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Student’s Book

English 5th grade
Brendan Dunne - Robin Newton

Edición especial para el Ministerio de Educación.

Prohibida su comercialización.
Student's book

Learning English
together is fun!
5 th

Brendan Dunne
B. Mus. University of Wales
PGCE, Roehampton Institute
M.A. in Teaching English to Young Learners, University of York

Robin Newton
B. Sc. in Social Policy, University of Bristol
PGCE, Roehampton Institute
M.A. in Teaching English to Young Learners,
University of York

English 5th grade has been adapted from the course Beep by Richmond
under the direction of


Editorial team: Music and recordings: Riera Sound, Suena Estudio

Song lyrics: Brendan Dunne and Robin Newton
Deputy director: Cristian Gúmera Valenzuela
Illustrators: Alins Illustration: Sonia Alins;
Senior editor: Marcelo Cárdenas Sepúlveda
Gloria Celma, Marina Gómez Mut,
Editor: Manoli Camacho Ángeles Juan Diego Molina Jiménez
Editorial assistants: María Constanza Casacuberta Beehive illustration: Moreno Chiacchiera, Jim Peacock
Authors: Brendan Dunne Photos: © Manufacturas Artesanía Española S. L.,
B. Mus. University of Wales Shutterstock, Getty Images
PGCE, Roehampton Institute
M.A. in Teaching English to Young Learners,
University of York
Robin Newton
B. Sc. in Social Policy, University of Bristol
PGCE, Roehampton Institute
M.A. in Teaching English to Young Learners,
University of York
Collaborators: Mariana Muñoz Zolotoochin
Javiera Palma Dabed
Sebastián Olivares Lizana

Head of design department: Verónica Román Soto

Design and layout: Claudio Silva Castro
Production: Rosana Padilla Cencever
Documentation: Cristian Bustos Chavarría

Familia tipográfica: Helvetica Neue LT / Playtime WHT / Print

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© 2020, by Santillana del Pacífico S. A. de Ediciones.

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ISBN: 978-956-15-XXXX-X – Inscripción nº XXX.XXX
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e ntati o n

Welcome to fifth grade!

The aim of this book is to
help you in your process of
learning English.
We hope you are happy to
learn. We’ll have tons of fun



Unit 1 Page 8

time Unit
Kids can
Page 12 cook!

Page 24

What do you
Page 64
want to be?

Page 76

English 4th grade

Let's go
3 Unit 4
Ocean life

Page 52
Page 36

A great Unit
day out!
A busy
Page 92

Page 104

Student's materials
Your Student’s book Use the Activity book You will have three unit
contains all the core work to practise and reinforce reviews that will help you
for the year divided into what you learned in the evaluate what you
8 units. Student’s book. have learned!

Review Units 1-3

Student’s Book
Activity Book
It's trivia time!
1 Ask a classmate. Do you brush your Yes, I always brush

English 5
grade English 5th grade Always
teeth at night? my teeth at night.

English • 5th grade

Brendan Dunne - Robin Newton Brendan Dunne - Robin Newton Never

see your
brush your go to the sleep eight watch TV in
friends in the
teeth at night supermarket hours at night the morning
Get ready with English •

2 Look and role-play.

Have you got any flour? 1. 2.

No, I haven't.
Have you got any
Yes, I have.
It's 4! 3. 4.
Student’s Book •

3 Read and say True or False.

1. Scott always gets up at
Hi, I’m Scott. On school days, I always get seven o’clock.
up at quarter past seven. I usually have cereal 2. He never has cereal for
and orange juice for breakfast. I go to school at breakfast.
half past eight. At school, my favourite subjects are 3. His favourite subjects are Maths
Science and Spanish. I don’t like Art. Painting and and PE.
drawing are difficult for me! I go to football practice 4. He doesn’t like Art.
twice a week after school. I like doing exercise. It’s 5. He goes to football practice
good for you. I usually have dinner at seven o’clock. I twice a week.
always do the dishes after dinner. Then, I sometimes
6. He sometimes does the dishes.
Edición especial para el Ministerio de Educación. read books and play computer games with my sister.
Edición especial para el Ministerio de Educación. Prohibida su comercialización.
Prohibida su comercialización.

Knowing your book Hello! 4 Listen and sing. 3

1 Read, listen, and say the name. 2

The titles will help you follow Name: Anita

Family: a brother
Eyes: brown
Name: Kim
Family: only child
My name’s Kim!
How are you?

and enjoy your book.

Eyes: brown My name’s Mark!
Birthday: March These are the things I like to do.
Birthday: October How are you?
Pets: no pets I like going to the zoo
Pets: a dog These are the things I like to do.
Favourite subject: Science taking photos and painting too.
Favourite subject: Art I like swimming in the sea
and watching cartoons on TV.

Name: Ben Name: Mark

Family: two sisters Family: a sister
Eyes: brown

Eyes: blue
Birthday: June Birthday: December
Pets: a cat Pets: a hamster
Favourite subject: IT Favourite subject: PE
My name’s Ben!
My name’s Anita! How are you?
How are you? These are the things I like to do.
2 Play a game.

These pages will introduce the characters

These are the things I like to do. Rollerblading in the park
playing basketball at the gym and playing games with my friend Mark.
and singing songs with my friend Kim.
My birthday's in October
and my favourite subject

of the book. They will be the guides in

is Art.
5 Read and write about you.

Are you Kim? Hi!

My name’s Ellen. I’m ten years old.

your book.
I like going to the cinema and playing
Yes. I am! basketball with my friends. At home, I like
playing computer games and gardening.
I don’t like drawing or painting. Hello!
My favourite activity is reading! My name’s Declan. I’m ten years old.
I like going to the swimming pool and
playing cards with my friends.
3 Ask a friend. At home, I like playing computer
games and making models. I don’t
like playing basketball or painting.
Have you got any pets? When’s your birthday? What colour are your eyes? My favourite activity is singing!

What’s your favourite subject? Have you got any brothers or sisters?
Activity book 5
8 Hello! 9

Activity book
X Page 5

This icon shows This icon This icon shows This icon shows You will find
that you need to shows that you that you will that you will extra practise
do the activity need to do the have fun and listen to an audio in the Activity
in your personal activity with your role-play some to complete an book.
notebook. classmates. activities. activity, or sing
and chant!
IMPORTANT: Do not write in this book. Do the activities in your personal notebook.

Unit 4 Ocean life octopus crab

At the beginning of each unit Presentation
1. Point and say the animal.

you will see pictures with new 2. Listen and sing. 33

vocabulary reinforced with seal


listening tasks. turtle orca

Unit goals
Unit goals
jellyfish blue whale
• Listen and read dialogues
about ocean life.
• Enjoy a story.
• Create a poster with your
favourite sea animals.

Activity book 28

52 Unit 4 • Ocean life 53


Kate! Have we got
chocolate chips?
Now, bake in the
for twenty minute
s. Stop and think! and Reflect! Lesson 2 CLIL

Yes, here
they are! This section will help you 18 Read and listen
. 42



evaluate your understanding. The ocean holds
humans have not
amazing secrets
yet discovered.
Some scientists have

biscuits in the oven. been braved enoug

5 Danny puts the to go deep into the h
darkest sea water
the wrong bowl! find frightening speci s to
Look! Eric is taking es.
Well done, blue team!
is the winner?
ready. But who
The biscuits are
Ugh! This has got
lots of salt in it.
For example, the
famous anglerfish.
A nightmare-inducin
g sea creature made
famous in ‘Finding
What?! Nemo’ was caugh
video in the depth t on
s of the ocean for
time. Scientists believ the first
e global warming

This section will help you think

affecting its enviro is
nment, bringing the
anglerfish species rare
to shallower water
Eric. 8
Kate is angry with the winners!

about some situations in your

7 Liz and Danny
Beep 5. In the darkness of
stand. Retrieved from deep water, they
Kate doesn't under their light to attrac flash
t prey to their mouth
When a fish or a .
squid swims up,

everyday life.
quickly inhaled by it is
13 Answer. the anglerfish’s huge
contest? mouth and trapp
participated in a ed by its long, sharp
a. Have you ever teeth.
think about chea
b. What do you

Stop and thin 19 Ask a classmate
. Retrieved from https:// The anglerfish (2014,
November 21).
story and answ a. How can the angle atch?v=VqPMP9X-89
Think about the rfish survive? o
b. How can scient
story. ists discover new
I understand some I understand the
d the story parts of the story
, but I can help my class
I don’t understan
I need help with..
. Reflect!
• How do you think
Activity book 18 climate change is
affecting the ocean
Pages cook! 31 ’s life?
Unit 2 • Kids can

Activity book
62 Page 33

5582.indd 62

30-09-22 09:52


Student's book
Think back! Review Page 22

Think back! and Review 17 Follow the steps and get the kingdom! 9 Complete your card and play bingo with your class.

STEP 1. Write a list of all the possessions and creatures of your kingdom. 10 5

At the end of each unit you • There are 70 trolls

• There are 12 golden mirrors.
I usually… I sometimes… I never…

will play a game with your STEP 2. Draw a 5 x 5 grid and locate your groups in random order.
I get up at… I get to school at… I go to bed at…
classmates that will help you A B B D

assess what you’ve learned.

