Generos Musicales

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Himno a Nuestra Señora de la

Abel Di Marcpo
Virgen Santa de la Providencia
Madre de clemencia,
honor del Caribe;
Protectora Borinquen te aclama,
Patrona te llama
y a tu amparo vive.

Los boricuas, tus hijos amados,

llegan confiados
a buscar los bienes
que les brinda con todo cariño
por tu mano el Niño
que en los brazos tienes.

Ese Niño que reposa en calma

despierto en el alma
en Borinquen sueña y se alegra
de que hayas querido
por trono escogido
tierra borinqueña.

Puerto Rico te tiende su brazo,

sólo en tu regazo
descansar añora;
y te pide que sigas constante O Iesu dulcis, o Iesu pie, o Iesu fili Mariae.
siendo en todo instante
su fiel Protectora.

Anunciaremos tu Reino, Señor,

Ave Verum Corpus María Pilar Figuera Lopez
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Anunciaremos tu Reino, Señor,
Ave verum corpus natum de Maria Virgine
tu Reino, Señor,
Vere passum, immolatum in cruce pro tu Reino.
homine Reino de paz y justicia,
Reino de vida y verdad.
Cuius latus perforatum unda fluxit et
Tu Reino, Señor,
sanguine tu Reino.
Esto nobis praegustatum mortis in examine Reino de amor y de gracia,
O Iesu dulcis, o Iesu pie, o Iesu fili Mariae. Reino que habita en nosotros.
Tu Reino, Señor,
Ave verum corpus natum de Maria Virgine tu Reino.
Vere passum, immolatum in cruce pro Reino que sufre violencia,
homine Reino que no es de este mundo.
Tu Reino, Señor,
Cuius latus perforatum unda fluxit et
tu Reino.
sanguine Reino que ya ha comenzado,
Esto nobis praegustatum mortis in examine Reino que no tendrá fin.
Tu Reino, Señor,
tu Reino.

Estate, Señor Conmigo

Padre Rafael Chavez
Estate Señor conmigo, siempre sin jamás
Y cuando decidas irte, llévame Señor contigo
Porque el pensar que te irás me causa un
terrible miedo
De si yo sin ti me quedo, de si tú sin mí te vas
Llévame en tu compañía donde tú vayas,
Porque bien sé que eres tú la vida del alma
Si tu vida no me das, yo sé que vivir no puedo
Ni si yo sin ti me quedo, ni si tú sin mí te vas
Por eso y más que a la muerte temo, Señor tu
Y quiero perder la vida, mil veces más que
Pues la inmortal que tú das, sé que
alcanzarla no puedo
Cuando yo sin ti me quedo, cuando tú sin mí
te vas
Cuando yo sin ti me quedo, cuando tú sin mí
te vas

Hoy En Oración
Canciones Religiosas
Hoy en oracion quiero preguntar señor
quiero escuchar tu voz tus palabras con amor
Ser como eres tu servidor de los demas dime
como en que lugar te hago falta mas
Dime señor en que te puedo servir dejame
conocer tu voluntad
Dime señor en que te puedo servir quiero de
ti aprender saber amar
Hoy quiero seguir tus caminos junto al mar
tu palabra tu verdad ser imagen de ti
Garota de Ipanema Goes walking
João Gilberto And when she passes
He smiles but she doesn't see
Olha que coisa mais linda
Mais cheia de graça
Oh, but he watches so sadly
É ela menina
How can he tell her he loves her?
Que vem e que passa
Yes, he would give his heart gladly
Num doce balanço
But each day when she walks to the sea
Caminho do mar
She looks straight ahead not at he

Moça do corpo dourado

Tall and tan
Do Sol de Ipanema
And young and lovely
O seu balançado
The girl from Ipanema
É mais que um poema
Goes walking
É a coisa mais linda
And when she passes
Que eu já vi passar
He smiles but she doesn't see
She just doesn't see
Ah, por que estou tão sozinho?
Ah, por que tudo é tão triste?
No, she doesn't see
Ah, a beleza que existe
But she doesn't see
A beleza que não é só minha
She doesn't see
Que também passa sozinha
No, she doesn't see

