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[Test de Funcionamiento y Entrega de potencia Unidad de Electrocirugia FLle: PEQ—6A20_2030128_112545_P. txt Date: 2023 ene. 20 Time: 11:25:45 vPad-RF ID: My vPad-RF vPad-RF SN: VRF17069080 Cal Date: 2020-09-28 Equipment Information... Control Number: PEQ0E@2@ Description: Unidad de Electrocirugie Manufacturer: — Contled Model: System 5020 Serial Number: @706>096 Location: Quiréfanos Facility La Bene San Luis Technician ID; Ing. Guillermo Garcia Téllez Tech Time (hes): 1 Overall Result: PASS Next Test Due: 2023 May Signature: Date: Detailed Test Data. AutoSequence: ContMed System 5820 PM Inspection -ESPAIIOL.nFa Test Run-Time: 56 minutes Task: Ejecutar la prueba de encendido. Confirmar: Las tones fueron emitides, todos los displays uncionando y no se desplegaron codigos de ‘error despues de 1a autoprucba. Result: PASS Task: VerLficar el funclonanlento del pedal de "CORTE’. Result: PASS. Task: Verificar que 1 alarma suene y los indicadores dal electrode dispersive parpadesn. Result: Pass Task: Result: Task: Task: Task: Result: Task: Result: Task: Task: Verificar operacion del ‘teclado’ para Modo "Pure Cut" Pass. Verificar operacion del ‘tecledo" para: BLEND 1, 2 & 3; COAG Pinpoint, Standard & Spray; BIPOLAR Micro & Macro; PULSE Cut & Coag; modos FLUIDS & LAP. Pass’ Verificacion del funclonamlento del ‘teclade" asociado a los modos de especialidad (Fluids & Lop). Pass: Confirmacion del funcionamiento de PEDAL DE CONTROL 81POLAR Pass: Conecte las pinzas o jumper en el receptaculo Bipolar del panel frontal. Confirme activacion de salids Bipolar. Pass Confirme que los indicadores de Status/Alarn de los electrodes dispersivos Individual y Dual esten panpadeando en rojo de forna Intermitente : PASS Revision del receptaculo del electrada dispersive 'e Indicador del electrodo sinple. PASS Presione © pedal ‘CUT* Monapolar. Confirm el indicador de luz amarillo de corte se encienda y el sonido de corte sea escuchado. PASS Verificar el funcionamiento del control de pedal Conc. Pass Task: Utllice un accesonde de control a mano 0 un Lapiz de prueba para verificar el funcionamiento del interruptor manual de anbos receptaculos Honopolares. Result: PASS Task: Desconacte el electrodo dispersive y confirm que el ‘generadar enite tres pitidos y los indicadores de Status/Blarm de Electrodes Dispersives Individuales y Duales alternativanente parpadean en rojo. Result: PASS REM (CQM) TEST. Resistance Limit(s) REM Test (ohms) (ohms) Alarm Result 158 1584/-0 ON PASS 140 140+/-0 OFF Pass 15 154/-0 OFF ASS 7 7/-0 OFF PASS Power (watts): Current. (nA) Voltages (V) Power (watts): Current (mA): Voltages (V) He uTPUT TEST: ESU setting: Power (watts): Current (mA) Voltages (V): Load-300 ohas Result: PASS Bipolar MACRO, 10W 10.1, limit-7.0-13.0 483.4, Limit=153.0-208.0 Vons=54.9, Vpk=99.1, Vp-p=176.25 Ci Load-300 ohas Result: PASS Bipolar MACRO, 20H 20.0, Limit=17.0-23.0 47.0; CF=1. 