1 6 goblins

tidy my room / do see my friends / do my homework /
the dishes. walk the dog. practise a musical

4 40 mirrors
Think back!
Complete your unit journal.
STEP 3. Play with a classmate. Ask each other.
1. Before this unit, I could:

Are there any

mirrors in 4D?
2. Words that I learned during the unit:

3. One thing that I want to understand more is:

Yes! There are

40 mirrors
4. Now I can:

Unit 5 • Virtual reality 75 Unit 1 • Home time 13

Student's materials

1 Read, listen, and say the name. 2

Name: Anita Name: Kim

Family: a brother Family: only child
Eyes: brown Eyes: brown
Birthday: March Birthday: October
Pets: no pets Pets: a dog
Favourite subject: Science Favourite subject: Art

Name: Ben Name: Mark

Family: two sisters Family: a sister
Eyes: blue Eyes: brown
Birthday: June Birthday: December
Pets: a cat Pets: a hamster
Favourite subject: IT Favourite subject: PE

2 Play a game.

My birthday's in October
and my favourite subject
is Art.

Are you Kim?

Yes. I am!

3 Ask a friend.

Have you got any pets? When’s your birthday? What colour are your eyes?

What’s your favourite subject? Have you got any brothers or sisters?

4 Listen and sing. 3

My name’s Kim!
How are you?
My name’s Mark!
These are the things I like to do.
How are you?
I like going to the zoo
These are the things I like to do.
taking photos and painting too.
I like swimming in the sea
and watching cartoons on TV.

My name’s Ben!
My name’s Anita! How are you?
How are you? These are the things I like to do.
These are the things I like to do. Rollerblading in the park
playing basketball at the gym and playing games with my friend Mark.
and singing songs with my friend Kim.

5 Read and write about you.

My name’s Ellen. I’m ten years old.
I like going to the cinema and playing
basketball with my friends. At home, I like
playing computer games and gardening.
I don’t like drawing or painting. Hello!
My favourite activity is reading! My name’s Declan. I’m ten years old.
I like going to the swimming pool and
playing cards with my friends.
At home, I like playing computer
games and making models. I don’t
like playing basketball or painting.
My favourite activity is singing!

Activity book 5
Hello! 9
What do I know?

1 Look and say the time.

2 Read and role-play.

Brazil I'm from France, and I

I'm from Mexico, speak French.
and I speak Spanish.



3 Look and describe.
This is a beetle.
It has six legs and two
antennae. It is brown.

snail ladybug bee

4 Choose a season and describe it.

In autumn
I play with
Winter Summer leaves.
It's cold and

Autumn Spring

Stop and think!

Think about the activities and answer.

I can do the activities I can do the activities on

I can’t do the activities on
on my own, but I my own. I can help
my own because…
need help with… my classmates.

Activity book 6-7

Hello! 11
Unit 1 Home time

1. Look and answer.
a. Where are they?
b. At what time of the day do you do these activities?

2. Listen and sing. 4

3. Listen and say the picture. 5

walk the dog

practise the
recorder tidy my room

see my friends

have dinner

do my homework

go to bed

Unit goals
• Listen and read dialogues
about routine activities.
• Read and write about a
typical evening.
• Enjoy a story.
• Tell the time.

do the dishes Activity book


Unit 1 • Home time 13

Lesson 1 Practice

1 Listen, read, and role-play. 6

Ben and Anita are walking home from school.

Hi, Anita! I see you've got a recorder. Do you practise

the recorder every day?
Yes, I usually practise after school
in my bedroom.

That’s good. I usually play basketball after school.

Do you see your friends too?
Yes, I sometimes see my friends. We play
computer games or listen to music. No! I never go to bed at seven
Oh really? My friends all like music too! o’clock.
What time do you have dinner? I go to bed at half past nine.

I always have dinner at half past six. Me too! This is my house.

Bye, Ben!
That’s early! And do you go to bed
at seven o’clock? See you tomorrow!

2 Look and read. Which sentence is in the dialogue?

always walk the dog.

usually go to bed at nine o’clock.
sometimes see my friends.
never practise the recorder.

3 Read about Sam. Then write about your evenings.

In the evening
I usually do my homework at six o’clock and I always have dinner at seven o’clock with
my family. After dinner, I sometimes do the dishes. Then, I usually play computer games in
my room. I sometimes watch TV at nine o’clock and I sometimes read comics with
my sister. I usually go to bed at ten o’clock.

Activity book 9


4 Listen and say the name. 7

Claudia Kim Jenny

Mark Eddie Ben

5 Ask a classmate.

Do you have dinner at seven o’clock?

Do you go to bed at half past nine?

Do you do the dishes?

Do you watch TV?

Do you listen to music?

Do you play games?

Activity book 10
Unit 1 • Home time 15
Lesson 1 Production

6 Listen and say the chant. 8

I usually get up at quarter to eight, I have my lunch at one o’clock,

I’m never late for school. and then I play with my friends.
I sometimes have Science at quarter past ten, I finish school at quarter to five,
Science is really cool! and then I go home again!

7 Look and say the times in pairs.

8 Ask a classmate and write the answer.

What time do you

1 What time do you get up? get up? I usually get up at
2 What time do you have Science? quarter past seven.
3 What time do you have lunch?
4 What time do you do your homework?
5 What time do you have dinner?
6 What time do you go to bed?

Activity book 11


Phonics 1
9 Listen and say a tongue twister. 9

Dom and Tom have dinner together,

then Dom does the dishes,
and Tom tidies the toys!

10 Listen and repeat. 10

dog diver Donaldd dinner do dance

Tom talk tennis two table train

11 Listen and write the word you hear. 11

drain train door tore

Dom Tom din tin

Unit 1 • Home time 17

Lesson 2 The science project!

Find and say!

12 Read and listen to the story. 12

Who discovers a dinosaur?

Ron always goes home at quarter to five. Ron is doing a science project
He sometimes forgets his homework. about dinosaurs. It’s very difficult.

Woof! Woof!

Don't forget your

homework, Ron!
Oh, not now, Buster. I'm busy!
1 2

Poor Ron! He doesn’t know what to write Ron sees his friend Jason in the park.
about and Buster wants to go out.
Hi, Ron! Let's practise


OK, Buster, let's go for a walk.

3 Buster can smell something. 4


Where's Buster? I can't see Buster
Look! There he is!

Let's look for him!

Ron takes his helmet off. Buster is behind a bush.

It's time to go home. 5 What’s he doing? 6

Buster is digging up dinosaur bones! And thank you to Ron for this
fantastic dinosaur skeleton!
It's... It's...
Good boy, Buster!
Now I can do my
science project.

Ron’s teacher is very happy with

7 his homework, and so is Ron! 8

Retrieved from Beep 5.

13 Why are fossils important? What can fossils teach us?

Stop and think!

Think about the story and answer.

I understand some
I don’t understand the story I understand the story.
parts of the story, but
because… I can help my classmates.
I need help with...

Activity book 12
Unit 1 • Home time 19
Lesson 2 The adventures of Beep

14 Look at the pictures and say the characters.

15 Read and answer.

How can Beep help at home?

Sally and Finn’s dad is Professor Rubik. Sally never listens to Dad! She pushes
He’s an inventor. There's somebody a green button.
Hello, I am Beep version
at the door. Don’t 7.01. Can I help you?
touch any buttons!
Hey, look at
this robot!

1 2

Wow! He What can you I can help

can talk! do, Beep? at home.
Oh, that's

Let me
show you...
3 4

I can do homework Beep can do the dishes and walk the dog.
and I can fly!

Now THAT’s

Don't push the

Hmm! What else red button!
can you do? 5 happening? To be continued...

16 Choose a title for the story.

Professor Rubik’s robot Sally likes to do homework Finn can fly


17 Say True or False.

Sally never listens to Dad! She pushes Sally and Finn’s dad is Professor Rubik.
Hello, I am Beep version a green button. He’s an inventor. There's somebody
7.01. Can I help you? at the door. Don't
touch any buttons!
Hey, look at
this robot!

a. Sally always listens to her dad. b. Professor Rubik is a teacher.

True False True False

I can help Beep can do the dishes and walk the dog.
at home.
Oh, that's

Don't push the

What's red button!
happening? To be continued...

c. Beep can do the dishes and walk the dog. d. Sally presses the green button.
True False True False

18 What happens next? Write your ideas.

• Why is it important to help
at home? How do you help?

Unit 1 • Home time 21

Lesson 2 CLIL

19 Read and listen. 13

1 2
Electricity is a big part of our lives.
Saving electricity is important.
It comes from power stations,
Not saving it has economic and
the wind, the Sun, water, and
environmental consequences.
other sources.

3 4
In our home, the objects in the It is important to learn ways
kitchen use a lot of electricity to save electricity.
to function.

20 Ask a classmate.

• How do you save electricity at home?
• What are the possible consequences of not saving energy in our lives?

How to save 1. Use the Sun to dry clothes.

2. Spend
2. Spend less time in the shower.
electricity at home 3. Buy
3. Buy objects that use less electricity.

Activity book 13


Think back! 1
21 Play with your classmates.

STEP 1. Spin!

always sometimes


STEP 2. Roll the die!

Tidy my Do my Do the
See my Go to bed Practise the
room. homework. dishes.
friends. early. recorder.

STEP 3. Say it! Is it true? Is it false?

I always do my
It's true!

Unit 1 • Home time 23

Unit 2 Kids can cook!

1. Look and answer.
a. Mention the items in the pictures.
b. Do you have these ingredients at home?
c. What can you cook with these items?
Mention two types of food.

2. Listen and sing. 15

chocolate biscuits butter cream


flour eggs

sugar Unit goals

• Listen and read
dialogues about
• Read and write
shopping lists.

Activity book 14

Unit 2 • Kids can cook! 25

Lesson 1 Practice

1 Listen, read, and role-play. 16

Mark and Kim are writing a shopping list. They want to make chocolate biscuits.

Mark, have we got any flour?

