Handout Anglo-Saxon-poetry 2015
Handout Anglo-Saxon-poetry 2015
Handout Anglo-Saxon-poetry 2015
Poesía anglosajona
poisoned spears
old swords
a slender ash wood spear
sea thieves messenger
this spiteful message
a tribute of spears
þæt her stynt unforcuð eorl mid his werode,° that here stands undaunted an Earl with his band of men
þe wile gealgean° eþel° þysne, who will defend our homeland,
Æþelredes eard, ealdres mines, Aethelred's country, the lord of my
folc and foldan° Feallan sceolon 55 people and land. Fall shall you 55
hæþene æt hilde. heathen in battle!
Poesía anglosajona
Wyrd is the Old English word for Fate, a powerful but not quite personified force. It is related to the verb weorthan,
meaning roughly ‘to occur’. Its meanings range from a neutral ‘event’ to a prescribed ‘destiny’ to a personified ‘Fate’; it
is useful to think of wyrd as ‘what happens’, usually in a negative sense. In a poem so preoccupied with puzzling over the
nature and meaning of wyrd, it seemed appropriate to leave the word untranslated.
The Exeter Book manuscript in which the poem survives does not have quotation marks, or clear indications of where
one speech begins and ends in this poem; we are not sure whether lines 1-5 are spoken by the same character that
speaks the following lines, or whether they are the narrator’s opinion on the general situation of the Wanderer.
Lengua y Literatura Extranjeras – 6915
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Poesía anglosajona
Poema: Beowulf
Lengua y Literatura Extranjeras – 6915
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399 Levantóse Beowulf con sus muchos guerreros, The hero arose, surrounded closely
400 la tropa valiente. Vigilando las armas By his powerful men. A party remained 400
401 algunos quedaron, según lo dispuso. Under orders to keep watch on the arms;
402 Bajo el techo del Hérot, al héroe siguiendo, The rest proceeded, led by their prince
403 marcharon los hombres; el osado avanzó, Under Heorot’s roof. And standing on the hearth
404 el bravo en su yelmo, hasta hallarse ante el rey. In webbed links that the smith had woven,
405 Hablóle Beowulf —relucía su cota, The fine-forged mesh of his gleaming mail shirt,
406 la malla tejida por hábil herrero—: Resolute in his helmet, Beowulf spoke:
407 "¡Te saludo, Ródgar! Yo soy pariente “Greetings to Hrothgar. I am Hygelac’s kinsman,
408 y vasallo de Híglak. Ya de joven logré One of his hall-troop. When I was younger,
409 muy gloriosas hazañas. Noticia me vino I had great triumphs. Then news of Grendel,
410 en mi tierra natal de tu lucha con Gréndel: Hard to ignore, reached me at home: 410
411 de tu sala refiere la gente de mar, Sailors brought stories of the plight you suffer
412 de la hermosa morada, que sola se queda In this legendary hall, how it lies deserted,
413 y sin hombre ninguno después que se oculta Empty and useless once the evening light
414 debajo del cielo la luz de la tarde. Hides itself under Heaven’s dome.
415 Entonces mi pueblo —excelentes varones, So every elder and experience councilman
416 sabios ancianos— allá me propuso, Among my people supported my resolve
417 oh príncipe Ródgar, que a verte viniera. To come here to you, King Hrothgar,
418 Ellos bien conocían mi fuerza terrible, Because all knew of my awesome strength.
419 pues me vieron volver de la fiera batalla They had seen me boltered in the blood of enemies
420 —de sangre cubierto— en que a cinco atrapé When I battled and bound five beasts, 420
421 de la raza gigante; monstruos del mar Raided a troll-nest and in the night-sea
422 en la noche abatí: con apuro a los wedras Slaughtered sea-brutes. I have suffered extremes
423 vengué del acoso —su mal se labraban— And avenged the Geats (their enemies brought it
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424 de bestias malignas. Ahora quiero enfrentarme Upon themselves, I devastated them).
425 yo solo con Gréndel, acabar con el ogro, Now I mean to be a match for Grendel,
426 el dañino gigante. Una gracia te pido, Settle the outcome in a single combat.
427 oh fuerte señor de la gente danesa, And so, my request, O king of Bright-Danes,
428 rey de skildingos, que no has de negarme, Dear prince of the Shieldings, friend of the people
429 oh noble monarca, buen soberano, And their ring of defense, my one request
430 habiendo venido hasta aquí de tan lejos: Is that you won’t refuse me, who have come this far, 430
431 que permitas que yo, con mis bravos tan sólo, The privilege of purifying Heorot,
432 de malos peligros el Hérot libere. With my own men to help me, and nobody else.
