Comprensin Oral Escucha un dilogo con alguien que acaba de tomar una clase de
primeros auxilios.
Dilogo Lee un dilogo con alguien que acaba de tomar una clase de primeros auxilios.
Ingls Nivel Avanzado - Leccin 12 - Health (La Salud)
Para practicar con el vocabulario, cubra un lado con un papel y trate de recordar la traduccin.
Luego deslice el papel hacia abajo para ver si lo tradujo correctamente.
Ingls Espaol
anaphylaxis anafilaxia
bite picadura, mordida
bleeding sangrado
bleed sangrar
burn quemadura; quemar
choking asfixia
choke asfixiar; ahogarse
fracture fractura
heart attack ataque al corazn, infarto
illness enfermedad
ill enfermo
injury lesin
injure lesionar
poisoning envenenamiento
poison envenenar; veneno
shock shock, choque
sprain esguince, torcedura de un ligamento
sting picadura, aguijn
strain torcedura de un msculo o tendn
stroke apopleja
unconscious inconsciente
first aid primeros auxilios
epinephrine shot inyeccin de epinefrina
pressure presin
bandage vendaje
abdominal thrusts compresiones abdominales
cast yeso
CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) RCP (Resucitacin cardiopulmonar)
emergency room sala de emergencia
rescue breathing la respiracin de rescate
elevate elevar
cough toser; tos
wrap envolver
fist puo
panic pnico; asustarse
cloth tela
wound herida
kit botiqun
damage daar
expiration expiracin
expire expirar
gauze gasa
compress dressings venda en rollo
gloves guantes
tweezers pinzas
splinter astilla
earthquake terremoto
flood inundacin
hurricane huracn
supply suministro; suministrar
non-perishable no perecederos
flashlight linterna
crank manivela
sanitation saneamiento
personal hygiene higiene personal
fireproof a prueba de fuego
glove compartment guantera
charger cargador
Ingls Mundial
Ingls Nivel Avanzado - Leccin 12 - Health (La Salud)
Hay tres verbos auxiliares que se pueden usar para dar consejos. Son should, ought to,
y had better.
Los tres quieren decir "deber" pero "had better" es mas fuerte porque implica una mala
consequencia si no sigues el consejo. Otra diferencia es que generalmente no se usa
ought to o had better con preguntas.
Hay una diferencia en la forma negativa tambin. Se puede hacer una contraccin nada
ms con el verbo should. Tambin nota la posicin de not. Va despues de "should" y
"had better" pero en medio de "ought" y "to" ("ought not to").
You should not put hot water on a burn. You shouldn't put hot water on a burn.
You ought not to put hot water on a burn. (No hay contraccin.)
You had better not put hot water on a burn. (No hay contraccin.)
Ingls Mundial
Ingls Nivel Avanzado - Leccin 12 - Health (La Salud)
HEATHER - A lot of stuff. What to do in emergency situations? For example, what should
you do if you burn yourself on a hot stove?
JENNIFER - Oh. Then maybe you should put ice on the burn.
HEATHER - No. You should run cool water over the burn. How about this? What should
you do if someone is choking?
HEATHER - No. You might lodge the object in their throat more and make things worse.
First you should make sure they are really choking. If they can talk or cough, that
means that air is getting through and you should just let them cough. If they cant talk
or cough, you should do the abdominal thrust.
HEATHER - You wrap your arms around the person and quickly pull in and up with your
JENNIFER - Wrap your arms around the person? Hmmm. Sounds romantic.
HEATHER - No, seriously, the air thats forced up dislodges the object. What would you
do if I cut my arm and was bleeding really badly?
HEATHER - No. You should put a cloth over the wound, apply pressure, and elevate it.
Ingls Nivel Avanzado - Leccin 12 - Health (La Salud)
in time - a tiempo