Yes, we have. There’s a bag
of flour in the cupboard.
Great! Have we got any butter?

No, we haven’t, but we’ve got
some eggs.
Good! And have we got any sugar?

Yes, we’ve got some sugar.
Good! And have we got any chocolate? bisc

Flour r
No, we haven’t. We haven’t got Suga er
Butt olate
any butter or chocolate. Choc
Come on! Let’s go to the shop!

Good idea!

2 Look and read.

We’ve got some cherries. Have we got Yes, we have.

We haven’t got any cream. any butter? No, we haven’t.

3 Look, read, and say who are talking: the boys or the girls.

We've got some biscuits. We haven't got any chocolate. We've got some flour.

We've got some butter. We haven't got any cream. We haven't got any cherries.

Activity book 15


4 Listen and say the bags. 17



5 Copy this bag in your notebook. Imagine you go shopping to

cook for the day. What have you got in your bag?

I’ve got some eggs for breakfast…

I’ve got some chicken for lunch… etc.

6 Read and write about yourself.

Hello, I’m Kevin. I’m from Russia. I have breakfast with

my brother. We always have cereal and orange juice.
I have lunch with my friends at school at a quarter to
twelve. We usually have chicken, pasta, or fish. Pasta
is my favourite food. I like pasta with meat or tomato
sauce. I have a snack at 5 o’clock. I always have fruit.
I have dinner with my mum, dad, and brother. We
usually have soup, or rice with vegetables.

Activity book 16
Unit 2 • Kids can cook! 27
Lesson 1 Production

7 Look and read.

Chocolate chip biscuits
2 eggs
200 grams of butter
300 grams of sugar
300 grams of flour
250 grams of chocolate chips

Put sugar and butter in a bowl. Mix butter and sugar with a fork. Add eggs.

Slowly add flour and mix. Add chocolate chips. Bake for 20 minutes.

8 Look at the table and write a recipe.

First, mix butter and sugar with a fork.

Choose a connector… Choose an action… Choose a utensil…





Activity book 17


b p 2
9 Listen and say a tongue twister. 18

Ben puts a big piece of butter in a

purple bowl to bake some biscuits

10 Listen and repeat. 19

Ben butter ball biscuits bowl bake

put piece purple pencil pasta picture

11 Listen and write the word you hear. 20

Peter better pen Ben

pale bale peak beak

Unit 2 • Kids can cook! 29

Lesson 2 Kids start cooking!

Say the
12 Read and listen to the story. 21

Who wins the cooking show?

And today, the teams are
making chocolate biscuits!

Hello! I’m Oliver

Ramsey and
this is “Kids start
Eric and Kate are on the red team. Oh no! Kate is swapping
Danny and Liz are on the blue team. 1 the sugar for salt. 2

OK kids... Start cooking! How many eggs?

Add two eggs.
I’m adding some flour.

Kate and Eric put butter and sugar in the Liz and Danny put eggs
bowl and mix them with a spoon. 3 and flour into the bowl. 4


Kate! Have we got any Now, bake in the oven
chocolate chips? for twenty minutes.

Yes, here
they are!


Look! Eric is taking the wrong bowl! 5 Danny puts the biscuits in the oven. 6

The biscuits are ready. But who is the winner? Well done, blue team!

Ugh! This has got

lots of salt in it.


Kate is angry with Eric.

Kate doesn't understand. 7 Liz and Danny are the winners! 8

Retrieved from Beep 5.

13 Answer.
a. Have you ever participated in a contest?
b. What do you think about cheating?

Stop and think!

Think about the story and answer.

I understand some
I don’t understand the story I understand the story.
parts of the story, but
because… I can help my classmates.
I need help with...

Activity book 18
Unit 2 • Kids can cook! 31
Lesson 2 The adventures of Beep

14 Look and predict what happens.

15 Read and answer.

Where are Beep and the children trapped?

What’s It’s OK, I can travel Add flour
happening? and eggs.
through space!
This is a giant
Where are we? We’re mixing bowl.
in some
butter. Ugh!

1 2
Beep and the children are in a cake factory.

Mix the

Let’s get out

of the bowl.

Let’s go I can’t! My buttons

home, Beep. aren’t working!
Sally! Look at Beep. 3 4

Quick! Push the Now, Beep’s buttons are clean. It’s time to go!
I can’t! It’s covered
red button, Beep! with eggs and flour.

Where are we
Bake in the oven Use your going now?
for 30 minutes. eyes, Beep!
5 6

16 Choose a title for the story.

Making cakes A trip to a cake factory A cake-mix trouble


17 Say and complete the sentences.

a. Beep and the children are in a ...

b. Beep and the children are

standing in . . .

c. Beep’s buttons are covered . . .

18 What happens next? Create an end to the story.

• Who can help you in a dangerous situation?

Unit 2 • Kids can cook! 33

Lesson 2 CLIL

19 Look at the pictures. What do they show?

20 Read and listen. 22

Healthy diet guide
– Ministry of Health
1 Eat fruits and
vegetables of different
colours five times a day.
2 Drink between 6 and 8
glasses of water each


3 Eat legumes at least


twice a week.
4 Take care of your heart
by avoiding fried foods.
Prefer eating baked
or grilled fish twice a
5 To keep your bones
strong, eat low fat and
low sugar dairy at least
three times a day.
6 Eat food with low levels
of salt.
7 Try not to eat sugar,
sweets, soft drinks,
The food included in this picture are those with low nutritional and juice.
value and high content of salt, sugar, and saturated fats. 8 Keep a healthy weight,
It is recommended to limit the consumption of these types of eat well, and do
food or avoid them completely. exercise regularly!

21 Do you keep a healthy diet?

22 Research about the black labels present in the packages of food and answer.
a. What do the labels show?
b. What labels would you put on each of the food shown in the picture?

Reflect! HIGH IN
• Do you think these black labels are useful? Why? Ministerio
de Salud
de Salud
de Salud
de Salud

Activity book 19


Think back! 2
23 Read the recipe and write the list of ingredients.

A pound cake recipe A pound cake recipe

• Mix butter and sugar.
• Add 3 eggs, one at a time. 2.
• Add 2 cups of flour. 3.
• Add 1/2 cup of milk. 4.
• Bake for 40 minutes. 5.

24 Say what each family have in their kitchen. Use have got and haven’t got.

The Robins The Chesters

sugar chocolate chips

butter chocolate

milk cream

eggs sugar

flour cherries

Example: The Robins haven't got any sugar. / The Chesters have got some biscuits.

25 Write a list of the things each family can share with one another.

Unit 2 • Kids can cook! 35

Unit 3 Let's go shopping


1. Listen and say. 24

2. Look and answer:
a. Do you have these stores in your city?
b. What’s your favourite store
around your home?

3. Listen and sing. 25

baker’s clothes shop



shoe shop

sports shop

computer shop Unit goals

• Listen and read dialogues
supermarket about stores and
• Read and write about
likes and dislikes.
• Talk about your likes and

Activity book 20

Unit 3 • Let's go shopping 37

Lesson 1 Practice

1 Listen, read, and role-play. 26

Kim is at a bookshop. She’s talking to the shop assistant.

Hello, can I help you?

Yes, I want to buy a book.
Good! Do you like comic books?
Yes, I do. I really like comic books.
They’re funny.
Do you like information books, too?
Yes, I like information books about science
and dinosaurs.
What about a joke book? We’ve got lots of
joke books.
Yes, I have. Look, this is a novel
No, thank you, I hate joke books. I prefer about a girl detective.
books with stories.
Oh, brilliant! Can I have this
What about a novel? Do you like novels? book, please?

Yes, I love novels. Have you got a novel Yes, here you are. It’s six euros.
about detectives?

Do you like Yes, I do. I really like comic books. Yes, I do.
comic books? Yes, I do. I enjoy comic books. I love comic books.

Do you like Not really. I dislike fiction books. Not so much.

fiction books? Not at all. I hate joke books. I prefer comic books.

2 Ask your classmates and create a diagram for each one.

Questions He/She doesn't like reading.

• Do you like reading? How often do He/She never reads.
you read?
• What are your favourite books? His/Her favourite books are...
• Do you read e-books or in paper? He/She reads...
• Is there a bookshop in your town? Where?
There is/isn’t a book
Activity book 21 shop. (It’s at...)


3 Write the store where you can find each of these items.

clothes shop bookshop sports shop

bookmarks cycling suit running shoes a comic magazine jeans

a coat novels a T-shirt a gym kit

4 Look at Activity 3 and role-play.

Student A: Where can I get some jeans?

Student B: You can get jeans at the clothes shop.

Activity book 22
Unit 3 • Let's go shopping 39
Lesson 1 Production

5 Look at the pictures and say.

Eric sandwiches bananas

This is Eric. He loves sandwiches, but he dislikes bananas.

He buys sandwiches at the baker’s.


Linda brocoli peas


Dan and Phil shorts jeans


Annie laptops tablets

6 Read the text and write about your favourite activity.

I love reading. I always read in bed at night and I sometimes read

in the car too. I really enjoy fantasy books. My favourite book is
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I don’t like romantic novels
about vampires. I sometimes read information books for school.
My favourite information books are about space and astronomy.

Activity book 23


gr 3
7 Listen and say a tongue twister. 27

Grandma and Grandad grab some

green grapes at the greengrocer's.

8 Listen and repeat. 28

gr grandfather
gr grow

gr grocer
gr grapes

9 Listen and write the word you hear. 29

grass gross grab grub

grain grown grape grope

Unit 3 • Let's go shopping 41

Lesson 2 A day out in London!

Say the job!