433 "He oído decir que el feroz enemigo, I have heard moreover that the monster scorns
434 en su loca arrogancia, sin armas ataca. In his reckless way to use weapons;
435 Yo también lucharé —de manera que a Híglak, Therefore, to heighten Hygelac’s fame
436 mi noble señor, mi osadía contente— And gladden his heart, I hereby renounce
437 sin ayuda de espada o tampoco de escudo, Sword and the shelter of the broad shield,
438 amarillo broquel: con sólo mi mano The heavy war-board: hand-to-hand
439 entraré con la fiera —un hombre con otro— Is how it will be, a life-and-death
440 en mortal desafío. ¡Deberá resignarse Fight with the fiend. Whichever one death fells 440
441 al mandato de Dios el que entonces perezca! Must deem it a just judgment by God.
442 Sé que si Gréndel me llega a vencer, If Grendel wins, it will be a gruesome day;
443 en la alta morada podrá sin temor He will glut himself on the Geats in the war-hall,
444 devorar a mis gautas, como antes ha hecho Swoop without fear on that flower of manhood
445 con tantos guerreros. No tendrás en verdad As on others before. Then my face won’t be there
446 que cubrir mi cabeza —quedará por completo To be covered in death; he will carry me away
447 anegada en mi sangre—, si caigo en la lucha: As he goes to ground, gorged and bloodied;
448 correrá el solitario a esconder mi cadáver He will run gloating with my raw corpse
449 allá donde ufano en su cueva lo engulla And feed on it alone, in a cruel frenzy,
450 y la manche de sangre. No tendrás en verdad Fouling his moor-nest. No need then 450
451 que velar mucho tiempo mis restos mortales. To lament for long or lay out my body:
452 Envíale a Híglak si muero en la brega If the battle takes me, send back
453 la cota de malla que cubre mi pecho, This breast-webbing that Weland fashioned
454 mi arnés excelente: es herencia de Rédel, And Hrethel gave me, to Hygelac.
455 una obra de Wéland. ¡Decida el destino!" Fate goes ever as fate must.”
Poesía anglosajona
Poema: Beowulf
Lengua y Literatura Extranjeras – 6915
Nombre: ……………………………………………
Se llenó de tristeza
1307 el sabio monarca, el canoso señor, The gray-haired warrior, was heartsore and weary
1308 cuando supo la muerte del noble vasallo, When he heard the news: his highest-placed advisor,
1309 que estaba sin vida el que más estimaba. His dearest companion, was dead and gone.
1310 Fue pronto llamado a la estancia Beowulf, Beowulf was quickly brought to the chamber: 1310
1311 el osado varón. The winner of fights, the arch-warrior…
1396 —así te lo ruego— tu mucho dolor!" And be the man I expect you to be.”
1397 Levantóse el anciano; al Dios Poderoso, With that the old lord sprung to his feet
1398 al Señor, alabó por la ayuda del bravo. And praised God for Beowulf’s pledge.
1399 Fue pronto dispuesto el caballo de Ródgar, Then a bit and halter were brought for his horse
1400 trenzada su crin. En marcha se puso, With the plaited mane. The wise king mounted 1400
1401 equipado, el monarca; tras él caminaba The royal saddle and rode out in style
1402 su tropa valiente. Siguieron el rastro, With a force of shield-bearers. The forest paths
1403 la huella en la tierra, por sendas de bosques Were marked all over with the monster’s tracks,
1404 y campos abiertos: por ocultos fangales Her trail on the ground wherever she had gone
1405 la ogresa pasó llevando consigo, Across the dark moors, dragging away
1406 de vida privado, al mejor de los nobles, The body of that thane, Hrothgar’s best
1407 a aquel que en la sala con Ródgar regía. Counselor and overseer of the country.
1408 Recorrieron entonces los fieros varones So the noble prince proceeded undismayed
1409 rocosas quebradas de paso difícil, Up fells and screes, along narrow footpaths
1410 angostos caminos —un hombre a la vez—, And ways where they were forced into single file, 1410
1411 barrancos y peñas, guaridas de monstruos. Ledges on cliffs above lairs of water-monsters.
