ISSN: 1665-2673
Instituto Politécnico Nacional
En este trabajo se analiza el desarrollo de la autonomía del adolescente y sus reper-
cusiones en el aprendizaje en el marco del nuevo Modelo Educativo del Instituto
Politécnico Nacional (IPN), a partir del enfoque psicoanalítico. Se valora la influencia
de los padres, del maestro y del grupo de compañeros para el logro de la autonomía
en los ámbitos familiar y escolar. Se concluye que en este escenario educativo inno-
vador, caracterizado principalmente por brindar una formación flexible y centrada en
el estudiante, resulta indispensable que el alumno haya logrado un nivel de autonomía
adecuado, que le permita la construcción de su aprendizaje, así como tolerar las
ansiedades que le genera el manejo de las Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y la
Comunicación (NTIC).
In this work it is analyzed the development of the adolescent's autonomy and their
repercussions in the learning in the mark of the new educational model of the IPN,
starting from the psychoanalytical focus. The influence of the parents is valued, of the
teacher and of the group of partners, for the achievement of the autonomy in the
environments relative and school. It concludes that in this innovative educational sce-
nario, characterized mainly to offer a flexible formation and centered in the student.
It is indispensable that the student has achieved an appropriate level of autonomy
that allows him the construction of his learning, as well as to tolerate the anxieties
that it generates him the handling of the new technologies of the information and the
Palabras clave:
psicoanálisis, adolescencia, identidad, autonomía, Modelo Educativo, aprendizaje.
Key words:
psychoanalysis, adolescence, identity, autonomy, Educational Model, learning.
*Doctora en psicología clínica por la Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA); coordinadora académica del diplomado Tratamiento y prevenció
las adicciones y del Primer curso Franco México latinoamericano de la parentalidad, en sus modalidades presencial y a distancia, e
Dirección de Estudios Profesionales en Ciencias Médico Biológicas, Secretaría Académica, IPN. E-mail:
Significado de la autonomía
en el adolescente
In Cuba there is a “Distance Modality of Teaching” with a semipresenc
character, directed mainly to worker-students. The two or three hou
per week of semipresencial activities are focused to the orientation
the new thematic to study, to clarify doubts and to control the receiv
contents. The efficiency of the studies is great dependence with the in
vidual analysis done by students. The professor orientation of each top
to be studied, must be very well correlated with the aims of the scho
program and with a well and specialized set of materials and books f
a proper individual auto preparation. In the present paper it is show
how the novel Communication and Informatics Technologies (TIC) cou
help in accomplishing these purposes.
Palabras claves:
TIC, gestión del conocimiento, semipresencial, educación a distanc
educación en Cuba.
Key words:
TIC, knowledge of management, semipresencial character, long dista
ce education, education in Cuba.