10 Read and listen to the story. 30

Who gives the computer to Danny?

Danny and his mum are on holiday in London.
He’s buying a present for his friend Eric. Mum is
buying postcards.

That's ten
pounds, please.

Can we go to OK!
I like this the bookshop,
London bus. please?

Danny sees a poster. His favourite

1 author is giving a talk today. 2

Danny doesn't know where Oxford Street is. A strange man runs past and gives Danny a bag.
He asks a woman for directions.

Here, take this!

Excuse me, where's
Oxford Street?
What is it?

Go straight on
along this street,
turn right, then turn
left. It's not far.

3 4


The police are chasing the thief but they can't Danny and his Mum look in the bag.
see him.
Where is he? It’s a computer!

He's turning right!

And here's a name.

It's P.J. Downing!
Let's take it to the

5 6

P.J. gives Danny signed copies of all her

My new story is on the
books. What a great day out in London!
computer. It’s the only copy!

We're looking
for it now.
Excuse me, here's
your computer. Hey, Danny!
Look this way!

7 8

Retrieved from Beep 5.

11 Do you have a favourite author? And a favourite book?

Stop and think!

Think about the story and answer.

I understand some
I don’t understand the story I understand the story.
parts of the story, but
because… I can help my classmates.
need help with…

Activity book 24
Unit 3 • Let's go shopping 43
Lesson 2 The adventures of Beep

12 Look at the pictures and name the shops you see.

13 Read and answer.

Why are they looking for a computer shop?

Beep and the children are in a shopping street. Yes, but I need OK, let's find a
Look, it's a a computer. computer shop!

Beep, can you fix

the red button? 1 2

Excuse me, where's

the computer shop? Er... Go right at Look, there it is!
the traffic lights and
cross the road...

Yes, the
light’s green!'s next to Let's cross at the
the baker’s. zebra crossing. 4

Help! I can't stop! Oh no!

I can’t look! It's time to push
the red button.

Do something, TO GO HOME!
5 6

14 Choose a title for the story.

Help me with directions Saving the day Adventures at a shopping street


15 Look and say True or False.

Excuse me, where's
the computer shop? Er... Go right at Look, there it is!
the traffic lights and
cross the road...

Yes, the
light’s green!'s next to Let's cross at the
the baker’s. zebra crossing.

a. Beep needs a computer to help b. The computer shop is next to the

the men. baker’s.
True False True False

Help! I can't stop! Oh no!

I can’t look! It's time to push
the red button.

Do something, BUT I WANT


c. The truck driver says hi. d. Beep gets his computer.

True False True False

16 What happens next? Write your ideas.

• In what situations do you think team work
is important?

Unit 3 • Let's go shopping 45

Lesson 2 CLIL

17 Read and listen. 31

Recoletras: the first popular bookshop in Santiago.

1 2

For some people, it's very hard Recoletras sells books much cheaper
to buy books, because they're than regular bookshops. It has over
expensive. 6,500 titles, with prices 40 to 70%
cheaper than famous bookshops.

3 4

Recoletras is open to all members of Many famous publishing houses and

the community in Santiago, Chile. The charities are participating, making it
process is simple: Recoletras selects the easier for every student to have access
most popular books in the country and to textbooks and materials for schools in
puts them on its shelves. the area.
Recoletras (2019, January 28).
18 Ask a classmate. Retrieved from

a. What do you think about Recoletras?

b. Do you have something similar where you live?

• Why is it important to value the access to books in a community?

Activity book 25


Think back! 3
19 Play with your classmates.

STEP 1. Roll the dice and answer the questions.

STEP 2. Write down your classmates’ answers.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8
Challenge: Say the
grandma and
grandad tongue

9 10 11 12
Challenge: Spell the
name of the shop
where you can get fruit
and vegetables. It’s
not the supermarket!

STEP 3. Share your classmates’ answers.

Anita likes
carrots, but she
hates broccoli.

She usually gets His favourite

brownies, cakes, store is the shoe
and cookies! shop! He loves

Unit 3 • Let's go shopping 47

Review Units 1-3
It's trivia time!
1 Ask a classmate. Do you brush your Yes, I always brush
teeth at night? my teeth at night.


see your
brush your go to the sleep eight watch TV in
friends in the
teeth at night supermarket hours at night the morning

2 Look and role-play.

Have you got any flour? 1. 2.

No, I haven't.
Have you got any
Yes, I have.
It's 4! 3. 4.

3 Read and say True or False.

1. Scott always gets up at
Hi, I’m Scott. On school days, I always get seven o’clock.
up at quarter past seven. I usually have cereal 2. He never has cereal for
and orange juice for breakfast. I go to school at breakfast.
half past eight. At school, my favourite subjects are 3. His favourite subjects are Maths
Science and Spanish. I don’t like Art. Painting and and PE.
drawing are difficult for me! I go to football practice 4. He doesn’t like Art.
twice a week after school. I like doing exercise. It’s 5. He goes to football practice
good for you. I usually have dinner at seven o’clock. I twice a week.
always do the dishes after dinner. Then, I sometimes
6. He sometimes does the dishes.
read books and play computer games with my sister.


CL0000000001026 I5_Review_123_2019_TXT_5589.indd 48 18-12-19 15:58

4 Play a game.

1 2 3 4

Spell! Where Do you brush What

your teeth time do
do you twice a day?
buy you have
bread? dinner?
Say 7 6

What time

and On
Saturday, is it? Where do
spell! you buy
sometimes… jeans?
9 10 11 12

Say and How often What time W here

spell! do you is it? can
do the you buy
dishes? boo ks?
16 15 14 13
At what
time do you How often Say and
go to bed? do you spell! In winter,
tidy your I never…

Activity book 26-27

Review • Units 1-3 49

CL0000000001026 I5_Review_123_2019_TXT_5589.indd 49 18-12-19 15:58


CL0000000001026 I5_Review_123_2019_TXT_5589.indd 50 18-12-19 15:58

Review • Units 1-3 51

CL0000000001026 I5_Review_123_2019_TXT_5589.indd 51 18-12-19 15:58

Unit 4 Ocean life

1. Point and say the animal.

2. Listen and sing. 33


jellyfish blue whale

octopus crab

turtle orca

Unit goals
• Listen and read dialogues
about ocean life.
• Enjoy a story.
• Create a poster with your
favourite sea animals.

Activity book 28

Unit 4 • Ocean life 53

Lesson 1 Practice

1 Listen, read, and role-play. 34

Hello, can I ask you some questions about great

white sharks?

Yes, of course. What do you want to know?

Do great white sharks live in groups?

No, they don’t. They live alone.

Do they eat turtles?

Yes, they do. They eat turtles, seals, and fish.

Do they lay eggs?

No, they don’t. They have babies. Me neither, but I think they
are amazing animals.
Do they breathe air?
Thanks for talking to
No, they don’t. They take oxygen from the me. Now I can write my
water. Do you like great white sharks, Mark? project.

Yes, but I don’t want to meet one! You’re welcome. Bye!

live alone. Yes, they do.

They Do they eat plants?
don’t eat crabs. No, they don’t.

2 Read and ask to a classmate.

Do sharks No, they

breath air? don't.

Activity book 29


3 Read and answer.

Seals live all over the Earth. You can find them in
the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
Seals can spend a lot of time in the sea
searching for food. They can hunt fish, octopuses,
crabs, and krill, but they can’t hunt birds. There
are 33 different kinds of seals. The smallest seal is
the Galapagos Fur Seal, which weighs only about
63 kilograms. The biggest is the Southern Elephant
Seal, which can weigh up to 4,000 kilograms!

Editorial creation.

a. Where can you find seals? I can find seals in ?

b. What can seals eat? Seals can ?
c. How long can they stay in the sea? What for? They can ?
d. How much can a seal weigh? They can ?

4 Look, listen, and say the animal. 35

They live They They lay

in groups. breathe air. eggs.

sea horse These

animals can live
in groups. They
can breathe air.
They can't
lay eggs.
What are these
crab animals?

They are
Activity book 30
Unit 4 • Ocean life 55
Lesson 1 Production

5 Listen and sing. 36

Let's sing the song of the great blue whale.

They swim in the ocean and they’ve got
big tails.
They all breathe air.
No, they haven’t got gills.
They haven’t got teeth, but they all eat krill.
They’re very, very big, 30 metres long.
They swim in the ocean and they sing a
whale song.
The great blue whale, the great blue whale,
Let's sing the song of the great blue whale.

6 Look, listen, and say. 37

Sharks, fish and octopuses have
got gills. Gills take oxygen from the
water. Dolphins and whales haven't got
gills. They breathe air.

dorsal fin


teeth  eye     gills         flipper

7 Choose a sea animal and create a poster. Follow the example.

• They are medium-size animals.
• They can grow up to 1.5 meters long.
• They can't lay eggs.
• You can find them all over the sea.
• They can communicate with sounds.

Activity book 31


8 Listen and say a tongue twister. 38

Sharon and Sheena swimming in the sea,

Sharon sees a shark,
But Sheena sees a ship.

9 Listen and repeat. 39


Sh shop
sh sheep
sh ship
sh shark

see swim soup sand some Susan

10 Listen and write the word you hear. 40

Sue shoe see she

sip ship sock shock

Unit 4 • Ocean life 57

Lesson 2 The Shipwreck

Find and say!

11 Read and listen to the story. 41
Which sea animals do they see?
Karen’s mum is a marine biologist. She goes diving They look at the jellyfish. They’ve got
with Karen. They see lots of amazing sea animals. long tentacles.

Can you hear me?

Yes! We're
ready to go.

