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Basement configuration of the northwestern

South America - Caribbean margin from recent
geophysical data

Article in CT y F - Ciencia, Tecnologia y Futuro December 2007

Source: OAI


17 214

3 authors:

James Kellogg John Ceron

University of South Carolina Instituto Colombiano del Petroleo


German Ojeda
Andes Earth Imaging LLC


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John F. Cern1*, James N. Kellogg2, and Germn Y. Ojeda3
1Ecopetrol S.A. Calle 37 No 8-43, Bogot, Colombia
2Department of Geological Sciences, University of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C., USA
3Ecopetrol S.A.- Instituto Colombiano del Petrleo, A.A. 4185 Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia

e-mail: jceron@ecopetrol.com.co

(Received Sept. 25, 2007; Accepted Oct. 29, 2007)

he oceanic nature of the crust in northern Colombia (underlying the Lower Magdalena Basins) has been
postulated by different authors as a northern extension of the Cretaceous, mafic and ultramafic rocks accreted
to the western margin of northwest Colombia (in the Western Cordillera and Baudo range). Localized, small
outcrops of oceanic affinity rocks seem to support this hypothesis. However, geophysical data do not support this
northern extension, but clearly mark the boundary between the collisional Panam terrane with northern South
America and the over thrusting of the latter on top of the obliquely convergent Caribbean plate.

We produced maps to basement and Moho topography by integrated modeling of gravity, magnetics, seismic
reflection surveys and well data from northwest Colombia and the southwestern Caribbean. In areas with
good seismic coverage, the basement under the Lower Magdalena Basins (LMB) is represented by a clear
reflector. In areas where seismic data shows poor imaging or is absent, we use a back stripping methodol-
ogy to model first the sedimentary section, with known densities, composition and geometry controlled by
oil wells and high quality seismic data, and then the deeper section. 2,5D gravity and magnetics modeling
results in an initial Moho that can be extended to the entire region based on the control of available seismic
refraction points. This controlled Moho provides the basis for basement modeling for the whole area and
this sequence is iterated for several sections across the region.

Our results indicate that the crust under northern Colombia is continental to thinned continental (transitional)
in nature, with densities between 2,6 and 2,7 g/cm3. Our model also requires a dense wedge of sediments
(density 2,5 g/cm3) at the base of the modern fold belt, which may represent a fossil sedimentary wedge at-
tached to the continental margin. This wedge may have served as a backstop for the modern fold belt. The
gravity modeling does not require oceanic crust to form the basement in the Sin and San Jacinto fold belts
as previously suggested. Discrete layers and thin slivers of oceanic sediments and basement could have been
scrapped off the incoming plate and thrusted into an accretionary mlange, and eventually exposed at the
surface, as seen in the Mulatos, Chalan and Cansona locations.

The shape of the continental wedge / oceanic crust boundary resembles that of a very low angle/flat subduc-
tion zone ( angle between 2 to 3), and is interpreted here as a low angle over thrusting of northern South
America riding in a highly oblique direction over the underlying Caribbean plate. The map to basement depth
obtained during this study forms the basis for basin analysis, oil maturation and evolutionary studies of the
region. As an example, we apply our map to a flexural analysis of the LMB.

Keywords: Colombia, caribbean area, Lower Magdalena Basin, crust, moho geometry, basement, tectonics, geophysi-
cal, gravity model, magnetic model, reflection (seismic), flexure.

* To whom correspondence may be addressed

CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnologa y Futuro - Vol. 3 Nm. 3 Dic. 2007 25

a naturaleza ocenica de la corteza en el norte de Colombia (subyaciendo las cuencas del Valle
Inferior del Magdalena) ha sido postulada por varios autores como una extensin al norte de las
rocas Cretcicas, mficas y ultra mficas adosadas al margen Occidental del Nor Oeste de Colom-
bia (en la Cordilleras Occidental y la Serrana del Baud). Pequeos afloramientos, localizados, de rocas
de afinidad ocenica aparentemente confirman esta hiptesis. Sin embargo, los datos geofsicos parecen
no soportar esta extensin hacia el Norte, sino que claramente marcan el limite entre el terreno colisional
de Panam con el Norte de Sur Amrica y los sobre cabalgamientos de esta ultima por encima de la placa
oblicuamente convergente del Caribe.

Hemos obtenido mapas del basamento y el Moho mediante el modelamiento integrado de gravimetra,
magnetometria, ssmica de reflexin y datos de pozo del Norte de Colombia y el Sur Oeste del Caribe. En
donde existe ssmica de reflexin la respuesta del basamento es muy clara. En reas en donde los datos
ssmicos son inexistentes o presentan pobre resolucin, utilizamos una tcnica de reconstruccin para modelar
primero la seccin sedimentaria, cuyas densidades, composicin y geometra son conocidas, y se encuen-
tra controlada por datos de pozos petroleros y ssmica de alta resolucin. El modelamiento gravimetrico
y magnetometrico en 2,5 D resulta en un Moho inicial que puede ser extendido a toda el rea gracias al
control de los puntos de ssmica de refraccin disponibles. Este Moho controlado provee las bases para el
modelamiento del basamento en toda el rea de estudio, y esta secuencia es iterada para distintas secciones
a travs del rea de estudio.

Nuestros resultados indican que la corteza bajo el Norte de Colombia es de naturaleza continental a
transicional (continental adelgazada). Nuestro modelo tambin requiere de una cua densa de sedimentos
(densidad de 2,5 g/cm3) a la base del cinturn deformado moderno, el cual podra representar una cua
sedimentaria fosilizada adosada al margen continental. Esta cua puede haber servido de bloque rgido
(backstop) para el cinturn deformado. El modelamiento gravimetrico no requiere que una corteza ocenica
forme el basamento en los cinturones plegados de Sin y San Jacinto como se ha sugerido previamente.
Capas aisladas y tajadas delgadas de sedimentos ocenicos pudieron haber sido rasgadas de la placa
entrante y cabalgadas dentro de una melange acrecionaria, y eventualmente expuesta en superficie.

La forma de la cua continental / limite de la corteza ocenica se asemeja a una zona de subduccin de
bajo ngulo o plana (ngulo entre 2 a 3), y se interpreta aqu como un sobre corrimiento de bajo ngulo
del norte de Sur Amrica cabalgando en una direccin altamente oblicua sobre la placa Caribe subyacente.
El mapa de basamento en profundidad obtenido durante nuestro estudio forma las bases para estudios
de anlisis de cuencas, maduracin de hidrocarburos y estudios de evolucin en la regin. A manera de
ejemplo, hemos aplicado dicho mapa al anlisis flexural del LMB.

Palabras clave: Colombia, rea caribe, cuenca del valle inferior del Magdalena, corteza, basamento, tectnica,
geofisica, modelamiento gravimtrico, modelamiento magntico, reflexin (ssmica), geometra del moho, flexura.

