiva de los partcipes y la de los observadores (Habermas 2006, p. 169).
Habermas 2006, pp. 167-168.
Habermas 2006, p. 165.
Habermas 2006, p. 168.
Habermas 2006, p.169.
Habermas 2006, p. 168.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 128-150
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33906

Armona en la dualidad frente a monismo naturalista

reprocha a Kant haber restringido el concepto de la libertad a la vinculacin de la voluntad
a razones ticas:
La marca de actuacin moral y deber categrico ha propiciado un concepto inflacionario
de libertad inteligible y sin origen y que, separado de todas las conexiones empricas, es, en
este sentido, absoluta.
La fenomenologa de la autora responsable nos ha conducido, respecto a esto, a un
concepto de libertad enraizada en el organismo y en la historia vital, el cual no casa ni con
la doctrina de Descartes sobre las dos substancias ni con la doctrina kantiana de los dos
mundos. El dualismo metodolgico de las dos perspectivas explicativas la de los
partcipes y la de los observadores no debe ser ontologizado en un dualismo de espritu y

As pues, Habermas no da a su dualismo un carcter ontolgico (como separacin

entre naturaleza y espritu), sino epistemolgico; entiende la diferencia entre determinacin
causal y motivacin racional de la accin como una escisin epistmica entre perspectivas
explicativas y formas de saber complementarias.15 El sentido de este dualismo tiene que
ver con el siguiente paso de la propuesta de Habermas.
[2] En un segundo paso quiere hacer concordar ese dualismo metodolgico con
una concepcin monista del universo que se ajuste a nuestra necesidad de tener una
imagen coherente del mundo.16 Para ello, va a intentar combinar el dualismo de las dos
perspectivas epistmicas, entendido como irreductibilidad de una a otra, con un monismo
Una posible va la ofrece una teora evolucionista del conocimiento. Frente a las
estrategias de investigacin reduccionistas, que asignan a la deliberacin de razones la
categora de epifenmenos, una teora evolucionista puede reivindicar el papel causal de
las razones como un producto adaptativo:
Si tanto las razones como la elaboracin lgica de las razones no desempean, desde un
punto de vista neurolgico, ningn papel causal, sigue siendo chocante, en la perspectiva
de la teora evolucionista, por qu la naturaleza se permite en absoluto, el lujo de todo un
mbito de razones [] Si se ha de tildar de epifenmeno a ese dar y recibir motivos
racionales, no quedara ya gran cosa de las funciones biolgicas de autocomprensin de
los sujetos capaces de lenguaje y accin. Por qu deberamos ponernos unos a otros
exigencias de legitimacin? Qu funciones cumplira toda esa superestructura de
diligencias de socializacin encaminadas a infundir en los nios la necesidad de algo que,
respecto a la causalidad, marcha en vaco?.17


Habermas 2006, p. 169. Sobre su oposicin a un dualismo de carcter ontolgico vid. tambin ibid., pp.
161, 170.
Habermas 2006, 161. Es un dualismo de perspectivas explicativas y juegos del lenguaje (ibid. p. 170).
Habermas 2006, p. 170.
Habermas 2006, pp. 171-172.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 128-150
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33906


Ana M. Andaluz Romanillos

Causas observables y motivos racionales seran, de acuerdo con una teora
evolutiva, el resultado de una adaptacin funcional de nuestra especie a dos entornos
distintos, el natural y el social.18
Sin embargo, Habermas tampoco est dispuesto a reducir la verdad de nuestras
teoras a su xito para la adaptacin.19
Es en una teora pragmatista del conocimiento, con su transformacin del
transcendentalismo kantiano en un sentido no idealista, 20 donde Habermas ve la va
adecuada para encontrar en el propio mundo un lugar para un dualismo epistmico,21 en
vez de tener que remitirlo al mundo noumnico kantiano.
El giro pragmtico de la teora del conocimiento conserva la problemtica
transcendental, pero evita el carcter idealista o el status inteligible que Kant asigna a las
condiciones de posibilidad y la hace compatible con un punto de vista naturalista:22 Las
condiciones transcendentales para el acceso epistmico al mundo deben ser, ellas mismas,
concebidas como algo en el mundo.23
Una concepcin pragmatista del conocimiento presupone renunciar al modelo
representacionalista del conocimiento para poner en su lugar conceptos como un trato
activo con la realidad, la superacin de problemas y el xito de los procesos de
Desde un punto de vista pragmatista, el proceso del conocimiento se presenta como una
conducta inteligente que soluciona problemas, posibilita procesos de aprendizaje, corrige
errores e invalida objeciones. [] la realidad no es nada a reproducir o representar;
nicamente se hace notar realizativamente, como el conjunto de las resistencias
procesadas y de las previsibles en las limitaciones y restricciones a las que estn
sometidas nuestras soluciones a los problemas y nuestros procesos de aprendizaje.25

Por otro lado, nuestros procesos de aprendizaje se desenvuelven en un trasfondo

comunicativo intersubjetivamente compartido, el mundo de la vida, un concepto que
Habermas toma de la fenomenologa de Husserl y con el que se opone explcitamente a la
conciencia transcendental y noumnica de Kant.26

Habermas 2006, p. 173.

Habermas 2006, p. 173. Ya en Conocimiento e inters, donde Habermas combinaba el papel constitutivo
y, en este sentido, transcendental de los intereses rectores del conocimiento con su origen en contextos
vitales, se haba opuesto a considerarlos como meras respuestas instintivas a necesidades biolgicas. A lo que
apuntan es al xito en la resolucin de problemas (Cf. Habermas 1986, p. 143).
En el marco de esta problemtica Habermas asume la transformacin de la problemtica transcendental de
Kant por el giro pragmtico de la teora del conocimiento, por parte de Rorty. Vid. sobre ello la Introduccin
de Habermas 2011.
Habermas 2006, 173.
Cf. Habermas 2011, pp. 18-19.
Habermas 2011, p. 27; cf. tambin, ibid., p. 30.
Habermas 2011, p. 37.
Habermas 2011, pp. 36-37.
La conciencia transcendental pierde las connotaciones de una dimensin establecida en el ms all, en el
mbito de lo inteligible; ha bajado a la tierra en la forma dessublimada de la prctica comunicativa cotidiana.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 128-150
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33906

Armona en la dualidad frente a monismo naturalista

Pues bien, a este pragmatismo asocia Habermas, como supuesto metaterico, un
naturalismo dbil.27 Dicho naturalismo, inspirado en la teora de la evolucin, consiste
en afirmar que los procesos de aprendizaje, que tienen lugar en el marco de nuestras
formas socioculturales de vida, slo continan procesos evolutivos naturales, que son los
que han posibilitado dichas formas socioculturales de vida. Lo que Habermas afirma con
su naturalismo dbil es una continuidad entre la cultura y la naturaleza, poniendo del lado
de sta una teora de la evolucin entendida como secuencia de soluciones de
Nuestros procesos de aprendizaje seran procesos de aprendizaje evolutivo29 y la
evolucin natural se interpreta como un proceso anlogo al aprendizaje. 30 En dicho
proceso iran emergiendo tanto las estructuras que hacen posible nuestro conocimiento
objetivo del mundo como las estructuras que caracterizan nuestras formas socioculturales
de vida.31
Con estos presupuestos, Habermas cree posible inscribir el dualismo epistmico de
causas y razones o motivos racionales en una imagen coherente del universo:
El dualismo epistmico no debe haber cado de un cielo transcendental. Tiene que haber
surgido de un proceso de aprendizaje evolutivo y haberse acreditado en la confrontacin
cognitiva del homo sapiens con las exigencias de un mundo ambiental lleno de riesgos. La
continuidad de una historia natural, sobre la que nosotros podemos tener, al menos, una
representacin anloga a la de la evolucin natural de Darwin, si bien no una concepcin
terica satisfactoria, nos asegura salvando el abismo epistmico entre la naturaleza
objetivable en las ciencias naturales y una cultura que se sigue entendiendo intuitivamente,
al estar compartida intersubjetivamente la unidad de un universo al que los humanos
pertenecemos como seres naturales.32

De este modo, Habermas intenta unir a Kant con Darwin33. De Kant toma, frente a
un planteamiento empirista, la idea de condicionamientos trascendentales del
conocimiento; como se ha visto, un trascendentalismo no idealista, segn el cual nuestro
conocimiento objetivo sobre el mundo (causas observables) y nuestras formas
socioculturales de vida, en las que se inscriben nuestros procesos deliberativos, surgiran
de procesos de aprendizaje en nuestro trato con la realidad.

El profano mundo de la vida ha venido a ocupar el lugar transmundano de lo noumnico (Habermas 2011, p.
27). En lugar de la subjetividad transcendental de la consciencia aparece la intersubjetividad
detranscendentalizada del mundo de la vida (ibid., 40).
Un concepto que Habermas contrapone al naturalismo estricto, riguroso o cientificista de Quine,
segn el cual: Todo conocimiento debe poder remitirse, en ltima instancia, a procesos cientficoexperimentales (Habermas 2011, p. 33).
Habermas 2011, p. 38.
Habermas 2011, p. 38.
Habermas 2011, p. 39
Cf. Habermas, 2011, p. 39.
Habermas 2006, p. 174.
Cf. Habermas 2006, pp. 161, 178.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 128-150
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33906


Ana M. Andaluz Romanillos

Por otro lado, apoyndose en hallazgos antropolgicos, Habermas aboga por el
surgimiento simultneo de las dos perspectivas, la de las causas observables (perspectiva
del observador) y la de los motivos racionales (perspectiva del partcipe): nuestra mirada
objetivante sobre el mundo no se constituye independientemente de los procesos de
socializacin, en los cuales tiene lugar el dar y recibir argumentos, que es el espacio de la
libertad. Con ello, Habermas cree poder abordar uno de los grandes problemas que plantea
todo dualismo: el problema de la interaccin.34
Sin duda, y haciendo una valoracin de la posicin de Habermas aqu expuesta, su
anlisis de la libertad de accin, en el que concilia dicha libertad con condicionamientos
empricos, propios de una voluntad que obra en el mundo, es convincente: los
condicionamientos de nuestra libertad son otros tantos argumentos o razones a sopesar en
la deliberacin, la cual depender en ltima instancia del sujeto. Otra cosa es que la
libertad, as entendida, no pase de un nivel meramente prudencial; es decir, lo que para
Kant seran los imperativos hipotticos, frente a lo que es bueno en s mismo, que es el
nivel genuino de la filosofa kantiana de la libertad. Compartimos tambin la posicin de
que no es posible afirmar la existencia de la libertad sin tener que admitir algn tipo de
dualismo. Y desde luego, el problema de cmo armonizar un dualismo, como presupuesto
de la libertad, con una imagen coherente del universo es un problema relevante en el
debate contemporneo sobre el determinismo y la libertad.
Sin embargo, quisiramos oponer a Habermas, desde Kant, que un monismo
naturalista no es la nica opcin posible para una imagen coherente del mundo, que
incluya al hombre como ser natural. Tambin es discutible que los fundamentos de la
libertad deban ser remitidos nicamente a procesos socio-culturales.
Veremos en esta segunda parte que el dualismo entre los dos mundos no impidi a Kant
fundamentar una imagen coherente del mundo.
Despus de recordar esquemticamente el dualismo kantiano, como fundamento del
concepto de una voluntad libre, y poner de relieve que dicho dualismo se convierte en un
problema cuando se pasa del plano de la fundamentacin al de la realizacin de la libertad
en el mundo [3], mostraremos que la segunda parte de la Crtica del Juicio aporta una
lectura de la naturaleza y del lugar del hombre en la naturaleza desde el concepto de
organismo, propio de la biologa; y que por este camino se llega a la cultura como el medio
sealado por Kant para la realizacin de la libertad[4]. Sin embargo, ello no significa
remitir el origen de la libertad a la naturaleza; la dualidad entre la naturaleza sensible y la
libertad, como lo suprasensible, persiste; pero, al mismo tiempo, la nueva visin del
hombre como ser natural se integra armnicamente con la posibilidad de la libertad en el
mundo [5].

Cf sobre ello Habermas 2006, pp. 174ss.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 128-150
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33906

Armona en la dualidad frente a monismo naturalista

[3] En su discusin sobre el conflicto entre determinismo y libertad, dentro del
contexto cosmolgico de la tercera antinomia, Kant apela tambin a la distincin entre
causas naturales determinantes y la decisin y el acto. En un acto voluntario, si ste es
libre, la decisin es irreductible a causas naturales. Ciertamente, en tanto que acontece en
el tiempo, el acto sigue a estas causas; pero, desde el punto de vista causal, no se sigue
de ellas.35
Sin embargo, en el concepto kantiano de libertad, la distincin entre causas
observables y deliberacin segn motivos no es suficiente. La libertad de accin no se
juega meramente en la vinculacin de la accin a razones, sino en el tipo de razones; o en
trminos ms kantianos, en el tipo de legalidad con el que se vincula la decisin de la
voluntad. Para que pueda hablarse de libertad, no basta con la participacin del sujeto o de
su voluntad en la decisin. 36 Slo la vinculacin de la voluntad a fundamentos de
determinacin absolutamente independientes de la legalidad de la naturaleza hace de ella
una voluntad libre. Libertad es en Kant causalidad incondicionada. Ya en el mismo
contexto cosmolgico de la tercera antinomia Kant encuentra este tipo de causalidad en la
razn (Vernunft). 37 Por otro lado, solo hay un hecho que pone de relieve un tipo de
causalidad tal:
Que esta razn posee causalidad, o que al menos nos representamos que la posee, es algo
que queda claro en virtud de los imperativos que en todo lo prctico proponemos como
reglas a las facultades activas. El deber expresa un tipo de necesidad y de relacin con
fundamentos que no aparece en ninguna otra parte de la naturaleza.38

Por eso, Kant escribe en un momento ulterior de su obra crtica, en la Crtica de la

razn prctica, que (la) libertad y la ley prctica incondicionada remiten []
recprocamente una a la otra. 39 Pues la representacin de la forma de la ley, como
fundamento de determinacin de la voluntad, se distingue de todos los fundamentos
determinantes de los eventos en la naturaleza segn la ley de causalidad, porque en estos
los fundamentos determinantes tambin tienen que ser fenmenos.40
En este aspecto, lleva razn Habermas cuando dice que Kant restringe el concepto
de libertad a la vinculacin de la voluntad a motivos ticos41. La afirmacin kantiana de la

KrV, A 451 / B 479.

[] la posibilidad de las cosas segn leyes naturales se distingue esencialmente de la posibilidad de las
cosas segn leyes de la libertad con arreglo a sus respectivos principios. Pero esta diferencia no estriba en
que en las ltimas la causa se ponga en una voluntad, mientras que en las primeras se site fuera de sta, en
las cosas mismas (EEKU, AA 20: 197).
Cf. KrV, A 547 / B 575, KrV A 551 / B 552, KrV 553 / B 581.
KrV, A 547 / B 575.
KpV, AA 05: 29.
KpV, AA 05: 28-29.
De todos modos, Allison ha advertido que en la Crtica de la razn pura, tanto en la Dialctica, como el
El Canon, deber e imperativo no siempre se toman en sentido estrictamente moral, sino que incluiran
tambin reglas prudenciales, o lo que luego quedar definitivamente como imperativos hipotticos, frente a
los categricos (Cf. Allison 1992, p. 478). Reconoce, no obstante, que ello no se reconcilia con algunos
pasajes aadidos en la segunda edicin; y, por supuesto, no se reconcilia con la segunda Crtica, la cual
vincula directamente la conciencia de la libertad con la ley moral (ibid., p. 496).

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 128-150
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33906


Ana M. Andaluz Romanillos

libertad no se funda meramente en un dualismo entre causas y motivos, sino en un
dualismo entre mundo fenomnico y mundo noumnico. Ciertamente, en el texto de la
antinomia encontramos, frente al determinismo, la distincin entre causas empricas
(empirische Ursachen) y motivos de la razn (Grunde der Vernunft). 42 Pero aqu
motivos racionales hacen referencia, no a cualquier tipo de motivos, que sera el caso de
Habermas, sino a la razn en el sentido que acabamos de expresar.
Ahora bien, frente a Habermas, quisiramos mostrar que este dualismo no impidi a
Kant ofrecer una imagen del mundo sensible coherente con el orden de la libertad.
La dualidad entre los dos mundos, siendo esencial e ineliminable en el
planteamiento kantiano, no constituye la respuesta completa al problema de la libertad. En
la Crtica del Juicio Kant formula explcitamente la exigencia de un acuerdo de la
naturaleza sensible con la libertad. Dicha exigencia la plantea justamente cuando pasa a
tematizar el problema de la realizacin de la libertad en el mundo de los sentidos, tal como
se pone de relieve en el conocido pasaje de la Einleitung: el concepto de libertad debe
realizar en el mundo sensible el fin propuesto por sus leyes43, y la naturaleza, por tanto, debe poder
pensarse de tal modo que [] concuerde con la posibilidad de los fines, segn leyes de libertad,
que se han de realizar en ella.44

Y de acuerdo con un pasaje de la seccin novena de la Einleitung, lo que se

persigue en la Crtica del Juicio es la posibilidad de pensar el fin final como fenmeno
en el mundo sensible45.
Por eso, no puede decirse, sin ms y en todos los sentidos, que Kant separe el
problema de la libertad de toda conexin emprica 46 . Ello sucede en el plano de la
fundamentacin pero no en el de su realizacin en el mundo.
Desde este segundo plano, la dualidad entre los dos mundos topa, como puede
apreciarse en el texto recin citado, con el problema caracterstico de un dualismo, el de la
interaccin: el abismo establecido entre la naturaleza sensible y el orden de la libertad
torna incomprensible un influjo del segundo sobre la primera; no nos resulta

KrV A 550 / B 578.

Idea que conecta con este otro texto: Encontramos [] en nosotros mismos, y, ms an, en el concepto,
en general de un ser racional, dotado de libertad (de su causalidad), una teleologa moral, la cual, empero,
como la relacin final en nosotros mismos puede ser determinada a priori con la ley misma, y, por
consiguiente, puede ser conocida como necesaria [] pero esa teleologa moral se aplica, sin embargo, a
nosotros como seres del mundo y, por lo tanto, como seres relacionados con otras cosas en el mundo (KU,
AA 05: 447).
KU, AA 05: 176.
El efecto, segn el concepto de la libertad, es el fin final (Endzweck); ste (o su fenmeno en el mundo
sensible) debe existir, para lo cual la condicin de la posibilidad del mismo en la naturaleza (del sujeto, como
ser sensible, a saber, como hombre) es presupuesta. (KU, AA 05: 195-196).
Incluso puede afirmarse que la preocupacin por la conexin de la libertad con las condiciones empricas
de su realizacin est ya presente en la misma tercera antinomia, como lo prueba este pequeo extracto: El
acto al que se aplica el deber tiene que ser realmente posible bajo condiciones naturales. Pero stas no afectan
a la determinacin de la voluntad misma, sino a su efecto y resultado en la esfera del fenmeno. Por muchos
que sean los motivos naturales y los estmulos sensitivos que me impulsen a querer, son incapaces de
producir el deber [] A pesar de ello, la razn parte del supuesto de que puede ejercer causalidad sobre
todas esas acciones, ya que, en caso contrario, no esperara de sus ideas efecto emprico alguno (KrV, A 548
/ B 576).


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 128-150
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33906

Armona en la dualidad frente a monismo naturalista

comprensible la posibilidad de efectos de la libertad como fenmenos en el mundo
Atendiendo a ese segundo plano y a la mencionada problemtica, Kant va a intentar
un concepto de naturaleza que sea coherente con la posibilidad de la libertad en el mundo.
Pero no lo intenta por la va de un monismo naturalista, sino por la va de una ampliacin
del concepto de naturaleza desde la libertad del Juicio reflexionante.
El Juicio reflexionante permite una ampliacin del concepto de naturaleza ms all
de lo que es explicable desde las ciencias; es decir, ms all de lo que permiten los
conceptos y principios constitutivos del entendimiento. El Juicio reflexionante representa,
en efecto, un espacio de libertad dentro del uso terico de la razn.48
[4] Pero que el Juicio reflexionante permita una ampliacin del concepto de
naturaleza no restringido a lo que es explicable desde las ciencias y represente, en este
sentido, un espacio de libertad dentro del uso terico de la razn, no significa que no tenga
nada que ver con la actividad cientfica. Al contrario, es en los presupuestos mismos de la
investigacin de la naturaleza donde Kant encuentra justificacin para una ampliacin del
concepto de la misma. Dicho de otro modo, el Juicio reflexionante es libre respecto a los
conceptos y principios constitutivos del entendimiento, pero su libertad no es una libertad
arbitraria sino fundada en razones.
Una primera razn procede de la problemtica de la aplicacin de la lgica a la
naturaleza o problemas de la conceptualizacin y sistematizacin de la naturaleza en la
diversidad de sus formas particulares y sus leyes empricas, que Kant desarrolla en cada
una de las dos Introducciones a la Crtica del Juicio.49 Una segunda razn procede de la
reflexin sobre el hecho de la organizacin interna de los fenmenos biolgicos, que Kant
plantea igualmente en las dos Introducciones y desarrolla en la segunda parte de la Crtica
del Juicio, la Crtica del Juicio teleolgico50. Por uno y por otro camino, y a partir de la
insuficiencia de las leyes trascendentales del entendimiento, el Juicio reflexionante tiene
que poner a la base de su reflexin sobre la naturaleza el concepto de finalidad


KU, AA 05: 196, nota de Kant.

Kant haba anticipado ya esta libertad en el uso regulativo de las ideas de la razn, en la Crtica de la razn
pura. Comparto el juicio de L. Flamarique sobre los conceptos y principios regulativos: frente a los
constitutivos, los conceptos y principios regulativos estn del lado de la autonoma y libertad de la razn
(Flamarique 2013, p. 48), Configuran el espacio de la libertad tambin en la dimensin especulativa de la
razn (ibid., p 56).
En ellas tiene lugar una catbasis o descenso de la Lgica transcendental a la pluralidad emprica
(Snchez Madrid 2011, p. 50).
Para un desarrollo de esa problemtica, vid. Andaluz 2011, pp. 93-107; Andaluz 1990, pp. 53-98; Andaluz
1990, pp. 23-98, 131-158.
En el caso de la problemtica de la conceptuacin y sistematizacin empricas de la naturaleza en sus
formas particulares, la finalidad se refiere a la adecuacin de la naturaleza a nuestro Juicio (finalidad formal y
subjetiva); en el caso de la experiencia cientfica de los seres organizados de la naturaleza, se trata, en
cambio, de un principio de la posibilidad de las cosas de la naturaleza (finalidad objetiva y real) (Cf. KU,
AA 05: 359-360). Adems, Kant encuentra tambin el principio del Juicio de una finalidad de la naturaleza
(entendida, igual que en el primer caso, como adecuacin de la naturaleza al Juicio) en su reflexin
trascendental sobre la experiencia de lo bello (Cf. KU, AA 05: 245).

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 128-150
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33906


Ana M. Andaluz Romanillos

Como es bien sabido, la finalidad de la naturaleza es solo un principio que el Juicio
se da a s mismo (como heautonoma)52 en su reflexin sobre la naturaleza; no tiene un
valor explicativo sino slo heurstico o metodolgico, si bien es un principio de naturaleza
transcendental; entendiendo por principio transcendental [] aquel por el cual se
representa la condicin universal a priori bajo la cual solamente cosas pueden venir a ser
objeto de nuestro conocimiento en general.53
Por otro lado, Kant no entiende la finalidad en el sentido de un fin o propsito al
cual est destinado algo, sino en el sentido de unidad, ajuste u organizacin sistemtica de
lo diverso, una organizacin tal que parece depender de la idea o representacin previa del
Pues bien, en el mbito de la biologa, la insuficiencia del enlace causal mecnico
para comprender, desde l, la forma interna de los organismos naturales justifica la
aplicacin a los mismos del enlace de los fines; pues, de otro modo, no sera posible una
experiencia cientfica en el campo de lo orgnico. Segn el enlace causal mecnico, son las
partes las que hacen posible el todo. Pero, desde el punto de vista de la organizacin
interna de las partes o de la materia, los seres naturales vivos slo nos resultan inteligibles
poniendo a la base de su posibilidad una idea, la idea del todo, que fundamente el modo de
asociacin de las partes; es decir, slo nos resultan inteligibles en cuanto fines.55 En este
sentido, el concepto central de la Analtica del Juicio teleolgico es el concepto de los
seres organizados como fines naturales (Naturzwecke);56 una nocin que, como decimos,
no pretende ser explicativa sino metodolgica, aunque necesaria; es decir, no pertenece al
Juicio determinante sino al reflexionante.57
La configuracin interna de los seres orgnicos conlleva un doble aspecto. Uno de
ellos concierne al fundamento de la misma; el otro hace referencia a la relacin de las
partes entre s.

KU, AA 05: 185. En la heautonoma de la facultad de juzgar insiste especialmente Cubo 2012.
KU, AA 05: 181.
Cf. sobre ello McFarland 1970, p. 78. Cassirer, por su parte, remite este concepto de finalidad o
adecuacin a fin al concepto de armona de Leibniz (Cassirer 1978, p. 337).
Cf. KU, AA 05: 235-236.
A esta clase de finalidad, referente a la forma interna de un ser organizado, la denomina Kant finalidad
interna, distinguindola de la finalidad relativa o externa, que se refiere a las relaciones de medios y fines
entre los seres de la naturaleza: La experiencia no conduce nuestro Juicio al concepto de una finalidad
objetiva y material, es decir, al concepto de un fin de la naturaleza, ms que cuando se ha de juzgar la
relacin de causa a efecto, que solo nos encontramos capacitados para considerar como legal porque
ponemos la idea del efecto de la causalidad de la causa, como la condicin de la posibilidad del efecto
mismo, contenida a la base de la causa misma. Esto, empero, puede ocurrir de dos maneras: o considerando
el efecto inmediatamente como producto del arte, o considerndolo slo como material para el arte de otros
seres posibles de la naturaleza, es decir, o como fin o como medio para el uso, conforme a fin, de otras causa.
La ltima finalidad se llama utilizabilidad (para los hombres), o tambin la aprovechabilidad (para cualquier
otra criatura), y es meramente relativa; en cambio, la primera es una finalidad interna del ser natural (KU,
AA 05: 366-367). En el pargrafo 63 Kant niega que las relaciones de utilizabilidad entre los seres de la
naturaleza justifique un juicio teleolgico sobre la naturaleza; sin embargo, ello no significa que la rechace
definitivamente. Veremos ms adelante que Kant recupera la finalidad relativa o externa del el concepto de
fin natural y que dicha recuperacin es muy importante de cara al objetivo sistemtico de la tercera Crtica.


Cf. KU, AA 05: 360.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 128-150
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33906

Armona en la dualidad frente a monismo naturalista

Segn el primero, el fundamento de la produccin de un ser organizado hay que
situarlo fuera de la materia, en una idea. Ello implica una ampliacin del concepto de
naturaleza ms all del mecanismo natural. La naturaleza organizada es interpretada por
analoga a la tcnica o arte humanos.58 La relacin de la naturaleza a un entendimiento
suprasensible 59 es uno de los resultados principales de la reflexin sobre la naturaleza
organizada. Entre la naturaleza como mero mecanismo natural y el mundo suprasensible de
razn prctico-moral seala la tercera Crtica el concepto de la naturaleza como tcnica.
Pero, por otro lado, a Kant no se le escapa que la analoga con la tcnica no es adecuada
para dar cuenta de otro aspecto esencial de los seres orgnicos: el fenmeno de la
autoorganizacin. Volveremos sobre ello en el ltimo punto; pero veremos que, incluso
tomando en consideracin ese fenmeno, Kant sigue afirmando la relacin de la naturaleza
sensible a una causa no sensible, que no podemos pensar ms que como un entendimiento.
Segn el segundo aspecto, la relacin entre las partes que componen el organismo
hay que enjuiciarla, no segn el esquema determinista de la causalidad mecnica, sino
segn el esquema teleolgico de la relacin de medios y fines.60 Dicha relacin es la que
recoge Kant en su formulacin del principio del Juicio para la investigacin de los
productos organizados, y que constituye al mismo tiempo la definicin de los mismos: un
producto organizado de la naturaleza es aquel en el cual todo es fin, y, recprocamente, tambin
medio. Nada en l es gratuito, sin fin o debido a un ciego mecanismo natural.61

En el planteamiento kantiano sobre los organismos, ambos aspectos el de la causa

intencional y el de la relacin entre las partes como medios y fines estn relacionados
entre s; ms concretamente, el segundo, debido a su incomprensibilidad desde el enlace
causal mecnico, se funda en el primero.62 Como ha observado McFarland, a diferencia de
lo que sucede en la biologa contempornea, funcin significa en Kant funcin
Pero, adems, en virtud del argumento de la unidad del fundamento, Kant extiende
el concepto de organismo u organizacin interna, en cada uno de los dos aspectos
sealados, a la naturaleza en su conjunto.64 Por supuesto, el enjuiciamiento de la naturaleza
como un sistema de fines sigue siendo un principio regulativo del Juicio reflexionante.65
Por el primer aspecto, la naturaleza en su conjunto es puesta en conexin con una
causa intencional, es decir, que obra segn fines. Y por el segundo aspecto, se obtiene una
imagen de la naturaleza que tiene como forma de categorizacin la relacin medios-fines
en las relaciones externas entre las distintas clases de seres naturales.

Cf. KU, AA 05: 360.

Cf. KU, AA 05: 377, 380-381.
Comparto la opinin de Philonenko, segn la cual la finalidad relativa, como finalidad de medio a fin, est
ya contenida en el concepto mismo de organismo; referida en este caso, naturalmente, a la relacin entre las
partes de ste (Cf. Philonenko 1982, pp. 120-121).
KU, AA 05: 376.
Sobre la conexin entre ambos aspectos, es decir, que la relacin recproca de fines y medios entre las
partes de un ser organizado exige poner a la base de dicha relacin una causalidad final vid. tambin GTP,
AA 08: 178.
Cf. McFarland 1970, pp. 110-111. Cf., por ejemplo, KU, AA 05: 360.
Cf. sobre ello KU, AA 05: 378-379, 380-381.
Cf. KU, AA 05: 379.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 128-150
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33906


Ana M. Andaluz Romanillos

Dicha extensin a la naturaleza en su conjunto representa un momento clave para el
objetivo sistemtico central de la Crtica del Juicio, de vincular la naturaleza con la
posibilidad de la libertad en el mundo. De los dos aspectos sealados, aunque inseparables
en el planteamiento kantiano sobre la organizacin de la naturaleza, destacaremos aqu
slo el segundo.
Como decimos, la aplicacin del concepto de organismo a la naturaleza en su
conjunto, en ese segundo aspecto, aporta una imagen de la naturaleza que tiene como
categorizacin bsica la relacin medios-fines en las relaciones externas entre los seres
naturales entre s. Y dicha categorizacin tiene como consecuencia, segn veremos, un
nuevo planteamiento de la condicin del hombre como ser natural.
La conceptuacin de las relaciones entre los seres naturales segn la relacin de
medios-fines constituye, tal como anticipamos ms atrs, lo que Kant llama finalidad
relativa o externa.66 Rechazada en los pargrafos 63 y 67, Kant la recupera, en cambio, en
el pargrafo 82, desde el concepto de fin natural o finalidad interna.67
En el pargrafo 63 Kant se opuso a la idea de que la utilidad de cosas en la
naturaleza para el hombre o la aprovechabilidad de unos seres para otros en la naturaleza
justifique un juicio teleolgico sobre la misma; es decir, que la existencia de una cosa, por
razn de su utilidad o de su aprovechabilidad, pueda ser considerada como un fin de la
naturaleza (Zweck der Natur).68
Al comienzo del pargrafo 67, en el cual tiene lugar el paso del concepto de fin
natural al concepto de la naturaleza en su conjunto como un sistema de fines, Kant se
reafirma en ello. Pero subraya el carcter hipottico de la finalidad externa, ya indicado
tambin en el pargrafo 63: slo estara justificado admitir la existencia de algo como fin
de la naturaleza (Zweck der Natur) si conociramos el fin (el objetivo) por el cual existe la
naturaleza, esto es, el fin final (Endzweck) (scopus) de la existencia de sta. Ahora bien,
ello sobrepasa todo posible conocimiento de la naturaleza, pues un fin semejante requiere
una relacin de sta con algo suprasensible; el fin de la existencia de la naturaleza debe
ser buscado por encima de la naturaleza.69
Pero en el pargrafo 82 Kant justifica la finalidad externa desde el concepto de un
ser organizado como fin natural. Slo en relacin con seres organizados pueden otros seres
de la naturaleza ser juzgados como medios.70 La finalidad externa comporta el concepto de
la existencia de algo como fin. Pero ello slo es posible plantearlo en relacin con un ser

Por finalidad externa entiendo aquella en que una cosa en la naturaleza sirve a otra de medio para un fin
(KU, AA 05: 425); se llama utilizabilidad (para los hombres), o tambin la aprovechabilidad (para cualquier
otra criatura) (KU, AA 05: 367).
[] la nocin de fin natural entraa no tanto un rechazo, cuanto un reexamen de la nocin de finalidad
externa (Lebrun 2008, p. 473).
KU, AA 05: 367. Ntese la diferencia entre las expresiones Naturzweck y Zweck der Natur. En la primera
expresin se trata del concepto de fin natural y se refiere a su forma interna, en el segundo caso se trata de la
existencia de un ser como fin de la naturaleza. La finalidad externa es un concepto totalmente distinto del
concepto de la interna, que est enlazado con la posibilidad de un objeto, prescindiendo de si su realidad
(Wirklichkeit) misma es un fin o no (KU, AA 05: 425).
KU, AA 05: 378.
Cf. KU, AA 05: 425.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 128-150
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33906

Armona en la dualidad frente a monismo naturalista

organizado, pues ya su posibilidad descansa en una causa que obra segn fines. 71 La
pregunta por el fin de la existencia de algo slo tiene sentido en una representacin
teleolgica de la naturaleza; no, en cambio, en una concepcin mecnica de la misma.72
En relacin con este punto, referente a la justificacin de la finalidad externa desde
el concepto de un ser organizado, G. Lebrun (interpretando a Kant desde Hegel) aporta
argumentos de inters, centrados en la originalidad de los seres vivos frente a los
inorgnicos. Tomar en consideracin la diferencia entre lo orgnico y lo inorgnico
introduce un cambio respecto a una interpretacin de las relaciones medio-fines como
meras relaciones contingentes de utilidad; pues la relacin de la vida con el medioentorno es de asimilacin o apropiacin. Frente a la relacin mecnica stimulusreaccin, la relacin caracterstica de la vida es la de necesidad-asimilacin. En la
asimilacin el medio se comporta como medio. Por eso, slo en relacin con lo orgnico,
los medios son propiamente medios. La vida representa un cambio respecto a la relacin
con el medio-entorno: es capacidad de transformar las condiciones de existencia en un
medio-entorno dado, en lugar de ser determinado por ellas. Y en este entorno de lo
orgnico hay seres, los hombres, capaces de transfigurar la naturaleza y no meramente de
alojarse en ella.73
La interpretacin, aunque libre, aporta luz a los textos kantianos; pues, en efecto, la
nueva categorizacin de la naturaleza en fines y medios introduce aspectos nuevos respecto
a la categorizacin de la misma desde una perspectiva no orgnica.
En primer lugar, la finalidad externa, como tambin seala Lebrun, queda ante todo
como jerarqua entre los distintos seres orgnicos.74 Por otro lado, y relacionado con lo
primero, cambia la visin del modo de estar el hombre en el mundo, que en los textos de la
fundamentacin de la tica pareca responder nica y necesariamente al esquema de la
relacin estmulo-respuesta.75
Lo que se recupera del concepto de finalidad externa no son tanto relaciones ms o
menos contingentes de utilidad cuanto la idea de una jerarqua u organizacin entre los
distintos seres orgnicos:
Cuando una finalidad objetiva, en la diversidad de las especies de las criaturas terrestres y
su relacin recproca exterior, como seres construidos conforme a fin, se la convierte en
principio, es conforme a la razn pensar, en esa relacin, a su vez, una cierta organizacin
y un sistema de todos los reinos de la naturaleza segn causas finales.76
La jerarqua se establece entre estas tres clases de fines naturales: fines naturales que
existen slo como medios, fin final y fin ltimo.

Cf. KU, AA 05: 425.

Cf. KU, AA 05: 425- 426.
Lebrun 2008, p. 474 - 477.
Lebrun 2008, p. 476.
Segn la Grundlegung, las acciones, en tanto que pertenecientes al mundo sensible, no pueden ser
comprendidas ms que como determinadas por otros fenmenos, a saber: apetitos e inclinaciones (GMS,
AA 04: 453).
KU, AA 05: 427..

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 128-150
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33906


Ana M. Andaluz Romanillos

En primer lugar, cabe pensar la siguiente jerarqua: fines naturales que existen slo
como medios y un fin final, esto es, un fin natural que tuviera en l mismo y no en otros
seres naturales el fin de su existencia. En efecto, dado que la existencia de un ser
organizado es pensada como un fin cabe preguntarse si:
el fin de la existencia de un ser semejante de la naturaleza est en s mismo, es decir, no es
slo fin, sino fin final (Endzweck), o bien est fuera de l en otros seres de la naturaleza, es
decir, no existe, en modo final, como fin final, sino, en modo necesario, al mismo tiempo
como medio.77

Con ello, la Crtica del Juicio parece retomar el motivo que la desencaden: fundar
la posibilidad del fin final como fenmeno en el mundo sensible.78 Pero, al mismo tiempo,
tambin parece que vuelve a hacer acto de presencia el dualismo entre los dos mundos,
pues el fin final, por su carcter incondicionado, no es algo que podamos conocer en la
[] cuando repasamos la naturaleza entera no encontramos en ella, como naturaleza,
ningn ser que pueda tener pretensiones al privilegio de ser fin final de la creacin, y hasta
se puede demostrar a priori que lo que quiz aun para la naturaleza pudiera ser ltimo fin
(letzter Zweck) con todas las determinaciones y propiedades imaginables con que se le
pueda proveer, no puede ser nunca un fin final (Endzweck).79

Por supuesto, no es poco que la reflexin sobre la naturaleza desde los organismos
d pie a la pregunta por el fin final.80 Pero es verdad que la dualidad entre los dos mundos
En segundo lugar, dentro de la naturaleza, la jerarqua se establece entre: los fines
naturales y un fin ltimo de la naturaleza, esto es, un ser natural para el cual existen todos
los dems o en relacin con el cual todos los dems son medios.
Es el hombre el fin ltimo de la naturaleza? Pues el hombre, por su entendimiento,
es el nico ser en la tierra capaz de hacerse un concepto de fines y, mediante su razn, un
sistema de fines de un agregado de cosas formadas en modo final.81 Pero si nos atenemos
a una concepcin meramente mecanicista de la naturaleza, la respuesta tambin podra ser
que el hombre es un mero medio para el mantenimiento del equilibrio82 de la naturaleza.
Sin embargo, este segundo argumento supone aceptar que los seres organizados no tienen
ms origen que el mecanismo de la naturaleza; en cambio, una de las grandes posiciones de


KU, AA 05: 426.

Cf. KU, AA 05: 195-196.
KU, AA 05: 426.
Cf. KU, AA 05: 485.
KU, AA 05: 427.
KU, AA 05: 427.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 128-150
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33906

Armona en la dualidad frente a monismo naturalista

la Crtica del Juicio es que mecanismo y teleologa son compatibles como principios del
Juicio reflexionante83.
Por tanto, desde una visin de la naturaleza no limitada al mecanismo natural:
[] tenemos motivo suficiente, segn principios de la razn, para juzgar al hombre, no
slo, igual que los seres organizados todos, como fin natural (Naturzweck), sino tambin
aqu, en la tierra, como el ltimo fin (letzten Zweck) de la naturaleza, en relacin con el cual
todas las dems cosas naturales constituyen un sistema de fines, y ese juicio, no, desde
luego, para el Juicio determinante, pero s para el reflexionante.84

Ahora bien, conceptuar al hombre como el fin ltimo de la naturaleza representa un

cambio (respecto a las Crticas anteriores) en la visin kantiana sobre el modo de estar el
hombre en el mundo.
Como veremos ms abajo, la nocin del hombre como fin ltimo de la naturaleza
conlleva la idea de que puede ser libre en el entorno natural.
Kant sita la dimensin por la que el hombre puede ser el fin ltimo de la
naturaleza en la aptitud y en la habilidad para toda clase de fines, para los cuales pueda la
naturaleza (interior y exteriormente) ser utilizada por el hombre.85 A mi modo de ver, la
expresin utilizar, debe entenderse en el sentido de conformar la naturaleza a sus fines. Por
eso, esa dimensin por la que el hombre puede ser enjuiciado como el fin ltimo de la
naturaleza se concreta en la cultura, como produccin de su aptitud para fines, en
Esto quiere decir que el hombre, en tanto que ser en el mundo, deja de ser visto
como fenmeno necesariamente determinado por otros fenmenos, para ser considerado
como causa determinante en la naturaleza, una afirmacin que, por cierto, concuerda con la
conocida distincin, en el Prlogo de la Antropologa, entre lo que la naturaleza hace del
hombre y lo que l mimo, como ser que obra libremente, hace o puede y debe hacer, de
s mismo.87
Pero, con ello, parece que hemos llegado, desde la naturaleza, al mbito que
Habermas seala como el mbito de la libertad, entendida sta como la vinculacin de la
voluntad a motivos racionales; dicho mbito es para Habermas, como veamos, el de lo
Sin embargo, en el caso de Kant, la relacin entre la cultura y la libertad /
moralidad exige algunas precisiones. Retomaremos esta cuestin en el ltimo apartado,
despus de plantear un aspecto que podra dar pie a una interpretacin en el sentido de un

Kant establece esta posicin en la solucin a la Antinomia del Juicio teleolgico (Cf. KU, AA 05: 387388).
KU, AA 05: 429.
KU, AA 05: 430.
KU, AA 05: 431.
Anth, AA 07: 119.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 128-150
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33906


Ana M. Andaluz Romanillos

[5] Dado que en su discurso sobre el hombre como fin ltimo, Kant sita al
hombre, con su capacidad racional, entre otros seres organizados en la naturaleza, es decir,
como perteneciente a una de las especies animales, podra deducirse, a partir de ello, que
su voluntad libre es una cualidad que le pertenece en tanto que ser natural organizado? Por
otro lado, Kant remite la libertad, como pusimos de relieve ms arriba, a la causalidad de la
razn. En este sentido, cabe traer aqu un problema al que aludimos ms atrs pero que
dejamos para este momento.
Decamos que la analoga de la tcnica, si bien constituye el nico modo como
nosotros podemos hacernos comprensible la posibilidad de la forma interna de los seres
organizados de la naturaleza, en cambio, dicha analoga no es adecuada para dar cuenta de
un fenmeno caracterstico de los mismos, que es su capacidad productiva y
autoorganizativa.88 En la analoga de la tcnica situamos el fundamento de la organizacin
interna en una causa racional exterior. Pero en un fin natural, en la medida en que es un
producto natural y no un producto del arte, la organizacin debe ser producida por las
partes, por la materia. De manera que habra que atribuir a la materia organizada una
capacidad organizativa intrnseca.
A mi modo de ver, la posicin de Kant en este punto podra sintetizarse aludiendo a
dos pasos de la Crtica del Juicio teleolgico, pertenecientes a la Metodologa del Juicio
Por un lado, en el pargrafo 80, Kant expresa su simpata por el intento de los
arquelogos de la naturaleza, de indagar las causas mecnicas que podran conducir a un
sistema de las naturalezas organizadas.89 Sin embargo, Kant se opone a conceder que la
materia organizada pueda proceder de la materia bruta, a partir de leyes meramente
mecnicas. La tesis de Kant es que el arquelogo de la naturaleza tiene que atribuir a esa
medre universal una organizacin, puesta, en modo final, en todas esas criaturas. 90 Y,
segn Kant, esta organizacin originaria no podemos pensarla ms que como procedente
de un entendimiento arquitectnico.91
Pero, por otro lado, en el pargrafo 81, dentro de las teoras teleolgicas
(ocasionalismo y pre-estabilismo, en la que distingue entre la teora de la preformacin
individual y la teora de la preformacin genrica), Kant se inclina hacia aquella que
concede un mayor protagonismo a la naturaleza: el sistema de la epignesis o sistema de la

Vid sobre ello los pargrafos 64 y 65 de la Analtica del Juicio teleolgico.

Esa analoga de las formas, en cuanto, a pesar de toda la diversidad, parecen ser producidas por un
prototipo comn, fortalece la sospecha de una verdadera afinidad de las mismas en la produccin de una
madre comn primitiva, por medio de la aproximacin gradual de una especie animal a otra, desde aquella en
que el principio de los fines parece ms guardado, a saber, en el hombre hasta el plipo, y de ste, incluso,
hasta los musgos y los lquenes, y, finalmente, hasta la escala inferior que podemos observar de la naturaleza,
la materia bruta, de la cual y de cuyas fuerzas, segn leyes mecnicas (iguales que las que siguen la
produccin de los cristales), parece provenir toda la tcnica de la naturaleza, que en los seres organizados nos
es tan incomprensible que nos creemos obligados a pensar para ellos otro principio (KU, AA 05: 418-419).
La cursiva es nuestra.
KU, AA 05: 419.
KU, AA 05: 420.



International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 128-150
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33906

Armona en la dualidad frente a monismo naturalista

preformacin genrica de Blumenbach. Segn el pre-estabilismo, la causa suprema del
mundo habra puesto en los productos primeros [] los grmenes (Anlage) slo
mediante los cuales un ser orgnico produce su semejante.92 Pero, a diferencia del sistema
de la preformacin individual, el sistema de la epignesis sostiene que esas
predisposiciones o grmenes habran sido puestos no en los individuos, sino en la especie.
De este modo, el sistema de la preformacin genrica considera a la naturaleza como
productora de suyo y no slo como capaz de desarrollo, y as confa a la naturaleza, con el
gasto ms pequeo posible de sobrenatural, todo lo que sigue desde el primer comienzo.93
Esto quiere decir que todo intento de interpretacin naturalista de la facultad
racional en Kant94 ha de tener en cuenta que cuando habla de predisposiciones o grmenes
lo hace a partir de la aceptacin de una organizacin teleolgica originaria, la cual remite a
un entendimiento como causa de la naturaleza.
La posicin de Kant en la Crtica del Juicio no es ni la de la autocracia de la
materia 95 ni la de una eliminacin de la naturaleza, sino la de una compatibilidad de
mecanismo y teleologa, tal como se pone de relieve en la solucin de la antinomia del
Juicio teleolgico. Mecanismo y teleologa son contradictorios y se excluyen mutuamente
si se adoptan como principios constitutivos del Juicio determinante; pero la contradiccin
desaparece si se adoptan como mximas del Juicio reflexionante.96 Dicha compatibilidad
tiene su fundamento en el hecho de que la contingencia de las formas organizadas segn el
nexo causal mecnico y la necesidad de enjuiciarlas como fines es algo que hay que
imputar a la peculiar constitucin de la facultad humana de conocer y no a la posibilidad
de las cosas mismas97; pero como nuestro conocimiento se refiere slo a las cosas como
fenmenos, es posible pensar que mecanismo y finalidad se hallen en unidad en un
intellectus archetypus, como sustrato suprasensible de la naturaleza, que podemos poner
frente a nuestro intellectus ectypus.98

KU, AA 05: 422.

[] (pero sin determinar nada sobre este primer comienzo, en el cual la fsica, en general, naufraga, por
ms que intente explicarlo con la encadenacin de causas que quiera) (KU, AA 05: 424).
Entre los elementos que han dado pie a interpretaciones del idealismo trascendental kantiano en el sentido
de un naturalismo, cabe destacar, precisamente, los siguientes: la presencia de la nocin de disposiciones o
grmenes (Anlage) (KU, AA 05: 422); disposiciones naturales en la especie humana (KU, AA 05: 432);
disposiciones originarias (ursprnglichen Anlagen), disposiciones naturales (Naturanlagen) (IaG, AA
08, 17-18); la simpata que manifiesta Kant por las investigaciones de los arquelogos de la naturaleza sobre
un prototipo comn (KU AA 05: 418-419), su adhesin a la teora epigentica de Blumenbach (cf. KU, AA
05: 424); y tambin la idea de una epignesis de la razn (KrV, B 167). Una interpretacin proclive a una
interpretacin naturalista, e incluso darwinista, se puede ver en Moya 2011, pp. 220-224. Para algunas
objeciones a esta lnea interpretativa y una lectura no naturalista de la idea kantiana de epignesis de la razn,
vid. Garca Norro 2011, 180, 183-184. Un proyecto de armonizar a Kant con Lorenz puede verse en Teruel
2015, pp. 23-29.
KU, AA 05: 421.
Cf. KU, AA 005: 385-389.
KU, AA 005: 408.
KU, AA 005: 408. [] el principio del mecanismo de la naturaleza y el de la causalidad de la misma
segn fines, en uno y el mismo producto natural, deben reunirse ambos en la dependencia de un principio
superior, y brotar juntamente de l, porque si no, en la consideracin de la naturaleza, no podran coexistir
uno junto al otro (KU, AA 05: 412). En la Critica del Juicio la relacin del mecanismo con la teleologa es
de subordinacin del primero a la segunda (Cf. KU, AA 05: 414-415).

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 128-150
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33906


Ana M. Andaluz Romanillos

A partir de estas premisas, es decir, a partir de la oposicin de Kant a la
autosuficiencia de la materia y, por tanto, la necesidad de admitir una organizacin
teleolgica originaria (puesta en la especie), por un lado, y a partir de su tesis de la
compatibilidad de mecanismo y teleologa, por el otro, quizs no haya problema en aceptar
que la razn como causa es algo que pertenece al hombre, en tanto que un ser natural
organizado. De hecho, Kant mismo lo afirma en la Doctrina de la virtud de la Metafsica
de las costumbres:
En la conciencia de un deber hacia s mismo el hombre se considera, como sujeto de tal
deber, en una doble calidad: primero como ser sensible, es decir, como hombre (como
perteneciente a una de las especies animales); pero luego tambin como ser racional
(Vernunftwesen) (no simplemente como un ser dotado de razn (vernnftiges Wesen),
porque la razn en su facultad terica bien podra ser tambin la cualidad de un ser corporal
viviente), al que ningn sentido alcanza, y que slo se puede reconocer en las relaciones
prctico-morales, en las que se hace patente la propiedad inconcebible de la libertad por el
influjo de la razn sobre la voluntad internamente legisladora.99

Ahora bien, lo que estara en un nivel diferente a su condicin de ser natural

organizado (ser corporal viviente), tal como evidencia tambin ese texto, con la
distincin entre Vernunftwesen y vernnftiges Wesen100, es la libertad de su voluntad o
dimensin de la moralidad. Veamos qu aporta en este sentido el discurso kantiano del
hombre como fin ltimo de la naturaleza.
Decamos al final del punto [4] que Kant sita la dimensin por la que el hombre
puede ser el fin ltimo de la naturaleza en su aptitud para conformar la naturaleza a sus
fines y en la produccin de dicha aptitud, esto es, en la cultura. Pero nos preguntbamos si
con ello (que vendra a corresponderse con el concepto habermasiano de la libertad como
motivacin racional de la accin) estamos ya en el mbito de la libertad.
Pues bien, la respuesta es: s, pero con condiciones. Vemoslo.
Segn el discurso de la tercera Crtica sobre el fin ltimo, el hombre no es fin
ltimo de la naturaleza meramente por su capacidad de proponerse fines y someter a ellos a
la naturaleza, sino que Kant introduce, como condicin para ser el fin ltimo, la voluntad
de ser fin final:
Como nico ser en la tierra que tiene entendimiento (Verstand), y, por tanto, facultad de
proponerse arbitrariamente fines, es l, ciertamente, seor, en ttulo, de la naturaleza, y si se
considera sta como un sistema teleolgico, el hombre es, segn su determinacin, el
ltimo fin de la naturaleza (letzte Zweck der Natur), pero siempre slo con la condicin de
que lo comprenda y tenga la voluntad de dar a ella y a s mismo una relacin de fin tal que
pueda, independientemente de la naturaleza, bastarse a s mismo, y ser, por tanto, fin final
(Endzweck); ste, empero, no debe ser, de ningn modo, buscado en la naturaleza.101

MS, AA 06: 418.

Sobre esta distincin vid. Lebrun 2008, p. 487.
KU, AA 05: 431.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 128-150
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33906

Armona en la dualidad frente a monismo naturalista

Fin ltimo significa el concepto de un ser respecto al cual todos los dems seres
pueden ser considerados como medios. Y fin final significa en este contexto de las
relaciones externas entre los seres organizados de la naturaleza el concepto de un ser que
tiene en l mismo y no en otros seres naturales el fin de su existencia.102 Pero se nos dice
(justamente en el texto recin citado) que el fin final no debe ser, de ningn modo,
buscado en la naturaleza.103
De acuerdo con el pargrafo 84, fin final es el hombre, pero en cuanto sujeto de
moralidad y, por tanto, como nomeno104. Por tanto, en la Crtica del Juicio persiste la
dualidad entre la naturaleza y la libertad como lo prctico-moral.
Ahora bien, que persista la dualidad no significa que no sea posible la armona
entre la condicin natural del hombre y su dimensin prctico-moral. Destacar dicha
armona constituye, a mi juicio, el objetivo central de la doctrina kantiana sobre el hombre
como fin ltimo de la naturaleza; y se pone de relieve en dos aspectos.
Por un lado, porque el hombre tiene una constitucin natural, su aptitud para
proponerse fines y conformar la naturaleza a ellos, que concuerda con la posibilidad de ser
fin final. En este sentido, la naturaleza ha preparado al hombre para poder ser fin final.105
Por otro lado, porque dicha armona constituye el sentido de la cultura. En la
medida en que consista en la armona de la naturaleza con la moralidad, la cultura es el
aspecto por el que el hombre puede ser el fin ltimo de la naturaleza.106 Precisamente por
eso introduce Kant, en el concepto del hombre como fin ltimo de la naturaleza, la
condicin de ser fin final: el hombre podr ser el fin ltimo de la naturaleza en la medida
en que la conforme a sus fines; pero no a cualquier clase de fines, que podran hacer de l
un medio ms, sino a sus fines morales, los nicos respecto a los cuales no depende de la


Cf. KU, AA 05: 426.

Cf. tambin KU, AA 05: 426, 431. Fin final es el fin que no necesita ningn otro como condicin de su
posibilidad (KU, AA 05: 434. El fin final es incondicionado (KU, AA 05: 435).
Cf. KU, AA 05: 435. En este pargrafo 84, en el que se enfoca la representacin teleolgica de la
naturaleza en el aspecto de la relacin de la naturaleza sensible con un entendimiento suprasensible como
causa intencional del mundo, se llega a la conclusin de que el fin final de la existencia del mundo es el
hombre (aunque slo en tanto que sujeto de la moralidad, pues sta es lo nico incondicionado). Fin final
significa aqu el fundamento de determinacin de la causa inteligente del mundo. Dicho fin final, como
decimos, es el hombre en cuanto ser moral. Pero, adems, de acuerdo con este pargrafo 84, esta dimensin
moral, aunque noumnica, aparece como encajada en la causalidad teleolgica natural del hombre. Cabe
aadir que, segn el modo de razonar de este pargrafo, el fin final existe en el mundo como efecto (Cf. KU,
AA 05: 434-436); por tanto, el hombre es ser natural y, al mismo tiempo, fin final.
[] para encontrar en dnde en el hombre al menos, hemos de poner aquel ltimo fin de la naturaleza,
debemos buscar lo que la naturaleza puede llevar a cabo para preparar al hombre a lo que l mismo ha de
hacer para ser fin final y separarlo de todos los fines, cuya posibilidad descanse en cosas que no se pueden
esperar ms que de la naturaleza (KU, AA 05: 431). La cursiva es nuestra.
[] slo la cultura puede ser el ltimo fin que hay motivo para atribuir a la naturaleza, en consideracin
de la especie humana (no la propia felicidad en la tierra, ni tampoco ser slo el principal instrumento para
establecer fuera del hombre , en la naturaleza irracional, orden y armona (KU, AA 05: 431).
De ah que Kant no site la dimensin por la que el hombre puede ser el fin ltimo de la naturaleza en la
felicidad. Pues para la consecucin de sta, incluso aunque no sea entendida como mera satisfaccin de la

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 128-150
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33906


Ana M. Andaluz Romanillos

As pues, de acuerdo con el discurso sobre el hombre como fin ltimo, en Kant la
cultura no se identifica sin ms con la libertad. La cultura, como produccin de la aptitud
del hombre para proponerse fines y conformar la naturaleza a ellos, pertenece a la
dimensin natural del hombre. En cambio, la libertad, como lo prctico-moral, tiene su
origen en el nivel de los fundamentos incondicionados de determinacin de la voluntad, es
decir, en la ley moral.
En la perspectiva kantiana, la libertad no procede de la confrontacin del hombre
con el medio. De lo contrario, estaramos ante un monismo naturalista respecto a la
libertad. Eso s, la libertad est llamada a realizarse en el medio. Y en el pargrafo 83 de la
Crtica del Juicio Kant seala como medio el de las relaciones de los hombres unos con
otros 108 . La cultura puede y debe ser realizacin de la libertad, tal como se pone de
relieve en el pensamiento histrico y jurdico-poltico de Kant.109
Para Habermas, tener una imagen coherente del mundo significa poder justificar la
libertad desde el hombre como ser natural. Para ello se inspira, como corresponde a un
naturalismo, en una determinada teora cientfica; en este caso, la teora de la evolucin.
Para Kant, en cambio, tener una imagen coherente del mundo significa slo que el hombre,
en tanto que ser natural situado entre otros seres naturales, posea las condiciones de
posibilidad necesarias para ser libre en el mundo. En este sentido, su capacidad de obrar
segn fines o causalidad teleolgica natural se integra armnicamente con la posibilidad de
realizar la libertad en la naturaleza, conformando sta a sus fines libres, que es para Kant
el verdadero sentido de la cultura.110
Por eso, frente a un enfoque naturalista, la posicin kantiana en el debate
contemporneo sobre el determinismo y la libertad, con la exigencia de una imagen
coherente del mundo, que incluya al hombre como ser natural, puede ser caracterizada
como una armona en la dualidad.

animalidad, el hombre depende en buena medida de la naturaleza. En lo que concierne al fin natural de la
felicidad, el hombre es siempre slo un anillo en la cadena de los fines naturales (KU, AA 05: 430).
KU, AA 05: 432.
Cf., por ejemplo, IaG, aa 08: 17, 21. Sobre la armona de la poltica con la moral en Kant, vid., Andaluz
Estoy de acuerdo con Lebrun cuando subraya la diferencia de origen entre cultura y moralidad: Kant
instituye la diferencia esencial entre fin ltimo (letzter Zweck) y fin supremo (Edzweck) para subrayar mejor
esta diferencia de origen (Lebrun 2008, pp. 486-487). Pero no comparto el juicio de que en la tercera
Crtica no haya reconciliacin (Cf. ibid., p. 486). La cultura no lleva necesariamente a la moralidad; pero, de
acuerdo con Delbos, prepara al hombre para el ejercicio del gobierno de la razn; si bien la cultura no
constituye el fin supremo, ella le proporciona, al menos en el orden del mundo sensible, una imagen de lo
que es este fin, y le invita por ello a tender a l (Cf. Delbos 1969, p. 467). Conciliacin no significa, a mi
juicio, un origen comn; en tal caso, estaramos en un monismo; conciliacin significa ms bien una
predisposicin y orientacin de la constitucin natural del hombre hacia la moralidad y, con ello, la
posibilidad de llevar a la naturaleza su armona con la moralidad.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 128-150
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33906

Armona en la dualidad frente a monismo naturalista

Allison, H. E. (1992), El idealismo trascendental de Kant: una interpretacin y defensa,
Anthropos / UAM, Barcelona. [Ttulo original: Kants Transcendental Idealism: An
Interpretation and Defense, Yale University, New Haven / Londres, 1983].
Andaluz Romanillos, A. M. (2013), Las armonas de la razn en Kant: Libertad,
Sentimiento de lo bello y Teleologa de la naturaleza, Universidad Pontificia de
Salamanca, Salamanca.
------ (2011), Sistemtica de la naturaleza y vida orgnica en la Crtica del Juicio, en P.
J. Teruel (Ed.), Kant y las ciencias, Biblioteca Nueva, Madrid, pp. 91-137.
------ (1998), Kant: la armona de la poltica con la moral, en E. Bonete Perales (Coord.),
La poltica desde la tica. I. Historia de un dilema, Proyecto A Ediciones, Barcelona, pp.
------ (1990), La Finalidad de la naturaleza en Kant. Un estudio desde la Crtica del
Juicio, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Salamanca.
Cassirer, E. (1978), Kant, vida y doctrina, Fondo de Cultura Econmica, Mxico. [Ttulo
original: Kants Leben und Lehre,Yale University Press, New Haven, 1918].
Delbos, V. (1969), La philosophie pratique de Kant, Presses universitaires de France,
Cubo Ugarte, O. (2012), Kant. Sentido comn y subjetividad, Plaza y Valds, Madrid.
Flamarique, L. (2013), La exigencia de principios constitutivos de la realidad. La solucin
de Kant al amor no correspondido de la modernidad, en Monismo, Dualismo,
Pluralismo, Volumen monogrfico de Naturaleza y Libertad. Revista de estudios
interdisciplinares, no. 2, pp. 33-61. Acceso: julio, 2015.
Garca Norro, J. J. (2011), Las imgenes biolgicas en la Crtica de la razn pura, en P.
J. Teruel (Ed.), Kant y las ciencias, op. cit., pp. 165-184.
Habermas, J. (2011), Verdad y justificacin, Trotta, Madrid. [Ttulo original: Wahrheit und
Rechtfertigung, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1999].
------(2006), Libertad y determinismo, en idem, Entre naturalismo y Religin, Paids,
Barcelona, pp. 159-188.[Ttulo original: Zwischen Naturalismus und Religin, Suhrkamp
Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2005].
------(1986), Conocimiento e inters, Taurus, Madrid. [Ttulo original: Erkenntnis und
Interese, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1968].
Kant, I., Gesammelte Schriften (AA), Hrsg.: Bd. 1-22 Preussische Akademie der
Wissenschaften, Bd. 23 Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, ab Bd. 24
Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Gttingen, 1900 ss. (En la ordenacin de las obras de
Kant vamos a seguir un criterio alfabtico).
------, Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht (Anth, AA 07).
-----, Erste Einleitung in die Kritik der Urteilskraft (EEKU, AA 20). [Traduccin espaola:
Snchez Madrid, N. (2011), Primera Introduccin de la Crtica del Juicio, Escolar y
Mayo, Madrid].

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 128-150
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33906


Ana M. Andaluz Romanillos

------, Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten (GMS, AA 04). [Traduccin espaola:
Garca Morente, M. (2009), Fundamentacin de la metafsica de las costumbres, Tecnos,
------, Idee zu einer allgemeinen Geschichte in weltbrgerlicher Absicht (IaG,AA 08).
[Traduccin espaola: R. Aramayo, R. (2011), Idea para una historia universal en clave
cosmopolita, Alianza Editorial, Madrid].
------, Kritik der praktischen Vernunft (KpV, AA 05). [Traduccin espaola: Granja
Castro, D. M (2005), Crtica de la razn prctica, FCE / UAM / UNAM, Mxico].
------, Kritik der reinen Vernunft (KrV, A y B). [Traduccin espaola: Ribas, P. (2010),
Crtica de la razn pura, Gredos, Madrid].
-----, Kritik der Urteilskraft (KU, AA 05). [Traduccin espaola: Garca Morente, M.
(2007), Crtica del Juicio, Tecnos, Madrid].
------, Die Metaphysik der Sitten (MS, AA 06). [Traduccin espaola: Cortina Orts, A. y
Conill Sancho, J. (1989), La Metafsica de las Costumbres, Tecnos, Madrid].
------, ber den Gebrauch teleologischer Principien in der Philosophie (GTP, AA 08).
Lebrun, G. (2008), Kant y el final de la metafsica. Ensayo sobre la Crtica del Juicio,
Escolar y Mayo, Madrid. [Ttulo original: Kant et la fin de la mtaphysique. Essai sur la
Critique de la facult de juger, Armand Colin, Paris, 1970].
McFarland, J. D. (1970), Kants Concept of Teleology, Edinburgh University Press,
Moya, E. (2011), Kant y la embriologa, en P. J. Teruel (Ed.), Kant y las ciencias, op.
cit., pp. 185-224.
Philonenko, A. (1982), Kant et la philosophie biologique, en idem, tudes kantiennes, J.
Vrin, Pars, pp. 118-135.
Snchez Madrid, N. (2011), Contingencia y trascendentalidad: La Primera Introduccin
de la Crtica del Juicio y la catbasis reflexiva de la Lgica trascendental, Introduccin a
Immanuel Kant, Primera Introduccin de la Crtica del Juicio, op. cit, pp. 11-84.
Teruel, P. J. (2015), Crtica de la leicologa pura. El enfoque lorenziano como punto de
partida para una posible hermenutica naturalista de la filosofa trascendental, en Los
retos de la Filosofa en el siglo XXI. Actas del I Congreso internacional de la Red Espaola
de Filosofa, Vol. XII, pp. 23-29: Acceso: Agosto, 2015.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 128-150
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33906

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 151-161
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33907

Concepts of Aesthetics of Arts in Slovak Aesthetics of the 19th

Century and Kants Conception of Harmonization
Conceptos de la esttica artstica en la esttica eslovaca del siglo
XIX y la concepcin kantiana de la armonizacin

University of Preov, Slovakia
The paper analyses three concepts of aesthetics of arts in Slovak aesthetics in the first third of the
19th century based on the ideas of three Slovak authors (Michal Gregu, Andrej Vandrk and Karol
Kuzmny) who all shared creative reading of Kant and transformation of the process of
harmonization as a foundation of defining possible aesthetic potentiality of art.
Key words
Kant; Aesthetics; Harmonization; Michal Gregu; Andrej Vandrk; Karol Kuzmny
Este artculo analiza tres conceptos de la esttica artstica en la esttica eslovaca del primer tercio
del siglo XIX, a partir del pensamiento de tres autores eslovacos (Michal Gregu, Andrej Vandrk
and Karol Kuzmny), que comparten una lectura creativa de Kant y la transformacin del proceso
de armonizacin como fundacin para definir la potencialidad esttica del arte.
Palabras clave
Kant; esttica; armonizacin; Michal Gregu; Andrej Vandrk; Karol Kuzmny

Prof. PhDr. Jana Sokov, CSc., Institute of Aesthetics, Art and Cultural studies in Faculty of Arts,
University of Preov in Preov, Slovakia. E-mail contact: .

[Recibido: 2 de octubre de 2015

Aceptado: 25 de octubre de 2015]


Jana Sokova

The tradition of aesthetic thinking in Slovakia has not been long. In theory, it has been
developing from about the beginning of the 19th century. Its specific feature is that from its
outset it has been linked with the European theoretical thinking and that is has responded
to the state of the art in the world as well as in Slovakia. In the first third of the 19th
century, three forms of designing the aesthetics accommodated in Preov, incurred by the
different reading of I. Kant and his followers (F. Bouterweck, W. Krug, and F. Fries). They
were M. Gregu in his work Compendium Aestheticae1 (1826, the first guide to aesthetics
in Slovakia written in Latin) and A. Vandrk in the work Elements of Philosophical Ethics2
(1842) and Karol Kuzmny in his work On Beauty3. Both of them differently perceived the
possibilities of aesthetics to give an account on art and perceived differently even the sense
of art itself.

M. Gregu accepts Kants understanding of the aesthetics as a transcendental

science of all a-priori principles of sensuality [] and [] propedeutics of each
philosophy4 as an inter-world between the theoretical and the practical, that is, between
knowledge and acting. M. Gregu explains aesthetics as science, whereas, unlike Kant, he

Gregu, M. (1793-1838), after studying at the Bratislava Lutheran Lyceum, he completed his university
education at the universities of Gttingen and Tbingen. He also visited the famous educational centres in
Jena, Halle, Leipzig, Berlin, and Dresden. From the year 1817, he took over the post of Professor at the
Preov Lutheran College after . Carlowszky. He lectured in philosophy, history, mathematics, physics,
philosophy of religion, and aesthetics. In the years 1831-32 he was the Director of the Preov Lutheran
College. From 1832 he served on the Lutheran Lyceum in Bratislava, lecturing on philosophy, history, and
aesthetics. At the time of his establishment in Bratislava in the same Lyceum, there studied prominent Slovak
thinkers such as . tr and J. M. Hurban, who considered him the most philosophical head among their
professors, praising his philosophical and aesthetic competence, his freedom of thought, and tolerance as a
representative of the Hungarian nationality. He wrote in Latin (Logic 1833, Metaphysics 1834, Practical
Philosophy 1835) and in Hungarian (Encyclopedia of Philosophy 1835, Philosophy of History 1836). All of
his works remained in manuscript. The only released work is the book written in Latin in Preov,
Compendium Aestheticae in the year 1817 and published in the year 1826. (Cf.: ervenka, J.: Preovsk
evanjelick kolgium v dejinch filozofie. In: Zbornk prc profesorov evanjelickho kolegilneho gymnzia
v Preove. Preov 1940, pp. 125-126)
Vandrk, A. (1807-1884), graduated from the Preov Lutheran College, continued in Jena and also visited
other university centres in Germany. After returning to Preov, he worked at the Lutheran College and
together with Gregu they created a liberal, free-thinking spirit there. After Gregu had left for Bratislava, he
assumed his post of Professor, later became the Rector of the College of Preov, where he remained for the
rest of his life despite various other offers. The Hungarian Academy of Sciences appointed him a membercorrespondent for his scientific merit in the year 1847, in the year 1858 he was granted honorary doctorate
from the University of Jena, he was honoured for lifetime achievement in the year 1882 by having been
awarded the Small Cross of the Order of Francis Joseph I. He published a wide variety of works in the
Hungarian language: Enchiridion Antropologiae Psychicae; Philosophiai elemei ethica; Tiszta Logika,
Llektan, Blcseleti Jogtan. (Cf.: Knya, P.: Andrej Vandrk. In: Antolgia z diel profesorov preovskho
evanjelickho kolgia. Eds. R. Dupkala-P. Knya, pp. 168-169)
Kuzmny, K. (1806-1866): On Beauty, 1836: In: Estetika. The Central European Journal of Aesthetics.
XLVII (New Series: III), 2010, Issue 2, pp. 226-237; See: Sokov, J.: Karol Kuzmnys Pilosophy of Art.
In: Estetika. The Central European Journal of Aesthetics. XLVII (New Series: III), 2010, Issue 2, pp. 215225)
Gregu, M.: Compendium Aestheticae. In: Studia Aesthetica I. Kapitoly k dejinm estetiky na Slovensku.
FF PU Preov 1998, pp.155-157


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ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33907

Concepts of Aesthetics of Arts in Slovak Aesthetics

perceives aesthetics (Schnheitslehre) not only as a critique, but as a systematic

knowledge, which is united by an idea and basic elements.5
Criticism could not be based on a single source, according to Gregu; therefore it
could not be science. In his opinion, what counts in science is systematic knowledge,
which is based on a unifying basis. According to Gregu, the unifying idea in aesthetics is
the idea of beauty. While Kant prefers aesthetics as Geschmackskritik or Geschmackslehre,
Gregu talks about the Schnheitslehre. And since, in accordance with Gregu, we
understand philosophy as a science of the basic laws of human spirit, then aesthetics
(Schnheitslehre) is part of philosophy or philosophical science. Gregu distinguishes
between general aesthetics and special aesthetics. It is that very specification and the
naming of special aesthetics that can be regarded as an interesting shift and the
contribution of M. Gregu. While the general aesthetics is actually a philosophy of
aesthetics (according to Gregu, it talks about what the unifying idea of aesthetics is, it
explains the nature of absolute beauty and relative beauty, all of the forms of both of the
beauties, the principles of aesthetic perception, assessment, acceptance of both absolute
and relative beauty), special aesthetics is in fact the aesthetics of individual types of art.
Special aesthetics explains manifestations of aesthetic regularities in specific art genres. In
our view, Gregu approach is an interesting attempt to investigate the arts from the
aesthetic viewpoint. In the second and third parts of his Compendium, Gregu showed
under what conditions it is possible to make the aesthetic analysis of individual works of
art; he distinguished the aesthetic analysis of art from the history and theory of art and
from art criticism. He didnt perceive aesthetics as Kritik, but as Lehre, i.e. the
doctrine leading to objective knowledge. Such knowledge is also possible in relation to art.
In addition to the usual terms of aesthetics (beautiful, ugly, sublime, tragic, comic,
aesthetic idea), Gregu also explains the general concept of aesthetic which would
include all the possible forms of aesthetic. Applying the lessons learned from I. Kant, he
departs from the assumption that the aesthetic is based either on a free play (imagery,
imagination, thinking and feeling), or on the feeling of harmonisation, or on the feeling of
heading towards infinity and perfection. These three characteristics of the peculiarity of the
aesthetic are also an explanation of a kind of involvement of the aesthetic, which
Gregu explains. As it is commonly known, I. Kant explained the characteristics of the
aesthetic in his Critique of Judgement as a question of non-involvement of aesthetic
judgements, while Kant explained non-involvement as non-involvement in the realistic
existence of objects and their practical usefulness, because, according to Kant, what
assesses the aesthetic judgement is not an object in itself, but the idea about the object. The
idea of the object encourages further imagination, feelings, but is also engages the mind.
The ideas and feelings thus released are seen as likeable or unlikeable, not the object itself,
whose existence is unimportant in the assessment of its perception. By thinking over
Kants explanation of the emergence of aesthetic judgements, their nature, validity, and
orientation, Gregu named what actually the aesthetic involvement is. Briefly and

Ibid., p. 158

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N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 151-161
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33907


Jana Sokova
simply, aesthetic involvement is an endeavour of man to remain in the aesthetic condition
and in the condition of assessing the freed needs, thinking, and feeling. Gregu reasons that
such an assessment is also possible in relation to artistic works, because not only nature,
but also works of art are capable of releasing ideas and feelings, therefore the way of
exerting their effect on man can be aesthetically assessed.
According to Gregu, what is specific for the aesthetic are three symptoms
justified in Kants Critique of Judgement: the feeling of harmonisation, the feeling of
heading toward the infinity and perfection, and the feeling of free play of fantasy, thinking,
and feeling. If we identify three of these symptoms in the perception and evaluation of
works of art, then the aesthetic analysis of art becomes possible. In Gregu Guide to
Aesthetics we find parts which are directly devoted to and named by the term Aesthetics of
Art. Gregu differentiates the three aesthetic principles from moral, practical,
psychological, art-scholarly and art-critical assessment of the art. Aesthetic exploration of
the art should, according to Gregu, explain not only the division of fine arts, clarification
of the concept and the essence of art (which, in essence, is made by the history and theory
of art and art criticism), but, in particular, to explore, to show, and to explain aesthetic
perfection as such. The aesthetics of art, by Gregu, is to explore how we achieve aesthetic
perfection in specific kinds of art, how it is possible to achieve aesthetic perfection in the
method of artistic creation. In his Special Aesthetics, Gregu defines the aesthetic
principles, for which he considers the following: the principle of harmonisation, the
principle of idealness and transcendence, and the principle of compliance. In order to
clarify how the co-operation of the aesthetic principles, the content, and the artistic
expression works, Gregu uses the concept of sign (Zeichen). The principle of compliance
and the one of sign are those factors which, according to Gregu, allow one to
aesthetically explore the art. The explanation of the ideational content of art, its moral
implications, or social functions is not principal in it, but how in the particular artistic work
(its type and genre) all of these aesthetic principles are carried out. He considers the
principle of compliance and the principle of sign the most important. The principle of
compliance relates, according to Gregu, to an integral human nature, which, according to
him, lies in the basis of the feeling of the beautiful. Gregu says:
The feeling of the beautiful comes from the indivisible human nature, thus it
manifests the idea of compliance; it is, however, not less focused on the idea of
perfection and is related to the feelings of truth, goodness, and divinity. Therefore,
the objects in which we effortlessly find compliance or harmony, and which, as
completed, give impetus to the realization of infinity, operate on a spirit in such
a way as to lead the state of his nature to the absolute and forward-oriented, thus they
invoke a feeling of pleasure (11 Compendium Aestheticae).6

The term of compliance is therefore related to the integral human nature, with recognition
of harmony in perceived objects, but also to the state of spiritual forces, which is called for

Ibid., p. 161


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 151-161
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33907

Concepts of Aesthetics of Arts in Slovak Aesthetics

by the perception of objects. Compliance relates to the ability of the integral human nature
to get into a state of concentration on knowing perfection, the infinity, forward-looking,
into overlapping the borders of man... The principle of compliance, according to Gregu,
manifests itself as an aesthetic principle in creating the idea of the beautiful in the
consciousness of the perceiving subject. Perception depends on the sensory abilities of
man, but Gregu speaks of the outer and the inner senses, by which we perceive beauty,
and which have to be in compliance. Therefore, its not just about watching, looking at,
physical listening to, and the mechanical response to the same in perception. It is not only
about the perception of the form by external senses.
As one of the few readers, interpreters, and followers of Kant, Gregu does not
derive formalism from Kants aesthetics as the main principle of aesthetics, nor external
sensuousness as the main principle of aesthetics. Gregu recognizes the difference between
internal and external senses, but also their possible unification. In the external senses, he
sees the focus of man on external objects. By perceiving the external senses we recognize
the quality of objects. Mental states, released by perception through the external senses, are
considered internal senses by Gregu. He also applies this division in relation to the
concept of Stoff (substance) and Inhalt, i.e. the content. The concept of form (in the
interpretation of Gregu this is the German notion of Gestalt, not Form!) is referred to by
Gregu to the mode of perception, i.e. to the manner in which it is perceived as a whole
and the unity. He includes the notion of expression (Ausdruck) within the outer sense,
and he includes the notion of sign (Zeichen) within the form of the internal sense. We
need to achieve aesthetic compliance in perceiving, according to Gregu. In 14 he
explains that aesthetic compliance should be distinguished from logical compliance. He
understands aesthetic compliance 7 as compliance in diversity, and this is manifested in
three components: (a) compliance of the signs of the object, i.e. the harmony of its internal
form; (b) compliance of the object with the status of our spirit its forces are brought into
harmonious activity it is a harmony of the external form, i.e. that of relationship; (c)
compliance of ideas and feelings during perception this belongs in the content (Inhalt) or
expression (Ausdruck). Its actually the unity of expression. Gregu adds one more note on
the interpretation, which explains the whole process of the aesthetic operation of the art.
He says: because a particular expression (signing) is connected with certain shapes (as
signs), experience is necessary, which teaches that mental states are linked to certain
statements. Gregu further makes a distinction between absolute aesthetic perfection (the
idea of absolute beauty) and the relative aesthetic perfection (relative beauty). The ideals
of absolute beauty may not be found, in his opinion, in the nature or in the arts, but only in
the mind. In the artists mind, these ideals form a kind of a protomodel (Urbild), which the
artist then reflects in a specific work of art.8 The art by Gregu embodies the aesthetic
principles in different ways and by different means.
Gregu reacts, among other things, on 8 and 9 of Kants Critique of Judgement in
which Kant explains how and why the harmonization of the states of mind is possible and

Ibid., p. 163
Ibid., p. 165

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N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 151-161
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33907


Jana Sokova
what its consequences for the feeling of pleasure and aesthetical judgement are. I would
claim that Gregu grasped the implications of Kants reasoning very well. Going back to
Kants Critique of Judgement and the abovementioned paragraphs, Kant deals there with
the universability of pleasure and its subjectivity, and investigates the question whether
the feeling of pleasure precedes the judgement of taste or is its consequence. In 8 he
explains that the judgement of taste, by which we describe anything as beautiful, has a
claim to the universal validity and without this claim it would fail, nevertheless it is
subjective. According to Kant, aesthetic judgements of objects rest upon concepts of the
object and the validity of the reference of a representation is connected to the feeling of
pleasure and displeasure. Universality of this type of judgement is then not logical, but
aesthetic, i.e. it does not involve any objective quality of the judgement, but only one that
is subjective as Kant calls it universal validity. This validity does not denote the
validity of the reference of a representation to the cognitive faculties, but to the feeling of
pleasure or displeasure for every subject. Judgements are, according to Kant, subjective,
but with the possibility of universal agreement. In the following 9, Kant more closely
specifies what the key to the critique of taste is and emphasises that it is the universal
communicability of the state of mind in the given representation, which as the subjective
condition of the judgement of taste, must be the basis, with the pleasure in the object as its
consequence. Kant emphasises that what is communicated is only the representation that
pertains to cognition. This representation brings into a free play the cognitive powers, and
hence, the state of the mind in this representation must be one of a feeling of the free play
of the cognitive powers, and, it must be universally communicable. This state of mind is
not based on cognition, however, it is involved in the free play of imagination and
understanding. According to Kant, only this purely subjective (aesthetic) judging of the
object, or of the representation through which it is given, is antecedent to the pleasure in it,
and is the basis of this pleasure in the harmony of the cognitive faculties. Kant warns that
the natural propensity of mankind to sociability, which is given empirically or
psychologically, is not sufficient for explaining the harmony of the cognitive faculties.
How is it then possible that the man is conscious of mutual accord of the powers of
cognition in a judgement of taste? In the next part of 9 Kant points out the more
lightened play of both mental powers (imagination and understanding) enlivened by their
mutual accord and says that a representation which is singular and independent of
comparison with other representations, and, being such, yet accords with the conditions of
the universality that is the general concern of understanding, is one that brings the
cognitive faculties into that harmonic accord which we require for all cognition and
which we therefore deem valid for everyone. In this connection Kant uses the terms accord
and concord. Gregu understanding of Kant was mainly aimed at emphasising
harmonization, concord, accord among cognitive faculties, consideration, conditions of
universability and subjective judgements of the way of imagination and harmonization of
the spirit and mind. It is exactly the realization of harmonization of cognitive powers that
liberates the feeling of pleasure and displeasure, followed by the feeling of accord and


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 151-161
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33907

Concepts of Aesthetics of Arts in Slovak Aesthetics

concord between the object being judged and our state of mind. Here is the source of all
subjective validity of pleasure which is attributed to the representation of an object which
we later call beautiful. What is beautiful is not the object itself, but our representations of
the object. That is why Gregu talks about accord, compliance (of our representation
of the object with a universally possible representation of the object), and that is why he
talks about harmonization of all spiritual powers.
A. Vandrk offers another explanation of aesthetics. In his work Elements of
Philosophical Ethics (1842) he includes aesthetics in the philosophy of objectives.
Vandrk says:
In respect of the objectives lurking in the concept of philosophy, the wise life is the
philosophy: with regard to its mission and function, it is a guideline for this wise life;
due to the way of its functioning, it is then philosophizing, i.e. rational examination
of the being and its final objectives (Analysis); with regard to its results and content,
it is by pure reason looked for and set up system of the main truths (principles and
ideas), thus the science (Synthesis).9

Vandrk emphasizes such an understanding of philosophy and the inner

classification of its disciplines, which would not be made problematic by the dichotomy
between the theoretical and the practical, knowledge and action. The traditional division of
philosophy in theoretical and practical (what I. Kant observed as well) is made problematic
by the psychological impact (the influence of F. Fries). Vandrk reasons that even the
knowing reason is already acting, active; on the other hand, the acting cannot exist without
the possibilities of knowledge. 10 Therefore, he divides philosophy in the philosophy of
causes and the philosophy of objectives.
The philosophy of causes deals with exploring causal connections, and the
philosophy of objectives deals with purpose contexts. Beliefs play a role in both of these,
values and goals of human life, the objectives (Zwecke) of the world. This knowledge
exerts impact on our soul by giving orientation to our daily lives. The philosophy of
objectives then, according to Vandrk, brings together theoretical and practical dimensions
into a single meaningful whole. The philosophy of science is divided by Vandrk in two
sciences: the science of the actual value and objectives of deeds, the science of life
wisdom, under the notion of ethics, a science of morality and the science revealing the
objectives of life, the sacred origin of beings and their eternal order named dogmatics,
aesthetics. Both ethics and aesthetics are part of the philosophy of objectives, even though
they have different subjects, the truths of the two are united in the belief of man.11
Vandrks structure of ethics also includes aesthetic themes, and his aesthetics
contains ethical topics. In the science of morality, there are inherent aspects and knowledge
of the science of the beauty, the dogmatics. Within the framework of ethics, special ethics

Vandrk, A.: Prvky filozofickej etiky. In: Antolgia z diel profesorov Preovskho evanjelickho kolgia. I.
Filozofia. Eds. R. Dupkala, P. Knya. Preov 1999, ISBN 80-85668-89-0, p. 178
Ibid., p. 175
Ibid., pp. 174-175
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ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33907


Jana Sokova
is delimited the theory of State and law, politics, philosophy of law as the application of
the general ethics on the external conditions of life, and doctrine of virtues, focused on the
inner virtues of man, i.e. the sentiments, feelings, desires, aspirations, will, and virtues. In
the doctrine of virtues, aesthetic themes are also contained. Vandrk says that what is
required by wisdom is in part duty or moral, i.e. it is necessary this way and partly the
unforced spiritual beauty. The aesthetic theme is subordinate to the ethical base, its
meaning and results in the consequences. Without aesthetics (spiritual beauty), the science
of the dignity and beauty of the soul would not be fulfilled; dogmatics is learning about the
value of the real objectives of human life.12 Aesthetics and dogmatics is part of ethics,
according to Vandrk.
Vandrk did not understand the beauty either sensually or hedonistically. He
perceived it as a selfless sentiment creating a humanistic dimension of man. Even his
definition of beauty is in a similar vein: We call beautiful what is pleasing in itself from
the very self and for itself.13 Only selfless beauty, unrelated to selfish individual interests,
may be liked. But it rises in the soul of man, is predominantly a mental beauty, which is
dependent on the dignity and virtues of the soul. Vandrk wants to reconnect what Kant
separated and distinguished (sensuousness, customs, and common sense). Spiritual beauty
is characterized by the idea of honour, mental charm, mental health, mental emotion, and
obedience to God. All of the above ultimately result in the moral and beautiful life.
Intellectual, aesthetic and moral abilities are associated in the soul of man as the basis of
moral action. The task of the virtue is, according to Vandrk, to form life ... in such a way
that it be beautiful, i.e. spiritually healthy.14 It is the selfless and from egoism delivered
dimension of the aesthetic (beauty) that can cause that moral duty will not become a
command by compulsion (which I. Kant favoured), but from the free inner willpower.
According to him, the aesthetic fundamentals also embrace such moral values as love,
friendship, dignity of the human being, that is, his true honour. It is right here where,
according to Vandrk, not only the duty has to function (compulsion), but the virtue of the
intellectual beauty, the nature of the personality.15
Vandrk follows and quotes Fries work Wissen, Glaube und Ahndung16 (Jena 1805),
in which Fries explains that he wants to link being and thinking, that does not want to
depart solely from one or the other, because being has the superiority, and anything
thought is already being. Fries Wissen (knowledge) applies to matter, spirit, and belief
(Glauben) that relates to the purpose, eternal good, intelligible world, eternity, human
sojourn (Dasein) and freedom of will. By clarifying the concept of retribution (Ahndung)
relating to the secrets of the teleology of nature and the possibility of its assessment under
the laws of beauty and sublime, Fries offered to Vandrk the opportunity to overcome
Kants understanding of the aesthetic world as the possible, the probable, and anchor it in

Ibid., p. 176
Ibid., p. 179
Ibid., p. 183
Fries, J. F.: Wissen, Glaube und Ahndung. Jena 1805.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 151-161
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33907

Concepts of Aesthetics of Arts in Slovak Aesthetics

piety (Andacht), which through subsequent enthusiasm allows one to imagine the secret of
being as the path to divinity. Aesthetics becomes part of ethics as the philosophy of
objectives. What is then at stake in the aesthetics is not merely simple assessment,
sensuousness, but for the mental beauty as a virtue its an overlap of the terrestrial to the
extraterrestrial. Neither aesthetics nor art as creation that embodies the creative power of
the spirit have any purpose in themselves, it is rather in practical humanity.
Different readings of Kants critique by Gregu are also apparent in relation to the
understanding of aesthetics and the meaning of art. Gregu tends more to the understanding
of aesthetics as a descriptive science, which arrives at the knowledge of what is going on in
the aesthetic assessment with the subject of assessment, and what the object of assessment
is, i.e. art and the relaxed state of feeling and thinking of the person appreciating the art.
Gregu names the object of aesthetics and the way this should be done. I have already
pointed out that his contribution is conceptualizing the aesthetics of art. According to
Gregu, the sense of art lies in the fact that it creates images, artworks, in which Stoff,
Inhalt, Gestalt, and Ausdruck are manifested. On the basis of the above, the aesthetic
compliance of the object and the state of the spirit manifests itself. Works of art are signs
and notices of these aesthetic compliances. Therein lies the ethos of art by Gregu.
Vandrk subsumes aesthetics under ethics and his exploration of art leads toward the
definition of the purposes of art it is a mental beauty as the quality of goodness and
piety, it is a cultivating and moral consequence of the works of art, it is attaining the
eternal through the final.17 Vandrk pushes the understanding of the aesthetics (and of the
art) towards pragmatic outlet of the moral-religious-aesthetic disposition of man, which is
reflected both in assessment and in making of art. The meaning of art is identifiable
through pragmatic and practical goals which the art has to perform.18
In Slovak Kantian tradition, K. Kuzmny 19 continues in Fries and Fichtes
modification of Kants explanation of harmonization and its influence on a perception of
art and a beingness of art.20 He differs from Kant in his attempt to achieve a synthesis of
cognition, aesthetic judgement, and moral action in the form of the unification of thinking,
feeling and the will, and also a great acceptance of mystically conceived final sense of art.
Art and beauty are, for him, the knowledge, moral action and judgement. In Kuzmnys
conception, the unity of all faculties of man (feeling, thinking and will) does not have such
a radically mystical outcome as the one we find in Fries.21 Kuzmny is inspired by Fries in

Although both of these works were written in Preov, their impact soared across Slovakia, since M. Gregu
was a lecturer in aesthetics from 1832 until the end of his life and A. Vandrks disciples works, although
having stayed in Preov, were mainly known in the Lutheran milieu at colleges all over Slovakia, more
precisely, the former Upper Hungary.
In addition to the aesthetics following the line of I. Kant, the aesthetic thought in that time in Slovakia
developed in the line of Hegels and Schellings ideas. Particularly attractive is Hegels idea of the art, whose
purpose is to elucidate sensually the idea of beauty, identical with the idea of goodness and truth, as well by
Hegel defined limits of art.
Kuzmny, K.: On Beauty. In: Estetika. The Central European Journal of Aesthetics. 47 (2010), Issue 2.
Sokov, J.: Karol Kuzmnys Philosophy of Art. In: Estetika. The Central European Journal of Aesthetics.
47 (2010), Issue 2.
Jacob Friedrich Fries: Wissen, Glaube und Ahndung. Jena: Gopferdt, 1805. Also in idem: Smtliche
Schriften, vol. 3; pp. 413-755 (Aalen: Scientia, 1968)
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N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 151-161
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33907


Jana Sokova
that he considers feeling to be a cognitive faculty. But whereas Fries considers feeling to
be the equal of intuitive awareness, Kuzmny sees it as something distinct and puts it into a
hierarchy. There is, according to Kuzmny, only one essence, but it exists in three forms,
as truth, beauty, and moral good. It is known, felt, desired, and ultimately intuited by the
mind and internally observed as stripped bare, that is, beyond time and space. The
connection between truth, beauty, and moral good is, according to Kuzmny, in the one
essence, in the indivisibility of the human spirit, in three forms of idea, which is created by
the unmediated consciousness of mans mind and intuitive awareness. Kuzmny points out
that: a) science investigates, and makes known the truthfulness of truth, beauty, and moral
good; b) art represents, and makes one feel the beauty of truth and moral good; c) religion
leads to consciousness of the moral good, truth, and beauty. Kuzmnys feeling by the
mind is an intuitive awareness, which, in seeing beauty, surmounts the limits of reason,
and, in the form beauty, sees essence revealed, not veiled by time and space. Feeling by the
mind is not a sensory phenomenon; it is the world of beauty rooted in art, which provides
the first possibility of seeing the essence of the object in front of it. The second act of the
workings of the spirit is observing that the aesthetic world is present, that we catch
ourselves seeing the essence of the object by means of beauty, that is, we have an intuitive
awareness. Only in that culmination, that is, by means of sublime, which is fully dependent
on stripping away time and space, which veiled the essence of the object, we do have
naked essence, that is, revealed, unveiled essence before our minds. We cannot
understand this essence by reason, but we can feel it with our minds in intuitive awareness.
This essence felt by the mind in intuitive awareness cannot even be explained by
reason, nor can it be ascribed meaning that has been justified by reason.
Kuzmnys philosophical and aesthetic position is consistently projected into his
conception of art. This conception often makes his conception of aesthetics more precise
and more comprehensible. According to him, the aim of all arts is the creation and
representation of the beautiful, or creation and representation of certain objects in a way
that makes it possible to feel their essence, that is to say, that which is a value in and of
itself and is the supreme aim of all endeavours of the soul. 22 Art is therefore not an
imitation; it is creating and presenting something beautiful so that by means of beautiful it
is possible to feel, and then have an intuitive awareness of essence itself, that is, the truth
and the value of the object created and presented by the artist. In this way the aesthetic, the
artistic, and, ultimately, also the philosophical come into harmony in Kuzmnys
conception. With art we create the Being itself, we reveal its truth by means of the
beautiful, and by its increase into a form of the sublime we cross the boundary of our own
subjective existence.23


Kuzmny, K.: On Beauty, p. 230

Ibid., p. 232


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 151-161
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33907

Concepts of Aesthetics of Arts in Slovak Aesthetics

Fries, Jakob Friedrich (1805), Wissen, Glaube und Ahndung. In Smtliche Schriften, Vol.
3, pp. 413-755. Aalen: Scientia Verlag 1968.
Gregu, Michal (1998), Compendium Aestheticae. In: Studia Aesthetica I. Kapitoly
k dejinm estetiky na Slovensku. FF PU Preov, pp. 155-157.
Kant, Immanuel (1975), Kritika soudnosti (Critique of the Power of Judgement). Praha.
Kuzmny, Karol (2010), On Beauty. In: Estetika. The Central European Journal of
Aesthetics XLVII (New Series III). 2010, Issue 2, pp. 226-237.
Sokov, Jana (2001), Od teoretickej ku aplikovanej estetike. Problmy filozofie dejn
estetiky na Slovensku. Preov 2001.
___________ (2010), Karol Kuzmnys Philosophy of Art. In: Estetika The Central
European Journal of Aesthetics XLVII (New Series III). 2010, Issue 2, pp. 215-225.
Vandrk, Andrej (1999), Prvky filozofickej etiky. In R. Dupkala P. Knya (eds).
Antolgia z diel profesorov preovskho evanjelickho kolgia. I. Filozofia. Preov.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 151-161
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33907


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 162-176
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33972

Self-deception and self-knowledge: Jane Austens Emma as an

Example of Kants Notion of Self-Deception
Autodecepcin y autoconocimiento: Emma de Jane Austen
como ejemplo de la nocin kantiana de autodecepcin
St. Olaf College Northfield, MN USA

In this paper, I address the theme of harmony by investigating that harmony of person necessary for
obtaining wisdom. Central to achievement of that harmony is the removal of the unstable, unharmonious presence of self-deception within ones moral character.
Kant; Harmony; Self-deception; Self-knowledge; Wisdom
Este artculo plantea la cuestin de la armona de la mano de la investigacin de la armona que la
persona precisa para obtener sabidura. Sostengo que la supresin de la presencia inestable y no
armnica del autoengao en el marco del carcter moral de cada cual es central para alcanzar tal
Palabras clave
Kant; armona; autoengao; autoconocimiento; sabidura

Professor of Philosophy of Saint Olaf College. E-mail for contact: .

[Recibido: 26 de agosto de 2015

Aceptado: 12 de septiembre de 2015]


Self-deception and self-knowledge

I have, in the past, argued versus Onora ONeill that knowledge of oneself (and not just
right action) is a central moral concern for Kant, suggesting that a balanced amount of
introspection was not only permissible but obligatory even to hope to fulfill ones duties to
others.1 In this paper, I further my thoughts on this topic by considering what one might
take to be the direct opposite of self-knowledge: self-deception. To deceive oneself is not
only to fail in self-knowledge, but also to seek actively to avoid it. I have come to believe
that Kant not only believes self-deception is possible but also that it is the most
characteristic obstacle to successful expression of finite practical reasoning. If this is true,
the obvious conclusion that follows is that the removal of self-deception, that is, selfknowledge is, in Kants words, the First Command of All Duties to Oneself.
(6:441/191)2 Indeed, if we accept Kants related point that duties to self are previous to all
duties to others, then we arrive at the interesting conclusion that self-knowledge is the first
of all duties simpliciter. I accept these strong claims, and seek here to defend them.
1. Self-Deception in the Metaphysics of Morals
Kant investigates self-deception in his discussion of lying in the Metaphysics of Morals.
There, he seems perplexed by the phenomenon. On the one hand, [i]t is easy to show that
man is actually guilty of many inner lies. (6:430/183) Kant accepts as obvious that lying
to oneself is prevalent in humanity, and that such a tendency is easily observable. He
quickly raises a problem, though: it seems more difficult to explain how [inner lies] are
possible; for a lie requires a second person whom one intends to deceive, whereas to
deceive oneself on purpose seems to contain a contradiction. (6:430/183). The implicit
contradiction is that I need at once to know my intention to lie (as the liar) but also not
to know my intention to lie (as the lied-to). So the perplexing thing about self-deception
is that inner lies occur, but the very notion of an inner lie involves a contradiction which
seems to make it impossible for them to occur.
Although Kant lays out this difficult question, he does nothingat least in the
Metaphysics of Moralsto resolve it. Instead, he dwells on the unquestionable
phenomenon of self-deception in several examples. Im not certain whether all his
examples really are examples that fit the model he gives, viz., that each of these persons
both knows and does not know his intention to lie. For example, he suggests that one who
professes belief in a future judge of the world, although he really finds no such belief

See: Grenberg, Jeanine. Kant and the Ethics of Humility: A Story of Dependence, Corruption and Virtue
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005).
All reference to Kant will first reference the Akademie edition page numbers, followed by the page
numbers of the following Cambridge translation of Kants works:
Critique of Pure Reason, Paul Guyer and Allen Wood, trs. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999).
Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, Mary Gregor, trs. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
The Metaphysics of Morals. Mary Gregor, trs. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996).
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 162-176
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33972


Jeanine M. Grenberg
within himself is someone who is deceiving himself. But this person seems more of a
straight-forward prudential reasoner than a self-deceiver. He persuade[s] himself that it
could do no harm [to profess a belief in God] and that it might even be useful to profess
in his thoughtsa belief in such a judge, in order to win his favor in case he should exist.
(6:430/183, emphasis added) This describes someone who knows very well that he does
not believe in God, but who is going to pretend to believe in God just in case God does
exist. This is just prudential reasoning (and outright deception of others), not selfdeception. Mind you, it is bad prudential reasoning, since if God really were to exist, He
would be the first one to see through this little charade. Nonetheless, this is not a good
Kants second example is better: Someone also lies if, having no doubt about the
existence of this future judge [i.e., God], he still flatters himself that he inwardly reveres
his law, though the only incentive he feels is fear of punishment. (6:430/183, emphases
added) Here, the lie to oneself is that one feels reverence toward God when in fact one
only feels fear of punishment, not reverence.
Lets speculate now on the motives for this self-lie. Why would one want to
believe that one is a reverent and religious person when in fact one is only a fearful,
sycophantic panderer to a powerful being? Put that way, the motive for self-deception is
screamingly obvious: one simply does not want to believe that one is as horrible a person
as one has turned out to be. In Kants words, this person wants to avoid the descent into
the hell of self-cognition. (6:441/191) (He also calls this the abyss of self-knowledge
6:441/191) None of us likes admitting parts of ourselves that are less-than-good. So,
instead of admitting we are less-than-good and then working at making ourselves better,
we hide from ourselves that we are less-than-good and then present ourselves as even
better than we are! This tendency toward false, arrogant self-presentation is one of the
most frequent fruits of self-deception. Self-deception becomes a tool whereby we construct
an image of ourselves more pleasing to ourselves. We then go out into the world with that
constructed image, building an entire reality around us that supports the original self-lie. I
may really not have reverence toward God, but I ostentatiously present myself to everyone
as though I do; I even come to believe that I am truly reverent toward God. If Im lucky,
people start saying of me that I am an exceedingly reverent person. More likely, people
will think I am a very hypocritical person. But the hypocrisy at the basis of my character is
exactly what I am preventing myself from knowing about myself.
This tendency to live the lie is one reason Kant thinks self-deception is such a
bad thing. He states:
[S]uch insincerity in his declarations, which a human being perpetuates upon
himselfdeserves the strongest censure, since it is from such a rotten spot (falsity, which


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 162-176
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33972

Self-deception and self-knowledge

seems to be rooted in human nature itself) that the ill of untruthfulness spreads into his
relations with other human beings as well (6:430-431/182)

Once we lie to ourselves we cannot help but to lie to others (in the sense of falsely
presenting ourselves to them), and what started as one wrong perpetuates a whole series of
wrongs, indeed, for some, a whole lifetime of wrongs towards oneself and others.
An excellent example of Kants point about how self-deception perpetuates wrongs
can be found in Jane Austens novel, Emma.3 Emma is in a good situation at her family
estate, Hartfield. Her mothers early death assured that she became lady of the manor early
on. She is handsome, clever and rich, and lives comfortably with her affectionate,
indulgent father. (Austen, 5) Mr. Knightley is a frequent visitor and close friend of the
family, so Emma has everything she needs.
All this inspires Emmas main motive for self-deception: because she is frightened
to lose her happy situation at Hartfield, she constructs a belief that she never wants to
marry. Marrying would, after all, require her to leave Hartfield, her father and visits from
Mr. Knightley. She thus deceives herself into believing both that she is not in love with
Mr. Knightley, and that she does not want to marry. Emma also falsely believes, and takes
great pride in the belief, that she is an accomplished match-maker, a false belief rooted in
her unwillingness to admit to herself that she is a rather lazy person, and isnt good at the
sort of thingslike painting or music-makingwhich actually do take time, hard work
and discipline. Emma thus constructs a world around her which supports all these false
Emmas self-deception on these points leads her utterly to misunderstand expressions
of affection toward her from men. One of my favorite passages for appreciating this point
is when Emma, in matchmaking mode, is trying to convince her friend Harriet that a riddle
written by Mr. Elton is in fact about his love for Harriet:
She cast her eye over it, pondered, caught the meaning, read it through again to be quite
certainand then passing it to Harriet, sat happily smilingMay its approval beam in that
soft eye! Harriet exactly. Soft, is the very word for her eyeof all epithets, the justest that
could be given. Thy ready wit the word will soon supply. Humph Harriets
wit! All the better. A man must be very much in love indeed, to describe
(Austen, 58).

The reader is clearly meant to realize this poem about a woman with a soft eye and
ready wit is Emma. But Emmas self-deception about her own interest in love leads her
to misinterpret it as being about Harriet, one more with dull eyes than soft ones and a dull
wit (rather than a ready one) to match them.