Don’t touch the tentacles.

1 They’re poisonous. 2

Karen is looking at an octopus. They live on the Karen is frightened. She can see a big shark.
seabed. They’ve got gills and they eat crabs. They swim fast and they’re dangerous.

Mum! Look!

Oh no! Poor crab!

Octopuses have arms,

not tentacles! Quick! Let's hide
behind the rocks!
3 4


Karen and her mum hide from the shark. Karen They are inside the ship. It’s very dark. Karen
finds something interesting. She calls her mum. is looking in a box. There are old coins inside.

Mum, look! Treasure!

Mum! It’s a shipwreck.
Can we look inside?
5 6

There are lots of old coins on the ship. The coins are in the museum. Lots of people
They are taking them to a museum. come to see them. Karen and her mum are
famous now.

The coins are

500 years old.
8 AnswerOK,
about the story.
We've got the
e. What does the man give to Danny?
7 8
f. How does Danny help the author?
Retrieved from Beep 5.
12 Do you know any famous shipwreck?

Stop and think!

Think about the story and answer.

I understand some
I don’t understand the story I understand the story.
parts of the story, but
because… I can help my classmates.
need help with…

Activity book 32
Unit 4 • Ocean life 59
Lesson 2 The adventures of Beep

13 Look and answer: Where are the children?

14 Read and answer.

How does the aquarium break?

Beep and the children are Sally is looking at a big shell.
in an aquarium. Beep sees a man.

Where are Look!

I don't know.
we now?

1 Let's ask that man! 2

The man is very surprised to see Beep. Oh no! The sharks look hungry and
they’ve got LOTS of teeth.

Quick Beep,
do something!
Aargh! It's a

3 4

Beep is fixing the glass with his laser eyes. What does
this button do?
That's amazing!

5 THE RED...! 6

15 What’s a good title for the story?

The man in the aquarium Stay there, sharks! A dangerous shark


16 Look and say True or False.

The man is very surprised to see Beep. Oh no! The sharks look hungry and
they’ve got LOTS of teeth.

Quick Beep,
do something!
Aargh! It’s a

a. The man is scared of the sharks. b. The sharks are happy.

True False True False

Beep is fixing the glass with his laser eyes. What does
this button do?
That’s amazing!


c. Beep fixes the sharks’ aquarium. d. The man doesn’t touch the button.
True False True False

17 What happens with the man after the visit? Write your ideas.

• What is your opinion about aquariums?
• Do you think they are good for the animals living there?

Unit 4 • Ocean life 61

Lesson 2 CLIL

18 Read and listen. 42


The ocean holds amazing secrets that
humans have not yet discovered.
Some scientists have been braved enough
to go deep into the darkest sea waters to
find frightening species.

For example, the famous anglerfish.

A nightmare-inducing sea creature made
famous in ‘Finding Nemo’ was caught on
video in the depths of the ocean for the first
time. Scientists believe global warming is
affecting its environment, bringing the rare
anglerfish species to shallower waters.

In the darkness of deep water, they flash

their light to attract prey to their mouth.
When a fish or a squid swims up, it is
quickly inhaled by the anglerfish’s huge
mouth and trapped by its long, sharp teeth.

The anglerfish (2014, November 21).

19 Ask a classmate. Retrieved from

a. How can the anglerfish survive?

b. How can scientists discover new species?

• How do you think climate change is
affecting the ocean’s life?

Activity book 33


Think back! 4
20 Play with your classmates.

STEP 1. Draw your favourite sea animal.

STEP 2. Ask and answer questions about animals.

Can it swim to
the surface? Yes, It can

Can it swim fast?

No, it can't

STEP 3. Do research and check if your statements are correct or incorrect.

• Octopuses can lay eggs.

• Octopuses can swim to the surface.
• Octopuses can live alone.

That's correct
That's incorrect!

Unit 4 • Ocean life 63

Unit 5 Virtual reality

1. Look and say the words.
2. Listen and sing. 44
3. Work with a classmate.
Ask: What’s a troll?
How do you spell it?

mirror flute

bow and sword


64 English 5th Grade



shield goblin troll

book of spells
Unit goals
• Learn about virtual
• Write a game
• Say “There’s a...”
“There isn’t a”
• Say “She’s good at...”

Activity book 34

Unit 5 • Virtual reality 65

Lesson 1 Practice

1 Listen, read, and role-play. 45

The children go to the Choosing Room. Everyone chooses something for the game.

I’m a witch. Is there a magic wand for me?

Yes, there is. Here you are.

Thanks, and I’m going to take the book
of spells too.
Good idea! What about you Mark?

What do you want?
I’m an elf. Is there a bow?

Yes, there is. Here you are.

Are there any arrows?

Yes, there are. I can see some arrows.
I want the sword. I'm going to
What do you want, Ben?
take this shield too.
I’m a wizard. There’s a broom for me and
I like this flute too. Brilliant! Are we ready to go into
Castle Doom?
What do you want, Kim?
Yes, come on! Let’s go!

2 Look and read.

Kim, Mark, Ben, and Anita play a virtual
game every weekend. It's called Escape
from Castle Doom. In this game, they visit
a big, scary castle. A horrible troll and
some scary goblins live in this castle. The
children need to escape.
The children can choose avatars for the
game. Kim's avatar is a strong and fast
warrior princess. Mark's is an elf. He's
good at climbing and archery. Ben is a
He wears a hat, and a big, black cape.
Anita is a witch. She's good at magic and
she likes cats.

Activity book 35


3 Look at the picture and ask.

a magic wand.
an elf.
There are some flutes.

Is there a clock?
Are there any swords?

There isn’t a prince.

There aren’t any maps.

Yes, is/are.
No, isn’t/aren’t.

1. Are there any bottles? 5. Are there any oranges?

2. Is there a dog? 6. Is there a bed?
3. Are there any windows? 7. Are there any books?
4. Is there a clock? 8. Are there any swords?

4 Look and ask.

broom bow and arrow sword shield

This word has got

five letters and the
last letter is d. It's sword!


How do you
spell it? Activity book 36

Unit 5 • Virtual reality 67

Lesson 1 Production

5 Answer the questions to create your own virtual reality game.

a. What’s the name of your game?
b. Are there any castles in it?
c. Are there any trolls in it? How many?
d. How many avatars are there?
e. Are there any trolls in it? How many?
f. Are there any goblins in it? How many?
g. Are there any weapons to fight creatures?
h. Which ones? How many of each?

6 Use the answers to write an intro to your game.

The name of the game is The Enchanted

Castle. A mean witch trapped all the royal
family and their people in a parallel reality.
There are magic creatures and big scary trolls.
There is a magic mirror in each room. The
mirrors help you move around the castle. If
you defeat all the magic creatures, the castle
comes back to normal.

Activity book 37


bl and br
7 Listen and say a tongue twister. 46

Britney Black's blond brother,

Blair, breaks her best broom!

8 Listen and repeat. 47

br break
br broom
br breakfast
br brush

bl blond
bl blue
bl blind
bl blow
bl blanket

9 Listen and write the word you hear. 48

broom bloom brush blush

brew blue break Blake

Unit 5 • Virtual reality 69

Lesson 2 Inside the game!
candelabra spear moat bridge

Find and say!

10 Read and listen to the story. 49

What do the children have to do?

Ben is good at music, he can play the flute.

Don't stop playing.


Oh no, there's a troll.

The children are in a corridor. 1 The magic flute sends the troll to sleep 2
But how can they get past the troll? and now the children can pass safely.

A goblin throws a spear. Now, the goblins are trapped in the candelabra
and the children can go past.

Everyone stand
behind me!

Well done, Mark!

I've got an idea! 3 4


And here’s the moat, but there isn’t a bridge. Anita is very good at magic! She’s freezing the water.

Oh no, there are crocodiles!

Try a spell, Anita!

Quick, we're near
the castle gate.

5 6

The children are at the drawbridge but there are lots The game is finished.
of goblins chasing them.

Noooo! They're

Cut the rope with

your sword, Kim!

Let's play again!

7 8

Retrieved from Beep 6.

11 Do you play virtual games? Which ones?

Stop and think!

Think about the story and answer.

I understand some
I don’t understand the story I understand the story.
parts of the story, but
because… I can help my classmates.
I need help with...

Activity book 38
Unit 5 • Virtual reality 71
Lesson 2 The adventures of Beep

12 Look and answer: where are the children?

13 Read and answer.

How does Beep help the people at the dentist?

Beep and the children are at the dentist’s.
Phew! We're safe Beep, can you clean
but where are we? us now, please?

Hello, what's
Oow-ooow! 1 the problem? 2

Beep cleans Finn with his laser eyes. Beep is making the girl’s teeth better.

I've got Mm! Eating lots of sweets

toothache. is bad for your teeth.
Beep, can Let's go home
you help her? now, Beep.

3 4

The red button doesn't Next, please!

work properly. I can't
control where we go.

Oh no! We
can't go home! I've got
5 Don't touch the... toothache too! 6


14 Look at the scene and complete the statements.

Beep is making the girl’s teeth better.

Mm! Eating lots of sweets
is bad for your teeth.
Let's go home a. The girl has bad teeth because...
now, Beep.
The girl has bad teeth because
she eats lots of sweets.

The red button doesn't

work properly. I can't
control where we go.

b. Beep and the children can’t go

home because...

Oh no! We can't
go home!

Beep cleans Finn with his laser eyes.

I've got
toothache. Beep, can
you help her?
c. Finn’s hands are clean...

• How often do you go to to the dentist?
• How can you keep your teeth healthy?