Ah, se ela soubesse

Que quando ela passa Wave
O mundo, sorrindo Tom Jobim
Se enche de graça
Vou te contar
E fica mais lindo
Por causa do amor Os olhos já não podem ver
Coisas que só o coração pode entender
Fundamental é mesmo o amor
Tall and tan
And young and lovely É impossível ser feliz sozinho
The girl from Ipanema O resto é mar
Goes walking É tudo que não sei contar
And when she passes São coisas lindas que eu tenho pra te dar
Each one she passes Vem de mansinho à brisa e me diz
Goes: Ah É impossível ser feliz sozinho
Da primeira vez era a cidade
When she walks Da segunda, o cais e a eternidade
She's like a samba Agora eu já sei
That swings so cool Da onda que se ergueu no mar
And sways so gently
E das estrelas que esquecemos de contar
That when she passes
Each one she passes O amor se deixa surpreender
Goes: Ah Enquanto a noite vem nos envolver
Da primeira vez era a cidade
Oh, but he watches so sadly Da segunda, o cais e a eternidade
How can he tell her he loves her? Agora eu já sei
Yes, he would give his heart gladly Da onda que se ergueu no mar
But each day when she walks to the sea E das estrelas que esquecemos de contar
She looks straight ahead not at he O amor se deixa surpreender
Enquanto a noite vem nos envolver
Tall and tan Vou te contar
And young and lovely
The girl from Ipanema
Magalenha Otro Jueves Cobarde
Sérgio Mendes Los Caballeros de la Quema
Vem magalenha rojão Otra tarde como las demas
Traz a lenha pr'u fogão sin amores rotos de casualidad
Vem fazer armação otro jueves de esos que no se dejan besar.
No eran las esquirlas del rencor
Hoje é um dia de Sol
eran telarañas en el corazon
Alegria de coió una flor con lagañas un desamor sin amor.
É curtir o verão Hoy que no me encuentro la nariz
Tê tê tê tê tê tê! Hoy que no me sale ni dormir
Tê tê tê tê tê tê! No le pongas miel a la verdad,
Tê tê tê tê tê tê! que si ando muerto es de tanto resucitar.
Vem magalenha rojão Otra tarde que no arde, esta tarde sin pasado
Traz a senha pr'u fogão
Otra tarde tan cobarde esta tarde que no
Tê tê tê coração prueba manzanas.
Hoje é um dia de Sol Otro jueves que no sabe bajarse ni los
Alegria é de xodó pantalones.
Meu dever de verão Otro jueves que anda lastima por los
Vem magalenha rojão rincones
Traz a senha pr'u fogão esta tarde en coma 2.
Otro jueves como los demas
Tê tê tê coração
demasiado martes, demasiado igual.
Hoje é um dia de Sol Ni te declaro la guerra ni tu me firmas la
Alegria é de xodó paz.
Meu dever de verão Y el planeta baila su gangrena,
Tê tê tê tê tê tê! y otra vez volvieron a embarrar la fiesta
Tê tê tê tê tê tê! los idiotas en celo y las sopranos con tos.
Tê tê tê tê tê tê! Y hoy me quedo mudo para oir lo que nunca
te supe decir.
Tê tê tê tê tê tê!
No perfumes tanto la verdad
Calangulango que si ando muerto es de tanto resucitar.
Do calango da pretinha Otra tarde que no arde, esta tarde sin pasado
Tô cantando essa mudinha mañana.
pra senhora se lembrar Otra tarde tan cobarde, esta tarde que no
Daquele tempo prueba manzanas.
Que vivia lá no roça Otro jueves que no sabe abrocharse ni los
Com uma filha na barriga
Otro jueves que anda dando lastima por los
E outra filha pra criar rincones
Tê tê tê tê tê tê! De esta tarde en FA menor.
Tê tê tê tê tê tê! Y hoy que no me encuentro la nariz,
hoy que no me sale ni dormir,
Tê tê tê tê tê tê!
no le pongas miel a la verdad
Vem magalenha rojão que si ando muerto es de tanto resucitar.
Traz a senha pr'u fogão Otra tarde que no arde, esta tarde sin pasado
Tê tê tê coração mañana.
Hoje é um dia de Sol Otra tarde tan cobarde, esta tarde que no
Alegria é de xodó prueba manzanas.
Meu dever de verão Otro jueves que no sabe bajarse ni los
Tê tê tê tê tê tê! Otro jueves que regala lastima por los
Tê tê tê tê tê tê! rincones
Tê tê tê tê tê tê! de esta resaca sin vos.
Tê tê tê tê tê tê!
Tê tê tê tê tê tê!
Traducción Agregar a la playlist TamañoAACifrado Imprimir Corregir
Chega de Saudade Insensatez
João Gilberto Tom Jobim
Vai, minha tristeza, e diz a ela A insensatez que você fez
Que sem ela não pode ser Coração mais sem cuidado
Diz-lhe numa prece que ela regresse Fez chorar de dor o meu amor
Porque eu não posso mais sofrer Um amor tão delicado
Chega de saudade, a realidade é que Ah, porque você foi fraco assim?
Sem ela não há paz, não há beleza Assim tão desalmado
É só tristeza e a melancolia que não sai de Ah, meu coração quem nunca amou
mim Não merece ser amado
Não sai de mim, não sai Vai meu coração ouve a razão
Mas se ela voltar, se ela voltar Usa só sinceridade
Que coisa linda, que coisa louca Quem semeia vento, diz a razão
Pois há menos peixinhos a nadar no mar Colhe sempre tempestade
Do que os beijinhos que eu darei na sua boca Vai, meu coração pede perdão
Dentro dos meus braços Perdão apaixonado
Os abraços hão de ser milhões de abraços Vai porque quem não pede perdão
Apertado assim, colado assim, calado assim Não é nunca perdoado
Abraços e beijinhos e carinhos sem ter fim
Que é pra acabar com esse negócio de viver
longe de mim
Vai, minha tristeza, e diz a ela