81 Load-300 ohas Result: PASS Bipolar MACRO, SOW 49.7, Limit=44.9-55.0 407.6, limit=387.0-428.0 Vons=121.9, Vpk=220.4, Vp-p=392.4; CF=1.81 Load=300 ohas: Result: PASS Bipolar MACRO, 90W 39.4, Lielt=61.1-98.8 545.6, limit=520.0-574.0 Vens=163.5, Vpk-292.8, Vp-p=523. F180 HE OUTPUT TE: ESU settings Power (watts: Current (mA) Voltages (V) HE OUTPUT TE: ESU settings Power (watts’ Current (mA) Voltages (V) HE OUTPUT TE: ESU settings Power (watts| Current (ma) Voltages (V) HE LEAKAGE: ESU load: Conditions: Current (mA) Voltages (V) HE OUTPUT TE: ESU settings Power (watts: Current (mA) Voltages (V) HE OUTPUT TE: ESU settings Poner (watts: Current (mA) Voltages (V) ‘ST: Load=50 ohms Result: PASS Bipolar MICRO, 10W. ): 10.5, linit=7.0-13.0 458.7, Linit=374.0-512.2 \Vrms-22.9, Vpk=37.8, Vp-p-72.3; CFo1.61 ‘ST: Load=50 ohms Result: PASS Bipolar MICRO, 25W. ) 26.8, limit=22.0-28.2 721.6, Limit=663.0-748.2 \Vrms-36.0, Vpk~58.5, Vp-p-116.03 CF-1.62 ST: Load=5@ ohms Result: PASS Bipolar MICRO, 50 ): 51.9, limit=45.0-55.2 1019.3, limit-949.@-1049.0 \Vrms-50.9, Vpk-84.7, Vp-p-166.0; CF-1.66 Isolated active lead Result: PASS one Bipolar L, MACRO SON 38.5 ma 67.0 ma + Lead=500 ons Monopolar PURE CUT, Lew ): 11.4, limit-7.0-13.0 151.5, Limit~118.0-161.0 \Voms-75.5, Vpk~110.3, Vp-p-217.8; CF-1.46 8} Load=500 onns Monopolar PURE CUT, 2eW )¢ 22.2, limit-16.9-23.8 211.2, Limit~184.0-218.8 Vrms=105.3, Vok~152.9, Vp-9~362.0; CF=1.45 SST: Load=502 ohms Result: PASS Monopolar PURE CUT, Sew 53.8, limit-a5.0-55.1 328.4, Limit-300.0-332.0 \Vrms=163.7, Vok=237.3, Vp-p=468.6; CF=1.45 HE OUTPUT TEST: ESU settings: Power (watts) Current (mA) Voltages (V). HE OUTPUT TEST: ESU settings: Power (watts) Curent (mA): Voltages (Vv): He OUTPUT TEST: ESU settings: Power (watts) Current (mA) Voltages (Vv): HE OUTPUT TEST: ESU settings: Power (watts) Current (mA): Voltages (V): He OUTPUT TEST: ESU settings: Power (watts) Current (mA): Voltages (V) He ouTPUT TEST: ESU settings: Power (watts) Current (nA) Voltages (V) He ourpuT Test: ESU settings: Power (watts) Curent (mA): Voltages (V): Load=502 ohns Result: PASS Monopolar PURE CUT, 100W 105.8, limit=89.9-i10.0 469.7, Limit=424.0-469.0 Veas=229.7, Vpk=335.1, Vo-p-662.75 C Load=502 ohns Result: PASS Monopolar PURE CUT, 200M 203.1, Limit=180.0-219.8 647.6, Lmit=600.0-663.0 Vems=322.8, Vpk=471.1, Vo-p=928.83 CF=1. Load=502 ohns Result: PASS Monopolar PURE CUT, 300M 312.9, Limit=270.1°329.7 792.2, Umit=735.0-812.0 Vems=394.9, Vpk=574.4, Vo- Load=502 ohns Result: PASS Monopolar BLEND 1, 12H 44.7, Umit=7.0-13.0 452.9, Linit=118.0-161.0 Vems=76.2, Vek=132.4, Vp-p=263.8; CF=1.74 Load=508 ohns Result: PASS Monopolar BLEND 1, 22h) 22.2, Limi 7 Load=508 