Unit 5 • Virtual reality 73

Lesson 2 CLIL

15 Read the story.

Game of immortals
An epic medieval battle controlled with your smartphone
– What is the Game of Immortals? –Nicolás – Yeah, this is a role-playing game.
asked. Nicolás looked at the possible avatars that he
– It’s super fun! It has something different, which could choose for the adventure. He chose to be a
I’m not going to tell you. It’s better that you see it knight and entered the town to begin the demo.
for yourself. Come on, download this app. – Go straight through the main street until you
Felipe showed his phone to his friend and reach the lake –Felipe told him.
Nicholas downloaded the app. – Nicolás obeyed. When he reached the lake,
– Is it this one? Felipe said –Now, look at your reflection in the
Felipe nodded. water. Nicolás saw himself in the reflection. His
features, his hair colour, his eyes. The knight was
Nicolás read the description: “Legendary battles
between knights and wizards who seek the
source of immortality: the Holy Grail.” – I don’t understand. The avatar has my face?
– Then, the objective is to obtain the Grail? – This is the best characteristic of the game! –
Felipe said excitingly–. It offers a real experience.
– Exactly –Felipe said– but during the journey you
But a TRUE real experience.
have to defend the town’s inhabitants from the
attacks of their enemies.
Retrieved from El Juego de los Inmortales
– As in every role-playing game, right? (adaptation and translation).

16 Match the images with a part of the story.


• What do you think about virtual reality?
• What are the pros and cons of virtual reality?

Activity book 39


Think back! 5
17 Follow the steps and get the kingdom!

STEP 1. Write a list of all the possessions and creatures of your kingdom.

• There are 70 trolls

• There are 12 golden mirrors.

STEP 2. Draw a 5 x 5 grid and locate your groups in random order.


1 6 goblins

4 40 mirrors

STEP 3. Play with a classmate. Ask each other.

Are there any

mirrors in 4D?

Yes! There are

40 mirrors

Unit 5 • Virtual reality 75

Unit 6 What do you
want to be?
1. Look and answer.
a. Mention the items in the pictures.
b. Do you know someone who has
one of these jobs?

2. Listen, point, and say. 51

vet nurse

postman taxi driver





Unit goals
• Learn about professions.
• Compare the Present
Simple with the Present
• Talk and write about a
famous person from history.

Activity book 40

Unit Whatdo
you want
want to be? 77
Lesson 1 Practice

1 Listen, read, and role-play. 52

Anita’s talking to her Uncle Tony on the phone. Uncle Tony is a vet.

Uncle Tony, do you like being a vet?

Yes, I do. I love animals and I like
helping them.
Where do you work exactly? Do you
work on farms?

No, I work in an animal hospital.

Do you wear a uniform?
No, I don’t wear a uniform. I wear
a white jacket and special gloves.
Do you work at night? Are you working today?
Yes, I sometimes work at night No, I’m not. Today, I’m
when an animal is having babies playing the saxophone. It’s
or is very sick. my favourite hobby.

2 Look and read. Which sentence is in the dialogue?

Present simple Present continuous

I work in a restaurant. I’m working

I don’t work in a shop. I’m not working
He/She works in an animal hospital. He’s/She’s working
He/She doesn’t work in a museum. He/She isn’t working

3 Read. Then listen and say the name. 53

Mick's a weatherman. He works Tanya's an astronomer. She works

in a TV studio. He uses a computer in an observatory. She likes studying
to study the weather. He sometimes the planets. She sleeps in the day
works on Saturday and Sunday. He and she works at night. She doesn't
doesn't wear a uniform. He isn't wear a uniform. She's working today.
working today. He's riding his bike in She's using a big telescope to look
the mountains. at Neptune.

Activity book 41


4 Listen and sing. 54
Remember the people everywhere, Shop assistants and waiters,
Who work so hard for you. And taxi drivers too,
Give them a smile! Say thank you! They work so hard both night and day,
For all the things they do. For you, and you, and you!

Say thank you to the postman, And don’t forget your teachers,
Who delivers all your letters, They help you learn and play.
And thank you to the vet, Through all the years you spend in school,
Who helps your pet get better. They’re with you every day.

Doctors and nurses in hospital,

Who make you feel alright,
Actors and singers on TV,
You see them every night.

5 Look and describe.

taxi driver teacher shop assistant postman

waiter waitress
postman postwoman

He's wearing
nurse waiter actor a white shirt.
It's the
He's writing.

singer doctor vet

Activity book 42
Unit 6 • What do you want to be? 79
Lesson 1 Production

6 Listen and say the job. 55

taxi driver nurse firefighter actors

chef shop assistant waiter postman

7 Look at the photos and play a game.

Is it a man, or
a woman? It's a woman.

Does she wear

a uniform? No, she doesn't.

Does she work Yes, she does!

in a film studio?

8 Choose a picture and write a description for the situation.

The shop
assistant is in
the vegetables
He is happy.
He is wearing
a uniform...

Activity book 43


er and or
9 Listen and say a tongue twister. 56

Builder, baker, teacher, tailor,

pilot, painter, vet.
Doctor, dentist,
flight attendant,
farmer, fireman, chef!

10 Listen and repeat. 57

er baker
er teacher
er painter
er doctor

11 Listen and write the word you hear. 58

pasta faster history mystery

interview In a few... smaller shorter

Unit 6 • What do you want to be? 81

Lesson 2 Fame isn’t fun!

12 Research. What job did they have before?

J.K.Rowling Mayim Bialik Gene Simmons

13 Read and listen to the story. 59

Why did Kristen fall?

This is Maribel Starky. She’s 12, but she Aunty Shona is a doctor. She works at the
knows what she wants to be when she hospital. Today she is visiting Bella and
leaves school... an actress, just like Kristen Dad. Kristen Cullen is coming to town.
Cullen. Maribel hates her name. She wants Bella asks Dad if she can go to see her.
to be called Bella Star.
Sorry Maribel, I'm
working today.
My name is BELLA!

It's OK, Ron. I can

go with Bella.

1 2

Bella likes Aunty Shona. She doesn’t talk to Kristen has a nasty fall and hurts her leg.
her like she’s a child.
Look! It's Kristen Cullen.
Stop the car!
Stand back! I'm a doctor.

Oh dear! She looks frightened.

3 Oh no, Kristen is hurt. 4
Leave her alone!


The ambulance arrives. Kristen has got a Aunty Shona puts bandages on Kristen’s leg.
broken leg. The nurse puts her on a stretcher.

Can I have an autograph?

Smile, Kristen! Thanks for helping me.

Can you come to the

hospital, Doctor Starky? That's OK. I think you're brilliant!
I want to be an actress too!
5 6

Kristen is very unhappy. People are always

bothering her. She doesn’t want to be
famous anymore!

It's horrible being an actress!

Do you still want to

be an actress, Bella?

My name is Maribel...
and I want to be a doctor!
7 8

Retrieved from Beep 6.

14 What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?

Stop and think!

Think about the story and answer.

I understand some
I don’t understand the story I understand the story.
parts of the story, but
because… I can help my classmates.
I need help with...

Activity book 44
Unit 6 • What do you want to be? 83
Lesson 2 The adventures of Beep

15 Look. Where are Beep and the children?

16 Read and answer.

What animals can you name?

Beep and the children are on a mountain. What's happening?
Look at those trees! I don't know
Where are we? but it's hot. What's that noise?

1 2

It’s noisier and hotter now and there’s smoke. There are lots of people running.
Quick, run! Oh no!
Hello, what's happening? The volcano
is erupting!

It's the volcano!

3 4

Hurry up, Beep, push The red button

the red button! doesn't work!
Yes, let's go!

5 6
To be continued...

17 Write a title for the story.


18 Choose the correct option and copy it.

The story is about...

a. Beep and the children are scared
because there’s people running.

b. Animals are scared because there’s

a robot.

c. Beep and the children are escaping

a volcano eruption.

d. People are escaping from a tsunami.

19 Complete the following dialogues.

GIRL: Look at those ? ! Where are we?

Look at those ! Where are we?

BEEP: The ? ? doesn't work!

GIRL: Hello, what’s ? ?

BEEP: Oh no! The ? is erupting!

• Look. Can you think of a similar situation in Chile?
• What natural disasters happen in Chile?

Unit 6 • What do you want to be? 85

Lesson 2 CLIL

20 Listen and say the instruments. 60

violin flute guitar harp drums trumpet

21 Listen and read. What do you think? 61

Hello, I’m Tara. I’m a musician from Ireland. In Irish music we play the
violin, flute, harp and guitar. Sometimes, people dance to the music too.
In Ireland we celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day on the 17th of March. There
are parades in many Irish cities. People play Irish music in the parade and
dance. Listen to some Irish music. What do you think?

Hello, I’m Oscar. I’m a flamenco singer from Spain. In flamenco music, we
play the guitar, we clap our hands and we sing. Sometimes the music is fast
and happy and sometimes it’s sad and slow. Listen to some flamenco music.
What do you think?

Hello, I'm Bruna. I'm a musician from Brazil. Samba musicians play drums,
trumpets and guitars. We play samba music at Carnival. There are
parades on the street. People wear colourful costumes and everybody
dances. Listen to some samba music. What do you think?

22 Listen and say True or False. 62

• What type of traditional Chilean music do you know?
• Do you like it?

Activity book 45


Think back! 6
23 Play with your classmates.

Say: She works Say!

in a ...
baker / tailor Look ands

Say: I don’t
Say two work in a ...
words with
er sound.

Actor actress
waiter ?

Look and Say:

describe I work in a ...

Say two
words wih or
Look and Say: he
describe doesn’t work in
a ...

postman ?