26 CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnologa y Futuro - Vol. 3 Nm. 3 Dic. 2007


INTRODUCTION At the western side of the LMP we find the Uraba

basin, a flexural basin underlain by the oceanic crust
of the Panam arc (Flinch, 2003). It is genetically and
The present shape of the northwestern corner of
stratigraphically different from the LMP and does not
South America is the result of the interaction between
form part of the same. The Uramita fault (interpreted here
major plates (Nazca and South America) with the
as a wrench fault with evidence of transpression) forms
smaller Caribbean, North Andes and Panam plates and
the geologic limit of the LMP on the west. This LMP
microplates. The Lower Magdalena geologic province
comprise (from West to East): the Sin basin (underlain
in Colombia (LMP) is a geographical denomination to
by thinned continental crust), the San Jorge and Plato
design the sedimentary province north of the northern-
basins (underlain by continental crust) and the transten-
most exposures of the Western and Central Cordillera
sional Ariguan basin at the western flank of the Sierra
rocks, which serves as the southern limit of the area
Nevada de Santa Marta massif (See Figure 4b for general
(Schenk, Viger, & Anderson, 1999). Several sub-basins
location). The Lower Magdalena Basins (LMB) comprise
and folded belts comprise the LMP sedimentary prov-
the Plato, San Jorge and Ariguani basins, while the term
ince west of the Bucaramanga and Santa Marta faults
Caribbean basins has been traditionally used to describe
(see Figure 1 for location) and East of the Uramita fault,
only the Sinu and San Jacinto fold belts (Laverde 2000;
near the Panam/South America suture zone. The north-
Cediel, Caceres, & Shaw, 2003). Basement highs delin-
ern limit of the sedimentary province can be extended
eate the boundaries of these basins: the North Romeral
north to the frontal thrusts of the South Caribbean
fault (Cediel et al., 2003) marks the contact between the
deformed belt (SCDF). The purpose of this study is to
Sin and the San Jorge Basin; this last one is separated
propose a definition of the type of crust underlying the
from the Plato basin by the granitic Magangue high and
LMP and the implications of the basement configura-
finally, the Algarrobo strike slip fault created the El Difcil
tion, using a geophysical integration approach.
high that separates the Plato from the Ariguan basin.
The above mentioned basins have been previously
described as forearc basins (Ladd, 1984), a foreland ba-
sin formed as the result of over thrusting by Caribbean-
Arc rocks (Macellari, 1995) or back-arc basins (Flinch,
2003). More recently, some authors; (Hernndez and
Guerrero, 2006; Reyes, 2000; Reyes, Rueda, Mantilla,
& Ardila, 2002) have proposed that these basins are
the result of the rotation of crustal blocks that create
accommodation space behind them, triggered by the
W-E relative movement of the Caribbean plate with
respect to South America. The different explanations try
to honor the available geologic, seismic, potential fields
and well data with the interpretation of the interaction
between the Caribbean Crust (CAR) and the northwest
corner of the South American Plate (SAM). It must
be noticed that there is no present volcanic arc in the
LMP and the most recent igneous activity in Northern
Colombia is Eocene in age, in the Mande batholith in
the northern Central Cordillera and in the Sierra Nevada
Figure 1. Location of the study area, main faults at the basement level de Santa Marta (Cediel, Cceres, & Shaw, 2003).
and high resolution digital elevation model. Main faults depicted
include SCDF (South Caribbean deformed front), Ca (Canoas), Ba
(Baudo suture), PS (Panama suture zone), Ur (Uramita), Fs (Floresanto), The north west corner of the South American plate
NR (North Romeral), SJ (San Jacinto system), Pa (Palestina), Bu rifted away from adjacent North America starting in the
(Bucaramanga), SM (Santa Marta), Al (Algarrobo), Oc (Oca), BN
Lower Jurassic, and the opening of the paleo Caribbean
(Burro Negro), Bo (Bocono)

CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnologa y Futuro - Vol. 3 Nm. 3 Dic. 2007 27

JOHN F. CERON et al.

ocean created a passive margin that lasted until the Cre- provides the basis for basement mapping, with control
taceous (Cediel et al., 2003; Pindell, 1993). Volcanic by surface geology and oil well data. Once we have a
activity in the Caribbean plate was particularly intense good control of the Moho in 3D, we can use this signal
during the 97 Ma and 89 Ma basalt food events (Kerr, as a regional to model the gravity field over regions
Tarney, Nivia, Marriner, & Saunders, 1998; Mauffret, where we dont have good seismic or geological control,
& Leroy, 1997; Mauffret et al., 2001). to infer the geometry of the basement. Finally, we use the
interpreted geometry of the basement to start a discus-
The continental crust in North Colombia was sion about the genesis of the Lower Magdalena geologic
stretched, broken and later on subjected to transpressive province (Sin, San Jorge, Plato and Ariguan).
stresses that deformed the plate and created the LMP
and the South Caribbean deformed belts (Audemard,
2002; Larue, 2000). The collision of Cuba with the THE COMPOSITION OF THE CRUST
Bahamas and other global events changed the relative
movement of the Caribbean plate with respect to north-
The composition of the crust across the northern
western South America (NW SAM), to near the present
margin of South America (SAM) changes northward
~ 110 convergence direction (Kellogg, Vega, Stallings,
from continental to oceanic (Caro, 2003; Flinch, 2003;
& Aiken, 1995; Weber et al., 2001). This convergence
Mantilla-Pimiento, Alfonso-Pava, Jentzsch, & Kley,
has produced the Cenozoic deformed belt in northern
2005) (Russo, & Speed, 1994). In the early Jurassic, the
Colombia, which contains all the necessary elements
Pangea continental crust broke up, and SAM rifted away
(source rock, reservoir, traps and seal) to become an
from North America. The stretching of the continental
important target for oil exploration.
crust must have created zones of weakness, similar to the
Because of over thrusting, NW SAM resembles a present day West African and Brazilian margins. In those
convergent margin throughout the Cenozoic, and most rifted margins, there is a continuity from continental to
basins are of the foreland type. We will show that the oceanic crust, with a transitional or continentalized
geometric configuration of the basement in northern crust in between. Alternatively, a fossil spreading cen-
Colombia is continental to transitional in nature. We use ter may have existed in the Proto-Caribbean until the
geophysical tools with control by the available geologic cessation of the separation, around the end of the Early
and well information, to derive a crustal model for the Cretaceous. From that epoch to the present the northwest-
NW corner of Colombia, map the configuration of the ern margin of South America has been characterized by
Moho interface and the geometry of the upper crust (i.e., compression, divergence, and transpression.
basement) and then propose a model for the formation
The most accepted model for the origin of the Carib-
of the LMP basins.
bean plate is as an allocthonous provenance drifting from
The methodological approach is as follows: seismic Pacific sources (Levander et al., 2006; Pindell, 1993;
reflection data provides the basic framework for the map- Pindell, 1994; Rogers, 2003). This model leaves open the
ping of the basement, with control of oil well data. In areas possibility that fragments of Proto-Caribbean crust may
where seismic imaging is not clear or we lack seismic be preserved along the ocean-continent boundary.
control, we use a integrated approach to invert the gravity
The western Cordillera in Colombia consists of sev-
signal to obtain maps to basement depth. We start with
eral belts of Cretaceous, oceanic affinity rocks accreted
a discussion of the compilation of the gravity maps for
to the SAM margin during the Upper Paleocene to
north Colombia using all new and historical data, includ-
Lower Eocene (Kerr & Tarney, 2005; Nivia & Gmez,
ing a discussion of the processing sequence. This forms
2005). Mafic and ultramafic rocks were accreted to the
the basis for 2D gravity modeling using new seismic
west of the paleosuture zone (Kerr, Tarney, Kempton,
reflection data as the control for the geometric modeling
Pringle, & Nivia, 2004; Nivia, 1996). Similar composi-
of the upper crust. The results of these 2D models are
tion rocks are found in Panam (Case, Moore, Durn, &
used to extend our knowledge of the Moho configuration,
Lpez, 1971), in the Azuero peninsula, and other loca-
with the aid of seismic refraction surveys. Seismic data
tions of Central America, around what has been called