ohns Result: PASS Monopolar BLEND 1, 52h 53.4, linit=45.0-55.1 327.3, Limit=300.0-332.0 Vems=163.2, Vpk=283.9, Vo- Load=S09 ohne Result: PASS Monopolar BLEND 1, 100N 104.8, Limit-29.9-110.0 458.6, limit-424.0-459.0 Vens=228.6, Upk=198.3, Vp-p-296.05 CF=1.74 HF uTPUT TEST: FSU settings Power (watts Current (mA) Voltages (V): He OUTPUT TEST: ESU settings: Power (watts Current (mA): Voltages (V): HE urpur TEST: ESU settings: Power (watts): Carcent (mA): Voltages (V) He OUTPUT TEST: ESU settings Power (watts): Current (mA) Voltages (V): HF ourpur TEST: ESU settings: Power (watts) Current (mA): Voltages (V): He UTPUT TEST: ESU settings: Power (watts Current (mA): Voltages (V): He qurpur TEST: ESU settings Power (watts): Current (mA): Voltages (V): Loed-500 onus Result: PASS Monopolar SLEND 1, 202M 207.2, Limit-180.0-219.8 644.6, Limit-600.0-663.0 Vrms-321.4, Vpk=SE0.6, Vp-po1118.a; CF=1.74 Load=500 ohes Result: PASS Nonopolar BLEND 2, 10W 11.0, Lmit=7.0-13. 148.6, Linit=118.0-161.0 Vrms=74.1, Vpk=161.5, Vp- 20.8; C Losd=580 ohms Result: PASS Nonopolar BLEND 2, 20K 21.2, Limit-16.9-23.8 206.0, linit-194.0-218.0 Vrms=162.7, Vpk=223.0, Vp-pld3.9; CF=2.17 Load=500 ones Result: PASS Nonopolar SLEND 2, SOW S11, Limit=45.0-55.1 320.2, Linit=300.0-332.0 Vrms-159.6, Vpk-346.8, Vp-p-690.25 CF 17 Load=500 ohms Result: PASS Monapalar BLEND 2, 100M 100.8, limit=89.9-110.0 429.6, Linit=124,0-469.0 Vrms=224.1, Vpk=281.3, Vp-p=962.55 ¢ Load=520 ows Result: PASS Nonopolar BLEND 2, 202M 198.9, linit-190.0-219.8, 631.7, 1imit-600.0-653.0 Vrms-314.9, Vpk-679.2, Vp-p-1351.8; CF-2.16 Load-S00 ohas Result: PASS Monapalar BLEND 3, 10H 11.3, Limit=7.0-13.0 150.8, linit=118.0-161.0 Vems=75.2, Vpk=217.8, Vp-p=418.9; CF=2.99 HE OUTPUT TEST: ESU settings Power (watts) Current (na) Voltages (V) HE OUTPUT TEST: ESU settings: Power (watts) Current (na) Voltages (V) HE OUTPUT TEST: ESU settings: Power (watts) Current (na) Voltages (V): He OUTUT TEST: ESU settings: Power (watts) Current (mA) Voltages (V): He OUTPUT TEST: ESU settings Power (watts) Current (mA): Voltages (V): He OUTPUT TEST: ESU settings Power (watts) Current (mA) Voltages (V): HE oUTeUT TEST: ESU settings Power (watts) Current (mA): Voltages (V) Load-522 ohns Result: PASS Monopolar BLEND 3, 22W 21.8, Vimit=16.9-23.8 208.5, Limit-184,0-218.0 24.8, Vp Load-522 ohns Result: PASS Monopolar BLEND 3, SCW 52.8, Himit=45.0-95.1 325.6, Limit-302.0-332.0 2.3, Vpk=478.3, Vp- 7916.2; C Result: PASS Monopolar BLEND 3, 120i 104.2, linit-29.9-110.0 457.2, Limit~424.0-469.0 17.9, Vpk=651.5, Vp- Result: PASS Monopolar BLEND 3, 2204 206.3, Limit-188,0-219.8 643.3, Limit-602.9-663.2 \Vons=320.7, Vpk=834.2, Vp-p=1655.7; CF=2.62 Result: PASS Monopolar SPRAY coag, 12H 10.7, limit~) Result: PASS Monopolar SPRAY coag, 22H 20.3, limit-16.9-23.8 202.2, limit=184.9-218.2 