Say: Say
teacher /

Unit 6 • What do you want to be? 87

Review Units 4-6
It's trivia time!
1 Guess with a classmate. What are they?
1. They haven’t got gills. They breathe air. They’re 30 metres long and they eat krill.
They can sing!
2. They breathe air and can live on the land and in the sea. They eat fish and they live
in groups.
3. They live alone on the bottom of the ocean. They eat crabs and small fish. They’ve got
gills and they lay eggs. They have eight arms.

2 Look and find the twelve differences.


In picture A, there's a In picture B, there's

painting of the king. a painting of a troll.

3 Look, read, and ask.

Is it a man or a woman?

It’s a man.

Where does he work?

He works in a hospital.

What’s he doing?

He’s swimming.

It’s Bob!
Bob Derek Susan Alan
doctor teacher actress waiter
4 Play a game.

1 Say 2 3 Say 4

and spell! What and spell!

was her
sharks live
Frida Kahlo
in groups?
Say 7
Describe 6
Say 5

and spell! her job! and spell! What do

want to
Say 10
He's 11
Describe 12
and spell! good at... her job! and spell!

Describe 15 14 13 Say
her job! What was his and
Do turtles spell!
lay eggs?
Albert Einstein

Activity book 46-47

Review • Units 4-6 89
Review • Units 4-6 91
Unit 7 A great day out!

1. Look and answer.
a. Do you know these places?
b. Can you find these places
where you live?

2. Listen, point, and say. 64


bowling alley rink

theme park




Unit goals
• Learn about places in
the city.
film studio • Say Where were...? /
It’s in...
• Say I / He / It was...

Activity book 48

Unit 7 • A great day out! 93

Lesson 1 Practice

1 Listen, read, and role-play. 65

Anita and Kim are looking at photos on the computer.

Look at this photo. I was at a bowling

alley with my brother.
How old were you?
I was eight and my brother was ten.

I like this photo of the theme park.
Me too! I was really excited. Look at
my dad! He was scared.
Is this you at the beach?
Yes, I was with my mum.

Was it hot?
Come on, let’s go and take
Yes, it was very hot and sunny.
some photos!

It was summer.
Good idea!

2 Look and read. Which sentence is in the dialogue?

I was at a bowling alley How old were you?

He/She was eleven Where were you?
It was winter

3 Look and role-play.

Betty Anita Colin Ruth

Are you Yes,

It was summer. I was Betty? I am!
at the aquarium…
Activity book 49


4 Listen and sing. 66

I love going out with my family.

We take lots of photos of the things we see.
Here’s the aquarium and the planetarium.
And this is the palace. Look, it’s me!

So many places we like to go,

A theme park and a film studio.
We really like going to a gallery,
Look! That’s a painting by Dalí!

Here’s another photo with my sister May,

At the skating rink on Saturday.
And here’s the bowling alley. Yes, that’s me!
I love going out with my family.

5 Look and ask.

1 2 3 4
1 skating rink
2 film studio
3 theme park
4 planetarium
5 aquarium
6 bowling alley
7 gallery
8 palace

5 6 7 8

Where's the
theme park?

It's between the

film studio and the

Unit 7 • A great day out! 95

Lesson 1 Production

6 Listen and say True or False. 67

7 Ask a classmate.
a. What was your favourite toy? e. What was your favourite ice cream
b. What was your favourite colour? flavour?

c. Who was your first teacher? f. What was your favourite place?

d. What was your favourite food? g. What was your favourite TV


8 Read and write about you.

When I was little
By Megan
When I was little, my favourite food was
spaghetti and my favourite drink was milk.
My favourite toy was my bike. It was red and
white. My favourite place was the park and my
favourite game was hide and seek. At school, my
favourite book was a story about elephants. My
favourite subject was Art.

Activity book 50


Phonics ea and i 7
9 Listen and say. 68

Where were Claire and Blair?

Were they floating on air?
I could see their hair.

Claire and Blair

Were at the aquarium
Or were they at the planetarium?

Claire went to see the queen at the palace.

Blair went to meet sweet Pete at the theme park.

10 Listen and write the word you hear. 69

hair here chair cheer

stare stir Claire clear

Unit 7 • A great day out! 97

Lesson 2 Robbery at the palace!

Find and say!

11 Read and listen to the story. 70

Why are Granny and Tina in the princess’ bedroom?

The princess was in her bedroom. Fifteen minutes later, in the entrance
hall, Tina is visiting the palace with her
The ceremony starts granny.
at twelve o'clock. Have
you got your tiara?

Yes, thank you!

She was
Queen Isabella.

Ooh, look at
those portraits
1 Tina! 2

Tina is bored. She finds a door. Granny and Tina find the princess’s
bedroom. Granny sits on the bed and
Tina takes a photo.

Hey, Granny!
Let's go this way!
Excuse me, you
can't come in here.

And this was Smile!

King Zog's
throne. 3 4


CL0000000001026 I5_U7_2019_TXT_M_5585.indd 98 18-12-19 15:36


Later, Granny and Tina are leaving the palace. The princess’s tiara is missing.

She was in the Tina, where were you

bedroom with that girl. at quarter to eleven?
They've got the tiara. I was in the bedroom,
taking a photo of
Stop, thieves!

The tiara was

5 on the chair! 6

The police look at the photos. They find the The princess gives Granny and Tina
thief. It wasn't Granny and Tina. medals for finding the tiara.

What a great day out!


Let's find the dog, the
ceremony starts soon. 7 8

Retrieved from Beep 5.

12 Do you know any palace in Chile?

Stop and think!

Think about the story and answer.

I understand some
I don’t understand the story I understand the story.
parts of the story, but
because… I can help my classmates.
I need help with...

Activity book 51-52

Unit 7 • A great day out! 99
Lesson 2 The adventures of Beep

13 Look and predict what happens in the story.

14 Read and answer.

Where are Beep and his friends?

Beep and the children are in a film studio!
ALL of my buttons Listen! The volcano
are broken! isn’t making any noise. What are you doing?
The robot film is in
the next studio!

1 2

We can't go home, Beep is fixing all of his buttons.

Can we use your
our robot is broken. computers to fix him?
What an
amazing robot! Yes, our dad
is an inventor.

Oh, all right then! 3 4

Now, all of my buttons Now, let's go home!

are working again.
Wow! You've got
another control panel!

Action! 5 This is fantastic... 6

Wait! Don't go!

15 Write a title for the story.


16 Draw what happens next.

Here, Beep
becomes the
movie star!

17 Order the dialogues.

: This is fantastic… Wait! Don’t go!

: We can’t go home, our robot is broken.

: What are you doing? The robot film is in the next studio!

: Now, all of my buttons are working again.

• What robot films do you like?
• Why do robots call our attention?

Unit 7 • A great day out! 101

Lesson 2 CLIL

18 Read and listen. 71

Roberto Matta (1911 – 2002)

Roberto Matta was a Chilean artist. He went to live to Paris
and then Spain, where he met artists like Pablo Picasso and
Salvador Dalí. He was a surrealist artist.

Frida Kahlo (1907 - 1954)

Frida Kahlo was from Mexico. She painted almost 200
self-portraits. Her art was inspired by Mexican nature
and folklore.

Piet Mondrian (1872 – 1944)

Piet Mondrian was from Holland. He was from a
family of artists. His paintings only have five
colours: black, white, yellow, red and blue.

19 Make a painting inspired on one of these artists’ work.

• Do you know the name of more artists?
• Is there a gallery or museum in your town?
• Why is art important?

Activity book 53


Think back! 7
20 Play a game.

8:20 3:55 11:10 4:25

6:30 1:05 7:40


2:00 10:15 9:10 3:40

Where were you at

twenty past eight?

I was at the
bowling alley.

Unit 7 • A great day out! 103

Unit 8 A busy weekend!

1. Look and answer.
a. What’s the past simple of take?
b. Do you practise these activities?

2. Listen, point, and say. 73

to a café

see/saw a

run/ran in
the park

an email
a friend

take/took do/did my
photos homework

have/had Unit goals

pizza • Learn about activities.
• Say the past simple
of verbs.
• Say Where are the... /
• Read a story.

Activity book 54

Unit 8 • A busy weekend! 105

Lesson 1 Practice

1 Listen, read and role-play. 74

Hello, Mark. Did you have a good weekend?

Yes, I did. I went to the cinema with
Ben. We saw a film about sharks.
Sharks! Was it scary?

Yes, it was, but we liked it. Did you
have a good weekend, too?
Yes, I did. On Saturday, I met Kim and we

went to the shops.
What did you buy?
Kim bought a T-shirt and I bought a book.

Did you go out on Sunday? Did you do your Maths homework?

No, I didn’t. I read my new book and

No, I didn’t! I’m going to do it now!
I wrote an email to my cousin.

2 Look and read. Which sentence is in the dialogue?

Past simple- irregular verbs
met my friends. meet my friends.
I We read a magazine. I We didn’t read a magazine.
went to the shops. go to the shops.

buy a new T-shirt? Yes, I did.

Did you
do your homework? No, we didn’t.

3 Ask a classmate about last weekend.

1. Did you go to the shops?
2. Did you read a book?
3. Did you do your homework? Did you go to the
4. Did you meet your friends? shops?
Yes, I did. I went with my
5. Did you see any films? sister and she bought a
6. Did you take any photos? computer game.

Activity Book 55


4 Listen and sing. 75

A busy weekend, a busy weekend,

I had a busy weekend with all my friends.
A busy weekend, a busy weekend,
I had a bus-bus-busy weekend!

I did my homework and I read a book.

