Art 1
Art 1
Art 1
This article begins by focusing that there are no researches about the sense of unease
nor well-being of teachers. It considers that it exists a specific teachers’ sense of
unease in the present as a result of the last social and educative changes and
indicates how the well-being is determinate by our own believes and our ability to get
our life’s success.
Later, this article shows us the emotional thinking method, a method based on the
emotional intelligence model conceived by Salovey and Mayer in 1990 and
disseminated by Daniel Goleman since 1995. The aim of this method is to change
negatives and positives emotions and feelings. This one has been created by this
article’s author as a method for improving individual competences and for teaching
university and non university teachers in emotional competences or skills. Every of the
seven emotional competences which are described by this method is developed in this
entry; the first four competences which are referred to oneself are: self-knowledge, self-
steam, emotional control and motivation; the last three are referred to the others:
others’ knowledge, others’ steam and leadership. The method indicates also some
activities and exercises in order to develop these competences. The article end
declaring that teachers’ well-being is based on the growth of the competences shown
in this method and saying that leadership is a guarantee for the teachers’ well-being.
de ellos transmitían los valores de esfuerzo y rigor. Sin embargo, hoy los
conocimientos y los procedimientos no son patrimonio de los centros
educativos, sino que se encuentran en los medios de comunicación y,
sobre todo, en internet. Así la profesión docente ha cambiado y los
aspectos educativos han tomado una mayor importancia de la que
pudieron tener en el pasado. Palomera, Fdez-Berrocal y Brackett (2008),
señalan la importancia de la formación inicial y permanente del
profesorado para que llegue a desarrollar su “bienestar y rendimiento
3.1. Autoconocimiento
3.2. Autoestima
3.4. Motivación
(1997), por su parte, señala que existen dos circuitos o vías que son
responsables de la conducta interpersonal: la vía inferior que guarda
relación con los aspectos inconscientes, y, por ello, mucho más rápida
en las relaciones interpersonales y que tienen su sede en las llamadas
neuronas espejo; y la vía superior que tiene relación con los aspectos
conscientes de las relaciones interpersonales y que se rige
especialmente por la corteza orbitofrontal.
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- Código - Conocimientos
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3.7. Liderazgo
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