El Present Progressive
El Present Progressive
El Present Progressive
forma del verbo que muestra que la acción está en The present time
Now Near future repeating actions
progreso en el presente. period
(Ahora) (El futuro próximo) (Acciones molestas
(El presente período)
que se repiten)
Estos son los usos diferentes que tiene este tiempo
verbal: now these days this afternoon always
(ahora) (en estos días) (esta tarde) (siempre)
Acciones que están ocurriendo ahora
right now today tonight constantly
Acciones que están en progreso actualmente
(ahora mismo) (hoy) (esta noche) (constantemente)
(No en este momento, sino en el presente.
Por ejemplo: en estos días, este mes, este
año) this moment
this week next week
(en este
(esta semana) (la semana que viene)
Acciones planeadas para el futuro momento)
Acciones molestas que se repiten 11. Marta (drive), and Chris is sleeping (sleep).
She is always making a mess!
(¡Siempre está desordenando las cosas!) 12. It (rain).
Change the verb into the correct form, then press "Check" to check your
Present Progressive – Exercise 01 answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if you don't know. Note
that you will lose points if you ask for hints!
Change the verb into the correct form:
7. Mark (meet) me for lunch.
1. We (renovate) our house this week.
8. Tracy (bring) the package later today.
2. She (paint) her room today.
9. I (swim) this evening.
3. I (write) a book these days.
10. You (take) the car with you tomorrow.
4. They (try) to sell their car.
11. Peter (help) me with the garden on the weekend.
5. You (look) good today.
12. Maya (go back) tonight.
6. He (study) to be a lawyer.
13. We (make) a party on Sunday.
7. This table (break) apart.
14. They (get married) next month.
8. Oliver (help) me with my homework these days.
15. Alexis (take) us to the zoo tomorrow.
9. Luke (become) more and more handsome.
Present Progressive – Exercise 04
10. I (work) on my accent.
(This is an angry exercise…)
11. You (change) your work place.
Change the verb into the correct form, then press "Check" to check your
12. She (have) a hard time. answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if you don't know. Note
that you will lose points if you ask for hints!
13. This month we (stay) with my Sister.
Change the verb into the correct form:
14. Eva (look) for a roommate.
1. She (always come) late!
15. They (study) Spanish this summer.
2. He (always break) something!
Present Progressive – Exercise 03
3. We (always stay) too late.
Change the verb into the correct form, then press "Check" to check your
answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if you don't know. Note 4. They (always fight).
that you will lose points if you ask for hints!
5. I (always forget) by papers.
Change the verb into the correct form:
6. You (always smoke)!
1. We (go) to the movies tonight.
7. This guy (always shout).
2. She (leave) to London tomorrow morning.
8. It (always rain) in this place.
3. Jenny (come) back from New York tomorrow.
9. I (always prepare) too much food.
4. I (visit) Lisa next week.
10. This girl (always flirt) with someone!
5. You (work) on the big project after lunch.