En inglés existe un gerundio que nos indica que una acción se está
dando en el momento en que está siendo expresada, narrada o
(In English there is a gerund that tells us that an action is taking place
at the moment it is being expressed, narrated or named)
La fórmula básica del gerundio es clara, pero hay que tener en cuenta
algunas particularidades
(The basic formula of the gerund is clear, but some particularities must
be taken into account: The basic formula of the gerund is clear, but
some particularities must be taken into account)
PRIMERA REGLA: Los verbos que poseen una sola sílaba o cuyo
acento recae en la última sílaba y que finalizan en consonante - vocal -
consonante, deben doblar su última consonante y agregar "-ing".
Esta regla no aplica a los verbos que terminan en una vocal más y.
Por ejemplo, play (jugar) es playing (jugando).
(FIRST RULE: Verbs that have a single syllable or whose accent falls
on the last syllable and that end in a consonant - vowel - consonant,
must double their last consonant and add "-ing".
This rule does not apply to verbs that end in a vowel plus y. For
example, play is playing)
(RULE TWO: If the basic form of a verb with two or more syllables
ends in the combination of a single vowel followed by a consonant and
this last syllable is stressed, double the final consonant before adding
-ing to the base form.
This rule does not apply to verbs that end in a vowel plus y. For
example, display is displaying)
I love skiing
I hate eating carrots
I dislike running
I fancy eating chicken tonight
I love going to the beach.
My sister hates waking up early.
My son really enjoys going to the beach
I don’t mind going to the cinema alone.
She loves taking long walks on the beach.