All references to Emma come from: Austen, Jane. Emma (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008).

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 162-176
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33972


Jeanine M. Grenberg

Emmas self-deceptions have exactly the results Kant suggests: they are a
falsitythatspreads into [ones] relations with other human beings, (6:430-431/182)
which guarantees that wrongs are brought upon others. Not only does Emma inadvertently
present a mistruth to Harriet about Mr. Eltons affections. Beyond that, Emmas
encouragements raise Harriets hopes. So, when the truth of his affections is revealed,
Harriets pain is intense, and Emma has been the cause of that pain.
So, if self-deception is rooted in human nature itself and has this huge moral
consequence of grounding a false life, injurious to ourselves and others, we can see why
getting to know oneselfand especially uncovering deceptions at the basis of ones selfpresentationis a central moral task. In a section titled the First Command of All Duties
to Oneself, (6:441/191) Kant affirms:
Moral cognition of oneself, which seeks to penetrate into the depths (the abyss) of ones
heart which are quite difficult to fathom, is the beginning of all human wisdom. For in the
case of a human being, the ultimate wisdom, which consists in the harmony of a human
beings will with its final end, requires him first to remove the obstacle within (an evil will
actually present in him) and then to develop the original predisposition to a good will within
him, which can never be lost. (Only the descent into the hell of self-cognition
can pave
the way to godliness.) (6:441/191)

If we were not the sort of persons to deceive ourselves, then self-knowledge might not be
so important. Getting to know ourselves would be like getting to know anything we have
not yet understood, like calculus or flute-playing. But the duty to self-knowledge is a duty
to know evil things about you which you have actively sought to avoid knowing, things
which require moral attention, not avoidance. Acquisition of self-knowledge puts us on the
road to wisdom (and not just knowledge) because it removes that internal obstacle
which prevents us from developing the goal of a wise, moral person: a will in harmony
with a good will (instead of one actively opposed to that end). Self-deception is a tool for
false character building. But self-knowledge is an act of wisdom because, through it, we
uncover that false character. It brings out into the open our self-incurred obstacles to
morality, our efforts to hide from ourselves what really needs to be worked on to become a
moral person.
Scrutinizing our motives and character is not, however, an end in itself. The whole
point of admitting who one has been is to become who one was meant to be. All those lies
to oneself turned back on the world as arrogant self-assertions must be undermined so that
new, self-aware motives can provide the basis for a new character in harmony with a
good will. The wisdom here is of one who knows that the unexamined self is the first and
worst obstacle to becoming moral. Indeed, Kant would, with Socrates, not only agree that


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 162-176
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33972

Self-deception and self-knowledge

the unexamined life is not worth living, but also add that the unexamined life is guaranteed
to be an immoral life.
2. Explaining How We Deceive Ourselves
2.1 Step One: Groundwork I
Yet, even as we draw this picture of self-deception, we still dont know how it is possible.
There remains this apparent contradiction that the same person is both liar (and thus
aware of her intention to deceive) and lied-to (and thus unaware of her intention to
Although we get no resolution of this contradiction in the Metaphysics of Morals,
one brief hint in his discussion there points us forward. After raising the problem of
contradiction, Kant distinguishes between [m]an as a moral being and man as a natural
being, suggesting that, like all persons, [m]an as a moral beingcannot use himself as a
natural beingas a mere means (a speaking machine)but is bound to the condition of
using himself as a natural being in agreement with the declarationof his moral being and
is under obligation to himself to truthfulness. (6:430/183) The implied thought here is that
self-deception somehow involves one person having two selves: the moral being and the
natural being, with the former admonished not to treat the latter as a mere means toward
the end of his lying.
Kant gives no further hints of how to make sense of the interaction between these
two beings within one person. But, if we turn to Groundwork I, we find a story of
attentiveness, and failure thereof, which constructs a clearer picture of the interaction of
two internal selves. Along the way, well find that self-deception is deeply embedded in
the nature of human practical reasoning itself and is thus the defining, characteristic
challenge to becoming a moral person.
At the very end of Groundwork I, Kant provides an account not only of why we
deceive ourselves about moral obligations, but also hints of how we do so:
The human being feels within himself a powerful counterweight to all the commands of
duty, which reason represents to him as so deserving of the highest respect the
counterweight of his needs and inclinations, the entire satisfaction of which he sums up
under the name happiness. Now reason issues its precepts unremittingly, without thereby
promising anything to the inclinations, and so, as it were, with disregard and contempt for
those claims, which are so impetuous and besides so apparently equitable (and refuse to be
neutralized by any command). But from this there arises a natural dialectic, that is a
propensity to rationalize against those strict laws of duty and to cast doubt upon their
validity, or at least upon their purity and strictness, and where possible, to make them better

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 162-176
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33972


Jeanine M. Grenberg
suited to our wishes and inclinations, that is, to corrupt them at their basis and to destroy all
their dignity (4:405/17-18).

This person is in the process of deceiving himself about the authority of moral demands.
The truth of the matter is that moral demands are categorical. But, here, he begins to turn
them into something elselaws that are perceived not to hold with categorical purity or
strictnessvia self-deception.
First, lets think about why the person engaged in this natural dialectic wants to
deceive himself. He wants to place happiness above morality when the two conflict; so
deceiving himself about the strictness of the moral law becomes an attractive option. This
prioritizing of happiness over morality is just the most general characterization we can give
of the motives of any case of self-deception. The man who wants to believe himself
reverent toward God even though hes not wants to avoid the injury to his happiness that
admitting his baser motives would involve. All Emmas self-deceptions are pointed
toward retaining her happiness at Hartfield. Now, we see the same desire for happiness
encouraging this man to deceive himself about the strictness of moral demands.
How though does this man deceive himself? The crucial moment for understanding
the mechanics of self-deception is when this man cast[s] doubt upon [moral laws]
validity, or at least upon their purity and strictness, and where possiblemake[s] them
better suited to [his] wishes and inclinations. To make sense of this move, lets go back
just a page earlier in Groundwork I to remind ourselves that Kant first affirms the capacity
of common human understanding to get things right here, that is, to see clearly the
strict, categorical nature of moral laws:
[C]ommon human reasonknows very well how to distinguish in every case that comes up
what is good and what is evil, what is in conformity with duty or contrary to duty, if, without
in the least teaching it anything new, we only, as did Socrates, make it attentive to its own
principle; and that there is accordingly, no need of science and philosophy to know what one
has to do in order to be honest and good, and even wise and virtuous0 (4:404/16, emphases

As long as one pays attention to the presence of moral demands within ones moral
consciousness, their strictness is very clear. In the Critique of Practical Reason, Kant
confirms this import of attentiveness. There he notes: [w]e can become aware of pure
practical lawsby attending to the necessity with which reason prescribes them to us and
to the setting aside of all empirical conditions. (5:30/27, emphasis added) Here, not only
do we appreciate that the person of common reason attends to the moral law; we also learn
more about how he does it: by setting asideall empirical conditions, that is, by not
letting desire-based or happiness-focused interests interfere with ones perception of the
moral law.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 162-176
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33972

Self-deception and self-knowledge

Now, back in the Groundwork, the person of common human reason (Kant now
simply calls him the human being 4:405/17) starts to attend rather differently to
things. If he looks clearly at the moral law, setting aside all concerns about happiness, he
knows it for exactly what it is. But our human being is now engaged in a conflict between
happiness and morality, and he wishes happiness could win. Well, then, lets not look at
morality so clearly. Lets attend to something else so that the law looks differently to us.
That something else, of course, is our own happiness and whatever oddly colored lens it
provides through which to see the moral law. Of course one shouldnt lie, but maybe just
this one time for the sake of paying my debt off (which will make me happy). Ill even
make other people happy because Ill stop pestering them with further requests for loans.
Yeah, thats it: Im really helping other people if I lie now. It really is the right thing to
do. If I attend to my happiness as primary instead of attending to the strict demand of the
law, the law starts looking, well, less strict. I may still (in some sense to be considered
later) know that the moral law holds strictly, but I no longer believe that. I no longer
attend to that knowledge, so it recedes quietly into the back of my mind and a new belief
emerges: the moral law isnt totally strict; it admits of exceptions in the name of my
happiness. Kant had told us the attentive human being needed only to set asideall
empirical conditions to see the moral law clearly. But this person does exactly the
opposite: he welcomes empirical conditions into his perception of the law, and thus
deceives himself about it.
To summarize: our person reflecting on the moral law does not stop knowing that
it holds categorically; but he develops techniques to stop looking attentively at that
knowledge. He looks elsewhereto his own hopes for happinessto gain a new, and
corrupting, perspective on the moral law. Doing so allows him, eventually, perhaps over a
long period of time, to begin believing the precise opposite of what he already knows to be
true (viz., the categorical authority of the moral law). So, this person believes both a and
~a: the moral law holds categorically, and the moral law does not hold categorically. But
he develops a disposition, or way of being, in which he attends only to ~a (the moral law
does not hold categorically). And he attends to that so regularly over time that he begins to
lose his conscious memory of a (the categorical authority of the moral law).
2.2 Step Two: Analyzing Two Selves via Emma and Groundwork I
Can we, then, appeal to these shifting objects of attentiveness to explain how the same
person is both the liar (who knows the intention to deceive) and the lied-to (who doesnt
know that intention)? Well, in fact, weve uncovered in this belief of a and ~a story a
slightly different contradiction within self-deception than the original one Kant had
suggested. Nonetheless, investigating further how the construction and management of
this contradiction in knowledge claims occurs will allow us to affirm, to a certain extent,
the other two selves story Kant suggested in the Metaphysics of Morals. We need, then,
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 162-176
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33972


Jeanine M. Grenberg
to investigate further this person contradictions in beliefs and with that, construct a clearer
account of the two selves involved in self-deception.
First, the knowledge we attribute to this person of a (the moral law holds
categorically) is only implicit. He doesnt claim the moral law holds categorically; indeed,
he might become a defender of the idea that one must adjust the strictness of moral laws in
light of happiness. But he can hold this claim implicitly only within a carefully
constructed world maintained by a careful segmenting of himself into two. We had been
saying these two selves are the liar (who knows the intention to lie) and the lied-to (who
does not). But the self does not segment exactly along these lines. Rather, there is, first,
the self able to look at truths directly and know the strictness of the moral law; lets call
him the Honest Self. Then there is the self who wants to satisfy the demands of happiness
over those of morality. This is the Devious Self. The interesting thing, though, is that the
Honest Self doesnt become the lied to and the Devious Self doesnt know himself
constantly as the liar. Something different occurs. Lets investigate each of these points in
First, the Honest Self is not told a lie by the Devious Self. Rather, the Honest Self
just gets ignored, sort of lost in this persons overall consciousness: he has his knowledge,
but he has a curtain placed over him by the Devious Self, who wont pay attention to him.
He is no longer involved in the choice process of the self, at least not directly.
On the flip side, the Devious Self, who puts the curtain over the Honest Self, cannot
be said to be continually aware of the intention to deceive. Thats why I call him the
Devious Self instead of the Lying Self. If we think of self-deception as a process through
which one eventually comes to believe the opposite of what one knows, then the Devious
Self, instead of maintaining a continual awareness of his intention to deceive, looks more
like this: initially, he has an intention to lie (i.e., to claim ~a instead of a). But stated
so baldly, this is too much: make moral laws bend to the demands of my happiness?? That
would be wrong!! So, the Devious Self starts to build a world within which that obviously
wrong thing no longer looks so obviously wrong. Now, ~a doesnt look so bad. It
doesnt even look like a lie anymore. So the Devious Self claims ~a, but he doesnt
claim it (even to himself) as a lie; it is just his way of seeing the world. So, he does not
maintain a conscious intention throughout this process to lie to the Honest Self, or to
anyone else. It might have begun like that, but by the time the deception is complete, it no
longer looks like that.
And yet the Devious Self does attendand attend very carefullyto the beliefs
of the Honest Self, i.e., to a (the moral law holds categorically). How? Only in the
back-handed sense of assuring vigorously that the truth of the Honest Self not be revealed,


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 162-176
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33972

Self-deception and self-knowledge

especially in those circumstances in which such outing appears immanent. Lets look again
at Emma to appreciate this point.
A dangerous possibility of outing Emmas false beliefs occurs when Mr. Knightly
tries to call out the Honest Emma, insisting that she is in fact not a successful
matchmaker at all:
I do not understand what you mean by success;Success supposes endeavor. But if,
which I rather imagine, your making the match, as you call it, means only your planning
it, your saying to yourself one idle day, I think it would be a very good thing
for Miss
Taylor if Mr. Weston were to marry her, and saying it again to yourself every now and
then afterwards, --why do you talk of success? Where is your merit? what are you proud
of? you made a lucky guess; and that is all that can be said (Austen, 11).

Here is an excellent opportunity for the Honest Emma to come out: oh, alright, Mr.
Knightly, my matchmaking is all just a front for my failure to admit that I am lazy. Well,
she doesnt say that in response to Mr. Knightley. Instead, when Mr. Knightley concludes
you made a lucky guess; and that is all that can be said, Emma responds:
And have you never known the pleasure and triumph of a lucky guess?I pity you.I
thought you clevererfor depend upon it, a lucky guess is never merely luck. There is
always some talent in it. And as to my poor word success, which you quarrel with, I do
not know that I am so entirely without any claim to it. You have drawn two pretty
0picturesbut I think there may be a thirda something between the do-nothing and the
do-all. If I had not promoted Mr. Westons visits here, and given many little
encouragements, and smoothed many little matters, it might not have come to anything
after all (Austen, 11).

This is Emmas Devious Self attending to her Honest Selfs knowledge, and coming to
protect it from being revealed. To admit to Mr. Knightley that she is lazy and
unaccomplished would be too much. But her Devious Self is well-trained in such matters,
and gets right to work. First, she speaks in an arrogant, almost insulting, tone (I pity you
and I thought you were cleverer), hinting at some defensiveness underneath her words.
She tries, furthermore, to claim there was hard work behind her match-making success,
thereby affirming the world the Devious Self has constructed.
This arrogant assertion of the world of the Devious Self confirms, then, one sense
of the self-deceived persons knowledge of the denied fact: Emma knows that she is
lazy and unaccomplished in the sense that she assiduously prevents this fact from coming
to light, either to herself or others. When circumstances threaten to out that fact, her
Devious Self is immediately aware of the threat and fiercely protects that fact, keeping it in
its safe hiding place deep within her curtained Honest Self. The denial of the guarded fact
finds its strength in the intense desire to keep hidden what one wants to hide. As such,
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 162-176
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33972


Jeanine M. Grenberg
knowledge of the denied thing must be admitted as a condition for the very need for, and
the resulting strength of, the denial.
This knowledge of the underlying truth when it presents itself thusly is, however,
a complex state psychologically. Long ago, Emma just knew that she was lazy and
unaccomplished. But now, at the same time, she holds all the following:
1) She unconsciously, but accessibly, knows that she is lazy and unaccomplished.
2) She believes she is not lazy and unaccomplished.
3) She fears she is lazy and unaccomplished.
4) She does not want to believe she is lazy and unaccomplished.
5) She fiercely denies any claims that she is lazy and unaccomplished.
Emma holds all these states, but attends differently to each, depending upon
circumstances. When Mr. Knightly suggests she is not accomplished in matchmaking, she
most likely starts, internally, to attend to #3 (her fear that she is lazy and unaccomplished),
leading to conscious assertion of #5 (her denial that she is lazy). In this state, her
knowledge of #1 (that she is lazy and unaccomplished) remains unconscious.
Ironically, though, the knowledge of the Honest Self, despite being unconscious, is
at the very basis of the plotting of the Devious Self, acting as that part of the self which
must never be explicitly revealed. That truth is known in the sense of being that which
must always be denied. The man of Groundwork I thus knows in his Honest Self that the
moral law holds strictly, but it is too painful a fact to admit to himself or others. His
Devious Selfs way of knowing this fact is to fiercely protect it, keeping it in its safe
hiding place deep within his curtained Honest Self. The contradiction here is not that he
both knows and does not know the intention to lie. The contradiction is that, in different
ways, he believes both a (the moral law holds strictly) and ~a (the moral law does not hold
strictly); it is not the contradiction that he both knows and does not know the intention to
But, although we thus reject the contradiction within the self-deceived person Kant
had originally suggested, we affirm Kants other Metaphysics of Morals distinction
between a moral self and a natural self. More precisely, the Devious Self fails to attend to
the moral admonition the moral self was given. Kant had said the moral being must not
use the natural being as a mere means. Im not sure my Devious Self and Honest Self are
perfectly parallel to his moral being and natural being. Nonetheless, the Devious Self is
using the knowledge of the Honest Self as a mere means to his end of securing his
happiness. Whether he intends to lie or not, the Devious Self is using another part of
himself as a mere means instead of accepting that part of himselfthe part that knows the
truth of thingson its own terms, or as possessing its own end of truth-telling.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 162-176
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33972

Self-deception and self-knowledge

It is, of course, at least theoretically possible that, instead of continuing to conceal

the Honest Self, the Devious Self will just give up and admit what had been hidden. But,
such direct attentiveness to the fact to be denied would make the entire structure of selfdeception collapse into the simple state of direct knowledge of the previously denied fact.
Such reactions are thus rare, since they indicate the barest beginnings of that road to selfknowledge of which Kant spoke. They are, however, possible. The most likely scenario
within which honest admission of the previously denied truth would emerge is one in
which the original intentions of the Devious Self are thwarted. Lets turn again to Emma
to appreciate the point.
First, some background: the unfortunate target of Emmas matchmaking attention
is Harriet Smith, a woman younger than Emma, a little inept, and with lower social
standing. Emma engages in two spectacular failures of matchmaking when she tries to
connect Harriet with two different men who in fact are attracted to Emma, not Harriet. But
the beautiful, bitter irony of Austens narrative is that the person Harriet eventually does
fall in love with is.Mr. Knightley, Emmas Mr. Knightley!!
When faced with the real possibility that someone else could be attracted to him
and that (gasp!) he might be attracted to someone other than herself, Emma is finally
forced to admit that she does love Mr. Knightley. Emma is not welcoming that path to
wisdom which is self-knowledge; she is, rather, being untimely forced to admit things
about herself as she watches the hope of her undisturbed life at Hartfield being challenged
by little Harriet, whom she thought to be her toy, her protg, and who now is revealing
herself more as a monster in the Frankenstein sense, whose capacities exceed those of her
creators!! This is a perfect example of how changes in circumstances thwart the plotting
and planning of the Devious Self; for, surely, Mr. Knightley marrying someone else would
destroy Harriets happy world at Hartfield, and it is the protection of that world which
inspired Emmas self-deception in the first place.
Here, then, is the moment when she gives up what she had previously vociferously
denied, viz., that she loves Mr. Knightley:
To understand, thoroughly understand her own heart, was the first endeavorHow long
had Mr. Knightley been so dear to her, as every feeling declared him now to be? When had
his influence, such influence begun?When had he succeeded to that place in her
affection?...She saw that there never had been a time when she did not consider Mr.
Knightley as infinitely the superior, or when his regard for her had not been infinitely the
most dear. She saw, that in persuading herself, in fancying, in acting to the contrary, she
had been entirely under a delusion, totally ignorant of her own heart (Austen, 324,
emphasis added).

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 162-176
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33972


Jeanine M. Grenberg
We see here the other sense in which we can say the self-deceived person knows the
denied truth: given the right circumstancesand especially given circumstances in which
the efforts of the Devious Self are foiledthe truth that has been denied by the selfdeceiving person comes naturally to light. Of course she has always known that she
loved Mr. Knightley; she just couldnt admit it to herself. Her knowledge of the previously
hidden fact is now clear: she simply has conscious knowledge of it.
I suspect that if our Groundwork I man rejecting the strictness of moral laws for the
sake of his own happiness were, ironically, presented with a similar sort of situationone
within which holding that claim (that moral laws are not strict) were to undermine his
happiness, then hed abandon his constructed world and admit that moral laws do hold
strictly. Suppose, for example, that someone else uses an non-strict reading of moral laws
to cheat him. Our man would vociferously object that moral laws do hold strictly! I do not
mean to suggest this man will become moral (certainly not for the right reasons), but he
does see his original project of self-deception failing; there is a collapse of the structure of
the world he had created for himself because he now has to admit, for the sake of his own
happiness, that moral laws do hold strictly!
So, we have two examples of the senses in which we can say that the self-deceived
person knows the truth of the thing about which hes been deceiving himself, either
indirectly through vigorous denial of the truth, or directly, leading to the collapse of selfdeception. And what we have accomplished in analysis of Emmas self-deception, instead
of a resolution of the original contradiction at the basis of self-deception, is an affirmation
of the existence of a slightly different sort of contradiction hiding underneath an unstable
state of self-deception. The self-deceiving person is not both a liar who knows the intention
to lie and a lied-to who does not know that intention. Rather, the same person believes
a&~a, but manages those contradictory beliefs so as to efface the power of the
contradiction. This management is accomplished by segmenting the self into the Devious
Self and the Honest Self, where the Honest Self becomes used as a mere means by the
Devious Self.
In this management of selves, we also see the management of various knowledge
claims and beliefs. Some beliefs (as, e.g., the belief that Emma is not lazy and
unaccomplished) are conscious; other beliefs (as, e.g., the underlying belief that Emma is
lazy and unaccomplished) are normally unconscious, but accessible, depending upon
circumstances. Usually, though, this underlying knowledge/belief is relegated to the realm
of the forbidden, that of which one does not speak and does not even consciously know.
As long as the Honest Self enters into the Devious Selfs projects only in the way the
Devious Self wants, management of ones contradictions succeeds: the same person can
indeed successfully believe both a & ~a! There is a contradiction at the basis of selfdeception.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 162-176
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33972

Self-deception and self-knowledge

But this need for complex management of ones contradictions is also what makes
self-deception such an unstable state. Once one has to deny the ~a claim of the Devious
Self (as Emma is forced to do when she is forced to admit her love for Mr. Knightley), the
whole managed structure of self-deception comes crashing down: without a contradiction
carefully held and managed, there is no self-deception.
We thus do not so much resolve the contradiction inherent to self-deception, as instead
affirm it. The difficult work of the self-deceived person is to manage her holding of
contradictions in belief in a way that makes them less obviously contradictions. It is too
simple merely to say that one part of the person is the liar who knows the deception, and
the other part is the lied-to who is deceived. The liar turns out to know her intention to lie
only before she turns that intention into something else; and the lied-to is never really the
lied-to but only the ignored, yet protected and used.
3. Conclusion
There is, however, a final point to make about self-deception, and ultimately, selfknowledge, for Kant. When discussing self-deception in Groundwork I, Kant spoke of it as
a natural dialectic, a phrase that should prick the attuned ears of a Kant scholar. Recall
that a natural dialectic is exactly the phrase Kant used in the Critique of Pure Reason
when speaking of the unavoidable tendency of theoretical pure reason to fall into illusions
about things beyond its limits. Even after one learns the lessons of Transcendental
Idealism, we still cannot help but to fall into this natural dialectic which pushes us
toward illusions about metaphysics:
[T]here is a natural and unavoidable dialect of pure reason, not one in which a bungler
might be entangled through lack of acquaintance, or one that some sophist has artfully
invented in order to confuse rational people, but one that irremediably attaches to human
reason, so that even after we have exposed the mirage it will still not cease to lead our
reason on with false hopes, continually propelling it into momentary aberrations that
always need to be removed (A298/B354, emphasis added).

A natural dialectic is, then, a sort of disease to which reason is prone, one that cannot so
much be cured as managed via constant vigilance. I apply all of this to Kants discussion of
the natural dialectic of practical reason as well. We will never not be tempted to selfdeception about the strictness of moral laws. Rather, we must maintain a vigilance which
assures we will recognize when this natural tendency kicks in. This pervasiveness of the
possibility of self-deception reaffirms again Kants original point, viz., that knowledge of

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 162-176
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33972


Jeanine M. Grenberg
oneself is the first command of all duties to oneself. This duty is as central as it is because
of the nature of finite practical reason itself.4
Self-deception is the human failure with which one needs to come to terms in order
to become moral. And self-knowledge is the first of all duties to oneself overall: if it is in
human nature to engage in the sorts of deception we have analyzed here, then it is
impossible to be a moral person (or even to understand the nature of the duties to which
one is held) without removing that obstacle to morality that is the Dear, Deceiving,
Devious Self.

Kants writings
All reference to Kant will first reference the Akademie edition page numbers, followed by
the page numbers of the following Cambridge translation of Kants works:
Critique of Pure Reason (1999). PaulGuyer and Allen Wood, trs., Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press.
Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (1998). Mary Gregor, trs., Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press.
The Metaphysics of Morals (1996). Mary Gregor, trs., Cambridge: Cambridge University
Other references
Austen, J. (2008). Emma, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Grenberg, J. (2013). Kants Defense of Common Moral Experience: A Phenomenological
Account. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
(2005). Kant and the Ethics of Humility: A Story of Dependence, Corruption
and Virtue. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

It is this inextirpable tendency toward self-deception that inspires my phenomenological reading of Kant
(see: Grenberg, Jeanine, Kants Defense of Common Moral Experience: A Phenomenological Account
[Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013]). Attentive phenomenological reflection is the antidote to
this inextirpable tendency toward self-deception. Seeing well how moral reasons press themselves on us is
the first step in becoming a moral agent. Choice is a second step that is accomplished most successfully by
prefacing choice with this moral attentiveness.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 162-176
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33972

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 177-196
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33969

Kants Enlightenment1
La Ilustracin de Kant

University of Illinois-Chicago, USA

I urge here that Kants essay What is Enlightenment? be read in the context of debates at the time
over the public critique of religion, and together with elements of his other writings, especially a
short piece on orientation in thinking that he wrote two years later. After laying out the main
themes of the essay in some detail, I argue that, read in context, Kants call to think for ourselves
is not meant to rule out a legitimate role for relying on the testimony of others, that it is directed
instead against a kind of blind religious faith, in which one either refuses to question ones clerical
authorities or relies on a mystical intuition that cannot be assessed by reason. Both of these ways
of abandoning reason can be fended off if we always submit our private thoughts to the test of
public scrutiny: which is why enlightenment, for Kant, requires both free thinking, by each
individual for him or herself, and a realm of free public expression in which individuals can discuss
the results of their thinking.
Key words
Enlightenment; Testimony; Public/Private distinction; Public Reason; Enthusiasm

This piece is adapted from Fleischacker, S. (2013), What is Enlightenment? Kants Questions, London:
Routledge, New York. Chapter 1.

Professor of Philosophy at the University of Illinois Chicago. Email contact: .

[Recibido: 7 de octubre de 2015
Aceptado: 28 de octubre de 2015]


Sam Fleischacker
Propongo en este artculo leer el ensayo de Kant Qu es la Ilustracin? en el contexto de los
debates de su tiempo sobre la crtica pblica de la religin, junto con elementos de otros escritos de
Kant, especialmente un opsculo sobre la orientacin en el pensamiento que escribi dos aos
antes. Tras desplegar los temas principales del ensayo con algn detalle, argumento que, leda en su
contexto, la exhortacin de Kant a pensar por nosotros mismos no debe entenderse llamada a
descartar la funcin legtima de confiar en el testimonio de los otros, sino que est dirigida ms
bien contra un tipo de fe religiosa ciega, en la que o bien rechaza cuestionar las propias autoridades
clericales, o bien descansa sobre una intuicin mstica que no puede ser evaluada por la razn.
Ambas maneras de abandonar la razn pueden esquivarse si sometemos en todo momento nuestros
pensamientos privados a la prueba del escrutinio pblico. Por ello, la Ilustracin para Kant requiere
tanto el libre pensamiento, de cada individuo por s mismo, cuanto un espacio de expresin pblica
libre, en el que los individuos puedan discutir los resultados de su pensamiento.
Palabras clave
Ilustracin; testimonio; distincin pblico/privado; razn pblica; entusiasmo

1. In 1712, Joseph Addison described the world as enlightened by Learning and

Philosophy. Bishop Berkeley called his era an enlightened age in 1732, and David Hume
contrasted barbarous with enlightened ages when he discussed reports of miracles in
1748. Hume also contrasted those who enlighten the world with religious figures like
Thomas Becket in his History of England, lamenting that pretended saints receive so
much popular attention while enlighteners do not (Addison 1837, p. 31, 419; Berkeley 1803,
p. 97; Hume 1975, p. 119; Hume 1983, p. 337).
In all these cases, the words enlighten and enlightened are used to signify
something that comes with learning, and contrasts with dogmatic religious belief. But these
words appear rarely in 18th-century Britain Ive given their only appearance in Humes
Enquiries and they dont appear at all in his Treatise or Dialogues on religion and there
is no extended discussion in the Anglophone world of what enlightenment might entail.2
Nor did the French lumires or the Italian lumi engage in any real debate over what mental
processes or political conditions made their learning possible.
That debate was left to German-speaking lands, where, from 1783 onwards, a large
number of articles appeared under titles like What is Enlightenment? One of these by
Kant has become an icon, a piece by which students are introduced to the intellectual
world of the 18th century and that is supposed to represent an ethos running through it. But
we should bear in mind that Kant was writing in a very specific corner of the historical

And it names just a process, not a historical period, until quite late in the 19th century. Hegel seems to have
been the first to use Aufklrung to designate the 18th century as a stage in intellectual history, and it was by
way of translations of his works that the term came into English use. But Aufklrung was generally translated
as Illumination (and sometimes as Clearing Up!) until the end of the nineteenth century. See Schmidt, J,
Inventing the Enlightenment: Anti-Jacobins, Hegelians, and the Oxford English Dictionary, pp.421-443.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 177-196
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33969

Kants Enlightenment

phenomenon we call today the Enlightenment, and responding to its specific challenges,
not necessarily representing what characterized that period in, say, Edinburgh or Paris.3
What specific challenges did Kant face? Kant really wrote two pieces in defense of
enlightenment, the famous one of 1784, and What is Orientation in Thinking?, in 1786.
At that time, the long reign of Frederick the Great was drawing to a close and the
intellectual circles to which Kant belonged were worried about what might happen next.
Frederick was beloved by intellectuals for the free rein he gave to scholarly discussion, but
there was reason to fear that his successor would not follow him in that respect. The future
Frederick William II had joined a series of secret societies and was purported to believe that
he had mystical visions; he was also close with a certain Johann Christof Wllner, who
harbored hopes of suppressing the open discussion of religion and bringing back the ...
country to the faith of Jesus Christ (Frederick William II 1910, p. 64). 4 And indeed,
immediately after coming to the throne, Frederick William would appoint Wllner to high
position, Wllner would attempt to shut down the public expression of heretical views, and
Frederick William would use his personal conversations with Jesus as a basis for further
restrictive policies.5 When Kant calls for the supreme importance of freedom of the pen,
then, even in 1784 and especially in 1786, and when in 1786 he adds that being guided by
personal religious experience can lead to the greatest of despotisms, we need to hear him as
in part making a case for the policies of Frederick the Great, and warning his fellow
intellectuals against giving aid to the repressive tendencies in Frederick William. Kant was
reluctant to write the 1786 piece on orientation, which required him to intervene in a dispute
among friends, but was eventually convinced that he had to do it in order to help fend off
the political threat looming on the horizon (Beiser 1992, p. 52).
2. So much for historical background; lets turn now to the texts. What was
enlightenment, for Kant? Kants piece on the topic is extremely short, but it contains a
number of different elements and it is worth making sure we are clear about them. I'd like

Intellectual historians today tend to be leery of the very idea that there is a single period or movement
properly called the Enlightenment. There is no single or unifiable phenomenon describable as the
Enlightenment, says John Pocock, although he adds that it is the definite article rather than the noun which
is to be avoided. In studying the intellectual history of the late seventeenth century and the eighteenth, we
encounter a variety of statements made, and assumptions proposed, to which the term Enlightenment may
usefully be applied, but the means of the term shift as we apply it. (Pocock, J, Historiography and
Enlightenment: A View of their History, p.83). See also the thoughtful discussion in Oz-Salzberger, F,
New Approaches towards a History of the Enlightenment: in place of Gays monolithic anti-religious
Enlightenment, she says, contemporary intellectual historians have given us a moderate Presbyterian
Enlightenment in Scotland, a Latitudinarian Enlightenment in England, a radical Enlightenment of Spinozists
and freemasons, a conservative Enlightenment which was largely Socinian, [and] a Jesuit Enlightenment,
among others (p.175).
See also Schmidt, Introduction, What is Enlightenment? Eighteenth-Century Answers and TwentiethCentury Questions, pp. 6-7.
In June 1791 Kiesewetter wrote Kant to inform him that attempts were being made in the Wllner ministry
to prevent him from publishing. Kiesewetter explained that the king, who was prone to mystical visions, had
seen Jesus again, so that even more edicts could be expected. Frederick C. Beiser, Enlightenment,
Revolution and Romanticism, p.50.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 177-196
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33969


Sam Fleischacker
to lay out five major themes of his famous essay, and then elaborate and defend two of
Enlightenment, Kant tells us in the opening line of his famous piece, is the exit of
human beings from their self-incurred immaturity. And at the end of the first paragraph,
Kant says that Dare to know!, or Have the courage to use your own reason!, is the
watchword of enlightenment. So we have two themes right off the bat. First, the opposite
of enlightenment is not a state of ignorance a mere lack of information but an
emotional weakness, a state of immaturity; we cure this immaturity by taking responsibility
for our own knowing, not by simply acquiring information. And second, our immaturity is
self-incurred, and the way out of it is an act we must perform ourselves. Other people
cannot enlighten us; we must enlighten ourselves. And we do that by using our own
reason whatever exactly that means.
We should pause to note that this is not the most obvious view of enlightenment.
Many other thinkers in Kants time saw enlightenment as coming about when scientific
knowledge, is cultivated and used to solve chronic human problems, or when the baleful
rule of priests, enslaving the population by way of superstition, is brought to an end.6 For
Moses Mendelssohn, enlightenment consisted in theoretical knowledge, especially about
religion (Mendelssohn in Schmidt 1996, pp. 54-55). For Karl Reinhold, it lay in the
clarification of concepts, especially those concepts which have a considerable influence on
human happiness. Mendelssohn, in Schmidt 1996, pp. 65-6). Christian Daniel Erhard,
writing a few years after Kant, held that enlightenment consists in the abolition of
prevailing prejudices and errors among individuals and... peoples (Knudsen in Schmidt
1996, p. 270). Kant too thought that enlightenment will improve science and lead us away
from prejudice and superstition, but it was the courage to use our own reason, and not the
improvement of science or the overcoming of prejudice and superstition, that he identified
with enlightenment. It follows that he did not think people need the help of others, even
scientific experts, to enter enlightenment he regarded our reliance on others, including
scientific experts, as precisely what keeps us from enlightenment and he didnt blame
others, even clerics, for our lack of enlightenment. People with a great deal of theoretical
knowledge, or skill in clarifying concepts, or understanding of what makes for human
happiness or underpins prejudice, might be the source of enlightenment for Mendelssohn
and Reinhold and Erhard, but not for Kant. The source of enlightenment lies within each of
us, for him, not in any set of scholars. He puts the onus on each of us for achieving
enlightenment, and he blames us for the immaturity that blocks us from doing so. He
implies, thereby, that enlightenment is within reach of everybody.7

For a modern account of the Enlightenment that sees it as primarily concerned to solve long-standing social,
political, and economic problems, see Robertson, The Case for Enlightenment. For a modern account that
sees the Enlightenment as primarily concerned to challenge traditional religious beliefs, see Israel, Radical
I believe that Kants enlightenment, for all that he talks at one point about a public realm in which
scholars (Gelehrten) have the freedom to write what they will, is meant to be a very egalitarian affair
something that everyone, whether well-educated or not, can carry out for him or herself. This is, after all,
what the admonition, Think for yourself! would seem to imply, and Kant condemns unquestioning reliance


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 177-196
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33969

Kants Enlightenment

3. What, now, is the immaturity that blocks our enlightenment? Kant describes it as
the inability to use ones understanding without the direction of another. He attributes
this condition to everyone who thinks I have a book which understands for me, a pastor
who has a conscience for me, a doctor who decides on my diet. We should stop and
wonder at this. Does Kant mean to say we should never rely on authority? Am I to figure
out everything on my own, ignoring even my doctors advice about diet? Surely not. But
then what does Kant mean? Perhaps just that I must always stand ready to question my
authorities, if what they say seems to me ill-considered or ill-informed. I need to have
enough understanding of my own, and trust my understanding enough, that I can say, This
doctor seems to me a charlatan in certain cases, and blame myself, rather than just the
doctor, if I continue nevertheless to rely on him. Moreover, Kants main point doesnt have
to do with our attitude towards medical experts, or other experts on scientific matters. The
pastor, not the doctor, is the main character in his list of examples. As well see, Kant is
concerned above all with the way we rely on authorities in matters of religion an arena

on any authority: its hard to imagine that why he wouldnt include scholarly authority in this polemic. Kant
also himself contrasts his notion of enlightenment with one on which it would consist in acquiring
information, in the footnote from WDO AA 08. He says there that there is less to his notion of
enlightenment than to one that identifies it with the acquisition of information, that everyone can carry it out
for himself, and that a good educational system will ensure that everyone is trained in it from a young age.
There is other textual evidence that Kant sees enlightenment as something everyone, not just
scholars, can and should accomplish. First, Kants rule for enlightenment is one of three maxims that he
identifies with the common understanding a mode of thought that all human beings share. Second, in his
Reflexionen Kant says that while it can be good for people to be trained, for a while, by way of coercion,
authority or prejudice, eventually all these evils must have an end (RGV 528 AA 15:229-30); he also
says, in the same place, that philosophy, if it shall have a use at all, must give the principles by which
immaturity can be ended everywhere. Moreover, he bitterly condemns the infantilization of the populace by
kings and clerics, making no distinction between scholars and other members of the populace: One first
renders the people unable to govern themselves, and then excuses ones despotism on the grounds that they
cannot govern themselves. (RGV 532 AA 15:231) And he compares academics to despotic rulers, saying
that they make the people immature (RGV 1508-9 AA 15:820-26).
So I think there is good reason to say that for Kant enlightenment is something that all human beings
can and should carry out, regardless of their scholarly training. Indeed, throughout most of WA Kant talks
about how anyone can and should enlighten him or herself; he uses the term scholar quite rarely, although
those occurrences are located, unfortunately for my purposes, in the midst of his central discussion of the
right to a public use of reason. But I think we can make good sense of this fact: the occasional references to
the right of scholars to address one another freely in WA have to do with the context in which it was
written, in which there was considerable danger that scholarship was about to be put back under censorship.
So in context Kant may either be saying that the writings of scholars at least, or especially, should be wholly
free. He may also regard be using the word scholar in a loose, broad way by which anyone speaking or
writing for the purpose of inquiry alone counts as a scholar. In any case, there is no reason to suppose that
Kant thinks free speech should be limited to scholars, or that he regards enlightenment as something that
flows from scholars to the people at large. Indeed, on his conception of enlightenment, that would be
Several commentators on Kants notion of enlightenment accept this egalitarian view of WA, but
argue that Kant moves to a more elitist model in RGV and SF: see, especially, Laursen, The Subversive
Kant, Lestition, Kant and the End of the Enlightenment in Prussia, and Deligiorgi, pp.76-7. I am not
convinced that Kant drops his egalitarianism as much as these writers suggest, but I do think his RGV and SF
offer a somewhat different model of enlightenment (see my What is Enlightenment? chapter 2).
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 177-196
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33969


Sam Fleischacker
where, he thinks, scientific knowledge is not available and relying on someone elses words
is morally inappropriate.8
And what about the second idea, that our immaturity is self-incurred? We are
responsible, according to Kant, for the very unwillingness to question that makes us
vulnerable to manipulation by authorities. Many other people, in Kants own time and
since, would rather blame those authorities for the threats and manipulative ways of
teaching that make it difficult for people to think for themselves. Kant blames us for our
own mental slavery. Why? Well, Kants fundamental principle of morality is based on the
idea that we are all free: we have the ability, at all times, to follow a law we lay down for
ourselves, and not to be led around by outside pressures. It follows that we bear
responsibility even for the occasions on which we renounce our own responsibility, that we
can be regarded as having in some sense freely taken on even conditions by which we are
mentally enslaved. We are wrong to do this, of course, but it is nevertheless something we
do, and not something that just happens to us. As applied to our failure to think for
ourselves, the idea is that we ourselves attribute the aura of authority to others that enables
them to shape our beliefs. Kant says in a later text that the public surreptitiously
attributes a magic power to experts in medicine, law, and theology, regarding them as
miracle-workers who will help them get what they want (SF AA 49-50). So we are the
true source of the authority that others wield over us. If we but question that authority, it
will disappear: we will see that there is nothing magical about experts, and that we have
reason to rely on their authority only insofar as it is based on grounds we can accept. We
will realize that we can and should see authority only in those to whom we are freely
willing to grant it, that we never have reason to accept their word blindly.9
4. The third major point in the essay is a political one. Kant tells us that it is difficult
for an individual to pull himself out of immaturity on his own it is all too comfortable to
recite statutes and formulas instead of thinking for ourselves but that an entire society

Kants essay, throughout, is about pushing off responsibility for decisions about how to guide my own life
and the warning not to rely unthinkingly on the doctor has to be understood in that context. It is not that I
should think that I know as much as the doctor, but that I have to take responsibility for the way the doctors
advice affects my own life, for the actions I take on the basis of what he or she says. This is not a matter
simply of knowledge but of values: the value I place on having certain pleasures at the cost of shortening my
life, for instance, or, by contrast, on extending my life at the cost of financial and emotional burdens I place
on others, or of my own dignity or mental health. It is a shirking of responsibility, a mark of immaturity, to
blame my doctor for these uses of the information she offers me.
It is also a source for some important later ideas. Marx will try to show us how oppressed classes are
themselves the source of the power that the ideology of the ruling class has over them. Nietzsche will say
that our belief in God, and in traditional forms of morality (including Kantian morality) is a projection of our
own fears and hatreds, and that these beliefs will fall away as soon as we have the courage to get rid of our
childish feelings about them. Freud will locate the source of what he calls the illusion of religion in a
projection of our relationship to our fathers. For all of these figures, and their many followers, enlightenment
will involve something more than Kants mere willingness to question radical social change, for Marx;
radical psychological change, for Freud and Nietzsche but the core idea that we have enslaved ourselves,
and can consequently redeem ourselves from our own slavery, remains the same.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 177-196
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33969

Kants Enlightenment
can move towards enlightenment if only it allows freedom of expression. 10 Then the
freedom of thought shown by some may inspire others to throw... off the yoke of
And now, as Kant clarifies what he means by freedom of expression, he introduces
what is probably the best-known element of the essay: a distinction between the private and
the public use of reason. Everywhere we hear Dont argue!, he says. Officers in the
military tell their soldiers not to argue with their orders; tax collectors say, Dont argue;
just pay! Kant thinks that some sort of argument should be permissible in all these realms:
even soldiers in the army should be allowed to raise doubts about the orders they receive.
But they need not be permitted to raise those doubts when and where they receive these
orders. We need to obey superiors in various spheres, even if we should also be allowed to
dispute their orders in the public realm. The realm of argument, of free debate, must be
separated from the realm of obedience. Making use of a slightly odd understanding of the
words private and public, Kant says that in ones private capacity ones role in a
specific job or other limited aspect of society one may not always have a right to speak
freely, but that one should always be allowed to do this when addressing the public: when
writing or speaking as a scholar. Those who have an official role are required to carry out
the duties assigned to them in that role, Kant thinks, but he also calls for a realm of free
public discussion in which everyone can criticize the duties assigned to them.
There is a great deal more to be said about this version of the public/private
distinction, but before we get there, I want to add points 4 and 5 to the summary I have been
giving of Kants essay. The fourth point is that no church may fix its doctrines forever,
binding future generations to accept without question the views it proclaims at one
particular time. One age cannot bind itself, and thus conspire to place the succeeding age
in a situation in which it becomes impossible to broaden its knowledge. Even the
unanimous consent of a churchs members to such an arrangement would not make it
legitimate: [T]o renounce [enlightenment, says Kant to renounce the free questioning
of dogmas is to wound and trample underfoot the holy rights of humanity. Again we
see that enlightenment is a moral act, for Kant even a moral obligation. We also see that
voluntary groups as well as the government can offend against this obligation, and that it
should not be overridden even by communal consensus. It is, rather, a condition for any
acceptable social contract, a condition without which no society can be seen as reflecting its
members choices.
Which brings us to the fifth and final main thesis of the essay: the priority of
intellectual over civic freedom. Governments should never forbid the free discussion of
politics, says Kant. Such discussions are helpful to the government itself, as well as a
condition for policies to be legitimate. Kant indicates that nothing more than public
discussion is necessary, in the long run, to effect political change. Absolute rulers, he
thinks, will eventually reform everything in a constitution that needs reforming even

Whether freedom of expression was necessary for enlightenment was a recurring topic in the German
literature on this subject. See the contributions of Mhsen, Klein, Bahrdt, Moser and Fichte, in Schmidt
(ed.), What is Enlightenment?
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 177-196
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33969


Sam Fleischacker
their own absolute powers in the face of public criticism. Indeed, Kant suggests that it
may be helpful to intellectual freedom if civic freedom is restrained for a while. Then ideas
can be played out without leading to rash political changes, and the people can come to
mental maturity before they rule themselves.
I think there is a nugget of truth to Kants separation of public discussion from
practical politics, but on the whole I dont want to defend Kants political views here. What
I do want to defend is 1) the idea that every human being everywhere has a duty to think for
him or herself and not merely accept doctrines on authority, and 2) Kants intriguing,
complex picture of how this individual duty is interwoven with a realm of public debate.
These theses do not constitute all that people have meant by enlightenment, but they are
central aspects of it, and aspects that have been central to the opposition that the term has
aroused, in conservative circles and non-Western cultures. I am myself sympathetic to the
religious and cultural groups who feel threatened by Western secularism. But I think the
enlightenment Kant defined and urged in his famous essay is something more minimal than
that. Kantian enlightenment, I want to say, is something we all can and should accept
even if some of us continue to resist what else and what more marches under the banner of
secularism and modernity.
5. Half the battle in defending something is explaining clearly what it means. Lets
begin by trying to make clearer sense of the distinction Kant draws between the private and
the public realms. That distinction is less puzzling if we look at the way Kant uses the word
private in other contexts. Private derives from a Latin word meaning set apart,
lacking, or deprived: the private person was deprived of public office. Kant takes the
term out of this political context and uses it to describe individuals insofar as they are
deprived of their common humanity insofar as they are limited to some specific aspect
of themselves, which links them to just one community among others, rather than to
humanity at large. Thus he distinguishes in his Logic between an absolute or universal and
a private horizon of thought, identifying the latter with what we think as particular and
conditioned beings and the former with what we think as, simply, human beings. The
determination of the private horizon, he tells us, depends on various empirical conditions
and special considerations, e.g., age, sex, position, way of life and the like (46) features
of what today we might call our identity, which can limit our thought or guide it towards
limited aims.11 From the absolute or universal horizon, by contrast the public horizon
we are concerned with the question, What can the human being, as a human being, ...
know? (41). And this question is not limited by any aim. It is the response of a shallow
mind, says Kant, to ask of this kind of knowledge, What is that good for? (47).
Elsewhere, in his lectures on Anthropology (AA 07: 219), Kant contrasts a private sense
(sensus privatus) with a communal sense (sensus communis). We have a sense for ideas
peculiar to ourselves as well as a sense for ideas that are common to all, he says, and we

Onora ONeill also stresses the connection between private and deprived, for Kant, but understands a
bit differently than I do: ONeill, Constructions of Reason, pp. 17, 50.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 177-196
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33969

Kants Enlightenment

correct the former by the latter; it is indeed insanity to rely on our private sense when it is
contradicted by the communal one. The person who does that is the person who sees things
in broad daylight that people next to him do not see, or hears voices that no-one else hears
( 53; AA 07: 219). Relating our understanding to the understanding of others is a
subjectively necessary touchstone of the correctness of our judgments, and we are on our
way to madness if we merely isolate ourselves within our own experiences. Moreover,
our private sense or understanding gets better the more we are able to test it against the
judgments of others. For that reason, censoring books is not merely bad politics, but a
serious obstacle to the growth of knowledge: In this way we are deprived of ... the greatest
and most useful means of correcting our own thoughts.
If we plug all this back into the enlightenment essay, we see that the public realm is
not a political realm for Kant, but a realm in which all our specific, historically located
projects and identities including our political projects and identities are suspended
and we are therefore able to think generally about them. And he wants to suggest that it is
important even for our private identities themselves our identities as lawyers or doctors,
or representatives of a specific religious group that we have a public realm in which we
can suspend those identities and scrutinize them: in which we can check the judgments we
make in our private capacities against the touchstone of a more broadly human kind of
judgment, a sensus communis. In the public realm, Kant tells us, we write for a society of
world citizens, for human beings in general. As scholars, as people interested in
knowledge for its own sake, we are not bound by any specific role or limited community:
and we all need to see ourselves this way some of the time.
Now Kant is not out to deny that scholarly writings, like other writings, always
respond to the questions and pre-suppositions of a specific historical context. Kants own
essay was written for a Berlin journal read by a limited set of scholars, and he filled the
piece with allusions to local concerns and events of which only that community was likely
to be aware. Kant could also not have expected, at this point in his life, that any literal
society of world citizens would read his work. His reputation had begun to grow in
Germany since the publication of his Critique of Pure Reason, three years earlier, but he
was still fairly obscure, and he could not have expected his writings to reach an
international audience. So by saying that the scholar writes for a society of world citizens,
Kant does not mean to deny that the scholar also writes for a more local community: of
Germans or Frenchmen, Christians or Jews, professors or clerics. The point is that anything
written as a piece of scholarship12 is implicitly opened up by that fact to the judgments of
all humanity, even if it is also directed to the judgments of a particular group. When
considering a piece in our capacity just as beings who pursue knowledge, we implicitly
regard our local norms of judgment as open to correction by the sensus communis of all
human beings. As pure inquirers members of the public, in Kants sense we
recognize that the standards of argument that our intellectual community employs, to be
standards of argument at all, must be capable of being corrected by more general tests of

Which here means anything written as a contribution to human knowledge at large, rather than to meet the
needs of a specific institution.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 177-196
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33969


Sam Fleischacker
epistemic adequacy. As Germans or Christians or lawyers, we may place limitations on
what our fellow group members may say. But we cannot limit what they, or we, will count
as true. To do that is to act like the person who sees things that no-one else sees to drift
towards a kind of group madness.
We can make ready sense of these points. As the contemporary Kantian, Christine
Korsgaard, has stressed, we need to be able to ask, from a place beyond each of our specific
identities, why we are committed to each one, what its limits are, and which of the demands
it makes on us are legitimate. If I occupy a specific civil post or office, to take one of
Kants examples, I need to be able to ask myself why I have been willing to accept that post
what purposes I think it serves and why I support those purposes and in what
circumstances I might feel obliged to renounce it, or to challenge the requirements that go
with it. And this is good for my specific identity itself. It is good for the civil service it
makes the civil service less prey to corruption if its employees think independently about
its rules and practices, if they can evaluate those rules and practices from an independent
Similarly, if I adhere to a specific way of life, to take another of Kants examples
the way of life of a specific culture or religion, say I need to be able to ask myself,
from a position beyond that of the way of life, why I find it worthwhile or in line with my
moral duties. Again, it will be good for my culture or religion if its members can think out
of the box like this it is most likely to live up to its own ideals if its members can think
about what they are doing on their own. And the position making such assessment possible
is that of a human being in general, in which neither the questions we ask nor their answers
are limited by any private specific ends.
More broadly, Kant thinks that the public or general point of view can serve as a test
for the correctness of our beliefs even on ordinary empirical matters. It can of course
happen that everyones views on a certain subject are mistaken or corrupt, and we shouldnt
overlook the importance of individuals like Copernicus, who defy common sense correctly
on some issue. But for the most part Kant is surely right that the understanding of those
around us is a healthy corrective for our private judgments, and that one who refuses to
check in with the judgments of others, when he thinks he sees or hears something, is on the
way to madness.
6. How does all this go with Kants demand that we think for ourselves? In the first
place, as Ive already noted, by think for yourself, Kant cannot and does not mean that we
are to figure everything out on our own. The subject of testimony has become a
philosophical topic of great importance, in recent years; philosophers have become very
interested in the fact that much of what we know comes from other peoples testimony.
Thats the source of your beliefs about your name and birthplace, as well as the vast
majority of your other common-sense and scientific views. If belief based on testimony had
to be excluded from knowledge, we would know hardly anything: we would not even have
the premises from which we could readily find out anything. Consequently, we must regard


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 177-196
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33969

Kants Enlightenment

the word of others as an independent source of knowledge, right up there with perception
and our various modes of reasoning.13
Now, partly because of what he says in What is Enlightenment?, Kant is often
represented as a philosopher who didnt grasp this point. But that turns out to be false. In a
brilliant essay called Kant on Testimony, Axel Gelfert has shown that Kant put testimony
on a level with perception as a source of knowledge. Drawing on texts from Kants logic
lectures that are rarely read even by Kant scholars, Gelfert brings to light passages like the
following: [W]e can just as well accept something on the testimony of others as on our
own experience. For there is just as much that is deceptive in our experience as in the
testimony of others. ... To be sure, the testimony that we accept from others is subject to just
as many hazards as our own experience is subject to errors. But we can just as well have
certainty through the testimony of others as through our own experience.(V-Lo/Weiner
AA 24.2 895-6 in Gelfert 2006, p. 633).14 Testimony is subject to hazards: the people
giving it to us may be lying or misinformed. But what we see and hear is also subject to
error. So in both cases, we need to use our cognitive faculties critically. Kant says that
[h]istorical belief is reasonable if it is critical, in this sense (Gelfert 2006, p. 641).
But Kant limits the appropriate epistemic place for testimony to empirical matters.
Truths of reason are a different matter. [S]omething [may] be considered historically true,
he says, purely on the strength of testimonies, as in the belief that there is a city called
Rome. By contrast, a purely rational belief can never be transformed into knowledge by
any natural data of reason and experience and hence cannot rightly be held on the basis of
testimony (WDO AA 8: 141).15 When it comes to truths of reason, Kant thinks, there is
something deficient in our understanding if we merely accept what others tell us (Gelfert
2006, pp. 627, 637, 641). The person who doesnt work out claims of logic or mathematics
for him or herself doesnt properly grasp them, and cant be said to know them in the way
that someone who has worked through the proofs does. If a cognition is constituted in
such a way that it can ... be made out by ones understanding, says Kant, then the
authority of others is no genuine ground of holding [it to be true] (Gelfert 2006, p. 641).

See Coady, Testimony for an excellent overview of this subject.

As quoted in Gelfert, Kant on Testimony, p.633.Indeed, Kant thinks we have an obligation to trust
others prima facie, at least: It ... indicates a very bad mode of thought if one never trusts anyone in
anything, but instead ... wants to see everything that is promised and pledged to him present and fulfilled.
And again: [w]ithout fidelity and belief no republique, no public affairs would be able to exist. (in Gelfert,
Kant on Testimony, pp. 634-5).
See also Gelfert, Kant on Testimony p.637. There may be an echo in this last passage of a distinction
Lessing drew between truths of history and truths of reason. Lessing argued that the historical claims of
traditional religions under-determine their doctrines about God and the nature of the soul [I]f I have no
historical objection to the fact that Christ raised someone from the dead, must I therefore regard it as true that
God has a Son who is of the same essence as himself? What connection is there between my inability to
raise any substantial objection to the evidence for the former, and my obligation to believe something which
my reason refuses to accept? (Lessing, On the proof of the spirit and of power, p.86) and Kant is
concerned with much the same issues in WDO. The inappropriateness of reliance on testimony in religious
matters is a central theme in 18th-century writings on testimony (in, for instance, Humes much-quoted
chapter on miracles in the Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding). This context tends to be overlooked
by 20th and 21st-century philosophers when they look back at the 18th-century discussions. Coady, for
instance, entirely leaves out this context: see Coady, Testimony, pp.179-82; 186-8.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 177-196
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33969


Sam Fleischacker
This point takes a yet sharper form when it comes to moral issues. Not only are
moral claims matters of reason, for Kant, but they are the direct expression of our
autonomy. It follows that accepting moral claims merely on authority is not just a cognitive
failing but a moral one as well: we betray our autonomy when we do that.
This brings us back to What is Enlightenment? When Kant admonishes us to think
for ourselves, he has in mind moral issues in particular: the examples he gives are almost
entirely political or religious ones, and religion, for Kant, is at bottom a form of morality.16
That is why reliance on testimony, here, is inappropriate.
We may still think Kant has gone too far, however, and forgotten his own wise
comments on testimony in the logic lectures. One of his examples, remember, is that of
relying on doctors when it comes to diet, yet medicine is surely an empirical science to
which testimony is appropriate. He also urges soldiers to scrutinize military discipline, and
all of us to take a critical stance towards the system of taxation under which we live but
many of the questions that arise about taxation and military discipline are empirical ones.
And even as regards religion, surely there is a place for expertise, hence testimony, when it
comes to, say, the historical claims that various religions make; surely religion is not only a
moral matter.
Kants point, I believe, is that even as regards empirical facts, we must at some point
think hard about which authorities we can reasonably rely on and which we should suspect
or reject. As well see in a bit, Kant eventually translates think for yourself into a
principle to seek grounds we can uphold universally for each source of belief we accept.
That means we need to think through the sorts of reasons we have for relying on perception
or testimony, or for rejecting both in favor of a priori argument. It also means, as regards
testimony in particular, that we need to figure out the features that make one source of
testimony more reliable than another. Modern philosophy begins with Descartess doubts
about the church authorities from whom he learned astrophysics, and Descartes was right to
harbor such doubts. More generally, we all must choose among authorities, and assess
them, accordingly, for trustworthiness. Some authorities are more reliable than others, and
there are at least some general guidelines we can use to sift out the former from the latter.
But that means that we can think for ourselves about the grounds on which we accept
authoritative claims, and how those grounds favor some authorities over others. This is
already not to rely on authorities in virtue of an instinctive or socially-inculcated fear or awe
of them: it is already to rely on them in an enlightened way. And I think that that is all
Kant wants, when he calls on us to think for ourselves. We should not be cowed by the aura
of superiority with which certain people or institutions appear to us. We should realize
instead that we are responsible for the power that that aura has over us, and have the
courage to resist that power.17

Compare Anthropology 43 (Anth AA 7:200): [T]o require that a so-called layman should not use his
own reason in religious matters, particularly since religion is to be appreciated as moral is an unjust
demand because as to morals every man must account for all his doings.
We do have such good reason, of course: indeed, for me to rely on my own individual experience over that
of scientific experts when it comes to matters of, say, astrophysics or ancient history would be for me not to


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 177-196
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33969

Kants Enlightenment

There is a further point that could be made. Kants main concern in his
enlightenment essay, as Ive noted, is with religious questions: with the views we hold
about what, overall, we should be doing with our lives. It is here, above all, that Kant
thinks each of us needs to think for him or herself, and here he is surely right. It is one
thing to rely on experts for factual information, but quite another to borrow ones
fundamental values from other people.18 There are at least three deep problems with relying
on testimony for our beliefs about our ultimate goals and orientation in life. One is that
there is very limited expertise to be had in such matters: the questions about them are
unlikely to be settled by empirical facts, or by the sorts of abstract reasoning in which some
people excel over others. A second is that the reasons by which we differentiate between
where we will and where we will not rely on authorities, and determine what sorts of
authorities to accept, are very likely to depend significantly on our ultimate values, on the
over-arching goals by which we orient our lives. A person with a religious orientation may
treat scientific authorities far more skeptically than a person of secular orientation would, at
least when they issue proclamations on religious subjects. And a person with one kind of
religious orientation may accept very different authorities from a person with a different
religious orientation. So authority cannot reasonably settle the question of which authorities
on value to accept, or whether one should rely on authorities, here, at all.
Finally, when it comes to truths on which the shape of my entire life may depend, I
am responsible for the answer I give myself in a way I am not for many of my other beliefs.
I can decide to delegate responsibility for determining the right answer to many factual
questions, and even some moral ones, after I determine how on the whole I will orient my
life. But I cant (responsibly) delegate responsibility until I first take responsibility for the
decisions by which I figure out what to delegate and to whom. I cant decide to trust
authorities, as opposed to trusting them blindly, until I first figure out what, for me, will
count as good reason to trust someone. At some point, as Wittgenstein might have said,
trusting must come to an end.
7. I hope it is beginning to become clear that think for yourself, for Kant, can go
along with a great deal of respect for the thought of other people. This is even clearer if we
look at Kants use of that phrase outside of the enlightenment essay. Kant describes think
for yourself as the motto of enlightenment in several places, but elsewhere it goes along
with two other maxims: Think in the position of everyone else and Think in accord with
have good (universalizable) grounds for these beliefs: not to think for myself, as Kant understands that idea.
Well see later that Kant regards think for yourself as a motto that should keep us from relying unduly on
our own private feelings and experience: think for yourself is meant as an antonym to, among other things,
rely on your personal feelings. Often, thinking for myself not only allows me but requires me to rely on the
thoughts of others.
In the words of Carl Friedrich Bahrdt, a contemporary of Kants, If ... I tried to verify every report of a
flotilla, ... I would act absurdly, wasting too much time and effort on things that are unimportant for me. But
when we are talking about truths that ... [affect my civil welfare or] decide the salvation of my soul, that is
quite a different case. There I must examine the truth with the greatest obstinacy if I do not wish to gamble
foolishly with my well-being. On the Freedom of the Press and its Limits ..., in Schmidt, What is
Enlightenment?, p. 103.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 177-196
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33969


Sam Fleischacker
yourself. Collectively, Kant calls these three the maxims of the common human
understanding (KU AA 05: 294-5). 19 He also has specific names for each maxim. The
first is the maxim of enlightenment, although he also calls it the maxim of a reason that
is never passive, the maxim of unprejudiced thought, the maxim that opposes the
heteronomy of reason, and the maxim that liberates us from superstition. He equates
enlightenment, that is, with active thought or autonomy, and contrasts it with prejudice and
The other two he calls the maxim of broad-minded thought and the maxim of
consistency. The maxim of broad-minded thought, says Kant, requires us to put
[ourselves] into the standpoint of others (CJ 40). This echoes Adam Smith, who held
that moral judgment requires us to project ourselves into other peoples situations. For
Kant, such projection enables us to attain the universal or public horizon described
earlier, and to communicate with others.20
Finally, the third maxim dont contradict yourself which seems the most
obvious of the maxims, is in fact the hardest, Kant says, and can be achieved only if we
develop long habits of thinking in accordance with the first two.21 The idea seems to be that
a motley of prejudices can easily contain all sorts of contradictions, so if we simply mouth
what we hear from others we will contradict ourselves without knowing it, while a merely
private kind of thought isolated within our own experience will also lead us to think
now one thing, now another, depending on our moods and the different things we seem to
see or hear at different times. So only an active attempt to adjust the opinions we receive
from others to our own experience, and vice versa, will keep us from inconsistency.
We should now see more clearly how Kant means to bring private and public
thought together. I am to think for myself I am never to allow my reason to be merely
passive, always actively to apply my own conception of good argument to any claim
proposed to me but I am also always to aim this thinking towards standards I can share
with all other human beings. I am to take the modes of reasoning that I share with other
human beings as human beings, not as fellow Germans or Christians or lawyers to be
a touchstone for my own thought, even while never allowing what other people tell me to
become my own beliefs just on their say-so. This double-sided guide for thinking directs us
to respect general modes of reasoning we share with other people without necessarily
respecting any particular shared belief: the fine line between taking on a belief as a
prejudice, and failing to respect the common understanding of the world, can be found by
focusing on methods of justification rather than particular claims that purport to be justified
by those methods.

See also Anth AA 7:57, Introduction VII; Anth AA 7:200 43; and R AA 15: 715,1486 and R AA 15:
820-22, 1508.
To set [ourselves] apart from the subjective private conditions [Privatbedingungen] of the judgment
KU AA 5:295. On the importance of communication, see Anth AA 7: 200, 219, 43, 53.
The third maxim, namely that of the consistent way of thinking, is the most difficult to achieve, and can
only be achieved through the combination of the first two and after frequent observance of them has made
them automatic. (KU AA 5:295)


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 177-196
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33969

Kants Enlightenment

Which is pretty much what Kant himself says, when, at the end of his essay on
orientation, he translates think for oneself into a concrete guide for thought:
Thinking for oneself means seeking the highest touchstone of truth in oneself (i.e.,
in ones own reason), and the maxim of always thinking for oneself is
enlightenment. Moreover, there is less to this maxim than those who locate
enlightenment in information imagine, since it is instead a negative principle in the
use of ones capacity for knowledge, and often a person rich in information is the
least enlightened in his use of it. Employing ones own reason means nothing
more than always asking oneself, about everything one is supposed to accept,
whether one finds it possible to make the ground on which one accepts it, or the
rule that follows from accepting it, into a universal principle for ones use of
reason. Everyone can apply this test for himself, and he will see superstition and
enthusiasm immediately disappear with this examination, even if he is far from
having the information with which to refute them on objective grounds. For he is
simply using the maxim of the self-preservation of reason (WhDO? AA 08: 1467n).

Its worth noting that Kant here explicitly rejects the notion of enlightenment as a mere
spread of information, as if it could be showered down on an unthinking populace by
brilliant and well-educated experts; he even says that one can be well-informed and still not
enlightened. Kantian enlightenment is egalitarian, focused on how we know rather than
what we know.22 But the main point of interest in this passage is that it gives us a sort of
cognitive equivalent to Kants famous basic moral rule, the Categorical Imperative: accept
only claims whose grounds you could use universally as a basis of belief.
What might this mean? Well, to begin with, it doesnt mean, accept only those
specific claims that everyone else might accept. Kants basic rule is not aimed at the
content of what we believe, but at its form: the grounds on which we believe it. We are
supposed to ask whether the grounds on which we accept something as true are the sort of
grounds we would use for any other belief; this is the maxim of reasons self-preservation
presumably because it fends off contradiction, the greatest threat to reasoning. In practice,
what Kant seems to have in mind are two sorts of cases: first, cases in which you are
inclined to believe something just because some strong emotion inclines you to believe it, or
on the basis of a set of sensations a dream or mystical vision, perhaps that no-one else
shares. And second, cases in which you are inclined to believe something because you have
heard it from a religious teacher or read it in a supposedly sacred text. These are what Kant,
earlier in the orientation essay, calls enthusiasm and superstition. Enlightenment views
of religion were resisted on the one hand by people committed to a personal, mystical faith,
in which direct experience of God rather than reason is supposed to let one know what God
wants, and on the other hand by people committed to a traditional religion, in which sacred
texts and creeds rather than reason were supposed to represent the will of God. Kant finds

The charge of elitism often brought against Kants notion of enlightenment seems to me misplaced: see
above, note 9.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 177-196
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33969


Sam Fleischacker
both these sorts of religious commitment a threat to reason, and therefore to true freedom,
and the paragraph to which the note above is appended appeals to all friends of the human
race and what is holiest to it for Kant, of course, freedom is what is holiest to human
beings to accept what appears worthy of belief after careful and sincere examination of
facts or rational grounds, rather than rejecting reason as the test of truth.23 Given this
context, it seems clear that Kant expects his cognitive universalization test to rule out claims
to knowledge that depend either on unshareable personal experience or on authoritative
texts. We will recognize that we could not make such grounds of belief into a universal
principle for [our] use of reason. I couldnt generally get around the world by accepting
my private experiences as true even when everyone around me thinks I am wrong. That
way lies seeing lamps in broad daylight that nobody else sees, and hearing voices that
nobody else hears. Nor could I get around the world in general by accepting without
question everything I read or hear from others: that way lies buying the Brooklyn bridge
from friendly strangers.24 So both the maxim for grounding a belief that runs, This is the
way things look to me; hence it must be correct and the maxim for grounding belief that
runs, This is what an impressive person said to me; hence it must be correct cannot be
Now it is not clear from all this whether Kant believes we will necessarily give up on
the content of a religious claim that we had hitherto held on enthusiastic or superstitious
grounds, once we apply his cognitive universalization test. Kant says a person can apply
the test who is far from having the information to refute superstition and enthusiasm
objectively, but this leaves open whether such a person, after applying the test, will reject
everything that a superstitious or enthusiastic religion claims as false, or merely cease to
believe in that religion superstitiously or enthusiastically. Suppose I am a lapsed or halfhearted Lutheran and you, a fervent Lutheran who thinks you have experienced Gods
presence, try to bolster my faith by appealing to your mystical experiences or inducing
experiences of that sort in me. I respond, much to your dismay, by applying Kants
cognitive universalization test even to rhapsodies I myself experience. Now what
happens? Do I give up on Lutheranism, or do I simply refuse to come to the faith on an
enthusiastic basis? I think the casual quality of Kants treatment of this issue, and the
assumption that we will see his test as something obvious, indicates strongly that he did not
regard it as a means of refuting traditional religious faiths, just of dismissing a certain way
of holding them. I think it is clear, that is, that in the scenario just sketched, I could remain

The context here is a debate over the nature of freedom: Kant is arguing against those who think freedom
requires a willingness to suspend reason itself that we need freedom, among other things, from reason
itself, and can find that in the fancies of a poetic or religious genius.
These quick pragmatic arguments are of course not all that Kant would say in defense of the claim that
private experience and authority cant be universalized as grounds for belief. The first Critique shows,
rather, that we cannot so much as distinguish between the subjective and the objective unless we bring our
private sensations in line with rules for organizing experience that others can share as well. There is also a
social analogue to this claim: we cannot, as a society, regard propositions as true simply because they are
upheld by people invested with authority without losing all grip on the distinction between what we hold true
and what really is true.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 177-196
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33969

Kants Enlightenment

a Lutheran, even become a more believing one, and still be quite enlightened, for Kant: as
long as I did not rest my religious beliefs on enthusiastic or superstitious grounds. Perhaps
I have other grounds for my belief rational ones that I can easily universalize. Perhaps I
even believe that private experience of some sort has a legitimate role to play in the
religious life: but my grounds for that belief, for my very view of private experience, are
ones I regard as shareable with others, and try in fact to share with others, in order to be
corrected if I am mistaken or confused. In that case, I would still count as enlightened for
These points get at the core of what Kant means by think for yourself. Thinking
for yourself is not for Kant the adoption of any specific mode of argument it does not, in
particular, require one to adopt Kants own critical theory. It is just a refusal to accept any
mode of argument, in one case, that one would reject elsewhere. The enlightenment Kant
describes in his journal pieces of 1784 and 1786 is a broad and a thin one an attitude
towards knowledge that practically anyone could accept and not, like his full critical
theory, a method thick enough to rule out many specific beliefs. 25 The rule of Kantian
enlightenment is that one must always pull ones private thoughts toward a publicallyshareable touchstone, not that one has to have any particular set of such thoughts or endorse
any particular public standard.
8. To sum up. Kants notion of enlightenment has two central components. On the
one hand, it requires of each of us that we seek reasons for what we believe that we can
expect everyone else to share that we never accept beliefs blindly, or on a basis, like our
private sensations, which we could not regard generally as a reason for believing. On the
other hand, it requires of the society in which we live that it permit, and to the extent
necessary foster, a public realm of debate to which people can bring anything they are
inclined to believe for examination. We each have a duty to our societies and our societies
have a duty to each of us. We must aim to be publically reasonable regardless of what we
privately feel; our society must allow us to say what we want, regardless of whether it is
based on public reason. And a public realm structured by these reciprocal duties, Kant
thinks, will eventually be free of fanaticism and dogmatism. If society keeps its part of the
bargain, no powerful institution or elite will be able to block good new ideas from coming
forward, or preserve bad old ones, and if each of us keeps our part of the bargain, mass
hysteria will be unable to squelch new ideas, and the popular hold of bad ones will wither
away. Taken together, the two sides of this vision of enlightenment should ensure that the
public realm remains both lively and thoughtful.
This vision of enlightenment the two complementary sets of responsibilities, on
each of us to our societies and on our societies to us is something that can I think be

Many other commentators, including Michel Foucault, draw a distinction between enlightenment and
critique in Kants writings: see, for instance, Foucault, What is Critique?.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 177-196
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33969


Sam Fleischacker
defended as a good for all human beings in all cultures. It is a minimal conception of
enlightenment, one that doesnt require us to accept Kants critical system, or purely moral
reading of religion, or rationalistic understanding of morality. There are more maximal
notions of enlightenment, to which Kant himself was tempted in some moods, and on which
later figures insisted notions on which nobody can count as enlightened unless they give
up traditional religion, for instance, or rise beyond merely conventional morality, or live in
a radically egalitarian society. But these ideas are far more problematic than the minimal
notion of enlightenment to be found in Kants journal pieces of 1784 and 1786. Kant was
quite right, I think, to present enlightenment, there, as something that people could
endorse despite deep differences over the overall human good. The freedom that comes of
thinking for oneself in Kants sense simply insures that all our views, including the ones on
which we most profoundly differ, are accepted freely, and kept open to further discussion.
Any community with a view of the human good can gain by endorsing such freedom, and
will flourish only in a world where that freedom is secured. Far from offending against
them, Kantian enlightenment is the precondition for a healthy proliferation of cultures,
political movements, and religious faiths.


Addison, J. (1837), The Works of Joseph Addison, Vol. I, Harper & Brothers, London.
Berkeley, B. (1803), Alciphron, Increase Cooke & Co, New Haven.
Beiser, F.C. (1992), Enlightenment, Revolution and Romanticism, Harvard Univ. Press,
Coady, C.A.J. (1995), Testimony: A Philosophical Study, Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford.
Hume, D. (1975), Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding 3rd ed., in PH Nidditch
(ed.), Oxford University Press, Oxford.
(1983), History of England vol.I, Liberty Fund, Indianapolis.
Foucault, M. (1996), What is Critique?, in Schmidt (ed.), What is
Enlightenment?Eighteenth-Century Answers and Twentieth-Century Questions, University
of California Press, Berkeley.
Gelfert, (2006), Kant on Testimony, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 14 no.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 177-196
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33969

Kants Enlightenment

Israel, J. (2001), Radical Enlightenment, Oxford University Press, Oxford

Kant, I. (1959), Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals, LW Beck (ed.), Macmillan,
New York.
(1979), The Conflict of the Faculties, Mary Gregor (trans.), University of
Nebraska Press, Lincoln.
(1996), Practical Philosophy, Mary Gregor (trans, ed.), Cambridge Univ. Press,
(1996), What does it mean to orient oneself in thinking?, Religion and
Rational Theology, Allen Wood and G. di Giovanni (trans, ed.), Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge.
(1996), Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, Religion and Rational
Theology, Allen Wood and G. di Giovanni, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.
(2000), Critique of the Power of Judgment, P. Guyer and E. Matthews (trans.),
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Knudsen, J. (1996), On Enlightenment for the Common Man, in Schmidt (ed.), What is
Enlightenment?Eighteenth-Century Answers and Twentieth-Century Questions, University
of California Press, Berkeley.
Laursen, J. C. (1996), The Subversive Kant, in Schmidt (ed.), What is
Enlightenment?Eighteenth-Century Answers and Twentieth-Century Questions, University
of California Press, Berkeley.
Lessing, G. (2005), Philosophical and Theological Writings, H.B. Nisbet (ed.), Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge.
Lestition, S. (1993), Kant and the End of the Enlightenment in Prussia, Journal of
Modern History 65.
Nisbet, H.B. (1991), Political Writings, H. Reiss (ed.), Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.
ONeill, O. (1989), Constructions of Reason, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.
Oz-Salzberger, F. (2000), New Approaches towards a History of the Enlightenment, Tel
Aviver Jahrbuch fr Deutsche Geschichte.
Pocock, J. (2008), Historiography and Enlightenment: A View of their History, Modern
Intellectual History, 5, 1.
Robertson, J. (2005), The Case for Enlightenment, Cambridge University Press,
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 177-196
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33969


Sam Fleischacker
Schmidt, J. (1996), Introduction, inWhat is Enlightenment? Eighteenth-Century Answers
and Twentieth-Century Questions, University of California Press, Berkeley.
(2003), Inventing the Enlightenment: Anti-Jacobins, Hegelians, and the Oxford
English Dictionary, Journal of the History of Ideas, vol. 64, no. 3.
(1910), Frederick William II, Encyclopedia Britannica vol.XI, 11th ed., Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 177-196
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33969

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 197-216
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33970

Kantian Enlightenment as a critique of culture

La Ilustracin kantiana como una crtica de la cultura


Universit de Montral, Canada

The scholarly estate [is] the most

superfluous of all for mankind living in a
state of simplicity, but the most
indispensable in the condition of oppression
by superstition and violence (AA 20:10).

It is puzzling to notice that in his 1784 essay on Enlightenment, Kant addresses every human being
with his watchword Have the courage to use your own understanding! , while at the same time
he seems to restrict the access to the public discussion of matters of common interest to the learned
persons (Gelehrte). This begs the question: Is the participation in the public debate part and parcel
of Kants conception of Aufklrung? A positive answer to this question is given by Katerina
Deligiorgi in her Kant and the Culture of Enlightenment. A critical assessment of this book will
lead us however to consider that Kant has a differentiated approach to enlightenment depending on
whether someone is educated or uneducated. Following Rousseau, Kant has come to recognize as a
matter of fact this inequality toward the products of culture. Now the two-level conception of
enlightenment entailed by this inequality becomes explicit in the 1790s, especially in the very last
work Kant has published: The Conflict of the Faculties (1798).
Key words
Kant; Enlightenment; Culture; Scholars; Common Understanding

[Recibido: 6 de octubre de 2015

Aceptado: 19 de octubre de 2015]


Claude Pich
Es sorprendente advertir que en su ensayo de 1784 sobre la Ilustracin, Kant se dirige a todo ser
humano con la consigna Ten el coraje de usar tu propio entendimiento!, mientras que al mismo
tiempo parece restringir el acceso a la discusin pblica de cuestiones de inters comn a los
doctos (Gelehrte). Esto propicia la pregunta siguiente: La participacin en el espacio pblico
forma parte de la concepcin kantiana de la Aufklrung? Una respuesta positiva a esta pregunta es
ofrecida por Katerina Deligiorgi en su Kant and the Culture of Enlightenment. Un comentario
crtico de este libro nos conducir, sin embargo, a considerar que Kant muestra un acercamiento
diferenciado a la Ilustracin dependiendo de si la persona en cuestin cuenta con educacin o no.
Siguiendo a Rousseau, Kant llega a reconocer como un hecho esta desigualdad en relacin con los
productos de la cultura. La concepcin en dos niveles de la Ilustracin que comporta esta
desigualdad se vuelve explcita en los aos 90, especialmente en la ltima obra publicada por Kant,
El conflicto de las Facultades (1798).
Palabras clave
Kant; Ilustracin; cultura; doctos; entendimiento comn

In her fascinating book Kant and the Culture of Enlightenment, Katerina Deligiorgi
seeks to demonstrate the intrinsic interest and continuing relevance of Kants concept of
enlightenment. As was to be expected, she begins her investigation with the famous essay
of 1784 An Answer to the Question : What is Enlightenment? and subsequently draws from
many other sources from across the Kantian corpus in order to provide a full picture and a
cohesive account (Deligiorgi 2005,p. 1) of Kants appropriation of this well-known
theme. We all remember the definition Kant gives of Enlightenment, in a wording that has
almost become a commonplace: Enlightenment is mankinds exit from its self-incurred
immaturity. And the path to follow in order to leave this condition of immaturity is
indicated in the watchword: Sapere aude! Have the courage to use your own
One of the most important aspects to stress in this motto is, according to Deligiorgi,
the fact that it excludes no one. It makes no restrictions. In effect, everyone is invited to
heed the call to think for oneself, to reject while thinking any form of tutelage. This leads
however Deligiorgi to claim that Kantian enlightenment must be conceived as essentially
egalitarian (p. 76) in the sense that everyone is equally invited to take part in the public
discussion. To this statement we might reply that enlightenment certainly calls upon
everyone, upon every human as a rational being, but does this mean that everyone is
involved in the process at the same level? I would like to argue that Deligiorgis
egalitarian approach is sound, but that in order to be maintained it needs to be qualified. In
* Professor at the Department of Philosophy of the Universit de Montral. E-mail contact: .
Kant, Beantwortung der Frage : Was ist Aufklrung ?, 8:35 ; trans. J. Schmidt, p. 58.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 197-216
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33970

Kantian Enlightenment as a critique of culture

fact, the critical examination of her approach will lead us to realize that Kant has a
differentiated concept of enlightenment. In order to address the questions left open by her
exposition, the following thesis will be defended: for Kant, the real target of the
enlightenment is culture. The word culture is understood here in the sense that J.-J.
Rousseau gave it in his first Discourse (1750), namely as the sciences and the arts. Once
we recall the decisive lessons that Kant learned from the citizen of Geneva, we will be in a
better position, leaving Deligiorgi aside, to assess the precise tasks awaiting the
enlightened person, tasks which are specified in much more detail in Kants works of the
In what follows, we will first examine some aspects of Deligiorgis interpretation
pertaining to the egalitarian character of Kantian enlightenment. In addition to What is
Enlightenment? we will focus on two other sources also analysed by her: What does it
mean to orient oneself in thinking ? (1786) and section 40 of the Critique of the Power of
Judgment (1790). Both are considered standard sources by commentators,2since each one
contains an explicit definition and concise explanation of enlightenment. Secondly, we
will measure the impact on Kant of Rousseaus severe criticism of the culture of his time in
his two Discourses, the first on the progress of the sciences and the arts and the second on
inequality. This influence led Kant to undertake an enlightenment of the enlightenment,3
so to speak, forcing him to reconsider the role of knowledge in the moral progress of
humankind and to present a twofold conception of enlightenment that took into
consideration both the educated as well as the uneducated. Thirdly, with the help of the
Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason (1793) and especially the Conflict of the
Faculties (1798), we will find concrete examples of the manner in which the educated and
the uneducated, in their own specific ways, have to behave towards the products of culture.
In the final analysis, we will see that culture is the real issue of enlightenment for Kant, as
it represents both the problem as well as part of the solution.

1 . Deligiorgis Reconstruction of the Kantian model of Enlightenment

Although the three texts under scrutiny here (What is Enlightenment?, the essay on
the Orientation, and section 40 of the Critique of the Power of Judgment) are the
privileged sources for characterizing Kantian enlightenment, they are not as explicit as one
would wish, the last two being even rather sketchy. As for the first text, Kants fellow
citizen in Knigsberg, Hamann, remarks that What is Enlightenment? does not contain an
explanation of enlightenment so much as an aesthetic presentation of it.4 This is why
Katerina Deligiorgi is motivated to reconstruct Kants argument. With regard to these
texts, I will take Deligiorgi as a guide, without hesitating to draw attention to elements

Let us mention for instance Allison 2012 (228-235), and Ferrari 2001 (252).
I borrow the expression Aufklrung de lAufklrung from my colleague Luc Langlois 2009 (56).
J. G. Hamann, Letter to C. J. Kraus, 18 December 1784, in Hamann, Briefwechsel, vol. 5. A. Henkel (ed.)
(Frankfurt-am-Main: Insel, 1965), pp. 289-292. Quoted in Deligiorgi 2005, p. 93.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 197-216
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33970


Claude Pich
which she left aside but which I deem important. I will single them out, since they call for
the further developments that are to be found in the writings of the 1790s to which we will
turn in the last part of this presentation.
Deligiorgi stresses two main features of the Kantian conception of Enlightenment:
the use of ones own reason and the use of this reason in public. Both aspects are brought
together in the formula that describes the gist of her reconstruction: Enlightenment places
people in a position in which [they] are free to make public use of their reason (p. 71).
Deligiorgi gives importance especially to the second aspect of the definition, i.e., that
enlightenment involves access to public discussion. To be sure, the individual must always
think for herself, but she is also invited to think with others and to submit her opinion to a
public forum. Enlightenment entails a constant process of criticizing and revising
opinions. This process can be characterized as agonistic and dynamic (p. 8). On
Deligiorgis account, two formal requirements are set at the basis of this public discussion:
inclusion and publicity. As we have seen, enlightenment is inclusive in the sense that
everyone is enjoined to think for oneself and is therefore, according to Deligiorgi, entitled
on that very basis to have access to the public forum. This is a very important point in her
reconstruction: the public sphere is in principle accessible to the common mass of
people.(p. 56) Enlightenment involves a communicative dimension that makes it possible
to test the universalizability of the arguments that have been aired. This public aspect of
the process of enlightenment is most explicit in What is Enlightenment? but, as we will
soon see, it is not without certain difficulties. Let us start with the two other sources, i.e.,
the Orientation essay and the Critique of the Power of Judgment. In these texts, the
reference to the public sphere may not be as explicit as Deligiorgi might wish, but she
manages anyhow to locate it in order to maintain the coherence of her reconstruction.
Enlightenment is treated in the last footnote of the Orientation essay. This note is
often quoted because it contains the passage in which Kant contends contrary to a
widespread opinion at the time that enlightenment does not consist in the possession of a
great amount of information (Kenntnisse), nor in the acquisition of knowledge. 5
Deligiorgi takes this denial of the contemporary conception as a confirmation of the
egalitarian character of enlightenment. And she is right. One does not need to know much
to be enlightened. The motto of the enlightenment in the footnote simply takes the form of
the maxim: always think for yourself, and this accords well with What is Enlightenment?
But here Kant gives a reason for his reservations about knowledge. He argues, albeit
elliptically, that the people who possess a great deal of knowledge are very often those who
use it in the least enlightened manner. He does not give any further details; consequently
we may leave this question open and come back to it at a later stage. At any rate,
Deligiorgi does not attend to it. On the other hand, with respect to the second feature of her
model, i.e., access to the public sphere, we must admit that the only evidence that she finds
in the footnote is a reference to the universality of the principle a person should adopt in

Deligiorgi 2005, p. 56, 64; Kant, Was heisst : Sich im Denken orientieren ?, 8:146 n.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 197-216
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33970

Kantian Enlightenment as a critique of culture

order to be enlightened. Kants maxim is the following: when one is about to accept
something as true, one has to ask oneself if the rule on the basis of which one makes this
admission could become a universal principle of the use of ones reason. As we can see,
the universality of the principle concerns only my whole personal attitude when it comes to
admitting something as true. It does not yet appeal to a universal consensus involving all
rational beings, as Deligiorgi would like to see it.6 The fact is that here Kant remains
monological, as Habermas would say. So in order to maintain her thesis, she is forced to
refer to the main text of the essay, which unequivocally states that it is impossible to think
exclusively on ones own. To think involves confronting our opinions with those of others,
it implies thinking with others. Deligiorgi thereby succeeds in making her point, albeit
Again, her case regarding the public dimension of enlightenment is no easier to
state when she turns to section 40 of the third Critique in which Kant enumerates the three
maxims of the common understanding. They read as follows (5:294): 1. To think for
oneself; 2.To think in the position of everyone else; and 3. Always to think in accord with
oneself. The first maxim, it goes without saying, explicitly pertains to enlightenment,
which is not the case for the two others. The maxim of enlightenment is about a reason
that is never passive (5:294). Now if Deligiorgi is to maintain her reconstruction of
Kants conception, she must find a reference to the second feature of her model, the public
sphere. Yet no trace of it is to be found in Kants short description of the first maxim.7 But
this does not seem to be a problem, since she moves to the second maxim, which urges one
to think while placing oneself in the position of someone else. This is a fair solution for
getting at something like a public discussion, even though the second maxim does not deal
with enlightenment per se. Indeed this strategy of linking the second maxim with the first
has been adopted lately by Otfried Hffe, and it seems to be a legitimate way to complete
the picture (Hffe 2012, p. 23). To think while adopting the position of someone else
implies that one takes a certain distance from ones private opinion, and it at least suggests
the readiness to submit oneself to the test of universalizability through a confrontation with
others. The full concept of the enlightenment is reached, on this interpretation, once we
read the first maxim together with the second. But what remains puzzling is that Kant does
not in fact include the public dimension in the first maxim the only one dealing explicitly
with enlightenment which leads us to suspect that this dimension does not belong to the
core of his conception of enlightenment.

Although he usually provides a careful and nuanced reading of Kants texts, Henry Allison defends here a
position very close to Deligiorgis. See his Kants Conception of Aufklrung, p. 233. In my opinion, the
text of the footnote does not support this reading. In order to maintain it one has to extrapolate from a
principle adopted for my personal use and transform it into the principle of every other rational being. Here
is what the footnote stipulates: To make use of ones own reason means no more than to ask oneself, for
whatever one is supposed to assume, whether one could find it feasible to make the ground of the
assumption, or also the rule following from the assumption, into a universal principle for the use of ones
reason. This test is one that everyone can apply for oneself []Was heisst :Sich im Denken orientieren ?,
8:146-147 n. (my italics); trans. A. Westra.
In the footnote related to the first maxim (5:294) there is in fact a furtive allusion to the public dimension
of Aufklrung, but it is a mere parenthesis, and Deligiorgi does not pay attention to it.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 197-216
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33970


Claude Pich
Before leaving the Critique of the Power of Judgement and returning to What is
Enlightenment? I would like to focus on a point raised in the short description of the first
maxim. What I have in mind is the definition of superstition. Deligiorgi mentions the word
in passing but does not pay attention to it. She sees that the maxim of enlightenment is
characterized by Kant as the maxim of the absence of prejudice and that the greatest
prejudice of all is superstition. In Deligiorgis defense, it must be said that the definition
of superstition offered by Kant immediately afterwards is quite compressed and
convoluted: superstition means: to represent nature to oneself as not being submitted to
the rules that the understanding puts at its basis through its essential law.8 To be sure, this
is quite abstract, but the basic meaning of the formula might be reformulated in the
following way: never accept to interpret phenomena of nature as if they escaped the laws
of the understanding. In other words, I am not allowed to bypass the formal laws of nature
prescribed by my mind. Any and every natural phenomenon must comply with them. This
is an implicit prohibition against introducing the supernatural into nature. One must not
allow the presence of mystery in nature and if I may complement this observation with
the footnote of the essay on Orientation: I am not obliged to oppose an objectively
grounded refutation to someone who tries to make me accept something like a mysterious
phenomenon; I merely have to rely on my understanding, on my sound understanding. It is
the guarantor of my intellectual autonomy. And in this sense the maxim of enlightenment
is no more than a negative principle in the use of ones faculty of cognition.
At first sight, this description of enlightenment contained in section 40, i.e.,
resisting superstition, may seem quite standard. Yet it must be recalled that this
formulation of the maxim of enlightenment especially concerns the common
understanding, an attribute of ordinary people. Earlier in the same section, Kant claims that
this common human understanding, also designated as a sound understanding, is the least
that we can expect of someone who lays claim to the name of a human being.
Nevertheless, such an understanding, while not scientifically trained, is not deprived of
implicit knowledge of the main laws of nature since, for instance, the principle of causality
in its most basic form, according to the first Critique, is already present and operative in
the most common understanding.9 Therefore, the depiction of the task of enlightenment

Kant, Kritik der Urtheilskraft, 5:294, mytranslation. Guyers and Matthews translation is not accurate
Kant, Kritik der reinen Vernunft, B3; see also thefollowingpassage on the Typik in theKritik der
praktischen Vernunft, 5:69-70, trans. M. J. Gregor and A. Wood: If the maxim of the action is not so
constituted that it can stand the test as to the form of a law of nature in general, then it is morally impossible.
This is how even the most common understanding judges; for the law of nature always lies at the basis of its
most ordinary judgments, even those of experience. Thus it has the law of nature always at hand, only that in
cases where causality from freedom is to be appraised it makes that law of nature merely the type of a law of
freedom, because without having at hand something which it could make an example in a case of experience,
it could not provide use in application for the law of a pure practical reason.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 197-216
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33970

Kantian Enlightenment as a critique of culture

contained in section 40 is not intended for the learned, but rather for the uneducated. The
description remains cryptic but, as we will see, it will be fleshed out in Kants later works.
What can we conclude from the two short passages of 1786 and 1790 on
Enlightenment? We have noticed that Deligiorgi was forced to refer to other parts of these
texts in order to maintain her interpretation, in particular the second feature of her model
(access to a public forum). Once again, could it be that this component does not belong to
the core of Kantian enlightenment? I am afraid that we will have to come to this
conclusion. But for now, let us consider What is Enlightenment? in which this feature is
From the outset, the essay What is Enlightenment? emphasizes the inclusive
character of enlightenment. No one is left aside when it comes to autonomous thinking;
and the same goes, according to Deligiorgi, for access to public discussion. She makes her
point in the following way:
Kant defines the public use of reason as that use which anyone may make of [reason] as
a man of learning addressing the entire reading public (AA 08: 37, What is
Enlightenment? 55). It possesses two key features: it is public and it is inclusive.
Irrespective of rank or occupation, all are equally invited to participate. (Deligiorgi 2005,
p. 62)

It is interesting to notice that in the explanations she gives following this quote, Deligiorgi
does not pause on the persons of learning who are, according to Kant, the only ones who
seem allowed to take part. Hence the three examples of enlightened people mentioned in
the essay, namely the army officer, the tax inspector and the priest. If the three of them are
authorised, when they are not on duty, to play a part on the public stage in order to express
their thoughts on military command, tax legislation and religious dogmas, it is in virtue of
their status as scholars. Kant uses the word Gelehrter here in order to indicate that these
men have received an education (a higher education, in fact) and can therefore be
considered to be erudite persons, men of learning, or in a word, scholars. Tellingly, the
term Gelehrter occurs no less than seven times in this short essay.
Deligiorgi may thus have overlooked the reference to scholars in the quoted
passage, but she comes back to this problem in the following section of her chapter when
she raises the question of who takes part in the public discussion. On her account, the
requirement to be a learned person in order to participate in the public debate is, despite
first appearances, no real obstacle to the inclusive character of enlightenment:
Those who express their thoughts in public are invited to speak as men of learning or as
learned individuals who address the reading public. These qualifications appear to
restrict the public use of reason to a small circle of educated individuals and thus to revise
downward, so to speak, the real reach of the domain of application of the requirement of
inclusion. (Deligiorgi 2005, p. 71-72)

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 197-216
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33970


Claude Pich
To be frank, it seems to me that this restriction on the participation in Enlightenment does
not only appear to narrow the access to public discussion, but that it actually does just
that. If Kant indeed reserves the public forum for the scholars, then participation definitely
concerns a small circle of educated individuals. And the defense that Deligiorgi goes on
to provide just after this passage is not entirely convincing. She argues that we must
interpret this qualification as inclusive since nothing more is expected of the participants
than being educated. This minimal requirement would then contribute, according to her, to
overcoming the traditional barriers of birth, wealth, standing, or professional
specialisation (p. 72). This might be true; and if it were, it would show the modernity of
Kants approach to society. However, this requirement nonetheless excludes the masses.
Discussion in journals of matters of public interest is clearly reserved to the educated
classes. Kant seems to think that the citizens as scholars are the best suited to express their
thoughts, especially in their respective fields of competence.
At any rate, Deligiorgi maintains her position on inclusion by reading Kants essay
in ways that are sometimes questionable. Let me give two examples. First, she writes that
soldiers (p. 71; see also p. 97) could publicly voice their thoughts concerning the military
command. But the fact is that Kant does not speak of the ordinary soldier, but of an army
officer who has received an education. We know, for instance, that early in his career
Kant himself had occasion to teach Russian as well as Prussian officers. 10 Second,
Deligiorgi rightly notes that it is not the tax inspector who expresses his thoughts on tax
legislation, but the citizen, the overtaxed citizen, (p. 71) as she says. Again, a few
remarks are in order here. The overtaxed individual cannot be just any citizen since, as
Deligiorgi knows (p. 73), a citizen who pays taxes is likely to be what Kant calls in his
philosophy of right an active citizen, that is : a citizen with the right to vote. To be
entitled to this status, one has to be ones own master a criterion that excludes for
instance the children, the housewives and the private tutors, who are all dependent on
someone else for their subsistence and, on that account, are considered passive citizens.
Furthermore, the citizen who complains about the level of taxation cannot be any
independent citizen: the requirement of being a scholar (8:37) applies here as well. So
even here, we remain within the higher classes of society, and it seems that Kant takes this
state of affairs for granted.
What is fruitful about Deligiorgis discussion of the three sources we have
examined along with her is that she puts her finger on issues which are crucial for Kant but
which are nevertheless not systematically developed by him. For instance, she is right to
complain that in What is Enlightenment? Kant only cursorily touches the question of
who can intervene on the public scene. Whence her praise worthy efforts to reconstruct a

Kuehn 2001, p. 114: He [Kant] not only taught many officers in his lectures, especially in mathematics,
but also gave them private instructions (or privatissima), which were, as he himself points out, very well
paid.. See also Gouliga 1985, p. 44, 65.Samuel Fleischacker, who is sympathetic to Deligiorgis egalitarian
approach, also trusts soldiers to scrutinize military discipline. See his otherwise excellent book What is
Enlightenment ?2013, p. 20.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 197-216
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33970

Kantian Enlightenment as a critique of culture

coherent argument. Yet in the end we are left with an important question: If access to
public discussion is reserved for a small circle of educated persons, to the people of
culture, does that mean that the person of mere common understanding is excluded from
enlightenment altogether? We have seen in section 40 that this is not the case, since the
maxim of enlightenment also concerns the person of common understanding. So we are
compelled to conclude that participation in public discussion is only one element of a
differentiated concept of enlightenment. In sum, we are left with one model of
enlightenment in the third Critique aimed at a common understanding prone to
superstition, and another model, promoted by Deligiorgi, centered on the requirement of
public discussion, but with limited accessibility.

2. Enlightenment in a Rousseauean situation of inequality

In order to develop this differentiated concept, we have to face the facts and admit
that such a conception must take due account of social inequality. This was the concrete
situation Kant was facing in his country and in Europe in general: a civilization of high
culture produces inequalities. This he learned from Rousseau, who had such a tremendous
impact on him as a young philosopher. In fact, for Rousseau, the dichotomy we have
encountered between the educated and the uneducated, between the scholar and the person
of common understanding, is precisely a factor that characterizes inequality, as we can
read in the Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality among Men: education
introduces a difference between the minds that are cultivated and those that are not.
(Rousseau 1755, p. 160). Culture becomes a crucial issue here, indeed a divisive one.
Incidentally, one finds in section 40 of the third Critique that the sound common human
understanding is precisely the one that is not yet cultivated. (5:293) Thus we are left with
two main social classes the educated and the uneducated separated in addition by
economic, political and juridical inequality.
In a way, Kant is prepared to admit this fact and to take the situation diagnosed by
Rousseau as his starting point. He is ready to take it for granted because he realizes that
such a condition renders the development of culture possible and that it is the price to be
paid if humanity is to fulfil its ultimate vocation. In section 83, especially devoted to the
concept of culture, Kant will make the following admission:
Skill cannot very well be developed in the human race except by means of inequality
among people; for the majority provides the necessities of life as it were mechanically,
without requiring any special art for that, for the comfort and ease of others, who cultivate
the less necessary elements of culture, science and art, and are maintained by the latter in a
state of oppression, bitter work and little enjoyment []. (5:293)

Although this inequality is an unavoidable condition for the development of culture, it

must be recalled that culture as such does not constitute the ultimate end of humankind.
Culture consists merely in the development of all human capacities, enabling the individual
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 197-216
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33970


Claude Pich
to attain any goal whatsoever good, bad, or morally neutral. It becomes evident that the
full vocation of humanity is defined only in the following section (84), in which
noumenal freedom and the specifically moral vocation of humankind are introduced. And
in this regard, the theoretical autonomy vindicated by enlightenment can be interpreted as a
kind of mediation between the two sections, between culture and morality.
It goes without saying that Kant was very receptive to Rousseaus first Discourse,
in which the progress of the sciences and the arts is associated with the growth of evils,
vices and ills of all kinds. In the following passage Rousseau establishes a link between his
two Discourses:
It follows from this exposition that inequality, being almost non-existent in the state of
nature, owes its strength and its growth to the development of our faculties and to the
progress of the human mind, becoming stable and legitimate with the establishment of
property and laws. (Rousseau 1755, p. 193)

It is in statements such as this one that the young Kant began to distance himself from the
value of science; until then, he had thought that the development of science was the sole
source of the highest dignity of humanity.11No wonder, then, that the Orientation essay
claims that real enlightenment does not have to do with the acquisition of knowledge.
Knowledge for its own sake belongs precisely to the Lumires legitimately fought by
Rousseau (1755, p.170). If Kant is to maintain a conception of enlightenment, it will have
to include are flexive stance toward science and culture. It will have to be an
enlightenment of the enlightenment. Cultural progress does not necessarily go hand in
hand with moral progress, as the seventh Proposition of the essay on Universal history
(1784) reminds us: We are cultivated in a high degree by art and science. [] But very
much is still lacking before we can be held to be already moralized. (8:26)Culture remains
the main concern here, and anyone transitioning from the state of bare common
understanding to culture is then exposed to the danger of using the products of civilisation
as a smokescreen to hide moral misconduct and to produce the illusion of virtue.12
This means that Kant was led to distinguish two strands in the process of
enlightenment: 1) an enlightenment for the learned designed to critically assess knowledge
and culture in general, and 2) an enlightenment for the underprivileged class, fighting
superstition. In the first case, we can think of What is Enlightenment? Where the priest,
the army officer and the taxpaying citizen adopt a critical stance toward church dogmas,
military orders, and fiscal legislation. Kant does not, however, give a clear view of the
orientation their critique must take. In the second case, there would be an enlightenment
for the lower class, for the common people. And in the latter case Kant would reiterate the

See the famous passage on Rousseau in the Bemerkungen zu den Beobachtungen ber das Gefhl des
Schnen und Erhabenen, 20:44.
Such a dialectic is likely to arise in an age of culture. See the following passage from the Groundwork of
the Metaphysics of Morals (4:405, trans. A. Westra): So there develops unnoticed in common practical
reason as well, when it cultivates itself, a dialectic [],.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 197-216
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33970

Kantian Enlightenment as a critique of culture

conventional concept of enlightenment directed specifically at the people living in a dark

age, or, if one prefers, in an enchanted world,13 filled with good and bad spirits. It is a
world of magic and mystery in which individuals can shift the responsibility for their
misdeeds onto the witch of the village who had ostensibly put a curse on them, or onto the
Devil who had ostensibly possessed them and incited them to commit a crime.14 This
would be the meaning of the injunction addressed to them: Abjure superstitious beliefs and
instead become autonomous! Stop shirking your own moral responsibility by foisting it
onto mysterious forces.
However, Kants recognition of social inequality as a concrete state of affairs seems
to jeopardize my thesis that the common concern of Kantian enlightenment as a whole is
culture. At first sight, it looks as though only the educated were concerned by cultures
shortcomings and were thus led to criticize it.