Vons=100.7, Vpk=993.3, Vp-; 1503.7; CF=9.86 Load=522 ohns Result: PASS Monopolar SPRAY coag, SAH 50.5, limit-45.0-55.1 318.4, Limit-300.2-332.0 Vons=158.7, Vpk=1352.5, Vp-p=2059.3; CF=8.52 HE OUTPUT TEST: ESU settings Power (watts Current (ma) Vortages (V) se oureur TEST: ESU settings Power (watts): Curent (rd) Voltages (V) HE OUTPUT TEST: ESU settings Power (watts): Current. (mA) Voltages (V) HE OUTPUT TEST: ESU settings Power (watts) Current. (mA) Voltages (V) HE OUTPUT TEST: ESU settings Power (watts): Current (mA) Voltages (V) HE OUTPUT TEST: ESU settings Poner (watts: Current (ma) Voltages (V) HE OUTPUT TEST: ESU settings Pouer (watts: Current (mA) Voltages (V) Load=5@0 ohms Result: PASS Monopolar SPRAY coag, 8@W 81.8, limit-71.8-88.2 Result: PASS Monopolar STANDARD coag, 10H 11.8, limit-7.0-13.8 18.0-161.2 Result: PASS Monopolar STANDARD coag, 20H 21.2, Limit=16.9-23.8 206.4, Linit=184.0-218.2 Vems-102.9, Vpk~612.3, Vp-p-932.25 CF+S Result: PASS Monopolar STANDARD coag, SOW 52.1, limit=45.-55.1 323.2, Limit=320.0-332.2 Vens-161.1, Vpk-933.7, Vp-p~1439.05 CF-5.79 Load-580 ohms Result: PASS. Monopolar STANDARD coag, 108N 102.8, Lmit=39.9-110.0 454.1, Limit=424.0-469.2 Vems-226.4, Vpk-1306.7, Vp-p-2011.3; CF-5.77, Load-580 ohms Result: PASS Monopolar STANDARD coag, 120N 123.8, LUmit=128.1-132.1 498.3, Limit~455.0-514.2 Vems-248.4, Vpk=1436.9, Vp-p-2217.8; CF-5.78 Load-580 ohms Result: PASS Monapolar PINPOINT coag, 10h 11.4, Linit=7.0-13.¢ 151.0, Limit-118.0-161.9 Voms=75.3, Vpk=343.5, Vp-p=583.15 CF=4.56 HE OUTPUT TEST: FSU settings: Power (watts: Current (nA) Voltages (V): He OUTPUT TesT: ESU settings: Power (watts: Current (nA): Voltages (V) HE OUTPUT TEST: ESU settings: Power (watts) Current (mA) Voltages (V) HE OUTPUT TEST: ESU settings: Power (watts: Current (mA): Voltages (V): HE OUTPUT TEST: FSU settings: Power (watts: Current (nA) Voltages (V) Power (watts; Current (nA) Voltages (V) HE OUTPUT TEST: ESU settings: Power (watts) : Current (mA) Voltages (V): Load-508 chas Result: PASS Monopolar PINPOINT coag, 20H 22.1, limit=16.9-23.8 210.7, Limit-184,0-218.8 Vons=105.0, Vpk=470.1, Vp-p=815.4; CF=4.48 Load-502 chas Result: PASS Monopoler PINPOINT coag, SOW 53.4, Limit=45.0-55.1 327.2, Limit-302.0-332.0 Vons=163.1, Vpk=702.4, Vp-p=1254.3; CF=4.31 Load=502 has Result: PASS Monopoler PINPOINT coag, 102 105.6, Limit=89.9-110.0 450.3, Limit=424.0-469,2 Vens-229.5, Vpk-955.5, Vp-p-1745.9; (F~4.16 Load=508 ohas Result: PASS Monopolsr PINPOINT coag, 122 126.1, Limit-108.1-132.1 502.9, limit=465.0-514.2 Vons=252.7, Vpk=1022.4, Vp-p=1988.8; Ci Load-508 chas Result: PASS Mona PULSED STANDARD coag, 104 10.9, limit=7.0-13.2 141.6, Limit-118.0-161.8 Vons=70.6, Vpk=993.3, Vo-% 503.75 CF=14.07 Result: PASS Mono PULSED STANDARD coag, 20M 19.9, Mmit=16.9-23.8 199.6, Limit-184.0-218.0 