Que sem ela não pode ser
Diz-lhe numa prece que ela regresse
Porque eu não posso mais sofrer
Chega de saudade, a realidade é que
Sem ela não há paz, não há beleza
É só tristeza e a melancolia que não sai de
Não sai de mim, não sai
Mas se ela voltar, se ela voltar
Que coisa linda, que coisa louca
Pois há menos peixinhos a nadar no mar
Do que os beijinhos que eu darei na sua boca
Dentro dos meus braços
Os abraços hão de ser milhões de abraços
Apertado assim, colado assim, calado assim
Abraços e beijinhos e carinhos sem ter fim
Que é pra acabar com esse negócio de viver
longe de mim
Não quero mais esse negócio de você viver
Vamos deixar desse negócio de você viver
sem mim
Pues no hay nada mejor que compartir
Jamás Hables Mal Nuestras vidas en jesus
Acappella Compartiendo nuestras vidas-- reflejamos su
amor (x2)
Jamás hables mal (compartiendo nuestras vidas, su amor) (x2)
Tu lengua puede mucho herir Repeat chorus
A quienes queres más Hah, hah, hah...
Tus relaciones pueden morir Compartiendo con el padre
Con gran facilidad Compartiendo con jesus
Dices cosas denigrantes Y el espirito santo
Cuando no te ven Compartiendo en un cuerpo
Como puededs hacer eso Es muy bueno estar unidos-- caminando en la
Sin sentirte mal luz (x2)
Coro: (al estar todos juntos caminar en la luz) (x2)
De un amigo jamás Repeat chorus
Jamás hables mal (hey, hey... hablamos de)
Que tu lengua Dulce amistad (x4)
no ofenda su integridad
No lastimes a Dios Mejor que la Vida
Dañándoles más Acappella
De un amigo jamás
Jamás hables mal Lyrics:
Oímos tantas cosas decir Mejor que la vida és tu amor
Con poca reflexión Como la tierra
Palabras que han hecho sufrir que no tiene agua
Causando gran dolor Mi alma clama por ti
No debemos hacer caso Te pude ver en el santuario
No obremos mal En tu poder y Tu gloria
Cuando no lo escuche nadie Mis labios te alabarón
Nadie sufrirá Mientras vidas te alabaré
Repetir Coro Y mis manos a Ti alzaré
Muchos amigos se han perdido (se han Chorus:
perdido) Mejor que la vida es Tu amor
Por las palabras que han ofendido Mejor que la vida es Tu amor
Repetir Coro (x2) Con fervor te busco
De un amigo ya no hables mal trata lo bien Mi alma está sedienta pues
Y demuestrale tu amor (jamás hables mal) Mejor que la vida és Tu amor
No les hagas sentir mal Mi auxilio eres Tu y hoy te canto
No les causas mas dolor (jamás hables mal) Pues tus alas me cubrirán
Agregar a la Me queso a Tu lado
playlistTamañoAACifradoImprimirCorregir Pues sólo Tu me sostienes
Medito siempre en Ti
Dulce Amistad Mis labios te alabarán
Acappella Y mi alma se satisfará
Repeat Chorus
Es muy bueno estar unidos-- caminando en la Bridge:
luz (x2) Oh Dios, Tú eres mi Dios
(al estar todos juntos caminar en la luz) (x2) Con fervor te busco
Chorus: Siempre Te anhelo
Pues no hay nada mejor que compartir Repeat Bridge
Nuestras vidas en jesus Más que la vida és Tu amor
Repeat Chorus more
Mejor que la vida es Tu amor Than all we ask or imagine
According to His power that is at work within
I Feel Good us
Acappella Repeat Chorus
Bridge (several times through in round):
Well, I feel good, good, good. To Him be glory in the church and in Christ
Well, I feel good, Oh yes my Lord. Jesus
Because there's something 'bout the Spirit of Throughout all generations,
Jesus Forever and ever! Amen.
That makes me feel good, good, good, good. Repeat Chorus (x2)
Well, I can love, love, love. Repeat Bridge
Well, I can love, Oh yes my Lord. Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably
Because there's something 'bout the Spirit of more
Jesus Than all we ask or imagine
That makes me love good, good, good, good.
Well, I've got joy, joy, joy
Well, I've got joy down in my soul My Country 'Tis of Thee
Because there's something 'bout the Spirit of Acappella
My country 'tis of thee sweet land of liberty,
That gives me such joy, joy, joy, joy. of thee I sing
Well, I can sing, sing, sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the
Well, I can sing, Oh yes my Lord. pilgrim's pride
Because there's something 'bout the Spirit of From every mountain side let freedom ring!
That makes me sing good, good, good, good. Let music, swell the breeze, and ring from all
Well, I can serve, serve, serve. the trees, sweet freedom's song
Well, I can serve, Oh yes my Lord. Let mortal tongues awake, let all that breathe
Because there's something 'bout the Spirit of partake
Jesus Let rocks their silence break, the sound
That makes me serve good, good, good, good.
(Now wait a minute)... Do you feel good,
good, good, good? Our fathers' God to thee, author of liberty, to
thee we sing
Do you feel good? Then clap your hands
Long may our land be bright with freedom's
Because there's something 'bout the Spirit of holy light
Jesus Protect us by thy might, Great God our King!
That makes me feel good, good, good, good.
Oh, I feel good, good, good
From every mountain side let freedom ring!
I feel good, Oh yes my Lord, Ring!
Because there's something 'bout the spirit of
That makes me feel good, good, good, good.
TraducciónAgregar a la