3. Kants twofold concept of Enlightenment

In order to show that the masses are also concerned by culture in their own
particular way, we must turn to the works of the 1790s, starting with the Conflict of the
Faculties. This book is a privileged source for our purpose since it gives a concrete form
to Kants plea in favour of enlightenment and helps to answer the questions left open in the
texts of the critical decade. The topic of the Conflict, it might be recalled, is the learned
world of the German university and it exposes the dynamic interaction that should ideally
prevail between the lower faculty, philosophy, and the three higher faculties, namely
theology, law and medicine. As an institution sponsored by the state, the university has
specific duties to fulfil, and the government has a specific interest in promoting its superior
faculties since they have important functions in society by respectively managing a number
of portfolios (so to speak): the citizens souls and their hope for a life after death; private
property in civil society; and the physical health of the population. In order to accomplish
this, the higher faculties provide training to the clergymen, the jurists, and the doctors
according to definite programmes established by the professors within each faculty and
sanctioned by the government.
On the other hand, the lower faculty is presented as the free faculty, devoted
exclusively to the advancement of science and to the public (7:20) search for truth in
collaboration with the other faculties. Now, according to Kant, the faculty of philosophy
has, in comparison, very simple teachings to impart to the layman regarding the three
spheres to which the higher faculties are dedicated. These teachings originate from
practical reason, and they amount to nothing more than the imperative: lead a moral life

Kant, Die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft, 6:88 n.
See Kittsteiner 1995, pp. 22, 51, 55, 303-312. It is interesting to notice that in his investigation of the
Modern Times, Kittsteiner comes to establish a distinction between the Gelehrtenkultur and the Masse der
Bevlkerung, p. 17.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 197-216
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33970


Claude Pich
and be an autonomous agent in each of these realms. That is to say, first, that if someone
wants to be pleasing to God, nothing more is expected from her than to scrupulously
perform all of her moral duties; second, if someone desires to be a decent member of civil
society, she simply has to abide by the law; and third, if someone wants to live a long and
healthy life, she must take personal responsibility for her health and show due moderation
in everything.
These preliminary considerations set the stage for a very interesting discussion of
the attitudes of the masses toward religion, law and medicine. Surprisingly, it is
superstition that comes to the fore here, although it is not the kind of superstition that
brings us back to the dark ages. On the contrary, Kant envisages another form of
superstition, turned this time not toward the occult powers present in nature but toward
culture, toward the sciences, and more precisely toward the specific disciplines of the
higher faculties. It must be remembered that Kant wrote the Conflict at the very end of the
eighteenth century, i.e., the century of the Encyclopdie whose goal was to diffuse
knowledge on a large scale in order to promote the extensive application of recent
scientific breakthroughs. Kant himself writes in the third Critique, just after having taken
notice of the unavoidable fact of social inequality, that the benefits of these advances
gradually spread to the lower classes again, the classes that provide the higher ones
with the leisure to develop the arts and sciences, i.e., the products of high culture (5:432).
To be sure, in Kants times, there were certainly some people still prone to interpret
thunder and lightning as an expression of the divine wrath. But, after the invention of the
lightning conductor by Benjamin Franklin in the middle of the century, for instance, people
were gradually led to consider that those phenomena might very well be natural after all.
The lightning conductor is in reality a fairly simple device which, together with other
experiments on electricity, proves that lightning is ultimately nothing more than a natural
phenomenon. As we can see, this is the classic theme of the disenchantment of the world:
there seems to be no more place within nature for the supernatural.
According to Kant, however, the supernatural and the magical that constitute the
essence of superstition are likely to take on new forms. There are other ways of shortcircuiting the laws of nature even within the phenomenal world, and this is precisely what
the common understanding does when it transfers the supernatural from the physical world
to the domain of culture, or more precisely, when it attributes magical virtues to religion,
law and medicine. This is the most important point in the Conflict of the Faculties for our
understanding of Kantian enlightenment. If, as we have seen, superstition used to allow the
common person to dodge her guilt and shirk her moral responsibility, the same pattern
might very well reoccur when this person comes into contact with the professionals
educated in the higher faculties, that is, with the priest, the lawyer and the doctor. There is
a great temptation to confer magical powers on them and to expect them to perform
miracles of sorts. In the eyes of the common person, these professionals very often appear,
as Kant writes, like Wundermnner, miracle-men, if I may use this term. Now that


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 197-216
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33970

Kantian Enlightenment as a critique of culture

nature is increasingly disenchanted, it is culture that becomes enchanted. Phenomena

taking place in the sensible world, such as a church ritual, a trial in court, or medical
surgery are in fact likely to be interpreted by the common person as having supersensible
effects: each can be seen as a substitute, as an ersatz, for my failing moral conduct. For
example if, according to practical reason, salvation can only be hoped for through
scrupulous moral behaviour, why wouldnt the performance of a simple religious ritual in
the sensible world (like confession) produce the same result, and thus be equivalent to
exercising my freedom at the level of my intelligible character?15 The following passage,
certainly worth being quoted in extenso, is highly revealing of the manner in which
superstition re-emerges in the realm of culture. One has to pay attention to the fact that it
is the people (Volk) who exert pressure on the graduates of the higher faculties to perform
these miracles. The Volk rejects the lessons of the philosophical faculty, which imposes a
burden seemingly much too heavy to bear: the exhortation to lead ones life morally.
So the people [] invite the higher faculties to make them more acceptable proposals.
And the demands they make on these scholars [Gelehrte] run like this. As for the
philosophers twaddle, Ive known that all along. What I want you, as scholars, to tell me is
this: if Ive been a scoundrel all my life, how can I get an eleventh-hour ticket to heaven? If
Ive broken the law, how can I still win my case? And even if Ive abused my physical
powers as Ive pleased, how can I stay healthy and live a long time? Surely this is why you
have studied so that you would know more than someone like ourselves (you call us
idiots), who can claim nothing more than sound understanding.

As we can see, the professionals to whom the people turn are asked to neutralize, or better,
to erase the consequences of their misconduct and to discharge them of their moral
responsibility of leading a virtuous life. But if the people are deaf to the summons of
philosophy, then the higher faculties on the other hand should be open to the remarks of
the philosopher, because otherwise they run the risk of encouraging superstition, the
greatest prejudice, as we know, that enlightenment must combat. Here the superstitious
character of the peoples demands could not be more explicit. Let us read Kants
But now the people are approaching these scholars as if they were soothsayers and
magicians, with knowledge of supernatural things; for if an unlearned person expects
something from a scholar, he readily forms exaggerated notions of him. But we can
naturally expect that if someone has the effrontery to give himself out as a such a miracleworker, the people will flock to him and contemptuously desert the philosophy faculty. But
the business people [Geschftsleute] of the three higher faculties will always be such
miracle-workers, unless the philosophy faculty is allowed to counteract them publicly not
in order to overthrow their teachings but only to deny the magic power that the public
superstitiously [aberglubisch] attributes to these teachings and the rites connected with
them as if, by passively surrendering themselves to such skilful guides, the people would

In the Religion, Kant describes this sorcery [Zauber] as an art of achieving a supernatural effect through
entirely natural means, 6:177. See also on superstition, Der Streit der Fakultten, 7:64, 65 n. For the
intelligible character of the human being, see Kritik der reinenVernunft, A 538/B 567.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 197-216
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33970


Claude Pich
be excused from any activity of their own and led, in ease and comfort, to achieve the ends
they desire.16

Here superstition takes on a very definite shape, that nevertheless reminds us of the formal
definition that we read earlier in the third Critique. The phenomena in the sensible world
are all subject, without exception, to the laws of nature, and it is not permitted to attribute
them supernatural properties. The laws of nature are basically the laws of the
understanding common to all individuals, and hence we can appreciate why the maxim of
the enlightenment in the Orientation essay is characterized as the maxim of the selfpreservation (8:147n.) of reason. Invoking the miraculous is not permissible because one
thereby forfeits ones own reason. As we can see, the sound common understanding is
clearly concerned by the call to enlightenment in that it must resist overestimating and
overburdening the products of culture and their repositories.
But we must admit that the professionals, the business people as Kant calls them,
are also intimately concerned by enlightenment since they are themselves often at fault by
accepting to play the role the people urge them to play. There is indeed a strong
temptation on their side, too. Through their very functions they exercise a certain authority
over the people, and so they must be careful. If we turn for instance to Kants book on
Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, we discover that there is room for what
Kant calls a true enlightenment in religious matters. It consists in considering things in
their proper order: what the priest has primarily to teach are the fundamentals of the
religion of reason, which simply amount to the fulfilment of all moral duties (as if they
were commands originating from God). And then there is the part that Kant calls church
belief. It consists of statutes and observances which were revealed in ancient times and
have been transmitted to further generations through historical documents. Now what
matters here is that the simple precepts of the religion of reason must maintain precedence
over the statutes and the rituals, because the authentic manner to be pleasing to God lies
exclusively in the first part of the teachings, the purely rational part to which everyone has
access. However, if the priest gives precedence to the second part as the means for
salvation, he becomes the proponent of a false cult (Afterdienst).17 This reversal of the

Kant, Der Streit der Fakultten, 7:30-31. On this topic, see Norbert Hinske 1980, p. 78-80.
Kant, Religion, 6:153, 165, 170. J. B. Schneewind (2006, p. 345-347) explains Kants conception of
enlightenment with the help of the Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, which is in itself
perfectly legitimate. He interprets the reversal of the order between the moral effort and the ritualized service
leading to fetishism in terms of radical evil, according to which the egoistic motives are taking precedence
over the moral ones. Now he transposes to religion the perversitas (7:30) proper to radical evil in such a
strict manner that he considers that the religious practices (observances and rituals) that gain precedence over
the ethical conduct have to be in themselves immoral, if the parallel is to be maintained. And this would also
apply to three of the examples of What is Enlightenment?: Perhaps our pastor directs us to prosecute
members of a group he thinks ungodly and despicable ; perhaps our commanding officer tells us to kill the
wives and daughters of the enemy as well as their soldiers ; perhaps our physician urges us to bribe the
pharmacist to give us priority for some important medicine in very short supply Enlightened agents can,
however, accept church ceremonies or political directives or medical advice as long as these do not require
overruling morality. The agent is free to decide by using prudential reason whether to accept or reject


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 197-216
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33970

Kantian Enlightenment as a critique of culture

order of priority is very tempting for the clergyman because in this way he gains a form of
control and domination 18 over his parishioners, a dominion that may easily become
despotic. 19 In principle, the priest is a servant [Diener], (6:152-153) but this is an
empty word if he claims to be the exclusive depositary of rites and statutes that lead to
salvation. Kant notes for instance that Protestantism as a historical religion is based on an
impressive amount of erudition (Gelehrsamkeit) in order to maintain access to the
historical sources of revelation, i.e., extensive knowledge of ancient languages, of
geography and history. So this means that historical religions are viewed as sophisticated
objects of positive knowledge, of erudition in a word: of culture. And because this
specialized knowledge is accessible only to the learned priests, the risk of responding to
the superstitious demands of the people, fascinated by this esoteric knowledge, by this
erudition to which they do not have access, is all the greater.
We are now in a position to re-examine some aspects of the texts of the critical
decade that appeared somewhat elliptical in the first part of this paper. By considering
what we have just learned from the temptation facing the clergyman, it becomes easier to
understand why Kant could argue in What is Enlightenment? that the guardians are always
prone to accept the authority conferred on them by the people. The erudition possessed by
the priest, a knowledge that ought to be put in the service of the faithful for the
accomplishment of their moral duties, is instead turned into an instrument of domination,
provided that the learned person consents to play this role. This is surely what Kant meant
in the Orientation essay when he argued that enlightenment does not have to do with the
acquisition of information and that the people who possess a great wealth of knowledge are
often the ones who make the least enlightened usage of it. In this regard, the person of
learning has to answer the call to sapere aude! as much as the uneducated person. The
latter was characterized in What is Enlightenment? by his laziness and cowardice. We can
now interpret this to mean that the sound human understanding should not abandon its
intellectual autonomy, nor its ethical responsibilities. Reason must never be passive, as
we have learned from the third Critique, in the sense that it must never sink into magical
thought. The simple laws of the understanding apply without exception everywhere in
nature. They are the safeguard against superstition whose specific form we came to
know and the basis of ones autonomy: a theoretical autonomy that is closely linked to
practical autonomy.20Finally, we can answer a very relevant question raised by Deligiorgi
concerning the refusal to listen to the advice of the doctor mentioned at the very beginning
directions from any authority, insofar as their directives concern the use of means that lie within the bounds
of morality. And he can decide simply to take the authoritys advice without trying to think for himself about
it any further than to see that it is morally permissible. According to Kant however, in religion church
ceremonies can be good in themselves if they come in the second place, and even when they gain precedence
over the exercise of virtue, they can remain per se morally perfectly neutral (see Religion, AA 06, 169, 172).
It is not because they overrule morality that they have to be rejected. The rituals and observances become
condemnable by the mere fact they are used as substitutes that replace the moral conduct by taking
precedence over virtue.
Kant, Religion, 6:165; Der Streit der Fakultten, 7:33.
Kant, Religion, 6:180; Der Streit der Fakultten, 7:28.
On this difficult question, see Kubsda 2014, p. 35, 155; and Zller 2009, p. 90.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 197-216
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33970


Claude Pich
of What is Enlightenment? In this particular passage, the individual who is enjoined by
Kant to disregard the advice is not characterized as learned, but simply as someone who
has to resist the authority of the spiritual advisor, of the doctor and of the book. Here
an ordinary individual is faced with what we have characterized as persons or products of
culture. And these people and products of learning have an authority that one is warned to
approach with caution. In the case of the doctor, Kants demand certainly seems to
border on the foolhardy, as Deligiorgi concedes (p. 61). Why resist the advice of such a
learned person? But it must first be reminded that, for Kant, taking care of ones own
health is an ethical duty. The Metaphysics of Morals, under the heading Mans duty to
himself as an animal being, mentions only three prohibitions (committing suicide,
mutilating ones body and immoderately consuming food and alcohol), yet taken together,
these prohibitions conversely entail an implicit command to take responsibility for ones
own health.21 This is the sense in which we must interpret the example of the doctor in
What is Enlightenment? When it comes to choosing my diet or lifestyle, I should be my
own best judge as well as my own best doctor. Or at least so claims Kant in the Conflict of
the Faculties, in which he presents a philosophical, albeit idiosyncratic, approach to
health that mobilises the power of reason in order to become master of ones sensible
feelings with the help of a principle determined by oneself. 22 This proactive attitude
toward the care of his own health was already present in Kants correspondence with his
friend Markus Herz in the 1770s and 1780s.23
What should we conclude from all this about Katerina Deligiorgis account
according to which Kant is the proponent of an egalitarian conception of enlightenment?
On the one hand, we can easily subscribe to this reading to the extent that it pertains to the
core of Kants conception: Have the courage to think for yourself in all circumstances! It
is obvious that this call does not exclude any human being. Everyone is equally concerned.
On the other hand, through our critical assessment of the sources to which Deligiorgi
refers, we have been led to consider that the concept of enlightenment in Kant has two
branches, or two different ways of making use of ones understanding. This is incidentally
confirmed by the Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, where we learn that both
the common person and the learned person need enlightenment (6:181), although in a
differentiated manner. In both cases, however, the central concern or target is, as I have
tried to demonstrate, culture. For the sound common understanding, the injunction means
to refrain from magical thinking. The individual of common understanding is urged to
decide once and for all to cease seeing in the products of culture physical means to exempt

Kant, Metaphysik der Sitten, 6:421. See for the interpretation of prohibitions as implicit prescriptions:
Hffe 1993, p. 106.
Kant, Der Streit der Fakultten, 7:100-101; see also Kritik der Urtheilskraft, Section 54, 5:332 where the
soul is said to be the doctor of the body. For a critique of Kants idiosyncratic approach to medicine, see
Unna 2012.
See for example Kants letters to M. Herz of June 7, 1771, of the end of 1773, of August 20, 1777, of the
beginning of April 1778, of August 28, 1778 and of May 11, 1781, in Briefwechsel, 10:123, 143, 212-213,
231, 241, 270.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 197-216
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33970

Kantian Enlightenment as a critique of culture

herself from fulfilling her ethical duties. Physical means like religious rituals are no
substitutes because they cannot produce effects in the supersensible realm of morality and
freedom. To be sure, the decision to elevate oneself to intellectual autonomy can only be
taken by the individual. In fact Kant envisages this decision as a real personal
revolution.24 In this regard, Kant could definitely not agree with Hamann, who strongly
criticised the main thesis of What is Enlightenment? According to Hamann, it is not
permissible to accuse the masses of being responsible for their immaturity. 25 They are
literally held in a state of submission by an absolutist regime and they cannot be accused of
not breaking the chains in which the guardians hold them. Immaturity cannot be said to be
self-incurred; it is imposed from the outside. But Kant cannot agree. If enlightenment in
the end amounts to intellectual autonomy, one cannot emancipate an individual without her
participation or against her will. Enlightenment is precisely a matter of courage and
personal decision, and therefore it cannot be understood as a top-down process for Kant.
As for the learned, on the other hand, enlightenment means adopting a critical attitude
toward the products of culture and especially toward the sciences taught in the higher
faculties in order to prevent this knowledge from being fetishized by the people.
That being said, the following question comes to mind: why did Deligiorgi not
exploit the important passages of the Conflict of the Faculties concerning enlightenment?
To be sure, this is not an oversight on her part. Leaving this later work aside is a deliberate
and understandable choice. In fact, the developments of the Conflict do not fit well with
the image of enlightenment that she tries to extract from the texts of the critical decade,
according to which Aufklrung should entail a free and open access to public discussion for
everyone and without censorship. Her project of showing the present-day relevance of this
approach to enlightenment is certainly legitimate, especially in view of the new channels
that have recently opened up, if only for what Kant calls the world of readers
(Leserwelt). The public sphere has expanded to proportions that were totally unimaginable
for Kant. And in this regard Deligiorgi is right when she sees in Kants last published
work a narrowing down of the scope of public argument (p. 77). In 1798 Kant was in
fact led to revise26 his position of 1784 in that, from then on, he confers the status of men
of learning (Gelehrte) exclusively upon the university teachers, not anymore upon the
professionals who come out of their faculties. This means that the priests, lawyers and
doctors are no doubt learned persons, but they now deserve the title of mere
literates.27Because they are appointed by the government to apply a definite corpus of
religious dogmas, laws or medical prescriptions, they do not, in Kants view, enjoy the
freedom to adopt a reflexive critical stance vis--vis these doctrines a marked demotion,
so to speak, compared to the priest, the army officer, and the tax inspector in What is
Enlightenment? whom Kant did deem capable of stepping outside of their civic functions

Kant, Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht, 7:228-229.

Hamann, Letter to C. J. Kraus, December 18, 1784, Briefwechsel, vol. 5, p. 289-292.
This revision had already been adumbrated in the Foreword to the first edition of the Religion (1793), 6:89.
Kant, Der Streit der Fakultten, 7:18. See also Braeckmann 2008, p. 296.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 197-216
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33970


Claude Pich
and making a public use of their reason. This change is perhaps related to the limited scope
of the Conflict of the Faculties, as Deligiorgi thinks, but it becomes clear that the public
discussion from then on takes place between the faculty of philosophy and the teachers of
the higher faculties, in order to incite the latter to continually question their scientific
knowledge for the benefit of truth and for Kant, that means for the benefit of the citizens
While we are accustomed to understanding enlightenment as a struggle against
obscurantism, we have discovered that with Kant it is rather turned against the Lumires
themselves. This, Kant has retained from Rousseau. But he feels the need to go beyond
the two Discourses, in which culture is severely criticized against the background of the
state of nature. For Kant, culture is here to stay and is in reality a crucial condition for the
attainment of the moral vocation of the humanity. Yet he knows that culture is still at an
early stage, that is, in a phase involving its lot of hardships for individuals. In an essay
published the same year as the Orientation article, the Conjectural Beginning of Human
History, he even writes that culture has not yet really begun, even though he remains
confident that it will one day come to its full completion (8:116,121). Meanwhile
enlightenment has to play a role of supervision toward culture. Enlightenment must bring
about what Gerhard Krmling calls a critical concept of culture (Krmling 1985, p. 294;
see also 135,141, 163, 296). Or If I may allow myself to invert the title of Deligiorgis
book, rather than speaking of Kant and the culture of enlightenment, we should say
Kant and the enlightenment of culture.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 197-216
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33970

Kantian Enlightenment as a critique of culture


Allison, Henry (2012), Kants Conception of Aufklrung, in Essays on Kant (Oxford :

Oxford University Press), pp. 228-235.
Braeckmann, Antoon (2008), The moral inevitability of Enlightenment and the
precariousness of the moment: Reading Kants What is Enlightenment?,The Review of
Metaphysics 62 (December), pp. 285-306.
Deligiorgi, Katerina (2005), Kant and the Culture of Enlightenment(Albany: State
University of New York Press).
Ferrari, Jean (2001), Raison kantienne et rationalit des Lumires, in V. Gerhard, R.-P.
Horstmann, and R. Schumacher (eds.), Kant und die Berliner Aufklrung :Akten des IX.
Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, vol. I (Berlin and New York: de Gruyter), pp. 246-260.
Fleischacker, Samuel (2013), What is Enlightenment?, published in the series Kants
Questions (London and New York: Routledge).
Gouliga, Arsenij (1985), Emmanuel Kant. Une vie (Paris : Aubier).
Hinske, Norbert (1980), Kant als Herausforderung an die Gegenwart (Freiburg
andMunich: K. Alber Verlag).
Hffe, Otfried (2012), Kants Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. Eine Philosophie der
Freiheit (Munich: C.H. Beck).
______ (1993), Introduction la philosophie pratique de Kant (Paris: Vrin).
Kant, Immanuel (2000), Critique of the Power of Judgment, trans. P. Guyer and P.
Matthews (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
______(1996), An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment?, in J. Schmidt (ed. and
trans.), What is Enlightenment ? Eighteenth-Century Answers and Twentieth-Century
Questions (Berkeley: University of California Press), pp. 58-63.
______(1996) Critique of Practical Reason, trans. M. J. Gregor (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press).
Kittsteiner, Heinz D. (1995), Die Entstehung des modernen Gewissens (Frankfurt-amMain: Suhrkamp).
Krmling, Gerhard (1985), Die systembildende Rolle von sthetik und Kulturphilosophie
bei Kant (FreiburgandMunich : Verlag Karl Alber).
Kubsda, Michael (2014), Selbstreflexion und Emanzipation. Aufklrung als Terminus in
Kants kritischer Philosophie (Wrzburg: Knigshausen and Neumann).
Kuehn, Manfred (2001), Kant: A Biography (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 197-216
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33970


Claude Pich
Langlois, Luc (2009), De lautarcie de la pense la pense de lautarcie: lAufklrung
dans la Critique de la raison pure, in L. Bianchi, J. Ferrari, and A. Postigliola (eds.), Kant
et les Lumires europennes (Naples and Paris : Liguori and Vrin), pp. 55-62.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1755), Discours sur lorigine et les fondements de lingalit
parmi les hommes, in uvres compltes, vol. III (Paris : Gallimard, La Pliade, 1964), pp.
111-194 (single translations by A. Westra).
______ (1750), Discours sur les sciences et les arts, in Oeuvres compltes, vol. III, pp. 133.
Schneewind, J. B. (2006), Toward Enlightenment: Kant and the sources of darkness, in
D. Rutherford (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Early Modern Philosophy (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press), pp. 328-351.
Zller, Gnter (2009), Aufklrung ber Aufklrung. Kants Konzeption des selbstndigen,
ffentlichen und gemeinschaftlichen Gebrauchs der Vernunft, in Kant und die
europische Aufklrung, H. Klemme (ed.), (Berlin and New York : De Gruyter), pp. 82-99.
Unna, Yvonne (2012), A Draft of Kants Reply to Hufeland: Key Questions of Kants
Dietetics and the Problem of its systematic Place in Philosophy, Kant-Studien 103, p. 271291


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 197-216
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33970

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 217-237
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33971

When Reason Began to Stir Kantian Courage and the

Cuando la razn comenz a moverse El coraje kantiano y la

Memorial University, Canada

In his answer to the question What is Enlightenment?, Kant argues that we must have the
courage to use our own reason and imputes failure to do so on laziness and cowardice. Why exactly
does the call for emancipation require resolve? This paper follows Foucault in defining
Enlightenment as a modern ethos that adopts the ephemeral as a way of being. Contrary to the
French philosopher, however, we argue that this permanent critique of oneself and of the world
creates a void that leaves us trembling before nothingness. If Enlightenment requires courage, then,
it is precisely to urge us to remain steadfast in the practice of freedom and to not shy away from the
dangers it imposes. Courage, in short, is resolve before the abyss of freedom. Too long have we
confined Kant to an ossified, rationalistic framework, thankfully impervious to human anguish for
some, regretfully incapable of it for others. If anything, this paper wants to uncover the deep,
existential tones of his conclusions on modernity, and it will do so through an examination of his
account of courage.
Key words
Kant; Enlightenment; Courage; Foucault; Baudelaire; Despair; Freedom; Modernity.
En su respuesta a la pregunta Qu es la Ilustracin?, Kant argumenta que tenemos que tener
coraje para usar nuestra propia razn e imputa la incapacidad para ello a la pereza y cobarda. Por
qu exactamente la apelacin a la emancipacin requiere esta resolucin? Este artculo sigue la

Professor of Philosophy at Memorial University, Canada. Email contact: .

[Recibido: 5 de octubre de 2015

Aceptado: 17 de octubre de 2015]


Jol Madore
definicin de Foucault de la Ilustracin como un ethos moderno que adopta lo efmero como modo
de ser. Contrariamente al filsofo francs, sin embargo, argumentamos que esta crtica permanente
de uno mismo y del mundo crea un vaco que nos deja inermes ante la nada. Si la Ilustracin
requiere coraje, ello equivale a aconsejarnos ejercitar con entereza la libertad y no amilanarse ante
los peligros que esta impone. El coraje, dicho brevemente, resuelve ante el abismo de la libertad.
Hemos confinado durante demasiado tiempo a Kant a patrones osificados, racionalistas,
considerndolo afortunadamente impermeable a la angustia humana para algunos,
desgraciadamente incapaz de ello para otros. Este artculo pretende de manera principal
desencubrir los tonos profundos y existenciales de sus conclusiones sobre la Modernidad, de la
mano de un examen de su abordaje del coraje.
Palabras clave
Kant; Ilustracin; coraje; Foucault; Baudelaire; desesperacin; libertad; Modernidad

As the duty of distancing ourselves from experience in order to formulate and abide
by a law that is by definition a priori and unconditionally binding, Kantian ethics is often
portrayed as obdurate and inflexible, if not altogether impracticable. It has all the makings
of a scene from Babettes Feast, where the austerity of life and the characters exertions to
repress their most basic desires is so absurd it appears comical to the viewer. In other
words, Kants morality is universal and rigorist to the extent that he seems to be asking us
to abstract not only from our inclinations, but from our humanity as well, almost as if he
articulated its formal conditions outside of the human condition.
Widespread, this view is nevertheless inaccurate as it fails to account for Kants
sustained meditation on what it is to be a human being, which we know from his Logic to
be the underlying query of his critical philosophy. One of the various tangible
manifestations of this concern in his works may be found in his essay: What is
Enlightenment?.1 Kants characterization of both the process and the period in this piece
is well-known: enlightenment is the release from our self-incurred tutelage, that is, from
our inability to use our reason without the guidance of an external authority (8:35).What
remains obscure is the cause he gives for this self-inflicted servitude: a lack of courage. At
first sight, this only serves to confirm the above impression of intransigence, if not to
portray Kant as downright abrasive in his call for emancipation, as he brusquely imputes
failure to cowardice and laziness.
These remarks, however, deserve much more scrutiny. Why is it, precisely, that
enlightenment requires courage? It cannot be for the sake of freedom itself, for Kant has
made abundantly clear in his writings that it is self-sufficient, in that no incentive or any
other device is necessary to recognize what our duty is or to impel its performance
(RGV, 6:3-4). It is not freedom that requires resolve, then, but the subject exercising it. Of

Henceforth in the text: WE.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 217-237
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33971

When Reason Began to Stir

course, this could very well be for the simple fact that moral obligation is demanding, at
times even daunting, and so requires strength of will for its performance, an observation
that is in itself quite unoriginal in the history of philosophy. Yet Kant places this discussion
in a very specific context. We are living in an enlightened age, he says, where we have
clear indications of an increased public freedom and where the obstacles towards
emancipation are gradually being reduced (5:40). As such, the call for courage is not
made in a vacuum: it is addressed specifically to the modern subject who is asked to break
the bonds of external direction and finally learn to walk alone (5:36, my italics).Held
to be dangerous and arduous to the far greater portion of humankind (5:35), this
undertaking is a daunting one indeed. In sum, when Kant compels us to have the courage
to use (our) own reason (5:35), he is in fact articulating a new way of being. Courage, as
he redefines it in the Enlightenment essay and throughout his writings, represents the
particular disposition of the modern human being, his solitude and distress before the
adversity of autonomy. Too long have we confined Kant to an ossified, rationalistic
framework, thankfully impervious to human anguish for some, regretfully incapable of it
for others. If anything, this paper wants to uncover the deep, existential tones of his
conclusions on modernity, and it will do so through an examination of his account of
Foucault was perhaps the first to understand that the Enlightenment essay was a
reflection on what it is to be modern, that instead of describing a period in history, it was in
fact fleshing out a new attitude or mode of relating to contemporary reality (Foucault
1984, p. 39). The first section of this paper will examine this ontological dimension,
explaining how exactly WE articulates a new way of being. The second section
demonstrates why adopting this new attitude requires courage, for Kant. Comparing his
writings on freedom with some of Baudelaires poetry exposes the abyss that opens before
us when we embrace freedom as a way of being. Defined as a permanent critique of
oneself and of ones world, the modern ethos reveals existence as groundless and in
constant need of retransfiguration. No doubt this is exhilarating, but there is something
daunting perhaps even frightening in this undertaking as well, as is convincingly
illustrated in the Book of Job. The last section will address contemporary readings of WE
and Kantian courage. Rigorous and instructive, they have nevertheless confined
enlightenment to an egalitarian and inclusive liberal framework that provides us with the
means to manage the growing diversity of contemporary society. As such, they completely
overlook the veritable threat again stones independence: despair, generated in Kants
writings by solitude, distress, and radical evil. Courage, in sum, is the resolve to continue
embracing freedom in the face of these dangers, and so it does not merely supplement the
modern attitude, it defines it.
Foucault has continually engaged with Kants philosophy, beginning with his these
complmentaire on the Anthropology, a text he himself introduced, translated and
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 217-237
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33971


Jol Madore
eventually published with Vrin in 1964. He was equally absorbed with the essay on the
Enlightenment, dedicating a paper on the subject in 1978 at the Socit franaise de
philosophie2 as well as part of his 1983 seminar at the Collge de France. We also find a
more detailed study of the piece in The Foucault Reader, which he wrote just before his
death. Foucault has of course been a fierce critique of the German philosopher, accusing
him of having provided the tools of oppression with his all-encompassing reason and
separated history from philosophical investigations or truth claims. Still, as Fleischacker
suggests, the sincerity of his admiration for Kant should not be doubted, and his treatment
of the Aufklrung is nothing short of an example in hermeneutical brilliance
(Fleischacker 2013, p. 108).
An intriguing remark made by Foucault in his 1983 seminar hints at the novelty of
the Enlightenment: it is noteworthy, he says, that the Aufklrung was self-identified, that it
became conscious of itself by naming itself (Foucault 1994, p. 679).It is this same type of
reflexivity that we find at work in Kants essay, where the originality of his thought lies
not so much in what he says about his own epoch as in how he decides to treat it, that is,
the manner by which he weaves a new rapport to the immediate. Obviously, other
philosophers have sought to reflect on their own present, but their point of view remained
situated or connected to a specific age and concrete society they attempted to understand.
Such reflections were often meant to uncover the uniqueness of a particular community,
anticipate its impending doom or predict its forthcoming glory (Foucault 1984, p.
33).Kants project in WE is different: he is not looking to understand the present for the
sake of some other end, but on its own behalf. He is looking for a difference, says
Foucault. What difference does today introduce with respect to yesterday? (Ibid.)
Foucault does little to unpack this rather sibylline formula, although a clue as to
what he means can be found in his working hypothesis: This little text [i.e. WE] is located
in a sense at the crossroads of critical reflection and reflection on history. It is a reflection
by Kant on the contemporary status of his own enterprise (p. 38). We know that the said
enterprise critical philosophy is supported by three pillars that have taken the form of
the following questions: What can I know? What ought I to do? What can I hope for? In
each case, Kant sets out to explore the potentialities of reason as well as its limits, for
instance what it can and cannot know, what it can and cannot hope for, among other
inquiries. The innovation of critical philosophy, then, consists not so much in using reason
to decipher the mysteries of the universe, but to meditate upon the use of reason itself; it is
not just reason that reflects, but reason that reflects on the conditions of its own possibility.
In this way, Kant provides us with the most achieved form of modernity: what persists in
human existence, its Grund as it were, is neither provided by history in the form of
tradition, nor revealed by nature as a divinely orchestrated cosmos. This ground is not even
the product of reason. Indeed, if Descartes methoduses doubt as a magnifier in his

The conference was later published in the Bulletin de la Socit franaise de philosophie, t. LXXXIV,
1990, 84, 2.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 217-237
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33971

When Reason Began to Stir

investigation to uncover the res cogitans, Kant refuses to close the case and turns the
search itself into the object. In other words, instead of a means to discover an answer,
critical inquiry becomes a way of being, it turns into a critical ontology.
For Foucault, this type of reflexivity is especially resonant of Baudelaire, whose
consciousness of modernity is widely recognized as one of the most acute of the
nineteenth century (p. 39).A few decades earlier, Sartre had already insisted on the latters
efforts towards self-awareness. Baudelaire was the man who never forgot himself. He
watched himself see; he watched in order to see himself watch (Sartre 1950, p. 22). This
said, if the poet can see his arms and hands, he could never catch a glimpse of his own eye,
lest he duplicate himself (pp. 25-26).Consequently, concludes Sartre, Baudelaire was the
man who chose to look upon himself as if he were another person; his life is simply the
story of the failure of this attempt (pp. 27-28). Such an interpretation may be
representative of other art works, such as Eschers Drawing Hands, for instance. Following
Foucaults reading, however, it completely misses the point regarding Baudelaires poetry.
Granted, the latter does depict modernity as the ephemeral, the fleeting, the contingent
(quoted in: Foucault 1984, p. 39). Yet his uncommon flair lies not in this diagnosis, but in
elevating transience into a heroization of the present (p. 41). Simply put, a passing
moment is also an unfettered moment, free from any tradition or institution
metaphysically speaking that pre-colors or taints our life perspective. As such, the
ephemeral is not a flaw, but the uninhibited opportunity to continually transfigure the
world and oneself in the process. Baudelaire, then, does not deplore the contingent as
superficial, he wills it, or as Foucault claims, he adopts an attitude towards it, a deliberate,
difficult attitude (that) consists in recapturing something eternal that is not beyond the
present instant, nor behind it, but within it (p. 39). Hlas! La musique se ride!, lamented
Victor Hugo about Mozarts Requiem. There are many spectators, many flneurs, capable
of sharp, sardonic remarks on flitting fashions and passing fads. Few become actors who
transform the waning moment into a practice of freedom where one constantly reinvents
oneself. As a response to Sartre, we could argue that Baudelaire, in the end, was not so
much trying to surprise himself in the act of creating, as define creation as his very mode
of existence.
It is at this point that Baudelaires poetry and Kants critical philosophy come
together. Their respective work is not simply another commentary on our times, but itself
the expression of a different relationship to the present and to oneself altogether (p.
41).Foucaults exceptional lucidity is to have realized that both authors were not so much
articulating a relevant opinion on modernity as a specific disposition towards it, a
philosophical ethos earlier referred to as critical ontology, which we can now understand to
be work carried on by ourselves upon ourselves as free beings (p. 47). Looking to define
more precisely what he means by attitude, Foucault declares it to be avoluntary choice
made by certain people; () a way of thinking and feeling; a way, too, of acting and
behaving that at one and the same time marks a relation of belonging and presents itself as
a task (p. 39). The idea that there should be any form of belonging associated with a
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 217-237
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33971


Jol Madore
modern ethos seems to be at odds with what has just been said. Yet in his seminar of 1983,
we learn that it is not at all linked to a particular doctrine or tradition, nor is it a question of
belonging to a human community in general (Foucault 1994, pp. 680-681).What we have
here, instead, is an attachment to detachment, to the practice of liberty that consists in the
permanent critique of ourselves.3Hence, with both Baudelaire and Kant, we witness the
emergence of a modern ethos that does not merely accept oneself as one is in the flux of
the passing moments, but takes oneself as object of a complex and difficult elaboration
(Foucault 1984, p. 41).


The Aufklrung text is a compelling invitation to use our own reason and free
ourselves from the shackles of external direction. From the preceding section, we now
know that through this call, Kant is actually framing the attitude of modernity as the
permanent critique of ourselves. This ethos adopts the ephemeral as its way of being,
implying that: i- modern existence is no longer predicated upon an immemorial tradition or
natural principle it looks to reenact or imitate; ii- this groundlessness or, at the very least,
absence of arkh, is in fact an opening to continually re-transfigure reality and reinvent
ourselves in the process. In a word, the modern attitude is the posture that continually
seeks to unmask imposture. So why should this require courage, to recall the initial query
of this paper? At this point, Foucault is of little help to continue with our investigation. Is it
his apprehension towards humanism? This amorphous set of themes has always been
obliged to lean on certain conceptions of man borrowed from religion, science, or politics,
he claims, and as such seems to preclude the mode of reflective relation to the present he
is trying to establish as the basis of Enlightenment (p. 44). Is it his archeological method,
which seeks to treat the instances of discourse that articulate what we think, say, and do as
so many historical events (p. 46)? This would indeed be at odds with a transcendental
approach, which emphasizes subjectivity and, as such, connects moral integrity to the
incessant practice of self-introspection. Whatever the reasons, he appears to completely
overlook the conditions in which the modern attitude is effectively adopted, almost as if he
had emptied critical ontology of its ontology, or at least of the particular manner in
which it is experienced by the human being.4
The possibility of a permanent creation of ourselves is so emphasized in
Foucault, so inebriating perhaps, it has shrouded the context in which this ethos is
effectively embraced, an experience that is the condition of both its adoption and its re3

Foucault 1984, p. 43. On page p. 44, Foucault insists that at the heart of the historical consciousness that
the Enlightenment has of itself is the principle of a critique and a permanent creation of ourselves in our
In the above definition, he does speak of a difficult attitude, but adds very little if anything at all to
explain why this should be the case.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 217-237
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33971

When Reason Began to Stir

actualization: the kind of solitary distress that beckons courage. This oversight is
particularly striking in his commentary of Baudelaire. The modern man for the latter,
sustains Foucault, is not the one who goes off to discover himself, his secrets and his
hidden truth; he is the man who tries to invent himself (p. 42). After having carefully and
meticulously fleshed out the new creative attitude articulated in the poets work, this
characterization suddenly seems anticlimactic, if not summary. It seems as though
Foucault creates a fracture between a certain experience of nothingness and the act of
writing, or to use another reference, as if a life-affirming will to power should dispense
with an earlier agonistic struggle with life. Yet the poets writings do not appear to confirm
this caesura, quite to the contrary. Baudelairian Spleen how could one neglect it in the
context of this discussion? laments the defeat of Hope who weeps before Anguish,
atrocious and despotic as she plants her black flag on the poets bowed skull.5We also feel
his sense of void when we read, in Recueillement: Be quiet and more discrete, O my
Grief. You cried out for Evening; even now it falls: a gloomy atmosphere envelops the
city, bringing peace to some, anxiety to others (XIII).
What is more significant is the recurrence in his works of the figure of the abyss.
Lhomme et la mer, for instance, evokes a free man who will always cherish the sea as the
mirror of his soul, the two tenebrous and discrete, one and the other a bitter abyss
(XIV). Both of you are gloomy and reticent; Man, no one has sounded the depths of your
being; O Sea, no person knows your most hidden riches, so zealously do you keep your
secrets! (Ibid.). Elsewhere, he wonders whether beauty, with its infernal and divine gaze,
comes down to us from the heavens or rises out of the abyss (Hymne la beaut, XXI).
We could also remark that Baudelaire went through the trouble of translating Edgar Allan
Poes Arthur Gordon Pym, whose hero is irresistibly attracted to the abyss.6Even more
notable, however, is his poem Le gouffre, where Baudelaire engages with the deeper and
darker Pascalian themes. The philosopher has his gulf that moves with him, he says,
before exclaiming: Alas! all is abyss, action, desire, dream () Above, below, on every
side, the depth, the strand, the silence, space, hideous and fascinating (XI). Echoing
Pascals infinite silence of the eternal spaces, these lines speak of the poets spirit,
haunted by vertigo and envying the insensibility of nothingness (ibid).
What to make of this? Modernity is no doubt the opportunity to continually produce
the world and our own selves. It would not be misleading to see this act of creation as an
opening, a breach that continually exposes the groundlessness of our preconceptions and,
as such, opens the possibility of transfiguration. Baudelaire clearly understood that this
space of emptiness, this abyss, was the condition of the permanent creation of ourselves in
our autonomy, as Foucault uncovered, thus transforming the ephemeral into his faon

Baudelaire, Spleen, LXXVIII. All translations are from William Aggeler (1954), which I have found to be
the most accurate and poetic: The Flowers of Evil (Fresno, CA: Academy Library Guild). I have occasionally
modified the translation, indicating such instances. The poems will be quoted by their title followed by their
number as established by Claude Pichois, Paris, Gallimard, 1964.
See in particular Chapter XXIV of Poes Les aventures dArthur Gordon Pym, translated by Charles
Baudelaire, Roger Asselineau (ed.), Paris, Aubier Montaigne, 1973.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 217-237
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33971


Jol Madore
dtre. Yet he also measured with disquieting lucidity this immense gulf, which appears
before us as soon as we embrace this posture. We have another illustration of this
nothingness in his draft for a preface to the Flowers of Evil where, looking back on his
poems, his creation, he writes: I aspire to an absolute rest and to a never-ending night.
() To know nothing, to teach nothing, to will nothing, to feel nothing, to sleep and sleep
again, such is today my only wish. A vile and disgusting wish, but sincere.7To be clear,
modern attitude not only presupposes emptiness, it creates the void itself by accepting as
sole foundation the continual exercise of critical reflection. This permanent creation of
ourselves, this freedom as practice and as way of being, is now part of the modern
landscape. Vertiginous, it takes the shape of an abyss that appears as stirring as it is
Does Kants tableau of modernity also depict the act of emancipation as a deep
precipice, an open space of transfiguration experienced simultaneously as exhilarating and
forbidding? Imputing the persistence of tutelage on laziness and cowardice, it seems at first
sight that his sketch of freedom has emphasized the details of the act at the expense of the
individual performing it. Yet a careful examination of his writings might suggest
otherwise. A first hint is uncovered in the celebrated formula, Sapere aude! Quoted from
Horaces Epistles, the full passage reads as follows:
For why do you seek to remove with such haste that which hurts your eyes, when you
defer from year to year from curing that which gnaws your soul? He has the deed half
done, who has begun. Dare to know: begin. He who postpones the time for righteousness,
is like the peasant who waits for the river to flow by: yet runs and will continue to run,
flowing forever. (Epistles, I, 2, 37-43)8

If anything, these lines highlight the adversity that is inherent to rectitude, hence the spur
to overcome ones hesitation, which in Horace takes the form of the following imperative:
Begin! Were it a walk in the park, the first step would not necessitate such impellent
encouragement. Kant, then, does not quote this motto randomly: It is so easy not to be of
age, he admits, concomitantly (8:35). For anyone to work himself out of the life under
tutelage which has become almost his nature is very difficult. It is as if making only an
uncertain leap over the narrowest ditch because he is not accustomed to that kind of free
motion (8:36), he continues, in what is most probably an explicit reference to the above

This draft for a preface is found in Baudelaire (1964), Les Fleurs du mal, Projet de prface pour Les Fleurs
du mal, texte tabli et annot par Claude Pichois, (Paris: Gallimard), p. 222. I have translated the passage
myself. The italics are also mine.
I have translated this passage myself. The original reads as follows: Nam cur quae laedunt oculum festinas
demere; si quid est animum, differs curandi tempus in annum? Dimidium facti qui coepit habet: sapere aude:
incipe. Qui recte vivendi prorogathoram, rusticus exspectat dum defluatamnis; at ille labitur et labetur in
omne volubilis aevum.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 217-237
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33971

When Reason Began to Stir

Our release from servitude in Kant suddenly appears much more arduous and
demanding. Still, one would be hard pressed to distil from these lines the same type of
acrid anxiety that simmered in Baudelaires poetry. Other works, however, engage more
profoundly with freedom as it is experienced by the human being, notably in Conjectural
Beginning of Human History,9 which proposes a philosophical exegesis of the first two
chapters of Genesis. This short piece discusses the end of innocence and our passage for
better or for worse towards independence. Its initial claim is rather standard: at first, we
were guided by instinct alone, that voice of God which is obeyed by all animals (8:111).
Soon, however, reason began to stir, adds Kant, almost ominously (ibid., my
italics).This is nothing short of a moment of consciousness, the eye-opener whereby we
realize that we have the power of choosing. We now recognize that we can adopt a
different way of life, of not being bound without alternative to a single way, like the
animals (8:112).The human being can think and choose otherwise; he can always
question, judge and appraise his decisions or his acts. His life is the story of an alternative
he is continually forced to address, and this permanent critique becomes the very mode of
his existence.
What is especially noteworthy in CB is how the discovery of such reflexive
freedom is framed. Initially, perhaps, it creates a moment of delight, but of necessity,
anxiety and alarm as to how he was to deal with this newly discovered power quickly
followed (8:112).The first exercise of freedom, then, is an alteration of condition which
is honorable, to be sure, but also fraught with danger, for we are suddenly thrown into
the wide world, where so many cares, troubles and unforeseen ills await us (8:114).In
Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, his other existential text, Kant articulates
the initiation to autonomy in similar fashion: To be sure, the first attempts will be crude,
and in general also bound to greater hardships and dangers than when still under the
command but also the care of others () (6:188n).There is no denying the forceful appeal
of Kants call for moral and political emancipation. This promising awakening, however,
has its shadow. Freedom is not merely programmatic, as if limited to the initial excitement
of transgression or the youthful enthusiasm of ones rebellion against the establishment. As
liberating as it may be, the absence of external direction is also felt as a deep distress
which threatens our moral fiber before a newfound, and exponential, responsibility only
the thoughtless can ignore (8:120-121).The guardians did present, after all, the advantage
of supplying us with the framework to structure our conduct, now left groundless. As such,
if Baudelaire and Kant can be brought together in a discussion on freedom, it is not only
because they both see it as a critical ontology, but also because they portray the human
being engaged in this practice as daunted before the scale of the undertaking. He stood as
it were, at the brink of an abyss. 10 Until that moment instinct had directed him toward
specific objects of desire. But from these there now opened up an infinity of such objects,
and he did not yet know how to choose between them (8:112, my italics).These are the

Henceforth in the text: CB.

Abgrund in the text, that is to say, without ground.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 217-237
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33971


Jol Madore
words of the philosopher, though they resonate of the poets angst. Their modernity has
been to uncover the abyss behind the ephemeral, and to measure themselves against it.
In light of this, we can better appreciate why human beings apparently foreswore
and decried as a crime the use of reason, which had been the cause of all these ills
(8:113), and would consequently wish for a return into permanent immaturity. In fact, the
discovery of reason may very well generate, concurrently, its hatred what Kant has called
misology , for we immediately realize it brings more trouble than it does happiness (GMS,
4:395). It is the concern for such an outcome that explains why the philosopher holds the
figure of Job in such high esteem, praising him as a moral exemplar. He is, of course, a
model of unqualified resilience in the face of utter affliction. For all his miseries and
torments, remarks Kant admiringly, he remains unwavering: Till I die, I will not remove
mine integrity from me. My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go: my heart shall
not reproach me so long as I live.11 The Book of Job, however, not only relates the story
of a just man who suffers; it also narrates an experience of nothingness. As Philippe Nemo
suggests, Jobs afflictions reveal more than the undeserved suffering of the righteous; they
also disclose his powerlessness before a situation he does not control. He finds himself
completely helpless before the hardships, the deaths, the betrayals, and the sickness that
suddenly plague his life. He represents neither their cause indeed, it is God himself who
wagers with Satan! nor their solution. Behind this impotence, argues Nemo, lies an excess
of evil [mal] that unhinges all human know-how and hurls it into the abyss, precipitating
the appearance a veritable apparition of the abyss in which the whole world sinks
(Nemo 1998, p. 86).
There is something acutely modern indeed contemporary about Jobs story, as
testify the numerous artistic, cinematic and philosophical works inspired by his plight. If
his experience is significant for Kant, it is because the Biblical hero epitomizes the
agonistic struggle against nothingness.What is most important, claims the philosopher, is
that Job is at first portrayed as a being at peace with himself in a good conscience
(8:265). What follows, however, is nothing less than the breakdown of order, that is to say,
the collapse of the logic that made sense of his world and, with it, of his life. Job discovers,
dramatically enough, that both the just and the wicked shall lie down alike in the dust, and
the worms shall cover them (Job, 21:26).His ontological markers fall to ruin, leaving him
trembling in his flesh (Job, 21:6) and unsettled before the meaninglessness of his
afflictions. Yet in the midst of his strongest doubts, praises Kant, he remains sincere and
resolute (8:267). In a peculiar passage, he adds:
There is little worthy of note in the subtle or hypersubtle reasonings of the two sides; but
the spirit in which they carry them out merits all the more attention. Job speaks as he
thinks, and with the courage with which he, as well as every human being in his position,


Job, 27: 5-6, quoted in MpVT, 8:267. In the text, Kant cites only the first part of this passage followed by
an ellipsis. I have simply added the last verse.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 217-237
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33971

When Reason Began to Stir

can well afford; his friends, on the contrary, speak as if they were being secretly listened to
by the mighty one (). (8:265)

What both parties are saying is irrelevant. In the end, it is the fact that Job continues to
reason despite his distress that characterizes his heroism. Facing his torments, he has two
choices: he can disavow reason through misology or superstition (i.e. the belief by which
he thinks he can seduce God through rites and rituals into favouring him); or he can
embrace reason regardless of his sufferings, remain composed in the midst of his
afflictions. Job chooses the latter, as if his ultimate consolation was not an illusory
theodicy that would conveniently justify his misfortunes, but the critical ethos that refused
them the last word by getting the better of him. Herein lies his courage.
The reader will recall that in the very first paragraph of WE, Kant does not merely
suggest we should use our own understanding, he compels us to have the courage to do so
and frames this as the rallying call of the Enlightenment. Why such emphasis on
resolution? This was our initial question and we are now in a better position to articulate an
answer. On the first hand, with Foucault we have outlined enlightenment as a modern
attitude consisting in the perpetual transfiguration of the world and of oneself, an ethos we
adopt as a way of being. On the second hand, we have equally insisted that this critical
ontology reveals the void of existence. A permanent critique consistently exposes the
contingency of moral principles or the transience of traditions, in short, it reveals
groundlessness. It is true that it opens for the human being a space of creation; in doing so,
however, it confronts him with nothingness. As such, the practice of freedom is as stirring
as it is daunting. Courage, then, is the moral strength of the will, but of the human
beings will more specifically (MS, 6:405), confronted as he is with the fright of
emptiness. Anxiety, anguish, horror, and terror are degrees of fear, that is, degrees of
aversion to danger, says Kant. Courage, he continues, is precisely the composure of the
mind to take on fear with reflection (Anth., 7:256); it has he who in reflecting on danger
does not yield; brave is he whose courage is constant in danger (ibid.).In a word, courage
is rational resolve before the vertigo of the abyss; it is relief from preceding anxiety (MS,
6:440), as for Job who stands upright despite the weight of his afflictions, weary though
never trodden. In this sense, courage is the indispensable virtue of the being who wishes to
embrace freedom, and so it does not merely qualify the modern attitude, it defines it.


A number of thought-provoking studies have recently proposed scrupulous and
particularly useful examinations of Kants notion of Enlightenment. Despite the many
exegetical differences of their respective works, there is an underlying consensus in their
analysis that is rather striking: the Aufklrung is what provides some sort of liberal
framework to help us respond to the growing pluralism of contemporary society. In
Kantian Courage, for instance, Nicholas Tampio reminds us that the intention of the
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 217-237
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33971


Jol Madore
Enlightenment, generally speaking, was to propose a solution to the brutal and murderous
violence that devastated Europe during the wars of religion. Now for all the considerable
differences between the Thirty Years War and current fundamentalism, religious militancy
today equally poses an urgent problem that begs immediate attention (Tampio 2012, p.
7).Enlightenment considered as an ethos is precisely what empowers us to construct
theories to envision a way out of the looming religious wars of the twenty-first century (p.
15).This is made possible by the kind of courage advocated by Kant in WE, which
demands that we reconceptualize political discourse to reflect the new religious diversity
on the ground (p. 29). In short, Kantian courage provides us with the kind of political and
moral elasticity to face and address the particular problems of our historical context, much
in the same way the European philosophers of the historical Enlightenment displayed the
necessary open-mindedness to overcome the religious violence of their own epoch (p. 40).
Despite obvious philosophical differences, Samuel Fleischackers What is
Enlightenment?, continues in a similar vein. He claims in his work that the thinking for
oneself articulated in WE simply ensures that all our views, including the ones on which
we most profoundly differ, are accepted freely, and kept open to further discussion
(Fleischacker 2013, p. 30).He acknowledges the strong Rawlsian and Habermasian
undertones behind this perspective, declaring that these schools of thought take up the
minimalist version of Kantian enlightenment, trying to find appropriate rules to foster a
free and responsible public discussion among people with very different religious and
philosophical doctrines (p. 39).Proposing a periodization of enlightenment, he sustains
that if for Plato the process involved an ascent towards a better way of leading ones life,
modern enlightenment came to be used for what happens once one replaces a trust in
religious leaders with a commitment to the science. Kants essay, however, is distinctive
for the strong freedom of the press that it advocates (), for its individualism, and for the
fact that it identifies enlightenment with a kind of act, rather than a kind of theory (p. 12).
At first sight, one of the most obvious points of discord between these two readings
would be the apparent Foucaldian position of the former, which connects enlightenment to
an attitude rather than an act. Yet by characterizing courage as tolerance before difference,
or the ethos that allows us to confront the singular problems of our day and then construct
new solutions (Tampio 2012, p. 31)12, Tampios interpretation seems as minimalist in
the same Rawlsian sense as Fleischackers. In both cases, the basic political imperative
extracted from WE is to adjust political discourse in order to address diversity, religious or
otherwise, so as to ensure civic harmony. This reading not only predicates social order
upon the neutrality of the state, it also defends the universal recognition and
accommodation of the entities that compose the community, each dissolved into equal
groups contributing their own opinion to public debate. This may outline the basis of a
liberal model of political integration, if not constitute an upfront apology of
multiculturalism, but does it succeed in highlighting the originality of Kants answer to the

See also p. 23.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 217-237
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33971

When Reason Began to Stir

question of the Enlightenment? Although we may discern in it a political program that calls
for religious and cultural acceptance such as is also advocated at least as cogently in
John Locke or John Stuart Mill, among others ,it leaves little room to a practice of
freedom that adopts the ephemeral as way of being. What is more, with its usual recourse
to inherent dignity and inalienable human rights, this liberal view whether conservative
or (slightly) more inclined to the left presupposes a recourse to naturalism that critical
ontology precludes. Finally, it is somewhat difficult to see in what way courage is
necessary to defend one of the most widespread, run-of-the-mill philosophical doctrine of
the twenty-first century. One defended freedom of thought during the period of the
Enlightenment at the peril of his life, and although similar risks are incurred elsewhere in
the world, Western democracies simply do not pose the same threat. Disputing the
ecclesiastical authorities of his time brought Giordano Bruno the death penalty; when
academics challenge the establishment today, it brings them tenure. In what way is Kantian
courage still relevant to us?
In her captivating book, Kant and the Culture of Enlightenment, Katerina
Deligiorgi approaches WE from a different historical angle: instead of reading it on the
background of the religious violence that scarred the Enlightenment, she proposes to
examine it from the emerging cultural relativism that equally marked it. We know the
movement did not remain indifferent to the spectacular discoveries of the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries, which suddenly exposed European society to other customs, new
religious practices and different sets of beliefs. Facing breaches within the ethical values
that structured their own understanding of the world, authors such as Diderot and Rousseau
took to uncover a normative ground of objectivity capable of resisting the growing
relativism of the period. We have here the first attempts towards establishing a conception
of reason whose authority is not natural but established through discursive practice
(Deligiorgi 2005, p. 10). As we have seen earlier in this paper, Kant goes a step further,
arguing that reason is not so much a faculty that allows us to test the validity of a norm, but
the norm itself. In other words, it is not that a more acute exercise of reflexivity will
cement with greater solidity the rules upon which society is edified; rather, the exercise of
reflexivity itself constitutes the foundational principle. As such, the strength of Kants
proposal is that he acknowledges precisely this namely, that to confront a situation where
alternatives are possible and the right thing is neither obvious nor natural is a condition for
the exercise of our freedom and not an impediment to it (p. 156). Deligiorgi therefore
makes a case for an agonistic model of social interaction where in debating the matter at
hand, one is also simultaneously critically addressing the norms that ground the (potential)
decision (pp. 90-91).
Despite the undeniable rigor of her argument, there is something in Deligiorgis
treatment of Kantian enlightenment that also seems to overlook its novelty. To begin with,
she shifts the emphasis of the practice of freedom from a subjective experience to a public
exercise:enlightenment amounts to a test of ones capacity to acknowledge others as
having an equal claim to intellectual independence. This is the deepest transformation that
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 217-237
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33971


Jol Madore
the concept of enlightenment undergoes in Kants interpretation, for it no longer means the
solitary struggle against error and superstition, but rather the effort to think with others
(p. 58, my italics). Having done so, she subsequently moves away from the Baudelairian
undertones of the modern ethos and intersects with the more pluralist one is tempted to
say Anglo-American position defended by the aforementioned commentators, depicting
enlightenment as a culture indeed, though one that describes a sphere of social interaction
that is not hierarchically structured in the manner of guardianship, but inclusive and
egalitarian because what vouchsafes this sphere are the freedoms of participation and of
communication (p. 76). Enlightenment is once more reduced to a mere space of free
speech based on the abstract equality of its members, thus overlooking the angst connected
with ones own use of his understanding. Of course, there is no denying the public
ramifications of Kants call for emancipation. Autonomy is not exercised in a vacuum, but
continually measured against the rationality of my peers I am consequently and
simultaneously asked to recognize as free and equal. Nevertheless, amplifying the
otherwise undeniable political dimension of the Aufklrung at the expense of its ethical
ground runs the risk of confusing the enemy at hand, the true foe that beckons our courage
in order to be defied and overcome.
To that effect, WE is unequivocally limpid in its very first paragraph as to the
immediate threat of enlightenment: not institutional repression such as censorship, but the
lack of resolution to use our own reason without direction from another (8:35).Cowardice
is the cause of our self-incurred minority and the reason so great a portion of mankind,
after nature has long since discharged them from external direction, nevertheless remains
under lifelong tutelage (8:35).Now to impute servitude on pusillanimity is a trenchant if
not obdurate verdict, and one is tempted here to remind Kant that other external factors can
stand in the way of ones emancipation. This being said, what exactly does he understand
by cowardice? It is none other than dishonorable despair (Anth., 7:256), he contends, an
aversion to fear we already know to be of anxiety, anguish, horror and terror. The opposite
of courage, then, is not merely a lack of discipline, as if the veritable trial merely
consisted in taming our natural inclinations through force of will (RGV, 6:57). It is, rather,
dejection before freedom, to shudder and vacillate before the irresistible constraints of
duty (MS, 6:405).If Kantian enlightenment is agonistic, then, it is because of an initial
struggle one might say institutive against the vices and the brood of dispositions
opposing the law. These are the monsters we have to fight, illustrates Kant (6:405).As
such, virtue does not speak of power against an unconcealed enemy, as the Stoics
mistakenly thought (RGV, 6:57); it is what galvanizes our spirits in our confrontation with
the holiness of the law and what strengthens the resolution to bring ourselves ever nearer
to conformity to that law according to this noble predisposition in us (6:184n-185n).Still
calibrating his position against the Stoics, Kant does concede that there is indeed courage
in taking ones life, such as they display when they choose to free themselves with peace
of soul from the pressure of present or anticipated ills (MS, 6:422).But there should
have been in this very courage, this strength of soul not to fear death and to know of


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 217-237
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33971

When Reason Began to Stir

something that a human being can value even more highly than his life, a still stronger
motive for him not to destroy himself (6:422). This motive, Kant continues, is morality,
the capacity for self-legislation or to break with empirical determinism and spark a new
beginning. Greater than honor, greater even than life, is freedom. Courage consists in
measuring oneself against its majesty, that is, of remaining faithful to its promise and not
shying away from its demands.
Far from the nauseating pop-psychology that lures us into thinking excellence
simply requires belief in oneself, courage is the resolution of mind that keeps us steady in
the torment of our passage to majority. It will come as no surprise, then, that Kant weaves
an intimate relation between courage and hope, both sparking our leap over the
aforementioned ditch. We find at least three different examples of this connection. Firstly,
the postulate of immortality presses us forward in our exertions to attain moral perfection,
instead of forsaking our course when we realize that this goal is unattainable (RGV, 6:6869). Secondly, piety may crown virtue with the hope of the final success of all our good
ends (6:185). Granted, the latter is an ambiguous concept in Kant, at times containing the
concept of an object which we represent to ourselves as a cause supplementing our
incapacity with respect to the final moral end (6:183), elsewhere defined as belief in the
supreme beings ability to reconcile our virtue with our worthiness to be happy. In any
case, it can minimally be taken as that which both helps us stand on our own feet and
opens up for us the path to a new conduct of life (6:183-184).Finally, in a similar vein
though different enough to warrant its own mention, Kant sustains that the historical
representation of the Kingdom of Heaven may also be seen in this light, that is,
interpreted as a symbolic representation aimed merely at stimulating greater hope and
courage and effort in achieving it (6:134). Nature and history do contain for the
philosopher elements that provide us, as a species, with support in our moral advances, but
this is often achieved in absence of the individual or quite simply at his expense.13 If the
story of Job reminds us of anything, it is that this is of very little consolation in the face of
our afflictions, no matter how useful they may turn out to be for subsequent generations.
Courage and hope, then, are what spur us forward in the adversity of our ethical exertions
and prevent us from collapsing into despondency.
Let us use these last paragraphs to examine more specifically the causes behind
such despair, so as to further accentuate the existential tones we are looking to bring out in
Kants modernity. We know it comes from the practice of freedom as critical ontology, but
why is this so distressing, in the end? One of the chief reasons can be attributed to solitude.
It is striking that most, if not all of Kants texts we have quoted in this paper call for
severance: WE from guardians, CB from the womb of nature and Providence, Religion
from the vicarious effects of grace, and Theodicy from soothing illusions. We could of
course add the Groundwork, which asks us to legislate our conduct by abstracting from the

See MAM, 8:115: For the individual, who in the use of his freedom is concerned only with himself, this
whole change was a loss; for nature, whose purpose with man concerns the species, it was a gain.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 217-237
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33971


Jol Madore
empirical factors that might distort the universality of the moral law, that is, from whatever
precedes the subject, be it tradition, culture or revealed religion. Make no mistake: the
enlightened individual in Kant takes his first steps alone, even if this can imply eventually
walking towards a community of equals and social interaction, so to speak. Solitude, in this
case, should not be conflated with Capitalisms mythical self-made man, deluded into
thinking he is the sole author of his happiness or success. It echoes, rather, Zarathustras
loneliness, who exclaims as he returns to the mountains: But one day solitude will make
you weary, one day your pride will cringe and your courage will gnash its teeth. One day
you will cry I am alone! (Nietzsche 2006, p. 47). There has been considerable work
done as of late to highlight the role and place of the social in Kants writings, not only
within the Aufklrung text but also concerning radical evil, among other themes in his
philosophy. Again, the intention here is neither to belittle his anthropological and political
concerns nor the commentaries that investigate them. However, it seems irrefutable that
constituting a Kingdom of ends, resisting self-deception, or moving from innocence to
majority initially presupposes the subjective experience of freedom, i.e. reason that stirs
the subject from his slumber and opens before him the path of autonomy. To let the voice
of reason silence the tumult of experience, the call of instinct and the insinuations of the
guardians This is the sound of freedom, and it resonates of solitude before the unknown.
Severance from heteronomy, that is, emancipation from the external sources of
authority that legislated in our stead, is thus very unsettling. There is something reassuring
in being guided by someone else: not only does he set the itinerary, he can also be held
imputable should we err along the way. Hence, to be called to freely engage upon our own
path disturbs our peace and comfort. Herein lies a second cause of despair, one that leaves
us so discontented that we begin longing for a golden age where there is to be
contentment with the mere satisfaction of natural needs, universal human equality and
perpetual peace: in a word, unalloyed enjoyment of a carefree life, dreamt away idly, or
trifled away in childish play (MAM, 6:122).Freedom, the reader will recall, is the eye
opener that interrupts innocence and casts the human being into the wide world. As a
result, predicts Kant, the wretchedness of his condition would often arouse in him the
wish for a paradise, the creation of his imagination, where he could dream or while away
his existence in quiet inactivity and permanent peace (6:114-115).More than two centuries
before WE, tienne de la Botie wrote that servitude was not so much attributable to the
might of the tyrant as to our own free will. We like our chains and often prefer them to an
independence that brings with it toils and tribulations. This was also Dostoyevskys Grand
Inquisitors formidable insight, more appears more perceptive than his prisoner none
other than Christ himself when he asks:
Or did you forget that a tranquil mind and even death is dearer to man than the free choice
in the knowledge of good and evil? There is nothing more alluring to man than this
freedom of conscience, but there is nothing more tormenting, either. () Did it never occur
to you that he would at last reject and call in question even your image and your truth, if he


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 217-237
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33971

When Reason Began to Stir

were weighed down by so fearful a burden as freedom of choice? (Dostoyevsky 1998, pp.

Kant had foreseen this outcome, and suspected that human reason, in its weariness, would
rather rest on the soft pillow of empirical satisfaction and in a dream of sweet illusions
(which allow it to embrace a cloud instead of Juno), than commit to virtue in her true
form (GMS, 4:426). Tampio is thus right to see self-love as the enemy of courage
(Tampio 2012, p. 38), though only to the extent it is equivalent to the selfish preference for
ones comfort over the exerting demands of freedom.14
We may identify a third and final reason behind despair in Kants writings: radical
evil. This is a particularly intricate problem for the philosopher and one that we have
examined at length elsewhere (2011).The underlying claim is that there is in even the
best of us a natural propensity to evil (6:30,32). Kants verdict there stands in stark
contrast with his defence of autonomy whereby the subject can abstract from empirical
determinism and choose his own principle of action. In the latter context, evil seems to be
nothing more than the mere subordination of duty to inclination, a sporadic mistake the
rational subject can keep from repeating. Kants contention however is that this lapse in
judgment is not as random as it seems, that it presupposes an initial accord with egoism
through which the subject constitutively favours his personal desires to the detriment of
duty. In other words, to prefer my needs to the law is itself conditional upon the operation
by which I belittle the impact of the former, and relativize the importance of the latter, that
is, upon dishonesty. As such, though the resulting action may appear innocuous, the
hypocrisy behind it is utterly deleterious, slowly turning into a habit that contaminates my
whole being. Propensity, in short, is a predisposition for self-deception, not only an
inherent vulnerability to temptation (weakness), but a penchant for seduction whereby we
convince ourselves of the virtue of vice.In very evocative terms, Kant thus depicts radical
evil as an invisible enemy, one who hides behind reason and secretly undermines the
disposition with soul-corrupting principles (6:57).In sum, evil is radical because it gnaws
the very root (radix, in Latin) of our disposition; it is universal because it corrupts even
the best of us; and it is inextirpable because its very ruse is to outplay the tool free will or
Willkr that could otherwise be used to deracinate it. Framed in these terms, wickedness
drives a wedge between what is and what should be. In Kants words, the distance
between the goodness which we ought to effect in ourselves and the evil from which we
start seems infinite (6:66), and the subject begins to suspect he may never be able to
become quite fully what he has in mind (6:68n). Dispirited before an immeasurable gap
he cannot bridge by his own means, he is left hoping for an external succor bestowed
according to his efforts to remain steadfast in his ethical strivings. Kants account of
radical evil is not always coherent and leaves open a number of questions that deserve
further scrutiny, in particular the issue of divine grace. It is remarkable, however, for its

As suggests a footnote in Religion: Those for whom the merely formal determining ground as such
(lawfulness) will not suffice as the determining ground in the concept of duty, nonetheless admit that this
ground is not to be found in self-love directed to ones own comfort (6:3n).
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 217-237
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33971


Jol Madore
dramatic portrayal of human finitude, highlighting the potential despair that threatens us
all, and the necessary courage to not succumb to it.
Faced with solitude, distress and his permanent deficiency, one can understand
why the human being might be tempted to alleviate the burden that comes with the practice
of freedom, to falter in his resolution and surrender to laziness and cowardice. For Kant,
this capitulation has quite often taken the form of superstition, that is, the illusory belief of
fooling ourselves into thinking we can inflect Gods will or the course of Providence
through rites and rituals, thus blurring the lucid sobriety of reason with misleading
sophistry, such as is displayed in the rhetoric of Jobs companions. Once more, Kants
treatment of religious themes is somewhat narrow, yet the underlying intuition that we
should use such stratagems to remain under self-tutelage and postpone majority is most
pertinent. It is especially useful in understanding the following definition of Aufklrung,
which has puzzled a number of commentators: Liberation from superstition is called
enlightenment. () The blindness that superstition creates in a person, which indeed it
even seems to demand as an obligation, reveals especially well the persons need to be
guided by others, and hence his state of passive reason (KU, 5:294). To ward against such
blindness and keep our eyes open as we come of age, no matter how desolate this itinerary
appears before us, is one of the key imperatives of Kants ethics. Indeed, moral cognition
of oneself, which seeks to penetrate into the depths (the abyss) of ones heart which are
quite difficult to fathom, is the beginning of all human wisdom, he declares (MS,
In other words, the officer, the tax collector and the cleric can only exercise
decisive influence over our conduct to the extent we have internalized their command as
the rightful authority, to the detriment of the voice of our own reason we alienate in the
process. Introspection is therefore instrumental in determining not only the integrity of the
legislation, but its origin as well. Its purpose is to continually validate the universality of
the law and authenticate its author. As such, it is intimately connected to the process of
enlightenment: Thinking for oneself means seeking the supreme touchstone of truth in
oneself (i.e. in ones own reason); and the maxim of always thinking for oneself is
enlightenment (WDO, 8: 146).When we take the time to measure the abyss that opens
before the practice of freedom, and the temptation that follows to turn our back on it, we
come to realize that Aufklrung does preclude the solitary struggle against superstition as
Deligiorgi and Foucault both hold; it is rather its condition, as Kant so acutely observes.
The culture of enlightenment may very well describe a sphere of social interaction, and
perhaps this space is more inclusive and egalitarian than the Athenian agora, the early
Christian ecclesiae, or even the early indigenous communities so beautifully described by
Claude Lvi-Strauss in Tristes tropiques, despite the complete absence of embodied,
institutional power that characterized them. Still, it seems that the modernity of Kantian

And as if to further tie introspection and enlightenment together, Kant explicitly associates wisdom with
moral strength and courage:MS, 6:405.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 217-237
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33971

When Reason Began to Stir

enlightenment lies elsewhere, that it is found, rather, in the particular attitude of the
emancipated subject, severed from any form of external direction. Aufklrung is an
Ausgang for Kant because the human being begins to walk outside the comfort of the
beaten path, to legislate outside any reference to natural harmony, and if God may still
exist in such a world, then the human being is sure to exist outside of him. Freedom is an
ethos only the brave can embrace; it is a commitment only the courageous can make.
This paper followed Foucault in defining enlightenment as an attitude, a modern
ethos that adopts the ephemeral as way of being. Contrary to the French philosopher,
however, we have argued that this permanent critique of oneself and of the world creates a
void that leaves us trembling before nothingness. If enlightenment requires courage, it is
precisely to urge us to persist in our moral exertions, to remain steadfast in the practice of
freedom and not retreat into immaturity from the fright it may incur, as did Job, righteous
despite his afflictions and the apparent groundlessness of his existence. Courage, it is
worth repeating, is resolve before the abyss of freedom. Notwithstanding their respective
and indisputable strengths, recent commentaries have almost completely overshadowed
this deep existential element of Kantian enlightenment, often reducing it to a liberal space
of discursive practice that allows for equal participation in the free exchange of ideas,
useful notably to address the challenges posed by the growing diversity of Western
societies. This is to neglect the despair behind the practice of freedom, an experience of
solitude that leaves us weary and dejected before the difficulty of its demands.
Enlightenment is a daunting undertaking indeed, for which all have the means, though few
have the courage.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 217-237
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33971


Jol Madore

Baudelaire, Charles (1964), Les Fleurs du mal, tabli et annot par Claude Pichois, (Paris:
Gallimard).Translation: William Aggeler (1954), The Flowers of Evil, (Fresno:
Academy Library Guild).
Deligiorgi, Katerina (2005), Kant and the Culture of Enlightenment (Albany: State
University of New York Press).
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor (1966), The Brothers Karamazov, translated by David Magarshack
(Penguin Books).
Fleischacker, Samuel (2013), What is Enlightenment?(London and New York: Routledge).
Foucault, Michel, What is Enlightenment?, in Paul Rabinow (ed.)(1984), The Foucault
Reader(New York, Pantheon Book).
Foucault, Michel, Quest-ce que les Lumires (1994), in Dits et crits 1954-1988, tome
IV, collection NRF, Daniel Defert et Franois Ewald (dirs), avec la collaboration de
Jacques Lagrange, (Paris: ditions Gallimard), pp. 679-688.
Kant, Immanuel (2007), Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View, in
Anthropology, History and Education, translated by Robert Louden (Cambridge:
C.U.P.), pp. 227-428.
(2003), The Metaphysics of Morals, translated by Mary Gregor, Cambridge Texts in
the History of Philosophy(Cambridge: C.U.P.).
(2002), Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, translated by Mary Gregor,
Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy(Cambridge: C.U.P.).
(1998), Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, translated by George
DiGiovanni, in George DiGiovanni and Allen Wood (eds.), Religion within the
Boundaries of Mere Reason and Other Writings, Cambridge Texts in the History of
Philosophy (Cambridge: C.U.P.), pp. 33-191.
On the Miscarriage of all Philosophical Trials in Theodicy, translated by George
DiGiovanni, in Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason and Other Writings,
pp. 17-30.
What does it mean to orient oneself in thinking?, translated by Allen Wood, in
Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason and Other Writings, pp. 3-14.
(1987), Critique of Judgment, translated by Werner S. Pluhar (Indianapolis, Hackett).


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 217-237
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33971

When Reason Began to Stir

(1963), What is Enlightenment?, translated by Lewis White Beck, in Lewis White
Beck (ed.),Kant on History, (London: Collier MacMillan Publishers), pp. 3-10.
Conjectural Beginning of Human History, translated by Emil Fackenheim, in Kant
on History, pp. 53-68.
Madore, Jol (2011), Difficult Freedom and Radical Evil in Kant: Deceiving Reason
(London: Bloomsbury).
Nemo, Philippe (1998), Job and the Excess of Evil (Michigan: Duquesne University Press).
Nietzsche, Friedrich (2006), Thus Spoke Zarathustra, translated by Adrian Del Caro and
Robert Pippin, Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy (Cambridge: C.U.P.).
Poe, Edgar Allan (1973), Les aventures dArthur Gordon Pym, translated by Charles
Baudelaire, Roger Asselineau (ed.) (Paris: Aubier Montaigne).
Sartre, Jean-Paul (1950), Baudelaire, translated by Martin Turnell (New York: New
Directions Book).
Tampio, Nicholas (2012), Kantian Courage: Advancing the Enlightenment in
Contemporary Political Theory (New York: Fordham University Press).

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 217-237
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33971


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 238-260
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33975

Kants Machiavellian Moment

El momento maquiaveliano de Kant


Memorial University, Canada

At least two recent collections of essays Postmodernism and the Enlightenment (2001) and
Whats Left of Enlightenment?: A Postmodern Question (2001) have responded to postmodern
critiques of Enlightenment by arguing that Enlightenment philosophes themselves embraced a
number of post-modern themes. This essay situates Kants essay Was ist Aufklrung (1784) in the
context of this recent literature about the appropriate characterization of modernity and the
Enlightenment. Adopting an internalist reading of Kants Aufklrung essay, this paper observes
that Kant is surprisingly ambivalent about who might be Enlightened and unspecific about when
Enlightenment might be achieved. The paper argues that this is because Kant is concerned less
with elucidating his concept of Enlightenment and more with characterizing a political condition
that might provide the conditions for the possibility of Enlightenment. This paper calls this
political condition modernity and it is achieved when civil order can be maintained alongside
fractious and possibly insoluble public disagreement about matters of conscience, including the
nature and possibility of Enlightenment. Thus, the audience for the Aufklrung essay is not the tax
collector, soldier or clergyman, but rather the sovereign. Kant enjoins and advises the prince that
discord and debate about matters of conscience need not entail any political unrest or upheaval. It
is in this restricted (Pocockian) sense that the Enlightenment essay is Kants Machiavellian
Key words
Kant; Enlightenment; Aufklrung; post-modernism; modernism; modernity; Machiavelli; Pocock;
Foucault; Lyotard

Thanks to the editors of this volume for very helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper. Thanks also
to B. Boddy, J. Webb and J. Barton for numerous comments and help. Professor of the Department of
Philosophy of Memorial University (Canada); e-mail: .
[Recibido: 3 de octubre de 2015
Aceptado: 15 de octubre de 2015]


Kants Machiavellian Moment

Al menos dos recientes colecciones de ensayos, Postmodernism and the Enlightenment (2001) y
Whats Left of Enlightenment?: A Postmodern Question (2001), han respondido a las crticas
posmodernas de la Ilustracin aduciendo que los philosophes de la Ilustracin abrazaron una serie
de temas posmodernos. Este artculo sita el ensayo de Kant, Qu es la Ilustracin? (1784) en el
contexto de esta reciente literatura acerca de la caracterizacin apropiada de la Modernidad y la
Ilustracin. Adoptando una lectura inmanente del ensayo de Kant sobre la Aufklrung, sealo que
Kant es sorprendentemente ambivalente con respecto a quin podra ser ilustrado y no especifica
cundo podr alcanzarse la Ilustracin. Este artculo argumenta que esto se debe a que Kant est
menos preocupado por elucidar este concepto de Ilustracin que por caracterizar una condicin
poltica que podra suministrar las condiciones para posibilitar la Ilustracin. As, pues, la audiencia
del ensayo sobre la Aufklrung no es el recaudador de impuestos, el soldado o el sacerdote, sino
ms bien el soberano. Kant ordena y aconseja al prncipe que la discordia y el debate sobre
cuestiones de conciencia no comportan necesariamente inseguridad o conmocin social alguna. Es
en este sentido (Pockockiano) restringido que el ensayo sobre la Ilustracin acta como el
momento maquiaveliano de Kant.
Palabras clave
Kant; Ilustracin; Aufklrung; Posmodernidad; Modernismo; Modernidad; Machiavelli; Pocock;
Foucault; Lyotard

1. Enlightenment and Critique

Everyone, it seems, should want to be enlightened. Perhaps thats just because the
alternative being unenlightened seems so ignominious. Shall you be daring and engage
in the autonomous use of reason? Or, shall you be cowardly and dwell in nonage and
tutelage? Put in just these terms Was is Aufklrung? seems to be a loaded question. Well
take Enlightenment, of course. There isnt much choice in the matter.
Even Enlightenments detractors among them Hamann, Herder, Heidegger and
Adorno and Horkheimer acknowledge that we always choose Enlightenment. As
Enlightenments critics, their concern is to anticipate, redirect or diagnose enlightenment
and its consequences. Whatever the specifics of their criticism, as critics they must
minimally take some position on what Aufklrung might or might not be, and perhaps also
some stance on its attainability. And, in turn, taking, holding, asserting and defending a
stance on Enlightenment can be (and has been) interpreted as itself being an enlightenment
commitment. That is, the willingness and capability to engage in processes of giving and
accepting reasons for some position or another is, if not a key tenet of enlightened, well
down the path toward Enlightenment. Grappling with the question Was is Aufklrung?,
would then imply not only a disposition towards Enlightenment but also an enlightened

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 238-260
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33975


Jay Foster
From this vantage point, Enlightenment seems as ineluctable as Descartes cogito.
Positing the cogito implies a thinking thing that does the positing, and so doubting that
there are thinking things leads to self-contradiction. Likewise, if the willingness to engage
in critical discussion of Enlightenment is always already evidence of an enlightened critical
disposition, then Enlightenment cannot be rejected on pain of self-contradiction. To what
extent may Enlightenment values, procedures or aims themselves be subject to question by
Enlightenment precepts? To express the same question in loosely Nietzschean terms: is a
complete transvaluation of all values possible, or does such a transvaluation itself depend
on some enduring underlying values? Considered from this vantage point, the question
Was is Aufklrung? need not be about Enlightenment per se, but is instead much more a
question about the limits of analytical reflexivity.
A recent example of this form of argument is Jrgen Habermas famous question
posed to Michel Foucault. How can Foucaults self-understanding as a thinker in the
tradition of Enlightenment be compatible with his unmistakable critique of precisely this
form of knowledge, which is that of modernity? Foucault had just died so he could not
answer the question. Yet Habermas kept alive the reply that Foucault was embroiled in a
hopeless contradiction, albeit a productive contradiction and an instructive
contradiction. 1 An accusation of contradiction is attention grabbing as Habermas
continues to be. Anything, true or false, can follow from a contradiction, so it is a
potentially devastating objection to an argument. But, usually its quite hard to make such
an accusation stick. The easy cure for a contradiction is a distinction. If it really is the
case that attempting to put together a reasonable, well-argued and (therefore) convincing
critique of Enlightenment immediately implicates you in some tragic, misguided
contradiction, then something seems to be very much awry in our intellectual machinery.
We should be leery of arguments that suggest otherwise. Surely I can have my
Enlightenment and eat it too.
The question is not whether a distinction can be made but where to make the
distinction. As Richard Bernstein points out there are many ways to save Foucault and
others from accusations of self-contradiction. 2 Enlightenment is a philosophical and
historiographical concept that is both elastic and piecemeal. Elastic in the sense that the
scope of the concept shifts over time, and piecemeal in the sense that the relevant histories
that constitute it continue to shift over the course of inquiry. And so decisions, cuts, must
be made. The cut this paper makes, or begins to make, is between modernity and
Enlightenment. Modernity, I suggest, is a political condition that opens a possibility for
the pursuit of enlightenment; it is not the process or product of Enlightenment itself.
(Thus, contra Habermas, Foucault could work within the Enlightenment tradition and offer

See Jrgen Habermas, Taking Aim at the Heart of the Present: On Foucaults Lecture on Kants What is
Enlightenment? in S.W. Nicholson, ed. and trans., The New Conservatism: Cultural Criticism and the
Historians Debate (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1989), 173-179 at 176 and 178.
See Richard J. Bernstein, Foucault: Critique as a Philosophical Ethos in Michael Kelly, ed., Critique and
Power: Recasting the Foucault/Habermas Debate (Cambridge: MIT Press,1994), 283-314.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 238-260
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33975

Kants Machiavellian Moment

a critique of modernity without any risk of contradiction.) I argue here that modernity is a
political condition which is achieved when there can be civil order alongside fractious and
possibly insoluble public disagreement about matters of conscience.
By contrast, enlightenment is a different creature. Enlightenment may be (and has
been) variously formulated. Sometimes Enlightenment is portrayed as an ongoing process,
as Adorno and Horkheimer famously suggested in Dialectic of Enlightenment (1944). At
other times, Enlightenment is presented as a past achievement or future goal, and
sometimes even both. For instance, in the Preface to The Philosophy of Enlightenment
(1932), Ernst Cassirer reflected, the time is again ripe for applying ... self-criticism to the
present age, for holding up to it that bright clear mirror fashioned by the Enlightenment.
Cassirer wrote this at the Warburg Institute in Hamburg as the Nazi Party machinated to
achieve power. He went on to suggest that Enlightenment might be regained: the age
which venerated reason and science as mans highest faculty cannot and must not be lost
even for us. 3 As a product or outcome, Enlightenment may represent some achieved
consensus some universal agreement about the character of the good, the true or the
beautiful. So, for example, for a stereotypical (and inexistent) eighteenth-century
philosophe the enlightened consensus was that the rational is the good, the good is the
natural, and the natural is the rational. That is, of course, circular but, even today, many
take the circle to be virtuous rather than vicious. The very ability to debate these and other
conceptions of enlightenment, without any threat to civic order marks the achievement of
This distinction between modernity and enlightenment was articulated, I suggest, in
Immanuel Kants Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklrung? (1784). The final section
of this paper argues that the Aufklrung essay was Kants Machiavellian moment in
which he argues for the indifference of princes to the free and public use of reason in
matters of conscience. In so doing, I shall suggest, Kant simultaneously makes an implicit
distinction between modernity and enlightenment. Of course, some Kant scholars read the
Aufklrung piece as anticipating positions articulated in the Critique of Judgement (1790)
and his Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View (1798).4 In the second section of
this essay, I point to several ambivalences in Kants Aufklrung essay. I think these are
unexpected if Kant was simply articulating positions developed in greater detail elsewhere.
I take these ambivalences to be part of Kants rhetorical strategy, signaling that the essay is
offering a distinct argument. Of course, the very attempt to distinguish enlightenment and
modernity may seem misguided, and perhaps even counter-intuitive. Are not the terms
synonymous? And so, I shall begin by suggesting that this synonymy is only a feature of a
very recent intellectual history.

See Ernst Cassirer, The Philosophy of the Enlightenment, trans. Fritz C.A. Koelln and James P. Pettegrove
(Boston: Beacon Press), xi.
For example, see Henry E. Allison, Essays on Kant (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), 229-235.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 238-260
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33975


Jay Foster
2. A Postmodern Enlightenment?

In The Postmodern Condition (1979/1984), Jean-Franois Lyotard offered the best

known definition of the postmodern as incredulity towards metanarratives. Thats
probably as good a simple definition of postmodernism as one can hope for. Lyotard
himself rejected two specific metanarratives as unsustainable myths: the myth of the
progress of knowledge and the myth of the progress of liberation. Other avowed
postmodernists called for the rejection of various other metanarratives the myth of
objectivity, the myth of the public sphere, the myth of universal reason the list goes on.
For his part, Lyotard was largely indifferent to the ultimate origin of such myths. The
proclivity for metanarrative is, noticeable in Renaissance Humanism and variously
present in the Enlightenment, the Sturm und Drang, German idealist philosophy and the
historical school in France. 5 Many other postmodernists, however, identified the
eighteenth-century Enlightenment mainly as it occurred in France, Scotland and
Germany as the primary source of the many dubious metanarratives that informed and
guided subsequent modernity. If indeed the fact or concept of modernity was prototyped
by Enlightenment philosophes, then the historical Enlightenment is always implicated in
debates about modernism. To be postmodern is to be post-Enlightenment, and in some
extreme cases, even anti-Enlightenment.
In 2001, two collections of philosophical and historical essays were published that
assessed some of the claims made by postmodernists about the Enlightenment. Daniel
Gordon edited Postmodernism and the Enlightenment, while Keith Baker and Peter Reill
edited Whats Left of Enlightenment?: A Postmodern Question. Both volumes were clearly
in the same key, but they also opened on precisely the same note. Baker and Reill wrote:
the many varieties of thinking grouped under the rubric of postmodernism share at least
one salient character: they all depend on a stereotyped, even caricatural, account of the
Enlightenment.6 Gordon meanwhile cautioned against postmodernist academics whose
knowledge of the Enlightenment is limited to a series of derogatory clichs: the
Enlightenment glorified instrumental reason; the Enlightenment set out to eliminate
cultural diversity; the Enlightenment naively idealized history as infinite progress. 7
Interestingly, perhaps in the spirit of settling conflict, neither book attempts to reject or
refute postmodernism. Instead, the various essays in both volumes contribute to a slightly
new and different project: reconstructing Enlightenment so that in most relevant respects it
is continuous with postmodernism.

See Jean-Franois Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge, trans G. Bennington and
B. Massumi (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1984), 30.
See Keith M. Baker and Peter H. Reill, Whats Left of Enlightenment?: A Postmodern Question (Stanford:
Stanford University Press, 2001), 1.
See Daniel Gordon, ed. Postmodernism and Enlightenment: New Perspectives in Eighteenth-Century
French Intellectual History (New York: Routledge, 2001), 1.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 238-260
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33975

Kants Machiavellian Moment

As might be expected, the postmodern Enlightenment makes no mention of

universality, reason, nature, essentialism or secularism. It is, instead, envisioned as an
ongoing conversation of humanity about potential solutions to two very general concerns,
one epistemological and the other political. The epistemological concern is about the the
well-foundedness of knowledge claims. The political concern is about the means to build
an inclusive politics of diversity and difference amongst classes, cultures and genders.
Richard Rorty speaks for this well-tempered Enlightenment when he argues for the
continuity of Enlightenment and postmodernism by claiming that, there were two
Enlightenment projects, one political and the other philosophical. The political project
was to create heaven on earth while the philosophical project was, to find a new
comprehensive, world-view which would replace God with Nature and Reason.8 Rorty
then maintained that the political Enlightenment project continues, while postmodernism
has shown that the the epistemological project of philosophy has failed. An inclusive
politics may still be possible, but there is no salve for epistemological anxiety.
This new-fangled postmodern Enlightenment might well be regarded with
suspicion, perhaps with good cause but not for the reason that the Enlightenment did not
express postmodern themes. Historically speaking, its just good sense to remind ourselves
that eighteenth-century literati argued for a variety of philosophical positions and agitated
for a number of different objectives. The Enlightenment was an intellectually,
geographically, culturally and temporally dispersed movement. This point had been raised
two decades before a postmodern Enlightenment had even been suggested, by Roy
Porter and Mikul Teich in the collection of essays The Enlightenment in National
Context (1981). Teich concluded that volume by noting that the Aufklrungers were
socially a heterogeneous group drawn from aristocratic-bourgeois classes. 9
Enlightenment interlocutors were certainly not a representative sample of eighteenthcentury humanity, but nevertheless, Enlightenment was variously expressed by different
genders and classes and cultures. Given this diversity of Enlightenments, it would be
surprising if at least some postmodern concerns hadnt been voiced.
The reason, then, to be cautious interpreting the Enlightenment as presaging
postmodernity is that taking this stance might capitulate far too much to the particular
strand of recent French philosophy articulated by Foucault and Lyotard, among others.
Consider for a moment an alternative, now largely forgotten, historiography of modernism
that does not identify either modernity or postmodernity with Enlightenment. This other
history was articulated by a generation of Anglo-American intellectual historians who
produced a bevy of books in the 1980s. These books pointed out that there was a sustained
critique of established ideals and standards in art and literature long before 1960s French
philosophers arrived on the scene. Taking H. Stuart-Hughes Consciousness and Society

See Richard Rorty, The Continuity Between the Enlightenment and Postmodernism, in Baker and Reill,
eds. Whats Left of Enlightenment?, 19,
See Roy Porter and Mikul Teich, eds., The Enlightenment in National Context (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1981), 217.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 238-260
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33975


Jay Foster
(1958) as a model, Carl E. Schorske, T.J. Jackson Lears, Marshall Berman and Modris
Eksteins all offered book-length discussion of modernist movements in the period
between 1880 and 1930.10
Lears expressed the modernist sensibility as a rejection of a docile mass society
glutted by sensate gratification, ordered by benevolent governors, populated by creatures
who have exchanged spiritual freedom and moral responsibility for economic and psychic
security.11 In this sense, neither modernism nor modernity involves the expression or
realization of some identifiable body of eighteenth-century values or ideals. On the
contrary, modernism was an expression of an ongoing avant-garde reworking of
established artistic styles, musical forms and literary strategies. Various avant-gardists
Dostoevsky, Klimt, Schoenberg, Stravinsky, Cubists, Dadaists, Joyce, Miller and the
Bloomsburies subverted and rejected bourgeois values and traditions in art, literature,
music and life.
From this historiographic perspective, it is patently absurd to suggest that Foucault,
Lyotard and other French philosophers had just recently discovered a rejection of
Enlightenment values. Quietly ignoring the intellectual history of the modernist movement
of 1880-1930 serves the interest of contemporary French philosophy very well. As David
Hollinger puts it:
All those folks who thought everything had changed on or about December 1910 were
kidding themselves. There was a big break, all right, but it did not take place in
Bloomsbury on the eve of World War I. It took place in Paris 1968.12

The upshot is that when Foucault situates the emergence of modernity in the eighteenthcentury Enlightenment as he does in his College lectures as much as in Discipline and
Punish (1975)13 the effect is to consolidate the intellectual history of period from (say)
1750 to 1968 into a sufficiently uniform lump that it can be an object of a unified
philosophical critique. Lyotard polarizes intellectual history still more sharply. He is not
exhibiting greater historical sensitivity when he suggests (as we saw above) that the
metanarratives that inform modernity emerge piecemeal from the Renaissance, the
Enlightenment, and Romanticism, as well as from among the Annalists. In fact, he is

H. Stuart Hughes, Consciousness and Society: The Reorientation of European Social Thought, 1890-1930
(New York: Vintage Books, 1977{1958]). Carl E. Schorske, Fin-de-Siecle Vienna: Politics and Culture
(New York: Vintage Books, 1981 [1961]). T.J. Jackson Lears, No Place of Grace: Modernism and
Antimodernism and the Transformation of American Culture (New York: Pantheon Books, 1981). Marshall
Berman, All That Is Solid Melts into Air: The Experience of Modernity (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books,
1988 [1982]). Modris Ecksteins, Rites of Spring: The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age (Toronto:
Lester and Orpen Dennys, 1989).
See Lears, No Place of Grace, 300.
See David A. Hollinger, The Enlightenment and the Genealogy of Cultural Conflict in the United States,
in Baker and Reill, eds. Whats Left of Enlightenment?, 12. Harold Mah argued a very similar point in his
graduate seminar on Modernism at Queens University in 1992.
To be more specific, a sagittal or vertical (rather than longitudinal) modernity. See Michel Foucault, The
Government of the Self and Others: Lectures at the Collge de France, 1982-1982 (), 12-15.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 238-260
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33975

Kants Machiavellian Moment

showing less. All of history is suddenly divided into that time before 1968 when the
gullible credulously accepted metanarratives, and the time after 1968 when French
philosophers showed us the way of appropriate incredulity.
To be clear, none of this should be taken to suggest that either Foucault or Lyotard
maintain that nothing of significance happened after (say) 1789 and before 1968. The
much more restricted point on offer here is that taking a stand for postmodernism and
then identifying modernism with the Enlightenment is to draw lines in the sand. You
either fall into line behind those who wish to complete the unfinished project of
Enlightenment or you join ranks with those who declare the failure of the Enlightenment
project. Once the lines between the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente were just this
sharp, wars the Culture Wars, the Science Wars and the Freud Wars were inevitable.
The kinds of conflicts exhibited in the humanities in the 1980s and 1990s might
have been more subdued and more subtle if more attention had been paid to the fact that
categories of modernity and modernism might not be that tightly bound up with
Enlightenment. Modernist art, music and literature have exhibited a remarkable and
delightful iconoclastic propensity to break the rules and go about doing things the wrong
way. Mondrian's sudden break with landscape art, Schoenbergs dodecaphony and Joyces
Bloom-ing confusion of literary convention are all paradigms of modernism. These
iconoclasts have no obvious debts to Enlightenment ideals and values, nor are they merely
a vanguard for postmodernism. They are simply avant-garde modernists, mostly
dissatisfied with entrenched or bourgeois standards of taste. Likewise, arguments for the
social construction of science, or about the scientific and therapeutic benefits of
psychoanalysis, may be considered forms of avant-gardism. Given that modernism has
been identified with an avant-garde rejection of accepted standards of rightness, there is
little reason to closely identify modernity and Enlightenment. Moreover, given the
piecemeal character of Enlightenment and the differing accounts of modernity, we need
never have fever-pitched engagements with anything so grandiose and singular as either
the Enlightenment project or the modern project, whatever either of those might be.

3. What is Enlightenment?
Since 2000, at least three substantial book-length studies on Kant and Aufklrung
have been published along with a handful of journal articles. Now, Kant scholarship is
something of a briar patch, more suited to hedgehogs than foxes. From outside the briar
patch, it simply isnt clear how these new books fit within debates among Kant scholars.
That said, from the outside, these new contributions are obviously all timely meditations
on the postmodern critique of enlightenment. Given the tendentiousness of the concept of
Enlightenment in the 1980s and 1990s, it is perhaps not surprising that critical attention has
now turned to Kants famous essay. Kant scholars like to emphasize that when Kant talks
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 238-260
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33975


Jay Foster
about enlightenment in his essay he doesnt mean any kind of historical Enlightenment but
rather a process of enlightening. An answer to what is enlightening? is divorced from
eighteenth-century history and the history of knowledge in general (or, so it is argued).
The new literature on Kants Aufklrung essay tends to adopt a common opening
move: enlightenment (the process with a lowercase e) embraced otherness in ways
that belie stereotypes that portray it as being repressive, dominating, architectonic and
demanding the subordination of sensibility to universal reason. The work here is to find a
softer side of Kant, and in so doing, a kinder, gentler Kantian enlightenment. So, for
example, Diane Morgan casts her work as explicitly rejecting the institutionalised
orthodoxy that sees enlightenment reason as the product of censorship, resulting in the
repression of anything that is unpredictable and contingent, of anything that resists
totalitarian order. 14 Katerina Deligiorgi tells us that, a proper understanding of the
historical context and the real scope of Kants conception of enlightenment should help us
to resist the deflationary conclusions arising from one-sided accounts of the
Enlightenment.15 Sam Fleischacker opens his study with the expansive observation that
the Enlightenment is a more diverse period than one might suppose from the way its
opponents describe it, comprising advocates of sentiment as well as advocates of reason,
champions of community as well as individualists, critics as well as defenders of empire,
and a wide variety of other tendencies and views.16 Each of these authors opens their
argument by emphasizing that the concept of enlightenment can embrace sensitivities to
differences among opinions, cultural diversity and different ways of knowing. This
opening move prompts, in one way or another, a return to Kants original text in order to
inspect his specific conception of enlightening.
The trouble with returning to Kants original text, as it appeared in the pages of the
Berlinische Monatsschrift in 1784, is that it is exceedingly sparse in the sense of being very
short. This brevity invites a question that is at once textual and methodological: what
texts, if any, are to be read as supporting or elaborating Kants 1784 essay? There is no
consensus on this matter. Morgan and Deligiorgi both take a very expansive approach.
Kants essay should be considered as coextensive with much of his oeuvre as well as much
subsequent discussion of enlightenment. In contrast, James Schmidt situates Kants essay
mainly among the texts of other responses to the question of Enlightenment offered by
Mendelssohn, Mhsen, Reinhold and others.17 Sam Fleischacker and Claude Pich offer


See Diane Morgan, Kant Trouble: The Obscurities of the Enlightened (New York: Routledge, 2000), 1-2.
See Katerina Deligiorgi, Kant and the Culture of Enlightenment (Albany, N.Y.: State University of New
York Press, 2005), 185.
See Samuel Fleischacker, What is Enlightenment? (New York: Routledge, 2013), 1.
See James Schmidt, ed., What is Enlightenment?: Eighteenth-Century Answers and Twentieth-Century
Questions (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996).


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 238-260
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33975

Kants Machiavellian Moment

largely internalist readings of the essay, demanding that the essay be interpreted largely
There is almost certainly no single right answer to the issue of interpretive
approach. Differences about the scope of appropriate evidence will undoubtedly produce
different characterisations of the main question, what is enlightening? That admitted, the
following takes an entirely internalist approach in order to highlight some of the deep
ambivalences in the Aufklrung essay, and to use those ambivalences to rethink the
orientation of the essays overall argument. Other than mere usefulness, this narrow
approach is motivated by two contextual considerations.
First and very simply, if we accept, as Henry Allison, Schmidt and Pich all agree,
that Kant is offering a new view of enlightenment, then this enjoins close attention to the
details of the text.19 The other reason for an internalist reading is that it allows for the
(admittedly controversial) possibility that the essay argues for a somewhat different
position than Kants other writings. After all, the Aufklrung essay was published in a
monthly magazine oriented towards the intellectual interests and concerns of the Berliner
Mittwochsgesellschaft. The question What is Enlightenment? had been posed by Johann
Friedrich Zllner in a footnote to another paper published in December 1783. As Schmidt
points out, that the question was posed by Zllner is likely a sign of the intense interest in
the question within the influential group of civil servants, clergy, and men of letters who
made up the Wednesday Society.20
Zllners question prompted at least two lectures in the Wednesday Society in late
1783 and early 1784, one by Johann Karl Wilhelm Mhsen (a personal physician to
Frederick the Great and scholar of the history of science) and another by Moses
Mendelssohn. Presumably, Mendelssohns lecture was the basis for his essay On the
Question: What is Enlightenment (1784) which appeared in September. When Kants
answer to Zllners question was published in December 1784, it appeared without Kant
having read Mendelssohns piece and likely without Kant having attended Society lectures.
Given this immediate context, Kant would not necessarily have any expectation that his
readers would be familiar with (much less convinced by) his previous philosophical
writings, like the Critique of Pure Reason (1781). As Schmidt further observes, Kants
essay could be readily understood by readers who knew little about Kants system as a
whole and it is unlikely that anyone at the time or that many in the decades that followed
would have pursued these links.21 For this reason too, there is little reason to think that
the Aufklrung essay must or ought to be considered against the backdrop of his future


See Claude Pich, Kants Conception of Enlightenment: Aristocratic or Democratic, above.