1412 Él iba delante explorando la tierra He went in front with a few men,
1413 con sólo un puñado de diestros guerreros; Good judges of the lie of the land,
1414 de repente llegó al lugar donde el bosque, And suddenly discovered the dismal wood,
1415 la lúgubre selva, volcaba sus ramas Mountain trees growing out at an angle
Poesía anglosajona
Poema: Beowulf
Lengua y Literatura Extranjeras – 6915
Nombre: ……………………………………………
a storm of anger
the outlandish thing
the dragon in those flaming depths
keen-edged sword
the lord of his people
the glittering sword
2542 El hombre excelente que antaño se viera Hard by the rock-face that hale veteran,
2543 en frecuentes combates, en duros encuentros A good man who had gone repeatedly
2544 de gente de a pie, descubrís en la montaña Into combat and danger and come through,
2545 la entrada de piedra: por allá de la gruta Saw a stone arch and a gushing stream
2546 salía terrible un ardiente oleaje That burst from the barrow, blazing and wafting
2547 de pérfidas llamas. Nadie al tesoro A deadly heat. It would be hard to survive
2548 ni un solo momento acercarse podía Unscathed near the hoard, to hold firm
2549 que no lo quemara en su fuego el dragón. Against the dragon in those flaming depths.
2550 El príncipe gauta furioso se hallaba; Then he gave a shout. The lord of the Geats 2550
2551 con fuerza arrojó su palabra del pecho, Unburdened his breast and broke out
2552 gritó, valeroso, y su voz resonó, In a storm of anger. Under gray stone
2553 su llamada de guerra, en la roca grisácea. His voice challenged and resounded clearly.
2554 Allá hubo combate. Oyó el desafío Heat was ignited. The hoard-guard recognized
2555 el guardián del tesoro. ¡Ya mal a un arreglo A human voice, the time was over
2556 llegarse podía! De la cueva, espantoso, For peace and parleying. Pouring forth
2557 primero salió el aliento del monstruo, In a hot battle-fume, the breath of the monster
2558 su cálido fuego: la tierra tronó. Burst from the rock. There was a rumble underground.
2559 Se guardó de la sierpe el señor de los gautas, Down there in the barrow, Beowulf the warrior
2560 al pie de la peña, elevando su escudo. Lifted his shield: the outlandish thing 2560
2561 Dispuesta a la lucha se hallaba la fiera Writhed and convulsed and viciously
2562 de cola enroscada. El bravo monarca Turned on the king, whose keen-edged-sword,
2563 su hierro empuñó, la pieza valiosa And heirloom inherited by ancient right,
2564 de filo potente. Miedo sintieron, Was already in his hand. Roused to a fury,
2565 el uno del otro, los dos enemigos. Each antagonist struck terror in the other.
2566 El rey de su pueblo detrás del escudo Unyielding, the lord of his people loomed
2567 animoso esperó cuando el torvo reptil By his tall shield, sure of his ground,
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2568 se dispuso al ataque: equipado aguardaba. While the serpent looped and unleashed itself.
2569 La feroz entre llamas reptando corrió 179 Swaddled in flames, it came gliding and flexing
2570 a encontrar su destino. Al famoso caudillo And racing toward its fate. Yet his shield defended 2570
2571 salvóle el escudo la vida y el cuerpo The renowned leader’s life and limb
2572 por tiempo más breve que él se pensaba. For a shorter time than he meant it to:
2573 En su vida ésta fue la primera ocasión That final day was the first time
2574 en que usó su valor sin que gloria en la lucha When Beowulf fought and fate denied him
2575 la suerte le diera. El rey de los gautas Glory in battle. So the king of the Geats
2576 el brazo elevó: su espada excelente Raised his hand and struck hard
2577 cayó sobre el monstruo, mas al filo brillante At the enameled scales, but hardly cut through:
2578 detúvolo el hueso; no tanto mordió The blade flashed and slashed yet the blow
2579 como el gran soberano —en apuro se hallaba— Was far less powerful than the hard-pressed king
2580 lo hubiese querido. Fue mucha la rabia Had need of at the moment. The hoard-keeper 2580
2581 del fiero guardián tras el golpe terrible: Went into a spasm and spouted deadly flames:
2582 su fuego lanzó, las llamas ardientes When he felt the stroke, battle-fire
2583 muy lejos llegaron. No le cupo victoria Billowed and spewed. Beowulf was foiled
2584 al príncipe gauta; fallóle en la brega Of a glorious victory. The glittering sword,
2585 —no así lo debía— su espada valiosa, Infallible before that day,
2586 su hierro heredado. Poco contento Failed when he unsheathed it, as it never should have.
2587 le daba al famoso hijo de Ekto For the son of Ecgtheow, it was no easy thing
2588 tener que partir y dejar este mundo; To have to give ground like that and go
2589 aunque no lo quería, buscarse debió Unwillingly to inhabit another home
2590 una otra morada. ¡Para todos termina In a place beyond; so every man must yield 2590
2591 esta vida terrena! The leasehold of his days.
Poesía anglosajona
A modo de cierre…
Rasgos épicos- Carácter elegíaco Elementos Aliteración
heroicos cristianos y Cesura
paganos kennings
Lengua y Literatura Extranjeras – 6915
Nombre: ……………………………………………
The Wanderer
The Battle of