7 - Grado Séptimo
7 - Grado Séptimo
7 - Grado Séptimo
Si tienes acceso a internet puedes escanear la guía desarrollada y enviar el archivo al correo o WhatsApp de los
2. ¿En qué documentos has visto usar columnas para presentar información? Te doy un ejemplo. En los
periódicos. Ahora menciona otros documentos donde se usan las columnas.
Una vez hayas configurado las márgenes y la Orientación le puedes dar clic en ACEPTAR y el documento
toma la configuración que has hecho.
Las hojas tamaño legal, también son conocidas como tamaño oficio. Este tamaño estandarizado de hojas es
utilizado en todo Norteamérica y algunos países de Sudamérica y Asia, como Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela
y Filipinas.
Las hojas de tamaño legal miden 216 x 356 mm, 21.6 x 33 cm o 8.5 x 14 pulgadas.
En inglés este tamaño es conocido como “legal size”, en español se prefiere
“tamaño oficio” aunque también se entiende perfecto “tamaño legal” como su
nombre. Este tamaño de hojas se utiliza en lugares como juzgados, oficinas
gubernamentales, registros civiles y cualquier órgano con la facultad de expedir
documentos oficiales con validez legal.
Now let’s get to work. Write the answer in the boxes. Remember to write with good handwriting and spelling
6. From the following words, mark in red the margins that we can use in Word.
8. What is the difference between a Letter page size and a legal page size?
9. Underline the correct option with red. To include margins in our document, we must
a) Choose some predetermined margins: Normal, Narrow, Mirrored...
b) Define customized margins.
c) A and B are true.
d) A and B are false.
10. Underline the correct option with red. The margins are defined in the tab.
a) Home
b) Design
c) Page layout
d) Formatting.
Microsoft Word, known also just as ‘Word’ is word processing software and a flagship product of Microsoft.
It is an integral part of the Microsoft Office suite of products and is the most widely-used word processor in
the world. In fact, it’s estimated that Word is running on more than a billion devices worldwide.
First released in 1983 under a different name, Word celebrated its 25th birthday in 2018. Its popularity lies
in its ease of use, plus the fact that it can be used on different operating systems including Macintosh and
of course, Windows.
Word can be bought as a standalone product or as a part of Microsoft Office, which also includes programs
like Excel and PowerPoint. So, just how did Word come to dominate the market during the last 25 years
and become the most-used word processing software in the world? And what does the future hold for the
Paragraph taken from www.core.uk.co
1. What is “word”?
a. A video game
b. A processing software
c. A file
d. A document
4. What other programs are also included in the Microsoft office suite programs?
a. Excel and power point
b. Paint
c. Photoshop
d. Excel and calculator