Art 21
Art 21
Art 21
En este trabajo presentamos un estudio petrolgico detallado de algunos de los diques de lamprfido
sub-verticales de edad Prmica del complejo intrusivo de Aiguablava (Cadenas Costero Catalanas).
Aportamos nuevos datos composicionales, tanto en minerales (elementos mayores) como en roca total
(elementos mayores y traza), de algunos de los diques ms inalterados. Del estudio realizado se deduce
que todos los magmas lamprofdicos estudiados tienen un origen comn, si bien presentan un pequeo
rango de fraccionamiento, en el que diferenciamos tres etapas relacionadas con tres pulsos magmticos.
Segn nuestros datos, algunos de los diques considerados anteriormente como espesartitas de afinidad
calco-alcalina podran tener una afinidad transicional (de subalcalina a alcalina).
Palabras clave: Lamprfido, afinidad transicional, Prmico, Aiguablava, Cadenas Costero-Catalanas.
Geogaceta, 49 (2010), 83-86
ISSN: 2173-6545
The Aiguablava pluton is part of the
Catalonian Coastal Ranges batholith
(Fig. 1A). This batholith, composed of
granodiorites, and monzogranites
(Enrique, 1990), was emplaced at the end
of the Variscan cycle.
Two lamprophyric dyke families can
be recognized crosscutting the
Aiguablava pluton (Fig. 1B): the most
frequent is a WNW-ESE sub-vertical
system, mainly considered to be calcalkaline and Permian in age (Losantos et
al., 2000). The second system is subhorizontal and clearly alkaline in
composition, and sometimes cut the
former. The age of this second group is
late-Cretaceous (Sol et al., 2003).
Neither the late-Variscan nor the lateCretaceous lamprophyres have ever been
studied in detail from a petrological point
of view. The first references deal with their
location and petrography (San Miguel de
la Cmara, 1936 and San Miguel Arribas,
1952). More recently, Gimeno (2002)
described their structure and mineralogy.
Fig. 1.- Location of the lamprophyric sub-vertical dyke swarm from Aiguablava. A) Modified
from Enrique (1990); B) Modified from Losantos et al. (2000) and Enrique (2009). UTM grid
and coordinates. Arrows indicate the location of the studied samples (0A, 1B, 2B, 1C, 2C).
Fig. 1.- Localizacin de los diques sub-verticales de lamprfido de Aiguablava. A) Modificado de
Enrique (1990); B) Modificado de Losantos et al. (2000) y Enrique (2009). Cuadrcula y
coordenadas UTM. Las flechas indican la localizacin de las cinco muestras estudiadas (0A, 1B,
2B, 1C, 2C).
T. Ubide et al.
Fig. 2.- Field photographs of the lamprophyric sub-vertical dyke swarm from Aiguablava. A)
Sa Planassa- Punta des Mut outcrop. B) and C) Platja de nAstsia outcrop.
Fig. 2.- Fotografas de campo de los diques de lamprfido sub-verticales de Aiguablava. A)
Afloramiento de Sa Planassa- Punta des Mut; B) y C) Afloramiento de Platja de nAstsia.
Mineral chemistry
Clinopyroxene is Ti-rich augitediopside (TiO2 up to 4.5 wt. %). The
obtained compositions define a
differentiation trend (Fs8-Fs22) from
sample 0A to samples 2B and 2C (Fig. 3).
However, Cpx in the microenclaves
described for stage 2 samples yield
primitive compositions in agreement with
those found in sample 0A (Fig. 3).
The Ti-increasing trend, together with
the fact that most compositions plot in the
alkaline field defined by Leterrier et al.
The mineral assemblage of the studied
lamprophyres is given in table I. Modal
proportions are very similar among stage 1
dykes or stage 2 dykes, so average
proportions are given in each case. These
lamprophyres show porphyritic
hypocrystalline microstructures, where the
glass is recrystallized; the phenocrysts
clinopyroxene, plagioclase (variably
transformed to sericite) and olivine,
completely pseudomorphosed by chloritesmectite assemblages. Noteworthy, in
some of the stage 2 dykes (samples 2B and
2C) olivine-clinopyroxene-plagioclase
microenclaves have been identified.
Plagioclase and quartz xenocrysts are
sometimes present.
Petrologa / Geoqumica
The lamprophyric sub-vertical dyke swarm from Aiguablava (Catalonian Coastal Ranges): petrology and composition
T. Ubide et al.
Petrologa / Geoqumica