Allison, Essays on Kant, 229-235. Schmidt, What is Enlightenment? A Question, Its Context, and Some
Consequences in Schmidt, ed., What is Enlightenment?, 1-2. Pich, above.
See James Schmidt, Misunderstanding the Question: What is Enlightenment?: Venturi, Habermas, and
Foucault in History of European Ideas 37 (2011), 43-52 at 44.
See Schmidt, Misunderstanding the Question, 45.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 238-260
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33975


Jay Foster
work, like the Critique of Judgement (1790) or his Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point
of View (1798).22
Was is Aufklrung? begins on a stirring, almost heroic, note with its demand and
challenge: Sapere aude! For me, the famous passage that follows still prompts a frisson
even after many readings. Enlightenment is mans release from self-incurred tutelage.
Tutelage is mans inability to make use of his understanding without direction from
another.23 Enlightenment is the courage to use your own understanding, and in so doing,
shuck off self-incurred tutelage and achieve the adult autonomy that befits a mature human
The original passage in Horace, which is alluded to when sapere aude is invoked,
may signal a second, different feature of enlightenment. Horace writes:

Why indeed are you in a hurry to remove things which hurt the eye, while if aught is
eating into your soul, you put off the time for cure till next year? Well begun is half done;
dare to be wise; begin! He who puts off the hour of right living is like the bumpkin waiting
for the river to run out: yet on it glides, and on it will glide, rolling its flood forever.24

Being wise or enlightened is not about possessing any particular knowledge, as Kant
scholars like to point out. But, for Horace, it isnt clear if being wise even involves the
possession of any particular skills or capacities either. Wisdom simply lies in undertaking
the journey or process of enlightenment, rather than deferring the decision to set out by
waiting for just the right moment. Simply to start is to be half-finished!
If sapere aude is just a prompt to start the process of enlightening, then it isnt
altogether clear what Kant means when he declares that the motto of enlightenment is,
Have courage to use your own reason!25 Does he mean that enlightenment is the simple
willingness to undertake using your own reason, for better or worse regardless of outcome?
Or, does he mean that enlightenment is, to borrow from Descartes, not just to use your
reason but to learn to use your reason rightly?26 This need not deny Kants precept that
enlightening demands no particular knowledge. The skill, capacity or wherewithal to
reason rightly would itself not be knowledge, if knowledge were construed simply as
propositional knowledge. In other words, there are two possible accounts of enlightened

Allison makes this very odd claim. It isnt at all clear why why Kants future work would be a backdrop
for the Enlightenment essay. See Allison, 229.
Immanuel Kant, What is Enlightenment? in Sylvere Lotringer, The Politics of Truth: Michel Foucault
(New York: Semiotext(e), 1997), 7. Henceforth, referred to as WA.
Horace, Satires. Epistles. The Art of Poetry, trans. H. Rushton Fairclough (Cambridge, Mass.: Loeb
Classical Library, 1978), 1.2.32-43,
WA 7.
Consider here Descartes Meditation IV at AT 55-57.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 238-260
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33975

Kants Machiavellian Moment

reason, one permissive and the other restrictive. On the restrictive account, enlightened
reason is the use of reason to reach right or true conclusions. On the permissive account,
so long as I use my reason without direction from another then I am engaged in
The Aufklrung essay also expresses a related ambivalence about the extent to
which the enlightening process itself is emancipatory. At the beginning of the essay, Kant
explicitly links the process of enlightening with freedom and the public use of reason. In
the essays middle, the free, public use of reason is then connected very briefly with
progress. There Kant tells us that the proper destination of human nature is the
progress in general enlightenment. 28 Yet, the essay ends on a note that seems more
restrictive than emancipatory: debate all you want, but obey! And moments later, Kant
continues: A greater degree of civil freedom appears advantageous to the freedom of
mind of the people, and yet it places inescapable limitations upon it; a lower degree of civil
freedom on the contrary, provides the mind with room for each man to extend himself to
his full capacity. We are told that as people become capable of managing freedom this
will affect the principles of government, eventually at some undisclosed future point.29
A third ambivalence arises from the question: who might be enlightened? The
common answer to this question is: everyone who dares to use their reason. Allison,
Deligiorgi, Fleischacker are very much agreed about this point. They do not hold that
everyone is actually caught up in the process of enlightenment, but they agree that it is
possible that everyone has the capacity to engage in the enlightening process, at least in
principle. All three frame this inclusivity in terms of universalisability, though they dont
agree about what is universal.
Fleischacker tells us that it is the potential to self-legislate: we are all free: we
have the ability to follow a law we lay down for ourselves, and not be led around by
outside pressures.30 Allison describes it similarly in terms of reflexivity: to ask oneself
whether the ground of ones assumption can be regarded as suitable for all cognizers
which amounts to a cognitive version of the principle of the universality of reasons...31
This criterion by itself is almost certainly inadequate. It is all too open to the problem of
self-deception in which being acceptable to a specific group is confused with universal
validity. Recognizing this, Deligiorgi casts the universal communicatively: the freedom to
communicate with real interlocutors is essential, for without it we lose our capacity to even
think freely.32


WA 7.
WA 14.
WA 18-19.
See Fleischacker, 14.
See Allison, 233.
See Deligiorgi, 66.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 238-260
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33975


Jay Foster
Yet, as Claude Pich suggests in his contribution to this volume, there is a note of
ambivalence in Kants attitude towards universality. Pich writes: enlightenment is
potentially open to everyone but at the same time there is a modulation in the degree to
which one has access to it.33 It is certainly true that eighteenth-century Europe saw a
rapid growth of literacy rates, particularly in cities and towns. But, Kants insistence that
ideas are communicated through writing suggests that more than rudimentary literacy is
required to undertake enlightenment. 34 For that matter, Frederick IIs 1763 Generallandschul-reglement was arguably more a means of instilling social discipline and political
authority than enlightened free-thinking.35
Pich draws specific attention to Kants hints that the pursuit of enlightenment is
not open to just anyone. Early in the essay, Kant explicitly states that, there are few who
have succeeded by their own exercise of mind both in freeing themselves from
incompetence and in achieving a steady pace. Thus, enlightening will depend on some
independent thinkers who shall disseminate the spirit of rational appreciation. 36
Traces of the modulation highlighted by Pich may be evident even in Horace. There
the bumpkins or rustics (what Scottish virtuosi would have called the rude sort and Kant
might have called the great unthinking masses) are forever waiting for the right time and
so never get to the work of enlightening.
The Aufklrung essay can be read as resonating with these uncertainties about
education and literacy. Those to whom enlightenment is available are not even Brgers or
town-dwelling citizens but very specifically Gelehrten or scholars. This, Pich suggests,
means that enlightenment may be more aristocratic than democratic. I think this
suggestion is right in spirit but wrong in detail. As we have seen above, enlightenment is
almost certainly unavailable to the illiterate, and it may not extend to farmers or labourers.
But, this does not mean that Kant is arguing for a literal aristocratic enlightenment. As the
next section of the paper will argue, Kant is arguing for an enlightening of what Daniel
Defoe called the middling sort he is calling for bourgeois enlightenment.

4. A Machiavellian Moment

Kants three examples the military officer, the tax collector, the clergyman
all occupy brgerlichen Posten or civic offices. The duty of any Brger while at their civil
post is to perform their official duties: to pass on the lawful orders of superior officers, to
collect the prescribed taxes and to convey church doctrine. A Brger without a civil post

See Pich, above.

WA 14.
For discussion, see James Van Horn Melton, Absolutism and the Eighteenth-Century Origins of
Compulsory Schooling in Prussia and Austria (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988).
WA 9.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 238-260
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33975

Kants Machiavellian Moment

had the duty to pay his taxes. Holding a civil post has the benefit of being paid, in one way
or another, by the prince. The Brger engaged in commerce is also provided for by the
prince, since it is the princes army that ensures the safety and stability that makes trade
possible. Everyone has their civic duty.37 Civic duty demands no more and no less than
the efficient performance of the requirements of office, no criticisms and no complaints.
Pay taxes, collect taxes, follow orders, preach doctrine. Here argument is certainly not
allowed one must obey. Obedience may be demanded, Kant says, without
particularly hindering the progress of enlightenment. Perhaps more ominously he adds:
impudent complaints about duties can, be punished as a scandal (as it could occassion
general refractoriness.)38
The requirement for obedience that comes with the performance of civic duty,
however, involves a privation that is, having something taken away, being deprived of
something properly possessed. It is in this sense that civil posts are for Kant private
offices, not public offices as we might say. The conduct of a civil office requires the the
private use of reason. This privated form of reason is required in the interest of the
community so government may direct people to public ends, or at least prevent them
from destroying those ends.39 The point here is that while a modicum of reason may be
required for civic duty, fulfillment of those duties may be incompatible with expressions of
personal conscience. The officer, taxman or clergyman cannot simultaneously perform
their duties and argue about what those duties are. And so, the deprivation involved in
private reason is the suspension of the free use of reason in matters of conscience.
Fully-fledged reason without privation what Kant calls the public use of
reason is the activity of Gelehrten or scholars. Scholars are entitled to publically
express disagreements about taxes and how they are collected, appropriate military service
and religious orthodoxies. Scholarly activity and the public use of reason are very much
the same thing. It is the scholar who publicly expresses his thoughts and the scholars
writings speak to his public, the world.40 The free or public use of reason is the use
which a person makes of it as a scholar before the reading public, and the public use of
reason enjoys an unlimited freedom to use his own reason and to speak in his own
person.41 Scholars are engaged in the public use of reason when they communicate to
the public carefully tested and well-meaning thoughts on that which is erroneous.42

This is all stirring stuff but we should be extraordinarily careful how we construe
Kants statements about scholarly activity. There is a temptation to read what Kant says

This is indebted to John Christian Laursen, The Subversive Kant: The Vocabulary of Public and
Publicity in Schmidt, ed., What is Enlightenment?, 253-270.
WA 10-11.
WA 11.
WA 11 and 13.
WA 10 and 13.
WA 12.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 238-260
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33975


Jay Foster
about scholarship as implying any number of liberal-democratic values. For example, it is
tempting to suggest something like: the public use of reason implies communicating with a
public so this, in turn, implies an absence of censorship, which, in turn, implies freedom of
the press. This is an enticing chain of reasoning as it would align Kant with our
contemporary political beliefs and sensibilities. But, notice that the use of implies here
suggests a deep logical connection where there simply is none. There is no modern logical
proof to show that freedom of the press may be derived from the public use of reason. To
suggest otherwise is to take a moral from logic, and since that doughty neo-Kantian
Rudolph Carnap, logicians have been agreed that in logic there are no morals (or politics
for that matter). The sense of implies involved in claims connecting the public use of
reason with freedom of the press is semantic not logical. This is the sense of implies that
one finds in an assertion like: that the house is red all over implies that the house is not
black all over.
So consider, for example, Kants claim that, One might let every citizen in the
role of scholar, make his comments freely and publicly, through writing, on the erroneous
aspect of the present institution.43 This particular passage might be read as implying the
broad claim that the status of scholar could be extended to every citizen. It might also be
read narrowly as implying merely that every citizen qua scholar can voice their public
opinion. Either or both of these readings might be correct. But, all of us who have
children also understand that the might can be used as a proxy for no. Even children
recognize that we mean no when we say: we wont order pizza today but we might later
in the week. The semantic problem is compounded once we acknowledge that the
meaning of many key philosophical concepts have shifted over time, even basic terms like
experience and objectivity.44 Given the shifting sands of concept-meanings, there is
just no certainty about what expressions like public use of reason and communicating
with a public may have entailed for Kant.
If, for a moment, we resist the temptation to reconstruct the semantic implications
of Kants concepts, then another and quite different reading of Was ist Aufklrung? might
be discerned. As has been shown, Kant is ambivalent about the universality of
enlightening as well as the sanctity of enlightening. That is, he doesnt make clear whether
everyone can become scholars, and he leaves open the possibility that some public uses of
reason might be quashed as inimical to civic order. Finally, he is silent about when
enlightenment will be achieved, as he reminds us that we live in an age of Enlightenment
but not an enlightened age. Given these and the other ambivalences noted above, it seems
unlikely that the main point of the Aufklrung essay is that: The public use of ones
reason must always be free, and it alone can bring about enlightenment among men.45

WA 14.
Lorraine Daston and Peter Galison, Objectivity (New York: Zone Books, 2007). Alan W. Richardson,
Conceiving, Experiencing, and Conceiving Experiencing: Neo-Kantianism and the History of the Concept
of Experience, Topoi 22 (1) (2003), 55-67.
WA 10.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 238-260
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33975

Kants Machiavellian Moment

Kant is clearly advancing this claim but he does so in a register that is strikingly
ambivalent about what this means, who is involved and its future prospect, as we have
already seen.
Note that there are just a few actors in the Aufklrung essay: the officer, the tax
collector, the clergyman, the scholar and prince. In our commentaries, we all too often
focus on the first four actors at the expense of the prince. Perhaps Kants intended
audience for the essay was not the world-community of scholars, or even the readership of
the Berlinische Monatsschrift. Perhaps the intended audience was aristocratic, namely the
prince. This, declares Kant, is the age of enlightenment, or the century of Friedrich.46
If Kant is trying to say something to the prince, then what is he trying to say? The point is
not to argue for greater civil freedom since Kant maintains without any hint of irony that,
a lower degree of civil freedom provides the mind with room for each man to extend
himself to his full capacity.47 Nor is the point to argue that a prince ought to respect the
capacity of all persons to become scholars and engage in the public use of reason. If this
point had to be argued for, then the argument would be futile! Why would a prince give up
any power whatsoever to the weak on the basis of anything so flimsy as an argument, a
mere collection of words? Assuming that power responds to reason is not merely naive, it
is question-begging. Thus, the essential point that Kant wishes to convey to the prince is
this: it is unbefitting the office of a prince to be concerned with the petty squabbles of
If Kant can sustain this critical point, then the free public use of reason is
immediately assured. Towards the end of the essay, the focus of the argument shifts to the
prince and reaches its culmination. There we are told:

A prince who does not find it unworthy of himself to say that he holds it to be his duty to
prescribe nothing to men in religious matters but give them complete freedom while
renouncing the haughty name of tolerance, is himself enlightened.48

The enlightened prince the prince who will be honoured and glorified understands
that it is a duty of his office as prince not to legislate matters of religion, or the arts and
sciences. The reason for this, however, is not any specific kind of commitment to the form
of tolerance found in, for example, Lockes Letter Concerning Toleration (1689). Lockean
tolerance is inappropriate because the prince simply has no duty or requirement to maintain
toleration. If the prince did have such a duty, then this would demand a princely concern
about matters of religious conscience and proper care of the soul. In contrast with Lockes

WA 16.
WA 18.
WA 16.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 238-260
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33975


Jay Foster
magistrate who has a deep interest in maintaining religious tolerance, Kants prince is
comparatively indifferent to such matters.
Princely indifference is also a benign indifference, since it leaves each man free to
make use of his reason in matters of conscience.49 The only concern the prince has with
matters of conscience is the prevention of civil strife, to prevent one of them from
violently hindering another in determining and promoting this welfare. 50 Any further
involvement in matters of conscience injures the princes majesty by supporting the,
despotism of some tyrants in his state over his other subjects. In general, to meddle in
these matters lowers his own majesty.51This does not, of course, prevent the prince from
considering the general and widely approved conclusions of scholarship that have been
brought forward as a proposal to the throne. The prince may even enact such proposals
if the suggested improvement stands together with civil order.52 The prince insists only
on civil order in the form of obedience to the prescribed duties of private office. Not only
is it unbefitting of a prince to worry about scholarly squabbles, Kant suggests, it is a rare
and worthy prince indeed who will permit the scholars to debate as much as they please, so
long as they obey. In a thinly veiled allusion to Friedrich II, Kant adds, Of this we have a
shining example wherein no monarch is superior to him who we honor.53
Kants crucial point in the Aufklrung essay is not that the aim of the process of
enlightening is to make every person a scholar, no matter how attractive and flattering
twenty-first-century academics might find this idea. Reading Was ist Aufklrung? through
the lens of Machiavelli's The Prince (1532) shows how Kant thinks of the prince as his
principal audience.54 This approach also makes sense of the early part of the essay. There
Kant shows that there is no threat to civic order if a person who holds a civic office also
engages in public expressions of conscience without infringing on their official duties.55
Having a brgerlichen Posten is not incompatible with being Gelehrten. The officer, tax
collector, clergyman and others who hold civic office can be free to pursue matters of
personal conscience when they are not discharging their duties. The precise demarcation
being drawn out by Kant is not between the oikos and the polis, or between the private and
the political. The demarcation being drawn is between the personal and the occupational.
We are all familiar with a more recent, and very bourgeois, form of just this distinction:
from 9A-5P on weekdays, I go to work and do my job and discharge my duties to the state
as an employee and taxpayer, but outside of those hours, what I say and do is my own
personal business.


WA 17.
WA 15.
WA 16.
WA 14-15.
WA 18.
And, of course, also through the lens of J.G.A. Pocock, The Machiavellian Moment: Florentine Political
Thought and the Atlantic Republican Tradition (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1975).
WA 17.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 238-260
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33975

Kants Machiavellian Moment

5. Pulling Modernity and Enlightenment Apart

In the Postmodern Condition, Lyotard asks: Who has the right to decide for
society? Who is the subject whose prescriptions are norms for those they obligate? The
modern (rather than postmodern) way to answer these questions, he says, is to use the
model of scientific rationality:

The people debate among themselves about what is just or unjust in the same way that the
scientific community debates about what is true or false; they accumulate civil laws just as
scientists accumulate scientific laws; they perfect their rules of consensus just as the
scientists produce new paradigms to revise their rules in light of what they have

On this account, progress in politics is achieved in much the same way as progress in
science, and both enterprises are conceived as a process of collective deliberation,
universal legislation and progressive accumulation. As we have already seen, Lyotards
strong suit is not historical nuance. All that is offered is a generic claim about the
character of scientific rationality and its homology with some account of political decisionmaking. It isnt evident that scientific rationality ever conformed to the pattern Lyotard
suggests, or if those rules have ever been deployed in politics. Even if Lyotard has offered
a description of what Kant and other philosophes aspired to as an ideal of enlightened
politics, it isnt clear that this is also a description of modernity.
In recent philosophical literature, modernity and modernism has been equated with
Enlightenment so that modernity and Enlightenment can be substituted salva veritate. The
historical moment of modernity was the Scientific Revolution and the subsequent Age of
Enlightenment. This is, so the usual story goes, when we became modern. The
philosophical movement called the Enlightenment project and the modern project is
the realisation of the ideals, values and ambitions given expression in this historical period.
The bringing together of the concepts of modernity and Enlightenment so that they are now
almost synonymous is the outcome of a quite recent turn in philosophy effected by the
work of Foucault, Lyotard, Habermas and others. This rethinking of the philosophical
project of Enlightenment and modernity invites reinterpretation of the history, just as
historiographic reimaginings of the Enlightenment period tend to adjust the aims of the
philosophical project.
The recent philosophical shift now reverberates in the


See Lyotard, 30.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 238-260
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33975


Jay Foster
historiography of the Enlightenment in the form of a new historiographic emphasis on the
so-called postmodern enlightenment.
There are, however, other historiographic resources that might help us doubt the
collapse of Enlightenment and modernity into each other. A slightly older and now
obscured historiography traces the ideas of modernism and modernity not to the
Enlightenment but to the avant-garde movements of the late nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries. These movements in art, literature and music push the boundaries of what is
established and accepted as appropriate conventions, ideals and values. As Clement
Greenberg wrote in the Partisan Review in 1939, a society, as it becomes less and less
able... to justify the inevitability of its particular forms, breaks up the accepted notions
upon which artists and writers must depend in large part for communication with their
audiences. The work of avant-gardists is to depart from a motionless Alexandrianism
and academicism to dissolve the precedent of the old masters.57
Pace Greenberg, we tend to identify avant-gardism with the achievements of new
paradigms in literature, art and music, and specifically, the historical moments of Eliot,
Joyce, Picasso, Braque, Schoenberg, Duchamp and Pollock. But, we could also argue that
the avant-garde sensibility has been at work in science and philosophy as well. Albert
Einstein, Niels Bohr and recently Ilya Prigogine are arguably avant-garde scientists, and
Thomas Kuhn, Paul Feyerabend, Bruno Latour and Isabelle Stengers their philosophical
exegetes. From this point of view, avant-garde modernity is a movement of movements.
As a movement, it is iconoclastic, irreverent and a little seditious. In its specific
movements, it variously resists the reification of norms, and even their sedimentation. In
so doing, it (by definition) opposes entrenched, bourgeois sensibilities and resists any fixed
conception of Enlightened values. The avant-garde rejection of enlightenment values
should not, however, be confused with a rejection of modernity. Avant-gardes embrace
modernity! They are modernists! How then should we explain how modernity and
enlightenment come apart? This becomes clearer in the analysis of Kants Aufklrung
On the close reading of Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklrung? offered
here, it is possible to discern an implicit Kantian schism between modernity and
enlightenment. If we look beyond the Aufklrung essay, as many Kant scholars
recommend and insist, we perhaps see Kants particular anticipation of what the process of
enlightenment could achieve. Allison takes Kants vision to be a principle of the
universality of reasons which is the idea that, if something justifies my belief, it must
also justify the belief of any other rational being under similar conditions.58Fleischacker
argues for what he calls a minimal Enlightenment which is a condition where, One is
enlightened if one holds ones beliefs as a result of thinking responsibly for oneself, rather

Clement Greenberg, Avante-Garde and Kitsch, Partisan Review 6:5 (1939), 34-49.
Allison, 233.



International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 238-260
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33975

Kants Machiavellian Moment

than as dogma. Roughly, this means that one seeks reasons for beliefs, opens them to
correction by others 59
These are both compelling descriptions of Kants vision of Enlightenment, though
Kants articulation of it offered in the Aufklrung essay is noticeably equivocal. Whatever
he says elsewhere, in that essay Kant is strikingly ambivalent. While he clearly thinks that
the process of enlightening is underway in Friedrich's Prussia, the realization of
enlightenment is ongoingly thrust into a millenialist future. He also isnt clear to whom it
applies. At times, he says everyone, eventually, at some undisclosed future time. In the
meantime, enlightening is available only to select scholars who make free public use of
reason. The promise of enlightenment is also ambivalent. Whether or not it will
eventually lead to better government is described in caveated terms. If Kant has a quite
definite view of enlightenment in mind, as Kant scholars suggest he does, then it is
difficult to give an account of these equivocations. My suggestion is that the recurring
ambivalences makes sense if the aim of the Aufklrung essay is a defense of a specific
conception of modernity as a condition for the possibility of enlightening, not any specific
conception of enlightenment.
From this perspective, as Kant writes the Aufklrung essay he is speaking to the
readers of the Berlinische Monatsschrift but he is addressing the prince. In the way of
Machiavelli and Hobbes, Kant accedes that the concern of the modern prince the
official duty of the prince is to maintain civil order. The prince does this by
maintaining civil obedience. Maintaining civil order is no mean feat, and it requires the
judicious use of force. On the one hand, the prince cannot be a thug, like Agathocles who
created order by vicious executions. On the other hand, the prince cannot be weak and
make the mistake of the Florentines in Pistoia who granted clemency to rebels only then to
be faced with the bloody task of subduing an insurrection. While difficult to maintain, civic
order is essential for Gelehrten to go about their public work of enlightening; as Hobbes
highlighted, there can be no art, commerce or industry in the state of nature.
Kants specific advice to the prince is that it is a mistake to believe that civil order
requires consensus or agreement amongst those who are ruled. The maintenance of civil
order depends only on the efficient performance of civic duty and nothing else. So long as
the officer, tax collector, clergyman and other officials discharge their duties of office
without question, they can disagree on their own time about how taxes are distributed,
military aims are pursued, and ecclesiastic doctrines are preached. Order requires
obedience alone. Once this is recognized then it follows that it is unbefitting a prince to be
concerned with matters of conscience. Indeed, deigning to participate in public arguments
might lead to the dangerous misunderstanding that such issues even could have a bearing
on the matter of civil obedience. The princes overriding injunction is: Argue as much as


Fleischacker, 169.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 238-260
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33975


Jay Foster
you will, and about what you will, only obey! This command is backed up by the threat
of a numerous and well-disciplined army.60
A republic could not dare say such a thing, Kant whispers, recognizing that with
the separation of the personal and occupational the classical republican tradition has been
eclipsed.61 In the republican model, deliberation and consensus-building in the agora was
the basis of political authority. What Kant understands or perhaps better what Kant
built but Lyotard doesnt understand is that classical republicanism is not the model of
modernity. In modernity, political authority demands civil order, and it is organised
around the model of positive law (rules backed up by threats). Only once civil order is
guaranteed can there be a modernity in the form of the free public use of reason on all
matters of conscience. The modern allowance for the free public use of reason is
enlightening, and over time, a consensus about enlightenment values might be achieved.
By contrast, avant-gardists are arch-moderns, but they reject all claims to consensus about
enlightened values. Thus, modernity and enlightenment come apart in a strange modal
asymmetry. While modernity is necessary for enlightenment, enlightenment is merely
possible under conditions of modernity.

Allison, Henry E. (2012), Essays on Kant, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Baker, Keith M. and Peter H. Reill (2001), Whats Left of Enlightenment?: A Postmodern
Question, Stanford University Press, Stanford.
Berman, Marshall (1988 [1982]), All That Is Solid Melts into Air: The Experience of
Modernity, Penguin Books, Harmondsworth.
Bernstein, Richard J. (1994), Foucault: Critique as a Philosophical Ethos in Critique and
Power: Recasting the Foucault/Habermas Debate, ed. Michael Kelly, MIT Press,
Cambridge, pp. 211-242.
Cassirer, Ernst (1955 [1951]), The Philosophy of the Enlightenment, trans. Fritz C.A.
Koelln and James P. Pettegrove, Beacon Press, Boston.
Deligiorgi, Katerina (2005), Kant and the Culture of Enlightenment, State University of
New York Press, Albany, N.Y.
Daston, Lorraine and Peter Galison (2007), Objectivity, Zone Books, New York.
Ecksteins, Modris (1989), Rites of Spring: The Great War and the Birth of the Modern
Age, Lester and OrpenDennys, Toronto.
Fleischacker, Samuel (2013), What is Enlightenment?, Routledge, New York.

WA 18.
WA 18.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 238-260
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33975

Kants Machiavellian Moment

Foucault, Michel (2008), The Government of the Self and Others: Lectures at the Collge
de France, 1982-1982, ed. Frdric Gros and trans. Graham Burchell, Palgrave Macmillan,
New York.
Gordon, Daniel, ed. (2001) Postmodernism and Enlightenment: New Perspectives in
Eighteenth-Century French Intellectual History, Routledge, New York.
Greenberg, Clement (1939), Avante-Garde and Kitsch, Partisan Review 6, no. 5, pp. 3449.
Habermas, Jrgen (1989), Taking Aim at the Heart of the Present: On Foucaults Lecture
on Kants What is Enlightenment? in The New Conservatism: Cultural Criticism and the
Historians Debate, ed. and trans. S.W. Nicholson, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., pp.173179.
Hollinger, David A. (2001), The Enlightenment and the Genealogy of Cultural Conflict
in the United States in Whats Left of Enlightenment?: A Postmodern Question, eds. Keith
M. Baker and Peter H. Reill, Stanford University Press, Stanford, pp.7-18.
Horace (1978 [20-14BC]), Satires. Epistles. The Art of Poetry, trans. H. Rushton
Fairclough, Loeb Classical Library, Cambridge, Mass.
Hughes, H. Stuart (1977{1958]), Consciousness and Society: The Reorientation of
European Social Thought, 1890-1930, Vintage Books, New York.
Kant, Immanuel (1997 [1784] What is Enlightenment? in The Politics of Truth: Michel
Foucault, ed. and trans. Sylvere Lotringer, Semiotext(e), New York.
Laursen, John Christian (1996), The Subversive Kant: The Vocabulary of Public and
Publicity in What is Enlightenment?: Eighteenth-Century Answers and TwentiethCentury Questions, ed. James Schmidt, University of California Press, Berkeley. pp. 253270.
Lears, T.J. Jackson (1981), No Place of Grace: Modernism and Antimodernism and the
Transformation of American Culture, Pantheon Books, New York.
Morgan, Diane (2000), Kant Trouble: The Obscurities of the Enlightened, Routledge, New
Lyotard, Jean-Franois (1984), The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge, trans.
G. Bennington and B. Massumi, Manchester University Press, Manchester.
Pich, Claude (2015), Kants Conception of Enlightenment: Aristocratic or Democratic,
Con-Textos Kantianos, above.
Pocock, J.G.A. (1975), The Machiavellian Moment: Florentine Political Thought and the
Atlantic Republican Tradition, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
Porter, Roy and Mikul Teich, eds. (1981), The Enlightenment in National Context,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 238-260
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33975


Jay Foster
Richardson, Alan W. (2003), Conceiving, Experiencing, and Conceiving Experiencing:
Neo-Kantianism and the History of the Concept of Experience, Topoi 22, no. 1, pp. 55-67.
Rorty, Richard (2001), The Continuity Between the Enlightenment and
Postmodernism, in Whats Left of Enlightenment?: A Postmodern Question, eds. Keith
M. Baker and Peter H. Reill, Stanford University Press, Stanford, pp. 19-38.
Enlightenment?:Venturi, Habermas, and Foucault, History of European Ideas 37, pp. 4352.
Schmidt, James, ed. (1996), What is Enlightenment?: Eighteenth-Century Answers and
Twentieth-Century Questions, University of California Press, Berkeley.
Schorske, Carl E. (1981 [1961]), Fin-de-Siecle Vienna: Politics and Culture, Vintage
Books, New York.
Van Horn Melton, James (1988), Absolutism and the Eighteenth-Century Origins of
Compulsory Schooling in Prussia and Austria, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 238-260
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33975

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 261-279
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33976

Solus Secedo and Sapere Aude: Cartesian Meditation as Kantian

Solus Secedo y Sapere Aude: La meditacin cartesiana como
Ilustracin kantiana

Memorial University, Canada

Recently Samuel Fleischacker has developed Kants model of enlightenment as a minimalist
enlightenment in the tradition of a relatively thin proceduralism focused on the form of public
debate and interaction. I want to discuss the possibility that such a minimalism, endorsed by
Fleischacker, Habermas, Rawls, and others, benefits from a metaphysics of critical individual
subjectivity as a prerequisite for the social proceduralism of the minimalist enlightenment. I argue
that Kants enlightenment, metaphysically thicker than much contemporary proceduralism,
constitutes a recovery and transformation of a subjective interiority deeply Cartesian in spirit and
central to the reciprocity of the community of subjects in What is Enlightenment. This opens a
space for a site of resistance to the social. Descartes solus secedo describes the analogical space of
such a resistance for Kants sapere aude. The Meditations thus point forward implicitly to how a
rational subject might achieve critical distance from tradition in its various forms, epistemic,
ethical, moral, and political.
Key words
Kant; Descartes; Enlightenment; Subject, Individual, Critical, Space, Reason, What is
Enlightenment; Meditations
Samuel Fleischacker ha desarrollado recientemente el modelo kantiano de Ilustracin como una
Ilustracin minimalista, en la tradicin de un procedimentalismo relativamente dbil condensado
en la forma del debate e interaccin pblicos. Pretendo discutir la posibilidad de que tal

Professor of Philosophy at Memorial University, Canada. Email contact: .

[Recibido: 3 de octubre de 2015

Aceptado: 18 de octubre de 2015]


Suma Rajiva
minimalismo, sostenido por Fleischacker, Habermas, Rawls y otros, dependa de una metafsica de
la subjetividad individual crtica como prerrequisito para el procedimentalismo social de la
Ilustracin minimalista. Discuto que la Ilustracin de Kant, metafsicamente ms densa que la
mayor parte del procedimentalismo contemporneo, constituye una recuperacin y transformacin
de una interioridad subjetiva profundamente cartesiana en espritu y central para la reciprocidad de
la comunidad de los sujetos en Qu es Ilustracin? Esto abre paso a un espacio de resistencia a lo
social. El solus secedo de Descartes describe un espacio de semejante resistencia anlogo al del
sapere aude de Kant. Las Meditaciones sealan as de manera implcita el modo en que un sujeto
racional podra ganar distancia con respecto a la tradicin en sus mltiples formas: epistmica,
tica, moral y poltica.
Palabras clave
Kant; Descartes; Ilustracin; sujeto; individuo; crtico; espacio; razn; Qu es Ilustracin?;

1. Introduction: The metaphysics of minimalist Enlightenment

Recently Samuel Fleischacker has interpreted and developed Kants model of
enlightenment as a minimalist enlightenment in the tradition of a relatively thin
proceduralism, one which focuses on the form of public debate and interaction rather than
on any specific content of enlightened ideas, such as individual freedoms or scientific
ideas.1 I want to discuss the possibility that such a minimalism, endorsed by Fleischacker,
Habermas, Rawls, and others, benefits from a metaphysics of subjectivity which
emphasizes individuality over the socially inflected account of minimalist proceduralism. I
will argue further that such individuality is a prerequisite for the social proceduralism of
the minimalist enlightenment. At first glance the virtues of minimalism per se are clear
and distinct: with emphasis on actual conversation and its rules and procedures, we get to
a community of actual conversation with different points of view and cultures and actually
different subjects2 who interact with each otheran attractive picture of living reciprocity
on, say, a Habermasian model. However, I will argue that the virtues of a concrete
community and its need for a minimalist and thin enlightenment may, without certain
constraints, endanger a different aspect of being enlightened, the individual subjects
ability to distance him or herself from an actual community so as to bring a critical voice to
it. This danger is already evident in the historical context of Descartes Meditations, given
such seventeenth century events as the trial and condemnation of Galileo.3 With this and

Unless such specific items turn out to be prerequisites for public debate. As Fleischacker makes clear, one
could, on such a procedural definition have, for example, robust religious beliefs, and, presumably possible
skepticism about the scope of science.
I say actually to distinguish actual embodied human subjects who differ in many empirical ways from,
say, the different interlocutors who occupy Descartes Meditators internal conversation or even the different
perspectives a Kantian subject might consider while debating the validity of his or her maxims.
Another example would be the trial of Socrates. Presumably the cosmopolitan community of the minimalist
enlightenment would be, in its nature, immune to the problems surrounding such events but this is precisely
because a Cartesian synthesis, I will argue, both enacts and grounds the fundamental structure of an


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 261-279
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33976

Solus Secedo and Sapere Aude

other such historical contexts in mind, I will argue further that Kants enlightenment,
metaphysically thicker than most contemporary proceduralism, constitutes a recovery and
transformation of a subjective interiority which is deeply Cartesian in spirit. Such a
reflective and critical subjectivity is no unfortunate early modern remnant in Kant but is
central to one side of the reciprocity of the community of subjects in What is
Enlightenment, namely, the side of the critical individual subject who uses his or her own
understanding. 4 I will argue that ethical and political subjectivity for Kant involves
achieving both some distance from actual empirical community and an effectively
Cartesian turn to the self, though Kants transcendental model more explicitly defines that
distance5 as being in reflection rather than empirical reality.6
This should still be good news for the supporters of the minimalist enlightenment as
Kants goal is the maintenance of the same autonomy and critical stance which the
minimalist enlightenment also supports; what may be more difficult to accept is that Kants
emphasis on a kind of isolation for the subject (though balanced by the public nature of
reason) is not a moral or ethical narcissism but in fact an attempt to define humanity
through its ability to be a site of resistance to the social. Descartes quasi-aesthetic and

enlightened community, whether minimalist or not. The cosmopolitan community requires and makes
explicit a space of enquiry: what we see in the Meditations is that such a space is Cartesian, requiring some
trench work in metaphysics, the kind of work Descartes does in both creating this space artificially and then
moving from it to things external to the enquirer (in Descartes case, God and the material external world).
My thanks to Jol Madore for drawing my attention to the question of the cosmopolitan community and why
it needs the Cartesian synthesis.
The other side, the delicate relation to others, is reflected in the three-fold version of enlightentment in the
Critique of Judgment, in section 40s discussion of the sensus communis. This larger aspect of enlightenment,
a community of subjects, ideally self-critical and autonomous but actually and empirically probably not,
needs to be addressed in the light of the complexity of Kants account of the living moral subject of the WIE
and its possible conceptual relationship to Descartes own account of how to deal with a concrete community
as a rational subject. Since the Meditator has so much more freedom from institutional constraint than Kants
enlightened subject, the relationship between Descartes and Kant on this point is bound to be more vexed.
Descartes implicitly defines that distance as reflection in the artificiality of the solus secedo. This fits in
with Jean-Luc Marions claims that the Meditations, both in its conception as a work and in its structure, is
responsorial. (Marion 2007, pp.38-41) My discussion is focused more on the solitude aspect of
enlightenment but I agree with Marions important point that such a responsorial nature means that the
Meditations as a project is not soliloquy or solipsism.(Marion 2007, p.41) See Henry Allisons 2012
discussion of the need for all three maxims of true enlightenment, which combine publicity and thinking for
Katerina Deligiorgi cogently argues that Kants enlightenment is grounded in a publicity which seems to
leave a more Cartesian emphasis on correct method in using reason aside, while sharing Descartes
egalitarian commitment to the capacity of each person to engage in enlightened reasoning. (Deligiorgi 2005,
p.62) In fact, according to her the Kantian culture of enlightenment undermines the Cartesian certainty of
foundationalism in favour of a more dynamic approach. (Deligiorgi 2006, p.6) This seems entirely in line
with a minimalist enlightenment and also, in my view, a legitimate difference to draw between Descartes and
Kant. However, the legitimacy of this distinction seems not to rule out a connection between Cartesian
method, particularly the issue of isolation, and Kantian publicity. This is especially true because, as
Deligiorgi points out, what does the heavy lifting in Kants emphasis on free communication, is the
freedom to communicate things which are different from the empirical community or culture around one, the
freedom to challenge. (Deligiorgi 2006, p.8) This is where the legacy of Cartesian method shows itself, even
where Kant differs in actual claims about community or, more importantly, in his transcendental approach to
the question of the self and its relation to others. See also Marions point, mentioned in the note above, about
the responsorial function of the Meditations.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 261-279
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33976


Suma Rajiva
definitely imaginative empirical separation of self and social sketches a seventeenth
century analogue for the transcendental reconceptualization of moral agency and of the self
which is the eighteenth century basis for Kantian enlightenment. Solus secedo, the
Cartesian assertion of an isolated space of epistemological investigation, describes the
space of resistance to the social, the space of Kants sapere aude.
I will begin by looking at the general context of Kants court of reason and how this
general notion of enlightenment is developed in four of the criteria for enlightenment
spelled out in What is Enlightenment (WIE).7 I will then turn to a discussion of Meditations
One and Two in order to show that these criteria are also articulated by Descartes in an
epistemological context. I will argue that the project of the Meditations, as developed in
Meditations One and Two, show the actual workings of epistemic enlightenment8 and thus
point forward implicitly 9 to how a rational subject might achieve critical distance from
tradition in its various forms, epistemic, ethical, moral, and political.
2. The Metaphysics of Kants Morals: The court of reason in the Critique of Pure
What Kant takes to be the issue of metaphysics is set out in the A edition of the Preface to
the Critique of Pure Reason, in 1781, three years earlier than WIE. Human reason
inevitably asks questions which we are incapable of answering, such as Does God exist?
Am I free? Kant eventually sketches out what must be done to solve the problem of the
claims of metaphysics. First he shifts from what looks like a bemoaning of scepticism and
indifferentism to saying that, in fact, the questioning of the claims of metaphysics is the
not of the thoughtlessness of our age, but of its ripened power of judgment, which will
no longer be put off with illusory knowledge, and which demands that reason should take

These are only four of the more metaphysical criteria. There are others which I will not address in detail
here, though further discussion of these will eventually be necessary in a fuller account of the relationship
between Kant and Descartes.
For the sake of simplicity I refer to epistemic enlightenment in Descartes as contrasted with the more
clearly ethical, moral, and political enlightenment in Kant. However, the point of this essay is that the latter
builds on the former. I also use epistemic since it is not clear, especially in Descartes and even in Kant,
how much enlightenment requires a metaphysical or ontological rejection of tradition. In Descartes, for
example, there is no rejection of God or the soul or immortality or even of religion; there is merely the
thinking through of why I should accept these rationally. They pass the test, for Descartes, in the court of
reason, where for Kant, given transcendental idealism, the results are not clear cut, for, say, God.
The same epistemic enlightenment and its ethical trajectory is displayed much more explicitly in Descartes
earlier work, the Discourse on the Method, especially Parts I and II, with Part III the equivalent, in effect, of
Kants distinction between the public and the private use of reason. Descartes autobiographical Part I shows
him leaving his minority; Part IV shows the results of this in the Je pense. This I think can be fruitfully
glossed, in Kantian terms, as I think for myself, therefore I am, as Scott Johnston has suggested to me in
conversation. However, discussing the details and implications of such a gloss in the text of the Discourse is
beyond the scope of the current essay, though a crucial stage in recovering the extent of Descartes being an
enlightener. In this discussion I intend only to show that the enlightenment point is definitely there in the
text of Meditations One and Two, including the sum, existo of the Meditation Two cogito.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 261-279
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33976

Solus Secedo and Sapere Aude

on anew the most difficult of all its tasks, namely, that of self-knowledge, and to institute a
court of justice, by which reason may secure its rightful claims while dismissing all its
groundless pretensions, and this not by mere decrees but according to its own eternal and
unchangeable laws; and this court is none other than the critique of pure reason itself.
(A xi-xii, GW 100-101)

In a well-known footnote he explains further what such a court would be and what it would
Our age is the genuine age of criticism, to which everything must submit. Religion
through its holiness and legislation through its majesty commonly seek to exempt
themselves from it. But in this way they excite a just suspicion against themselves, and
cannot lay claim to that unfeigned respect that reason grants only to that which has been
able to withstand its free and public examination. (A xii, GW 100-101)

No free and public examination hence no accountabilitythus no genuine respect. 10

Given that this is only three years earlier than WIE, we can probably assume that public
here means what it does it in WIE, the public of reasonable discussion, of literate
discussion, of the public use of reason. It may be reasonable to assume also that the
opposite would be the world of the private11, trammeled with vested interest, behind closed
doors, fettered with private desires and relations of power, in which one would be
subordinated as a part to a whole through artistic unity but not organic reciprocal unity. In
such a context there could be no interrogation of authority through which it would be
required to justify its actions. In the end, Kants solution will involve a delicate balancing
of private and public, one in which he will call upon an ideal ruler to allow the public use
of reason. The starting point, however, is the untrammeled, unfettered, independent reason
of the adult citizen, a reason which has emancipated itself initially from the weight of
tradition, even if eventually to recover and critically discuss such tradition, properly
justified in its claims, if they can be so justified, in the court of reason. One important
condition for such an emancipation, the ability to be quite alone as a thinking subject in
some sense 12 , is presented to us in the project of the Meditations. As we will see
eventually13, the marks of enlightenment are the marks of the Cartesian project.

Note that this respect is unverstellte, genuine, unfeigned, hence, one can assume, uncoerced or free.
I say the private rather than the secretive because there is nothing necessarily secret about the private
interests governing an individual who is subject to them in society, in fact. Kant makes it clear in WIE that
his notion of public involves the public of educated readers who ought to be free to engage in debate. In
Perpetual Peace and elsewhere this notion of public expands to one involving politics as well, something
already implicit in the WIE, especially in the latter parts discussion of educating the people to be good
Of course Kant and Descartes have, prima facie, striking differences about first person subjectivity and
many of these differences are relevant to a full discussion of Descartes and Kant on enlightenment. Kants
discussion in the Refutation of Idealism and the Paralogisms indicate many of these differences. A full
discussion would need to address such differences in detail; all I seek to do here is sketch some of the
possible connections between these two thinkers of enlightenment, particularly in the kind of space
indicated by Descartes as necessary for independent thinking. Kants transcendental turn of course radically
redefines this space just as he redefines the place of theoretical and practical reason, but the space of solitary


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 261-279
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33976


Suma Rajiva

3. Marks of Enlightenment
In What is Enlightenment? Kant expounds a principle fundamental to his practical
philosophy, the principle of thinking for oneself. He opens with:
Enlightenment is the human beings emergence from his self-incurred minority. Minority
is inability to make use of ones own understanding without direction from another. This
minority is self-incurred when its cause lies not in lack of understanding but in lack of
resolution and courage to use it without direction from another. Sapere aude! Have the
courage to make use of your own understanding! is thus the motto of enlightenment.14
(AA 8:35, Gregor 17)

The two stresses on ones own understanding are instructive here because in the first
instance one is indeed using ones own understanding but in the leading-strings of someone
elses direction, a book, a spiritual or medical advisor, or others. Once one embarks on the
process of enlightenment, one begins to make use of ones own understanding again, but
this time independently of anothers direction.
Kant spells this out in the rest of the essay, including his famous and perhaps
notorious distinction between the enlightened public use of reason and the less autonomous
(and necessarily so) private use of reason, when one has a job or a function. In the latter
cases one is bound, as a part, to the direction of the whole; but merely as someone who
thinks, one has freedom in the public use of ones reason, a freedom a monarch or
governing power should not restrict. As Kant eventually explicates it, the binding nature of
private reason makes one a cog in a machine, in a sense, while the freedom of the public
use of reason, properly used, allows one to avoid complete reduction to such mechanism,
while allowing a limited amount of such mechanical existence.
There are four explicit criteria for enlightenment, which Kant articulates all of
which link autonomy and being non-mechanical15, not a machine, as he explicitly states in
several differences places in the essay. The first is where Kant is referring to those who
would like to make human beings essentially non-autonomous:
thinking needed to be laid out first by Descartes (and Rousseau, according to Deligiorgiand possibly
Augustine, in a sense) before itself being critically transformed.
In sections 4 and 5 of this essay.
All references to What is Enlightenment and the Critique of Practical Reason are from Gregors
translations in Kant, Practical Philosophy, and are cited in the text with the Akademie pagination and the
pages in Gregor. References to the German text of the Critique of Practical Reason are to the Akademie
Textausgabe in Kants Werke, Vol.V; references to the German text of WIE are to the Akademie Textausgabe
in Kants Werke,Vol. VIII.
In the Critique of Practical Reason and in the Critique of Judgment, works later than WIE, Kant gives us a
detailed account of mechanism that links both his theoretical and practical uses of the term and thus helps to
shed some light on the use of machine language in WIE. The second Critique highlights the independence of
thinking that makes a moral subject non-machine like while the third Critique emphasizes the reciprocity and
interaction which characterize non-machines, specifically, biological organisms. I have addressed both these
discussions of mechanism elsewhere in some detail.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 261-279
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33976

Solus Secedo and Sapere Aude

those guardians who have kindly taken it upon themselves to supervise them; after they
have made their domesticated animals dumb and carefully prevented these placid creatures
from daring to take a single step without the walking cart [Gngelwagen] in which they
have confined them, they then show them the danger that threatens them if they try to walk
alone. (AA 8:35, Gregor 17)

The walking cart Kant has in mind is revealed in the next paragraph where he refers to
Precepts and formulas, those mechanical instruments of a rational use, or rather misuse,
of his [anyones] natural endowments, are the ball and chain of an everlasting minority.
(AA 8:36, Gregor 17, emphasis added) Extrapolating from these two references, we can
say that these are akin to the rules or concepts Kant refers to in the first Critique, when he
discusses the difficulty of judgment as subsuming correctly under a rule: such
subsumption, not at all identical with knowing the rules or concepts, is difficult to learn
and almost impossible to teach, since it is essentially the art of having judgment. One can
have all the rules in the world without being able to apply them.
Generally Kant has nothing against rules at all; in fact, the hallmark of well-formed
judgment is to use rules, either theoretically or practically. The point, as we will see, is not
to use them mechanically which in the WIE discussion means using them unreflectively,
on the say-so of someone else, or on the say-so of some putative authority; in other words,
the problem is not necessarily the rules as such, but the issue of whether they are selfimposed or imposed by another16 If it is right then the gods will say so, but it is not right
because the gods say so.
A third reference to the activity of the citizen comes once Kant has made a
transition from the possible enlightenment of individuals to the more probable
enlightenment of the public at large, provided they are allowed freedom in the public use
of reason:
Now, for many affairs conducted in the interest of a commonwealth a certain mechanism
is necessary, by means of which some members of the commonwealth must behave merely
passively, so as to be directed by the government, though an artful unanimity (knstliche
Einhelligkeit), to public ends Here it is, certainly, impermissible to argue; instead, one
must obey. But insofar as this part of the machine also regards himself as a member of a
whole commonwealth, even of the society of citizens of the world, and so in his capacity of
a scholar who by his writings addresses a public in the proper sense of the word, he can
certainly argue without thereby harming the affairs assigned to him in part as a passive
member. ( AA 8:37, Gregor 18, emphasis added)

For example, says Kant, one cannot refuse to pay taxes as a citizen but the same citizen
does not act against the duty of a citizen when, as a scholar, he publicly expresses his


My thanks to Jol Madore for this point.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 261-279
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33976


Suma Rajiva
thoughts about the inappropriateness or even injustice of such decrees17. ( AA 8:37-38,
Gregor 19) In giving us an account of the balance between public and private uses of
reason, Kant also lays out what it means to be mechanical. Precepts and formulas certainly
play a role but now mechanism is also revealed as necessary for many aspects even of a
commonwealth18 and it consists in accepting that one is a passive part of a machine, a part
whose unity with the whole is simply artful (knstliche) or constructed.19
There are several other references which can be connected to passivity and
mechanism but the one we will conclude with is at the end of WIE. After teleologically
analyzing the development of human beings to the point where, as people they are capable
of being free, Kant says that the tendency and vocation of thinking freely gradually works
back upon the mentality of the people (which thereby gradually becomes capable of
freedom in acting20) and eventually even upon the principles of government, which finds it
profitable to itself to treat the human being, who is now more than a machine, in keeping
with his dignity. (AA 8:41-42, Gregor 22). Kant is clearly connecting the capacity to be
free in ones actions with being more than a machine and connecting this moreness with
human dignity, which he will later make the hallmark of being a human being in the
Groundwork, even if he over-optimistically sees this as profitable to government.
Thus, WIE indicates that being mechanically unenlightened involves over-reliance
on precepts and formulas and other kinds of rote learning, fundamental and perpetual
direction from others, being a passive part rather than an active member,21 and thus lacking
dignity and being treated as a virtual child if not an actual one. As we will see, all four
points are addressed by Descartes Meditator22, both in the content of Meditations One and
Two and in the very formulation of the project.

There is, of course, the question of whether such obeying in action and being critical in speech is a
sufficient or acceptable political move. Kant famously is more supportive after the fact of things, like
revolution, that he beforehand would not endorse, and in the case of revolution, actually condemns. See
Ripstein (2009) for a lengthy discussion of the relationship between Kants political theory and his theory of
freedom, especially chapter 11 which deals with the thorny issue of revolution.
I say even because the image of the commonwealth most favourably expressed by Kant is that of an
organic body, where, of course, the parts and the whole enjoy a reciprocal relationship rather than a topdown relationship. See the Critique of the Power of Judgment, sect.59, (AA5: 352). Given Kants comments
in this section, the mechanism of state is the body to its soul, which would be its life, The reciprocal
unity of citizens and rulers/governments.
This point about the artful is significant when Kant denies in teleological judgment that organic life can
be regarded as an artwork in which parts are subordinated to the whole. See the second half of the Critique of
the Power of Judgment, especially the discussion of the Analytic (AA 5: 359-383).
Earlier in the discussion Kant says that people move in this direction normally if not actively prevented
from so doing. See AA 8:41, Gregor 21.
The issue of passivity probably comes out of Kants reading of Rousseau. Certainly elements of his linking
life with freedom and organisms analogously with proper commonwealths comes out of Rousseaus
distinction between an aggregate and an association and the resulting notion of the general will. However, see
Deligiorgi for a discussion of important differences from Rousseau in this context.
Aryeh Kosman (1986) has a well known discussion in which Descartes and the Meditator are importantly
distinct. For one thing, Descartes knows how the project finishes, while the Meditator, speaking in the
present tense, does not. A similar point has been developed more recently by Charles Larmore (2006), who
points out that the Meditators attitudes reflect a more traditional semi-Aristotelian view which Descartes
himself would not have held. Larmore thus reads the Meditations as almost a dialogue (which in form it


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 261-279
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33976

Solus Secedo and Sapere Aude

4. Descartes project of critical reflection

In Truth and Method, Gadamer critically comments on Descartes role in the
enlightenment issue of authority23 versus individual reason:
Enlightenments distinction between faith in authority and using ones own reason is, in
itself, legitimate. If the prestige of authority displaces ones own judgment, then authority
is in fact a source of prejudices. But this does not preclude its being a source of truth, and
that is what the Enlightenment failed to see when it denigrated all authority. To be
convinced of this, we need only consider one of the greatest forerunners of the European
Enlightenment, namely Descartes.. (Gadamer 2006, p.280)24

Gadamer goes on to point out a central feature of authority radically distorted by

Enlightenment thinking, thus presumably by Descartes as well:
the authority of persons is ultimately based not on the subjection and abdication of
reason but on an act of acknowledgment and knowledgethe knowledge, namely, that the
other is superior to oneself in judgment and insight and that for this reason his judgment
takes precedencei.e., it has priority over ones own. This is connected with the fact that
authority cannot actually be bestowed but is earned, and must be earned if someone is to
lay claim to it. It rests on acknowledgment and hence on an act of reason itself which,
aware of its own limitations, trusts to the better insight of others. Authority in this sense,
properly understood, has nothing to do with blind obedience to commands.its true basis
is an act of freedom and reason. acknowledging authority is always connected with the
idea that what the authority says is not irrational and arbitrary but can, in principle, be
discovered to be true. (Gadamer 2006, p. 281)

Gadamers overall reasoning about authority seems cogent; but, is it an accurate

description of the Enlightenment or, more specifically, of its forerunner, Descartes?25 Such
frequently is, though within one person) between a number of views, and this is similar to Marions
characterization of the Meditations as responsorial. These claims are both thought-provoking and textually
grounded, though the prima facie evidence for Descartes as the Meditator is suggested by his own claiming
of the meditative process in both the Discourse and the Preface to the Reader of the Meditations. In any case,
neither Kosmans nor Larmores argument (nor Marions, of course) are incompatible from the notion that
the Meditator, whoever he may be, is creating the space in which to undergo the process of enlightenment.
Similarly, Louis Loebs 1986 arguments for a dissimulation hypothesis for the Meditations, much qualified
recently (Loeb 2010, pp.34-57), do not, I think, affect the notion that Descartes project is to create an
enlightened space. If anything, Loebs ascription of a naturalist epistemology to Descartes (which eschews
reliance on God) is, independently of its own merits, a point in favour of Descartes as Kantian style
As the context suggest, the issue involves authority external to the individual reasoned.
He goes on to say his own view is that there is no absolute antithesis between authority or tradition on the
one hand, and reason on the other. (Gadamer 2006, p.282)
See Allisons 1990 discussion for a response to Gadamers worries with regard to Kant. Allison shows that
only when one isolates the maxim of thinking for oneself from the other two maxims of enlightenment, in the
third Critique, in the Anthropology, and in the Jsche Logic, does the issue of abstract and hypercritical
ungrounded reason arise. I think this can be done for Descartes as well, but this requires a fuller treatment of
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 261-279
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33976


Suma Rajiva
a hypercritical reason is also criticized as an individual reason, the isolated and abstractly
rational subjectivity that Hans Jonas connects to Kant (Jonas 1973, pp. 43-35) but which
could easily be attributed (and often is) to Descartes. This is an abstract and empty
rationality, the pale anemic subjectivity of Ryles ghost in the machine. Taken together
with the anti-authoritarianism, such features make Cartesian subjectivity look thoroughly
isolated, abandoning the robust social sense of the self, such as that found in Hegel,
However, Descartes does much more than just radically deconstruct authority and
tradition; he uses hyperbolic doubt as a particular kind of tool, to articulate a synthesis of
rationality and authority not unlike that found in Kants What is Enlightenment? He has to
achieve the abstraction and isolation of the Meditations with a good deal of effort and
while he content of his world presents itself to him under the aspect of authority and
tradition, his goal is to provide a sound foundation for any content which is true.
Moreover, reading the cogito as abstract and empty ignores the relationship in
Meditation Two between the cogito and the cogitationes, which constitute a rich though
unsatisfying world of sorts for Descartes. We thus definitely find a social sense of the
self in Descartes alongside his rejection of an uncritical sociality of which Descartes was
only too keenly aware and which he sought to limit.
5. Meditation One: Artificial secession as power over my own epistemic attitude,
power over my judgment, power to think for myself
Descartes opens the Meditations with his famous backward glance at what he once knew,
what he eventually realized as false, and what his project is for overcoming such falsity:
Some years ago I was struck by the large number of falsehoods that I had accepted as true
in my childhood, and by the highly doubtful nature of the whole edifice that I had
subsequently based on them. I realized that it was necessary, once in the course of my life,
to demolish everything completely and start again right from the foundations if I wanted to
establish anything at all in the sciences that was stable and likely to last. (AT 17; CSM

the Meditations as a whole and the project of the Discourse, especially the publicity which Descartes
eventually endorses.
In his recent book on Kants What Is Enlightenment? Samuel Fleischacker ably defends Kant against
charges of isolation and anti-social thinking. (as does, of course, Deligiorgi) It is not clear who does quite the
same for Descartes, but Jean-Luc Marions recent volumes on Descartes seem to go some way toward at least
showing that he is not quite the thinker of isolation as usually portrayed. Many Descartes scholars interested
in his relation to mediaeval thinkers (e.g., Anthony Kenny) also emphasize this.
Quotations from Descartes are from the Meditations and are from the translation in The Philosophical
Writings by Cottingham. The Latin is from Oeuvres de Descartes, Volume IX, edited by Adam and Tannery.
Citations are given with from the Adam and Tannery first, with the Cottingham page abbreviated to the
standard CSM; I have also consulted Cottinghams 2013 stand alone translation of the Meditations, which is
based in large part on the previous CSM version.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 261-279
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33976

Solus Secedo and Sapere Aude

After retailing his reservations about the enormity of the task and his procrastination on it,
he switches from the historical past into the perfect tense and thence into present tense as
he states that today I have expressly rid my mind of all worries and arranged for myself
a clear stretch of free time. I am here quite alone, and at last I will devote myself sincerely
and without reservation to the general demolition28 of my opinions. (AT17-18; CSM 12)
It is worth noting that the verb, secedo, used in I am here quite alone (solus
secedo), means to go apart, separate, withdraw with other overtones of retiring from
public life and political overtones of rebellion.29 I want to suggest that Descartes is turning
himself quite artificially and temporarily into a whole, rather than accepting his social
aspect as a part, the aspect linked to mechanism by Kant. The artifice is reinforced by the
pretence within pretence motif of Meditation One, where the project of hyperbolic doubt,
rejected by Descartes elsewhere as a real issue (including the Synopsis of the Meditations),
is presented to us as pretending for a time that these former opinions are utterly false and
imaginary. (AT 22; CSM II, 15) This pretence is implicit in the dream hypothesis but is
quite explicit in the adoption of the demon hypothesis, which is a supposing done by
Descartes himself.
In this framework of conscious pretence, Descartes does not question (rightly or
wrongly) whether the actual phenomena he is experiencing could be different qua actual
phenomena. He says: Suppose then that I am dreaming, and that these particularsthat
my eyes are open, that I am moving my head and stretching out my handsare not true.
Perhaps, indeed, I do not even have such hands or such a body at all. (AT19; CSM II, 13)
He does not, however, say that he is doing something else, at least, from the point of view
of his own observation. He could be a brain in a vat, of course, not a man in a dressing
gown, as described in the earlier paragraph. But his experience right now is not describable
as brain in vat but as man wearing dressing gown near fire, my eyes open, etc. He may
be worried that he is actually something utterly different (the brain in the vat) but he is not
worried about what he will later call the objective reality of the ideas he is experiencing.
He is worried about their formal reality, about their ontological not their
phenomenological status.

In the light of Gadamers worries, it is important to note that for Descartes such a demolition is strictly in
the space of theoretical reason.
s-cdo , cessi, cessum, 3, v. n., I. to go apart, go away, separate, withdraw (class.; not in Cs.; but cf.
secessio). B. In partic. 1. To go aside, withdraw, retire b. In post-Aug. authors (esp. in Suet.), to retire from
public into private life; absol.: c. To seek the exclusive society of any one, to retire from the world: ad
optimos viros, Sen. Ot. Sap. 1, 1. 2. Polit., to separate one's self by rebellion, to revolt, secede II. Trop.
(very rare; perh. only poet. and in post-Aug. prose): antequam ego incipio secedere et ali parte considere,
to dissent from the opinion, Sen. Ep. 117, 4: a fesso corpore sensus, Cat. 64, 189: qui solitarius
separatusque a communi malo civitatis secesserit, has withdrawn himself, Gell. 2, 12, 1: cum ad stilum
secedet, shall give himself up to writing, Quint. 1, 12, 12: in te ipse secede, retire within yourself, Sen. Ep.
25, 7. All this material selected from the entry in: A Latin Dictionary. Founded on Andrews' edition of
Freund's Latin dictionary. revised, enlarged, and in great part rewritten by. Charlton T. Lewis, Ph.D. and.
Charles Short, LL.D. Oxford. Clarendon Press. 1879. The National Endowment for the Humanities provided
support for entering this text.
Accessed Friday, September 05, 2014

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 261-279
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33976


Suma Rajiva
This is at the core of his artificial hypotheses. Descartes worries about the causes of
his ideas, identifying false information about these causes as something he had accepted
as true (admiserim: had admitted, had allowed in). He states, right after the explicit
supposition of the all powerful demon, that I shall stubbornly and firmly persist in this
meditation; and even if it is not in my power to know any truth, I shall at least do what is in
my power, [to suspend my judgment (French version)] that is, resolutely guard against
assenting to any falsehoods, so that the deceiver, however powerful and cunning he may
be, will be unable to impose on me in the slightest degree. (AT23; CSM II, 15).
This is not a passive subjectivity, even in its worries. Moreover, the activity, much
like Kantian subjectivity, is a formal activity, a consciousness of the idea of freedom. For
Descartes deception can take away my freedom at the deepest level in some ways but not
when I can ask the question about deception in Meditation One and then continue
unfolding its implications in Meditation Two.
We can now ask whether the project, as set up in Meditation One, shows the marks
of enlightenment. With the four points of non-enlightenment in mind, we can see that
Meditation Ones project itself addresses all four problems. The Meditator is anxious not to
rely on rote learning, on traditional knowledge, without at least testing for its truth in the
court of reason. In this context he will take hyperbolic pains to rely on no one, at least at
the outset and the very point of solus secedo is to guard against the unreflectively accepted
intellectual influence of others. Additionally, the Meditator is no mechanical part,
subordinated to others but, rather, is making the whole answerable to him by proving its
epistemic worth. This interaction or feedback by one whom Descartes himself understands
to be a part (himself normally), is essentially enlightenment, even if one thinks the later
Meditations move away from this.30 And, finally, the Meditator is no child, either actually
or metaphorically: he has left his minority in virtue of his isolation and also in virtue of his
demand that everything answer to his reason. In other words, the Meditator is trying to
think for himself and has, through the solus secedo, created the artificial space, physical,
social, epistemic, within which such thinking can safely take place. 31 In this artificial
space, tradition becomes answerable to the court of reason.
6. Meditation Two, Part I: Actively asserting the subject
What then is this self which is trying to emerge from its minority, from the heavy hand of
tradition, or, at least, unreflective tradition? Is it, fundamentally, a statement about my

I would argue that they do not. But this is too large a topic to address here, especially in its relationship to
the nature and power of God. . Tom Vincis discussion of Descartes epistemology, especially of his truth
rule of clarity and distinctness, meticulously constructsan argument involving the nature of the rule and its
use, which allows a convincing solution to the Cartesian Circle problem. See Vinci 1998, especially
chapters 1-3 and the epilogue, in which Cartesian epistemologys relation to scepticism is explored in more
general terms.
The precepts of the Discourse, Part III, make clear how important such safety is for Descartes, reflecting
his clear understanding that theoretical and practical reason are quite distinct. In Part III, as in much of the
Discourse and the Meditations, the spatial motifs are abundant.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 261-279
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33976

Solus Secedo and Sapere Aude

isolated subjectivity and not a statement about the world? This last point will affect just
how enlightened the Cartesian res cogitans can be, since Kantian enlightenment cannot be,
in the nature of things, about an isolated non-social subjectivity.32
John Cottingham points out that the cogito, as what Descartes calls cognitio,
knowledge of a sort by immediate acquaintance, is different from scientia, systematic
knowledge, such as science or a system of natural philosophy and that this difference has
implications for certain Cartesian problems, such as the Cartesian circle. For example, in
the second set of Objections Descartes is asked about his claim in the Meditations,
especially Meditation Five, that God is necessary to guarantee the veracity of all genuine
knowledge, especially knowledge dependent on memory. Specifically the objectors
(AT124-125; CSM II, 89) want to know whether the veracity of the cogito depends on
God. If it does, Descartes cannot escape the Cartesian circle: if we need the cogito for the
idea of God in order then to prove Gods existence through the nature of this idea, then we
need the cogito to be independently true. We cannot say that we know its truth only if a
veracious God exists, since we need the cogito to know that a veracious God exists.33
In the second set of replies, Descartes sidesteps the objectors question by stating
that the cogito is a first principle and that knowledge of first principles is not knowledge in
the normal sense (AT 140; CSM II, 100). It is, as Cottingham points out, cognitio 34 ,
whereas God is necessary for scientia, systematic knowledge.
There is good reason not to see the cogito, even as cognitio, as hyper-isolated and
abstract way. For one thing, it does not make sense of the discussion of the cogitationes,
the penses which are part and parcel of the Je pense. As Anthony Kenny points out there
is probably no limit the subject can raise to the number of examples of the cogitationes35,
each of which is a worldly reinforcement of the thinking subject.( Kenny 2009, p. 47).36


Deligiorgi strongly emphasizes and develops this point in her discussion of Kants culture of
The entire problem of the Cartesian Circle is, in many ways, vitally important for any assessment of
Descartes complete project and system as reflecting enlightenment.
Cottingham: Descartes seems to distinguish here between an isolated cognition or act of awareness
(cognitio) and systematic, properly grounded knowledge (scientia). (CSM II, 100, note 2) While I disagree
with the characterization of an isolated cognition (as the next sections discussion of the cogitationes
makes clear), Cottingham elsewhere has put his finger on the central problem for seeing Descartes as an
enlightener, though this important problem will not be addressed in this article. This is the tension between
the autonomy and independence of reason on the one hand and what Cottingham calls Descartes conception
of creatureliness, a conception that brings us back, as Meditations Three, Four, and Five do, to a necessary
dependence on a creative power, i.e, God. This tension between independence and creatureliness pervades
the entire structure of the Meditations. (Cottingham 2013, Philosophical introduction, xxiii). Much of this
is discussed, at greater length, in Cottinghams 2008 book, Cartesian Reflections.
Merleau-Ponty emphasizes the importance of the cogitationes as well and seems generally to stress the role
of attention and judgment in Descartes, something which will be discussed further below. See the, preface
xiv, Introduction section: Chapter 3 on attention and judgment, especially pp. 47-50, and Part 3, Chapter 1,
on The Cogito.
This more cognitive dimension to the I think is illuminated by reading Descartes through an
Augustinian lens, as Cottingham and others have commented, even if, as Marion has noted, there are
important and radical differences between the two thinkers. (Marion 2007, pp.23-26) I have discussed some
of these Augustinian/Cartesian similarities and differences elsewhere.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 261-279
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33976


Suma Rajiva
7. Meditation Two, Part II: The world of the cogitationes
If the cogito, the I think, is rooted in the struggles of the Augustinian fallor, then the
world of the Cartesian cogitationes, the thoughts, gives the cogito some purchase on its
otherness as they unfold the richness of the thinking self and its activity.37 In so doing, they
draw attention to how content of thinking can be questioned by the Meditator in the
process of enlightenment. Appearing initially to present the world, the cogitationes, at this
stage, show no such warrant; when the Meditator dares to know them they turn out, for the
time being, to be only his thoughts, to lead him back to himself, rather than forward toward
the world. 38 This is itself an advance, since the Meditator now knows that he needs a
foundational epistemic warrant for his knowledge (scientia), namely, the secure and
grounding existence of an absolute idea, the idea of God. While Kant and Descartes are
bound to disagree on the need for this particular type of foundational epistemic warrant,
they should agree that coming to understand the status of ones ideas as ones ideas
initially is already an advance over nave or unenlightened notions of experience. This is
the first step in the enlightenment project as laid out in section 40 of the Critique of
Aesthetic Judgment, to think for oneself and also the main step of WIE; the second step, to
think from the point of view of everyone else, is not available to the Meditator at this stage
in the Meditations.
Descartes makes a well-known and much challenged transition from the cogito
(strictly, sum, existo) to the res cogitans, the thinking thing. He then gives a very inclusive
definition of thinking, one which will be changed considerably first in Meditation Four and
then in Meditation Six. Here the definition comprises everything that one could see as
falling under consciousness generally: But what then am I? A thing that thinks. What is
that? A thing that doubts, understands, affirms, denies, is willing, is unwilling, and also
imagines and has sensory perceptions. (AT 28; CSM II, 19)39 He then asks if everything
on this considerable list belongs to him and in so doing finds that he is a much more
complicated centre of activity than the opening of Meditation Two might suggest. He is
diversified into a series of activities, all of which presage the cogitationes:
Is it not one and the same I who is now doubting almost everything, who nonetheless
understands some things, who affirms that this one things is true, denies everything else,
desires to know more, is unwilling to be deceived, imagines many things even
involuntarily, and is aware of many things which apparently come from the senses? Are
not all these things just as true as the fact that I exist, even if I am asleep all the time, and

This richness of the self comes to fruition in Spinoza and Leibniz, particularly in Leibnizs interplay of
possible world and monad.
In the end, of course, the cogitationes do lead to the world, first through the idea of God in Meditations
Three and Five and secondly, through the idea of body in Meditation Six.
The last line consists of present active participles such as dubitans, intelligens, negans, volens, sentiens and
could be translated: a thing doubting, understanding, perceiving etc. Descartes is conscious of himself
doing all of these things in the present moment, thus lending some credence to his own claim that he is not
making an inference in the initial presentation of the cogito.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 261-279
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33976

Solus Secedo and Sapere Aude

even if he who created me is doing all he can to deceive me? Which of these activities is
distinct from my thinking? Which of them can be said to be separate from myself?. (AT
28-29; CSM II, 19)

Descartes then goes on to say that those objects which appear to him in sensation may not
exist but he certainly seems to experience them and that it is in this limited way he can be
said to image and sense even though what he is imagining and sensing may be false. In
this limited sense, even an activity like perception, so different initially from the abstract
rational claim of the cogito, is actually the enriched version of the cogito.
At this stage, then, the differentiation in the activity of the thinking self becomes a
differentiation in the objects of the cogitated world. Descartes, finding himself slipping
back into the old, socialized, traditional, common sense way of thinking and thus finding
his solus secedo threatened by his mental embeddedness, decides to allow his mind free
rein in considering one of the objects of the traditionally viewed world, the notorious piece
of wax.
In its strange transformations, the wax could, somewhat imaginatively, be read as a
material record of all the Cartesian transformations to date and, indeed, many of those to
come. Less imaginatively, it becomes the representative of all the res extensa, all the
material things of the world which become transformed under the modern mathematical
eye. The wax goes through two significant transformations, firstly, from its one sensory
thing to another, sensibly different thing, and secondly, from a sensory object to a
mathematical, geometrical object. In the sensory transformation we are informed that the
fragrant smell of the flowers, the sweet taste of the honey, are all transformed in the wax
into melted, hot, liquid, no longer possessing these qualities. The wax remains, even in this
strange pool. Why? Descartes concludes that the wax was none of these things, not the
sweet taste, the fragrant scent, the cold hardness or the hot liquid. Just as Descartes himself
was Nempe dubitans, intelligens etc., the active thinking thing, the wax is nempe nihil
aliud quam extensum quid, flexibile, mutabile, something extended, flexible, changeable.
How does Descartes know this? As with Plato and Augustine, the answer is through my
judging intellect, something applicable to the next example, when Descartes asks whether
the humans he sees crossing the square could, under their hats and coats, be automata.
Sed judico hominess esse, but I judge that they are human beings, solely through the
scrutiny of the mind alone. And, should anyone think the wax and the people are
unrelated, Descartes refers to regarding the wax as taking off its clothing and considering it
naked, and solely through the mind.
However, as Anthony Kenny has emphasized, the cogitationes, including the wax
and the humans, prove also that Descartes is a thinking thing. Meditation Two concludes
that this peculiar world is tied into the proof of the cogito:
For if I judge that the wax exists from the fact that I see it, clearly this same fact entails
much more evidently that I myself also exist. It is possible that what I see is not really the
wax; it is possible that I do not even have eyes with which to see anything. But when I see,
or think I see (I am not here distinguishing the two), it is simply not possible that I who am
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 261-279
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33976


Suma Rajiva
now thinking am not something. By the same token if I judge that the wax exists from the
fact that I touch it, the same result follows, namely that I exist. If I judge that it exists from
the fact that I imagine it, or for any other reason, exactly the same thing follows. And the
result that I have grasped in the case of the wax may be applied to everything else located
outside me40.This is because every consideration whatsoever which contributes to my
perception of the wax, or of any other body, cannot but establish even more effectively the
nature of my own mind.41 (AT 33; CSM II, p.22; emphases added)

The world of the cogitationes, though still a world of thought, thus continues the project
of enlightenment by presenting the thinking subject, the Meditator, with the worldly
material whose status he or she must interrogate. Real or not, I must be satisfied that the
status of my ideas has been satisfactorily proven to me, even if, as Meditation Three will
go on to discuss, such satisfaction may involve ideas which could never have only been
part of my mind. 42 That, however, is a new and troubling stage in the journey of
enlightenment, a rocky journey which for Kant, unlike Descartes, constitutes the battlefield
of metaphysics. Nonetheless, Descartes enters this contest as someone ready for an answer,
however different from Kants, which at least locates itself in the court of reason, if not
quite in a critique of pure reason.
8. Conclusion: Building the court of reason?
Thus, the Cartesian solus secedo licenses and indeed is the explicit space of the Kantian
sapere aude. Kants semi-Cartesian43 recovery of the troubled insights of a subjectivity
not fully dominated by social or empirical determinations, is, of course, a recovery which
then tries to balance the social and the subjective not through transcendence as such, unlike
Descartes, but through the highly involved and weighty means of the critical philosophy
and its substitution of transcendental method for transcendent insight. The calm, cold,
waters of Kants transcendental idealism may or may not be an advance of some sort over
the metaphysics, hot, spicy, and eternal44 of Descartes. Nonetheless, reflecting on ones
rational subjectivity and its status and limitations sets the stage for an enlightenment
project by building part of the foundation of a court of reason: Such reflection forms the
precondition for a minimalist enlightenment. Kantian or not, this artificially induced and
temporary epistemic solitude is a crucial step in emerging from ones minority,

Descartes worries about the relation of his subjectivity to what is outside him, God and the external world
are revealed, especially in Meditations III, V, VI, through the expressions in me, a/ad me, extra/ex me, ex
meis ideis, sine me.
Merleau-Ponty emphasizes this point in his chapter, The Cogito. (Merleau-Ponty 2002, p.435)
Chief among these, of course, is the idea of an infinite substance: God.
This is not a self-professed Cartesianism, in spite of Kants relatively mild position toward Descartes in the
Refutation of Idealism and in spite of sympathies with aspects of the Cartesian I think
Thus Gil Shalev, in his comments on Peter Harris presentation in the Philosophy Winter Colloquium 2015,
Memorial University. I am myself inclined toward the colder ice palace of a bounded Kantian reason but this
itself does not exclude Descartes, at least in principle, from being a full enlightener. Generally, I want to
thank Gil for discussions with me about Descartes over the years which have been a source of much insight,
especially on the proofs of Gods existence, and the general import of the Cartesian Circle


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 261-279
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33976

Solus Secedo and Sapere Aude

untrammeled, at least initially, by the forced guidance of others. The metaphysics of

individual subjectivity thus takes us a long way toward a critique of pure reason 45 and
thence to, perhaps, a social proceduralism which, given a strong individual site of
resistance, can be engaged in by rational actors who can engage in the reciprocity of
dialogue without their individual voices being overwhelmed. The solus secedo ensures that
one side of the dialogue, my individual interiority, no matter how difficult to conceive
today in the face of language games and other notions of socialization, eludes a reduction
to my social context, thus allowing me, a Kantian moral agent with critical reason, to say
no to societys yes.46 In this normative sense, social transformation presupposes the
possibility of the critical individual, in community with critical others, imagining such
transformation (and possibly enacting it).47 To paraphrase R.H. Tawney, the great social
historian, Karl Marx was the last of the Cartesians.48
Primary Sources
Descartes, Ren. (2013), Meditations on First Philosophy, A Latin-English edition,
Translated by John Cottingham, with textual and philosophical introductions, CUP,
----------. (1985), The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, Volume I, Translated by John
Cottingham, Robert Stootfhoff, Dugald Murdoch, CUP, Cambridge.
----------. (1984), The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, Volume II, Translated by John
Cottingham, Robert Stootfhoff, Dugald Murdoch, CUP, Cambridge.


I owe much to the patience and critical engagement of many of my classes, in this case, especially to the
students, undergraduate and graduate, from various iterations of the Descartes course, several seminars on
Spinoza and Leibniz, and, in the last couple of years also classes in Rationalism and in the History of
Modern philosophy. They have tolerated, encouraged, and written about tortured reflection on rational
subjectivity in its own right and in relation to eternity, helping me in my own reflections on these topics.
This paper came, in part, out of a commentary on Samuel Fleischackers keynote talk for an inaugural
conference at Memorial organized by Scott Johnston and Jol Madore in 2013, on Kants What is
Enlightenment? My thanks to the organizers for their encouragement, comments, especially Jol Madores
detailed editorial feedback, and patience as organizers and editors. I have also benefited from comments on
the Descartes material at the 2015 Atlantic Canada Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy and from
discussions with Tom Vinci, whose work has always made Descartes convincing to me.
I do stress normative. Why social transformation actually happens when it does may have little or
nothing to do with critical individuals, critical communities, or any such rational actors; the likelihood is that
transformation may happen for a host of other, non-rational reasons. But transformation still presumes that
things can be otherwise, both socially and for an individual.
Tawneys actual comment (in Religion and the Rise of Capitalism) was that Karl Marx was the last of the
Schoolmen, probably an even more remarkable (or unlikely) comparison. My own comment is primarily to
emphasize that Descartes, who says change yourself, not the world in the Discourse, has a link of sorts to a
social revolutionary like Marx, for whom such transformation should be of the world as well. And, as Tom
Sorell points out, the two have this in common, that there is a Cartesianism quite distinct from though
related to Descartes himself just as there is a Marxism quite distinct from though also related to Marx. (Sorell
2005, p.xxi)
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 261-279
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33976


Suma Rajiva
----------. (1991), The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, Volume III, Translated by John
Cottingham, Robert Stootfhoff, Dugald Murdoch, Anthony Kenny, CUP, Cambridge.
----------. (1964), Oeuvres de Descartes, Volume IX, Edited Charles Adam & Paul
Tannery, J.Vrin, Paris.
Kant, Immanuel. (1997), Critique of Pure Reason. Translated Paul Guyer and Allen Wood.
The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. Cambridge: CUP,.
-----------. (2000), Critique of the Power of Judgment. Translated Paul Guyer and Eric
Matthews. The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. Cambridge: CUP,.
----------. (1996), Practical Philosophy. Translated Mary Gregor. The Cambridge Edition
of the Works of Immanuel Kant. Cambridge: CUP,.
----------. (1902-83), Kants Gesammelte Schriften, ed. Kniglichen Preuischen (later
Akadmie der Wissenschaften, 29 vols. Berlin, De Gruyter.
----------. (1968), Kants Werke, vols. i-ix, 2nd edn, Berlin, De Gruyter.

Secondary Sources
Allison, Henry E. (2012), Kants Conception of Aufklrung. In Henry E. Allison,
Essays on Kant, OUP, Oxford, pp.229-235.
----------. (1990), Kants Theory of Freedom, CUP, Cambridge.
Broughton, Janet. (2002), Descartess Method of Doubt,
Princeton and Oxford.

Princeton University Press,

Cottingham, John.(2013), Philosophical Introduction and Editorial Introduction. In

Meditations on First Philosophy, A Latin-English edition, Translated by John Cottingham,
with textual and philosophical introductions, CUP, Cambridge.
Deligiorgi, Katerina. (2005),
Albany, NY.

Kant and the Culture of Enlightenment, SUNY Press,

Fleischacker, Samuel. (2013), What is Enlightenment? Series: Kants Questions,

Routledge, New York.
Gadamer, Hans-Georg. (2006), Truth and Method, Translation revised by Weinsheimer
and Marshall, Continuum (from 1975, revised 1989).
Gaukroger, Stephen. (1995),

Descartes. An Intellectual Biography, Clarendon Press,

Jonas, Hans. (1973),Technology and Responsibility: Reflections on the New Tasks of

Ethics", Social Research, no. 15, pp. 31-54.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 261-279
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33976

Solus Secedo and Sapere Aude

Kenny, Anthony. (2009), Descartes. A Study of His Philosophy, St. Augustines Press,
Indiana (from 1997 and 1958).
Kosman, L. Aryeh. (1986), The Naive Narrator: Story and Discourse in Descartes
Meditations. In Essays on Descartes Meditations, ed. Amelie Rorty, University of
California Press, Berkeley, pp.21-43.
Larmore, Charles. (2006), Descartes and Skepticism. In The Blackwell Guide to
Descartes Meditations, ed. Stephen Gaukroger, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, pp.17-29.
Loeb, Louis E. (2010), Reflection and the Stability of Belief, Essays on Descartes, Hume,
and Reid, OUP, Oxford.
Lewis, Charlton T. and Charles Short. (1879) A Latin Dictionary, founded on Andrews'
edition of Freund's Latin dictionary, revised, enlarged, and in great part rewritten.,
y%3Dsecedo Accessed Friday, September 05, 2014
Marion, Jean-Luc.(2007), On the Ego and on God. Further Cartesian Questions, translated
Christina Gschwandtner, Fordham University Press, New York.
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice. (2002), Phenomenology of Perception, translated Colin Smith,
Routledge, (from 1962 translation).
Peacocke, Christopher.(2012), First Person Illusions: Are They Descartes or Kants?,
Philosophical Perspectives, no., 26, pp.247-275
Ripstein, Arthur. (2009), Force and Freedom. Kants Legal and Political Philosophy,
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
Sorell, Tom. (2005), Descartes Reinvented, CUP, Cambridge.
Statile, Glenn. (2005), Descartes Translation Problem. In International Philosophical
Quarterly, no. 45.2, pp.187-202. (2) (2005): 187-202
Vinci, Thomas C. (1998), Cartesian Truth, OUP, Oxford.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 261-279
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33976


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 280-286
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33977

On Enlightenment and the Most Difficult Problem of the
Human Species

Sobre la Ilustracin y el mayor problema de la especie humana


Memorial University, Canada

In this Afterword, I discuss the papers contained in the dossier in regards to a central issue
for Kant: leadership. The issue for Kant is the paradox of the human species need for a
master that is human yet morally perfect. This of course is an as-yet unobtainable
requirement that Kant thinks can only be properly met through a civil constitution. The
issues of elitism and the tension between a maximal and minimal Enlightenment in
light of Kants requirement will be discussed.
Key words
Kant; Enlightenment; Civil Constitution; Leadership; Master; Elitism
En este eplogo comento los artculos recogidos en el dossier en relacin con una cuestin
central para Kant: el liderazgo. Kant plantea la cuestin de la paradoja consistente en la

James Scott Johnston, Dept. of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Memorial University of Newfoundland, .
[Recibido: 19 de octubre de 2015
Aceptado: 30 de octubre de 2015]



necesidad que la especie humana tiene de un jefe que sea humano, pero moralmente
perfecto. Esta es sin duda una exigencia no alcanzable an, que Kant considera plausible
solo a travs de una constitucin civil. Se discutir el elitismo y la tensin entre una
Ilustracin maximalista y minimalista, a la luz de la exigencia de Kant.
Palabras clave
Kant; Ilustracin; constitucin civil; liderazgo; jefe; elitismo

In providing an afterword for this set of papers on Kant and the Enlightenment
drawn for our first Kant Conference at Memorial University , I am conscious of the
likelihood of merely adding my claims to the claims already put forth. Now all papers raise
the question of elitism to some degree. And this seems a fitting point of departure. But I
dont want to raise an issue that is already raised (and dealt with) by the papers. As such, I
intend to take a different tack: I want to see what theme(s), beyond the Enlightenment
itself, these papers raise. I see one immediately spring forward--leadership. The problem of
leadership as I construe it concerns Kants admonition that humankind needs a master, yet
every (human) master requires a master, for the human species and every human being
therein is morally imperfect. Because this condition cannot hold (we cannot have an
infinite regress of leadership), humankind must rely on masters that are morally imperfect.
In what follows I will briefly outline Kants views on the matter and then discuss
the problem in light of the various claims of the papers. I dont intend on solving the
problem here: I merely suggest that any discussion of the Enlightenment must face this
question, and it is one that has no immediate solutionat least not in the short-term. As
such, I think I can fairly say that for Kant, we belong to an Enlightenment that is as yet

1. The Greatest Problem for the Human Species.

Kant is direct about the quandary in which the human species finds itself. He begins the
Fifth Proposition of his Idea for a Universal History with a Cosmopolitical Aim with the
following: The greatest problem for the human species, to which nature compels him, is
the achievement of a civil society universally administering right (IAG AA 8:22).1 In the
Sixth Proposition he makes the claim that

I follow for the most part the English translation of Kants works in the Cambridge Edition of the Works of
Immanuel Kant. These are: An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment? Translated by M. Gregor,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; Groundwork on the Metaphysics of Morals, translated by M.
Gregor, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996; On the Saying: That may be Correct in Theory, But
It is of no Use in Practice, translated by M. Gregor, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996; The
Metaphysics of Morals, translated by M. Gregor, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996; Idea for a
Universal History with Cosmopolitical Intent, translated by A. Wood, Cambridge: Cambridge University
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 280-286
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33977


James Scott Johnston

This problem is at the same time the most difficult and the latest to be solved by the human
species. The difficulty which the mere idea of this problem lays before our eyes is this: the
human being is an animal which, when it lives among others of its species, has need of a
master (Herrn). For he certainly misuses his freedom in regard to others of his kind; and
although as a rational creature he wishes a law that sets limits to the freedom of all, his selfish
animal inclination still misleads him into excepting himself from it where he may. Thus he
needs a master, who breaks his stubborn will and necessitates him to obey a universally valid
will with which everyone can be free. But where will he get this master. Nowhere else but from
the human species. But then this master is exactly as much an animal who has need of a
master...The highest supreme authority, however, ought to be just in itself and yet a human

The solution to this latest problem of humankind, Kant suggests, lies in correct concepts
of the nature of a possible constitution, together with great experience practiced through
many courses of life, as well as a good will that is prepared to accept it (IAG, AA 8: 2223).
Idea for a Universal History appeared in 1784--the same year as What is
Enlightenment? Idea, both being published in the Berlinische Monatsschrift. The one
and the other deal with similar themes, including the political conditions required for any
enlightened age to prosper. But Idea strikes a less sanguine note than What is
Enlightenment? for it presents the problem of leadership of the species as obdurate. And
herein lies the cautionary message regarding the prospects of an enlightened age I think
Kant means for us to grasp: no matter how civil the Enlightenment is, it requires
leadership. The paradox of the human species in need of a master yet supposedly free and
capable of practicing autonomy is perhaps the most intractable controversy to arise from
Kants Ideas essay. Kant doesnt offer a solution to this paradoxat least not here.
Indeed, Kant is quite clear about the nature of the problemafter all, it is the most difficult
of all for the human species. But it is also clear Kant does not think the need for a master
contradicts the autonomy or freedom of subjects; rather(to put it with more precision) he
thinks a resolution to the paradox is forthcoming.
Leadership puts the problems of an enlightened agethose of fractiousness and
disagreement (Foster), the problem of an aristocracy of the Gelehrten (Foster, Pich), the
problem of autonomy and subjectivity on the part of the enlightened (Rajiva), the problem
of the scope or reach of the Enlightenment (Fleischacker), and that of courage (Madore) in
context. For an answer to each of these is partly dependent on the response to the problem
of leadership. And the problem of leadership has no facile solution, for until the conditions
for a civil society and constitution are fully met, the fact remains that humankind will need

Press, 1999; Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, translated by A. Wood, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2001.
I have somewhat adjusted Woods translation.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 280-286
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33977


a (imperfect) master. I will take up each of these problems in the context of the problem of
leadership, in turn.

2. The Need for a Master.

The insistence on a master for the human species in no way precludes Kants claim
in What is Enlightenment? that the public has the right to participate in scholarship. Nor
does it preclude the public from disagreement with its sovereign, as Kant also maintains
the Rechtslehre (RL AA 06: 318). And it is well in accord with Kants republicanism. But
it does place limits on what autonomous human subjects can do for themselves. The
condition of civil society can never merely be a matter left up to the autonomous subject;
while a subject certainly has (and must practice) autonomy in Rajivas sense, there is no
guarantee that the practice of this autonomy by itself will lead to civil society administered
under a civil constitution. 3 This is a message I think Kant makes clear in Idea for a
Universal History: there must be in place correct concepts of a possible constitution.
A constitution is valid for all who would claim the rights enshrined therein. This
much is self-evident. Beyond the mere claiming of rights enshrined in a constitution,
however, lies the need for the practice of those rights. This, I think, accounts for Kants
insistence that great experience is needed in many spans of life. It is not enough to have
rights; we must practice them if we are to get good at asserting them and undertaking our
(reciprocal) obligations. Enlightenment is a continuing process, not a once-and-for-all
destination. Regardless of how procedural the Enlightenment turns out to be, this is the
thinking behind the claim that the project of the Enlightenment is unfinishedand likely
never to be complete.4 Madore is correct regarding the need of courage, as it will take
resolve on the part of those members of civil societylets call them citizensthat carry
forth the ideals of Enlightenment and the practice of their rights and obligations. The sort
of courage I think Kant has in mind (beyond the courage of convictions discussed in the
opening paragraphs of What is Enlightenment?) has to do with virtue: that is, selfconstraint. To have a good will is to make obligations the ground of ones will, and not
incentives. Self-constraint is the wherewithal to prevent those incentives from becoming
the grounds of our wills. And this resistancethis struggle--takes courage.Even the

Thus I am saying that without a civil constitution, it is less likely that subjects can practice their (moral)
autonomy effectively. As such, the civil constitution enshrines what is a sort of political kingdom of ends. I
realize that this is a controversial issue in Kant scholarship and I dont want to make light of it by such a
facile assertion. However, given the stress Kant places on both enacting a civil constitution and incorporating
that constitution into the (good) wills of humans in communities, I think that, at least in 1784, Kant did think
the two ran together.
See for example, Cultural-Political Interventions in the Unfinished Project of Enlightenment, edited by A.
Honneth, T. McCarthy, C. Offe, and A. Wellmer (Cambridge, Ma: MIT Press, 1992). I am here thinking of
Habermas and the attempts of German social theorists to construct a legal-political discourse from conditions
of universality and reciprocity. While this view is controversialit seems to deny the sense of Bildung Kant
maintains regarding the Enlightenment in favour of a more procedural accounting of rightsit does seem to
me to fairly represent at least part of what Kant is trying to get at.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 280-286
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33977


James Scott Johnston

formation of a disposition to self-restraint in the face of ceaseless un-moral incentives is no
cause for the slackening of ones vigilance, as Kant makes clear in the Religion (R AA 06:
43-47). The citizens of a civil society, acting under a civil constitution will need an
abundance of courage in the guise of self-constraint to enact the conditions of Recht.
This raises the thorny issue of the role of the Gelehrten under such a constitution.
We have seen that scholars are to be granted the right to publicize their disagreements with
the sovereign. There is suspicion, however, that the Gelehrten belong to a distinct social
class and/or require a specific and even elite education. Fosters paper trades on this
suspicion, as does Pichs in suggesting an aristocracy of the enlightened. If this is the
case, it augurs against the minimal Enlightenment endorsed by Fleischacker.
Fleischackers minimal Enlightenment concerns the scope of freedom of speech as well
as the responsibility of and for, thinking.5 However, if there are two or more classes of
peoples in Kants Enlightenment, and the only public that is granted access to the presses
(scholarship) is the Gelehrten, only the Gelehrten will be able to challenge the
sovereign. And this serves to curb the reach of any minimal program of Enlightenment
speech and thought.
Another way to put the point is to suggest that restricting the freedom of the press
to the Gelehrten is tantamount to endorsing a maximal program of Enlightenment. I think
both Foster and Pich are suggesting Kant moves in this direction. Even if we set aside the
hermeneutics of suspicion regarding Kants intention with respect to the Gelehrten, there
remains the larger and ever-looming concern of humankinds need for a mastera concern
that seems to me to push Kant even further in the direction of a maximal Enlightenment.
This is a concern unlikely to resolve itself in the near future. And therefore we must, if we
agree with Kant, accept that a master to rule over humankind must be our fate.6 Our need
for leadership in the face of an imperfect civil constitution and the ongoing struggle to
obtain and maintain a good will necessitate this because our tendency to self-love and selfdeception is built into to what it means to be a rational animal. While a minimal
Enlightenment can likely operate with a sovereign that allows expansive freedoms
(especially freedom of speech), a maximal Enlightenment will place restrictions on these
in the name of maintaining civil order and the rule of law until such time as a civil
constitution is enacted in practice and the rule of law takes its place in the hearts of
A maximal Enlightenment need not accept Pichs premise that an aristocracy of
Gelehrten has and should have the only access to freedom of the press. I do not think he
meant to endorse this, as seems sufficiently clear in his (later) essay on Theory and
Practice, where Kant makes it abundantly clear that freedom of the pen belongs to the

Fleischacker brings this out with particular clarity in the final chapter of his book, What is Enlightenment?
See Samuel Fleischacker, What is Enlightenment? New York: Routledge, 2013.
At least in the short-to-intermediate term. Regardless of Kants gesture towards a less rhetorically
hierarchical ordering of the human species in the Doctrine of Right, it is the case that here he is unequivocal.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 280-286
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33977


peoples and not simply a distinguished social or learned class (TP AA 08: 304). But it
does, I think, require us to extend beyond the reach of the Enlightenment that Fleischacker
wants to say stops at the borders of censorship. A master has the right to dictate what
speech is permitted and what denied through a civil constitution. Does this restrict the
freedom of the pen? No. It doesnt restrict this freedom, as it nowhere inhibits or implies
the inhibition of scholarship; rather it provides penalties to those that contravene the
sovereign. In a maximal Enlightenment of the sort Kant lays out in Idea for a Universal
History, the sovereign through the civil constitution has the wherewithal to lead.
The example I want us to think about is that of hate speech codes. Fleischacker
discusses these most fully in What is Enlightenment? There, the argument turns on the
assumption that obstruction to access of speech or works results in a net restriction of free
speech. So, if restriction of free speech (say, restriction of sexist posters in the workplace)
takes place, there will be a burden on whoever imposes that restriction to create other
spaces where the restriction is lifted.7 In other words, a corresponding obligation is owed
to those whose free speech is restricted--an obligation that must be carried out by the
sovereign under the civil constitution. But this is not the minimal Enlightenment towards
which Fleischacker gestures; it is maximal. And it is maximal because the civil
constitution works through a sovereign--a civil constitution works through a master.8

3. Autonomy, Subjectivity, and Freedom of the Pen.

The upshot of the pressing need for sovereign leadership is we cannot understand
Kants discussion of public and private, nor his insistence on having the courage of our
convictions, apart from his concern that the human species requires a master. This is a
historical condition to be sure; but it is also a universal condition of the human species. It is
a condition involving more than the merely empirical situation we find ourselves in, for it
involves and invokes Recht. The very possibility of a perfect civil constitution hangs on
lawful internal relations within states and external relations between states (IAG AA 08:
24-25). And this is a condition of Public and Cosmopolitan Right (RL AA 06: 318-320;
352-353). We would do well to heed Kants words regarding an inquiry into the nature of
the sovereign, here: once the issue of the General Will (civil constitution) is settled, the
proper activity the people are to undertake is obedience (RL AA 06: 318-319). Freedom
of the pen must be understood in the context of this claim.

Fleischacker, What is Enlightenment?, p. 178.

Of course, Kant allows for the civil constitution itself to be the sovereignthe master. This is what ideally
takes place in a full-fledged republic. However, as Kant makes clear in Idea for a Universal History,
humankind is not yet ready for this. There will, one hopes, come a time when a fully enacted civil
constitution operates as sovereign, but that time had not yet come for Kant. And judging by the shenanigans
(Donald Trump is a front-runner in the race leading to President of the United States of America at the time
this is written) in the leadership of many liberal-democratic nations, it still hasnt come.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 280-286
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33977


James Scott Johnston

The question remains: does this maximal Enlightenment demand infringe on the
autonomy and subjectivity of the person, as Rajiva worries? I answer, no. It does not
because, to best operate, autonomy and subjectivity must function under conditions of
Recht, which is a Categorical Imperative (RL AA 06: 6: 230-231). Indeed, autonomy and
subjectivity are possible only under the Law, and the Law is Recht. Autonomy and
subjectivity will require the practice of freedom of the pen, but this requires more than
simply enlightened scholarship. The hard business demanded of us is to strive for a
perfect civil constitution and to practice this constitution (likely through judicial cases,
though Kant does not say in the context of Idea for a Universal History), together with
accepting this constitution into our wills (IAG AA 08: 23) and in so doing, making the
constitution and the laws enshrined therein the principle of our maxims. When we have
such a constitution, and we incorporate that constitution into our wills, then and only then
we will have the master that will bring the human species to its perfection.

Fleischacker, S. (2013). What is Enlightenment? New York: Routledge.
Honneth, A., McCarthy, T., Offe, C., and Wellmer, A. (Eds.) (1992) Cultural-Political
Interventions in the Unfinished Project of Enlightenment, Cambridge, Ma: MIT Press.
Kant, I. Gesammelte Schriften Hrsg: Bd. 1-22 Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Bd. 23 Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, ab Bd. 24 Akademie der
Wissenschaften zu Gttingen. Berlin 1900ff.
Kant, I. (2011) An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment? Translated by M.
Gregor, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
(1996a) Groundwork on the Metaphysics of Morals, translated by M. Gregor,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
(1996b) On the Saying: That may be Correct in Theory, But It is of no Use in
Practice, translated by M. Gregor, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
(1996c) The Metaphysics of Morals, translated by M. Gregor, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.

(1999) Idea for a Universal History with Cosmopolitical Intent, translated by A.

Wood, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
(2001) Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, translated by A. Wood,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 280-286
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33977

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 287-309
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33978

Renovando el canon filosfico.

Schiller antes, despus y ms all de Kant

Renewing the Philosophical Canon.

Schiller Before, After and Beyond Kant


Universidad de Oxford, Gran Bretaa

Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805) es uno de esos autores que puede ser abordado tanto desde la
perspectiva literaria como desde la filosfica. Dada la diversidad de sus obras, que comprenden
poemas, novelas, as como dilogos y ensayos filosficos, siempre ha constituido un desafo para
las distinciones entre disciplinas, haciendo surgir inevitables dificultades metodolgicas. Incluso su
presencia en el canon an suscita controversias entre los estudiosos: mientras que su papel como
poeta destacado en la Ilustracin tarda y el clasicismo weimariano est con justicia fuera de toda
duda, Schiller ha sido en cambio considerado o bien como un mero filsofo aficionado,
completamente deudor de Kant, o bien como un pensador independiente enfrentado a Kant; estas
dos consideraciones han conducido obviamente a diferentes visiones sobre su posicin en el
interior del canon. En ambos casos, de todos modos, las nicas obras que se han tomado en
consideracin son las que se refieren al pensamiento kantiano, compuestas y publicadas por
Schiller en la dcada de 1790. Por esta razn, ha ganado peso la creencia de que Schiller como
filsofo slo existe gracias a Kant. El propsito de este artculo es poner en duda esta tesis
mostrando la profundidad de la filosofa schilleriana de juventud, as como apuntando a la
continuidad de sus intereses antes, despus y ms all de Kant.

Marie Curie Fellow en la Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages de la University of Oxford. E-mail
de contacto: .
[Recibido: 20 de octubre de 2015
Aceptado: 30 de octubre de 2015]


Laura Anna Macor

Palabras Clave
Schiller; Kant; Ilustracin; sentido moral; egosmo
Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805) belongs to that category of authors which can be approached from
both a literary and a philosophical angle. His work consists of poetry and novels, but also
philosophical dialogues and essays, and his range has always challenged disciplinary distinctions,
thus necessarily raising methodological issues. Scholars have yet to agree upon his position within
the canon: whereas his role as a leading poet in the late Enlightenment and Weimar Classicism is
justly undisputed, his inclusion in the philosophical canon requires a great deal more investigation.
Schiller has variously been viewed as a mere philosophical dilettante who owes everything to Kant,
or as an independent thinker who challenges Kant on equal terms, and these two different attitudes
have obviously led to similarly different views on his role in the canon. Be that as it may, the only
writings of his to have received scholarly attention are those relating to Kants work, which he
composed and published in the 1790s. Hence the conviction that Schiller as a philosopher exists
only in virtue of Kant. The aim of this paper is to question this thesis by showing the depth of
Schillers early philosophy and pointing to the continuity of his concerns before, after and beyond
Key words
Schiller; Kant; Enlightenment; Moral sense; Egoism

1. Introduccin
La pertenencia de Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805) al canon filosfico es una cuestin
controvertida y, precisamente por ello, siempre actual. Poeta y mdico, dramaturgo e
historiador, Schiller no se ajusta a los normales lmites entre las disciplinas en muchos
sentidos, y representa justamente por ello un desafo y al mismo tiempo un estmulo para
los estudiosos de su obra. Su talla intelectual no est en discusin y tampoco lo est su
contribucin a la cultura posterior, y no slo la alemana: desde la Novena Sinfona de
Beethoven hasta las peras de Verdi, el impacto de Schiller sobrepasa con mucho la
literatura hasta influir en la msica sinfnica, la lrica y, ms recientemente, la misma
identidad europea. A pesar de ello, paradjicamente, la posicin de Schiller en el panorama
ms especficamente filosfico, desde su poca hasta nuestros das, no ha sido definida an
de manera unvoca, hasta el punto de que todo anlisis estrictamente filosfico de su obra
necesita todava hoy una justificacin preliminar; en efecto, a menudo esos anlisis son
introducidos por captulos metodolgicos y/o historiogrficos en los que se exponen las
razones tericas y/o histricas que legitiman dicho enfoque filosfico.1

Sirva como ejemplo por encima de todos: Beiser 2005, pp. 7-10 (Schillers Status as Philosopher).


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 287-309
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33978

Renovando el canon filosfico

A pesar de esta situacin de incertidumbre, es posible de todos modos rastrear un
elemento comn, una toma de conciencia compartida que funciona como un supuesto
tcito de ambas perspectivas en liza: tanto si se sostiene que fue un pensador completo a
todos los efectos como si se defiende que no fue ms all del simple diletantismo filosfico
de un poeta y literato, lo que todos comparten es que Schiller no se adentr en las tierras
desconocidas del saber terico antes de haber ledo a Kant, autntico artfice del cambio
de rumbo disciplinar acontecido en la actividad intelectual de Schiller en la primera mitad
de la dcada de 1790. Por tanto, los debates acerca de la pertenencia o no de Schiller al
canon filosfico se han centrado en su interpretacin del sistema crtico, en su adhesin a
la teora kantiana o en la pertinencia de sus crticas.2 Sin embargo, ha faltado por completo
una atencin programtica sobre la produccin, tanto literaria como ensaystica, del joven
Schiller. Las escasas referencias a los escritos de la dcada de 1780 se han limitado por lo
general a dar por hecho la total dependencia de Schiller hacia el contexto de la Ilustracin
tarda alemana, reduciendo de esta forma sus tesis a la influencia de figuras ms conocidas,
y ya unnimemente aceptadas en el canon filosfico, como Christian Garve o Moses
Mendelssohn.3 Sin embargo, recientemente se ha producido un aumento significativo de
estudios en los que el joven Schiller es definido como un visionario y sus tesis como una
anticipacin de desarrollos ulteriores en mbito jurdico y poltico no slo de obras del
propio Schiller, sino tambin de desarrollos ulteriores en su poca, e incluso en la nuestra;4
por lo que respecta al mbito filosfico, se ha hablado especficamente de notables
coincidencias entre la produccin juvenil y la madura,5 y de un Schiller que se anticipa y
al mismo tiempo se adelanta a Kant, enterrando el tpico generalizado segn el cual la
lectura de las obras kantianas habra constituido el momento cero de su evolucin
intelectual.6 Yo misma he tenido ocasin de hablar de Schiller, o mejor, del joven Schiller,
como un kantiano ante litteram.7
Es decir, estamos ante una autntica revolucin historiogrfica. 8 Y sin embargo,
paradjicamente, este viraje parece haber sido puesto en marcha y percibido slo en el
mbito de la filologa alemana, disciplina a la que, en el fondo, pertenecen (casi) todas las
contribuciones en este sentido. Entre los historiadores de la filosofa sigue siendo todava
vlido, a pesar de todo, el viejo cuento de un Schiller introducido en los misterios del
pensamiento por Kant, y deudor de todas las consideraciones tericas presentes en sus
escritos estticos de la dcada de 1790. Ni siquiera Frederick Beiser, autor de una
monografa en muchos sentidos revolucionaria, aparecida en 2005, ha conseguido salirse
de esta senda. Aun partiendo de la conviccin de tener que rehabilitar a Schiller frente al
manido clich del poeta carente de la coherencia y competencia propias de todo verdadero
filsofo, Beiser no se ha atrevido a mover el foco de su investigacin hacia la produccin

Vase a este respecto: Sharpe 1995.

