Ing B2 Med Sep1
Ing B2 Med Sep1
Ing B2 Med Sep1
Apellidos: ............................................................................................................................................................
Nombre: ..............................................................................................................................................................
Alumno/a OFICIAL del grupo: .......................................................................................................
Indica el nombre de tu profesor/a-tutor/a: ...........................................................................
Alumno/a LIBRE.
Duración máxima: 30 minutos.
Este prueba consta de dos tareas. En cada una deberás leer un texto, comprender la situación que se
explica y reformular las ideas del mismo adaptadas a dicha situación y, sobre todo, a la persona que
necesita de tu intervención.
En cada tarea obtendrás 40 puntos como máximo por cada corrector, en función a la rúbrica de
Recuerda que debes utilizar estrategias de mediación adecuadas, así como estructuras gramaticales,
léxicas y funcionales propias del nivel para expresarte con tus propias palabras. Evita reproducir
literalmente partes del texto dado.
Solo se admitirán respuestas escritas con bolígrafo azul o negro.
Por favor, no escribas en los espacios sombreados destinados a la calificación de las tareas.
/ 160 / 10 No Superado
Junta de Andalucía Pruebas Específicas de Certificación 2019/2020
You and your siblings want to give your mum a present of a cooking appliance, but do not want it
to be overpriced or too sophisticated. Send your siblings a 50-60 word WhatsApp text, telling them
what you read about Thermomix in The New York Times.
Note: Mediation exercises require you to write a short text that goes to the point. Try not to reproduce
exact sentences from the input text. Don’t go over the word limit.
Essentially, the Thermomix is a blender that also cooks and stirs your food at adjustable
temperatures and speeds. It also comes with a built-in scale, a steamer attachment, and a
touchscreen that will walk you through recipes for everything from chicken cacciatore to cookie
dough. After baking banana bread, making risotto, and cooking about a week’s worth of other
meals, we think it’s a sturdy, well-designed, one-of-a-kind machine that outperforms lower-
priced imitators. Ultimately, because of the price, we can’t recommend it for most people.
The Thermomix is fun to use, but we don’t think most people should spend $1,500 on it. There
are other, much less expensive appliances out there that can improve your speed and efficiency
in the kitchen, and plenty of recipes on the Internet for relatively hands-off dinners that don’t
require any special tools.
Source: The New York Times
MARK / 80
You are helping your best friend’s teenage son to do his Social Sciences homework. He
must write a report about the following infographic but is having some trouble interpreting
Write a message of about 50-60 words clarifying the most relevant information it
Junta de Andalucía Pruebas Específicas de Certificación 2019/2020
MARK / 80