3°-4° Lectura Coranavirus Eva. Diag.
3°-4° Lectura Coranavirus Eva. Diag.
3°-4° Lectura Coranavirus Eva. Diag.
En el contexto actual sobre el nuevo rebrote de la pandemia del Covid-19 a nivel mundial, nacional, regional y local;
las autoridades exhortan el cumplimiento de las medidas de bioseguridad; pues nuestros estudiantes tienen la
necesidad de acceder y analizar este tipo de información en ingles relacionado a la pandemia para seguir las
recomendaciones y así tomar los cuidados necesarios dentro y fuera del hogar. Ante esta situación formulamos las
siguientes preguntas:
¿Qué palabras y expresiones conocemos en inglés para comprender un texto referente a la pandemia COVID-19?
¿Qué expresiones usaremos para escribir sobre la pandemia en inglés?
Para ello los estudiantes realizan la lectura Talking about pandemic covid-19, de la cual responderán las preguntas
sobre la lectura, así como elaborarán un afiche sobre las medidas a tener en cuenta sobre el COVID-19.
Words in English Significados en castellano Words in English Significados en castellano
Be ware Estar consciente Spread Propagar, extender,
Outbreak Brote, epidemia Find Encontrar
Disease Enfermedad Hard Arduo,
Belong Pertenecer Illness Enfermedad
Come from Provenir de Push Empujar
Shop Comprar Throat Garganta
Sell Vender It is believed Se cree
Through A travez de By touching Tocando
But we know so far Pero lo que sabemos
hasta ahora
I. Read the text about the coronavirus carefully.
By now, most of us are aware of the outbreak of the disease started in Wuhan, China, caused by a new
by species called New coronavirus. They belong to a member of the coronavirus family that was first
identified in the 1960s.
But the crucial questions is, how did the recent outbreak occur? Well, like other coronaviruses, it has
come from animals too and it is a form of zoonotic disease. Many of those infected patients either worked
or frequently shopped in the Human seafood wholesale market in the centre of the Chinese city, which
sells meat and live animals. It is believed that virus might have been transmitted through direct contact
between human and animals either by touching those animals or consuming them, and it can also spread
via the air like other cold-causing viruses.
But we know so far is its symptoms and how it effects humans. Yes, a person infected from this disease
may suffer from dry cough, mild fever, and breathing issues, which may go unnoticed at first.
Also, it is believed that these viruses are more liked to infect older people and those with a weak immune
system that find it hard to fight these notorious viruses. But, is there any way to treat this disease?
Now, here comes the most crucial question. What can we do to stop this outbreak?
Also, it would be best if you wash your hands with warm and soapy water regularly, especially, after being
in contact direct with an infected person.
II. Now, read the questions and choose the correct answer. Ahora, lee las preguntas y
escoge la alternativa correcta.
1. Which city did the virus come from?
a) Beijing b) Wuhan c) Shangay
2. When was the coronavirus family first identified?
a) in the 1960s b) in the 1980s c) in 2019
3. What does “zoonotic disease” mean?
a) Conditions that can be passed from animals to humans.
b) Conditions that can be passed from humans to animals.
c) Conditions that can be passed from humans to humans.
4. Where did the virus first start?
a) in vegetable market in china.
b) in Huanan seafood wholesale market.
c) in a pet shop in china.
5. What are the main symptoms?
a) dry cough b) mild fever c) and breathing issues
b) wet cough b) mild fever c) and breathing issues
c) dry cough b) high fever c) and breathing issues
6. What part of the body does the virus affect?
a) stomach b) heart c) lungs
7. Who is more at risk of coronavirus?
a) The youth b) older people c) babies
8. What treatement is available?
a) antibiotics b) cough medicine c) no treatment
III. Match the words to their meaning. Escribe en el paréntesis la letra del significado que corresponde a cada
1. suddenly start to happen ( )
2. extremely important ( ) B: TREATMENT
3. conditions that can be passed from animals to humans ( ) C: OUTBREAK
4. an illness which affects a person ( ) D: COUGH
5. pass something from one person to another ( )
6. suddenly push air out of your throat with a short sound ( )
7. a very high temperature ( ) F: DISEASE
8. something that is done to cure someone who is ill ( ) G: TRANSMIT
IV. Fill in, Use the words in the box above (item III). Completa los espacios con las palabras del recuadro
anterior (item III)
V. Look for information, then try to fill in the poster about COVID-19. Busca información, luego completa el
poster sobre el COVID-19.
¿Mi trabajo cumple con estas características? Marca “Si” o “No”
*Tiene un título en inglés.
*Tiene mínimo 3 frases en inglés , a parte de los 2 ejemplos
*Las frases son coherentes a las imágenes proporcionadas.
*En la elaboración del poster considera las convenciones del
lenguaje escrito como recursos ortográficos y gramaticales
que le dan claridad y sentido al texto.