28 CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnologa y Futuro - Vol. 3 Nm. 3 Dic. 2007


the Cretaceous Caribbean Igneous province (Donnelly niacian/Campanian) to Pliocene sedimentary section
et al., 1990; Kerr, White, Thompson, Tarney, & Saun- overlying Cretaceous age crystalline basement (basalts,
ders, 2003; Lewis, Draper, Proenza, Espaillat, Jimnez, dolerites, diabases). Seismic reflection data (Driscoll
2006). Irving (Irving, 1975) suggested a separation & Diebold, 1998; Mauffret et al., 2001) tied this site
between oceanic and continental crust in the Lower to the continental margin of Colombia, providing the
Magdalena basin and after that it is a common theme opportunity to understand the nature of the crust near
to read about the oceanic crust in northern Colombia. the continental shelf.
This seems to be confirmed by surface exposures in lo-
calized outcrops of ultramafic rocks south of Montera In the Venezuela Basin, the crust is three-layered
(Cerro Matoso, El Almendro, Santa Rosa, Ure) located (Diebold, Stoffa, Buhl, & Truchan, 1981) with a 6,0/6,3
at the northern alignment of the North Romeral fault, km/s layer sandwiched between a 3,2 to 5,0 km/s and a
small outcrops of basalts (in the Chalan anticline and 7,0/7,3 km/s layer, similar to the Colombian Basin crust.
the Ojo seco volcanics in Cerro Cansona) and basaltic James (2005) points to the similarity with the Grenada
fragments found at the well Tol-6 (near the coast at Basin, which is also three-layered with velocities of
Morrosquillo embayment). 5,3, 6,2 and 7,4 km/s.

In addition, seismic imaging west of this alignment Seismic line Conrad-132 in the vicinity of DSDP
(like in the Puerta Negra-1 well in southwest Sin), 153 depicted reflectors A and B (Baquero, 1983). The
displays very poor to null resolution of the subsurface reflector A was identified from the JOIDES drilling
layers. Then, it seemed natural to trace the oceanic- as a sequence of early Eocene sediments composed
continental boundary North of the western cordillera of fine chalk or limestones interbedded with cherts
in Colombia, following the alignment of the Romeral (Edgar, Ewing, & Hennion, 1971). Overlying it are
wrench-thrust fault system. Based on the qualitative unconsolidated oozes and other sedimentary lithologies.
interpretation of the magnetic intensity and gravity The smooth reflector B is near the contact between
maps, we propose that the basement (upper crust) on a chert or siliceous limestone of Late Cretaceous age
this area is of continental composition in nature, and (Coniacian to Campanian) and a sequence of basalts,
oceanic basement rocks have been emplaced tectoni- dolerite or diabase sills (Edgar et al.,1973). Ladd et
cally by NW verging thrusts that have been scrapped al., (1984) proposed that basalts of the B reflector are
off the over thrusted Caribbean plate or are part of exposed in Curacao, where Venezuela Basin crust was
fragments of obducted blocks. The crustal lithosphere uplifted and exposed. In Colombia, the A reflector
is thinner than normal continental crust, and for that outcrops in the San Jacinto fold belt, where Duque-Caro
reason we prefer the term attenuated crust to describe has interpreted it at the upper San Cayetano Formation
the wedge shaped continental crust at the northern (Duque-Caro, 1997b).
boundary of SAM. Sub-B reflections were noted by Diebold et
al., (1981) in the Aruba Gap near DSDP 153. They
The nature of the oceanic crust described it as a diffuse discontinuous relatively
The Colombia Caribbean Basin comprises the oce- subhorizontal event, with an interval P-velocity above
anic basin bound by the Hess escarpment on the west 5 km/s. Based on this high velocity and its seismic
and the Venezuela Basin on the East (connected across character, they proposed an igneous origin. From
the Aruba Gap, south of the Beata Ridge). One goal refraction data Edgar (in Ludwig, Houtz, & Ewing,
of this work is to clarify the nature of the crust at the 1975) reports values from 3,2 km/s to 4,2 km/s for the
ocean continent boundary, since it has been the origin material above B and values as high as 5,2 km/s for
of debate in many publications. B. At DSDP 146/149 in the Western Venezuela Basin,
Diebold et al., (1981) correlated the smooth reflector
The crust of the Colombia Caribbean basin has been B with Coniacian to Campanian tholeiitic basalt flows
directly investigated by the Deep Sea Drilling Program and dolerite sills interbedded with pelagic limestones.
(DSDP). Site 153, drilled at the Beata ridge in waters Bowland, & Rosencrantz (1988) suggested that the Up-
of 4046 meters depth, encountered a Cretaceous (Co- per Cretaceous basement below seismic horizon B in

CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnologa y Futuro - Vol. 3 Nm. 3 Dic. 2007 29

JOHN F. CERON et al.

the Venezuela Basin is similar to the smooth-surfaced a synopsis classified by the lithology encountered in
basement in the Colombian Basin, and calculated ve- the basement. Triangles depict wells drilling low grade
locities of 4,5 5,5 km/s for this layer, indicating an metamorphic rocks (schists, phyllites), circles show
igneous composition. Leg 15 of the DSDP reported a wells penetrating granitic rocks, while stars indicate
P wave velocity of 4,9 km/s for these basalts. These unique lithologies. Of these, three deserve special at-
values agree with the refraction values tabulated in tention. The Medialuna-1 well encountered granites,
Table 3. metamorphic, and gabbroic basement described by
Petrochac (2001) as ophiolites. The Remolino Grande
The basaltic Aruba Lava Formation is part of the well near Luruaco also penetrated mafic rocks and the
Cretaceous (88 - 91 Ma) Caribbean oceanic plateau, Manantiales well in the Guajira Area (northernmost
interpreted as originating in the Pacific. The thick star on the map) drilled spilites. Reyes et al., (2001)
succession of submarine-to-emergent volcanic and described samples from the Tol-6 well as lithologies
volcaniclastic rocks on Aruba suggest an intra-oceanic with oceanic basement affinity. South of the San Ja-
origin. Petrographic, geochemical and isotopic data are cinto fault (Figure 1) all the wells penetrating basement
consistent with derivation of the Aruba Lava Formation encountered felsic or metamorphic rocks.
from a mantle plume (Kerr et al., 2003). In the Aruba
gap, a prominent reflector denominated Hopkins re- North of this fault, in the so-called San Jacinto fold
flector 5 (Hopkins et al., 1973) was identified as middle belt (Duque-Caro, 1979; Duque-Caro, 1984; Guzmn,
Miocene. Marine seismic data shows that the Middle 2003) mafic and volcanic rocks of Cretaceous age
Miocene is a prominent unconformity on the Pacific outcrop in the Cansona uplift, the Chalan Anticline and
side of continental Colombia. Duque-Caro (1990b) several quarries, such as San Carlos and San Sebastian.
noted that in the Sin Basin, the 15,5 Ma (Middle An accretionary wedge has been proposed to explain
Miocene) unconformity has a regional character. La- the Sin-San Jacinto sedimentary sequence in northern
verde (2002) named this event the Sin accretionary Colombia (Duque-Caro, 1979), and the Lara Nappes in
event. It has been proposed that this surface represents Venezuela (Escalona, 2006) are a Paleogene example of
the maximum flooding surface (m.f.s) in the Lower oceanic crust over thrusting continental crust.
Magdalena Basin. The continuity on a regional basis of
this reflector can not be overlooked, but we postulate Repeated episodes of arc magmatism can produce
here that it represents uplifts in the northern block of continental-type felsic to intermediate upper crust while
South America, possibly caused by the collision of arc magmatism produces a thicker mafic lower crust
the Panam Arc with the South American plate, which than the average continent. In the Aleutian island arc,
started in the Miocene and continues to the Present the excess mafic material in the island-arc crust can also
(Kellogg et al., 1995). be attributed to preexisting oceanic crust. (Fliedner, &
Klemperer, 2000).
The composition of the continental basement Important unique lithologies in the LMP are the
Continental crust-type basement has been drilled in peridotitic outcrops in Paraiso, Montelbano, Planeta
wells of the Cicuco Field on the Magangu High. Grano- Rica and El Almendro, all along a narrow ridge south
diorites with K-Ar ages from 102,6 117,8 Ma indicate of Montera. These mantle-derived ophiolites are dated
an Early Cretaceous intrusive event (Maya, 1992). Dur- as Early Cretaceous by Guzmn (2003). Peridotites
ing the Late Cretaceous several intrusive granitic bodies are known in several locations around the Caribbean,
including the Antioquia Batholith (Gonzlez, 2001)) and in Colombia we interpret those discrete outcrops
were emplaced in the Central Cordillera. Large granitic as slivers of mantle rocks obducted to the continent
boulders are found in Eocene-age conglomerates near during collisions of previously detached continental
Ovejas (Henao, 1961), in the Tol-6 well interstratified blocks separated from the autochthon during the rifting
with Lower Tertiary sediments (Reyes et al., 2001). periods. Gravity modeling of these bodies demonstrated
their localized effect, and they appear as rootless bodies
Numerous oil wells drilled in northern Colombia emplaced on top of continental to transitional crust.
have penetrated crystalline basement. Figure 2 presents