Now To Him

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably
I Don't Give a Fuck
Were living in a boring world
I Never Needed You Im living on booze and birds
I never wanted to find out the reason They say that everythings free
Of what was really wrong inside Its not true and it will never be
I just didn't want to know about it No I dont give a fuck
'Cos all I needed to do was hide Sometimes I think I will be dead
But as the days went by With all the glue that is in my head
And all my friends wanted to find out No jobs and we want no pope
I just didn't want to know about it There is nothing left and I have got no hope
'Cos all I needed to do was shout
I Never Needed You
As soon as I was told I was going to die
Arms Race
A different person entered me Nowhere to go don't even know my name
Some people seemed to change overnight Such a long time since I played your war
Oh why cant they see? games
I just couldn't seem to do no wrong Don't know the rules but I can learn real fast
All I seemed to do was right They're gonna start a nuclear blast.
and then with only two months left Join in the arms race seems allot of fun
That's all I seemed to do was fight Fingers on the button no need to use a gun
And say.... They play their game with a loaded dice
Don't take no orders we just follow advice
The politicians they make all the noise
They're playing pogo with their nuclear toys
Time Was Right now.
Someone said the time was right each word Join in the arms race seems allot of fun
was so sincere Fingers on the button no need to use a gun
His friends smiled and raised a glass then
drank another beer
Their hearts were strong with feelings for
they knew what they had found
A whole new world was waiting for the men No Time
who stood their ground Stop the conveyer belt I wanna get off
The time was right No time to spit, no time to cough
The time was right just time to ???
But the time for truth was over Heard the 4 minute warning, it was on my
The time was right radio
The time was right There was no more time to live and nowhere
But now that time is dead and gone else to go
People cried tears of blood I looked outside my window and saw the
As the young men marched away nuclear sky
Prayers were heard from the crowd Buildings lay in ruins and I knew I would die
"Return them safe one day" No Time
But all night long as darkness filled the sky
The old man's friend was dreaming of the day
when he would die
The sun shone on the battlefield where a Blind Ambition
lonely figure stands I woke up in the morning I was looking for a
Full of shame he cries out loud this is sign
something I don't understand I thought I was doing well and everything
The days are short but the nights so long was fine
when you can't stop thinking back But as the hours past and it did not last
Betray your trust to someone and he'll stab The people laughed as they walked on past
you in the back They looked at me strange as they walked out
of range
I heard their idle threats try to put me to the
I was up all day and I was up all night
Wondering when things would turn out right
My heart it bleeds for those who cannot see
the right from wrong
They can't find a way out though they say
they are strong
Contented and confined to a life of misery
Like a blind mans ambition to swim the
raging sea
I did my best to beat the rest, to be a man and
work it out
But people said I was going mad
That I'd lost all sanity I'd ever had
Was it the drugs or was it the pressure
Could have been life on the never never
Plastic people were all around
Happy with their dreams and the safe pop
Don't put me down cos I'm different to you
Don't slag me off and I won't slag you
Beat me up if it pleases you
You are Mr. Nobody I can see through you
You've got your car and you've got your
You're kids are very happy in the happy
happy house
A holiday in Spain you need a break
Dancing in the Discos until the day break
Hit your kids if they step out of line
Send them to school make sure they do fine..
Supergrass She's shopping for kicks, got the weekend to
get through
We are young, we run green Keeping the rain off her Saturday hairdo
Keep our teeth nice and clean She stops for a coffee she smiles at the waiter
See our friends, see the sights He winks at his friends and they laugh at her
Feel alright later.
He's cleaning his car on his pebble dash
We wake up, we go out driveway
Smoke a fag, put it out New chamois leather he got for his birthday
He reads Harold Robbins he flirts with his
See our friends, see the sights
Feel alright Ignores her at breakfast he's reading the
Are we like you?