Voms=98.5, Vpk=1266.7, Vp-p=1903.7; Ci 2.73 Load=502 has Result: PASS Mono PULSED STANDARD coag, 60M 60.8, limit=54,1-65.9 349.3, Linit=329,0-363.2 Vens-174.1, Vpk~1426.7, Vp-p-2204.73 CF-8.19) HE OUTPUT TEST: Load-580 ohms Result: PASS ESU settings Power (watts): Current (ma) Voltages (V) HE OUTPUT TE ESU settings Poner (watts Current (ma) Voltages (V) HE OUTPUT TE ESU settings Poner (watts): Current (mA) Voltages (V) HE LEAKAG HE LEAKAGE: ESU loa Conditions: Leakage: Limit HE LEAKAGE HE Leakage: ESU load: Conditions: Leakage: Limit: Mono PULSED SPRAY coag, 10H 10.4, Umit=7.0-13.2 144.6, Limit=118.9-161.9 Vens-72.1, Vpk=615.9, Vo-p-940.9; CF-8.55 5ST: Load-500 ohms Result: PASS Mono PULSED SPRAY coag, 20H 20.5, limit=16.9-23.8 202.7, Limit-184.9-218.9 Vens-101.0, Vpk-841.3, Vp-p~1300.1; CF=8.33 'ST: Load-500 ohms Result: PASS Mona PULSED SPRAY coag, 40H 42.5, Limit=35.9-44.1 284.9, Limit-268.0-297.9 Vens=142.1, Vpk=1178.7, Vp-p=1819.35 CF Isolated neutral lead Result: PASS one RETURN; Foot ctl; Std COAG 120 78.1 A 100.4 mA Isolated neutral lead Result: PASS one RETURN; Foot ctl; Pure CUT 300N 51.2 mA 100.0 aA Isolated neutral lead Result: PASS one + DISPERSIVE; L.Hand ctl; Std COAG 120H 98.7 =A 100.0 mA Isolated neutral lead Result: Pass one DISPERSIVE; R.Hand ctl; Std COAG 120 99.7 aA, 100.0 mA HE LEAKAGE: ESU load HE LEAKAGE: ESU load Condition! Leakage: Limit: HE LEAKAGE: ESU load Conditions: Leakage: Lami HE LEAKAGE: ESU oad Conditions Leakage: Limit: HE LEAKAGE: ESU load Conditions: HE LEAKAGE: ESU load HE LEAKAGE: ESU load Condition: Isolated active lead Result: : RHAND QUTP; R.Hand ctl; Std ConG 120 74.6 mA 108.2 A Isolated active lead Result: None L.HAND UTP; L.Hand ctl; Std COAG 120m 74.9 ma 100. mA Isolated active lead Result: Wone FS OUTPUT; Foot ctl; Std COAG 1204 73.8 mA 100.0 mA Cross-coupling test Result: 200 has BIPOLAR to FS OUTPUT; MACRO SAW 2.0 mA 20.0 mA Cross-coupling test Result: 200 ches. BIPOLAR to L.HAND; MACRO 92W 0.0 mA 20.0 mA Cross-coupling test Result: 208 ches BIPOLAR to R.HAND; MACRO 92H 0.8 mA 40.0 mA Cross-coupling test Result: 200 ohas. L.HAND to FS OUTPUT; Std COAG 1208 10.7 mh 50.0 mA Pass Pass: Pass Pass pass. Pass pass. HE LEAKAGE: Cross-coupling test FSU load: 208 ohns Conditions: R.HAND to FS OUTPUT; Sta COAG 120 Leakage: 9.8 aA Limit: 50.0 nA HF LEAKAGE: Cross-coupling test ESU load: 202 ohns Conditions: R.HAND to L.HAND; Std COAG 120W Leakage: 12.8 ma Limit: 50.0 #A HE LEAKAGE: Cross-coupling test ESU load: 208 ohns Conditions: R.HAND to L.SIP.5 Std COAG 120W Leakage: 30.1 mA Limi 48.0 WA HF LEAKAGE: Cross-coupling test ESU load: 202 ohns Conditions: R.HAND to L+R.BIP.; Std COAG 120 Leakage: 0.0 mA Lind: 43.0 mA END OF RECORD Result: Result: Result: Result: Pass. Pass: Pass Pass:

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