30 CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnologa y Futuro - Vol. 3 Nm. 3 Dic. 2007


In summary, where outcrops or well control exist based on density logs, lithology, depth to top of layer
the crust of the LMP can be described as continental and the functions described later on. Offshore, we fol-
in nature, and the few exceptions need to be explained lowed the reflectors in the deep seismic lines that tie
in the regional tectonic framework. the Colombia basin with the DSDP 153 site.
The middle Miocene unconformity (TMm), is an
The sedimentary column
important marker from the Pacific side of Colombia
Late Cretaceous (Cansona cherts and pelagic sedi- (where it represents a major uplift and erosive event) to
ments) to Neogene sediments fill the depocenters in the the Guajira basins, passing through the Urab sub basin
LMP. Based on published works (Caro, 2003; Cediel & and Lower Magdalena basins. It represents an epoch of
Caceres, 2000; Cediel et al., 2003; Diaz, & Ramos, 2003; intense tectonic activity in the entire Caribbean.
Duque-Caro, 1984, 1990a, 1990b; Duque-Caro, 1997b;
ESRI-ILEX, 1995; Laverde, 2000; Schamel et al., 1998)
we compiled the main facts about sedimentary sequences, GRAVITY COMPILATION
facial changes, density contrasts and paleogeographic
implications for the purposes of our modeling.
Gravity data
From the stratigraphic works by Duque-Caro
Gravity data acquisition in Colombia can be traced
(Duque-Caro, 1997a) and Laverde (Laverde, 2000), we
back to the late 20s, when several surveys using torsion
selected the main unconformities observed in seismic
balance were recorded in the Middle Magdalena Basin.
data, assigned ages according to the mentioned authors,
The exploration of the Lower Magdalena Basin onshore
and on the basis of the average composition made an
includes the oldest oil well drilled in the country (Las
approximation to the percentual lithologic composition
Perdices-1, drilled by Texaco in 1906) and the first
of sandstone (Ss), shale (Sh), limestone (Lm) and Chert
aeromagnetic acquisition carried in Colombia in 1947.
(Cht) for basin decompaction purposes. The values are
We have included in our study gravity maps from the
shown in Table 1. The last column depicts the density
area circa 1943.
variability for each layer for gravity modeling purposes,

Table 1. Seismic markers, lithological composition and average densities for gravity modeling. For conventions see text

Tops Age (Ma) Surface Marker COMPOSITION (%) (g/cm3)

Moho 3,3
Lower Crust 3,05
Middle Crust 2,9
Oceanic Crust 2,8 - 2,9
Upper crust 94 Bsmt Ss Sh Lm Cht 2,67
Cretaceous, Sedim 61 Ku 0 0 0 100 2,45 - 2,6
Early Eocene 49,5 TeL 40 50 0 10 2,43 - 2,54
A Reflector 39,5 TST Tem 80 15 5 0 2,40 - 2,49
Oligocene 28,4 Tou 60 40 0 0 2,35 - 2,47
Intra lower Miocene 22 LST Tmo 45 40 15 0 2,23 - 2,46
Burdiglian 17,5 TmL 20 80 0 0 2,19 - 2,40
Middle Miocene 15,5 MFS TmM 60 40 0 0 2,06 - 2,34
Lower Pliocene 3,8 TplL 70 30 0 0 2,00 - 2,20
Pleistocene Tpli 90 10 0 0 1,98 - 2,13
Water 0 0 Ss Sh Lm Cht 1,03

CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnologa y Futuro - Vol. 3 Nm. 3 Dic. 2007 31

JOHN F. CERON et al.

One of the oldest compilations was performed by equatorial track spacing of 5 km, while the sampling
J. Henao in 1961 integrating the 1940-1941 campaign along the orbit ground track is 350 m for the ERS-1
by Mott-Smith, a 1947 Shell survey in the Tacamocho- mission and 700 m for the GEOSAT satellite. The
Zambrano region, Pettys survey in Cicuco in 1956, a resulting product was compiled on a grid of 2 km by 2
Coveas-Montera survey by Gravity meter Explora- km. (GETECH, 2001).
tion for Texas Oil in 1943-1944 and the 1959 Gravity
compilation published by the Geographical Institute. We are aware of the existence of a sea bed gravity
The relatively flat topography and pronounced den- survey along the coast of Colombia, but it was not used
sity contrasts that revealed basin configurations led in the present compilation.
to the acquisition of numerous surveys, and more
recently aerogravity from fixed wing platforms (not Processing
included in our compilation). In 1991, Kellogg and During the University of Leeds compilation of
others published simple Bouguer and free air maps gravity data for South America (Green & Fairhead,
based on a compilation of open file data for Colombia, 1993) it became evident that several files used in the
Panam, and adjacent marine areas. The most com- compilation, containing data from the BGI, USGS,
plete compilation to date was the GETECH SAGP DMA and others, included duplicate stations but the
project (Green and Fairhead, 1993) when world wide labeling system often prevented identification of the
available databases, digital and analog maps and duplicate stations. The principal facts for the gravity
tables were compiled into a single product, where we land stations were not consistent, which resulted in the
collaborated with Derek Fairhead and his colleagues same station displaying highly different values of FAA,
for the compilation. The SAGP did not put too much elevation and CBA. Very common as well is a station
effort to bring to an unique datum the individual with the same elevation and principal facts, reported
surveys, and for that reason we recompiled the most at different locations.
significant surveys, put them into a single datum and
The final SAGP result, therefore, is contaminated
reprocess the entire region. Table 2 summarizes the
with high frequency noise resulting from the original
surveys used in the compilation.
data itself. On a regional grid of the order of hundreds
Not described in Table 1 are the compilations avail- of kilometers, these artifacts are often not noticeable.
able at the BGI, the DMA (USA) and Ingeominas in But for detailed work, for instance when performing
Colombia along main roads, for a total of about 16500 gravity profiles for 2D modeling, this dataset is not
land gravity stations, north of Lat. 7 N. enough, because variations in gravity values are com-
monly on the order of 16 mGal, with an RMS of +/- 4
Offshore data mGal which results in undesirable noise.
For the near shore area, marine gravity acquired In 1995 IGAC (Instituto Geogrfico Agustn Codazzi,
along seismic surveys was incorporated as available. Colombia) undertook the definition and updating of a
In addition, BHP-Billiton acquired in 2006 the Fuerte new gravity datum for Colombia, SIGNAR: Sistema
survey and CGG acquired the Colombia Delta in 2006 gravimtrico Nacional de Referencia (Martnez, Snchez,
but they were not used in the compilation due to confi- & Flrez, 1995; Snchez, 2003). The main objective was
dentiality terms. The marine surveys lack the principal the determination of a Geoid for Colombia, and the new
facts control of land surveys and must be adjusted by gravity datum was made available to Ecopetrol in 2006.
leveling in order to maintain internal consistency. We undertook the effort of leveling each individual survey
For the offshore areas beyond the continental shelf, relative to the new SIGNAR datum, since very often we
we used a grid of satellite-derived Free Air gravity, ignore the actual tie stations to the main network. We used
commissioned to GETECH, University of Leeds (UK) a least squares approach to remove a first order function
by Ecopetrol S.A. A proprietary re-picking technique that best adjusted the entire survey to the IGAC network.
was employed by GETECH using the GEOSAT and A flat, dipping plane was adjusted to each individual
ERS-1 geodetic missions, which yields an approximate survey, honoring the main facts of the gravity stations

