Kriya para La Auto Confianza - 1
Kriya para La Auto Confianza - 1
Kriya para La Auto Confianza - 1
Original en inglés, traducido en servicio para APKY Chile por Siri Tapa Kaur Página1
varias respiraciones profundas, luego inhala e inclínate hacia atrás en un
ángulo de 60 0 grados y repite la primera parte del ejercicio tres o cuatro
veces. Página2
3. Siéntate derecho con las palmas juntas y los pulgares cruzados. Presiona
las manos firmemente una contra otra, ejerciendo presión en el centro del
pecho. Lleva todo el peso de la parte superior del cuerpo a las manos y
concentra toda la energía mental en el punto donde nace tu nariz. Medita
por 10 minutos. Página3
5. Flexiones espinales en postura fácil. Comienza flexiones espinales rápidas
tomándote de los tobillos. Concéntrate en el movimiento hacia adelante un
poco más que en el de hacia atrás, de manera que cada flexión ejerza una
leve presión en los órganos sexuales. Continúa por 3 minutos. Relaja el
cuerpo totalmente. Página4
This series provokes self-reliance and energizes several physical areas of the
body. Exercise 1 sets the balance in the aura between north and south. It also puts
a pressure on the liver to clean the body and increase courage. Exercises 2 and 3
open the Heart Center's energy of compassion and surrender to infinite wisdom.
Exercise 4 works on the liver and Exercise 5 on the sexual energy. The last
exercise is a meditation that can be extended to 31 minutes. When turning to the
right, you are representing yourself as a unit identity of Truth. When turning to the
left, your reliance is focused on the Infinite Wisdom. Reliance on Whaa-hay
Guroo brings self-reliance as a unit in Sat Naam.
1. Sit with spine erect and legs extended straight out in front. The arms are straight
forward, parallel to the ground. Inhale and lean back into a 60-degree angle;
suspend the breath and lift both legs up as high as possible. Hold the breath as
long as possible and then exhale, letting the legs down and bend forward, grasping
the toes. Pull firmly on the toes and hold this position with normal breathing. After
11 minutes, take several deep breaths, then inhale and lean back 60-degrees and
repeat the first part of the exercise three or four times. Página5
2. Spine Flex in Rock Pose. Sit on the heels and place the palms on the thighs.
Using the mantra Sat Naam
Naam, whisper powerfully the sound Sat while flexing the
spine forward, and Naam while flexing backward. The sound will be like a snake.
Continue the spine flex at a medium pace for 8 minutes. Then inhale and exhale 4
times. Relax.
3. Sit straight with palms together and thumbs crossed. Press the hands firmly
together, putting pressure at the center of the chest. Bring the entire weight of the
upper body into the hands and concentrate all the mental energy at the root of the
nose. Meditate
ditate in this pose for 10 minutes. Página6
4. Sit straight and move the waist from side to side in a regular rhythm. Continuefor
3 minutes.
5. Spine Flex in Easy Pose. Begin a rapid spine flex holding the ankles.
Concentrate on the forward motion a little mo
re than the backward motion so that
each flex puts a slight pressure on the sex organs. Continuefor 3 minutes. Relax
thebodycompletely. Página7
6. Sit erect with hands in Giaan Mudra. Concentrate at the root of the nose and
turn the head over the right shoulder and chant Sat Naam. Turn the head over the
left shoulder and chant Whaa-hay Guroo. Continue in a steadyrhythmfor 11
This kriya can be found in the manual, KRIYA, available through KRI. Página8