Una vez ms, Beiser constituye un ejemplo emblemtico: Beiser 2005, pp. 14-37.
Nilges 2012, pp. 11, 83, 129, 137, 153, 159; Schings 2012, p. 68.
High 2004, p. iii.
Robert 2011a, pp. 22, 421.
Macor 2011.
Cfr. Rocco Lozano 2009.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 287-309
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33978


Laura Anna Macor

juvenil de Schiller, que en teora sera la nica que podra confirmar la presencia efectiva
de las citadas (y supuestas) cualidades de autntico filsofo; limitarse a reconocerlas, como
hace Beiser, slo despus de la lectura de las obras kantianas, no hace sino confirmar,
aunque sin duda de manera ms refinada y en este caso ms original, la antigua imagen del
filsofo por reaccin. De hecho, no es casual que Beiser presente el estudio schilleriano
de Kant como una autntica revolucin de su pensamiento moral, que lo habra alejado
del contexto de Ilustracin tarda de sus primeros escritos y arrojado a un horizonte
completamente nuevo, transformando asimismo su visin general del mundo en un sentido
no metafsico.9
El nfasis que Beiser pone en la centralidad de la dimensin tica, as como la alusin a
la direccin progresiva e irreversiblemente no metafsica de la reflexin schilleriana, deben
ser vistos indudablemente como un avance, dado que ambos aspectos representan
elementos tericos novedosos sin los que no es posible comprender el pensamiento de
Schiller en su globalidad, esto es, en la totalidad de sus fases. Atribuir a la lectura de Kant
estas dos adquisiciones, sin embargo, implica repetir una vez ms la tesis de la pasividad
de un Schiller que, aunque s tendra sus propios recursos y competencias, seguira
dependiendo de tesis e ideas ajenas.
A lo largo de esta investigacin intentar sin embargo mostrar hasta qu punto tambin
el joven Schiller, esto es, el Schiller antes de las lecturas kantianas, revela una madurez y
una autonoma tan notables en su reelaboracin de las influencias intelectuales procedentes
del amplio contexto ilustrado que deberan hacer replantearnos su deuda hacia Kant y,
sobre todo, su puesto en el interior del canon filosfico.
2. Schiller antes de Kant
Schiller se estren muy pronto en el estudio de la filosofa. Fue admitido en enero de
1773 en la Karlsschule, una institucin militar que habra de evolucionar hasta convertirse
en universidad; situada primero en Ludwigsburg, traslada ms adelante a Stuttgart, Schiller
asisti en su seno desde el principio a las clases de filosofa.10 Entre 1773 y 1780, ao en
que termina sus estudios y se grada en el colegio, Schiller curs clases de lgica,
metafsica, moral, esttica, psicologa e historia de la filosofa, mostrando un creciente
inters hacia las materias tratadas en clase y llegando hasta el punto de asistir a una
asignatura de filosofa en su ltimo ao, aunque no estuviera obligado a ello. Forzado en
un principio a seguir un curriculum de derecho,11 Schiller aprovecha una ampliacin de la
oferta acadmica llevada a cabo en 1775 para pasarse en 1776 al nuevo itinerario en
medicina,12 a lo que contribuy tambin el escaso xito obtenido hasta entonces en las

Beiser 2005, pp. 44-45.

Para una introduccin a la historia de la Karlsschule vase: Riedel 1995, pp. 389-401.
Acerca de la educacin jurdica recibida entre 1774 y 1775, as como sus repercusiones en la posterior
produccin literaria, incluso tarda, remito a Nilges 2012; Foi 2013.
Sobre la formacin mdica de Schiller existen hoy en da numerosas contribuciones, aunque siguen siendo
cruciales las investigaciones de Dewhurst/Reeves 1978; Riedel 1985.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 287-309
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33978

Renovando el canon filosfico

asignaturas jurdicas, pero tambin la conviccin de que la poesa, ya desde entonces su
mayor pasin, podra beneficiarse del estudio de la naturaleza humana.13 En este viraje
curricular la enseanza de la filosofa fue en cambio una constante.
A lo largo de ocho aos, por tanto, Schiller aprende disciplinas aparentemente muy
distantes entre s, adquiriendo competencias y habilidades que no se perdieron en absoluto
en su posterior recorrido literario. Al revs, muchos aspectos, incluso quizs los ms
relevantes e innovadores de su produccin teatral y potica posterior, seran
incomprensibles si no se tuviera en cuenta la educacin recibida en la Karlsschule y los
aprendizajes en las asignaturas principales, esto es, antes derecho y despus medicina, pero
tambin en esas materias que hoy llamaramos propeduticas. Este era el caso de la
filosofa, que en la Karlsschule era obligatoria, con muchas horas semanales, para los
estudiantes de todos los itinerarios, por lo que terminaba por jugar un papel que, ms que
propedutico, sera ms correcto definir como fundamental.14
Los profesores a los que Schiller tuvo en este mbito fueron cuatro: Johann Friedrich
Jahn (1728-1800), que anteriormente haba tenido a Schiller como alumno en la
Lateinschule de Ludwigsburg, y que entre 1773 y 1774 lo introduce en la filosofa; August
Friedrich Bk (1739-1815), que forma parte del claustro de la Karlsschule slo durante
1775 para volver despus a la Universidad de Tubinga como catedrtico de filosofa
prctica, retrica y poesa a partir de comienzos de 1776; Jakob Friedrich Abel (17511829), que tiene a su cargo la clase de Schiller entre 1776 y 1777; y por ltimo Johann
Christoph Schwab (1743-1821), que parece que tuvo a Schiller entre sus alumnos en el ao
1779. En 1778 los estudiantes de medicina no recibieron ninguna enseanza filosfica,
mientras que en 1780, como ya se ha dicho, Schiller decide de manera autnoma y sin
ninguna obligacin curricular cursar otra asignatura de filosofa, impartida por Abel. Y no
es una casualidad. En efecto, Abel era el profesor ms amado por los alumnos, 15 y
Schiller entabl con l, que era slo ocho aos mayor, una relacin muy estrecha que lo
habra llevado en poco tiempo a ser su amigo y colaborador.
Se ha subrayado a menudo que Schiller no fue un alumno entregado en cuerpo y alma a
los estudios: en 1775 repite derecho romano y derecho natural porque sus resultados no son
considerados suficientes por su profesor, Johann Georg Friedrich Heyd,16 lo que provoca
que a finales de ao aproveche la ocasin que se le presenta para pasarse al itinerario de
medicina. En el mismo ao 1775, Bk propone a Schiller como participante activo de la
discusin pblica de noviembre-diciembre, que marcaba el final del curso acadmico y al
mismo tiempo determinaba la evaluacin final; sin embargo, en las actas finales no aparece
su nombre, muy probablemente a causa de la opinin contraria del duque, quizs no muy
impresionado por el rendimiento del estudiante;17 en 1776 y en 1777, Schiller s aparece
entre los estudiantes que participan en el debate relacionado con las asignaturas de Abel,

Cfr. Hecker/Petersen 1904, p. 136; Hoven 1984, p. 53.

Acerca del papel de la filosofa en la Karlsschule, con una especial aunque no exclusiva atencin a Jakob
Friedrich Abel, vase Riedel 1995.
Hoven 1984, p. 45.
Cfr. Nilges 2012, p. 53.
Cfr. Buchwald 1936/37, p. 66.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 287-309
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33978


Laura Anna Macor

pero en un catlogo manuscrito, redactado al final de los exmenes, no figura entre los
alumnos destacados en asignaturas filosficas, mientras que se cita a varios de sus
compaeros; 18 entre 1779 y 1780, finalmente, Schiller presenta no una sino dos
disertaciones finales para obtener el diploma en medicina, pero se le obliga a redactar otra
ms para poder graduarse definitivamente en la Karlsschule.
Podra parecer por tanto que Schiller no se dedic mucho a su formacin y a la
adquisicin de competencias especficas. Sin embargo, existe otra cara de la moneda,
obviamente la ms importante. Si permanecemos en el mbito exclusivo de las asignaturas
filosficas, las palabras de Abel testimonian el esfuerzo, la asiduidad y la agudeza de
Schiller. Abel seala en efecto que a Schiller le apasionaban especialmente la psicologa,
la esttica, la historia de la humanidad y la tica, que no slo escuchaba muy
atentamente en clase, sino que adems lea de manera autnoma los mejores escritos al
respecto y, en cuanto se le presentaba la ocasin, se entretena hablando sobre estos
asuntos con compaeros y profesores.19 La tica parece haber interesado especialmente a
Schiller que, en verano de 1780, cuando deba proponer temas para la tercera disertacin,
sugiere entre otros el ttulo Ueber die Freiheit und Moralitt des Menschen, el cual, sin
embargo, a causa del desequilibrio hacia la filosofa, excesivo para un diploma en
medicina, no ser el tema del trabajo efectivamente presentado ante el tribunal acadmico.
Lo que cuenta para nosotros es, sin embargo, no slo la declaracin de intenciones, sino
tambin las motivaciones aducidas por Schiller para elegir el tema, que en su opinin
habra estado entre los principales problemas estudiados durante ese ao (NA XXI, p. 124).
Por tanto, en su ltimo ao en la Karlsschule un ao en el que, es preciso recordarlo una
vez ms, cursa sin estar obligado a ello una asignatura de Abel Schiller, exestudiante de
derecho y aspirante al ttulo en medicina, se interesa fundamentalmente por el problema de
la libertad y la moralidad del hombre.
Las concepciones con las que Schiller haba entrado en contacto en los aos anteriores,
sobre todo gracias a Abel, y que representan por tanto el fundamento de su explcito inters
por los temas ticos, hunden sus races en la Ilustracin europea y, concretamente, reflejan
en este contexto las posturas de la Ilustracin alemana. En el marco de un campo de
fuerzas en el que los papeles preponderantes eran los de Inglaterra y Francia, los
intelectuales alemanes se alinearon con el bando anglfilo y frente a los franceses,
acogiendo la tradicin anglo-escocesa del moral sense y rechazando el egosmo de
raigambre materialista: las referencias positivas son por tanto Shaftesbury, Hutcheson,
Hume y Ferguson, mientras que los blancos polmicos seran principalmente Le Mettrie e
Helvtius. 20 Frente a la provocacin materialista de una moral torpemente destinada a
ocultar los intereses escondidos en toda accin y en todo proyecto humanos, se contrapone
la insistencia anglo-escocesa en las inclinaciones altruistas activas de manera espontnea

Cfr. ibidem, p. 71.

Hecker/Petersen 1904, p. 101.
Profundizar en todo este contexto requerira un anlisis que sobrepasa los lmites de la presente
contribucin; permitaseme sin embargo remitir a algunas de las investigaciones ms recientes sobre el tema:
Krebs 2006; Dehrmann 2008; Stachel 2011.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 287-309
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33978

Renovando el canon filosfico

en el hombre, que son llamadas segn el contexto y el autor como moral sense,
benevolence o sympathy.21 En los territorios alemanes estas tesis empiezan a difundirse en
la dcada de 1740 y ganan progresivamente terreno. Se trata de una regin fronteriza entre
la tica y la religin. El sentido moral (o benevolencia o simpata), a menudo
traducido en alemn como moralischer Sinn, Wohlwollen o Sympathie, llega a ser una
palabra clave no slo en el mbito moral, sino tambin en el teolgico, dado que es
presentado como la voz divina en el interior del hombre, que es conducido de esta manera
a la virtud y, por consiguiente, a la inmortalidad entendida como continuo e infinito
Estas tesis constituan el patrimonio comn de la reflexin de Siglo XVIII tardo, y eran
sostenidas con conviccin no slo por Abel, el profesor preferido por Schiller y con el que
estuvo durante ms tiempo en contacto, sino tambin por la mayor parte de los
intelectuales del tiempo. Schiller se aduea en todo caso del lxico de Abel quien, ms que
de sentido moral, habla de amor (Liebe) y benevolencia (Wohlwollen).23 El primer
pargrafo de la primera disertacin mdica, rechazada en 1779 por el claustro de la
Academia y titulada Philosophie der Physiologie, muestra de manera clara la unin entre la
moral sentimental de raigambre anglo-escocesa y una perspectiva religioso-metafsica.
2.1. El destino del hombre [Bestimmung des Menschen]
Antes o despus se demostrar con una certeza razonable, creo yo, que el universo es
obra de un entendimiento infinito y que est concebido en base a un designio excelente.
[] el hombre existe para emular la grandeza de su creador y para abrazar el mundo
con la misma mirada con la que l lo abraza la semejanza a Dios es el destino del
hombre [die Bestimmung des Menschen]. Infinito, ciertamente, es este ideal suyo, pero el
espritu es eterno. La eternidad es la medida de la infinitud, esto es, l crecer hacia el
infinito, sin alcanzarlo jams.
[] Pero otra ley, tan bella y sabia [] ha conectado la perfeccin del todo con la
felicidad del individuo, a los hombres con los hombres e incluso con los animales,
mediante el vnculo del amor universal. El amor es, por tanto, el impulso ms bello y
noble del alma humana, la gran cadena de la naturaleza sintiente, que no es otra cosa que
el intercambio de m mismo con el ser del prjimo. []
Y para qu el amor universal, para qu todos los placeres del amor universal? Slo
en virtud de esta intencin universal y ltima, para favorecer la perfeccin del prjimo. Y

Cfr. Turco 1999.

El autor de referencia es aqu Johann Joachim Spalding, al que hay que reconocer el mrito de haber
introducido a Shaftesbury en los territorios alemanes y haberlo convertido en fundamento de una nueva
visin teolgica y religiosa (sobre este punto vase: Dehrmann 2008, pp. 130-155; Macor 2013, pp. 79-84).
En la introduccin a su edicin alemana (1747) de la Inquiry concerning Virtue, or Merit, Spalding sita en
la sensacin moral [moralische Empfindung] inaugurada por Shaftesbury la fuente de la virtud, y se
muestra disponible a aceptar muchas de sus formulaciones: Llmela como quiera, llmela sentido moral
[moralischer Sinn], gusto moral [moralischer Geschmack], conciencia [Gewissen] o, si es usted lo bastante
audaz para hacerlo, una luz interior [ein innerliches Licht]. Para m no hay diferencias (Spalding 1747, p.
Cfr. Riedel 1995, pp. 61-73, 436-438, 491-493.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 287-309
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33978


Laura Anna Macor

esta perfeccin es visin global, investigacin, admiracin hacia el gran plan de la
naturaleza []. Invariablemente esta verdad permanece igual a s misma: el hombre est
destinado a la contemplacin, al estudio, a la admiracin del gran plan de la naturaleza
(NA XX, pp. 10-12).

La utilizacin en este punto, e incluso en el ttulo, del concepto de destino del hombre
(Bestimmung des Menschen) es una prueba decisiva de la deuda de Schiller hacia la tica
de su tiempo: introducido hacia la mitad de siglo por el telogo Johann Joachim Spalding,
esta nocin se haba vuelto ms adelante la palabra clave del cruce entre dimensin
metafsica y tica en la lnea de la tradicin del moral sense de procedencia angloescocesa.24
Otro pasaje, extrado de la novela inacabada Philosophische Briefe, publicada en 1786
pero probablemente redactada inmediatamente tras la educacin recibida en la Karlsschule,
confirma el entrelazamiento entre moral y metafsica en el pensamiento del joven Schiller.
Desear la felicidad ajena es lo que llamamos benevolencia [Wohlwollen], amor [Liebe].
[] El amor el fenmeno ms bello de la creacin animada, el imn omnipotente
del mundo espiritual, la fuente de la devocin y de la virtud ms sublime [] El amor,
por tanto, querido Raphael, es la escalera por la que nos encaminamos hacia la semejanza
a Dios (NA XX, pp. 119, 124).

Hasta aqu la pars construens de la filosofa del joven Schiller. Como suele ser
habitual, hay sin embargo tambin una pars destruens que toma su blanco polmico del
contexto de la Ilustracin tarda, y que se lanza consiguientemente contra el materialismo
de cuo francs. En el discurso escrito con ocasin del cumpleaos de Franziska von
Hohenheim, Die Tugend in ihren Folgen betrachtet (1780), el espritu imperfecto de un
La Mettrie se define como una potencial semilla de corrupcin para sus semejantes, cuyas
almas indefensas podran contagiarse del dulce veneno difundido por su pecado y
encaminarse as lejos de su alto destino [hohe Bestimmung] hacia la antigua oscuridad
brbara del animal estado salvaje (NA XX, p. 33).
Una vez ms en los Philosophische Briefe, Schiller formula claramente la
contraposicin frontal entre amor y egosmo, que no acepta compromisos, y la inserta en el
contexto de su propio tiempo:
La filosofa de nuestra poca contradice me temo esta teora [sc. del amor]. Muchas
de nuestras cabezas pensantes han credo poder ahuyentar gozosamente este impulso


En 1747, una vez ms en la introduccin de su traduccin alemana de la Inquiry concerning Virtue, or

Merit de Shaftesbury, Spalding identifica en nuestro destino [Bestimmung] lo que debemos o no debemos
ser, lo que nos es tan querido y a lo que estamos conducidos por el sentimiento moral de modo mucho
ms rpido con respecto a la senda cansada y aburrida de las conclusiones racionales (Spalding 1747, p.
177). Acerca del concepto de Bestimmung des Menschen vase Brandt 2007; Tippmann 2011; Macor 2013.
Sobre el papel de Spalding en la introduccin de la filosofa moral anglo-escocesa en la cultura alemana, cfr.
supra, nota 22.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 287-309
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33978

Renovando el canon filosfico

divino [sc. el amor] del alma humana, borrar la huella de la divinidad y disolver este
noble entusiasmo en el fro aliento mortfero de una mezquina indiferencia. En el
sentimiento servil de la degradacin de uno mismo se han aliado con el ms peligroso de
los enemigos de la benevolencia [Wohlwollen], el egosmo [Eigennuz], con el fin de
explicar un fenmeno que era demasiado divino para sus corazones limitados. De un
msero egosmo [Egoismus] han extrado su doctrina descorazonadora, y han hecho de su
limitacin la nica unidad de medida del creador esclavos degenerados, que en el fragor
de sus cadenas gritan contra la libertad [] estos peligrosos pensadores [] con gran
derroche de inteligencia y genialidad embellecen el egosmo y lo ennoblecen,
convirtindolo en sistema.
Yo declaro abiertamente que creo en la existencia de un amor no egosta. Estoy
perdido si no existe, renuncio a la divinidad, a la inmortalidad y a la virtud. No me queda
prueba alguna de que pueda confiar en ellas si dejo de creer en el amor (NA XX, pp.

Estas son las posiciones con las que Schiller, como alumno de la Karlsschule, entra en
contacto y de las que se apropia: amor, Dios e inmortalidad, es decir, tica y religin estn
ntimamente conectadas y cualquier infiltracin del materialismo debe ser duramente
combatida, dado que puede ser una potencial semilla de destruccin para todos estos
supuestos. A primera vista, la antigua historieta de un joven Schiller adhiriendo
completamente a las posiciones de la Ilustracin tarda y en absoluto preocupado por
problematizarlas no parecera tan errnea. A primera vista, justamente. Pero qu es lo que
cambia en el Schiller lector de Kant? Qu pasa cuando el ex alumno de la Academia,
empapado en moral sense y tesis metafsico-religiosas, entra en contacto con la drstica
reduccin de las facultades cognoscitivas del ser humano y con la fundamentacin
trascendental de la moral que instaura el criticismo?
3. Schiller despus de Kant
Schiller empieza a leer a Kant durante el verano de 1787, cuando se acerca a los
escritos menores aparecidos en la Berlinische Monatsschrift entre 1784 y, precisamente,
1787, como la Idee zu einer allgemeinen Geschichte in weltbrgerlicher Absicht y el
clebre ensayo Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklrung?.25 La aproximacin a las tres
Kritiken se pospone hasta comienzos de 1791, cuando Schiller anuncia no sin cierto
orgullo a su amigo, el ferviente kantiano Christian Gottfried Krner, que se ha hecho con
una Kritik der Urteilskraft y que le ha apasionado tanto que siente una urgencia terica de
profundizar en el estudio de todo el sistema (NA XXVI, pp. 77-78). No es casual que, a
finales del mismo ao, Schiller encargue un ejemplar de la Kritik der praktischen Vernunft
(NA XXVI, p. 112), de la Kritik der reinen Vernunft (NA XXVI, 119), y, en muy poco
tiempo, su propsito se haya vuelto el de no abandonar la filosofa kantiana antes de
haberla desmenuzado del todo, aunque ello tenga que llevar[me] tres aos (NA XXVI, p.

Para un anlisis del primer acercamiento de Schiller a Kant cfr. Macor 2010, pp. 129-150.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 287-309
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33978


Laura Anna Macor

127), una previsin que Schiller respeta casi matemticamente hasta el 17 de diciembre de
1795, cuando le comunica a Goethe que ha llegado el momento de cerrar su barraca
filosfica [philosophische Bude] (NA XXVIII, p. 132).
En sus obras Kant profundiza en el mismo ncleo terico por el que tambin el joven
Schiller se haba interesado, esto es, las relaciones entre religin y metafsica, moral y
sentimiento, y lo hace confrontndose con las mismas tradiciones filosficas y con los
mismos autores que haban guiado la formacin del entonces aspirante a mdico.
La crtica a los materialistas franceses es inapelable tambin para Kant:
El sistema del egosmo [Selbstliebe] muestra que toda evaluacin moral juzga la
prudencia [Klugheit] conforme a la cual nosotros satisfacemos nuestras inclinaciones.
Cuanto ms largamente satisfacemos nuestras inclinaciones, tanto ms seguimos las leyes
morales este es el ncleo del egosmo y, en pocas ms recientes, del sistema de
Helvtius y La Mettrie. [] Helvtius no dice slo que los hombres son egostas, sino
tambin que sin ese egosmo no estaran capacitados para producir una accin moral.
Reducir la moralidad a principios tan burdos es sin embargo reprobable (V-PP/Powalski,
AA 27, pp. 106-107).

Por lo que respecta a la pars destruens, evidentemente, existe una identidad de perspectiva
entre el Schiller alumno de la Karlsschule y Kant. Si nos desplazamos a la pars construens,
sin embargo, parece haber una fuerte divergencia: segn Kant, de hecho, la perspectiva
religiosa, ms o menos ligada al sentimentalismo de raigambre anglo-escocesa (Kant
asigna a la tradicin wollfiana un papel central que no tiene en Schiller),26 no se distingue
en el fondo de la materialista, en el sentido de que ambas son generadas por el egosmo.
Hacer el bien porque se espera cualquier tipo de recompensa no en la tierra, sino en el ms
all, no vuelve la buena accin menos egosta (cfr. KpV, AA 05, p. 36), y tambin el
sentimiento moral, este pretendido sentido especial, concede, es verdad, a la virtud el
honor de atribuirle inmediatamente la complacencia y la alta estima hacia ella, pero se
limita slo a no echarle en cara, por as decirlo, que lo que nos ata a ella no es su belleza,
sino nuestro beneficio (GMS, AA 04, pp. 442-443). A pesar de su conviccin de tener
que rechazar el desafo materialista, los filsofos de la Ilustracin tarda no habran sabido,
en realidad, estar a la altura de ese desafo, porque habran terminado por dejarse
contaminar por el enemigo, alojndolo de incgnito en sus sistemas.
Slo hay que examinar los ensayos sobre la moralidad [], y enseguida se encontrar
una mezcla portentosa, sea el destino especfico de la naturaleza humana [die besondere
Bestimmung der menschlichen Natur] (y junto con ella la idea de una naturaleza racional
general), sea la perfeccin, sea la felicidad, aqu el sentimiento moral, all el temor de

Sobre la filosofa moral de Kant y sus fuentes, tanto respecto a la vertiente anglo-escocesa como a la
wolffiana, existen hoy en da numerossimos estudios, entre los que cabe remitir a algunos de entre los ms
relevantes: Schneewind 1992; Schwaiger 1999; Wood 2008; Snchez Madrid 2013; Sensen 2013. Schwaiger
2013 (pp. 136-139) ha reivindicado justamente el papel jugado por Baumgarten en la reflexin sobre el
egosmo moral.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 287-309
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33978

Renovando el canon filosfico

dios, un poco de esto y de lo otro (GMS, AA 04, p. 410).

Es preciso notar, obviamente, la vuelta del concepto de Bestimmung des Menschen, que
Kant aqu critica exactamente en la versin de la que Schiller se haba apropiado en la
poca de la Karlsschule, pero que hay que recordarlo el mismo Kant retoma de manera
positiva y transforma tanto en el mbito de la filosofa moral como en el de la filosofa de
la historia.27
Una nica fuente subyace a todos [estos] principios espurios de la moralidad, esto
es, la heteronoma de la voluntad, que tiene lugar cuando el hombre sigue imperativos
hipotticos: debo hacer algo, porque quiero otra cosa, y no el imperativo categrico:
yo debo actuar de esta o de la otra manera, aunque no quiera nada ulterior (GMS, AA
04, p. 441).
De esta crtica no se libra, como ya ha sido mencionado, la tica del sentimiento moral,
hasta el punto de que incluso el filntropo no puede evitar la sospecha de egosmo en su
Ser benficos, cuando se puede, es un deber, y adems hay algunas almas tan propensas a
la participacin que, aun sin un motivo ulterior que derive de la vanidad o del inters,
sienten una ntima satisfaccin en la difusin de la alegra a su alrededor, y saben gozar
del contento ajeno, si ste es obra suya. Sin embargo afirmo que una accin semejante,
por muy conforme al deber, por muy amable que sea, no tiene valor moral alguno, y que
ms bien se une con otras inclinaciones, como por ejemplo la inclinacin al honor, que
cuando afortunadamente se dirige hacia lo que constituye la utilidad general y es
conforme al deber, y por lo tanto es digno de honor, merece elogios y nimos, pero no
admiracin; en efecto, esa accin carece de contenido moral, esto es, del cumplimiento de
la accin no por inclinacin, sino por deber. Imaginemos de hecho que el nimo de este
filntropo [Menschenfreund] estuviera ennegrecido por un dolor propio que apagase toda
participacin en el destino ajeno, y que siguiera teniendo la posibilidad de ayudar a otros
menesterosos, pero que la pena ajena no lo conmoviera ya porque est demasiado
ocupado con la propia, y ahora que ninguna inclinacin le lleva a hacerlo, se despojase de
esa mortal insensibilidad y llevase a cabo la accin sin inclinacin alguna, slo por deber:
entonces esa accin tendra verdaderamente un autntico valor moral por s misma (GMS,
AA 04, p. 398).

La conclusin es clebre:
Ahora bien, si es preciso que una accin llevada a cabo por deber prescinda enteramente
del influjo de la inclinacin y por ende de todo objeto de la voluntad, no queda nada que
pueda determinar la voluntad sino, objetivamente, la ley [das Gesetz] y, subjetivamente,
el puro respeto [die reine Achtung] hacia esta ley prctica, y por lo tanto la mxima de
seguir esta ley incluso en detrimento de mis propias inclinaciones (GMS, AA 04, pp. 400401).

Sobre estas dos vertientes vase: Hinske 1994; Brandt 2007, pp. 57-60, 108-125, 180-221; Macor 2013, pp.
208-212, 248-267.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 287-309
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33978


Laura Anna Macor

La lectura de estos pasajes deja una marca profunda en el pensamiento de Schiller,

hasta el punto de que tanto en su epistolario como en los escritos publicados encontramos
la imagen de un entusiasmo incondicionado hacia la filosofa kantiana. La fundacin no
religiosa de la moral y la motivacin no sentimental de la accin son las dos teoras a las
que Schiller adhiere con evidente conviccin. En definitiva, lo que est en juego es
precisamente el cruce entre tica y metafsica que haba sido tan caro al alumno de la
En febrero de 1793 Schiller escribe a Krner que la razn prctica hace abstraccin de
todo conocimiento y que slo tiene que ver con voliciones, con actos internos, y en este
sentido la [r]azn prctica y la volicin nicamente por la razn son uno y lo mismo. La
forma de la razn prctica es la conexin directa de la voluntad con las representaciones
de la razn, y prev por tanto la exclusin de toda motivacin externa, dado que una
voluntad que no est determinada por la sola forma de la razn prctica est determinada
externa, material, heternomamente. Acoger [] la forma de la razn prctica significa
por tanto tan slo: no estar [] determinado por el exterior sino slo por s mismo,
autnomamente. La conclusin remite perfectamente a la ortodoxia kantiana: Todos
los actos morales son de este tipo, esto es, son un producto de la voluntad pura, esto es,
de la voluntad determinada por su sola forma y por lo tanto autnoma (NA XXVI, p.
181). Autodeterminacin pura [reine Selbstbestimmung] en cuanto tal es por tanto la
forma de la razn prctica, y por ello, [c]uando acta, un ente racional debe actuar por
pura razn, si es preciso que muestre una autodeterminacin pura (NA XXVI, p. 182). En
diciembre del mismo ao, dirigindose a su mecenas, el Prncipe de Augustenburg,
Schiller escribe una autntica profesin de fe filosfica, pues se declara totalmente
kantiano en el punto principal de la doctrina moral, dado que, igual que Kant, considera
que slo deben ser denominadas morales la acciones a las que estamos determinados
exclusivamente por el respeto [Achtung] hacia la ley de la razn y no por impulsos
[Antriebe], por muy refinados y convertidos en solemnes por cualquier denominacin.
Schiller se alinea sin reservas en el bando de los ms rgidos moralistas, con los que
comparte la idea de que la virtud debe reposar nicamente en s misma y no debe referirse
a ningn otro fin. Hay que reconocer como bueno (segn los principios kantianos que en
este aspecto suscribo plenamente), [] lo que acontece slo porque es bueno (NA XXVI,
p. 322).28
Posicionamientos semejantes pueden encontrarse tambin en una gran cantidad de los
denominados escritos estticos, que en algunos casos retoman casi al pie de la letra las
expresiones antes comentadas. En Ueber Anmuth und Wrde, redactado y publicado en
1793, al inmortal autor de la Crtica se le reconoce el mrito de haber liberado la tica
del eudemonismo imperante (NA XX, p. 282) y de haber sacado a la luz que en la

Las seis cartas al Prncipe de Augustenburg, escritas entre febrero y diciembre de 1793, nos han llegado
nicamente a travs de transcripciones y no enteramente (de la ltima slo se conserva el comienzo); se trata
de documentos decisivos y olvidados por los estudiosos, que afortunadamente recientemente se han vuelto a
ocupar de ellas. Vase al respecto el amplio y revolucionario aporte de Riedel 2013.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 287-309
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33978

Renovando el canon filosfico

actuacin moral lo que cuenta no es la conformidad de las acciones a la ley, sino ms bien
tan slo la conformidad de las intenciones al deber, razn por la que Kant justamente no
[] atribuye importancia alguna a la observacin segn la cual suele ser ms ventajoso
para la primera si la inclinacin est alineada con el deber (NA XX, p. 283). En Ueber die
Gefahr sthetischer Sitten, publicado en 1795, pero redactado en 1793, el respeto
[Achtung] es un sentimiento que slo puede experimentarse hacia la ley y para lo que le
corresponda y que impone una obediencia absoluta (NA XXI, p. 24), mientras que en
Ueber den moralischen Nutzen sthetischer Sitten, tambin escrito en 1793 pero
reelaborado y entregado a la imprenta slo tres aos despus, la moralidad de una accin
interna [depende] nicamente de la determinacin inmediata de la voluntad a travs de la
ley de la razn, y no de sentimientos o sensaciones concomitantes (NA XXI, p. 29).29 En
1794 Schiller condena abiertamente la virtud religiosa, que cierra un trato con el creador
y concede prstamos con intereses de buenas acciones, y afirma que las virtudes que son
ejercitadas exclusivamente a cambio de asegurarse bienes futuros no valen nada, porque
la virtud tiene una necesidad interna, que seguira siendo vlida aunque no hubiera otra
vida, y nuestros deberes morales no nos vinculan por contrato, sino de manera
incondicionada (NA XXII, p. 178).
Es fcil reconocer las influencias del pensamiento kantiano, que Schiller evidentemente
abraza en su sentido fundamental: impulsos, sensaciones e inclinaciones no juegan ningn
papel en la determinacin de la carga moral de una accin, la propia felicidad est excluida
del clculo de opciones a elegir y el nico mvil moral es el respeto (Achtung) hacia la ley.
Como confirmacin del completo acuerdo con Kant encontramos la crtica del Schiller
lector de la Kritik der praktischen Vernunft y la Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten a
la tica del buen corazn [gutes Herz], llamada tambin virtud del temperamento
[Temperamentstugend]: sta no tiene valor moral alguno, dado que presupone que la
inclinacin est del lado de la justicia slo porque afortunadamente la justicia se
encuentra del lado de la inclinacin, lo que indudablemente compromete la pureza de la
intencin. En el caso en que, en efecto, hiciera falta un sacrificio, ser la moralidad y no
la sensibilidad la que lo ofrecera, dado que el instinto natural ejercer en el afecto,
como es costumbre, una perfecta constriccin de la voluntad (NA XX, p. 294). Parece
legtimo suponer que Schiller retome aqu el ejemplo del filntropo propuesto por Kant en
la Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten (cfr. GMS, AA 04, p. 398) y, al hacerlo, ataca
directamente el sistema del amor que haba esbozado en sus propios primeros escritos.
Y la crtica prosigue. El amor es al mismo tiempo lo que en la naturaleza es ms
magnnimo y ms egosta porque, por una parte, no recibe nada de su objeto y le da

En este texto confluye, con algunas modificaciones y omisiones, la penltima de las cartas al Prncipe de
Augustenburg, esto es, la que lleva fecha de 3 de diciembre 1793, ya citada anteriormente (cfr. NA XXI, pp.
322-333). La tesis segn la cual la eliminacin en el texto publicado de la profesin de fe kantiana (que se ha
recogido en esta contribucin en la nota 28) constituira la muestra de un alejamiento de la fundacin
kantiana de la moral, progresivamente sustituida por una mayor atencin al papel de la perfeccin sensible
(NA XXVI, p. 325), no parece slida, en primer lugar si se repara en las muchas otras afirmaciones
kantianas, equivalentes a aqullas, sobre la pureza de la intencin moral, de las que est plagado el ensayo;
en segundo lugar, por la presencia de una especial consideracin hacia lo sensible ya en 1793. Sobre el
carcter no contradictorio de esta posicin remito a Beiser 2005, pp. 169-182.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 287-309
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33978


Laura Anna Macor

todo, pero por otra lo que busca y ama en su objeto es siempre a s mismo. El amor es
fcilmente vctima de engaos, dado que al amante le pasa a menudo que entregue al
amado lo que no ha recibido por parte de l y, al comportarse as, oculta con su propia
abundancia [] la pobreza del amado (NA XX, p. 394). Ciertamente el amor es un
afecto ennoblecido, portador de intenciones que corresponden a la verdadera dignidad
del hombre, y capaz de destruir con su fuego sagrado toda inclinacin egosta de
manera incluso ms eficaz que los principios, que a menudo estn obligados a luchar ah
donde el amor ha conseguido ya para ellos la victoria y ha acelerado con su fuerza
omnipotente decisiones que el simple deber habra exigido sin xito a la dbil humanidad.
Y sin embargo se trata de una gua falaz, que en el momento crtico no tendra
dificultades para desprenderse de las perplejidades morales para beneficiar al objeto
amado. El espejo deformado del amor de hecho devuelve una imagen alterada de la
incondicional prioridad de la tica con respecto a la felicidad ajena. Schiller imagina la
hiptesis de que la persona amada sea infeliz por nuestra culpa y que nos sea posible
hacerla feliz, aunque sea pagando el precio de derogar en algn sentido la absoluta
validez de la ley moral (NA XXI, p. 24). Los escrpulos morales se invertiran entonces
de manera sofista, se volveran mscaras del egosmo y se aceptaran como precio que
hay que pagar para demostrar un genuino altruismo, porque debemos dejarle sufrir para
mantener limpia nuestra conciencia? [] acaso se ama, si ante el sufrimiento ajeno se
piensa en uno mismo?. Evidentemente, estamos ms preocupados por nosotros mismos
que por el objeto de nuestro amor, porque preferimos verle a l infeliz antes que serlo
nosotros a causa de los reproches de nuestra conciencia (NA XXI, p. 25).
A fin de cuentas, la postura de Beiser que citbamos al comienzo no parecera
demasiado equivocada, dado que el Schiller lector de Kant termina por criticar
exactamente las mismas tesis que l mismo defenda en su juventud con idntico
entusiasmo: fundacin religiosa y sentimental de la moral, o mejor, metafsica y tica del
amor; todo esto, sin duda, sobre la base de una comn y compartida aversin al
materialismo de cuo francs. Como se dijo al comienzo, sin embargo, existen elementos
que permiten poner en duda esta narrativa de la discontinuidad y situar a Schiller en una
posicin que no es definible ni como un antes ni como un despus.
4. Schiller ms all de Kant
Schiller no se mueve meramente porque est en consonancia con las tendencias ms
difundidas en su tiempo, heredando las referencias positivas y los blancos polmicos de los
sistemas filosficos con los que se va topando cada vez, desde la filosofa de la Ilustracin
tarda hasta la kantiana. No es un simple receptculo de tesis ajenas que habra ledo,
estudiado y comprendido, pero que en el fondo se limitara a repetir en versiones ms o
menos fieles al original y segn el contexto. Al revs, demuestra ser un pensador en el
sentido ms pleno de la palabra, y se compromete con un radical y atrevido proceso de
reflexin, que concierne potencialmente todo el espectro del saber. En esta tarea Schiller


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 287-309
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33978

Renovando el canon filosfico

sigue sin duda las ideas ilustradas de eclecticismo (Eklektik), pensamiento autnomo
(Selbstdenken) y mayora de edad (Mndigkeit), encaminadas a reivindicar la necesidad
de un pensamiento libre y autnomo, que se ha vuelto independiente del vnculo con una
determinada escuela o autoridad, y que ha alcanzado un juicio propio.30
En particular, Schiller muestra hasta qu punto ha absorbido el mensaje didctico
presente en la Karlsschule, en la que estos supuestos programticos se erigan como pilares
educativos, vlidos tanto en la concepcin de las clases como en la organizacin de los
exmenes finales. El fin ltimo de la formacin en asignaturas filosficas era en efecto el
fomento de una capacidad de juicio autnoma por parte de los estudiantes, adquirida a
travs de la costumbre de la reflexin y la reelaboracin por parte de cada una de las
enseanzas recibidas. Esta tendencia no haba sido recibida favorablemente por todos los
profesores de la Academia, a los que preocupaba que los estudiantes fueran ms all de
los lmites establecidos al discutir y objetar, revelando de este modo un pruritum
dubitandi que, si se volviera habitual, podra degenerar en un libertinismus sentiendi.31
A pesar de estas crticas, por otra parte aisladas, el mtodo didctico con el que Schiller
entra en contacto a travs de todos sus profesores de filosofa (Jahn, Bk, Abel y Schwab)
sigue siendo el del replanteamiento crtico de las enseanzas recibidas: la referencia
polmica constante en todas las reflexiones pedaggicas de Jahn est representada por el
aprendizaje mnemnico, repetidamente sealado como extremadamente daino si no se
acompaa de un oportuno ejercicio del sentido crtico. Segn Jahn, ni siquiera la historia
debe entenderse como una mera compilacin de fechas y hechos, porque en tal caso se
dejaran de lado cosas mucho ms necesarias e indispensables para la formacin
[Bildung] de un hombre que piensa, y se producira un grave fracaso educativo.32 A la
memoria, indudablemente til, siempre debe acompaarse la necesaria clara comprensin
de las relaciones [deutliche und zusammenhngende Einsicht] entre las nociones
aprendidas, que falta del todo en un estudio meramente mnemnico, terminando por
perjudicar el desarrollo completo de la razn y por favorecer la introduccin en la mente
del estudiante de frases comprendidas insuficientemente. 33 Tambin Abel est
convencido de que el fin de la formacin es formar hombres ilustrados y rectos
[aufgeklrte und gesittete Menschen], que deben ser capaces de comprender el orden y
la conexin [Ordnung und Zusammenhang] de los conceptos y por tanto pensar y
razonar autnomamente.34 La memoria es, tambin en este caso, el peligro a evitar en
todos los campos del saber, desde el estudio de idiomas, latn y francs, y hasta el de la
geografa, donde debe ser sustituida respectivamente por la exposicin y composicin y
por la imaginacin [Imagination], que permiten formar, en vez de una vaca palabrera
conformada por definiciones, investigaciones y distinciones intiles, a un hombre sabio,

Hinske 1985, p. 1002. Sobre los conceptos clave de la Ilustracin alemana, tanto en filosofa como en
literatura, vase tambin: Hinske 1999; Godel 2007. Acerca de la importancia de estos conceptos para
Schiller, cfr. Macor 2010.
Buchwald 1936/1937, p. 64 (1774).
Ibidem, p. 50 (1773).
Ibidem, p. 52 (1774).
Riedel 1995, pp. 17, 23 (1773).
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 287-309
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33978


Laura Anna Macor

que est a la altura de las exigencias de la Aufklrung.35 De manera programtica, Abel
seala que querra fomentar en sus estudiantes la capacidad de reflexin y de
razonamiento racional [Raisonnement], porque la educacin en un pensamiento
autnomo [Selbstdenken] constituye la intencin principal de sus asignaturas.36
Tambin Bk comparte esta orientacin general. Un compaero de estudios de Schiller,
Friedrich Wilhelm von Hoven, lo presenta sin ambages como un filsofo y pensador
autnomo [selbstdenkender Philosoph],37 y no es casual que precisamente a Bk se le
atribuya la instauracin de una praxis disputatoria en el desarrollo de los exmenes
anuales. Esta costumbre prevea la divisin de los estudiantes en Respondentes, defensores,
y Opponentes, acusadores, de los escritos elaborados por los profesores, que simplemente
asistan a los debates y eventualmente intervenan alimentando la disputa con ulteriores
objeciones, a las que los estudiantes deban responder, adoptando esta vez todos ellos el
papel de Respondentes. Las series de tesis se solan imprimir y contenan en el retro del
frontispicio el catlogo de los alumnos examinados, divididos en las dos categoras
mencionadas; en el caso de que el catlogo no distinguiera los Respondentes y los
Opponentes, a los alumnos ms brillantes se les confiaba el papel doble de tener que
defender y refutar las afirmaciones que en cada momento se ponan sobre la mesa.38
Es evidente la correspondencia de esta tcnica con las exigencias ilustradas que
fundamentaban el programa pedaggico de la Karlsschule desde sus comienzos, y a su
institucionalizacin a partir de 1775 hay que atribuirle un papel crucial en el recorrido
formativo de Schiller. ste asiste de hecho tanto a las clases de Bk como a las de Abel, y
desde sus primeros escritos muestra haber comprendido plenamente la importancia de la
discusin abierta de toda posicin filosfica: las declaraciones metodolgicas que
proliferan en las disertaciones y las primeras obras literarias son una clara prueba de ello.
En 1780, Schiller escribe que no hay nada tan peligroso para la verdad como el hecho
de que posiciones unilaterales encuentren opositores unilaterales, y tambin que lo ms
aconsejable es por tanto [] mantener el equilibrio entre las dos posiciones para captar la
lnea intermedia de la verdad [die Mittellinie der Wahrheit] con la mayor certeza posible
(NA XX, p. 40). Poco tiempo despus, Schiller seala que raramente alcanzamos la
verdad si no es a travs de los extremos: debemos antes culminar en el error y a menudo
en lo absurdo antes de alcanzar las hermosas metas de la serena sabidura (NA XX, p.
107); la obra que Schiller est a punto de redactar, esto es, los ya mencionados
Philosophische Briefe, mostrarn de qu manera estas afirmaciones unilaterales, a
menudo excesivas y contradictorias, se disolvern por fin en una verdad general, purificada


Ibidem, p. 18 (1773).
Buchwald 1936/1937, pp. 64-65 (1774). Sobre la predileccin de Abel por los conceptos de Eklektik,
Selbstdenken y Mndigkeit remito a Riedel 1995, pp. 411-415.
Hoven 1984, p. 46.
Esta costumbre, habitual en las universidades, estaba cayendo en desuso a finales del Siglo XVIII, as que
su introduccin en la Karlsschule adquiere un valor an ms significativo precisamente si se enmarca en este
contexto histrico. Cfr. Paulsen 1921, pp. 132-135; Riedel 1995, pp. 393-394.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 287-309
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33978

Renovando el canon filosfico

y bien fundada (NA XX, p. 108).39
Por decirlo brevemente, la herencia del mtodo disputatorio aprendido y practicado en
la Karlsschule entre 1775 y 1780 consiste en el desarrollo de una toma de conciencia
crtica, que lleva a Schiller a problematizar cualquier planteamiento terico, incluso los
aparentemente pacficos, y a no rechazar ninguna posicin si no es tras haberla sometido a
un cuidadoso examen sin ningn tipo de prejuicios. Esto es lo que ocurre en el caso de las
tesis de filosofa del amor, comentadas en el primer pargrafo del presente artculo, y
tambin en el de su correspondiente polmico: Schiller no se niega a problematizar de
manera radical la tica sentimental de cuo anglo-escocs, as como la perspectiva
religiosa sobre la inmortalidad a ella vinculada; por otra parte, tampoco le niega a la
provocacin del materialismo toda credibilidad, sino que llega a indagar su presunta
El amor (Liebe) como fundamento moral empieza a derrumbarse ya en el primer drama
publicado por Schiller, Die Ruber (1781), en el que se vuelve una mera mscara del
egosmo: los dos protagonistas, los hermanos Franz y Karl Moor, demuestran en efecto
estar dispuestos a amar slo en la medida en que haya previsin de una recompensa para
este amor; y no es casual que ambos renuncien al amor hacia el padre en cuanto la
posibilidad de recompensa se desvanece, en el caso del primero a causa de la preferencia
del anciano Moor por Karl (cfr. NA III, pp. 14, 18), y en el de este ltimo debido a las
intrigas del hermano (cfr. NA, III, pp. 31-32). No sorprende pues que la consigna de ambos
se exprese en dos frases sustancialmente idnticas: pero, es este amor contra el amor?
[ist das Liebe gegen Liebe]? (Franz) (NA III, p. 16), y es este amor por amor? [ist das
Liebe fr Liebe]? (Karl) (NA III, p. 31).40 Pero Schiller no se detiene aqu: en la carta del
18 de abril de 1783 a Reinwald define el amor como una feliz ilusin, que nos lleva a
sufrir no tanto a causa de la criatura amada sino ms bien slo por nosotros mismos, por
el yo del que esa criatura es un espejo (NA XXIII, p. 79).41
En los Philosophische Briefe la toma de conciencia de la naturaleza fundamentalmente
egosta del amor alcanza su culmen, llegando a incluir en el proceso de corrupcin terica
tambin el tema religioso de una recompensa ultraterrena:
El amor ha producido sin embargo efectos que parecen contradecir a su propia
[] El supuesto de la inmortalidad [] destruye para siempre la gracia de este

Para referirse a este modo de proceder a travs de, pero contra los extremos, se ha hablado de un
procedimiento dialctico-sinttico desarrollado por Schiller desde los ltimos aos como estudiante y que
mantiene hasta la fase kantiana (Hinderer 2013, pp. 161-162). Riedel (1998, pp. 569-570) identifica en la
predileccin de Schiller por el gnero literario del dilogo una clara herencia de la praxis disputatoria
conocida en la Karlsschule.
Para un anlisis ms preciso de los Ruber desde este punto de vista permtaseme remitir a Macor 2011.
Una atencin programtica a toda la produccin dramatrgica de Schiller permitira probablemente seguir el
desarrollo del desenmascaramiento del amor tambin en Kabale und Liebe (1784) y en el Don Karlos (1787).
Algunos apuntes en este sentido pueden encontrarse en Riedel 2009; Foi 2013, pp. 81-94.
Algunas consideraciones interesantes sobre la naturaleza narcisista del amor y de la creacin artstica como
forma de amor a partir de esta carta has sido formuladas por: Pugh 1996, 179-180, 187, 189, 191-192;
Driscoll Colosimo 2007, 25-27; Robert 2011b.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 287-309
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33978


Laura Anna Macor

fenmeno [sc. del amor]. La consideracin de una recompensa futura excluye el amor.
Debe haber una virtud que sea suficiente sin la creencia en la inmortalidad, que sea vlida
an a pesar de la aniquilacin.
Ciertamente sacrificar una ventaja actual ante otra eterna es ya un ennoblecimiento
del alma humana y es el grado ms noble del egosmo [Egoismus] pero [] frente al
trono de la verdad que juzga es indiferente mirar al placer del instante sucesivo o a la
corona del martirio es indiferente si los intereses se dan en esta vida o en otra! (NA
XX, pp. 122-123).

La conexin entre fundamentacin sentimental de la moral y esperanza en una

recompensa ultraterrena se vuelve hasta tal punto sospechosa a los ojos del protagonista
de los Philosophische Briefe que ste llega a decir sin medias tintas que un ataque
decidido del materialismo hace caer [su] creacin (NA XX, p. 115). Frente a lo que
podra parecer a primera vista, por tanto, Schiller en realidad parece ms inclinado a
conceder credibilidad a las tesis materialistas que a las ligadas a moral sense y religin,
que nada casualmente son sometidas a una dura crtica en otros escritos de la misma
En particular, es preciso traer a colacin ahora una composicin publicada en 1786
pero concluida en 1784, dado que es en ella donde se produce el definitivo adis, del
que nunca se retractar, de Schiller a la trascendencia. La poesa Resignation presenta
la situacin post mortem en la que se encuentra un alma que ha confiado todas sus
esperanzas de felicidad a la vida ultraterrena y que se siente por tanto legitimada a
reclamarla una vez que se encuentra en la dimensin de la eternidad: [e]n esa
estrella, esto es, en la Tierra, se haba difundido una jocosa saga, segn la cual en el
ms all los males aguardan al malvado / y las alegras al honrado y los misterios de
la Providencia sern al fin resueltos (NA I, p. 166). El alma recuerda no haber dudado
nunca ante la posibilidad de que las representaciones religiosas sean un producto de la
fantasa del soador, nada ms que una gigantesca sombra de nuestros propios
miedos, imagen engaosa y delirio febril (NA I, pp. 167-168).42 Las expectativas
del alma sin embargo son defraudadas drsticamente: el genio que responde a sus
preguntas, a cuyas afirmaciones hay que reconocer un estatuto privilegiado, afirma en
efecto que tiene dos hijos, a los que ama igualmente y de los que por tanto garantiza
el mismo valor, que son la esperanza [Hofnung] y el placer [Genu]. Al hombre se
le concede la posibilidad de recoger slo una de estas dos flores: El que no pueda
creer, que goce y El que puede creer, que renuncie (NA I, p. 168). El que ha elegido
esperar una realizacin ultraterrena de los designios incumplidos ya ha tenido su
recompensa, dado que su felicidad consiste precisamente en su fe, y no tiene por
consiguiente el derecho de exigir nada ms en el momento de morir (NA I, p. 169).
El mismo resultado terico lo encontramos en el Philosophisches Gesprch del

Estas referencias a la posible naturaleza ilusoria de la religin deben ser reconducidas a los estudios
realizados en la Karlsschule, y en particular al mtodo psicolgico propuesto por Abel en la lnea de la
Natural History of Religion de Hume (1757). Sobre este punto vase Burtscher 2013 y 2014.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 287-309
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33978

Renovando el canon filosfico

Geisterseher, una digresin en forma de dilogo escrita en 1789 e insertada en la trama
de una novela inacabada publicada por episodios entre 1787 y 1789. Una vez ms
Schiller aborda el problema de los fundamentos de la moral llegando a renunciar a la
dimensin de la eternidad, pero a diferencia de lo que ocurre en los escritos comentados
hasta ahora llega ms all, buscando una nueva fundamentacin de la tica.
El impulso hacia la inmortalidad se agota completamente con la finalidad
temporal de la existencia, exactamente como le ocurre a los impulsos ms sensibles
(NA XVI, p. 162), y la pretensin de reconocer un designio inteligente en el conjunto
total slo se apoya en una proyeccin tan inevitable como falaz. Tambin el cristal,
de hecho, si se le concediera facultad representativa, se figurara su supremo plano
csmico como una cristalizacin y su divinidad como la forma ms bella de
cristal. Todas las convicciones religiosas no se basan sino en una indebida aplicacin
a la naturaleza de lo que los hombres han extrado del propio seno y que se debe a
una necesidad, sin duda comprensible, pero invlida como fundamento demostrativo.
Lo que me ha precedido y lo que habr despus de m son dos velos oscuros e
impenetrables que cierran los dos lmites de la existencia humana y que ningn ser
viviente hasta ahora ha conseguido levantar (NA XVI, p. 166). El protagonista de la
novela, el prncipe von **, sostiene que ha tenido que esforzarse largamente para
desacostumbrar[se] a aquella riqueza imaginaria, garantizada por las ms comunes
representaciones religiosas, y para liberar los sostenes de [su] moral y de [su] felicidad
de ese dulce sueo (NA XVI, pp. 167-168). La renuncia a toda especulacin
metafsica no perjudica sin embargo el papel de la moralidad, entendida como medio
que la naturaleza utiliza para realizar su fin a travs del hombre, el cual, no pudiendo
conocer sino lo que se refiere al mbito terrenal, ve en ella todo lo que es [suyo] y
que, precisamente por ello, es an ms sagrado para l (NA XVI, p. 167).
Al revs: la moralidad parece poder aspirar ahora a un grado mayor de pureza.
En efecto, el prncipe le echa en cara a su interlocutor, que defiende una visin
completamente anclada a la religin, que vuestra moralidad tiene necesidad de un
andamio, mientras que la ma se apoya en su propio eje (NA XVI, p. 168), pues recibe
fuerza del hecho de que el ser moral, para ser perfecto, no necesita ninguna otra
instancia, y menos an un sistema completo y ordenado segn un designio racional,
una infinita justicia y bondad, una supervivencia de la personalidad, un eterno
progreso (NA XVI, pp. 178-179). La moralidad es una relacin que puede pensarse
slo en el interior del alma, nunca fuera de ella (NA XVI, p. 173), el ser moral est
completo y concluido en s mismo a travs de su moralidad, del mismo modo que el
ser orgnico lo est a travs de su estructura, por lo que una fundamentacin
adecuada de la moralidad puede y debe darse sobre una base exclusivamente inmanente
(NA XVI, p. 178).
Ahora bien, si se comparan estos posicionamientos, escritos precisamente en enero
de 1789, con los del Schiller kantiano, correspondientes al perodo comprendido
entre 1793 y 1796, la imagen que puede extraerse es la de una clara continuidad, ms
que la de una radical transformacin o conversin terica: la presunta revolucin tica
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 287-309
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33978


Laura Anna Macor

provocada segn Beiser por la lectura de la Kritik der praktischen Vernunft entronca
con una senda ya iniciada anteriormente y, ahora s, en clara sintona con las tesis
kantianas. Schiller se aleja de la tica del moral sense y de la perspectiva religiosometafsica de la filosofa de su tiempo mucho antes de acercarse a la obra de Kant que,
muy al contrario, si resulta extremadamente interesante a sus ojos es justamente en
virtud de la consonancia con su propio recorrido personal y autnomo.43
Por tanto, Schiller es filsofo tanto antes como despus de Kant, pero lo es
independientemente de l. Es filsofo, por tanto, ms all de Kant.
Traduccin: Valerio Rocco Lozano

NA=Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe. Im Auftrag des Goethe- und Schiller-Archivs,
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Probablemente no sea casual que una posicin anloga pueda encontrarse en Goethe, que en sus dilogos
con Eckermann sostiene haber seguido un camino semejante al de Kant, pero independiente del suyo; cfr.
Reed 2001.


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N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 287-309
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33978

Renovando el canon filosfico

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N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 287-309
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33978


Laura Anna Macor

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International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 287-309
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33978

Renovando el canon filosfico

der Moral Sense, en C. Burtscher, M. Hien (coord.), Schiller im philosophischen
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International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 287-309
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33978


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 310-323
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33979

La problematizacin de la relacin entre Kant y Schiller.

Reflexiones en torno a Renovando el canon filosfico. Schiller
antes, despus y ms all de Kant, de Laura Anna Macor
The Problematization of the Relationship Between Kant and
Schiller. Reflections on Laura Anna Macors Renewing the
Philosophical Canon. Schiller Before, After and Beyond Kant
Universidad Autnoma de Madrid, Espaa

Dentro de la hermenutica filosfica, no es fcil encontrar un trabajo que se acerque con tanto
respeto al pensamiento del poeta, dramaturgo y filsofo Friedrich Schiller como el de Laura Anna
Macor. Si su trabajo destaca dentro de lo que Valerio Rocco ha denominado una autntica
revolucin historiogrfica, es porque es uno de los pocos acercamientos a la obra schilleriana que
hace un deliberado esfuerzo por tomarse su relevancia filosfica en serio, con independencia de la
adherencia de Schiller a la filosofa transcendental kantiana. Frente a obras como la de Frederick
Beiser que, por otra parte, merece un gran reconocimiento por su riguroso estudio y defensa de la
filosofa schilleriana, Macor bucea en la produccin mdica, potica y dramtica del joven Schiller
para dar all con contenidos de carcter legtimamente filosfico, con la intencin de demostrar no
slo la ntima coherencia de su pensamiento, sino tambin su calidad filosfica antes, despus y
ms all de Kant. Lo interesante de este planteamiento es que, al contrario que la mayora de los
intrpretes, Macor no se acerca condescendientemente al carcter hbrido del pensamiento de
Luca Bodas Fernndez, Doctora en Filosofa por la Universidad Autnoma de Madrid desde 2013. E-mail
de contacto: .

[Recibido: 20 de octubre de 2015

Aceptado: 30 de octubre de 2015]


La problematizacin de la relacin entre Kant y Schiller

Schiller, sino asumiendo que el mismo es, de hecho, una fuente de riqueza multidisciplinar que no
jerarquiza los saberes. Una riqueza que, adems, es una clara seal de la relevancia actual del
planteamiento schilleriano.
Palabras clave
Friedrich Schiller; Immanuel Kant; Sptaufklrung; educacin; diletantismo
Within philosophical hermeneutics, it is not easy to find a work that addresses the thought of the
poet, playwright and philosopher Friedrich Schiller with the respect of Laura Anna Macors. If her
work stands out within what Valerio Rocco has called an authentic historiographic revolution, it is
because is one of the few approaches to the Schillerian work that makes a deliberate effort to take
its philosophical relevance seriously, independently of Schillers adhesion to Kants transcendental
philosophy. Opposite to analysis as the one of Frederick Beiser, one that on the other hand deserves
a great recognition for its meticulous study and defense of Schillerian philosophy, Macor dives in
the young Schillers medical, poetical and dramatic production, finding there genuinely
philosophical content, with the intent not only of stating the intimate coherence of his thought, but
also his philosophical quality before, after and beyond Kant. The most interesting part of her
approach is that, opposite to most of Schillers readers, Macor does not address the hybrid
character of Schillers thought in a condescending way, but assuming it as a source of
multidisciplinary richness that does not hierarchically organize the knowledges. A richness that, on
top of that, is a clear sign of the actual relevance of Schillers thought.
Key words
Friedrich Schiller; Immanuel Kant; Sptaufklrung; Education; Dilettantismus

El significado de la relacin entre Schiller y Kant es algo que en la historia de la filosofa

parece haberse dado prcticamente por sentado. Como si se tratara de una relacin que no
es lo bastante problemtica de por s, la mayora de intrpretes entienden que si se ha de
considerar la obra de Schiller filosficamente, slo es posible hacerlo a partir de la
elaboracin que Schiller realiza de la obra de Kant. Aunque dicha actitud hermenutica no
afecte a la consideracin de su estatus intelectual, lo que est en tela de juicio entonces es
la pertenencia de Schiller al canon filosfico. La premisa de la que parte la obra de Laura
Anna Macor es que este hecho se debe a que siempre se ha privilegiado el estudio del
desarrollo del pensamiento schilleriano a partir de su lectura de Kant, dejando de lado su
trnsito hacia ste. Macor haba dedicado su estudio Il giro fangoso dellumana
destinazione (2008) a analizar cmo la mayor parte de los intrpretes de Schiller haban
reservado sus anlisis a la influencia de las tres Kritiken sobre nuestro autor, habiendo
omitido que el primer acercamiento de Schiller se refiere no a la obra magna kantiana, sino
a los escritos breves del Berlinische Monatsschrift que Kant realiza entre 1784 y 1786, y en
los que Schiller encontr una respuesta no metafsica al problema de la destinacin
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 310-323
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33979


Luca Bodas Fernndez

humana (Bestimmung des Menschen 1 ), un problema que Macor coloca como piedra de
toque del pensamiento del joven Schiller.
Centrndose en la influencia de las Kritiken, estos intrpretes habran olvidado que
Schiller recurre en primer lugar a Kant para resolver sus dudas respecto al problema de la
autonoma de la autoridad y la mayora de edad (Mndigkeit). Mediante el minucioso
estudio principalmente de dos de las primeras obras dramticas schillerianas, Die Ruber y
Don Karlos (1781 y 1787 respectivamente), Macor no slo haba dado all con contenidos
e ideas de carcter legtimamente filosfico, sino que situaba el recorrido de Schiller como
pensador autnomo dentro del propio contexto especfico de la Sptaufkrung. En este
sentido, Macor haba tratado de demostrar cmo la adherencia de Schiller a la Filosofa de
la Historia kantiana surga de su mismo desarrollo intelectual y cmo la omisin de este
hecho ha impedido ver la ntima coherencia de su pensamiento2. En el texto del que nos
ocupamos aqu, Macor vuelve a hacer suya dicha tarea, esta vez centrndose, sobre todo,
en las disertaciones mdicas que Schiller habra realizado para graduarse en la Karlsschule,
considerando las enseanzas all recibidas como absolutamente fundamentales en la
construccin del pensamiento schilleriano e intentando mostrar como stas hacen de
Schiller un filsofo antes, despus y ms all de Kant.
Es necesario enfatizar que la posicin de Macor no puede definirse como una mera
aclaracin bibliogrfica que simplemente ponga de relieve ciertos textos desconocidos
de Schiller, sino que adquiere una relevancia fundamental a la hora de poder entender no
slo su proceder filosfico, sino el pensamiento schilleriano en su totalidad. Dicha
omisin habra convertido a Schiller en un mero intrprete de Kant para sus crticos, una
suerte de filsofo menor o poeta metido a filsofo aficionado, el poeta filosofante o
filsofo politizante3, repitiendo de mejor o peor manera las palabras de su antecesor, la
mayora de las veces slo para caer en un burdo idealismo o para acabar tergiversando la
filosofa transcendental. Qu inters o qu fecundidad podra tener hoy da el estudio de
un pensador as? No obstante, precisamente esta acusacin de, finalmente, ser un mal
filsofo, alguien que no se ajusta a los lmites entre las disciplinas, como dice Macor, o,
en definitiva, un filsofo popular, por usar la terminologa kantiana de la Grundlegung
zur Metaphysik der Sitten (1797), es lo que ha hecho del de Schiller un pensamiento
controvertido y merecedor de incontables anlisis. As, sta sera una de las grandes causas
del acercamiento de tantos filsofos a la obra schilleriana, ya que, finalmente, esa mala
interpretacin de la filosofa transcendental kantiana habra abocado la propia propuesta de
Schiller, la educacin esttica, a generar una poltica peligrosa o irresponsable. En palabras
de Mara del Rosario Acosta,
Leer a Schiller en el siglo XXI no puede ser lo mismo que leer a Schiller en cualquier otro
momento. Todo lo obvio que esto pueda parecer a cualquier lector entendido en la

ste, Die Bestimmung des Menschen, era de hecho el ttulo del primer pargrafo de su primera disertacin
mdica de 1779, Philosophie der Physiologie, NA XX, pp. 10-29.
Macor, L. A., 2008, pp. 16-20 y pp. 124-147.
Storz, G, 1969, p. 19.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 310-323
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33979

La problematizacin de la relacin entre Kant y Schiller

tradicin hermenutica, en el caso de Schiller, esta afirmacin debe ser considerada

cuidadosa y seriamente. Aquellos que leen a Schiller hoy y no simplemente lo leen, sino
que hacen el intento de entender su pensamiento poltico y sus teoras sobre nuestro ser
esttico en el mundo corren el riesgo de aparecer como pensadores ingenuos, optimistas,
a-crticos y, por lo tanto, muy peligrosos4.

Sumariamente, el problema sera que, al aplicar mediante confusiones el sistema kantiano a

lo que sera su propsito principal, la educacin esttica, Schiller habra acabado,
dependiendo de los intrpretes, bien generando un idealismo ingenuo, bien sentando los
precedentes para una peligrosa estetizacin de la poltica. Sin nimo de realizar un catlogo
de los intrpretes de Schiller que tienden a entenderle como un mero tergiversador de la
filosofa transcendental kantiana, un breve repaso es interesante a la hora de poner de
relieve dicha tendencia. Kte Hamburger, por ejemplo, realiza un estudio en el que trata de
demostrar cmo Schiller habra sido culpable de una confusin semntica, ya que habra
mezclado ilegtimamente un anlisis lgico con una aplicacin metafrica de los conceptos
que est interpretando (1956). Eva Schaper, en su por otro lado muy interesante anlisis
Friedrich Schiller: Adventures of a Kantian (1964), habra hecho una interpretacin
similar: Schiller como el gran tergiversador de la filosofa trascendental kantiana. Para
Schaper, si bien Schiller consigue revelar el carcter claustrofbico del universo al que la
filosofa kantiana aboca al ser humano, lo hace a partir de serias confusiones lingsticas y
conceptuales5, matizando al mismo tiempo que el problema es que lo que Schiller hace es
intentar forzar conceptos no kantianos en categoras sistemticas kantianas6. La lista de
filsofos que tienden a leer a Schiller como un mal intrprete de Kant parece no tener fin7,
culminando probablemente en los tambin controvertidos anlisis de Paul de Man8, que
convierte las confusiones de Schiller respecto a la filosofa transcendental kantiana en el
comienzo de un terrible totalitarismo esttico un problema que, por otro lado, surgira
para De Man del hecho precisamente de que Schiller, al contrario que Kant, no era un
filsofo 9 , sino un esteta, un constructor de metforas que simplific y populariz la
filosofa kantiana. Por otro lado, hay quienes que, insistiendo en esa perspectiva nica de
Schiller como intrprete sui gneris de Kant10, le reprochan su empeo por permanecer
dentro de las categoras kantianas, siendo sta la razn de que, finalmente, la razn acabe

Acosta, M. A., 2011, p. 187.

Schaper, E., 1964, p. 355.
Ibid., p. 361.
Cfr. Henrich, D., 1982, pp. 237-257; Podro, M., 1989, pp. 36-60; Hammermeister, K., 2002.
Cfr. De Man, P., 1984, pp. 355-374; 1996, pp. 185-229.
La posicin de De Man denota un esnobismo absoluto en su anlisis del pensamiento de Schiller, un
esnobismo que, de hecho, raya no slo con la fetichizacin de la figura de Kant, sino de la filosofa misma.
Cfr. Kant and Schiller, cit., p. 219: La filosofa no se ensea en la educacin esttica. Kant no se ensea.
Schiller se enseara porque representa una popularizacin, una metaforizacin de la filosofa. Como tal, la
esttica pertenece a las masas. Para un estudio del acercamiento de De Man a la esttica schilleriana y sus
implicaciones cfr. Bodas, L. (2013), El carcter usurpador de la esttica: la larga sombra de Schiller en La
Actualidad de Friedrich Schiller, Universidad Autnoma de Madrid, Madrid, pp. 235-259.
Cfr. Taminiaux, J., 1963 y 1993; Murray, P. T.; Behler, C., 1995; Brooks, L. M., 1995.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 310-323
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33979


Luca Bodas Fernndez

derrotando e imponindose a la sensibilidad. A pesar de reconocerle a Schiller haber sido
capaz de sobrepasar a Kant en varios aspectos, habran sealado, por tanto, su incapacidad
para ir verdaderamente ms all de Kant y, con ello, su asuncin del fracaso de su propio
Evidentemente, este punto de vista no es el nico que puede encontrarse entre los
estudiosos de Schiller. Otros intrpretes se centran ms en el acercamiento crtico que,
desde la esttica, Schiller habra realizado al pensamiento kantiano. Por ejemplo, Jeffrey
Barnouw (1980) considera a Schiller como uno de los primeros verdaderos crticos de
Kant; o Claudia Brodsky (1988) que afirma que la crtica schilleriana a Kant apunta ms a
generar un idealismo en el sentido hegeliano: esto es, la concepcin de la belleza como
aparicin sensible de la idea12. Al respecto de esta lnea de interpretacin, Eva Schaper
(1964), subrayaba que Schiller es incapaz de responder a la pregunta Qu es la belleza?
precisamente por ser incapaz de abandonar las categoras kantianas, pero acaba
destrozando el sistema de su predecesor para alcanzar una posicin propia, aunque
expresada en trminos todava ostensiblemente kantianos13. Karin Schutjer (1996), por su
parte, pretende llevar a cabo una narrativa de la comunidad ms all de Kant. Segn ste,
Schiller habra intentado ir ms all del carcter abstracto del sensus communis kantiano,
para pensar a partir de la esttica un encuentro intersubjetivo real. Sin embargo, al
pretender mantener la forma bsica de la esttica kantiana, su intento de superarla resulta
conceptualmente dbil y finalmente acaba basndose en una mera analoga entre el
individuo y la comunidad, que genera, cuanto menos, una poltica irresponsable 14 . No
importa cul sea la perspectiva que se tome sobre el pensamiento de Schiller; todas tienen
algo en comn: si Schiller es filsofo, parece que es solamente a partir de su lectura e
interpretacin mejor o peor de Kant.
No se trata de defender aqu la precisin de Schiller a la hora de analizar o retomar
el pensamiento kantiano. O de defender el estilo schilleriano, ms potico, frente al ms
filosfico estilo kantiano. El mismo Duque de Augustenburgo, a quin estaban dirigidas las
sthetische Briefe (1795), pona en duda la calidad filosfica de Schiller en las
Augustenburger Briefe (1793) y que seran una especie de elaboracin previa de las
clebres Briefe: nuestro buen Schiller no tiene el corte del filsofo; necesita un traductor
que elabore sus bellas frases con precisin filosfica y que lo trasponga del potico al
modo filosfico15. Ni siquiera se trata de, cmo hace Frederick Beiser (2005), afirmar el
estatus plenamente filosfico del pensamiento de Schiller o que ste consiga superar
filosficamente a Kant en muchos aspectos, como por ejemplo a la hora de analizar la
accin moral y el juicio esttico16. Se trata de intentar pensar a Schiller en su especificidad,

ste es el caso tambin de muchos de los intrpretes marxistas de Schiller. Vase especialmente, Lukcs
G., 1947, 1954a y b; y Abusch, A., 1980.
Brodsky, C., 1988, p. 132.
Schaper, E., 1964, p. 361.
Schutjer, K., 1996, pp. 81-115.
Cit. en Schulz, H., 1905, p. 153 y Wilkinson, E. M. y Willoughby L. A., 1967, p. cxxxviii.
Cfr. Beiser, F. (2005), Schiller as Philosopher, cit., p. 3: Schillers account on aesthetic judgment is
superior to Kants because it recognizes that it is necessary to give reasons for such judgments, reasons that


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 310-323
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33979

La problematizacin de la relacin entre Kant y Schiller

en su carcter hbrido, a caballo entre poeta, dramaturgo y filsofo, no como una tara para
sus propuestas, sino como una fuente de riqueza multidisciplinar.
El trabajo de Laura Anna Macor forma parte de un esfuerzo hermenutico
revolucionario por pensar a Schiller de otra manera, ejemplificando de manera privilegiada
el cambio en la Schiller-Forschung, esa revolucin historiogrfica enfatizada por Valerio
Rocco (2009) y que pretende, precisamente, hacer un esfuerzo por tomarse a Schiller y a su
pensamiento en serio. El de Macor es un acercamiento realmente original en tanto que se
distancia por completo del modo en que normalmente se tiende a estudiar filosficamente a
Schiller. Esto es, como un mero intrprete sui generis de Kant, un mero receptculo de
tesis ajenas. Ni siquiera un acercamiento como el de Frederick Beiser en Schiller as
Philosopher, a pesar de su deliberado y explcito esfuerzo no slo por exponer, sino por
reivindicar la filosofa schilleriana, consigue deshacerse por completo de dicha tendencia.
En definitiva, como Macor subraya, cualquiera que pretenda acercarse a Schiller como
filsofo parece obligado a ofrecer una justificacin para ello. Y, sin embargo, el hecho de
que Schiller haya tenido una recepcin tan problemtica y multifactica es otro signo ms
de su relevancia actual. Es un signo de que seala e identifica problemas que hoy todava
siguen abiertos. De este modo, la razn ms probable de que Schiller haya generado tanta
controversia es que, como afirma Steven A. Taubeneck (1988), el pensamiento de Schiller
posee mltiples dimensiones que son actualmente ms relevantes que nunca17. O, como
afirma Eva Schaper (1985), que Schiller nos habla hoy ms directamente que muchos de
los ms recientes pensadores18. Qu hay en Schiller que le confiera esta actualidad? Esta
es, de hecho, la cuestin crucial y no se puede responder a ella sin, como hace Macor,
acudir al pensamiento de Schiller en su totalidad.
As, ms all de lo que se conoce como la famosa pausa filosfica schilleriana,
entre 1791 y 1795, y durante la que Schiller habra desarrollado, puntualmente, toda su
produccin filosfica a partir del pensamiento kantiano, Macor propone a Schiller como un
refer to objective qualities of the work of art. [] Schiller has a more complete account on moral action than
Kant, because he recognizes that an action has moral worth only if it derives from moral character or virtue.
Aunque es imposible desarrollar aqu la interesante propuesta de Beiser, el cuidadoso estudio que ste realiza
acerca de las influencias de otros pensadores en Schiller, como Spinoza o Fichte, a la hora de pensar la idea
de libertad demuestra cmo la concepcin schilleriana es, de hecho, en muchos puntos incompatible con la
kantiana, por ejemplo, la idea de que la razn puede llegar a causar una falta de libertad si domina por
completo a la razn (pp. 214-217), cfr. p. 214: First, [] Schillers thinking about freedom also contains
Fichtean and Spinozist themes, which are incompatible with Kantian doctrine. Second, in the early 1790s
Schiller gradually developed a conception of freedom that, in fundamental respects, is a reaction against
Kants. Essentially, he supplemented the Kantian conception of freedom as moral autonomy with a
conception of freedom as aesthetic self-determination. According to the Kantian conception, freedom
consists in the independence of our rational nature, in willing and acting according to the laws of morality,
which are determined by pure reason alone. According to Schillers conception, however, freedom consists in
acting according to our whole nature, in the harmony of reason and sensibility. Al respecto de la concepcin
temprana de la libertad en Schiller, Laura Anna Macor habra enfatizado, sin embargo, cmo la preocupacin
por la libertad en el primer nivel de salvaguardar la autonoma de toda influencia externa no surge en Schiller
a partir de su encuentro con Kant, sino que responde al contexto del problema en la Sptaufklrung, siendo el
encuentro con Kant lo que le permite confirmar sus ideas previas. Cfr. Macor, L. A., 2008, cit., p. 19 y
Taubeneck, A., 1988, p. 103 y p. 107.
Schaper, E., 1985, p. 156.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 310-323
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33979


Luca Bodas Fernndez

pensador legtimo y genuino, antes, despus y ms all de Kant, y lo hace centrndose en
lo que caracteriza como algo necesario para demostrar el contenido filosfico del
pensamiento de Schiller en su totalidad: su obra de juventud, sus escritos mdicos, sus
primeras obras dramticas, sus poemas, para dar all con las races de lo que sera su
pensamiento autnomo. Este planteamiento no slo le permite a Macor sortear hbilmente
el tpico acercamiento interpretativo a Schiller, que tiende a centrarse en la que, ya desde el
mismo Hegel, es considerada la obra maestra schilleriana, las sthetische Briefe.
Tambin abre un horizonte hermenutico totalmente distinto: si el germen del pensamiento
filosfico de Schiller puede encontrarse en sus escritos mdicos, en sus dramas y poemas,
esto tambin puede suponer que, de hecho, Schiller no tena unas intenciones idnticas a
las de Kant a la hora de desarrollar su pensamiento. No obstante, tambin cabra
preguntarse por qu este nfasis en desmarcar a Schiller de Kant cuando el mismo
Schiller haba admitido en varias ocasiones su adhesin a la filosofa de Kant? La
respuesta, quiz, se encuentre precisamente en la misma definicin que el propio Schiller
da de lo que l considera una mente filosfica.
sta es una idea que puede encontrarse en uno de sus primeros escritos de Filosofa
de la Historia, Was heit und zu welchem Ende studiert man Universalgeschichte?
(1789, NA XVII, pp. 359-376)19, tambin conocida como su Leccin Inaugural como
profesor invitado de filosofa en la Universidad de Jena20. Este texto destaca dentro de la
produccin schilleriana por un notable optimismo acerca de la modernidad. Por ello, como
afirma Villacaas Berlanga 21 , contrasta fuertemente, hasta el punto de casi carecer de
sentido, con el pesimismo y realismo histricos de los dramas juveniles. Sin embargo, en l
se halla una distincin que resulta muy esclarecedora no slo a la hora de entender la
concepcin de Schiller de lo que constituira un proceder autnticamente filosfico, sino
tambin a la hora de poner en tela de juicio ciertos componentes de la misma idea de
ilustracin y que revela una caracterstica especfica del pensamiento schilleriano. En
este texto, que comienza con el propsito de determinar lo que sera el valor de una
ciencia (NA XVII, p. 363), lo que Schiller lleva a cabo, tal y como lo define Rdiger
Safranski (2004), no es slo un esbozo programtico de una tica de la ciencia 22 que
traslucira una clara desconfianza frente al modelo pedaggico ilustrado, sino tambin una
defensa del carcter ultra-crtico e hbrido del pensamiento filosfico. Este carcter del
pensamiento filosfico, para Schiller, es determinante si es que ste quiere tener un
significado en el mundo real.
Schiller comienza su disquisicin acerca del valor de una ciencia mediante la distincin

Schiller, F. (1789) Was heit und zu welchem Ende studiert man Universalgeschichte?
(Antrittsvorlesung am 26, Mai 1789, Jena). NA XVII, T. 1., pp. 359-376). Existe una traduccin de Faustino
Oncina (1991), pp. 1-18.
Macor haba hecho notar cmo la extendida conviccin entre los intrpretes de que Schiller haba sido
llamado a Jena para ocupar la ctedra de historia en lugar de la de filosofa se debe a una confusin del
mismo Schiller que, en la portada de la leccin inaugural se haba definido a s mismo como Profeor der
Geschichte. Cfr. Macor, L. A., 2008, pp. 135-136.
Villacaas Berlanga, J. L., 1996, p. 226.
Safranski, R., 2004, p. 308.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 310-323
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33979

La problematizacin de la relacin entre Kant y Schiller

entre acadmico a sueldo y mente filosfica (NA XVII, p. 360). El acadmico a
sueldo, aparte de trabajar nicamente buscando el reconocimiento ajeno y el provecho
econmico (NA XVII, p. 361), se reconoce por el cariz fragmentario de su trabajo, se
siente ajeno, apartado del entorno de las cosas, porque no se ha preocupado de conectar su
actividad del conjunto al mundo (NA XVII, p. 362). Resultan extremadamente
reveladores los tres ejemplos que escoge para ejemplificar lo que le ocurre al acadmico a
sueldo, y que de ningn modo parecen escogidos al azar, sino de hecho, un lamento
El jurista retira sus preocupaciones de la ciencia del derecho tan pronto como el brillo de
una cultura mejor ilumina sus deficiencias, en lugar de tratar de ser un nuevo creador de
sta y tratar de completar sus carencias con sus capacidades personales. El mdico se
desatiende de su trabajo tan pronto como sus importantes fracasos le muestran la
incompetencia de su sistema. El telogo pierde respeto a lo suyo tan pronto como empieza
a tambalearse la creencia en la infalibilidad de su edificio doctrinal (NA XVII, p. 362).

Schiller parece justificar el carcter truncado de su inicial vocacin por la teologa, as

como de sus posteriores estudios, forzados por el Duque de Suabia Karl Eugen, primero
del derecho y luego, debido a las psimas calificaciones de Schiller en este campo, de la
medicina 23 , mediante ese carcter fragmentario de las disciplinas. A pesar de la
importancia de su formacin en la Karlsschule para el desarrollo de su pensamiento,
Schiller parece renegar abiertamente del orden impuesto por el despotismo ilustrado del
Duque de Suabia que, de hecho, amenaz a Schiller con el exilio si es que se atreva a
seguir interesndose por la poesa y obras dramticas tras la escritura de Die Ruber24, una
obra que, tal y como l mismo describa en su Ankndigung der Rheinischen Thalia
(1784), le cost la familia y la patria (NA, XXII, p. 94). Frederick Beiser sugiere que, de
hecho, la importancia de la libertad para Schiller como el supremo valor intelectual,
espiritual y moral proviene de la diaria experiencia del absolutismo y el despotismo en la
Incapaz de identificarse a s mismo con el acadmico a sueldo, una posicin que
impedira por completo su auto-realizacin como individuo, Schiller propone la de la
mente filosfica. Frente al acadmico, sta aspirara, sin dogmatismo, con entusiasmo a
la verdad. Incluso, y sobre todo, si esa verdad implica el hundimiento del sistema
establecido, el edificio del orden intelectual: incluso si nuevos descubrimientos,
nuevos pensamientos [] derribaran el edificio de su ciencia, [no importa], l ha amado
ms la verdad que a su sistema (NA XVII, pp. 362-363). Entonces, Schiller est invitando
a sus oyentes a la arrogancia, a atreverse a salirse de los supuestos lmites que el modelo
previo de su sistema impone, para poder explorar libremente lo que sera la infinita riqueza
multidisciplinar que se esconde ms all de esos lmites (NA XVII, pp. 361-363). El

Para un recorrido por los diferentes estudios de Schiller en la Karlsschule, cfr. Safranski, R., Schiller o la
invencin del Idealismo Alemn, cit., pp. 35-146.
Dewhurst K. y Reeves, N. 1978, p. 73.
Beiser, F., 2005, pp. 14-15.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 310-323
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33979


Luca Bodas Fernndez

modelo de pensamiento y de conocimiento que Schiller est proponiendo prcticamente
desde el principio no se basa en la transmisin, memorizacin y adquisicin de un
conocimiento, sino en el cuestionamiento constante de la verdad establecida: de las
posiciones consideradas como normales. Siguiendo de cerca este texto, parece que,
desde muy temprano, tena ya claro su modelo de filosofa. Schiller sugiere un
pensamiento filosfico y una forma de educacin que trastoca por completo la concepcin
de los mismos como instruccin, como adoctrinamiento, incluso como la mera transmisin
de un conocimiento que el aprendiz o estudiante debera memorizar. Incluso en este texto
menor, al poner en tela de juicio la misma idea de ilustracin, Schiller demuestra ser, como
afirma Faustino Oncina (2006), un ultrailustrado en la doble acepcin de prefijo.
Contina Oncina:
Porque, por un lado, fue un crtico impenitente de la poca de la crtica, trascendi el
Siglo de las Luces, no inmune a taras y lacras, y vislumbr una nueva era. Por otro, a pesar
de ir ms all del concepto epocal y estrictamente histrico de la Ilustracin, particip de
una actitud tpicamente ilustrada, maximizando su programa, atrevindose a poner en
prctica incluso una higiene de sus propios ideales al compulsarlos con la cruda realidad, y
no con la sublimada. El antiilustrado epocal se muda en un ilustrado radical, pues la
autocrtica es, o al menos debe ser, el afluente ms caudaloso de la crtica, y sta, no lo
olvidemos, es el elixir vital de la Ilustracin26.

En definitiva, mediante esta distincin entre acadmico a sueldo y mente filosfica,

Schiller est proponiendo de forma programtica lo que l considera como esencial en todo
proceder filosfico. Esto es y tal y como afirma Macor, Schiller se est adhiriendo
explcitamente a las ideas de eclecticismo, pensamiento autnomo y mayora de
edad, que constituan los pilares educativos fundamentales en la Karlsschule y, de este
modo, demostrando ser un pensador en el sentido ms pleno de la palabra y
comprometindose con un radical y atrevido proceso de reflexin que concierne
potencialmente a todo el espectro del saber. Decir entonces que Macor enfatiza la
importancia de la Karlsschule sera quedarse corto. En su estudio de los aos de Schiller en
la academia del Duque de Suabia, Macor encuentra las semillas de una gran parte de los
desarrollos posteriores del pensamiento schilleriano. Macor subraya el carcter eclctico
del paso de Schiller por la escuela, su estudio primero del derecho, y luego de la medicina,
siempre acompaados por la transversalidad de la filosofa que se daba en la academia, en
donde, tena un papel que, ms que propedutico, sera correcto definir como
fundamental. Adems de su constante vocacin prohibida por la poesa y el drama, Macor
subrayaba el temprano inters de Schiller no slo por la filosofa, sino tambin por la
psicologa, la esttica, la historia de la humanidad y la tica a travs de sus profesores,
Abel, Jahn y Bk, cuya influencia sobre Schiller queda prcticamente equiparada a la de
Kant en el planteamiento de Macor. Podra decirse, entonces, que ms que su adherencia a
la filosofa kantiana, son los supuestos programticos que componan los pilares educativos

Oncina, F., 2006, pp. 94-95.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 310-323
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33979

La problematizacin de la relacin entre Kant y Schiller

de la Karlsschule, tan minuciosamente descritos por Macor, lo que hacen de Schiller un
filsofo. Un filsofo tal y como el mismo Schiller lo define, esto es, conscientemente
crtico y, de hecho, hbrido. Alguien empeado, de hecho, en separar la filosofa como
mbito con fronteras intraspasables, no sera ms que un acadmico a sueldo:
De la misma forma tan cuidadosa en que el sabio a sueldo separa su ciencia de todas las
restantes, se esfuerza aqul [la mente filosfica] en ampliar su campo de trabajo, y volver a
crear su unin con el resto y digo crear porque el entendimiento que abstrae es el que ha
trazado las fronteras, ha separado estas ciencias entre s. Donde el sabio a sueldo separa,
une el espritu filosfico (NA, XVII, p. 362).

El espritu filosfico, de esta manera, no jerarquiza los saberes, ni se pone a s mismo

frontera alguna. Analicemos desde esta perspectiva una afirmacin como la de De Man,
que sugiere que el anlisis de las condiciones trascendentales del Juicio es legtimamente
filosfico27, frente al acercamiento schilleriano, perteneciente al reino de lo emprico y
que consistira en una serie de reglas interesadas acerca de cmo utilizar lo bello y lo
sublime para llenar sus teatros de pblico28 y que carecera de todo valor filosfico29. Si,
para De Man, se puede hablar de una diferencia de legitimidad de ambos planteamientos es
porque el acercamiento kantiano es vlido en tanto que es genuinamente filosfico. El
schilleriano, por el contrario, al beber de su propia prctica dramtica y potica, estara
contaminado por esas cuestiones empricas, produciendo un pensamiento condicionado
por cuestiones ajenas a la teora kantiana, desdibujando y desvirtuando su criticismo al
cubrirlo con el amable velo del discurso esttico: no podramos entender a Kant
transponindolo a ninguna clase de experiencia pragmtica, psicolgica, emprica. Esa es
la diferencia entre un filsofo y Schiller, que no era un filsofo30. La filosofa pura sera
un mbito apriorsticamente legtimo para abordar la problemtica de lo sublime; la
prctica dramtica y el arte como tal, en cambio, slo pueden aportar datos empricos
que, si bien pueden ser psicolgicamente vlidos, no suponen ms que un espurio
acercamiento y una degradacin de lo que Kant, tan cuidadosa y filosficamente, habra
abordado. Parece que, para De Man, Schiller no es ms que un poeta, un dramaturgo que se
sale de su lugar para entrometerse en un tipo de discurso que sera nicamente prerrogativa
de un filsofo puro. Para Schiller, una afirmacin semejante carecera probablemente de
todo sentido, ya que, No lo que l emprende, sino cmo trata lo que emprende es lo que
caracteriza al espritu filosfico (NA XVII, p. 363). La filosofa no se restringira a
mbito propio alguno, el hecho de que, en el caso de analizar lo sublime, el inters de
Schiller tenga un cariz eminentemente prctico no supone una degradacin de su valor
filosfico, sino que simplemente denota un acercamiento y unas intenciones distintas a las


De Man, P., 1998, p. 193.

Ibd., p. 201.
Ibd., p. 202.
Ibd., p. 209.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 310-323
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33979


Luca Bodas Fernndez

kantianas 31 . En el caso de las ideas de lo bello y lo sublime, Macor subrayaba cmo
Schiller se acerca a la Kritik der Urteilskraft movido por sus intereses como poeta y
dramaturgo, buscando resolver los problemas de la autonoma respecto a toda autoridad, y
de la mayora de edad que haban quedado expresados en sus primeras obras dramticas.
As, Schiller encuentra en Kant una fundamentacin para su propia dramatizacin y
teorizacin previa32. Gracias a Kant, Schiller es capaz de afrontar y desarrollar ms a fondo
los problemas suscitados en torno a la tensin entre autonoma e ilustracin, cosa que lleva
a cabo en el desarrollo de su propia idea sobre lo trgico33.
En este sentido, puede considerarse muy acertada la consideracin que Jutta Heinz
hace de Schiller como un filsofo diletante, aficionado, un philosophischer Dilettant. Lejos
de suponer un acercamiento condescendiente al pensamiento de Schiller se trata de un
diletantismo no ingenuo, sino elaborado 34 (2007, p. 203), simplemente toma en
consideracin lo que el mismo Schiller consideraba como necesario para todo proceder
filosfico: la usurpacin de los supuestos lmites que los acadmicos a sueldo imponen a
sus propias disciplinas. Tal y como Valerio Rocco sugiere35, stas consideraciones forman
parte de la misma auto-interpretacin y auto-crtica de Schiller, que crea que slo una
conexin con la realidad, en su caso a travs del arte, podra dotar de una fuerza prctica,
capaz de afectar al mundo, a la filosofa que, de otro modo, permanecera estril. Cmo
sera posible dar cuenta de un pensamiento semejante si slo se tiene en cuenta la
produccin schilleriana a partir de su lectura de Kant o desde la perspectiva de una
filosofa pura?
Es de este modo cmo el planteamiento de Macor nos permite acercarnos, sin
prejuicios, a un Schiller como un pensador legtimo, un ultrailustrado en el sentido de
Oncina, y no como un mero receptculo de tesis ajenas. Y lo hace mediante el anlisis de
esos supuestos programticos que conformaban el pensamiento de Schiller: el pensamiento
autnomo, el eclecticismo y la mayora de edad, y que en la Karlsschule conformaban
realmente los pilares educativos fundamentales. Se trata, finalmente, del constante
replanteamiento crtico de las enseanzas recibidas, que no es sino una herencia del
mtodo de la academia: una toma de conciencia crtica. Es as como Macor iguala, por no
decir que pone por encima, el valor que el paso por la Karlsschule tuvo para Schiller, con

Al respecto, es muy interesante el modo en que Mara del Rosario Acosta plantea esta cuestin. Lejos de
poner en duda el valor filosfico del planteamiento de Schiller, Acosta sugiere lo siguiente en La tragedia
como conjuro, cit., p. 143: Frente al inters kantiano en las condiciones transcendentales del juicio esttico,
el anlisis de lo sublime en Schiller muestra que su inters primordial es la pregunta por qu papel juega lo
sublime en la realizacin de la idea de humanidad en aquellos individuos que lo experimentan. Acosta
sugiere que es precisamente en el anlisis final de Schiller de lo sublime donde comienza a percibirse un
claro alejamiento del planteamiento kantiano (p. 121). En definitiva, el inters schilleriano por lo sublime,
ms all del acercamiento kantiano, tendra que ver con la posibilidad de la realizacin de la libertad en lo
real. De hecho, pensar en la posibilidad de una libertad que aparezca, que se manifieste en lo sensible, es para
Acosta una de las grandes diferencias que Schiller establece respecto a Kant (p. 191).
Macor, L. A., 2008, pp. 146-7.
Beiser F., 2005, p. 203.
Heinz, J., 2007, p. 203.
Rocco, V., 2009, p. 212.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 310-323
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33979

La problematizacin de la relacin entre Kant y Schiller

su encuentro con Kant. El encuentro con la filosofa de ste no supone entonces sino la
confirmacin del cambio producido por su propio recorrido personal y autnomo.
Macor, lejos de negar la importancia que pudo tener para Schiller la filosofa kantiana,
problematiza y desfetichiza la influencia de Kant sobre Schiller. Esta problematizacin no
es algo que se pueda pasar por alto, precisamente porque es la comprensin de este Schiller
ultra-crtico, de este Schiller como pensador hbrido, capaz de pensar la filosofa en
conexin con el mundo real lo que habla de la actualidad y relevancia de su pensamiento.
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International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 310-323
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33979

La problematizacin de la relacin entre Kant y Schiller

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International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 310-323
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33979


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 324-346
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33981

Do engenho e da faculdade de julgar

(Lio de Antropologia de Kant. Anthropologie Mrongovius)

On Wit and Faculty of Judgment

(Kants Anthropology Lecture. Anthropologie Mrongovius)
Fernando M. F. Silva
Centro de Filosofia, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

O presente texto, de que se d em seguida a traduo portuguesa, consiste numa

lio de antropologia versando engenho [Witz] e faculdade de julgar [Urtheilskraft],
intitulada Vom Witz und Urtheilskraft. A lio foi proferida por Kant durante o ano
lectivo de 1784/85, transcrita pelo seu aluno Mrongovius, e concordantemente colocada
entre o grupo de lies por este transcritas no volume 25.2 da Akademie Ausgabe,
respeitantes s Lies de Antropologia do filsofo, mais especificamente, em AA, 25.2:
A lio em questo, e o importante tema que ela encerra, no seriam porm
ocorrncia nica nos dois volumes das lies recolhidas. So alis sete, as lies que Kant
devota ao problema do engenho, e de que esta de 1784/85 faz parte; e se no so tantas
quantas as divises das lies que at ns chegaram, e que esto reunidas na AkademieAusgabe, porque em Parow, Kant dedica duas lies ao tpico do engenho, ao passo que
Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa. E-mail: .

[Recibido: 30 de septiembre de 2015

Aceptado: 18 de octubre de 2015]


Do engenho e da faculdade de julgar (Kant, V-Anth/Mron)

em Pillau, Kant devota-lhe no tanto uma lio, mas apenas uma breve meno do
problema. A primeira verso, datada de 1772/73, intitulou-a Kant Vom Witz und
Scharfsinnigkeit. As restantes receberiam, com maior ou menor exactido de termos, um
ttulo similar ao da nossa lio: Vom Witz und von der Urtheilskraft 1 . Outra
circunstncia importante, por certo no apenas fortuita, que os textos surgem
invariavelmente ladeados de lies de tema similar ao do engenho, a saber, versando Die
Strcke der Phantasie, Vom Vermgen zu Dichten, Von den eigentlichen Sinnbilder,
oder Symbolis ou Vom unwillkhrlichen Dichten; temas que, dir-se-ia, desde logo
encaixam a reflexo kantiana sobre o engenho e a faculdade de julgar justamente entre os
domnios do entendimento e da imaginao, mas tambm da filosofia e da poesia o
mbito que, por sinal, viria a ser o da anlise kantiana ao conceito de engenho.2
Ao se abordar o contedo da lio em si, e se comparar este com aquele das outras
verses versando o mesmo tema, constatamos que tambm aqui a recorrncia se mantm,
dela relevando aquela que facilmente se diria ser a trave-mestre das referidas lies sobre
engenho em Kant. A saber, ao engenho ope-se a faculdade de julgar, e isso tanto na
sua funo de faculdades do nimo opostas, quanto nas suas prprias ndoles, as quais,
como se ver, para esta ciso tanto contribuem. Assim, diz Kant, natural que entre as
coisas no haja a mnima semelhana (AA, 25.1: 132), a no ser aquela que o sujeito crie
para si; isto , s o homem pode, s ao homem compete, criar tais semelhanas invisveis;
e a, no processo de criao das mesmas, o engenho o poder de comparar as
representaes, isto , a faculdade para, olhando para os objectos de modo diferente, e
neles descobrindo pontos de contacto, criar essas semelhanas como que do nada, e a
faculdade de julgar, por seu turno, o poder para, mediante diferenciao e associao
das representaes provindas do engenho, os determinar coincidentes ou no com a
verdade dos objectos no esprito humano e, como tal, por fim aceitar ou no tais
representaes naquele que o domnio de conhecimento do esprito humano.
O engenho, dir-se-ia pois, cria analogia entre as coisas; e porque esse feixe
invisvel, na medida em que no h entre as coisas ligaes aparentes, ele tem de ir para
alm dessa aparncia, e descobrir no comuns semelhanas, mas justamente as mais

A saber: Vom Witz und Scharfinnigkeit (Collins, AA, 25.1: 132-139); Vom Witz und von der
Urtheilskraft. oder vom Vermgen Aehnlichkeit und Unterschied zu bemerken (Parow, AA, 25.1: 310-328);
Vom Witz und von der Urtheilskraft (Parow, AA, 25.1: 341-358); Vom Witz und der Urtheils Kraft
(Friedlnder, AA, 25.1: 515-520); ad 572 (Pillau, AA, 25.2: 754-756); Von dem Vermgen unserer
Seele, Vergleichungen anzustellen (Menschenkunde, AA, 25.2: 959-974); Vom Witz und UrtheilsKraft
(Mrongovius, 1262-1272); Von dem Witz und der Urtheilskrafft (Busolt, AA, 25.2: 1459-1462).
O tema do engenho em Kant foi, at hoje, alvo de escasso interesse; ou ento, mais frequentemente, de um
interesse meramente pontual, complementar, servindo a anlise de outros temas. Entre os contributos que a
isto constituem excepes, por se focarem propriamente sobre o tema da abordagem kantiana ao tpico
filosfico do engenho, destaco, entre outros: Best, Otto F., Der Witz als Erkenntniskraft und Formprinzip,
especialmente o sub-captulo Hlle fr die Vernunft: I Kant, pp. 64-66, Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche
Buchgesellschaft, 1989; Ritzel, Wolfgang, Kant ber den Witz und Kants Witz, in Kant-Studien 82
(1):102-109 (1991); Witz und reflektierende Urteilskraft in Kants Philosophie, en Bacin et alii (ed.): Kant
und die Philosophie in weltbrgerlicher Absicht, Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter, vol. IV, 487-96;
Silva, Fernando M. F., Zum Erfinden wird Witz erfordert. On the evolution of the Concept of Witz in
Kants Anthropology Lectures, in Kants Lectures/Kants Vorlesungen, pp. 121-132, ed. Bernd Drflinger,
Claudio la Rocca, Robert Louden, Ubirajara R. De A. Marques, Berlin/Boston, W. de Gruyter, 2015.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 324-346
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33981


Fernando F.M. Silva, trad.

inusitadas, as mais singulares destas (AA, 25.1: 311, 516, etc.); e portanto, o engenho
tem uma utilidade positiva, e, por certo, a de expandir os nossos conhecimentos, e dar-lhes
uma aplicao ampla (AA, 25.2: 1263) 3 ; j a faculdade de julgar, precisa de usar da
mesma subtileza na anlise aos materiais que lhe so dados pelo engenho; mas isso,
guiando-se ao mesmo tempo pelas suas mais gerais e inflexveis regras, a fim de jamais se
desviar da aplicao destas; sim, pois se o engenho aqui um instrumento da faculdade de
imaginao, ao servio da formao de novas imagens e do enriquecimento do esprito
humano, a faculdade de julgar liga-se aqui com o entendimento, e portanto, trabalha em
prol da clarificao e correcta ordenao de tais imagens; ela visa, pois, a rigorosa dieta, a
mais estrita economia do campo de conhecimento humano, e portanto, diz Kant, a
faculdade de julgar tem uma utilidade negativa. A saber, ela serve para a distino de um
conhecimento de outro, e portanto para o impedimento de erros. (id.)
Mas, como disse, a oposio entre engenho e faculdade de julgar no apenas uma
entre faculdades naturalmente opostas, mas tambm uma de diferentes ndoles, a ponto de
ambas as faculdades assumirem em Kant caractersticas orgnicas, seno mesmo humanas.
Isto, alis, o provam palavras do prprio Kant, nesta e noutras lies. Assim, por certo, O
engenho traz as foras [do nimo] ao movimento. A faculdade de julgar, ao invs, tolhe-as
e confina o irrefreamento do engenho. (AA, 25.1: 135) 4 E, ao assim agirem
contrariamente, O engenho estimula o nimo mediante amenidade[,] a faculdade de julgar
satisf-lo mediante profundidade. (AA, 25.2: 1263)5; pois O engenho abre um campo
para perspectivas, ele emparelha as coisas, ele d a uma inspirao [Einfall] a fora de pr
em movimento um conjunto de outras, e cria novas ideias; a faculdade de julgar deve
tolher os incautos excessos do engenho, e traz-los ordem. (id.)6 Mas a oposio de
ambas as faculdades no se esgota nisto. O engenho, aduz Kant, mutvel, vido de
novidade e torna-se impaciente quando algo o detm por demasiado tempo (AA, 25.1:
345)7 (a ponto, diz Kant, de o poeta preferir enforcar-se do que sonegar o engenho
nascena (id.: 133)), ao passo que a faculdade de julgar sbria, circunspecta e tambm
prudente (tanto assim, que O engenhoso livre no ajuizar (...). Aquele que possui
faculdade de julgar circunspecto no ajuizar (AA, 25.2: 1264))8; e portanto, o engenho

Doravante, todas as citaes de Kant em lngua portuguesa sero da minha autoria, e portanto da minha
responsabilidade, excepo daquelas respeitantes ao Opponenten-Rede, que extraio da traduo que da
pea fez Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos: Sobre a iluso potica e a potica da iluso, Apresentao, Traduo e
Notas de Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos, in Estudos Kantianos, Marlia, v. 2, n.2, pp. 291-314, Jul/Dez.2014.As
nicas citaes que opto por deixar no original so aquelas extradas de dicionrios, por razes bvias. J
com respeito s citaes da palavra de Kant, elasreportam-se sem excepo Akademie-Ausgabe:
Gesammelte Schriften. Hrsg. Kniglich-Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Berlin: Georg
Reimer/de Gruyter, 1900ff.
Der Witz bringt die Krffte in Bewegung. Die Urtheilskrafft hingegen hemmt sie und hlt die
zugellsigkeit des Witzes im Zaum.
Der Witz belebt das Gemth durch Annehmlichkeit die Urtheilskraft vergngt es durch Grndlichkeit.
Der Witz ffnet ein Feld zu Aussichten, er paart die Dinge, er giebt einem Einfall die Krafft eine Menge
von andern in Bewegung zu setzen und schafft nee Ideen; die Urtheilskraft soll die unbedachtsamen
Ausschweifungen des Witzes hemmen und in Ordnung bringen.
Der Witz ist vernderlich um Neuigkeiten begierig und wird ungeduldig wenn ihn etwas lange aufhlt.
Der Witzige ist frei im Urtheilen (...). Der UrtheilsKraft besitzt ist behutsam im Urtheilen.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 324-346
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33981

Do engenho e da faculdade de julgar (Kant, V-Anth/Mron)

alimenta, o entendimento por ele alimentado (id.:1263); a disposio da faculdade de
julgar sempre igual, e constante, a do engenho surpreendente, e repousa sobre uma
disposio original do nimo (id.:1264). A faculdade de julgar cria sempre algo igual, e o
engenho algo novo (id:1266); e portanto, no pode espantar que a fora do engenho
esteja em trazer vida coisas deveras inesperadas (id.: 1267), como bon mots,
inspiraes, e a faculdade de julgar, ao invs, regras, ordenao, compartimentao: O
engenho produz inspiraes [Einflle] , a faculdade de julgar inteleces [Einsichten]
(AA, 25.1: 136)9, e O engenho tem de ser mero veculo, e a faculdade de julgar como
realidade. (AA, 25.2: 1270)10.
Assim, por todas estas razes, e para no maar o leitor, dir-se-ia de um flego que
o engenho jovem, um atributo da juventude (id.: 1263), a faculdade de julgar velha,
[um atributo] da idade madura (ibid.); a faculdade de julgar em elevado grau cismtica;
o engenho sempre um jogo (AA; 25.1: 517, AA, 25.2: 1266), e um jogo livree salutar
(pois ele convalesce (...) o nimo (ibid.). O engenho , pois, por assim dizer, o
prestidigitador na alma humana (AA, 25.1: 353): ele efmero, mutvel (id: 137),
impaciente (id.), at mesmo sedutor (ibid: 133); a faculdade de julgar tarda (ibid:
520), lenta e sria (AA, 25.2: 1263).
Por certo, isto bastar quanto clara e inequvoca oposio entre engenho e
faculdade de julgar a qual no existe apenas enquanto tal, antes parece ser visceral em
ambas as faculdades o que, por si s, poderia j introduzir os traos gerais da questo em
Porm, que me seja aduzir a esta pequena introduo ao texto uma leitura no
inteiramente contrria, no divergente em relao a esta, mas que antes poder vir a
complement-la: a de que entre engenho e faculdade de julgar possa haver, para Kant,
no apenas pura dissenso e afastamento.
Assim, de modo algum pondo em questo o que se disse, e muito menos faltando
sua prpria palavra sobre o tema, Kant reitera em todas as referidas lies a necessria
ciso entre engenho e faculdade de julgar: o engenho, sob a forma de bon mots e
inspiraes, como o sbito e singular assomo imagtico com que o entendimento se v
confrontado; a faculdade de julgar, como o plo receptor, analisador e apreciador da
validade de tais materiais, um ofcio judicioso para o qual tem de usar de toda a sua
parcimnia e circunspeco. E nisto, ambas as faculdade no so menos do que diferentes;
e, alis, assim tm de ser para Kant. Mas, justamente nesta verso de Mrongovius, diz-se
que, malgrado as suas diferenas, o engenho inspido quando nada contm em si de
entendimento (AA, 25.2: 1264) 11 - aduzindo Kant a isto os exemplos dos jogos de
palavras, ou da prpria companhia em sociedade, que animada pelo engenho, mas que
tornada sem gosto pela falta da faculdade de julgar (id.)12. Isto : o engenho carece da
faculdade de julgar, e esta deste; e isso porque, bem visto o engenho, enquanto ligao,

Der Witz bringt Einflle, die UrtheilsKrafft Einsichten hervor.