He dreams of a roller she dreams of a fast
I can't be sure getaway.
Of the scene, as she turns He's not a prince he's not a king
We are strange, in our worlds She's not a work of art or anything
It makes no sense another year
But we are young, we get by What kind of A to Z would get you here
Can't go mad, ain't got time He's nothing special, she's not too smart
Sleep around if we like He studies fashion, she studies art
But we're alright I though I told you right from the start
You were just my in between
Got some cash, bought some wheels Just my in between
Took it out 'cross the fields You're such an in-betweener
Lost control, hit a wall
She went to the dream boys got tickets from
But we're alright
Keith Prowse
Are we like you? She canceled his lifelong subscription to
I can't be sure
She goes round the corner she sees Harry
Of the scene, as she turns Conway
We are strange, in our worlds She says to herself that she'll leave him on
But we are young, we run green He dreams of a roller she dreams of a fast
Keep our teeth nice and clean getaway
See our friends, see the sights
Now it's much too late to ask me where I've
Feel alright been
You were just my in-betweener
Are we like you?
I can't be sure
Of the scene, as she turns
We are strange, in our worlds
But we are young, we run green
Keep our teeth nice and clean Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna
See our friends, see the sights throw it back to you
Feel alright And by now, you should've somehow realised
what you gotta do
I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do
about you now

And backbeat, the word is on the street that

the fire in your heart is out
I'm sure you've heard it all before, but you
Inbetweener never really had a doubt
I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do
about you now This bed is on fire with passionate love
The neighbors complain about the noises
And all the roads we have to walk are above
winding But she only comes when she's on top
And all the lights that lead us there are My therapist said not to see you no more
blinding She said you're like a disease without any
There are many things that I would like to cure
say to you, but I don't know how She said I'm so obsessed that I'm becoming a
Because maybe bore, oh no
You're gonna be the one that saves me Ah, you think you're so pretty
And after all
You're my wonderwall Caught your hand inside the till
Slammed your fingers in the door
Today was gonna be the day, but they'll never Fought with kitchen knives and skewers
throw it back to you Dressed me up in women's clothes
And by now, you should've somehow realised Messed around with gender roles
what you're not to do Line my eyes and call me pretty
I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do
about you now Moved out of the house so you moved next
And all the roads that lead you there were I locked you out, you cut a hole in the wall
winding I found you sleeping next to me, I thought I
And all the lights that light the way are was alone
blinding You're driving me crazy, when are you
There are many things that I would like to coming home?
say to you, but I don't know how
I said maybe Laid
You're gonna be the one that saves me
And after all
You're my wonderwall Animal Nitrate
I said maybe (I said maybe)
Like his dad you know that he's had
You're gonna be the one that saves me
Animal nitrate in mind
And after all
Oh in your council home he jumped on your
You're my wonderwall
I said maybe (I said maybe) Now you're taking it time after time
You're gonna be the one that saves me (saves
Oh, what turns you on, oh?
Now he has gone
You're gonna be the one that saves me (saves
Oh, what turns you on, oh?
Now your animal's gone
You're gonna be the one that saves me (saves
me) Well he said he'd show you his bed
And the delights of the chemical smile
So in your broken home he broke all your
Now you're taking it time after time
Laid Oh, what turns you on, oh?
Now he has gone
Oh, what turns you on, oh? We're the litter on the breeze
Now your animal's gone Just trash, me and you
It's in everything we do
What does it take to turn you on, oh?
It's in everything we do
Now he has gone
Now you're over twenty-one, oh Oh, you and me, yeah
Now your animal's gone You and me
(We're the litter on the breeze)
Animal, he was animal, an animal, oh
Animal, he was animal, an animal, oh Oh, you and me, yeah
Animal, animal, oh You and me
He's just an animal, an animal oh (It's in everything we do)
Animal, he was animal
He's just an animal, an animal oh
Animal, he was animal
He's just an animal, an animal oh