32 CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnologa y Futuro - Vol. 3 Nm. 3 Dic. 2007


belonging to the main datum when available. The process means of the RMS error, but their result did not include
was lengthy and we had to discard spurious stations that all the available stations and we noticed a higher order
introduced errors beyond an acceptable level. The final of adjustment in the leveling. For that reason we did not
product resulted in a unified database where the observed use their extended database, beyond just the first, second
gravity showed a more consistent trend. and third order stations.
A similar approach had been used by IGAC (Snchez, Free air anomaly onshore was merged with the grids
2003) adjusting individual surveys to the datum by for Free air anomalies offshore to produce a leveled,

Table 2. List of gravity surveys compiled for this study. BGI: Bureau of Gravity, DMA: Defense Mapping Agency. USA.
SIGNAR: Sistema Gravimetrico Nacional de Referencia (IGAC, 2003)


BGI and DMA Databases Various BGI/DMA Land
Costa Rica Concession 46 1946 EXXON/TROCO Land
Apure (Lower Mag) 47 1947 EXXON Land
Sin 54 1954 EXXON Land
San Jorge 1954 EXXON Land
Mompox 55 1955 EXXON Land
El Difcil 55 1955 EXXON Land
Sin 62 1962 Ecopetrol S.A./Mobil Land
Coveas 1964 Ecopetrol S.A. Land
Cartagena 67 1967 GULF Land
Cabo de la Vela 67 1967 GULF Land
Bajo Cauca 1971 1971 Ecopetrol S.A. Land
Medialuna 1974 ELF Land
Barranquilla Santa Marta 78 1978 KOCH Land
Cesar Valley 80 1980 PHILLIPS Land
Sin 81 1981 Ecopetrol S.A. Land
Mompox 82 1982 Ecopetrol S.A./GULF Land
Tol 82 1982 Ecopetrol S.A./GULF Land
NW Colombia 84 1984 Ecopetrol S.A./GULF Land
Lower Magdalena Unk. SHELL Land
Urab Unk. SHELL Land
Bello/Envigado 1984 DMA Land
Sierra de Perij 1977/1979 USC Land
Choc 1969 BGI Land
Atlntico Various BGI Land
Galeones-Fragata 98 1998 AMOCO Marine
Macuira Nazareth 99 1999 TEXACO Marine
Baha 2001 2001 Ecopetrol S.A. Marine
Caribbean 2001 2001 GETECH/Ecopetrol S.A. Satellite

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JOHN F. CERON et al.

Figure 2. Composition of the continental crust as revealed by oil wells penetrating basement

Figure 3. Free air anomaly onshore / Free air anomaly offshore map of the SW Caribbean and NW South America. Contour interval is 10 mGal.
Bar at bottom shows color key

34 CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnologa y Futuro - Vol. 3 Nm. 3 Dic. 2007


FAA/FAA map, shown in Figure 3. The straight feature anomaly map shown in Figure 4a: Complete Bouguer on-
near the NW corner of the map corresponds with the shore, Complete Bouguer offshore - CBA/CBA and the
Hess escarpment, where more than 1000 m of vertical residual isostatic gravity anomaly with the structural
relief exists. The Free air anomaly offshore is highly elements within the Lower Magdalena Basin superim-
affected by the bathymetry and the low densities of posed. The above mentioned values are the densities that
unconsolidated sediments on the ocean floor. A 3D Bou- best minimize the topographic and bathymetric effects
guer correction can be used to remove the terrain effects. on the observed gravity field of the LMP.
Since this map is a compilation of several surveys over
a large area, it is difficult to find a single density that
best fits the entire region. In addition, for comparisons, GRAVITY MODELING
most publications show the Free air anomaly offshore.
For the onshore portion, however, the complete Bouguer Gravity data modeling in 2 dimensions allowed
anomaly (i.e. terrain corrected) best shows subsurface us to test different scenarios for the density contrasts
density variations and basin boundaries. in the upper crust. For a gravity modeling sequence we
require: a) an observed gravity field, b) a density model
As an example, we used reduction densities of 2,6
and c) an initial geologic model.
g/cm3 onshore and 2,2 g/cm3 offshore to produce the

(a) (b)

Figure 4a. Complete Bouguer anomaly onshore / Complete Bouguer anomaly offshore map of the SW Caribbean and NW South America.
Contour interval is 5 mGal. Bar at bottom shows color key. The bold lines shown corresponds with the profiles modeled in Figure 7. b) Residual
gravity anomaly of the map in the left, with structural elements described in the text. CCB: Colombia Caribbean basin; URB = Uraba sub-basin;
SJB: San Jorge sub-Basin; PLB: Plato sub-basin; FUB: Fuerte sub-basin; TYB: Tayrona sub-basin; RAB: Rancheria sub-basin (extends to the Guajira
offshore, not shown); SNSM: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta uplift; MHg: Magangue (or Cicuco) basement high; CC= Central Cordillera; WC:
Western Cordillera; PBa: Panama-Baudo arc and FHg: Fuerte high

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JOHN F. CERON et al.

Observed field
We choose the complete Bouguer anomaly (reduc-
tion density of 2,6 g/cm3) onshore / free air anomaly
offshore for our modeling. We produced maps of Free
air onshore / Free air offshore as well as complete
Bouguer / complete Bouguer onshore and offshore. The
selection of one set or the other defines the modeling
surface, background density and density above the
datum to be used. For our case we placed the gravity
stations on top of the terrain boundary (level of ob-
servation) and we used a background density equal to
the reduction density (2,6 g/cm3). This last value was
obtained after numerous trials to define the reduction
density that minimizes the topographic effects.