Der Witz muss bloss Vehiculum und UrtheilsKraft wie Realitaet sein.
Da der Witz dann schaal ist wen er nichts von Verstand in sich enthlt.
Der Witz belebt die Gesellschaft der Mangel aber an UrtheilsKraft darin macht sie abgeschmackt.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 324-346
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33981


Fernando F.M. Silva, trad.

mesmo que inusitada, mesmo que singular, entre as coisas, ele tem de ser porm uma
ligao minimamente (ou ulteriormente) sensata e racional entre estas, e no uma mera
inveno por amor cego ao novo, uma simples manifestao de insensatez, um impulso de
loucura e portanto, ele tem de ter a, mesmo aps a sua intempestiva passagem no nimo
humano, mesmo no seio do rudo cego13 que inicialmente cria, uma possibilidade de
sentido ulterior, no apenas imaginativo ou fantasioso, mas tambm racional, que
justamente lhe possa garantir a oportunidade de ser encarado e aceite pelo entendimento
enquanto possvel (novo) conhecimento humano; de outro modo, o engenho seria
invariavelmente negado por aquele, bem poderia at no existir enquanto tal. Numa
palavra, pois, talvez seja de pensar que, para Kant, e especialmente para o Kant desta lio,
o engenho no se ope apenas faculdade de julgar, tal como a faculdade de imaginao
se ope ao entendimento, antes isto necessrio na medida em que, com igual necessidade,
tem de haver uma qualquer ligao ulterior entre aquelas, e tambm entre estas faculdades
superiores, muito para alm de uma simples oposio, ou de uma simples ciso. E essa
possibilidade de ligao, v-se j, para Kant obra do engenho.
Assim, e tomando em considerao os anteriores dados, poder-se-ia colocar aqui
duas questes; por certo, aquelas que mais prementemente derivam da suspeita levantada
nesta lio: primeiro, de onde vem ao engenho esta para si to natural, mas para ns to
estranha convivncia entre fantasioso e racional, que no fundo aquela mediante a qual o
engenho vem a oferecer-se faculdade de julgar, podendo por ela no ser rejeitado, e
valendo por isso enquanto tal? E segundo: a existir esta convivncia, e a ser ela to natural
para o engenho quanto parece, como se d ulteriormente a fuso entre contrrios, isto ,
como pode ser operada e reconstituda esta mesma convivncia no esprito humano, sem
que o entendimento com isso seja ofendido, e o engenho rejeitado sem mais
primeira questo, responderamos que, no obstante todas as suas caractersticas
exticas, esta sua lgica outra, o seu carcter singular, o engenho nunca fora, e muito
menos o era na poca de Kant, inteiramente desconhecido nem da mera racionalidade, nem
do prprio cariz judicioso que o do entendimento; bem pelo contrrio, o engenho privara
j de muito perto com estes, e poder-se-ia dizer, e que me seja perdoada a liberdade, que o
engenho conhecia bem os cantos casa do esprito humano e Kant, que por sinal no
estava habituado a debruar-se sobre um assunto sem o esgotar, sabia disso mesmo.
A questo principal , pois: que conceito de engenho, ou que fase da histria deste
conceito, era esta que chegava at poca de Kant? A resposta a isto, e ao que afirmmos
ainda agora, d-a a prpria e longa histria do conceito na lngua alem.
Assim, originariamente, engenho [Witz], ou wizzi, vem do snscrito vid, do latim
videre e do grego , e significava no inventividade, no fantasia, inspirao ou assomo
do pensamento, como na poca de Kant, mas antes conhecimento, saber, sabedoria, e at

Das Spiel des Witzes gefllt uns wol sehr aber wenn es am Ende ist, sind wir doch nicht damit zufrieden.
Der Verstand sucht sich vom ganzen und Manigfaltigen eine Idee zu machen. Kann er das nicht, so ist er
unzufrieden., e ns, aduz por fim Kant, somos deixados com um blindes Getn.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 324-346
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33981

Do engenho e da faculdade de julgar (Kant, V-Anth/Mron)

mesmo razo (ratio), intelligentia, prudentia. Alis, ao consultarmos o Altdeutsches
Lesebuch14, de Oscar Schade, este diz sobre wiz, wizz, wizze (de vitan, ver, observar):
Wien, Einsicht, Verstand, Weisheit, e sobre wizg, wize, wizzg, wizze: kundig,
gnarus, verstndig, klug, prudens, astutus, weise (AL, II: 731) e daqui, diz tambm
Eberhard G. Graffno seu Althochdeutsce Sprachschatz (1835-1843)15, extrada a sua mais
originria significao sensvel: a de ver, na sua conjuno semntica com a noo de
saber: wien (nicht wissen), scire (AS, I: 1089); e portanto, o engenho tem, j na sua
origem, uma raz marcadamente racional: dir-se-ia, uma ligao razo, dissociao
prpria do conhecer, singularizao prpria da conscincia de si do Eu que conhece e,
por fim, at mesmo sistematizao rgida do ver e do saber cientficos e foi em tempos
um conceito de uma frieza racional, bem diferente daquele que, cerca de nove sculos
depois, foi dado a conhecer poca de Kant.
Com o passar dos sculos, e a chegada do perodo do alemo mdio, entre 1050 e
1350, d-se porm uma pouco perceptvel, mas certa modulao no mbito semntico do
conceito. A saber, d-se ento uma gradual des-racionalizao do conceito de engenho,
sob a forma de uma evoluo do mesmo para uma outra faculdade do esprito humano:
adquirindo este, pois, uma nova, cada vez mais notria componente judiciosa isto ,
discriminatria, inquisitiva, escrutinante, seno mesmo judicial, e em derradeira instncia
punitiva. Prova disto, do-nos, uma vez mais, os dicionrios da poca: quer Johann C. A.
Heyse, no seu Handwrterbuch der deutschen Sprache (1833-1849)16, dizendo que Witz
significara outrora klares Bewutsein, Besonnenheit, Wissen, Einsicht (...), Klugheit
(HdT, 2.2: 1968), mas que na sua poca, no mais assim era; e tambm Georg F. Benecke,
que, no seu Mittelhochdeutsches Wrterbuch (1854-1866) 17 , corrobora isto mesmo,
dizendo que do alemo antigo para o alemo mdio o termo engenho mudara, e no
pouco, pois im mhd. ist ich wize (ahd. wizu) ich werfe vor, ich strafe, vgl. lat.
animadvertere (MW, 3: 781). E portanto, numa palavra, o engenho, por certo no
abandonando as suas faculdades legisladoras, de razo, transitara agora porm para uma
sua faceta executora; e do mundo das meras ideias, ele descera a um mundo intermdio,
mais fsico, e se no totalmente, pelo menos o suficiente para poder fazer valer estas suas
recm-adquiridas competncias por certo, um mundo entre o da razo e o dos meros
sentidos, o da vida contemplativa e da vida real. O engenho, dir-se-ia pois e at para
recorrer mais uma vez tabela kantina , era agora cada vez mais entendimento (Verstand,
judicium) no seu judicioso processo de dissociao, classificao e consequente formao
de representaes; e quando necessrio fosse, o engenho, como o entendimento, traduziria
noes de aceitao ou rejeio, e clemncia ou punio, e assim seria tambm durante os

Schade, Oscar, Altdeutsches Lesebuch Gothisch Altschsisch Alt- und Mittelhochdeutsch, mit Literarischen
Nachweisen und einem Wrterbuche (2 Bde.), Halle, Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1866.
Graff, Eberhard G., Althochdeutsce Sprachschatz, oder Wrterbuch der althochdeutschen Sprache, Berlin,
beim Verfasser und in Commission der Nikolaischen Buchhandlung, 1835-1843.
Heyse, Johann C. A., Handwrterbuch der deutschen Sprache mit. Hinsicht auf Rechtschreibung,
Abstammung und Bildung, Biegung und Fgung der Wrter, so wie auf deren Sinnverwandtschaft,
Magdeburg, bey Wilhelm Heinrichshofen, 1849.
Benecke, Georg F., Mittelhochdeutsches Wrterbuch, mit Benutzung des Nachlasses, Ausg. von Wilhelm
Mller und Friedrich Zarncke,Leipzig, Verlag von S. Hirzel, 1854-1866.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 324-346
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33981


Fernando F.M. Silva, trad.

sculos subsequentes, onde, j bem dentro do alemo moderno, e apesar de inevitveis
mutaes semnticas, o engenho continua a ser tomado por entendimento, prudncia,
sensatez, entre outros. E eis como, pouco a pouco, o conceito de engenho toma j aqui uma
forma, seno ainda prxima, pelo menos mais prxima daquela que teria na poca de Kant,
albergando ele mesmo o conceito de faculdade de julgar, e acolhendo em si o campo
semntico de duas faculdades do nimo.
E assim seria, at que, dizem-nos os irmos Grimm, no seu Deutsches Wrterbuch
(1838-1961)18, uma ltima influncia viria a causar uma derradeira modulao no termo, e
a oferecer-lhe o singular cunho que ele teria aquando da poca de Kant, e que ainda hoje
no ter perdido por completo.
Essa influncia d-se porque, talvez devido ao carcter originariamente abstracto da
palavra, ou devido tambm sua ainda insuficiente delimitao nos sculos anteriores,
chegada do sc. XVII, porm, o conceito de engenho noch keine feste deutsche
Bezeichnung [hat]. Ainda e apenas Witz, o conceito era ainda muito dspar dos seus
congneres esprit, na Frana, e wit, na Inglaterra; e no fosse a sua ligao com o
ingenium latino, e poder-se-ia at dizer que este nada teria a ver com aquelas. Mas,
entrada do sculo XVII, d-se uma paulatina desarbitrarizao do conceito de engenho.
Ao mesmo tempo que se d a elevao da prpria esttica a disciplina filosfica (com
Baumgarten), o engenho, tal como o gnio ou o gosto, so elevadosa instrumentos
estticos. No caso do engenho em particular, o termo eleva-se a fora ou faculdade do
nimo humano; e encontrando-se esprit, wit e Witz simultaneamente nesta nova
condio, d-se entre eles uma decisiva aproximao, consentnea com a subsequente
aproximao, quer pacfica, quer no to pacfica, entre as literaturas e filosofias dos pases
em questo em torno dos conceitos acima referidos. Assim, sem nunca perder o seu
carcter racional, mas agora assumindo um seu novo, mais especfico e tambm mais
relevante papel como faculdade do nimo, o engenho alemo apropria-se das
caractersticas modernas, temporalmente mais avanadas dos seus congneres de outras
lnguas 19 , a fim de as unir s suas, marcadamente intelectuais, e a prpria Alemanha
comea a aplicar estas mesmas no uso do termo na sua literatura, dizem os Grimm, a partir
do incio do sc. XVIII. Mas sublinho no se apropria de todas as caractersticas; mas
apenas daquelas que melhor serviam, melhor se adaptavam sua transformao em curso,
a saber, aquelas que favoreciam a sua natural evoluo de entendimento para um dom do
espirito (segundo os Grimm) - um de uma outra gadanha que no a intelectual, e portanto,
de um outro enfoque que no apenas o da generalidade da razo humana, mas mais da
especificidade do sentimento do indivduo.
Assim, primeiro por certo na Frana e na Inglaterra, e depois na Alemanha, o
engenho, que fora outrora razo, scientia, sabedoria, ver e saber, e em sculos mais
recentes aperfeioara o seu significado, e portanto tambm o seu conhecimento e a sua
viso, assumindo-se cada vez mais como o judicioso analogon do entendimento humano,

Consultado em www.
Immer wahrt witz den rein rationalen charakter, auch dort, wo einflusz von esprit vorliegt (Grimm).


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 324-346
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33981

Do engenho e da faculdade de julgar (Kant, V-Anth/Mron)

discriminando e punindo, era agora enfim um dom do esprito, no dizer dos Grimm; uma
qualit de lame (E, 13: 34), no dizer de Diderot20; um power of the mind (DeL: 822),
no dizer de Johnson21 mas no do esprito em geral, no algo comum a todos os homens,
como o fora na sua origem, e o era, ainda que cada vez menos, no segundo estdio da sua
evoluo. Engenho era agora, isso sim, persnliche Fhigkeit (it. meus, Grimm) ela
era marca da individualidade do Eu , e no s do indivduo, mas, a julgar pelos anteriores
testemunhos, de indivduos especiais, dotados de vivacidade, brilho, fecundidade, gosto,
talento, fineza de pensamento, gnio. Isto , de marca da razo, da racionalidade em geral
do homem, cujas representaes eram geralmente tidas como racionais, o engenho
enquanto entendimento passara a designar, com o tempo, o escrutnio dessas mesmas
representaes, e punio das ditas incorrectas ou proibitivas: proibitivas, no fundo, para a
racionalidade que o engenho nunca perdeu. Mas agora, segundo parece, o prprio engenho,
atingido o mximo rigor da sua tarefa, cristalizado esse seu ofcio, abria um veio de
excepo(ou de excepcionalidade), no s na sua definio, como tambm nas
representaes que trabalha. Pois, dir-se-ia, como resultado de todo o trabalho escrutinante,
analtico, diferenciador que era o do engenho enquanto entendimento, s pode estar a
sntese, a analogia, enfim, a semelhana numa palavra, o trabalho que compete
imaginao, faculdade de comparar e fantasia. E, no fundo, justamente isso ocorre com
o engenho a partir das primeiras dcadas do sculo XVIII, poca de Kant: o engenho passa
a ser... imaginao; e em plena transio entre a sua faceta de entendimento, e a sua
faceta de imaginao (e sem nunca ter deixado de ser razo), o engenho passa a ser tanto a
anterior busca, a anterior anlise de representaes, como a sua posterior conjugao sob a
forma de uma representao no s boa, como denotando esprito, talento e profundidade,
seno mesmo gnio; tanto a morosa, rigorosa anlise da representao, como a sua
subsequente e sbita formao enquanto assomo do esprito, manifestao espontnea de
gosto e graa (quickness of fancy (DeL: 822)); enfim, tanto racionalidade e
intelectualidade (sense; judgment (id.)), frieza de dissociao e inflexibilidade, quanto
faculdade de imaginao e inventividade, clida associao e analogia (numa palavra,
como diria Diderot, raison ingnieuse (E, 13: 34)); e s todas estas coisas, diz S.
Johnson, porque as suas representaes, apesar de denotarem invention e ingenuity
(DeL: 822), justamente porque esto apoiadas no entendimento que ele prprio , indicam
tambm soundness of understanding, intellect not crazed; sound mind (id.), e portanto
representaes elas prprias ss, no s no-conflituosas com a prpria essncia lata do
engenho, como antes promotoras do mesmo.
Importa, pois, ressalvar o seguinte: no engenho, ainda razo, e ainda mais
entendimento, emergem agora claramente, dizem os Grimm, a vivacidade espiritual e o
carcter de surpresa da inspirao, prprios do acto de imaginar e o engenho passa a ser
no tanto a generalidade dos conceitos da racionalidade, mas a especificidade dos

Diderot, D., DAlembert, J. le R., Encyclopdie, ou Dictionnaire raisonn des Sciences, des Arts et des
Mtiers, Berne, Lausanne, Chez les Socits Typographiques, 1751-1772.
Johnson, Samuel; Walker, John, Dictionary of the English Language, London, William Pickering, George
Cowey and Co. Poultry, 1755 (Rev. 1827).
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 324-346
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33981


Fernando F.M. Silva, trad.

conceitos do sentimento individual que ele prprio desperta ambos moderados pelo
carcter de entendimento que no desaparece. O percurso de emancipao do engenho,
agora estimulado como um dos instrumentos da recm-reconhecida esttica, cumpre aqui o
seu crculo completo, e o engenho assume-se aqui, finalmente, como as trs faculdades do
nimo a um tempo, ora mais umas (no seu passado), ora mais outras (no seu presente e
futuro) mas sempre as trs a um tempo e isso, por fim, que pode responder nossa
primeira questo, e explicar o porqu de, na poca de Kant, o engenho mostrar ter j uma
mais que apenas possvel convivncia com faculdades (apenas aparentemente) to
diferentes de si.
A segunda questo, complementar em relao primeira, reformulamo-la agora do
seguinte modo: trabalhando a faculdade de julgar com inteleces, e portanto com a
validade, a racionalidade, a verdade das imagens, como h-de ela alguma vez aceitar as
excntricas, to violentas produes do engenho, elas que, como vimos, se do a conhecer
pela sua singularidade, o seu carcter fantasioso e at uma sua aparente inverdade, ou
ludbrio? Isto , como possvel que ambas as faculdades cooperem? Sim, pois no raras
vezes Kant aponta antes para o risco de que as imagens do engenho iludam os homens
(AA, 25.1: 316), a necessidade de que lhe seja posto um freio, sob pena de elas conduzirem
loucura ou ao desespero de quem as forja; e isso porque, atalha Kant, quando
descontrolado, o engenho no passa de uma jiga-joga de representaes que muito
nociva para os conceitos do entendimento (AA, 25.2: 1463)22.
Ora, com respeito a isto, sublinhmos j que o entendimento inflexvel; pois,
salvaguardando-se a si prprio, e obedecendo cegamente ao progresso em direco
verdade, ele vive para eliminar as imagens que considere falsas, enganadoras ou confusas;
no fundo, ele existe para sanear o esprito humano, concedendo que nele entrem apenas
representaes depuradas, reais, verdadeiras. Mas, como vimos, o engenho no estranho
verdade, depurao, validade que o entendimento tem por boas.Pois o engenho foi
tambm j, e era ainda intelectual e Kant no s sabia disto, como reconhece ainda
outras capacidades ao engenho. Pois o engenho, se provido de entendimento, e no agindo
apenas por conta prpria, no nem mera racionalidade morta, nem porm excesso de vida
loucura exuberante, absurdo ou insensatez e isso, nem mesmo neste ponto da sua
evoluo em que ele o contrrio da razo que outrora foi, nunca foi porm loucura,
absurdo ou insensatez, e to-pouco o mesmo neste ponto da sua evoluo em que ele o
contrrio do que outrora foi, nem mesmo num momento de seu mximo arrebatamento.
Assim, no fundo, o que encerra o momento de enlevamento do engenho, e como lhe
reage a faculdade de julgar?
Como vimos, no turbilho de imagens criado pelo engenho, mediante rememorao
esttica ou engenhosa, o engenho promove a mtua comparao de imagens, e isso tanto
entre imagens cuja relao cristalina, como entre imagens cuja relao de todo absurda,
ou obscura, pelo menos ao olhar do entendimento (iudicium discretivum). Mas, no meio

(...) ein Mischmasch von Vorstellungen der den Verstandes Begriffen sehr schdlich ist.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 324-346
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33981

Do engenho e da faculdade de julgar (Kant, V-Anth/Mron)

deste barulho (Getn), o poeta e o seu engenho no elegem nem umas, nem outras; isto ,
ele no elege de todo imagens apenas jogando com o lado externo das coisas (AA, 25.1:
317), ou ento jogando sem finalidade aparente; bem pelo contrrio, o engenho, porque era
ento ainda intelecto, e cada vez mais imaginao, porque estava ento na charneira entre
ambas, joga deveras, mas joga, diz Kant, discernindo uma semelhana verdadeira nas
coisas, mas no em sinais arbitrrios (id.: 318)23; e portanto, assomam-lhe ao esprito, sob
a forma de inspiraes, representaes que, dir-se-ia, tm algo de bvio, e ao mesmo
tempo de estranho: que so, pois, singulares, mas que no deixam de ter uma ligao
intelectual ao referido tesouro do conhecimento j adquirido; e que, inscrevendo-se por
certo neste, neste parecem porm destoar em razo do seu cariz extrneo. Isto , o engenho
cria imagens que, dir-se-ia, so verdade e no so; so reais e no so; e por conseguinte,
iludem, e ligam-nos realidade de um modo diferente, mediante um sentimento e uma
racionalidade diferentes daqueles do sentimento e da racionalidade em geral o que, para
Kant, apenas o bvio resultado da dupla forma contrria que se estabelece entre
imaginao e entendimento, e do equilbrio dinmico de foras que em resultado deste se
concentra na imagem do engenho.
Alis, quisssemos ns compreender de vez este efeitoilusrio do engenho, e,
segundo creio, apenas teramos de ver como ele surge exposto no s noutras lies de
antropologia de tema afim, mas, mais particularmente ainda, no pequeno conjunto de
anotaes que Kant escreveria como esboo de arguio da tese de Johann Gottlieb
Kreutzfeld, em 1777, texto posteriormente publicado na Akademie-Ausgabe sob o ttulo
Entwurf zu einer Opponenten-Rede (AA XV.2: 903-935); a, a saber, sob a designao
de iluso potica.
Pois, com efeito, a argumento fulcral que a iluso potica tal como o engenho
, distingue-se do mero engano dos sentidos, e nisso, ao contrrio daquele, no
lucrativo, mas to-pouco inglorioso (AA 15.2: 906); pois o que o engano dos sentidos
faz, servir-se da natural propenso do esprito para ser enganado, e at da vontade deste
para ser ludibriado, e nisso apresenta faculdade de julgar imagens ficcionadas, falcias
dos sentidos que visam apenas um ganho fsico, e que talvez at satisfaam o corpo, mas
nada trazem, nada acrescentam ao nimo, e que por fim se revelam mera vacuidade e
ludbrio (vanitate et ludibrio (id.: 907)), e que por isso so ulteriormente sem mais
rejeitadas por aquela suprema censora do conhecimento humano, e da verdade do mesmo.
O mesmo dizer, pois, que o engano dos sentidos trabalha com o j referido lado externo
das coisas (AA 25.1: 317), e nisso, apresenta ao esprito ou coisas que ele j conhece, ou,
para aparentar ser novo, falsidades apoiadas no em sinais verdadeiros, mas em sinais
arbitrrios (id.: 318). Ao passo que a iluso, embora radicando por certo na propenso do
primeiro, antes lhe confere uma outra direco, a saber, a de uma aparncia ldica criada
pelos poetas com o muito especfico propsito de enlevar, vivificar, animar o esprito; e
por isso Kant diz: H, com efeito, certas imagens das coisas mediante as quais a mente


Wenn man durch eine Aehnlichkeit eine Sache reproduciren will, so mu es eine wahre Aehnlichkeit in
den Sachen, nicht aber in willkhrlichen Zeichen seyn.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 324-346
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33981


Fernando F.M. Silva, trad.

joga, mas no por elas iludida. (AA 15.2:906)24. Isto , enquanto o engano, reitera,
induz os incautos no erro (ibid.), e defrauda os ingnuos e crdulos com adorno e
enganos (id.: 906-7), e a sua imagem desaparece, causando desagrado e tdio, a da iluso
potica, sendo ela um jogo, e jogando-se este jogo justamente atravs da novidade, do
carcter inesperado, at do choque de relaes insuspeitadas entre os objectos que
suscitaram tais representaes, suscita agrado, o prazer do jogo, e nisso a imagem
permanece; e ainda que num primeiro momento possa causar estranhamento, singularidade
(o j referido blindes Getn), ela ganha posteriormente e infalivelmente uma nova vida,
uma nova lgica, um novo sentido antes inusitado, que o de se estar a apresentar ao
entendimento imagens sob cores sensveis (id.: 907), ou, se se quiser, a verdade sob
outras vestes que no aquelas a que o entendimento est acostumado uma permanncia,
alis, garantida justamente pelo posterior prazer que proporcionado ao esprito
Ora, estas caractersticas da iluso potica o carcter de verdade inverdadeira, o
estranhamento causado, a posterior adaptao ao esprito, a surpresa, o prazer tardio, mas
certo , elas so, no fundo, as mesmas que Kant vem descrevendo como sendo as
propriedades mais bvias do engenho: a sua simultnea realidade e irrealidade, a sua
diferente forma de apresentar a verdade, o seu carcter sbito e violento. E portanto, isto
apenas prova que h entre o engenho e a iluso potica mais do que uma feliz
coincidncia, e sobretudo, entre o engenho e a poesia mais do que uma casual
confluncia. Assim, se com respeito ao par engenho-iluso potica, eles parecem de facto
ter caractersticas similares, e at, como veremos, pugnar por um propsito comum;
porm olhando para esta sugerida afinidade que melhor se v que, justamente, h para
Kant entre poesia e engenho mais do que uma mera aproximao, antes, porventura, um
ulterior sentido comum, uma existncia, e um destino por ambos partilhados. Sim, pois,
nas palavras de Kant, segundo Swift, o crebro dos poetas est cheio de vermes que, ao
roerem diferentemente os nervos, suscitam diferentes inspiraes. (AA, 25.1: 311) isto,
numa clara aluso afinidade entre engenho e inspirao potica; e mais claramente ainda,
diz Kant, As condies para se ser poeta so as mesmas que do engenho: I. Ele tem de
ser novo nas imagens que faz (...); II) Nos seus escritos, o poeta tem de observar sempre
um analogon da verdade (...). O poeta tem de inventar, e saber colocar a sua inveno
numa claridade intuitiva. (id.: 323) Isto , numa palavra, o engenho propriamente a
iluso potica, pois ele inventa, e novo nas imagens que faz; mas ao ter de criar um
analogon da verdade, o qual ser apresentado pelo engenho faculdade de julgar, o
poeta, a poesia forja com o engenho um elo de uma outra natureza. Assim, parece dizer
Kant, a poesia o efeito final do engenho, o engenho a causa inicial da poesia; e portanto,
o engenho o acto poitico por excelncia, poesia em si. Mas sobretudo, sugere Kant,
nesse acto do fazer criativo ocorre uma analogizao da verdade, e por certo uma nova,
em que se d do objecto uma sua nova imagem, mais sensvel e verdadeira, porque criada
a partir de sinais no-arbitrrios, e porque trazido do roer certeiro dos vermes do

Sunt autem qvaedam rerum species, qvibus mens ludit, non ab ipsis ludificatur.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 324-346
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33981

Do engenho e da faculdade de julgar (Kant, V-Anth/Mron)

engenho. E se assim acontece, ento, com o engenho, como com a poesia, do-se no s
inventividade, no s iluso agradvel, mas tambm, por meio destes, novos, muito
importantes conhecimentos para o esprito humano, e com isto um novo e inesperado
ganho para a racionalidade do mesmo. A poesia, bem como o engenho, enfim unidos,
largam aqui os injustos trajes que por vezes lhes vestem, de ludibriadores, impostores do
esprito humano e lacaios dos sentidos, para passarem a assumir novas faces, antes
cooperando activamente no processo de enriquecimento do tesouro da cognio do esprito
humano; e o engenho, em particular, cumpre assim aquela que sempre ter sido a sua
destinao: a de, mesmo conotado com o jogo e a iluso potica, assumir-se como aquilo
que sempre fora, e agora era ainda: uma paleta viva das trs faculdades do nimo humano,
em si comprovadas no s pela sua histria, mas agora sobretudo por esta sua singular
E por isso, pergunta-se por fim: que faz perante tudo isto a faculdade de julgar?
A faculdade de julgar, sabemo-lo por Kant, assiste a todo o processo; pois ela
acompanha-o sempre como uma necessria contra-fora. Mas vendo-se deparada com to
singulares imagens do engenho, ela no s no capaz, como no pode de todo neg-las; e
a, e s a, se d o to esperado momento em que o entendimento, dir-se-ia, baixa a
guarda, e pode e deve aceitar tais representaes do engenho. Pois embora estas tenham
em si algo aparentemente ilusrio, elas tm tambm em si o referido analogon da
verdade, e logo uma verdade que, por surgir sob vestes mais ricas e exticas do que seria
de esperar, se afigura irrefutvel. E se isto assim , no apenas porque tal imagem do
engenho tenha uma relao com a verdade; e no apenas isto, diria Kant, que leva a
faculdade de julgar a aceitar o engenho. Bem pelo contrrio, isto d-se porque a imagem
do engenho, se pura, e se inaudita nos seus contornos; numa palavra, se poitica, e portanto
nova para o entendimento, mas ancorada neste e portanto por este legitimada, aparenta ser
e de facto mais verdadeira do que a verdade racional das coisas. E portanto a
faculdade de julgar, por certo perante a iluso, mas sobretudo perante esta verdade mais
verdadeira, nada tem a opor, e no s lhes concede acesso ao conhecimento, no s lhes
faculta passagem para o esprito humano, onde elas tm o seu derradeiro efeito, como
reconhece nelas a sua prpria vantagem, o efeito balsmico de novos conhecimentos, e do
sbito e imediato prazer por eles proporcionado, prprio apenas de uma verdade nica,
mais real, mais sensvel do que aquela que o entendimento est habituado a aceitar; e isto,
enquanto ela prpria age enquanto tal, isto , movendo uma simultnea resistncia ao
engenho, de que a faculdade de julgar nunca pode prescindir, e que alis impede o engenho
de se exceder e de degenerar no absurdo.
Assim, concluir-se-ia, o engenho v-se aqui, da nica maneira possvel, unido com
a faculdade de julgar, sua oposta, por certo, mas tambm sua indispensvel concorrente no
natural processo de formao de imagens e respectivos conceitos por parte do esprito
humano. E com isso, o entendimento v-se, nesta sua cooperao com a imaginao,
mediante o engenho, libertado da fora indmita dos sentidos (AA, 15.2: 910) e dos
enganos inerentes a estes, assim se promovendo o imprio do entendimento sobre o
ignbil vulgo dos sentidos (id.: 909); e a imaginao, ilibada aqui da fraca suspeita de ser
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 324-346
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33981


Fernando F.M. Silva, trad.

o engenho, seu instrumento, um emissrio dos sentidos, contribui decisivamente para a
libertao do entendimento, e ela prpria refreada por este (num mtuo dilogo de foras
opostas, mas concorrentes). E, por fim, por isto se vem a perceber no engenho, e no seu
cariz potico, o seu fim ltimo, e com isso tambm o seu benefcio ltimo: a saber, por um
lado, a ulterior ligao entre imaginao e entendimento, sem desfavor ou rejeio da
primeira (a quem concedida a liberdade em que tanto gosta de operar), e em prol do
ltimo (que se v assim favorecido, e tambm enaltecido no seu ofcio): Engenho e
faculdade de julgar servem para a ligao da imaginao com o entendimento. O engenho
traz a imaginao mais prxima do entendimento (AA, 25.2: 1267-1268)25; e, por outro, a
da decorrente, mais ampla ligao entre poesia e filosofia, que no s deve ser louvada
pelo filsofo (AA, 15.1: 909), como, alis, muito naturalmente decorre do natural efeito
do engenho: Assim, o engenho muito se presta filosofia. O engenho serve ao
entendimento como inveno.26

Breve nota
sobre critrios de


Witz und UrtheilsKraft dienen zur Verbindung der EinbildungsKraft mit dem Verstand. Der Witz bringt
die EinbildungsKraft dem Verstand nahe
Es gehrt also zur Philosophie viel Witz. Der Witz dient dem Verstande zur Erfindung (AA, 25.1: 518);
e ainda: Zu Erfindung und zu Wissenschaften gehrt Witz, aber es muss noch Wahrheit dazu kommen
(AA, 25.2: 1266)


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 324-346
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33981

Do engenho e da faculdade de julgar (Kant, V-Anth/Mron)

Se, por si s, o acto de traduzir qualquer autor implica perceber diferentes

especificidades, diferentes mecanismos, diferentes tons prprios de cada modo de escrever,
traduzir Kant, que no raras vezes deploraria a sua prpria falta de eloquncia, e cuja
palavra se encontra aqui em circunstncias ainda mais especiais, tem de obedecer a certos,
sem dvida no menos especiais critrios. Pois o texto em questo consiste numa lio
ou antes, a transcrio de uma lio; e portanto, no s no proveio directamente da pena
de Kant, como de pensar que, mesmo tendo sido proferida por Kant, a espaos, porm,
Kant no a ter proferido ipsis verbis como ela chegou at ns; ao que h que acrescer que,
tratando-se o texto em questo de uma lio, ento a estrutura do mesmo ter sido disposta
por Kant de um modo determinado, o uso de linguagem obedecer por certo a pressupostos
acadmicos, tendo em vista beneficiar a apreenso da mesma pelos seus alunos, e at
mesmo o seu tom um que, como sabido, no poder ser rigorosamente igual ao de
outras obras pela mo do autor. Para alm disto, como disse, a linguagem de Kant tem em
geral traos muito prprios, nicos, a princpio parecendo fazer justia falta de
loquacidade do autor, mas sobretudo, uma vez criada habituao mesma, por fim
transparecendo uma simplicidade profunda, e porm um despretensiosismo e uma leveza
deveras agradveis, a certa altura facilmente reconhecveis como caractersticos do modo
de pensar e escrever kantiano; traos que, como natural, tero de surgir ainda mais
vincadamente numa lio como esta, e tero de ser correspondidos com igual rigor e
simplicidade, igual humildade e leveza, por parte do tradutor.
Assim, tudo no presente tentame de traduo vai no sentido de respeitar as referidas
propriedades do estilo kantiano, e de apresentar ao leitor uma verso da lio de Kant to
fiel, to prxima do texto original quer no seu contedo, quer na sua forma , e portanto
to pouco intromissiva ou invasiva, quanto possvel.
Por conseguinte, a nvel estilstico, procurou-se, tanto quanto possvel, guardar
fidelidade ao tom de poca do discorrer kantiano, e isso no s em geral, mas mais
visivelmente, por um lado, ao nvel das classes de palavras, que foram mantidas quase sem
excepo, e por outro, ao nvel aos artigos, e tambm ausncia dos mesmos; e s quando
a lngua portuguesa, de raz diferente da alem, o no permite de todo, que a voz de Kant
se v forada a soar diferente do original. Ditos, provrbios, entre outros, foram quando
possvel mantidos em respeito especificidade da lngua alem, e no traduzidos pelos
seus ditos correspondentes em lngua portuguesa (excepo feita, por exemplo, na
expresso: Man nent Leute Pinsel, cuja traduo literal esconderia o significado do
original); e o mesmo foi por ns aplicado at mesmo a expresses no idiomticas, ambas
as decises num esforo de poder reproduzir, se no todo, pelo menos algum do
estranhamento com que a palavra de Kant hoje por ns tem de ser recebida.
Com respeito a aspectos formais do texto, os objectivos desta traduo so
similares. A pontuao, tanto quanto possvel, foi deixada intocada (travesses, pontos
finais no substitudos por vrgulas, ou vice-versa, entre outros); mas porque, nesta lio
em especfico, perceptvel uma forte ausncia de pontuao, a ponto de por vezes no ser
bem perceptvel onde uma frase comea ou acaba, ou at onde comeam e acabam as
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 324-346
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33981


Fernando F.M. Silva, trad.

diferentes premissas de uma frase um sintoma prprio da transcrio de uma lio ,
ento vimo-nos forados a inclu-la onde necessrio, o que fizemos por meio de parnteses
rectos (por exemplo, [.] ou [;]). J a ocorrncia de nmeros (2, 4...), foi deixada
enquanto tal, o mesmo acontecendo com os sublinhados e com os itlicos presentes no
texto original (moda, rico de sentido); o mesmo fizemos ainda com todas as palavras
no-alems por Kant usadas no texto (hardi, metier, bon mots, vehiculum,
coffee house, entre outras), as quais deixmos intocadas na sua lngua de origem, mas, a
bem de uma mais fcil compreenso das mesmas, decidimos grafar a itlico, nisto
diferindo da edio da Academia.
Por fim, as excepes a este esforo de fidelidade so duas; ambas, no entanto,
tendo em vista apenas complementar a lio em questo, e, se possvel, favorecer uma
leitura mais completa e rigorosa deste texto. Uma, d-se ao ocorrerem palavras centrais
para a compreenso do texto, ou palavras que, no encadeamento, encontram similar
correspondente, e por isso possam ser confundidas, ou, por fim, palavras cuja traduo,
pela sua dificuldade, merece ser acompanhada da palavra original. Em qualquer um destes
trs casos, fazemos seguir a palavra traduzida do seu original, entre parnteses rectos (por
exemplo, o prprio engenho [Witz], inspirao [Einfall], ou inteleco [Einsicht]. Outra,
ocorre na complementao de certos passos da traduo com passos afins em tema de
outras lies de antropologia de Kant, que traduzimos a bem da completude, e que
inclumos sob a forma de notas de rodap, precedendo-as a do ano em que foram
proferidas e do nome do aluno de Kant que procedeu transcrio das mesmas, e
registando no fim destas a respectiva paginao.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 324-346
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33981

Do engenho e da faculdade de julgar (Kant, V-Anth/Mron)

Do engenho e da faculdade de julgar
Immanuel Kant
[AA, 25.2: 1262-1272]

Aquela representao que oferece as representaes da imaginao ao

entendimento, para que este nelas labore, designa-se por faculdade de comparar[.] Esta
dupla: 1.) a faculdade de comparar as representaes, essa chama-se engenho [Witz] 2.) a
faculdade de conectar as representaes chama-se faculdade de julgar [Urtheilskraft].27
Onde ambas esto juntas, isso perspiccia. A faculdade de julgar tem uma
utilidade negativa. A saber, ela serve para a distino de um conhecimento de outro, e
portanto para o impedimento de erros[.] O engenho tem uma utilidade positiva, e, por
certo, a de expandir os nossos conhecimentos, e dar-lhes uma aplicao ampla.
Por isto, depreende-se j que o engenho ser amado, mas a faculdade de julgar no
o ser; pois esta restringe, aquele expande. O engenho estimula o nimo mediante
amenidade[,] a faculdade de julgar satisf-lo mediante profundidade.
Engenho fugaz. Faculdade de julgar lenta e sria; aquele satisfaz, esta granjeia
Engenho um atributo da juventude. Faculdade de julgar da idade madura[;]
infeliz escolha, pois, a daquele que faz da poesia o seu principal ofcio, pois o engenho
desaparece com a idade, e com esta tambm a sua arte, a beleza da sua poesia Um
conhecimento do entendimento, na medida em que dele emana engenho, rico de sentido
na medida em que nele transparece faculdade de julgar, perspicaz. Engenho a fonte de
inspiraes [Einflle] e bon mots[;] j a faculdade de julgar, gera inteleces
[Einsichten][.] Inspiraes so pensamentos no-procurados, e quando estas so
engenhosas, designam-se por felizes. J as inteleces, so pensamentos preparados que
tm de ser adquiridos mediante zelo. O engenho visa o secundrio, a faculdade de julgar,
porm [tambm] o principal, ou o sustento para o entendimento. por certo uma

Collins, 1772/73: Ao engenho, ope-se a faculdade de julgar. Para inventar exigido engenho, para
aplicar a faculdade de julgar. Para trazer as coisas confluncia e conexo, necessria faculdade de
diferenciao. O engenho a faculdade de comparar, a faculdade de julgar a faculdade de associar e separar
as coisas. s pessoas engenhosas, assoma-se-lhes sempre algo semelhante. Coisas semelhantes no esto por
isso associadas, pois entre as coisas no deve haver a mnima semelhana. Embora os conceitos sejam um e o
mesmo. Semelhana no uma associao de coisas, mas sim da representao de coisas. A faculdade de
compreender a diferena pertence no propriamente ao engenho, mas sim faculdade de julgar. A
perspiccia o gnero de ambas, ela uma capacidade para encontrar detalhes extremamente ocultos. (AA,
25.1: 132)
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 324-346
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33981


Fernando F.M. Silva, trad.

contingncia para alm da sua tarefa, que, a par do principal, o engenho amplie tambm o
Bon mots so frutos do engenho, e so produzidos mediante o jogo da imaginao.
Eles tm de ser mutveis [.] A caa aos bon mots uma ocupao repugnante aquele que
deixa ver o seu engenho designa-se por um zombeteiro [Witzling]. Aquele que alardeia a
sua faculdade de julgar um sofista [Klgling]. O ltimo o mais desprezvel dos dois.
Pois visto que a faculdade de julgar algo srio, intolervel ver brincar com ela.
O engenho gera moda, ou um objecto de imitao por amor ao novo. As modas so
engenhosas pois aprazem mediante a representao de novidade. Por conseguinte, a moda
deixa de ser moda logo que se torna um uso. O uso um objecto de imitao por amor ao
velho. O uso encontra-se entre ingleses e alemes, a moda mais entre os franceses Uma
nao enverga uma capacidade de nimo mais do que a outra [;] por exemplo, os franceses
envergam o engenho, os alemes e os ingleses mais a faculdade de julgar[.]
O engenhoso livre no ajuizar; da que os seus juzos sejam tambm ditos hardi,
pois at por fora de uma pequena semelhana ele se decide a ajuizar. Aquele que possui
faculdade de julgar circunspecto no ajuizar, mas to-pouco deve por isso retirar
facilmente o seu juzo. O gnio ousa e ajuza com celeridade, e, por conseguinte, no raras
vezes tem de retirar o seu juzo. Cromwell ou, melhor ainda, o engenhoso Swift diz: a
circunspeco uma virtude de cnsul. Engenho popular. J a faculdade de julgar, tem
sempre algo de escolstico. O engenho inspido [schaal] quando nada tem de
entendimento. A faculdade de julgar cismtica quando nada tem de engenho, e portanto
nada tem para os sentidos.
O engenho anima a companhia social, mas a falta de faculdade de julgar nesta
torna-a sem gosto [abgeschmackt]. Assim, porque o engenho inspido quando nada
contm em si de entendimento, tambm todos os jogos de palavras so inspidos, pois
tambm eles nada contm em si de entendimento.
Os franceses tm 2 palavras, sot e fat, que entre ns so usadas quase como uma s,
e apesar de se traduzir sot por um ftuo, e fat por um louco, o primeiro porm um louco
jovem, e o segundo um louco com mais idade. Kstner, tendo em vista os alemes, explica
isto do seguinte modo: sot aquele que viaja at Paris para aprender engenho e uma
maneira de viver, fat aquele que de l regressa com provas de loucura. Um engenho
chamado humoroso onde lhe est como fundamento uma incomum disposio de nimo [.]
Habitualmente, cada qual tem uma disposio de nimo caracterstica, a qual, porm,
amide movida por circunstncias e raramente permanece no seu lugar. O engenho
humoroso repousa sobre uma disposio original do nimo, e ele encontrado entre os
ingleses, e por certo, porque a corte no d ela prpria o tom [;] o humor astuto uma parte
muito prpria de algumas pessoas [.] Swift tinha-o; por exemplo, uma vez, na igreja, ele
proferiu perante o parlamento um discurso (o que sempre acontece antes de o parlamento
dar por abertas as suas sesses). Ele falou dos dotes do entendimento, da riqueza, etc., e
quando por fim chegou aos do entendimento, disse: Visto que ningum nesta
reverendssima reunio os pode reivindicar, ento termino, etc.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 324-346
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33981

Do engenho e da faculdade de julgar (Kant, V-Anth/Mron)

Um engenho leve aquele cuja produo pouco esforo custa ao entendimento.
Este tem-no em especial Swift. O engenho cogitabundo encontra-se especialmente nos
escritos de Young e Pope [.] Quando se entra em contradio no discurso, os ingleses
chamam a isto bull; por exemplo, quando algum diz: Eu fui passear com algum sozinho.
Os alemes fazem isto com frequncia. Engenho popular engenho vernacular, ao qual
pertencem primariamente provrbios. Provrbios so a linguagem e a sabedoria da
populaa, e pessoas cultivadas no se servem deles, pois quando se desenterra pensamentos
de outros isso mostra uma cabea vazia, e falta de pensar por si prprio. Aforismos so
provrbios eruditos, e produzi-los, e isso com frequncia, tambm um erro Provrbios
so um modo especial de exprimir de maneira concisa ou alegrica um conhecimento de
outro modo muito comum. Por vezes, os aforismos suplantam at comuns conhecimentos.
Os provrbios so bons para se aprender a conhecer o carcter nacional de um povo.
inveno e s cincias, presta-se o engenho, mas h que lhe juntar ainda verdade. Alguns
grandes homens conservaram a sua pretensa fama apenas atravs do seu engenho. Pois o
engenho mostra algo novo, e isso ofusca e agrada. Em particular, na explicao dos
Antigos no mais se pode [ir atrs] do correcto entendimento, e por conseguinte o engenho
tem a campo livre. Muita erudio , pois, apenas divertimento do engenho. O engenho
serve para desgnios, a faculdade de julgar para a execuo. Colbert dizia que remunerava
todos os projectos, pois se entre 100 apenas um for bem sucedido, todos estaro j pagos.
Amide, o projectista inepto para a execuo. Pois ao primeiro, pertence vivacidade,
leveza; execuo, diligncia, pacincia28 H naes que logram fazer mais execues
do que planos, por exemplo, os alemes. O engenho falha amide na execuo, razo por
que a faculdade de julgar tem de se lhe juntar. Engenho com ingenuidade agrada. Mas
quando transparece arte, desagrada. O engenho um jogo, e por isso no deve ser rduo.
Isto, -o a faculdade de julgar. 29 No engenho, o nimo revigorado. Na faculdade de
julgar, o nimo por certo fortalecido, mas tambm fatigado. Semelhanas so fceis de
encontrar, especialmente numa imaginao vivaz [.] 30 E isso d-se, porque o nosso

Collins, 1772/73: O engenho mutvel, e ama tambm a mutao. Ele ama a novidade, e impaciente
quando tem de esperar muito, a delonga num stio -lhe adversa e intolervel, ele procura sempre forjar
comparaes e novas semelhanas, a mostra ele tambm a sua utilidade. (AA, 25.1: 137)
Collins, 1772/73: Engenho e faculdade de apreciao agradam no s a ns, mas tambm aos outros. O
engenho diverte e apraz, a faculdade de julgar tranquiliza a satisfaz. Amamos o engenhoso, mas respeitamos
e reverenciamos aquele que possui faculdade de julgar. O engenho traz as foras [do nimo]ao movimento. A
faculdade de julgar, ao invs, tolhe-as e confina o irrefreamento do engenho. O engenho abre um campo para
perspectivas, ele emparelha as coisas, ele d a uma inspirao a fora de pr em movimento um conjunto de
outras, e cria novas ideias; a faculdade de julgar deve tolher os incautos excessos do engenho, e traz-los
ordem. (AA, 25.1: 135)
Parow, 1772/73: A memria a faculdade de reprodues aleatrias de representaes outrora tidas. - Por
conseguinte, ela diferencia-se da fantasia principalmente na medida em que h que poder reproduzir as suas
representaes a contento, uma vez que a fantasia, de modo arbitrrio, volta a trazer as anteriores imagens ao
nosso nimo. A fantasia igual a uma actividade infatigvel, ela , por assim dizer, uma torrente de imagens
que para a flui incessantemente. Por vezes, estas imagens so-nos sabidas, por vezes no, aqui uma imagem
estimula a outra, e assim por diante, sem fim. (AA, 25.1: 314)
Parow, 1772/73: Estas capacidades consistem propriamente apenas no actibus da comparao, e
so totalmente diferentes da sensibilidade, mediante o que as representaes so geradas em ns. Assim,
nestas capacidades, algo depende realmente da constituio fsica do nosso crebro, e no incorrecto,
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 324-346
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33981


Fernando F.M. Silva, trad.

entendimento est orientado para gnero e espcies, os quais, por sua vez, repousam sobre
a afinidade 31 . Mas a faculdade de julgar difcil, pois a tem de se perceber as mais
pequenas diferenas. Pois a, eu tenho de fixar a ateno num ponto, e deste modo somos
agrilhoados, e isso fastidioso. como se se quisesse permanecer completamente imvel.
por isso que, como assegura Tschirnhausen, quando um homem se deita e se mantm
algum tempo numa posio totalmente imvel, ele comea pouco a pouco a suar por essa
Mas quando eu dirijo a minha ateno para diversos objectos, isso vivifica o nimo.
O jogo do engenho agrada-nos deveras, mas quando chega ao fim, no ficamos porm
quando, nas suas observaes fsicas, Swift diz da poesia: que o crebro dos poetas est cheio de vermes que,
ao roerem diferentemente os nervos, suscitam diferentes inspiraes. Embora ele diga isto de modo satrico,
porm certo que nenhuma capacidade caracterstica do homem possvel sem alterao fsica no crebro
isto, ainda que ningum observe esta alterao no prprio crebro atravs de lupas. Cada sensao distinta
exige uma organizao especial do crebro, pois sabido que h certos gnios empricos que esto em
condies de observar tudo com exactido, especialmente aqueles que tm uma notvel acuidade. Assim
sendo, as imagens das coisas so conservadas na minha alma, ou no meu crebro? Por vezes, encontramo-nos
numa tal falta de pensamentos, que, quando em sociedade nos pedido que contemos algo, no sabemos
como comear; mas ao comear algum, muito facilmente chegamos a matrias que servem de
entretenimento. Mas ento, algo tem de haver na cabea que tem imagens confinantes. Ao ser avivada uma
imagem, uma ocorrncia opera aqui a outra. provvel que todas as imagens que acedem ao nosso crebro
no mais desapaream do mesmo, mas, ao no serem usadas, elas, por assim dizer, jazem soterradas em
poeira e entulho, a ponto de serem totalmente irreconhecveis. Aqueles mdicos que, cincia da medicina,
aliaram o conhecimento das foras da alma, dizem que as imagens das coisas so conservadas no crebro. A
verdadeira erudio apenas a arte de guardar na memria aquilo que, devido sua utilidade na vida comum,
merecem ser conservadas no mesmo. Mas a curiosidade consiste numa v ateno a tudo o que a isto no
pertence, e quilo a que, por ser intil, o mundo menos atenta. A exacta correco a correcta relao das
partes umas com as outras, e a sua concordncia com um todo que a no tem contenta-se com uma exactido
em minudncias, e ocupa-se com slabas e palavras./ Temos uma imaginao vivaz, mas tambm rida. Se
pensarmos em alguma coisa e quisermos escrever algo, muitas coisas tm de se oferecer na nossa alma, a
partir das quais podemos procurar aquela que til nossa matria: tal como um oficial que, ao ter de
separar as maiores personalidades de um regimento, as deixa porm convergir, assim temos de agir tambm
em relao s nossas imagens. Assim, temos de, por assim dizer, fazer barulho no crebro, e pr em
movimento todas as imagens; depois, abandonamo-nos torrente das nossas representaes, aps o que uma
representao produz a outra, e mais no temos aqui a fazer seno no perder de vista a representao
principal, pois as imagens progridem ainda e sempre aps terem sido associadas no crebro, e porque a
imaginao toma amide o curso que as imagens tm com respeito ao tempo, muito facilmente podemos ser
totalmente desviados do nosso objecto, se no estivermos atentos. Temos to pouco poder sobre a nossa
imaginao, como sobre a corrente do nosso sangue [;] a nica coisa que podemos fazer , quando ela
exagera demasiado, sust-la. Ento, tem de se comear a pensar uma vez mais a, onde se comeou
inicialmente, e a partir daqui voltar a dar-lhe rdea livre, ento ela voltar a tomar um outro curso. Mas h
que evitar fazer violncia sua imaginao, pois desta maneira impede-se toda a progresso das ideias. Nesta
corrente da imaginao, as imagens fluem ou segundo a sua vizinhana, consoante estejam juntas, ou
segundo a sua afinidade, que totalmente diferente daquela. Por vezes, a vizinhana das ideias irrita tanto,
quanto o zangar-se na vida comum com um vizinho indigno. A imaginao ela prpria no pensa, antes noto
apenas se na torrente da minha imaginao no descubro imagens que se refegam na minha matria. Por
vezes, acontece que no rio destas imagens uma se me escapa subitamenteque eu poderia porm ter usado,
aps o que habitualmente se fica inquieto e preocupado. O melhor meio para se voltar a esta imagem que se
comece a pensar de novo [;] se ainda assim no lograr descobri-la, comeo justamente desse ponto, e
habitualmente -se bem sucedido em surpreender a imagem desejada, pois agora ela deve surgir apenas uma
vez: assim ela ser facilmente notada, pois j se est preparado para a apreender. (AA, 25.1: 310-312)
Busolt, 1788/89: O engenho livre, a faculdade de julgar restringe. A perfeio negativa da faculdade de
julgar impede que o engenho no degenere no falso. Mediante o engenho descobrimos os gneros, mediante a
faculdade de julgar as espcies (AA, 25.2: 1459)


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 324-346
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33981

Do engenho e da faculdade de julgar (Kant, V-Anth/Mron)

satisfeitos com isso.32 O entendimento tenta fazer para si uma ideia do todo e do diverso.
Se no o puder fazer, ele fica insatisfeito. O mesmo acontece em sociedade. Quando os
dilogos no so a travados de modo coerente, antes todos falam entre si, ento ao sairmos
da companhia social estamos completamente confusos, e como que inebriados, e a
companhia no nos agrada, pois no nimo no permanece seno um rudo cego. Como
disse um dos amigos de Plato, no seu Simpsio, uma companhia social tem de ser uma tal
que lhe tenha agradado no s ento, quando dela desfrutou, mas tambm ainda e sempre
que nela pensava.
Um ingls queria ir com outro ao hospcio, mas o outro falou no coffee house
Lloyds. Este viu uma grande turba de pessoas, e disse ao seu camarada: Vamo-nos. Vejo
que os loucos foram libertados. Ele pensava que era o hospcio[.]
Tanto no engenho como na faculdade de julgar ocorre subtileza; mas ela presta-se
melhor faculdade de julgar, pois difcil. Amor subtileza micrologia. Ela presta-se
melhor faculdade de julgar. As leis dos romanos so deveras microlgicas, e repousam
sobre as mais pequenas diferenas [;] por isso que so causa de muita chicanice. Quando
o engenho ajuza, ele ajuza en gros, e no en detail Madame Geoffrin, que organizava
um bureau desprit, isto , um convnio de espritos belos, dizia que no se pode ajuizar
sobre os homens en detail, mas sim en gros mas ento, eu no ajuzo de todo sobre uma
coisa. Em sermes fnebres, no raras vezes bom e tambm necessrio ajuizar en gros.
As recenses ajuzam amide en Gros[.] Engenho e faculdade de julgar servem para a
ligao da imaginao com o entendimento. O engenho traz a imaginao mais prxima do
entendimento desde que o entendimento vise o universal , a faculdade de julgar tem de
ver se aquilo que imaginado aplicvel in concreto.33 Para se poder aplicar os conceitos
universais, necessria faculdade de julgar[.] Todas as aces do engenho so designadas
por jogo, e o jogo e o engenho so inspidos quando produzem falsa semelhana, e ento
so deveras repugnantes. Este engenho inspido consiste em jogos de palavras [.] A dada
altura, isto foi moda em Frana. Assim, ao entornar uma sopa sobre o chanceler de Frana,
disse-lhe um lacaio: Summum jus, summa injuria. Para o chanceler, isto foi engenhoso.
Amide, encontra-se algo engenhoso em outra pessoa quando o outro no pensa sequer em
produzir algo engenhoso [;] por exemplo, quando, em honra de Lus XIV, foi erigido um
arco triunfal sobre uma ponte que ele tinha de atravessar, na qual se perfilava um anjo com
uma coroa na mo, disse um homem da Gascnia: no se sabe se ele lhe est a dar a coroa,

Friedlnder, 1775/76: O engenho fugaz, tal como a faculdade de julgar pesada. Assim, os
conhecimentos do engenhoso so efmeros, eles fazem por certo uma impresso, mas no se mantm e no
so interiorizados. (AA, 25.1: 520)
Parow, 1772/73: O engenho muito sedutor; se ocorrer a um poeta uma inspirao devidamente
engenhosa, ele antes preferiria ser enforcado, do que asfixiar a inspirao nascena. Ele v nisto uma
espcie de infanticdio, que se oblitere uma to bela criatura do entendimento. Quem tem uma propenso para
o engenho, no a pode sonegar. (AA, 25.1: 133)
Parow, 1772/73: Para alm disso, temos uma faculdade para produzir representaes que nunca
foram conservadas na nossa fantasia, sim, que nunca foram postas nos nossos sentidos, e esta a faculdade
de poetar [Dichtungs Vermgen]. Esta faculdade no apenas um promus condus que exige a representao,
e as representaes to-pouco so renovadas mediante ela, antes representaes novas so produzidas ou
fingidas. (AA, 25.1: 321)
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 324-346
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33981


Fernando F.M. Silva, trad.

ou a tirar-lha [;] isto soa engenhoso, e todos o louvaram sobremaneira. Traz-se o engenho
ao [acto de] motejar, e ele ocorre quando refinado e o outro replica. Se o ltimo no
acontecer, ele ofensivo. Engenho o mais preeminente do divertimento em sociedade [.]
Engenho o mais essencial da stira. Ela travessa e astuta, quando algum parece estar a
louvar a coisa, falando com toda a seriedade, e aparentando simplicidade de esprito ao
faz-lo, de tal modo que no se cr que ele esteja a pensar nisso. Uma tal stira, tem-na
principalmente Swift. Os franceses so cheios de engenho, mas zombeteiros originais hos especialmente entre os ingleses [;] por exemplo Swift, em especial no conto do tonel, e
Anti-Longino, e Butler no seu Hudibras, do qual Hume diz que em nenhum livro algum dia
escrito h tanta erudio como neste, e bem verdade. Este uma stira ao fanatismo
religioso de ento. um contra-ponto de D. Quixote.
Alguns exemplos do engenho de Butler so, por exemplo, quando o seu cavaleiro
errante diz a algum que quer fazer dele um pndulo em vista do qual todas as jardas de
alfaiate na Inglaterra deveriam ser rectificadas; isto significa, em primeiro lugar, que ele
queria enforc-lo; por outro, isto refere-se ao facto de que altura, na Inglaterra, queria-se
fazer do comprimento da oscilao de um pndulo a cada segundo uma medida universal, a
fim de que esta sempre se mantivesse uma e a mesma Assim diz Ralph[o], o ferreiro
deste cavaleiro: as doenas do esprito dos homens so como os tribunais, que umas vezes
realizam julgamentos, outras vezes fazem frias. A minha conscincia moral est agora de
frias, e no deixa ningum comparecer perante si Uma vez, estando o cavaleiro em
perigo, Ralph[o] aconselhou-o a fugir, e provou-lhe por fundamentos que a fuga era algo
louvvel, a saber: porque quele que salvasse um cidado, os romanos haviam prometido
uma coroa; assim, se fugisse, ele mereceria uma coroa, na medida em que salvara a vida de
um cidado, mais concretamente, a sua prpria. Para alm disso, se ele fugisse, os outros
persegui-lo-iam, e ele chegaria a todo o lado mais cedo, etc. O que convence algum da
verdade e do bem de uma coisa? 200 libras esterlinas [;] e o que volta a convencer algum
do contrrio? Mais 200 libras esterlinas. A fora do engenho consiste em que se faa surgir
coisas totalmente inesperadas. Ela serve para um arsenal de aforismos. Um terceiro ingls
Sterne, que muitos imitaram e macaquearam. O engenho faz-nos felizes ou infelizes?
Infelizes [.] Butler morreu fome, embora os seus escritos muito agradassem a Carlos II,
que porm se esqueceu de o apoiar.
Sterne encurtou a sua vida devido s recorrentes sociedades para onde era
arrebatado. Por fim, Swift enlouqueceu, presumivelmente por se ter consumido demasiado
o que se explica por terem descurado a faculdade de julgar. O engenho tem de ser mero
vehiculum, e a faculdade de julgar como a realidade. Aquele que no tem nenhum
engenho, uma cabea obtusa [stumpf]. Aquele que no tem nenhuma faculdade de julgar,
tem uma cabea estpida [Dummkopf] [;] mera ignorncia no nenhuma estupidez. Em
rigor, s estpido aquele que, ao lhe ser dada uma regra, no sabe aplic-la[;] os servos
s so estpidos quando tomam as regras letra. Os russos quedam-se amide sem
faculdade de julgar quando o Neiva gela; por isso, um canho disparado para o mostrar
s pessoas. Quando algum da margem oposta atravessa para a de c, e s ento o canho


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 324-346
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33981

Do engenho e da faculdade de julgar (Kant, V-Anth/Mron)

disparado, ele obrigado a voltar para [a margem de] l. Quem tem faculdade de julgar
sensato, e isso, pode-se vir a s-lo tambm atravs de adversidades. Sbio aquele que se
faz sensato atravs do ludbrio de outros. Um homem que jovem, e no tem muita
faculdade de julgar, tem de ser amide trapaceado. A falta de entendimento inocncia, e
diferente de estupidez. Assim, existem povos que s conseguem contar at 5, por exemplo,
no rio Amazonas. Diz-se que um homem progride apesar da sua estupidez, o que se d
porque o estpido no faz ningum invejoso, no pode ofuscar ningum, e por conseguinte
ele tolerado entre homens. Aquele que deixa transparecer mais viso e entendimento, faz
os outros invejosos. O estpido to-pouco compreende de quanto carece; da que apreenda
tudo com petulncia, e isso ajuda j muito ao sucesso, e com o tempo ele adquire uma
medocre, pequena habilidade. Mas o que tem plena viso [der Einsichtsvolle] compreende
a grandeza dos seus deveres, e faz tudo [;] pequenos mecenas sempre foram ignorantes, por
certo amantes, mas no conhecedores da erudio. Colbert foi um dos grandes mecenas,
mas no um erudito. Num Estado, nenhuma erudio florescer num conhecedor erudito
das cincias, mas sim num inculto e num amante, pois um inculto estima o erudito. J um
erudito, dirige tudo para os seus conhecimentos.
visvel que se tenha uma fraca memria, mas nunca que se seja estpido Pois
isso requer faculdade de julgar e entendimento, para que se discirna em si o grau disto.
A falta de faculdade de julgar com engenho tolice [Albernheit]; sem engenho
estupidez. O que possui o primeiro no inteiramente sensato; o que possui o 2
estpido. Um homem mais tolervel quando estpido, do que quando sensato ou tolo.
Mas estas palavras no so empregveis na vida comum, pois elas trazem consigo
relutncia ou rancor, pois mostram meros delitos. Se um homem estpido, e porm
imagina ser prudente, tem-se contra esta sua altivez averso, e ento designamo-lo por
genuinamente estpido Chama-se s pessoas simplrio, o que se explica porque aquele
que usa de tanta meticulosidade na letra, e por isso tanto se delonga a fazer coisas fceis,
mostra uma falta de faculdade de julgar falta apenas de faculdade de julgar
simplicidade. Ser sensato vem por experincia, no por capacidade e entendimento. Da
que seja mais ofensivo quando um diz ao outro que ele no sensato, do que quando diz
[que] ele no prudente. Pois com o ltimo, diz-se ao outro que lhe falta capacidade, com
o primeiro, que ele no a usou. Honorabilidade e estupidez so muito confundidas e ligadas
Isto d-se porque os homens, quando tm alguma supremacia de prudncia sobre outro,
usam-na imediatamente para o mal. Mas quem no tem nenhum talento, desse tem-se a
certeza de que ele far algo mal [.] No entanto, nenhum homem quer que lhe digam que ele
no tem nenhuma capacidade para o mal. Isto, visam-no muitos provrbios, por exemplo:
ele no trair a ptria, ele no nenhum feiticeiro. Georgi conta dos Tungus que estes so
muito honrados, mas acrescenta que sempre que querem mentir, produzem disparates to
absurdos, que h que rir, pois eles s so honrados porque no tm nenhum talento para o
contrrio. O ludibriador nem sempre mais prudente do que o ludibriado. Este supera
amide aquele, mas quando age segundo princpios do altrusmo, ele no suspeita nada de
mal[.] E se ele vier a descobrir o ludibriador, por certo no mais volta a ser ludibriado por
ele. O ludibriador amide mais estpido do que o ludibriado. At as cabeas mais
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 324-346
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33981


Fernando F.M. Silva, trad.

prudentes podem amide ser ludibriadas. Por exemplo, quando Abelardo viajava numa
carruagem com um abade, este disse: Meu Senhor, um boi a voar! Onde? Onde? disse
Abelardo. Ao que o outro respondeu: nunca pensei que um homem to erudito pudesse
acreditar em algo assim. Abelardo, porm, deteve-se e retorquiu: E eu antes acreditaria que
um boi pudesse voar, do que um clrigo mentir. por isso muito injusto que se tome um
homem honrado por estpido.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 324-346
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33981

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 347-359
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33983

El concepto kantiano de propiedad

Kants Concept of Property
Univ. de Aberystwyth, Gran Bretaa
Traduccin al espaol por LORENA CEBOLLA SANAHUJA1
Universidad de Trento, Italia

1. Introduccin de la traductora
El concepto kantiano de propiedad, de Howard Williams, se publica por primera vez en
la revista The Philosophical Quarterly, en enero de 1977 2 . La frase que da inicio al
artculo: Kant no se considera como una de entre las grandes figuras de la filosofa
poltica, justifica doblemente la razn y, en gran parte, el contenido del artculo de
Williams. Es cierto que hasta bien entrada la segunda mitad del siglo veinte la filosofa
poltica kantiana no acapara el inters que ha suscitado en los ltimos decenios. Con
anterioridad a este periodo, la reflexin sobre la obra de Kant se centra mayoritariamente
en su epistemologa, doctrina tica y en la filosofa de la religin. Esto no quiere decir que
los trabajos sobre la filosofa poltica de Kant sean inexistentes, as como pienso que el
lector concordar en que la afirmacin de Williams con respecto al lugar de Kant en la
historia de la filosofa poltica es desafortunada, en ningn modo justificada3. Lo que s es

Ricercatrice post-doc della Universit degli Studi di Trento. Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia. Email: .
Williams, H.; Kants Concept of Property, The Philosophical Quarterly, 27 (106), 1977, 32-40.
Para una lista de las publicaciones sobre Kant en el periodo anterior a la publicacin del artculo de
Williams vase: Kant-Bibliographie 19451990, Ruffing, M. (ed.), V. Klostermann: Frankfurt am Main,
1999. Como hemos sealado, se puede comprobar que el nmero de publicaciones relativas a la poltica y al
derecho en Kant es ciertamente escaso si lo comparamos con aquellas referidas a los tres mbitos de
investigacin por excelencia sobre Kant. Sin embargo, las referencias existen y son relevantes. Curiosamente,
[Recibido: 3 de octubre de 2015
Aceptado: 21 de octubre de 2015]


Howard Williams / Lorena Cebolla

cierto es que Williams ha contribuido en medida importante a los estudios sobre el
pensamiento poltico de Immanuel Kant. De hecho, pocos aos despus de la redaccin de
este artculo Williams publicar un volumen dedicado en exclusiva al pensamiento poltico
kantiano4, y en los treinta aos precedentes a esta publicacin podemos encontrar solo dos
obras que traten acerca del concepto de propiedad en Kant 5 . Es esta falta de atencin
dedicada en general a la filosofa poltica de Kant, y en concreto al concepto de propiedad,
lo que le permite a Williams tratar este tema con, podemos decir, una cierta ligereza.
Con esto queremos indicar aqu el hecho de que Williams explicita la nocin de
libertad desde la literalidad de las primeras pginas de la Doctrina del Derecho. Siguiendo
el texto a la letra, el autor da cuenta de la propiedad como nomeno, objeto de la Razn
alejado de la competencia del Entendimiento y del mundo emprico. Del mismo modo,
siempre siguiendo el texto, explica Williams cmo este carcter de nomeno hace
necesario pensar a la propiedad en Kant acompaada necesariamente de las nociones de
propiedad comn de la tierra, voluntad general y sociedad civil de derecho o, sociedad
jurdica coactiva. Su anlisis de la propiedad le conduce adecuadamente tambin a
problematizar la relacin entre derechos naturales y derechos jurdicos por lo que respecta
a su prioridad en la filosofa jurdica kantiana. El autor hace justamente del concepto de
propiedad un concepto clave para la comprensin del pensamiento poltico de Kant.
Por otra parte, esta ligereza de la que hablbamos se manifiesta en la direccin que
toma el artculo hacia la mitad del texto y en las conclusiones que le siguen. En este caso
Williams da un paso en falso, forzando una problematizacin que surgira de contraponer
al mismo nivel el anlisis terico del concepto de propiedad con las posibles reificaciones
de dicha nocin en un estado de derecho.
La confusin comienza cuando Williams da el paso del anlisis terico de la
propiedad a la evaluacin de las consecuencias (en este caso creo que podemos sin error
calificar de psicolgicas) que suponen para el sujeto el pasar de un estado de propiedad
natural a un estado de propiedad real. Al explicitar el concepto de propiedad kantiano
como un nomeno se hace referencia al hecho de que la propiedad es un ttulo
independiente de la posesin emprica de un objeto. El derecho de propiedad, es, en
realidad, nunca un derecho directo a un objeto, sino que ms bien, como dice Kant y cita
tambin Williams al final del artculo: no hay ningn derecho (directo) a una cosa, sino
que se denomina as nicamente al que corresponde a alguien frente a una persona, que
est en posesin comn junto a todos los dems (en el estado civil) (6:261)6. Estamos
la mayora de estas son estudios llevados a cabo en lengua espaola, italiana, y (en menor cantidad pero de
especial relevancia) en lengua francesa.
Williams, H.; Kants Political Philosophy, St. Martin's Press: New York, 1983.
Las dos obras, ninguna de las cuales menciona Williams en su artculo son: Lehmann, G.; Kants
Besitzlehre, Akademie-Verlag: Berlin, 1956; Crdoba, A.; De Grocio a Kant: Gnesis del concepto moderno
de propiedad, Revista Mexicana de Sociologa, 30 (4), 1968, pp.959-98.
Los textos de Kant se citan de acuerdo a la KantsgesammelteSchriften, Hrsg. von der Preussichenund der
DeutschenAkademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1902 y ss. Las traducciones al espaol corresponden a las
de Adela Cortina y Jess Conill en su edicin de La Metafsica de las Costumbres: Kant, I.; La Metafsica de
las Costumbres, Tecnos: Madrid, 2005.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 347-359
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33983

El concepto kantiano de propiedad

hablando por lo tanto de una nocin que no tiene sentido en la relacin directa entre el
sujeto y el objeto, sino que se explicita solo como derecho (es decir, como la contrapartida
de un deber) al que, en este caso, le sigue tambin el hecho de poder ser considerado de
naturaleza jurdica. Hasta aqu no se da ninguna contradiccin entre la explicacin del
autor y el texto kantiano. De hecho, Williams hace hincapi precisamente en la necesidad
da pensar el contrato social o la voluntad general como idea de la Razn que sirve a
fundamentar el concepto de propiedad privada perentoria, dado que esta nocin surge del
reconocimiento por parte de los sujetos de los deberes y derechos que se siguen de una
relacin que hasta el momento el pacto ha permanecido oculta. Esta relacin entre
sujetos se convierte en una consciente y libre, justa, solo bajo la forma de una aceptacin
universal o pacto social. Es en este punto donde la argumentacin se vuelve problemtica,
en el momento en que Williams continua el discurso debatiendo no ya entre la possessio
phaenomenon vs la noumenon, sino entre el estado de naturaleza y el estado civil como dos
opuestos que reflejaran, respectivamente, libertad y coaccin. Williams presenta la
problematicidad que l atribuye al concepto de propiedad kantiana en los siguientes
trminos: Tenemos que imaginar que la tierra una vez perteneci a todos en comn y que
posteriormente decidimos distribuir esta herencia en comn. Pero claramente estas dos
perspectivas se contradicen entre s. O suponemos que los individuos acordaron la
existente distribucin de la propiedad en base a la previa propiedad comn, o podemos
suponer que discutieron tal distribucin de la propiedad y tuvieron que ser forzados a
aceptar dicha posicin. Es imposible suponer que los mismos individuos estuvieron al
mismo tiempo en acuerdo y en desacuerdo con tal distribucin existente de la propiedad7.
Es decir, desde el punto de vista de Williams, el hecho de que la propiedad no se
convierta en perentoria si no hay una coaccin jurdica que la acompae (se cree un estado
de derecho), que surge a su vez de un derecho (natural) de todo sujeto a coaccionar a los
restantes a entrar en dicho estado jurdico, hace de la propiedad un concepto incoherente si
se considera que al mismo tiempo, y a la base de la fundamentacin de este concepto,
subyacen las precondiciones morales de la propiedad comn de la tierra y la de voluntad
comn. De este modo pretende el autor establecer una contradiccin entre el concepto
preliminar de propiedad (o como esta se presenta en el estado de naturaleza bajo las
ideas morales antes mencionadas, que sera dependiente completamente de la voluntad del
hombre), y el concepto definitivo o real de la misma (que dependera en su existencia de
la sancin del derecho). Contrapone pues Williams, como muchos otros, la moralidad del
estado de naturaleza a la legalidad del estado civil, presentando esta contradiccin en
trminos de liberalidad vs coaccionabilidad, y analizando por tanto y en definitiva a la
propiedad inteligible en Kant en base a las consecuencias que esta nocin supondra para el
sujeto por lo que respecta a la autonoma de su decisin en una situacin de derecho
concreta. Esta es una oposicin comn pero del todo desacertada que por lo general
justifica la falta de libertad del sujeto en el estado civil simplemente desde la perspectiva

p. 13.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 347-359
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33983


Howard Williams / Lorena Cebolla

de un estar obligado a aceptar 8 , sin acompaarse sin embargo de ningn criterio de
justicia que permita dar cuenta de la evaluacin de dicha afirmacin. Presentando la
problemtica de este modo Williams condena adems al derecho al mbito de lo
meramente fenomnico, obviando la fundamentacin moral del principio del derecho que
hace de la coaccin jurdica una cuya justificacin estriba en que la forma permite al sujeto
ejercer su libertad externa. Por otra parte, esta supuesta contradiccin entre la libertad
moral y la coaccin jurdica en trminos de constriccin de la voluntad del sujeto es una
que en Kant se puede refutar fcilmente desde numerosos frentes, el ms simple quizs sea
el anlisis del imperativo categrico como principio de auto-coaccin de la voluntad del
sujeto9. En todo caso, presentando as la propiedad, Williams acaba por definirla como un
concepto incoherente que refleja en su opinin, no la calidad del filsofo que la ha creado,
sino la falta misma de coherencia que se da en las relaciones sociales.
Al lector le basta referirse a algunos trabajos posteriores a este acerca del concepto
de propiedad en Kant para evitar este tipo de conclusiones10. En esta introduccin nos
basta sealar brevemente una lnea de argumentacin que incluye algunos puntos que
Williams obvia en su anlisis y que, quizs por esto, le llevan a confundir y cuestionar la
teora a partir de conclusiones extradas de la observacin emprica, socio-psicolgica. El
paso primero y fundamental es explicitar que la propiedad es una nocin clave de la
filosofa poltica kantiana porque es a travs de este concepto que se construye la nocin de
libertad externa del sujeto. La tenencia de objetos exteriores es necesaria para realizar la
finalidad del sujeto humano, de ah que la libertad exterior se presente en la Doctrina del
Derecho como posible bajo el postulado jurdico de la razn prctica. Este hace de las
cosas objetos ya siempre propiedad de un sujeto (evitando de este modo la categora del
res nullius que es propia de la tradicin jurdica romana y que est a la base de la
justificacin de la casi totalidad de la teoras sobre la propiedad que preceden a Kant), y
sita al sujeto, por lo que concierne al ejercicio de su libertad externa, en una relacin
inmediata de deberes y derechos con respecto a todos los dems. Una relacin que debe ser
sometida al criterio de la universalidad si es que ha de ser una justa entre seres libres e
iguales; regulada por tanto de acuerdo al nico modo en el que las libertades externas
pueden ser regladas, segn el principio del derecho. Este esquema que va desde lo
natural a lo social o legal no es uno que va desde lo moral o libre a lo jurdico o
involuntario; es de hecho el esquema que presenta el modo en el que esta relacin que se
da naturalmente puede ser ejercida libremente, de acuerdo a la idea de libertad externa.
Muestra pues el esquema el modo en el que todo hombre puede ejercer su libertad en

Vanse como ejemplos de esta posicin: Willaschek, M.; Right and Coercion: Can Kant's Conception of
Right Be Derived from his Moral Theory?, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 17,2009, pp.49
70. Wood, A.; The Final Form of Kants Practical Philosophy, en Timmons, M. (ed.), KantsMetaphysics
of Morals. Interpretative Essays, Oxford University Press: New York, 2002, pp. 1-21.
Kant, I.; 5: 33; 6: 222, 394.
Vanse por ejemplo: Shell, S.M.; Kants Theory of Property, Political Theory, 6(1), 1978, pp.75-90.;
Tierney, B.; Permissive Natural Law and Property: Gratian to Kant, Journal of the History of Ideas, 62,
2001, pp.381-99; Hodgson, L.P.; Kant on Property Rights and the State, Kantian Review, 15, 2010, pp. 5787.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 347-359
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33983

El concepto kantiano de propiedad

condiciones de igualdad y justicia. Obviamente, la postulacin de una libertad externa que

se ejerce en parte a travs de la posesin y de la garanta de su ejercicio justo bajo la
instauracin de una ley, sirve como punto de partida para una eventual crtica de la
distribucin real de la propiedad en una sociedad -sea como propiedad directa de los
sujetos, sea como beneficiarios de un estado social de derecho. La conclusin de Williams
en este artculo podemos considerarla as, como denuncia de una sociedad insatisfecha
porque injusta, porque no garantiza sino que dificulta el ejercicio de la libertad exterior del

2. El concepto kantiano de propiedad. Por Howard Williams (traduccin de

Lorena Cebolla Sanahuja)

Kant no se considera como una de entre las grandes figuras de la filosofa poltica. En
comparacin con las obras de su colega idealista alemn Hegel, sus escritos polticos han
recibido escasa atencin. Esta suerte no es del todo merecida. Kant, es cierto, se ocupa de
la poltica en un modo ms sucinto que Hegel, pero esto no significa que lo que escribe sea
en ningn modo menos profundo.
De hecho, como intentar demostrar, Kant ofrece una importante contribucin a la
comprensin del Estado Moderno. Esta contribucin se hace especialmente patente, a mi
parecer, en su anlisis de la propiedad en los Principios Metafsicos de la Doctrina del
Derecho. Lo que ms le interesa a Kant de la propiedad es su posibilidad en general, o,
como l dice: el modo de tener algo exterior como suyo (6:245). Para l, esta es un
concepto extremadamente problemtico, cuya pertinencia a los asuntos del hombre tiene
que ser explicada por completo. Kant comienza distinguiendo los modos en los que puede
decirse que se posee (besitzen) un objeto. El primer modo de la posesin es el que l llama
la posesin sensible, o fsica, de un objeto; el segundo es el de la posesin inteligible del
objeto. Es este segundo modo de la posesin el que, segn Kant, es con diferencia el ms
importante. Mientras que la posesin sensible de un objeto significa su mera apropiacin
corporal, la posesin inteligible indica una posesin que no es dependiente de la
apropiacin fsica. Posesin inteligible significa, por lo tanto, que una cosa es ma aun
cuando se da el hecho de no tenerla conmigo (ibd.). Este tipo de posesin es la que Kant
define como posesin de jure, o posesin legal de un objeto. En este punto somos quizs
ms afortunados que Kant por el hecho de que el idioma ingls, al contrario del alemn,
posee una palabra que se refiere especficamente a este tipo de posesin: propiedad11. La

En el texto original se est refiriendo a la palabra ownership, que traduce el concepto de propiedad por
clara oposicin a la de posesin, entendida esta ltima como tenencia fsica no acompaada necesariamente
de un ttulo legal. No existe ni en alemn ni en espaol una palabra equivalente en este campo que sustantive
el concepto de ser el propietario o dueo de algo, que sea diferente del sustantivo propiedad y que, al
mismo tiempo, se contraponga en un modo claro al tener en posesin algo en un mero sentido de tenencia.
En el texto hemos decidido mantener la traduccin de ownership como propiedad por oposicin a la
posesin, con la asuncin de que a la primera le acompaa en el texto la caracterstica de la legalidad
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 347-359
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33983


Howard Williams / Lorena Cebolla

propiedad, como Kant quiere indicar, se diferencia claramente de la posesin fsica de un
objeto. Pero ambas, tener en propiedad y la posesin son imprescindibles para que un
objeto exterior sea propiamente mo. Un objeto exterior no es mo, dice Kant, al menos que
yo lo tenga en propiedad y sea al mismo tiempo capaz de tenerlo fsicamente en mi poder;
solo entonces el objeto es mi propiedad.
Kant aplica a continuacin este anlisis a los tres tipos de objetos que segn l
pueden ser la propiedad de una persona. Estos tres objetos son, primero, una cosa corprea
externa a m; segundo, lo que l llama el arbitrio de otro respecto a un acto determinado
(contrado mediante contrato); y finalmente, el estado de otro en relacin conmigo (6:247).
As que puedo decir, por ejemplo, que tengo una manzana en mi posesin simplemente
porque en este momento la sostengo en mi mano, pero solo puedo decir que la tengo en
propiedad si sigue siendo ma aun cuando se encuentre fuera de mi alcance. La intencin
de Kant es obviamente la de sealar que si confiara solo en la posesin fsica de un objeto
para demarcar mi propiedad, en el momento en el que dejara de sostener la manzana o
cualquier objeto similar este no sera ya mo. La propiedad no puede coincidir con la
posesin fsica. Igualmente, seala Kant, el poder contractual que poseo sobre el arbitrio de
otro para asegurar que una tarea concreta se realice tiene que ser vlido tambin cuando la
persona con la que he establecido el contrato no est presente. El contrato tiene que ser
vlido aun cuando entre las dos partes no se da un contacto personal. Esto significa para
Kant que un contrato, al igual que la propiedad en general, no es algo emprico. La tercera
categora de objetos que pueden convertirse en la propiedad de una persona la define Kant
como posesiones domsticas. Con este trmino no se est refiriendo a la vajilla,
utensilios de cocina o smiles, que caen por supuesto bajo la primera categora, sino a la
mujer, hijos y sirvientes de un hombre (6:248)12. Todos estos son aptos para convertirse en
la propiedad de un hombre. Kant se refiere a este derecho como a aquel que permite poseer
un objeto exterior como una cosa y usarlo como una persona. Lo que quiere decir con esto
es que la familia de un hombre puede ser considerada su propiedad desde un punto de vista
legal, pero cada miembro de la familia debe de ser considerado como un individuo
autnomo desde el punto de vista moral. El padre y marido no obtiene este derecho
mediante fuerza o contrato, sino simplemente a travs de la propiedad en su propia
persona. Segn Kant, la familia, desde el punto de vista legal, es una persona, y esa
persona es el cabeza de familia. De nuevo en este caso, Kant afirma, mi propiedad no
dependera de mi presencia para ordenar a mi mujer, hijos o sirvientes. Puedo decir con
certeza que son mi propiedad si puedo decir que son mos en tanto que estn vivos en un
lugar y en un tiempo en este mundo. Por lo tanto, una cosa exterior es ma, concluye Kant,
cuando su uso discrecional no puede impedrseme sin lesionarme (6:249). Para que haya
mientras que la otra viene limitada a la posesin fsica de un objeto. Por lo tanto, cuando el texto en ingls
usa el verbo to own, lo traduciremos en la versin espaola por tener en propiedad, y usaremos el
sustantivo propiedad sea para traducir el vocablo ownership, sea para referirnos al vocablo property en
ingls que es el concepto a aclarar en la filosofa kantiana.
Hegel considera esto como otra de las nociones barbricas de Kant. Igualmente brbara es la nocin
kantiana del matrimonio como un contrato. Vase Hegel, F; Rechstphilosophie, Werke 7, Suhrkamp:
Frankfurt am Main, 1970, p.130.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 347-359
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33983

El concepto kantiano de propiedad

propiedad, por tanto, la posesin inteligible (possessio noumenon) debe ser una realidad.
Por el contrario, la posesin emprica es solo posesin en apariencia (possessio
phaenomenon) (ibd.).
Por lo tanto, el problema de cmo la existencia de la propiedad acontece se reduce
ahora a la pregunta: cmo es posible una posesin meramente jurdica (inteligible)?
(ibd.). Otro modo de formular esta pregunta puede ser, sugiere Kant: cmo son posibles
las proposiciones jurdicas sintticas a priori?, ya que de este tipo sera, en efecto, una
proposicin que gobernara la propiedad de los objetos ms all de su posesin fenomnica.
Segn Kant, la proposicin prescindira necesariamente de todas las condiciones empricas
de la posesin en el espacio y en el tiempo. Esto nos conduce a una distincin que reside
en el ncleo de la filosofa kantiana. Desde el punto de vista de Kant, es el Entendimiento
quien se ocupa de los objetos situados en el tiempo y el espacio. En otras palabras, el
Entendimiento se ocupa de los objetos empricos. Pero es la Razn quien emplea
proposiciones que tiene que ver con objetos no limitados en este sentido. La Razn, en
otras palabras, se ocupa de objetos noumnicos. Por lo tanto, el acto de mostrar cmo son
posibles las proposiciones sintticas del derecho es una tarea de la Razn. Entendimiento y
experiencia no son instancias en las que confiar para establecer la realidad de estas
proposiciones. Esto se sigue del hecho de que la propiedad es un nomeno y no un
Kant presenta de este modo un punto sensato. Al decir que la propiedad es
noumnica lo que est afirmando es que no es un hecho accesible al descubrimiento
emprico. Esto es sensato porque la proposicin que dice esto es mo no puede
establecerse del mismo modo en que se establece la proposicin esto es verde. La
observacin emprica, por muy sistemtica que sea, poco puede hacer para aclarar el
problema. Puede ser que Kant perciba aqu que la propiedad no es un objeto, sino una
institucin que depende para su funcionamiento de la observancia de un sistema de reglas
determinado. Un individuo no puede por s mismo establecer el derecho a una cosa, porque
el derecho consiste en la aceptacin pblica de un estado de cosas existente o deseado en el
futuro. Los derechos, y en concreto los derechos de propiedad, deben ser tan vlidos para
los dems como lo son para uno mismo, de otro modo no existiran los derechos. Kant es
extremadamente claro en este punto. Desafortunadamente, sin embargo, es un punto que en
el que no profundiza, ya que est ms preocupado en mostrar cmo es posible la posesin
noumnica que en descubrir en qu consiste.
Si tal proposicin que permite la posesin noumnica fuera posible, defiende Kant,
tomar posesin de una cierta parte de la superficie de la tierra sera un acto del arbitrio
(Willkr) sin ser una usurpacin. El posesor basara tal acto, discute Kant, en nuestra innata
comn posesin de la superficie de la tierra, as como en la Voluntad General a priori que
corresponde a tal comn posesin (6:359/7), y que permite la existencia de la propiedad
privada. Pero aunque esto implicara que el uso de la tierra estara disponible para todos
(sin distincin), no significa sin embargo que haya sido as natural u originalmente. La
opinin de Kant es, por lo tanto, que la propiedad privada no puede ser independiente de,
ni previa a, todo acto legal.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 347-359
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33983


Howard Williams / Lorena Cebolla

En este punto surge una dificultad. Kant afirma que las proposiciones sintticas a
priori presuponen un derecho natural a la propiedad privada, pero aade que esto no
significa que tengamos natural u originariamente un derecho a la propiedad. Est claro que
la dificultad aqu estriba en qu significa para Kant derecho natural. Parece ser que un
derecho natural es,en cierto modo, no natural, porque Kant no quiere decir que este sea un
derecho inherente al sujeto per se. De hecho, l cree que los derechos naturales son
derechos adquiridos; y esto es as tambin en el caso del derecho a la propiedad privada. El
derecho natural a la propiedad privada se convierte en seguro e indiscutible a travs del
contrato social que une todas las voluntades. Y este contrato se funda sobre la posesin
comn de la superficie de la tierra. El consentimiento de todos ha de ser en primer lugar
adquirido, dice Kant, antes de que un individuo pueda tomar como propiedad privada una
parte de la superficie de la tierra (6: 250)13.
En este caso Kant sigue un camino diametralmente opuesto al de Locke en su
deduccin de los derechos de propiedad en el Segundo Tratado. Locke adopta la visin de
que el consenso previo de todos a un contrato social no es necesario para asegurar del
derecho (natural) del hombre a la propiedad privada. De hecho, Locke defiende que si tal
consenso fuera necesario, el hombre habra muerto de hambre, a pesar de la abundancia
que Dios le haba dado14. La tierra y sus productos fueron dados al hombre, en opinin de
Locke, para usar segn sus necesidades, pero antes de que cualquier hombre pueda hacer
uso de la generosidad de la naturaleza este tiene primero que apropirsela. Deben por
tanto existir dice Macpherson medios legtimos para la apropiacin individual15, y este
derecho Locke lo deduce del postulado que establece que todo hombre tiene una propiedad
en su propia persona. De este modo, como afirma Macpherson, a partir de dos postulados,
que el hombre tiene derecho a preservar la propia vida, y que el trabajo de un hombre le
pertenece, Locke justifica la apropiacin individual del producto de una tierra que fue dada
originalmente en comn a la humanidad. En opinin de Kant, sin embargo, esta
deduccin de los derechos de propiedad carece de dos cosas, universalidad y necesidad. La
circunstancia que Locke cita en su intento de fundamentar los derechos de propiedad (un
individuo necesitado en la situacin concreta y afortunada de general abundancia natural)
tiene poco o nada que ver con las reglas que atan el todo de la sociedad. Las reglas que
establecen nuestro derecho a la tenencia de propiedad han de ser inferidas con
independencia de cualquier estado concreto de cosas. Tienen que ser, al mismo tiempo,
universalmente operables y necesarias. El error que comete Locke, si seguimos el
razonamiento de Kant, es el de confundir la posesin emprica con la posesin inteligible o

Aunque un terreno se considerara o se declarara libre, es decir, abierto al uso de cualquiera, no se puede
decir, sin embargo, que sea libre por naturaleza y originalmente antes de todo acto jurdico., porque tambin
aqu habra una relacin con las cosas[] esta libertad del terreno sera para cualquiera una prohibicin de
servirse de l; para lo cualse precisa una posesin comn del terreno que no puede darse sin contrato. Pero un
suelo que solo puede ser libre mediante contrato tiene que estar realmente en posesin de todos aquellos
(asociados entre s), que se prohben recprocamente el uso del mismo o lo suspenden.
John Locke, Segundo Tratado sobre el Gobierno Civil, seccin 25.
C.B. Macpherson, The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism, Oxford University Press: Oxford,
1962, pp.200-1.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 347-359
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33983

El concepto kantiano de propiedad

de jure. La apropiacin fsica de un objeto es de hecho necesaria para que este sea mi
propiedad, pero no es una condicin suficiente. La posesin emprica no puede ser
equivalente a la propiedad, porque si as fuera, como hemos visto, una cosa no sera
nuestra una vez que estuviera fuera de nuestro alcance. Pero Locke confunde esta forma de
posesin con la propiedad y por esta razn, sugiere Kant, no consigue percatarse de la
necesidad de un contrato social inicial que haga posible la propiedad privada. Desde la
perspectiva kantiana, es la posesin inteligible la que constituye la propiedad privada.
Esto no significa que Kant prescinda enteramente de la nocin de un estado de
naturaleza al tratar el concepto de propiedad. A primera vista podra parecer que debe
inevitablemente prescindir de esta nocin. Aquellos tericos de la poltica que atraen
nuestra atencin al estado de naturaleza lo hacen con la finalidad de que imaginemos
cules seran las circunstancias si no existieran ni leyes ni gobierno. La intencin de
Hobbes, por ejemplo, es la de despertar un malestar y miedo genuinos con respecto al
estado de naturaleza que representa. La vida sin el Leviatn es, cree Hobbes, menos que
humana. Por lo tanto, para l, como para otros muchos tericos del derecho natural, el
estado de naturaleza ha de ser algo que podramos experimentar. Y experiencia es un
trmino clave aqu. Kant usa experiencia en el sentido limitado de experiencia sensorial o
Anschauung. Esta es la experiencia que presenta la filosofa empirista: las cosas en cuanto
inmediatamente aprehendidas a travs de la mirada de ellas (una traduccin literal de
Anschauung). Y es en este sentido en el que el estado de naturaleza no es, segn Kant, algo
que podamos haber experimentado; no ha existido nunca como un estado de cosas
emprico. Los atractivos de Hobbes y Locke con respecto al estado de naturaleza
desaparecen en Kant. Pero, como he sugerido, esto no significa que Kant no haga uso de la
nocin de estado de naturaleza en su deduccin de los derechos de propiedad. De hecho, la
nocin es crucial para l. Sin embargo, esta nocin es una idea de la razn pura prctica, la
cual tiene una realidad moral en lugar de emprica. Como l mismo dice, esta comunidad
originaria del suelo y, por tanto, tambin de las cosas que hay en l, es una idea que tiene
realidad objetiva (jurdico-prctica), y se diferencia de la nocin de una real comunidad
primitiva que es una ficcin (Erdichtung) (6: 251). Del mismo modo que Dios existe en
su filosofa moral para explicar y respaldar nuestras predisposiciones morales, Kant invoca
la idea de un estado de naturaleza como un postulado a priori que procura los fundamentos
racionales para la existencia de la propiedad. Como postulado de la razn pura prctica se
da al parecer un estado natural en el que la tierra estaba en nuestra comn posesin, y,
como postulado similar, se da un contrato social subsiguiente que permite la propiedad
privada de la tierra y sus productos.
Pero no debera sorprender a nadie, aade Kant, el hecho de que los principios
teorticos subyacentes a la propiedad de las cosas exteriores se pierdan en lo inteligible y
no supongan ninguna ampliacin del conocimiento(6:252). Esto es as porque el concepto
de libertad en el que se basan los principios no permite una deduccin teortica. Los
principios, en otras palabras, no tienen realidad emprica alguna. El concepto de libertad
puede derivarse solamente a partir de las leyes prcticas de la razn (el imperativo
categrico) como un hecho de la misma (ibd.).
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 347-359
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33983


Howard Williams / Lorena Cebolla

Los derechos de propiedad parecen de este modo pender de un hilo muy fino en la
filosofa poltica kantiana. Parece ser que dependen enteramente de la buena voluntad de
los hombres de comportarse moralmente los unos con respecto a los otros; y Kant reconoce
que el imperativo categrico que ordena a los hombres comportarse en este modo no tiene
una significacin emprica directa. Esto surge del hecho de que la propiedad es una cosa en
s misma o nomeno. Esta debe sin embargo, reconoce Kant, tener una realidad prctica;
en otras palabras, tiene que ser aplicable a los objetos de la experiencia. Para Kant existe
solo un modo para resolver este dilema. Como estado emprico real de las cosas, defiende,
solo en una sociedad civil (brgerliche Gesellschaft) es posible tener cosas externas como
propiedad personal. As pues, para que el nomeno, propiedad, sea una realidad, el sujeto
debe estar [...] autorizado a obligar a cualquiera, con quien entre en conflicto sobre lo mo
y lo tuyo acerca de tal objeto, a entrar con l en una constitucin civil (6:256).
Claramente, la posibilidad noumnica de que un objeto exterior pueda convertirse en mi
propiedad no es por s sola suficiente para asegurarla como mi propiedad en realidad.
Tiene que existir siempre la posibilidad de usar la coercin para crear un estado de cosas
donde antes no exista ninguno. Esta posibilidad de ser coaccionado a entrar en un estado
civil est fundamentada en Kant en una voluntad general (que es de nuevo una posibilidad
noumnica) de fundar dicha sociedad. Segn Kant, el poder de coaccionar no puede
confiarse a una voluntad particular (einseitige), pues se negara de este modo la
universalidad de la ley y nuestra libertad bajo ella. Por esto, la constitucin de tal sociedad
puede fundarse solo de acuerdo a una voluntad que obligue a todos aquellos que estn
sujetos a su libertad. En otras palabras, es solo un contrato el que puede procurar la
garanta necesaria. No es necesario que exista en realidad tal contrato para que sea real la
posibilidad de una coaccin a entrar en esta sociedad. Esto es as porque la existencia de
dicha voluntad universal que sanciona dicho uso de la fuerza es una idea a priori de la
razn pura prctica, y all donde existe una sociedad civil ha de presuponerse esta voluntad
universal. El concepto de este contrato debe servir como gua para nuestro comportamiento
en sociedad, de otro modo no estaramos obligados a dejar intacta la propiedad del otro. Es
solo a travs de la garanta recproca de propiedad en el contrato que la propiedad se
convierte en un estatus fiable. Kant cree que esta obligacin recproca es inherente a la
asercin de propiedad a modo de idea de la razn pura prctica, ya que las condiciones
bajo las cuales yo puedo tener en propiedad un objeto son aquellas bajo las cuales todos los
dems son potencialmente capaces de tenerlo.
Aqu se ve claramente por qu Kant concibe la propiedad como una idea de la
razn pura prctica. La propiedad, defiende, es una realidad objetiva pero no emprica.
Kant estara entre los primeros en admitir que, en tanto que simple hecho histrico, la
sociedad civil puede no haberse fundado sobre un contrato. De hecho, Kant considera
ingenua aquella perspectiva que afirma que un contrato social real ha sido de hecho
firmado. Sin embargo, en su opinin, donde existe una sociedad civil (brgerliche
Gesellschaft) existen ciertos acuerdos tcitos que la sustentan y que han de ser reconocidos
por todos los hombres capaces de un razonamiento prctico. Sin el cumplimiento de dichos


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 347-359
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33983

El concepto kantiano de propiedad

acuerdos tcitos por la mayora de los hombres la cohesin social estara en peligro. Como
seala Kant, las condiciones para que yo sea capaz de tener propiedad son las mismas
condiciones que hacen posible para todos el tener propiedad. Sin embargo, como dichos
acuerdos no son existentes realmente ni son reconocibles en las acciones de todos los
hombres, Kant los denomina ideas de la razn pura prctica.
Por lo tanto, en el estado de naturaleza puede haber propiedad externa, pero es
solo provisional (6:256). Es provisional hasta la fundacin de una sociedad civil;
consecuentemente, Kant considera que toda forma de sociedad que no posea una
constitucin se encuentra en un estado de naturaleza. El derecho a tener propiedad le
pertenece a todo sujeto en dicho estado natural, pero esto sucede solo de acuerdo a un
derecho natural que sirve como anticipacin a la sociedad civil. Este derecho no se asegura
gracias al estado de naturaleza, sino mediante la subsiguiente fundacin de una sociedad
civil. En cualquier caso, en el estado de naturaleza poseemos un derecho natural a obligar a
los dems a entrar con nosotros en una sociedad donde la tenencia de propiedad sea
sancionada mediante poderes legales positivos (6:257). Este derecho se considera una
demanda moral absoluta sobre el hombre en el estado de naturaleza. Tan irresistible es esta
demanda que aunque la mayora de hombres en el estado de naturaleza desearan que no
hubiera un estado legal, la suya puede considerarse como una opinin unilateral. Es
nuestro derecho, defiende Kant, forzar a la mayora a ser libre en una brgerliche
Este argumento es caracterstico, ya que contradice en apariencia el argumento
general de los derechos naturales. Kant est diciendo, en efecto, que no existen derechos
naturales tal y como estos se entienden normalmente. Esto se sigue claramente del sugerir
que no existen derechos antes del establecimiento de la sociedad civil. A la base de todos
nuestros derechos reside una constitucin civil (brgerliche). El estado de naturaleza, por
tanto, no confiere de por sningn derecho. Los derechos no son nuestros en un modo
innato. Sin embargo, Kant retiene un uso para la nocin de derechos innatos, y sugiere que
estos estn basados en una presuposicin legal. Esta presuposicin legal consiste en que los
hombres se unirn en un contrato social para establecer un estado civil. As pues, con Kant,
los derechos naturales, paradjicamente, son solo derechos naturales desde el punto de
vista de una ya establecida la brgerliche Gesellschaft. Esto es lo que quiere decir Kant
cuando afirma que el derecho de propiedad dentro del estado de naturaleza es solo
provisional. El derecho depende enteramente de la suposicin que el demandante entrar
con otros en una sociedad civil; y como ltima medida, de que puede ser obligado a entrar
en dicha sociedad16.
La deduccin de los derechos de propiedad no es por tanto tan frgil como podra
parecer en un primer momento. No es una deduccin que dependa enteramente de la
voluntad moral del hombre. Lo que ha de tenerse en cuenta es que Kant establece como
precondiciones morales para la propiedad la de una propiedad comn originaria de la tierra
y sus productos, y un subsiguiente contrato social que permita a cada uno establecerse en

Vase Rousseau,J.J.; El contrato social, Libro I, cap. VI.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 347-359
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33983


Howard Williams / Lorena Cebolla

una sociedad civil; y que estas son condiciones que no tienen que darse histricamente,
sino que son, ms bien, ideas de la razn pura prctica. En opinin de Kant, estas son ideas
que tienen que subyacer racionalmente a las relaciones sociales de propiedad y a las que se
llega a travs de un anlisis de la institucin tal y como existe en el presente. Consideradas
desde un punto de vista moral, estas ideas son nociones que hacen posible la existencia de
la propiedad. En otras palabras, el hombre contemplndose a s mismo desde un punto de
vista moral puede considerar que estas ideas de la razn pura prctica residen en el
origen de la propiedad. Pero desde un punto de vista emprico-prctico la deduccin
kantiana de los derechos de propiedad permite la tenencia de propiedad
independientemente de cmo esta se establezca. El origen emprico real del derecho de
propiedad es un asunto del todo contingente. La deduccin de Kant no es incompatible, por
tanto, con la fundamentacin de los derechos de propiedad a travs de la fuerza en el
mundo histrico, real. De hecho Kant, como hemos visto, sanciona el uso de la fuerza all
donde se considera necesario para lograr el fin de una sociedad teniente-propietaria. Kant
sanciona el uso de la fuerza porque la tenencia de propiedad es la base de la sociedad civil,
y no puede concebir una sociedad humana genuina que no sea una brgerliche
Esto no significa, sin embargo, que deberamos considerar a Kant meramente como
a un apologista del moderno brgerliche Gesellschaft. Kant es un pensador demasiado
original como para ser considerado en esos trminos. Por otra parte, depende de nosotros el
defender que su teora de la propiedad desemboca en ciertas implicaciones crticas. Estas
implicaciones crticas surgen, en mi opinin, de una dificultad que Kant deja sin resolver
en su anlisis. La dificultad es la siguiente: por una parte, Kant reconoce que para que una
sociedad de propietarios exista, es casi seguro que la coaccin ser necesaria; incluso
cuando la sociedad civil est fundada, debe existir siempre la posibilidad de usar la
coercin para hacer cumplir los derechos de propiedad que han sido establecidos. Por otra
parte, sin embargo, Kant argumenta que el derecho de propiedad no puede existir sin el
postulado a priori de una comunidad original de propiedad. La finalidad de este postulado
es mostrar que la distribucin de la propiedad existente se ha dado de acuerdo a una base
acordada. Tenemos que imaginar que la tierra una vez perteneci a todos en comn y que
posteriormente decidimos distribuir esta herencia en comn. Pero claramente estas dos
perspectivas se contradicen entre s. O suponemos que los individuos acordaron la
existente distribucin de la propiedad en base a la previa propiedad comn, o podemos
suponer que discutieron tal distribucin de la propiedad y tuvieron que ser forzados a
aceptar dicha posicin. Es imposible suponer que los mismos individuos estuvieron al
mismo tiempo en acuerdo y en desacuerdo con tal distribucin existente de la propiedad.
Adems, la sugerencia de Kant de que la fuerza es necesaria en cierto punto para establecer
y mantener la propiedad privada implica claramente que esta no es una institucin que
goce del respaldo inmediato y sentido de la comunidad. Aun as, la nocin del acuerdo de
toda la comunidad debe, segn Kant, subyacer a esta institucin. Esto lo hace explcito
cuando dice: no hay ningn derecho (directo) a una cosa, sino que se denomina as


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 347-359
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33983

El concepto kantiano de propiedad

nicamente al que corresponde a alguien frente a una persona, que est en posesin comn
junto a todos los dems (en el estado civil) (6:261). Aqu Kant expresa su punto de vista
con firmeza. Lo que est diciendo es que la propiedad privada depende siempre de nuestra
original posesin comn de la superficie de la tierra. Tenemos una situacin, por tanto, en
la que se considera a todo el cuerpo de ciudadanos como la salvaguardia de una institucin
que debe ser aceptada en un primer momento a travs de la coaccin.
El fracaso de Kant para resolver esta dificultad en su argumentacin representa una
falla seria de su filosofa poltica que podra llevarnos a rebajar su vala como filsofo.
Pero supongamos por un momento, como hace Goldmann17, que esta falta de coherencia
en el argumento kantiano refleje una falta de coherencia en las relaciones sociales
existentes. El panorama que nos encontramos es el de una poblacin insatisfecha que
soporta una institucin que no refleja del todo sus deseos. Si aadimos a esto la suposicin
de Kant de que los modelos de propiedad en una sociedad deben ser decididos por la
comunidad como un todo, nos encontramos con la imagen de la sociedad civil como una
sociedad continuamente atormentada por la posibilidad del conflicto. El hincapi que Kant
hace en el uso de la fuerza para mantener a la sociedad unida, y el nfasis equivalente que
pone en el acuerdo comn para el establecimiento de las principales instituciones de la
sociedad, son, cuando se los considera a un mismo tiempo, incompatibles. Es esta tensin
en la filosofa poltica de Kant la que explotan los intrpretes marxistas, que dan una
preeminencia particular al postulado a priori de la propiedad comn que provee las bases
para la justificacin kantiana de la propiedad privada. Podemos ver sobre estas bases la
razn por la cual Marcuse afirma que la justificacin kantiana de la moderna brgerliche
Gesellschaft nos lleva ms all de dicha sociedad 18 . Porque, como el mismo Marcuse
seala, los fundamentos que Kant aduce para la organizacin existente de la sociedad no
residen dentro de tal sociedad sino en su opuesto. Segn esta perspectiva, Kant no yerra al
ofrecer una explicacin contradictoria de las relaciones de propiedad; est ms bien
sealando las dificultades que residen en el corazn de la sociedad occidental19.


