Itinerario General
Itinerario General
Itinerario General
Itinerario de Vuelo
Fecha Tiempo Vuelo Lugar Notas
Sabado 19
de abril 11:38 DL 849 Atlanta a Tegucigalpa Llega David y Deborah
20 e Abril Llega Carlos Rivas
de 2014
Itinerario de Vuelo
Fecha Tiempo Vuelo Lugar Notas
Organizar para la recolección de 2
personas para el vuelo 9:35.
Cinco Autobuses y un camión, dos
vehículos de seguridad acompañaran
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Date Time Flight Place Notes
Viernes 25 de 12:02 DL 849 Atlanta a Tegucigalpa
Logan y Michael Bryan
Abril (2 personas)
Horario Diario
Date Time Activity Notes
Vuelos al llegar a Honduras. Bolsas de
Clínicas, cargar en un camión, Bolsas de
Cinco autobuses 28 paquetes,
Hotel cargar en otro camión al llegar a
Five 28 PAX buses
Jueves 24 de Honduras.
11:00-3:20 Truck pickup at airport and
Abril Las bolsas de Clínica cargarlas en un camión
delivers to Clinic. Truck
y las bolsas de Hotel en otro camión.
stays at hotel.
Autobuses y bolsas de Clínica irse a la capilla
a la instalación de la Clínica
Security escort
12:00-4:00 Setup clinic Last bus for hotel 4:00
Lunch is available for arrival
12-3:00 SNACK in Lunchroom
of the first bus through 3:00
Pre-Clinic (50 pre-missionaries to start Registration, Haircuts, Lab,
1:00-4:00 through clinic to have patients ready Photos, Medical and X-ray
Thursday morning for Dentist) begin
After setup and patients
through x-ray can load bus to
go to Hotel. Bags loaded on
1:00-4:00 5 PAX buses rotate to take guests to hotel
Truck will be at a location at
the hotel, each guests picks-up
their bags, gets room keys.
Persons assigned to help with
2:00-4:00 Hotel check-in
Hotel check-in
Buffet dinner begins. David
5:30-7:30 Dinner at Hotel begins meeting at 6:00 during
6:00-7:30 Opening Devotional
8:30 am Sunday group meeting. (45 minutes) 5 buses will transport group
and remain with group all
5 buses arrive at hotel. Two police cars
9:15 a.m. day.
arrive at hotel.
9:30 a.m. Board buses. Two police cars will
accompany the group all
9:45 a.m. Leave hotel for transport Valle de Angels
April 27 10:30 a.m. Arrive at chapel.
11:00 a.m. Sacrament meeting Valle de Angels Translation provided Bryans
12:10 – 2:00 Service Project for ward members.
Leave chapel. Lunch on the bus. Transport
2:00 p.m. directly to Temple. 5 people assigned to Pizzas arrive at 2:00
get people on buses to leave on time.
2-3:00 Transport to the temple
3:00-3:30 Walk temple grounds
3:30-4:00 Transport to fireside
4:3-6:00 Fireside Translation provided Bryans
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6:15 Bus leave for dinner
7-8:30 p.m. Dinner banquet at the La Cumbre.
8:30 p.m. Board bus.
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Date Time Activity Notes
People leaving Wednesday
to the airport Shuttle to
temple for those that are
leaving (Coaster) – email
asking if going to temple. If
there is an opportunity to go
Buffet breakfast at Hotel
5:30 – 8:00 am to the temple. Leave hotel at
6:00 am for 7:00 session.
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Date Time Flight Place Notes
May 3 12:10 AV 483 2 people
12:12 DL 371 8 people Coasters and truck loaded and transport
12:28 DL 786 48 people people all leave hotel at the same time
leaving hotel at 9:15 am
12:35 AA 1518 5 people
1:08 UA 1435 4 people AA Flight to wait till the end of the line.
1:55 AA 334 23 people
3:40 pm UA 1411 13 people (separate shuttle). Leaves hotel at 12:30
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