Density model
The quantitative interpretation of the gravity field
requires a density model that actually reflects the den-
sity contrasts in-situ. We divided the density model in
two parts for this study: the density of the sediments
and the crustal basement densities. As a starting point
we used the densities as logged in oil wells. From the
stratigraphic column we have a record of sediments
spanning the late Cretaceous (cherts and siliciclastic
rocks of the Cansona Formation) to modern, uncon-
solidated deposits.
The sedimentary density distribution is more af- Figure 5. Density/depth curve for the onshore / offshore geology.
The dots represent values from different wells, while the thick line is a
fected by burial than lithology as normally expected polynomial fit used in the 2D modeling
(with the important exception of carbonates, which
show densities on the order of 2,6 2,7 g/cm3). Geo- Densities of the crustal layers are evaluated in two
logic formations presented a broad range of density steps. From density logs, we can estimate the average
variability from well to well, but this range converged density of the crystalline basement. The well Cicuco-
when we plotted the available data against depth, re- Este-1 drilled 170 ft of granitic basement, with a density
gardless of lithology. of 2,66 g/cm3 as shown in Figure 6. The measured value
is very close to the typical reduction density of 2,67 g/
The result is shown in Figure 5, where scattered
cm3 (Chapin, 1996) and represents the density of the
points represent Bulk densities (in g/cm3) from the
basement (or upper crust layer in our model).
FDC or CDL logs (already corrected for mud cake).
The thick line represents one of several best fits; this The crystalline lithosphere in northern South Amer-
particular one has the form: ica may be represented by a layered model composed
(from top to bottom) of upper, middle and lower crust,
= 1,97 9E-06 z + 3,7E-08 z2 -6,1E-12 z3 + 3,11E-16
above the lithospheric mantle. A first approximation
z4 2,3E-21 z5
is available from seismic tomography by the CRUST
Where: 5.0 and 2.0 databases (Bassin, Laske, & Masters, 2000;
Mooney, Laske, & Masters, 1998) which provide
= Bulk Density, g/cm3
values gridded at 2 by 2 degrees of the Moho, lower,
z = Depth B.S.L., ft middle and upper crust and hard sediments.

36 CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnologa y Futuro - Vol. 3 Nm. 3 Dic. 2007


Refraction studies provide also a semi-direct mea-

surement of compressional velocities (Vp) which, in
turn, can be correlated with densities. Recent refrac-
tion studies have been conducted along the Pacific
coast of Colombia (Agudelo, 2005; Marcaillou, 2005),
and in the Venezuelan Caribbean Basin (Diebold
et al., 1981; Guedez, Magnani, & Levander, 2006;
Mauffret and Leroy, 1997; Mauffret et al., 2001;
Schmitz, Martins, Jcome, Snchez & Rocabado,
2005). Older refraction campaigns remain the only
source of information for the Colombia Caribbean
Basin (Houtz and Ludwig, 1977; Ludwig et al., 1975;
Case, 1975; Case, MacDonald, & Fox, 1990; Edgar
et al., 1971). Onshore refraction surveys in Colombia
include the Nario I,II and III projects near the bor-
der with Ecuador (Meissner, Flueh, Stibane, & Berg,
1976) and the Choco transects by Flueh (Flueh et al.,
1981). Table 3 displays a compilation of some of the
reported values, to show the general tendency in Vp
of the earth layers.
While the compressional velocity (Vp) values are
often measured directly, most of the densities in this
study have been derived from empirical relationships.
One of the most well known relationships between
density and Vp is that of the Nafe-Drake curves (Nafe,
1963), which have recently been offered in the form
Figure 6. FDC density curve for the bottom of Cicuco Este-1
of polynomial approximations by Brocher (Brocher,
Table 3. Layered earth model from several sources. Vp values are in km/s, H is thickness in km

Marcaillou, 2006 Mooney et al., Ewing, 1960

Author Schmitz 2005, (Venezuela)
(Pacific) 1981 (1) (Caribbean)
LAYER H (km) Vp H (km) Vp H (km) Vp H (km) Vp (g/cm3)
Water 1500 1500 1500
Low Vel, Seds 0 - 1,2 2 1,7 - 2,9 1,8 - 2,0 2 2,2 2,4
2,59 -
Hard Sediments 1,7 - 2,7 3,5 - 4,6 2,0 - 4,0 3,9 - 4,5
Upper crust 1 3-4 5,2 - 6,0 3 4,5 - 6,15 0 - 2,3 5,7 - 6,1 5,0 - 6,0 6 2,7 - 2,8
Upper crust 2 8 6,15 - 7,0
2,85 -
Lower Crust 1 10 - 16 6,9 - 7,5 10,5 7,0 - 7,45 6,8 - 11,7 6,7 - 7,3 10 - 16 6,5 - 7,4
Lower Crust 2 7,5 7,45 - 8,2
7,9 8,2 7,8 - 8,2 8,1 3,3
(1) : Proyecto Nario III, Onshore profile north of Yumbo, Western Cordillera of Colombia

CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnologa y Futuro - Vol. 3 Nm. 3 Dic. 2007 37

JOHN F. CERON et al.

2005) valid for compressional velocities between 1,5 Initial geologic model
and 8,5 km/s: Abundant seismic reflection data from oil explora-
tion covers the LMP. We had access to full datasets
(g/cm3) = 1,6612Vp 0,4721Vp2 + 0,0671Vp3
of SEG-Y data and interpretation software, and
0,0043 Vp4 + 0,000106Vp5
selected lines were chosen along regional transects.
The structural interpretation (in time) provides an
= density (g/cm3) initial geometrical constrain for the gravity model-
ing, with ground control from well logs. Oil industry
Vp = Compressional velocity (km/s)

Figure 7a. Seismic multichannel time section across the San Jorge Basin, showing locations of wells penetrating the basement (prominent reflector at
about 4 secs). For location see Figure 3a. The observed and calculated gravity values show a good agreement for the assumed densities

38 CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnologa y Futuro - Vol. 3 Nm. 3 Dic. 2007


biostratigraphic interpretations are used to establish oceanic crust containing an upper layer with a velocity of
the age of the horizons depicted in the interpreta- 5,7 to 6,1 km/s and a lower layer with velocities between
tion. However, the seismic reflection data provides 6,7 and 7,3 km/s. Seismic refraction profiles No 17 and
little or no information about the middle and lower 18 (Edgar, 1971), and profile B (Houtz, 1977) acquired
crust. Figure 7a shows a seismic reflection profile in the Colombian Basin found an upper layer of oceanic
across the San Jorge Basin near the Chinu fault and crust with velocities between 5,8 and 6,1 km/s and thick-
the locations of three wells that drilled crystalline nesses up to 2300 m. The oceanic crust underlies layers
basement, San Jorge-1, Tirn-2, and Magangu-2. with velocities of 3,5 to 4,6 km/s. These are too high for
Basement rocks included felsic igneous and meta- pelagic, unconsolidated sediments, so probably they
morphic rocks. include sediments with a high percentage of carbonate
composition. For comparison, the Nazca plate oceanic
The seismic reflection data in time was converted crust, subducting near the border between Colombia and
to depth using a combination of interval velocities (de- Ecuador, has shown refracted velocities between 4,5 to
rived from the migration velocity field) and published 6,2 km/s for an upper crust 2-3 km thick, and between
data for convergent margins. Velocities extracted from 6,2 to 6,5 km/s for a lower oceanic crust with a thickness
the available refraction data (Case et al., 1990; Ludwig between 4 to 6 km (Agudelo, 2005).
et al., 1975) served as independent control.
The crustal models (Bassin et al., 2000; Mooney et
Based on seismic observations offshore of the al., 1998) provided the initial geometric model used
Colombia-Ecuador trench (Agudelo, 2005; Marcaillou, for the middle and lower crust. The resulting gravity
2002), in the Colombia Caribbean Basin (Case, 1975; model for two profiles (CBA/FAA anomaly) are shown
Edgar, et al., 1971) and in the Venezuela Caribbean Basin in Figure 7.
(Levander, et al., 2006) we built a layered model for the

7b. 2 D density model for Morrosquillo profile. For location see Figure 4a. Observed gravity signal is CBA/FAA, reduction density of 2,60 g/cm3.
The bottom profile has been repeated at a 1:1 scale to emphasize the low angle of over thrusting

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JOHN F. CERON et al.