Goldmann, L.; Immanuel Kant, NLB: London, 1971. Su tesis principal es que la filosofa kantiana refleja
fielmente los dilemas del individuo burgus. Vase especialmente caps. 1 y 3, part.2.
Marcuse, H.; Studies in Critical Philosophy, Beacon Press: London, 1972, p. 94. La ley civil con Kant,
dice: permanece como una autoridad que no puede ser justificada racionalmente en sus orgenes sin ir ms
all de los lmites de aquella sociedad para cuya existencia esta es necesaria.
Durante la escritura de este artculo hice gran uso de los comentarios de W.H. Walsh y Henry Tudor a una
versin anterior del mismo.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 347-359
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.33983


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 360-364
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34031

De la teleologa tradicional a la teleologa trascendental.

La orientacin a fines como aspecto consustancial de la
racionalidad humana

From Traditional Teleology to Trascendental Teleology.

Purposiveness as a Consubstantial Feature of Human

Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina

Resea : Fugate, Courtney, The Teleology of Reason. A Study of the Structure of

Kants Critical Philosophy, Kantstudien-Ergnzungshefte, Band 178, De Gruyter,
2014, 433 pp. ISBN: 9783110306262

La investigacin desarrollada por Courtney Fugate examina la funcin que

desempea la concepcin teleolgica de la razn en el desarrollo del proyecto crtico, y
considera de manera pormenorizada el modo en que operan diversos elementos
teleolgicos en la articulacin sistemtica de tpicos fundamentales de la filosofa

Profesora de la Ctedra de Filosofa Moderna de la Facultad de Humanidades y Artes de la Universidad

Nacional de Rosario (Argentina) e Investigadora Asistente del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones
Cientficas y Tcnicas (CONICET, Argentina). E-mail de contacto: .


De la teleologa tradicional a la teleologa trascendental

kantiana. La tesis principal que recorre el desarrollo de la lnea interpretativa desarrollada

por el autor sostiene que, tanto en el mbito de la experiencia como en el plano de la
accin, la razn humana se orienta hacia ciertos fines, a cuya representacin arriba como
resultado de su propia constitucin interna.
Como bien seala Fugate, ms all del crculo de los estudios kantianos
especializados suele predominar la idea de que Kant asigna escasa importancia a la
teleologa, cuyo tratamiento quedara restringido principalmente a la Crtica de la facultad
de juzgar. Bajo tal premisa, se ha considerado a la teora crtica del conocimiento como
una doctrina filosfica esencialmente ligada a una concepcin fsico-mecnica de la
naturaleza, en cuyo marco la teleologa sera invocada como mero dispositivo heurstico.
Por su parte, ciertas lecturas tradicionales de la doctrina moral kantiana han desatendido,
de manera anloga, la presencia de elementos teleolgicos, predominando as la
interpretacin de dicha doctrina como una deontologa en la que seran sistemticamente
rechazados tales elementos, cuanto menos en el nivel decisivo en el que se lleva a cabo la
fundamentacin de la metafsica moral o filosofa moral pura. Pese al amplio consenso que
han generado este tipo de interpretaciones, lo cierto es que Kant apela de manera
recurrente a un lenguaje teleolgico, tanto en sus escritos gnoseolgicos como en sus obras
morales y, desde luego, en la Crtica de la facultad de juzgar. En lo referido al plano
gnoseolgico, los fines a los que se orienta la razn terica en su bsqueda de una unidad
sistemtica de los conocimientos empricos constituyen principios regulativos que articulan
y dotan de unidad a la experiencia cientfica. En lo que respecta al plano moral, la
presencia de la teleologa resulta igualmente decisiva: si bien Kant niega que el valor moral
de las acciones pueda ser determinado en relacin con los fines que las acciones persiguen
(pues, como sabemos, es la mera correspondencia entre la mxima subjetiva y la ley moral
objetiva aquello que permite establecer la moralidad de la accin), la referencia a fines slo
es rechazada en cuanto principio o fundamento de determinacin de la voluntad, lo cual no
impide que se atribuya una enorme importancia a los fines que emergen a partir de la
propia representacin de la ley moral. En tal sentido, la concepcin de la humanidad como
un fin en s mismo, o la definicin de la tica como un sistema de fines, ponen en evidencia
la presencia fundamental de componentes teleolgicos en la tica kantiana; ms an: la
razn prctica es, en cuanto tal, una facultad de fines, como facultad que nos determina a la
realizacin o actualizacin de fines ticos en el orden emprico de la naturaleza.
Fugate examina, a modo de introduccin, la presencia de aspectos teleolgicos en
los textos del perodo pre-crtico, con el propsito de mostrar el desarrollo progresivo de
una nueva concepcin de la teleologa, irreductible a la concepcin imperante en la
metafsica racionalista. En efecto, los rasgos propios y originales que introduce la
concepcin teleolgica kantiana sealan un desplazamiento desde una teleologa de
inspiracin teolgica presente en la metafsica racionalista alemana, hacia una nueva
concepcin de la teleologa como un producto de la razn humana. Si bien en los textos
tempranos de Kant la teleologa se halla vinculada an a la nocin de Dios, en los textos
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 360-364
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34031


Ileana Beade
del perodo crtico se desarrolla una teleologa trascendental, cada vez ms ligada a la
propia naturaleza y modo de funcionamiento de nuestra facultad racional.
La investigacin se estructura en tres partes. En la primera parte se aborda el
problema de cmo interpretar la teleologa de manera tal que sta no resulte reducida a un
mero patrn de comportamiento, y pueda advertirse su conexin esencial con el concepto
de intencionalidad o estructura propositiva (purposiveness) de la razn. En esta parte
inicial se examinan asimismo las caractersticas propias de toda explicacin en general, a
fin de sealar que el componente teleolgico se halla presente tanto en las explicaciones
cientficas entendidas como procedimientos a partir de los cuales un evento singular es
interpretado como un tem integrado en una serie de relaciones legalmente regladas como
en nuestra explicacin o interpretacin de los eventos en el marco de la experiencia
cotidiana. Ambos modos de explicacin exhiben argumenta Fugate un carcter
intrnsecamente teleolgico, en la medida en que consideran un fenmeno particular como
expresin de ciertas leyes universales: toda forma humana de explicacin y comprensin
es irreductiblemente teleolgica en su nivel estructural ms bsico (p. 99). Bajo la
premisa de una presencia ineludible de aspectos teleolgicos en todo modelo explicativo
ya se trate, reiteramos, de investigaciones cientficas o de la experiencia cotidiana, Fugate
intenta mostrar que en el marco de la doctrina crtica del conocimiento, el objeto
fenomnico exhibe una estructura intrnsecamente teleolgica, por cuanto se lo concibe
como una entidad cuyas caractersticas son resultado del propio modo de funcionamiento
de la razn. El modelo teleolgico de explicacin no debe ser pensado, as pues, como un
modelo contrapuesto a los principios mecanicistas de la ciencia moderna, sino que resulta
compatible con tales principios y, por tanto, con la justificacin trascendental de la
experiencia cientfica, fundada en los principios de la fsica mecanicista.
La segunda parte de la investigacin profundiza en el anlisis de los componentes
teleolgicos presentes en la teora kantiana del conocimiento, para lo cual se examinan, en
primer lugar, algunos antecedentes histricos fundamentales para la comprensin del
concepto kantiano de experiencia. Fugate sostiene que, pese a sus discrepancias, autores
como Hoffmann, Crusius y Wolff conciben ciertos principios ontolgicos como resultado
de leyes que regulan el funcionamiento del entendimiento humano, y parecen coincidir en
el reconocimiento de una estructura teleolgica interna que sera inherente a nuestras
propias facultades cognitivas. Sin embargo, desde la perspectiva crtica, el error principal
en el que incurre el racionalismo dogmtico es que confunde subrepticiamente los
principios de la experiencia con principios determinantes de las cosas en s mismas, y no
reconoce, por consiguiente, los lmites insuperables del conocimiento humano (cf. p. 143).
Si bien Kant recupera nociones de la tradicin racionalista en el desarrollo de su propio
concepto de experiencia, la doctrina crtica trasciende los desarrollos previos, no slo al
establecer el lmite insuperable de todo conocimiento humano, sino al acuar un nuevo
concepto de teleologa. Kant transformara radicalmente los rasgos teleolgicos presentes
en los sistemas dogmticos previos al introducir la nocin de una estructura


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 360-364
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34031

De la teleologa tradicional a la teleologa trascendental

fundamentalmente intencional de la razn humana, desarrollando as lo que Fugate

caracteriza como una teleologa trascendental.
El autor intenta mostrar que la propia estructura de la Crtica de la razn pura,
sustentada en la estructura inmanente de la razn humana, exhibe una dimensin
teleolgica, y bajo esta premisa examina principios fundamentales de la doctrina crtica del
conocimiento desarrollados en la Esttica, la Analtica, y la Dialctica, tales como el
problema de la posibilidad de los juicios sintticos a priori, la concepcin del espacio y el
tiempo como condiciones formales de la sensibilidad, la deduccin de las categoras, o la
finalidad prctico-regulativa de las ideas de la razn pura. En este recorrido, el autor
procura enfatizar la finalidad o intencionalidad como un rasgo intrnseco y esencial de las
operaciones cognitivas humanas. La unidad trascendental de la razn es teleolgica en
cuanto proporciona un horizonte intencional en el que se inscribe toda objetividad; la
determinacin conceptual que es constitutiva del objeto de la experiencia, es, desde esta
perspectiva hermenutica, de carcter teleolgico (cf. p. 401).
El carcter espontneo y legislador del uso terico de la razn se hace presente, a su
vez, en su uso prctico, examinado en la tercera y ltima parte de la investigacin. El
tratamiento de la teleologa prctica o teleologa de la libertad exige considerar tpicos
fundamentales de tica kantiana, tales como las diversas definiciones de los conceptos de
libertad y de voluntad, la nocin de auto-conciencia moral, el principio de autonoma, el
concepto de virtud, la nocin de carcter o la doctrina del bien supremo. En lo que
respecta a esta ltima cuestin, Fugate examina en qu sentido la creencia racional en la
existencia de Dios impulsa o refuerza el incentivo moral: la creencia es expresin directa
de un uso ptimo de nuestras facultades en cuanto orientadas al cultivo de la virtud, y es,
en tal sentido, consecuencia del deber moral. Esta profunda articulacin sistemtica entre
la filosofa moral kantiana y su concepcin de la religin se vincula, a su vez, con
principios del uso terico de la razn, ya que es el carcter intencional (purposive
character) de la razn en su uso terico aquello que conduce a un concepto de lo
incondicionado que ostenta una significacin profundamente moral; a su vez, el uso
prctico exige postular la existencia de un ser originario como fundamento ltimo de toda
realidad. Fugate sostiene que a travs de este supuesto (la existencia de Dios) puede darse
la concordancia entre el mbito fenomnico y los fines ltimos del hombre, concordancia
cuya posibilidad debe ser asumida o postulada, de acuerdo con las propias exigencias de la
razn. Desde este clave de lectura, el autor aborda el problema de la articulacin entre los
usos terico y prctico de la razn, re-interpretndolo como un problema referido a la
articulacin entre una teleologa natural y una teleologa moral, posible a partir del
postulado de la existencia de Dios.
Fugate se refiere, finalmente, a la cuestin de la unidad teleolgica de la razn,
vinculando este tpico con el desarrollo del concepto kantiano de la filosofa como
adquisicin de la sabidura. La filosofa kantiana se orienta a la bsqueda de la sabidura
que prescribe vivir de acuerdo con el mandato incondicionado de la ley moral en tanto se
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 360-364
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34031


Ileana Beade
ocupa de sealar los fines esenciales a los que se dirige la razn en virtud de su
constitucin intrnseca; tanto nuestra actividad cognitiva como prctica encuentran sentido
en relacin con la sabidura como meta final. Los objetos de la razn terica, as como los
objetos de la prctica (i.e. los fines representados por la voluntad), reflejan una estructura
interna esencialmente teleolgica, que es, a su vez, resultado de la propia constitucin
teleolgica de la razn.
En sntesis, esta incursin pormenorizada en tpicos fundamentales de la filosofa
kantiana propone considerar la teleologa como hilo conductor a partir del cual interpretar
el carcter unitario y sistemtico de la filosofa crtica en su totalidad, invitando a una
reflexin acerca de las tareas que Kant asume como esenciales en el desarrollo de su
extensa obra filosfica. Fugate desarrolla una lectura que procura traer a la luz la funcin
especfica y sistemtica que desempea la teleologa en los escritos kantianos, realizando
una contribucin significativa a las importantes discusiones que han tenido lugar, en las
ltimas dcadas, acerca de la cuestin.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 360-364
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34031

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 365-369
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34032

And The Corpus Still Breathes

Y el corpus sigue respirando

Laurentian University, Ontario, Canada

Resea : Jennifer Mensch, Kants Organicism: Epigenesis and the Development of Critical
Theory, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, 258 pp., ISBN: 978022602198
In Kants Organicism: Epigenesis and the Development of the Critical Philosophy
(University of Chicago Press, 2013), Jennifer Mensch provides a reading of Kants theory of
cognition that brings its biological and naturalist influences to the fore. In the interest of defending
an interpretation of Kants philosophy as an epigenetic theory of reason, the author tracks Kants
own intellectual development from his pre-critical to his critical stage, with an elucidating reading
of the infamous silent decade that separates them. Along the way, she explores how the concept
of epigenesis that served as the guiding-star for so many debates in natural history from the
seventeenth to the eighteenth centuries became the dominant model through which Kant
approached the theory of knowledge. On the whole, the work paints a portrait of Kant in which the
father of transcendental idealism figures not as the great taxonomer of the understanding (as he is
often portrayed) but as a theorist of reasons organic emergence from out of itself. This ambition is
elegantly contained in the opening sentence of the Introduction, where Mensch writes: This
book is oriented by the conviction that Kant should be fitted into a framework that has begun to
take shape in a number of fields when it comes to thinking about the mid- to late eighteenth
century, a framework that can be called something like organic thinking, or, better yet,
Interestingly, this organicist reading of the Kantian philosophy is not achieved through
some in-depth analysis of the passages in the third Critique where Kant talks about organisms and

Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Center for Evolutionary Ecology and Ethical Conservation (CEEEC),
at Laurentian University, Ontario (Canada). Email contact: .
Mensch, Jennifer, Kant's Organicism. Epigenesis and the Development of Critical Philosophy (Chicago:
Chicago University), 1.


David Pea-Guzmn
teleology or even through a focused study of Kants select writings on the life sciences. Rather, it is
established more through a comprehensive re-framing of the Kantian project as a whole. For
Menschs work here is, in a strong sense of the term, a narrative that tells a story about of all the
parts of the architectonic relate as one. This is, I take it, one of the books most impressive
accomplishmentsnamely, that it does not tie its fate either to a passage from one of Kants
various magnum opuses or to a reading of some of his less-known publications, but instead
wagers the weight of its thesis solely on the authors ability to change the readers perspective
concerning the conceptual thread by which these works hang individually and as a collective.
The book is composed of seven chapters (spanning less 160 pages in total) organized in
chronological order. Yet, because of the organic nature of the book itself, the reader may find it
helpful to begin and end her reading of it with the authors brief but commanding Introduction,
which proffers a condensed account of the books global thesis as well as a helpful sketch of the
historical trajectory of Kants development as a thinker from the 1840s to the 1870s. The details of
this sketch get filled out over the course of the book, as the author guides the reader through
Kants many and varied attempts to come to term with what was, quite literally, the problem of the
century: the problem of genesis. How do we understand the emergence of the new? Surely,
mapping the general arc of this trajectory seems to be the books overriding scholarly interest. But
it is also clear that the author has another, more local, goal in mind. She wants to convince her
audience that this trajectory genuinely matters for how we think and talk about Kants single most
groundbreaking advancement: his theory of cognition in the Critique of Pure Reason (1781).
The first two chapters provide the historical background for this organicist reading of Kant.
The first one, Generation and the Task of Classification, discusses seventeenth century debates in
natural history about the possibility of a systematic classification of nature that function as the
backdrop to Kants own organic interests and concerns. Is a taxonomic system of nature possible?
Does such a system presuppose the ontological existence of natural kinds or natural essences? If
not, what grounds taxonomic kind terms? And, if so, how are these metaphysical essences to be
assimilated into the conceptual armature of a largely empirical science? How are these fixed kindterms, moreover, to be reconciled with the evident flexibility and variability of species? Mensch
notes that these debates received their first impetus from Robert Boyles re-introduction of the
Aristotelian concept of natural entelechies into naturalist discourse and that this re-introduction
culminated in the theoretical confrontation between the species nominalism of John Locke and the
preformationist theory of Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz that Kant would eventually make it his
job to overcome.
Chapter two, Buffons Natural History and the Founding of Organicism, follows the
consequences this polemic through the eighteenth century. In the eighteenth century, naturalists
such as Georges Buffon made remarkable headway in the study of living matter by shifting the
terms upon which the seventeenth century debates rested. First, they replaced the taxonomic
framework of their predecessors with a genealogical one, effectively replacing concerns about the
position of species within a classificatory grid (tables of differences) with new ones about the
phyletic histories of species as a whole (lines of descent). Second, they began employing a new
concept in their study of organisms that wasnt available the preceding century: the concept of
force. Although this concept was originally forged in the context of Newtonian physics, various
naturalists appropriated it for the study of the living. Why? Because this concept gave naturalists a


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 365-369
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34032

And The Corpus Still Breathes

model for describing and explaining natural phenomena (organization and reproduction for
example) without having to appeal to outright metaphysical principles, such as Boyles Aristotelian
entelechies. Buffons concept of embryonic expansion and Maupertuiss theory of organic
forces are examples of this cross-disciplinary appropriation. And, as Mensch points out, these
conceptual innovations in natural science were by no means unique or isolated events that stood out
as anomalies in their cultural milieu. Both were part and parcel of a revolution that came to place
organicism at the heart of both science and the arts in the mid- to late eighteenth century.2 This is
the same revolution that Kant would eventually stage in the domain of epistemology.
Chapter three, Kant and the Problem of Origin, is (along with seven) the most important
chapter of the entire book for it lays out the position that will serve as both the foundation for the
rest of the work as well as the authors lead criticism of current Kant scholarshipthe position that
Kants long pre-critical period makes sense only when viewed as a sustained philosophical
engagement with the problem of origin. Mensch makes two arguments that cut against the grain of
received Kant scholarship. The first is that all of Kants publications before the 1780s, from On the
True Estimation of Living Forces (1747) to Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens
(1755) to The Only Possible Argument In Support of a Demonstration of the Existence of God
(1763), share one the same objective: articulating a notion of generation [erzeugen] in which the
development of a thing is more than the unfolding [auszuwickeln] of a pre-existent form. Kant
thought there must be a kind of generation (epi-genesis) in which a things development is not
merely the execution of a fixed blueprint but a creative process that allows for the emergence of
something new. Mensch shows that during the pre-critical period Kant systematically invokes
this idea so as to separate himself from the preformationist philosophy of Leibniz and the coarse
empiricism of Locke, from the mechanistic writings of Newton and the mordant dogmatism of
Wolff. Menschs second argument is her continuity thesis (my term). This is her assertion that
there is no real break between Kants pre-critical and critical periods. There is only continuity.
The theory of epigenesis he starts developing in the 1740s and 50s in his writings on natural
science and cosmology is the same theory that, in refined and modified form, grounds his system of
transcendental idealism in the 1780s and 90s.
The details of this continuity thesis then get spelled out in chapters four and five, where
Mensch argues that Kants epistemological writings (on the genesis of ideas) follow quite
organically from his early writings on cosmology and natural science (on the genesis of planets and
animals). In chapter four, The Rebirth of Metaphysics, she argues that well before the silent
decadein works such as Dreams of a Spirit Seer (1766) but also the 1769 DissertationKant
was already wrestling two epistemological problems that would frame his critical account in 1781:
(1) the problem of the origin of ideas (which Kant tackles by splitting sense and intellect) and (2)
the problem of their rightful employment and possible abuse (which Kant described as a problem
of subreption, i.e., of using concepts outside their legitimate field of applicability). These
epistemological ventured convinced Kant that the way to get metaphysics unstuck from the
morass of empiricism and rationalism was to move metaphysics in the direction of a science of
limits, which could only be achieved via an epigenetic theory of knowledge. But, as chapter five
makes clear, it would be a mistake to think that these early interests in the problem of genesis
appear before 1770 only then to be submerged during the silent decade. During this period, to
start, Kant was fully immersed in questions concerning the logic of genesis, formation and

Ibid., 50

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 365-369
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34032


David Pea-Guzmn
inheritance. Indeed, it is in the years leading up to the full-fledged articulation of the critical
standpoint that he manages to crystalize (Menschs word) the all-important concept of teleology
that sneaks into the first Critique vis--vis the transcendental imagination and later acts as the
organizing principle in the third Critiques investigation of judgment. Furthermore, Mensch claims,
it is also through the writings of this period (especially his anthropological discourses on race) that
Kant first conceives of humanity as possessing a germ of reason, the same germ that spawns the
laws of the understanding in the first Critique and secures the prospects of moral action in the
second. With this move Mensch draws a continuous arch of epigenetic thinking that cuts through
entire Kantian corpus and brings together under a single parabola the murmurs of the pre-critical
stage, the presumed silence of the 1770s and the decisive roar of 1781.
Having establishing this continuity, Mensch directly takes up the question that would have
been at the center of Kants thinking while writing the Critique of Pure Reason: What does it mean
to talk about the genesis of reason or the emergence of concepts and concepts within a
transcendental framework that stands in sharp opposition to empirical psychology? In Empirical
Psychology in Tetens and Kant, Mensch claims that Kant develops a notion of metaphysical
epigenesis that reconciles the anti-empirical demands of the newly born transcendental framework
and the temporal logic of the concept of epigenesist itself. Framed through Kants often neglected
relationship to philosophical writings of J.N. Tetens, this chapter sheds light on the two strategies
by which Kant broke away from the allure of empirical psychology: 1) his appeal to the
transcendental imagination and 2) his discussion of epistemic right.
Kants Organicism closes with an imposing final chapter that takes a birds-eye point of
view on Kants architectonic of reason. Drawing on content from the previous chapters, Mensch
clarifies that Kants view of reason and the philosophical system that articulates it (the Bauplan)
are both modeled after an organic theory of animal development. Kant leans on the notion of
epigenesis to explain how reason grows. He uses it to explain, on the one hand, the metaphysical
genesis of the laws of reason and, on the other, the historical development of reason as a whole.
More importantly, however, Mensch makes the strong claim that only as an effect of Kants
appropriation of a biologically-informed theory of genesis does the the centerpiece of [Kants]
theory make any sense: the infamous transcendental deduction of the first Critique. Readers
interested in how this crucial component (the deduction) functions within the entire Kantian system
or how the entire system turns on it are likely to find this final chapter particularly rewarding.
It is exciting to see a work of scholarship that combines textual exegesis with historical
analysis in a clear yet sophisticated fashion. And it is even more exciting to come across a work
that paints a picture of the man from Knigsberg that is as relevant for philosophy as it is for
history, biology and the history of biology.
Even so, the book suffers from two distinct shortcomings. The first one is the provinciality
of its audience. Although its content is germane to debates in philosophy, history and biology, the
work is written only with a philosophical audience in mind. In fact, it seems to be written almost
exclusively for Kant scholars that already have a solid grasp of the three Critiques and their place
in the history of Western philosophy. Philosophers who do not specialize either in Kantian
philosophy or in the early modern period more generally might struggle with some sections (e.g.,
the discussion of Leibniz in chapter two, the description of the logical versus the real use of the


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 365-369
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34032

And The Corpus Still Breathes

intellect in chapter four, and the analysis of the transcendental deduction in chapter seven), while
non-philosophers might be entirely overpowered by them. My advice for these readers is to consult
the footnotes whenever possible since the majority of them are elaborations of ideas contained in
the body of the work and not simply references to primary or secondary sources.
The second shortcoming of the work is that, in a way, it lacks a conclusion. If Mensch is to
be commended for her ambitiousness in taking Kants whole intellectual trajectory as her object of
study, she may be criticized for the chariness of her overall approach. She limits herself to
describing the implications of her interpretation only in relation to Kants own philosophy. But
there is virtually nothing in the book about what this might mean beyond that; nothing about what
this reading might teach us about Kantianism after Kant. What might Menschs thesis tell us, for
instance, about Hegels meta-critique of Kant in The Phenomenology of Spirit (1807) or about
Nietzsches attacks in Genealogy of Morals (1887) and Twilight of the Idols (1888) in the
nineteenth century? Or about how the tenets of Kantianism were mobilized by neo-Kantians,
phenomenologists, moral theorists and epistemologists in the twentieth? What might her argument,
moreover, have to say about the state of Kantian scholarship today in Europe, North America, Latin
America or elsewhere? And what might it teach us about the current uptake of Kants teleological
discourse in the philosophy of biology and the philosophy of evolution? Could it be that this
epigenetic perspective brings to light new links between Kants theory of cognition and
contemporary neuroscience or that it helps us make new interventions in ongoing debates about the
origin of consciousness, rational choice theory and social epistemology? Why and how, in short,
should Kants organicism matter?
To be sure, Kant was a complicated thinker with a multi-faceted legacy, and no single
work can begin to contain all these facets at once. Plus, a book without self-imposed limits is
hardly a book worth reading. Still, the book would have benefited from an additional chapter or
two investigating some of the thesiss implications (maybe just one or two!) beyond Kants own
corpus. As it stands, it is almost as if Mensch finishes the book a few bricks short of a load; almost
as if she refuses, perhaps in line with the spirit of the very Kantian philosophy she studies, to go
beyond the bounds of her island of early modern research and leap into more speculative territory.
Yes, she has rearranged this island from within in a creative manner and put Kantianism in a new
frame. But readers interested in what this rearrangement and this reframing might mean to those
who live in different islands have no choice but to turn their backs to the Pillars of Hercules and, as
Francis Bacon would have it, embark on the voyage themselves.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 365-369
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34032


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 370-379
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34033

Una nueva lectura sobre la deduccin trascendental B

A new reading on the B Transcendental Deduction


Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Caimi, Mario, Kants B Deduction, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing,
2014, pp. 140. ISBN: 978-2-85944-569-0

El libro Kants B Deduction de Mario Caimi es una traduccin al ingls del francs Leons
sur Kant. La dduction transcendantale dans la deuxime dition de la Critique de la
raison pure, basado en un curso dado por el autor en la Universidad de la Sorbonne en el
ao 2004. El libro cuenta con un prlogo, una introduccin, tres captulos y una
En el prlogo, el autor expresa que la intencin del libro es exponer el argumento
de la deduccin trascendental de la segunda edicin de la Crtica de la razn pura como un
todo. Los lineamientos fundamentales de esta exposicin consisten en presentar el
argumento de la deduccin como un enriquecimiento sinttico y progresivo del principio
aperceptivo. As, este anlisis propone leer el texto como una exposicin ejecutada
siguiendo el mtodo sinttico, lo que le dara una unidad argumental clara, atendiendo a su
vez a la tarea negativa de la deduccin de demostrar que las categoras no son conceptos

Investigador del CONICET/UBA/CIF/GEK. .


Una nueva lectura sobre la deduccin trascendental B

La introduccin ofrece un recuento histrico del problema de la deduccin

trascendental, el vnculo entre ser y pensar. Partiendo de Parmnides y atravesando el
medioevo bajo la figura de Duns Scoto, el autor llega a la obra de filsofos racionalistas
como Descartes, Malebranche, Leibniz y Lambert, en quienes el problema del vnculo
entre el pensamiento y el ser se manifestara ya sea como la distincin real entre dos tipos
de sustancia, como la pregunta por la aptitud de la materia para generar ideas o como la
armona preestablecida que probara la validez del pensar respecto de los objetos. En el
caso de Lambert, los conceptos de la metafsica seran condiciones de todo pensar, lo que
lo hara un precursor de la deduccin trascendental kantiana. Luego, se aborda autores
empiristas como Locke y Hume donde el problema se presenta como el vnculo causal
entre objetos y representaciones. Finalmente, se presenta el problema tal como lo entiende
Kant, consistente en explicar la aplicacin de conceptos puros a cosas reales, i.e. el uso real
del entendimiento, lo que se encuentra ntimamente vinculado con el problema de la
posibilidad del conocimiento sinttico a priori.
El autor seala que tanto la deduccin como la Crtica siguen el mtodo propio de
la filosofa presentado en los textos de los aos 1762-1763: un concepto originariamente
confuso es vuelto claro y distinto aislando elementos en l contenidos e integrndolo con
nuevos conceptos que se evidencian necesarios. Este mtodo se aplica a la Crtica y a cada
seccin suya. El concepto investigado en la Crtica es la razn pura como facultad de
conocimiento metafsico; su punto de partida, la representacin como hecho lgico.
El trabajo de aislamiento e integracin progresiva de elementos comienza con la
esttica, partiendo de la representacin y describindose la sensibilidad como facultad
receptiva. La lgica trascendental incorporar una facultad activa, una necesaria
espontaneidad, el concepto de pensamiento sinttico (entendimiento), una funcin activa
requerida para la posibilidad de la representacin. Esta actividad se diferenciar en
funciones, cuyos conceptos son las categoras. As, surge la pregunta por cmo se
aplicaran estos conceptos a priori a objetos. La deduccin trascendental comenzara por el
impreciso concepto de pensamiento sinttico relacionado con un mltiple (el concepto de
enlace en general). Aunque en su forma retrica y estructural siguiera al gnero literario
tpicamente jurdico del Siglo XVIII usado para la defensa de pretensiones ante la corte
exhibiendo que stas se encuentran fundadas en principios admitidos, la deduccin
tendra una estructura lgica propia.
El captulo 1 ( 15-20) comenzar por el concepto impreciso de enlace y concluir
con la conexin necesaria de los conceptos puros del entendimiento con un objeto en
general. El captulo 2 ( 21-25) analizar cmo la estructura lgica del concepto da lugar
al objeto dado bajo la forma de la sensibilidad, entrando en juego el tiempo y la
imaginacin. El captulo 3 ( 26-27 y breve concepto) estudia cmo se ampla el
alcance de esta deduccin para abarcar la totalidad de la naturaleza.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 370-379
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34033


Miguel A. Herszenbaun
El captulo 1 Unidad y el objeto comienza (15) por el mtodo sinttico que ha
de aplicarse al pensar puro en tanto pretende referirse al ser. Los conceptos por enriquecer
y esclarecer son enlace (combination) y sntesis. Aqu se descubre que el mltiple es
condicin de posibilidad de la sntesis, as como la unidad lo es de ambos. Mientras la
sntesis de la imaginacin se limita a reunir el mltiple, la sntesis pensada en el concepto
da la regla de dicha reunin. La regla gua a la sntesis y le da unidad. Partiendo del
concepto difuso de enlace, se aslan las nociones de mltiple, actividad sinttica y regla
dada en el concepto. En tanto la regla brinda unidad a la sntesis y al mltiple, se revela
que la unidad es condicin de ellos. El enlace no es dado, sino que es la forma del
pensamiento, la representacin de la unidad sinttica del mltiple, unidad que no es
producto de la sntesis, sino su condicin. Esta unidad dada por la regla no es dada en un
hecho concreto, ni es la categora de unidad; es la unidad de la experiencia como un nico
todo, cuyo sujeto debe ser un s mismo nico.
Al abordar el 16 el autor indica que aqu Kant intenta determinar el principio que
se enriquecer progresivamente por medio del mtodo sinttico a lo largo de la deduccin:
El Yo pienso debe poder acompaar a todas mis representaciones (B131). Este principio
se presenta como aquello que posibilita la unidad de todas las representaciones, en tanto
abarcadas en la nica serie de las representaciones de un nico s mismo, de modo que
todo mltiple de la intuicin tiene una referencia necesaria al Yo pienso en el mismo
sujeto en el que ese mltiple se encuentra (B132).
La intencin de Kant no es probar la existencia de una sustancia pensante, ni
abordar las caractersticas de la persona, sino tratar cierta caracterstica de las
representaciones mismas: deben poder ser pensadas por un mismo sujeto. Este principio
sera adecuadamente cumplido an si las representaciones fueran atribuidas a diversos
yoes, sin mediar unidad ni sntesis de ellas.
Para garantizar la unidad de todas las representaciones en una nica experiencia, el
sujeto que las piensa debe concebirse como idntico a s mismo. Conciencia de s y
conciencia de su identidad son las notas distintivas del yo. La nocin de yo se introduce
para explicar la unidad que se impone a las representaciones por medio de la sntesis. Es la
identidad del s mismo lo que evita la dispersin de los actos del pensar y, en consecuencia,
de las representaciones. El acto de la espontaneidad del entendimiento se llama
apercepcin, y la representacin yo pienso es generada por la autoconciencia.
La apercepcin se refiere a la unidad e identidad del s mismo como a la de todas
las representaciones en tanto referidas a un nico yo. Estas representaciones pertenecen al
sujeto por una actividad sinttica. Esta sntesis es la condicin de la identidad del s mismo.
No es el yo pienso asociado a cada representacin lo que les brinda unidad, sino la
conciencia de la sntesis del mltiple. Slo la conciencia de la unidad de la sntesis permite
la identidad de la conciencia y la unidad del mltiple. La conciencia de esta unidad de la
sntesis requiere la unidad de mltiples actos sintticos por medio de los cuales las


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 370-379
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34033

Una nueva lectura sobre la deduccin trascendental B

representaciones se renen. As, hay una relacin de dependencia recproca entre identidad
de la conciencia y mltiple intuitivo. Sin mltiple intuitivo, no hay sntesis; sin sntesis no
hay conciencia de la identidad de s a travs de los mltiples actos de sntesis. Sin
conciencia de la identidad no hay reunin del mltiple en la unidad. De esta manera, se
descubren las notas distintivas de identidad y apercepcin que hacen del yo y de la sntesis
los conceptos a ser integrados en el principio aperceptivo. El trmino vago yo pienso es
reemplazado por el concepto ms preciso de apercepcin que supone lo autoconsciente,
idntico y nico de un s mismo activo que lleva a cabo las sntesis estudiadas. La sntesis
que ha de reunir al mltiple debe ser a priori en tanto su unidad (dada por la regla de un
concepto) no puede ser tomada de la sensibilidad. As, la unidad sinttica no es un
contenido de la conciencia, sino la forma de toda representacin para poder ser contenida
en una nica conciencia, poder acompaar el yo pienso. Esta es una primera condicin de
la objetividad.
El 17 incorpora las nociones de uso del entendimiento, conocimiento y objeto. La
cuestin ser cmo la representacin tiene validez objetiva, i.e. referencia a un objeto. La
clave de la validez objetiva de las representaciones recae en la sntesis. Tendrn validez
objetiva las representaciones cuya sntesis sea llevada a cabo segn una regla que haga
necesarios a los mltiples elementos de un concepto para conformarlo a ste.
Slo a travs de un concepto que imponga una regla a la sntesis de forma tal que
sea necesario el enlace del mltiple intuitivo ser posible para estas representaciones tener
una referencia a un objeto (validez objetiva). El concepto de objeto en general es el que
brinda la regla de sntesis del mltiple intuitivo que permite la representacin de un objeto
como tal. Pero la sntesis ejecutada en concordancia con este concepto no produce slo la
unidad analtica que puede encontrarse en todo concepto emprico, sino la unidad sinttica,
basada en la necesidad de la unidad de la apercepcin. La unidad sinttica que hace posible
toda unidad analtica es la sntesis fundamental que brinda la regla universalmente
necesaria de toda sntesis de las representaciones: el principio aperceptivo. As, el principio
aperceptivo es la condicin suprema de toda validez objetiva de las representaciones. La
unidad de la conciencia que hace posible al entendimiento como facultad del
conocimiento, posibilita el conocimiento de objetos. La referencia de las representaciones
a un objeto se basa en la unidad de la conciencia; y el objeto mismo es dependiente de la
unidad de la apercepcin.
El 18 precisa el sentido de la objetividad atribuida al principio aperceptivo. Para
ello, se distingue una unidad objetiva de una subjetiva (sntesis asociativa). Mientras la
sntesis asociativa se sostiene en la asociacin contingente del contenido de la experiencia,
la unidad objetiva supone una sntesis aplicada sobre el mltiple intuitivo puro y
homogneo del tiempo, unidad que no sera posible por una sntesis asociativa. El enlace
necesario del mltiple intuitivo puro (cuya regla es el principio de la unidad necesaria de la
apercepcin) constituye la objetividad y la unidad objetiva sobre la cual se vuelve posible
el enlace contingente de la conciencia emprica referida a datos de la experiencia.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 370-379
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34033


Miguel A. Herszenbaun
El 19 se propone explicar la estructura interna de la sntesis antes considerada.
Aqu se agrega un nuevo elemento: el juicio. Este juicio no es, advierte el autor, propio de
la lgica formal que se ocupa de la relacin entre representaciones, sino un elemento de la
lgica trascendental en el que se trata de la relacin de conocimiento bajo la unidad
aperceptiva. Es aquello correspondiente a la actividad del entendimiento.
Mientras la sntesis asociativa se enuncia bajo la forma de juicios de percepcin que
expresan representaciones enlazadas contingentemente en la conciencia emprica, la
sntesis objetiva se expresa en juicios que omiten toda referencia a m y a mis
representaciones y establecen nicamente un enlace de representaciones en el objeto
mismo. Al enlace necesario establecido por el concepto de objeto en general se
corresponde la forma impuesta por el juicio.
Demostrado que la subsuncin del mltiple bajo la forma del juicio se corresponde
con la unificacin objetiva del mltiple bajo la unidad de la apercepcin, resta evaluar si la
forma del juicio supone un concepto a priori, lo que demostrara que esos conceptos a
priori se refieren a objetos. La respuesta se encuentra al considerar las categoras como
conceptos por los que el mltiple intuitivo es determinado con respecto a las funciones
lgicas del juicio.
El 20 incorpora el concepto de categora al principio aperceptivo. Hasta aqu, se
concluy que el mltiple intuitivo debe ser determinado por las funciones lgicas del juicio
a fin de ser integrado en una nica conciencia. Definiendo a las categoras como conceptos
que refieren el mltiple intuitivo a un objeto, puede reemplazarse las funciones lgicas
por las categoras como conceptos que expresan tal enlace. As, se afirma que el mltiple
intuitivo debe encontrarse sujeto a las categoras. Vemos cmo el texto avanza hacia la
meta indicada por el autor (demostrar que las categoras no son conceptos vacos) y por
medio del mtodo indicado (enriqueciendo progresivamente el principio aperceptivo).
El captulo 2 La aplicacin de las categoras ( 21-25) comienza indicando que,
llamativamente, en el 20 no se hizo referencia al objeto, sino a la objetividad de los
enlaces sintticos. Luego de presentar la enorme variedad de interpretaciones que intentan
explicar por qu la deduccin trascendental tiene dos partes, el autor ofrece su punto de
vista: esta segunda parte no se ocupa de la objetividad de la sntesis de las
representaciones, sino que debe enfrentarse a un elemento absolutamente heterogneo al
pensamiento e independiente de las categoras: la presencia efectiva del objeto en la
sensibilidad, dependiente de la afeccin. Debe explicarse la aplicacin de las categoras al
objeto dado.
Para esto, Kant reformula en B144 el principio aperceptivo, enriquecindolo al
incorporar la referencia a la intuicin emprica. En tanto la intuicin emprica es dada por
medio de la afeccin, debe incorporarse el particular modo en que sta es dada a fin de
acreditar la validez de las categoras respecto del objeto de los sentidos (B145). El anlisis


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 370-379
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34033

Una nueva lectura sobre la deduccin trascendental B

de la apercepcin no sera suficiente, pues de ella no podemos derivar la presencia de

objetos empricos en la sensibilidad.
En este sentido, la hiptesis interpretativa del autor juega un papel fundamental al
explicar la continuacin de la deduccin: si la tarea de la deduccin es demostrar que las
categoras no son conceptos vacos, es necesaria la referencia al objeto presente en la
intuicin. Sin tal referencia, slo demostramos que las categoras pueden aplicarse a
objetos posibles (objetos en general), pero no a objetos efectivamente dados en la
intuicin. Cabe la posibilidad, dice el autor, de que no haya objetos reales, con lo que las
categoras seran meros conceptos vacos.
Si hay o no objetos es una cuestin que se resuelve en el terreno de la sensibilidad,
en tanto stos son empricos. Consecuentemente, dice el autor, la deduccin est
incompleta hasta que se demuestre que las categoras se refieren a dichos objetos
En el 22 Kant caracterizara la referencia de las categoras a los objetos como
conocimiento. Para ello, dice el autor, no es suficiente la regla de sntesis que brinda la
objetividad en general. Se requiere una intuicin emprica que d el objeto. Sin intuicin
emprica resulta imposible saber si hay algo que concuerde con el concepto. En tanto tal
intuicin es sensible, sin sensacin no tendramos la materia necesaria para tener un objeto
emprico al que pueda referirse la categora. Sin el carcter sensible de la intuicin
emprica no hay conocimiento en sentido estricto, sino que hay slo un uso formal que no
da certeza de mentar objetos reales. Slo por medio de la intuicin emprica la categora
recibe contenido y se vuelve conocimiento de un objeto.
El 23 trata la restriccin de las categoras a objetos empricamente dados. El autor
explica que tal restriccin no se encuentra estipulada en las categoras, sino en el tipo de
intuicin humana. En tanto se pretende demostrar que las categoras no son conceptos
vacos y, por tanto, que se aplican a objetos efectivamente reales, en tanto no contamos con
otro tipo de intuicin que pueda ofrecer tales objetos ms que el sentido interno y externo,
debe establecerse la limitacin del uso de las categoras a este terreno.
En los pargrafos siguientes Kant se ocupar de la aplicacin de conceptos puros
sobre el mltiple intuitivo emprico. Esto se llevar a cabo en dos etapas. Primero (2425), estableciendo la relacin del entendimiento con la intuicin sensible humana pura.
Segundo (26), incorporando el mltiple emprico.
En el 24 se demuestra la relacin de las categoras con la intuicin pura del
tiempo. Antes se haba establecido la aplicacin de las categoras a un mltiple sensible
posible, es decir, pensado, no efectivo. En la aplicacin de las categoras al tiempo se da la
primera aplicacin del pensamiento a un mltiple sensible real. Esto se expresa en el objeto
a considerar: el objeto de los sentidos en general. Esta aplicacin supone la determinacin
del sentido interno por medio del entendimiento con la constitucin de un nico tiempo, de
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 370-379
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34033


Miguel A. Herszenbaun
modo que el objeto emprico no slo est sujeto a la forma del tiempo, sino contenido en
un nico tiempo.
La sntesis figurativa es aquella encargada de ejecutar esta actividad sinttica sobre
el mltiple puro de la intuicin humana, diferencindose de la sntesis intelectual, en la que
se considera el enlace de un mltiple intuitivo en general. Se la llama tambin sntesis
trascendental de la imaginacin.
Esta facultad se presenta como una faceta de la espontaneidad. La actividad del
entendimiento capaz de hacer que el mltiple sea acompaado por el yo pienso se
dividira en dos momentos. Por un lado, la sntesis; por el otro, el concepto o regla que le
da unidad. La regla es seguida por la imaginacin en su actividad de sntesis. Terminada
esta tarea de sntesis, el entendimiento reconoce la unidad del concepto en el producto
terminado de la imaginacin. Con ello, recibe el mltiple su unidad y es reconocido como
unificado. Con estos elementos, se ve enriquecido el principio aperceptivo, habindose
descubierto que la unificacin del mltiple intuitivo de la sensibilidad humana exige una
actividad sinttica ejecutada por la imaginacin unificada por la regla brindada por el
concepto del entendimiento (bajo la forma de un juicio).
En tanto la cuestin que debe resolver la incorporacin de la imaginacin consiste
en explicar cmo el entendimiento aborda un mltiple absolutamente heterogneo al
pensar, la facultad de la imaginacin debe corresponder tanto a la sensibilidad como a la
espontaneidad. Mientras en la edicin de 1781 la imaginacin es considerada una facultad
autnoma, en la segunda edicin consiste en una funcin del entendimiento, en tanto ste
se dirige a la sensibilidad. La imaginacin no sera otra cosa que el entendimiento en tanto
ste obedece no slo a sus principios lgicos, sino tambin a aquellas determinaciones que
le impone la forma de la intuicin (la determinacin del objeto no solamente por medio de
la forma del antecedente y el consecuente, sino por medio del antes, el despus y la
El final del 24 presenta la paradoja del sentido interno. Autores como Paton, Carl,
De Vleeschauwer y Allison han entendido que esta seccin rompe la lgica argumental del
texto de la deduccin. El autor entiende que esto se concluye al no advertir que aqu no se
trata de una exposicin del concepto de yo, sino de una discusin sobre la aplicacin del
entendimiento a la sensibilidad pura, lo que no debe ser tenido por conocimiento de s.
La paradoja del sentido interno constara de tres paradojas. La primera tratara
sobre el hecho de que la intuicin pura del sentido interno no d conocimiento sobre el s
mismo. La segunda tratara sobre el hecho de haber, aparentemente, dos s mismos que
concuerdan y no concuerdan a la vez (uno, pensante, el otro, de la intuicin). La tercera
paradoja tratara sobre el hecho de que la apercepcin misma no sea auto-conocimiento.
Las dos primeras paradojas se refieren a la intuicin y se basan sobre la restriccin del
conocimiento al terreno de las apariencias. La tercera paradoja se apoya en un examen de


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 370-379
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34033

Una nueva lectura sobre la deduccin trascendental B

la apercepcin: el yo, aun siendo autoconsciente, no puede conocerse sino es por medio de
la auto-afeccin del sentido interno. El autor analiza este punto.
La cuestin se presenta bajo la forma de un anlisis de la sntesis de la imaginacin.
La sntesis de la imaginacin es llevada a cabo al interior del sujeto en tanto es efectuada
sobre el mltiple de la intuicin pura. Esto supondra una afeccin del sentido interno por
medio de la actividad sinttica del entendimiento. Atendiendo nicamente al acto sinttico,
debe explicarse por qu la pura espontaneidad no da conocimiento del s mismo.
En el 25 se presenta el problema en su forma definitiva: La conciencia de s
mismo dista todava mucho de ser un conocimiento de s mismo (B158). El sentido
comn dira lo contrario: la autoconciencia intelectual debera bastar para conocer la
existencia del s mismo. Llamativamente, Kant tambin hace esta afirmacin (cfr. B157),
pero esto no sera una apropiacin del cogito cartesiano. Lo existente no sera un yo en s
mismo, sino el sujeto como condicin necesaria aunque insuficiente del conocimiento,
una existencia en el pensamiento (la mera posibilidad de la existencia). La existencia
efectiva del objeto exige intuicin. Con ello Kant nos dice, entiende el autor, que el
pensamiento no es una determinacin suficiente de la existencia.
Ahora bien, cabe preguntarse qu es aquello que se nos presenta en la autoafeccin. El material dado en el sentido interno no debe ser tenido necesariamente como la
aparicin del s mismo. Cul s sera el fenmeno del s mismo? El s mismo slo podra
ser conocido por medio de la sensibilidad, en la medida en que ste la afectara. Tal
afeccin sera la elaboracin formal del mltiple dado. Kant no explica cmo podramos
conocer la existencia del s mismo a partir de esta actividad. Slo indica que tal existencia
no es la propia de los fenmenos, ni de las cosas en s. No es la categora de existencia
aplicable a los objetos de la sensibilidad. En todo caso, quedara claro que el conocimiento
del s mismo no puede estar sustentado en la apercepcin.
El captulo 3 la aplicacin de las categoras a los objetos reales (26-27 y
Breve concepto de esta deduccin) comienza por abordar el 26. En l se llevara a cabo
el paso decisivo de la deduccin. En l se introduce el mltiple intuitivo emprico que nos
da objetos efectivamente reales. En tanto la deduccin deba demostrar que las categoras
no son conceptos vacos, lo que debe demostrarse aqu es que este contenido emprico
tambin puede ser sintetizado por el enlace categorial.
En su primera seccin (B160-B163) se demostrara que toda representacin
emprica se encuentra sujeta a la sntesis de apercepcin. Para ello, se introduce la sntesis
de aprehensin, por medio de la cual se enlaza el mltiple produciendo una intuicin
emprica. En tanto el mltiple intuitivo slo puede ser dado bajo las formas de espacio y
tiempo, y stos como intuiciones puras que ofrecen un mltiple intuitivo puro son
unificados por la sntesis figurativa, la sntesis de la aprehensin debe adecuarse a la
unidad de stos dada por los conceptos puros del entendimiento. De esta manera, el
mltiple intuitivo emprico, sintetizado por la sntesis de la aprehensin, es ubicado en su
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 370-379
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34033


Miguel A. Herszenbaun
respectiva parte de un tiempo y espacio unificados. La unidad de la sntesis del mltiple es
condicin de posibilidad de la sntesis de toda aprehensin (B160), de modo que sta se
encuentra sujeta a las categoras. As se probara la aplicacin de las categoras a los
objetos efectivamente existentes y, siguiendo el hilo conductor de la deduccin, se
completara el enriquecimiento progresivo del principio aperceptivo, integrando el mltiple
emprico a la apercepcin.
En su segunda seccin (B163-B165) se probara que todo fenmeno debe estar
sujeto a las leyes del entendimiento. Aqu, la cuestin ser explicar la aplicacin de las
categoras a la naturaleza misma. En tanto la naturaleza es la suma de todas las apariencias,
y stas se encuentran sujetas al enlace categorial, puede decirse que el entendimiento
prescribe leyes de uniformidad de los objetos y de la naturaleza. As, el principio
aperceptivo se ve enriquecido con la introduccin del concepto de naturaleza.
En el 27 contamos con una conclusin y la introduccin del concepto de
epignesis. La epignesis sera una metfora biolgica para explicar el origen de las
categoras y la relacin del pensamiento con la existencia de objetos empricos. Frente a un
posible origen emprico de las categoras o una explicacin innatista, la figura de la
epignesis explicara metafricamente a las categoras como conceptos adquiridos
originados en la actividad del entendimiento humano. En segundo lugar, la nocin de
epignesis se aplicara al surgimiento del conocimiento emprico, originado por la
intervencin del entendimiento y la sensibilidad. As, ni pensamiento ni ser preexisten el
uno al otro. Entendimiento y sensibilidad son los padres del conocimiento en esta metfora
biolgica. Por el contrario, la preformacin habra supuesto que los conceptos puros, la
naturaleza y sus leyes existieran independientemente y sin relacin recproca.
En el tratamiento del breve concepto el autor muestra la integracin de todos los
elementos considerados en una frase compleja que admite mltiples interpretaciones y
Finalmente, en el captulo Conclusiones, el autor recapitula sobre los puntos
principales de su investigacin: haber mostrado el mtodo seguido por Kant en la
deduccin B, exhibiendo as su unidad estructural y argumentativa; esclarecer la meta de
esta deduccin en la demostracin de que las categoras no son conceptos vacos; presentar
al principio aperceptivo como nico principio admitido por la deduccin y
progresivamente enriquecido por la incorporacin de los conceptos de identidad del s
mismo, apercepcin, sntesis y unidad sinttica, objeto, intuicin y, finalmente, naturaleza.
En esta detallada resea hemos intentado hacer apreciable la unidad y coherencia de
la interpretacin propuesta por Mario Caimi. El libro se propone objetivos precisos que
cumple de manera clara y profunda. Sin desviarse innecesariamente en la discusin de
problemas secundarios que haran al lector perder el hilo conductor de la propuesta
interpretativa, el autor demuestra paso a paso la concatenacin lgica del argumento


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 370-379
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34033

Una nueva lectura sobre la deduccin trascendental B

expuesto en la deduccin, teniendo siempre a la vista la meta que l entiende este texto
perseguira y el mtodo empleado por Kant para su consecucin. A tal explicacin, por un
lado, detallada y, por el otro, integradora, se agrega como notas a pie un cuerpo textual que
incluye la referencia a las obras de otros especialistas y la discusin de sus posiciones. Tal
tratamiento ha sido acertadamente ubicado como notas a pie.
El texto reseado ser una referencia obligatoria en los aos venideros para los
especialistas kantianos que se propongan estudiar la deduccin trascendental. En esta obra
breve pero contundente, clara y lgicamente estructurada tenemos el ejemplo de una
investigacin filosficamente profunda, acadmicamente rigurosa y unitaria que jams
pierde de vista la integracin del objeto investigado en una totalidad. Por otra parte, la
claridad expositiva del texto emula la voz del maestro ejerciendo su oficio ante sus

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 370-379
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34033


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 380-388
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34034

Regresso a Kant tica, Esttica, Filosofia Poltica

Return to Kant Ethics, Aesthetics, Political Philosophy

Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos, Regresso a Kant tica, Esttica, Filosofia Poltica, Lisboa,
Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 2012, 549 pp., ISBN: 978-972-27-1923-0

Regresso a Kant tica, Esttica, Filosofia Poltica um volume de um dos

intrpretes kantianos com maior visibilidade em Portugal, que tem igualmente grande
visibilidade fora do pas, sendo prova disso a sua afiliao a diversas sociedades cientficas
internacionais, Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos.
O volume sobre o qual recai a nossa ateno revelador, como seria expectvel, de
um profundo conhecimento da filosofia kantiana, onde a sua organicidade e linguagem so
claramente privilegiadas. Ainda que seja constitudo por catorze ensaios que se podero
afirmar autnomos entre si, encontramos neles vrios cruzamentos, bem ao jeito kantiano,
O volume inicia-se com uma extensa introduo que explora o tpico do Regresso
a Kant atravs da avaliao da situao dos Estudos Kantianos, bem como da sua
evoluo. O aspecto que nos parece mais interessante neste primeiro texto a chamada de
ateno do autor para a descoberta de alguns tpicos da filosofia kantiana que temos vindo
a assistir hodiernamente. A importncia dada Crtica do Juzo, a considerao da
linguagem e o estilo de Kant e a sua filosofia da linguagem, o reconhecimento da filosofia

Investigadora doutoranda do Instituto de Filosofia da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto,

Portugal. Bolsa de Doutoramento atribuda pela Fundao para a Cincia e a Tecnologia portuguesa (FCT) SFRH/BD/76655/2011. E-mail: .


Regresso a Kant tica, Esttica, Filosofia Poltica

kantiana do direito e a poltica e, de forma ainda mais fecunda, o renovado interesse pela
filosofia prtica kantiana tm sido alguns dos temas com maior destaque.
Seguindo esta mesma orientao, Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos apresenta-nos este
volume, que se divide em trs grandes partes. A primeira parte intitula-se tica e
antropologia seis ensaios-, a segunda Esttica e filosofia da religio quatro ensaios-,
e, por fim, a ltima tem como ttulo Filosofia poltica quatro ensaios.
No primeiro ensaio da primeira parte da obra, Actualidade e inactualidade da tica
kantiana, Ribeiro dos Santos recupera o que considera ser o ncleo mais ntimo do
pensamento kantiano (p. 67), ou seja, a sua filosofia moral. Em primeiro lugar, o autor
procura pensar o que a actualidade da filosofia, bem como a actualidade duma filosofia.
Realizando uma breve viagem histrica, na qual tem lugar Hegel e as suas Lies de
Histria da Filosofia, Nietzsche, e as suas Consideraes Inactuais, bem como Heidegger,
e a sua Introduo Metafsica, o autor aponta de forma pertinente para as dificuldades
deste mesmo tema, dificuldades agravadas se da filosofia em geral nos direcionarmos para
a tica.
Em segundo lugar, o autor investiga em que sentido existe ou no na actualidade
uma preocupao filosfica especial com os problemas ticos. Ainda que haja um
inequvoco retorno das questes ticas em filosofia (p. 73), que o autor atribui s novas
situaes que afectam a humanidade, h pensadores contemporneos que consideram
vivermos numa poca desmoralizada, na qual a tica deixou de ter interesse. Outros
autores, por seu turno, entendem j no nos situarmos no solo da Modernidade, do qual
Kant se destaca. No obstante, a actualidade de Kant um facto para Ribeiro dos Santos e,
arriscamos afirm-lo, para todos ns. um facto existir a presena do seu pensamento nos
debates filosficos da actualidade, em particular nos debates ticos, assim como um facto
existirem inmeros estudos que evidenciam a actualidade do pensamento tico kantiano.
Neste sentido, Ribeiro dos Santos entende que a actualidade filosfica de Kant, para alm
de incontestvel, no comparvel com a de nenhum outro filsofo, seja ele mais antigo
ou mais recente. [] Kant foi, sem dvida, a mais expressiva voz da Modernidade no
domnio do pensamento tico [] (p.76).
Estas consideraes so o ponto de partida para a averiguao dos sinais pelos
quais se poder revelar ou medir a actualidade da filosofia moral kantiana, derradeira
questo qual o ensaio procura responder. Nesta linha, Ribeiro dos Santos apresenta a
posio de alguns autores que retomam de forma explcita a tica kantiana ou, pelo menos,
alguns dos elementos que a constituem. Poder-se-o destacar, por exemplo, Karl-Otto Apel
e Jrgen Habermas, que, sua maneira, procuraram realizar uma transformao,
reformulao ou correco da tica kantiana nas suas propostas da tica do discurso,
se falarmos de Habermas, ou da tica da sociedade de comunicao, falando de Apel;
Onora ONeill, para quem o primado do prtico no uma ideia condutora apenas na
filosofia prtica kantiana, mas de todo o programa da crtica da razo; Barbara Herman,
que aposta num distanciamento das interpretaes estereotipadas da tica kantiana, visto
entender que a posio do filsofo quanto vida moral bem mais complexa e subtil do
que aquela que os seus intrpretes e crticos consideram; Christine M. Korsgaard, que
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 380-388
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34034


Claudia M. Fidalgo da Silva

investiga a moral kantiana em confronto com posies ticas tradicionalmente
consideradas antagnicas de Kant e que procura, simultaneamente, dar luz aos problemas
ticos contemporneos tendo como base as consideraes kantianas; Nancy Sherman, cuja
principal finalidade a apresentao de uma abordagem recente da tica kantiana, que
assenta especialmente no confronto com a tica aristotlica, bem como com a dos esticos,
enveredando pelo estudo do seu profundo parentesco; e Robert Louden, que evidenciou de
forma extraordinariamente interessante o plano da aplicao da tica kantiana, relevando o
que considerou ser a sua parte impura.
Por fim, e atendendo finalidade principal do ensaio, quanto actualidade ou
inactualidade da tica kantiana, a resposta do autor do volume peremptria:
Aparentemente, em questes de tica, estamos hoje muito mais prximos de Aristteles,
de Epicuro ou de Nietzsche do que de Kant. Todavia, a actualidade da filosofia moral de
Kant demonstra-se suficientemente na sua capacidade para continuar a ser a principal
interlocutora e parceira no debate tico dos nossos dias (p. 103).
O segundo ensaio, A antropocosmologia do jovem Kant, procura de forma
inesperada mas muito interessante demonstrar a relevncia que a III parte da Histria
Universal da Natureza e Teoria do Cu possui quanto compreenso da posio
cosmolgico-cosmognica a apresentada por Kant. O aspecto que nos parece mais
fecundo destacado por Ribeiro dos Santos a sua perspectiva de que tal ensaio possui as
razes das preocupaes e meditaes antropolgicas de Kant, as quais se iro desenvolver
exponencialmente no seu pensamento posterior: conduzida pelo fio da analogia fsicocosmolgica, comea a desenhar-se na obra de 1755, com seus contornos j bem definidos,
a antropologia moral kantiana, apresentando o ser humano como um istmo, suspenso entre
dois mundos o sensvel e o inteligvel, o espiritual e o material, a razo e as paixes ou
inclinaes, a atraco para a virtude ou a tendncia para o vcio tendo por tarefa
reconcili-los em si mesmo mediante o esforo e a luta permanentes no palco terreno onde
se desenrola a sua existncia (p. 113).
O terceiro ensaio do volume, Kant e os limites do antropocentrismo ticojurdico, tem como principal finalidade defender Kant das frequentes crticas que o
apontam como tendo cado no vcio do antropocentrismo. Inicialmente, Ribeiro dos Santos
apresenta alguns autores crticos de Kant, de entre os quais destaca Hannah Arendt, para
quem o pensamento kantiano possui um extremo antropocentrismo; Hans Jonas, que
considera que a tica kantiana apenas reconhece sentido tico relao directa do homem
com o homem ou do homem consigo mesmo, como tambm e, virtude da sua abstraco e
formalismo, no teria em considerao os efeitos das aces, nem, por isso mesmo, a
possibilidade de destruio da natureza em virtude da interveno tcnica humana; e
Roland Beiner, que, ao interpretar a doutrina kantiana do sublime encontrou nela uma
forma disfarada de narcisismo antropolgico. Ainda que com problematizaes
distintas, Ribeiro dos Santos considera existirem dois tpicos recorrentes de tais acusaes:
a contraposio entre o homem e a natureza e a opo exclusiva pelo primeiro, e uma
autocomplacncia disfarada do homem em si prprio. Sem grandes dificuldades e de uma


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 380-388
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34034

Regresso a Kant tica, Esttica, Filosofia Poltica

forma extremamente clara, Ribeiro dos Santos responde pertinentemente s crticas:
Nelas, no tida em considerao, na sua complexidade e especificidade, a ideia kantiana
de Humanidade []. A distino kantiana entre fins e meios, entre dignidade e preo e a
respectiva aplicao distino entre pessoas e coisas deve ser vista no como um
defeito ou um fracasso (pelo que ainda no consegue), mas antes como um grande ganho e
um decisivo passo no sentido de alcanar um ponto de vista que permitisse superar a
racionalidade mercantil e contabilstica, instrumentalista, interesseira e utilitria dos
Modernos. [] Por outro lado, segundo Kant, o sentimento do sublime no propriamente
a ocasio para uma autocomplacncia antropocntrica e narcisista do sujeito, mas coloca
este numa situao de desconforto, pois o que o sujeito experimenta [] , por certo, a
conscincia da sua destinao supra-sensvel (pp. 127-28). Um pouco mais frente no
ensaio, e reforando a sua posio, Ribeiro dos Santos refere ser no domnio da vivncia
esttica, bem como na viso teleolgica, que a natureza claramente reconhecida por Kant
na sua dignidade e autonomia. Aqui ela no pensada apenas como meio mas como um
sistema de fins. Enquanto na viso teleolgica poder-se- pensar a natureza como
possuindo uma autonomia prpria, na vivncia esttica do belo e do sublime, onde melhor
se revela a transcendncia da natureza, o homem tem a sua atitude mais originria para
com ela, na qual tem lugar uma contemplao desinteressada ou uma espcie de
respeito por ela. Ser apenas pela mediao humana que a natureza pode ser resgatada
para uma ordem dos fins e pensada, ela prpria, como um fim em si mesma, como defende
o autor.
No quarto ensaio da obra, Kant e a tica da linguagem, Ribeiro dos Santos
enaltece sobretudo a insistncia de Kant no tema da veracidade, evocando algumas das
mais relevantes passagens kantianas quanto a este tpico. Uma considerao extremamente
interessante do autor reside na sua pertinente chamada de ateno para o facto dos autores
da conhecida tica do discurso no terem tido em considerao as reflexes kantianas em
torno da mentira, da veracidade e, no geral, da prpria tica da linguagem. Afirmando
existir na insistncia de Kant no presente tpico a dimenso lingustica e comunicacional
da razo (p. 191), Ribeiro dos Santos entende poderem ser desmentidas as crticas de Apel
e Habermas ao carcter solipsista e monolgico que, segundo eles, caracteriza a razo
kantiana. Neste contexto, assume nuclear relevncia a seguinte passagem, pelo seu
inequvoco interesse e fecundidade quanto a este aspecto: Falar comunicar aos outros os
prprios pensamentos e receber destes tambm os respectivos pensamentos. Mas este falarpensar com os outros no se reduz a uma pragmtica comunicacional, a acordos ou
consensos j conseguidos ou a conseguir na experincia. O pensar, tal como Kant o
entende, para alm das dimenses da coerncia e da autonomia, supe um exerccio
transcendental uma espcie de experincia que a razo faz consigo mesma mediante a
qual se divide em falante e ouvinte, em actora e espectadora, colocando-se no ponto de
vista do outro e por assim dizer fora de si mesma, num ponto de vista universal (p. 193).
Nesta linha, concepo simplista da conscincia que os autores referidos atribuem a
Kant, Ribeiro dos Santos contrape, e com toda a justeza, a complexidade do conceito
kantiano de conscincia moral, bem como todo o processo que o caracteriza.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 380-388
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34034


Claudia M. Fidalgo da Silva

O quinto ensaio do volume, Da linguagem jurdica da filosofia crtica
arqueologia da razo prtica, reala a relevncia da filosofia kantiana do direito,
importncia que nem sempre foi reconhecida. Ao invs de o considerar como um tpico
secundrio, Ribeiro dos Santos entende que a filosofia kantiana do direito , com toda a
certeza, o domnio onde a filosofia kantiana tem o seu ambiente natural e de onde colhe
os princpios e pressupostos que desde o incio dirigem o seu prprio trabalho de reflexo
(p. 207). Considerando que o paradigma jurdico norteia toda a filosofia kantiana, at
mesmo a teortica, Ribeiro dos Santos destaca a importncia do alcance e da amplitude
dessa grande alegoria poltico-jurdica que tem lugar em Kant, realando particularmente
um determinado domnio: a conscincia do dever (ou do imperativo categrico) que
constitui realmente o Faktum der Vernunft, o Faktum realmente originarium. E esse
Faktum desencadeia um processo ou revela-se como um processo ntimo que tem a sua
expresso externa no processo judicial. Se h na obra de Kant domnio onde a metfora do
tribunal seja abundante e pregnante de significado sem dvida este e sobretudo aqui vale
dizer que a metfora muito mais do que metfora, que no o tribunal interior que
pensado por analogia com o exterior, mas que, ao contrrio, o tribunal exterior que
moldado imagem do frum que a conscincia moral (p. 216).
O sexto ensaio, Hrcules e as graas, ou da condio esttica da virtude: Kant,
leitor de Schiller, para ns um dos ensaios mais interessantes do presente volume. Com
grande rigor e profundo conhecimento dos dois autores aqui abordados, Kant e Schiller,
Ribeiro dos Santos explora a relao entre eles, nomeadamente pelo lado de Kant. O autor
do volume apresenta a perspectiva de Schiller sobre a filosofia moral kantiana, realando
determinados aspectos essenciais que a caracterizam, todos eles relacionados com a
considerao da sensibilidade, no como inimiga da moralidade, mas como sua cmplice.
Ribeiro dos Santos apresenta a resposta de Kant a Schiller presente numa nota segunda
edio da sua obra Die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft (1794),
destacando o facto deste no encontrar qualquer divergncia entre a sua perspectiva e a de
Schiller, dissolvendo assim esta suposta divergncia num esclarecimento mtuo, ainda que
Kant apresente uma viso no to optimista quanto Schiller.
Ribeiro dos Santos termina este seu ensaio com um excelente apontamento que, na
nossa perspectiva, sintetiza de forma eficaz todo o desenrolar do mesmo e no qual destaca
a diferena entre os dois autores, muito embora as suas afinidades em relao moral, bem
como relativamente esttica: Se quisssemos reduzir a uma formulao sinttica a
diferena que, sob um fundo de essencial comunidade e afinidade de perspectivas, subsiste
entre os dois pensadores, diramos que domina em Schiller a sensibilidade esttica (com o
sentido pregnante que esta expresso nele adquire), mesmo tratando-se de assuntos da
moral; em Kant, por seu turno, preponderante a inspirao e a sensibilidade moral,
mesmo quando se trata de questes estticas (p. 263).
O stimo ensaio, que surge j na segunda parte do volume, A teologia de Job,
segundo Kant: ou a experincia tico-religiosa entre o discurso teodiceico e a esttica do
sublime, investiga a teologia moral kantiana partindo sobretudo da explorao do ensaio


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 380-388
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34034

Regresso a Kant tica, Esttica, Filosofia Poltica

kantiano publicado no ano de 1791 numa revista de Berlim (Berlinische Monatsschrift),
intitulado Sobre o insucesso de todas as tentativas filosficas na teodiceia (ber das
Misslingen aller philosophischen Versuche in der Theodicee). Segundo Ribeiro dos Santos,
neste ensaio, Kant procura perscrutar a essncia do que entende ser a autntica teodiceia,
exposta no livro bblico de Job, reconhecendo na personagem central do livro a correcta
atitude da filosofia crtica relativamente teologia natural, filosofia da religio e
filosofia moral. Job o smbolo da f moral kantiana e na sua figura se condensa o
essencial da filosofia kantiana da moral e da religio (p. 277). O Deus de Job estar ligado
ao Deus da conscincia moral, tal como Kant o aborda: Debatendo-se com Deus e com os
seus amigos, Job est no fundo a debater-se consigo mesmo no tribunal da sua conscincia
moral, desdobrando-se a em juiz, em acusador, em apresentador e advogado da sua causa,
que tambm a causa de Deus, e o incondicionado decreto divino que a ouve e a que
obedece o juzo que a categoricamente se pronuncia a sentena da sua prpria razo
(p. 299).
No oitavo ensaio, A concepo kantiana da experincia esttica: novidade, tenses
e equilbrios, o autor do volume tem como objectivo identificar alguns dos principais
aspectos caractersticos da problematizao kantiana do sentimento esttico. Nesta linha,
procura, sobretudo, realar as tenses e os equilbrios que a sustentam, bem como
evidenciar a sua fecundidade especulativa que tem sido notria nos ltimos tempos. Um
dos aspectos que, em nosso entender, mais se destaca no presente ensaio , por exemplo, a
chamada de ateno do autor para a existncia, em Kant, de um ntimo parentesco entre o
sentimento esttico e o sentimento moral. Ainda que o cultivo do gosto seja uma
propedutica para a moralidade, a ntima e conatural solidariedade entre o gosto
sentimento esttico e a moralidade no se verifica apenas na capacidade de que o
primeiro tem para insensivelmente preparar os indivduos para a segunda. Passagens h, na
prpria Crtica do Juzo e tambm em outras obras posteriores de Kant, nas quais o
filsofo aponta o ntimo parentesco entre o sentimento esttico do belo e do sublime da
natureza e o sentimento moral, em algumas chegando mesmo a sugerir uma origem moral
do sentimento esttico [] (p. 342), como refere Ribeiro dos Santos.
Um outro aspecto tambm bastante interessante, do nosso ponto de vista, a
comparao que Ribeiro dos Santos realiza, ainda que apenas a ttulo de apontamento,
entre as posies de Kant e Hegel no que concerne abordagem das questes estticas: Se
em Kant a experincia da beleza da natureza que se revela como a matriz originria e o
critrio de toda a experincia esttica e da prpria experincia da beleza artstica, em
Hegel, pelo contrrio, a arte e a beleza artstica que constituem o assunto prprio da
Esttica e s por reflexo destas se poder ainda falar, embora impropriamente, de algo
como a beleza da natureza (p. 345).
No nono ensaio, Kant e o regresso natureza como paradigma esttico, o autor
do volume reala o interesse que a redescoberta de alguns tpicos da esttica kantiana pode
ter, nomeadamente a redescoberta de aspectos relativos ideia da esttica da natureza e da
vivncia esttica da natureza. O autor sugere este mesmo interesse, no apenas para melhor
investigar o sentido e a coerncia da proposta de Kant, mas, igualmente, para repensar o
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 380-388
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34034


Claudia M. Fidalgo da Silva

interesse pela natureza que se regista na actualidade, e que parece surgir sobretudo como
uma reaco ao desencantamento do mundo levado a cabo pela viso mecanicista dos
modernos. O sentimento esttico no est [] s para alm da explicao cientfica, mas
est tambm antes dela e de um modo muito mais originrio. E no j a linguagem do
domnio, e muito menos a do domnio do homem e da sua razo sobre a natureza, a que
pode traduzir esta nova atitude. a linguagem da cortesia, duma cortesia recproca, duma
amabilidade retribuda (p. 374).
O dcimo ensaio, e ltimo desta segunda parte do volume, Da experincia
esttico-teleolgica da natureza conscincia ecolgica. Uma leitura da Crtica do Juzo,
possui trs objectivos essenciais, que o autor destaca de forma clara. Neste ensaio procurase perceber o motivo que ter tido Kant para, na sua ltima Crtica, ter associado as duas
partes da obra (crtica do juzo esttico e crtica do juzo teleolgico) sob o mesmo
princpio e tambm uma mesma faculdade do esprito, reconhecer as consequncias que tal
associao possui, quer para a sua doutrina esttica, quer para a viso da natureza que da
emerge e, por fim, avaliar o interesse que os pontos anteriores podem ter para reavivar os
debates actuais sobre a conscincia ecolgica, visto estes requererem uma nova filosofia da
natureza. Procura-se, essencialmente, evidenciar o modo como o contributo kantiano possa
iluminar o que nos nossos dias se chama de tica da natureza ou tica ambiental, ou
seja, a responsabilidade tica do homem face natureza. Ainda que primeira vista a
contribuio de Kant quanto a este assunto, e como bem aponta Ribeiro dos Santos, no
seja evidente, ela existe. E, deste modo, o autor do volume reconhece o sentido de se falar,
no apenas de uma nova relao com a natureza, mas no enobrecimento da prpria
humanidade do homem: no s a considerao teleolgica da natureza como um sistema
de sistemas finalizados, como sobretudo a experincia esttica do belo natural e a do
sublime da natureza permitem que o homem aceda a uma relao com a natureza que no
j a da posse, a do uso instrumental e a do domnio mecnico e muito menos a da agresso
e da violncia, e nem sequer apenas a de respeito, mas a da recproca dependncia e
solidariedade, e mesmo a da gentileza, a do livre favor, a da espontnea gratuidade e
doao. Todavia, no s a natureza que nesta nova relao reconhecida na sua
dignidade e transcendncia por parte do homem, mas tambm o homem que, deste modo
[] se sente ele prprio enobrecido e surpreende em si uma nova e mais originria
dimenso, como se tambm ele visse desse modo ampliada a sua prpria humanidade (p.
No dcimo primeiro ensaio, que se encontra na terceira e ltima parte do volume,
Eurocentrismo e cosmopolitismo no pensamento antropolgico e poltico de Kant,
Ribeiro dos Santos procura, em primeiro lugar, pensar a Europa, os Europeus e os outros
continentes e povos tendo em considerao as reflexes kantianas sobre Geografia e
Antropologia, e, em segundo lugar, pensar a Europa e os Estados europeus no contexto da
filosofia kantiana da histria universal da humanidade, a partir de um ponto de vista
cosmopolita e do programa kantiano relativo instaurao de uma nova ordem jurdicopoltica de alcance mundial. O momento, para ns, mais interessante do ensaio, e para o


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 380-388
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34034

Regresso a Kant tica, Esttica, Filosofia Poltica

qual ele prprio desagua, a referncia do autor do volume grande utopia kantiana (p.
424), que a considerao da Europa como possuindo uma tarefa educadora em relao ao
mundo: o que a Europa tem a dar ao mundo a experincia efectiva de um paradigma
poltico-jurdico, o qual parece ser o nico capaz de assegurar a liberdade sob a lei, de
garantir o respeito pelos sagrados direitos e dignidade dos homens e tornar possvel a
coexistncia pacfica e empreendedora dos povos (p. 424).
O dcimo segundo ensaio, A paz como problema filosfico e a ideia kantiana de
federalismo, possui trs momentos essenciais. Inicialmente, pretende-se apresentar como
a ideia kantiana de Federalismo responde ao contexto histrico-poltico e ao contexto de
reflexo poltico-jurdica sobre a situao do mundo, procurando-se melhor compreender a
soluo kantiana a partir do modo como o problema fora abordado e resolvido antes de
Kant. De seguida, Ribeiro dos Santos reala a importncia da ideia kantiana de federao
dos povos no contexto da filosofia kantiana, afirmando, nomeadamente, que esta se
relaciona com todos os domnios fundamentais da filosofia crtica. Ela carrega consigo
toda a densidade da filosofia kantiana (p. 432). Por fim, o autor do volume investiga o
contedo da ideia kantiana de Federalismo, explorando, igualmente, como poder ela
iluminar o debate actual em torno da construo de uma nova ordem europeia, assim como
de uma nova ordem internacional, na qual os princpios poltico-jurdicos preservem a
dignidade dos homens e dos povos. Um dos momentos mais interessantes do ensaio
aquele que apresenta a analogia cosmolgica que se pode estabelecer entre o sistema dos
Estados e o sistema das estrelas.
No seu dcimo terceiro ensaio, Kant e o republicanismo moderno, o autor
procura, principalmente, explorar o contributo kantiano para a ideia moderna de repblica
e de republicanismo. O ensaio gira em torno de quatro momentos principais. O primeiro
tem como finalidade evidenciar a conaturalidade e a intimidade existente entre a filosofia
kantiana e a concepo republicana, enaltecendo, por exemplo, que a prpria filosofia
transcendental se move no ambiente semntico de uma grande alegoria da razo
concebida como instituio republicana (p. 473). O segundo momento tem como
objectivo a explicitao dos principais aspectos da noo kantiana de repblica e de
republicanismo, dos quais aqui se podero destacar a tarefa principal que a ideia de
repblica procura realizar, que a de garantir a mxima liberdade humana segundo leis
que permitam que a liberdade de cada um possa coexistir com a de todos os outros, e,
tambm, a considerao da repblica como um arqutipo ou uma ideia necessria,
reguladora. O momento seguinte procura situar a noo kantiana de repblica e
republicanismo tendo em conta a ideia de uma construo progressiva de uma paz
duradoura entre os povos atravs da criao de instituies polticas que preservem os
princpios do direito e da dignidade dos seres humanos, assim como investigar a necessria
transio, que Kant defende, da repblica ou repblicas estatais singulares repblica
mundial federalista e cosmopolita. O programa kantiano visa, pois, um republicanismo
generalizado (p. 490). Finalmente, o quarto momento do ensaio apresenta os principais
ingredientes da noo kantiana de republicanismo, nomeadamente os seus princpios

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 380-388
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34034


Claudia M. Fidalgo da Silva

(liberdade, igualdade, auto-suficincia), o sistema representativo e a separao dos
poderes, e a sua tendncia pacifista.
No ltimo ensaio do volume, Da esttica como filosofia poltica: Hannah Arendt e
a sua interpretao da Crtica do Juzo, e como o ttulo sugere, Ribeiro dos Santos
reconstri a interpretao de Arendt da filosofia kantiana, em especial da Crtica do Juzo,
procurando evidenciar a tese da autora de que a genuna filosofia poltica kantiana se
encontra nesta mesma obra, assim como destacar as muitas lacunas que, segundo o autor
do volume, existem na interpretao arendtiana da filosofia de Kant. Enaltecendo que o
maior tpico do dilogo entre Arendt e Kant o julgar, o juzo, Ribeiro dos Santos entende
que a novidade que a filsofa nos traz a respeito da teoria kantiana do juzo reflexionante
se encontra no facto da autora ter compreendido que aquilo que Kant dizia do juzo de
gosto vale tambm e com muito mais pertinncia para o juzo poltico (p. 531). Contudo,
o autor do volume considera ousada a concluso da filsofa de que na primeira parte da
Crtica do Juzo que se encontra a verdadeira filosofia poltica kantiana, e no, como se
costuma pensar e o prprio Kant o pensava, nos escritos de filosofia moral (como
fundamentao) e nos escritos de filosofia poltica e do direito (como aplicao) (p. 531).
Ainda que concorde com o alcance para uma filosofia poltica tendo em ateno os tpicos
identificados por Arendt na primeira parte da Crtica do Juzo, Ribeiro dos Santos critica,
com toda a pertinncia, a desconsiderao da filsofa de tudo o que Kant refere sobre
filosofia poltica noutros escritos seus. Apesar de tudo, e este parece ser o ponto mais
essencial e positivo que o autor destaca, Arendt teve o mrito de colocar em relevo a
ambincia eminentemente poltica e jurdica da filosofia kantiana.
Em resumo, o leitor de Regresso a Kant tica, Esttica, Filosofia Poltica, de
Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos, encontra nestas pginas um conjunto de ensaios que parecem,
no obstante a sua autonomia, dialogar entre si. Tal permite ao leitor ter uma viso da
prpria organicidade da filosofia kantiana, bem como familiarizar-se com a sua linguagem,
se assim for o caso.
Uma das caractersticas mais interessantes do presente volume, na nossa
perspectiva, o facto do autor no realizar apenas uma abordagem histrica, mas
investigar igualmente como poder o contributo kantiano iluminar os debates filosficos da
actualidade. Uma outra caracterstica particularmente interessante, e que atravessa todo o
volume, a reavaliao de alguns dos mais emblemticos autores crticos de Kant, de entre
os quais poderemos destacar, como vimos, Friedrich Schiller, Hannah Arendt, Karl-Otto
Apel, Jrgen Habermas, etc.
Por fim, a qualidade cientfica deste volume, assim como de outras obras do mesmo
autor e de outros autores portugueses, fazem-nos pensar, pelo menos, na pertinncia e no
interesse que a criao de uma revista dedicada filosofia kantiana poderia ter em
Portugal, semelhana de outros pases.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 380-388
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34034

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 389-393
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34035

La filosofa prctica del profesor Immanuel Kant

The Practical Philosophy of Professor Immanuel Kant

Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Resea : Lara Denis y Oliver Sensen (eds.), Kant's Lectures on Ethics: a Critical
Guide. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015. 289 pp. ISBN: 1107036313

Este libro es un comentario introductorio de los apuntes de clase tomados por los alumnos
en los cursos de I. Kant sobre tica, impartidos entre 1763 y 1794. Es decir, que la fuente
que se estudia a lo largo de sus captulos son los apuntes de los estudiantes que asistan a
las clases que Kant dictaba en la Universidad de Knigsberg a lo largo de su extensa, y
multifactica, carrera docente. Como se hace evidente a travs de las cifras enunciadas, los
apuntes considerados recorren una gran parte de la biografa de nuestro filsofo. El
primero de ellos es casi veinte aos previo a la publicacin de la Primera Crtica y
contemporneo de un texto que proporcion a Kant un gran reconocimiento, el Ensayo
premiado por la Academia de Ciencias de Berln en 1763. El ltimo es posterior a la
Tercera Crtica, de 1790, y contemporneo a la Metafsica de las costumbres. En sus
clases, Kant utilizaba dos libros de texto, escritos por A. G. Baumgarten. En primer lugar,
utilizaba su Introduccin a la filosofa primera prctica, de 1760. En segundo trmino, en
el desarrollo de los temas especficos segua la tica filosfica, primero en la edicin de
1751 y despus en la de 1763.
En virtud de estas consideraciones, podemos adivinar la cantidad de interrogantes
que suscitan los apuntes de clase. En primer lugar se encuentra la cuestin de la autora,
que incluye a figuras reconocidas ms all de su intervencin en las clases, como Herder y
Collins. En segundo trmino, la datacin de los textos es tema de estudio. Disponemos de

Doctoranda de la UBA / CONICET (Argentina). E-mail de contacto: .


Luciana Martnez
copias de copias, y en algunos casos se discute la fecha de las clases a las que
corresponden. Adems, suponiendo la fidelidad de las notas con respecto a lecciones del
filsofo, hay que tener presentes la referencia permanente al pensamiento de Baumgarten.
Finalmente, luego de analizar las tesis desarrolladas en las clases, hay que considerar su
relacin con la obra publicada por el filsofo.
Algunos de esos apuntes fueron traducidos al ingls y publicados por la Cambridge
University Press en un volumen que el libro de Denis y Sensen pretende glosar 1 . El
comentario contiene un prlogo, una introduccin y tres secciones de cinco captulos cada
una. Los paratextos del libro son herramientas tiles, aunque breves, para introducirse en el
estudio de los apuntes de clase. En el prlogo, escrito por J. B. Schneewind, podemos
reconocer tres temas. El primero est dado por las condiciones en las que Kant imparta sus
clases. Luego, el autor discute un artculo del editor Werner Stark, que trata sobre las
semejanzas y diferencias entre dos manuscritos sobre tica. Finalmente, Schneewind se
refiere a la relevancia de las lecciones para comprender la filosofa prctica de Kant. La
introduccin, por su parte, est a cargo de los editores del libro, Denis y Sensen. En ella, en
primer lugar se evalan los pro y los contra del uso de las lecciones como fuente para el
estudio de la filosofa de Kant. En segundo trmino, se especifican las pretensiones y la
naturaleza del libro. ste no pretende ser un comentario exhaustivo de las lecciones sobre
filosofa prctica de Kant, sino una gua crtica para la lectura de la seleccin de esas
lecciones publicada en ingls por la CUP. La tercera parte de la introduccin resea los
captulos del libro.
La primera seccin del volumen se titula "Las fuentes". Precisamente, contiene
cinco contribuciones dedicadas a desarrollar, cada una, un aspecto de los apuntes
compilados en la traduccin inglesa. Su primer captulo, a cargo de Stefano Bacin, se
titula "Las lecciones de Kant sobre tica y la filosofa moral de Baumbarten". Estudia la
relacin entre las clases de Kant y la tica de Baumgarten. La necesidad de esta
investigacin se basa en el hecho conocido de que en sus clases Kant desarrollaba un
comentario de libros de texto. En las clases de tica, en particular, segua dos libros de
Baumgarten, uno para presentar la filosofa prctica en general y uno para ocuparse de los
detalles de la tica. Kant se alejaba sin embargo de esos textos en las partes introductorias
de sus cursos, que ao a ao se volvan ms extensas. El captulo de Bacin proporciona
argumentos sobre la deliberada seleccin de los manuales por parte de Kant y comenta
cmo interpretaba nuestro filsofo algunos contenidos de la tica de Baumgarten. Con el
tratamiento del concepto de obligacin, de los fundamentos de la moral y de la estructura
de las obligaciones ticas, Bacin ilustra que la seleccin de los libros de Baumgarten
constituye un alejamiento de la tica wolffiana por parte de Kant. Para Bacin, los apuntes
de tica muestran que nuestro filsofo estableca un dilogo crtico con Baumgarten, en
estrecha continuidad con su propia produccin filosfica. El captulo siguiente, de Patrick
R. Frierson, intitulado "Herder: religin y motivacin moral", trata sobre el inicio de la

Kant, I. (1997). Lectures on Ethics, Cambridge University Press. Eds.: Peter Heath y J. B. Schneewind.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 389-393
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34035

La filosofa prctica del profesor Immanuel Kant

relacin entre Kant y su alumno Herder. Luego de un comentario histrico acerca de esa
relacin, se detiene en el tratamiento de la religin en las lecciones de tica transcriptas
por Herder. En particular, el trabajo de Frierson se ocupa de la cuestin de la motivacin
moral y religiosa. A travs del estudio del tratamiento que esta cuestin recibe en las
anotaciones de Herder, Frierson resea la funcin moral que tena la religin, de acuerdo
con las lecciones del joven profesor de Knigsberg en los aos '60. El captulo de Manfred
Kuehn, "Collins: la posicin pre-crtica de Kant", estudia los apuntes Collins. En sus
primeras pginas encontramos una detallada descripcin de esos apuntes, Si el captulo de
Frierson, como vimos, establece las relaciones entre los apuntes de Herder y los manuales
empleados en los cursos de Kant, la investigacin de Kuehn se centra, antes bien, en las
referencias de los apuntes de Collins a las obras de Kant: la Fundamentacin para la
metafsica de las costumbres y la Metafsica de las costumbres. El cuidadoso anlisis de
las anotaciones conduce a Kuehn a considerar la estrecha relacin entre la tica y la
teologa para el joven Kant y a advertir el esfuerzo del regiomontano para autonomizar el
mbito de la tica. El estudio de los apuntes, concluye Kuehn, permite apreciar 1) el
elemento teolgico presente en la tica kantiana y 2) la importancia que tiene en ella la
motivacin moral. El cuarto captulo, a cargo de Jens Timmermann, se titula "Mrongovius
II: un complemento para la Fundamentacin para la metafsica de las costumbres".
Comienza con una sugestiva enumeracin de los inconvenientes de ese texto, luego de la
cual, empero, es reseada su relevancia para la comprensin del pensamiento kantiano. En
los apuntes se desarrollan algunas de las tesis propias del pensamiento de Kant. Adems,
en l es notable, seala Timmermann, el hecho de que las referencias a "el autor", es decir
a Baumgarten, usuales en los apuntes de clase, en este caso se atenen. Los temas que
Timmermann rastrea en los la Moral Mrongovius II son: i) la buena voluntad como el bien
supremo, ii) el imperativo categrico y el imperativo hipottico, iii) los conceptos de
materia y de forma y la naturaleza del imperativo categrico, iv) el concepto de autonoma,
v) los deberes para con Dios, vi) la funcin de la religin en la moral, y vii) el concepto de
autocracia. El ltimo captulo de la primera seccin de nuestro libro trata sobre la Moral
Vigilantius y fue escrito por R. Louden. Su ttulo es: "Vigilantius: moral para los seres
humanos". Nuevamente en las primeras lneas de este texto encontramos una disquisicin
acerca de la importancia del estudio de las lecciones. Louden pone el nfasis en la estrecha
relacin biogrfica del anotador, Vigilantius, con Kant. Adems, estos apuntes, datados a
mediados de la dcada de 1790, corresponden al nico curso intitulado "Metafsica de las
costumbres" por Kant. Por este motivo, el primer paso del comentario de Louden consiste
en analizar la diferencia entre una "metafsica de las costumbres" y una "metafsica de la
moral". Luego el autor desarrolla un comentario de las lecciones que se centra en el
carcter humano de la metafsica de las costumbres. Es decir, en el hecho de que esta
metafsica no se dirige a los entes racionales en general, sino particularmente a los
La segunda seccin del libro se titula "Filosofa prctica". Los textos que la
componen se concentran, principalmente, en los elementos introductorios de los apuntes de
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 389-393
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34035


Luciana Martnez
clase. El ttulo del primer artculo de esta seccin, de Stephen Engstrom, es
"Consideraciones antiguas en la concepcin de Kant del bien supremo". Es un estudio de
los apuntes de Collins que pretende exhibir que ya en el perodo precrtico del pensamiento
kantiano la felicidad cumpla una funcin importante en la filosofa prctica. Por medio del
estudio de ese concepto y del de bien supremo, Engstrom procura precisar cul es la
relacin de la filosofa kantiana con la tradicin eudemonista. El captulo 7 del libro est
escrito por Allen Wood. Se titula "La historia kantiana de la tica". Tambin este texto
contiene una reflexin acerca de la recepcin de la historia de la filosofa, particularmente
de la filosofa prctica. Wood propone rastrear la relacin del pensamiento de Kant con la
filosofa moral antigua y con la filosofa contempornea en las consideraciones kantianas
sobre la historia de la tica. El siguiente captulo es de Oliver Sensen y se titula
"Obligacin moral y voluntad libre". A diferencia de los aportes previos, orientados a
estudiar la insercin de Kant en la historia de la filosofa, el texto de Sensen desarrolla, en
cambio, una tesis sistemtica. Para el autor, la funcin central del concepto de obligacin
no se expresa en las obras publicadas de Kant, pero s en sus lecciones, gracias a la
eleccin del libro de Baumgarten como fuente para sus clases. El artculo propone una
caracterizacin de ese concepto y de los argumentos para defender su rol en la tica. El
texto "La escurridiza historia de las leyes permisivas de Kant", de B. Sharon Byrd propone
una interpretacin de las leyes permisivas en la filosofa kantiana. Byrd seala que a partir
de los textos de Kant resulta sencillo identificar las acciones prohibidas y las acciones
moralmente indiferentes. No es, empero, tan fcil la distincin de las acciones permitidas.
Estas acciones, generalmente prohibidas, son permitidas en casos excepcionales. Para la
expresin de este permiso se formulan leyes permisivas. Byrd sostiene que hay tres tipos
de leyes permisivas, que se caracterizan en la Moral Vigilantius, en Paz perpetua y en la
Metafsica de las costumbres. El ltimo captulo de esta seccin, a cargo de Joachim
Hruschka, se titula: "Sobre la lgica de la imputacin en los apuntes de clase de
Vigilantius". Nuevamente, el texto elegido aqu son los apuntes Vigilantius. En particular,
Hruschka estudia en ese texto la lgica de la imputacin, que es el enjuiciamiento de una
accin. En la argumentacin del autor se identifican tres momentos. En primer lugar, se
presenta el concepto de causa libera, el cual permite distinguir cules son las acciones
imputables. Luego, explica la diferencia entre la imputacin de hecho y la imputacin
lgica. Finalmente, propone una interpretacin del hecho de que la definicin de
"imputacin" que Kant proporciona en Metafsica de las costumbres no incluya el
concepto de la imputacin lgica.
La tercera seccin del libro se titula "tica". En ella se abordan temas relativos a la
discusin kantiana de la tica de Baumgarten. Su primer captulo, redactado por Paul
Guyer, se centra al igual que los anteriores, en la Moral Vigilantius. Se titula "Libertad,
fines y la derivacin de los deberes". En l, Guyer estudia la derivacin, a partir de la
libertad, de los deberes positivos y negativos hacia uno mismo y hacia los otros. El
problema que orienta su investigacin es que algunos pasajes de esos apuntes parecen
indicar que los deberes tambin se fundan en otros principios, adems del de la libertad. La


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 389-393
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34035

La filosofa prctica del profesor Immanuel Kant

primera parte de la argumentacin de Guyer consiste en exhibir las estrategias para la
derivacin de los deberes. En segundo trmino se refiere a la posibilidad de derivar esos
deberes del mero principio de la libertad. Guyer sostiene que de su exposicin se sigue que
la diferencia entre los deberes hacia uno mismos y los deberes hacia los otros es el
resultado de una abstraccin. En la vida real, prosigue Guyer, unos y otros deberes se
relacionan estrechamente. El siguiente captulo, de Lara Denis, se titula "La propia
autoestima y los deberes con uno mismo". Investiga, como lo indica su ttulo, el concepto
de autoestima y su relacin con los deberes con uno mismo. Para ello, la indagacin se
concentra en tres textos, los cuales son, a saber: la Moral Collins, la Moral Vigilantius, y la
"Doctrina de la virtud", de la Metafsica de las costumbres. El principal objetivo de este
trabajo consiste en explicar la tesis de Kant, segn la cual el incumplimiento de los deberes
con uno mismo constituye una violencia contra la propia humanidad. Anne Margaret
Baxley, por su parte, sostiene, en "Virtud, auto-control y la autocracia de la razn
prctica", que las lecciones de tica proporcionan un auxilio valioso para la comprensin
de la teora kantiana de la virtud, tambin desarrollada en la obra publicada de Kant. En las
lecciones se hace clara la funcin que tiene esa doctrina en el marco general de la tica, as
como su relacin con otras nociones de la teora moral. El captulo de Jeanine Grenberg se
titula "Amor". En l, la autora no se propone proporcionar una descripcin exhaustiva de la
concepcin kantiana del amor, sino, antes bien, intenta mostrar cmo se incorpora esa
concepcin en la teora moral, a pesar de que para Kant el amor no es un fundamento de la
moral. El rechazo de Kant de este fundamento tiene un motivo en la consideracin del
amor de s como fuente de corrupcin del amor del otro. La autora recorre las clases para
mostrar que en ellas el amor del otro recibe un tratamiento ms detallado que en las obras
publicadas del filsofo. El ltimo captulo tiene por ttulo "Amor del honor, emulacin y la
psicologa de los vicios diablicos". Escrito por Houston Smit y Mark Timmons, tambin
explora un aspecto del pensamiento kantiano que se encuentra ms desarrollado en los
apuntes de clase que en los textos publicados. En particular, los autores se concentran en
investigar la psicologa involucrada en el vicio. Para ello, adems, exponen algunos
contenidos de la doctrina kantiana de la virtud. El objetivo del artculo consiste en mostrar
que hay un fundamento psicolgico comn en los vicios.
Como se hace evidente en esta somera recensin de los captulos que componen el
libro, ste proporciona al lector el acceso a una variedad de cuestiones relacionadas con las
lecciones de Kant sobre filosofa prctica. No solamente se estudian temas diferentes, sino
que a lo largo del libro encontramos una combinacin de indagaciones de ndole histrica y
sistemtica. Ciertamente, la compilacin no recorre todos los temas ni todos los apuntes.
Aun as, empero, facilita un acceso a esos apuntes de una profundidad conceptual
destacable. El libro, en pocas palabras, es un valioso aporte para el estudio de la filosofa

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 389-393
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34035


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 394-400
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34036

Resea doble: Immanuel Kant. Lecciones de Antropologa. Fragmentos de esttica y

antropologa. Edicin crtica y traduccin de Manuel Snchez, Comares, Coleccin
Claves, Granada, 2015, 272 pp., ISBN: 978-84-9045-261-5.