Oh maybe, maybe it's the clothes we wear
The tasteless bracelets and the dye in our
Maybe it's our kookiness
Or maybe, maybe it's our nowhere towns
Our nothing places and our cellophane
Maybe it's our looseness

But we're trash, you and me

We're the litter on the breeze
We're the lovers on the streets
Just trash, me and you
It's in everything we do
It's in everything we do

Oh maybe, maybe it's the things we say

The words we've heard and the music we play
Maybe it's our cheapness
Or maybe, maybe it's the times we've had
The lazy days and the crazes and the fads
Maybe it's our sweetness

But we're trash, you and me

We're the litter on the breeze
We're the lovers on the streets
Just trash, me and you
It's in everything we do
It's in everything we do

We're trash, you and me

We're the lovers on the streets
Temas musicales sin letra:

Could this Be
The hole

Banda Chase & Status

Temas musicales sin letra:

All Go Es Wrong
Mixed emotions

The Off Chance You Love Me

You caught me off guard One look and I'm All your stupid shit
yours Paint your features Detailed pictures When you're walking out my door
Every freckle, every scar I just had to be a All your, call it quits
part Of your existence Taking all my air Guess I said it all before
away But somehow I still breathe Risking it All your stupid shit
all to say How much you mean to me It When you walking out my door
wasn't hard to find My reasons anyway Just No I don't miss it no more
give me a green light And leave the rest to Say no more
fate I know I'm not perfect I know you don't
see The kind of effect You're having on me It Won't do it ever again
won't be easy But worth it to see If on the off Cos you keep on, keep on
chance You love me You love me The off Messing with my fucking head
chance you love me Oh I'm about to see If on It's not because my eyes are red
the off chance you love me “ Taking all my Won't do it ever again
air away — Sqwd You love me The off chance Cos this bullshit, bullshit messing with my
you love me And I'm about to see If on the off fucking mind
chance you love me I laid eyes on you My Cos I ain't got no fucking time
attention was drawn to The way my name, It's not because my eyes are red
you whispered And on your lips it lingered London Bridge is falling
Every look and every touch Felt like it meant This ain't no holiday
something to us Electric love delivered You And I know that you sayin' it was my fault
made me, shiver You're walk, you're talk It's Got a one way ticket, I'm airplane mode
all making me insane My thoughts, are filled Burnt the bridges, cue the flames
by you more and more each day I felt, your
touch You have become my sweet escape My Won't do it ever again
senses, heightened, every time you walk my Cos you keep on, keep on
way Taking all my air away But somehow I Messing with my fucking head
still breath Risking it all to say How much It's not because my eyes are red
you mean to me It wasn't hard to find My Won't do it ever again
reasons anyway Just give me a green light Cos this bullshit, bullshit messing with my
And leave the rest to fate I know I'm not fucking mind
perfect I know you don't see The kind of Cos I ain't got no fucking time
affect You're having on me It won't be easy It's not because my eyes are red
But worth it to see If on the off chance You
love me You love me The off chance you love
me Oh I'm about to see If on the off chance S
you love me You love me The off chance you Hiperdaze
love me And I'm about to see If on the off
chance you love me Tema musical sin letra

Eyes Needle
Ring around the roses
Wondering what to say Tema musical sin letra
Hear the vipers, hear them call
Dripping poison on my walls
When you said it was a game Alchemy
Got me riled up Aco
Turn the lights down
I ain't foolish Tema musical sin letra
Cos I can see in the dark
Coming louder
Neighbours bound to DAWN
Call somebody
Tema musical sin letra
So where we going?
Won't do it ever again

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