Gravity response of the moho nals including that of the crust-mantle boundary. Maps
Through 2D modeling, we evaluated the contribu- of the Moho in the Caribbean Basin (Case et al., 1990;
tions of sedimentary layers to the gravity field. Seismic Feng, S. van der Lee, &, Assumpcao, 2007) suggest that
data provides control on the geometry, while body the Moho discontinuity dips gently to the SE, and varies
densities can vary within a narrow range. The name of in depth from 25 km in the middle of the Colombia oce-
the game here is density accuracy. However, the rules anic basin to approximately 43 km under the continental
of the game to be defined in advance include both the Lower Magdalena Basin (Flueh et al., 1981).
regional/residual separation and the geometric model
Jacobsen (1987) proposed using upward continua-
to be tested. Along profiles where no seismic control
tion as a standard suboptimal filter. To extract sources
exists, we must have some a priory knowledge of the
below a certain depth (Zo) he suggested an upward con-
regional field to minimize the degree of uncertainty.
tinuation of 2 Zo above the measurement plane. Thus,
The Bouguer gravity field measures the effects due if we assume a thickness of the upper crust between 9
to all sources within the earth. In applied geophysical km to 25 km, an upward continuation to a 50 km plane
exploration it is customary to separate the signal in should reveal the deepest upper crustal signals.
a residual, this is, the anomaly of interest relevant to
Spectral methods are common as a first proxy for
the geologic goals of exploration, and a regional: the
regional/residual separation. The Spector and Grant
superposition of all sources deeper than our targets.
(1970) depth estimation methodology assumes that, for
In our approach, the full anomaly is modeled without
large samples, in a radially averaged plot of the loga-
regional/residual separation in order to model the re-
rithm of the power spectrum (E) vs. the wave number
sponse at crustal scales.
(rad/km) the depth to the causative sources can be ap-
Residual anomaly separation involves subjectivity proximated by a straight line for an ensemble of blocks
that makes model comparisons difficult (Chapin, 1996; at approximately the same depth (h), and the slope of
Karner, & Watts, 1983; Spector, & Grant, 1970; Yuan, the line is -2h. Figure 8 shows the Free air anomaly map
Sobolev, & Kind, 2002). Therefore we would like to of northwest South America, from 77 W to 67 W and
establish a separation method that can be reproduced from 14 S to 12 N. The map was produced combining
elsewhere. the Free air anomaly map of Colombia obtained in this
study with Free air anomalies obtained from repick-
Interpreting the first order 3D gravity signal requires ing of the satellite derived gravity (GETECH, 2001).
an area large enough to register the long wavelength sig- Where necessary, like the Panam isthmus, the map

Figure 8a. Free Air gravity anomaly map for Northern South America, North of 14 S.
Figure 8b. Power spectra. The map has been compiled using the complete data set for Colombia, and Northern SAM

40 CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnologa y Futuro - Vol. 3 Nm. 3 Dic. 2007


was completed using public domain data included in topography, bathymetry, a first approximation of the
the DNAG geophysics of North America compilation base of sediments as mapped with seismic data and a flat
(Hanna et al., 1989). With the exception of the DNAG Moho surface that is inverted to match both the observed
data set (6 km by 6 km grid) all the other grids were field and the refraction data control points. We conclude
produced with a resolution of 2 km by 2 km. that the spectral methods provide a good approximation
for the configuration of the Moho in Northern South
The radially averaged power spectra of the above America, using Butterworth filters. The oceanic Moho is
grid is shown in Figure 8b. The power spectra shows a within a depth range of 20 to 25 km, with good control
linear trend between wavelengths of 40 km and 91 km from seismic refraction data, while the continental Moho
(depth estimate of 30 km), a shallow trend with a depth ranges from 27 km to 45 km, the deepest values under
estimate of 3,4 km (below wavelengths of 4,8 km), and the Eastern Cordillera / Mrida Andes orogens. Control
a deep source with estimates around 69 km, between points onshore are available in Venezuela (Schmitz et
wavelengths of 91 and 200 km. The meaning of these al., 2005)) and west Colombia (Flueh et al., 1981) The
depths cannot be uniquely determined, but comparison obtained depth to Moho map is show n in Figure 9. In
with similar datasets (Chapin, 1996; Karner, & Watts, general it compares closely with both the Case (Case
1983) suggests that the 30 km pick is an expression of the et al., 1990) and the CRUST 2.0 model, (Bassin et al.,
average depth to the Moho discontinuity. The shallow- 2000) and honors the available refraction data.
est depth estimate (3,4 km) may represent an averaged
depth to crystalline basement. The deepest value (69 km)
is consistent with deep discontinuities found by Dave BASEMENT GEOMETRY
Chapin (1996) and Karner and Watts (1983) for both
oceanic and continental lithosphere. The Nario Project
The term geologic basement is used here in the
(Meissnar et al., 1976) discovered an increase in the Vs
sense of the top to crystalline (metamorphic or plutonic)
and Vp velocities at approximately 69 km depth for a re-
rocks overlain by sedimentary beds. The basement
fraction line between La Cocha (1 N, 77 W) and Bogot
offshore would correspond to the equivalent, non-sed-
(4 N, 74 W). Based on spectral separation at different
imentary rocks at the base of the sedimentary column.
scales for the South American, Caribbean and Nazca
In the case of the Lower Magdalena province we must
plates, we speculate that the 69 km depth represents a
distinguish between continental basement (or continen-
major lithospheric upper mantle discontinuity.
tal upper crust) and oceanic basement, different in age,
For the Colombia Caribbean basin and the adjacent composition and geometry. From the geophysical point
Lower Magdalena Basin in Colombia between 7 N of view, we must also make a difference between the
and 16 N and between 71 W and 82 W, the deepest acoustic, the dense and the magnetic basement, depend-
depth estimate (~ 30 km) is characteristic of average ing on which physical property we measure (acoustic
Moho depths, while shallower estimates (~ 9 km) are impedance, density or susceptibility, respectfully). They
related to the top of crystalline basement, independently do not map necessarily to the same surface, and during
controlled by seismic, well, and gravity modeling in the the modeling we allow some adjustments between base-
Plato, San Jorge, and Tayrona basins. The University of ment drilled by oil wells (crystalline basement) and the
Leeds South American free air gravity dataset exhibits surface represented by geophysical models.
a power spectrum (see Figure 3 in Chapin, 1996) with
The qualitative interpretation of the gravity anomaly
two clear slope breaks, the first at the 125 km wave-
of the Lower Magdalena show features that can be cor-
length and the second one at 315 km. Chapins explana-
related with known geo phenomena in the region, as
tion for the last one is that at longer wavelengths, the
shown in Figure 3b. From South to North, we notice
free air gravity is dominated by isostatic effects.
low values associated with depocenters (sub-basins)
Using this spectral separation approach, we produced and high gravity values associated with the Serrana de
an initial model in 3D using wavelengths longer than 5 San Lucas crystalline outcrops, with the Panam-Baud
km and shorter than 120 km as the observed field, and a oceanic arc (Case, Braunstein, & Thompson, 1982;
simplified geologic model consistent of low pass filtered Case et al., 1990) and the Luruaco area.

CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnologa y Futuro - Vol. 3 Nm. 3 Dic. 2007 41

JOHN F. CERON et al.