Antropologia e esttica na gnese do sistema kantiano

Anthropology and Esthetics in the Genesis of the Kantian System

Universidade de So Paulo, Brasil

Seria certamente pouco dizer que esta seleo e traduo de textos dos Cursos de
Antropologia traz um farto material para todos os leitores da filosofia de Immanuel Kant,
especialmente aqueles que se interessam pela sua antropologia e esttica: este volume
organizado e traduzido por Manuel Snchez Rodrguez constitui provavelmente um marco
importante para os estudos de Kant no mbito do mundo ibrico e latino-americano,
estabelecendo um parmetro para futuras edies dos Cursos de Lgica, de Metafsica, de
Moral e mesmo para uma edio dos Cursos de Antropologia em portugus.
De fato, todo aquele que alguma vez pensou em traduzir alguma dessas sries de
cursos, ou mesmo parte dela, deve ter certamente deparado com a questo: por que este
curso e no outro? Por que no combinar uma parte mais bem desenvolvida num curso
com outra seo de outro, embora tratando-se de dataes distintas? E, no final,
provavelmente, diante da dificuldade de selecionar e organizar tanto material, a escolha
acaba recaindo sobre um curso ou, pior, sobre nenhum.
A proposta do tradutor espanhol, pesquisador da Universidade de Granada, direta:
trata-se de trazer ao pblico em geral uma vasta seleo dos textos referentes esttica
kantiana, no momento fecundo de seu desenvolvimento nos anos 1770-80, quando

Professor do Departamento de Filosofia da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Cincias Humanas da

Universidade de So Paulo (Brasil). E-mail de contato: .


Antropologia e esttica / Una reconstruccin del problema

caminha (embora nem sempre progressivamente e sem atritos) lado a lado com outras
disciplinas tambm em vias de se formar, como ocorre especialmente com a antropologia
pragmtica. A leitura do livro particularmente prazerosa, no s pela traduo, mas
tambm porque o leitor no sente cortes abruptos, naturais numa compilao e mesmo na
leitura dos textos originais dos cursos, tendo em vista o carter inacabado deles. Aos
fragmentos escolhidos so acrescentadas notas contendo passagens paralelas elucidativas,
extradas das Reflexes e dos Cursos de Lgica, Moral e Metafsica, da Correspondncia,
das Crticas, alm de indicaes de fontes e referncias utilizadas por Kant.
O estudo preliminar coloca o leitor em pleno ambiente no qual surgiram as
preocupaes de Kant: em primeirssimo lugar, trata-se de saber se os ensinamentos
encontrados nos cursos so mesmo de Kant, ou meras repeties do ensino dogmtico dos
manuais que utilizava na Universidade de Knigsberg. Advertindo que o recurso s
Reflexes e s cartas so indispensveis para a datao dos textos (e que estes, portanto,
deve ser usados com prudncia), o autor mostra consistentemente, contra a tese da vida
dupla do professor e do pensador Kant, que as aulas apresentavam sim um contedo
doutrinal prprio, e que, por isso, a antropologia no se constri sobre os moldes do saber
escolstico: o ensinamento mundano que nela se busca no procura encontrar os
fundamentos racionais das mximas a serem seguidas na vida, mas em consider-las
segundo seu valor pragmtico. Mostra-se assim o vnculo da antropologia com a filosofia
moral, da prudncia com a sabedoria, da formao esttica com a formao tica no
interior do sistema. Particularmente interessante a longa discusso sobre o
desenvolvimento do pensamento kantiano de 1770 a 1790. Aqui, embora o foco seja ainda
a esttica, o autor mostra o entroncamento dos temas do gosto e da sensibilidade nos
problemas gnosiolgicos discutidos em textos como a Dissertao de 1770, com sua
diviso entre o sensvel e o intelectual, que determinar o afastamento da esttica
dogmtica. Ao longo do percurso possvel ver como a esttica deixa de ter uma
pretenso cientfica e como o gosto ganha estatuto de um a priori subjetivo de validade
universal na Crtica do juzo.
Apesar das diferentes faces pelas quais ilumina o pensamento kantiano ou at
talvez por isso mesmo no ser exagerado caracterizar a concepo dessa valiosa
compilao espanhola com um termo fundamental para Kant e certamente caro ao tradutor:
o livro tem esprito. Mais ainda: talvez no seja arriscado dizer que ele tem um esprito
dogmtico dogmtico no melhor sentido da palavra, aquele, alis, prezado tambm por
Kant, a despeito das distncias que pretendeu tomar em relao a ele. Pode-se discordar de
uma ou outra opo de traduo (facultad creativa para Dichtungsvermgen ou facultas
fingendi) ou de um ou outro texto esquecido pelo tradutor (a nica ausncia realmente
lamentvel o trecho da Antropologia Parrow que fala da diferena entre Rafael, Corregio
e Ticiano a partir de um texto de Anton Raphael Mengs), mas no se pode negar o rigor
filosfico e filolgico com que se desincumbiu de sua tarefa.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 394-400
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34036


Mrcio Suzuki / Alba Jimnez

O livro revela um esprito dogmtico tambm num sentido mais amplo. que, por
mais que a reflexo antropolgica e esttica tenda a se consolidar ao longo dos anos num
afastamento progressivo em relao ao dogmatismo, ela jamais deixou de guardar as
marcas deste. E isso no s no seu vocabulrio tcnico, na Grndlichkeit de seus conceitos,
definies, juzos e raciocnios. Uma breve passada de olhos por algumas notas traduo
servir para tornar ntida essa persistncia do dogmatismo: apesar de criticar a teoria
baumgartiana do engenho (Witz) e assimilar a sutileza ao Juzo, a concepo kantiana do
engenho no seria alheia de Baumgarten, nem sua teoria do entendimento sadio e do
engenho natural distante da teoria de Georg Friedrich Meier (pp. 27-28). Essa
revalorizao do pensamento dogmtico particularmente notvel na nota sobre a relao
entre gnio e esprito (pp. 171-172), na qual se desenha nitidamente a influncia de
Leibniz, Baumgarten, Meier, Eberhard e Sulzer sobre esse tema central da Crtica do juzo.
principalmente nesse ponto que a traduo e tambm vrios artigos de Manuel
Snchez Rodrguez se tornam fecundos para a Kant-Forschung: se verdade que engenho
natural, esprito e gnio (noes que so indefinveis, inapreensveis para o entendimento)
so herana do dogmatismo, a distncia que separa a psicologia emprica e a antropologia
pragmtica no seria muito menor do que se imagina? Enquanto nas outras partes do
sistema se consolida a diviso entre o racional e o emprico e, com isso, o afastamento em
relao metafsica, a proximidade entre a razo e o sentimento de algum modo
preservada na antropologia pragmtica e na Crtica do juzo.
Inexplicvel segundo uma regra lgica, a aplicao da regra ao caso (pelo
Mutterwitz ou pelo juzo) no j o modo como se passa de um saber meramente terico a
sua execuo prtica? A vivacidade de uma obra ou tirada espirituosa no o que distingue
um saber mundano de um conhecimento escolar? E com isso no se est j a um passo de
supor que o esprito da filosofia kantiana, o esprito do criticismo, deve muito mais aos
dogmticos do que o velho esprito de meticulosidade com que Kant lhes reverencia na
Crtica da razo pura? Enfim, a Schulweisheit estaria to distante assim da Weltweisheit?


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 394-400
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34036

Antropologia e esttica / Una reconstruccin del problema

Una reconstruccin del problema del juicio reflexionante a la

luz de las Lecciones de Antropologa
A reconstruction of the problem of reflective judgment in the light
of Lectures on Anthropology.


Universidad Autnoma de Madrid, Espaa

La cuidada edicin crtica de las Lecciones de Antropologa de Kant presenta al lector una
extensa coleccin de textos inditos de entre los aos 1772 en que Kant empieza a impartir
sus lecciones de Antropologa hasta 1789. A stos se aaden algunos fragmentos
complementarios del legado pstumo, la correspondencia y las lecciones de lgica,
metafsica y moral. De los Mitschriften publicados por primera vez en 1997 en la edicin
de la Academia aparecen recogidos en este volumen los correspondientes a los siguientes
semestres: semestre de invierno de 1772/1773 (Antropologa Collins; Antropologa
Parow), semestre de 1775/1776 (Antropologa Friedlnder), semestre de 1777/1778
(Antropologa Pillau), semestre de 1781/1782 (Antropologa Menschenkunde), semestre de
invierno de 1784/1785 (Antropologa Mrongovius) y semestre de 1788/1789 (Antropologa
Busolt). El manual que emple Kant para dictar estas lecciones de antropologa fue la
Metafsica de Baumgarten.
La seleccin de los fragmentos sigue el criterio de proporcionar un anlisis
comparado de materiales que permitan reconstruir la formacin de las tesis fundamentales
de la Crtica del Juicio. La eleccin de Manuel Snchez hace posible por lo dems, tanto
explicar con xito la conexin sistemtica entre el problema del juicio reflexionante y la
teora del conocimiento sensible del Kant de 1770, como determinar las condiciones de
posibilidad de la fijacin de una teora del gusto de carcter trascendental mostrando cmo
el desarrollo de los problemas gnoseolgicos y la evolucin de su teora de las facultades le
permite elaborar su proyecto esttico maduro; si bien podra, en todo caso, haber sido
completado con algunos fragmentos por ejemplo de la Antropologa Dohna Wundlacken,

Profesora Titular Interina. Universidad Autnoma de Madrid. E-mail de contacto: .

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 394-400
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34036


Mrcio Suzuki / Alba Jimnez

tambin pertinentes para el estudio de las cuestiones en torno a las cuales gravita la
seleccin realizada.
El planteamiento de Manuel Snchez, adems de constituir un ejemplo para los que
en el mbito de la Kantsforschung iberoamericana quieran abordar un trabajo de
investigacin y traduccin de alguna de las Vorlesungen, tiene la virtud de llevar a su
mximo rendimiento la perspectiva historiogrfica. Una lectura atenta del libro permite as
reconstruir con mucha exactitud cules son las principales claves interpretativas del
proyecto esttico de Kant, con quin dialoga ste en cada momento, qu significado tenan
algunos trminos significativos en el contexto terico en el que imparte sus lecciones y
cmo les otorga una nueva carta de ciudadana, qu relaciones existen entre el latn y el
alemn acadmico de la poca el cual slo haca unos pocos aos empezaba a
consolidarse como lengua oficial de transmisin filosfica o cmo algunas de sus
reflexiones remiten a ciertas tesis de autores contemporneos a l, ya sea con la intencin
de criticarlos, modificarlos o incorporarlos en sus propios planteamientos.
La presente edicin nos permite por su parte encontrar soluciones para uno de los
puntos ms enigmticos de la filosofa kantiana, como es el estatuto de la antropologa.
Entre los lectores familiarizados con las obras crticas de Kant, el yo suele presentarse
como unidad formal que vincula las representaciones, quedando reservado su anlisis para
los dominios de la lgica. El estudio del yo del que pudiera ser objeto la antropologa suele
asimilarse a la psicologa emprica incapaz de establecer una diferencia cabal entre la
conciencia pura y el sentido interno que pone en conexin a los fenmenos a travs del
tiempo. En la primera Crtica la Antropologa es presentada precisamente en relacin con
el carcter emprico o fisiolgico que determina la conducta de los hombres. La Metafsica
de las Costumbres es por su parte definida como la moral pura donde las condiciones
empricas pertenecientes al dominio de la antropologa deben quedar al margen. Y, sin
embargo, en la propia KrV, la propia psicologa emprica, definida en nuestras lecciones
como doctrina natural (p. 47)o doctrina emprica (p. 190) es remitida a una
antropologa paralela a la doctrina emprica de la naturaleza. Por otro lado, a pesar de su
carcter pragmtico, las tres preguntas conductoras de la filosofa crtica (correspondientes
a la metafsica, la moral y la religin) son remitidas a la pregunta por el hombre. De esta
forma, la truncada posibilidad de una antropologa trascendental raz comn entre
Metafsica de la Naturaleza y Metafsica de las Costumbres hace del ambiguo estatuto
de esta disciplina un punto de gravedad fundamental en el estudio sistemtico de Kant. La
Antropologa, como nos explica el editor en su estudio preliminar, se convierte en ese
momento en una disciplina diferenciada de otras y adquiere un valor singular por su
carcter popular o prctico.
Este carcter prctico remite a otra cuestin crucial abordada en el seno de estos
textos, como es el problema de la aplicabilidad de la sabidura moral a sus condiciones
sensibles o la mediacin entre los universos heterclitos de lo sensible y lo inteligible
diferenciados en la Disertacin inaugural de 1770. En este contexto, se introduce por
ejemplo el concepto de belleza independiente que orienta los fenmenos intuibles a


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 394-400
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34036

Antropologia e esttica / Una reconstruccin del problema

partir de los conceptos de la razn. As, la crtica del gusto fraguada en estas lecciones se
resuelve justamente como tertium quid entre el concepto de cognitio sensitiva de la
tradicin racionalista y las crticas vertidas por la tradicin empirista anglosajona.
Frente al Kant por ejemplo de la Crtica de la Razn Pura o del Opus Postumum
donde las operaciones de mediacin entre la intuicin y el concepto son descritas a travs
de complejos y abstractos procesos esquemticos, en este libro se nos descubre a un Kant
mucho menos erudito, con el objetivo de establecer reglas prcticas que orienten en
concreto la conducta de los hombres, ms en la lnea de la autoilustracin de Thomasius o
Gracin, preocupados por asegurarla comunicabilidad y la accesibilidad de sus tesis
filosficas y por acercar la academia a la vida bajos los ideales del bel esprit y la
galantera. En el caso de la propia antropologa, Kant seala de forma directa sus utilidades
prcticas (orientar las acciones, ganarse el favor de los otros, estar satisfecho con uno
mismo o proporcionar los principios subjetivos de las ciencias) (p. 110) y la distingue en
razn de su carcter pragmtico de la antropologa escolstica del tipo de la Anthropologie
fr Aerzte und Weltweise de Ernst Platner que aborda el origen de los fenmenos desde sus
causas y fundamentos (p. 188). La antropologa pragmtica se limita a aplicar estos
principios al servicio de la prudencia con el objetivo de ganar alguna utilidad en la
Esta vocacin popular no le impide a Kant sin embargo trazar distinciones sutiles
como aquella entre la diferencia lgica y la diferencia real entre sensibilidad y
entendimiento (p.113); entre una fantasa trastornada irregular y una fantasa trastornada
desenfrenada, la diferencia entre anima, animus y mens (p. 48), entre facultas formandi,
facultas imaginandi y facultas praevidendi o la divisin entre civilizacin y moralizacin
Algunas de las distinciones y precisiones trazadas en esta seleccin de textos
resultan de gran utilidad para la posterior formulacin de posiciones en la poca crtica
pero, como el propio autor advierte en su estudio preliminar, no se trata slo de recoger las
reflexiones como anticipaciones de las obras crticas publicadas, sino de examinar el valor
del que gozan las mismas en su propio contexto. No pocos intrpretes han sealado la
importancia de las lecciones para el estudio de la filosofa de Kant. Dicha relevancia no
debe solamente cifrarse en el carcter anticipatorio o complementario de los textos
publicados y supervisados por Kant. La lectura atenta de los apuntes de las lecciones de
Kant, construidos de modo que siempre puede leerse entre lneas las tesis del autor del
manual del que Kant se serva para impartir sus cursos, permite adems comprender cul
es el humus filosfico y los marcos de interpretacin en los que deben ser entendidos
algunas de sus posiciones o conceptos claves. Por ejemplo, resulta complicado entender la
diferencia establecida por Kant entre intensin y extensin en el captulo de los principios
del entendimiento puro de la Crtica de la Razn Pura sin haber reparado en la recepcin
kantiana del clculo de fluxiones newtoniano, la definicin de grado wolffiana o la
distincin trazada por Baumgarten entre claritas intensiva y claritas extensiva. Dicha
referencia omitida en la primera Crtica es sin embargo rastreable en la lectura de algunos
fragmentos y apuntes de las lecciones kantianas. En el caso que nos ocupa, el editor ha
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 394-400
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34036


Mrcio Suzuki / Alba Jimnez

aadido oportunamente el aparato crtico necesario con remisiones a las tesis principales de
la Schulphilosophie alemana. En esta lnea destacan las referencias al texto de Meier a
propsito de los tipos de demostracin, de las relaciones entre lgica y esttica o de la
conexin entre el concepto kantiano de juicio provisional y el concepto de suspensin del
juicio y las referencias a Wolff y Baumgarten en relacin con el concepto de imaginacin,
ingenio o facultate characteristica.
Por su parte Manuel Snchez ofrece un arduo trabajo que, frente a otras
exposiciones demasiado apegadas a cierta vocacin sistemtica limitada a reproducir los
sedimentos de su aportacin crtica, consigue presentar las tesis de Kant en pleno
movimiento, haciendo visible al lector su rico proceso de formacin, sus vacilaciones y los
cimientos invisibles que permiten rastrear el camino por el cual nuestro filsofo lleg a
pergear algunas de sus tesis fundamentales. Hecho que tambin resulta posible gracias al
particular y complejo material con el que se enfrenta el autor, como son los apuntes de
lecciones, y las dificultades y posibilidades que comporta todo el juego de mediaciones que
supone el estudio de estos textos: mediacin de un alemn antiguo con una idiosincrasia
semntica y gramatical muy peculiar; mediacin del propio alumno al transcribir e
interpretar las palabras de Kant en sus anotaciones (algunos como Mrongovius, ni siquiera
eran alemanes, aunque conocieran bien la lengua y muchos de los apuntes se reescriban en
funcin de apuntes de otros alumnos); mediacin del texto, que tras el decreto del Ministro
de Instruccin y Culto era de obligada referencia para el profesor en sus clases en este
caso la obra de Baumgarten que hace de las notas de sus alumnos un autntico palimpsesto
bajo el cual siempre pueden rastrearse sus huellas y la mediacin, en fin, del que
hacindose cargo de todas estas mediaciones elige, traduce, anota, interpreta y selecciona
con gran rigor filolgico esta coleccin de textos con el fin de responder a ciertas
preguntas tericas determinadas, por ejemplo: cmo surge y evoluciona el problema del
juicio reflexionante de la Crtica del Juicio?


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 394-400
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34036

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 401-405
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34037

Et in Arcadia ego. La armonizacin de la Naturaleza a la espera

de la Libertad en la filosofa de Immanuel Kant.
Et in Arcadia ego. Natures Harmonization in Anticipation of
Freedom in the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant.


Instituto de Filosofa CSIC, Espaa
Resea: Andaluz Romanillos, A.M. Las armonas de la razn en Kant. Libertad, Sentimiento de
lo bello y Teleologa de la naturaleza, Publicaciones Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca,
Salamanca, 2013, 368 pp. ISBN: 978-84-7299-971-8
En uno de sus primeros trabajos nos retaba Clment Rosset a todos all por el ao 78 con
un rdago nada ms y nada menos que a lo real, en lo cual no podemos sino sentirnos incluidos.
Ah es nada.
En Le rl : traite de l'idiotie [Lo real. Tratado de la idiotez] se extenda el autor galo en la
explicacin de una curiosa idea presentada a la sociedad de las Letras poco antes. Se guardaba all
una idea oculta tras la aparente falta de respeto hacia algo de supuesto tan digno como la entidad de
todo lo existente, la entidad de lo real: dicho as y segn l algo que no es ms que real, algo a
lo que no se caracteriza sino con ese calificativo y que no es nada aparte de esto, es de por s
insignificante. Es decir, que no tiene significado alguno. Lo que no tiene significado es absurdo.
Idiota lo llama l. La realidad es para Rosset effectivement idiote. Idiota en efecto como
consecuencia de una inferencia e idiota efectivamente, esto es, idiota como un efecto que
podemos observar o padecer. Porque, antes que significar imbcil, idiota significa simple,
particular, nico en su especie. Lo de nico no es aqu un halago. Es idiote lo que est
ensimismado. Lo que est encerrado en s mismo y aislado del resto de cosas. No hablamos del ser
del necio, del embrutecido, que justamente lo que muestra orgulloso es una cierta seguridad en una
ilusin, un exceso de significado. ste idiota an tiene algo que decir. Demasiado que decir. No,
aqu por idiota se quiere decir ms bien el estatus refractario e impermeable a los compaeros en

Investigador Postdoctoral Juan de la Cierva (Formacin) en el IFS del CSIC (Espaa). E-mail de contacto: .


Ricardo Gutirrez Aguilar

la existencia: Lo singular es en efecto lo nico antes de ser inslito, lo extrao o lo idiota (idiots)
[] Decir de un objeto que es singular viene entonces a decir [slo, y tan slo] que este objeto
existe, que es real1. Viene a decir poco. Muy poco o casi nada. E incluso esto dicho, al propio
objeto le resulta indiferente en su idiotez lo que de l hayamos de decir o hayamos de contar sus
compaeros en la existencia, que somos todo aquello que lo rodea. Desconoce su relevancia.
Y un poco de eso se viene a tratar en esta resea, del contar y del cmo se cuenta. Tambin
de lo que cuenta. Lo que tiene importancia. En el dominio de lo real, en el dominio de los objetos
inertes e idiotas, lo primero que los saca un poco de su torpor es esta actitud del conteo. Que son
numerados. Es como si el ejercicio primero de sociabilidad para las cosas fuera aqul de incluirlas
dentro de una serie, de una secuencia, y una serie es por ello la primera narracin que de esta clase
singular de objetos se puede hacer. Y el nmero en el orden es el primer nombre que reciben como
significado. Salen con esto de su ensimismamiento. Todo fenmeno, sin excepcin, est
determinado en su causalidad por otro fenmeno [] slo as son concebibles2. Se los concibe y
se hace posible el concebirlos en referencia indirecta a otros. Significado dice de comunidad.
As ya algo ms determinados en tanto limitados y una vez relacionados con otros en
mancomunidad ya no son tan excepcionales ni nicos. Adems se libran de momento de la pesada
carga de tener que ser necesariamente inslitos. Van cada uno en un sitio, y uno detrs de otro. Ese
sitio en una serie se llama tiempo o pulso del conteo. De una cosa causa a otra, a una cosa va antes
que otra, vale ilatio hasta aqu. Es el enlace que Kant llama de causas eficientes (nexus effectivus),
que denomina tambin de las causas reales y que es la causalidad mecnica, la ciega, inercial. La
primera efectividad despus del paso del tiempo que no es completamente idiota3. Se echa de ver
de ello que el trmino de lo real ha desplazado ligeramente su significado. Se est desperezando y
atiende a sus compaeros en lo extrao. La forma general de la determinacin de un objeto
[Objekt] tiene como motivo esencial las ideas de ajuste, unidad sistemtica y, como desideratum
ltimo y logrado la de armona de lo diverso 4 . Del sentido del adjetivo trascendental que
acompaa al idealismo kantiano a la unidad en la diversidad. La posibilidad del objeto depende de
la legalidad de la naturaleza 5 , y una forma de legalizarla es mediante el uso justificado de
conceptos. Un concepto es un haz de significatividades universal y necesario. Implica una cierta
universal comunicabilidad6.
La multiplicidad de lo diverso no es extraa al orden ni dentro de ella ni para nosotros. La
naturaleza en sus formas particulares y la unidad de lo diverso, acaba refiriendo si seguimos lo
anterior como mxima de un pensar ampliado a la idea de un organismo. Un todo orgnico. Es ste
un enlace de las distintas representaciones en que emerge un nuevo significado coordinado y
compartido. De qu naturaleza es ese principio organizativo? Acabamos de ver que no se trata de
un principio mecnico Pero es un principio fsico, aunque no sea mecnico? [Emprico aunque
no quepa en la forma de una ley?][] No podra decirse que es un principio fsico, pues Kant
impugna el concepto de una materia animada: la falta de vida, la inertia constituye el carcter

Rosset, C. El objeto singular, traduccin de Santiago E. Espinosa, Editorial Sexto Piso, Madrid-Mxico
D.F., 2007, p. 43
Andaluz Romanillos, A.M. Las armonas de la razn en Kant. Libertad, Sentimiento de lo bello y
Teleologa de la naturaleza, Publicaciones Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Salamanca, 2013, p.103
Ibid. p. 38
Ibid. p. 258
Ibid. p. 41
Ibid. pp. 213 y ss.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 401-405
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34037

Et in Arcadia ego
esencial de la materia 7 . No es un principio mecnico porque effectivement hay un plus de
significado en la comunin de las partes. Puede el enlace causal dar cuenta del agregado, en que
son las partes las que hacen posible el todo; pero en un sistema es el todo el que hace posibles a las
partes. El alqumico resultado es fruto de un entendimiento arquitectnico. Una forma de pensar, o
la forma del pensar, que hila el tejido desgarrado de la realidad. Y esta forma no obra sino por
ajuste del dominio de significados de cada concepto. As, la ampliacin del concepto de causalidad
se hace efectiva en el concepto de finalidad. Es la insuficiencia de uno la que demanda del otro.
Porque ser una cosa por mucho que la cosa ya haya sido determinada en su concepto no es
exactamente lo mismo que ser un fin [Zweck]8 . La autora del volumen que reseamos lo deja
meridianamente claro: Kant admite dos clases de causalidad en el mundo: el enlace de las causas
eficientes [] y el enlace de las causas finales (nexus finalis), tambin llamadas ideales, por
ser una causalidad segn conceptos9, lo cual no es aunque lo pueda parecer una redundancia.
Fin es el concepto de un objeto que lleva a gala el ser adems fundamento de la causalidad del
mismo. Aclrese esto. Lo que se distingue es que, a diferencia del resto de los Objekte, el concepto
de aqul objeto que acta de fin se encuentra al principio y al final del trayecto de ste hacia lo real.
Es el concepto mismo la base de su posibilidad material, pero retroactivamente tambin puede ser
narrado como la causa a posteriori de su realidad, que es por otro lado slo contingente. El efecto
precede a la causa, por as decirlo. Bajo la legalidad del juicio del terico no existe entonces y
desde luego ningn fundamento a priori para atribuir a las cosas de la naturaleza una referencia a
fines. El tiempo que fluye hacia delante pondra obstculos a este razonamiento. A saber, no hay
justificacin necesaria de un concepto tal como el de finalidad. Sin embargo, ocurre que hallamos
en nuestras expediciones al reino de las determinaciones ciertos fenmenos cuya posibilidad no nos
es comprensible desde la explicacin que da una mecnica de pesos y medidas. Por ejemplo, el
fenmeno de los seres naturales que estn vivos. Esto dicho y como una medida extraordinaria o
una huda hacia delante a uno podra ocurrrsele que una conveniente reduccin cientfica de estos
ltimos casos a aqullos nos librara de semejante entuerto 10 . No nos pongamos las cosas
demasiado fciles no obstante y planteemos el dilema como verdaderamente es, y es que el
autntico experimentum crucis es si hay acaso en la naturaleza cosas que no puedan pensarse ms
que como fines11
La profesora Andaluz se expresa en este sentido sealando a este punto un justo ecuador
del propsito de su trabajo: En nuestro [anterior] libro, La finalidad de la naturaleza en Kant. Un
estudio desde la Crtica del Juicio, nos centramos en [esta] articulacin de la finalidad de la
naturaleza en el problema del conocimiento y de la ciencia en Kant. Dejbamos para un momento
ulterior el estudio de la finalidad de la naturaleza, en lo que concierne a su funcin de vincular el
mundo de la razn terica con el de la razn prctica12. El libro del que tratamos aqu responde
precisamente a este segundo momento de la investigacin propuesta. Un momento necesario a la
pregunta consiguiente. Es tambin el momento de posible trnsito entre dos legislaciones en
apariencia incompatibles. La de la determinacin y la de la libertad. Y la pregunta consiguiente no
ha de llegar en buena lgica a las especulaciones sobre lo sublime. La exigencia sistemtica a la
que Kant se obliga tiene su locus en la Crtica del discernimiento, y es slo una deuda para con su

Ibid. p. 259
Ibid. p. 297
Ibid. p. 38
Ibid. pp. 308-311
Ibid. p. 297
Ibid. p. 26

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 401-405
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34037


Ricardo Gutirrez Aguilar

filosofa moral. Kant tiene el deber de mostrar cmo es posible la realizacin de los fines morales
en el mundo sensible. Rodeado de las cosas sensibles.
Fin es un gnero de conceptos que son fundamento de s no slo constitutivo sino
realizativo. Pero en su especie fin es asimismo un objeto posible cuya realidad es deseada. Con el
contenido del concepto deseado se incluye la existencia. Deseamos que ese objeto exista, eso es un
bien para nosotros. Su realizacin 13 . Los fines entraan as medios, medios que Kant llama
tcnico-prcticos. No es sorprendente entonces que la reflexin sobre el fundamento de la
constitucin interna de los seres naturales orgnicos haga posible representarse en la naturaleza una
causalidad tcnica [] En el enjuiciamiento teleolgico de la naturaleza nos representamos a la
naturaleza como tcnica14. Preguntamos por la teleologa y la implicaciones de dicha pregunta nos
transportan al reino de la libertad. De la relacin conceptual a la que nos obligan los fines
naturales depende la posibilidad de formular la pregunta por el fin final de la existencia del
mundo15. La posibilidad de concebir un sentido global para un objeto descomunal como es el
mundo pero que an as nos cabe en el caletre. Sucede sin embargo que el mundo como un sistema
de fines [System der Zwecke] tiene a su base ms que concepto, idea [Idee]. Esto es, un sustrato
suprasensible. Sera algo as como la idea que nos dara razones suficientes sobre el porqu de
aqul. El porqu intencional del sistema entero16. El concepto de fin final se refiere a un tipo de
seres [igualmente]: a aquellos que tienen el fin de su existencia en ellos mismos, y no en otros seres
naturales17. Aquellos seres que son capaces de darse a s mismos su propio sistema de fines. De lo
macro a lo micro vale ilatio. El fin final es desear la propia existencia, cosa que valida el resto de
los fines dependientes de sta. Una existencia que no dependa de otro. Una existencia que lleve el
significado de autoorganizacin a sus ltimas consecuencias como concepto: autonoma. No nos
valen aquellos miembros de la cadena que se deben a los planes de otro anterior o posterior
conceptualmente. Esto tiene el peligroso aire de familia de la analoga de lo mecnico detrs. El fin
final remite al fin ltimo. El lmite mximo y sentido de los fines. Fin final es tambin la
denominacin con la que Kant se refiere al objeto de la ley moral: el sumo bien a realizar en el
mundo18. Aunque slo sea como fundamento constitutivo. Y es que hay acaso en la naturaleza
cosas que no puedan pensarse ms que como fines? Fin ltimo [letzter Zweck] es aqul ser capaz
de independencia en este sentido no idiota respecto del concepto. Es el ser culmen de la evolucin
finalista. Y estamos en el dominio de lo moral ya.
Si bien el hallazgo de aquella ley moral no permite presumir de deduccin trascendental y
de realizacin en este sentido, pues las mismas intuiciones que sirven a aqulla no confirmaran sin
incertidumbres que estamos ante un fenmeno moral trampas ahora de la compatibilidad, el peso
de lo trascendental reposa a salvo en la mediacin que la facultad que intercede en la operacin
soporta sobre sus espaldas: la imaginacin, an por formar los huesos del concepto es dctil y se
contorsiona. Tambin es una facultad, y con ello necesaria y universal en sus actividades. Si la
palabra esttica tiene el sentido amplio [tanto en la segunda como en la tercera Crtica] de
relacin de los objetos a la sensibilidad, de relacin necesaria de sentido, trascendental19, no es
menos cierto que la palabra terica tiene el sentido amplio tanto en la primera como en la

Ibid. p. 254
Ibid. pp. 303-304
Ibid. p. 313
Ibid. p. 319
Ibid. p. 322
Ibid. p. 325
Ibid. p. 194


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 401-405
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34037

Et in Arcadia ego
tercera Crtica de relacin especulativa respecto de los objetos. Un concepto no es menos un
como si [als ob] de lo que una idea lo es. Slo cuenta entre sus haberes con el excedente de la
intuicin. Tambin aqullas moran en Arcadia.
Con todo, se nos advierte del paso. No se pretende decir que la idea del hombre como fin
ltimo de la naturaleza fundamente la idea del hombre como fin final; ms bien se trata de lo
contrario: como hemos visto, la condicin de que el hombre llegue a ser fin ltimo es que est
dispuesto a ser fin final20.


Ibid. p. 341

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 401-405
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34037


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 406-414
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34038

Teora crtica de las facultades

The Critical Theory of Faculties


Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Espaa

Resea: Antonino Falduto, The faculties of the human mind and the case of moral
feeling in Kants philosophy, Berln/Boston, De Gruyter (KantstudienErgnzungshefte), 2014, 265 pp. ISBN: 978-3-11-0350002-9

En la obra que reseamos versin revisada de la tesis doctoral del autor Antonino
Falduto presenta una vigorosa reivindicacin del carcter central (y centralmente crtico)
de la teora kantiana de las facultades. Esta reivindicacin acta en dos frentes. Por un
lado, y frente a las interpretaciones que relegan la teora kantiana de las facultades a los
mrgenes del criticismo, por considerarla secundaria respecto a su ncleo trascendentalformal, defiende que dicha teora es una pieza esencial del proyecto crtico de Kant y que
su postergacin impide entenderlo correctamente. En consecuencia, segn esto, la filosofa
pura de Kant slo puede entenderse adecuadamente en el contexto de su teora de las
facultades. Pero, por otro lado, y frente a las interpretaciones que leen esta teora desde la
antropologa o la psicologa, Falduto defiende que tambin el anlisis de las facultades
pertenece de suyo al nivel discursivo de la filosofa crtica, y que la filosofa crtica es
competente y autnoma (esto es, no dependiente de otras disciplinas) para tratarla. Es
decir, que para comprender los conceptos relativos a las facultades de la mente 1 no es

Profesor asociado de la Facultad de Filosofa de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. E-mail de

contacto: .
Como es sabido, Gemt se podra traducir al castellano entre otras opciones por espritu, nimo,
alma, aunque ninguno de estos trminos recoge enteramente todos los matices que tiene el trmino en
alemn. A esta dificultad se suma adems el peculiar uso que Kant hace de l, en el que muchas veces
aparece como un trmino tcnico (que remite al latn animus y que apunta a algo as como la disposicin
general del espritu). Sobre esto, como bien seala Falduto, puede verse la respuesta a Smmering, AA, 12,


Teora crtica de las facultades

necesario referirse a disciplinas empricas: dichos conceptos, segn Falduto, son tambin
elementos constitutivos de un estudio de filosofa pura sobre el ser humano y su naturaleza.
Por supuesto, la realizacin de este proyecto hermenutico comporta delimitar
cuidadosamente los diversos niveles discursivos del pensamiento kantiano, y una gran
parte de la investigacin como veremos se dedica precisamente a deslindar estos niveles
(antropologa y psicologa en sus diversas acepciones, filosofa pura, con sus
diversas partes, etc.) y a ubicarlos en el lugar sistemtico que les corresponde. Una vez
realizada esta labor de deslindamiento de precisin, es posible, segn Falduto, reconstruir
una kantiana teora de las facultades a partir de las obras publicadas en el perodo crtico y
comprenderla como un estudio sobre la vida mental del sujeto humano. Junto a esta
reconstruccin, y dependiendo de ella, Falduto propone tambin una aplicacin concreta de
esta propuesta interpretativa, que es al mismo tiempo una puesta a prueba de su
rendimiento terico, a saber: un anlisis del sentimiento moral que permite contextualizar
dicho sentimiento dentro de las actividades de la mente del sujeto humano.
La pregunta que vertebra toda la investigacin cmo hay que entender y qu
lugar le corresponde a la doctrina de las facultades de Kant? slo obtiene una respuesta
completa y articulada en los captulos 3 y 4, pero ya desde el principio del estudio se
empiezan a desgranar los elementos necesarios para obtenerla. En este sentido, los dos
primeros captulos del libro son preparatorios (lo cual no quiere decir necesariamente
menos importantes) por cuanto que a) contextualizan y fijan los trminos de la discusin
tanto histrica como sistemticamente y b) preparan el terreno para la defensa de la
interpretacin que se propone mediante una consideracin crtica de varias lecturas
contemporneas de Kant.
El captulo I trata de establecer orientaciones bsicas sobre significado del trmino
facultad [Vermgen] en la obra de Kant (1.1.) y en poca de Kant (1.2.). Asimismo, este
captulo ilustra hasta qu punto el lugar y el papel de las facultades de la mente eran
cuestiones vivamente debatidas en el ambiente intelectual germnico de la segunda mitad
del siglo XVIII (1.3.). Conviene sealar que ya en esta temprana fase de la investigacin
empieza a despuntar uno de los desplazamientos en la historia del pensamiento que Falduto
perseguir con mayor inters, a saber, el desplazamiento por el cual la facultad de sentir
[en este contexto, Vermgen zu empfinden, faculty of feeling] entra en escena y empieza a
desempear un papel cada vez ms importante en las investigaciones filosficas sobre la
32, nota al pie, las notas sobre las lecciones de antropologa de Kant, y Caygill, H., A Kant Dictionary,
Oxford, Blackwell, 2000, p. 210. Siguiendo una cierta tradicin de los traductores de Kant al castellano,
nosotros traduciramos en principio Gemt por nimo, pero dado que esta resea es una resea sobre el
libro de A. Falduto, y no sobre libro alguno de Kant, lo traduciremos en general por mente para reflejar la
decisin del propio autor (mind). La cuestin no es en absoluto balad, porque esta decisin tiene que ver el
propsito general de la investigacin de Falduto (interpretar la filosofa crtica como un estudio sobre la
mente humana o la vida mental del ser humano), con su ubicacin en la Kant-Forschung contempornea en
ingls (vid. p. 3 especialmente la nota 5 y todo el apartado 1.4.) y en particular con aquella que se orienta
hacia las ciencias cognitivas (vid. introduccin al captulo 2). Esta decisin puede producir, no obstante,
ciertas dificultades.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 406-414
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34038


Guillermo Villaverde
mente. En efecto, incluso antes de estudiar lo que sucede en el propio Kant, Falduto cree
que la facultad sensitiva llega a desempear un papel decisivo en los anlisis filosficos
de muchos autores (p. 22) de esta poca. Tras obtener un primera caracterizacin del
concepto de facultad [Vermgen] en trminos aproximadamente funcionalistas (p. 24), el
captulo se cierra con una re-construccin (y rechazo) de las interpretaciones
epigenticas de la filosofa crtica de Kant.
El rechazo de estas tentativas abre el camino del captulo 2, que est dedicado
precisamente a medir el alcance de algunas interpretaciones contemporneas de Kant
orientadas por el concepto (originario de las ciencias cognitivas) de mente dotada de
facultades (p. 35). En concreto, Falduto se propone discutir con las propuestas de A.
Brook (2.1.), G. Hatfield (2.2.) y, sobre todo y ms extensamente, P. Kitcher (2.4.), que ha
pretendido reconstruir la KrV en trminos de psicologa trascendental. La
Auseinanderseztung con estas lecturas es ocasin para entresacar sus fuerzas y debilidades,
y esbozar en negativo las condiciones de una interpretacin adecuada de la teora kantiana
de las facultades. Una cuestin interesa especialmente a Falduto en estas discusiones: una
interpretacin adecuada de la teora kantiana de las facultades tiene que ser capaz de
ubicarla con precisin y sin contradiccin dentro de la arquitectnica del pensamiento de
El captulo 3 contiene precisamente la primera parte de una interpretacin de este
tipo, por cuanto se propone preparar el terreno para un anlisis de la doctrina kantiana de
las facultades como una investigacin crtica dedicada al ser humano que conoce, desea y
siente (p. 52). Para ello, y en primer lugar, Falduto localiza el objeto de esta doctrina (las
facultades de la mente humana) y distingue sistemticamente dos modos de investigarlo:
un enfoque emprico (que alimentar el cauce fundamental de la antropologa) y un
enfoque puro, propio de la filosofa crtica. En este sentido el estudio contina ahora una
tarea que haba comenzado ya en el captulo 2 (2.3.), que se revela como absolutamente
esencial para este estudio y, en nuestra opinin, tambin para una comprensin cabal del
pensamiento de Kant en general, a saber, la tarea de distinguir los diferentes planos
discursivos de la obra kantiana. Pues bien, la idea de Falduto en este punto es clara: la
interseccin ocasional de estas dos investigaciones la filosfica-crtica pura y la
antropolgica no implica que ambas sean la misma (p. 54). Esta tarea se despliega a su
vez en varias fases: en primer lugar, Falduto desarrolla una revisin histrica de la relacin
entre antropologa pragmtica y psicologa emprica (3.1.); en segundo lugar,
emprende una reconstruccin del significado del proyecto kantiano de una antropologa
pragmtica (3.2. y 3.3.), con especial atencin a la eventual posibilidad de considerar una
anthropologia trascendentalis dentro de la arquitectnica kantiana (3.4.); y, en tercer lugar,
un anlisis de los acuerdos y desacuerdos en el modo de proceder de la antropologa
pragmtica y la filosofa crtica (3.5. y 3.6.) respectivamente, con especial atencin a
aquellos lugares de la obra de Kant donde se localizan intersecciones (3.7.), como por
ejemplo el 7 de la Antropologa de 1798, que se estudia con notable detenimiento (3.9.) y


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 406-414
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34038

Teora crtica de las facultades

junto con sus complementos en el manuscrito de Rostock (3.8.). Con esto, la investigacin
queda ya orientada hacia la cuestin que propiamente interesa a Falduto, a saber, la
presencia y el sentido de la doctrina de las facultades en el dominio de la filosofa pura y
en las obras crticas. Antes de ello, no obstante, Falduto dedicar an parte de la
investigacin (3.10. y 3.11.) a perfilar ciertos aspectos del tratamiento de la sensibilidad en
la Antropologa de 1798 y a la clasificacin general de las facultades en dicha obra y en el
manuscrito de Rostock.
Una vez que este captulo 3 ha separado convincentemente el estudio kantiano de
las facultades del contexto psicolgico-antropolgico en el que hoy suele leerse, Falduto
procede en el captulo 4 a reconstituir la presencia de la doctrina de las facultades en
algunas obras crticas, en concreto KrV, KpV, las dos introducciones a KU y MdS2. De
hecho, la re-organizacin enciclopdica de la filosofa crtica que tiene lugar en KU (al
menos segn la Primera Introduccin: EEKU, AA, 20, XI) ser un elemento importante
para la tesis de Falduto. Es precisamente desde esta organizacin enciclopdica como
Falduto examina, bajo una luz retrospectiva, la aparicin de las distintas facultades en KrV
y KpV, lo cual explica que, cuando estudia la KrV (4.2.) apenas preste atencin al pliegue
entendimiento-razn y se concentre en la oposicin entendimientosensibilidad e, incluso,
dentro de esta oposicin, preste menos atencin a la dimensin a priori de la sensibilidad
que hay ya en esa obra (cosa que, por otro lado, el propio autor reconoce, p. 137). En
efecto, lo que interesa a Falduto en esta investigacin no es tanto la sensibilidad entendida
como sentido [Sinn], sino cuanto entendida como sentimiento [Gefhl], y el estudio de su
correspondiente dimensin a priori no tiene lugar en KrV, sino en KpV. A KpV
precisamente estn dedicadas las secciones iniciales (4.3. a 4.6.) del captulo. Falduto
quiere mostrar, en efecto, que el sentimiento, como determinacin especial de la facultad
de la sensibilidad, pasa a ocupar un lugar central en el contexto del anlisis crtico
dedicado a la razn prctica (p. 139), y para ello perseguir la conexin entre razn pura y
facultad de desear a travs de varios textos, que incluyen el prefacio, la introduccin y
algunos pasajes importantes (como la paradoja del mtodo) de la Analtica de KpV. En
este punto, en el que despunta ya el asunto fundamental del captulo 5 del libro, Falduto
insiste solamente en que la KpV propone un anlisis diferente segn el cual el sentimiento
puede ser conocido a priori, y ello abre las puertas para una consideracin diferente del
concepto de sentimiento en el contexto de la filosofa pura (p. 153). En efecto, este
desplazamiento, junto con algunos otros desplazamientos conectados con l, arroja una
nueva clasificacin de las facultades en la segunda Crtica, que Falduto recompone (4.6.)
para despus comparar con la clasificacin de las mismas tal y como aparece en la Primera

La no inclusin de los Prolegomena en esta nmina puede llamar a priori la atencin, pero es coherente con
la decisin de autolimitar la investigacin en este punto al estudio de el papel que desempea la facultad de
sentir placer y displacer en el contexto de la divisin kantiana de las facultades (p. 127). Sobre las
posibilidades de ampliar el horizonte de la investigacin relacionadas con su inclusin volveremos ms
adelante. Del mismo modo, la inclusin en esta nmina de la Metaphysik der Sitten, que en la oposicin
crtica/metafsica caera del lado de sta ltima, se justifica porque en esta obra aparece una importante
sistematizacin de la clasificacin de las facultades en el perodo crtico y porque sirve de puente (vase p.
202) hacia el quinto y ltimo captulo de la investigacin.
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 406-414
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34038


Guillermo Villaverde
introduccin a KU (4.7. y 4.9.) y en el Prefacio y la Introduccin finalmente publicada
(4.8. y 4.10.) de esta obra. En varios de estos textos (especialmente en la Vorrede de KU y
EEKU) Falduto quiere destacar ante todo un hecho decisivo para su interpretacin: tanto la
presentacin del argumento de la KU, como su ubicacin dentro del conjunto de la
filosofa crtica, como la posibilidad de su cierre sistemtico3 se realizan por referencia al
sistema de las facultades. El problema que podra suponer a este respecto la Introduccin
publicada de KU (en el que el sistema de la filosofa no se organiza explcitamente de
acuerdo con el sistema de las facultades) es salvado sealando la funcin intermediaria del
Juicio, de modo que en esta obra la divisin tripartir del proyecto crtico sigue estando
basada en la clasificacin tripartita de las facultades, como en la Primera introduccin
(p. 186). La clasificacin kantiana de las facultades se estudia por ltimo en la
Introduccin general a MdS (4.11.), donde Falduto presta especial atencin al anlisis de
las constelaciones de trminos dentro de las que se encuentran y a las que dan lugar a) la
facultad de sentir (Leben, Gefhl, Lust, etc.) y b) la facultad de desear (Willkr, Wille, etc.).
El trabajo de todos los captulos anteriores (del 1 al 4) establece un marco general
de interpretacin de la teora kantiana de las facultades. Como ya hemos sealado, este
marco general es el que le sirve de referencia a Falduto, en el captulo 5, para entrar a una
discusin ms detallada y pormenorizada sobre el concepto kantiano de sentimiento
El captulo 5 de la obra contiene en efecto una propuesta de interpretacin del
sentimiento moral a partir del marco terico dibujado en el captulo 4 y constituye, en
nuestra opinin, la parte ms interesante del estudio, tanto por el calado sistemtico de la
cuestin del respeto en s misma que algunos intrpretes han considerado parte de lo ms
grave del pensamiento de Kant como por la propia propuesta, que en cierto modo pone
a prueba el marco terico de la interpretacin general de Falduto. De acuerdo con Falduto,
el sentimiento de respeto es [] un estado mental, es decir, una modificacin en la mente
del sujeto humano que se hace consciente de la ley moral (p. 231). Adems, este estado
mental es posible en virtud de la peculiar constitucin mental del sujeto humano, esto es,
en virtud de la constitucin de la mente humana tal y como Kant la cartografa en su
clasificacin de las facultades mentales (pp. 230-231). A partir de aqu se desarrolla una
interesante y sugerente interpretacin del sentimiento moral en general, y del respeto en
particular, que propone reubicar esta problemtica dentro del horizonte de la dimensin
esttica de la moral. Dicha interpretacin cuenta ciertamente con apoyo textual en la obra
de Kant. Nos gustara, no obstante, terminar de exponer la posicin de Falduto sealando
algunos escollos que, en nuestra opinin, puede tambin encontrar en su camino.
En primer lugar, una cuestin de fondo a la que contribuye la propia terminologa
elegida. En efecto, aunque el acuerdo de los traductores de Kant al ingls es casi universal
respecto a Triebfeder, y casi todos ellos lo traducen por incentive, y aunque esta

I. Kant, Hiemit endige ich also mein ganzes kritisches Geschft, KU, AA 05, 170.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 406-414
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34038

Teora crtica de las facultades

traduccin tenga sus virtudes, e incluso sea quizs la mejor posible, contiene tambin, no
obstante, el peligro de hace que nos deslicemos fuera del planteamiento kantiano.
Incentive tiene, segn el diccionario Webster, el sentido de something that incites o has
a tendency to incite to determination or action / something (as a fear or hope of reward)
that constitutes a motive or spur4, y de hecho, el trmino incentivo transmite la idea de
una recompensa final que tira de la voluntad hacia ella y de esta manera se constituye en
una motivacin para la accin. Una vez asumido (de manera consciente o inconsciente)
este marco general, la pregunta por la motivacin de la accin moral surge naturalmente
como pregunta decisiva y de hecho Falduto escribe: el tratamiento kantiano del
sentimiento moral del respeto tiene que considerarse dentro del problema ms general de la
motivacin moral (p. 221). A partir de ah empieza entonces a desarrollarse la cuestin de
si el sentimiento moral realmente es el incentivo de la accin moral del hombre (p. 225),
y de hecho el apartado 5.5. est precisamente dedicado a esta cuestin5.
Pues bien, independientemente del resultado de esta ltima discusin (en la que el
autor se inclina claramente por la tesis de que la ley moral misma es el mvil de la accin
moral), nos parece que resultara interesante discutir previamente la propia precomprensin del respeto en los trminos en los que lo hace Falduto. Pues desde el punto de
vista de la consideracin sistemtica del respeto y la motivacin de la accin moral, se
podra tambin defender en un sentido muy especfico que la accin moral no necesita
motivacin, dado que la motivacin (entendida especficamente como aquello para lo que
se hace la accin) proviene en Kant siempre de los fines de la facultad inferior de desear,
en definitiva, del principio universal del amor hacia uno mismo o felicidad propia (KpV,
Libro I, cap. 1, Teorema II). Podra defenderse en efecto que lo que sucede en el anlisis
kantiano es ms bien que todos los fines que pueden tirar de la voluntad son fines del
amor propio, y la moralidad consistira en todo caso en un empuje en sentido contrario
que retiene e inhabilita la accin efectiva de algunos de esos incentivos6. La accin moral
en Kant no se basara por tanto en suministrar fines muy puros, ni en introducir en el
mundo sensible los objetos del querer especficamente morales, sino en re-estructurar los
fines siempre dados ya de acuerdo con un nexo sistemtico distinto a su nexo natural.
Dicho de otra manera, sin inclinaciones dadas no puede haber en absoluto determinacin
de la voluntad (pues todo querer ha de tener tambin un objeto y por lo tanto una
materia, KpV, AA, 05, 34, y ese objeto proviene siempre de la facultad inferior de
desear), pero para que haya efectivamente determinacin de la voluntad la propia voluntad
tiene que dejarse determinar, y en ese punto particular es donde acta el respeto. En este
sentido, podra decirse que la forma especfica de existencia del respeto sera solamente la

Websters Third New International Dictionary (Unabridged), 1976, entrada: incentive, p. 1141.
En efecto, Falduto se plantea la discusin especializada sobre si el respeto por la ley moral o la ley moral
misma es el incentive de la accin moral, y su tesis se puede resumir as: la ley moral es el nico mvil o
incentivo de la accin moral; el respeto, por el contrario, es solamente la presentacin subjetiva o sensible del
incentivo de la accin moral. Vase p. 231.
Sobre esto puede verse por ejemplo S. Engstrom, Introduccin a I. Kant, Critique of Practical Reason,
traducida por W. S. Pluhar, x1viii, nota 14 al pie.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 406-414
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34038


Guillermo Villaverde
de eliminar ciertos fines. La accin por deber exigira la puesta entre parntesis (y por
tanto el reconocimiento) de las inclinaciones dadas, y el reconocimiento de que el agente
est siempre ya inserto en una apertura volitiva al mundo, pero el supuesto motivo moral
(el respeto) no rivaliza en pie de igualdad con las dems posibles motivaciones. En efecto,
la otra cara de esta situacin y que confirma el estado de cosas apuntado, es que el
sentimiento de respeto constituye un selbstgewirktes Gefhl (GMS, AA, 04, 401-402, en
nota) y un mero efecto negativo de la ley moral sobre el sentimiento (KpV, AA, 05, 72),
como el propio Falduto reconoce.
Y con esto estamos tocando ya otra cuestin relativa al fondo de la interpretacin
que nos ocupa. Si el sentimiento moral de respeto es algo que tambin cabe y encaja
enteramente dentro de las disposiciones espirituales o anmicas o mentales del hombre,
entonces es posible (e incluso aconsejable) entender todo el proyecto crtico como un
tratado de la naturaleza humana, al modo como lo hace Falduto, puesto que el permetro
de lo humano no se rompe por ningn lado. Pero si hacemos eso, entonces se desdibujan
un poco creemos aquellas vetas del pensamiento kantiano en las que se desborda la
esfera de lo humano (como la insistencia kantiana en KpV y GMS de que en principio no
se trata del hombre, vid., por ejemplo, GMS, AA, 04, 408) y se orilla la discusin (central,
por ejemplo, en la Davoser Disputation de 1929) acerca de si todo Kant puede o no puede
encajar en el molde del humanismo clsico.
Nos gustara sealar por ltimo otro aspecto del trabajo de Falduto, que toca
tambin el planteamiento de fondo de la investigacin. En este caso no se trata de la
discusin sobre el modo de interpretar un concepto kantiano en particular, ni tampoco de si
la interpretacin global resultante es ms o menos humanista o anti-humanista, sino del
modo mismo como se plantean los fundamentos de la investigacin. Y en este punto
creemos que puede ser interesante, para terminar, perfilar el horizonte general de la
investigacin de Falduto desde bases ligeramente diferentes, para esbozar as mnimamente
a) cmo se recorta dicha investigacin sobre ese horizonte, b) cmo podra prolongarse
hacia l, e incluso c) cmo podra establecerse una discusin frente a l.
Podemos empezar a reconstruir ese horizonte refirindonos a una serie de lneas
sistemticas del pensamiento de Kant que estn plegadas en la obra de Falduto y cuya
contrastacin con la investigacin propuesta creemos que podra iluminar y reforzar
algunos de sus puntos. En efecto, precisamente porque esta investigacin se interesa por la
actividad del nimo y por el lado subjetivo del sistema kantiano de las facultades (pp. 133134), podra prolongarse muy naturalmente en la direccin de estas lneas sistemticas.
Nos referimos a la cuestin de la unidad de la razn y la dimensin subjetiva de la razn.
Esta lnea del pensamiento kantiano atraviesa las Dialcticas de las dos primeras Crticas y
va ganando densidad a lo largo del proyecto crtico hasta terminar exigiendo un
tratamiento propio, en 1790, bajo la denominacin de una Kritik der Urteilskraft. Dicha
lnea es tambin el hilo conductor del problema de la unidad de lo terico y lo prctico, es
decir, del problema de la unidad de la razn y, aunque la Introduccin de KU establecer

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 406-414
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34038

Teora crtica de las facultades

que dicho problema slo puede plantearse completamente en trminos de la pregunta por la
realizabilidad del fin final (KU, Introduccin, IX, AA, 05, 195-196), la cuestin se deja
sentir ya desde el Apndice de la Dialctica trascendental de KrV, y aparece siempre
vinculada a la cuestin del uso de la razn. Con esto llegamos al punto que queramos
sealar, pues es precisamente el anlisis y discusin de esta dimensin del uso de la razn
(aunque sea polmicamente, para expulsarla del estudio) el que podra servir como centro
para reconstruir de otro modo el horizonte de la lectura de Falduto.
Si se hiciese tal cosa (tomando ms en cuenta la parte final de los Prolegomena, los
57-60, que forman bloque con el Apndice de la Dialctica de KrV), entonces
quedara tambin desplegada una oposicin fundamental de la teora kantiana de las
facultades: no ya la oposicin entendimiento-sensibilidad (que Falduto estudia y atiende en
muchos sitios, por ejemplo, p. 139), sino la oposicin entendimiento-razn, que soporta
toda la dimensin subjetiva de la razn kantiana, y que desemboca en y alimenta a KU. En
efecto, precisamente porque Falduto persigue con ahnco (vase por ejemplo, pp. 133-134)
el desplazamiento de un anlisis de las facultades polarizado en un polo objetivo
(conocimiento objetivo) a un anlisis polarizado en un polo subjetivo, su reflexin
podra enriquecerse enormemente incluyendo (o al menos contrastndose con) la
profundizacin de la dimensin subjetiva de lo trascendental que se produce en KU.
Por ltimo, se podra decir que en esta problemtica del uso y la unidad de la razn
est implicada tambin la cuestin del propio estatuto de la Antropologa de 1798. En
efecto, desde ese otro horizonte, se podra argir que la distincin tan neta y ntida que
establece Falduto entre antropologa (emprica) y filosofa crtica (pura) ensombrece un
poco el peculiar lugar discursivo de la Antropologa de 1798, que parece estar, como
insinuaba Foucault, en medio de lo emprico y lo trascendental y no ser ni puramente
trascendental, ni meramente emprica, sino situarse en ese extrao nivel en el que se
examina el Gemt desde el punto de vista del juego en el que se constituye a s mismo.
La inclusin de la dimensin del Gebrauch (que solo parcialmente puede traducirse por
uso) podra arrojar interesante luz sobre estas cuestiones.
Ahora bien, si todas estas discusiones sistemticas pueden plantearse a raz del
trabajo de Falduto, y el trabajo de Falduto puede dar pie a ellas, es precisamente porque
dicho trabajo lo permite y permite sostenerlas, es decir, porque establece (y establece
vigorosamente) los puntos de referencia en las que pueden anclarse. Y ello es muy de
agradecer. En efecto, algn lector podra quizs pensar que el anlisis de algunas
cuestiones o de algunos de los autores con los que discute la obra (como por ejemplo, A.
Brook, en pp. 35-38) es muy breve y veloz, y que ello podra traducirse en un tratamiento
superficial, pero en el caso de la obra de Falduto responde a la clara conciencia de los
puntos que se quieren tratar y est sostenido por un amplsimo y profundo conocimiento de
los textos fuente y de la bibliografa secundaria. De hecho, el estilo directo y to-thepoint, y el riguroso trabajo sobre los textos, permiten disponer de un mapa y de unas tesis
que interesar a muchos investigadores de la obra de Kant, y no solamente a aquellos que
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 406-414
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34038


Guillermo Villaverde
se dediquen especficamente a la teora de las facultades o a los que compartan la
propuesta interpretativa del autor. En este sentido, si una buena investigacin es una
investigacin que permite la discusin, la investigacin de Falduto es un excelente trabajo,
incluso para quienes propongan interpretaciones del todo diferentes.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 406-414
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34038

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 415-419
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34039

Critica della ragione e teoria dell'intuizione

Critique of Reason and Theory of Intuition
PUCPR Curitiba, Brasil
Recensione : Anselmo Aportone, Kant et le pouvoir rceptif. Recherches sur la conception
kantienne de la sensibilit, trad. par E. Alfano e P. Quintili, LHarmattan, Paris, 2014, 260 pp.
ISBN : 978-2-343-01973-4

In Kant et le pouvoir rceptif, Anselmo Aportone offre unindagine sulla concezione

kantiana della sensibilit raffinatissima, sottile, minuziosa e filologicamente impeccabile. I
cinque capitoli del libro sono il frutto della rielaborazione di alcuni saggi pubblicati tra il
2002 e il 2012, cheriflettono un percorso di ricerca di ampio respiro e di lungo periodo
dedicato allapprofondimento dei problemi (teorici e testuali) dellEstetica trascendentale
e alle prospettive teoriche aperte dalla discussione contemporanea su questo complesso
testo kantiano. Come nota anche Jocelyn Benoist nella prefazione che apre il volume (pp.
7-11), Aportone non si limita a fornire un commentario o unapologia del kantismo. Ci
offre una meditazione complessiva sul problema della sensibilit e della sua funzione
allinterno del pensiero kantiano, volta a mettere in luce, sulla scia di Garroni, la valenza
cognitiva della dimensione estetica. Tale meditazione non cerca di adattare la filosofia
critica al gusto di questo o quel pensatore contemporaneo. Al contrario, parte da Kant e
sviluppa una critica dei kantismi parziali (p. 8) i quali, per sostenere la posizione che
rivendicano, dovrebbero seguire il pensiero di Kant molto pi di quanto gi fanno. Parziali
sono soprattutto i kantismi di Hegel, che lautore assume come filo conduttore della
ricerca (p. 106), e di McDowell. Questi due autori rappresentano i veri interlocutori critici
del libro, ben oltre i moltissimi e illustri kantisti contemporanei, da Fichant a Longuenesse,
da Graubner a Allison e Baumans, con i quali lautore intrattiene un confronto serrato,
competente e attentissimo. Nella Scienza della logica, infatti, Hegel presenterebbe il

Professore di Filosofia na Pontifcia Universidade Catlica de Paran (Curitiba, Brasil). E-mails di contatto: ; .


Federico Ferraguto
criticismo come una dottrina sostanzialmente basata su un dualismo tra intelletto e
sensibilit, in cui lintelletto, come forma vuota,verrebbe riempito da un contenuto
empirico che gli proviene dallesterno, che lintelletto stesso sarebbe in grado di elaborare
e raffinare (pp. 106-107). Per altro verso, e molto pi recentemente, in Mente e mondo
John McDowell, a cui Aportone dedica il primo capitolo del suo volume, sarebbe rimasto
fedele a questa interpretazione.
Partendo da Kant, ma leggendolo a partire dal 16 della prima Critica e non
dallEstetica trascendentale, McDowell sembra convinto di riscoprire nella filosofia critica
strategie teoriche utili per comprendere la questione generale dellintenzionalit. Kant,
infatti, definisce correttamente il problema della correlazione tra pensiero e mondo. Ma la
sua tesi dellidealismo trascendentale lo limita paradossalmente a una concezione
naturalista della sensibilit. Secondo tale concezione lo spazio e il tempo sarebbero forme
riferite alla nostra ricettivit, concernerebbero il fatto bruto che si trova al di fuori dello
spazio dellapplicazione concettuale e non permetterebbero di risolvere la controversia tra
chi sostiene che lo spazio dei nostri concetti debba essere giustificato in funzione dei fatti
che vi si trovano allesterno (Sellars) e chi, viceversa, pensa che la conoscenza sia possibile
solo tramite la purificazione del fatto nella dimensione dei concetti (Davidson). McDowell
mira, invece, a mostrare come lintuizione, in quanto esperienza sensibile, possa gi
mettere in atto le capacit concettuali del soggetto conoscente. Per Aportone, sostenere
questa tesi non significa necessariamente passare da Kant allo Hegel del capitolo
sullautocoscienza della Fenomenologia dello spirito, come fa McDowell. Per il quale, la
lotta per il riconoscimento sviluppata in questo capitolo della Fenomenologiasarebbe da
intendere come un movimento immanente alla coscienza stessa e volto al superamento
della separazione tra soggetto e oggetto, al fine di incontrare nelloggetto stesso la
spontaneit che lo caratterizza e di superare il dualismo kantiano. Cos, secondo
McDowell, la vera idea di oggettivit pu essere compresa solo come parte di questa
struttura, ma non come il suo abbandono in favore di una proiezione soggettiva. In termini
kantiani: quando Hegelscrive che con lautocoscienza abbiamo compiuto un passo nella
terra della verit, questo significa che abbiamo iniziato a vedere come comprendere la
conoscenza nei termini del potere unificato della spontaneit appercettiva, che non riguarda
solo il soggetto, ma anche loggetto (J.McDowell, Having the world in view, Harward
University Press, Cambridge, 2009, p. 153).
Secondo Aportone, per, il dualismo kantiano delle fonti della conoscenza non
implica un idealismo soggettivo. A differenza di quanto sostiene McDowell, infatti,
bisogna comprendere che ci che Kant chiama intuizione, cio ci che procurato
dallesperienza, non consiste nella semplice acquisizione di un dato extra-concettuale, ma
una sorta di avvenimento o di stato in cui gi vi un contenuto concettuale (p. 41). una
dinamica che va riscontrata in Kant stesso, la cui interpretazione dovrebbe liberarsi
dellantico pregiudizio metafisico, che continua ad agire anche McDowell e che
condizionato da Sellarse Strawson, secondo il quale le impressioni del mondo noumenale
diventano, attraverso le forme a priori, il materiale spazio-temporale dellintuizione (p. 52).


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 415-419
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34039

Critica della ragione e teoria dell'intuizione

Per chiarire questa tesi generale, necessario dimostrare come in Kant idealismo
trascendentale e realismo empirico non si escludano, ma si integrino e si implichino a
vicenda. Tale implicazione reciproca va messa in luce a partire da una spiegazione
dettagliata dei principali nodi teorici della teoria kantiana dellintuizione, a cui Aportone
dedica i capitoli centrali del libro.
Il secondo capitolo di Kant et le pouvoir receptif dedicato alla spiegazione del carattere
soggettivo di spazio e tempo a partire da unainterpretazione del senso della rivoluzione
copernicana di Kant. Aportone mostra come, secondo Kant non esiste nessuna differenza
ontologica tra loggetto che appare e loggetto reale e, dunque, che lidealismo
trascendentale dei fenomeni e il realismo empirico sono prospettive convergenti (67).
Sostenere che spazio e tempo sono forme dellintuizione, infatti, non significa negare la
realt del mondo, ma riconoscere che le nostre modalit di conoscenza, nella misura in cui
sono determinate in maniera specifica, sono limitate, anche se il loro dominio di
applicazione, cio la natura, non lo . Di fatto, lidealismo trascendentale un realismo
empirico, cio una dottrina che prende coscienza del fatto che non possiamo conoscere
altro che relazioni e ammette la realt autonoma del loro fondamento, ossia gli oggetti
sensibili che la riflessione trascendentale chiama sempre fenomeni e mai cose in s (p. 98).
Il terzo capitolo del volume pu dunque sviluppare unampia disamina della
concezione kantiana dellintuizione empirica, che si concentra su due elementi principali.
Il primo investe la materia dellintuizione e il suo statuto rappresentazionale. Il secondo
tocca la questione classica della mediazione tra concetto e sensibilit. Lintuizione, di fatto,
presenta un contenuto sensibile metabolizzato. In essa vi una materia gi sempre
rappresentazionale messa disposizione dagli atti riflessivi per la sintesi concettuale e, in
generale, dallazione analitico-sintetica del soggetto cognitivo. La sensazione costituisce il
primo passo della rappresentazione soltanto in una comprensione astratta, visto che la
prima rappresentazione proprio lintuizione (p. 111). Cos, ogni oggetto dellintuizione ,
nello stesso tempo, oggetto dellintelletto. Senza le regole date dallintelletto, non
avremmo unit della coscienza. Lintuizione, in questo senso, fornisce le forme e
lintelletto le regole. Ma ci non significa che lestetica sia subordinata allanalitica. N
tantomeno che il percorso di Kant nella prima Critica consista nel passaggio da una
versione puramente sensibile della conoscenza a una concezione della sensibilit
funzionale allattivit dellintelletto (p. 104). La spiegazione di questo punto implica la
trattazione della relazione tra intuizione formale e forma dellintuizione, ossia di uno dei
passaggi pi complessi della prima Critica, che lautore sviluppa nel quarto capitolo del
volume. Le forme dellintuizione sono il nostro modo di intuizione, o in altre parole le
condizioni originariamente inerenti al soggetto della ricettivit della nostra sensibilit
(B 59).
Ma in che senso dovremmo considerare tali forme anche come intuizioni pure? La
polemica che su questo tema ha coinvolto Longuenesse e Fichant, al di l dei dettagli
esaminati con molta perizia da Aportone, pone il problema del significato dello spazio e
del tempo come grandezze infinitamente date. Se per Longuenesse tale infinit ha solo un
valore regolativo, per Fichant si tratta di una rappresentazione infinita e originale, data
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 415-419
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34039


Federico Ferraguto
prima di ogni sintesi dellintelletto, che conferisce allEstetica unirriducibilit radicale e,
addirittura, una priorit sistematica nel quadro complessivo della dottrina degli elementi.
Nella sua proposta teoricaAportone sembra propendere per questa seconda alternativa. A
suo parere, infatti, non ci sarebbero rappresentazioni immediate assolutamente date. Le
intuizioni empiriche, infatti, presuppongono una sintesi cognitiva anche quando anno una
relazione immediata con il loro proprio oggetto. Allo stesso modo, le intuizioni pure
presuppongono un atto sintetico di apprensione e di unificazione di una diversit
molteplice (p. 183). La filosofia trascendentale di Kant, pertanto, non lascia spazio a una
materia grezza o a sense data, ma coglie lunit di ragione e natura a partire da una
razionalit generale e, per usare unespressione di McDowell, ampia, cio non riducibile a
una specifica determinazione soggettiva ma implicita in ogni presa di posizione del
soggetto in rapporto al mondo. Si tratta di una conclusione sviluppata in tutte le sue
implicazioni pratiche nel quinto e ultimo capitolo del volume, in cui Aportone, discutendo
uno spettro di testi pi ampio, mostra come in Kant natura e ragione debbano essere
comprese come inscritte nellunico orizzonte di una forma pura. Non c natura senza una
ragione che la comprende. Ma, nella misura in cui pu essere compresa, cio essere
integrata in una relazione, la natura gi espressione di una compenetrazione intellettuale,
anche se non necessariamente concettuale.
Si potrebbe cos sostenere che la ricerca di Aportone si muove nella tensione che
sussiste tra formativo e formale. Dal punto di vista della filosofia critica non bisogna
considerare la ragione soltanto come facolt produttiva che d una forma a una materia
data extrarazionale o prerazionale. Piuttosto, ci che pu essere oggetto di conoscenza si
d gi in una previa relazione razionale, ossia in una forma, chesintetizza soggetto e
oggetto. Anche in questa prospettiva lobiettivo polemico di Aportonesembra essere
McDowell e in particolare il suo concetto di Bildung, ciodi una forza formativa che,
almeno nellaccezione tedesca, struttura tanto il reale, quanto il soggetto che vi si rapporta
e di cui parte. Nella misura in cui la ragione umana passibile di una crescita e di uno
sviluppo, essa pu assumere una seconda natura che muta, sviluppa e giustifica la sua
posizione nel mondo. Eppure, secondo Aportone, non si tratta di una formativit comune al
soggetto e al mondo, ma della forma della relazione che li integra.
Cos Aportone sembra approfondire quanto afferma Dieter Henrich in un saggio del
1996 intitolato Zwei naturalismen auf Englisch, in cui McDowellviene criticato, tra laltro,
per la banalit dei suoi riferimenti kantiani, considerati il riflesso di preconcetti che la
ricerca su Kant avrebbe superato gi da tempo. In Having the world in view McDowell
risponde a questa critica concordando con Henrich. Egli limita il suo kantismo a uno
strumento da usare contro Sellars e aggiunge che per comprendere le ragioni della sua
correzione del trascendentalismo kantiano nella fenomenologia hegeliana, bisognerebbe
rendere conto della funzione svolta da Fichte e, pi in generale, della discussione che
subito dopo Kant si sviluppa proprio attorno alla relazione tra sensibilit e intelletto
(Having the world in view, p. 153, n.). Di fatto, si pu contrapporre Kant a Hegel, e
propendere per questo o quellautore solo se si accetta linterpretazione fornita da Hegel


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 415-419
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34039

Critica della ragione e teoria dell'intuizione

stesso, non solo nella Scienza della logica, ma gi nella Differenzschrift, secondo cui Kant,
Reinhold, Fichte o Bardili, sarebbero esponenti di una filosofia della riflessione che muove
da una contrapposizione assoluta tra soggetto e oggetto fatale al corretto dispiegamento
della filosofia. La tesi relativa a una spontaneit della ricettivit in Kant permette di
acquisire gli strumenti teorici per rivedere effettivamente questo pregiudizio ermeneutico e
per mostrare effettivamente come la proposta teorica di Mente e mondo sia in un certo
senso gi presente in Kant, e forse anche negli altri filosofi della riflessione di
cuiHegelparla nel 1801, rendendo quasi inutile il ricorso a Hegel stesso, almeno nei termini
sostenuti da McDowell. La valorizzazione del potere della ricettivit in Kant
consentirebbe perci di leggere con lenti nuove lintero corso della storia della filosofia
classica tedesca non tanto per alimentare la contrapposizione tra Kant e Hegel, quanto per
stabilire una continuit tra le intenzioni del primo e le istanze del secondo attraverso
lopera di altri autori su cui Aportone, in questo forse troppo hegeliano o troppo interessato
a salvare Kant da kantismi consideratinon conseguenti, non concentra la sua

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 415-419
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34039


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 420-425
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34040

La obra de Kant como un progreso hacia s misma. La senda

The work of Kant as a progress to itself. The Elliptical Path


Universidad de Cdiz, Espaa

Resea: Ameriks, Karl, Kants Elliptical Path, Clarendon Press, Oxford (UK), 2012, pp. 365.
ISBN: 978-0-19-969368-9.

En este libro Ameriks rene una serie de trabajos en torno a diferentes tpicos de la obra
kantiana y de su influencia posterior. No pretende una reconstruccin histrica de la compleja
Entwicklungsgeschichte del corpus de Kant sino una mirada en detalle de algunos conceptos clave
que han merecido especial atencin por parte de algunos estudiosos en los ltimos aos.
El hilo conductor, pero tambin la clave interpretativa, de los trabajos contenidos en este
volumen est en la figura de la elipse. Y esto triplemente. Primero, la elipse permite reconocer la
trayectoria del pensamiento de Kant. Para empezar, este trazado supone que el alejamiento de un
punto de partida inicial no constituye un cambio, pues todo alejamiento se hace sobre un mismo
eje. La trazada termina atrapando a cualquier distanciamiento, pues el movimiento pivota sobre dos
focos, que son las ramas terica y prctica de la filosofa de Kant (p. 4). En el caso de Kant esto
significa que los giros crticos no suponen un verdadero distanciamiento respecto de las ms
profundas creencias pre-sistemticas de Kant (p. 1). O que, como tambin supone el trazado de
este movimiento, todo cambio de trayectoria, toda Unwandlung (que es como Kant describi la
clase de trasformacin que traa consigo la crtica), no sea otra cosa que una vuelta, un giro, con lo
que la idea misma de revolucin, Revolution, con la que Kant tambin describi el movimiento
crtico, estara en el fondo animada por un aliento conservador. Segundo, Ameriks tambin se sirve
de la elipse para entender las lecturas y tendencias interpretativas de la obra kantiana. stas habran

Profesor Asociado de la Universidad de Cdiz (Espaa). E-mail de contacto: .


La obra de Kant como un progreso hacia s misma

estado marcadas a principios del siglo XX por un claro compromiso metafsico (Wundt,
Heidegger); a este compromiso seguira luego un distanciamiento, vamos a llamarlo as,
antimetafsico, protagonizado por la filosofa analtica (Bennet y Strawson); por ltimo, habra un
regreso a una nueva clase de interpretacin metafsica, que vendra determinada por la temprana
lectura kantiana de Rousseau y por la Ilustracin (p. 2). Tercero. El trazado de la elipse alcanza a la
seleccin de los textos que se van a examinar. Estos textos se encuentran lejos del corpus ms
familiar, entre los dos focos de la elipse (que estn dominados por la obra crtica); textos menores
en punto a su tamao, como las observaciones, las notas de cursos, las reseas; cuando no
excntricos en punto al calendario marcado por las crticas, como los escritos tempranos, antes de
la dcada de los 1770, y los escritos postreros de la dcada de 1790.
El trabajo est dividido en tres partes. La primera (I) aborda los textos precrticos, en los
que se marcarn las bases de uno de los focos de la elipse, el foco prctico, apenas considerados.
En la segunda parte (II), que ocupa el grueso de la obra, nos encontramos con el examen de las
implicaciones de este movimiento de retorno en las tres crticas. En la tercera parte (III), en
cambio, se examinar la viabilidad del trazado elptico despus de Kant.
(I). En los escritos precrticos se asiste a un compromiso con conceptos y valores de calado
metafsico referidos al igualitarismo, que son de origen rousseauniano. No basta con ir ms all de
las causas meramente naturales, como cuando se apela a la conciencia; hay que volver a nuestra
naturaleza racional subyacente. La subordinacin a los fenmenos y a su rgimen de necesidad, lo
mismo que la doctrina de la obligacin moral, introducen una necesidad que no hace justicia la
contingencia de una finalidad que, marcada por el bien supremo como propsito natural e
irrenunciable, no puede sino postular un poder exterior suficiente, que Kant llama Dios (p. 7).
Los trabajos que contienen la incipiente tica kantiana prefiguran una tica de la libertad y de la
razn. La tica comprende a los seres humanos al mismo tiempo como agentes racionales y como
seres finitos sensibles investidos de necesidad. Para Kant la doctrina moral no es slo una doctrina
del deber ser sino que tambin tiene que poder explicar cmo la moralidad se aviene a la condicin
humana que es a un tiempo racional y sensible (p. 67-8).
La solucin rousseauniana de un sentimiento moral, que hara de contrapeso a un archiracionalismo y archi-empirismo cientifista, es asumida slo parcialmente por Kant. Por una parte,
es claro que la moralidad no puede fiarse a una facultad racional especializada, si ello supone
apartarlos del sano entendimiento comn. Sin embargo, la contrapartida no puede ser el
primitivismo moral. Ante todo se trata de combatir el malentendido que consiste en llevar a la
razn y al entendimiento, y con ellas a esa su peculiar habilidad tcnica y deductiva que ha
derrotado a la supersticin, hasta el centro mismo de la moralidad. Kant postular un inanalizable
sentimiento del bien (UD1 2: 299; cit. en p. 37). Kant es consciente a finales de 1760 que tiene que
ir ms all de Rousseau. Es preciso encontrar alguna clase de medio terico adecuado que pueda
reconciliar la libertad absoluta ya asumida con los logros empricos de la Revolucin cientfica (p.
45). Est en juego no slo la justificacin de la moralidad. Tambin hay que encontrar medios para
persistir en la vida moral sin ignorar nuestro inters inalienable por la satisfaccin de nuestra
naturaleza sensible. Pues bien, ste es, a juicio de Ameriks, el lugar que ocupa la religin. Dios
debe ser usado como un mecanismo para sostener la motivacin moral de los seres humanos (p. 667).

Citamos las obras de Kant de acuerdo con la Siglenverzeichnis estndar.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 420-425
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34040


Jess Gonzlez Fisac

(II) En la segunda parte se trata de analizar el significado elptico de cada una de las
Crticas (que recogeremos bajo los epgrafes II.1, II.2 y II.3).
(II.1) Por lo que hace a la primera Crtica, la cuestin a discutir es la del idealismo.
Ameriks propone una interpretacin moderada del idealismo. Hay dos posiciones extremas. La
que considera que Kant es un idealista que sostiene que los fenmenos son nada ms que meras
apariencias, resultado del encuentro de la cosa en s misma con el sujeto. Los fenmenos seran
empricamente ideales, esto es, meramente subjetivos en un sentido psicolgico. Por el contrario,
la interpretacin opuesta entiende que los fenmenos son apariencias reales que descubren las
hechuras de los objetos fsicos y que seran empricamente reales. La propuesta de Ameriks
consiste en atribuir a los fenmenos un estatus de entre (in-between, p. 76), ms que
empricamente ideales pero menos trascendentalmente reales.
En realidad, Ameriks no hace otra cosa que sostener el idealismo trascendental
mantenindolo en sus propios trminos y evitando las desviaciones. El espacio y el tiempo son
tems que se distinguen de las sensaciones o sentimiento subjetivos; ahora bien, el que sean
condicin posibilitante del conocimiento y de la objetividad no significa que sean la contrapartida
de las cosas en s mismas (p. 80-1). Las cosas en s mismas constituyen nada ms que un hecho
negativo (p. 80). Es decir, no se puede establecer una relacin de simetra y de correspondencia
necesaria entre fenmenos e idealidad trascendental, por una parte, y cosas en s mismas y realidad
trascendental, por otra. En efecto, la contraparte de la idealidad trascendental es la realidad
emprica, y el hecho de que los fenmenos, por su propia condicin (meramente nominal, como
recuerda Kant en A 251), estn orientados hacia cosas, no significa sino que no son nada ms
que apariencias que se agotan en ese su aparecerse empricamente y que no comparecen de otra
manera. La cosa en s hara las veces de limitacin y frontera que asegura lo emprico, en lugar de
ser el terreno ignoto que lo hace tambalear.
Ameriks aporta una lectura de la expresin en s mismo que retoma el sentido que tiene
en la filosofa prctica, concretamente en la expresin fin en s mismo. A saber, como algo que
no tiene que ver con alguna verdad referida a una cosa sino ms bien con su carcter de
incondicionado (p. 85). Pero, qu significa esto? Los fenmenos son siempre fenmenos de cosas
en s mismas, pues ellos no son nada ms que realidades condicionadas, siendo precisamente la
idealidad trascendental esa condicin que los constituye. Por el contrario, las cosas en s mismas no
se manifiestan en y como fenmenos pues son justamente lo que hay de incondicionado en su
manifestarse, el lmite que los habilita como tales, nunca el correlato (al menos entendido en
sentido fuerte).
Otra discusin contenida en esta parte es la propuesta de una alternativa al llamado giro
trascendental, atribuido a Strawson, as como a algunas de las lecturas que se han posicionado
respecto al mismo. Bsicamente este giro trascendental sostiene que hay estructuras necesarias de
nuestra experiencia y de sus objetos que habilitan un conocimiento universal. Esta lectura entiende
que son estructuras inmanentes, pues vienen demandadas por la condicin misma del conocimiento
cientfico, por su contrastada condicin de universalidad y necesidad del conocimiento. Esta lectura
es esencialmente anti-metafsica. No contempla la referencia a cualesquiera causas
ontolgicamente relevantes, que seran aquellas que haran posibles los objetos de nuestro
conocimiento. Segn Strawson en Kant estara esta tentacin metafsica, que es la que tiene que ser


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 420-425
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34040

La obra de Kant como un progreso hacia s misma

eliminada de raz. El problema de esta lectura es que parece prolongarse en otras que a fuerza de
insistir en el realismo emprico desestiman la condicin trascendental del idealismo y la necesidad
de un lmite absoluto, cuando no interpretan ste en trminos de causalidad; tales lecturas ven en la
cosa en s misma la causa metafsica de las condiciones ideales que, en ese caso, son meramente
subjetivas, empricamente hablando (p. 104-5). La solucin de Ameriks es la de una moderacin
desde el principio. A saber, primero se trata de leer en trminos anti-subjetivistas el idealismo.
Kant sostiene que en el realismo perceptivo de la vida ordinaria hay compromisos objetivos serios,
y que el idealismo no debe entenderse por tanto en trminos de subjetivismo. La solucin
moderada, que Ameriks llama posicin ontolgica expansiva (p. 109), pasa por reconocer que las
realidades psicolgicas y subjetivas slo se encuentran en un primer nivel, que no afecta al nivel
del conocimiento, que es el nivel pblico y objetivo de las realidades espacio-temporales (p. 107).
(II.2) En punto a la segunda Crtica est en juego, entre otras, la cuestin del humanismo
(no nos referiremos a las discusiones con Sussman y Kleingeld). Se trata de si y cmo se puede
entender el lugar el hombre en el mundo, es decir, cul ha de ser el estatus del punto de vista
humano. El humanismo radical sostiene que la posicin de inmanencia del ser humano debe
entenderse en trminos subjetivos y psicolgicos. El humanismo natural sostiene en cambio que
los lmites cognitivos estn determinados por las estructuras epistmicas esenciales de la trama
espacio-temporal de la que nos servimos (p. 145). En cualquier caso, el problema es saber hasta
dnde la posicin del hombre en el cosmos est determinada por su posicin en el mismo y hasta
dnde esa posicin consiste en la posibilidad de trascender nuestra situacin como seres
sensibles, en cuyo caso una tal posicin estara determinada por nosotros. O dicho de otra manera,
en qu queda la distincin entre dos mundos que ha venido sosteniendo desde la Dissertatio de
1770 hasta la GMS.
A juicio de Ameriks el sistema kantiano no es un humanismo que limitara toda posible
realidad al mundo en el que nos encontramos. Ms bien Kant sostiene que nos encontramos en una
situacin asimtrica. Por una parte, la posibilidad de ser libres y el postulado de la existencia Dios
supone que hay tems que no se encuentran en absoluto en el mundo (como recuerda acertadamente
el autor, debe tenerse en cuenta que mundo es un trminos que remite a la cosmologa antes que a
las ciencias naturales, lo que nos sita justamente en el lmite y, con ello, en el lugar del trnsito, en
lugar de en una situacin inmanente de cierre, que es lo que tendramos si el mundo se entendiera
fsicamente). El idealismo trascendental proporciona un espacio para poder considerarnos como
agentes prcticamente incondicionados. Asimismo, la razn prctica es pura toda vez que su
necesidad normativa la sita de alguna manera, parcialmente al menos, en otro mundo (p. 153).
En efecto, la naturaleza de la obligacin hace necesario considerar al ser humano no en las
circunstancias del mundo sino en relacin a los conceptos a priori de la razn pura (GMS 4:389;
cit. en p. 153). Lo mismo puede decirse de la nocin misma de razn. Entendida en trminos
instrumentales (que manejan algunos filsofos y economistas), podra parecer que la razn en
cuanto tal no garantiza la moralidad. Pero hay que entender que la racionalidad pura no tiene que
ver tanto con un origen puro cuanto con un modo de actuar por mor de la ley, esto es, conforme a
principios que son necesariamente concernientes a y para todos los agentes en cuanto tales (p.
154; sub. original). Es la universalidad, entendida tanto intensiva como extensivamente (nuestro),
la que garantiza la pureza y la libertad de la razn.
(II.3) En la tercera parte se abordan conceptos relativos a la filosofa de la historia. Kant
considera que el desarrollo completo de la humanidad supondr la satisfaccin de la vocacin
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 420-425
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34040


Jess Gonzlez Fisac

moral. Este fin no estara truncado por un juego sin propsito, sino que habra un fin natural,
Naturabsicht, que lo evitara. En realidad, la libertad absoluta y el respecto de uno mismo
constituyen fuerzas que van ms all de la naturaleza entendida en trminos prudenciales o
tericos. Asimismo, vinculado a estas fuerzas est la esperanza de que hay un ser que hace posible
aproximarnos al bien supremo a pesar de todas las frustraciones y fracasos que encontramos en la
Ciertamente la consideracin de ese movimiento de desarrollo como el despliegue de
disposiciones naturales parece abocar la finalidad prctica a un camino que es comprensible en
trminos estrictamente tericos (p. 208). La alternativa que propone Ameriks consiste en entender
que la capacidad de pensar, sea entendida terica o prcticamente, tanto da, permite comprender los
sucesos como orientados por fines y no nicamente como respuesta a fuerzas. Esta creencia en la
libertad, en la que reverberara el mismsimo funcionamiento de la razn, es la que hace posible
considerar la historia como un despliegue moral ms que como una rutinaria prolongacin de las
causas naturales.
Aqu habra sin embargo lo que Ameriks llama ambivalencia despreocupada (p. 210). Es
claro que slo desde una perspectiva moral tiene sentido concebir un propsito de la existencia. La
necesidad de la razn prctica es lo que condiciona absolutamente el propsito de la creacin.
Ahora bien, esto parece dejar a la historia fuera de juego, pues el respeto a la ley moral est
totalmente al margen de cualesquiera contingencias empricas (p. 219). Habra por tanto en Kant
dos posiciones separadas, razn prctica e historia, que Kant parece no haber trenzado de un modo
Sin embargo, esta ambivalencia slo se da si se interpreta la moralidad se limita al
aseguramiento del respecto a la ley. La moralidad tambin nos llama a ser agentes racionales
activos (idem) cuyo propsito es trabajar en el mundo de acuerdo con aquella. ste sera el sentido
de los postulados de la razn prctica. En la primera Crtica Kant habra introducido ya por medio
de las ideas la necesidad que tenemos los seres racionales de pensar una correlacin en la
experiencia entre la felicidad y la moralidad. Lo que importa es que estos postulados implican a los
sujetos como agentes. Es decir, sera la cooperacin, Mitbestimmung, de los seres racionales, en el
modo de una creencia, lo que se estimulara gracias a aquellos. No se trata tanto de que la apelacin
a esta dimensin subjetiva venga requerida por la mismsima ley moral. Como seala el autor, la
ley moral tiene una objetividad especialmente fuerte (p. 258). Est en juego ms bien nuestra
necesidad contingente, pero distintiva, de ser satisfechos por algo real y separado de nosotros en el
(III) La tercera parte constata las posibilidades de ampliacin de la senda elptica ms all
del propio Kant. Resulta de especial inters la que Ameriks dedica al giro trgico en la filosofa
moderna, en un camino casi indito que ira de Kant a Nietzsche.
La tragedia puede entenderse de otro modo que como una suerte de infelicidad o de
deberes en conflicto. La tragedia tambin puede entenderse en un sentido existencial, como una
actitud positiva que enfrenta las dudas que puedan echarse en la cuenta del camino recorrido por
la humanidad. Como anticipacin de esta peculiar actitud, la filosofa de autores como Kant, pero
tambin Lessing o Schiller, combina su visin optimista de la humanidad con una muy interesante
percepcin del drama que suponen las muchas tensiones que llenan el camino de la Ilustracin.


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 420-425
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34040

La obra de Kant como un progreso hacia s misma

Mientras que Nietzsche y algunos despus de l se hicieron cargo de una comprensin
irracionalista del mundo as como de una priorizacin de la dimensin esttica, trgica e histrica
de la existencia humana, en Kant podramos reconocer ya una suerte de demarcacin previa de los
lmites de la racionalidad que estara precisamente en su exigencia de una teleologa fundada en la
creencia moral.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 420-425
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34040


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 426-427
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34041

Massimo Barale, In Memoriam (1941-2015)
Nuria Snchez Madrid
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Espaa

El nmero 2 de Con-textos kantianos no poda dejar de dedicar un emocionado recuerdo al

profesor Massimo Barale, cuya profunda dedicacin a Kant y el pensamiento alemn
clsico tanto contribuy al florecimiento de estas investigaciones en Italia. Pertenezco al
grupo de investigadores visitantes a los que el profesor Barale acogi con una gentileza y
generosidad extremas en la Universit degli Studi di Pisa, donde imparti docencia desde
1964 y lleg a ser profesor emrito, manifestando siempre una actitud cercana y
hospitalaria en su trato con los colegas por la que no puedo sino estar por siempre
agradecida. Recuerdo de manera vvida mi primera conversacin con el profesor Barale,
durante una estancia ma de movilidad en Pisa por abril de 2008, y la lucidez con que me
seal de inmediato qu publicaciones y lecturas de Kant podan ayudarme para continuar
con buen pie una investigacin sobre la Antropologa de Kant recientemente emprendida.
A pesar de las numerosas tareas y gestiones que ya en aquella altura comportaba la
organizacin de lo que sera ms tarde el Kant-Kongress de Pisa de 2010, sac tiempo para
orientarme en relacin con los trabajos de Luigi Scaravelli, Silvestro Marcucci y Emilio
Garroni y de otros lectores italianos que marcaron un giro inslito a nivel internacional,
aunque no suficientemente subrayado a da de hoy, en la lectura de la Crtica del Juicio, en
la encrucijada entre la esttica y la epistemologa. La combinacin de esos escritos con mi
estudio del comentario de la misma obra por el pensador franco-brasileo Grard Lebrun
determin de manera decidida mi ocupacin con la tercera Crtica, desembocando ese
inters en una nueva traduccin y edicin de la Primera Introduccin de la Crtica del
Juicio, que en 2008 ya tena entre manos y que Barale no dej de animarme repetidamente
a llevar a trmino. La obra publicada del profesor Barale es admirable y en s misma

Profesora Contratada Doctor en la Facultad de Filosofa de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. E-mail

de contacto: .


representa una de las ms lcidas aportaciones a la investigacin sobre Kant. Recordemos,

a modo de ejemplo, publicaciones como Kant e il metodo della filosofa (Pisa, ETS, 1988),
Immagini della ragione. Logos e ratio allalba della scienza moderna (Pisa, ETS, 1983) o
Il Dio ragionevole. Percorsi etici e ontoteologici del primo Idealismo tedesco (Pisa, ETS,
1992). Deberamos hacer un esfuerzo para conceder mayor proyeccin a su interpretacin
no solo en Espaa, sino en las coordenadas geogrficas con las que solemos trabajar, cada
vez ms determinadas por la recepcin de contribuciones anglosajonas. Massimo Barale se
ocup de emprender un fecundo dilogo del paradigma trascendental de Kant con modelos
de argumentacin cientfica y hermenutica, desembocando en conclusiones acerca del
alcance y constitucin de una subjetividad coherente capaces de arrojar luz sobre un buen
nmero de problemas a los que se enfrenta nuestro presente. Romper una lanza a favor de
la filosofa trascendental como una teora de la racionalidad atendible no era tarea fcil en
los aos 70 y 80, pero Massimo Barale lo consigui. Se advierten numerosos puntos de
contacto y discusin fraterna entre sus trabajos y los que a partir de los aos 90 fue
publicando quien es sin lugar a dudas el Kant scholar italiano con mayor prestigio y
repercusin internacional, Claudio La Rocca, formado tambin en el alma mater pisana
bajo la orientacin del prof. Barale, quien fue su director de Tesina y Tesis doctoral.
Precisamente en compaa de La Rocca, Barale dirigi hasta su reciente desaparicin la
revista Studi Kantiani, sin la que hoy en da la investigacin kantiana internacional no
habra alcanzado los mismos niveles de comunicacin y cohesin. Siempre quedar en
nuestro recuerdo, por su magisterio e investigacin ejemplares, por su camaradera tan
infrecuente all donde reina la competitividad acadmica y por el delicado cuidado que
siempre dedic en su despacho de Pisa a los jvenes profesos en el kantismo, vinieran de
donde vinieran.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 426-427
ISSN: 2386-7655
Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.34041


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 428-433
ISSN: 2386-7655

Poltica Editorial
Este proyecto editorial slo podr salir adelante propiciando una nutrida participacin presidida por
la ms absoluta pluralidad y obviando exclusiones de ningn tipo.
Se trata de una revista electrnica en torno a los estudios kantianos que tendra una periodicidad
bianual y alternar los nmeros monogrficos (al cuidado de uno o dos editores invitados) con
otros donde se publicarn los trabajos que obtengan informes favorables por el sistema de par ciego
El espaol ser el idioma principal, pero tambin se podrn publicar trabajos en ingls, alemn,
francs, italiano y portugus.
Los manuscritos debern ser originales inditos en cualquier idioma, que no estn bajo
consideracin en ningn otro lugar. Debern remitirse por correo electrnico en Word a:

Preparacin del Manuscrito

La extensin de los artculos no deber exceder las 12.000 palabras, la de las discusiones 8.000
palabras las crticas de libros 4.000 palabras. En caso de que el inters y calidad del manuscrito lo
aconseje, el equipo editorial podr tomar en consideracin la publicacin manuscritos de una
longitud mayor o menor.
Tanto los artculos como las discusiones debern incluir un resumen en la lengua en que
estn redactados y en ingls de unas 150 palabras. Igualmente debern incluir tres o cinco palabras
clave en ambas lenguas, adjuntando adems el ttulo del trabajo en ingls. El ttulo del artculo, en
la lengua en que est redactado y en ingls, y el nombre y apellidos del autor, que estar en
VERSALES, constarn en letra Times New Roman, tamao 16, apareciendo nicamente el ttulo en
negrita. La vinculacin institucional aparecer en letra Times New Roman, tamao 14. El resumen
y palabras clave, en la lengua del artculo y en ingls, aparecern en Times New Roman, tamao 11.
Si la lengua del trabajo es el ingls, ttulo, resumen y palabras clave aparecern tambin en
traduccin al espaol.
Las recensiones llevarn un ttulo, en la lengua en que estn redactadas y en ingls, relativo
a su contenido y describirn la obra reseada del siguiente modo: Autor, ttulo, lugar, editorial, ao,
nmero de pginas.


En todos los casos los autores debern adjuntar unas breves lneas curriculares (250
palabras) donde, aparte de consignar su adscripcin institucional, den cuenta de sus principales
publicaciones y reflejen igualmente los mbitos temticos cultivados, sin dejar de proporcionar una
direccin de contacto electrnica. Por favor prepare el manuscrito para un referato ciego quitando
toda auto-referencia.

Todas las contribuciones han de emplear tipo de letra Times New Roman, tamao 12 y espaciado
1,5 (texto y notas). Las notas deben estar numeradas consecutivamente (nmeros volados, no entre
parntesis) y aparecer como notas a pie, usando la fuente Times New Roman, tamao 10 y
espaciado simple. El nmero de nota que remite a la informacin contenida en la nota a pie
aparecer directamente despus del signo de puntuacin que cierra la cita en el cuerpo del texto.
Las palabras y sintagmas que el autor considere necesario recalcar, irn en cursiva, nunca en

Citas y referencias
Las referencias a autores y publicaciones en el cuerpo del texto aparecern entre parntesis,
incluyendo el apellido del autor, el ao de publicacin de la obra y las pginas citadas. Ejemplo:
(Juregui 2008, p. 25)
Los pasajes de obras citados a lo largo de los artculos aparecern, con justificacin a la
izquierda de 1,5, en Times New Roman, tamao 11, sin dobles comillas. Las reseas no extractarn
pasajes con justificacin: en caso de que el autor desee citar extractos de la obra reseada lo har
entre dobles comillas en el cuerpo del texto y respetando su tamao, empleando la modalidad
indicada de referencia entre parntesis al autor, ao de la publicacin y pgina.
Las partes omitidas en citas se sealarn con tres puntos entre parntesis cuadrados
[], separados por un espacio simple de la palabra anterior y siguiente.
* Las referencias de las obras de Kant debern hacerse segn las pautas fijadas por la Edicin de la
* La bibliografa se debe organizar alfabtica y cronolgicamente al final del texto. Si se citan
varias obras del mismo autor, stas deben ordenarse de manera cronolgica, de la ms reciente a la
ms antigua.

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 428-433
ISSN: 2386-7655


Stepanenko Gutirrez, P. (2008), Unidad de la conciencia y objetividad: ensayos sobre

autoconciencia, subjetividad y escepticismo en Kant, Instituto de Investigaciones
Filosficas UNAM, Mxico.
Parra Pars, L. (1987), Naturaleza e imperativo categrico en Kant, Ideas y valores, no.
74-75, pp. 35-60.
Captulo en una obra colectiva:
Gmez Caffarena, J. (1994), Kant y la filosofa de la religin, en D. M. Granja Castro
(coord.), Kant, de la "Crtica" a la filosofa de la religin: en el bicentenario de "La
religin en los lmites de la mera razn, Anthropos, Espaa,
pp. 185-212.
Trabajos disponibles en la web:
Waldron, J. The Principle of Proximity, New York University Public Law and Legal
Theory Working Papers 255 (2011), p. 19,
acceso mes, da y ao).


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 428-433
ISSN: 2386-7655

Editorial Policy
We would like to acquaint you with a journal project that can only go forward with the greatest
possible participation of Kant scholars, without exclusions of any kind.
This periodical will be a biannual electronic journal in Kantian studies, which will alternate
between open-submission issues and single-topic issues coordinated by one or two editors. All
submitted manuscripts would undergo peer review.
Though Spanish is the Journals primary language, manuscripts in English, German,
French, Italian, and Portuguese are also welcome.
Submissions must not have been previously published, nor should they be under
consideration anywhere else in any language. Please send your manuscript as a Word attachment to
the following e-mail address:

Manuscript Preparation
Articles must not exceed 12.000 words, discussions 8.000 words, and book reviews
words (including footnotes and bibliography in all cases). Longer manuscripts could also be
considered by the editorial team, if the interest and quality of the contribution justifies its
Articles and discussions should include an abstract both in the language of the submitted paper and
in English that should not exceed 150 words as well as three to five keywords, with the title also in
English. The title of articles, in the language of the submitted text and in English, and the author
(in SMALL CAPS) will appear in Times New Roman 16 and in bold type. The institutional affiliation
will have font Times New Roman 14. The abstract and key words, also in the language of the
submitted and in English, will have font Times New Roman 11. If the language of the article or
discussion is English, the title, abstract and key words will be also translated into Spanish.
Book reviews should have a title both in the language of the submitted paper and in
English. They should also refer to the work under review as follows: Author, title, place, publishing
house, year, and number of pages.
Please include a brief biographical note (250 words) that includes institutional affiliation,
the titles of some publications, areas of specialization, and an e-mail address. Please prepare the
manuscript for blind review deleting all self-references.

For any contribution, the author should use letter type Time New Roman 12 and lines should be
spaced 1.5 (text and notes). Notes should be numbered consecutively (superscript, no brackets) and
appear as footnotes, using Times New Roman 10. The number of the annotation which points to the
International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 428-433
ISSN: 2386-7655


bibliographic information contained in the footnote has to appear directly after the quotation mark
closing the citation.
Stress required in the text should be done through the use of italics, never in bold type.

Citations and references

References without excerpting throughout the manuscript must appear in parenthesis in the main
text with the following information: authors last name, year of publication, and quoted pages.
(Juregui 2008, p. 25)
Excerpts cited throughout articles will use Times New Roman 11, without quotation marks and 1,5
left indented. Reviews shall not include indented excerpts, only brief citations, if necessary, with
quotation marks and the reference in parenthesis of authors last name, year of publication, and
quoted pages.
Omissions in citations are marked by three dots placed in square brackets which are
separated from the preceding and the following word by a single space.
When citing Kants Complete Works the usage within the Akademie Edition is mandatory
*Bibliography must be included at the end and organized alphabetically. Several works by
the same author must be ordered chronologically beginning with the most recent one.
Stepanenko Gutirrez, P. (2008), Unidad de la conciencia y objetividad: ensayos sobre
autoconciencia, subjetividad y escepticismo en Kant, Instituto de Investigaciones
Filosficas UNAM, Mxico.
Parra Pars, L. (1987), Naturaleza e imperativo categrico en Kant, Ideas y valores, no.
74-75, pp. 35-60.
Chapter in a collective work:
Gmez Caffarena, J. (1994), Kant y la filosofa de la religin, en D. M. Granja Castro
(coord.), Kant, de la "Crtica" a la filosofa de la religin: en el bicentenario de "La
religin en los lmites de la mera razn, Anthropos, Espaa, pp. 185-212.
Paper available in websites:


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 428-433
ISSN: 2386-7655

Waldron, J. The Principle of Proximity, New York University Public Law and Legal
Theory Working Papers 255 (2011), p. 19,
accessed month, day year).

International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, pp. 428-433
ISSN: 2386-7655


International Journal of Philosophy
N.o 2, Noviembre 2015, p. 434
ISSN: 2386-7655

Listado de evaluadores / Reviewers List

Mara Julia Bertomeu (CONICET / Univ. Nacional de La Plata, Argentina)

Antonino Falduto (Universidad de Halle, Alemania)
Francesca Fantasia (Univ. de Halle, Alemania)
Catalina Gonzlez Quintero (Univ. de los Andes, Colombia)
Ricardo Gutirrez Aguilar (IFS/CSIC, Espaa)
Paulo R. Jesus (Univ. Portucalense do Porto, Portugal)
Efran Lazos (IIF/UNAM, Mxico)
Eduardo Molina (Univ. A. Hurtado, Chile)
Pablo Muchnik (Emerson College, USA)
Sandra Viviana Palermo (UBA/CONICET, Argentina)
Alberto Pirni (Scuola Superiore di SantAnna, Italia)
Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos (CFUL, Portugal)
Roberto R. Aramayo (IFS/CSIC, Espaa)
Nuria Snchez Madrid (UCM, Espaa)
Francesco V. Tommasi (Univ. La Sapienza, Italia)
Sandra Zakutna (Univ. de Presov, Eslovaquia)


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