Then I sent a text message to my friend Anouk.
We met at the cinema near our school.
We saw a scary movie. It was really cool!

I wrote an email and I went to swim,

on Saturday morning with my best friend, Jim.
Then we went to a restaurant with Jane and Jake,
I had a cheesy pizza and some chocolate cake.

Sunday morning and we went to the zoo.

We took lots of photos of the kangaroos.
We bought a souvenir and saw the snakes.
But we ran past the crocodiles in the lake!

5 Ask a classmate.

send/sent a text meet/met a friend do/did my homework

go/went to a café run/ran in the park have/had pizza

write/wrote an e-mail take/took photos see/saw a parrot

What's the past simple

It's sent!
of send? Spell it!
S – E – N –T

Activity book 56
Unit 8 • A busy weekend! 107
Lesson 1 Production

6 Read, role-play, and guess.

Jackie George
On Saturday, I went to an aquarium with my On Saturday, I did my homework and
family. We saw some colourful fish. I listened to music in my room. On Sunday,
I took photos of the dolphins. On Sunday, I met my friends and we played football in
I wrote an email to my grandad. the park. I took photos of my friends.

Rachel Charlie
On Saturday, I went to the shops. On Saturday, I wrote an email to my
I bought some new shoes. In the evening, I friend and I listened to music . On
met my cousins and we went to the cinema. Sunday, I met my granny. We went to a
On Sunday, I did my homework and I played restaurant and we had a big pizza .
cards with my brother. It was delicious!

Did you do your

No, I didn't.

Did you go to a
restaurant? Yes, I did.

Are you Charlie? Yes, I am!

7 Write about your weekend.

I had a good weekend.

On Saturday morning
I played computer
games. On Sunday I
went to a café and
ran in the park with
my dog.

Activity book 57


j and g
8 Read and say a tongue twister. 76

Gerald and Jen met in the village.

They saw a jaguar in a cage.
Jen took photos while Gerald jumped of rage.
Together they freed the jaguar from the cage.

9 Write j or g.
a. ? ames took ? in ? er cookies to his grandma.
James took ginger cookies to his grandma.

b. ? eor ? e and ? ane wear yellow ? umpers.

c. ? ill sent a ? oke to her friend ? enny.

d. ? asmine saw the film “Aven ? ers” and en ? oyed it.

e. ? erry went to a café to eat ? elly and ? am.

Unit 8 • A busy weekend! 109

Lesson 2 A weekend in the mountains!
Tornado Tsunami Hurricane Earthquake

Look it up!
10 Read and listen to the story. 77
Who did they call to fight the fire?
It was Monday morning. Fran
Uh, I went to
called his friend Carla. the mountains.
Hi Carla, I
need to ask a

Oh, hi Fran. Did

you have a good

Uh, well, listen... That sounds fun.

Who did you stay with?

1 2
Fran tells Carla about his weekend...

He had a busy weekend. He stayed with his Fran’s hobby is photography. Some rabbits
older cousin, Jerry. On Saturday, they went ran across the track. He saw them and
out on their bikes. took a photo.
Dad saw a family of
wild boar in the woods
yesterday, so be careful.

This is going to
be a great photo!

OK Mum, we'll go slowly.

3 4


Suddenly, they saw lots of wild animals. Jerry phoned the firefighters and Fran
sent a text to his Aunty.
Look a fox and some
squirrels! Why are they
running away? There's a forest
fire in the
Gallifa valley!

Something is
wrong. Come on!

5 6

Everyone from the village helped the Fran had such a busy weekend that he
firefighters. The boys volunteered too. forgot something...
It took all weekend to put the fire out.

So that’s why I
need to copy your

Did you forget?

Today is a holiday!
7 8

Retrieved from Beep 6.

11 Do you know about forest fires in Chile? How can you prevent them?

Stop and think!

Think about the story and answer.

I understand some
I don’t understand the story I understand the story. I can
parts of the story, but
because… help my classmates.
I need help with...

Activity book 58
Unit 8 • A busy weekend! 111
Lesson 2 The adventures of Beep

12 Look and describe one scene.

13 Read and answer.

Who’s Doctor Kronik?

Oh no! Where What’s I've got your time

are we now? Heeelp! happening? key! You can't stop
me now, Rubik!
It's OK! This
is our house.

It's Dad! Quick! 1 2

Beep unties the professor. Doctor Kronik is an expert

historian. I think he wants to
Who was he? travel through time with my
time key and steal treasure.
We've got
to stop him!

That was
Doctor Kronik. 3 4

I can travel in time too. We're The professor can follow Beep and
I want to stop Doctor Kronik. going too! help with his computers.
Let's go!

Yes! 5 Good luck! To be continued... 6


14 Find the wrong word in the sentence and replace it with the correct one.
a. Doctor Kronik is an expert musician.
Doctor Kronik is an expert historian.
b. The nurse can follow Beep and help with computers.

c. I want to fight Doctor Kronik.

d. I’ve got your blue key now. You can’t stop me now, Rubik!

15 Order the sentences.

This OK! house. our is It's

It's OK. This is our house.

can I too. travel in time

It's Quick! Dad!

got stop to We've him!

• Do you think Doctor Kronik should be stopped? Why?
• Would you stop someone who acts like this?

Unit 8 • A busy weekend! 113

Lesson 2 CLIL

16 Read the information about the map. K H

E road railway river path campsite nature hotel
• Colours show towns, forests, and water. M
What colour are the towns and forests in train bridge castle museum picnic lake forest
station tables
this map?
• Lines show roads, rivers, paths, and railways.
What colour are the rivers and roads in this E
• Maps have symbols. What’s the symbol for a
nature reserve? C M H

• A key explains the colours, lines and

symbols in a map. How many elements are
there in the key?

1 2 3 4 5 6

17 Look at the map and find the coordinates for the following places.
a. The campsites. c. The hotels. e. The museum.
(A1, A4, F4)
b. The castle. d. The lakes. f. The forests.

18 Look at the map and answer.

1. How many train stations are there? 1. Is there a museum in C5?
2. Is there a castle in A1? 2. Where does a road go through a tunnel?
3. How many campsites are there? 3. Where are the nature reserves?

How many train There are two

stations are there? train stations.

Is there a museum
No, there isn't. in C5?

Activity book 59


Think back! 8
19 Play with a classmate.

1 2 3
Spell the past Did you
simple of write! have a good
How many
trees are there?

5 Choose: 4
took … Say: ginger
6 a) photos cookies!
b) emails
c) park
Did you
do your
7 How many 8
campsites are Spell the past
there? simple of 9

Miss a turn!
11 10
12 Say!
Did you
“Gerald and go out
Jen met in the yesterday?
Choose: village.”
Went to…
a) a café
b) my
homework 13
c) a friend
How can you
prevent a
forest fire?

Unit 8 • A busy weekend! 115

Review Units 7-8
It's trivia time!
1 Read and answer.
1. It’s a very big house. Kings and queens live here.
2. You can see paintings and sculptures here.
3. There are dolphins, octopuses and jellyfish, but it isn’t the ocean.
4. It’s a good place to learn about the moon, planets and stars.
5. There are lots of cameras and lights. Actors work here.
6. It’s cold and dark. Bats live here.
7. There are lots of houses and shops here.

2 Look at Kim’s schedule. Ask and answer True or False.

Kim’s Schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

False! She took

Kim took photos on photos on Tuesday.

3 Play a game.

1 What’s the 2 3
What 4

past simple Do you time is it? Say places

of: like to
a) go theme in your
b) write
parks? town.
c) meet
8 7
Say 6
What’s 5
and spell! the past
Say 5 simple of: and spell
aquarium a) have the past
animals. b) take time of
c) run take.
Say 10
What did
11 12
two words Say two time is it?
you do
with the g during your famous
sound. weekend? artists.
16 15
What’s 13 Say
the past
Did you ran simple and spell!
What can of:
you see in a
planetaruim? in the park a) buy
yesterday? b) see
c) do

Activity book 60-61

Review • Units 7-8 117
Review • Units 7-8 119
This is the end of our school year.
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6th grade.
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Unit 1
pp. 18-19 Dunne, B., & Newton, R. (2012). Beep 5. Oxford: Richmond Publishing.

Unit 2
pp. 30-31 Dunne, B., & Newton, R. (2012). Beep 5. Oxford: Richmond Publishing.

Unit 3
pp. 42-43 Dunne, B., & Newton, R. (2012). Beep 5. Oxford: Richmond Publishing.
pp. 46 Contreras, E. (2019, January 28). “Recoletras”: estos son los precios y títulos
que venderá la primera “librería popular” de Chile. BioBioChile, Retrieved from

Unit 4
pp. 58-59 Dunne, B., & Newton, R. (2012). Beep 5. Oxford: Richmond Publishing.
pp. 62 Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. [MBARI]. (2014, November 21).
The anglerfish: The original approach to deep-sea fishing. Retrieved from

Unit 5
pp. 70-71 Dunne, B., & Newton, R. (2012). Beep 6. Oxford: Richmond Publishing.
pp. 74 Rodríguez, L. (2017). El Juego de los Inmortales (1st ed.). Santiago,
CL: Alfaguara Juvenil.

Unit 6
pp. 82-83 Dunne, B., & Newton, R. (2012). Beep 6. Oxford: Richmond Publishing.

Unit 7
pp. 98-99 Dunne, B., & Newton, R. (2012). Beep 5. Oxford: Richmond Publishing.

Unit 8
pp. 110-111 Dunne, B., & Newton, R. (2012). Beep 6. Oxford: Richmond Publishing.

References 121
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