The depocenters can be successfully delineated with Figure 7 requires a sliver of higher density sediments
the help of 2D and 3D gravity modeling, especially (2,5 g/cm3) at the base of the deformed belt in front of
when well control exists (as is the case for the Plato and Morrosquillo. The body has a positive gravity and mag-
San Jorge basins). Depocenters with less control and netic anomaly associated, but has not been sampled.
a higher level of uncertainty include the Sin, Baha,
and Tayrona basins. Our interpretation of the depth to basement (onshore)
is shown in the map in Figure 10. Basement reaches
We use the cooperative approach to perform depths of 9 km in the Plato Basin, and north of it near 6
backstripping of the gravity signal, starting with the km in the Southern part of the Tayrona basin. These two
estimated Moho, and then producing maps of depth depocenters are separated by a basement high coincident
to basement. Drilled wells and 2D seismic profiles with the Salamanca barrier island where the Salamanca-1
provide boundary conditions for the 2D modeling. well reported quartz-diorites drilled at a depth of 2352
This controlled Moho provides the basis for basement m BSL. The south west boundary of the Plato basin is
modeling in areas where seismic data shows poor formed by the basement high of Magangu or Cicuco,
imaging or is absent, and this sequence is iterated for drilled by numerous wells. This high separates the Plato
several sections across the region. The resulting product basin from the San Jorge basin. There, depths of 5500 m
is shown in Figure 9. are interpreted in the hanging block of the Mojana normal
fault. The San Jorge depocenter extends to the west and is
separated by the Sin region by the transpressive North
Romeral fault, which is interpreted here as a deep seated
flower structure at the Puerta Negra location.

Figure 9. Map to Mohorovic discontinuity for northern Colombia,

obtained from gravity inversion with refraction data control. Contour
interval is 5 km

The Plato and San Jorge depocenters, as well as

the lineament North of the San Jacinto fault (so called
the Bolivar High) were recognized since the initial
surveys by Mott-Smith in 1941. Structural phenomena
like the Remolino High, Magangu Arch, Tabln High
and El Difcil High had also been mapped by Henao Figure 10. Lower Magdalena Basin. Map to basement depth, in meters.
Contour interval = 500 m
(Henao, 1961). The Tol Viejo gravity high from
South Coveas to the North into the Gulf of Morros- Finally, the Sin basin reaches depths beyond 7 km
quillo was important in the location of the Tolu wells near the coast line. The Porqueria-1 well reported more
in 1949. A second maxima south of Lorica marks the than 3300 m of Pliocene sediments alone. The Sin basin
Magangue (or Cicuco) high. The 2D model shown in is separated from the Urab basin on the west by the strike

42 CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnologa y Futuro - Vol. 3 Nm. 3 Dic. 2007


slip/thrust Uramita fault. Depths in the Urab basin reach

almost 7 km South of the Necocl-1 well. The basement
rises gently towards the west, outcropping in Panam.


The geometry of the basement forms the basis for

basin analysis studies. As an example, we apply here
a known concept of flexural analysis to investigate the
evolution of the Plato basin. The origin of the lower
Magdalena basin has been defined as a forearc basin
(Ladd et al., 1984), a foreland basin formed as the result of
over thrusting by Caribbean-Arc rocks (Macellari, 1995),
the result of faulting forming grabens and horsts (Caro,
2003) or a back-arc basin (Flinch, 2003). The geometry of
the basement can be approximated from a flexural point of
view to a flexed slab that bends as a response to tectonic
forces applied to the same (Airy isostasy corresponds to
an elastic thickness of cero, but higher elastic thicknesses
are related with a more resistive slab).
Figure 11 shows a W-E oriented seismic line cross-
ing the Plato basin. It has depth control by two wells
(Balsamo-2 and San ngel-3). We then attempt a simple
flexural modeling for an extended profile of the basin Figure 11. Seismic line across the Plato basin and flexural analysis for
assuming a vertical load applied at the center of a pre- two different Te (effective elastic thickness). Four reflectors are shown;
from bottom to top they represent: Upper Cretaceous, Paleocene,
existing, unbroken slab under the Plato basin. The result Middle Miocene and Pliocene unconformities, respectfully
is shown in Figure 11b: the upper curve represents the
flexural response for a Te of 25 km, the lower one is the
response for a Te of 50 km. We conclude that an effec- b) During the Paleogene and early Miocene the basin
tive elastic thickness (Te) of about 27 km best matches subsided uniformly, creating accommodation space
the present shape of the basement, while larger values by possible sea deepening.
of Te would result in a basin that is too deep. c) Between the lower and the Middle Miocene a con-
siderable tilting towards the East created a deeper
For the purposes of back stripping, we apply the
basin in that direction. Before the Middle Miocene
sediment composition shown in Table 1. We follow the
unconformity the San Jorge basin was subject to
methodology described by Angevine, Heller, & Paola
intense tectonism.
(1990). When we apply back stripping, the resulting
sediment decompaction curves are shown in Figure 12. d) The tilting of the basin continues until the Lower
We notice that the shape of the curve resembles more the Pliocene. This stage resembles that of a foreland
shape for a foreland basin, on early stages, rather than a basin. Tectonic loads could be the product of trans-
forearc basin. (Insets taken from Angevine et al., 1990). pressive events at the San Jacinto fault.
Based on the seismic interpretation, the flexural analysis e) From the Lower Pliocene (3,8 Ma) to present, the basin
and the backstripping of the shown section, we propose basically subsided at a very rapid rate. Plio-Pleistocene
the following evolutionary history for this sector: sediments are as thick as 12000 ft in the Sin basin
a) A platform until the end of the Cretaceous. and around 15000 ft in the Magdalena fan.

CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnologa y Futuro - Vol. 3 Nm. 3 Dic. 2007 43

JOHN F. CERON et al.

Figure 12. Burial History for the Lower Magdalena basin. Lower insets from (Angevine et al., 1990) The initial history for the LMB resembles more
that of a foreland type of basin, than of a Forearc (or back arc) basin. The youngest section (right side) responds to a steady subsidence

CONCLUSIONS vides the basis for postulating a very deep basin, filled
with low density sediments and with evident presence
of localized, yet considerable (2 km or more in diam-
We built a complete data set with the available
eter) bodies that require low density (1,8 to 2 g/cm3)
gravity data to produce maps of free air, complete
to match the observed values. In same places they can
Bouguer anomaly and combined anomaly maps for
be correlated with mud volcanoes in surface, like the
northern Colombia. 2 D modeling provides the
case of the mud volcano near Mulatos in the Sin area.
basis for basement geometry interpretation, base-
This might imply that the relatively small vents that
ment composition and basement type discrimina-
pour unconsolidated mud to surface in several places
tion, using well data, surface geology and seismic
in the Sin are in reality the necks of larger diapirs at
reflection data as boundary conditions.
depth, and these diapirs form an almost continuous
belt that can be traced ocean ward in the NE direction,
Basement drilled by numerous oil wells, outcrops
following the direction of the younger Sin deformed
and density models show that the crust underly-
belt. High resolution bathymetry shows the presence
ing the Plato and San Jorge basins is continental
of mud volcanoes, cone-like shapes, donut-like and
in nature, and varies from granitic composition
similar shapes at the sea bottom, several of which
(Magangu high and El Difcil high) to low grade
have been sampled by oil companies by means of sea
metamorphic rocks. The basement is a prominent
bottom coring programs, evidencing unconsolidated
reflector that can be followed in seismic lines and
mud extruding from them, very often impregnated
is controlled by oil wells.
with hydrocarbon traces.

The reflections are not evident north of the San Jacinto

The interpretation of the model for the basement in
fault system and West of the North Romeral fault, in
the Sin area does not require high densities typical
the Sin basin. There, gravity modeling alone pro-
of mafic rocks, but the observed anomaly can be

44 CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnologa y Futuro - Vol. 3 Nm. 3 Dic. 2007


explained with densities in the order of 2,6 2,7 g/ a main scholarship provided by Ecopetrol S.A., and
cm3. This value is not conclusive of the absence of fellowships granted by Chevron-Texaco, the SEG
oceanic crust, but is better explained as bodies com- Foundation and the Geophysical Society of Houston.
posed out of acidic rocks like the adjacent basin in To all of them our deepest gratitude and prays.
San Jorge. Similar modeling made in the Pacific side,
where well known outcrops of Cretaceous mafic and
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