Una vez hecho esto el gerente debe establecer cuál es el mejor modelo, si el conoce
los diversos modelos de departamentalización, sus ventajas y desventajas, así
como los peligros de cada uno, será capaz de diseñar una estructura organizacional
más adecuada para sus operaciones particulares.
Por otra parte, es de carácter continuo, es decir, jamás se terminará debido a que
las organizaciones y sus recursos están en constantes cambios ya sea una
expansión o fabricación de nuevos productos entre otras cosas, lo que obliga
redunda a efectuar cambios en la organización. Implementar algún modelo de la
departamentalización puede evitar la lentitud e ineficiencia en las actividades,
reduciendo los costos e incrementando la productividad. [3]
Agrupar las actividades según las funciones de una empresa refleja lo que ésta hace
típicamente. Dado que todas las compañías crean algo útil y deseado por otros, sus
funciones básicas son producir, vender y financiar; por tanto, resulta lógico agrupar
sus actividades en departamentos como el de ingeniería, producción, ventas y
finanzas. La departamentalización funcional es el sistema que más se emplea para
organizar actividades y está presente al menos en algún nivel en la estructura
organizacional de casi cualquier empresa. Grandes empresas industriales como
Bavaria, Monómeros, Bimbo y Alpina utilizan este tipo de departamentalización. [4]
Las compañías han utilizado una modalidad organizacional que por lo regular se
conoce como unidad estratégica de negocio: empresas bien diferenciadas y
establecidas como unidades en una compañía más grande para asegurar que
ciertos productos o líneas de productos se promuevan y administren como si cada
uno fuese una empresa independiente. Uno de los primeros usuarios de este
dispositivo fue General Electric, pues quería asegurar que cada producto o línea de
productos de los cientos que ofrecía recibiera la misma atención que si fuese
desarrollado, producido y comercializado por una compañía independiente. En
algunos casos también las compañías grandes han utilizado esta modalidad para
una línea de productos importante; por ejemplo, Occidental Chemical Company lo
utilizó para productos como fosfatos, álcalis y resinas. [4]
Para las empresas con líneas de producción múltiples y a gran escala la agrupación
de sus actividades con base en productos o líneas de productos se ha convertido
en una práctica común. Esta estructura permite a la alta gerencia tanto delegar a un
ejecutivo de división una amplia autoridad sobre las funciones de manufactura,
ventas, servicio e ingeniería, relacionadas con un producto o línea de productos
determinados, como exigir a cada uno de sus gerentes un grado considerable de
responsabilidad sobre las utilidades. Por ejemplo, una empresa que elabora
productos muy diferentes, tales como fármacos, solventes y colorantes, se divide
según el tipo de producto. [5]
Each organization is different, the problems or adversities they face are completely
different. therefore, the same departmentalization model can not be implemented.
To solve these problems, the manager has the function of examining the reality of
the situation they face, that is, the work to be done and the way it should be done,
the people involved and their personalities, the technology used in the department,
the users to attend and other internal and external environmental factors of the
situation. [2]
Once this is done, the manager must establish which is the best model, if he knows
the different departmentalization models, their advantages and disadvantages, as
well as the dangers of each one, will be able to design a more appropriate
organizational structure for their particular operations.
Traditional administrative theory divides work into specialized tasks and organizes
them into different departments. Therefore, the division of labor consists of the
division or division of the tasks into which an activity or function can be broken down
among those who integrate it, with the aim of reducing the efforts they make and
improving the results both in quantity and quality. [3]
Its importance in organizations lies in that being divided into departments tend to be
smaller and more specific they delimit the functions that employees carry out,
therefore, the work will be easier for them. In addition to that facilitates control by the
On the other hand, it is of a continuous nature, that is, it will never end because the
organizations and their resources are in constant changes, whether it is an
expansion or manufacture of new products, among other things, which forces
changes to be made in the organization. Implementing a model of
departmentalization can avoid slowness and inefficiency in activities, reducing costs
and increasing productivity. [3]
The departmentalization does not want to build a rigid structure, which is balanced
in terms of levels and characterized by having identical bases, it wants to group
activities (models) to help in the best way to achieve the objectives of the company,
and if this can be Achieving by making a variety of combinations, there is no reason
why managers should not take advantage of the alternatives presented to them. [2]
For example, a wholesale drug company groups its activities of purchasing and
selling pellets in a product department, but groups, at the same level, its other sales
activities with a territorial base.
Departmentalization by territory is often used in sales and production, and its use in
finance is less, because it is almost always concentrated in the central offices. Many
companies tend to group their activities so that they reflect a primary interest in the
customers, which are the key to the structure when each group of customers is
managed by a department manager: a good example of this is the industrial chemical
sales department. a wholesaler that also sells to retailers. [4]
For companies with multiple production lines and large-scale grouping of their
activities based on products or product lines has become a common practice. This
structure allows senior management to delegate to a division executive a broad
authority over the functions of manufacturing, sales, service and engineering, related
to a specific product or line of products, such as requiring each of its managers a
considerable degree of responsibility for profits. For example, a company that
produces very different products, such as drugs, solvents and dyes, is divided
according to the type of product. [5]
In conclusion, grouping activities and people into departments allows expanding the
organization. This departmentalization can be carried out by company functions,
territorially or geographically and through types of clients served, as well as by
products, in matrix or grid form, by projects and by strategic business unit. The
organizational structure for the global environment can vary greatly from just one
export department at headquarters to regional groups, with many options between
these extremes. Regardless, a specific departmentalization model must be selected
so that organizational and individual objectives can be achieved effectively and
efficiently. Achieving this goal often requires combining several forms of
[6] Sedic S.A.: Ingenieros Consultores. Proyectos industriales. [In line]. [Consulted
21st April 2018]. Available in: